#Izuku is still a good hero and I'm glad that he got what he wanted - he's a main character
sarahjtv · 3 days
My Hero Academia: Chapter 424 Spoiler Thoughts:
MHA is finally back from break and we have a calm after the storm chapter. Let me put my thought on Tumblr for a bit:
So, let's get this out of the way: Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura is dead. Like, DEAD, dead. Unless Kohei Horikoshi pulls the rug under us, I think he's made it clear that Tenko's not coming back. Those last 2 pages were it for his conclusion. He did add one more panel of Shiggy and some dialogue from Deku to say that maybe Deku really did "save" Tenko, but that's all we got. I'm still unsure how to feel about this, but I appreciate Horikoshi giving Tenko a bit more of a conclusion after the last chapter. But, the story isn't over yet, so we'll see if he's mentioned again.
Bakugo's parts were the best parts of this chapter. I'm glad to see him alive and well after everything (I highly doubt Horikoshi would keep him dead again anyway) and that his parents are there for him (Mitsuki yelling at him was funny ngl). Sucks that his right arm will never fully recover, but maybe that rehab will help him get to a good enough place. Also, his moments with Deku and All Might were incredibly sweet and a great conclusion to their little storyline. Seeing Bakugo genuinely tear up and look back on his and Deku's relationship throughout the years honestly moved me because it shows how far this young man has come (the artwork on his face is so good btw; Horikoshi has always been great at expressions in particular). Katsuki Bakugo's character development is one of my favorites in the series and he deserves #1 in every character poll he gets.
Deku continues to be Deku till the very end. I loved Izuku nerding out about how he gets to share a hospital room with All Might because of course he would. It's also nice to hear that A.) All Might reassures Deku that even though he doesn't feel like he saved Tenko because Tenko died, he still might have in the end and B.) Deku still has the embers of One For All which doesn't make him Quirkless. I assume this means that Deku is basically back at the start when he first got OFA. I'm sure his strength is still there at least, but it's probably not nearly as powerful as it was in the final battle.
Also, Deku's haircut 😭! I know they had to do it because it got messed up in the final battle and surgery, but please let his hair grow again before the manga ends, Horikoshi! I want his cute, bushy green hair back! There's also a scar on his right cheek covering his cute freckles I can't. His eyeball popping out of his socket when he sees Kacchan cry was hilarious, though 😂
All Might also telling Deku and Bakugo that they're the greatest heroes to him and everyone else is a really nice full circle on their initial dreams when the story started.
And then there are the two panels we get of Shoto and Ochako. I assume we'll touch on their epilogues next chapter, but I'm curious how they're doing because Ochako looks solemn and we don't even see Shoto's face because his back is turned to us in a dark light. I bet they're reflecting on what happened to Toga and Dabi respectively. We're still not sure if either of them really died, so it's a coin flip as to whether they did or not. There's also Shoto's whole family situation that needs tying up which is a whole other can of worms. I really hope this gets covered in the next chapter.
Finally, we see Deku and the others returning to UA which is currently being rebuilt. I'm guessing we'll see how everyone else is doing post-war too either in the next chapter or later. While we need to cover the main 4 (Izuku, Bakugo, Shoto, and Ochako), we also need to see how everyone else is doing because they weren't the only ones affected by the war. Everyone has battle scars of some kind.
And while the chapter is called "Epilogue", it's not over yet. We clearly have more story to cover and bows to tie as neatly as possible. Horikoshi can't please everyone (no one can, really), but I can tell that he's doing his best and that he still genuinely cares about his story after nearly 10 years. I'd say we have the rest of June at least and the end of summer at most until MHA finally ends. This was a really nice "wrap-up" chapter and we have more to go until the end. Despite its flaws, My Hero Academia is still peak fiction to me and some of the parts in this chapter cement that. It will always have a special place in my heart. I will be sad to see this series go, but I will be there until the end.
EDIT: I just saw Horikoshi's comment this week and it basically confirms that we have more story to come. He doesn't say how many chapter but he says "I'll keep going for a little while" and that we're returning to school life; the "Academia" part of the story. I'm really glad he's not rushing the conclusion because there's a lot of stories and characters to give finales to. I'm also really curious to see how school life is post-war, so I'm glad that'll be explored.
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buttercupshands · 17 days
So... Ch 423 spoilers huh...?
Just read them... since, yeah, they just appeared and stuff
I... don't really have much to say other than.... I guess this is over? The battle, the arc... basically everything?
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I'm... glad that it is, since it was really slow from all of the breaks, but at the same time it's... a little sad, or, actually, just... nothing
I think it's time to... reflect on... whatever happened in this arc or just in general, so... a personal story tie ig
I've been following mha for almost 5 years since I first watched and read it as my first "real" anime and have been following stuff ever since ch 240-241 came out and I caught up with manga, so it was pretty obvious what characters were the most interesting ones
Ever since the volumes became available to buy in 2019 I've been collecting them all up to the very recent ones and it was fun to do even if calculating how to buy them was a challenge for 'I just graduated high school' kind of person. But it was worth it every time with how LoV appeared basically in every single volume since they used 2-in-1 way of publishing so since LoV appears ever so briefly sometimes every 2 volumes it was a win-win situation
I took a break from buying them last year after the exams and stuff and after chapters of Toga's death came out I just took a break from mha in general, focusing more on other stuff like hsr, genshin or just my life while helping with stuff
I still followed the spoilers every week they came out just to see how Horikoshi wants to end the LoV story or at least how would Izuku fight Tomura in the end
And... it's the last chapter of that. After 2 years since the Final arc started and a year since Tomura actually started fighting Izuku inst
It feels right in a way, even if I'm a bit sad how... this is it? AFO just dropped info in ch 419 for it to be irrelevant in the end just for AFO to have control for 4 chapters and Tomura yelling to say that he's still alive in there
It was odd to actually read the spoilers one by one this time since I sometimes wake up too late so I just go through them quickly and that's it
I wondered halfway into the chapter that Tomura would just die soon but I didn't expect it to happen this chapter even more so at the end of it
It's... really is over now?
Defeating LoV was literally just finding a way for them to self-destruct instead of making Class 1-A be the ones who kill them showing that they're still good in the end. It's not like I'm complaining - it's the way I wanted them to be defeated because them staying alive in the end felt unfair, especially when fans were the ones who wanted it. Just leaving them in Tartarus for a way to say that Izuku can't save villains or changing the story so the LoV is left alone is not the way this manga would deal with it, I thought
And I was right in a way, even if it took Toga's monologue to actually be more sure that this is where it's going
It felt too much like how Twice's death was done - without any regret from him
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Maybe it made me a bit... off from how other people wanted it to end with heroes "getting what they deserve" or something, but it would've stopped being MHA after something like that happened, especially in a final arc when all of the LoV (except maybe Compress who is not on the battlefield) is literally wearing death signs with Dabi being the most loud one with it - and we still haven't seen him have this "alright, goodbye" moment like Twice, Toga and Tomura now had
And I don't believe that Dabi will survive this arc - he's literally too far gone with his body less alive than before and with him living only to be angry at Endeavor I guess it's a matter of time we get a goodbye from him too
With how this chapter handled it it seems that Spinner might survive this arc after all, but again - it makes it all the more sad since Horikoshi did remind us that Tomura befriended Spinner, in a way making it... a bit sad that it means that Tomura didn't expect others to make it or at least since they were more focused on their own goals Spinner was caring more for Tomura's goal than for himself.
Which is... even more sad considering that Tomura literally tells Izuku to say that he was destroying until the end instead of telling how Tomura lost everything and couldn't do anything anymore even before dying from basically decaying from the quirk that AFO gave him
And that's... Not dissapointing, no. It just makes me sad that his arc ended like that after all those chapters ever since he debuted 10 years ago.
Is you want it to be correct, since Horikoshi based Tomura off his oneshot about Tenko - it's been 17 years since the concept of his character first gained form and only now he's gone
Like... really gone. Nothing else left.
You can probably tell that I didn't take it well even if I wanted this ending to be this way not the "everyone survives way", but it still hurts to see the character that clicked ever since first watching and reading MHA and the character who is basically responsible for me even trying to check first the anime then wiki and then manga just... dying like that
Granted Kurogiri was the one who showed up in the end and I'm just glad for this because ever since ch 419 came out and even before that I just hoped for it to matter in some way and it did
I remember reading some fics that dealt with this arc in a way that was satisfying for me, but I still crried a lot and I still am crying now from thinking that Horikoshi did in fact give LoV a break instead of leaving them in jail.
I do need a break tho. Not in a "I leave and no more sketches or anything from me", no
I need a break from this manga, thankfully next volume isn't close so I'm free to not buy it right after that, especially since it's Toga's volume and I'm not ready to read it again but this time as "read every volume" way
I also can't leave Ultra Impact since I suddenly became a leader for a club I was in alone after everyone left, it's now full with 30 people appearing from s7 starting ig, but it gave me some responsibility to support the new players who decided that a weird club which name I can't even change from what last leader called it, so I might continue playing just to, at least, have all or the LoV characters fully leveled up just for fun
But in a way a need a break from Tomura. I had one or two when it was becoming unberable with how manga was going and with how things are... yeah
I have some sketches ideas but other than that... it's a bit hard to touch something LoV related right now.
I also don't think that doing something like this again is a way I want to cope with what happened - it happened and I already have two different posts about both how depressing and hopeful ch 419 is, and in the end both were true.
Nothing changed what happened in ch 419, Tomura just decided to destroy AFO when the plot wanted with Izuku and OFA together which is definetely something that people made theories of
He didn't get time to get at least something before he's gone and whatever happened with Nana was happened off-screen so we might as well see it as Tomura dying with his life never meaning anything, never actually having any purpose and only by helping to destroy AFO did he do at least something that helped others and was his own choice, but was it? Did he ever have a choice at all?
As it is now and will be for the end for MHA Tenko Shimura or Tomura Shigaraki never really had a choice in anything he did, not in a "I didn't have a choice!!!" dramatic way of how Nana Shimura left Kotaro. No. He didn't have any choices to choose from to begin with.
But with how Kurogiri still wanted to protect Tomura and reminded him of his friends at least it's not just the first part of the post that was right, in the end last words that Tomura said were connected to LoV and what he wanted to do for them, not that AFO was to blame for everything which is true still, but that LoV, even as broken as it is, is still a priority in Tomura's head after all this time of having AFO's quirk twist his mind and anything Tomura said outside of that headspace should've been carefully checked since it could've been AFO who's talking
It's not the ending for Tomura that people were hoping he'll get nor is it something that everyone will agree on, I can feel people arguing from here even if I didn't check Twitter or tags here on Tumblr to be sure. I don't need to.
So... those are my thoughts, a bit emotional in some places a bit chaotic in other, since my head is a mess right now and this was a way to say "this is it... are you happy?" to myself and answering it.
And the answer is no. I'm not happy. This arc, Tomura's personal arc and the way Izuku "helped" Tomura is still some of the worst things, even if I'm glad that this is over and I'm not obligated by myself to wait every week nervous that Tomura would suffer, and he did suffer, a lot.
From how his only way of getting his memory back was to suffer again to the fact that he had to suffer to get rid of his hate that AFO so carefully nurtured for 16 years. It wasn't great, especially since I joined after MVA was over and nothing after that was good to LoV getting worse every chapter from Twice dying and Toga learning that she'll probably die too, to Tomura never actually meeting LoV again as himself after he got AFO's quirk basically making him oblivious to the fact that Dabi is Toya or that Spinner followed what AFO wanted just to be useful, that Toga gave away her blood to save Ochako or that Dabi burned himself to death probably and Mr. Compress compressing parts of his own body. And the only person he saw before talking to Izuku was Kurogiri who was literally melting away at that very moment.
It's... a bit unfair.
Yes, villains lose at the end since we're reading a manga even if the manga itself isn't sure if it wants to go "no this is REAL" or go the way every shonen goes with the main character getting what they want. LoV lost at the end just because the manga needed them to lose, even if the way it was shown wasn't disrespectful to their character arcs, all of them making sense in the end.
It's still unfair that their only choice was to die and in a way bring everyone with them if they can, it was the way Dabi almost did it, it was the way both Toga and Tomura did, only for their respective Heroes - Shouto (and Todoroki family as whole), Ochako and Izuku being saved from dying from something that would've worked ONLY there and then. While the villains are not in the My Villain Academia version of manga anymore, so they don't have a way to survive anything like they did in MVA. For Toga, Twice and Tomura it was the only way to survive, if they weren't the main characters of that arc they would've died.
So, in the end it's miracle that we even had that arc in the first place with how Horikoshi wasn't planning for the villains to become the sympathetic characters for the fans - they were supposed to be just scary, and it's clear when you read stuff before volume 23 comes with MVA - they were always just evil and scary without any hope for us to get something out of it. You may say that the chapter with Toga helping Twice and having Tomura talk to them after the conversation with Overhaul was the first sign of Horikoshi not just showing them as those evil villains, and in a way it's true.
Nothing from before that arc actually helped LoV aside from showing some poins of "Dabi might me Toya" or first points of AFO and Tomura talking face to face. In the end everything important was in Overhaul arc and MVA tightly connected to each other.
I'm glad that for the 5 years of my life I've been analysing LoV and took my time getting every volume, I'll still hold them dearly. But aside from couple of chapters at the end showing us what happened to others... it's really the end of it.
With how long this post is I don't expect for people to read everything, since it was mostly just me talking about the new chapter for an hour and a half, sharing my thoughts, feelings and... whatever else there might be.
Because it was important thing in my life for a long enough time that I would miss it.
I can talk for hours more and just loop around this topic, but this is long enough post and I'm tired, but thanks for reading
I'm happy that this is over
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quinncupine · 9 months
So glad your request are open I love your writing! Here’s a request for you, Deku x fem reader where he’s out on patrol and calls his s/o to check up on her and she doesn’t answer, so he goes home and and sees someone holding the reader hostage and he saves her. Protective worried Izuku wins my heart every time lol
I definitely got a little carried away with this one. This request was a bit similar to the last one, so I took a few liberties, but I hope you'll enjoy it all the same!
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Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X Female Reader
Word count: ~7,600
Warnings: Blood, mild language, guns, explosvies, violence
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The phone buzzed for a second time in his pocket. With a distracted sigh, he pulled it out, only getting a momentary glance at the caller's I.D. Your picture lit up the screen, and he couldn't help the smirk that pulled at the corners of his lips. He moved to answer it, but someone laid a hand on his shoulder.
"Deku, the negotiator just finished the call." Detective Tsukauchi said with a grim look. "Dynamight just arrived as well."
Izuku glanced back down at the phone and declined the call with a promise to call you back once this situation had been handled.
The command center that had been hastily assembled outside of the museum buzzed with activity. Officers had scattered about, all running orders and securing the perimeter of the increasing amount of curious onlookers. Evening had set upon them, bathing the area in golden rays blended with the flashing lights of the nearby cruisers.
Both men headed towards the back of a S.W.A.T. vehicle where Dynamight stood, grumbling about something to a man right outside the truck.
"Dynamight!" Deku called to his old friend as they approached, "It's good to see you! We'll not under these conditions, I suppose."
Hearing his name on familiar lips, he tensed, and turned to glare at the bright beam of a smile being shot his way. "Of course, you'd be here," was his apparent greeting.
"I'm glad you're here," Tsukauchi said to the feisty hero with a nod. "I'm sure you've been briefed on the situation at hand."
"Yeah, a bunch of rich ditz's got themselves kidnapped during their own fundraiser." He snipped, crossing his arms. "The idiots robbing the joint made a mistake during their little heist and decided to make things worse."
Tsukauchi cleared his throat. "Um, well, yes I suppose you could put it that way." Then he turned his attention to the man Katsuki had been talking to earlier. "This is Agent DeLuca. He's our chief negotiator tonight. He'll fill you in on the rest."
"Right," the older man nodded, looking between the three of them, "I've made contact with their leader. He didn't have much to say except for a list of outrageous demands."
"Outrageous?" Izuku asked, curious.
"Yeah," the man chuckled before turning serious. "They want a helicopter landed on that roof," he pointed to the museum, "five fresh pizza's waiting in said helicopter, along with four crates of top shelf sake. They want it all within twenty-eight minutes, or they'll execute their first hostage. And by my count, we have twenty-four minutes left."
"Pizza and booze?" Katuski scoffed. "What're they playin' at?"
"Twenty-eight minutes is a pretty specific timeframe." Izuku cocked his head. "And with those kind of demands It almost seems like they're waiting for something. Stalling."
The phone in his pocket buzzed again but this time he simply reached in and turned it off, mind swirling with possible theories. They had to be aiming toward a bigger goal here. What weren't they seeing?
"Do we have eyes and ears inside?" He peeked into the truck where a wall of screens shone through.
"We managed to patch through to the security system, but they've been hacked. They're just playing the same loop on repeat. We do have a specialist currently working on overriding it, but that's gonna take time." The detective rubbed his head while he explained. "From what we can gather, they still have roughly 18 guests and staff held hostage."
"And that quirk barrier is preventing anyone from getting in," Izuku murmured, examining the building. It emitted a faint purple aura. "I bet holding that up takes a lot of stamina. That could be why they were on such a specific time frame."
"Our men tried to get through." Tsukauchi frowned. "Anyone who touched that thing ended up numb from the shock. That's why you two are here. It might be possible to break through with your quirks. The only problem is alerting the captors."
"They said they'd start shooting the moment anyone stepped foot in that building. Agent DeLuca explained. "At the moment, we're in a deadly stalemate."
Tsukauchi's phone rang, and he excused himself.
Izuku pinched his bottom lip in thought as he faced the building. There were a few ways they could go about this. With Dynamight here, it should make things a little easier. However, he needed to be sure to keep the lives of the civilians as his first priority. So maybe if he-
"Deku," Tsukauchi grabbed his shoulder, pulling him from his ruminations. "Your wife is calling."
He blinked. You were calling again. When he instinctively reached into his pocket wondering how the detective new that, he paused, finally noticing the phone in his hand. Then he noticed the deep-set frown on his face.
A million questions scrambled through his head, but he locked them down in favor of taking the phone. "Hey, is everything alright?"
"Deku, listen closely," you said quietly. Your voice didn't sound right. A slightly slurred warbled edge.
had the baby hairs on his neck on end. "You're going to…to let the men in the museum leave unscathed. You will not pursue. Do this, and everyone gets -" You hitched your breath "- everyone gets to live."
A lingering silence pressed between the two of you. Your labored breaths a loud echo to his ears. It was wrong. So very wrong.
"Are you hurt?" He finally spoke, locking eyes with a concerned detective.
A shuddered sob answered him. It locked his heart in a vice grip to hear you so frightened. So vulnerable. How long had you been like that? How many calls did you try to make to him, and he simply ignored them all? Right when you needed him most. An equal flood of guilt and rage filled his veins. He could feel the sparks of his quirk begging to be let out in the wake of his anger, but he had to reel it in for your sake.
Behind your erratic panic, he could hear it.
The faint puffs of air around your own tattered breaths. Someone was there. Someone was there with you. And if he didn't act carefully, your life would be on the line.
"You have tw-twenty minutes to either s-save the innocent people in that building or come f-find me. There's not…there's not enough time to do both. If not…" you faltered before taking in a sharp drag of air and screaming. "Don't do it, Izuku! Save them! It's a trap. There's a-"
The call abruptly ended.
He stared at the screen. Too many conflicting emotions were battling for control to think clearly. Someone, a villain, had taken you. That much he was certain. There were more men than those five stuck in the museum. But it didn't add up. Even if there was someone from this crew working from the outside, there would simply not be enough time to plan something like this on the spot. Unless…unless it had been orchestrated from the start.
"Deku!" Katsuki snatched the phone out of his hands with an annoyed growl. "Get your head out of your ass. What was that about? You sayin' there's more of these losers?"
Izuku flinched at his words, not realizing he'd been mumbling.
"It's-she…they-" he locked eyes with Katsuki, "-they have her."
He straightened, glancing between the detective and Izuku. "Explain."
And so he did.
A nervous energy he couldn't quite tamper down ran rampant through his body. He itched to just take off and leave to go find you right then and there. But there was more to this than they realized, and if he ran headlong without forethought, it could put not just you but the other hostages in danger.
"That bastard!" Katsuki snapped. "They want to divide our forces. They think they can escape that way."
Yes, Izuku figured as much, but it still didn't change the fact that you were in some slimy villain's hand. He'd already tracked your location from the phone. It pinged from home, but whether you were still with it was up in the air. Those calls he'd missed seemed to be mocking him now.
He couldn't forgive himself for that.
You were calling for help.
You were calling for help, and he didn't answer.
You were calling for help, and he didn't come the one time you truly needed him.
What kind of lousy hero was he?
"Stop that," Katsuki slapped him upside the head, non to gentle either. "I know what you're thinking idiot. This isn't your fault. You just happened to be their target."
"What?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head.
"If they actually put a few braincells together to plan this thing, then it would make sense to have a backup plan. A failsafe of sorts." He tossed a glare towards the building before focusing back on Izuku. "They must've known your route. They must've planned for you to be in the area. What better way to take you out of the equation than to create your own hostage situation? Draw the heroes away."
"I believe Dynamight's got the right idea. They have more men involved than we thought. We'll need to revise our plan." Tsukauchi turned to relay this new information to the command tent.
"We're wasting time." Izuku turned to Katsuki, eyes wide and almost pleading. "I need to go. We're on a time limit. Whatever he has planned….I have to save her."
"You don't think I know that?" He scoffed. "I can handle things here easily. I bet those dumbasses didn't expect me to show up. My route doesn't fall into this sector."
Izuku nodded, grateful that he had arrived, then paused. "Why are you here?"
"Because I had to track down that bastard mugger that managed to escape through here. And if you thought I'd let you steal my crook, then you're dead wrong." He puffed up, daring Izuku to challenge him.
"First time a mugging actually worked in our favor then." He chuckled ironically and grabbed Katsuki's shoulder, his small smile slipping. "Thank you. I'll radio you as soon as I get her back."
"Yeah, yeah," he shrugged off his hand and shooed him away. "Now get out of here before I have to show you up again."
"Wait, Deku," Tsukauchi jogged back over, "I'm coming with you."
"I appreciate it, but I'm faster airborne." Izuku explained, impatience rearing itself in the form of a harried sigh.
"I know, but you're here under our jurisdiction. This kidnapping falls under that. I'm coming." He pulled out his keys and headed towards his car. "We can't rush into this without our own plan. Dynamight can handle things on this end, but i'm coming as backup. There are too many lives at stake here. If you barge in there with quirks blazing and emotions clouding your judgment, then it could spook the boss into doing something we'd all regret."
Logically, Izuku knew this. He did. But he also felt that overstored anger directing itself towards the detective. Izuku could handle a hostage situation. He's handled them before, and he most likely will have to handle them again. Then the rational side to his brain told him it would be good to have backup in case things did end up going wrong. Regardless, he couldn't waste any more time by arguing, so he simply nodded and got in the car.
The moment Tsukauchi started the car, he peeled out past the gathered crowd, straight towards Izuku's home. The same home he shared with you.
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The house was silent aside from the low buzz of the television in the other room. It played some show Izuku had been watching earlier before he left for his evening patrol. A hero documentary he's made you watch hundreds of times already. You absentmindedly listened to it as you cooked dinner, making sure to make leftovers for him to reheat once he returned from work.
After making a plate for yourself and storing some in the fridge for him, you dumped everything in the sink for a soak with the intent to come back later to clean. The meal smelled good if your rumbling stomach had anything to say about it. Washing up your hands, you took your plate into the dining room where you could finish watching the show.
On the way there, the lights flickered overhead before the power went out. You paused, staring around in the darkness to see if it would come back on. With the television off, the lifelessness seem quite foreboding as you stood all alone. Left in the quiet of the apartment, you set the plate down and headed into the living room where your phone sat on the coffee table. A quick call to the power company should clear this up.
When you stepped into the living room, using muscle memory to feel your way to the coffee table, the lights suddenly flickered back to life. You blinked rapidly to readjust your eyes as light flooded your vision. Glancing around the empty room, you wondered what had made the power surge like that.
"Weird," you whispered to yourself as you picked up the remote to turn the television back on.
One look at the flatscreen, and you gasped, dropping the remote. A dark, murky shape loomed behind you in the reflection, and before you even had time to react, a sweaty hand wrapped around your mouth and pulled you right off your feet.
You were slammed down into the carpet with a hard smack to your side. The attacker didn't give you much reprieve as you were hoisted back up and thrown onto the coffee table, smashing a vase full of flowers and knocking everything off as he dragged you across the wood surface.
It took a few seconds for your brain to pick up on what happened, and you shoved your legs under his arms and kicked as hard as you could in the groin. He yelped and let go, stumbling back into the couch, clutching himself.
That defense only bought you a limited amount of time. You scrambled off the table and landed on your knees, still a bit disoriented. The phone had landed underneath it, undamaged, in a stroke of luck. Dropping to your stomach, you reached under and nabbed the device.
You knew exactly who to call.
The intruder's hands latched onto your ankle just as you gripped the phone. He pulled your leg so hard you were sure something popped out of its socket. You screamed and twisted over, kicking at him wildly.
He didn't bother trying to hide his face. The man towered over you. He sported a neatly trimmed silver beard with matching square eyes that drilled an icy glare into your own.
"Stop fucking moving!" He growled as you kicked his knee and he doubled over, releasing you.
"Get away!" you screamed out, scurrying to your feet and dashing around the couch in an effort to make it to the door. "Help!" With the phone in your hands, you dialed in the number. He could respond faster than any police. And you would just feel better hearing his voice.
The phone rang twice before it disconnected. There wasn't much time to think about it as you made it to the door. You turned the knob, but a much larger hand snatched your wrist at the same time. The door slammed shut along with your hope.
He towered over you for a terrifying moment before he rammed you into the door. Your body dropped to the floor like a sack of rocks. Pain seared up against your spine where you had impacted.
The phone landed out of reach, corner of the screen smashed. You just prayed it would work.
Still disoriented, you didn't react much when his burly hands seized your throat and easily lifted you off the floor. Panic set in. You didn't even realize what had happened until it was too late. When it did catch back up, you scratched anything you could reach in an exhausted effort to release the pressure on your neck. The only sounds that managed to escape were wheezing gasps that held no form.
Regardless of how this scenario ended, you knew it wouldn't end well for you. This man had strength on his side. Fighting him would be a mistake, so you had to figure out a way to escape. Or, at the very least, call for help. Unless you could reach your phone, you were screwed.
Slippered feet struggled to try to pry him off you. His fingers only seemed to tighten further. Black ebbed at the corners of your vision, and pain blossomed up your head. Thinking, let alone, fighting seemed nearly impossible.
As your swirling vision dimmed, your foot managed to connect with his stomach. You dug your heel in as hard as you could. The fingers around your neck loosened slightly, and the only thing you could think to do was bite down on his hand.
He yelped and threw you against the door where you slumped forward onto your knees, gasping for air. The phone sat within reach, but first you swung out, and sucker punched him right where it hurts most for a second time. He roared and fell backward.
You used the opportunity to dive for your phone and redial Izuku's number, praying he would answer quickly. With a tight grip on the phone, you launched to your feet, swaying dangerously as you stumbled for balance. That hit to your head did more damage than you thought. You were almost sure you had a concussion.
Turning to the door, you glanced down and your heart sunk. It had gone to voicemail again. What was happening? He always answered.
"You're not going anywhere!" He yelled, staggering back to his feet.
Shit. You couldn’t think clearly and wasted too much time stumbling around. Now, he stood between you and the door, giving you quite the death glare.
"Please, just take whatever you want!" you tensed as he stepped closer. "Just…please just let me go."
"That's kinda hard when it's you that I need, now ain't it sweetheart?" He sneered, grabbing hold of the collar of your shirt and twisting you around into a headlock. "Now come on, we've got a schedule to keep."
He squeezed hard, forcing you to shuffle forward, away from the door. He wanted to keep you here? Why? If this had been kidnapping, you were sure he would've taken you somewhere else. Why keep you here unless… Actually, you didn't want to think of those implications.
"Sit," he ordered, not giving you much choice as he shoved you into one of the dining room chairs.
You could try to run again, but you doubted you'd get very far before he caught up to you. And you weren't too keen on figuring out if he really wanted to keep you alive or not. He already looked pissed off as it was.
"What do you want?" you asked, hating how wobbly your voice sounded.
"I want you to make a call," he said, placing a hand on the back of the chair and the table, essentially trapping you between them, "to that little hero of yours."
He wanted you to call Izuku? That was strange. Usually, villains try to steer clear of heroes, not invite them to their crimes. He must have some plan to try to lure Izuku here to do who knows what. As much as you wanted him to come, you also didn't want to walk him right into a trap.
You steeled your nerves and glared up at him. "No."
"Oh, so you wanna play hero now, do ya?" He grinned. "Think you're ready to play in the big leagues, huh? Let's see if ya are!"
His hand moved too quickly. You nearly tumbled out of the chair as his palm struck your cheek. Aching streaks of pain weaved across your stinging skin.
"Don't test me." He leaned so close you could smell the tobacco on his breath. "You're gonna want to make that call, sweetheart, trust me."
He leaned across the table and dragged a large duffle bag into view. How long that had been sitting there, you weren't sure. You actually weren't even sure how he got into the locked apartment in the first place. It seemed a little late to worry about that now, though. With a sadistic smirk, he unzipped the bag and let you have a peek inside. It nearly made your heart stop.
"Now," He pulled out a stack of notecards from his coat and forced them into your hands. "Your job is simple. All you have to do is read these cards. Simple enough, eh?"
As you scanned the cards, your stomach flipped. Did he really expect you to read this? You were too distracted to see him pull out your phone until he grabbed your wrist and used your thumb to unlock it. He put it on speaker as the phone rang. It barely rang once before it went straight to voicemail for a third time. You were starting to worry Izuku had been hurt and unable to answer somehow.
"Hmm," the villain stared at the phone thoughtfully. "Guess he doesn't care so much about ya, huh?"
"Don't say that! You don't know anything about him!" You spit out, then bit your tongue, knowing you shouldn't stoop to his barbs.
"Well, I know he's too busy to answer ya darlin." He chuckled and dialed in a new number. "I'm sure the detective will be more willing to talk, yeah?"
Detective? You only knew one detective. It still struck you as odd that he would call the police on himself. But with the cards and what he had stored in that bag, you were starting to understand your role in all this.
The phone rang, and this time, someone did answer. You refused to say anything. It would be too dangerous to bring him here. Not with what he had planned.
That turned out to be the wrong decision as the man reached into his coat and brought out a handgun. He used the barrel to tap the cards.
"Deku," you whispered, glaring up at the criminal.
"Y/N? It's unusual to hear from you at this hour. Are you alright?" He sounded concerned.
"I…need to speak to Deku," you blinked hard. "Please."
A notable pause hung in the air before he hesitantly spoke. "…alright."
Tsukauchi was a smart man. One of the few who you thought could hold a candle to Izuku's analytical skills. If he could already tell something was wrong, then Izuku would pick up on it immediately.
Suddenly, his voice came on and threw you for a loop. They were already together? It must have to do with whatever these cards meant. It could be the reason he didn't answer. Izuku could be caught up in a case already. But the real question is how did the man know that, let alone know you would have Tsukauchi's number.
"Hey, is everything alright?" He sounded confused with a concerned undertone.
The cards shook in your hands as you scanned them again, debating just going off script. But with that gun looming in front of your face, you wisely decided to play nice.
"Deku, listen closely," you began quietly, knowing your voice had a slight quiver he would undoubtedly pick up on. "You're going to…let the men in the museum leave unscathed. Do this and everyone gets," those next words caught in your throat, "everyone gets to live."
They were using you as some sort of ploy to try to escape whatever situation this gang had found themselves in. Everything about this was just wrong. Now, Izuku would have to worry about rescuing you while also trying to do his job. You loathed every minute of it.
"Are you hurt?" His voice, quiet and low, betrayed the calm air he tried to maintain. A characteristic tone you've heard before. Anger and frustration just barely concealed.
The fact that he knew you were in danger filled you with a sort of relief that now he could finally do something about it. He could fix this. He always managed to fix things.
You tried to answer, but only a garbled sob of mixed syllables spilled from your mouth. It took you a moment to compose yourself again as the man huffed at you, tapping the cards impatiently with his gun.
"You have tw-twenty minutes to decide." More disturbing things were written, but you needed to warn him about what kind of trap he was walking himself into. "Don't do it, Izuku! Save them! It's a trap. There's a-"
The phone crunched in half under his brute strength and he threw it against the wall. Despite your very real fear, you managed to smirk at him. In hindsight, making a man with a gun angry was probably the worst thing to do in your situation. You learned that the hard way as he twirled the gun to his other hand and with a violent swing, he whipped the side of your head, knocking you clean off your chair.
Head throbbing, you clutched the gash just above your temple. A warm, sticky trail of dark red dripped down to your cheek.
"Got a loud mouth, don't ya?" he grinned and hauled you up only to drag you across the floor and dump your ragdoll form into the middle of the living room. You couldn't hide the panic as he knelt by your face, plopping the black duffle from the table next to him. "I'll just leave ya with a little present to greet your hero with. How does that sound. A nice parting gift."
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The drive couldn't have taken any longer in Izuku's opinion. Even if Tsukauchi flew down the road, he still wasn't getting there fast enough. A few times, he had been tempted to just jump out and fly the rest of the way there.
He bounced his leg impatiently, glaring out the window as the silence seemed to permeate the air around them.
"We'll get her back," Tsukauchi broke the silence first.
Izuku turned his attention back to his phone. The three missed calls from you berated him each time he looked. He willed his leg to still, but all that pent up adrenaline didn't have any other outlet to escape from.
"This is my fault," he mumbled.
"No, it's not. There's no way you could have predicted this. No one could." Tsuhauchi sighed, turning sharply onto the next street. This was a conversation he'd had with the young man on multiple occasions. He was starting to understand how All Might felt, practically raising the boy through high school. "The only people to blame are the criminals responsible. You know that as well as I do. Thinking that way is only falling into their trap."
He made a noncommittal sound, turning back to obsessing over the missed calls. The rest of the ride was made in silence. Izuku had gotten so lost in thought that he didn't realize they'd parked until Tsukauchi opened the door.
Silently cursing, he blinked back into reality and got out of the car. The two of them headed for the apartment building. Your last known location was here. Though Izuku had doubts that you'd still be here. Most kidnappers took their victims to secondary locations.
They burst through the lobby, startling a poor woman taking her dog out for a walk. She jumped out of the way as they rushed past, yelping when she saw Tsukauchi's drawn gun. They paid her no mind, set on reaching their target.
Izuku took the lead. He raced up the stairs with a spark of his quirk, only stopping when he reached the right floor. Tsukauchi trailed up behind him at his fastest pace. He paused when the door came into view. Closed and undamaged. Whatever lay beyond might be an entirely different story, and it had his heart racing with fear.
"Take it slow," Tsukauchi huffed when he reached the last step. "We don't know what's waiting for us."
"I know," Izuku nodded, taking a spot in front of the door.
He signaled for the detective to take the side. Whoever was in there was sure to be expecting Izuku. He would have to act quickly. When they were in position he readied Fa-jin to break down the door with a strong kick of his leg, but the moment he lifted it, that sharp stab of Danger Sense screamed at him. He tensed and prepared to dodge whatever threat was coming his way, but when nothing came, he set his foot down, examining the door with a critical eye.
"Something's not right," he whispered, hand gently grabbing the handle.
The knob turned slowly in his hand and opened the door just slightly. Danger Sense lit up his spine once again. He drew in a sharp breath when he finally saw where the danger lay.
Opening the door any further could trigger whatever nasty surprise waited inside. He let go of the handle in favor of leaning closer to try to get a glimpse of the room. From his narrow line of sight, he didn't see anything amiss. He would need to see further somehow.
A shimmering line of wire ran across the entryway.
Trap, his mind so helpfully supplied.
"Here," Tsukauchi pulled out a small mirror with a telescopic rod attached. "Use this."
Izuku took it without question. The police had all sorts of gadgets at their disposal. He was just thankful Tsukauchi was here.
As discreetly as he could, he slipped the mirror partly into the doorframe. It gave him a full view of the living room. What he saw nearly made his racing heart stall.
The room was a mess. The coffee table had been kicked over, and the couch pushed off to the side to make room for the single dining chair plopped directly into the center of the disaster. The worst part was the person he cared for most sitting… no, tied to the chair. You were slumped forward and seemingly out cold. A gash in the side of your head trailed dark sticky blood down the side of your face and onto your shirt. Even from a distance, he could tell it was still wet. Still fresh.
You were draped in a throw blanket, which he found odd. It sent alarm bells off in his head. On the other hand, this entire situation was just one blaring alarm.
He was so close. All he needed to do was figure out a way to get to you without tripping any booby traps.
Angling the mirror down, he tracked where the nearly invisible wire led to. His eyes followed it across the floor and right up to you. It threaded under the blanket that had been wrapped across your chest. As he leaned in further to try to see you better, the door creaked slightly.
It caught your attention.
You stirred with a groan and when you looked up, he could see the duct tape sealed over your mouth. As you straightened in your seat, the blanket slipped from your shoulders.
He finally realized why the wire led to you.
"Tsukauchi," Izuku whispered, a slight tremble to his voice. "I need you to evacuate the building and…and call the bomb squad."
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It took a few precious minutes, but Izuku had exited the building and now stood on the fire escape, examining the window. Another wire had been threaded around the handle. If he lifted it, it could trigger the bomb. He would need to go about this carefully.
The only good thing was that the top part of the window seemed to be unaffected. After scoping out the interior, he'd come to the conclusion that the man had fled. A smart choice. If you strap your hostage with an explosive, you don't want to be around for the aftermath. A dumb choice to target someone Izuku loved. He'd find the man later, that much he vowed. Right now, he just needed to get you as far from that bomb as possible.
He took a deep breath and in one solid strike, he shattered the top portion of the window. That startled you enough to flinch in your seat, pulling the wires taut.
"Hey, it's alright," Izuku called out softly as he navigated through the window, careful of any more surprises. "It's just me. It's Izuku."
You deflated a little, nodding to show you understood.
The moment he landed, he carefully picked his way through the room until he came face-to-face with you. Your eyes carefully tracked his movement, wary of the various strings attached to the heavy vest you were wearing. He knelt in front of the chair, cupping your bruised cheeks. At the soft contact, you squeezed your eyes shut to blink away the tears.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm right here," He kept his voice low and comforting as he offered you a small smile. "I'll get you out of this, I promise."
Then he dropped his attention down to the explosive. They had strapped you into a Kevlar vest with the clunky explosive sewn right into the fabric. The most worrisome thing was the clock. The numbers were steadily counting down.
Nearly four minutes left.
A time limit.
You did say he had twenty minutes to decide. Didn't the criminals inside the museum say something similar? They must've been working off the same clock. No wonder they gave such a specific time frame.
"Don't worry," he said, looking up when you made a muffled whine of a cry. "I've got people coming to help. People who can disarm this thing in no time." He glanced at the kitchen where you kept the knives. "I just need to get it off you first."
Your reaction caught him off guard. You wildly shook your head, careful of the wires pulling around you. He turned back to you, eyes wide, and hands held out in a pacifying gesture. You only seemed to grow more desperate, shaking your head faster.
"Hey," he laid a hand on your cheek to stop you and forced you to look in his eyes. "Okay, okay."
As you fought back your ragged breaths through your nose, he gently gripped the edges of the tape and slowly peeled it back. You winced as the tape pulled against your skin. The moment your mouth could move, you went into a panicked rant.
"You can't! You can't cut it," you cried, words jumbling over each other as you tried to push them all out at once. "There's a- a failsafe inside the vest. You cut it, and it triggers the bomb. It's the same for these wires," you eyed the wires all connected to various parts of the room. "Any of them pulls too tightly, and it explodes. But the time limit - oh my god, Izuku. It's almost up, I don't - there's no time! There's no time!"
He wrapped his scarred fingers around your chin to center your focus and shushed you before you could run out of breath. "It's going to be okay. I'm here now. I'll get you out of this." His eyes tracked over the vest again, scanning every part of it. He didn't want to tell you that the bomb squad would be at least ten more minutes. There was no time to wait for them. "I'll be right back. Trust me, I promise I'll get you out of this."
If your hands were untied, you would've reached out to stop him. Now that he had come, you were terrified of him leaving. He had a comforting presence that everyone had come to rely on as a hero. He always kept his word. If anyone could get you out of this nightmare, it would be Izuku. You just had to trust he knew what to do. Though the bomb strapped to your chest had built up a raw terror in your chest, making it hard to get even a solid breath in.
Izuku, true to his word, only disappeared for a moment before he returned, kneeling at your side with a knife. "I can disarm it."
Could he? You didn't want to doubt his skills, but you also didn't remember him ever working with bombs like this before.
"Didn't I tell you about those few weeks I spent with SWAT?" He smirked as if reading your mind. "Taught me all sorts of cool stuff." There was a hard edge to his casual tone as he pried open the front of the device to reveal the bevy of wires inside. "This was nothing compared to the kinds of stuff we did. I'll have you out in no time."
You nodded. It was about as much movement the vest would allow at the moment. You could scarcely believe a small contraption like this could be your doom in a matter of mere minutes.
"Izuku," you whispered, looking up at the ceiling as if that would put any distance from you and this death machine. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" He asked, eyes flitting up to meet yours before he refocused on the wires. "This isn't your fault."
Silence fell over the room as you absorbed that. Your fingers held a death grip on the arms of your chair, pulling against the restraints. It felt as if the room grew smaller. The beeping only seemed to be getting louder by the second. Panic had nestled itself deep in your chest, spreading throughout your body as the seconds passed.
"H-how much longer?" You dared to peer down at the clock, angling your head to try to see for yourself.
He didn't answer. You watched his fingers hover over the wires, subtly glancing at the timer but refusing to speak. In other words, not long.
"How much, Izuku?" you said again, gritting your teeth.
"Two minutes," he finally ground out. "I've almost got this figured out. I just need to make sure this one is- it should be…" he trailed off, as his finger followed where the wire connected.
Two minutes.
That wasn't a lot of time. You both knew that much.
"Izuku, I don't want you dying too. Please, just go." You warbled out, straining your head up to the ceiling again to try to stop the ebb of tears. "I don't want you dying for me."
"No one is dying tonight," Izuku chose a wire and locked eyes with you. That determination you'd grown so used to seeing cemented on his face. He looked so confident, you almost believed anything was possible. Hell, maybe it was in a world with someone as determined as him. "Are you ready?"
Drawing in a forced breath, you chewed on your lip and nodded. He hesitated for just a moment before bending the wire and cutting it with the knife. The two of you sat in complete silence, breaths held as he stared at the timer. The numbers stopped just before the minute mark, and relief sagged through his body.
"See, I told you I-" the words died on his tongue as the clock beeped twice and suddenly began counting down at double the speed. "-shit!"
"Get out of here!" You tried to shove him away with what little movement you had in the restraints, wires be damned if it meant he could still survive. "Please, save yourself! Go!"
"NO!" he pulled at the bundle of wires, muttering as his eyes darted between them. "I made a promise, and I refuse to break it! There's no way I'd ever leave you!"
He picked a wire and sliced through it. You squeezed your eyes shut with a whimper.
The beeping stopped again with eight seconds to spare.
Izuku froze, body tense as he stared at the machine, daring it to start again. After a few terrifying seconds, he looked up at you, wide-eyed and slightly shaky. He swallowed, setting his face into a more composed look as he offered you a small smile.
"It worked." He breathed out.
Those unbidden tears leaked from your eyes as you drooped your head froward with a heavy sigh of relief. All that terror that you were storing had nowhere to go. Every part of you buzzed with adrenaline. You were quite literally shaking in your socks.
"Hey," he set down the knife and found your chin. "Are you okay?"
"Still got a bomb strapped to me so 'okay' is a bit relative at the moment." You coughed a harsh chuckle out. Maybe it was the frayed nerves trying to find an outlet out of your system, but you laughed again, harder this time, your body just expelling all your emotions out in the form of near hysteric laughter.
"Uh, right," he mirrored your smile and easily unhooked all the wires connected from your vest to objects around the room. Now that the main trigger had been deactivated, these were just decorations. "I think I'll let the professionals handle this vest. They should be here any minute. But I can at least get you out of those restraints."
Using the knife, he easily tore through the tape to free your arms and legs. When you had freedom of movement again, you grabbed his sleeve and pulled him close, careful of the disarmed bomb on your chest. It was still an explosive, afterall.
"Thank you," you whispered, "thank you for not leaving.
He brushed the hair out of your face and placed a soft kiss to the crown of your head. "I told you, I made a promise, and I never break my promises." Then he pulled back to give you a pout. "But please, don't ever tell me to leave you like that ever again. I could never even think of doing something like that. I would never abandon you, you know that, right?"
The way he looked at you made you feel like you'd kicked a puppy. But in your mind, you just wanted to protect him, too. For the moment, though, you simply nodded and buried your face into his chest, knowing you were safe with him. That you would always be safe with him.
It took another six minutes before the squad arrived and another ten tense minutes with Izuku gripping your hand the entire time to safely remove the bomb. As soon as it slipped off, you rushed into Izuku's arms, trying to entwine yourself as deep as you could with him.
"What about the other hostages? The criminals, too?" you asked, twisting your head up to look at him. "The ones you were supposed to let go?"
"Kacchan, uh, Dynamight handled it." He assured you. "He didn't even need any help taking them down. I think they were counting on this scenario working in their favor. The hostages are safe, and the criminals are in custody."
"Even…" you pinched the fabric of his uniform between your fingers, dropping your gaze to stare at the stitchwork.
"We'll find him. I won't let him get away with this." He assured you, tightening his own hold on you. "But right now, all you need to worry about is getting some rest. Well, actually, we need to get this -" he ghosted his fingertips over the cut above your temple, "-looked at first."
"I'm fine." you waved him off.
"Yeah, you will be," he agreed, pulling you over to the medic who had set up shop on the dining table, just waiting for you. "Once we get you fixed up."
With a small sigh, you sat in one of the chairs, facing the medic. Izuku, who you still had a hold of his sleeve, moved to stand behind you.
"Are you going to leave? I mean, I guess you should. There are other people out there who need you too. And with this whole mess, I'm sure there's a lot of-"
The words were just spilling out of you now, and in the back of your mind, you realized you sounded just like Izuku. You only managed to stop when he bent over and lightly bumped his forehead against yours.
"Take a breath," he gave you a fond smirk, "I'm not going anywhere. Like I said, Kacchan handled it. The only place I need to be right now is by your side."
He stood hunched just inches from your face, and all you could do was stare into his eyes. There were so many emotions swirling through those big green irises, but the biggest one shining through was his sincerity. A solace you didn't realize you needed until just this moment. The warmth he emitted was so comfortable, and the sheer exhaustion from your ordeal had you leaning back into the chair with a tired nod.
"Okay, I trust you," you mumbled, pulling his arm down so you could hug it. "You're a really good hero, Izuku."
He blushed at the soft comment and glanced at the paramedic trying to busy herself with getting her supplies out, but even she couldn't help the little smile that played on her lips.
"She's right, you know," the medic chimed in, gently cleaning your cheek of the blood. "I'd say that was the work of a top-class hero. You should be proud."
Izuku rubbed the back of his head. Years in the field and still hearing something like that overwhelmed his heart so he decided to focus back on you. Your hands were interlocked with his and casually fiddlin with his bony fingers.
A lot that could have gone wrong tonight, and he knew he would be certain to go over every detail in full to make sure those mistakes would never happen again. Not if he was going to be a hero that could protect not just you, but everyone.
Right now, though, he put his analysis on the back burner and turned his full attention to what was most important.
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Taglist: @stanny-uwu @lykingart @rei165
128 notes · View notes
So my man what do you think of how bnha act 3 has treated the villains so far?
I think it's going exactly the way the story hinted it would. No surprises there.
In terms of narrative, people should give Horikoshi his flowers. MHA might not be as flashy as other mangas, but Horikoshi keeps it consistent and to the point. I'm glad that he doesn't sacrifice the writing of a plotline in order to create flashier or more action based fights. I'm also glad he's been with the villains' ideologies and their reasons to do what they do.
It's funny, the hero side might be the one who's more surprised with the current outcome of the final showdown. You have moments like Ochako risking it all for Toga, which is a dream come true for villain fans yet might be hard to process for other people. I'm personally satisfied with how the author treated the Enji and Dabi plotline, because in the end it was not Shoto who alone could do a miracle. A bit of a "family issues must be solved by the whole family" opinion, but I'm glad to see Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi getting involved. They all had the spotlight in a heartwarming moment to stop and help Touya. They all took responsibility for their role in what happened to their family.
So far, so good.
To be honest, my perception is that Horikoshi has great respect for some of his villain characters. He has so far dedicated a lot of the story to Tomura alone, to his connection with Izuku. At least when it comes to the League, sacrifices are not simply plot twists, you know? They held meaning, they're respectful to the character.
I can't say the same for other antagonists and villains, tho. It's understandable, those secondary characters won't receive as much screen time and that's okay. It's just a bit sad to think that some of them have a lot of potential, but the story keeps them backstage. I certainly miss seeing some of the members of the Meta Liberation Army, for example. I loved the implications of corruption of power in the hero society. I miss Lady Nagant too, I can't wait to see her reaction to knowing that AFO is finally dead. Right now I wonder what the hell Horikoshi had planned for Hawks, lol. Every time I think his plotline is getting kickstarted, it runs for a second before stopping again. If he's there it's because there are unfinished businesses with him, maybe we will finally get a resolution on his connection with Toga and his past with Twice, but that's for later.
I have faith in Horikoshi, I guess. He has shown us that he does what the story demands and doesn't change the course of it for the public as much as other mangakas do. That is what movies are for.
I'm sure we'll see Spinner and Compress again, but most of all I'm curious worried about Kurogiri. I insist that the resolution between Kurogiri and Aizawa and Yamada will wreck me. In my wildest dreams I see Kurogiri begin for Tomura's life aka to save him, to give him a chance. I saw Aizawa's face when he heard Kurogiri talk about Tomura. He knew it was not only an order, but also a part of Oboro still alive. Oboro would do anything to help someone in danger, he'd pick any stray cat, give his life for anyone. I'm on the edge of my seat with that trio. Teachers on opposite sides of the war, once friends. Don't even get me going about Yamada and Kurogiri. Whenever I think of Mic and his role in that situation, it's pure torture.
If you ask me, I'm getting what I wanted. Act 3 has been great. It got a little boring for me when the whole focus was fighting AFO (I don't know why, maybe AFO is just not my favorite character to focus on). The rest? Amazing. Beautiful panels and drawing style, emotional instances that reveal the heart of the villains, their determination and dreams were respected, they got treated for once as real humans and not just villains... I'm behaving like a total kid with what is happening with Deku and Tomura in the 415 chapter.
Now, post-battle is another matter. We will cross that bridge when we get there, but they must be all alive and well or I'm ending what the League started and taking this whole world down with me (I'm not exaggerating at all haha why you ask?)
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the19thduckpotato · 3 months
Longer snippet of Toshinori recounting his younger training days.
Toshinori nodded in understanding at Izuku. "The world definitely isn't easy. But I know you're strong enough to meet the challenges out there, to grow stronger because of them. And at your strongest when you figure out the world isn't meant for solo play and you group up with friends for help."
Like I should have.
Like you did.
Still did.
Izuku wrinkled his nose. "Sometimes. Sometimes whatever I'm doing is so stupid friends DEFINITELY shouldn't be there."
And now Toshinori's brain flashed back to Kamino, Izuku n Co sailing right over All for One as they grabbed at young Bakugo.
Even these days, he still felt that burst of anger, that rush to protect them, the pride of a job that was done if not smartly then at least with a whole heap of luck.
His eyes crinkled shut as he laughed fondly. "Gran Torino would be more than willing to dredge up all my exploits, I'm sure. I'm no stranger to the dumb."
"I didn't say you didn't do crazy stuff!" The kid laughed. "But you lived, and that was enough... I'm pretty sure everybody's glad about that."
A soft grateful smile.
Then the blond held up one finger. "You say that but you haven't heard these stories yet!"
He started thinking back to Gran Torino's many reactions to said exploits:
"Boy, how'd you manage to do that?"
"Yagi, what the HELL??"
"Nana, I swear to the heavens, if you didn't need this kid--"
Toshi was suddenly lost to laughter.
Izu grinned. "I smell a story right now!"
"Just trying to pick which one!"
"The funniest one!!"
Toshi tapped his nose thoughtfully then gave a thumbs up. "All right, lemme tell you about the first time I learned to adjust my heroing to account for property damage.
"It was a routine call, incredibly simple, really. My master wanted to see how I would handle tackling a task not exactly suited to the Quirk I was training with. She had Float, as you may recall.
"Gran Torino wasn't impressed that we had been called out to rescue a cat stuck up a tree. But as Master had put it, every little bit helped. Being a hero wasn't a lucrative career option just yet. So she wanted to instill good will whenever she could.
"I remember it was the edge of town, by a road that led out to some lovely countryside. Master wasn't surprised that I started scaling the tree immediately, so eager was I to impress her. I may not have had Float or Jet, but I had the strength to climb and so I did. Problem was, I wasn't familiar to the cat I was saving. The higher I climbed, the higher it did as well."
His eyes shone with fond memory. "Beautiful tree. One of those tall firs. The view below was a painting worthy of a museum. Tilled fields to one side, the mountains rising on the horizon, and nearby, a flock of sheep clustering by their fence and watching me. I waved and kept going, either not registering or not caring that the branches were getting thinner, smaller, whippier. Master may have called up advice to me but Torino put a hand on her shoulder. I nodded in rare agreement with him, eager to prove myself.
"The cat arched its back as I reached for it. It growled and hissed and that was probably why I never heard the branches cracking until it was too late.
"Now, if you remember, All Might is a pretty hefty guy. And well, even young All Might was fairly thick. I forgot quite how much of the tree I pulled down with me but suffice to say, I left a mark." He grimaced. "And then it got worse."
"The sheep had a front row view and just managed to scatter as I smashed into their fence. I could only watch in dazed confusion as they investigated this new set of circumstances...then cheerfully began trotting out of their pasture. Master again looked like she wanted to do something and Torino again held her back.
"I finally snapped back to it when I heard a wail of despair. I jumped up and ran to the sound, finding a cart vendor by the side of the road. The sheep had found his produce, piles of cabbage, enthusiastically munching with no intent to pay. The poor man mumbled something about having 'left Ba Sing Se because of this nonsense' and only sobbed when I tried to offer to pay.
"Master and Torino chose to intervene at this point. While he rounded up the sheep, she soothed the cabbage vendor and retrieved what she could.
"And that's when the cat landed perfectly on my head, grooming sap and fir twigs from its paws."
"Master was laughing so hard at this point that she could barely say a word until Torino stormed up. With a bemused smile, she asked me how I could have done better. I admitted I wasn't sure, that I had tried my best since I didn't have Float or Jet.
"'Ah Sunburst,' she answered. 'So close and yet...'
"'You shoulda asked for our help,' Torino grumped.
"'But I thought the point was for me to do it,' I said.
"'I never said that,' Master said. 'Only that a cat needed rescue. Hey,' she added, tweaking one of my bangs (and at that, Toshi smiled softly) 'that was the point of the lesson. And you learned it.'
"One of the left over sheep ran past at this point, cabbage in its mouth.
"'And maybe a little less property damage next time?'"
Toshi laughed now, the memory good, the story better.
Izuku tried so hard not to laugh at the plight of the poor cabbage vendor, but gave up and CACKLED at the sheep "But-- but were you okay though??" He was beaming so wide, eyes sparkling.
"Iunno, kinda fell out of the heroing business after that," his dad deadpanned. "Took up insurance from that day forward."
"Fe-- fell out..." Izuku double facepalmed
His dad just replied with the hugest grin now.
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mikeellee · 4 months
Hey, it's me again.
Man, I've seen protagonists and main characters get treated like dirt in movies, shows, comic books and video games, but Izuku is one of those characters that gets the worst of it because of rotten overrated side characters (in his case, it's Bakablow and his suck ups) and the amount of hate he gets from the writer. Trust me, i've seen characters treated THAT badly.
I'm sure glad I stick with fanfictions, at least Izuku gets more love from some authors.
Like, check out a fanfic called Izuku's Pet Noumu. It's a story where Izuku has a female childhood friend who was turned into a Noumu (not made of corpses), i won't spoil much but characters were a lot nicer to him, everyone loves him when and after the Sports festival started, thanks to a moment you're gonna love, Best part is that nobody sucks up to hori's gary stu, not even heroes and teachers. And Izuku gives himself a better name. Also 1-B students aren't treated like garbage! the story will feature characters from other series. But seriously, you're gonna love Izuku's friend, she helped him stand up for himself and grow as a person. and when they're reunited, she's flat out adorable, In every sense of the word and Terrifying to fight against.
Hi @mega321boom
So I think I heard of the fic but never read it. Why? Bc gone be honest with you...I was sick and tired of the trope "Izu is torned into a nomu but he wants to be a hero still" it alway give me a sour taste.
Yes, you said this fic is not like this as is someone else who is turned into a nomu. So ok may check out.
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I often compare Izu with Natsu from Fairy Tail. Look Natsu is the typical shonen mc: he eats a lot, scream, likes a good fight, loves his friends and is on a big quest.
The thing here is....Natsu got better than Izu in every possible way.
Natsu has people who show genuine affection for him. Take this scene: in a flashback people of his guild found out he cant read...what you think everyone did? Of course ...help him learn.
He has friends.
Izu has none.
Also Natsu has a generic power that works well for the story...he can use fire. Thats it. And who is stronger here? Natsu.
Izu has a quirk that is suicidal (deliberated on Hori's part as chap 1 begins with suicide baiting for Izu ONLY) as well useless. It breaks his bones (it never break AM's bones or anyone else) and its boring...save from tentacles.
Izu has the worst and Hori and fandom are proud of ruining a good story for BK's sake. In a way its lile they never left chap 1...they live there. Bk still abuses Izu and Izu needs to accept as his reality.
Sorry a bit ranty. I just hate how Hori can't be professional with his own mc.
And I think the follow will happen
Izu will lose an arm
Izu will sacrifice his quirk
Izu will birth Baby Tenko from Shig.
And it will be Star's quirk who will save the day.
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halt-kun · 2 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 419 - Design
I'm glad the chapter came today because I mistook MHA memories for the first episode of the next season
I should have checked the date
I hope this means the first episode won't be a flashback too
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OooOOOooo Very nice cover
Shigaraki looks a bit weird
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very pretty people, I really enjoy Hawks steampunk flying backpack
Ochako is so cute
Iida's dragon looks weirdly goofy
Touya is with his Papa
WHY are Bakugo and Kirishima freefalling and Kirishima is not a dragon for once
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Again, he'll have to get killed by both Izuku and Bakugou
truly a cockroach
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and not subtly manipulate him into doing what you wanted him to do
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Nice to know he tried twice before Izuku to steal OFA
Unsurprisingly he wanted to hurt All Might's spirit by using Shimura's descendants
Shigaraki's sister was not corruptable ?
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Truly a despicable being
I'm not surprised he had a shapeshifting quirk but I'm still wondering why he didn't use it for other stuff
Of course not after his fight with All Might
but before
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What do you mean ? The quirk allowed the user to regenerate what they touched ? It was decay and regeration ? A bit like Overhaul ?
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So is Shigaraki dead now ? (in Psyche )
How much does he have of OFA ? After all now there is only Izuku's will in it ? And maybe Nana still ???
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Hav they all been ejected from his psyche ?
Are they all gone ?
Yoichi is apparently
I'm very confused about all that
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So that's why he looked weird on the cover
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If it's empty and pointless then just stop
Is Izuku going to fight ? Does he have any strength or OFA left ?
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He truly got decayed
Poor Kid
I have an idea
maybe Izuku invited Shigaraki into himself
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I don't know what I was thinking, of course Izuku is going to fight even if he was a bloody mass writhing on the ground
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A fitting ending, CLASS 1A VS AFO
let's all end him together
and become heroes together
(If I'm wrong and Sero ends up soloing AFO, please hail our new king)
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Is that Monoma ?????
I don't think Ojiro and Sato injured AFO a lot but it's still better than nothing
Kurogiri's quirk will save him
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Let's all end AFO right here right now
I wonder if Shigaraki is truly dead, in the end he was "saved" by Izuku right before he passed
but it doesn't feel very good either
Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka and Bakugou should be out of the fight completely, I'm not sure about the rest of class 1-A
we'll see
this will be grand and epic
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mysterymissteary · 10 months
Wedding Hells
Snapshots of Twin Stars au | future ph!bkdk | wedding fic | side seroroki and shinkami | long fic
Bkdk just wants to get married. Villians crash their wedding.
"This is Hanso Fujihiko coming to you LIVE at the televised wedding ceremony of Japan's beloved Wonder Duo, Dynamight, the Explosion Hero, and Deku, the Hero of Hope! If you haven't been living under a rock for the last five years, the Wonder Duo is the hottest celebrity couple in Japan! Winning hearts with their heroic deeds and clever marketing. They never seem to do anything apart and we are eating it up! And after many years of climbing the charts side by side, our beloved heroic pair is finally tying the knot!"
As the reporter continued his script, the wedding party was scurrying around to make sure everything was perfect. Izuku and Katsuki have been through so much, their friends and fellow pro heroes would be damned if they didn't deserve a perfect wedding day.
"Is Midoriya getting dressed still?" Todoroki asked. To anyone outside their group, Todoroki's facial expressions and tone seemed unchanging. But a trained ear, and close friends who knew him, could tell that anxiety was starting to get to him.
"Chill, Roki, baby. Everything's going according to plan. The flowers are perfect, Jirou's got the tunes, Mic sensei is gonna take care of the speeches and keep the mood hyped. And Kiri and Mina are getting the grooms all snazzy. Relax, gorgeous." Sero lazily slings his arm around Shoto's shoulders. Ever since third year, Sero and Shoto have been an item. Both of them were awkward at first, being as Shoto has never had anyone show interest in him and Sero's never dated a boy before. But they're still going strong, filling out the parts the other lacks.
Shoto gives a determined nod and tries to calm himself. "Thank you, Hanta. Everything is going to be fine." His boyfriend kisses his cheek before patting his back and going off to help Sato and Koda with the catering. He didn't cook anything but he sure can help taste it.
In Bakugou's suite, he was seconds from blasting this stupid suit and his stupid rock faced best friend off the face of this planet. "I'm not wearin' no stupid fucking cufflinks!" Kirishima was trying to wrestle them onto Bakugous sleeves without either using their quirks. Since that would ruin the suits and they don't have time to pick up another.
"Come ON, Katsuki! It's tradition! You wanna look nice for Mido right?"
"The shit nerd loves me just fine no matter what I wear!" What was supposed to be a threat turned out sounding much more endearing. It was enough to make Kirishima pause and then smile knowingly.
"Aw, Kats~ I'm gonna stop with the cufflinks but I am SO telling Mina how romantic you are~" Immediately he pulls out his phone. Katsuki rages, yelling as he tries to crush it. Making Kirishima laugh. It's a good thing his phone case is as unbreakable as he is.
Ping! Mina squeaks and giggles as she reads her messages. "Mido! Your man is being totally adorbs~ Kiri tells me he's in there angrily professing his love."
Izuku, who was previously pacing in front of a full length mirror, pauses to look at her. He flushes with a light chuckle. "As Kacchan does with everything. Aggressive but somehow also sweet." He seems to frown at a sudden thought. "Kacchan probably is going to look amazing. Stunning. As he always is. What if... What if I look boring next to him?" Maybe inviting the media to his wedding in exchange for the profits being donated to charities supporting homeless queer kids and heteromorphic rights organizations wasn't such a good idea. Yes it's to a good cause. And Izuku is so glad he made that ultimatum to the news network currently surrounding their venue. But... It's costing Izuku his sanity. And worst of all, he can't see his beloved Kacchan until the ceremony starts. He's getting nervous just being away from him.
Ever since they were children, they've been in each other's lives. Grew up in the same neighborhood, had the same classes, even when Katsuki wasn't the kindest to him, they were always within arms reach. Never had they spent a long period of time away from each other.
Until the war. Until his Kacchan was stolen from him. Until they fought death itself to keep the other alive. Now they can't stand even one day apart.
Mina rolls her eyes with an amused grin. "Mido... Honey.. you don't honestly think you're boring, do you? You've got a rockin' bod, and those cute freckles. Those doe eyes. You've really filled out since first year. You're a total babe." Izuku has changed a lot. He's only grown a couple inches since high school, but he's broad now. Slightly darker tan, thighs and an ass that could quite literally crush a man's head, and his hair is more well managed now. He keeps it short on the sides and curly on top. Katsuki has been sporting an undercut these days and he's far taller. Built like a house too. But as always, he's so gorgeous. Kacchan has always been so pretty. Even now, with his face scarred from the war. Especially now. Izuku finds his scars very sexy.
The door softly opens and Izuku's gaze snaps to it, hoping it's his Kacchan.
Uraraka shyly smiles. Like she knows exactly what he was thinking. "Sorry, Deku. It's only me."
Izuku suddenly looks embarrassed. But he opens his arms to accept her in a warm hug. "You're exactly what I need. You look beautiful, as always." The two good friends giggle and greet each other.
"Ya know, what I said in second year, about kicking his butt if he ever hurts you still stands." Ochaco pokes Izukus chest.
"I'll kick his butt myself, don't worry." Izuku gives a light chuckle. He and Ochaco dated for a short time in first year. Then they realized with a war going on and their feelings changing, that it was better for them to just be friends. Ochaco also has a close relationship with Bakugou, as they're gym buddies. So she's aware he'd never harm Izuku ever again. But still. It's her job as best friend to hand out threats.
When she really wants to rile the explosion hero up, she'd just brag about being Izukus first kiss. And his first date. Nothing gets Bakugous blood pumping and his muscles straining like furious pushups after being told his future husband kissed someone other than him.
"How are you holding up, Deku?" Ochaco asks while rubbing his arm softly.
Mina nods. "It's not too late to tell the vultures to back off."
"It's okay. I did make them a deal. And it's going to be helping a lot of people. I can deal with this one day. Because..." Izuku's voice starts to sound watery. "..b-because after today... I'm gonna be married to Kacchan." He sniffles as he chuckles. Mina comes over with a soft face cloth so his makeup doesn't run too much.
"Zuku, those better be happy tears. I didn't spend all that time curling your hair and dolling you up for you to wash it away with anything but happy tears." Mina scolded, but fondly smiles as she wipes his eyes.
"Happy tears... Very happy. I'm so blessed. All my friends, my mom, my senseis, and today I get to marry the love of my life. I'm very happy." Izuku smiles with such soft eyes.
Ping! Kirishima plops down, out of breath from his wrestling match with Bakugou, both having given up since they were evenly matched without quirks. They're both quite broad and muscular. With Katsuki being slightly shorter.
"Mina says Mido is crying about marrying the love of his life. He's just as whipped as you." Eijirou laughs. Katsuki straightens his tie in the mirror, scowling slightly.
But his voice is soft and full of affection. "Nerd always cries. But at least this time it's not for some stupid reason." Katsuki feels his own eyes sting but he shakes it off. He can't cry today. The nerd has cried enough for both of them. "Eij... I'm getting fucking married." He shakes his head like he doesn't quite believe it. After everything he's done, he doesn't think he deserves something as precious as this. Someone as amazing as Izuku. If Izuku knew he thought like this, the nerd would argue with him that he's made up for his past and that no matter what, they will always have each other.
Kirishima knows his best friend enough to know the meaning behind his words, no matter how hidden they are. He stands, going over to Katsuki and wraps him in a hug. He doesn't let Katsuki wiggle his way out of this one either. He holds him tight. "Kats.. whatever's going through your head, man.. it's just wedding jitters. Nerves. You and Mido will be great together. Ya know.. we always knew you two would be here. We figured it would take a while due to both of you being stubborn as hell. But you did it. And in only half the time we'd bet it would take."
"The fuck you mean you bet on it?!" Katsuki pushes out of Kirishimas grasp. "You bet I would lose??"
"Kats, it's not losing. We just bet it would take the two of you about five more years to figure out you were nuts for each other." The red haired hero chuckles, brushing through his long hair. He had it in a lose ponytail for the ceremony. When he was on duty, it was usually styled up in the front but kept long so it fell down his back. It gave him a lion like appearance. But the real Eijirou was anything but. He was more of a giant puppy.
Katsuki growls, baring his teeth. "Same shit! Not being with the nerd is losing." Katsuki seemed to realize that time just how sappy he sounded because his eyes widen and his cheeks turn pink. But it was too late. Kirishima laughs at him, hands over his mouth in surprise.
"You're a goner, bro! I can't wait to tell Mido!"
"Not if I kill you!" Katsuki reels one hand back as if he was going to punch Kirishima but before he can, the door opens.
"Kacchan! Wow, you look like a bonified prince!" Of course it's Dunce Face. "Woah, did I interrupt something?"
"Kats was just telling me how he can't wait to be married and how in looove he is~" Kirishima dodges a punch in the chest.
"Fuck off! I didn't say any of that shit!"
Kaminari seems to be amused by this. He was never scared of their explosive friend's outburst like the rest of the group. He goes right up to Bakugou and pats his cheek, which Bakugou angrily smacks away, snarling. "You're always so shy, Suki~. It's totally okay to show much you care once in a while. We already know you're literally willing to die for Mido. Saying you love him isn't something to be shy about." Kaminari taps Katsuki's nose with his finger.
"I ain't shy! And stop touching me! Of course I love the nerd! But it's not as mushy as Shitty Hair says. I was jus' sayin' that I can't wait for this day to be over already. All this shitty press botherin' us. Izuku-" he stops himself from finishing. It's bad enough his cronies think he's some sap. If they knew he was so aggravated because he was knew his fiance had anxiety and the media would only further freak him out, they would never let him hear the end of it. "I don't need this shit right now. The longer I'm out of the field, the less villains I can destroy."
"This guy." Kaminari gently elbows Kirishima, both looking amused. "Always thinking about work. It's your wedding day, dude. Chill. There's plenty of heroes that can pick up the slack-"
"None as good as me and Deku."
"-While you get hitched. Wait- you're including Midoriya now~. You're right, Kiri. He is whipped."
Bakugou's face burns, but he turns away so he doesn't blast his designer suit. A wedding gift from his parents. All of the parties outfits were specially designed for each person, fitting their personal style, color motifs and body type. Even Shoji and his many appendages. Which Shoji was over the moon about. He's never had someone actually care that much to design something for him.
"Enough outta you extras. Pikadork, didn't you bring that...freaky one? He's with Izuku, yeah?"
"He's not freaky. He's my date. And yes, Toshi is on his way to Mido's room. You've known Hitoshi since first year. Yet you still don't know his name?"
"I don't care enough to know any of your names." An absolute lie. Which Kaminari absolutely doesn't buy.
"There you go with that shy thing again. You know our names~."
Then Kirishima, the bastard, decides to betray Katsuki. "He called me Eij before you got here, Denks."
Chaos erupts.
"Shinsou! Deku, Shinsou's here!" Uraraka opens the door to reveal a shyly smiling indigo haired hero. Like mostly everyone else, Hitoshi has grown quite a bit. And that included height.
Izuku smiles wide, greeting his good friend with a hug. "Hitoshi! I'm so glad you could make it. I thought for sure you'd be on patrol all week."
"I requested a night off. Turns out the big wigs are willing to do anything for Japan's number one, and any friends he has." He jokes. Izuku chuckles, but then he's sporting a mischievous looking grin.
"I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Kaminari asked you to go with him." Shinsou looks away with a slight cough and Izuku knows he's won. "I think you two would be good together. He really likes you."
"He's like that with all his friends."
Mina gaffaws as she types away on her phone, checking in on the preparations. "He doesn't look at us like he does you. Denki is totally into you. Ask him on a real date already. God, this is third year Blasty and Midoriya all over again. Is it a thing with you guys that none of you realize someone is into you?"
Izuku and Shinsou both look somewhere between embarrassed and undignified. "Kacchan and I weren't that bad..." Apparently that's not the right thing to say, because the entire room erupts into snorts of laughter.
In the Bakugou suite, an alarm on Katsuki's phone goes off. Then Denki's and Eijirou's simultaneously. They all share a look of determination. The ceremony was starting.
"Go to your seats. Keep the hag out, and don't get up to any bullshit. I fucking mean it." He points to the both of them. "This day is going to go fucking perfect even if it kills me. Now get out, chucklefucks." Denki and Kirishima give mock salutes as they rush out. It seems just in time too, as they catch Mitsuki Bakugou on her way to Katsuki's room.
"Is my brat ready yet? I swear if he-"
"Mrs. Bakugou! Do you remember me? Kaminari. I'm friends with your son. Hey, why don't we catch up in the chapel, yeah?"
The two heroes lead Bakugou's mother down the hall and far away from Katsuki's room. She would only cause him more stress and no one needed a stressed out Dynamight.
With the wedding party gathering in the chapel, and everyone taking their seats, the atmosphere is starting to settle. This was finally happening. The camera crew turns to film the entrance as Yamada plays a romantic score on the piano. It seemed Mic's talents didn't just lie in electronic and hip hop beats. His husband and daughter look on proudly from their seats. Shinsou sneaks in to take his seat with his sister and guardian. When the school found out Shinsou lived in a foster home, Aizawa officially adopted him. Something about his potential and saving time. But everyone knows he loves the boy like his own son. He tries his best not to blush when Kaminari's pretty golden eyes follow him as he passes before resuming his conversation with Mrs Bakugou quietly. He's definitely gonna take Mina's advice and ask Denki out. Just not here. This was Izuku's special day.
The girls enter, glowing and beautiful, in pairs. Beautiful lace and delicate curls. Flowers of red and orange lovingly placed in their hands, vines of ivy falling from each bouquet. The two grooms favorite colors. The main flower of these bouquets were the ever beautiful and fiery Forever Susan Asiatic Lily.
Izuku once suggested red and green for their eye colors. Katsuki quickly shot it down with "I ain't having my wedding look like Christmas." So they went with their favorite colors. It ended up fitting them far more than their original choice. Which Katsuki will brag about on their honeymoon.
The next of the party to enter is the boys, Kirishima and Iida leading. Kaminari had left the Bakugous at some point and was entering with the rest of Katsuki and Izuku's friends. Each one of them had a smaller Forever Susan Asiatic Lily in their jacket pocket, along with a green handkerchief. Each man, and Jirou, because she really hated wearing dresses, sported their signature color on their tie. Otherwise, their suits were identical in color. Similar designs, though each custom fit for each hero. With Jirou's being a more feminine cut.
After the wedding party was Katsuki's entrance. And an entrance it was. Katsuki, as always, looked gorgeous. With his ash blond hair styled to the side, revealing his very rarely seen forehead. Best Jeanist would be proud, if he could have made it. A lovely watch adorns his wrist, his nails painted black. His crimson red eyes lined with eyeliner and the slightest smokey eye. His skin was perfect like his mother's so he didn't need much to enhance his natural beauty.
His suit was fitted to his body in just the right ways. It was a burnt orange three piece, though Katsuki argued with his mother about wearing the tie and vest. He ended up wearing them today. Not for his mother. But for his Izuku. Today has to be perfect. That includes enduring choking nearly to death by a stupid tie. The tie and accents of the suit were a cream color. A handkerchief in his pocket, a silver grenade shaped pin on his lapel, and a thin and tiny chain pinned from one side of his shirt collar to the other, over the tie.
He walked with his hand in his pocket, but kept his back straight, as instructed by Best Jeanist, whom he'd very embarrassingly asked for advice weeks ago. He was aware he had a problem with his posture. But he never had a reason to give a fuck. Now he does. And that reason had the most beautiful, hope filled green eyes and freckles like constellations. Fuck he loves that dorky little nerd so much.
Katsuki takes his place at the center of the alter. Kirishima pats his shoulder with an encouraging smile. He leans over to whisper. "I've never seen you look that happy. Were you thinking about Izuku~?" He learns a light elbow to the side.
He would never admit it, but he doesn't remember ever being happier than he is now. Today he was going to marry Izuku, the boy who always reached out to him. The man who saved his life many times. The man he saved many times in return. The love of his life. And his absolute soulmate. He's sure of that. Only fate would be so cruel as to dangle such an amazing man in front of him, then make him spend a decade and a half being a complete fucking dumbass about it. After everything, the nerd is still by his side. So he has to be Katsuki's soulmate.
Once the music shifts to a bridal tune, the room grows quiet. The doors open once more. Inko holds Izuku's arm. He's looking down in shyness but that doesn't hide his beauty. A few gasps and 'aw's are heard as he looks up and straight at Katsuki. Only ever at Katsuki. And he has the softest, most hopelessly in love expression. Kirishima suddenly understands the look Katsuki had moments before. Because Izuku has the same expression.
Izuku's suit was much like Bakugou's, only viridian in color, and with a bow tie. Where Katsuki's shirt was white, Izuku's was black. Where his handkerchief was creme, Izuku's was red. Where Katsuki had a grenade shaped pin, Izuku had an All Might pin on his lapel. He insisted. Izuku, unlike Katsuki, could be talked into the cufflinks. Green gems. Honestly, a good look for Izuku. Damn, Katsuki couldn't be more proud he could call this man his husband. Or was about to
Suddenly, Izuku is standing in front of him, with his glassy, teary eyes and his stupidly adorable freckles. "Hi."
"Holy shit. -I mean, hey. Fuckin' hot."
Izuku giggles with a shy blush.
Inko takes her seat next to Mitsuki and Masaru, handkerchief up to her mouth as she stifles her tears. Her baby was getting married. And over all, he is the happiest she's ever seen him. Katsuki will be good to him, she just knows it. She wasn't sure when Izuku called her one day after graduation and told her Kacchan confessed his feelings. She remembers how the boy used to be with her son. She never expected Katsuki would ask to meet her over dinner. And she definitely didn't expect such a polite and nervous young man apologizing to her for how he treated her son and asking for her blessing to date Izuku.
She was in disbelief this was the Katsuki Bakugou that her son grew up with. The boy that bullied him. But the then 19 year old that asked for her permission and apologized was so different. And the now 24 year old looking at her baby boy like he was the only thing in the universe? She knew she would trust him to look after her Izuku.
"I wish you could have seen this, Toshinori." Inko sniffles. "Izuku looks so handsome."
Katsuki takes Izuku's hands in both of his, his thumbs tracing the old scars. Izuku looks up at him with a watery smile. He stands on his tip toes to give Katsuki a kiss. Only to be stopped by Katsuki's voice.
"Ah. That comes later, dork. We gotta say 'I Do' first."
Izuku blushes but nods in acceptance. "Sorry, Kacchan. Got excited." He looks to the officiant. "Hurry please." Izuku was never a rude man, but he can get impatient from time to time, especially when it concerns his Kacchan.
"Dearly Beloved.... We are gathered here today.." The ceremony was perfectly planned. Katsuki and Izuku would exchange vows, then rings, then kiss. Then a private reception at a secret location, away from the cameras. Just a group of former classmates and their families enjoying themselves, celebrating the love of two of their dearest friends.
But not everything goes as planned when you're a world renowned hero getting married to another world renowned hero. On national television. You think you're going to say your vows to the love of your life. But what you get is the chapels roof being blown apart.
Screaming erupts as Izuku curses himself for being so distracted. If he wasn't oogling Kacchan in his gorgeous suit, Danger Sense could have picked up on the attack before it happened.
Metal crumples in a sickening crunch as more of the ceiling peels away. The heros of the wedding party immediately lower themselves into defensive positions. Katsuki and Izuku included.
Several figures come into view. Lead by a larger figure, floating. The leader was dressed in a trench coat over some kind of black metal armor. They seemed to have some kind of metal manipulation quirk.
"Hope we're not late!" The leader bellows. "What a lovely wedding!" The foundation beams of the ceiling rise as the leader levitates. They twist and form spear like abominations of steel and bolts. "Too bad you're going to miss the honeymoon! Say goodbye to your heroes!" The spears come raining down in Izuku and Katsuki's direction.
"Fucking figures my wedding day will be crashed by extras!" Katsuki blasts one of the spears to pieces before it can hit Izuku. Izuku's fists flicker with the familiar green lightning of One For All.
Kirishima hardens his body, bursting through his suit. "We're not letting you ruin this!" He shields the couple from as much as he can with his hardened body. "Unbreakable!"
Aizawa wasn't prepared for a fight so he didn't bring his gear, due to this being a wedding event and honestly he didn't think any villains would be stupid enough to attack a room full of heroes. But he can still help his students with his fighting abilities, even if the war took one of his eyes. He had his family and his kids by his side.
Kaminari didn't have his gear either so fighting will be hard without hurting his friends. But he was still a human stun gun if he can touch one of them. But.. he had to get the civilians to safety. "Mr and Mrs Bakugou! Come with me. Everyone! You have to evacuate and let the heroes take care of it!"
"Good thinking, Kaminari!" Izuku praises as he catches a beam in midair using Float and his super strength. "Anyone with a defense quirk, escort the civilians to safety!"
"Zuku! Tell them to go to the reception!" Katsuki goes after one of the villains head on, yelling as he jumps to attack with a blast overhead. His mom is gonna bitch at him later for the suit being ruined.
"Good idea, Kacchan! Shoto, stabilize the ceiling!" Immediately Shoto nods and coats the ceiling in a thick sheet of ice, connecting that to his Heaven Piercing Ice Wall. That should hold. Sero comes rushing to his side and reinforces his wall of ice with tape. He'd pushed his sleeves up at some point. The couple smile softly at each other before focusing again on the battle.
Izuku uses Black Whip to hurl himself at the lead villian, at the same time Katsuki has the same idea, using his blasts to launch himself. Two minds acting as one. They both rear back to punch at the same time.
"Detroit Smash!"
"Burning Fist!"
They land their attacks into a wall of metal. The villain must have set it up in the last moment.
Sero, Kirishima, Aizawa and Uraraka take on the other villains.
Katsuki was pissed. How fucking DARE these nobody losers crash his wedding. Not even someone big name like Big Nose, or even Half and Half's burnt pile of disappointment of a brother. Hell, he'll take that smiling weirdo vandalist again. But no. He's gonna fight some magnetic loser and his cronies. At least it'll be quick. These chumps got nothing on the Wonder Duo.
Kaminari comes running back into the chapel. "Everyone's on the way to the venue!"
Hitoshi's eyes are immediately drawn to him. And the world seems so glow. He's messy, his hair is messed up, and his clothes are wrinkled. But to Hitoshi, he's never looked more beautiful. Kaminari's eyes meet his. And he gets an idea. "Izuku! Bakugou! Fall back!"
Katsuki blasts a clone one of the villains to pieces. "Hah!? I ain't a coward!"
"No, Kacchan.." Izuku lands back on the ground. "I think I know where he's going with this."
"Denki." Hitoshi calls out to Kaminari. "He controls metal." Kaminari's eyes widen. His fingers spark with excitement. This could work.
"I get it! Kats, stand back!" Katsuki growls, but lands back on the ground next to Izuku.
"Current Chain!" Kaminari's electricity shoots from his pointer finger, right at the nearest metal beam, then jumps to the next, until every piece of metal was charged with thousands of volts of electricity. Including the leader and his metal suit. The villian seizes from the sheer power of the shock, then falls, disappearing among the rubble. The remaining flunkies are tied up by their friends and teachers.
Izuku sighs in relief. His wedding is ruined. And his suit is destroyed. And his arm is injured from punching a solid metal wall. But his guests and his friends are safe. Everyone's safe. He gravitates toward Katsuki and leans on him. Katsuki is in a similar condition with a similar busted arm. But they're both safe. Katsuki wraps his uninjured arm around his future husband.
Aizawa eyes Hitoshi and nods in the direction of Kaminari. He knows his kid wants to go and talk to him. Hitoshis feelings for Kaminari are very obvious. And although he was sceptical at first, not wanting a second loud blond to deal with, his kid took after him too much. There are worse people Hitoshi could have feelings for.
Hitoshi's feet carry him to Kaminari, just as Kaminari is rushing to him.
"Hey, good j-" Kaminari throws his arms around Shinsou's 6 foot tall frame and plants a kiss right on his lips. Like the hyped up firecracker he is, he breathes life into Hitoshi's lungs. Hitoshi feels himself melting, holding Kaminari's waist.
Izuku gasps, then coos in adoration. Katsuki smirks, kissing the top of Izuku's head. "Told you, nerd."
Kaminari pulls away, suddenly aware that everyone, including Shinsou's parents, are watching them. He smiles nervously. "I shouldn't have done that. That was probably really embarrassing for you."
Hitoshi smiles softly, his forehead pressing against Kaminari's much shorter one. "Strangely, I'm okay with it." He looks to the happy couple. "I really wanted to wait until after your special day, Izuku."
"It was shit anyway." Katsuki smirks.
"Oh! We should check on our guests! Everyone's probably waiting." Izuku takes Katsuki's hand and squeezes.
Their remaining classmates that didn't help with evacuation hand off the restrained villains to the police. One by one, they give Katsuki and Izuku an apologetic pat on the back before filing out. Shinsou and Kaminari holding each other's pinkies with shy smiles.
"Mister Deku!" Eri, who was supposed to be evacuated with the other guests, meets them outside. "Mister Kacchan! You're hurt!" Eri was now 14. In her first year of UA. Class A and her family couldn't be prouder. She'd decided she was going to specialize in healing and support. "Let me help." She reaches her hands out for both of them, intending to use her quirk as she did with the guests.
"Eri, it's okay. You've helped more than enough today. We don't want you to overuse your quirk."
"Mister Deku, I can do it. I've been practicing. Papa, can I?" Like everything, she looks to Aizawa for answers. He assesses the situation, both trusting Eri could physically do it, but also as her father being nervous about her overusing her quirk. Yamada had gone with the kids to help evacuate, using his quirk to give instructions and directions to the reception venue. But if his husband were here, he'd encourage Eri to help however she can, because that's what a hero does.
"Go ahead. But take it slow. Midoriya, she's been doing well. She can do this."
Izuku nods. "Alright. It would suck pretty bad if I had to dance with my new husband with one arm." He smiles. Eri places her hand on both Katsuki's and Izuku's arms. There's a glow from her quirk, then it's over. Like their injuries never happened. Izuku smiles, flexing his fingers on his now healed hand. "Thank you, Eri. You're amazing. Let's go."
"Nerd. How are we gonna get everyone there? All the cars left."
Izuku frowns. "Shit. I didn't think of that.. Kacchan and I can get there with our quirks, but... I don't know." Tears start to form in Izuku's eyes. Here it comes. All the pressure is finally overflowing. Izuku is breaking down. Suddenly, he's sobbing, and Katsuki pulls him into an embrace. "I-I just...wanted to get...married." Katsuki shushes him in the most loving tone, gently petting his hair and holding him.
"It's okay, Izu... We don't need some big party."
"The... The money..."
"We'll figure something out, baby."
Their friends start to join in on the hug, Todoroki being the first. "Midoriya, we always find a way."
"Yeah, dude. We're Class A." Kirishima adds, hugging Izuku as well. Izuku is comforted knowing that so many people care about him. Kaminari, Shinsou, Sero, Eri, and in spirit, their whole class. All of them love him so much.
"I'm so blessed to have you all." He sniffles. "You're right. We'll find a way."
Aizawa's heart aches for his kids. But logically, there's not much he or Mic would do. None of them have transportation quirks. Or speed quirks. "You kids go ahead. With Bakugou's blasts and your jumps and Black Whip, you should be able to get to the beach."
"But... We'd be leaving you all here... Sensei, I want you all to be with me. But... I guess it doesn't matter now because the wedding is ruined." Izuku felt like crying again.
"Oi! Who said it's ruined? We're fucking Deku and Dynamight! We're getting married today if we have to officiate it ourselves. If it takes a bit longer to get there and be with our friends, that's nothin!"
"We'll do what we can, kid." Their former teacher smiles so softly, it's almost invisible.
"We certainly will, Mr Aizawa." Everyone in the room turns to the unnaturally cheerful voice. When did he get here? "Pardon me for the intrusion, but I saw you on the news and I was thinking you'd be quite upset about your wedding being interrupted. So as the former principal of our countries top heroes and a dear friend of the beloved late All Might, I've taken it upon myself to offer my aid."
Katsuki makes a 'tch' sound, but really, he's touched that their former teachers want to help. "You got a ride or what, furbag?"
"Kacchan! Have manners. Principal Nezu, we're so grateful for your help." Izuku smiles.
Nezu taps his cane on the ground. "Follow me, children. Your white horse awaits."
The group shuffle through the rubble to make it to the outside of the building. Theres three cars, all lined up and ready to be filled, drivers ready. Izuku could almost cry.
"And I have one more surprise for my number one and two students."
"I'm number one right?" Izuku smacks Katsuki's arm.
"Kacchan!" Then Izuku smiles mischievously. "you're not even number one on the charts."
"Oi! It's not too late to return the gifts, ya little shit."
"As I was saying, children. I've arranged an officiant to meet us at the venue." Izuku and Katsuki stares at their former principal in confusion and shock.
"Are you saying... We can still be married?" Izuku tries not to let too much hope show in his voice but due to his nature, it's impossible.
"Yes of course. I'm a bit of a romantic. Now go. You kids deserve happiness after all you've been through."
Izuku kneels down to hug Nezu, tears in his eyes. "Thank you, so much. I don't think we ever thanked you for doing so much to protect us."
"You don't need to thank me for doing my job." Nezu looks to Aizawa. "No matter how old you kids get, we will always be your teachers. Aizawa, you can take it from here. Eri, my dear, lovely job. You get stronger every day. I look forward to your debut." Eri gives him a bow and a grateful smile. Then the stoat like hero hobbles away.
"Alright, dweebs. Into the cars, now! Sensei, Squirt, Dunce Faces boytoy, you're with us! Stupid Hair, Half and Half and Tape Face, take the other car. Dunce Face stop giving me those eyes, you're not coming with us."
"Its my wedding-"
"Our wedding, Kacchan."
"Fine, nerd. OUR wedding. And I'm not gonna watch you two tongue each other. So for now, you're staying far away from him. You're in the third car with Cheeks and Raccoon Eyes."
Denki tips his head back with a groan. He grumbles that it's not fair that Sero and Todoroki get to share a car and they're a couple. But he reluctantly follows his classmates to the car. Everyone loads up and they're on their way.
Izuku is buzzing with excitement, waving his fists happily. He's gonna get married after all.
But then he notices. "Huh. This time of day, you'd think they'd be traffic. Or at least red lights."
Aizawa snorts. "I bet that old rodent has something to do with it. You two have always been his favorite."
Katsuki smirks, his arm around the back of Izuku's seat. "Don't act like we're not your favorites, teach."
"I don't have favorites. I care about all my students."
"Father..." Hitoshi gives him a look. "it's not logical to lie. We both know this class has wormed their way into your heart more than any other class."
Aizawa can't fight logic. Hitoshi is smiling, and so is Eri. And he definitely doesn't like the look on the problem children's faces. "Not a word."
When the cars arrive at the beach, a crowd is waiting for them. Their friends and families, the civilians they saved throughout their lives.
And most of all, they were met with a private party, on a long secluded beach very few even remember being there. The beach Izuku trained with All Might on, those many years ago. The beach Izuku cleaned top to bottom when no one else would. The beach Izuku took Katsuki for their first date and told him the story of how he met All Might. The beach Katsuki later proposed to Izuku at.
This beach was very special to the both of them. That's why they knew it had to be their secret reception venue. They had it decorated with flowers and lights, with tables set up with tons of food. Carpets made up a dance floor and a small stage was set up for music.
The centerpiece of the party wasn't some big dessert table, or ice sculpture, although Shoto did offer to provide one. It was far more special. Years ago, when they both broke through the top five, Katsuki and Izuku had the idea to install a tribute to Toshinori Yagi on the beach that meant so much to both of them.
See, the world already knew All Might. All around Japan was statues of his great, towering, muscular form, strong and unbreakable, with a blinding smile on his face. But hardly anyone cared about Toshinori Yagi. So Izuku designed the statue and Katsuki funded it. It was bronze, Toshinori sitting on a bench, with a filled bento open at his side, delicate rabbit printed cloth draped over the bento. His face old and weathered, but calm and at peace. He smiles with a warmth few saw on the heroes face. The plaque read "Toshinori Yagi: Father, teacher, and eternal hero."
When Izuku steps out of the car, he immediately goes to his mother, who of course, is emotional as always. "I'm okay, mom. It was nothing. Really, they were nobodies." Izuku laughs, trying to lean away from his mother's doting hands trying to clean the dirt from his face.
Mitsuki, was pretty much the opposite. She snatches Katsuki's ear. "You brat! First you avoid me all day, then you chase me out of the church."
"If you were there any longer, hag, you would have started burning!"
"You calling me a devil, brat!?"
"Honey... The kids have been through a lot today. Let's let Katsuki get to his wedding party." Masaru tries to pull his wife away.
Izuku manages to calm his mother down enough to escape her overbearing grasp. He finds his way to the statue at the center of the party. Just looking at it makes his heart ache. There's so much he should have done. But Yagi passed peacefully, of old age, surrounded by his many students and loved ones. Izuku and Katsuki held his hands as he took his last breath. His Wonder Duo was there, filling his heart with love until the end. Even so, Izuku wishes more than anything, he could go back to that day. That day Yagi offered him a bento and Izuku left him behind. He wishes he could-
Katsuki's kiss to his hair brings him out of his thoughts. "Whatever you're thinking, stop. He loved you, like his own blood, Izuku. You know that."
"I know, Kacchan. I know." He smiles, turning to look up at his love. "He's the only father I've ever known. I miss him so much."
"Me too, nerd."
"Bakugou? Midoriya?" An elegant voice calls. They turn to see Momo, holding two lovely jackets. Not the same as the ones Mitsuki designed for them, but theyre perfect. "I saw the condition of your suits, and I hope you don't mind, but I've taken the liberty to make you fresh ones."
"Oh, Momo..." Izuku hugs her close. As an adult, he's gotten much more comfortable around pretty girls. Probably due to all of his female classmates being beautiful. He's had time to get used to the beauty that surrounded him. Although his favorite beauty was still sharp red eyes and battle scars on his face. "Thank you. So much."
Izuku accepted the jackets and helps Katsuki put his on. Katsuki, in turn, does the same. Izuku uses his handkerchief to clean Katsuki's cheek, right where his scar rests. Katsuki fixes Izuku's messy curls. They look at each other with such love. They way they take care of each other says more than words can ever say. Katsuki turns his head to press a kiss to Izuku's scarred palm.
"Let's get married, nerd." Izuku smiles.
Yamada has reunited with his husband and kids, never doubting them for one moment. After greeting them with hugs and fatherly fistbumps, Yamada takes the stage. "Alright, alright alright! Now that the grooms are here, we got a wedding to get on with! Now, please welcome our special guest and the man who's going to be officiating the marriage of our top heroes.... Best Jeanist!" A tall, denim clad figure steps onto the stage.
"Oh for fucks sake!" Katsuki's voice is distantly heard, followed by chuckling from the crowd. He thought he'd escaped the blond menace. Sure, he invited him to the wedding, but he was told he couldn't make it due to his Number Five hero duties. Now Katsuki has to deal with him.
And he's gonna be marrying him and the nerd. Izuku bumps his hip. "He's not that bad, Kacchan. And he's taking time off to fill in. I know you respect him. You even asked him to teach you to dance."
"How the fuck-"
"I have my sources, Kacchan. Don't worry about it. The point is, we're very grateful that he's here to help. Now... If I wait any longer to get married, I think I'll explode."
Yamada hands Best Jeanist the microphone. "Thank you, Present Mic. Can the grooms come to the stage?" Izuku is very excited to join Best Jeanist. Katsuki rolls his eyes, but follows his future husband. He's only doing this to marry the nerd. That's all.
Izuku stands in front of Katsuki, holding his hands, looking at him with those big, stupid green eyes he can never say no to. And the humiliation is worth it. Because he's gonna marry this dweeb.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here..." The ceremony goes on without any more incident. The two exchange their vows to each other. They're given the rings, and kiss each other's hands as they place them on each other's fingers. They look into each other's eyes and whisper words of love.
"I hereby pronounce you wed. You may kiss." And kiss they did. Katsuki doesn't waste a moment in grabbing Izuku and spinning him in a passionate kiss. Cheers erupt around them. And the newly wed couple laugh.
Finally, as the sun sets, Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou, Deku and Dynamight are married.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
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I posted 21,106 times in 2022
That's 963 more posts than 2021!
2,054 posts created (10%)
19,052 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,228 of my posts in 2022
#pocket talks to people - 1,266 posts
#anon - 731 posts
#fic rec - 235 posts
#psychic nura - 189 posts
#ask game - 137 posts
#gentrychild - 84 posts
#anyone: brozawa edition - 73 posts
#my writing - 69 posts
#dracula daily - 55 posts
#princess tutu - 51 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ask game: a BNHA wrist soulmate AU where you have the name of someone you will kill on one wrist and the name of the one who will kill you on the other, please. ^^
the Implications....................
1- You don't want a soulmate, here. because that means you're going to kill someone, get killed, or both. But alas, some people are not so lucky. Izuku's got a name on one of his wrists- Shigaraki Hajime, and everyone he knows is sure he's going to get killed in a quirkless hatecrime. Inko is constantly terrified. His dad vanished as soon as he saw it in the hospital. Izuku still wants to be a hero. He hopes to make his life mean something, and maybe even his death, that way.
2- Izuku later assumes The Sludge Villian is Shigaraki Hajime, until All Might saves his life. He mentions this in a daze- "oh, i guess he's not shigaraki hajime after all. I still have time."- and All Might freezes. Because he's got the same name on his write. Because Nana had that same name on her wrist. Because that's AfO's real name, and he killed Nana, and All Might killed him. This kid shouldn't even know that name, let alone reluctantly show him on his wrist when he asks.
3- Stain has just straight up been killing whatever name he sees on his wrist and assuming its because they're unworthy. the paradoxical concern for this is not something he worries about. he spares anyone not on his list, including Iida Tensei.
4- Chisaki had names on his wrists. So did Eri. Those names were removed via Overhaul before Pops could ever see them.
5- AfO didn't even have to do a lot of work to find Tenko. All it took was hearing about the child born with his parents, grandparents, and sister's name on his wrist, immediately placed in state custody. After that, finding a boy with so many "shimuras" on one wrist was easy, and he was already angry to be abandoned and mistreated in a group home. The day he met his bio family was the day he died.
438 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Red Osp 2015 vs 2022
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598 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
As much as I love "a letter from my friend John" we technically aren't at the point where we're reading letters by characters yet- we're reading his diary.
I am sneaking along in my good friend Jonathon's luggage but it's hard to hear anything from inside the suitcase, so I read his diary after he goes to sleep for the day. He doesn't know I'm here so I obviously can't respond or say anything to him. But I'm so glad to be out of that case in the stuffy carriage, I hope I get a chance to look around Dracula's cool castle later
627 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Why are so many ghost king Danny things so angsty? Where’s the versions where he shows up with Starbucks or something to a meeting like ‘yeah I don’t want to be here but I gotta so *slurp* eh?’ Or ‘this is infinitely more interesting and important than my homework so..’
You're asking why the Vivisection Capitol of Fandom has a tendency to make a fic trope angsty
744 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Oh huh, I wonder for what personal reasons Helsing would do anything for John- he what
817 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shadow-and-sunshine · 11 months
Feeling Good, Pt 1
Hello hello hello! I'm starting to transfer my threads over here, so I decided to start with one of my most popular! A little story based on Feeling Good, Michael Buble
Izuku delicately stepped out of the car, careful not to catch the slight train of his gown. The black heels barely showed as he walked up the stairs to the beginning of the carpet. One deep breath later, he was smiling and walking, stopping at the designated points to pose and let the reporters get their photos. The gown was beautiful. Off the shoulder and deep blue with a lace overlay in a floral pattern. Certain spots were accented with flowers that seemed to bloom right out of the fabric. Izuku felt beautiful and judging from the reactions of the press, they thought so too.
“Hero Deku!”
He sighed as he reached the interview area. He wasn’t looking forward to this part after the news that broke last week.
“Good evening, Hero Deku,” the young woman smiled easily in front of her cameraman. “You look lovely this evening. Who are you wearing?”
Izuku twirled. “Thank you! I’m privileged to be wearing a Bakugou tonight! One of Uncle Masaru’s designs,” he said, smiling brightly.
“Wonderful,” the reporter’s eyes glinted. “Now, this is the first time you’ve attended the IidaTen Agency’s charity gala, is that correct?”
“That is correct,” Izuku felt his smile freeze. “I haven’t been fortunate enough in past years to make it, so I’m especially honored to be here tonight.”
“And your well-documented absences and sudden attendance have nothing to do with your recently announced divorce from your alpha, Hero Grand, Shindo Yo?”
Izuku’s smile dropped and he turned towards one of the event staff. “I’m finished here.”
“Yo!” Izuku’s voice was sharp. He slammed the tabloid onto their kitchen counter. “What. The FUCK. Is WRONG with you?!”
The dark haired alpha lolled his head back to look upside down over the back of the couch. “Hmmm?” The clear disinterest in his voice only enraged the omega further.
Izuku dropped the magazine into his soon-to-be-ex-husband’s lap. “Unfortunately,” he hissed. “It was too late to separate our RSVPs to the Gala so would you stop trying to fuck interns where the press can see you?”
Shindo only put the magazine on the coffee table. “Well, if the interns want to get some personal time with Hero Grand, who am I to refuse them?”
Izuku growled, fangs dropping threateningly. “That’s what got us into this mess in the first place, you leech.”
Shindo rolled his eyes. “What got us into this mess was you not putting out.”
Izuku shrieked as he grabbed the magazine off the table, headline blaring at him ALPHA HERO GRAND SEEN LEAVING LOVE HOTEL WITH UNKNOWN OMEGA.
“I will spell it out for you, since you can’t be assed to actually listen! Would you keep our interns' LEGS off of you and your DICK out of our interns! You are still fucking married!”
“Who am I to tell the pretty things no?” Shindo shrugged as he looked back at his phone.
“Not for too much longer, thank god,” Shindo muttered.
Izuku stormed to the master bedroom he’d kicked his cheating alpha out of weeks ago. The divorce papers couldn’t be finalized fast enough.
*end flashback*
Izuku and Ochako were crying at the tabloid between them. Once the pair’s laughter faded into giggles, Ochako reached across the table to rub Izuku’s arm.
“How are you doing, Izu? We haven’t seen you really since you dropped that text into the class group chat!”
Izuku swirled the ice in his drink before taking a sip. “I’m alright. Just glad that he didn’t try and weasel his way out of signing the papers.”
Ochako gave a knowing smile. “You had Baku serve him at his agency, didn’t you?”
Izuku only smiled back and took another sip.
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quirkwizard · 2 years
So Shoji and Koda finally get focus! Love it! But there are still some who need focus. Yuga, Ojiro, Sato, Sero, Shinso, Toru, Denki, and Momo. Tsu, Eijiro, Tenya, and Mina could possibly get moments as well. I also want to see moments for Aizawa, Nezu, and All Might. What are your thoughts on this?
How do you think things have been going in the final arc so far, story wise? We've been getting focus on characters like Shoji and Koda and the mutant stuff. Do you think any other characters going to get any attention soon?
For the sake of this, I’m focusing more on the main plot, the current arc, and the hero side of things. There are some issue I’d like to talk about, like pacing, and characters I want to focus on, like the Shuketsu students, but those are better served in their own meta.
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If we're talking structure, I'm mixed. I think that starting with the Dabi fight was a good idea. It got the right amount of time and attention it needed. However, I believe Hori made the wrong move by putting so much focus on the fight with Tomura and All For One at the beginning. I understand these are important, but it feels like we're getting all of the big fights in the first few chapters. It makes the arc feel front-loaded with a lot of the major players. I've been seeing a few of the fans saying the stuff with Shoji is filler or is boring. I strongly disagree since I do like Shoji and I want to see him getting focus. But cutting to this after everything else that's been happening does feel like a jarring change, especially with Izuku really starting to fight All For One. Obviously, a lot of those conflicts have reached a midpoint, like Izuku coming to the fight, Dabi coming back into fray, and All For One getting his old body back. A lot of these are good stopping points, and I'm glad we're glad that we're getting other perspectives. While I am someone who hasn't been bothered by the lack of focus on some of the students, as I think that most of the students get an appropriate amount of focus, I do think that a large war like this is a good opportunity to give them some spotlight.
As for who is going to get more focus going forward, I can make some guesses. I do think the students are going to get attention, but it won't be evenly divided. For example, yes, it's nice that Shoji and Koda are getting focus, but you can clearly tell that Shoji is getting way more focus of the two thus far. I feel like characters like Sato, Ojiro, and kind of Sero are going to get more pushed to the side since they've had little presence in the story thus far. Even their preview during Chapter 353 was short-lived. I think that certain characters may well be more supportive of other characters, like Tenya has been for Shoto and Tsuyu has been for Uraraka in their plots. It's also hard to account for some of the characters. Nezu, Toru, and Shinso have been missing since the new arc started. While I'm sure that Horikoshi has something planned, it's hard to say what it is without knowing where they are. All Might isn't even on the board right now. I definitely think that Aoyama is going to get some focus later on. He's on his own with Fat Gum against a high-ranking assassin and needs to finish up his story line. Mina and Kirishima are clearly the focus of the fight at Gigantomachia. And while they haven't gotten as much attention, mostly supporting Shoto and Ochako, I do hope that Tenya and Tsuyu get some attention given how prominent they were before.
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sashypro77yt · 4 months
Stay Focus
I can't move, I don't know what's wrong with me, surely it's because of the fear of seeing what's going on, what's happening to him.
He starts to move slowly, little by little running faster towards me, my breathing out of control and his hands becoming harder and more pointed. Getting closer to me, getting closer to what I suppose will be my death.
I imagine that you want to know how I got there and how it ends, how I finish.How my best friend begins to lose control of his own body.
Here I am, in front of U.A. in front of one of my many dreams.
And I swear I'll make an effort and get into the top 3 best heroes of his-
Oh God, someone has collided with me, what do I do! This shouldn't have started like this.
"Oh God! forgive me! I shouldn't have stayed here in the m-"
It's the kid from the accident that happened the other day, the one who ran out to save his friend, the boy who is Quirkless.
"I uh-" said the boy, I imagine he's nervous or something since he's all red.
"Let's start again, I am Y/N L/N and you are?" I said, but the boy didn't answer. I looked at him confused and just rolled my eyes.
I just looked him up and down, he had green hair, green eyes and had the school suit. When I looked into his face again I saw that he was still looking at me, red and I think he was talking to himself?
"Hey man are you okay?" I asked him, but he still didn't answer, I sighed and just turned around and started to leave for class.
"I'm Mizudu Irodiya! I- I MEAN IZUKU MIDORIYA!!" He said, well he shouted, gaining the attention of some students.
I didn't understand him very well since he was far away.I turned around and looked at him, waiting for him to talk or something.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya." he said looking at the ground.
"Okay man." I said as if I didn't care, as if I hadn't even asked him a couple of minutes ago. I just wanted to go to class now.
"Eh?" The boy said, well Midoriya said, surely thinking why I responded like this.
"Ha! Always being a fucking nerd, right Deku!?" A voice said but since I didn't care I just kept walking and finally walked through the door but something stopped me.
"Always getting nervous with girls who aren't worth it," the voice said, well the idiot said.I turned around and looked at the idiot who I imagined that said that.
"Excuse me!? What did you say?" I said raising my voice. I didn't care what the people of me thought at that time, but I did care what that kid thought since he was obviously lying.
"Y/N please, don't start a fight with him" said Midoriya but I didn't listen to him and I just started walking towards the boy.
"Better shut up your fucking mouth before I'll shut you up!" I said upset, I didn't want to make a scene my first day of school, and less so at the U.A.
"Suck my dick asshole!"
I smirked, "I would but... you don't have one. Oh and I'm so glad you survived the other day, sadly." I said and smiled even more when I saw the face he put on and when I heard the bell I turned around and started going to my class.
Apparently Midoriya already left for class. Bastard.
What a good start.
(If you think you like it I will write the next parts)
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kiridarling · 3 years
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izuku midoriya | ft. ceo!au + praise + exhibitionism + breaking and entering + body worship + f!reader + more! minors dni.
— 3.8k words
“When I saw you this evening, in that ballgown, I knew I just had to have you. But I can't be a gentleman for much longer, as much as I'd like to."
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You’ve always hated Chopin.
“L’œuf mimosa, Madame?”
After turning down the poor waiter whose arms quiver under the weight of the plates, you turn back to your red wine and people-watching. The ballroom is full of golds and reds, the amber lighting illuminating the intricately decorated walls. And you sit in the middle of it all—you and your 147 billion net-worth, with a ball gown that’s caught at least half the aristocratic asshole’s attention, not that they were very loyal to their wives in the first place.
You're not here for their attention, though. You’re strictly here for business—and frankly, you want to do nothing more than sock these fat business moguls in their chubby faces until their teeth fall out and demand they pay their taxes. But, seeing as you’re the only woman here who isn’t a gold-digging wife, you bite your tongue.
You’ve always dreaded black tie events, but as you’ve said, duty calls.
A whine filters through the speakers, followed by two amplified taps and a clear of a throat. The murmur down as the auction's owner takes the center of the stage, stilling in front of the next piece of art—hidden behind a black veil—before adjusting the tie to his business suit.
“I’m glad that you all could be with us tonight. I have both a great privilege and honor to host this event,” he announces, bulbous head already growing damp under the heat of the stage lights. “Now that we're almost at the end, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Saving the best for last, as one does."
He includes a casual wave to his comment and the audience erupts in a flurry of chuckles, though not for long. As he walks over to the piece, hand raised and ready to reveal, silence seizes the room by the neck.
"Well. Shall we?”
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The audience balances on the edges of their seats, with millions of wide eyes and thrumming chests in anticipation. A smooth flick of a hand and the black sheet is removed, and there sits the only piece you’ve had your eyes on all night. She’s even more beautiful up close.
“El Bacio, The Kiss. Francesco Hayez, 1859.”
The grip around your glass tightens. The brilliant blue from the woman’s dress in the oil painting may as well burn your eyes, and the surrounding murmurs peak with your interest. You know it's yours without question, though—you can outbid almost anyone in this room. Anyone that matters, anyway.
“This is the original version, originally commissioned by Count Alfonso Maria Visconti of Saliceto. It was donated to the Pinacoteca di Brera in 1886 and went missing in 1937. Starting at ten million.”
You try not to scowl. The fucker jacked up the price by two million.
“Twelve million,” the man says as he recognizes whoever lifted a hand. You sit tight, your hands throbbing in your lap for the right moment as you survey the room for anyone who could possibly pose a threat. You find none.
The bidding continues. The price elevates from twelve million to fifteen to thirty to fifty. You raise a hand, finally, fingers splayed wide and confident to signify a five.
“Fifty-five million.”
The room falls silent; you try not to smile. You know for a fact no one wants this painting more than you do, and you’re determined to have it.
“No one else?”
His eyes scan the room but no one makes a motion. It’s yours.
Until there’s movement from your peripheral.
“Sixty million!”
You eye whoever had the audacity to raise their hand, only to be met with a rather peculiar sight—a man, roughly your age, with slicked-back green hair and a hand twice the size of yours, lifted lazily in the air.
With a huff, you find yourself thrusting another five into the air.
“Sixty-five millio—Seventy million!”
You know that green-haired (probably) trust fund baby has got to be doing this for fun because the poorly hidden smirk hidden behind the hand he rests his chin on is more than obvious.
You dislike him already, immediately categorizing him with the rest—another sleazeball.
“Seventy-five million!”
“Eighty million!”
“One hundred million!”
In your defense, you were getting frustrated.
Either way, the green-haired stranger backs off with a nonchalant shrug, and it makes you burn this discontent. The business mogul-turned-auctioneer steps off the stage for another twenty-minute intermission and folks turn to one another for conversation. You sigh, simply satisfied that you’ve gotten what you came for.
You find yourself faintly puzzled by the boy with the green hair, and you're sure it's solely due to his age. Frankly, you've been the only one under thirty in the Top 100 Richest People since you achieved such a feat, and the fact that you haven't heard of him is...puzzling. But it doesn't matter. Clearly, he’s just another fellow looking to put another pretty thing in his foyer—you doubt he knows a thing about art, and definitely not an appreciation for it. You find solace in the fact that it's the new addition to your precious art collection instead, and will be owned and taken care of by someone who actually enjoys it.
“Good evening.”
You jump. Wrapped up in all of your inner turmoil (complemented by inner bragging, naturally) you fail to notice the greenette cross the expanse of the ballroom and make himself comfortable in the open seat next to you, despite your lack of approval.
“Hello,” you say, unsure of why he's here. He offers a hand to shake, Rolex glinting under the golden lighting.
“Izuku Midoriya,” he introduces, and you suppose shaking his hand won’t hurt.
“Your name?” He snorts, raising a cocky eyebrow. You scowl.
“Does it matter?”
“Not particularly.” Izuku rests his forearms on the table as his evergreen eyes rake your figure up and down. “But if you prefer to remain nameless, be my guest.”
“My name,” you clarify. “It’s [Y/N].”
You’re not exactly sure what possessed you to tell him your name so easily. Maybe the fact that most already know who you are, and the fact that this man—this stranger—doesn’t know who you are, irks you a bit.
Okay. It irks you a lot.
“Well, Miss [Y/N],” Izuku tilts his head sideways. “I think that’s a very pretty name.”
Your body betrays you with a light gasp. Stupid thing.
“Well. I’m bored,” Izuku announces childishly, relaxing against the chair. “Lets go somewhere.”
You roll your eyes at his asserted dominance—in no way does he expect you to go with him, does he? You raise an eyebrow.
Izuku clicks his tongue as if it were a buzzer, and more importantly, as if you were wrong. “Why?”
That has you scoffing. “I don’t know you.”
Izuku’s eyes flash with a challenge and it’s gone just as quickly. He leans forwards, crowding your personal space yet again.
“I told you my name, no?”
“You did,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest and straightening your back. You feel too small. “But I know nothing about you.“
“Well,” Izuku places an inquisitive finger on his lips, and it’s almost mocking, the way he takes a moment to think about it. “My name is Izuku Midoriya. I like...katsudon and hero movies. I’m here because I have too much time and money on my hands, and I’m, most importantly, bored.”
Your eyes narrow. “What do you do for a living?”
Izuku’s lip curls, and it’s downright sinister, “I'll tell you if you come with me."
You roll your eyes, and he takes both your hands in his. You don’t pull away, but you don’t reciprocate it either.
Izuku shrugs, “Wherever the wind takes us.”
Your stomach growls loudly, interrupting your fairly intimate conversation and dying your cheeks pink. Izuku raises an eyebrow.
“I heard they’re feeding us escargo for dinner.”
“Ugh,” you sigh, shoulder sagging. “Looks like I’m not eating, then.”
But there’s a glint in his eyes, and you’d be lying if you said there wasn’t one in your own. There's an ebb in the discourse, a beat, before Izuku's nodding towards the exit.
“Fast food?”
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Wendy’s hits different during a Parisian midnight.
“—and so I had to be like: No Kacchan, you can’t hotwire his car to blow just because your food was, and I quote, lukewarm.”
You snicker behind a fist, digging your fancy heels into the grimy cement sidewalk, Wendy’s frostee in hand. Izuku hasn’t let go of your hand since you two left the fast-food joint, and for some reason, you haven’t pulled away.
"Violence seems to be a reoccurring theme with your friend," you say, laughing when Izuku nods in agreement, eyes stuck on the full moon hanging high in the air.
"You remind me of him, actually."
You raise an eyebrow, unable to see the correlation at all, "Because I'm a loud and angry and I like to blow things up."
"Or, because you're strong—independent. The type of woman to make men turn tail and run, you know?" Izuku turns to you with a lopsided grin.
You hum, averting your eyes to the moon. It's a stupid question, one that's all too loaded yet empty at the same time, and you hate that you hesitate to ask it.
"Why haven't you ran, then?"
"Easy." Izuku lets a smooth shrug roll off his shoulders, "I like strong women."
He continues to pull you to an undisclosed destination, the two of you stumbling through the heart of Paris with his suit jacket around your goosebump-ridden shoulders. People stare, but for the first time in forever, you find that you don't care much.
Finally, you two reach Izuku's "big reveal." You gaze at the magnificently lit french building in confusion, the golden under lights contrasting both of your beings against the navy blue sky.
"The Louvre?"
"Mhm," Izuku says, and he looks more than giddy. "Have you been?"
"Once," your voice is weary and you're sure he senses it, his grip tightening around your own. "For a fundraiser...but it's midnight Izuku, ho—"
But he's already tugging you to the right, dipping between columns and arches until you reach the back of the building. Izuku turns to you and whispers:
"Watch this."
It's hard to tell what he did exactly, especially with no light—it's just a bunch of jingles and ticks. Though, the moment you can't escape the sense that this is beyond sketchy, a lock clicks, and a door whines open.
"Hurry. And take your heels off," Izuku whispers, tilting his head towards the entrance. You hear the crunch of a leaf and see the beginning of a white flashlight curl around the building and fuck, this place has to be crawling with security guards, doesn't it?
"Don't tell me what to do," you grumble...as you take off your shoes. (Because you were going to do it anyway.) You enter and he closes the door behind the two of you, submerging you both in complete darkness.
"Security's only on the outside," Izuku grins. "They don't expect us to get inside, so as long as we're quiet, it should be fine."
"Until we have to get back out again," you say, huffing. Your heart pounds from the adrenaline because frankly, you've never been one for adventures, and breaking into a historical french museum is miles out of your comfort zone. "Seriously, did you think this through at all? What happens when we get caught?"
Izuku sighs, turning to you with a pout before grabbing your free hand again. "Women worry too much. C'mon—I wanna explore."
"You—let go, you misogynistic assho—"
You're cut off by a finger to your lips. Izuku bends down so he’s looking at you straight on, eyes dark as he sternly whispers, "Do you want us to get caught?"
It's not the prospect of getting caught that makes you falter, though—it's the way his stare pins you in place, voice swollen with that air of dominance you claim to hate. You have to tighten your grip on your heels to ensure they don't hit the ground.
"Now," Izuku‘s strangely childish manner returns, tugging your hand once your panicked whisper-yelling ceases, "Shall we?"
You roll your eyes, but your bare feet patter against the cold Louvre tile anyway. And you've got to say, the museum is much nicer when it isn't crawling with people.
"Mona Lisa's forehead is bigger than I thought," Izuku observes with a finger on his lip. He's on the wrong side of the railing, his nose close to kissing the glass protecting the piece. You snort, dropping your head to pinch the bridge. He turns to give you a weird look.
"Nothing, just," you shake your head, the cool wood of the railing digging into your forearms. "Did you actually want that painting?"
Izuku frowns. "Which one?"
"El Bacio."
"Mm," the greenette hums as he thinks, blinking to the corner of the room."I suppose. You seemed like you wanted it more, though."
You roll your eyes, "So you cap at eighty million?"
Izuku shrugs, hopping the railing. Seems like he's finally done insulting poor Lisa, "I capped when you started to sweat."
You huff, but stomping instead of walking isn't so intimidating when you're barefoot. "I wasn't sweating."
You see a hidden smirk on Izuku's face once you catch up to him, and it's frustrating and insulting, to say the least. Both of you proceed down a hall of statues. "You're much easier to read than you think, Miss [Y/N]."
"And you're not as perceptive as you think, Mister Midoriya."
Izuku chuckles at that, shaking his head. "Well played, Miss [Y/N]. Well played."
You're not sure why your chest swells, but it does, and it takes both you and your limited lung capacity off guard. But you don't have much time to sort it out—Izuku's grabbing your hand again, and redirecting your attention to the last statue in the hall. You recognize it and frown.
“Cupid and Psyche?”
The silver moonlight pours in through the window, spilling down Cupid’s tipped wings and the softest points of the Psyche’s curves. Izuku hums in confirmation, hands sliding to encompass your hips as his chin hooks on your shoulder.
"Well done, Miss [Y/N]."
His voice deepens—it's coarse and heady, and gets your blood rushing in a way breaking and entering never could have.
"Amore e Psiche, Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss. Antonio Canova, 1793."
You fail to understand why this statue stood out to him compared to all the others, but the circles Izuku’s thumb presses into your hips signifies that you’ll find out soon.
"Cupid represents desire, and Psyche, the human soul," Izuku says, running his hands up your sides. "Together, they make the perfect union."
Dipping his nose into your neck, Izuku inhales, and the hands around your waist tighten, if the smallest bit. "Psyche was the prettiest woman in the world; so pretty she rivaled Venus' beauty with her own. It didn't matter if it broke rules—Cupid knew he had to have her."
The gentle nudge of a neck evolves into a set of butterfly kisses, tracing the column of your neck until his mouth reaches your ear. A hand slides to gently cup your breast, and the other to your thigh.
"Miss [Y/N], when I saw you this evening, in that ballgown, I knew I just had to have you. But I can't be a gentleman for much longer, as much as I'd like to." Izuku groans into your neck, hips gently grinding forwards. "So, it's up to you what we do next—I could drop you off at your home to probably never see you again, or...”
Izuku shifts, and you can feel his hardening cock against your back. “I can bend you over right here. Your choice.”
You hesitate, determined to think this through—but Izuku's wandering hands and rutting hips prove to be too much of a distraction.
"Fine," is all you say, before whirling around, grabbing the greenette by his dress shirt, and slamming your lips onto his.
Izuku kisses back with a grin—like he knew you were going to say yes—and places his hands around your waist yet again, backing you up against the marble statue.
"Sit on the platform," he breathes into your mouth. You frown.
"Like, the platform to the statue? Caus—"
"Yes on the statue, now sit," Izuku demands, but he doesn't give you much room to protest, forcing you onto the marble platform. Hiking your dress to your waist, Izuku's calloused palms slide up your inner thighs, spreading them apart to make room for himself in between. He pauses.
"No panties?"
You flush red—from the exposure or the comment, you aren't sure—but you huff in defiance nevertheless, determined to stand your ground and keep some of your dignity. (Though you're positive Izuku can feel you shaking already.)
"I'm wearing a dress," you defend weakly.
Izuku hums behind a bitten lip, lying a heavy thumb on your clit. It's enough pressure to make your thighs tense but not much else, until it flicks downwards.
"I wanna taste you," Izuku growls with dilated pupils once he finally tears his gaze from your exposed body. "Can I?"
Heat surges through your veins, and you let him pry your thighs apart as you respond with an unsteady, "Yeah—yeah, that's fine."
Izuku's chest rumbles with a growl as he closes in on your pussy, hands gripping underneath your thighs. You whimper when he trails butterfly kisses down your inner legs, the grip you have around the skirt of your dress tightening.
"So pretty," Izuku groans, chuckling when you shiver as he flattens his tongue against your slit, "My Goddess."
With that he dives in, almost sending you toppling with the force. The moonlight dyes his green locks a navy blue, and you can't resist seizing them into a fist when he pushes a finger in.
"Feel good, Gorgeous?" Izuku says with a knowing smirk on his sinfully glossed lips. Another digit enters and it has your toes curling as you nod. “Shit, you’re tight.”
Izuku spits on your pussy and it’s downright dirty, before looks at you under forest green eyelashes, the other hand finally letting go of your thigh in favor for pulling at the top of your dress.
“Izuku, wha—“
“I wanna see your tits,” he huffs. You’d laugh at his enthusiasm if you weren’t so aroused, and you find your hands joining in the flurry. The moment they’re free, Izuku’s mouth latches onto your breast in an instant.
“F-Fuck, ‘Zuku—“
“You sound so good when you moan my name, sweetheart,” Izuku groans, and you jolt as he tweaks a bud.
“Say it again.”
He pinches your nipple and clit at the same time, and it has your legs kicking as you squeal his name again.
The Izuku growls and it's nothing but feral, and another yelp of his name has him pulling you to your feet to the point where your noses almost touch. Aggravated from being so close before the greenette ripped his fingers away has you scowling.
"Can I fuck you?" His breath ghosts your lips. You hide your shock by a roll of your eyes.
"Do you always ask stupid questions?"
Izuku hums in contemplation before grabbing you harshly by the jaw, to the point where your cheeks squish into your eyes and your lips pucker. "Say it, Bunny."
"I just sa—"
"Say 'I want you to fuck me, Izuku,'" he says with a cruel snarl. "’Hard.’"
Your eyes dart from his heavy gaze to the statue, and you can't help but feel more fragile than glass. "I litera—"
"Say it, brat."
"I—" you try but nothing comes out, and you blame that darkened stare of his, "I w-want you to fuck me. Izuku."
Izuku inhales sharply, the fingers cradling your face tightening before he speaks again.
"Good girl."
He spins you so your hands lay on the statue's base, yanking your hips back and flipping your dress so your bare ass is exposed to the cool air.
Izuku's palms caress your behind, kneading both globes before he pulls you against his bare cock. (When he took off his pants is beyond you.) He slaps his cock against your clit until you huff in frustration, turning around to shoot him an angry glare.
"Today, Izuku."
The greenette blinks out of his absorbed gaze on your behind in favor of glowering you down. You waver under his glare despite your best efforts.
His cock kisses your entrance and then all of it is in you at once, and his size is enough to make your inner thighs ache from the stretch. You bite your lip in an attempt to muffle a moan, but that crashes and burns fairly quickly.
"O-Oh shi—"
"You said today, didn't you?" Izuku rasps, before pulling out and stuffing you full at a quick and steady pace. Your hands scramble for proper purchase against the statue—without breaking it, for gods sake—but the harder he fucks you into it, the harder it is to stay upright. "Quiet, baby. We're not supposed to be here, remember?"
You nod frantically, teeth digging into your bottom lip. The thought of getting caught, you, of all people, while being railed against a marble statue—
Izuku moans in your ear, a hand moving between your thighs to rub at your clit. "Oh, you tightened when I said that—you like the idea of getting caught, Bunny?"
You respond with a choked moan, thighs quivering with an impending orgasm. Izuku groans as you tighten around him again, but they quickly turn into shushes.
"I-I know," your voice cracks and it's absolutely pathetic. "But I can't—"
Izuku's hand wraps around your mouth to the point where his fingertips just barely brush your ears. You whine, eyes fluttering as the new grip adjusts the angle ever so slightly, and pushes him so much deeper.
"You're gonna kill me," Izuku says, wheezing out a laugh. "I—fuck Bunny, I'm close."
You whimper behind his hand and nod as if to say me too, and you're sure Izuku understands from the way he groans before he speeds up in all aspects. "Good. G-Good—cum for me baby, I know you can—"
Your toes curl into the marble floor as the coil in your gut snaps, knocking the wind out of you and sending you thrashing in Izuku's arms. You hear the greenette curse and shudder behind you, stuttering hips slowing to an eventual stop. Both of you stand there for a moment, comfortable interrupting the silence with nothing but your heaving breaths.
"You okay?"
You chuckle. It's dry and scratchy, and your lip throbs from biting it so hard, but it isn’t...aggravating, per-se. "You sound worse than me."
Izuku laughs at that, though it waters down as he pulls out with a hiss. "I don't think worse is the correct adjective here, Miss [Y/N].”
You snort. Back to “Miss [Y/N]” it is, then.
Your ears catch the distinct wail of ever-increasing sirens, but you don't think much of it until the side of Izuku's face starts flashing blue and red. Both you and the greenette falter, sharing a look.
"Police! Hands in the air!"
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i wrote this while watching a hysterectomy in physio aah (also yes, the french police speak in english leave me alone skjdhfgk) — sun
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xtodorcki · 3 years
hiii hope your having an amazing day :) do you make headcanons? if you do and if you don't mind can i request headcanons for Izuku, Bakugo, and Denki about being in a secret relationship (i really love your stories about characters being in a secret relationship) and them accidentally outing their relationship because something happened (you can choose what happened) thank you so much!! also if you dont do headcanons you can choose one from the three on the imagine ❤️ I'm sorry if this is confusing 😅
“Secret Relationships,” Midoriya, Bakugou and Denki headcanon
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YES IM GLAD YOU REQUESTED THIS UGH, I gotta do my sweet baby Bakugou first🥺
Summary: having a secret relationship with one of the guys and it’s get leaked.
Each section would probably be a little short, I apologize in advance🥺
Warnings: none!
The relationship between you and Bakugou was always strange but once the students had to move on campus in the dorms, it turned into a whole different story.
The secret meetups late at night in his room, turned into nothing more than a secret relationship. The way your sleep schedule was beyond screwed up from being up late in his room and having to wake up early to go back to your room before anyone noticed.
It had been going on for months so by now you were used to the secrets and sneaking around along with barely having any sleep the next day while in class.
The more the relationship progressed, the more Bakugou would steal quick glances at you and even when you were in the kitchen with the other students, he would purposely slide behind you and touching your back in the process.
One day in particular, the class had decided to have a game night and he wasn’t too thrilled about joining in. He had tried to convince you to come back to his room but you had told him it would make things obvious if only the two of you were absent.
He huffed, at this point he didn’t really care about the class nor their opinions on anything. He was a ball of fire afterall so when he saw you sitting with the class as they gathered up board games, he was over with keeping things a secret, he wanted it to be known that you were his and he wanted you upstairs in his room.
“I don’t wanna play this stupid game night.” Bakugou said in front of everyone but he was directing it towards you and you tried to ignore him.
“That’s fine, you don’t have to be here dude.” Kirishima patted his back, sitting down at the table and he huffed out a breath dramatically, standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I’m not talking to any of you idiots.. Y/N.” He said your name sternly, like he was giving you a direct order by the look of his red eyes.
“Why are you so worried about Y/N being here with us?” One of the classmates mentioned and you had cursed under your breath, Bakugou was acting like a child.
“Because I want my girlfriend upstairs with me.” Bakugou angrily said, everyone growing quiet and you had gulped the lump in your throat, well there goes the secret.
Everyone’s eyes had landed on you and your cheeks turned a dark shade of red before you slide the chair back and stood up. You have never felt this embarasssed in your life, he could’ve done this any other time in a completely different way but of course the asshole had to make everything a big deal.
“No way,” Denki mumbled, trying to hold the laugh that was begging to come out.
You dismissed yourself, walking over to where Bakugou was and punched his arm as hard as you could, cursing under your breath and he smirked while wrapping his arm around your shoulders, winking back at the rest of the class.
“God, you’re so fucking embarrassing, Katsuki.” You muttered, following him to the elevator to go up and he tugged you closer.
“Oh shut up, you love it.”
As you two waited for the elevator, you couldn’t help the feel the classes eyes on the both of you. It was even more humiliating as you had to wait for the doors to slide open. You heard a few of them whisper about you two being a thing, some had mentioned how obvious it was and some mentioned had you two were complete opposites.
Bakugou obviously didn’t care, instead he liked to annoy everyone, especially you. So hearing people whisper about had fed onto the asshole ego he had, making his large hand grab your chin and give you a rough kiss on the lips in front of everyone.
The way your face was completely red at this point and all he did was give the classmates a evil grin before dragging you into the elevator and pushing the button for his floor.
“Why can’t you ever be casual?”
“Do you not know me? I’m far from casual.” He nudged you gently, laughing at your tomato red face and moved his thumb to brush across your cheek.
“Yeah, clearly.”
You had a crush on Denki for what seemed like forever. Since the first moment you met him on the first day of school till now. It was pretty obvious how much you liked him. Eventually you became bold enough to ask him to hang out.
Now you two have been dating for only a few weeks, you both had agreed to keep it private to enjoy the privacy and the time alone before the classmates end up finding out.
Of course you knew Denki a little too well at this point, you knew he would end up slipping up the secret sooner or later but it didn’t entirely bother you that it’ll happen.
And you were right, after a training exercise and having to go through some obstacle course that Aizawa had set up, he had sparked a fuse and as his brain suffered a shortage, his mouth had instantly opened and talked about you.
You couldn’t help but be over protective when he did go through that shortage phase, quickly taking care of him and making sure he was comfortable was a habit you picked up.
“So pretty.” He muttered as he reached for you in front of everyone and you froze in your place until he had wrapped his arms around you, clinging onto your body.
Your cheeks flushed, grabbing onto his body and holding him up straight so he didn’t lose his balance. He continued to mutter words like how you’re so pretty and he even slipped up how he was lucky to have you.
“Aww, Denki is in love.” Sero had laughed at his state, making you roll your eyes and become more protective.
“Nothing wrong with that.” You admitted, stroking your fingers through his hair and dragged him over to sit down.
His head had rested on top of yours, his tall frame giving you a tight hug and you had choked on the air you were breathing on from how openly clingy he was acting in front of the entire class including Mr. Aizawa.
“Is there something you’re not telling us?” Midoriya had teased, the smirk on his face made you grow embarrassed.
“Yes, we are.” Denki cut you off, his arms still around yours and the goofy smile on his face only got bigger.
“Y/N is mine. Only mine, I don’t want to see- I don’t want to see any of you near... what’s mine.” He managed to stumble out, his face turning blank like he had forgotten what he was talking about.
“Jesus,” You laughed, putting your hand over his mouth, glancing at your classmates.
You stayed quiet, dragging him away from the rest of the class and forced him to drink some water and sit down on a chair to relax until he went back to his normal state.
You will admit that he was cute and the way he openly told everyone what was his, which was you, had made your heart flutter.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Denki.”
“Am I?”
It had taken forever for Izuku to catch onto your hints on liking him and wanting to hang out with him more. Of course he was very oblivious and didn’t catch on for weeks, even months before you got frustrated and had been straight forward with him.
The both of you being completely shy balls made everything a lot more difficult, the hints he threw at you and the hints your threw at him had completely flew over both of your heads, it was quite ridiculous.
You knew Midoriya wasn’t going to make the first move, you knew he was too big of a anxiety nut to even be bold enough to tell you to your face that he likes you in ways that was more than friends. So you did it on your own.
It hadn’t even been a week of you two officially dating until Izuku slipped it up to Todoroki when ranting about how amazing you were and how much he loved watching your quirk in action.
Once he had revealed the secret, he had told Todoroki to keep his mouth shut and not talk about it again but later that day, Izuku slipped up to another one of your classmates, Ashido.
It wasn’t long until he had slipped up to the whole entire class and now everyone knew that you two were a fresh couple. The side comments the students would make to you both and embarrass the both you, making the shyness in you two grow and cause you to stutter to no end.
“I think you two are cute!” Ashido had mentioned, trying to assure you that it wasn’t a big deal that everyone already knew.
“You knew Midoriya can’t keep a secret for long.” She commented, making you laugh and agree to what she said.
You couldn’t blame him though, he was a little too excited to be dating his crush that he couldn’t help but talk about you constantly to all his friends. He couldn’t help but stare at you and want to talk about how pretty you are and the characteristics he liked most about you.
It was in his nature, he was proud and lucky that he just had that urge to tell the whole world about you and it made butterflies explode in your stomach and it also made you want to kiss him desperately but you decided to not do that in front of everyone.
“I’m sorry, I know you didn’t want to tell anyone right away.” He mumbled towards you, the look of guilt washing over his features and you shook your head, embracing him in a tight hug.
“Don’t be sorry! I’m glad you told people.”
ANNND finished, I’m sorry it’s short. I usually go longer when it’s one character at a time but I hope it’s good🤧
PLSSSS send in more my hero requests!! I’m obsessed
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Hi! I'm a new follower , sent by @birds-have-teeth :)
I had sent in a request for izuku thinking it was from them but it was not (sorry again)
Well here it is :)
#4 and #6 being angsty + fluff :). Maybe Tamaki being the one Izuku is jealous of, and maybe, if it's ok with you a chubby reader (chubby baby rights 😭)
Thank you for your time :)
- ashi's 👻 anon
Sorry it’s so bad! I hope you like it! 4. “i think we’re meant to be.”
6. “my heart fucking breaks whenever i see you with him!”
He was angry. Of course he was, you were his and only his…. Right? This was the fifth day in a row that you’ve ditched izuku for some “girl time” with Tamaki. Maybe if they weren’t so similar it wouldn’t have bothered him, he would have been fine with it if it were an actual GIRL. But no, it was him, you were giving your brightest smile to HIM, laughing at HIS jokes. Izuku didn’t like it, he didn’t like how comfortable tamaki  was touching you, he didn’t like his inner dialogue of whether or not you would be better off with tamaki.
Izuku loved you, you’ve been friends for years, but you’ve never really ditched him like you have this year. It hurt him, he always thought you were his, that you were inseparable, but you needed time away eventually, you couldn’t be with him all the time….. could you? He wanted to tell you how he felt, he was going to before Tamaki came into your lives, so he just shut up.
But he didn’t want to be rude, he hated the thought of upsetting you and ruining his chances to ask you out, even if you said no….. he wanted a shot with you. He sat by and watched as you leaned into him when laughing, how Tamaki wiped the tear of laughter forming at your eye and gazed at you. It was obvious this boy loved you, he called you his bunny, stood up for you even when he would get hurt, and he was always there. Izuku hated how threatened he felt around him, how if by any chance you get together and he messes up, tamaki will sweep you off of your feet and he’ll lose you.
He watches as you stand up, flipping off Katsuki when he said something about how good you look today, and throw your trash away. He didn’t expect you to look right at him and smile. He also didn’t expect to give a half assed smile, full of hesitation and doubt. You gave him a small frown, approaching him carefully.
“Izuku? Are you ok? You look like something’s wrong-“ “can we talk somewhere private….. please?”  You pull back in surprise, a bit thrown off by his request, but agreeing and following the young hero. You turn around with your eyes closed, ready to initiate conversation in hopes that the shy man will open up.
Before you speak, you feel him push you against a wall, planting his hand above your shoulders. Your eyes shoot open, staring at the troubled man as he struggles to find words to verbalize what he needs to say. You cup his face, rubbing your thumb along his freckles and smiling slightly.
“Whatever it is, you can say it izu, you know you can always ope-“ “I hate it, I fucking hate it, I hate how he looks at you, how he acts around you, how he…. Touches you, I hate how you respond, how you act like it’s ok, how you just sit there and let him touch what’s Mine,” a blush appears on his face as he inhales shakily, “ for some sick reason I can’t stand to see you with anyone else, maybe it’s cause I think we’re meant to be  or maybe it’s because I hate him and I want you for myself because of how my heart aches… no, my heart fucking breaks when I see you with him. Whatever it is….. I don’t like it, and I’m sorry you have to find out this way…”
You laugh, surprising izuku and pulling him from his ranting. Your snorts and wheezes fill his ears, confusing him and making him regret his confession. You see him pulling back and looking away, causing you to stop and pull his face in your hands.
“You’re talking about tamaki right?” You look at him with a wide smile, confusing izuku, but still allowing him to smile, “ izu…… tamaki the man who lets me paint his nails and Is constantly seen with a new man Tamaki? Tamaki that has a rainbow sticker on his shoes to ‘stomp on the haters?’ Him?” Izuku looks lost, staring blankly before his mind collects the given information. He’s gay. Izuku slaps his forehead disappointed with himself for not seeing it sooner.
Your laughs fill his ears, making him realize just how stupid he was, how he fucked up the whole situation and was jealous of a man with no interest in her…. Or any girl whatsoever. A furious blush covers his face as he shrinks into himself from embarrassment. You take his hands in your own making him look you in the eye as your laughter dies down.
“You really mean it? That you think we’re meant to be?” Izuku nods “ Well, I just so happen to be talking to Tama about how I feel the same, that I like you a lot….. we’ve known each other for a while…. I never thought you felt the same…” Izuku caresses her face, looking at her with wide, bright eyes, and a smile.
“Even when I told you I was gonna marry you that one time?” You smiled and shook your head ,” or when I told you I loved you when you got into that agency?” You feel flushed, how did you not see it before? “I always loved you, we just never saw it possible with each other.” You lean up, pecking his lips and hugging him.
“I’m glad I got you jealous, our dumb asses would have never known without that.” You share a mutual look, knowing how oblivious you both are. Izuku’s cheeks are painted red as you enter back into the food court holding his scarred hand. You press a soft kiss onto the back of his hands before you part, returning back to your friends.
You sighed as all of your friends gave you knowing looks, and whistling at you.
Sure it was shitty timing, but looking over at Izuku, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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indigosabyss · 3 years
Jaded, Part II
His first few clients were nothing special.
A few cases of uncontrollable quirks, a few people wanting a basic analysis on small-time heroes, just basic stuff.
Of course, at the time it didn’t seem like basic stuff. It meant the world to him, actually.
It still was something he loved to do, making himself useful in the most mundane of ways.
He’d walk into class to find his desk covered in carved names, and simply whip out his phone to try and help someone while the teacher was still late.
NoraTora: Hi! I’ve seen your work circling around in other platforms. It’s really good, and helpful. So, I was hoping if you could tell me how to deal with my Quirk? I'm pretty young and probably just haven't learned how to control it, but basically my Quirk allows me to call a murder of crows towards me when I get upset. But after they're here, I can't control what they do. They attack me, they attack my friends, they're a nuisance! Please help me!
He thought it over for a little while, switching to Google to fact check something, and quickly started typing a quick reply.
Jaded_qa: Well, that really depends what kind of crows you're summoning. If it's just random crows, then I'll suggest wearing bird tape on your clothes, and keeping an air horn on yourself in case of an emergency. If it's only one species of crow, you could keep a distress call on you for their species. I'd recommend some noises, but I'm not certain as to what species you are dealing with. It depends also on how you're calling the birds to yourself. Can you speak to them? What you're describing sounds like you're telepathically transmitting your emotions to them? Next time a large murder gathers, maybe you can try giving them simple instructions, and offer them a reward? I'm sorry I couldn't help more, but I don't have enough information. Tell me how it goe-
"Midoriya, get off your phone! You're meant to be studying!" His teacher barked out sharply.
"Sorry, sensei." He gulped, quickly finishing the sentence under the table and sending the message before tucking his phone back in his pocket, to be read another time.
He’d been hoping to get back to the phone at lunch, but he was waylaid by Kacchan.
“Stupid Deku!” The blond boy jeered over him, “You think you’re so much better than us? That your grades are so good you don’t even have to study? How pathetic!”
“No! I don’t think that at all!” Izuku tried to deny fervently.
Bakugou sneered, “You better not be!” He smirked superiorly as he strutted off, “Come on, you losers!”
His lackeys stalked away with a jeer, and Izuku breathed a sigh of relief.
It probably wasn’t a good idea to take his phone out right now anyways.
But when he got home, he found that there was reply to his analysis.
NoraTora: Okay, so I tried the bird tape thing, and it worked really well! I guess I never really thought about the whole crow summoning. It was just something that happened. I’m glad you managed to give me advice even with such limited information. Thanks a lot!
Izuku smiled softly.
He did it. He helped someone.
Was that considered being a hero?
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