#Its so funny dude because like I was just reading it and I kinda didn't process it until like a page later where I had to go back
scara-writes · 1 year
orange juice
Beta Female Reader x Y! Omega Male
Beta X Omega I rarely seen those so why not. Let us make it more spicy by making the lead yandere. I still don't understand some concept in omegaverse so... I'm gonna make my own rule lol.
Just a heads up, grammatically errors incoming. Not proof read. Anything that is in this fiction does not meant to offend anyone. That is why it's called fiction.
CW: yandere, cursing, mention of killing.
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"H-hello!" You turn around to see a familiar face visiting your spa. His pretty purple eyes were eccentric the way it brightened up when he saw you acknowledging him. It's the pretty boy you've saved last week from being pick on by the Alphas.
He was surprised that a beta like you actually didn't get intimidated by the presence of them. Well technically you did, but you pretended to be a police officer showing your fake badge and that 'back-up' is on their way to apprehend them when you noticed they were not buying your bluff at first, thankfully the Alphas that were hovering on him retreated. It was kinda funny they weren't intimidated by you until you held out a fake badge that could get them in trouble by their own law.
That idea was dumb but most people always fell for your trick, though you might get in trouble someday for the false identity which is why you only use it for emergency. Long story short, your aunt taught you this for survival in this dog water society.
At first, the pink haired male glared at you, you could careless about him since you were getting annoyed by the fact that they are giving a ruckus outside your spa and its driving away your customers. You don't want your boss finding out about this. The Alpha who guards outside the house is still taking care of his wife, so all the responsibility falls onto you the only beta employee present the rest are omegas because the other betas and alphas employees has different schedule. You were the 'strongest' among the employees inside.
You stare at the omega for a second.
The heck did you do? Why's he glaring at you?
You mentally shrugged before turning around to go back to your shop, not waiting for him to whether or not he should thank you.
A sudden angry shout from him made you pause from your tracks, "You are the same as those men earlier! I-I don't need you to save me!"
You turn to him with a deadpan look. "What are you on about?"
"Y-you think omega's are powerless and need to be protected, that's why you saved me, right?!" You can see he was quivering a little bit, his eyes are starting to show disgust look towards you. "Y-you think we don't need a jobs or—or we just need to sit still and look pretty—to be use like an incubator!" You can feel in his voice that his emotions must have been bubbling out seeing that his talk is becoming incoherent.
You scratched your head and sigh irritation, "Calm down dude. First of all, that is how Alphas that are 'leading' the society viewed omegas which is bullcrap and I don't believe in that, People who thinks like that need to check their brains in the nearby hospital. Also, I believe everyone can be independent and take care of themselves long as they can, I could careless about what the society says they can't control my life. True, omegas may be weak in nature against others but that doesn't mean all of them are weak or they are only used to look pretty for giving an offspring, they can be independent too if they wanted to. Second, you probably know how to handle them seeing you are very composed earlier but this loud noise is giving me a headache and my customers are leaving because how noisy it was. Now, If I offend you in someway well then I apologize. Bye." You gave him a small lazy wave before turning away not waiting for his response, quickly strolling back to your parlor.
So here he was, late at night. You in a closing hours shift since you are the only masseuse left in the parlor on work except your friend who was waiting for you in the employees room clock out for the work and playing, from the game he just downloaded in his app called something impact. Gin san impact? Gone wrong impact? Whatever it was you were hooked when you saw it earlier and will probably download it once you got home.
"Ah yes, welcome." You acknowledge him, awkwardly. You didn't expect him to meet you on your work. He trudges towards you requesting for service menu. You quickly handed him the said item on what were on the lists of your parlor was offering for customers, telling him to sit down while he read the list of services. He skims around the menu for a few seconds before pointing at the service list and you wrote it down; Shockingly, you witness the stranger you met a week ago was going for too many services.
"Oh umm... We are 2 hours closing in. So I think I can only do the first three." You told him. He gave you an 'oh' before agreeing he will try the others the next time when he visits.
"Do you have a partner?"
He was surprised at your sudden question. So you cleared your throat."It's.... In our protocol to ask our customers...and We know that it is personal question."
You can tell he was weirded out but he told you he doesn't have one. You muttered alright and went ahead to take the menu from him. You put them back on the rack as you walk pass him to put the sign close from the glass entrance before going to a cabinet to carry a towel and some thin white cloth for him to change. You wrote his room number and guide him to his room.
He stood up and follows you.
Through out the walk you can feel him staring at your move, making you feel a little tense as the walk in the hallway of doors feels like forever.
You twisted the knob before letting yourself inside first. He smiles at you and walk inside, you gave him the items you brought earlier telling him to change and knock on the door when he is ready.
That's weird, last time you met him. He was very resentful and now he was being smiley and friendly to you. You don't mind at least he was tolerating you for now.
You closed the door behind you putting on surgical mask since some others weren't comfortable smelling their pheromones.
You heard a knock and a small 'I'm ready' and you go in.
He was sitting down. His top were bare, abs were shown on his frame except for his lower part since it was covered by the thin cloth you gave earlier, you can definitely see how smooth his skin was—no scars just a little bruise on his left thigh which is something you definitely won't asked, you quickly look anywhere before he catches you staring at him. The towel were neatly folded along the clothes he wore earlier at the other table.
The pink haired omega was looking at you and he did caught you staring but you don't know that. A small smile escape on his lips. You cleared your throat and lit up three incense candles for relaxation and turn on a relaxing music, you went on the other side of the room where the sink was and washed your hands, sanitizing it using your own towel. You look back at him to see that he was still gazing towards you. He was still sitting, you assumed this must be his first time going to a spa or massage parlor since he should be already laying on his stomach or he must be waiting for you to give him an order since he ask for three different types of session. "You should lay on your stomach so we could start now."
"Why are you wearing a mask?"
You stop applying oil on your hand at his question before resuming again. "...both parties might not be comfortable when a pheromones were smelled."
There was a silence between the two of you.
"I'm going to start now." He nodded, doing what you'd asked earlier and close his eyes. The small round stones were place on his spinal before proceeding on messaging him with your oily hands.
The first few minutes were the same awkward atmosphere except for the jazzy music on the background, Both of your hand slides to his shoulders, wrapping around and gave a small squeeze. You hear him whimper.
"S-sorry!" You shrugged his apologize saying that is normal for customers.
"I umm didn't say thank you when you saved me last week..."
He continued,"sorry for bothering you with your customers."
"Don't mention it. I actually didn't plan on going outside if it weren't for my coworkers since like I mentioned last time you can handle them pretty well." You bit your tongue inside since you don't know how to talk back when someone compliments you or apologize to you. You only wanted to let him know that
He must have noticed that so he continued, "...I didn't catch your name earlier."
You answered him,"It's (Y/n)..."
"(Y/n)." The way your name rolled on his voice makes your body feel a little bit weird.
"(Y/n), huh.. that's a weird name for a beta." You blink at him before chuckling at him. "You're weird. It's a normal name."
He giggled. "My names Luke."
"Your name doesn't suits you." You teased him before telling him to turn around so you can do second session.
He obliged scoffing at you as he lay back down on his back. "H-hey! Luke is pretty cool name."
"I never said it wasn't, I said it doesn't suit you."you gave him a smirk which he pouts. He look cute when he did that.
"The badge you'd shown were fake wasn't it?"
Ah shit, someone noticed it. No use of hiding it then.
"..uhh..yeah, I use it only if things goes out of hands."
The two of you talk for a bit laughing resuming the second session until it was time for his third and final session which is to massage his face.
"Is this your first time... Ummm..doing service for omegas?" His voice were small but you didn't notice he was anticipating at your answer. You hummed thoughtfully before answering. "Hmmm.. not really... I get omegas as my clients but I guess I would say this is the first time that I could finish my sessions with them."
He seemed confused which made you continue, "Ummm... Most partners of theirs were jealous and would almost instantly attack us, telling us that we shouldn't touch them, but we know that we were only doing our job as masseuse so. Of course, the customers paid us of any injuries or damage properties as well as others, we don't blame them, and it was starting to get out of hand.... Since, we don't have any other choice, we hired an Alpha to stop any ruckus. I would lie if I said I don't want to hit one of my clients' unreasonable partners."
"Oh..." You noticed his reaction when he got your question earlier about his status.
"He already went home though. He excused himself just earlier, his spouse needed him so we let him go now." You tell him. He must have realized there was no guard around earlier. Just you at the receptionist counter.
".. What's your thought about Alphas?"
"nothing much, regardless how some of them are uhh... unreasonable when it comes to greed. I'm pretty sure not all of them are all like that."
He didn't respond but you caught him rolling his eyes before closing them. He muttered something but you didn't quite catch it.
You slide and pressure your oily hands on his, you heard a purring, making you look around the room in confusion. Was there a cat somewhere?
You scan your eyes around the room for a bit more only to register that it was actually coming from him.
A little heat coming from your cheeks but you squash it down the feeling as it was inappropriate, it was good thing you were wearing a mask before he can see your reaction.
You didn't do anything about it and continue your work. Luke on the other hand felt euphoric, your hands were doing the God's work. He hasn't tell you what he felt when you save him from the bunch of alpha's trying to court him. He was grateful—no, he wasn't grateful; he was lightened up the fact you view omegas like a normal person and not dehumanising or infantilize them—considering you are a beta and has nothing to do with omega but still! He just felt happy that he wasn't the only one who has that kind of perspective.
You cleaned him up with a towel, you noticed his eyes were half dazed as if he was relaxed, you told him that he can now change back, as you blew off the candle and turn off the jazz music, washing your hands again and drying it off with your own towel. You put the other materials back to where they belong and look at the timer to see you over time. You opened the door and twisting it open to see your friend/co-worker.
He was pouting.
The pink haired male saw him through the doorway before you close the door behind you, and starts talking with your friend. His purple eyes realise he was an omega.
He felt a little pang from his chest.
"Hey, I thought you said you are going to clock out once it hits midnight~!" Tyrenn whined out. He tried to help you carry the items you were holding but you refused as the both of you struts back to the employees room, "He's the last customer."
You threw the towel and the cloth at the hamper before stretching yourself up. "Man, I'm tired." He threw you a bottle of orange juice and you catch it, twisting the cap open and drink a little bit before clocking out of work. You grab your bag and change at the changing room with your casual wear and goes outside from the employees room only with your co-worker. He tells you that you're gonna be excited on what he discovered on the game he played earlier while the both of you starts trudging at the main lobby where the counter was.
Luke was waiting, his eyes brightened up when you arrived. he waited to give you his money but your friend who was clinging at you took it from him, thanking him for accepting your service, putting them at the cash register before locking it.
He lick his dry his lips before turning to you, "Umm...thanks again. The service was great. I-I'll see you next time. It was nice meeting you." He smelled the scent of orange juice that you were holding. It was half full, there were some in the corner of your lips.
Tyrenn grabbed the bottle from your hand and you let him drink it as you start conversing with your last customer.
You nod at him, noticing he was a little taller than you. "Likewise. Should I call you a taxi? It's already past midnight."
He shook his head, smiling. "No it's fine! I live few blocks away from here." He put his left hand on his pocket while the other one was slowly pulling the glass door where he comes in.
"Oh, Be careful. I just heard that there was a serial killer roaming around this time at night killing Alphas. That doesn't mean you should be careless about it. You might never know when the killer change their mind on killing the others." You warned him. The pink haired male nodded again, smiling even more when you're worried for his safety. Tyrenn waved him a goodbye before talking to you again about the game he played earlier as he clings even more to your arms. Luke's eyes slightly twitches at the scene.
"Yes, yes I will! Thank you again!" He walked out of the parlor smiling. When he is few blocks away from the spa, his smile disappear.
He might change his mind on killing your friend though.
want more of him? Tap here
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mypoisonedvine · 9 months
virgin neil lewis with 11: “fuck, do that again... please."
your work is so fucking good i LOVE it
thank you so much love!! i got so many amazing neil requests but I love the idea of virgin neil c: kinda made him an incel lowkey...
warnings: noncon sexual content (18+ only!!), perv!neil, grinding, neil being a creepy nice guy with 0 stamina (aka my exact type)
100 random prompts - send me a number and a character!
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Neil could be a little bit... well... touchy.
You mostly didn't mind it. It was just his way of being friendly and he usually made you laugh with the way he would randomly hug you from behind or tickle you or playfight you just to hold you down.
Every once in a while it would get weird, but not too weird; just his dorky, goofy sense of humor taking a jokingly-horny turn.
Well, you thought he was joking.
Like, for example, today—when you were on the couch arguing over what to watch (a common occurrence).
“No way,” he shook his head, “it’s shlock!”
“Just because it had a big budget doesn’t mean it’s shlock!” you defended.
“Oh yeah?” he challenged with a smirk.  “Just read the box!”
He snatched the DVD case out of your hands, flipping it to read the back as you tried to pull it away from him.
“In a world,” he began reading the synopsis in a deep, dramatic voice.  “See?  No good movie starts its premise with in a world—”
“Shut up!” you whined.  “Reading the back is cheating!  Gimme it!”
You leaned over him, trying to grab it, but his arms were longer; he held it up high and tilted his head back to keep reading: “In a world devastated by nuclear war—”
“You’d like it if you gave it a chance!” you insisted.  You couldn’t reach as high as him from where you were sitting, so you thoughtlessly hopped into his lap and lifted yourself up to get closer.  He yanked it away again, leaning to the side and watching you as you laughed and groaned and tried to get it away from him.  “You just need to see it, then you’d like it!”
Three things happened at once, right then: you moved to try to get the DVD from him, twisting yourself in his lap; his other hand grabbed suddenly and tightly onto your hip; and he stopped laughing.
You didn’t really notice it at first, just happy you managed to snatch the case from him.  You only really realized something was different when you looked at him with a smug grin which fell quickly.  “Neil?”
His lip was between his teeth, and his face was a little flushed.
“Neil, what’s wrong?” you wondered, relaxing on top of him, which only made you put more pressure against his— oh.
“Fuck,” he breathed, holding your hips with both hands now, “do that again… please.”
“What the fuck?!” you snapped.  “Are you— is that—?”
You tried to get off of him, but he was holding you down.  Your face flushed as you suddenly felt self-conscious about everything you’d done— about wearing these tiny lounge shorts, about getting in his lap, about coming over to see him at all.  He rocked his hips slightly under you, and you whimpered as you understood, without a doubt, that he was rubbing his erection right against you through his pants.  You could feel it throbbing, even.  You weren’t sure what was worse: the possibility that he got that hard that fast because you were in his lap, or that he’d been hard before when you two were just hanging out.
“Let me go, Neil,” you demanded, but your voice was weak and shaking; he ignored you, looking down at you in his lap as he moved you on top of him.  “Neil, stop—”
“Fuck,” he sighed, “you’re warm.”
He did it again, again; you felt sick and strange and sort of numb as he held you tighter, groaning under his breath.  “This isn’t funny,” you whined, “this is—what the fuck, dude—”
“Sorry,” he panted, moving you faster over him, and you grimaced as you were forced to feel the details of his cock against your pussy.  It was disturbing, really, how well you could feel it with these clothes in the way: you could feel the ridge of his head, the shape and thickness of his shaft…
You swallowed, blinking quickly, not really believing that this was happening—this couldn’t be happening, right?  Not to you, not with Neil, it just didn’t make sense.  “Stop,” you begged again, quieter yet more desperate than ever.
“I will, I will,” he promised, “I’m so close— I’m almost done, then I’ll stop— fuck!”
He tossed his head back, and you felt it flexing.  You watched in shock, confusion, and disgust as a small stain began to form on his shorts, hot come soaking through the fabric as his chest rose and fell quickly while he caught his breath.
You were speechless, and confused, and you had pins and needles all over as you tried to convince yourself that didn’t just happen— that your ‘friend’ hadn’t just used you to come, holding you down and rubbing you against him.  You’d felt so helpless and dirty… so why was there a wet patch in your own shorts, not from coming but from unsatisfied arousal?
His grip relaxed on your hips, and you could get up, but you were still frozen.  If you moved now, you might have to acknowledge that this was real. 
“Okay,” he smiled, still breathing a bit heavy, eyes still shut with relief, “we can watch your movie now.”
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morinuu · 9 months
A she falls but he falls harder
Reader finally gets over it and stops coming, moving on and focusing on herself, and he notices and starts realizing how he took her for granted
And then its him that's loosing his mind and shit like that. Dude. Dude. I'm loosing my MIND you write so well
first of all ty for the compliment >< so glad u liked it im blushing and giggling!! secondly im not sure abt the reader completely abandoning tamaki's side (i love being delulu), but i do have smth else in mind that's kinda similiar n i hope its satisfactory :3 i changed only a minor part from the og :P i wanna make this a small series..... maybe like 3-4 parts.. anw this is pt 1
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☀︎|tamaki x female reader. almost 4k words. continuation of this. ure sick, yamada hinata & aoko r just some ppl i made up for the plot, tamaki's pretty stupid n emotionally unintelligent, lots of feelings and background information, y'all r childhood friends, there's like one 4th wall break but i thought it was kinda funny so i kept it
you weren't a fan of february.
allergy season was your absolute worst, the wheezing and coughing sucking the life out of you as you struggled to change out of your clothes to get the day started. you didn't sleep much, interrupted constantly by your sore throat aching and squeezing.
sure, it's just hay fever to everyone else, but for a young woman who carried around an inhaler, it's hell. well, almost hell.
what was truly hellish wasn't the fatigue or the sneezing, but your mum dragging you back in the house and forbidding you from going to school until you're well enough to study again. how were you supposed to keep up with chemistry class if you skip?
not that your parents cared for your grades; they knew you could just enter whatever field you wanted with the connections your family held, but it felt nice to be awarded for working hard.
after your personal maid let out a small "pardon me, miss" and carried you back to bed, you realised that the feeling your soft quilt hugging your cold limbs would never be beaten by the jacket you desperately clung on to warm yourself in p.e - which just so happened to be your first period that day and you were dreading it.
"i'll be making you some tea, miss. would you like to breakfast now?" your maid's quiet voice addressed you, hoping you'd just sleep the illness off as you usually did so she could rest too.
to be fair, you weren't a very easy master to please, so could you blame her?
"i'll breakfast la-" a cough and some wheezing "-i'll breakfast later, bring some english breakfast with a slice of lemon." you said nothing else, instead focusing on calming your throat that seemed to intensify in soreness. "a pastille too."
"understood my lady, i'll be right back." she bowed and excused herself from your room, ignoring your groans of annoyance as you buried your face into the pillow.
"damn it." you muttered and extended your hand to grab your phone from your bedside table. unlocking it with the passcode (because you weren't in the mood to lift your head and let your phone scan your face) you squinted as the light mode of a social media app hit your eyes harshly, forcing you to use muscle memory to lower the brightness to its minimum.
you scrolled through, liking your friends' private posts and decided to message one of them.
yn.spam: gm dude, i cant come to school today cus im sick. can u do me a favour n tell aoko to give me her notes? she never looks at her messages.
with your phone back on the table to wait for a response, you lied back comfortably and closed your eyes, because as much as you wanted to watch something on netflix or play a video game, you didn't want to make things worse for yourself.
you grew impatient for the cup of tea your maid was brewing, rotating between wheezing, checking your phone and staring at the ceiling. it seemed like the seconds weren't passing by at all.
soon enough, your maid comes back with some fancy tray carrying a kettle, your favourite mug (the one your daddy drank from when you were a little girl before your parents divorced), a tiny plate with some lemon slices and a small box of pastilles as throat medicine.
you didn't thank the woman when she helped you sit up, nor when she stayed by your side to make sure you didn't choke between coughs and burnt yourself with the hot liquid. just as you took your first sip, your phone lit up to show your friend's response.
thatguyhinata: Ayooo gppd morning. Sry to hear tht. Sure if I see her I'll telm her.
the irises in your eyes rolled upwards at the boy's typos that irked you every time, completely ignoring how he didn't wish for your recovery.
yn.spam: thanks yamada
you never used any of your circle's first names, which your mum always found weird.
'you sure these are your friends, darling?' she would ask often, and your response would always be the same:
'yeah mum. leave me be.'
only tamaki had ever felt close enough to be called by his first name.
after swallowing your medicine, you dismissed the older woman standing over you and pulled your quilt over your quivering form again.
"gods, please let this be over soon."
...turns out, you gotta be much more specific with what you ask of gods, because they might not have the same understanding of the word 'soon'.
here you are, three days later, with your allergy having been combined with a virus that'd been going around, intensifying your asthma symptoms and raising a high fever, making your mother and doctor ban you from walking into ouran.
halfway throughout the day, you realise what had been completely slipping your mind while your lungs were occupied inhaling abnormally.
"i have an appointment today!" you exclaimed with wide eyes, raising from the bed like lazarus from his grave.
"...?" the new maid next to you didn't say anything, she was clearly concerned. after some seconds of you overthinking something, she spoke up. "you have no other doctor's appointment today, my lady. he just left 10 minutes ago."
you shook your head quickly, ignoring the dizziness brought by your fever "bring me my phone," the girl was puzzled "now!"
bowing a quick apology, she rushed to your desk and handed you your phone with both hands, not daring to look up. you disliked new maids; they were inexperienced and annoying, but scolding her would have to wait.
"damn it, damn it, damn it!" you murmured under your breath and tapped furiously on your phone, trying to find where the hell you'd written kyouya's business e-mail address.
you had it saved as every other client of the host club had, but you had never actually used it, not once.
you never missed an appointment, and always booked the next one tete-a-tete with the black-haired manager. if you became a no-show without prior notice, wouldn't that look bad? would it annoy kyouya and he wouldn't accept you in the club again?
well no, but you had the habit of overthinki-
'would it annoy tamaki?'
you groaned and murmured to yourself - had you deleted it? maybe it was in your notes app and you erased it? was it on your old phone from a month ago?
"find an e-mail for me." you ordered the maid who looked up at you perplexed, but carried out the order nonetheless.
the girl was embarrassed when she found out her master was asking for a host's email, wanting the earth to swallow her when she dialed the ouran academy's number. 'the stuff i do for money..' she thought and prayed her family never found out.
it wasn't a long process to retrieve the address, but what was, was the rant hitting the maid's ears when your overthinking about what to write left your mouth at incredible speeds.
"should i say i'm sick? but he already knows that- he's in my class! maybe tell him to give my time to another girl? no wait, he would do that anyway... or after i apologise, i'll say that, like, something came up- but that's not believable enough... ugh!" you buried your face in your pillow and, unbeknownst to you, your new maid's eye was twitching in annoyance.
she understood now why your personal maid took the week off just when you got sick - not that she understood how and why your mum allowed it though.
(it's because you can be insufferable and she gets it.)
"my lady, may i help?" the girl let out, clearing her throat when you lifted your head from the pillow. "i can write the e-mail myself, please focus on resting."
after some convincing, you gave in.
and so 10 minutes later, back at ouran, kyouya's phone let out a ting! with your full name on the notification. he'd already guessed you wouldn't show up to your appointment considering you hadn't come to school in three days, and already had someone to fill your place but left it for the last moment in case you did show up.
why? well you were ln yn, and it was painfully obvious you were smitten with his best friend, though he could say it was a bit different from the rest of the clientele.
probably due to the fact that you'd known tamaki for much longer than kyouya had. and yet tamaki didn't seem to have the same fascination with you.
he remembers when he first met you, when he'd heard that you were spoiled rotten and weren't even planning to enroll in ouran until tamaki did. you simply transferred to be with the boy.
literally everyone knew of ln yn's almost freakish obsession with suoh tamaki, except for the victim himself.
so imagine his surprise at the strictly professional e-mail he'd received from you, where not a single mention of your host was included. weird.
after glancing at the french boy in the seat next to him eating his bowl of some-sort-of-commoner-convenience-store lunch, kyouya quickly typed a response and informed the next girl in line that a spot was open 'for tamaki's hosting services at 15:35'.
"one of your appointments cancelled due to a personal issue. we'll have someone else fill it." kyouya told tamaki, just as stated in the e-mail, even though it was pretty clear you were sick, and he couldn't figure out why you'd lie.
"hm? oh, okay!" the brunet smiled and went back to devouring his meal, not thinking much of kyouya's words.
kyouya pondered if he should tell him the client was his loyal friend yn, who would never skip out on seeing tamaki, but he stopped himself, curious as to how it would all play out.
eh, if the twins could have fun, so could he.
"oh! haruhii! daddy's here!"
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the hours passed so slow you were almost convinced time was frozen when you weren't glancing at the clock on your laptop.
the drama you'd been watching started to lose its interest after presenting the third plot twist in a row, annoying you with all the plot holes it left gaping.
sipping on your green tea (you'd been drinking tamaki's recommendation, pomegranate, only to throw all of it in the trash when you heard he gave the same advice to haruhi), you paused the show and sighed in absolute, tyrannical boredom.
by now you'd normally have finished your classes and walked to music room #3, your favourite among them all.
you'd be welcomed by a host and walked to a sofa to wait for your appointment, ignoring any other girl in the waiting area trying to pick a conversation with the middle child of the ln family.
and soon enough you'd be approached by your one and only taking your hand in his and kissing it to greet you, with his blue eyes staring up at you innocently like a man in love; a look he gave to any woman nowadays, it was second nature to him.
you got lost in them so often, he sometimes dared to ask you if you didn't enjoy his company and that's why you spaced out so much.
you? disliking tamaki? how could he think that after all these years you spent playing together, with you transferring to his school for his sake, swallowing your pride and becoming the client of a host for him?
truly an absurd notion.
currently, however, you weren't in the host club. you were just a girl with a bunch of germs crawling everywhere around her room, unable to go out and see the man of her dreams kiss her cheek and tell her to 'get well soon'.
speaking of, your mum grew increasingly concerned when she noticed the lack of communication between you and tamaki. you were always attached to his hip like some sort of koala, and the fact that you hadn't reached out to him to inform him of your illness personally so he could visit you made her worry.
but it was only natural that you'd suspect you were being an annoyance to tamaki once you began to notice his eyes shift from you to the newest host a couple of months prior. he'd been a petit brunet boy. a first year who was friendly and of lowly origin. you didn't think much of it.
at least not until the day hikaru asked if you could fetch something he forgot in the back room, completely ignorant to the fact that haruhi had come to the club early that day to ask for another uniform because she'd been accidentally thrown water at by two classmates of hers being stupid.
so when you opened the curtain and saw a small-sized girl with only her panties on desperately trying to hide herself from you, it didn't take more than a couple of seconds to put two and two together.
tamaki wasn't fascinated by the commoner errand 'boy' turnt host.
he wanted her.
you closed the curtain, giving the girl her privacy back and muttering an curt apology, "sorry." before deciding that hikaru would have to get his things himself.
neither haruhi nor you spoke about it again, and she never snitched to the host club about your discovery of her sex.
you liked to pretend it never happened, and that it never changed anything. but just like with tamaki, pretending doesn't go anywhere. the hints were there. his furiously blushed face when he stared at her, his protection of her when the twins teased her, his demands for kyouya to do things for haruhi because she'd like it, not even because she'd asked - well, the stage of denial didn't last long.
shortly after came anger. pure, unexplainable rage and envy. the fourth of the deadly sins was soon rushing through your veins like a drug you couldn't get clean from. 'why her?' you would ask in your rampages.
you couldn't figure it out, and you couldn't ask anyone either, because as infuriated as you were, hurting haruhi by revealing her identity wasn't on your to-do list.
not because you were a good person, god no.
rather, if tamaki knew you hurt his precious daughter - you barfed - like that, who knows if you'd see him again?
and so came the bargaining stage, with your rage never leaving your blood stream, of course. being petty was always one of your main personality traits, one that tamaki would often point out.
what did fujioka haruhi have that ln yn didn't?
'nothing.' you muttered to yourself.
could you be absolutely sure?
you didn't see her much outside of the club, and there were a couple of times you'd heard the hosts hung out together.
maybe they had a moment? or two, three?
perhaps it was high time you stopped bothering him. perhaps then he'd realise you were the one.
that's why your texts to him had much lessened, coming to a complete stop after roughly two months of your self-doubt and insecurities getting the best of you. so did your occasional visits to his house for studying. you'd even stopped wearing the perfume he got you as a birthday present last year, even though you couldn't find another scent that fit your tastes the same way.
despite your attempts at catching his attention, the bubbling fury in your chest rose once again when you realised that maybe tamaki didn't care about you at all.
he texted you as much as you texted him, he hung out with you only when you asked, and when he came closer to you and noticed the change in your scent, he went: "different perfume, princess?"
and while normally you'd be ecstatic at him noticing, your happiness was immediately destroyed when "the other one was a little old fashioned, good thing you moved to something more fresh."
why couldn't he say what he would have said had he been in an otome game, something among the lines of: 'did you wish to match mine?' or something cheesy like that? ...was your scent not to his tastes?
'did he forget his skills from hosting or what?' you whined.
consequently, now that you were sitting around doing nothing to reach out to tamaki or any of your 'friends', your mum couldn't help but take her phone in her hands to call her friend hitachiin yuzuha.
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back in the pink room that is the host club, today's rendezvouses seemed to be going by awfully quickly for tamaki.
in the couple of minutes of break he had between the end of this rendezvous and next the one to come, he quickly found his phone from his back pocket and went over his schedule sent by kyouya.
your name had been crossed out and replaced with another one he recognised, another regular guest of his. he raised his eyebrow at that.
he lifted his head and looked for the shadow king.
"hey, kyouya?"
"hm?" kyouya didn't bother to look up from his laptop, furiously typing god-knows-what.
"why's yn's time gone?" he asked innocently in a curious voice that had you heard, you'd be swooning over.
"i told you, she cancelled due to personal business," his answer was straight-forward "although it's probably because she's ill."
ah, that makes sense, you were the one that cancelled.
wait, huh?
"what do you mean she's ill?" his eyebrows furrow a bit and he cocks his head to the side like a cute dog who doesn't understand anything its owner says.
"what do you mean, 'what do i mean'? she's been absent since monday because she's not feeling well, and she won't come today either. pretty simple." kyouya finally looked up at tamaki with a strange expression on his face. "has she not told you?"
tamaki shook his head a bit, "uhm.. no, not really." and tapped his phone again to check his messages on multiple social media apps to make sure he wasn't missing anything. his emails were empty too, only some spam from a newsletter page that he never bothered to cancel his subscription from.
"how do you know?" he questioned kyouya, but before he could answer, "no wait, don't answer that, you creep. of course you know." he sighed.
after some seconds of quiet thinking, "why didn't you tell me?" tamaki continued his questioning.
"everyone already knows, my lord." an awfully familiar voice butt in making the french boy turn his head around, resting his hand on his waist.
the voice belonged to kaoru, who had his arm wrapped around his twin's shoulders. seems like they also just finished with an appointment.
"what does that mean? who's 'everyone' and why am i not included?" tamaki crossed his arms, feeling kind of left out.
"that guy hayato or whatever who hangs out with yn and her friends was telling someone and we overheard." hikaru shrugged in unison with his doppelganger.
honey's soft voice entered the chat. "you mean hinata-kun? yn-chan's friend? yeah, he told me when i asked where yn-chan is because i thought she forgot to bring the candy she promised." he quickly grabbed a piece of cake from the fridge near where kyouya had been sitting and left the room swiftly.
huh, how convenient for him to enter for the plot.
"and why's it that you two evil bastards didn't bother to tell me?" tamaki exclaimed in disbelief, pointing a finger at the both of them. how could they? his precious childhood friend was sick at home and he didn't know?!
"sorry milord-" kaoru announced with his shoulders still raised, "-but you're always talking to yn-" hikaru joined, "-how were we supposed to know you're not asking her about her well-being?" they delivered the finishing blow together.
what were these lame jerks insinuating? 'not asking about her well-being'? what did they know? just as he went to respond with his usual barking, he stopped himself to instead text you on his own for the first time in a while. not that he noticed.
the twins looked at their king with a confused and weirded-out expression on both their faces, before glancing at each other and shrugging again, already disinterested. kyouya had long gone back to his work and so the twins walked to an empty sofa in an almost isolated area of the club, lying on top of one another to give a nice view to whichever client was into it.
about six minutes of pure silence passed between the two before kaoru's phone buzzed; a text from his mum.
the twins read the text simultaneously, with hikaru raising an eyebrow at its contents. they looked back at the slender boy texting you on his phone at the other end of the club, confused about his behaviour.
"seriously...?" hikaru quietly asked kaoru, referring to the text, only to be met with the other's puzzled expression.
as for the half-and-half boy, his fingers were anxiously tapping kyouya's table and awaiting your response to his message.
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: Hey darling! Is everything alright? I heard you didn't come to school because you're sick. I thought you just didn't feel like coming. Why didn't you tell me?
he didn't know you let out a deep sigh at his text, even if it was three days late. it gave you hope - false hope. that he'd started to pay attention to you again. maybe being distant worked-
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: want me to come over?
the question felt natural to him, you always visited his home but seldom did he ever visit yours. since you were sick, it made sense that you wouldn't come over this time.
yn>.&lt; : arent u busy rn tho lol
your name on his phone had obviously been put there by you, his choice of emoji had been party hat for some reason.
"be serious, what does that even mean, tamaki?" you'd asked him one day during a break from your studying in his room.
"you don't like it..?" he pouted like usual and you rolled your eyes.
"here. that's better." you handed him his phone back with a new 'yn >.<' as your contact name.
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: I can just come after club activities.
wait, he was actually coming? after two months of your only contact being through your rendezvous? it worked?! it actually worked?!
you thought of how to answer him.
at your lack of fast response, tamaki thought of ways to help you feel better through your illness.
'aha! eureka!' tamaki's head echoed.
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: I'll bring some commoner snacks we can enjoy too! Commoners have incredible food to help alleviate illness!
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: What are you even sick with, anyway?
of course.
commoner food, of course.
haruhi's food.
yn>.&lt; : lol no its fine i dont want u to get sick. ill just c u at sxhool yn>.&lt; : school* yn>.< : doc said its just a cold but yk w my asthma n shit
tamaki was thoroughly disappointed with your response, what did you mean 'you didn't want him to get sick'? you'd never cared if you caught his cold.
his heart raced with worry, and he decided he would stop by anyway. knowing his next appointment was approaching, he speed walked over to the newest host.
"haaaaruuhiiiiii!" he waved his hand to her and her two clients, smiling widely with all of them smiling back at him.
"yeah? what is it, senpai?" haruhi looked up at him from her armchair.
"sorry to intrude-" he runs his hair through his locks - an action that you told him the ladies would swoon over, "-but i was wondering, do you have any recommendations for commoner food that sick people can eat?"
"...are you serious?"
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comicglitterr0909 · 11 months
write abt william afton falling for y/n after he realizes that y/n is also a murderer
I gotchu
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Warnings kinda: Its a little dark with murder and everything, I kinda go into detail bout it, cursing, TW mentions of slitting throats and blood.
Murdering people isn't really the normal person's hobby. But it's mine and I'm not necessarily ashamed of it, I mean I know it's wrong but it's fun so who cares. I snuck my way into this abandoned pizzeria after seeing a few teens sneak in as well, I figured it would be an easy target. I make my way through the open garage door, following closely behind them, unbeknownst to them. They start joking about drugs, alcohol and mistreating women, how funny. Y’know, I think I'm doing something good with this kill. They all split up and go their own ways, perfect for me.
I decided to go for the strongest one first, so the others will be easier for me. He’s some jacked teen looking around the kitchen area. Using my 12 inch perfectly crafted knife, I sneak up behind him, slitting his throat quickly and easily. I stand and admire the blood gushing out of his throat for a couple seconds, before dipping my fingers in the liquid and drawing a smile on the floor next to him. There are 3 teens left, two are together, and one is alone. I hear the lone wolf shout for the one I just killed.
I had to decide whether I wanted to scare them and freak them out or just quickly do it, who am I kidding? Obviously I'm gonna scare the shit out of them.
I move the dead dude's body, so it is leaning against the refrigerator, then I use more of his blood to write on the fridge, “Behind you”. I then see a crowbar leaning against one of the shelfs, it's like it was left there for me. How did I know this was gonna work, I didn't, but might as well hope it does. I hide behind a shelf so that once the lone wolf walks into the room I can go behind him and well, stab him. Just like I had planned, he walks in, hearing his gasp and immediate fear is like music to my ears. He walks closer to the fridge, ah damn, he has bad eyesight, whatever I'm sneaky. I walk behind him, until he can read “Behind you”. I can tell he read it because he freezes up, and slowly turns around. To which I used all my might to hit him in the face with the crowbar I found. *BANG* And he hits the floor, knocked out cold, the only problem is it did make quite some noise. 
Since it was pretty loud I quickly moved to the other room, looking for the others. I make my way into a room that has a stage and a bunch of seats, that's when I see them, to the side of the room, pressing a large button titled “showtime”. I quickly duck behind a booth so they don’t see me while some freaky animatronics play “Pumped up Kicks by Foster the People”. To be honest that is the perfect song to kill a bunch of losers too, its like the animatronics knew I was there, cute.
I sneak behind the booths, while one kid sits down and the other is standing up close to the animatronics. I use my knife this time and press it against the kid sitting downs throat, shushing him until the other friend turns around. The horror on their faces really never gets old. The friend got to watch as blood poured from his friend's throat. Unfortunately for me, the friend turned to anger, and ran at me, trying to attack me, I fought back, surprised that he was attacking me, he didn't seem like the type to do so. I was about to win until I swear I saw one of the animatronics start moving after the song ended, it distracted me and he grabbed the knife from my hand pressing it against my neck.
Just as I thought I was gonna get a taste of my own medicine, some 6 '5 guy grabs the teen who was about to kill me, then he throws him halfway across the room like it was nothing. And god damn when I tell you I've never been more attracted to a man in my life. 
“Before you try and kill me like the others, I do this shit for fun too.” He says, helping me stand up. I look at him suspiciously, trying to figure out if he’s bullshiting me, looking him dead in the eyes. I guess he knew what I was thinking, so he walked over to the guy who he just threw, using the knife he plunges it deep into the kids eye socket all while grinning. I smile at him. “So, what's your name handsome?” He turns around, his shirt soaked in blood. He walks up to me, taking my hands in his. “William. William Afton, and yours?” “Y/N Y/LN” “Such a beautiful name dear.” I smile softly, looking into his eyes and for once feeling, love. He reaches up and wipes a bit of blood off my chin, cheesy but romantic for a killer. “We should go on a date sometime.” I suggest still smiling, he nods. “I would love to.” And thus started a deadly love. 
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 month
FSR rambles ANOTHER ONE (It's the 22nd one)
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Dark's mind reading is just, so damn fun.
Like Green is gambling SO MUCH putting his trust into Dark but it pays off because Dark can TELL Green is truly putting faith in him to give him the benefit of the doubt.
And that means A LOT to him.
The fact Green doesn't want to hurt him MEANS A LOT TO HIM.
Dark knows this man ain't stupid.
I like him giving Green a goodbye hug and a kiss on the cheek hah.
It's so sweet in a way.
And his parting words being words of affirmation for Green.
He can be a very sweet person when given kindness.
I just like them a lot.
Green was a pretty good influence on Dark. XDD
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Dark Link's dramatic ass flying away is so funny to me and probably just me.
Like Dark doesn't typically fly or flex his wings much but they DO exist. XDDD
He can kinda just hover like Shadow but I don't think that's been shown even ONCE XDDDD
Dark isn't really the type to flex his magic in general though.
The Headspace IS HIS BODY which uhhh is a horror.
Time to mention: It changing from a desolate blue to that bright pink woodsy area afterward is kinda a reflection of Dark and the person he's talking to's mental space.
It'll change again later when he talks to Blue too.
Now that Dark Ran off we get an insight back into Green. Even though he technically WON this interaction? If you could word it that way, he got kinda what he wanted...He's still kinda overloaded with bullshit, poor guy.
Whatcha looking at Green-
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...UH HI LINK????
And in Dark's outfit did ya swap? 👀
Link's just mumbling to himself about wtf just happened...which uhhh, Link. You just take the hobby of stalking yourself???
he doesn't seem to be aware of Green at all until Green makes himself known.
Not before his face bugs out. XD
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Ngl. this is one of my favorite interactions its SO stupid.
The dialogue is up there in scenes that make me laugh just to read.
Like, Link my guy, did you ACTUALLY think for a SECOND that shit would work???
Link's eyes bugging out completely as he runs in terror from Green has to be up there in stupid shit. It's so ridiculous and amazing just tickles my brain lmfao. It's so dumb. XDDD
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Link cycles through all 4's personalities for a second X'DD
1st panel: Vio
2nd Panel: Green
4th and 5th: Blue
6th being Red obviously
Green is so fed up with him after being kicked in the damn stomach. XDDD
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Sooooo, we didn't learn a LOT from Link's appearance outside of the fact he's still lingering around within the headspace. Which is ODD because Dark hasn't brought him up or seemingly hasn't run into him...Despite Link STALKING him it seems.
Link's adoption of the black tunic is odd to say the least. His mental state is still fractured and torn considering it's appearance.
And it dawns on me I don't think Green goes on to NEVER disclosed to anyone Link's still running around. X'DDDD (Re-reading FSR together like this is fun isn't it?)
A LOT of shit happens to where he didn't really have time to squeeze it in but it is funny this scene is still pretty up in the air on it's importance for now.
Also since this is rambles I don't have to keep secrets on who the weirdo next to Link is in the last panel.
That's FSRA Link. Which just leaves all sorts of weird implications I'll let you sit with, considering that man is from 100+ years in the future...
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True to his word, Shadow is able to tell Dark was active. Oh no.
LOL also not Zelda calling Green by the wrong name. X'D Poor girl isn't used to being around the four dudes her bestie splits into. (She literally had NO idea they were split until AFTER the final battle lmfao and then they walked back to the sanctuary and boom.)
So yeah Shadow tries to wrestle Dark back because dude's a dangerous little ball of evil. XD
He SAW what he did to Vio first hand and didn't wanna have that happen to Green.
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I'll never not find it funny Dark can summon his sword in that form, but literally can't even use it. X'DDDD
He also yanked Green's arm away from the sword so he didn't get hit because Dark's very attached to Green at this point.
Shadow's got beef with the little guy and Zelda making a force field, and Shadow proceeding to SMACK into it always gets a laugh it's so dumb.
Art wise it's kinda funny just how LONG Dark's tentacles are in this scene considering I shortened them later. XD
Also...Considering recent updates Dark responding violently when in danger is...Well something. XDDD
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Poor Green and his savior complex-
"I can help him-" - Green about the horrific monster that tormented everyone.
Shadow even points this out but Shadow's also projecting HARD onto Dark X'DDD
"I'm an evil horrible liar so this bitch must be too" - Shadow.
Shadow personally just wants everything to be perfect and peachy and that can't happen with Dark so he wants the easy way out so to speak.
Shadow sweetie, it's not your curse. XD
(Funny we're bringing that up...Shadow Link hasn't been in the headspace at ALL...Interesting huh?)
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That shit must have HURT to hear out of Green considering him and Shadow were doing MOSTLY well before that.
Green's been bottling his negative feelings towards Shadow for a LONG time now and JUST seeing what Shadow did while with Vio it was inevitable dude would snap.
Green immediately regrets what he said though.
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Dark cuddling Green is always cute.
Shadow got called out and now feels like shit.
Not Zelda sitting here like "Genuinely wtf are yall talking about rn???"
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He can't even argue with Green considering it was pretty true. X"D Even if it was a low blow.
Zelda blowing a hole through the castle has lead to...ISSUES.
Shadow's acting a bit ominously.
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Mmm fast travel.
And bitter unresolved feelings. Our favorite.
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Hiiiii it's been months since I touched this lmao.
Back into the game:
Green has a lot of hesitance too, he just chooses to stuff that down in turn for a more peaceful option.
he's aware dark has caused hurt and is INSANE but wants to give him a chance.
I think in a lot of ways he regrets that Shadow never had help because they just met "Too late" in a lot of ways.
Shadow had already committed many horrible deeds before anyone had a glimpse of being able to help him.
While Dark is still very new and able to be saved from a life of regret or villainy, cause Green recognized that spark of good in him that could blossom into a good person if they give it a try.
meanwhile, Shadow's being self loathing.
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...To be fair a lot of what Dark Link says DOESN'T make sense due to it being...from an outsider's perspective utter nonsense (He knows Zelda lore lmfao.) but his claims Shadow just IS ganon are clearly getting to shadow cause he's got self doubt.
Meanwhile Green tries to remind him of his progress, and thinks Shadow and Dark could have something to bond over.
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Aaaand there is it boy doesn't wanna be reminded of how much he's fucked up. It's hard when there's a mirror pointed at you.
Green's still feeling bad about what he said.
And since people missed it, and I was being cheeky:
Green and Shadow did share a lil smooch.
Dark isn't happy about it. XD
To be fair, I'd be pretty pissed off if my only goal was to get a lil smooch smooch and people were handing em to lord ganon evil lord of the buttholes too.
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Bask in his beauty Shadow, he sure is pretty. UwU
Shadow letting Green down not so gently that he's an idiot will always be funny.
he was backed into a corner guys, be nice to him.
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Shadow's of course more concerned about Vio rn.
I'd be worried about his reaction too...As we see later it's not a happy welcome to Dark Link XDDD
Dark Link isn't having being shoved back into Shadow's hat.
Shadow in a moment of...idk what you'd call it, clarity I suppose decides to let him stay with Green.
it's up to the reader to assume WHY he did that.
Realizing he makes Dark Link feel unsafe, just not wanting to argue. Overall there's hesitation on his end.
So he ends up in Green's hat. XD
Green asking a reasonable question about how he's gonna go get Blue...considering his physical form is WITH Green and Shadow.
And Dark responds verbally. So far I think he's only growled in that form. XD
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So uhhh, Shadow's pissed off Dark refused to speak last night. XDDD
So if you're curious: My vision for Dark in this form is that speaking is VERY difficult for him to do so he just...doesn't.
This is his dormant form, so his "Functionality" is mostly...nonexistant.
This is a form that doesn't take a lot of effort to maintain or upkeep so his actual abilities aren't very wide.
Like he CAN talk. But simple phrases and words are easiest for him to do. Which is why he repeats "Yeah yeah" twice.
Shadow also fails to realize even THIS form was a step up from the fact Dark was a simple sphere with an eye before. XD
He grew a mouth to chew on Green...So he might have had the intention to speak last night and just...didn't.
But if he wanted to speak, he could just form back to his "Link" form or drag someone to the headspace.
Overall: Shadow ya dummy he probably just didn't have anything to say XD
Green coming to Dark's defense screaming "STOP IT SHADOW YOU'RE SCARING HIM!" is so funny because I without fail imagine the "HE'S AFRAID OF SANTA CLAUS!!!" "STOP IT PATRICK YOU'RE SCARING HIM!!!" spongebob bit.
Shadow letting the whole "Dad" debacle slip and Green's fucking face to that just sends me.
He looks so...judgmental. X'D
"This is how you'd treat your son?"
Dark Link giving Green the title of his "Dad" Whatever he thinks that means...because Shadow is a bad one is just, funny as hell to me.
Dark so obviously doesn't understand blood family ties (...His entire life revolves around 4 dudes who are one guy, and that guy's shadow all being in a weird as fuck relationship so uh...who blames him for not understanding family)
Affectively, Green is just someone Dark considers his family so...he's his "dad". XD
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The title switch from Shadow TO Green is due to the fact he just feels more comfortable and safe WITH Green.
...Shadow uses THIS as an example of Dark being "Unreasonable" which is something else alright. XDDD
Green taking the piss out of the whole "dad" thing is pretty damn silly...Green you ARE the daddy now. X'D
I don't think Green would have tried this shit if Dark was in his Link form. XDDD
I know in the draft comic folders I got a comic where Green treats Dark differently based on his form and how Dark doesn't understand that. (him being uncomfortable with the finger chewing in his Link disguise vs his dormant form for example) and how he thinks Green's a hypocrite.
Last panel: Shadow DEFINENTLY not trying to keep everyone thinking Dark's just insane and not saying anything important.
I'll cut it off here since getting into the Darkblue segment (As I like to call it) is gonna be interesting I think XDD
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
Dashing Youth Ep 11-16 Commentary
Ep 1-10, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40
Ep 11
More flirting
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We meet Xiao Se's nasty Emperor dad in his youth, played by the lovely Fan Jinwei, whose Prince Chong I loved in BoY. Not sure if I'm prepared to hate him this time. He looks good tho!
We also meet Wu Xin' mom, who looks like a fractured wistful early-morning dream which is about to float away and dissappear with the slightest breath, never to be found again.
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And Luo Qingyang, (not to be confused with everyone's favorite girl crush Mianmian from The Untamed), the angry repressed big finale martial artist from BoY
Ep 12
I love the super powerful but easily spooked wooden sword wielding Mt. Wangcheng disciple, kid you *really* don't need to try study under Master Li, just because he's "the" shifu doesn't mean he's better. He will teach you nothing and isn't batting an eye at his exam candidates dying right under his eyes. Srsly, Mt. Wangcheng, the Lei family and Changfeng's Medicine Shifu's Valley seem to be the only places suitable to bring up well-adjusted, grounded kids in this universe.
Dual cultivating right in front of future wife's salad
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Damn his gaze is somehow piercing but indifferent at the same time
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(He's gonna explode and die in the future isn't he) Also see, this is what I mean. Most of the shifus in this universe are no good at teaching and guidance. These kids in their youthful vigor and angst are extremely volatile and you all just let them run rampant. They are easily suspectible to being used by bad forces and eventually create massive tragedies for themselves and everyone else.
Well I suppose Dongjun's first shifu was a great guy but 1. He didn't have enough time 2. Even if he did he was dying and sustaining himself in a contained bubble and what he could teach Dongjun about the world was quite limited.
Ahaha I have the exact same pouch! It's a cheap Aliexpress delivery pouch I got a ring sent in
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Ep 13
Omg she's TOO CUTE! This young lady and Baba from JoL2 are the prettiet babies I've seen this year!
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Local playboy realises his boyfriend from alt universe is happily married and has chosen to live a stress free life, the new boyfriend has ditched him for his future child's mom, his old boyfriend is away in a Detox Vacation and realises his carefree childhood has come to its end 😔
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Also I'm actually kinda surprised to find myself shipping this tragic pair of Dingzhi/Wenjun, and shipping HARD at that. I don't know what I expected but by the the time of BoY, all that remains about their relationship is a sordid gossip but they actually turn out to be two broken lil kids🥺 They don't even have like, a hot and hormonal romance but a one built on sweet childhood promises of protecting his little meimei and caring for her Yun gege. Poor babies😭
Ep 14
Liu Yue thinks he hides it well behind his hat but dude is practically bursting at seams for having gotten a disciple, and he's basically teaching Yue Yao how to flex well and never embarrass herself, which in addition would embarrass himself lol. He also seems to be kinda lonely and bored despite his quirky lil maid and broody bf. It's like he was born to be a social butterfly but with his current social status he cannot.
Inaccurately accurate MTL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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(Also this is so funny to me with the context that I've read the "lifting the hijab" mtl line in lots of Chinese fics where the couple gets married and that red veil lifting thing happens on the marrige bed lol.)
Dingzhi's master seems to be just as traumatised by life as Dingzhi is. Huang Yi lasohi is actually so good in roles like this. Also can we have an applause for the first genderqueer character in the show woohoo
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And then the two shifus have a date about their duel, lol
Ep 15
Baili Dongjun gotta be the naivest ML I've encountered in a while, and by naive I mean beyond the levels of your average innocent, inexperienced teen full of sunlight and getting jaded overtime such as Fang Duobing, Wu Xie, Zhang Chulan etc.
Dongjun has grown up so sheltered and full of positivity, he doesn't seem to register the gravity of things even when they are right in front of his face almost to the point of stupidity.
He provides a stark contrast against his friends, Sikong Changfeng who's been the sweetest but also most down-to-earth kid to begin with and Ye Dingzhi who's been dealing with the weight of the whole world since childhood.
That part where Dongjun saw the arrest warrant for Dingzhi who also turned out to be his long lost bff, was told by his elders that they'll take care of the matter and will bring Dingzhi to him, Dongjun was just like "Ok cool! That's settled then! I'm gonna just chill and have a drink with my new girlfriend then!" was almost funny but sad because,
Kid, you are going to be in a WORLD of hurt VERY soon. You trust strangers way too much!
I mean in BoY you see how severely Dongjun has crashed to the point of wanting to create a broth of oblivion..... I can totally see how that happened.
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Also that poster is a severe injustice to Dingzhi's GORGEOUS face lmao
Ep 16
I mostly have opinions about Master Li in this ep, which I compiled in a seperate post linked above
Also my bb Changfeng is back! And straight away he also joined the baby making game, and Dongjun has no choice but to be a good wingman to his bros at this point lmao
Changfeng chose the most comparatively normal and mundane romance arc too. She's the top courtesan for sure but still, for many young gentry she wouldn't have been anymore worth than a fling, but Changfeng just went ahead and offered her the most genuine, authentic companionship ever without a second of hesitation. And walked out head held high, with ZERO idea about how suave and sexy it made him and I'm like:
5/5 Stars No Drama
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daisychains111 · 8 months
incorrect chb camper quotes but it's actually just my sister's quotebook from Twitter
Disclaimer: This post is gonna be LONG AF
Percy: "Ahh, die quieter"
Clarisse to Silena: "Do I look majestic?"
Will: "I live in America. Cultures?... casserole"
Nico: "At-home lobotomy"
Baby Nico to Clarisse: "You look like Harry Potter, You just need a scar black hair, different clothes, and to be a boy. "
Annabeth:"I don't know if I have enough sanity for 2 Holy books"
Leo: "I've seen titties before....not really in person, but yk"
Annabeth: "Do you have ears?"
Jason: "I kinda wanna work at Taco Bell"
Piper: "I've never been passive-aggressive in my life"
Will to Apollo: "There's no batteries in my butt Dad I'm not a robot"
Clarisse: "I'm not upset I don't hold grudges"
Ares to Clarisse: "I don't like your clothes it forces me to look at you"
Frank to Leo: "It's not 'drip' it's stupid"
Travis to the whole Hermes Cabin: "I'm the Rizzington bear... like Paddington bear but Rizz" (after his 1st date with Katie)
Nico: "I love Olive Garden, I wish Italians were real"
Rachel: "Come on, you guys stop trying to cockblock the view"
Katie: "If people can smoke weed in the middle of the day, then I can drink chamomile tea"
Rachel: "You don't want to piss me off I'm witewally a werewolf"
Piper about Jason: "All my friends are boys, and one just died... he would have made a great bridesmaid"
Frank: "I was doing a silly but the funny didn’t land"
Jason: "Why am I white"
Rachel: "I am not a whore, I am a celibate queen!"
Drew: "It's not the fashion statement that you think it is"
Nico about the Ares Cabin: "They're gonna call you a slur, but they're gonna be really nice about it"
Piper to Annabeth: "If we both think it, it's not bitchy"
Grover: "I'm just gonna write a paragraph or two about global warming"
Annabeth"I have like a 7th-grade reading level!!! (this is impressive when you're dyslexic)
Jason: "Dude I love yoga"
Will: "They say that Utah is the promise land"
Kayla: *explains what a text-fic is to grandparents (Apollo)*
Clarisse: "Put that on your Twitter!" *points knife at me*
Travis: "Do you eat?"
Katie: "...um yes?"
Travis: "Oh, I mean do you want to eat." (when he asked Katie out the first time)
Hazel: "That's not gonna change my heart. That's just gonna make me cry!"
Alabaster: "I wanna find someone somewhere to impregnate and then steal the baby......Where's your Twitter, that was kinda funny"
Percy about Leo: "I would spoon that man so hard"
Frank: "The closer I get to nature, the closer I get to being a werewolf"
Apollo: "I feel like Jaba the Hut"
Rachel: "It's because you ate girl dinner"
Apollo (same convo^)"I fell asleep, and I woke up, and I ate a girl dinner, and I didn't feel that good"
Percy: Don't mind me just cleaning the ocean" *hand angrily on hip*
Will to the Stolls: "Although my bellybutton was once my mouth I don't want soda in it!!"
Connor: "Look at how majestic I am"
Clarisse: *gasps* *throws uno cards* "This is communism at its finest, and I hate your life." *Is losing* "All I'm doing is humoring you now. There is no reason for me to play anymore." *throws cards* *again*
Nico: *passes out*
Will: "We need to take you to the doctor like right now."
Nico: "No fireworks are more important than my health"
Leo about Percy: "That's a pretty boy right there... if we were in prison, it's over."
Kayla when Will came out to her: "Slay motherfucker"
Annabeth: "I hope to not run over any old ladies...old men are fair game tho."
Percy: "Main characters get bullied, Jesus....yep!"
Leo: "What if I was an astronaut!!!!"
Travis: "Banana, Banana, Meatball"
Clarisse: "I am going to break your toe shut the hell up"
Katie to Connor: "I hope you get bullied in high school."
Clarisse about Leo: "This guy's a fuckin goober"
Clarisse: "What did you do to your sweatshirt? Did you get hungry?"-Grover: *sighs*
Nyssa (Hephaestus kid) to Leo: "Dont hurt me. I'm Batman!.... You better not tweet that"
Kayla to Apollo: "It's called multi-tasking Apollo! "
Apollo: "It's mother to you"
Clarisse: "I could fight God and win"
Percy: "So you wanna fight rn"
Clarisse: "No, I'm good"
Jason; "You look gang"
Leo: "What? I look gay!?!?!"
Jason: "You look straight, but nice"
Leo: "Oh... thanks!"
Apollo to Rachel"Lie, deny, cry, and for good measure be a raging slut."
Silena: "There's all kinds of nature out here"
Katie: "Live, laugh, love, low iron"
Annabeth to Piper: "Keep backing up...Cuz you have a fear of commitment
Lou Ellen to Katie: "Does your knee affect your shoe size... or are your feet just that small??"
Travis: "The amount of testosterone in me, peanuts are allergic to me!"
Leo: "I'm cracked up on feeling sexy"
Connor to the whole Hermes Cabin: "The "10" of us? our parents sp*rm pets"
Apollo about Athena: "OH gods, a single mom"
Apollo about Kayla's dad: "I cheated on myself with a man"
Malcolm about Athena: "She's a mom boogie woogie woogie"
Nico: "I cried at Chick-fil-A the other day"
Nico: "Live, laugh, lobotomy."
Drew about Thalia: "She has no friends and a dead brother."
Katie: "I wrote fanfiction on my i-pod touch"
Lacy to Leo: "Was it a tech? or was it a human?"
Will: "Live, laugh, love, tampons"
Kayla: "Die, cry, hate, condoms"
Aphrodite to Clarisse: "Do you like being a girl? You just always wear pants"
Percy: "Chill I know how to make conversations I have Rizz"
Will: "What! no! cow!"
Frank: "Fvcking knock it off seriously you guys are acting like children!!"
Travis to Lou Ellen: "Yesss pussy-pop you slayed"
Ashlyn (Hermes kid): "Chick-fil-A is mid, Taco bell is where it's at"
Percy during tlt: "You couldn't even buy a gumball with that shit (drachmas)"
Percy (same convo ^): "A quarter? You could buy a gumball with that shit"
Nico: "Your soul and your money!"
Tyson: "You've seen fishes, fishes move fast"
Leo to Frank: "What the fvck is a kilometer"
Leo making fun of Frank: "Mua ha ha ha I'm Canadian"
Percy: "Jesus didn't give up his life he gave up his weekend"
*as seen at 2am in the Apollo Cabin*
Gracie: "You're discriminating against me"
April (the token straight): "It's cuz she's gay"
Will: "We're all gay."
Nico: You don't have any slurs about you."
Leo: "No because I'm perfect"
this was fun to make lol....there will probably be a part 2 but like far in the future. if you made it this far I love you....also if you don't recognize names it's bc I deep-dived Wiki to find canon names for each cabin.
If y'all want one-shots based on these TELL ME I NEED STUFF TO WRITE ABOUT
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rengokuology · 1 year
I would love to see a lexi x fem reader from euphoria, maybe reader is like nates younger sister but she is the sweetest and kindest person, so lexi and reader both have a crush on each other and so maybe cassie and maddie try to get them to admit their feelings and somehow they do, so it's pure fluff with lexi and reader sharing a kiss at the end, something like that, and then them being in a romantic relationship
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WARNINGS !! nate jacobs, lots of sweet—tooth fluff! so yeah—
DEAR REQUESTER, thank you so much for being my first ever requester! this is my first time writing x reader so i hope you like it! if you don’t like it, you can send back in another request and i can write another one for you! enjoy your time reading!! <3 /p
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it's funny, you know? how such an asshole like nate jacobs can be related to such a sweet angel like (reader) jacobs.
i mean, that's what mostly anybody sane thought. people like lexi, rue and more.
but there were also douchebags who would try and say she was like him. but she was never.
nate jacobs never helped his friends to classes. never tried to be as respectful as possible. nope, that was all her.
that's what lexi thought every time she saw her with nate, and it would be common that she held an intense glare at him for being such an ass.
but that would go away when she always approached lexi, always being happy to see her friend / crush by their lockers that were across from cassie and maddy's.
you two had such a beautiful chemistry that maddy and nate were never going to have and so, maddy and cassie noticed.
"oh my god, they're fucking whipped for each other." maddy claimed, looking at the two of them that were laughing while they shared each other memes they found the night before.
"yeah, they are." cassie smiled at them, slightly jealous that she didn't have a relationship like that. but she was proud of her sister for having something she didn't. a healthy crush.
maddy turned to cassie, closing her locker as she pointed at the two.
"if we don't get them together, somebody's gonna steal one of them. and they probably need to be together." cassie lifted a brow at maddy, glancing at the two before turning back to maddy.
"i don't know. they can get together by themselves, plus, we shouldn't intrude on their love lives." cassie told maddy, as maddy crossed her arms, lightly laughing sarcastically.
"well, last night, i saw little angel with one of nate's friends at their house. we don't want that because that dude is lowkey a dick and doesn't deserve someone like (reader). plus, we wouldn’t be really do much, just give them a little push." maddy told cassie, grabbing out her phone and showing the guy she's been seeing.
cassie looked at the photo before looking back at the two then back at maddy.
"ok, let's do it."
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lexi and (reader) sat at their desks in history class as (reader) lightly scrolled through her phone in secret while glancing at the teacher.
(reader) smiled, looking across the room to lexi's chair as lexi smiled at her phone, glancing at their teacher as well.
we still hanging out at my place tonight?
sorry, i can't tonight. aaron just told me my parents got into a fight so i gotta help my mom
sorry about that
its fine, it happens
still tho, ur parents are kinda dicks
yeah, kinda but their still my parents, so yeah
(reader) frowned at her phone, thinking of what words to type next.
sorry i can't spend the night at your place again
its ok! your busy, i get it
still sucks tho-
(reader) put her phone away, slipping it into their hoodie pocket as lexi shut off her phone as well, kind of frowning as cassie looked at the two, finally finding something cassie and maddy could do to get them together.
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next class, maddy and (reader) sat next to each other in science class, (reader) zoning out through half of it, bored.
(reader) felt a buzz in her pocket, taking it out slowly to see a text from maddy.
(reader) glanced at maddy confused, as the two didn't really interact and would only contact each other if there was an emergency.
hi, u ok?
yeah, u going to lexi's tonight
nah and how do u know about that
cassie but who cares about that rn, why aren't u going
my parents got into a fight, gonna take care of my mom and make sure she doesn’t get wine drunk
who cares?
i do. it’s my mom, i need to take care of her
but do u want to?
. . .
how about u come over to their home and relax a bit, cassie says she misses you and plus, i’m gonna there, i’ll make up an excuse for u
she does?
i guess i’ll go then
cool, see u later then
(reader) smiled lightly, closing maddy’s contact and opening lexi’s
i’m actually coming over tonight
cool! see u
lexi’s mood lifted, putting her phone away as she was happy that she got to spend time with her and finally!
the two weren’t able to spend time after school because of her parents getting into fights constantly for the past month, which sucked because that was the time where they were able to spend most of their time together.
but because maddy persuaded her, she was finally able to go now that she had an excuse. which made the two lovebirds happy.
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so. . . maddy wasn’t there, same with cassie. they both lied.
but the two teenagers could care less as (reader) sat at the edge of lexi’s bed in silence, playing truth or dare.
“truth or dare.” “truth.”
“is it true that jules and rue are dating?” (reader) questioned lexi, resting her head on top of her knees, rocking back and forth, bored as a movie played in the background.
“i. . . actually don’t know.” “yeah? hm.”
“they definitely have some type of. . . tension though.” (reader) said, throwing her head back to the bed post as lexi nodded, agreeing with her as she typed on her computer.
“what are you writing anyway? just asking.” (reader) asked, picking at her painted finger nails.
“i’m trying to write a play.” “ooooo! what’s it about?” (reader) questioned, her interest being picked up as she raised her head.
“about our lives, my life, just what happens in this high school.” lexi explained, smiling at (reader)‘s sudden interested and smile.
“can i take a look? just for a second?” lexi nodded at her as she scooted herself closer to lexi, looking at her computer as lexi lightly scrolled through the plot she had.
the plot described the people, ranging from jade, hallie, marta, luna and angela. the plot focused one part on angela, the main character telling the audience that she liked angela, having a deep crush on her despite not confessing to not ruin the friendship she loved.
considering the play was about the lives in their high school, she assumed the main character was lexi as (reader) let out a ‘oooo’ in interest.
“who’s the lucky girl then?” (reader) turned to lexi, interested. lexi looked at her, hesitation rising in her as (reader) waited for a response.
“um. . . it’s you, (reader).” lexi confessed, staring at her with a slight blush on her cheeks while (reader) was frozen in place. not because she was mad but because she was shocked that her crush liked her back too.
“w—wait, really?” (reader) questioned, trying to make sure that she heard lexi correctly.
“yeah, i’ve liked you for a while now.” (reader) suddenly let a smile come onto her face, smiling the hardest to the point her cheeks hurt from the pressure.
“can i kiss you?. . . if your ok with it?” (reader) asked lexi as she nodded, moving closer to lexi, kissing her lightly on the lips.
the two separated from the kiss, lexi still having that blush on her cheeks as (reader) smiled at her, now holding her hand.
“this might be a dumb question because we probably are but can i be your girlfriend? if your comfortable with it, i don’t wanna—“
“i’d love that.” lexi interrupted her question as she smiled, clapping her fingers a little, happy.
“thank you.” (reader) thanked as lexi nodded, holding her hand still.
“can i help you with your play?” (reader) asked lexi as she nodded again, (reader) now laying on lexi’s side as she typed on her computer.
and for the rest of the night, they spent their time writing the play during their first night as girlfriends.
AUTHORS NOTE, sorry if this kinda sucked! i’m still getting used to writing x reader since i mainly write x oc on wattpad a lot so yeah, sorry if this wasn’t good, i hope you enjoyed tho and have a good day!
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steakout-05 · 10 months
OK SO THE TRAILER FOR THE NEW GARF MOVIE CAME OUT (and of course youtube didnt tell me about it until now) AND!!! ITS SO CUTE!!!!!! so here's me yelling and screaming and fanboying about how much i love how this movie looks so far :D
ok first off, BABY GARF!!! HE IS A TINY BALL!!! LITTOL GUY!!!! :D
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he's so miniscule! so microscopic! an atom! he's tiny!!! but he's just living in a box who would abandon such a little guy :( (his dad probably. yeah he's in this movie and i hope Garfield's mum is also in here because she appeared in a classic Garfield special and she's so lovely)
after this scene we see our first look at Jon (my beloved) eating alone at an Italian restaurant, and like, this means so much to me. look at these shots:
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i'm not sure if they're in order or not but like. look at the way he watches the family! he has a look of bittersweet love and sadness in his eyes and i'm just,,, 🥺 he just wants to be a dad.... i love how Jon has always kinda been portrayed as a father figure to his pets, in classic shows and specials he calls Garf and Odie his boys, in Garfield Gets Real he calls them his kids and now here, he wants to be a father so bad i'm going to burst into tears i love this man
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the garf appears!! the littol baby has arrived!! the tiny little miniscule microscopic molecule atom of a cat has approached the window!!!
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the way Jon puts his finger to the window, the way he cuddles baby Garf with so much tender loving care and adoration..... he's so sweet i love him!! how can people hate this man?? look at him!!! look this sweet and loving father figure in the eyes and tell him you hate him. you cannot. he's too pure for this world
also i haven't mentioned this yet, but it's commonly accepted in the Garfield fandom that Garfield was born in a pizza shop and then was transferred to a pet shop where Jon then adopted Garfield in 1978, but to be honest, i didn't really like the pet shop part of that backstory. the pizza place part was great but i dunno, Jon just going to a pet shop and buying Garfield isn't as heartfelt to me. this backstory though? i LOVE. two lonely creatures meeting each other and forming a family is so adorable and sweet, especially for modern Garfield. i feel like we need less cynicism in modern Garfield and more stuff like this i love it so much,,, also this movie looks fucking beautiful holy shit
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i really like this part because like, Garfield didn't develop his bizarrely huge diet over time. dude was BORN with it. and like look at that look on Jon's face, he looks like he hasn't even finished processing what just happened yet and is just staring into the mist wondering what and how and why that happened. beautiful. also that second image is really funny to me it should have a silly ominous text post caption on it
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also this shot, i didn't notice it the first time but holy shit the look of absolute HORROR on Jon's face!! he is witnessing the TRUE extent of Garfield's powers and he is NOT ready for it man i love this shot so much
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okok so what i REALLY LOVE about this specific shot is that it reminds me of a classic Garfield strip where Jon is attempting to give Garfield a bath!! here's the strip it reminds me of:
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Jon doesn't actually wear anything but like. the fact that he has to go through so much preparation to give Garfield a bath so he doesn't claw him up in the movie, it just has to be a reference to this strip it's gotta be man i'm betting money on it. also hiii Lyman :)
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this scene is so fucking pretty!!! look at the warm colours! it feels so homely and it's exactly how i feel reading my dad's old Garfield comic books! all the warm bright colours and gentle lighting, all the freshly baked lasagna that i really wanna eat because it's so delicious looking.... how can people say that Jon doesn't feed Garfield when he is RIGHT THERE grating extra cheese for him because he knows Garfield likes extra everything in his lasagna. such a sweet adorable man :') i'd like to see ihatejonarbuckle make a good rebuttal to THIS
there's some other neat little references in this movie too, like the Stuck On You plushies made by Dakin being referenced with Garfield smacking into a car after his dad throws him out of a train,
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and a reference to the giant Garfield balloon at a Macy's Thanksgiving parade that makes me think that 'Garfield' the comic is canon in this movie, it's created by Jon (cause y'know he's supposed to be a cartoonist) and it's based off his own stories with Garfield and it is now an international phenomenon like in our world. neat!
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the question is though, does Garfield know he's a worldwide sensation or does he have absolutely no idea? it'd be funny if it was the latter option honestly cause he'd be extremely confused yet flattered as to why there's a random giant balloon dedicated to him in the city
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so the big dude on the left is Garfield's dad, but also, this reminds me of this other Garfield comic where Garfield meets his former self from 1978 and they proceed to eat all the food in the fridge together. thought that was cool :D
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(it'd be really funny if this was Garfield's dad and he was messing with Garfield by telling him they are one in the same haha)
oh yeah and here's the two of them eating everything in Jon's fridge from the movie:
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see what i mean? there's a similarity there and i think it's really funny. also Jon's probably thinking "wtf there's two of them now???" like Garfield got so fat that he just split into two cats or something lol
so! does it look like a good movie? abso-fucking-lutely yes!!! i am SO excited to go see this one! i think this is the best Garfield media we've gotten in YEARS! i love the colours and the shots, i love the slight modern redesign they gave Jon, Odie looks a little weird but he's still super fun and adorable, and while i do find it odd that the Garfield balloon looks more like Garfield than he does, i do like how expressive the characters' eyes are and it's miles better than the previous 3D Garfs we got! i really wanna see this movie and boy am i going to be RAVING about it for WEEKS this blog will be FILLED with Garfield for the next few weeks when this goes digital!! super jazzed to see it!!
and with that, here's one more comparison that i think is extremely funny:
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rinatic · 2 years
Hello can i request mark as a boyfriend?
Thank you so much for requesting :)
Mark as a boyfriend
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You two were friends
Not exactly best friends but you were comfortable with each other
After being caught up in work, mark felt bad because you two don't hang out anymore
It was for a kinda long period like two months
So mark decided to call you because he randomly thought about you
"Y/n, how about we hang out today? Kinda missed you haha :)"
And ofc you agreed to meet him because who wouldn't hang out with mark?
So he cleared his schedules for you
When he saw you for the first time after these months, he couldn't tell what changed about you, but you just became prettier and hotter
So when you talked, he would accidentally stare at you for too long and ask you to repeat what you said
That's when mark started falling in love gradually with you
In the following days, he would accidentally zone out thinking about it
He missed you a lot even though you guys literally text and face time every day
And you started hanging out more and more
Bro would be so awkward the more he falls in love
But it's cute
And the confession will be so cute actually
It will be a cherished but thought of as funny memory lol
Now moving on to bf mark
He would be so caring ???
He himself doesn't know that he's caring to the point of willing to help you with every little thing
Bro just discovered his protective nature and is kinda overwhelmed
Spends all his money on you
Like you suddenly realize how many accessories, clothing items you have
But you remember you didn't buy it
He just takes gift giving to the next level
Like literally ask for anything even a five million ring lol
You're so spoiled im jealous :(
No because imagine mark writing a song about you
Where he pours all of his emotions into his work
And you discover how romantic he is because boi where did you get these words from??
When you read it, you can't help but fold and melt lol
He would be so shy to show because he knows you will tease him
But it's actually so ??? You didn't know he loved you this much
He would say "i just wrote a song why you making a big deal.." but you definitely didn't notice the other sheets hidden there in his studio with the 'for y/n ♡' on them
Can i mention that when he's with you he actually melts?
Like he literally loves you so much
But he's so shy to form his love into words and demonstrate it
So it's a good thing he can write his feelings for you
On his phone, he has 'y/n tingz' in his gallery
Where he has pics of you doing anything
And it's what he looks at when he needs inspiration
127 and dream tease him so much its unbearable poor baby
Just save him from haechan lmao
Whe they meet you they're like "so you're y/n? Mark keeps blabbering about you all day" "mark is always talking about you like give us rest damn" "do you know that mark always talks about you in the group chat? I almost thought you were a new member"
And boi just turns into a tomato
He's also very funny
"Send a pic of your heart?" "Just say you want a boob pic" "no ma'am i asked for your HEART not my problem that it's behind your boobs 😤"
"My girlfriend didn't share her food with me :(((" "shut up mark you literally have your plate in front of you" "why so rude dude?? I can definitely tell you didn't MARK me in your heart"
"Did you just skip my song???" "No it's an nct song" "girl I'm in nct 😭" "wait you were in the sub unit for this song??" "Dude..." "not my fault youre in 23 member group"
"Mark can we hold hands?" "No I'm christian.." "why tf do you suddenly turn christian around me??! As if you don't write sex songs" "y/n????"
You absolutely shake him up
He's extremely grateful that you're in his life
Like he just becomes a better version of himself everyday thanks to you
He also loves showing you off
Says "This is my girlfriend, y/n :)" so proudly
He also thinks that you deserve love
So he tries his best to shower you in love even if he's shy
He also thinks that you don't have to be insecure because you're so gorgeous
So he also makes sure that you're absolutely confident
He's very hardworking and wants to take his boyfriend role seriously
Provides for you
Because he really wants your relationship to develop into something more stronger
He treats you with a lot of respect
He's also fair, so you'll receive the same amount of love you give him
Gets lost in his thoughts while thinking about your future together
You're both his girlfriend and his best friend
He also acts confident all the time but on the inside, he's so scared that you'll find someone better and leave him
He has that hidden fear
So reassure him :(
An attention seeker
He can't live without your attention
That's why the boys tease him by occupying you in their shit so you can forget about mark 😭
Poor boy doesn't realize that they're behind this at first
He'll think you're avoiding him and thinks too much deeply about the cause of this
"What did i do? 😟" so cuteeeee
Johnny is definitely the one behind all of this
Says the only way to make it for him is by cuddling
So he'll act in a cute way which is rare since he wants you to see him as mature
He's the cutest boyfriend ever awieeeeee
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neonscandal · 9 months
Thanks for your posts and metas, @neonscandal .... Before I found your blog, actually I ship tododeku and kiribaku. But thanks to you, I became bakudeku shipper (until now). Your metas are amazing and always based on canon. Sorry, I'm not good with words, but I hope you know how great your blog is (you are definitely one of my favorite tumblr blog). 💐🌷
And WOW these last 10 - 15 chapter, really are the best. Even my mutuals who are anti-bkdk can't deny Bakugou and Midoriya's bond anymore. Also, love Uraraka and Toga's bond....
Do you think it's possible that at the end of BNHA, Bakugou and Midoriya have ambygous relationship (kinda like Tiger and Bunny)....? I know it could be hard to be canon in shounen series.....
P.s Do you think SatoSugu (from JJK) is queerbaiting?
⚠️ Vague spoiler warnings through chapter MHA 410 at best. Covers JJK S2 with a vague mention of a character who pops up later in the manga.
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It's funny you say that because I also love a good tododeku or kiribaku situation. Like yea, people have their OTP but... realistically? Characters should be just as messy as people in real life. ✨ They're going to date around before things fit together with that OTP, right? At least that's how I look at it. So I love exploring offshoots.
You are far too kind in these rough times but I appreciate you saying that (and reaching out). The swarm of asks lately have been so funny. I tend to carve out time to address them quicker than some of the other things bouncing around my head (literally, the exact opposite happens with fic updates 🥺) so I'm just happy I'm writing something. If someone else enjoys it then that's the whipped cream and caramel on my sundae.
DUDE. I hadn't read 409 or 410 yet because holiday chaos but I feel like we're beyond allegations at this point haha ALTHOUGH, I didn't see the cliffhanger from 410 coming at all so I wonder what that means for the larger story.. Got any theories?
Regarding endgame... honestly the last two chapters gave me a little anxiety. "This is our tale?" Too good to be true. Especially when we know from chapter one "this is a story of how I became a great hero". Also, I've had some thoughts since 406 about how their connection is being framed up which I haven't had time to write but it feels like a lot of fanservice for Horikoshi (and subsequent editors, etc) to not commit. Additionally, in all the ways this story subverts the typical formula for shonen, it would also feel like a fumbled opportunity to turn everything on its nose with such a wildly popular series. So I'm holding out hope but conservatively preparing for one of them to just... not make it even if we get a confession *shudders in Supernatural flashbacks*.
I hope this makes sense as I struggled to recommend stories where this wasn't the case when asked about BL. In my opinion, good representation in mainstream stories (gender identity, orientation, race, religion, disability, etc.) is when, whatever makes a character different isn't their whole identity. Specifically in the context of more traditional stories (not centered on BL for instance), they should be involved if not just as integral to the plot as any other character wherein their diversity isn't sticking out like a sore thumb. But even that characterization requires nuance which is what makes it so hard to articulate? Maybe it's simpler to say that their character arc shouldn't just be based around identity. As a short answer to your question, I don't think that SatoSugu is queerbaiting. I think they are authentically and intrinsically coded to one another in subtext and out loud straight from Akutami but that, sometimes, relationships don't work out or love is unrequited. They may not have had the same feelings despite their inherent complement to one another and that's okay.
As above, characters should be just as messy as real people and that's what makes what didn't happen between them all the more tragic because it's heartbreaking in how relatable it is (not the cult leading and murder though). Seems like a convenient answer from a delulu shipper unless you take into consideration how Kirara Hoshi's identity is given the same level of subtlety. They aren't defined by their identity nor are the characters jarred by some particularly grandiose reveal nor are they perturbed by the nature of their connection to Hikari. I'm by no means an expert but I think that these characters are executed well in the sense that they have a complexity that doesn't hinge on what would otherwise make them different. They aren't "othered", it's just a fact of who they are and the story continues. It's a facet of who they are without cheaply being all they are. With Gege Akutami's own pronouns not expressly confirmed, perhaps that informs the care around those with differing identities.
I haven't seen Tiger & Bunny yet but now I know what to check out next!
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likeadevils · 3 months
was that interview paul mccartney and taylor did together in 2020 a big deal to you
at that time not a super big deal-- i didn't get really into the beatles until like, 2021? i think? but in retrospect routinely drives me insane. like paul mccartney heard my tears ricochet and mirrorball back to back and we just don’t know what he thought about either track. jail.
anyway here's a completely unrequested ranking of how insane it is that paul mccartney heard each song on folklore. also TRIGGER WARNINGS: cancer, death, drugs, infidelity, suicidal ideation
DISCLAIMER: 1) most of what i know about paul is centered around the beatles 2) you can not empathize with paul mccartney the same way you empathize with taylor. the dude is. he’s made some Choices.
songs that i regularly go oh my god paul fucking mccartney heard this song wtf
mirrorball (that’s him! that’s paul!)
mtr (i tried so hard to keep this brief. so. one of the things that lead to the beatles breaking up was like, song publishing drama, and also the other three beatles wanted to sign this fucking awful manager and paul didn’t want to do that and he ended up suing the other three beatles to get out of the contract and between that and various complicated personal stuff paul ended up becoming The Villian of the beatles breakup— or maybe not The Villian cause you know, the yoko of it all, but Villian #2. and then you add in the paul is dead of it all and how john lennon wrote a diss track about paul and one of the lines in it was “those freaks was right when the said you was dead” and it’s like. crazy. also one of paul’s biggest regrets was not getting the masters to the beatles songs and he’s been trying for like fucking decades and it keeps slipping away and michael fucking jackson bought them out from under him once?? it’s a whole thing)
exile (no cause the breakup took for-fucking-ever and was like mostly caused by “you never learned to read my mind” and he just has to endlessly talk about it to this day and reopen that wound and even though half the people involved in it are dead the conversation will just never end and it’ll just always echo throughout his life)
hoax (i feel like i would need a line by line breakdown but like bro. brother. brethren.)
upon reflection i will go oh god paul mccartney heard this but it is not one of the first things i think of when i hear the song
betty (his first name is james, which is just funny, and i would not be at all surprised to learn he said this shit verbatim when he was 17. or really ever kinda. uwu i’m too stupid not to cheat. also it was kinda your fault if you think about it. xoxo take me back please)
the 1 (such a paul song really. i’m doing good -> goes on to slowly reveal the most heartbreaking shit you’ve ever heard)
invisible string (not so fun fact his current wife (nancy) was friends with his first wife (linda) because they met during chemo but it seems like nancy and paul didn’t meet until after linda died which is the most fucking heartbreaking invisible string)
timt (one of the saddest pairs of paul mccartney quotes is this one time he said “i’ll do any drug except heroin, heroin is for suicidal people” (which is also sad because john lennon was like famously addicted to heroin) and then years later he was like “i did heroin after the beatles broke up” and its like jesus christ)
cardigan (like in a overall sense yeah when he was a teenager he did forever bind himself to a deeply inconsistent teenage boy and then that teenage boy found a different partner and left him, and some of the lyrics go hard through the paul and john context, but like overall it’s not like. like mtr and exile HIT when viewed through the beatles breakup lense and cardigan is like. yeah that happened)
august (i mean i guess? see above and see below)
illicit affairs (fuck sir james paul mccartney justice for maggie. i don’t know her last name but justice for maggie. man dated her for like three years while having this whole ass very public other girlfriend that he WAS ENGAGED TO and then that engagement fell apart because he was caught in bed with A THIRD WOMAN and then he keeps dating maggie AND MOVES THE THIRD WOMAN IN TO HIS HOME. and then he starts dating A FOURTH WOMAN and fucking ghosts maggie but then he showed up THE NIGHT BEFORE HE GOT MARRIED, cried at her, then left AND GOT MARRIED AND NEVER SPOKE TO HER AGAIN)
seven (he apparently spent a lot of his childhood just hanging out in trees people/bird watching? which is adorable. you also get the whole perfectionist looking back fondly on children being a peer to go insane. but also he seemed to stay in contact with his childhood friends to a kinda insane degree. but also man has lost a lot of friends)
epiphany (his mom was a fucking nurse who died when he was 14 and then later his wife died of the exact same thing. so i imagine the second verse Hits. aside from that though eh)
the two (2) songs that paul commented on
tlgad (he liked it!! this one gives me bigger george vibes tho. guys george’s house was so fucking cool he had all these weird caves underneath it and sometimes he would give people tours and have someone else lead them into the caves and then jump out and scare them)
peace (again said he liked it!! apparently got a bit hung up on the “give you a child” line which. fair. but also. listen to the song a bit more james i think it would give you mild psychic damage)
no brain damage
mad woman (i would actively avoid having to talk to him about this song. not cause i think he’d say anything particularly harmful (nowadays) i just think i’d be bored out of my mind)
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aloesarchives · 11 months
Kengan Omega Thoughts
I finally caught up with Kengan Omega now and I... Um, What?
*Spoilers for the lastest chapter!*
I know I shouldn't be rooting for him because he's supposed to be a villain but for all things under the fucking sun he's hot. Look at him, he's pretty for being over like a hundred years old or some thing like that. Fucking aging like mf wine, jesus christ.
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Mukaku dying is good because while he did care to some extent, he was overall terrible person. It's funny how he could've done something if he actually never gave up when dark Niko defected to the worm if he still trained our Niko and try to stop the worm. But his flaw of giving up when he knew he lost probably got him to where he was. Plus his motives to kill and get rid of the worm wasn't for virtue or the greater good, it was to get revenge on the connector for murdering his clan which resulted in him having people die because he instigated them.
It sort of falls under the theme of conviction, tenacity, and motive that Kengan has. People with strong convictions and wholeheartedly believing in their motives to fight gives them power and strength in matches and training.
Just something I noticed when reading the "save Ryuki from the inside" arc in the manga. (which I left of from)
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If this chapter came out early 2022 or 3 years ago, I would be frothing at the mouth right now seeing Joji and Waka interact. I'm happy that it's canon that the two of them actually know each other. Dude, even Waka knows Joji is a troublemaker, lol. Though I'm out of my Joji and Wakatsuki phase, I still love them dearly. Especially Joji, the man is funny, empty-headed, nonchalant. I personally want to thank Sandrovich for including Joji more in Omega and making him as comic relief. He so himbo-coded, I love it.
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Ugh, I love them so much! They have come a long way since the beginning of Omega. I'm so happy for them. Ohma, Ryuki, and Koga, nice development and growth.
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I'm sorry, but this fucking panel had me cackling. I know it's meant to be serious and all but it reminds me all too much of this picture below:
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Dude, you know it's serious when four of the most powerful people are in an absolute state of shock. The Worm and the Death Dealers don't play around. But I kinda wish they didn't make Shen be this over powered because we don't know who's gonna beat him. I mean, they already stated that Lolong, Agito, nor Raian could defeat him. Hell, we don't know what happened to Ohma since he witness that even the fangs of Metsudo are no match for him. I mean, it'll probably go down to more of Koga fighting him if anything but he'll get his butt handed to him. I wouldn't be surprised if Ryuki fights Shen because it's hinted that there are more then one connector since Mukaku put two and two after realizing that Ohma looked more like Ryuki then with Shen. I think it would be fun to hear that Ohma is a clone of Ryuki and Ryuki is a connector but was sealed away in one of those tube thingys in like the movies. That could explain why he doesn't remember much of his past besides training with Mukaku unlike Ohma who was remembers being a child in the inside.
So we know that Ohma is definitely a clone. Unsure if he's a clone of Ryuki and unsure if Ryuki is a connector himself. I guess we'll wait and see because it seems like the Omega is getting close to the end, like 75% done.
Nogi really is playing with fire and a hydrogen bomb. I understand and like his spirit. But Idemitsu makes a good point about all of this. I also liked how his reaction of shock is different from Yamashita, Nogi, and Katahara. Obviously it's shock but more of like "What the fuck? What the hell just happened?" versus the three's reaction being "Oh my fucking God, how did this fucking happened? What are we up against?" Idemitsu was aware of the worm and of its existence but only recently interacted with them. Whereas Nogi and Yamashita know what they are up against and how dangerous they are to the entire world. Katahara, on top of the two, has even experienced the Worm and even seen their atrocities as he had came across a Gu ritual where he ended up meeting Agito as he was the only survivor.
I just wanna see how this all goes down and what will happen to Ohma and Ryuki.
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theboombutton · 5 months
I've just started reading Dungeon Meshi and I had to share some context for a Japanese-culture joke that I actually got for once!
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When I was in college, there was a little independent theater that mostly showed foreign & independent films, plus midnight cult classics, monster movie Mondays, and a monthly? amateur short film festival that was also a gong show*. I didn't make near enough use of this theater and I regret that to this day, but one of the movies I did see there on a Monster Movie Monday was Matango.
Spoilers for Matango below, if it wasn't obvious.
Matango (1963) is a Japanese monster movie by director Ishiro Honda, who you're most likely to know as the director of Godzilla (1954). Matango is generally considered his darkest film. Also, weirdly, I've heard a rumor it might be a major inspiration for Gilligan's Island? And I can kinda see it?
Anyway, it's about a group of people who are shipwrecked on an island full of radioactive fungus. Everybody's pretty leery about eating them, because the shipwreckees found an older shipwreck, including a ship's log from its (now-absent) survivors saying the mushrooms cause hallucinations - but they're running low on food so eventually some of them say y'know what, fuck it.
The mushrooms turn out to be not only hallucinogenic, but also addictive and infectious - you can tell how long someone's been eating mushrooms based on their level of mushroom disfigurement. The mushroom eaters hunt down the holdouts and force them to eat the mushrooms too. Only one dude escapes the island, and in the last shot of the film we see - dun dun DUN! - even though he got away without eating any mushrooms, he still got infected and is turning into a mushroom person.
So the implication is that the travelogue guy ate from a Matango-style walking mushroom, and got transformed into one himself for his trouble. And because it's a funny side page instead of main comic continuity, Marcille understands the implication and is freaked out by this.
What's funnier to me, though, is Laios's nonchalance. You just know that if he understood the cultural reference, he would be fucking drooling at the thought of a monster he could both eat and turn into.
Dumb asides about that independent theater's film festival below the cut.
* The Gong Show was a 70s TV talent show where if someone's act sucked, they'd ring a big gong to cut them off. In the case of this short film festival, there was a 2 or 3 minute grace period, after which one of the organizers shone a light on the gong. Once the light was on the gong, the audience was allowed and indeed encouraged to shout "gong!" if they weren't enjoying the current film; if there was enough shouting, the host would ring the gong and the film would be cut off. From a creator's perspective I imagine this must have been humiliating; but from an audience and I suppose business perspective, it was crucial to keeping the event fun and well-attended. Very few people would have paid 5 bucks to spend their Friday night screening a bunch of poorly-paced, masturbatory student films. Instead, the threat of the gong encouraged locals to make short funny videos that would have done numbers on Tiktok if it had been around at the time. (An example I still remember 15 years later: shots of someone's hands assembling a cheese sandwich while Duel of the Fates plays. Cut to show the guy throwing the sandwich into the air, just as the music is climaxing. The guy is in jedi robes, activates his lightsaber, and swings at the sandwich. Cut to the sandwich falling back onto the plate, cut in half, grilled from the slice out. The guy picks up one of the halves and takes a bite. End of film.)
I only saw the audience not be ruthless about gonging a boring film once. An out-of-towner entered a short about a woman losing her child during the Holocaust. Not depicting an actual series of events, you understand - just symbolic shots of stars of david and swastikas and a woman and her child frolicking in a field and then DRAMATIC SLOW-MO on a shot of her spinning around and then gasp! The clothes are empty!
During the intro (every entrant gave one before their film was shown), she mentioned that it had won some other local film festivals, but she didn't think it was going to play as well here. I get the impression she hadn't realized this was a festival attended by normal-ass people, and was rather embarrassed about how poorly hers was going to go over. But, nobody wanted to be the first one to boo a film about the Holocaust, and so everyone patiently waited through her maudlin piece of crap film. (When your film is already dragging, for the love of god, don't add slo-mo .)
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gibbearish · 11 months
it is with a heavy heart that i must announce. the five nights at freddy's movie was really good
sorry for how much of a behemoth this post is im fnaf autism just bear with me also i can't keep my thoughts straight for the life of me so this will be a bumpy ride. as an additional note i got very lucky and had literally 0 spoilers whatsoever for this movie, i haven't even seen the trailer
so first of all: i thought all the changes they made to the plot to make it work for a movie were good decisions, altho some of them did take a minute to actually feel like good changes lmao. once i thought about em a bit more though they made sense.
one of the things i really liked was that they also did include a lot of the things i wanted them to, or more specifically things that you're like "you literally can't have a fnaf movie without these, it just wouldn't be right", like we got mike schmidt, we got fucking VANESSA??? altho she might be in the trailer so that might not be the same reveal for yall as it was for me but still. they heavily alluded to vanny? (altho that's a part i'm kinda sad abt is they didn't /actually/ include vanny, vanessa just makes an offhand comment about how she "wouldn't be much help" if she was around afton and then. comes to help anyways and doesnt have any issues? lame they shouldve had him hypnotise her and then she fought her way out to help mike and abby. or alternatively they couldve used the family restructuring to make vanny be a result of afton giving vanessa osdd-2, like thats kinda functionally what he does with the mask anyways but this would make it more obvious).
also swinging back to changes they made that i liked!! VANESSA AFTON?? like this is the one that took me a while to get used to bc it feels like such a cliche from an outside perspective but it also kind of Super Isn't considering what the original plot is? like all the family restructuring they did makes pretty good sense to me, i do think it loses a bit of the weight having michael be Just Some Guy Whose Brother Happened To Be Kidnapped By Afton Forever Ago and now coincidentally has this weird guy offering him a job as a night guard, but also the og lore. absolutely would not fit into a movie lmao. so i like that they kept the characters everyone wanted around while also rearranging it to keep the spirit of "learning about all of this for the first time through the eyes of a security guard" you get from playing the games. it's fun for people who don't know the lore because it's easy to follow and it's fun for people who /do/ know the lore because they can pull apart all the differences.
oh right back to things they included that i wanted them to. we gotttt chica's cupcake murdering people, we got FUCKING MATPAT? SAYING THE ITS JUST A THEORY LINE? SOUNDING THRILLED OFF HIS ASS TO BE THERE??? i dont like the man and his opinions vis a vis addressing nonbinary characters but. goddamn was that a funny cameo. why couldnt you include markiplier too you fucking cowards. who said that. anyways. oh we kind of tangentially have a canon name for crying child? aka garrett? like idk this one could go either way because like. yeah he's mike's younger brother that died tragically and scarred him for life, makes sense that theyd be the same character in function but also it is technically a different family so who knows.
umm what else. oh this doesnt rlly fall into either category i just really liked it, the intro sequence for all the animatronics? showing what they can /really/ do with the breaking and entering dudes?? that was such a cool sequence i really liked the whole thing honestly. chica being introduced in the kitchen and the dude finding the cupcake then looking back and it's gone? bonnie in the supply closet? foxysprint??? AND FREDDY!! THE BITE!!! in case anyones reading this before watching the movie so they know what to expect: youll know when this moment is coming and if youre watching it at home with friends i HIGHLY recommend having the "was that the bite of 87" clip ready to play right after, they WILL lose their shit. i had it queued up from the very beginning of the movie cause i was like. they can't not include it /somehow/, it's the fnaf movie there has to be A Bite. and sure enough. oh also it's not at the same time but the golden freddy reveal is really good too, they did a good job of setting it up so even if youre already aware of golden freddy conceptually you still go "oh freddy's here? i mean i guess that makes sense he's the leader and all. or wait what happened to his eye why's he only got one? oh. oh i see. ohohohohohohohoho" 100/10. also very funny that they just straight up. MURDER THE AUNT? AND SHE NEVER GETS MENTIONED AGAIN SHE JUST IS DEAD??? the kid isnt like. hey what happened to aunt jane?? i get none of them liked her and with good reason but youd think at least one of em would be like "damn she sucked but she didnt deserve that, rip jane"
oh and the springlocks of course the springlocks. like as soon as we saw aftons name in the cast list we all knew he was gonna get springlocked, it's such a cherished memory for so many of us and there's no way in hell The Fnaf Movie™ wouldnt include afton getting springlocked, they just legally can't leave that out. and they do it pretty well too like yeah if you know what's gonna happen you can see it coming way ahead of time and it's kind of a slow crawl to get there but like. idk i think it still works pretty well. i don't personally like how long the actual springlocking itself took, i think they couldve milked that a little bit less cause i was under the impression that if one springlock failed they All Would Instantaneously And Your Flesh Body Will Become Occupied By A Full Endoskeleton. but no we just get very slow rib beartrap. w/e though still cool and again the leadup to it was really good even knowing exactly how it would end, like just the really slow shuffling of the animatronics towards him? like yeah it's slow and kinda tedious but its also like. theres literally nothing you can do, youre surrounded and defenseless and theyre infinitely faster and stronger than you and now they remember that you killed them. and you just have to sit there and watch them slowly slowly get closer all while trying to talk your way out of it knowing youre fucked. 10/10 they did that part well
oh and that also falls under changes i liked, i liked that instead of "afton tries to escape intangible ghosts by getting into old decrepit suit which then fails and kills him" it was "afton was already in the suit to do murders in and has brainwashed the bots to follow him" wait omg point postponed i just realized that part is from security breach. i thought vanessa was the only thing they brought over from that i didnt even notice that they werent doing the theyre-attacking-all-adults-indiscriminately thing goddamn. omg wait and the fact that the restaurants already closed in this one, it really is just a blend of all the games huh. scott do you see how much more coherent your plot couldve been if there wasnt So much going on. anyways. back to what i was saying. instead of "afton tries to escape intangible ghosts by getting into old decrepit suit which then fails and kills him" it was "afton was already in the suit to do murders in and brainwashed the ghosts into thinking he was their friend so they would help him do murders while possessing the robots. then they get their memories back and the robots turn on him and.. i think deliberately? set off the springlocks, or were just aiming to regular kill him and the springlocks failing was a happy accident? then the robots drag him away as they keep slowly one by one collapsing into him", like the first one made a lot of sense for the game and the timeline and the second one just feels right for this too. it's still his hubris that kills him, still his springlocks, it's just in one version the hubris is "trusting his springlock design to still work after however many years" and in the other its "thinking he has conplete control over the ghosts he killed", plus the ghosts finally get a bit more direct participation in his death than in the other version lol.
one change i did not like. forced het romance. like i dunno i guess im happy for them, both of those characters have certainly earned happy endings by this point so its nice they can get something cutesy. but also. like cmon man it's vanessa and mike do we have to do this she just got stabbed stop holding her hand
oh also this change wasnt really good or bad i just thought it was funny, vanessas a full on cop now? like i get they prolly just dont wanna have two security guards or something but i mean. it wouldve been really easy to just say she was the day shift guard? thatd explain why she had more information on the bots and the place's history than him, why she's always Around, it wouldve even flowed into the vanessa afton reveal pretty well too because like. yeah obviously a guy doing murders would want his main security guard to be someone he trusts and who better than his theoretically brainwashed daughter yknow? as it was she just kinda Showed Up Knowing Stuff And Ignoring Questions and later afton's like "you were supposed to be keeping an eye on him" but like of course Mike was getting dodgy about the weirdo cop loitering nearby for no reason, thats sus as hell lmao. vs "experienced security guard here to show you the ropes" he would have a much easier time trusting that she actually did have his best interests at heart. idk it just seemed like a weird change to me lmao
ummm oh my roommate pointed out the fact that when they tried to springlock abby the suit they were aiming for looked suspiciously like circus baby and abby and baby are anagrams so thats fun. it's hard to tell though if shes intended to be a rework of elizabeth or if vanessa's filling that role now. cause like on the one hand, michael's younger sister whose name is v close to baby, on the other hand, vanessa is afton's daughter. so idk i feel like it could go either way. if abby's elizabeth i guess that negates the thing about garret maybe being crying child's name bc then theyd prolly just be keeping mike's name the same. w/e
oh my god i completely forgot when i was talking about changes to the afton springlock thing, they had him deliberately put his mask on after the other springlocks started releasing and say the "i always come back" line, i thought that was an excellent touch. like he's actively dying a horrific death and is like. no no. im not leaving this bot. this shit is going to suck ass no matter what so i might as well do all i can to ENSURE my soul gets locked in this fuckin thing, go on stab me in the brain lets do this. i will however also say that having him say "i always come back"... before he's even come back the first time? is a little bit weird, i know thats another one of the "we have to include this in the fnaf movie" things so im not mad but just in the moment it def flows a bit weird. like mf you don't even have one example of that yet much less several to be saying "always" about
OH AND THE BIGGEST ONE. THE ANIMATRONICS. theyre so good. like im so glad they went all in on that, i think they probably knew that if there was one single thing they had to get absolutely 100% right to avoid a fan uprising it was those and by god did they deliver, theyre so big and so unsettling and so fun. chica's wink at abby was the best part of the movie no questions asked. or alternatively bonnie falling over after they built the fort. like theyre all just so good. OH MY GOD OR IN CHICA'S INTRODUCTION SEQUENCE WHERE YOU CAN SEE HER JUST. SCOOTING BY THROUGH THE VENT?? THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING OF ALL TIME HELLO???
god. but yeah i was honestly expecting it to be a lot worse than it was. also this mike is a bad brother/dad figure. but i guess in the games he also kind of is the pinnacle of bad brother so i mean it couldve been a lot worse. theres definitely some rough parts, i mightve mentioned this already but i felt like a few of the dramatic pause things were a bit too drawn out, like i said the springlocks locking is one good example of that but another that i REALLY found slow was like. in the opening we watch a guy get turbomurdered by the swirly blade mask and it takes. way longer than i feel like was necessary. also unnecessary: a jumpcut a second from scared eyes to swirly blades to hands fumbling and repeating during that. oh another thing that was weird to me, why was mike so insistent on sleeping specifically at night? to the point of deliberately sleeping on the job? like i get he wanted to revisit the kidnapping dream but like. presumably he could dream just as well during the day, no? done his night shift then once it was up rolled out a sleeping bag for a quick powernap before heading home? idk that just felt. forced to me
more random things, i am sad we didnt get a whiff of henry emily (my fringe theory was that their twist to change it from the games was they were gonna make henry be evil, rip to that idea) or the puppet/charlie, and kinda sad they changed the kid possessing golden freddy to be a boy like. we love cassidy and her Undying Rage Towards Afton's Soul smh why would you get rid of her. also loved balloon boy, kinda wish mangle had gotten like a similar level appearance but thats w/e. oh also while i did appreciate the low gore level there were also a few times where it was a bit weird how minor the injuries the dead people had were. like this man just had his face put in a blender mask and he just has like. some forehead gashes or whatever? he should look like someone stirred up jello
anyways with that gross thought i think i am out of things to say about the movie for now. if anyone else watched it already and somehow read all of this blease tell me your thoughts
#the stuff under the cut contains major spoilers so reader beweader#this post is also gonna be rambley as hell so like. strap in#update after finishing it: it is indeed very rambley and also long as hell so see again: reader beweader#fnaf movie spoilers#five nights at freddy's movie spoilers#fnaf spoilers#five nights at freddy's spoilers#fnaf#fnaf movie#my roommate said they heard they were aiming to make 3 moves total and if i had to guess#i would say the other movies will probably hit fnaf 3 and then pizzaria simulator#obviously with some massive changes to the plot regarding timelines and just resolving general world changes#but i do feel like those encapsulate the main big points of afton's arc#aka 1) getting springlocked‚ 2) being springtrap (potentially in fazbear frights and i think that would be a really cool movie#but really the location doesnt really matter so much as the He's Been Woken Up And Is Hunting Someone#and then 3) getting his ass sent to ghost hell by henry. frankly i would be happy if they just ripped his final monologue#straight from the game and didnt even rerecord it it's just so iconic#like id want them to include security breach too somehow but. the timelines gonna get real condensed real fast then#it already would be if they include 3 isnt there like 30 years between aftons death and that one? so the part thats#originally set in 2050????? yeah thatd take some serious rearranging#hmm although i am now in my head thinking of something. abt the location not mattering as long as#springtrap wakes up and hunts someone. what if they did that /in the pizzaplex/ instead of in a horror attraction#or maybe for a horror installation there#idk im just rambling more now but i think thatd be a cool way to combine those parts#oh sorry technically that thing abt afton getting springlocked is technically a spoiler#but i mean come on we all knew that was gonna happen
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aristotels · 8 months
Thinking about art and fiction and concepts of ownership and honestly it's kinda fucked that collaborative and transformative storytelling is literally as old as time and one of the most basic human instincts that exists, but the only good word it we have right now is "fanfiction"
and when you tell people you write fanfiction they think you're some kind of cringe weirdo and possibly pervert and then the whole thing gets derailed by this bizarre side discussion into how "No it's not all porn, it's absolutely everything and anything imaginable, duh, but like, even if it were all porn, that would also be okay". Like I'm all for pointing out the double standards about how published authors who put sex into their stories don't lose any respectability (especially if they're men, and especially if the sex is cishet), but the second I, a fanfiction person, add a romantic arc into my plotty casefic suddenly I'm a fujoshi with shipper brainrot etc etc-
But it's tiring that this is even a focal point
My favourite funny and sad thing is watching people (usually dudes) who clearly either view themselves as above fanfiction or have simply never ever thought of themselves as "the type" to do creative writing discover The Fanfiction Urge, because the way they express it is like. An increasingly passionate and detailed video essay about how Movie should have gone instead, or, my favourite, a story about something cool that happened to them in XCOM or Darkest Dungeon or some other Difficult Game For Serious Gamers and by the end of the post they're legitimately just writing prose. Like look at this! LOOK! Damn if this person didn't speedrun the gamerbro-to-AO3 pipeline just for a sec. And not that there's anything wrong with those formats but it makes you wonder if that's something they'd be interested in exploring more if their wings got unclipped
Or DnD. Small wonder that TTRPGs are becoming so popular when they're one of the few increasingly non-cringe ways to do the extremely basic human urge of Tell Story Collaboratively
A friend of mine had this to say recently about his own struggles with this kind of internal bias:
i'd like to try out Thousand-Year-Old Vampire (a solo role-playing game with minimal rules to make you write your own narrative) and my toxic masculinity is getting in the way. discouraging thoughts include: i'm not creative enough; creative writing is for Floofy Humanities types and i am a Cold STEM type; it's not a real game unless it has Systems that you can Study and Master. would anyone like to say something encouraging?
and honestly that's incredibly illuminating innit isn't it. The splitting off of creative activity (not just fanfiction, either) into something only for Floofy Humanities Types but not Serious People and the way it's linked to whether or not you can make money off it... oof.
This became a long post thank you for your patience
ngl i just dont rly care that much for fandoms... i like fanfic, i read it and write it, but i dont rly see fandom as my identity or smth i particularly care about, to me all of it is just the same as me playing with barbie dolls.
i dont think its something special that can be compared to actual literature and i think there are certain problems w booktok people relying on tropes that come from fanfic mentality. its just not the same, and i do wish people who like fanfic would sometimes also read.......some actual books sometimes
i just generally dont see what youre describing as some huge thing or problem, i think anti-kink ppl doxxing artists is the major worrisome thing when it comes to fandoms, but i think the doxxers also take the whole fandom experience too seriously
and i say this as someone who also writes fanfic, so like, it rly isnt me going "fanfic authors/readers are stupid", i find fanfic super cool to explore yourself, fanart taught me sooo much as an artist, i even enjoy roleplaying; all of this serves a very real purpose of exploring things as a human in realms of fiction, and pre-existing characters make that easier. i think that can be very useful, we learn about ourselves through books and stories. i just think fandom should be treated the way it is - playtime with toys ✌️
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