#ItaSaku fanfiction
beewolfwrites · 1 year
Olive Branch: Chapter One - The Village
Fic Summary: 
(Itasaku, AU in which the Uchiha coup was successful)
After failing to prevent the coup d'état seventeen years ago, Itachi has not given up on his dream of peace. The opportunity resurges to ensure stability within the leaf village, and this time, he will not fail. 
Hello all! Years ago I started an Itasaku fic on FF.net, before I had to abandon it. I decided to pick it up and hopefully complete it this time. Since I’ve already started posting chapters on AO3 I decided to transfer it here too. 
If you’re interested in reading it, let me know what you think. I’ll have the links to chapters on my masterpost at the top of my profile :)
As she exited the hospital, Sakura eyed the Anbu guards positioned on either side of the doors. They were tall. Imposing. Their armour was stamped on each shoulder with the Uchiha crest, and when she passed by, she caught a glimpse of their Sharingan through the eyeholes of their masks.
She shook her head, fighting off shivers.
Don't let them get to you. They’re just doing their job.
But the thought was only mildly reassuring, as Sakura knew that they were watching her... monitoring her. After all, who could trust her now? Her association with Tsunade had left her on thin ice.  
She made her way in the direction of the Hokage Tower, clutching her medic satchel and deftly avoiding the gazes of the officers patrolling the streets.
Keep your head down, she reminded herself when a pair of red eyes landed on her. But of course, Sakura wasn't one for staying quiet. She lifted her chin and stared right back.
‘Going somewhere, Haruno?’
Look at what you've done. ‘Hokage-sama's office, Uchiha-san.’
The officer's expression hardened. ‘That's Uchiha-sama to you.’
The words slipped out on their own. ‘Of course. Forgive me, Uchiha-san.’
Seriously? It's like you're trying to get yourself thrown in jail.
‘You know, Haruno,’ the officer sneered, ‘you’re lucky you're not dog food by now.’
Sakura smiled, because why not? She had already dug herself into a hole. Why not dig her own grave whilst she was at it?
‘That's interesting,’ she said boldly, taking a step forward. ‘Perhaps you should arrest me right now, and the next time you land yourself in hospital, I won't be around to heal you. We'll see who's dog food then.’
The officer just stared at her, calculating.
‘Careful, Haruno.’ His voice dropped to a low tone, and without another word, he walked away.
Once he had disappeared from view, Sakura took a deep breath to calm her anger. She needed to keep a lid on her temper, but that was much easier said than done, especially when it came to those stupid patrol officers who were just waiting for any excuse to arrest her. She tried to put it out of her mind as she made a beeline towards the Hokage Tower.
Itachi had been standing atop of the village wall, collecting data from the head of security, when he noticed the commotion down below. It didn't take long to locate the source of the disruption. Pink hair. A doctor's lanyard.
Haruno-san. It seemed she was causing trouble with a nin on patrol. Itachi raised an eyebrow when she took a step closer to the officer, presumably to threaten him.
Silly girl, he thought, that quick tongue will be her downfall.
Itachi directed his attention back to the head of security. ‘Yes?’
‘That’s all the data we've gathered. May I be dismissed?’
Itachi nodded, and the man retreated back to his station. Many similar stations ran at various intervals across the tops of the village walls, each occupied by at least one shinobi. None of this seemed necessary to him. Although the village had been in a precarious situation during and immediately after the coup, but it had been seventeen years since then. If enemy villages wanted to attack, they would have tried already.
He glanced once more at the security shinobi using their Sharingan to scour the forests for suspicious movement. Lips pressed into a grim line, Itachi began to make his way to the Hokage Tower to deliver the data he had collected.
This is not what Shisui would have wanted.
Sakura had no memories of the Hokage Tower prior to the Coup. Perhaps it had looked the same back then, with panelled walls and winding corridors. As for the oppressive atmosphere… she imagined it was very different back when the Third Hokage was alive.
She approached the main office, flashing her badge at the Anbu guards stationed outside. There were muffled voices from within, causing her to hesitate. After a moment’s pause, she rapped on the door. If it were anything truly confidential they would have placed a seal on the room. Sure enough, the voices stopped.
"Come in."
As she entered, she first met the dark gaze of her teammate’s older brother, Uchiha Itachi. And then she turned to bow politely at the Hokage, Uchiha Fugaku.
Fukagu was sitting behind his desk with a document in his hand. ‘Haruno Sakura.’
‘You summoned me,’ she said.
Itachi was studying her. ‘Would you like me to leave?’ he asked his father.
Fugaku shook his head. ‘No need.’ He turned to her expectantly. ‘I understand that you lost one of your patients recently. The funeral was this morning.’
Searching his gaze for sympathy or emotion, she understood what he was truly asking and reached into her satchel to pull out the jar. Suspended in liquid, a pair of eyes glowed red with the Sharingan. Holding the glass delicately between her fingers, she approached Fugaku's desk.
He took it from her hands, assessing the Sharingan inside. ‘Uchiha Haruka. She will be missed.’
Will she? Sakura wondered. Certainly not by you.
‘Take these to the safe,’ he instructed Itachi. ‘You know what to do.’
‘Yes, Hokage-sama,’ he murmured. It was almost undetectable, and could be easily explained by grief for his lost clanswoman, but for a moment, Sakura detected a note of bitterness, as if his own words burned his tongue.
Maybe he hates having to be so formal to his father.
Itachi had almost passed her on his way to the door when he paused. ‘Haruno-san?’
‘Whilst I respect your efforts in the hospital, and I'm grateful for the number of times you've saved my baby brother's life, I suggest that you refrain from agitating the local patrol officers.’
Sakura’s jaw slackened a little. He must have witnessed her little tit-for-tat earlier.
‘What happened?’ Fugaku's voice darkened considerably. A wave of dread washed over her as Itachi recounted what he had seen.
‘The officer started it,’ she blurted out.
Itachi raised an eyebrow. ‘Perhaps he did, but your reaction only exacerbated the situation.’
‘It won't happen again,’ she insisted. ‘It really won’t this time.’
Itachi’s bored expression spoke volumes. He clearly didn't believe her. But before she could say anything further, he slipped out of the room carrying the jar with Uchiha Haruka’s eyes.
She flinched. Fugaku was stone cold. He had never particularly liked her, partially because she had started out as the “weak” teammate hindering Sasuke’s progress, but mostly due to the fact that her shishou was part Senju, and therefore an enemy to the Uchiha clan. At the very least, Fugaku had always tolerated her. However, right at this moment, Sakura thought that if looks could kill she would be ashes already.
‘I will not accept or stand for this behaviour,’ he said. ‘Do you know why you're walking free at all?’
She swallowed. ‘Because I'm Sasuke-kun's teammate?’
Sakura's hands began to tremble, and she bunched them into fists. She couldn't let him see her fear.
‘Because you're an excellent medic.’
Well, that’s not quite what I was expecting.
‘Your skills in medicine are beyond compare. Even if you learned from that…’ his eyes bled red. ‘That woman.’
Sakura couldn’t work out whether he was threatening or flattering her. ‘Thank you?’
‘It was not a compliment.’
Oh… wasn’t it? ‘That,’ he said, ‘is the only reason why you have not been thrown into a cell for disobedience and treason.’
Fugaku’s Sharingan twisted, spiralling in a hypnotic veil of black and red.
Sakura froze. A jolt of electric fear shot down the back of her neck, her heart jittering wildly.
No, he wouldn't. He wouldn't use his dojutsu right now, would he?
There were so many terrible genjutsu out there, many with awful long-lasting effects. Victims barely recovered from psychological trauma, if they ever recovered at all. And judging by the look on Fugaku's face, he wouldn’t hesitate to use his eyes to keep her in her place should he desire.
‘You shouldn’t take advantage of your situation,’ he said. ‘After all, there are plenty of other promising medics.’
Sakura nodded, staring at the ground as she tried to focus on her breathing.
‘You are dismissed, Haruno.’
Itachi set Haruka's eyes on a shelf alongside rows of identical jars. The walk-in safe was hidden deep in the basement of the Hokage Tower and only a trusted few had clearance to enter it. It was hardly small, consisting of several spacious rooms and, but every time Itachi stepped in here he could feel the true weight of his clan. Endless jars of eyes stared at him, their Sharingan flaring in the darkness of his life.
The safe was originally used to secure forbidden scrolls and books. However, ever since the Uchiha's ascension, it was used as a safekeeping for the Sharingan of lost comrades. There was only one reason Itachi could think of as to why his father would go to such lengths to secure their clan's dojutsu.
The curse. It’s corrupted him entirely.
Itachi took one last glance at Haruka's eyes before exiting the safe, making sure to listen for the series of clicks as the locks slid into place. He had never truly known Haruka. She was an old acquaintance of his mother's, but that was all he knew of her. He exited the Hokage Tower soon after, squinting as the sunlight hit his face.
I'm sure Mother is devastated after the funeral. Perhaps I should pick up some flowers from—
A hand gripped his shirt as he was swung around and slammed against the outer wall of the Hokage Tower. His fingers closed around the wrist of his attacker, intending to snap it and use the brief distraction to grab a kunai from his pouch.
‘Don't even think about it, Uchiha.’
He relaxed at the familiar voice, finding himself face to face with none other than a furious Haruno Sakura.
‘Sakura-san,’ he said. ‘To what do I owe the honour?’
‘Shut up.’ Her grip tightened on his shirt. ‘You ratted me out back there.’
Itachi tried not to smile at the fact that he was being held at the scruff by a woman who was almost a foot shorter than him.
’I was simply fulfilling my duties.’ When she didn't seem to know how to respond, he added, ‘I don't see any issue with this matter.’
‘No issue?’ She hissed. ‘I can't believe you! Because of you, your father just threatened me with incarceration!"
Itachi sighed. ‘He has no intention of doing such a thing.’
She finally released him, stepping back as though she was disgusted by his presence. It was almost amusing.
‘Oh yeah? That's not what he told me after you left.’
‘Despite what he tells you, he won’t go to those lengths.’
‘Why? Because I'm a medic?’ she said. ���Sorry to cut to the chase but he made it pretty clear that I'm replaceable.’
‘Yes and no.’ Itachi's patience was wearing thin. ‘It's true that you're the best medic in Konoha, and without you our clan would be dwindling. But he can’t touch you. You're a well respected member of the village, to both civilians and shinobi alike.’
Itachi said no more. He could see the cogs turning in her brain as she tried to piece together the meaning behind his words. Without giving her a chance to respond, he slid past her.
‘If you'll excuse me, I have more important matters to deal with.’
‘Hold on a second!’ she called, but he didn't turn. According to Sasuke, she was a smart girl. He was sure she could figure things out by herself.
Itachi stopped once at the Yamanaka flower shop to purchase three purple tulip stems, then headed out to the cemetery where Haruka’s grave was easily identifiable by the fresh bouquets of white flowers strewn across the stone. Gently, he set one of his three tulips on top of the pile of flowers. The vibrant purple stood out against the mass of white funeral lilies.
He then slipped through the graves until he found the one that read “Uchiha Izumi”. Unlike Haruka’s, Izumi's grave was devoid of flowers. He used to find bouquets and cards from her mother, but this stopped three years ago. He wasn't sure of the reason, but Itachi suspected that her mother had either passed away herself or had truly come to terms with the fact that her daughter was never coming back. After Izumi's death, he had cut all ties with her family. Things were better that way; Itachi couldn't face the prospect of visiting a house filled with so many memories.
After laying down the second tulip, he moved on. He stopped at a familiar grave beneath a blossom tree and collapsed to his knees, head bowed.
‘Shisui.’ He rested the final tulip at the base of the stone. ‘I don't know what to do.’
He recalled his father’s words, right before Sakura had interrupted their meeting.
‘I can’t remain as Hokage forever. It’s been seventeen years, Itachi.’ At that moment, he hadn't been able to give an answer. He had only stared at his father's desk and prayed that the subject would disappear. But now, kneeling before Shisui’s grave, he could finally speak his mind.
‘He wants me as the next Hokage. I'm glad, Shisui. It gives me a chance to change things. I might be able to continue what we started seventeen years ago.’ He paused. 'But that's also the problem… How am I supposed to convince the rest of the village that I can be trusted? That I’m not the same as my father? Even if I try to change my father’s laws, I’ll have no support from other shinobi. I don't know how to change things.’
He hunched over, pressing his forehead against the cool gravestone.
‘And then there's the Uchiha clan. They’re too consumed by their own hatred, they might retaliate if I don't uphold my father's beliefs. Shisui, what should I do?’
While Itachi didn't expect a response, the breeze that brushed through his hair was comforting, and the whisper of the blossom branches above his head filled the empty silence.
Something soft landed on the back of his neck. He reached behind him and grasped whatever it was that tickled his skin. An intact cherry blossom. He examined it, then peered up at the branches arching over the graveside.
Slowly and silently, an idea dawned on him.
‘I understand now, Shisui.’
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elouizamariaa · 2 years
⌊fanfic recommendation: Sakura Haruno x Itachi Uchiha [itasaku] - Harry Potter AU ⚡⌉
✎ Restricted Section by Mustsleep
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“An Introduction to Magick Moste Dark,” a voice spoke from behind her. “Not the typical literature one would expect a sweet little rabbit to indulge in.” 
In which, Sakura gets caught in the restricted section of Hogwarts in her illegal animagus form.
For ItaSaku week 22'. Prompt: The library's restricted section Rating: T
I'm obsessed with this story! I'm in love with Itasaku and I have been looking for them in an Hogwarts AU for a long time...
The author created a series, this is the first work. Please support this story! ITS AMAZING!!! → [ Restricted Section by Mustsleep ]
@mustsleepzz ❤️
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Title: serenaded by amphibians
Pairing: Sakura/Itachi
Rating: T
Tags: crack, crack treated seriously, non-massacre au, soft Itachi, canon divergence au
Prompts: drunken black tie event/tomato garden, tiny frogs in tiny hats, "please tell me that's not for me"
Summary: It's the night of Obito's wedding, Itachi has had maybe one too many drinks, and he finds himself in conversation with Haruno Sakura as they're serenaded by tiny frogs in tiny hats in the tomato garden. Or are they tiny toads? It doesn't matter, he's seen weirder things, or at least he thinks he has. He's more focused on the woman in front of him rather than the tiny frogs.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55708405
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psychoticnun89 · 2 years
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Yo I'm back and I got a new post and an update for y'all😁
Profits from commissions go towards Annie’s surgery - we’re 43% of the way there!😱 Thank you to all the amazing people who have donated thus far, I am eternally grateful❤️
So, here's my post😬
Hana Ki (Sakura’s undercover alias) Art for my fanfic. Full colour with background and then the line work up to the full colour character on her own.
Digital art, character design!
I’m doing character designs now, check out my commissions section on Ko-fi for details!👀😜
I am writing a Naruto Shippuden fanfic and this is actually a disguise used by Sakura Haruno in my book, using the alias Hana Ki.
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gayger · 2 years
Crown of Bones
Can you guess who is coming to this fic soon? Take a look at my profile for this fic. You don't want to miss out on this exciting and fantastical world!
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heartheartheard · 2 years
When Sakura accidentally discovers the truth about the Uchiha Massacre, her beliefs about the world she lives in begin to crumble. In light of a brutal fight, she decides to go after her missing-nin teammate, hoping to save not only him but herself as well from the darkness. However, much to her dismay, it's not Sasuke she finds first, but his brother, which messes up her life even more.
Canon Divergence after ch. 383
Just published my new Itasaku fic! It’s a M-rated, long fic with morally grey characters and my favourite, bamf!sakura. You can find it on fanfiction.net here.
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paigekend · 2 years
AO3 - Sweet Treat
Prefer reading on Archive of Our Own? Guess what...
That's right! Read the completed "Sweet Treat" ItaSaku fanfic on AO3 now! Hope all enjoy!
Sweet Treat (14536 words) by Paigekend Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Itachi, Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi & Uchiha Shisui, Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Itachi Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Itachi Additional Tags: Romance, Humor, Fluff and Smut, Happy Ending, Baking, itasaku - Freeform, Foreplay, No Sex, Awkward Romance, BAMF Haruno Sakura, Master Chef Itachi, BAMF Uchiha Itachi, he loves her, she is deeply liking him Summary: Sakura visits her favorite bakery to find a sweet surprise behind the counter! Itachi finds Sakura more enticing than any treat! This has now been updated to a lemon fic but no sex. Ty! (Lame ass summary but good story)
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belledaynight915-blog · 5 months
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Art @coloriza created for me! It goes with my story The Missing Ingredient.
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uchiwife · 4 months
𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀.
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Pairings: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Itachi.
Tags: modern au, mafia, police, pre-relationship, (possible) future fic.
Warnings: Given the theme, expect to read about sensitive subjects. Such as mentions of abuse, drugs, violence, illegal trafficking in almost any form. Please proceed with caution.
Word count: 2,640.
a/n : English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse me for any mistakes I might commit in it. ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
Sakura has a favorite chair and a favorite table in this little restaurant-café. She always sits in the same place at the same time for about an hour. It's become a little ritual of hers. A ritual initially started on a bored day when the need for a little dessert arose. So here she is, sitting at the same table in the same damn chair, stuffing her face with her famous Anmitsu. She no longer does it out of greed, but because for the past three months, every day at the same time, she's been able to admire Takeshi Sasaki. He always sits two tables away, and always has the same thing: dangos and green tea. He seems out of time, enjoying this gentle lull. She only learned his name very recently, and only because he'd forgotten his wallet. She heard the waiter call out to him.
Sakura supposed it was always better to call him by his name rather than “grace”, no matter how graceful he was. Besides, she doubted he'd appreciate a stranger feminizing him by calling him that, even in her head, unless he was quite comfortable with his manhood, and something told her he was. In reality, she hated giving people nicknames, she found it cruelly rude, but she'd had to improvise, she couldn't decently call him “the handsome dark man”, she wasn't in a fucking fanfiction written by a 12-year-old! Not that she had anything against that, she remembered reading hundreds of them and remembered how her life had been filled by many of them.
Swallowing the last mouthful of her dessert, she took the time, as she did so often now, to observe the graceful way his fingers pushed back the locks in front of his face. His features were quite striking. It was superficial, but it was his ethereal beauty that had appealed to Sakura the first time she'd caught sight of him. She'd seen a lot of good-looking guys, but she lived in a world where the most charming features were attached to an utterly detestable personality. Her ex was a perfect example. She'd met his gaze several times over the last few months and had always made sure to keep eye contact. She was trying to get a message across here: she wasn't a blushing high-school girl who was going to look away no matter how much his beauty troubled her. She'd grown up in a world that had taught her the hard way not to show weakness in front of others. Her brother was well aware of this, as were her friends.
However, she had to be careful. She couldn't take the plunge from day one, not out of timidity but because she had to observe this man first. If she didn't, her brother and the others would do it for her, and she didn't want to get a guy who hadn't asked for anything into trouble. She could be bitchy, but not the way Tayuya was.
So she waited wisely, respecting this little ritual of theirs. For if they hadn't exchanged a single word, there had been enough glances between them for her to know that he was aware of her. Whatever dance they were doing, it seemed that the last notes were coming to an end and Sakura would finally advance her pawn. It was time, after all, for her to make her move.
Her decision made, she left her table for his, her heels clicking against the asphalt, she didn't bother to ask permission, she simply sat down in the chair opposite his. He seemed neither surprised nor offended by her lack of politeness, surely because he himself knew that the time had come. They had been sizing each other up for three months, after all. She elegantly crossed one leg over the other and concealed a smile of triumph when she noticed the way his eyes leered at her legs. Someone else probably wouldn't have noticed, so subtle was it, but she wasn't everyone. Being aware of one's surroundings is a non-negligible ability to have. It was what made the difference between a living man and a dead man. In her world, anyway.
“So? Are you going to let me take you out?”
“I usually know the name of the woman who wishes to ‘ask me out’.”
Oh. His voice was as enchanting as his features. She wouldn't mind hearing him talk about the Darwinian theory of evolution if that's what his voice sounded like. She smirked, leaning back in her seat.
“That's not a no I hear.”
“If I'd wanted to say no, I would have the first time you laid eyes on me.”
“So confident…” Sakura retorted amused, not the least bit embarrassed that he knew she'd been watching him.
“Observant” he corrected, his lips curling into a smirk, bringing out the dimple on his left cheek. Was she crazy to want to lick it? Yes, she probably was. She'd always had a thing for pretty dimples.
“Sakura” she finally introduced herself.
He nodded, “Takeshi.”
“Oh, I know.”
“You do?”
“The waiter. You forgot your wallet once”
“I'm not usually this absent-minded. I got distracted.”
"How fortunate for me. It allowed me to get to know your name.”
Takeshi smiled, amused, “you could have just asked me.”
She snorted, “where's the fun in that?”
He shook his head, “Well, Sakura, where do you intend to take me out, assuming I say yes.”
“Trust me, Takeshi, you’re going to want to say yes.”
“Who’s too confident now?”
“I just know what I'm worth.” She said with a shrug. “So I thought we could....” Sakura barely had time to formulate her plans before she was interrupted, much to her chagrin.
She frowned, turning to find her brother and two more of his men at her table. Obviously. Where he goes, his henchmen follow. She rolled her eyes.
“Brother,” she said in a bored tone. “I was in the middle of a conversation Yahiko, as you can see.”
“Conversation over. You're late.” Yahiko glanced briefly at Takeshi before pausing. A dangerous gleam lit up in his eyes and she sighed. Why did he always have to ruin her plans? “And who's that?”
Takeshi observed the scene in silence and she was genuinely surprised by his calm. He didn't seem intimidated, and that was quite something. Yahiko even seemed to notice because he gave the man a second glance, a rare thing for her brother. He paid so little attention to those he found useless or insignificant.
“Takeshi. Your sister's next date, apparently.” he added for good measure.
Sakura almost choked. What audacity! And yet, she couldn't help laughing, because really, if he had a death wish, he'd chosen his day rather well. She loved men with nerve.
Yahiko narrowed his eyes, then glared at her, “Sakura?”
She shrugged, pushing back her hair with a satisfaction she shouldn't feel “what he said.”
“We'll talk about it again. Get your things. We're going to be late. Sasori hates tardiness and I hate being taxed more than necessary.”
Once again, Sakura rolled her eyes. As if she didn't know Sasori could be a pain in the ass. He was so adamant about punctuality. She'd heard of many deals that hadn't been concluded, or had been charged more because his future partners or clients had been late. Sakura got up without making a fuss; this was no time to rebel. She could always do that later. She turned to the man sitting opposite her and realized he was already looking at her.
“Unfortunately, I'm going to have to cut this short. I'll call you about our upcoming outing.”
He raised an eyebrow “I didn't give you my number.”
Sakura smiled mischievously, “No need. I'll have it by the end of the day.”
“absolutely not creepy.”
“Scared already?”
Takeshi smiled back, “It takes more than that to scare me. I'm just curious how you're going to do it.”
“I've got my ways” she winked at him, and deciding he'd probably had enough, Yahiko growled; putting an end to his sister's antics.
“Are you done?”
“Killjoy! you need to get laid. You're so tense. Where's Konan??”
Her brother glared at her again, and if a look could kill, she'd probably be dead by now. She raised her hands, then waved goodbye to Takeshi, promising to call him later before she let Yahiko and his men drag her away. She climbed into a black SUV with tinted windows, watching from the corner of her eye Takeshi, still seated at the table, who hadn't taken his eyes off the car until it turned at the next intersection.
Sakura sighed, annoyed by her brother's interruption but also impatient. She took out her phone and quickly dialed a number, before a smile spread across her rosy lips when her correspondent picked up.
“I need you to get me a number.”
Takeshi waited until the car was no longer in his field of vision before gathering his things. Three months. It had been three months since he'd sat at the same table, at the same time, taking the same thing in order to take part in what had become a ritual. He'd sensed that today was the day. That the young woman would eventually come to him. His patience had finally paid off. Of course, this was only the beginning, nothing was certain and there was no guarantee that she would actually contact him, but if the looks she was giving him were anything to go by, the chances were pretty high that he'd hear from her again. He sighed, stood up, paid for their drinks and left the restaurant-café.
He quietly made his way to his car, taking the time to check his mirrors to make sure he wasn't being followed before turning onto the road. After driving for a while, he stopped near an alley and switched off his engine. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before the passenger door opened and a new man stepped in.
They both remained silent, before the other man spoke up.
“Contact with the target has been established.”
“We knew it would take time, but now that first contact has been made, we'll be able to start work.”
“Hn. However, Pain showed up.”
“That's to be expected. She’s protected. Since you don't have a bullet between your eyes, I'd say the first encounter went well.”
Takeshi scoffed, “I wouldn't say that, but Haruno should be making contact soon.”
He felt a hand on his shoulder and tensed slightly before relaxing. “You'll do a good job, Itachi. If your written reports are anything to go by, you've already got her attention. This is the opening we needed.”
Uchiha Itachi knew that by accepting this undercover mission three months ago, he would have to leave behind his family and his daily life for an indefinite period. He was a member of the police. An investigator for the Organized Crime Bureau. For three years, the police had been trying to dismantle a mafia network known as "AKATSUKI", headed by a man called PAIN, whose real name was Yahiko. The police knew little about him, but over the years it had become painfully obvious that this man was at the head of an empire. Arms trafficking, organ trafficking, money laundering, corruption, assassinations and murders, among other things.
They were a powerful cartel whose violence was known to all. They operated in the shadows, but everyone knew their names, but no one knew how to stop them or get to them. Those who tried either disappeared or recanted their testimony. Haruno Sakura had been singled out as his target. What little information they managed to glean about her was that she was apparently the adopted sister of the organization's leader. Little was known about them, but there were still traces of the Haruno's tragic past. He must have reread her files a hundred times already. And he now knew that Sakura Haruno had been abused as a child. Her mother was a junkie who had ended up selling her daughter to pay for her cocaine. Sakura's father didn't seem to be part of the picture. He'd probably abandoned his family or died. Haruno had been shuffled from foster home to foster home. His unit speculated that she must have met Pain during their childhood. They thought they must have been placed in the same foster family at some point. He knew from complaints and reports from police and social workers that some of Sakura's foster families had been abusive. The kids were deprived of food, the fridge and cupboards kept under lock and key. They were beaten and, most horribly of all, some of the children were sexually abused by the father. He didn't know if Sakura was one of these victims, but in any case, the foster parents' corpses had been found in a wasteland. At the time, the coroner ruled it a homicide. The case was still under investigation but had not been solved.
Itachi had been sent as an undercover agent because his skills were perfect for this kind of mission. He had no trouble playing a role. It was his job. He'd done several, and every one of them had been a success. It was his duty to dismantle the Akatsuki with the help of his unit and the police. To date, 4 members were known. There was Deidara, the explosives and bombs genius, a certain Hiruko, well known on the dark web for organ trafficking transactions, but Itachi had no doubt that this was a pseudonym. The Leader, Pain, the police knew very little about, but were certain he was at the head of this empire. They also knew the name of a former cartel member. The famous research scientist Orochimaru. The police had already had him on their radar for years for his research, which was considered dubious at best, illegal at worst. If there was a body theft or disappearance in his area, it was very likely that he was behind it. Only, Orochimaru, vicious snake that he is, had managed to evade justice. And then there was Sakura. Itachi didn't know to what extent she was involved in her brother's business or whether she was actively participating in it, but she certainly wasn't unaware of his reputation.
That's why it was decided that it would be easier to attempt an infiltration through her. She was the best way to enter Pain's private circle. For three months, he'd been going to this café-restaurant because he knew he'd find her there. Only he couldn't make the first move; it had to come from her. Patience had always been his forte, as had mind games. Not that he was proud of it, but in his line of work, it was very useful.
And finally, his target had made contact. She seemed a confident woman, sure of her seductive power. Objectively, he could understand the interest she might arouse, but that was of little importance, as she was merely a means to an end. He felt almost sorry for her, for he knew her interest was genuine. Itachi was a professional; on undercover missions, he was allowed to flirt on the edge of illegality. If he had to use his charms, he would.
Yes, Sakura was charming and in another life, in another context, he might have been interested in her, but his role here was to gain information through her, learn more and get her to bring him into their organization. He had to stay focused on his mission and not get distracted.
He could do it.
There was no way he, Uchiha Itachi, an undercover agent, would get caught in his own game because of a criminal like Haruno Sakura, right?
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beewolfwrites · 9 months
Olive Branch: Chapter Nine - Her Trusted Partner
(Itasaku, Successful Coup AU) You can find the previous chapters on my masterlist at the top of my account page.
I really need to make myself an update schedule :')
Hope you enjoy the chapter!
Sakura almost had a heart attack when she turned to see Itachi leaning against the doorframe of her kitchen. The bowl of miso soup she was holding slipped through her fingers, and would have shattered against the tile floor had she not come to her senses and caught it just in time. Aside from a few splatters that flew from the bowl, her soup was saved. Mostly.
‘That was your fault,’ she hissed. Grabbing a cloth from the countertop, she crouched down and mopped at the spilled soup.
‘I have a mission for us.’
She scrubbed the tiles furiously. ‘Tell your father that we don't need anymore herbs. The hospital has more than enough to last us for the next month, provided we don't have an epidemic anytime soon.’
‘It's an infiltration mission in Kirigakure.’
Her head snapped up. Itachi was smiling wryly. No. She couldn't have possibly heard that right. An infiltration mission? It had to be a mistake. Fugaku would never send her on a field mission. Even the missions pertaining outbreaks in rural villages were usually given to other medics deemed less likely to conspire behind his back with one of the legendary sannin. Itachi's words swam around in her head until something clicked.
‘Us? You're not just an escort?’
‘I’ve requested your presence as my partner,’ he said. ‘We'll be working together.’
Without thinking, she leapt up and threw her arms around him. 
I can’t believe it! A mission. 
But it wasn’t just any mission. One where she was a partner. An equal. For once, she wasn't going to be closely monitored or chaperoned out of distrust. How could she even begin to repay him for something this incredible?
Homemade dango it is! 
As her initial excitement wore off, she gradually became aware that Itachi was stiff as concrete beneath her arms. Mortification swept over her as she realised that she had probably jumped the gun somewhere. Even if she knew him better than she ever had before, she didn’t really know where she stood with him. And relationships aside, it was obvious that Itachi wasn’t exactly a touchy-feely guy. 
Mortified down to her bones, Sakura had started to release him when she suddenly felt his hand on the small of her back. It was a simple gesture. One that suggested he was trying to diffuse the strangeness of the situation, even if it didn't really help. She appreciated it nonetheless.
‘You're welcome, Sakura,’ he said. When she backed away from him, he added, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow morning at the gates. Pack enough for an indefinite amount of time, and make sure to include civilian clothing. You're going to need it.’
She nodded, trying not to squeal in excitement. ‘I'll be there.’
He inclined his head, and with a single hand sign, his body split, disintegrating into a swirl of glossy crows that arched their wings and disappeared through the window. When the last crow had flown, the kitchen was silent. 
Finally alone, Sakura performed a small victory dance, twirling in the middle of her kitchen. But her good news was wasted on an empty kitchen — she needed to share it with everyone. Grinning and humming, she grabbed a sweater and headed out to track down her team. 
This time, the ramen was on her.
‘I'm surprised. Naruto is usually the first one here,’ Sakura mused, nursing her bottle of sake. 
On either side of her, Kakashi and Sasuke hummed in agreement. The booth was warm and the scent of ramen was hot and salty and oh so tempting. But it wouldn't be fair to start eating without Naruto. Sasuke and Kakashi had opted for water to start with, whereas Sakura had been in the mood for something a little stronger. She sipped her sake to dampen her hunger.
‘Give him time,’ Kakashi said. ‘I’m sure he'll have a good reason.’
‘I know, I know. I just…’
‘You just what?’ Kakashi prompted.
She thought it over, wondering whether or not she should spill the good news already. She wanted to wait until the team was all together, but then again, it wouldn't matter too much if she told Kakashi and Sasuke first, would it?
‘What is it, Sakura?’ Sasuke asked, and Sakura knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself. 
‘I was going to wait until Naruto arrived, but I might as well tell you both,’ she said, ‘I called you all here because I have a mission. And it's not herb picking again.’ A glimmer of intrigue flashed across their features as she whispered excitedly, ‘I can't tell you much, but it's an infiltration mission.’
Kakashi looked pleasantly surprised, yet proud that she was finally getting some field action again. On the other hand, Sasuke's face betrayed a myriad of emotions. He took a careful sip of his water. 
‘My father never gives you missions like that,’ he said. ‘How did you manage to convince him?’
‘I didn't. Your majestic unicorn of a brother did.’
‘My my,’ Kakashi murmured. ‘Itachi-san, hm?’ 
‘Nii-san did? He really requested you for a mission?’ 
‘Yep!’ Sakura happily swayed on her stool. ‘For whatever reason, he requires my skills.’
Sasuke was quieter than expected. He seemed to be carefully mulling over this new information, as though he couldn’t quite believe it. And with sudden realisation, Sakura remembered that Sasuke had been in her apartment when Itachi had sent her flowers. Thankfully, he had yet to bring up the bouquet of narcissus, but he was probably suspicious, or at least confused by their relationship.
After a long pause, Sasuke muttered, ‘I guess even he can see that you're being wasted in a herb garden.’
‘Hey, don't hate on the herbs Sasuke-kun. They save more lives than you'd think.’
Sakura was proud that she was finally getting back into the action again. Even though it took Itachi to convince his father, this was a huge step up. If she performed well, there was a chance Fugaku would start trusting her with important missions again. 
‘Before you both leave I'll have to thank him for giving you a chance,’ Sasuke said, then lowered his voice. ‘But Sakura, just be aware. Aniki is very serious. He made Anbu captain at thirteen. He's pretty calculating, and missions with him aren't like missions with Team Seven. He's ruthless and he'll do whatever it takes to complete the mission.’
‘It's true,’ Kakashi added. ‘I’ve worked with Itachi-san in the past. He has his own rules, and he always has a reason for everything he does. So if he gives you an instruction, just do it. Don't challenge him.’
‘Okaay, point taken,’ Sakura said. ‘Though if anything, he sounds like a pretty dependable mission partner.’
Sasuke let out a noise of frustration. His fingers clenched around his glass of water. ’Just don't let it get to you if he seems cold. I’ve heard jounin and Anbu complain about him being a strict captain, but he’s like that to everybody. Even me, sometimes.’
Sakura scowled and downed a cup of sake in one go. It seemed more like they were putting a damper on her good news rather than being pleased that she was finally back on the mission rota. What did they think she would expect? Fun and games? It was irritating, and dare she say it, patronising.
Maybe they're just concerned about my wellbeing. But still…
Beside her, Sasuke sighed. All of his earlier tension seemed to have melted away and now he was gazing into the distance. Sometimes, Sakura wondered if there was more to his relationship with Itachi than he let on. 
The shadows of Danzo’s sly grin flashed through her memory. 
Of course there’s more… but Sasuke would never know. 
‘This mission will be good for you,’ he said. ‘It's been too long since you were allowed to do something like this. And if my brother gets too arrogant, just tell him that you know about the blanket he keeps in back of his wardrobe.’
‘A blanket?’
Sasuke’s mouth curled into a devious smile. ‘Our aunt knitted it for him when he was a child and he used to fall asleep holding it. It's been over twenty years and he's still got it.’
Sakura stifled a giggle as she downed the last of her sake straight from the bottle. ‘Oh I’m definitely keeping that in my arsenal.’
Itachi Uchiha… killer of the Sandaime, the Hokage’s Right-Hand-Man, Genjutsu extraordinaire, master of the Sharingan, and lover of soft blankets.
No! The mental image just seemed so wrong. 
Regardless of his softer, dango-loving and cafe-hopping side, Itachi was terrifying to most. Despite knowing him through Sasuke, Sakura had always been wary of Itachi whenever she saw him in the streets.
One time, roughly a year before the coup took place, she had been chased across the Academy yard by a group of girls who were throwing pieces of leftover food from lunch. They laughed and teased Sakura endlessly as she sprinted through the gates with clumps of rice speckled all over her forehead and in her hair. 
She had rounded the corner of the street, only to slam straight into someone. Her knees buckled, and she would have fallen to the ground if not for the hand clasped around her arm. When she opened her eyes, a breathless scream tore through her. His eyes were bright red, bloody and piercing, and his black hair cast twisted shadows across his face. His hand released her arm, only to loom inches from her face, and out of sheer terror Sakura scrambled to her feet and set off home, weeping every step of the way.
At the time, she had been scared out of her wits by the strange crimson-eyed boy who looked faintly like the vampires she read about in books. But in retrospect, Itachi had likely been on his way to collect Sasuke from the Academy. And he hadn’t reached out to strangle her or drink her blood, but to brush the rice from her hair. 
Now, as she signalled for another bottle of sake, Sakura thought back on the incident with fondness. 
It’s funny how things turn out—
‘Oi, get off me! I'm only going to Ichiraku ramen! What's the big idea?!’
Sakura leapt off her stool, out of the booth and into the street. Behind her, Kakashi and Sasuke did the same, and she felt the tense surge of their chakra signatures as a patrol officer appeared, dragging a writhing Naruto toward them by his jacket collar.
‘You bastard! Let go of me!’ 
Naruto kicked at the officer who deftly avoided his blows as though they were dealt by a small child throwing a tantrum. At the sight of Team Seven, the officer hurled Naruto toward them. Sakura and Kakashi kneeled to catch him as he skidded across the dirt.
Sakura's eyes zeroed in on the number of gashes and bruises decorating Naruto's shins and hands. His left cheek was already swollen and red. ‘What's going on?’
Kakashi's eye narrowed. ‘Explain yourself.’
The officer coldly looked between them. ‘Your monkey over there was at the gates of the Hyuuga compound attempting to engage the guards in battle.’
Kakashi stepped forward, but a yell from Naruto cut him off before he could respond. ‘Yeah, because your bastard friends were bothering Hinata-chan!’
The officer flashed his Sharingan at Naruto, who stood his ground and met the officer's gaze squarely. ‘My “bastard friends”, your superior officers, are merely doing their job. It is not your place to interfere.’ 
Ignoring Naruto's demands to turn around and fight him, the officer’s eyes roamed over Sakura. He muttered something under his breath, quietly as so not to draw attention, but loud enough that their trained ears heard it clear as day.
Sakura's fists curled, her nails embedding into her palms. Naruto's jaw tightened. He opened his mouth to hurl an insult, when Kakashi spoke in a low and dangerous tone. 
‘You're going to have to leave.’
‘You're asking me to leave?’
‘I am.’
‘And if I don’t?’
‘If you don’t,’ Kakashi said quietly, ‘I will force you. And if that happens, you're going to wish you'd chosen to walk away of your own volition.’
The officer's mouth tilted into a sneer. ‘What are you going to do, use your Sharingan on me?’
Kakashi's remaining eye widened briefly, then closed with barely restrained fury. Sakura’s heart skipped a beat at the cruelty of such a comment.
How dare he! How dare he bring that up!
Sakura’s patience shattered at the officer’s smug expression. Deep down, she knew that no matter the ramifications of her actions tonight, it wouldn't matter. She wouldn't care, because at least she'd have stuck one up for Kakashi. Her fist shot out, electric blue and charged with chakra, toward the officer's chin. But before it could make contact, a hand clamped down on her wrist.
Calm and collected, Sasuke spoke with an air that demanded authority. He looked at Sakura, and she instantly knew that he was asking her to stand down and trust in him. She nodded and he released her wrist.
The officer bowed stiffly. ‘Yes, Sasuke-sama?’
‘You will leave quietly, and you're going to forget that this incident ever happened,’ Sasuke told him. ‘And if you don't, you can forget all about that promotion you've been pestering my father for.’
With a flicker of annoyance, the officer bowed once more. This time, the gesture was exaggerated and satirical. Sasuke's lips thinned at the action, but he said nothing.
‘Very well,’ the officer said. ‘Have a good evening, Sasuke-sama.’
Without a backward glance, the officer left Team Seven standing outside Ichiraku. At first nobody moved or spoke, their evening tainted by the events that had just occurred, and by the prying eyes and whispers that now swept along the street. 
It was Sasuke who finally muttered, ‘I'll speak to my father. He's not getting that promotion either way.’
Itachi knew she wouldn't be late. 
The streets were desolate at this time of morning, partially due to the fact that the sun had not yet risen, but also because the curfew was still active for another hour yet. Anyone without a pass or mission slip would be stopped and questioned. 
He was waiting by the gate, prepared and ready to depart. Above him, atop of the village walls, the last stretch of the night patrol was watching him idly. Well, some were watching. Others had likely fallen asleep on the job.
His father hadn’t given him the mission scroll — this was far too risky should somebody get their hands on it — but he had every last detail committed to memory. Not that there was much to memorise. The mission itself was self-explanatory. Get into Kirigakure, find out what they can about the Mizukage's plans toward Konoha and the mysterious seal they found on the Kiri nin's tongue, then get out. Fast.
There was a sharp intake of breath from one of the guards above. Itachi looked up. 
And there she was. 
She was dressed inconspicuously in black shinobi gear, her pack strapped to her back, expression determined yet hesitant. She glanced up at the officers on the village walls, her hand tightly clutching a scrap of paper — her mission slip. 
He understood her trepidation. She was expecting to be stopped at any moment, apprehended perhaps, or even dragged to the Hokage’s office. And so, Itachi stepped forward to greet her. 
Something flickered in her expression. Relief. Did his presence truly bring her such comfort? The thought disturbed him somewhat, but Itachi pushed it aside for now. With a nod, he gestured to the shinobi at mission register who jotted down their names and time of departure. 
Then silently, they disappeared into the foliage.
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fictionblossom · 10 months
Let's Not Fall In Love
Summary: He had to end it before the world breaks her apart. He would rather crumble his own world than see her getting hurt. [Modern AU] 
Pairing: Uchiha Itachi x Haruno Sakura 
A/N: I’ve always been a sucker for Doctor!Sakura x Mafia!Itachi hehe. I hope you'll have fun reading it as much as I had fun writing this prompt!
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14272608/1/Let-s-Not-Fall-In-Love
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He sits by the window, a small nook allowing for one to stare at the skyscrapers outside. The city lights illuminated his figure as they brightened up the night sky. He places his right hand on the flatten platform of the window. He swirls and periodically takes his time to inhale the scent of the glass of wine he held in his left one. A pair of onyx eyes looking at the figure before him, the petite, frail and feminine outline of his lover. 
“If you’re here, I assume that you heard it?” he mutters. He does not dare to look directly into her eyes. He fears that his resolve would crumble if he sees how frail she looks at the moment. How fragile she stands before him. The unshed tears glistening her eyes as they threaten to fall without her control. 
“There has to be another way,” he hears her whispers. He doesn’t like how small she sounds before him. So unconfident and full of doubts. It is uncharacteristic of her. He takes another gulp of the drink before him. It is not supposed to be this way. She is supposed to be happy. With or without him. He is supposed to leave before things get worse, for her, for him and for them. 
He made a pact with Sasuke and Naruto, her most overprotective, loving and caring friends in her circle. They told him not to get near her, not to be anything beyond friends with her. They told him once she was in his life, he was putting her life in danger. That the once he introduced her into his life, he was calling for the enemies to scratch, grab, harm her. He promised the boys that he would end the relationship the moment that he could not protect her any more. The nature of their work does not permit for romance and weakness. 
Yet he refuses to listen to them. Even to himself. He cannot bear the thought of being away from her. He cannot, in every sense of his being, reason that he would not keep his eyes on her, knowing that she would be safe with him. 
But that’s the kind of reasoning he always holds on to. When he asked her for that date by the lake on a chilly Sunday in winter, he thought he could do everything for her. He thought that she would be safe if she was near him. That he would be able to protect her. That he could demand the attention of the underworld, given that he was the heir and would soon be top of it now. The mafia lord who overtakes the Uchiha business upon Fugaku retiring. 
Another instance of his foolishness manifests when his own father told him that life for her would be difficult. Even if Fugaku supported the relationship, it would fail eventually. Fugaku’s own marriage had almost failed him when Mikoto was targeted by their enemies, and the trauma that forced itself onto his mother kept her in their home for years.  
He refuses to listen. He reasons that his father was not at his level when he courted his mother. Unlike his father, Itachi is the best strategist. He has the sharpest analytical mind, he is one of the members who had the most fighting experience, and his skills are so massive equivalent to if the entire organisations’ members skills combined, as his cousin would say. He is unbeatable. He makes sure of that. He trains day after day, he completes his fathers’ tasks dutifully, never missing not one of them. He eliminates who requires to be eliminated, he washes off those who come to the Uchihas with lies and betrayals behind their back. So it doesn’t stand to reason that he couldn’t protect her and keep her from harm. 
He stands his posture. His body is stiff, his eyes are hard on the floor, hands remain the same as they are moments ago. 
“Please, Itachi. There has to be another way. I’ll be good, I promise. I…I’ll learn to defend myself. You won’t have to worry about me. I can help you,” he sees her slowly coming to him. Her footsteps, doubtful, scared, but they keep coming to him. He furrows his eyebrows. 
‘Stop,’ he thinks. 
‘Don’t make this hard for me.’
“I can’t let you live like this. I can’t be selfish.” he whispers. His body subtly cowering away, as if trying to tell her to get the message. 
That she needs to get away from him. 
Telling her that if she comes any closer, he will throw everything away - his name, his inheritance, his duty to the Uchiha business - and take her in his arms. But he can’t. He cannot let her be the centre of harms’ way when he can prevent it. Even if it means that he has to fall behind the business and only see her from afar.
“I don’t need your help, Sakura.” his eyes turn cold. 
He will not demand such an effort from Sakura. She doesn’t deserve to throw her world away just for him to remain in his. 
She deserves the softness of life, being able to buy coffee when she wants to, being able to walk off the streets without fearing that someone would snatch her, being able to make friends with anyone without displacing mistrust that they will be out to get her in order for them to grab Itachi’s attention. That she continues being a doctor and saves lives without fear of losing hers because of him.
Her dainty fingers reach out to him. She is unsure of herself. When he asked her to be with him, she knew that there was only one correct answer to that. 
Because how could she deny their exchange of stolen glances, hoping to find each other in their social circle and the sea of people in the city.
The subtle smile he shows her when he thinks that no one is looking. The shyness he tries hard to cover as he denies yet embraces his feelings for her.
His hands on her small back as he walks with her.
His fingers tucking away the small strands of her behind her ears when they spend time together. He seems very fond of doing so, as a sign of his affections for her. 
When his hands cups her cheek and he tells her that everything will be okay even if it is hard to see things clearly.  
Especially, when he took the multiple beatings for her as the enemies held her captive and threatened to end her if the Uchiha organisation did not accede to their demands. When he shielded her with his body when the gunshot was just seconds away from her before they ended up in this predicament not long before they ended up in this position. 
How can she not fall for him when that is all he does, even when he doesn’t realise it?
“You can’t help, Sakura. I’ve decided. This relationship will not go anywhere beyond this. Let’s not fall in love anymore,” he turns his head to the side. He hears her sniffing, he knows he is about to break her heart. 
“This is not what I want. My ambitions have always been to take over my father. Even you can’t stop that-” she puts her arms around his neck, her entire weight on him. 
“Please. Don’t do this. You’re lying,” she muffles her words against his neck. She holds onto him tightly. He grips his glass with more force than necessary and that any tighter the glass will break in his hand. 
Notwithstanding her embrace, the turtleneck sweater that he wore started to feel suffocating. He needs to end this before he falls back on his words. Before he becomes childish, idealistic, and foolish to want her more than he should. 
To want to keep lying to himself that he could protect her over and over again. 
To want to be selfish to have her with him and yet expose her to times when the enemies will force her to see flashes of her life. 
With uncertainty, with fear for her life, with the risks of breaking his own heart, he turns his body and places the glass on the window platform. He extends his arms to keep a distance between them, as if signalling her that such a distance is there is all to them. 
His eyes harden against her. 
“It’s over. Go home, Sakura. I don’t need such frivolous things to keep me from power.” 
Her slap against his cheek is as hard as his words stabbing her. He deserves that, he thinks to himself. He deserves to feel hurt when all he is doing is to break her apart, day after day, if they are together. 
“Frivolous?! This relationship… frivolous?” she chuckles, not one of humour, but one of hurt, heartbreak and betrayal. 
“I should have figured. I was just for fun. All these months together. Of course the Mafia Lord, Uchiha Itachi has no time for silly little me.” 
He stands idle before her. 
“Thanks for nothing, Uchiha.” He sees her backing away from him and grabs her bag. 
This is it. 
They were breaking apart, with her hating him, with him hurting her even when he swears to himself that he will never do that to her.
“Don’t you dare make yourself known to me,” she wipes the tears on her face, as if she has now come to a resolution of her own. 
The door slams as she exits their place. 
“Forgive me, Sakura,” he whispers to himself as he clumsily wipes his own tears.   
A/: Intend to make a continuation of this. I'm a sucker for angst and I hate it :|
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asarajaa · 1 month
1:26 and I’m losing my brain cells trying to find a fanfic on ao3. It’s about Sakura wanting to go on a mini trip w/ assume I’m Valentine’s Day but he rejects her (? or smth like that) and as the tickets for the train weren’t cheap she went by herself.
It was a shitty day, she lost the keychain assume gave her, the tickets were wet, a guy accidentally hit her and etc…
In the train she meets Itachi (this is a au-normal life where Itachi’s a lawyer) bc he was w/ Shisui but he got too annoying w/ his date. Itachi starts asking what happened to her and ended up w/ the conclusion that she have an abusive bf.
Basically she went on that mini trip of one day w/ Shisui and Itachi and at the end of the day (when they’re on the train I think) Shisui takes a photo (or posts the ones they took before bc the trip was going on a mountain and a waterfall and all that, or checks his phone idk)
The point is that assume is telling him things like; stay away from her you creep and so on and mikoto is like; stop messing w/ your cousin + take care of her.
(I think that he didn’t post anything, he just send sasyke the photo but I’m not sure)
Is on ao3, if you know the name please tell me I’ve been losing my mind since I can’t find it and this is like the 7th attempt to find it 😭😭
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psychoticnun89 · 1 year
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Hope y'all are well, I've been pretty busy lately with a commission (looking for my next one btw👀) and creating/updating my portfolio and so I haven't been posting anywhere much lately, but here's something for you to have a look at😁
I've been messing around with a sort of cel shading technique which I'm enjoying a lot😅
ANYWAY, this is fan art of Sakura Haruno (part of a scene for my fanfic) with an incomplete prop and background, that's all for now💮🌸
I don’t think I posted this yet, so here ya go!
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gayger · 1 year
ATTENTION! New ITASAKU fanfic alert!
"You could stay"
Find it on ao3, wattpad, and fanfiction.net! Underneath TaintedBlossomOfWar.
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sonorous-cicada · 4 months
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Happy Lunar New Year with the @shisakurodeo gift exchange!!!!!!
Summary: The tenuous ties between body and soul are easily severed. By the gods' design, a bond between souls is infrangible.
A new poison has been found in a village well to the north of the Land of Fire. Hokage Obito Uchiha sends out his best ANBU captain and head medic to investigate. In the empty village, amidst the empty slamming doors, Itachi and Sakura find more than they were looking for.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Supernatural Elements, Romance, No Uchiha Massacre, Eventual Smut, Polyamory, Bisexuality, ShiSaku Rodeo, ShiSaku Lunar New Year
Relationships: Itachi/Sakura, Shisui/Sakura, Itachi/Sakura/Shisui
Written for: @lightweaving
(I'll probably update the promo image at some point.)
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thefairyletters · 11 months
Between Comfort and Chaos
Non-Mass AU, Aged-Up characters
Pairing(s): ShiSaku, ItaSaku, GaaSaku [and minor SasuSaku]
"No one ever truly overcomes the pain that comes with the loss of a loved one."
Itachi Uchiha is given three months to find a replace his longtime love. Sakura Haruno is excitedly awaiting her happily ever after until fate decides to throw a wrench into it. An age-old method is proposed in an attempt to appease the rising hostility between civilian and shinobi divisions of Konoha.
When the two forces collide, Shisui gets caught in crossfire.
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