#minor sasusaku
thefairyletters · 1 year
Between Comfort and Chaos
Non-Mass AU, Aged-Up characters
Pairing(s): ShiSaku, ItaSaku, GaaSaku [and minor SasuSaku]
"No one ever truly overcomes the pain that comes with the loss of a loved one."
Itachi Uchiha is given three months to find a replace his longtime love. Sakura Haruno is excitedly awaiting her happily ever after until fate decides to throw a wrench into it. An age-old method is proposed in an attempt to appease the rising hostility between civilian and shinobi divisions of Konoha.
When the two forces collide, Shisui gets caught in crossfire.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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Jason Todd.Also Megumi Fushiguro.Also Percy Jackson but by P*rcicos and gods fuckers specifically.Also Todoroki Shouto.Also Sasuke Uchiha.Also Ichigo Kurosaki.Also Hobie Brown.Also Marshall Lee Abadeer.Also Prince Zuko.Also Nicholas D. Wolfwood-Y'know you guys get it
(Oh woah,almost 400 notes and like almost 100 at least don't realize i'm insulting you and calling you basic pick mes.Well,thanks for liking and subscribing anyway ig)
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mdr-reikas · 9 months
I will never understand why sexualizing minors is so fucking normal here in the anime community. And I don't even mean lolis (🤮) rn, but also teenagers? Ship sns all you want, but Shippuden Sasuke is a CHILD. He is SIXTEEN! Same for Naruto, Sakura and so on! Why is there so much sns NSFW of them in their Shippuden era specifically?
And I know for a fact that a lot of y'all's are actually adults. Why are you, 25, drawing two sixteen y/os fucking??
And Naruto fandom aside, it's just like that in every shounen. The black clover fandom is really bad with this as well, like Noelle is 15, or 17 after the time skip. Could y'all just??? Not??
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You already hurt my feelings three times In the way only you could
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You've never done me wrong Except for that one time
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That we don't talk about Because it doesn't matter anymore
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{True Blue~ boygenius}
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SS Month ‘23 - Day 24
Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25
Prompt: Heroes
WARNING(S): Non-graphic injury, AU-typical violence
A pounding on her door in the middle of the night startled her awake from a very dim slumber.
Sakura turned, squinting in the darkness at the alarm clock and its bright-red glare. One in the morning. Grumbling to herself, she rolled her eyes and swung her feet over the side of her bed and into her slippers.
The pounding started again as she yanked the robe she’d tossed carelessly over her computer chair on the way to the door. Irritably, she called, “Hold your horses, for heaven’s sake, I’m coming!”
By the time she made it and cracked it open, glaring tiredly at whoever was disturbing her much-needed sleep, whoever had woken her had slumped against the side of the doorframe. She could hear their shallow breaths from behind the door.
She took one look at him and heaved a sigh. “I thought I told you I don’t do house calls anymore.”
The taller man standing before her, arms folded, face creased in concern, answered, “This is urgent - and it’s not my fault this time.”
“Whatever. Just-- just bring him in. And be quiet about it, will you? I don’t need a noise complaint.”
She could hear the old hero scoop up his protégé in his arm and make his way into the apartment after her, shucking off his shoes as he went. When she turned, she noticed him yanking the younger hero-in-training’s boots off, and the sight was so unexpected it actually made her crack a smile.
Gesturing towards the living room, she slid the hair tie off of her wrist and messily pulled her hair back, brushing some stray hairs out of her face as she knelt before the couch. The hero obediently lay his student down, the blond’s pinched expression of pain making her frown in sympathy.
“Okay, so, first off. What the hell happened to him.” She gave him a pointed look as she got to work, healing green light hovering over his chest.
“One of his friends ran into a villain and called for backup. I got the distress signal a little too late.”
Clearly, she wanted to snark, but held her tongue. Sasuke was stressed out enough as it was, and the little blond boy’s hitched whimpers of pain as she inspected the shredded material of his sleeve was only making it worse.
"Mild lacerations to the abdomen and right bicep," she muttered to herself. “Did he break anything?”
“Just his brain, if he thought not telling me first was a good idea,” he groused under his breath. “No, I don’t think anything’s broken. He did mention it hurt a little to breathe.”
“Potential rib fracture,” she noted in that same quiet tone, brow knit together as she finally got to his legs. She paused, then added, “fracture along the tibia.”
The little hero gave another groan, and with a start, he cracked his eyes open.
“Wh…at…?” He breathed, searching until he landed on Sasuke’s face. “Oh… Mr. Sasuke, where are we?”
“You’re at a very good friend of mine’s place,” he answered tersely. “She’s gonna fix you up, and then you’re grounded from patrol for a week.”
“What?!” That sure woke him up. Sakura had to push on his chest to keep him from sitting all the way up, earning a wheeze.
“Make that two,” she added, casting the youth a frown. “You really roughed yourself up, y’know that? You fractured your leg and you’ve got a cracked rib.”
“B- but…” he helplessly stumbled over his words as he turned to his mentor for sympathy.
Sasuke gave none. He was no doubt wearing his “extremely disappointed” face, and that got the boy to wilt back against the couch.
“What happened out there, Boruto?” She finally asked, leaning back to wipe the sweat from her brow.
“W- well, Shikadai was walking home from the convenience store and this guy just-- he told him he was gonna rob him,” he explained, a little shaky. “So he texted me and I… I just wanted to help.”
“You should have alerted me,” Sasuke scolded.
“I didn’t think about it!” Boruto protested. “I’m sorry!”
“Well, what’s done is done.” Patting his good leg, she got up from the floor with a grunt - as well as a few popping noises from her limbs. “Do your parents know you snuck out to save your friend from a villain attack?”
Boruto’s wide-eyed gaze slowly went down to the upholstery, and that was enough of an answer for the both of them.
With a sigh, she shook her head. “Sasuke, do you wanna drop him off?”
“Yeah, I got him.” Nodding, the one-armed man scooped up the teenage boy, earning a tiny yelp of surprise, and his gaze swept over her with something soft. “Thank you for taking him so late.”
“Yeah, well, don’t make any habits of it,” she groused, cheeks going pink as she planted her hands on her hips. “I’ve got a shift to make in less than three hours.”
With a hum, he turned - and Boruto waved with a meek goodbye - and after the door shut with a soft click, she heaved a sigh and leaned against the wall.
“Damn it, so much for a good night’s rest,” she mumbled to herself as she pushed off and headed to the kitchen. “Might as well get started with my morning.”
 “Doctor Haruno, you’re needed at the front desk,” a nurse called out to her as they passed each other.
“Thank you, Morino,” she answered, scanning the clipboard in her hands before handing it off to the worker at the desk and making her way towards the elevators.
It was a rather busy shift, as she’d feared - but the power-nap she’d taken during her lunch break had proven enough to help her get through the rest of it. Now all she had to do was make it through her last few patients, and she was home until someone inevitably needed an emergency procedure.
The elevator let out a soft chime and the doors slid open, and she powerwalked through the hall to the front - and stopped short.
“What in the world are you doing on that leg?” She fussed, rushing over to the blond boy holding a bunch of flowers in his hand. She looked him up and down before poking his mentor in the chest. “Sasuke, you know he needs to be taking it easy. Does Naruto know about this?”
“I made a point to head over when they woke up and explained everything,” he answered, a slight amusement to the crinkling of his visible eye. “Hinata isn’t happy, but I promised her I wasn’t taking him out for training any time soon.”
“You’d better not. If he fully breaks that leg I will personally see to it that you keep a wide berth of the Uzumaki residence.” With a warning glare towards the adult, she turned to the child with a more calm demeanor. “What do you have?”
“Flowers, for, uh, last night.” The teenager’s cheeks were bright red with embarrassment, something that reminded her amusingly of Hinata’s own flush around her then-boyfriend, now husband at that age. “And- I’m sorry. I should’ve checked with Mr. Sasuke before running into danger.”
Taking the flowers, she looked them over with an appreciative hum and handed them to the receptionist at the counter, who hurried off to find a vase. “Well, thank you. They’re lovely. But you take it easy after this, okay?” She wagged a finger at them both. “I don’t want to have to see you walking out of here with crutches and a cast!”
“Yes, Dr. Haruno,” he said, chastised. Above him, Sasuke nodded his head.
“Good.” Then, with a smile, she folded her arms over her chest. “Make sure you say hello to your parents for me.”
“I will.”
“We’ll see you after your shift,” Sasuke added, scooping the kid up. Thankfully he didn’t hoist him over his shoulder, instead letting him sit on his arm.
“It better not be for new injuries.” She narrowed her eyes. "If you really wanna say sorry, you'd have an easier time if you bought me lunch!"
He chuckled, the only answer she’d get as he turned to walk out of the hospital.
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uchiwife · 6 months
Ok guys, I need to talk to you about something!
Last year or so I had an idea for a time-travel fic with Kakasaku as the main pairing. I think this will sound familiar to some if you are or were on the Kakasaku discord because at the time I shared snippets and little teasers about this fic.
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This is the first time I've written for this pairing. Although I adore them and consume a lot of Kakasaku fics, I've never written for them. Those who know my work will know that I write mainly Itasaku, Shisaku and occasionally Sasusaku.
The project is still in progress, albeit on hold, however, as I don't know when I'll be able to release this story, I first wanted to contextualize the idea and tell you a bit about it quickly and thus see if it's worth continuing to work on this fic in the future.
I was hoping to get some feedback, to see how the idea might be received. Although we writers write primarily for ourselves, I still find it interesting to have the opinion of my readers or future readers. If they like the idea, it's obvious that working on the story is all the more motivating, you know? And since it's my first time writing Kakasaku, I'm feeling a bit nervous.
So here's the general idea :
«  Kakashi and Sakura found themselves back in their younger selves for some reason. The Kakashi and Sakura of the future are in an established relationship so imagine their horror when they realize where they are.
To keep up appearances, Sakura plays Sasuke's fangirls (albeit a little more moderately) and Kakashi scowls and rolls his eyes at every "sasuke-kun, you're soooo sTrOnG. Sasuke-kun is so cuuuuute, isn't he kakashi-sEnsEi?" and he's like "adorable." but with a deadpan face, you know? It just amuses Sakura to be able to annoy Kakashi because in their future lives, he likes to annoy her and miss a few of his medical appointments so it's a kind of payback.
And of course there's the fact that they won't have their daily routines as long as they're stuck in their current bodies. Well, especially for Sakura, because although Kakashi is a notorious pervert and a kinky person, doing anything while she looks like a 12-year-old is off-limits to him, and what's even more frustrating is that of course he still loves her since it's Sakura's mind that's in her 12-year-old body. But to be honest, Sakura agrees that she's just as frustrated, and can't see herself engaging in lewd activities in her pre-teen body.
And what's worse, she's experiencing her first period for the second time. Much to Kakashi's amusement.🐺🌸 »
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To conclude, here are two questions I was asked about this fic and my answer:
Q: “But of course they slip every now and then? Like hand holding. Or Kakashi putting a hand around her waist out of reflex. Or not patting her head but her cheek (for being *so cheeky*) and it raises some brows.”
A: “Oh totally! And when he realizes it, he's panicked, like: "Minor, minor, illegal. Off limits. Prison. 12 years. take your hand off." and Sakura's kind of annoyed that she can't have her good-night kiss. Especially since she's living with her parents at 12. Sometimes Sakura even forgets the "sensei" when she addresses kakashi, which frankly, coming from Sasuke, would be fine in the sense that he's so casual, but Sakura? Sweet, rule-abiding Sakura? Naaah. Especially if she calls him "Kashi"”
Q: “Would they try to change things you think!?”
A: “Well, at first, I think they'll be trying to find a way back home. They're so confused about being here, they think it's a bad idea. Not to mention that it's really no fun for Sakura to be a 12-year-old when her man could be arrested and thrown in jail if they're caught while he's having one of those slips. Like touching her in a very familiar and intimate way that goes beyond the teacher/student relationship.
You also have to bear in mind that they are in a period of peace in their own timeline. After fighting, suffering and losing comrades and friends, in the 4GNW, they've earned a well-deserved peace.
But if they get stuck for a while, I think Sakura will come up with the idea. Kakashi will be much more cautious. It's not that he's completely reticent, but he's been through so much that he fears the changes they might make could lead to results far worse than those of their original timeline.
So Sakura would have to warm him up to the idea, but ultimately I think he knows it might be worth the risk if it means avoiding tragic events. When you know so much about the future, it's dangerous, but knowing what's going to happen and letting it happen is perhaps worse. Some things are inevitable, some deaths too, and Sakura will probably blame herself. Kakashi will have more perspective on the situation. But they'll be relying on each other; all the while trying to make their relationship work; which is going to be complicated given the age that currently separates them. But knowing Sakura and her fierce love for her loved ones, she won't let Kakashi run away or question their relationship. After all, it's not their timeline. And they'll find a way to get back together.”
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heartensoul · 1 month
[Fic] No Good Deed, Chapter 3 [KakaSaku, Minor SasuSaku, E]
Title: No Good Deed
Rating: Explicit - Please review the tags!
Summary: Kakashi had given Sasuke so many chances to make it right—to do right by Sakura.
Now, he was going to take matters into his own hands.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53488696/chapters/148998976
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maoam · 8 months
Do you feel the same way? I've encountered countless anti-Sakura Sasusaku posts, and every time I hear her name, I feel my blood boiling. My hatred for this character is now irremovable. 😭
I don't really have my blood boiling just from her name. When I see dumb takes of her, it is admittedly annoying.
Has anyone noticed actually good female characters never get praised to the heavens over such minor things like Sakura does? Because it's pretty funny. People will try to find any miniscule thing to praise Sakura for while ignoring that 90% of her screentime is big failures and her character fails to grow. The biggest problem with her character is that she's placed in many important situations where she fails to do anything. Like that sad sad moment of her being asked to stab Obito's eye to save the world.
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pr1ncessasuke · 22 days
dee's ship list/rules!!!!
OTP: <3 NaruSasu <3
2ndTP: <3 AshEiji <3
noTP: </3 SasuSaku </3
no no ships: any ships involving a minor and adult, incest ships, other illegal ships
ships i dislike but generally tolerate: NaruHina, KatAang, SatoSugu, ItaFushi, YutaMaki, HisoIllu, LeoPika, BakuDeku, KageHina, CatrAdora, EreMika, YagaMane, SuleMio, Pokeshipping
my conduct:
SasuSaku fans/NaruSasu antis will be immediately blocked. i don't want that content on my feed ever.
if we clash on a few of the disliked ships, i'm still happy to be mutuals as long as we have other common ships/interests. i may block otherwise.
i absolutely do NOT tolerate harassment or public shaming over ships, even if i dislike them. "call out" posts are not welcome here (mind your own business and ship and let ship, it's fiction! + the block button exists). anyone engaging in that type of behavior will be immediately blocked.
if a ship isn't listed i probably dgaf enough about it, or i don't know it/forgot about it.
i may occasionally post anti stuff about the ships i dislike, but i usually keep that at a minimum to respect mutuals who may like them + i'd rather focus on what i love instead.
i block freely to curate my space, and i encourage you to do the same, no hard feelings. will be updating this!
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water-petal · 3 months
i swear to god bro-
if you are a sns fans stop reading right now and keep scrolling
i have turned off reblog to not be harrassed in some idiots blog
do not take screenshots without permission and be s shit person on your blog you are just proving my point
english ain't my first language
i swear to god if i get called homophobe for not liking sasunaru imma loose it
yes i see it as a fetishization of gay what are you going to do about it?
toxic sns fans try to show me the so called beauty of the ship and then cry buckets of tear when i say "it's just stereotypical bad guy meets good guy what are you on? not that deep or it'sjust deep asura and indra bond which once existed between their ancestor"
infact they are so rabid they make good sns fans look like minority......
yeah i don't ship it and calling me a bisexual girl who has defended all my lgbtq fella's all the time and would do the same in future
homophobic over a ship i don't like......just because i prefer sasusaku and naruhina is wild
sns is toxic and fetishizing gays at finest there i said it let me see how many bitches cry bucket of tears and send me death threats in dms
these fans also suck up the false interview of kishi claiming he wanted this manga to be yaoi.....he never said that btw show me the video of kishi saying this then talk.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
"I'm too old to care about ships"Says the ironic title and bio fandom blogger as they proceed to write anti Sasusaku Sasunaru manifestos and bully minors in the Macademia Hero fandom for shipping Todomomo and not considering Dabi and Miruyumi their own instead sidedishes to the blonde bird cop
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basiatlu · 1 year
Getting To Know You Tag Game
Three Ships: I'm going to not include the obvious constant in my life (that being Drarry and other minor/bg Harry Potter ships) because where's the fun in that??? I've enjoyed Drarry since I was 13 so let's just get to the side dishes. You wanna get to know the full Bosh.
Steve / Billy from Stranger Things
Reylo from Star Wars (called it after watching Force Awakens the 1st time i watched it opening night I was starstruck- i was gripped. The dark romance tropes were too potent, sos)
Soriku from Kingdom Hearts (ride or diiiiie)
First Ship: I'm going to also pick 3 of my First Ships because I had so many growing up *shudders*
SasuSaku & SasuNaru - I loved watching Naruto on Toonami at 2 am, practically muted to not wake up my family
Jack Frost / Pitch Black from The Guardians (I loved it an unhealthy amount)
Robin / Slade from the Teen Titans animated series (not the reboot)
..... I'm noticing a pattern.
Last Song: "Rock the House" by Gorillaz but like I hate this question? I listen to music all day long and my taste is alllllll over the damn map. I did listen to "Curicó" by Kiltro on repeat x5 today. A banger.
Last Movie: The Mummy
Currently Reading: I'm reading "Men Who Love Dragons Too Much" by fencer_x and also working through the Mistborn series by Brian Sanderson (only on book 2 and have taken a long break, distracted by HP)
Currently Watching: attempting to finish the og Trigun anime - love it so much, Vash is such a critter.
Last Thing I Wrote: my BFA dissertation? Pfffft-! But besides that, creative writing-wise i used to write a lot of drabbles based on my OC's and the world I built for them. I have like 4 spiral-bound notebooks on worldbuilding, magic systems, and characters for it that I haven't done anything with.
Currently Writing: planning a steadily evolving project that is TBA and is for sure HP related *wink-wonk*. Not really writing beyond notes and adlibs as it's a collab.
Phew that was a lot I am so wordy gosh!
Well thank you so much to @lilbeanz @starquestingfordrarry @goblinmatriarch and @thecouchsofa for tagging me in this lil game! I had a long day and couldn't get to drawing, I'm so saaaaad! But this was fun to type out while layin around, buried under cats.
I tag @mono-chromia and @moon-ambassador and any of my other mutuals who would like to, but I won't be as obnoxious to youuuu
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lalalychee-x · 4 months
Lychee ♡
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"Life is still going on, 그저 흘러가."
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Lychees go lala~ ♡
LYCHEE ! twnty, she/he/whtever prns, bangladeshi, chigiri enthusiast, maki's wife, GMT
BASIC RULES ! #lychee<3 (+ derivatives) is my tag ! dead dove content is available on ao3, wattpad only. ! e.g. "White Lies." ♡ minors DNI with nsfw ! ♡ no nsfw for characters not cannonically of age ! ♡ no actual hate/discrimination (racism, homophobia, discrim. religious bias etc.) further rules !
CURRENT SERIES ! ♡ "Ride like a Rodeo, baby." Boothill x R. nsfw/sfw. working... ♡ "Consume" Maki Zenin x R. sfw. working... ♡ "911, I need someone." SanRinRan x R. nsfw. working... !caution! ♡ IttoSara, WrioRinde, ChiLi, NiraShiya (not romant.) XiaoLumi, Shin/Kyoukai, XingYun, SasuSaku, Scaramona, LeoPika, KuniGiri(crack) not exhaustive FANDOMS ! genshin impact, jjk, kingdom, bllk, hsr, hxh, aib, tykr, kny, naruto... not exhaustive.
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SS Month ‘23 - Day 30
Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31
Prompt: Wish
WARNING(S): Minor injury, speedrunning enemies to lovers in 5 minutes or less
This is a Dragon Ball AU, mostly because I have no shame and my DBZ hyperfixation is back with a vengeance.
An explosion rippled along the earth, making the women in the kitchen take pause from finishing the dishes.
“Ah,” said Hinata, wiping her hands on the towel hanging off of the dishwasher. “Naruto must be home.”
“You think?” Squinting out the window at the cloud of dust that had been kicked up from the pod’s landing
“Well, Neji wished to remain on the moon colony for another year, and Prince Sasuke has been staying with you, so…” trailing off, the dark-haired princess shrugged.
Sakura opened her mouth to reply, but a triumphant shout of “SAKURA-CHAN!” made her nod along. “Y’know what, you’re right.”
Giggling behind a dainty hand, Hinata grabbed the glass of lemonade that had just been poured, heading out of the kitchen and out the back door. The pink-haired young woman followed closely behind.
As soon as they were outside, an energetic blond leapt out of the pod, making the ground shift a little with the force of his jump. He landed before them with a grin. “I’m back!”
“Welcome back,” the pink-haired healer greeted as Hinata handed him the glass. “What did you find this time?”
Naruto mumbled something into the lemonade before downing it in one gulp, swiping the side of his hand across his upper lip with a satisfied sigh. “Not much, actually. What I do know is that Orochimaru’s followers are still scattered around the universe. So far I haven’t seen any more planets with Namekians.”
“So that means we’re stuck with only two sets of Dragon Balls,” Hinata remarked with a disappointed sigh. “Thank you for searching anyway, Naruto.”
“No prob!” He chirped, handing the glass back. “Hey, so where’s Sasuke? I wanna see how strong he’s gotten since I left!”
Despite herself, the rosette chuckled. “His royal highness is training in the gravity room, if you wanna follow suit.”
“Great! Thanks!” Loosely wrapping an arm around her shoulders for a second - as well as quick peck to his pale-eyed wife’s cheek, he darted off in the direction of the chamber.
“Don’t forget that you owe me if you destroy it again! Tenten will eviscerate you and I won’t be the one to heal it!” She shouted after him, getting a faraway cry of agreement.
Hinata watched him go with a soft smile. “They really are Saiyans, aren’t they?”
“To the bone,” her companion deadpanned, causing the princess to giggle.
 “Five hours,” Sakura griped as she focused on wrapping the gaping hole in the prince’s back. “Naruto has been back five hours, Sasuke.”
“I couldn’t tell,” he quipped sarcastically, grunting in pain as she tightened her hold on the medical wrap. “Would it kill you to be a little more gentle?”
“Would it kill you to treat Tenten’s gravity chamber with respect?” She retorted.
Sasuke said nothing in return, and an awkward silence fell upon them as she firmly tucked away the last piece. Nodding firmly at her work, she set upon working on that burn on his forearm.
The warm glow of her ki enveloped his scarred flesh, and the young prince closed his eyes and basked in the comforting aura.
“... Hey,” she began hesitantly. “So… you’re… not gonna try to blow up the Earth again, right?”
There was a pregnant pause.
“... It depends on the threat,” he answered slowly, “why?”
“For your sake you’d better be joking.” Grumbling under her breath, Sakura shot him a dirty look. “I was just thinking.”
He hummed in response.
“... you’re not gonna ask?”
“Should I?” Wrinkling his nose, he finally looked up at her through his bangs.
“Oh my Guardian you Saiyans are dense.” Though it was quiet, exasperated, he still cast her an annoyed frown as she heaved a sigh and tried again. “I was thinking. What’s stopping you from gathering the Dragon Balls and… I dunno… wishing for immortality or something?”
Sasuke’s brow furrowed, and he looked away with a pensive noise deep in his throat. “I… hadn’t considered that an option,” he answered. “I don’t know. I could wish for immortality.”
“So…?” The young woman goaded.
He shrugged - and then remembered halfway through the motion that she was still healing his arm. “I don’t know why I haven’t thought to do it.”
“Maybe it’s a sign you’re finally letting go of your grudge!” With a smile, she nudged him in the side.
The answering scowl she got made her bark a laugh. “Or not! I guess I shouldn’t expect you two to get too buddy-buddy yet.”
“I’m not his… buddy,” the prince tersely answered.
“Not yet you aren’t.” Sakura rolled her eyes. “Y’know that Gaara tried to kill him once. Tried. Now you’d never know they were never friends.”
“We are not friends. I still despise him for beating me.”
“Yeah, well, denial is a river in Egypt and - hoo, you are paddling it without a care in the world right now.”
Sasuke’s face scrunched up in confusion. “But… I’m not in a--”
“Metaphors, Sasuke…” she patted the arm she’d just finished healing. “You’ll get them one day.”
He continued to watch her get up and move across the room, clearly contemplating what she’d said.
As she put the medical supplies away, his eyes widened and he nodded. “Oh. I suppose I am, ah… how did you put it?”
“Paddling down the river of denial without a care in the world?”
“Yes, that.” He hummed. “I’ve never heard that one before.”
“I mixed two idioms together.” She didn’t look up from the cabinet as she put the peroxide away. “It’s fun. You should try it sometime instead of wrecking our gravity chamber.”
The Saiyan scowled, folding his arms with a wince of pain. “If that idiot wasn’t so hellbent on goading me into going Super Saiyan…”
“You need to tell him you can’t, already.”
He sputtered almost indignantly over his words. “And what next? Let him win?”
“If it’s what saves Tenten from days of repair and lots of valuable and expensive circuitry and paneling, and if it saves me from weeks of bitching about it, yes!” She shouted, whirling around to glower at him. “Honestly, I don’t know what’s more infuriating - your devil-may-care attitude or that one-sided rivalry between you!”
“I know something infuriating,” he muttered angrily under his breath.
Her jaw clenched, and she took a step towards him. “What was that? You wanna repeat yourself, your Highness?”
Rising from the chair, he strode over so they were nearly nose-to-nose, electricity practically sparking and crackling in the air between them as they glared into each other’s eyes.
“You are the most horrible, insufferable man I’ve met in my life,” she spat, “and I had to grow up around Danzou.”
“You don’t know insufferable, Earth woman,” he growled back. “I am a prince. The prince of all Saiyans. And I will not be forced to suffer this incessant nagging from the likes of you!”
“And I won’t be forced to wait on you hand and foot like I’m a Guardian-damned kitchen maid. Maybe you’re used to that, but newsflash dipshit, you’re on Earth now! And as long as you stay under my roof, you will adhere to my rules!”
“Oh, uh, hey, Sakura-chan, quick question, where’s the--” Naruto opened the door, peeking in for all of a second before slamming it shut with a yelp. “Sorry! Sorry! I’ll come back another time!”
Hinata stared at him, bewildered, as he marched back down the hallway with a beet-red face. “What’s wrong?”
“I-- uh-- well, they-- um-- S- Sakura-chan…” He fumbled with his words, gesturing rapidly towards the door. “L- let’s just say I don’t know who would’ve kicked my ass first if I stayed - him or her!”
Peeking past him, his wife suddenly cupped a hand over her mouth in understanding. “Oh! My, well-- it sure has taken them long enough.”
“I-- I never wanna see that again,” the blond whimpered.
Shaking her head in amusement, she gently took his arm and led him away. “Here, I’ve poured you more lemonade. And aren’t you hungry? I feel like we have some kebabs still in the fridge…”
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leportraitducadavre · 2 years
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I’m not a shipper of any of the problematic four. I analyze canon and enjoy some crack-ships. Shipper to none.
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Naruto re-read
#posts - if this doesn't work, try searching the hashtag that follows: #naruto re read (spaces necessary)
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Inclusivity: The woke fandom's drug.
Female empowerment in the Naruto fandom and Feminism without feminists (a companion piece).
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Sakura's personality. A defense of Kishimoto's writing. Additionally
Other pairings
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My opinion about the idea that Kishimoto "planned SNS".
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Minorities using violence, is it ok?
Sasuke Uchiha
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narhinafan · 1 month
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SasuSaku or normies who knew little or none of Tekken always wanted to parallel how JinXiao is like SasuSaku when looking into the dynamics of JinXiao, there is no similarity, even on the personalities of Jin and Xiaoyu to Sasuke and Sakura.
Jin and Sasuke
- Jin is stoic while Sasuke is emotional.
- Jin distanced himself from Xiaoyu and his friends to protect them from the Devil inside him and the Mishimas while Sasuke betrayed his own village for power and tried to kill his friends.
- Jin"'s hairstyle remained constant from child to adult while Sasuke's hair changed a lot, particularly during post-war and Boruto.
- Jin actually cared for Xiaoyu and did what he had to do to protect her. Sure, he did tell her not to follow him in Tekken 5 despite her protests but it's more of keeping her safe rather than a rude and outright dismissal. He never tried to hurt her physically (sparring is not counted). Sasuke dismissed Sakura outright and even hurt her physically. Jin also supports Xiaoyu's aspirations while Sasuke doesn't even care about Sakura's.
Xiaoyu and Sakura
- Xiaoyu's personality is bubbly and while she has a crush on Jin, she's still a very supportive friend to her bestfriend Miharu. Sakura, while kind at times, is overtly insecure to Ino after she learns that the latter has a crush on Sasuke. To give credit to where its due, Ino is willing to let go of her crush to Sasuke as long as it will keep her friendship to Sakura while the latter was quick to treat her as a rival.
- Xiaoyu is actually a competent fighter that got her noticed by Heihachi Mishima and taken under his wing as a ward. She also trains a lot. Sakura, on the other hand, has passable taijutsu skills for self-defense but is utterly useless on offense unless controlled by Chiyo or fighting mindless mobs.
- Xiaoyu opted to chase after Jin by the events of Tekken 6 in order to know why he decided to put the world in chaos. She wasn't even pushy or trying to show off when they got reunited in Tekken 8. Sakura, on the other hand, was willing to become a deserter to follow Sasuke and decided to use her skills when he joined the fight despite those skills that could have helped earlier in the war.
Sorry for the long post but I really hate it when they try to pair SasuSaku to JinXiao when if they have similarities, it's mostly superficial. NaruHinas also noted some similarities with JinXiao but unlike SasuSaku who went for the superficial, NaruHinas noted the personalities on how Jin cares for Xiaoyu, wouldn't dare to hurt her and personality changes around her is kinda similar in a degree to how Naruto does with Hinata.
P.S. - the Naruto fandom still suffers from the so-called "Narutards" and their penchant to try to put Naruto as the stronger verse compared to Bleach and other manga series. This is sad though since that minority wrecks the perception of the Naruto fandom as a whole.
I know I am not even that into Tekken and can easily say Sakura is nothing like Xiaoyu just from first impressions of her, same with the ship being compared to SasuSaku of all things.
Yeah its one of the reasons I just don't take part in cross over matches every series has its own way of scaling and don't always translate well to each other. The closest comparison I would make is that characters are more or less equal to their role counter part that is how cross over games usual do things, but if you try and break down or apply scaling exactly things just don't work out well.
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