#J2 Saturday panel
alwayscaskett810 · 5 months
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Question: So my question for you guys is what do you think would happen if blood junkie Sam and demon Dean met?
Jared: They'd be like, 'You're fucked up? Cool, I am too.' They might go party. [laughs][explaining to Jensen] Blood junkie Sam and demon Dean. That's a good question, we've never had this question [Jensen laughs]. Blood junkie Sam and demon Dean, I - my instinct is that they would kinda be like, 'Alright, well, I'm a little off-kilter, you're a little off-kilter, too, let's go party.' [both laugh] I got your back. It feels like it'd be the same thing of Dean kinda befriending Benny in Purgatory? I feel like they'd get along, strangely.
Jensen: Yeah, they'd probably, they'd probably cause some problems for a lot of - for hunters. Other hunters, they would cause a lot of problems for them. They'd be having - I mean, with demon Dean, when he was left to his own devices, he was causing issues, so I think if he had a partner in crime? Like [laughs] blood junkie Sam? Then I think it would just, uh, multiply that, so yeah.
Jared: But I think demon Dean and rebar Sam wouldn't get along. [Jensen nods] Too soon? [Jensen laughs] Thank you for your question.
Jensen: Thanks.
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jacklesthings · 1 year
JIBCON 13 Saturday panels
Jensen and Jared
Jensen solo Saturday
Jared solo Saturday
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canonicallysoulmates · 10 months
J2 Hawaii Con Main Panel 2023
What was Jensen’s experience voicing the Red Hood? And when will we see him on the big screen?
That was his first big voiceover gig and it was great because then it got him the opportunity to play another character in that world so he loved that experience and he’s continuing to do stuff like that just as Batman instead. And he’s ready and waiting for somebody to give him an opportuniy like that on the big screen. x
What is their favorite food that they ate on scene? And what is their favorite food to eat behind the scenes?
 Jensen says it would be so much easier to name the least favorite. 
Jared says they were literally watching outtakes in the green room before this panel but in the s15 ep with Mrs. Butters the scene where Sam gets cake for his birthday, Jared was training for a marathon and he was hungry all the time so there was like 3-4 leftover cakes and he took every one of them home, and the scene with Dean and Amara in the bakery there was a bunch of real stuff in the case and he was like 'I’m taking that home' about a bunch of different things so he would take food home all the time. 
Jensen asks Jared if there was anything from catering or craft services he would almost eat daily and I love it because before Jared can fully give his answer Jensen is saying the katsu chicken, and because it was Jared’s favorite they all had to have it once a week too. 
Jensen mentions a trail mix craft services had that he would eat so much off, and then one day Maisie went up to him as he was having a handful and asked him if he knew what the raisins, peanuts, and almonds were and he was confused until she told him they’re just obstacles keeping him from the m&ms.
So that was something off camera he would eat almost every day, on camera Dean ate a lot of crap. The worst was the turducken, he was forced to eat so much of it, it got to the point where he would eat- he would take a bite and because it was so in character would take a bite at the beginning of a scene, now they know that’s a rookie mistake, you take a bite at the end of a scene so when they yell cut you can spit it out into the spit bucket and you don’t have to swallow but his dumbass was constantly eating throughout a whole scene so he got really good at taking a bite in the first take and then shadow biting in the second. Jared says Jensen would even do this when the coverage was on him so the cameras would be over his shoulder and yet he'd see Jensen grab the food and eat but he'd just be fake eating. His favorite to eat were the taquitos they were so good but they never got to have them again because they were store-bought and the grocery store that sold them went out of business. x
Next is not a question it's a fan telling them a dad joke x
What is an item on their bucket list?
Jensen doesn’t have a bucket list. Jared has one item and it’s to make Jensen create a bucket list. x
Would Jensen ever consider doing the Masked Singer?
No. He’s only seen a few of those early on and he’s seen promotions of it, and the costumes look very uncomfortable, and the singing has to be prerecorded so you’re just dancing around in a furby outfit. Jared asks him if he would do it? And Jensen replies that not on TV.  x
When the SPN reboot comes around, is Jesus going to be a part of it?
Jensen points towards Jared and says he already is, and then gives him a little pat on the knee and it quickly goes from cute to hilarious because Jared stretches his arms out like on the cross 😂
Jensen doesn’t know but maybe, hopefully, we’ll see. x
What is one of their most memorable times where they tried to impress their wife?
Jared replies that he likes to lead with his worst qualities so he thinks the majority of the first year and a half of his relationship with G was probably all failures because he was like 'listen i'm gonna fart, and not shower, and not take good care of myself but if you can deal with that the rest is actually decent'.
......and they say romance is dead.
Jensen says he’s been trying to impress D since he met her and he doesn't think he's done it yet but he desires to keep trying. x
Are they still interested in re-doing Lonesome Dove together? Or is there some other project they want to star in together?
Jared would love to he thinks it'd be an awesome idea. And actually, the key makeup artist on Walker won an Emmy award for makeup on Lonesome Dove. Hell yes, he’d love to.
Jensen says it would be fun to do something as brothers again whether it’s Lonesome Dove or SPN. x
Was there something they were looking forward to watching or something that surprised them that they watched while they weren't working?
Jensen didn’t watch anything, three kids under the age of ten is consuming. 
Jared watched Top Gun Maverick which was awesome. Beyond that Coco Melon.
Jensen says he's seen so much Bluey, he almost had to go as Bandit for Halloween until his daughter decided she didn't wanna go as Bluey she wanted to go as Black Cat. He does say that D watches Gilded Age and he proxy has watched it and gotten into it but it’s a soap opera. He also watched all of Gen V cause he was curious to see how bad he looked so he watched his scene but ended up watching the whole episode then wanted to see everything so he went back and started from the beginning, and called Kripke to ask how many hit shows one man needs. x
What is something they took for granted while they were on SPN and didn't realize?
Jared's honest answer is he thinks he took for granted the city of Vancouver. He and Jensen did a really good job in the last 2 or 3 years off if they had a late call or night shooting at 6pm they’d sneak off to ski or go for a bike ride or something but often they were just working and he didn't have an excuse G, D and the kids weren’t in Van most of the time they were at home watching them taking them to school and stuff but he doesn’t think he took enough advantage he thinks he kept waiting for life to happen to him instead of realizing it was already happening.
Jensen says the set atmosphere. It really became what it was organically, it naturally established a really fun, welcoming culture on set that as guest stars would go on they would comment on it and say it was the best place to work. And they’d think that’s cool never really thinking it was by design but now they both know how precious that is and understand that in order to achieve that you have to put in a certain kind of work, they were doing that work unknowingly by being themselves and treating everybody as equal. He takes that knowledge now when stepping into other sets and he's very hyper-aware of the culture of those sets and he does everything he can to make it a welcoming, fun, entertaining space to create. x
Do they remember their first concert experience and who was it they went to see?
Jared doesn’t remember which one was first but in San Antonio, he saw En Vogue open for Vanilla Ice. And, his mom took him to the TMNT concert as a Christmas gift.
Jensen’s first concert was with his mom and his aunt, it was when he was 6. The Michael Jackson thriller tour and he was terrified because of the lights and the costumes and the roar of the crowd he had never been in a crowd that big and then he came out and blew the roof of the place. And then first concert on his own was Van Halen. x
How do they prevent burnout?
Jared says they burn out all the time and then they have moments like this with the fans where they remember why they like to stay lit. Jokes aside he thinks they do burnout, he knows he does, not a lot but he gets exhausted and he thinks Sam and Dean did as well he thinks all the characters that they’ve played have then you kind of remember why you keep fighting, why you get back up, you get a little help from your friends and you kind of fake it till you make it and then you're back on track. It gets hard for sure but ideally, the good they've been a part of and the families they’ve built and been invited to be a part of certainly give him energy, and motive him.
Jensen says they also started doing this at an early age where they conditioned themselves to work this hard, the strike and the pandemic were pretty bad for them they don’t know how to turn it off or shut it down because they’ve been doing for so long it’s how they’re wired so it’s like Jared says yeah, they burned out on occasion but also know that this is what fuels them so it's easy to recover and jump back in the pool when they love it and have been doing it this long. And they have people that inspire them and give them energy to keep going through the moments of exhaustion. x
What was their very first acting role in school?
For Jensen, he did drama class cause he had to pick an art elective and his first big High School production was Cyrano de Bergerac. He played Christian the character that needs Cyrano to speak for him to win over Roxane. But he was maybe a junior or freshman then in his senior year he did West Side Story.
Jared’s first legit role he can recall doing was Mercutio, he doesn't think anybody would sit through it, there was also a play called Candida but he doesn’t really recall the first one. It was all stuff that high schoolers don’t really grasp yet but it got him curious. x
Do they have a passion or a topic that they could confidently teach a one-hour class on?
No. But Jensen does think they could both fill 60min on set etiquette. Not just how to act or the art of filmmaking but what the different departments do and why and the craft that goes into a day on set. x
Do they have any plans for their canceled shows?
Jared says it was obviously not their choice for the shows to not come back and they’re gonna find out what their industry is gonna look like in the next couple of months. He'd love for them to come back but he doesn’t know what the world is gonna look in terms of content like 3yrs from now.
Jensen says the shows weren’t on air for long enough for them to generate a worth for them to be taken and shopped around it’s an unfortunate by-product of the industry, people move pretty fast and when things get shelved or cleared off the table everybody is moving on so it’s hard to resurrect things that there's not a want or need for it to be brought back. That unfortunately the shows didn't have enough time to root themselves and find their legs, and it was really unfortunate timing because both shows were great. But their industry is in such a transition period right now crazy things are happening all over the place. He and Jared were very fortunate to do what they did when they did because SPN survived some rough waters but he doesn't know if the show would have made it through something like this, and Jared takes it one step further and says if last year had been the first season of SPN they'd have gotten axed. x
What's their most memorable photo op?
Jared says they've had some funny requests at times.
Jensen says there was a line they used to have, he doesn't know where it went or when it was removed but he does remember at one point MC looked at him and went 'it's come to this'.
Jared shares a story about a photo op they had with Krista, and she wanted to do a funny mid-action pose like a bodyguard diving and she could have just posed but instead, she did a full-on dive across several times.
Jensen says that a funny thing though that he'll get asked to do rock, paper, scissors a lot and it's not a video just pick one of the three, he's always gonna do scissors because that's what Dean did and it's what he's married to at this point so if you want to beat him do rock, and if you wanna let him win do paper, or just don't do anything, you don't have to it's a picture. x
J2 Main Panel Hawaii Con '23
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j2spntranscripts · 6 months
★ 2006 Paley Television Fest
Official name: 23rd William S. Paley Television Festival Location: The Museum of Television & Radio (The Paley Media Center), John H. Mitchell Theatre, Los Angeles, California Time: Saturday, March 4, 2006, 7:00pm (GMT-7) Panelists: David Bushman, Peter Johnson, Kim Manners, John Shiban, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Robert Singer, Eric Kripke Last episode: 1x16 “Shadow”- 2/28/2006 Next episode: 1x17 “Hell House”- 3/30/2006
Question Index: 1- (10:37) SPN Origins (Kripke) 2- (12:28) Sam and Dean Motivation (Kripke) 3- (14:18) Firsts Impressions "J2," Auditioning Sam and Dean (Kripke) 4A- (16:11) Auditioning for Sam and Dean (Jared) 4Aa- (17:01) SPN Appeal (Jared) 4B- (19:24) Auditioning for Sam and Dean (Jensen) 5A- (22:13) SPN Start (Manners) 5B- (26:07) SPN Start (Shiban) 5C- (27:38) SPN Start (Singer) 6- (31:05) SPN Mythology/Formula (Shiban, Kripke) 7- (34:18) Pre-Finale Thoughts (Kripke) 8A- (35:38) Location Significance- John in Sacramento (Shiban) 8B- (36:13) Location Significance- Lawrence Kansas (Kripke) 9- (36:59) Fear "Paranormal"- (Manners, Shiban, J2, Kripke) 10- (38:55) Continuity Mistake "4 years vs 2 years at Standford" (Kripke) 11- (40:40) Network Censorship "Gore"- (J2, Kripke, Singer) 12- (43:57) Paranormal on Set (J2) 13- (46:10) Network Censorship “Sex” (Kripke) 14- (47:20) Pre-series Sam and Dean (Kripke) 15- (49:07) Samulet (Jensen, Kripke) 16- (49:55) Special effects, Gag Reels (Jensen, Jared, Manners) 17- (53:17) Religion “Jensen,” Dean Winchester cellphone # (Jared, Jensen) 18- (55:39) Impala 67 (Jensen, Manners) 19- (56:16) SPN Music (Kripke, Singer) 20A- (58:42) Acting Advice “Start” (Jared) 20B- (1:00:09) Acting Advice “Start” (Jensen) 21- (1:01:03) Props "Alcohol" (Jared, Jensen) 22A- (1:02:15) Favorite Scene (Manners) 22Aa- (1:04:13) Acting Challenges “Shadow” (Jensen) 22B- (1:05:01) Favorite Scene (Shiban) 22C- (1:06:15) Favorite Scene (Jensen) 22D- (1:07:35) Favorite Scene (Jared) 22E- (1:09:19) Favorite Scene (Singer) 22F- (1:10:19) Favorite Scene (Kripke)
(transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts please point them out thanks*👍)
◘Supernatural Season 1 - Museum of Television & Radio's Paley Television Festival Q&A by Supernatural Insider◘
David Bushman is standing alone on stage in front of a mic reading off a script.
Bushman: Um, hi, everyone. My name is David Bushman. I'm television curator at the Museum of Television and Radio. And I want to welcome all of you to the museum's 23rd am-annual William Paley television festival. (thumbs to his right)
That clip that you just saw is from “Route 66,” which is one of the shows that, um, the creator Eric Kripke of, um, of “Supernatural,” um, often cites is one of his influences and that explains why we picked it. (thumbs to his right) That's part of our collection. We have 120,000 television and radio, uh, programs in our collection. And I would encourage all of you to visit the Museum in Beverly Hills, and in New York w-when you're there.
Um, tonight we're really excited to be honoring “Supernatural” which was named one of the top five new series of 2005 by Entertainment Weekly. “Supernatural” is aaa- a vibrant fresh exciting show that combines all sorts of genre elements: family drama, comedy, suspense, and on top of that it just scares the hell out of you. (audience laughs) I really want to thank Warner Brothers for all they did in helping make this night happen, particularly the PR department Holly Ollis and Winson Seto. Thank- thank you very much.
Um, what we're gonna do tonight is we're gonna, um, introduce right up front the cast and the creative team, our panels for the evening. Introduce them very briefly. Um, Eric is going to say a few words about what you're going to see. Then we're gonna.. watch an episode of the program, which Eric will talk about. Then we'll bring the panelists back up. I'll ask some questions and then you guys are on. So, start thinking of questions now. Okay?
(1:42)- first introductions
Bushman: Um, so, let me start with the panelists’ intros. First, uh, one of the producers of “Supernatural,” please welcome Peter Johnson.
Audience claps and cheers. Bushman looks to his left. Johnson walks on to the stage. Bushman meets him and shakes his hand. Johnson waves then goes down the stages stairs to sit in the front row. Bushman returns to the mic.
Bushman: Uh, next we have co-executive producer and director Kim Manners.
Audience claps and cheers. Bushman walks away from the mic. Manners enters on stage with his hands fiddling with his pants’ pockets and walks off the stages stairs to sit in the front row.
Bushman: Next we have co-executive producer and writer John Shiban.
Audience claps. Shiban walks out on stage waves to the audience and goes down the stairs to sit on the front row.
Bushman: Next, he plays Dean Winchester. Please welcome Jensen Ackles.
Audience screams and claps. Jensen walks out on stage and waves. He then jogs down the stage stairs to sit in the front row.
Bushman: Next, Sam Winchester. Please welcome Jared Padalecki.
Audience screams and claps. Jared speed walks out on stage, but walks passed the stairs a bit. He grimaces then bends down to look for the stairs while laughing a little, and then jogs down the stairs to sit in the front row.
Bushman: Next, the executive producer and director, Robert Singer.
Audience claps. Singer comes out on stage and waves to Bushman. Then he walks down the stairs to sit in the front row.
Bushman: Finally, the man whose vision, uh, created “Supernatural,” is the creator, executive producer, and writer. Please welcome Eric Kripke.
Audience cheers and claps. Kripke walks out on stage. He waves to the audience then walks to Bushman and shakes his hand. Bushman walks off stage and Kripke takes over the mic.
Kripke: Hey everybody. (audience responds back) Thank you so much, uh, for coming. Uhhh, it's a little, uh, overwhelming and- and amazing, uh, quite frankly.
This is to my knowledge, I mean, the first gathering of any “Supernatural” fans anywhere. So, thank you to you and give yourself (audience cheers and claps) a round of applause.
Uhm, just quick story from the set of “Supernatural” ‘cause it just happened last night. Uh, which is they were, uh, they shoot up in Vancouver. And, uh, they were shooting up at Stanley Park or about to begin production which is a-a public park up in Vancouver. Um, and, uh- uh, we're about to start filming when they got a call that, uh, there was a man about 100-200 yards from the film company, uh, with a handgun and, uh, they called, you know, Jared and Jensen. Said, you know, “Don't come to set. There's a man with a handgun.” And- and they shut down the whole production for two hours. They called in the police. They called in the SWAT team. Uh, they stormed-
This is all true. (laughs) (audience laughs) Very true. This all just happened last night. Uh, they all stormed Stanley- you know, SWAT teams storm Stanley Park, uh, looking for this man with a gun. Uh, and it turned out to be a, uh, member of our special-effects crew. (audience laughs) (laughs) So, good times from the set of “Supernatural.”
Ehahm, anyway. So, uh, I'm supposed to introduce the episode. So, let me- let me do that. Uh, the episode we're showing tonight is, uh, “Scarecrow.” Uum. (audience claps) (nods) All right, “Scarecrow” fans in the house. Uh, “Scarecrow,” uh, was written by the, uh, very brilliant, uh, John Shiban. Uh, (audience claps) so, round of applause for John. And it was directed by the very brilliant Kim Manners. (audience claps) (clears throat) Um, and so the reason, uh, we chose “Scarecrow” is we sort of felt it was, uh, just a good mix of sort of everything that the show is about.
Um, you know we think there's really some good drama between the brothers. We think there's some good comedy. Uh, we think there's, you know, good mythology about Dad and this is the char- is the episode that introduces Meg which people online had problems with (audience laughs) I seem to remember.
Um.. and, uh- And it's, you know, just, we think a-a scary, uh, damn good episode and- and- and based on a-a good series of, uh, you know, very fun urban legends about scarecrows. And so, I'll stop rattling on. Enjoy “Scarecrow.” We'll talk after. Thank you (audience claps)
Kripke goes off stage. Video fads to black.
(6:05)- second introductions
Visual comes back. Audience is clapping while Bushman walks on a lit stage with seven empty chairs and three round coffee tables each with bottle waters on top.
Bushman: Um, are there any “X-File”fans out there in the audience right now? (audience cheers and claps) It’s, uh- Every time I see this episode I feel like shaking Dean and saying, “What are you doing trusting the cigarette-smoking manager.” (audience laughs) (looks down to read his script)
Um, I'm going to bring our panelists back up on stage. Um, our first panelist is co-executive producer and director on “Supernatural.” He's directed nearly 300 hours of television, including 53 episodes of the “X-Files” which he also produced. Please welcome Kim Manners. (audience claps and cheers)
Manners walks on stage from the front row. Bushman shakes his hand and directs him to “move all the way down, please.” Manners follows the direction and sits on the farthest chair from the stairs.
Bushman: Our next panelist is a co-executive producer and writer on “Supernatural.” He began his career as a staff writer on the “X-files,” writing or co-writing over 20 episodes, and eventually serving as executive producer. He was also co-creator and executive producer of the “Lone Gunman” and supervising producer of “Harsh Realm” and is written for and produced “Star Trek Enterprise,” “Threat Matrix,” and “USA Network's Frankenstein.” Please welcome John Shiban. (audience claps)
Shiban walks on stage from the front row. He nods at Bushman and briefly holds a hand out to the audience and then walks to sit beside Manners. A stage assistant stands behind his chair to help Shiban with his clip-on mic. The footage then switches goes back to Bushman reading his script.
Bushman: Our next panelist portrays Dean, (audience squeals and claps) (laughs) wisecracking older Winchester brother. Before “Supernatural” (laughs at audience still chuckling) (one audience member briefly screams) Before- (laughs) Before “Supernatural” he was familiar to WB viewers is Jason Teague on “Smallville.” (audience squeals and claps) I don't know if I'm going to get through these intros. (audience laughs) He had a recurring role on “Dawson's Creek” and was a regular on “Dark Angel.” He- (audience claps and cheers) (smiles and laughs) He received three Daytime Emmy nominations for his role on Days- (audience cheer) (briefly laughs, lowers his script and then looks audience) Pl-please welcome Jensen Ackles. (Audience screams, cheers, and claps.)
Jensen waves at the audience as he walks on stage. He shakes Bushman’s hand and then goes to sit beside Shiban. He shrugs at Shiban and Manners. Before he sits down he takes off his leather jacket and says, “For you Jared.” The audience laughs. Bushman laughs and then looks back down at his script.
Bushman: Um, our next panelist portrays Sam, the rebellious- (audience screams) (Bushman and the audience laugh) rebellious younger Winchester brother. Before “Supernatural” he was best known as Rory's boyfriend Dean on Gilmore Girls. (audience screams) His- (laughs) His- (laughs) (audience laughs) His film credits include-
Audience member: I love you! (audience laughs and Bushman smiles)
Jared: (from his seat) I love you!
Bushman: (increases dialogue speed) His film credits include: “House of Wax,” “Cheaper by the Dozen,” “Flight of the Phoenix.” Please welcome Jared Padalecki.
Jared walks on stage and shakes Bushman’s hand. And goes to sit beside Jensen. Jensen holds out his hand to Jared, which claps it before he sits down. The audience laughs. Jensen shakes his head and then thumbs at Jared, who’s scratching his head. The camera goes back to Bushman.
Bushman: Our next panelist executive produces “Supernatural” and directs episodes of this series. Formerly- (audience laughs) (glances at the panelists) Uh, formerly vice president of NBC drama development. He later teamed with Daniel Blatt to produce films and TV series including “V the final battle” (audience woo’s) and Stephen King's “Cujo”. On his own, he has executive produced “Midnight Caller,” Lois Clark- “Lois & Clark the new Adventures of Superman” (audience claps and cheers) and “Reasonable Doubts” which he also created. Please welcome Robert Singer.
Audience (or possibly J2 screaming) screams, claps, and cheers. Singer walks up the stairs and shakes Bushman’s hand while walking to his seat beside Jared. Singer mimics a repetitive smacking motion with both hands towards Jared and Jensen. The audience laughs. Singer and Jared shakes hands before he sits down. The stage assistant gets Singer’s attention. J2 are smirking. The camera goes back to Bushman.
Bushman: Um, our final panelist today is the creator of “Supernatural,” in addition to executive producing and writing for the series. His previous TV credits include the WB series “Tarzan.” He also wrote and co- (Jared? woo’s) -produced (audience and Bushman laugh. The audience claps and cheers.) He also wrote and co-produced the feature film “Boogeyman.” (audience starts cheering) Please welcome Eric Kripke.
Kripke walks up stage and shakes Bushman’s hand. Then he walks to his seat beside Singer. Bushman then goes to the last seat at the end and waits for Kripke’s mic to be clipped on his jacket by the stage assistant.
Bushman: Okay. I'll start with a few questions before (gestures at audience) we open it to you guys. Eric the first one would be for you.
•(10:37)- PaleyFest06;Q1 – SPN Origins (Kripke)
Bushman: I'm just kind of curious how- how this the idea for this series, um, the genesis of it. And-and how it evolved from concept to, uh, what we see on the screen.
Kripke: Um, I, eh- For a really long time I wanted to do a show about, uh, American folklore and urban legends. (Bushman nods) Sort of (gestures) kind of a subject that, you know, even back to elementary school I've been, you know, kind of obsessed with.
As a matter of fact the very (bounces his pointer finger out) my very, very first TV pitch when I first started in town when I was 23- (shrugs) 24 was a-a-a (gestures) urban legend show and I kept (gestures) trying different versions of it and kept getting Smackdown. (audience giggles and Jared smiles) Um, I tried to do it as an anthology (taps his pointer) and then I had this idea of like a (gestures) bunch of reporters in a van, like “Scooby Doo” style. (audience laughs) A-all these sort of terrible ideas.
And then, uh- And then I was, you know, working with Warner Brothers and- and- and just come off of, uh- uh, (fake coughs) ”Tarzan.” And- (audience laughs. Jared laughs.) (Kripke laughs) And, uh- and they said, you know, “What do you- What- What show would you want to do?” And I said (gestures), “Well, an urban legend show.” And they said, “Well, what- what's the concept?”
And I had this (gestures) really long elaborate storyline that I'd spent weeks and weeks on, uh, on about (gestures) a reporter. Um, and it was almost exactly (laughs and gestures) “Night Stalker.” (audience laughs) which was hilarious. Um, and, uh- and, uh, they- they (tilts his head) kind of looked at me and they were like, (shrugs) “Nah.” (audience giggles) There’re like, you know, (shrugs) “Any other, you know?” (shrugs) “What else?” and I said, “Well” (mimics writing) Because I-I'd literally scribbled it my notebook the day before, which was- I said, “Well, you know, it could be like Route 66. Like two guys on a road trip.” And they're like, (stop gesture) “We love that do that.” (Jared and audience laugh) And I-I- So, just kind of came out of nowhere, and just sort of, uh, developed from there.
And- and it turned out to be just the- the right, uhh- You know, the right way into this show. Because they can just drive it- You know, the boys can just drive in and out of a different horror movie every week, so. (audience chuckles)
•(12:28)- PaleyFest06;Q2- Sam and Dean family motivation (Kripke)
Bushman: Did you- Did you, um, at that point know w-in terms of characters who those two guys were? I mean, how did the whole this whole family element, which is so important to the show. I mean even, you know, um, you know, Jared says to-to the girl in this episode, uh, “I've got to go back because it's my family.” How did that whole family aspect-
Kripke: Um, just you know you- you write what you know. And- and I'm from a very, uh, close-knit, (Bushman clears his throat) uh, family and I have a (gestures) big brother. Um, and, uh you know, and I have, you know, a lot of, you know, really great friends and s- and just you know sort (gestures) of the way guys talk and the way they communicate without (gestures) ever really communicating anything. And.. (audience laughs) (smiles)
Um, and, uh- So, (gestures) it just kind of- It- it kind of grew- grew out of that. And, uh, so I knew I wanted to do, you know, uh- You know, in terms of characters, I knew I wanted you know the- the little brother to, you know, (gestures) be conflicted and have a lot of, you know, a lot of the angst and problems which I (gestured to Jared) threw right to Jared. (audience laughs) (J2 smile. Jared nods and clears his throat)
Um, and I wanted a- and-and- I wanted a big brother just be a total smartass. (audience laughs) I mean, that's how I started you know? (Jensen smiles, chuckles and turns to his right. Jared nods and then claps Jensen’s knees. The audience laughs.) Um, and— (Bushman: mm) and so you know and-and-and- it's- and it's, you know, w-w-with a show like this it’s, you know, the, eh, with the genre and it's sort of out there it's-it's- it really needs like a grounding influence. And so, to ground the show into family and elements of family. Um, and that (gestures), you know, that care that these brothers have for each other, uh,  (Jared offers to pour Jensen water in his glass. Jensen gives him a go ahead gesture.) really helps us because these two guys. (audience giggles) (Kripke stops and looks at J2 and J2 are biting their lips)
Shiban: They hug. They hug.
Singer and Kripke look at Jared. Jared smiling makes to put the water bottle behind his chair, but then sets it on the table. The audience keeps giggling. Kripke: Oh. Bushman: He’s pouring him a glass of water. (Kripke looks at Bushman) (mimics pouring water) He’s pouring him a glass of water.
Kripke: Yeah. (gestures) Because these two guys, I mean, the- (J2 are silently laughing) the relationship they have. I mean sometimes we have, you know, (Jensen scratches behind his ear. Jared is biting his finger and silently laughing and then Jared slaps Singer’s thigh) good subject matter and sometimes, you know, we don't. Um, (laughs) (audience, J2, and Singer laugh) but the- but the- the relationship with the brothers- these two actors always sees us through, so.
•(14:18)- PaleyFest06;Q3 - first impressions “J2”, auditioning for Sam and Dean (Kripke)
Bushman: Did- Um, were you familiar with their work? Um, or did you just bring in a ton of actors to audition for the roles?
Kripke: Uh, we, uh, auditioned everybody in town. Um, as you always do kind of on these pilots. (Bushman: uh-huh) Um, my, uh, my wife was quite the “Gilmore Girls” fan. So, (audience laughs) (Kripke looks at Jared) I, uh, I knew, uh-
Jared looking around at the audience. Audience laughs and claps. Jared points around the audience. Then smiles and laughs.
Kripke: (laughs) So, uh, I knew, uh, I-I knew Jared's work. And Jensen, uh, our director David Nutter, (Bushman: uh-huh) who directed the pilot, um, knew Jensen from, uh, (looks over at Jensen) either- Was it “Dark Angel?” From.. (Jensen: mhm, yeah) And he knew him from “Dark Angel” and so, uh- (gestures to the audience) “Dark Angel!” (gestures to Jensen) Jensen in Dark Angel!  
The audience claps and cheers. Jared woo’s and claps. Jensen gives the audience two thumbs up. Jared then goes to drink his water. Jensen looks down chuckling.
Kripke: And, uh- So, when we were, you know. (Jensen scratches his forehead. Audience member laughs.) When we were casting the characters it was- it was David Nutter who said, you know, “We have to- we have to fly down Jensen.” Who was up shooting “Smallville” at the time. So, he wasn't really in the- in the- in the pilot pool. And, you know, (shakes head) thank God we did. Because he walked- eh-uh (holds up his hands) Actually the story, which was funny, is Jensen walked in the room and-and met with us and-and-and David and Peter Johnson and I. And-and we talked to him and talked to him and we walked out the door and we looked at each other we were so exciting we're like we found and we found Sam.
Audience ohs and laughs. Jensen raises his eyebrows and nods. Kripke looks over at the boys.
Jared: I didn't get flown down. I had to ride myself (Kripke laughs: Yeah. Yeah.) Soo. (Kripke: And, uh-) I just wanted that to be known. (laughs) (Jensen is looking down smirking)
Kripke:  And it- and it was- and so, you know, these things just kind of form as-as puzzle pieces come together. And it wasn't until we met Jared that we're like, “Well that's Sam!” And we're like, (Jared chuckles) “And then, you know, Jensen could be Dean!” And then, it all just kind of, you know, it all kind of came together from there.
Bushman: That’s real interesting. Well, how about you guys, Jared and Jensen? Can you tell the story of-  
Jared: (thumbs to Jensen) I’ll let Jensen take that one.
Bushman: from your, um-
Jensen: Uh (points to Jared) you go ahead. (scratches the bridge of his nose)
Jared: (swipes hand in the air) Oh, Jensen (laughs) (Jensen: Oh no) that’s- that’s totally you. (pets his pants leg) What was the- (Jensen: honestly.) (looks at Bushman) What’s the- What’s the exact question?
Bushman: the question is-
The audience laughs. Jared rolls his tongue laughing and then turns his head down to scratch his hair. Jensen is smiling.
Jared: W (laughs to Jensen) I can-
Jensen: (to Jared) Is it a (briefly throws his hand up) spelling Bee? (Jared laughs and looks back at Bushman)
Bushman: Can you, uh, Can-
Jared: Can you use the word in a sentence?
Kripke: Spell. Spell leopard.
Jensen: Yeah, can you use that in a sentence? (straightens his shirt)
Jared: Leper?
Kripke: Leopard.
Jared: Leopard.
•(16:11)- PaleyFest06;Q4A- Auditioning for Sam and Dean (Jared)
Bushman: No, no, no. The question was, uh, Can you talk about the audition process from y-your perspective.
Jared: Well, it’s interesting, actually for me, hearing it from Eric's perspective. Um. I, uh, I’ve obviously been working with Warner Brothers for “Gilmore Girls.” And, um, the five years prior to doing the show I worked on Gilmore Girls to sort of developed a relationship with, um, some of the people at the Warner Brothers offices.
And I had kind of heard about a few of the pilots coming out. And I read this one in particular and I really enjoy the- the characters. And it really struck me as something that- I remembered hearin’ sort of (gestures) once in its breakdown of like it's (gestures) kind of a supernatural. It’s called “Supernatural” (Kripke laughs). And I was thinking like great (briefly throws up hand) “Charmed” or “Buffy,” (audience laughs) which are all great shows, but not the show I wanted to be a part of, you know? I didn't want to do “Roswell” or “Charmed” or “Buffy.” And then, when I read it I was like wow this is- this is very interesting and- and so much more than just like, “Ooo, scary show.” So-
•(17:01)- PaleyFest06;Q4Aa- SPN Appeal (Jared)
Bushman: what- what, uh, appealed to you about it?
Jared: Well, I sort of, uh, I grew up son of an English teacher. So, she was always big- and she would actually taught heroes myths and legends. So, I was familiar with mythology and sort of, uh, the Joseph Campbell taught, teachings. (turns to audience) The taught-teachings of Joseph Campbell. (audience laughs) And, uh, (Kripke chuckles) (scratches head)
Singer: Didn’t- didn't rub off that she was an English teacher. (Jensen mimics closing a film clapperboard)
Jared: It didn’t rub off. (looks down smiling and claps) (Kripke laughs)
Shiban: Yes. (Singer clears throat)
Jared: Uh, yeah. It didn't. It didn’t. I just work till 4:30 this morning in Vancouver. So, I’m a little worse for ware.
Bushman: It’s kind of interesting that you mentioned Joseph Campbell, cuz there's a little bit of “The Reluctant Hero” in your character.
Jared: Very much. I mean there's more than- there's so much more than just the Reluctant Hero. I mean, when you get into the archetypes they're sort of- each script is just bursting at the seams with archetypes and (briefly throws his hand up), you know, last thing I think these people want to hear is me going to a (Bushman chuckles) explanation of- (Audience laughs. Jensen fakes snoring) (briefly throws his hand up) I love the script. (turns to Jensen) I love the character. (shakes Jensen’s leg)
Bushman: Did, uh, so- (Jensen mimics waking up with a shout)
Jared: (leans towards Jensen rotating his pointer finger in the air) We're doing a- we're doing, um, a answer-
Jensen: (shrugs and frowns) I’m awake (reaches for the water)(audience laughs)
Jared: Okay. (turns back to Bushman, smiling and scratching his head)
Bushman: So, uh- Well, so your agent sent you script and you were- you were auditioning for Sam all along?
Jared: Uhh, right. (hits his knee) Right. I guess- I guess w-where the- where the process.. or how the process- where it was when it reached me was: read the script, see if you like the character, see if you like the script. (gestures) It was sort of like do you, you know, do you mesh with this- (gestures) Do you feel you could mesh with this script. And I felt I could and so I went in (thumbs towards Kripke) and I- and I met some of the guys, and I re-met Nutter and.. you know, sat in an office with- Who was it Kripke? (Jared leans forward than back to see Kirpke)
Kripke: (leans forward than back, in response Jared starts rapidly leaning back and forth) It was, uh, Me, Nutter, Peter Johnson we were at the-
The audience laughs. Kripke then notices the movement and starts mimicking Jared. Singer hunches down. Jensen starts laughing to himself while looking away.
Kripke: Wonderland. Offices. (Jared and Kripke stop. Audience laughs) And, uh.. Uh, yeah. And he- he came in and he had at such energy and- and just so, uh, (gestures) lived the character. (gestures) Just so was the guy. You know, it's a (gestures) cliche to say that but he really was. So, it was- it was an easy choice.
Bushman: (to Jared) And did you feel real good about it coming out?
Jared: Uvh, well (push his hair behind his ear) yeah. I-I-it was- it was b-by no means that short process, you know? I mean, that was sort of the beginning of a week or two week long (gestures) finding of scripts and characters. And I think the scripts are still being rewritten. I remember I'd seen a script and they’re like, (gestures) “This is changing. You know. Read the script, but (gestures) that's nothing to do with this.”
Kripke: (laughs) Right. Yeah. (audience laughs)
Jared: “It’s gonna change so much.” (gestures towards Jensen)
Kripke: (nods) This is true.
Jared: Which is much like it- it is nowadays. You know, (Kripke: Yeah) we get a script and they're like, “Okay, we're shooting this in a week, but it'll be a completely-“ You know? (audience giggles) (gestures) It’s just like- it-it can always can get better. And- and everybody's always working hard (flings his hand) up to the very last second, you know? Till they call action. (points up) People are working here. People are working in Canada. Just, you know, sprinting.
•(19:24)- PaleyFest06;Q4B- Auditioning for Sam and Dean (Jensen)
Bushman: Okay. (Jared nods) Jensen, what was your experience?
Jensen: (resting his head on his fist, briefly points to Jared) Pretty much the same.
Jared immediately fake sleep-snores and leans his head on Jensen’s shoulder. Kripke and the audience laugh. Jensen smirks. Jared sits up, laughing, and reaches for his water.
Jensen: Uhhh
Jared: Well said Jensen.
Jensen: (rubs his chin, laughs, sits up) Yeah. (rubs his hands) Uh, w-well, (thumbs to Kripke) like-like Eric said, they- they had originally brought me in for, uh, for the role of Sam. And, uhm, I- I knew David Nutter very well. Uh, I-I worked on, uh, testing for some- a number of pilots, um, before that. So, I-I felt very comfortable with him and with his recommendation to me coming in. And he feel good about it. (gestures) And I had a conversation with him on the phone before I come- before I came in and just he kind of gave me a spiel about Sam and, uh, (rubs his mouth) and what he thought. And- and then I read the script. And-and I was just like, “W-what about Dean?” (audience laughs.) “I liked Dean.” (audience laughs) “He's funny.” (audience laughs)
And-and, uh, it's- but (gestures) I, you know, I study for Sam. And-and I went in there and I actually kind of studied for (rubs his tear duct) Dean a little bit too just in case. And, um, I went in there and I read for Sam. And-and, uh, like Eric said. And they were like, you know. They were pleased with it. And then.. went home that evening and got a phone call and he said, “Well, uh- uh, there's this guy, Jared, uh, Pada- Pada- something-” (audience laughs)
Jared: I said Pada-something.
Jensen: (nods) Pada-something. (Smiles)
Jared: Pada-something
Jensen: and uh (grins)
Jared: Pada-some- (laughs)
Jensen: “And-and-and they really ar-are liking him” (gestures) “for-for one of the brothers.” And I'm like, “Okay.” So, of course I look him up online (audience laughs) and I'm like (throws up his hand) “He’s- he’s-“
Jared: (to the audience) He thought I was hot. (audience laughs and claps)
Jensen: He’s- (Jared laughs and scratches his head) “This guy's smoking hot.” (Jared leans back and laughs clapping his hands) “I can't play his brother and-“ Uuum, no. And-and-and- and then they said- (Jared facepalms) they'd said, “But would they like to bring you back in for Dean.” And, I of course was.. very excited about it and I came back in. (Jared clears his throat) And-and I was thrilled. So, uh, (gestures) that's kind of how it all. (gestures)
Bushman: Sut- So by the time you guys actually performed together you had already had the parts. They weren't auditioning-
Jensen: Well, no. We hadn't- we didn't have it- we didn't have it (gestures), uhh, officially.
Jared: (leans forward, to Kripke) Did we? (Jensen leans forward)
Kripke: No. We had-
Jensen: We had to do the-
Kripke: We were the on- (nods his head towards J2) they were the only actors we brought in to network. Because we- (gestures) You have to have a network audition.
Jensen: Formality of the network.
Jared: It’s usually a really terrifying process of (Jensen: Yea.) sort of (Jensen: Yeah.) these guys and gals at you audition with all year long. And it's five people that you're very, very afraid of, sitting in the room with you going for the same part. (Looks at Jensen) And when we got there it was like, “Hey.” “Hey.” “Where's everybody?” “Uh, there is nobody.”
Jensen: “Just you and me pal.” (audience laughs)
Kripke: Right. (briefly turns to Bushman) Yeah.
Jensen: And, uh-
Jared: We started (mimics writing) typing numbers down on a page- (shakes his head) I’m just kidding.
Jensen: Yeah, well (gestures) we went in and-and-and (scratches tear duct) that was yeah that was the first time we actually met. (gestures) And then we (gestures) (Jared: mhm) did a scene together, uh, for a- a-a roomful of executives and, uh, that was that.
Bushman: Okay.
Jensen: (points at Jared) and we’ve hated each other ever since. (reaches for his water) (audience laughs)
Jared: (nods) Yeah. (turns to Jensen) I poisoned your water, so.
The audience laughs. Jensen pauses and stares at his cup. Audience laughs. Jensen inspects his cup by slightly tilting it. He shrugs, takes a drink, and then sets his cup back down on the table.
Kripke: It’s a little unnerving. (Jared laughs)
•(22:13)- PaleyFest06;Q5A- SPN Start (Kim Manners)
Bushman: How about everyone on the panel? Kim, we could start with you and Ben. Talk about how you became involved with, uh, Supernatural.
Manners: I read for Sam. (most of the panelist and the audience laugh)
Jared: (throws his hands up) did everybody read for Sam or?
Manners: Well, David Nutter, who directed the pilot, is a good friend. He did season 1 of “X-files” And, uh, he called and asked if I would do a favor and, uh, come in and do one episode. Because I was kind of semi-retired after X Files. Uh, (nodding) very semi-retired. (audience laughs) And I, uh, came in did a show, uh, called “Dead in the Water,” uuh, enjoyed myself fell in love with, uh, (points to J2) Jan and Dean or is it Sam and Dean? (Jared and audience laugh. Singer pours himself some water.) Uhm, and I was driving home to my home in Missouri and they called me and said, uh, “We want you to come on as a part of the team.” And I turned around and here I am. So.
Jensen: Thank God.
Manners: And I’m having a good time.
Jared: (nods) Yeah. Thank God.
Manners: Yeah.
Kripke: Yeah, I don't know what we’d do without Kim up there. He's unbelievable.
Shiban: (nods) Yeah.
Bushman: Kim, uh, John.
Manners: I know whatchu do, you get another guy. (most of the panelist and the audience laugh)
Shiban: No, there is no other guy.
Jensen: No.
Kripke: Not true. No other guy.
Jared: There's no other guy.. named Kim.
Manners: (nods) Yep. (audience laughs) (points towards Jared and then clears throat) You know if this whole thing fails you guys can go right into stand-up. (audience laughs)
Jensen: Yea. (nods) (Jared claps his hands laughing) (points at Jared) I don't want to stand up to him another time. (audience laughs) I got to stand up on apple boxes all the time. (audience laughs)
Jared: (scratches ear) I'm pretty lazy. I’d rather sit. (Manners and audience laugh)
Bushman: John how did you-
Jared: (points to Jensen) Meanwhile! What-what (Shiban: Meanwhile?) what he- want he- what he doesn't know- what he didn't know about this whole process is that after we had him direct, uh, the- I guess it was our fourth episode we had: (counts his fingers) “the Pilot” (Jensen: yep.) with David Nutter, “Wendigo” with David Nutter, “Hookman” with David Jackson, (Manners: and then) and then (points at Manners) Kim came in.
And immediately I think from day one we were on the phone with everybody. (Manners takes a drink) (gestures) We were on the phone with (thumbs to his left) Peter and (points to Eric) with Erik and saying, “This guy is incredible.” (gestures) “Sw-Who is this guy?” (Manners sets his glass back down) And David Nutter had sort of given him this very.. sort of mysterious.. “You'll love Kim,” kind of sentence (audience giggles) at the very beginning.
Because we were going over this list of seven dir-
Jensen: Yes, the Jedi (waves his hand)
Jared: Very Jedi. (audience laughs) Yeah it was like-
Jensen: You’ll love him.
Jared: (mimics reading a script) “Who is Kim- Who is this guy?” “Oh, (waves hand) I knew him from this.” (mimics reading a script) “Who is Kim Manners?” (nods and waves hand) “You'll love Kim Manners.” (audience laughs) And sure enough, we were like, (double takes) “What?” And, um and he- and he- (his mic clip falls off) came on. And he was just incredible. (picks up mic by hand and talks directly into it.) And he was just incredible. (Jensen takes off his mic and hands it to Jared) And um, (nods to Singer) Can I- (reaches for Singer’s mic) Can I borrow? (audience laughs)
Singer: Sure. Yeah (But Jared doesn't take it and takes back his hand)
Shiban: Wow.
Jared: And, uh, (hands Jensen back his mic) And so we- w-we, uh, we basically begged and pleaded (J2 attach their mics back on to their shirts) to get him, um-
Manners: (fake mourning voice) A job! (throws his hands up) (Shiban pats his back) Just a job. (Jared: A job.) It’s all I wanted. (audience laughs)
Jared: He was hungry. (Manners laughs while rubbing his brow) He was, you know. He kept trying to bite my arm. (audience laughs) I was really worried about him (laughs).
Bushman: Yeah, I don't want to embarrass Kim, but what was so incredible about him?
Manners: about- (Bushman: about-) Who?
Jensen: Well, I-I think that- I think that, uh-uh, Jared and I just- w-we just responded well to him. I mean, he-he directed in a fashion that-that, uh, we really liked. And, uhm.. You know, it was kind of a set where guys could be guys. (thumbs at Manners) And he wasn't someone who-who directed, you know, behind a (throws hands up) screen with a (makes a phone hand gesture) telephone somewhere in LA, and was like, you know, (gestures and mimics a LA director) “Do it over and over. And then a closed up and a close up and let's get out of here and move on in the next set.” He was- (Singer reaches for his water) he was in there.
And-and you know a-a story about another, uh, episode that he directed, “Bugs,” uh, (Manners shakes his head) this was a-a scene where we had to get in (Manners mimics putting a gun in his mouth. the audience laughs) to a room with-
Manners: (turns to Jensen and waves) s-sorry.
Jensen: Yeah, no that’s-
Jared: It’s alright.
Jensen: I mean, ah, you know we get in this-this tiny little room with 65,000 bees and, uh, (Jared: ?Billions?) (gestures) the whole camera crew and (gestures) the sound crew (Manners laughs. Shiban smiles) and (gestures) then everybody's got (gestures) full bee outfits on. (audience chuckles) Then they're like, “Alright, Jared, Jensen, hop on in.” (audience laughs) And, uh-
Jared: And don't swat them, ‘cuz it makes them angry.
Jensen: And, Yeah. And I'll-and I’ll give it to Kim. He said, “You know what? If-if you guys don't have bee suits on. I'm not either.” And he went in there with, uh, (Jared: Right.) shorts and a t-shirt and a monitor.
Kripke?: Wow.
Jensen: And sat down on a box and directed us from inside the room (Manners silently laughs) with bees crawling all over our faces. (Manners and Shiban nod)
Kripke: Woah.
Jensen: It's just- it's-it that- it's that kind of relationship with Kim.
Bushman: Okay.
The audience cheers and then claps. Shiban and Jared clap. Manners briefly salutes two fingers to the audience.
•(26:07)-PaleyFest06;Q5B- SPN Start (John Shiban)
Bushman: John, how'd you get involved?
Shiban: Uh, I was going through the, uh, annual ritual of staffing season. Uh, I had a-a pilot that didn't go. So, I was available and reading all the pilots and taking meetings. And.. and read the script. Aaand loved it. Uh, and met Eric and loved him.
Kripke: Awww. (audience aw’s)
Shiban: Annnd- (smiles) I know. Aaand-
Kripke: John’s my guy. (audience laughs, Shiban, Jared and Manners smile)
Shiban: Yeah, it’s that. It’s true. Um, and, uh-uh, eh- there are a lot of- Uh, you know, I spent a long time on the “X-Files” and, uh, (gestures) I’m-I'm offered a lot of.. (gestures) scary television shows every year. It's like, (gestures) “Will you do this. Will you-“(Bushman: Yeah) And this one just struck me right away. Ehh, especially (gestures) when I finally saw the- the-the cut of the pilot.
Because it had those two things that I think (briefly pets his beard) you need to have a successful show like this. One is a great franchise, (gestures) which is the engine that runs the show. The idea that the two brothers on the road trip with a very personal agenda, eh-uh, is just great. And you can imagine- I can see instantly five years of suffering for these guys-
Jared nods. The audience chuckles. Jensen dramatically throws his head back. Jared smirks and nods. Kripke?, and audience laugh.
Shiban: And, uhhh, episode after episode. Uhh, and the second thing honestly is- is, uhh, is casting.. and chemistry. And chemistry is something you can't (rubs his hand) manufacture. And these guys have it. And they're so great to write for and they're so fun to write for.
Jensen slowly looks at Jared. Jared with a pressed smile, looks back. Audience woo’s and laughs. Shiban shrugs. Jared moves his face closer and puckers his lips. Audience laughs. Jensen shakes his head no and points to the audience. Jared stops halfway and looks down laughing to himself, and then looks up scratching his nose with a big smile. The audience laugh and clap. Shiban and Manners are smiling.
Jared: Worth a try. Worth a try.
Shiban: Yeah. (Jared chuckles) So, I said, “Yeah. I'm coming up.”
•(27:38)- PaleyFest06;Q5C- SPN Start (Bob Singer)
Bushman: Okay. Bob, how about you?
Singer: (Jared laughs) (gestures to J2) I-Can I just watch them, I don’t. (J2, Manners, and Audience laugh) Uubm, t-they had actually made this pilot. And, uh, I saw the pilot and, uh, really liked it a lot. And I think, uh, what the studio wanted was, um- (gestures) After they saw it and I got picked up, and the studio one point probably said to themselves-
Singer holds up his hands but then stops when audience starts laughing, raising an eyebrow.
Jared: (laughs) Just keep it (unintelligible)
Kripke: (opens his hands) You can't get anything done.
Jared: I can’t- (sets down his glass and then repositions himself)
Singer: (gestures to J2) This is what it's like to direct them too. (audience and Kripke laugh) Uhh- uh, the studio said, “Well, we-we-we can't give ff-40-plus million dollars to Eric Kripke.” And-(shrugs)
Kripke: (laughs) Yeah. (Jared laughs and claps his hands) Very true. (laughs)
Singer: And let him run wild. So, they said, “What we need i-is” (shrugs) “You know, some-”
Audience laughs. Singer stops and briefly looks to his right and up. Audience laughs. Singer rubs his chin and closes his eye laughing to himself. Kripke scratches his lip, looks at Singer, and laughs.
Singer: (shakes his head and then looks up at Kripke) This is so hard. (rubs his brow) (Kripke, audience, and Jared laugh)
Singer leans and reaches over and briefly covers Jared’s face, then returns to his original position. Jared laughs. Jensen is holding a glass of water and reaching for another.
Shiban: These people are very tired.
Jared: Yeah. (laughs)
Singer: Um. So, they thought they needed some, uh, you know, uh, a-a-an experienced hand to guide the young man through these rocky waters. (Jared laughs) The young- the young man of course felt what do I need this old fart for. (Jared and audience laughs)
Kripke: No way. (Singer laughs) He-
Singer: Um, anyway (gestures) we met and we met a number of times. And, um, finally our-got comfortable enough with me for, uh, for us to join up and, uh-uh, partner on this thing. And, um, (shrugs) it-it's interesting because I mean we are sort of from different generations. (gestures) And we approach, uhm, (gestures back and forth) drama in kind of a different way.
Um, but (gestures) as we sort of work together we found (gestures) that we always we really arrived (Kripke nods) at the same place even though kind of the methods (gestures) are a little different of how we get there. And it's a-
Bushman: Can you explain what you mean when you say that (Singer sits up) coming from different generations you approach drama in different ways?
Singer: Well, I don't know if that's a generational thing but I'm very, eh..
Kripke: Sober. (audience and Singer laugh) (Shiban?: And uh) compared to the drunk.
Singer: (nods) There's that, yeah.
Shiban?: (?low court?)
Singer: Um…eh- t-t-this is so boring, but, um, (audience giggles) for, um- I-I-I kind of come in (waves his hand) everything from a character standpoint of view. It’s-it's all about character to me. And I'll kind of (gestures) let the plot work itself out  given (Kripke nods) what the characters are-are gonna do.
And what I'm interested in the scenes is how.. that, you know, it drives the plot. But I'm most interested in how the characters react to it. Umm (scratches brow) and-and-and so the (laughs) stories I do (wiggles his hands up in the air) to tend to get a little like-like this but (shrugs) the character stuff is probably interesting.
Eric really works very, very hard on the stories, um, and gets the plot down. And knows that once his plot is good the-the character stuff will come naturally to that. (Kripke nods) So, we sort of go-go like this (Kripke nods) when we're in the room together. And we’ll arrive at that place which both things are serviced. And-and-and I think you- we’re really sort of one voice now (Eric nodding: mhm) that we-we rarely disagree on stuff. And it's a- (shrugs) You know, I've worked alone for a long time, so it's kind of really cool to have a partner. (shrugs)
Eric: (looks at Bushman and nods) Yeah. And (points to Singer) tah-tah blow smoke up his ass for a minute. (audience laughs) He brings a depth, uh, and-and maturity of care- of character of just depth to the drama that I could not do, you know? It-Me on me alone like is “Boogieman.” (Bushman and audience laughs) And.. and.. and like all of a sudden with him like, you know, we have a-a show where you have these characters that are psychologically rich and true and-and-and- and Bob is-is behind huge amounts of that. So, uh, we- (shakes his head) this show would not succeed, uh, at all without him. So.
Singer: Aw.
Kripke: Aw.
Audience aw’s. Singer leans over and rests his head on Kripke’s chest. Kripke holds him for a sec.
Jared: Aw. (Audience claps)
Shiban: Come on give him a kiss, would yah?
Singer: (turns towards J2) You guys can do it. We can do it.
Jared: No, it’s alright like that.
Jensen: Hey. Hey.
Manners: You guys wanna mow the lawn?
Jensen: Yeah. Around the curtains?
•(31:05)- PaleyFest06;Q6- SPN Mythology + Formula (Shiban, Kirpke)
Bushman: Let me ask one more question before I- before I open this up. But this is for the writers mostly. Um, which I guess is Eric and John. But, um- you know, Eric, you've been quoted, um, as saying that, uh, you know this show differs from a lot of the other, uh, suspense or supernatural shows that you (Kripke nods) say there, because you don't want to get involved so much in those long drawn-out stories or-or the mythology so much as you just- I don't know whether these are accurate quotes but you want to, um, just focus on scaring people and on the- on the urban, uh, folklore and-and so on and just scaring people.
But, um, I think I-I- speaking for myself, and-and maybe some people out here too, I find the mythology, uh, with the-the kids with their mom.. (Kripke: mhm.) and their dad, and, uh- um, you know, one of the really compelling parts of this story. So, um, I'm wondering how you just- an-an-and, you know, you start to see even with the last episode that-that (Kripke nods) aired last Tuesday. You're starting to see you guys are coming back to that. (Kripke nods: mhm)
Um, and I'm wondering how do you decide when it's time to sort of veer away from what “X-Files” used to call the “monster of the week” story and come back to the.. mythology of the show. So it's really for John and Eric. How do you decide when it's time to do that or-
Kripke: John?
Shiban: Uh, two things I made a lot of painful, uh, hair-pulling discussions and arguments and when should we when shouldn't we. But part of it is driven to, by just the nature of television you want to save some of your big.. moments for sweeps. And so you kind of.. work the season around that. Works a actually a very nice five or six episodes that are.. (finger quotes) “non-mythology” and then you can- you can pull the Mythology back. And, uh, and, uhh, again do the nature television. You want to end the season with some- something astounding.
And, uh, (gestures to Singer) also going to back to what Bob was saying, eehh, the mythology is all about character. It's all about.. what the boys are going through and family. (shrugs) And, so that's where we are going to head when we want to do something spectacular. So. (Singer drinks his water)
Kripke: Yeah. we- we had a- we have. And surprisingly have stuck to it. We have a, uh, a-a m-mythology plan for season one. We also have, y-you know God willing a pickup, we have mythology plans for season two and season three. But.. we have this plan of where the story goes in-in- (audience starts cheering) Yeah!
Shiban: On the CW. (Jensen is holding out a hand)
Kripke: On the CW!
Jensen: (to Shiban) When do we get to see this? (Shiban whispers to Jensen)
Kripke: Um, and-and so, you know, it was sort of the plan, which is the first.. (Jensen elbows Shiban while laughing, then Shiban keeps whispering to Jensen) seven ur- sev- about, really, the first seven (Jensen throws his head back and softly laughs) episodes you wanted to be the self-enclosed stories so you could kind of pick up new viewers. And then you start threading in a little bit more mythology.
But I think it's a balance. Because, I mean, it's my own just, you know, kind of personal taste, which is- I mean, I like a- you know, I want a satisfying story every week too. And-and um, you know, I mean “Lost” is (waves hand) an untouchable show. I mean, it's an- it’s-it's a (waves hand) brilliant and unbelievable show, but I-I- I find the endless mystery, my own, taste frustrating.
Bushman: mhm
Kripke: And- and if you're going to give ongoing mystery- (audience claps) Alright, people who believe. And, if you're going to give ongoing mystery, at least give, like, a rollicking badass story… apart from it that can have a beginning middle and end. And you can be satisfied. And the good guys can win. And you and you can have the experience being told a story. (waves hand) And then, you know, thread in the ongoing mystery.
 So, I think it's-it's-it's keeping a lot of different plates spinning. And it's not- it shouldn't be any one thing er-or another.
•(34:18)- PaleyFest06;Q7- SPN Ending, Pre-finale thoughts (Kripke)
Bushman: Do you know where the story ends?
Kripke: Um, I do actually. Yeeeah.
Bushman: Does anyone else on this panel know where the story ends?
Singer: Yeah, but we tell you, we have to kill you.
Kripke: Yeahh. Yeah. (Audience and Bushman laugh. Jared smiles) I mean, it's hard it- because you never know when you're gonna get cancelled or if you're gonna go, you know, 37 years like “Gun Smokers” (audience laughs) Or something. (Jensen chuckles)
Shiban: Oh, god. Please.
Kripke: But, uh.. Yeah.
Jared: Oh no.
Manners: The boys are in walkers. (mimics walking in a walker)
Jensen: (gruff voice) Sam! (audience laughs)
Kripke: Yeah. (nods) Right. (Kim laughs) (laughs) They’ll finish up the season and then they'll slowly die.
Jensen: Yeah. (laughs)
Audience laughs. Jensen is scratching his forehead smiling. Jared is drinking his water.
Kripke: And, uh.. So but-but yes we have, you know, really a-a-a fi- if-if I could somehow find out what the last season was going to be, or-or a five, six year plan, I mean, I sort of know that, you know, the-the final, you know, battle as it were t-that all shapes up. And, uh- But yeah, you know, it’s sort of-
Bushman: We’re gonna have to wait.
Kripke: Yeah.
Bushman: Okay. Let's take some questions from the audience. (holds hand over eyes and looks at the audience) Um, I'm gonna.. to call on two people, um, first question, a second question. Please wait for the mic, because this event is being taped, so we need to be able to hear you.
Uh, (points to the back of the audience) okay there's one all the way in the back over there, and (points his other hand towards the left of the audience) then there's one in a green shirt right down here.
(points to the green shirt again) We can start down here with the green shirt and then go to the back question.
•(35:38)- PaleyFest06;Q8A- Location Significance: John Winchester in Sacramento (Shiban)
Fan: Sorry, I had to take out my gum. Hi, um, I'm- Let me just say, I'm originally from Sacramento so I w-I wanted to know if there's any significance with their dad, John, being in Sacramento twice or just random or.. spoilery or.. Shh
Manners?: Joohn.
Kripke: You wrote it, John. Why did you use Sacramento? (audience laughs)
Fan: It’s-
Shiban: I don't want to give it away, yet. (Kripke? laughs)
Jensen: So, yes there is.
Kripke: No there’s-
Shiban: (points at Jensen) I'm gonna tell you either. (Jensen throws his hands up)
Jensen: I want to know.
Kripke: Yeah. Why?
Shiban: After. After.
Jensen: Ah, thanks a lot.
Singer: Tickets for a Sacramento Kings (Jensen: Yes.) game. Eh. (shrugs) (J2 laugh)
Bushman: So, their-their- the answer is that there is, but you're not gonna say what it is.
Shiban: Exactly.
•(36:13)- PaleyFest06;Q8B- Location Significance: Lawrence Kansas (Kripke)
Bushman: Okay. And speaking of location is there any significance to Lawrence Kansas? That it started in Lawrence Kansas?
Kripke: Um-
Shiban: (points to Kripke).. I’d have to give that to him.
Kripke: Uh, I would say, well, uh-uh i-if anyone does a, uh-uh, w-
Jared: In other words, yes.
Kripke: Yes. (audience laughs. Jared and Manners laugh.) There-there is and-and the-and the one thing I'd say is, because we tend to be really research oriented in our show (Bushman: uh-huh) and about American urban legends and there's a- there's a very famous, uh, urban legend, uh, near Lawrence Kansas. Um, that, uh-
Bushman: That somehow factors?
Kripke: Yeah. (to the audience) You know, if you guys go home and do Google searches on Lawrence (Bushman: Right) Kansas and stuff will come up. (nods)
Bushman: Okay. (points to J2) Do you guys know what it is.. Jared and Jensen?
Kripke: I don't think I've ever told you.
Jared: (looks at Jensen) Y-yeah.
Jensen: Uh, yeah.
Jared: Good gosh. (blows)
Jensen: Yeah. Yeah. Of course. (nods and leans back to rub his chin) (Bushman, Kripke, and audience laugh)
Jared: I haven’t decided when I'm gonna tell Kripke what it is.
Jensen: Yeah. (audience and Kripke laugh)
Jared: I’m mean, honestly. Tell him, “Hey, uh-
Bushman: (laughs) Okay. In the back all the way.
•(36:59)- PaleyFest06;Q9- Fear “Paranormal” (Manners, Shiban, Jensen, Jared, Kripke)
Fan: Hi. Uh, I just want to say I'm from Texas too. So.
Kripke: Wooo!
Jensen?: (J2 raise their hands) woo! (audience laughs)
Fan: Anyway I had a question, um, for everybody. What urban legend or folklore really does scare you guys?
Kripke: (points to Manners) (Manners shrugs) Kim?
Manners: Um, mm- nothing scares me. (audience and Shiban laughs)
Jared: That's true.
Manners:  I direct television.
Jensen: Yeah, I believe it.
Manners: And I- so (shrugs) (audience laughs) You know, if-if you- if you can live through that nothing scares yah. (shrugs) Really.
Shiban: Good answer.
Manners: Yeah. Well, it’s true. (Shiban laughs) What scares you John? ..Late scripts? (laughs)
Shiban: You do- Yeah. (audience laughs) Yeah. You do. Yeah. When you call me and say, “Where's the damn script?” (audience chuckles) That's frightening. (audience chuckles. Shiban and Manners take a drink)
Bushman: Any-any urban-
Shiban: (bumps Jensen’s arm) What about you guys?
Jensen: (shrugs) I-d-I'm dealing with him all season man. (Kripke and audience laugh) I’m scared of them all. (Kripke: All of em.)
Shiban: What about those bees?
Jensen: Yeah, bees that’s what I’m s-
Jared: You know I have a c- I'll- I’ll say something. I- uh, my daddy used to make me watch a show called, “Shadow Man,” or something, when I was growing up. And it was about a shadow that lived under this kid's bed. And, uh, he was sort of- (audience giggles) What's that? (audience giggles) (Jared smiles) And anyways and, uh, (audience laughs) it was his buddy.
Shiban: And he’s here tonight.
Jared: he wasn’t very popular in school. And so the shadow man started kind of getting all the bullies for him. And then one day came another.. kid’s shadow man got- (sniffs) Yeah it’s probably not as scary as it seems. (laughs, ducks and scratches his head) (most of the panelist and the audience laugh) (hides face behind his jacket)
Kripke: (thumbs to Singer) You wanna? You?
Singer: (laughs) Go ahead. (audience aw’s)
Kripke: (gestures to the audience) Someone has to give her a straight answer. (Jared: Y-yeah.) Hook-Hookman freaked me out when I was a kid. The killer with the hook. All the different stories of the killer with the hook of, uh, you know, the-t-the “Aren't you glad-” “Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?” I thought was really cool. And there's, uh, (gestures) the licked hands. If you ever heard the licked hand, which is a really cool one. (briefly looks down) And um, so (gestures) like that- that was always, you know, really sort of- sort of freaky for me.
Bushman: Okay, let's take two more questions. (points to the audience) Um, we'll get this one down here and there's one all the way in the back. Right- right next to you. Right… (points) Go ahead.
•(38:55)- PaleyFest06;Q10- Continuity Mistake “4 years vs 2 years at Stanford”
Fan: Um, in the pilot we know that, uh, when Sam wanted to go to college John told him to get lost. And he's in as presumably his fourth year because he's interviewing for Law School. Um, but d-he says that he hasn't talked to Dean in two years. Is there an answer to what happened two years ago? (Kripke is smiling and looking down at the other panelists)
Jared: Uhhh, y-you mean does that-
Kripke: I-I actually-
Shiban: Eric.
Kripke: (looking down at his lap) I have an answer to that. (nods) (audience laughs)
Fan: Do we get to know?
Kripke: Well, I know you're supposed to.. You know, (gestures to Shiban) do what Shiban does (Shiban nods) which is kind of go, “you'll find out.” (audience laughs. Shiban smiles and nods) But, uh, fact of the matter was is, uh, it-ii- (gestures) you know, these things happen so fast and furious. (mimics writing) And you’re- and- and that it was actually a mistake. (audience giggles)
Shiban: Oh no. (Shiban whispers to Jensen and then Manners)
Kripke: We-we wanted it-d.. Jared is or Sam's character supposed to be a junior in college and starting the interviewing process for, uh, the interviewing process for law school. (Jensen whispers to Shiban) And, uh, so hasn't seen him since he left- So he spent his freshman year and his sophomore year away from Dean and hasn't seen Dean. Then this is beginning of junior year. (briefly looks at the panelists)  This is.. fall of junior year.
So, it's been technically two years as he's beginning (gestures) th-the process. But, because, I think.. Because what happens, eh.. You know, you guys, you know, the-the you know- (gestures) I’m-I'm-I’m lying, (audience chuckles) like, sort of putting it all- Eh, because what happened 22 years ago he-he was slightly older than a junior should be. So, no one sort of bought that he was a junior and, uh, (Jared smiles. Audience giggles) so there's a (gestures) lot of discussion of these two “lost years.” And you’re just- and I just like, (hunches down covering his mouth) “he he.” (shrugs) “Like, just a mistake.” (panelists and audience laughs)  
Jensen: (?Hey, uh, I really wanna back this.?)
Shiban: That’s right (unintelligible) (Jensen laughs)
Kripke: But hold on let me give the real answer. “You'll find ouut.” (Jared and audience laugh)
Shiban: (gives him a thumbs up) Now you're talking.
Bushman: Okay. In the back.
•(40:40)- PaleyFest06;Q11- Network Censorship “Gore” (J2, Kripke, Singer)
Fan: Are there any stories about, uh, t-the show being too scary. Like, do you do trade-offs with the network? Like, they say, “Well, you can have two seconds of this, you know, bloody face, if you do this or that.” (?Jared?:mhm)
Jared: Yeah.
Jensen: Yeah, we’ve run into a few-few times that season- this season. (looks at Kripke) Haven’t we?
Kripke: You talking about Night- The Night- the.. On Nightmare was the first time.
Singer: (looks at Kripke) Oh right. Yeah. Yeah, you get into strange dis-discussions of, um, “Can we not see the decapitated- decapitated head (rolling gesture) roll?” (audience and Kripke laugh) And then you start arguing about, “Well.. can it do a half a turn?” (audience and Kripke laugh) Then say, “Okay. You can do a half a turn but the blood gush can't be for two seconds. It has to be for once sec-” Uh- um, so those are ongoing discussions, but a-a-actually the network's been great. We really push the envelope (Kripke: Yeah) in-in every sense. And, uh, they let us get away with more than I thought they would.
Jensen: There was also the, uh, when-
Jared: The gun rig.
Jensen: Yeah, the gun rig with me when I- uh, when Dean was shot in the head.
Kripke: Yeah. The- Night-Nightmare- The episode “Nightmare” was the first and only time that we’ve ever had issues with standards and practices. And so, everything else they just were like, “Give us more.” And we- again we were shocked by that. But there-the-the- there's a scene where, it's a- it's a vision it doesn't really happen, but where Dean gets his brains blown out (gestures brain splat) (audience giggles) in “Nightmare” (audience laughs) and-and… (Kripke briefly looks to his left) And we actually rigged it. And we thought, like, you know- We rigged it so-
Jensen: Yeah, the rig was awesome.
Kripke: Yeah. You-you rigged it so (mimics the shot going through his forehead) the shot actually goes into his forehead and-and the blood explodes out the back (laughs) (audience laughs) on to the wall. And we're like, (makes an excited gesture) “Haha, this is our lead and we're just, you know.”  But and-and-and- and network was like, “No way.”
Jensen: Yeah, this giant- this giant backpack filled with, like, grapes and-and corn syrup (audience ughs) and, uh, and- and it was this tube (partial turns and gestures at the curve of the back of his head) just kind of coming right- right out of the back and, uh, from the head on. And I had a little button in my hand. And they just yelled action. (mimics the scene) And, we timed it with a gunshot, and I hit the button, and gave reaction, and the whole wall went splatium.
Shiban: Yeah.
Kripke: Heheh
Singer: By the way-
Jensen: It was an awesome rig, but then they ended up having to cut to (box gesture) just the splat (Kripke nods) and then back to me with the hole in the head.
Singer: (point to his center forehead) Back to him with a hole. (Jensen: Yeah) But, the, uh, the director of that episode is here tonight, (pointing at the left side of the audience) sitting next to my wife as it is.
Jared: Where is he?
Kripke: Phil Sgriccia.
Singer: And- Phil Sgriccia.
Jared: Phil! (claps)
Kripke: Really good job. (audience claps)
Jared: Wooo!
Kripke: Stand up!
Singer: And, uh, when I looked at those dailies, uh, and I called Phil and I said- he said, “How are they? How are they? Is-” You know, because (swipes at Manners) Kim can tell you all us directors are.. so self-confident (Manners laughs) that we don't need constant approval or anything. (audience chuckles) Um- uh, he said- I said, “They're great, Phil. But what the hell are you doing?” (audience chuckles) And he said, “Well, you know, they look at that and they'll give me all the rest of the stuff.” So (gestures) (J2 and audience laugh)
Manners: We actually play a game with BSP broad-broadcast standards and practice where we cut the show and we cut it way too violent. (Kripke chuckles) So then they come in they go, “Well, you have to take out four frames of that shot.” And you go, “Oh god, not four frames.” “Yes, four frames.” So you take it out, but you always knew that you didn't need those four frames. (laughs) (audience laughs) So, we kind of stack the deck. (audience chuckles)
Bushman: (points) Okay, there's a question over there in the corner. (points) And there's one back there. Over there too.
•(43:57)- PaleyFest06;Q12- Paranormal on Set (J2)
Fan: Oh, okay. Um, well, we've had the question about what urban myths scare you. But for those of you who are actually on set regularly, has there ever been… you know, a blood splatter or that freaky scarecrow or anything that just really creeped you out just to be around on set even though you knew it was plastic or, you know, karo syrup or something?
Jared: I know one- and just one time randomly we're, uh, we're filming “Skin” the episode where (points at Jensen) he's a shapeshifter. (audience giggles) And we're inside this house- this brilliant house. (audience claps) Yeah. (Jared looks at Jensen and claps) It was a great episode. And, um, we were inside this house. And just this clock on the wall just up and leaned over and fell off. Just this round clock no one was near it. No one was (mimics hammer) hammering on the wall outside. It just kind of fell off and everybody sort of looked around. But instead of kind of going, “Who did that?” we're all just were like, (mimics scene) “Ignore it and go back doing business.” (audience laughs) Just tried- decided to not look into it any further. (audience chuckles) The way real brave people do it (audience laughs) this round.
Jensen: So, the, um, the show “Asylum,” uh, was.. (Jared: Oh, yeah.) Um. (Audience claps) (nods) Yeah. (claps) that was- that was shot in an actual abandoned, uh, mental institute and so.. Uh, the-the halls and the rooms and-and we're all very used at one point. (audience giggles) And-and, uh, you know, it said that-that-that- (gestures) the crew says not to go up to the fourth floor (?entrance?). (audience giggles) And, you know, don't-
And-and I remember we broke for lunch. And, uh, I thought I'd be (gestures), you know, clever and take a shortcut (nods then shakes his head) (audience laughs) I’d-I came down a stairwell and went into one door and it was just a (gestures) long dark hallway, because the-there's (Jared chuckles) no lights on. The only lights on it are what the-the film crew puts out. And, uh, that- I was like, (mimics looking back and forth in the hallway) “Well, it's not that long.” (audience laughs) “I can make it.” (audience laughs)
That freaked me out. (nods) (audience laughs)  
Bushman: Okay.
Manners: (points at Jensen) Dean W-Winchester, ladies and gentleman.
Jensen: Yeah. Thank you. (Jared and Shiban clap. Audience claps and cheers)
Kripke: Goodnight. (Jensen bows) Afraid of nothing. (Shiban takes a drink. Jensen laughs)
Bushman: In the back over there. Yeah.
•(46:10)- PaleyFest06;Q13- Network Censorship “Sex” (Kripke)
Fan: Now that there's a new network that you're probably going to be moving to, the CW, are they gonna and loosen up and give us a little more NC-17 like we got the Jensen storyline the other week. (audience giggles and some woo)
Shiban: Bob? (Jared chuckles)
Jensen: I'm confused. (audience laughs)
Audience member: Next episode!
Fan: Sex.
Audience member: Sex.
Jensen: What?
Fan: Sex.
Audience member: The sex.
Jared: Oh right.
Jensen: Aaahh. (audience laughs) (adjusts his position, shrugs) How can I forget. (audience laughs) (leans forward to look at Kripke) Thank you for that, man. (audience laughs) (Jensen shakes his head, leans back and hides a laugh behind his hand)
Kripke: (briefly holds his hands up) Sure… Happy birthday Jensen.
Jensen: Yes. (nods)
Jared: (laughs) Happy birth-
Kripke: Um, yyou know, I mean, CW is huge on full frontal male nudity. (Jensen is looking down hiding his mouth behind his fist. Jared chuckles into a laugh and then claps and goes to take another drink. The audience screams and cheers.) Well, uh, I think there's a lot in store. (gestures) Stay tuned! (Jared laughs while drinking his water. Jensen laughs) (shrugs) You know, I mean, we'll give ‘em- you know, we'll give ‘em love interests and (Jared coughs) love stories as it's appropriate.
Jared curls up and coughs behind his arm. Jensen reaches over and pats Jared’s back. Audience laughs. Jared folds over and continues coughing. Jensen with his arm on Jared’s back, makes a “come here” motion towards the audience.  
Jensen: We're gonna need it. (Kripke laughs)
Jensen continues to pat Jared’s back. Jared sits up, looks around and coughs one last time behind his fist.
Bushman: Um, okay. Uh, we’ll (points) take one there and one in the middle.
Jared: (wipes his eye and then his forehead) Oh jeez.
Bushman: (points) One down here and one in the middle. (nods) Yeah. Yeah. You just-
•(47:20)- PaleyFest06;Q14- Sam and Dean pre-series (Kripke)
Fan: Hi. Um, first of all thanks so much for being here. Um, if you guys are always like this, can I come work on your set? (laughs) (Manners laughs. Audience chuckles)
Jared: (throws his hands up) Yeah.
Fan: uh-
Jared: Thank y'all guys for being here. This is-
Jensen: Yeah. Thank you. (claps)
Jared: Yeah.
Manners: Thank you! (panelists clap)
Fan: No bother.
Jared: Honestly.
Fan: Um, so we came into this story, uh, when the boys are already adults. And I know there's a lot to explore in the future, but I was wondering about the past. Um, because I know that.. there's a lot of speculation about what their childhood (Jensen nods) was like growing up, (Jared nods) moving around. How much Miller time dad was doing. (Jensen nods: mhm) (Jared smiles. and audience chuckles) And how Sam and Jess met. Stuff like that. So, I was just wondering, um, if you were gonna explore that aspect of their lives?
Kripke: We just- Uh, it's funny you say that. We just yesterday, uhh.. Actually (points to the front row) I think, uh, I'm talking to Brad, who's at the network. I think you're getting a cut on Monday. (audience giggles) Um, of-of an episode that, uh, not only do the boys in-in present day, you know, deal with a creature, but, uh, (gestures) it's a creature they dealt with in the past. (gestures) And there's extensive flashbacks to, uh-uh, Sam and Dean. And John is there, you know, as the boys were children and dad and you get to see a, uh, an element of-of what their past was like or what their childhood was like. (Jensen nods)
Um, and it was- I really happy with how it turned out. And it- You know we won’t- We wanted to try it once. And I think it'll be happening a lot more. (gestures) Because there's this great (Manners and Jensen are leaning forward, looking at Kripke) 22 year window of-of what happened. And-and-and that's- there's a lot of story there that you can- you can flesh out. (nods then shakes his head) So, I think we're definitely to go there.
(nods and gestures) Because it's coming up in, uh, (briefly looks up) I think, uh, April, that episode. And it- I was really pleased with how it turned out. So, yeah. We’re really doing it-
Jared: Another positive is that if little Sam and little Dean filming, big Sam and big Dean are sleeping
Kripke: (laughs) Yeah. Right. (Jensen smirks. Audience laughs. Jensen holds up two thumbs.)  (Jared: Soo-) So, there's that.
Jensen: This is good. This is good.
Jared: So, keep pushing yeah (rocks fist)
Jensen: Yeah, keep pushing.
Jared: Keep pushing.
Kripke: Yeah.
Jensen: (nods and raises eyebrows) Flashbacks.
Jared: Very important. (laughs and scratches back of his head) (audience chuckles)
Bushman: Okay. (points) There was a question there in the middle.
Fan: (off mic) Um, Dean always wears this like- (audience giggles) 
Kripke: Aw.
Audience member: What?
•(49:07)- PaleyFest06;Q15- Samulet (Jensen, Kripke)
Fan: Oh, okay. (voice cracked giggle) (Manners laughs. Kripke smiles) Dean always (laughs)- Dean always wears a certain necklace does it mean anything?
Kripke looks down at Jensen. Jensen is leaning on his knees looking back.
Jensen: (to Kripke) You gonna hang me out to dry on this?
Singer: Oh yeah. (Jensen looks down. Jared laughs. Audience laughs.)
Kripke: I mean we can’t s- I mean it does but we can't…say.
Jensen: (looks at fan) Yeah. It-it-it does have significance and it- it’ll..(rubs his brow) it- but it we can't talk about it.
Kripke: Yeah. (laughs) (audience laughs) (Jensen rests his head on his hand)
Shiban: It's from Sacramento.
Jensen, Kripke, and the audience laugh. Jensen pats Shiban’s shoulder.
Bushman: That's a great question, though, that you picked up on that necklace. So. (Kripke: Yeah.) (Jensen nods. A few of the audience give woo’s.) Um-
Fan: (off mic) I always notice weird stuff. (audience giggles)
Bushman: Okay. I'm trying to spread ‘em out. Uhh. (points) You got somebody back there? Okay. (Points) And then this woman down here in the red shirt… (points) But go ahead in the back first.
•(49:55)- PaleyFest06;Q16- Special effects, Gag Reels (Jensen, Jared, Manners)
Fan: Um, I thought I heard you guys m-mention on a show one time you guys do green screen, blue screen, that kind of thing for special effects. Is that gotten a lot easier for you to do and kind of.. You know… fake it? (laughs) (audience laughs)
Jared: Yeah.
Fan: And, um, and the second part to the question was, uh, when the DVD set comes out are you guys gonna have a lot of.. behind the scenes jokes, cuz, yeah, this is funny. (audience laughs)
Jensen: We, uh, we-we actually just had a film crew on set with us, uh, this past week doing behind the scenes stuff for the DVD. (nods) So. (audience cheers and claps)
Um. (gestures) Going back to your first question the green screen and, uh, and stuff, we.. we do, do a lot of-
Jared: You-
Jensen: (leans back and looks at Jared) I said doo-doo. (Jared presses his lips. Audience laughs.)
Manners: He said doo-doo. (Jared smiles and shrugs)
Jared: He said doo-doo. (shrugs) (Jensen looks at the audience and briefly raises his eyebrows) (chuckles)
Jensen: (licks his lips and leans forward on his knees) Uumm.
Jared laughs. Manners laughs. Jared then throws his head back, laughing, and claps. Jensen closes his eyes and bits his lips. The audience laughs.
Jensen: We do (gestures) work a lot with- (Jared snorts)
Manners: Doo-doo. (Jensen looks over) (shrugs) (J2 laugh)
Jensen: (quickly sits back and points at Jared) Jared you can take this one. (Jensen stares at Jared with a smirk)
Jared: (laughing) Yeah. (sits up with his feet on the table) Uumm.. (claps his knee) as Kim and Jensen were saying, we doo-doo. (audience laughs) And, uh- No. We do- it was- it was- (puts his feet back on the floor) I guess it was a big learning process for everybody. Just- You know, it's-it’s a very interesting.. sort of task to be given to- Especially these kind of crazy either emotional sequences or these crazy physical sequences when they're like, “Alright. Now, um, you're in the woods.”(Jensen nods) “And, uh, you know, it's dark, and it's scary, and you're hearing things.”And then you look behind you and there's just this (gestures) big blue wall with (gestures) tape (audience chuckles) And, you know, a couple crew guys standing back there smoking cigarettes. (audience laughs) You know, cursing and.. showing off tattoos (audience giggles) And so it's-it's- it's, uh, I think I've- (briefly looks to his right, then gestures to the audience) speaking for myself, I-I hope I've gotten more of a hang of it.
Jensen: Aside from just the actual green-screen of it that w-we can just be in a normal set and-and they're going to, um- visual effects will-will then put in something (Jared: Right.) like, uh, “Phantom Traveler” with the, uh, (gestures) the smoke that would come out of the vents (Jared: Right.) and-and stuff like that. That's not something that we obviously see. Um.. so we have to pretend that it's there. And that there's no real green screen work going on there.
But, uh, there's also an episode coming up (thumbs to Manners) that Kim directed called, uh, “Shadows.” And we deal with, uh- (audience starts murmuring)
Kripke: Yeah, it just aired.
Shiban: It aired (?).
Jared: (leans over) It aired, Jensen.
Manners: (to the audience) Well, what happened in “Shadow-” Did you see-
Jensen: (adjusts his seating position) I haven’t seen it. (audience and Kripke laughs)
Manners: (points to Jensen) He loves my work.
Jensen: Yeah. That’s right. And we hadn’t- (nods)
Manners: Uhh, If you remember the shot wheree Meg did the high fall (gestures)… (audience’s says yes) (shakes his head) they hung her six feet off the ground. And she was.. (gestures to his belt. Clip on mic falls in his lap) picked-  Wah- we call it picked, with two wires on her hips. And she was looking up at the cabin or doing this (looks up and clawing at the sky).  (looks down and pats for his mic.) Hello. (audience chuckles) (picks up mic from his lap) She was looking up at the camera doing this. (claws at the air with one hand) (audience laughs) And she just laid back and (leans back) she just laid out and flattened out. And they dropped her visually w-, uh, with the computer seven stories. She never went anywhere. That was all just.. in one place, I guess. True story. (clips mic to his jacket)
Jensen: And then when we ran up to the window.. she wasn't even there and we were actually staring at a.. a big.. red X.
Manners: yeah. (audience laughs)
Kripke: So, Jensen, does that mean that you guys actually have to act? (audience gives mixed reaction)
Jared: No, no, no. No. I'm actually not here right now.
Kripke: (chuckles and then to the audience) Oh, I’m kidding.
Jared: We're actually in Canada. (Jensen: Yeah.) (gestures) This is- this is-
Jensen: These are our body doubles (Jared and Singer chuckle)
?Kripke?: yeah. (Jensen nods)
Bushman: Yeah, over here.
•(53:16)- PaleyFest06;Q17- Religion “Jensen,” Dean Winchester cellphone # (Jared, Jensen)
Fan: Um, actually I have two questions. The first one is, Jensen in a past interview he said you were a Christian. I was wondering is it hard to do this kind of show like.. having that background?
And the other question is in an episode, I don't remember which one it was, you gave the phone number what you're trying to reach your dad you're like, “Give me a call this is my number.” But whenever you call you can- you- y- it says, “This is Dean Winchester.” And it says, “Leave your coordinates.” Did you ever hear- like, you- Can you actually voice ‘em on there? Did you hear like- Did you have a lot of fans leaving messages at that number? (Jensen points to Kripke) Because it wasn't a five, five, five number.
It was very small to pick up on, because my sister and I we watch it- She watches it her place. I watch it at mine. (audience giggles. J2 smile.) And I was like “Did you see the number?” She's like, “Was it a real number?” And so anyway that was my question. (Jensen gives a one-handed shrug and then looks at Kripke. audience laughs)
Jared: If you want to actually call him it's 800-Wet-Legs. (Kripke laughs and audience laughs) So, that’s- this is- (Jensen leans over to talk in Jared’s ear)
Kripke: Don’t- don’t give out his number. (Manners laughs)
Jared: Oh, he changed- Oh, you changed it. (audience chuckles) Oh, scratch that. Scratch that. (scratches his head)
Jensen: Um, (readjusts his position) I’m lost.
Shiban: What was the question?
Jensen: What was the- what was the question? (picks up mic from lap) Wha?
Jared: Something about-
Manners: (leans over) You're a Christian!
Jared: (?subliminal worshiping?)
Jensen: (clips his mic back on his shirt) Uh, Yes. Okay. Uhhh, (gestures) Your first question. Uh, y-yes I-I was raised, uh-um, with a very religious family. (gesture) And-and in that, uh-um.. I mean, (open hands) what I do this is, you know.. W-we.. This is acting. (gestures) We're telling stories. I’m-I'm- I portray a character. Um, you know, does my grandmother cringe sometimes? (nods) Yeah. (smiles) (audience giggles) Um, but at the end of the day I'm-I'm, you know, it's- it's something that I'm cool with.
Uhh and, uh- and then as far as the- the-the phone numbers (gestures and looks at Kripke) and I think there’s even websites- there's a-a-
Kripke: Yeah. Yeah. When they called-
Jensen: (looks at fan) Email.
Kripke: Yeah, every so often.
Jensen: There’s actually been a (looks at Kripke) huge response to it.. from what I know.
Kripke: Yeah. Yeah. We got a couple. Wuh-uh- I listened- I mean we couldn't listen all of them, but there’s was a couple thousand voicemail messages. (audience chuckles) (Jensen: Yeah.) of people who called. And-and, uh, I mean I listen to you know maybe, you know, thirt- twenty or thirty of them.
Jared: (to Jensen) Two thousand (Jensen smiles)
Kripke: But some of our hilari- They're like, you know, (dramatic voice) “Sam and Dean! There- there's a ghost in my attic!” (audience and Jared laugh) “You have to come quick!” (Shiban coughs) Those are- those are my favorites.
Jared: (laughs) That’s funny.
Jensen: (scratches head) That's awesome. (audience giggles. Jared laughs)
Bushman: Alright, uh- (more hands in the audience are raised)
Jared: Woah.
Jensen: Woah.
Jared: Wow. (audience chuckles)
Jensen: Yes.
Jared: Can you do that again? (Jensen and audience laugh)
Bushman: Um, take one all the way in the back up there. And one right here in the front.
•(55:39)- PaleyFest06;Q18- Impala 67 (Jensen, Manners)
Fan: Hi. (Bushman: ?second?) My son and I are really big fans. And you guys are great. And I want to know what kind of car it is you drive. It's- it's great.
Jensen: It's a, uh, 67 (?Jared?: Impala) Chevy Impala. (J2 nod. Audience cheers and claps)
The audience starts yelling out, “Metallicar!” Jensen smiles. Kripke laughs. Jensen laughs. A few more Meallicar response are said.
Jensen: The Metallicar.
Manners: They’re gonna sell well.
Jensen: Yeah. (shrugs) There it is. And we've got about- (looks around)
Manners: We've just bought our fifth one.
Jensen: (nods) Fifth one. We got about five of them. Yeah.
Jared: that's why you can't find him on eBay. Cuz we’ve been buying- (audience laughs) (Jared takes a drink)
Jensen: Yeah. We have them all. (nods)
Jared: (while drinking) mhm (sets down glass)
Bushman: Right there.
•(56:16)- PaleyFest06;Q19- SPN Music (Kripke, Singer)
Fan: Okay so let's talk about the music.
Jensen: Yeeesss. (audience and Jared clap)
Fan: Yes. Yes. Alright, I grew up in the 70s. I grew up on the mullet rocks. So, yeah. Let's talk about where the inspiration.. came from with that.
Kripke: That.. That was something that was r-really important to me, uh, coming into the show, coming into the pilot. Um, you know, I'm from a small town in Ohio and (gestures) this is the music I listen to. And I was a huge, huge Zeppelin fan. And.. and-and so, ehhh- You know, and so, uh, (gestures) when it came time to write the pilot I-I- and-and produced it, it was- it was so important to me that it had that music. And- and not have, you know, (gestures) all-all due respect to my beloved Network, not half the music that's usually on that network. (audience chuckles)
Um, and-and it was so important to me. (gestures) I was so like rabid about it that in the original draft of the pilot I even wrote in the- in the script. (mimics writing) I wrote, “Cue music. And you can take your anemic alternative pop and shove it up your ass.” (audience laughs, claps and cheers. Manners and Shiban laugh)
And, uh.. and the r- and the reason I wrote the scene when they're in the-in the pilot
Jensen: (? It’s how I knew??) (Jared nods and laughs) (briefly raises his eyebrows)
Kripke: they have the scene where they're talking about tapes and he's like, you know; ac/dc, you know, uh, Motorhead, Metallica. And the reason I wrote that in is I said, “Well, if we shoot that and it gets from the pilot then we have to use my music.” (audience laughs) (frantically gestures) “Because it's already in the- it's already in the sh- it’s in the show and they can't, you know. They can't put in some, you know, Sarah McLaughlin in the- in the- in post.” (Manners laughs)
So, uh- So I- You know, this is- y-you know- (turns to Singer) And we’ve-we've had a great time I mean in-in- with, you know, Phil also in post-production and with Bob (gestures) of figuring out these songs. And coming in one morning and being like, “Oh! Billy Squier! What about Billy Squier?” (Singer chuckles. The audience laughs.)
And, uh- and I think it's like a real signature to the show. And-and is-is the real- (gestures) plus it's Midwestern. You know, it's like two guys in- (thumbs to J2) from Kansas in a muscle car. (shrugs) And this is the music they listen to. So, um, but it's- I- I mean I- I love it. There-there was- The other night was Joe Walsh “Rocky Mountain Way” (Jensen nods) and I'm just laughing my ass off. (audience laughs) “Yeah! I Rocky Mountain Way on The WB! It’s-“ (Jensen and audience laugh)
Singer: It also, uh- It also spreads. Because one of the editors, uh, said to me- And he's a very hip guy and really good musically. (laughs) He- I walk into his room. We were going through songs. I said, “Well, do this song. Do this song.” (unintelligible) Two days there I walk in, he goes, “Do you know Bad Company's really good.”
The audience cheers and claps. Kripke laughs. Jensen nods and smirks.
Bushman: Okay. Let's take two questions from the middle. One- (points) One over there and (points) one on the other side. (points) O-on this side and then (laughs) one on that side.
•(58:42)- PaleyFest06;Q20A- Acting Advice “Start” (Jared)
Fan: Mm, hi, I'm an inspiring actor. And (giggles) I wanted to know-
Singer: We’re sorry. (The audience laughs. Kripke laughs then aw’s)
Fan: I wanted to know, um, how hard was it for you two to get started acting? (Jared looks at Jensen)
Jensen: (gestures to Jared) Go ahead. (audience giggles)
Jared: Uuh. Alright, I'll feel this. I-It’s a it's not the first time I've actually heard that question and I'm- I'm so at a loss for what to tell you. (scratches knee) I have a very interesting story. When I was in high school I won a contest to being on the Teen Choice Awards. (some of the audience laughs) And hold trophies and give them to Freddie Prinze Jr. when he got (audience laughs) “Best Hottie of.. the World”
Jensen: Pretty much went downhill since then. (audience laughs)
Jared: It’s basically gone down, yeah. (Kripke laughs) Yeah, and I just- (laughs) I rode on Freddie Prinze's coattails. (audience giggles. Jensen smirks) No. Um, and I- and I met an agent at the, uh, at the show. I met a manager actually. And-and, Dan Spilo, I'm still with to this day, sitting with my girl Sandy over there. Um, he- we- (gestures) We started kind of talking over the phone with sides. And he had faith in me and I was going back to high school. And I've mommy that's a teacher and a daddy that was an accountant. (audience giggles) And they were like, “He's finishing high school. He's finishing high school.” And I was like, “Why can’t I go act? Why can’t I go act?”
And anyways, I flew out for about a week during pilot season. And I booked a pilot and then I used that money to go out during the summer. So, I had a really kind of crazy interesting story, but I have a lot of buddies who are, you know, much more talented and-and more committed than I am that are still struggling to make it. So, uh- It's a- It's a.. tough, tough industry but just, you know, keep working hard and keep making yourself better. (nods)
•(1:00:09)- PaleyFest06;Q20B- Acting Advice “Start” (Jensen)
Bushman: Jensen how did you get started?
Jensen: Um. Well, I mean like Jared said there's- there's really no set formula, uh, for- for.. how we, you know, we've gotten to where we've got. Um, mine was kind of a (throws up hand and shakes his head), um, sheer luck thing as-as well.
I was, uh, doing theater in Dallas and I happen to have a-a (throws up hand) talent agent from- from LA sitting in and came up to me afterwards and gave me his-his.. (throws up hand) pitch and I said, “Nah, you're full crap.” (Bushman and audience laugh. Jared smiles.) I told him to bugger off. (audience chuckles) And, uh, h- And then he went up to my-my folks and kind of gave him their pitch as well. And I guess they seemed a little bit more interested in a-
And so a few years later after his, um, persistence I-I finally said, “Ah, maybe I'll go out there for a couple of months and check it out. See if he's, uh- See if he'll talk the talk.” And, uh, I came out. And-and started working right away and that was about eight or nine years ago.
Bushman: Mm. Okay. So, question on that side.
•(1:01:03)- PaleyFest06;Q21- Props “Alcohol” (Jared, Jensen)
Fan: First of all, um, “Shadow” was a kick-ass episode. (audience claps followed by J2 and Shiban clapping) And I want to thank you all for that one, cuz it's awesome.
But let's get down to, like, what really matters. What alcohol do you guys like to drink? (audience laughs. Kripke and Singer look at J2.)
Jared: What alcohol do you got? (Kripke shakes his head with opens his hands at the audience, and then laughs with the audience)
Fan: Because I see a lot of beers and stuff in the episode. And it's always my thing to place what y'all are drinking. So, I was just wonderin,’ you hard guys? You light guys?
Jared: (laughs and then claps. Jensen smiles at Jared) Uh, my mom would kill me. (audience laughs) Umm-
Jensen: Yeah, can we cut the tape like right now? (audience laughs)
Jared: Yeah, could we? We were rolling. Check. Check. Actually (Jensen adjusts his position) one of the funny things about the, uh, about the beers is our-our prop master, Chris Cooper, um, he's.. some of the (gestures) (a clicking noise is made) beer labels they're always fake labels. (audience laughs) (Jared looks up) God?
Jensen: (?somebody get?) a staple gun. (audience laughs)
Shiban: (?Give me a minute.?)
Jared: And, uh, (chuckles) They're always fake labels and it usually have some do with the city that we're filming that episode in. You know like if we’re in Texas it'll be like, “Lone Star Logger,” or if we’re in.. (one person laughs) Minnesota it'll be like, “Timber Wolf Ale” or something (audience chuckles) like that.
But, you know, (looks at Jensen) we’re Texas boys. I- I think-
Jensen: Yeah, we, you know, would probably drink what you imagine a couple Texas boys drink. (J2 smirk. Audience giggles)
Jared: Put in a cup. (audience laughs. Jensen nods)
Jensen: That’s right. (Jared rubs his hand over his face and laughs. The Audience laughs)
•(1:02:15)- PaleyFest06;Q22A- Favorite SPN Scene (Manners)
Bushman: I have a question for you guys. (audience laughs. Jared nods while pressing his lips together. Jensen scratches his ear) Um, I'm curious if, ueh, this is possible to answer this question, if you could pick a scene that you either wrote or acted in or directed that's probably like your favorite scene that you've worked on since this show started and if you tell me why. Um, (Jared?: mm) anybody want to.. take. (Manners gestures at Bushman) Kim go ahead.
Manners: I'll take that, um. (rubs his tear duct) “Shadow,” where the boys finally f- saw their father. Uhh d- (audience claps and cheers) (shakes his head and clears throat) “Shadow” was- u-uh, I'm incredibly proud of because there were four great scenes. The scene where the boys were arming up and, uh, Dean blows at Sam and says, “Why do you think I-I got you out of Stanford in the first place?” “Why do you think I came to get you? Because I want us to be family again.”
And, uh, (Jensen dramatically wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. Audience laughs) I'll tell you Jensen had a tough time with that and we kind of arm wrestled over it. And he- and, uh- (Jensen nods) tooo get him there and, you know, because- because Dean is, uhh, you know, he's got his walls up. And-and to break down that wall for (gestures) just a minute to look in the Dean’s heart was- was magical for me.
And then when they met dad in the apartment, uh, and in the alley it was just- (nods) We worked very hard. (Jensen nods: mhm) (Jared nods) The boys- they- their game of tennis improves 2000% when they work with Jeffrey Dean or somebody like Niki.. (audience woo’s and claps. Jared claps) Aycox. (shakes head and then scratches nose)
You know, we find the nuances and, uh, it-it- in acting i-it becomes the crap that it is and it becomes real (Jensen nods), uh, life. And the words become (points at J2) their own and the emotions become their own and that's special, for me. (Jensen nods then looks at Manners. Manners looks back)
Jared: And not just to say this, but having a great director to.. tell you exactly what to do doesn't.. make it hard. (briefly looks at Manners) So you know (Manners: Thank you.) I think (tilts his head at Jensen) Jensen and I would tell you.. a thousand times every day like.. you know.. “Kim got it out in that episode.”
Jensen: (scratches head) (unintelligible) Yeah. (?That happened?)
•(1:04:13)- PaleyFest06;Q22Aa- Acting Challenges “Shadow” (Jensen)
Bushman: Hey, Jensen. Did you not want to do that scene because you thought that Dean wouldn't.. say that?
Jensen: Umm, yeah. Sometimes I-I- I guess I can be a little protective of just of-of Dean and-and him (open hands) showing emotions. And I, you know, I always, um… A-and as an actor as you grow with a character on the series you- you really- you really kind of become close to it. (gestures) And You- you protect it. (Bushman: mhm) Em, you protect that character.
And, um, I guess that, that was probably what-what- what that was. And, uh, I just didn't- I wasn't (gestures) real sure how.. uh, how much of the layers, uh, to peel away (gestures) in that scene. And I guess in that confusion I just- I-I kind of put up my own barrier. (Thumbs to Manners) But, uh, if there was anybody to get me through it, it was Kim. So, I'm glad he was there.
Bushman: Great.
Jensen: Yeah.
•(1:05:01)- PaleyFest06;Q22B- Favorite SPN Scene (Shiban)
Bushman: John you have a favorite scene?
Shiban: Uuuh, there was a moment in “Skin” that-that I'm.. proud of. And actually it- in the- it sort of says something about how we (sniffs) tell our stories because we're always saying, “Okay, we want to do this type of episode. We want to do this monster. But how would Supernatural do it? How is it special for our show?” And I rremember being in- in Kripke’s palatial office of Warner Bros. (audience and Manners? chuckle)
Kripke: Not so fam- fountains and- (Jared smiles)
Shiban: Yeah. And uh- uh- (The audience, Jensen, and Manners chuckle.) We're (gestures) talking through the story of “Skin,” and the shapeshifter and obviously, you know, there's all kinds of (gestures) shape-shifting that's been done on television and movies etc. And he said, “We got to find our own.” And, uh, we kicked it around and came up with that scene, uuh, where Shapeshifter Dean goes down in the sewer.
 And.. and I remember reading a, um- uhh, some online posts some friends send me that someone else (mimics writing) -a fan was watching the show and giving her impressions as she watched it, (mimics typing) “Oh my god! Dean's taking his shirt off!” (audience laughs. Kripke smirks) and then followed immediately- followed immediately by, “Oh my god! He's taking his skin off.” (Jensen and the audience laugh) I knew then that we, you know, we had it. (Jensen takes a drink) And I was very-  I was very pleased with that.
Jensen: (places his glass down on the table) Oh, the things we do.
•(1:06:15)- PaleyFest06;Q22C- Favorite SPN Scene (Jensen)
Bushman: Jensen, you have a scene?
Jensen: Uuum.. (smacks lips) Yeah. I-I- one of my favorite, uh- um, it's not really a-a- a full scene but it's-it’s more of a shot. Um, and it was in, uh, it was in “Dead in the Water” (scratches arm) with, um- (points at Manners) Kim directed. Um, where I-I saved the little boy out of the lake. (nods) Uuh (some of the audience aw’s and then giggling) and coming- coming up out of the water. Uhm, and that was- It was just- It was, you know, slow-motion shot. It was very emotional, coming out with water and it was- That was really neat, um, but the build-up to that shooting it was, uh, (Manners chuckles) was really- (chuckles) (audience chuckles)
Uhhh, I had this 10 year-old boy in my hand and I'm keeping both of us (mimics holding the boy while swimming with one arm) afloat with one- one arm, uum, (rubs his chin) because I came with my feet (mimics holding a foot) because I got two divers holding my feet below me who were about to pull me under. And-d (one hand shrug) , you know, I-I'm fine. I grew up swimming in lakes and j- and all my life. But tah.. to have that sensation of somebody pulling you under water, um, especially when you've got the life of a-a 10 year old, you know, little actor in your hand and-and you're trying to keep him afloat. And he's got to play dead it was just- (shakes his head and rubs forehead) (audience murmurs) It was, uh- (looks up at Bushman) it was a little overwhelming.  And.. and it was definitely unforgettable.
But, uh, we got through it. (throws up hand) We get- and it turned out to be an awesome shot. (thumbs at Manners)
Bushman: That's a great story.
Jensen: Yeah.
•(1:07:35)- PaleyFest06;Q22D- Favorite SPN Scene (Jared)
Bushman: Jared?
Jared: uhh, you know what? I've had some time to think while.. (Kripke chuckles) (scratches head) (audience chuckles) they've answered their questions. And I'm gonna go back to, uh, a scene in “Wendigo” that we did at the very, you know, (throws hand up) second episode of the year and I member there was just such (gestures) a long period of time between the “Pilot” and “Wendigo.” It was.. What? From m-March-April till July. (Kripke: mhm)
And, uh, there were so many (gestures) questions in my head when I found that we were getting picked up. Like, what's gonna happen? Where are we gonna start? Like, how do we.. start? How do we finish? How do we continue this story that we started a pilot with so many things going down? How do we.. keep the momentum going?
And there was this one particular scene that, uh, (points at Jensen) Jensen and I did on stage where he's got (gestures) dad's journal he's saying this is what it's about (Kripke nods) and Sam is saying, “I got to find Dad.” And I remember we, uh- We had a huge day that day. We had like eight or nine (turns his head towards Jensen) pages of dialogue. (Jensen nods) And, uh, Jensen and I realized we had to do the scene. We're like, “Oh, crap.” (J2 turn towards each other) Like, (laughs) “W-what? Let’s go memorize this in my trailer.” (gestures) We sat down in my trailer. And there was an acting coach that I-I work with whenever I can, named Karen Thorpe, up there with us. (Kripke nods)
And, uh, you know he kind of pushed and prodded me a little bit. (throws up hand) And I don't know what he did to Jensen. (audience laughs) But, uh..
Jensen shakes his head. Jared makes a grimace. Kripke? Giggles. The audience laughs. Jensen smiles into his hands. Jared smiles and scratches his head.
Jensen: I don’t want to talk about it.
Jared: It was noisy.
Jared and the audience laugh. Kripke laughs. Jared claps and then looks down, hiding his face behind his arm and scratches and combs his hair.
Jensen: Never again.
Jared: That’s between y’all and the wall. (audience laugher and ughs?) But, anyways we ended up- we ended up kind of getting the scene and-and putting something there. (scratches leg) And I think, um, it was one of the first times I ever felt like (throws up hand)… um, I was- I was hopefully doing what Kripke wanted, you know? Like, I think, like, I felt like, “You know, I think this is what Eric was envisioning.” Like, I really felt, for some reason, there's one of those times when you finish a scene and you're like, “Wow. I don't know where that came from but.” (shrugs) “I don't know.” (Kripke nods) “Whatever.”
Kripke: I remember seeing the dailies on that too. Uh, we were just through the roof. It was incredible. (Jared pats his knees with his fingers)
•(1:09:19)- PaleyFest06;Q22E- Favorite SPN Scene (Singer)
Bushman: Bob?
Singer: Um, I think, um, my favorite scene is a really quiet scene. And It's at, um, is at the end of the “Faith” episode. And-and (gestures) that whole episode was really about (Kripke nods) (gestures) I think, very… topical for today about what's.. what's real faith. And, uh, Julie Benz comes in has a, uh, scene with Jensen. And, uh, Jensen says to her, um, “I-I'm not much for praying, but I-I'll pray for you.” (Jensen nodding: mhm) And (gestures) she said, “Well, that's a miracle right there.”
And, uh, (gestures) I-I thought that, that kind of- I-I thought that was really sweet. I thought it was incredibly well acted, um, with both Julie and Jensen. And-and I thought that, um, I probably.. If people were listening, I think that probably was our.. You know, our finest moment to, uh, say something semi political and-and be, um, on the right side of that. (shrugs) I just hope it affected people the way it affected me. (audience claps. J2 and Shiban clap.)
•(1:10:19)- PaleyFest06;Q22F- Favorite SPN Scene (Kripke)
Kripke: Um, I-I (slice gestures) agree with.. all of those. All those are incredible scenes I would also add, uh, the scene when, uh-uh, Dean first calls his father in “Home” and tells him that “Come to Lawrence” and just the way that Jensen was able to try (gestures) to put up those walls, but the walls kept breaking down and that was amazing. (gestures)
But all those amazing scenes aside, (gestures) everyone's given such classy answers. (audience giggles) I have to say that when the when the dude stuck his hand the disposal in-in “Home”. (j2 and audience laugh. Jensen claps) And-and then the monkey starts clapping and- and (mimics camera) we had that shot beneath the sink and you could actually see all the goo come out. (audience ew’s) And I said I- and we shot it in dailies. I said, “They'll never let us use that.” And we used it. And, uh, it's- it's more probably- than any other scare sequence in the show. (Manners laughs) It's the one that people watch (Jensen: Yeah) (mimics viewers cringing and blocking the scene from their eyes) And they just- they can't even, you know, keep their eyes on the screen. (gestures to himself) And, you know, to me that's sort of the fun at getting the effect out of the audience. (to Bushman) So, I'm going to say the (gestures) garbage disposal scene in the “Home.” (audience laughs and claps)
Bushman: It's great because that explains what Bob was talking about before with the two different approaches to dra-
Kripke: See. (gestures) There you go.
(1:11:24)- closing
Bushman: Alright. (to audience) Okay, I want to thank you guys. You guys have been a great audience. (audience, Manners, Singer, and J2 clap)
Kripke: Can I say-
Bushman: Uh, also, uh, Before you go! Before you go! Don't go yet. I also (two security personnel walk on stage) want to thank Er- First of all Erik's got something to say.
Kripke: (holds up hand) Well, I just wanted to say, uh, we have a lot of, uh, the people who work in- on “Supernatural” in the audience. And I want a round of applause for them for this unbelievable season. (audience and panelists cheer and clap) All of them have done such a- They’ve all.. (gestures) They’ve all murder themselves to-to (gestures) bring you this show. And-and we couldn't do it without any of them. So- so, thank you to them. We-(gestures) it's-
Audience member: Are we getting (?pics off?)
Bushman: I- I also want to thank (gestures to panelists)-
Kripke: Hope so.
Bushman: I want to thank you guys, all of you, for.. not just being here tonight, but also for the great work that you're doing.
Jensen: (bows head) Thank you. (audience claps and cheers)
Bushman: And you’re obviously touching our cords. Thank you very much.
Singer: (nods) Thank you.
Kripke: Thank you. (audio cuts)
Jared’s clapping. Jensen is taking off his mic. Shiban is clapping. Manners is sitting up. Four security personnel walk and stand in front of the panelists, along with a woman and two stage assistants. The panelists all take off their mics and stand and mingle with the people on stage. The audience is also standing and exiting. Video fades to black.
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wrdlbrmpfd · 2 days
Finally managed to finish this ⬇️
Sometimes the stars align and wishes do come true. Let me tell you the story of me finally getting the chance to meet Jared and Jensen. Sorry it will be "a bit" long 😉
It was in April 2023 when my friend Neria (we found each other on Twitter through the German Doctor Who # and we're both huge SPN fans) and I talked on the phone (we've never met in person bc we're living 900 kilometers apart) about J2. We "pitied" ourselves that we'll never meet them in person bc we can't afford CE or JiB con. But then, a few days later, on Saturday April 22nd suddenly the announcement of Jensen being at PurCon 8 came on.
So I immidiately called Neria (they are a Jensen-leaning J2 stan) to tell them that I wanted to attend this con so bad. They agreed but they didn't know if they could afford it. Fortunately I had a small amount of savings and it would be enough for a ticket and a photo op. So I called my best friend Petra (she is an absolute Deangirl but not in the fandom) to ask her if she wants to go with me to the con. To my utter delight she was on board and I bought 2 single day tickets for Saturday May 25th 2024 (it was clear that my health wouldn't allow me to attend 2 days in a row, I knew the train travel alone would take its toll on me). My Twitter friend Conni insisted to gift me my entry ticket and I can't express how grateful I am to have such awesome friends. So shoutout to Conni and a big thank you ❤️. Shortly after Neria decided "fuck it" and bought also a Saturday ticket, so we could finally meet in person. And I would see Jensen Ackles and I started to count the months 😂 I tried to get a photo op but I wasn't lucky at the first two batches, finally with the release of the 3rd batch and help from Neria (they got lucky on the 1st round) I got an op with him too. YAY \○/
A while after that Jared was announced for Infinity con which took place 2 weeks before PurCon. I briefly contemplated to sell my ticket and op for PurCon to go to Infinity but I dismissed the idea because didn't want to abandon my friends and so I decided to stay on the PurCon route. I mean - one out of two was better than nothing, right? Who could've guessed that I would be rewarded for this?
And then, on February 19th 2024 the announcement that Jared was moved from Infinity con to PurCon! I freaked out! I couldn't believe my luck and I just screamed my joy into the world (yeah, my neighbours are used to that 😂🙈) And this time I got lucky at the first try and got an op with Jared too. From this moment on I was just a happy mess, I flew constantly and I started to count the days 😂 On April 15th 2024 Ent Events put the J2 VIP panel on sale and yes, you're right - I bought for Petra and me the tickets. There were only 5 weeks left and my anxiety began to skyrocket. Hotel, train ticket etc was booked too, now we dreaded the day for the con.
But somehow time flew and suddenly it was Friday May 24th and my travel began very early. I had to take an earlier train bc of course there was a construction site on our track and trains were delayed ~ 30 minutes and I needed to catch my ICE (high speed train) in Munich. So this is me waiting for my train to Munich at 7 a.m (and naturally I wore my Imperfect-akf-hoodie! 🥰)
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I arrived in Munich central station where I met up with my bestie Petra. This is us in the ICE to Düsseldorf
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During the whole journey we were in contact with Neria with them we would meet in Düsseldorf central station. Well, before that we collected delays on our way to Düsseldorf, I didn't expect any different 😂 But finally we arrived and I was able to hug Neria for the first time 🥰
And then the chaos began (yes, it ran all too smoothly, so somewhere along the way things had to go sideways). We needed the train to Düsseldorf airport. Yeah. We were on the right platform but they moved our train to another platform. So again the march to the lift and finally on the right platform the displays were a complete mess. Trains were delayed and the displays showed the wrong trains and so on. But we got into the right (and overcrowded) train and made it to Düsseldorf airport. From there we had to take a bus to our hotel (we weren't in the con hotel but a cheaper one 2 kilometers from the con hotel) and well....first we went into the wrong direction at the station because there were no signs for an exit or for the bus station but we've got that figured out. Then we "argued"about the choice which bus we'd take (Petra doesn't find her parked car even if she stands right in front of it and myself with no orientation sense at all) - my app showed a different bus line than Petra's. We decided to go with mine. And tadaaa - it was the wrong one. So we had to march 1,5 km to our hotel "and I will walk 500 miles..." it definately felt that way. I just wanted to lay down on the sidewalk bc I was in so much pain, my back fired constantly and even with my walker (on wheels) I had to pause every 200 meters or so. If I had listened to Petra and had taken the other bus we'd have had only 150 m to our hotel. After check-in we just fell onto the bed because we were exhausted. Us in our room.
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We recovered a bit from our strenuous journey for a few hours before we made us on the way to the con hotel to the registry (open from 4 to 8 p.m). There we arrived without any mishap at about 6.30 p.m and holy fuck...the queue lasted all through the foyer and even further back. But we got lucky to have lovely company while waiting and the line moved forward (very) slowly. And I was so thankful for my baby Cordi (the name of my walker) because I could sit down on it. I wouldn't have lasted with standing all the time. There were a lot more people coming after us in the line and it was already after 8 p.m and some were worried that they would close the registration but I was confident that they wouldn't. They couldn't send away ~ 500 people bc that would have meant even more chaos on Saturday morning. And they continued to register all of us and we finally made it to the counter. It was about 9.30 p.m when we were finished and could finally grab something to eat. When we left the hotel we stumbled about her 🥰
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After that little photo session we just went into the McDonalds at Terminal C and then took the skytrain back to the airport train station and we found out that the last bus to our hotel was at 8 p.m. So again we walked. 😩 and then fell into our beds.
Saturday morning I was awake at 6 a.m. I couldn't sleep any longer. THIS WAS THE DAY!
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So we left early for the con hotel to attend the opening ceremony and to get a first glance at J2.
I can not describe how I felt, it was anxiety, excitement and anticipation.
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First Mark Sheppard, Ty Olsson, DJ Qualls, Osric Chau and Sahin Satchel.
And then THEY WERE REALLY HERE! Jared and Jensen. 🥰 I saw them with my own eyes for the very first time. I have no idea how I was able to take the vid/pic (sorry for the bad quality, remember - last row and taken with my cellphone) bc I was so over the moon.
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After the opening ceremony we had plenty of time till the VIP panel, so we visited the overstuffed vendor room. There I found a beautiful Dean Winchester art which I bought as a thank you for Conni (she watched SPN and is a Jensen girl but not a fan in general).
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laf-outloud · 4 months
Schedule is up and it's interesting that Jared is doing his panels with Gen and Jensen is doing his solo. I know J/G were signed on earlier but I would still think they would try to arrange things to get J2 together since they're the big draw for the majority of fans. You manage to get both J's at an overseas con (practically unheard of besides JIB) and you don't put them together??
I'm only seeing the Saturday panel on the website, so either I'm missing Sunday, or they just haven't posted it. If it's not posted, then it's possible there could be a J2 panel on Sunday. I do know that Gen is unlikely to do a panel on her own, so it makes sense for J/G to do theirs together.
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teamfreewill2pointo · 10 months
I find social media so interesting. Like why is clif posting like he was only out with Jared Saturday night when my friend ran into him, Jared, Jensen and Keegan?
J2 (+friends) go out together at most (all?) cons, but they don't post pictures. [There's a cute story I wish I could tell you about that, but I can't due to NDA.] In the Gold panel at Nashville, Jensen mentions being out with Jared for dinner and how the woman whipped off the sweater so fast.
As for why they don't post pictures, a lot of the pictures of Jared out and about were from a different part of the night. Most of what they do isn't posted to social media. In some of the cities they have favorite spots and they don't want fans to know about those and camp out there.
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xlynnbbyx · 1 year
Here is the schedule for all of Jared & Jensen stuff for the con in Minneapolis, Minnesota this weekend. 
**Note: Since the con is in Minneapolis all times will be central standard time. Also the tag for this con on Twitter(refusing to call it X) will be #CreationMN. I guess creation isn’t going to use SPN tag anymore. If it’s not solely Supernatural con anymore they need to change the name from Creation Con. Like call it J2 & Friends Con or something.**
Saturday September 9th
Photo Ops
Jensen, Jared & Baby- 1:50pm
Jensen(solo)- 2:30pm
Jensen & Misha- 3:15pm
Jensen, Drake, Meg & Jojo- 3:30pm
Jared & Misha- 4:35pm
Jared(solo)- 3:50pm
Meet & Greet
Jared M&G- 2:45pm
Jared VIP-  3:15pm
Jensen VIP- 4:00pm
Jensen M&G- 4:15pm
Jensen(non photo items only)- 5:15pm
Jared(non photo items only)-  5:15pm
Sunday September 10th
Jensen & Jared Gold Panel(half hour long)- 11:00am
Jensen & Jared main panel(a hour long)- 3:00pm
Photo Ops
Jensen, Jared, Misha, & Mark S- 12:15pm
Jensen(solo)- 12:25pm
Jensen & Jared- 12:40pm
Jensen, Jared, & Jake- 1:30pm
Jared & Misha- 1:40pm
Jensen & Misha- 1:45pm
Jensen, Jared & Misha- 1:55pm
Jared(solo)- 2:10pm
Jared, Jake, Mitch, & Keegan- 4:20pm
Jared & Keegan- 4:30pm
Meet & Greet
Jensen & Jared: 11:40am
Jensen (8x10 headshots and photo ops pics only)- 4:45pm
Jared (8x10 headshots and photo ops pics only)- 4:45pm
**Next con after this is DC which is September 29th to Oct 1st I don’t think Jensen or Jared has any other con before then. But for Creation there is only 4 cons left for this year(that is including DC)**
Not going to lie the dc one hurts a bit cause I was supposed to go to dc con. I was supposed to go up Saturday try to get there before registration closes to go ahead and get registered. Then stay the night in a hotel near the con. Then go Sunday Oct 1st to finally meet Jensen since my bday is Oct 24th this was going to be an early birthday gift for me. But sadly unseen circumstances have squashed that. So I am a little bit bummed it’s not happening. Hopefully someday it will happen. 
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alwayscaskett810 · 5 months
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Question: Hi, my question is do you miss the pranks?
Jared: I miss everything.
Audience: Awww.
Jared: I do! But it's - I get it, there's certainly a bit of 'awww'. But in a funny way he and I had some version of this conversation for years before Supernatural aired its final episode. It's one of those absence makes the heart grow fonder? [Jensen nods] And to leave something as it stood that we were so proud of, and want more of? There's a certain romance to it. You know, it's like if you're a kid and you go to camp or something and it's five days, but you make new friends and you're gonna be best friends forever and then you go your separate ways. But you're so much better for having had it, and the idea that maybe it can happen again [pauses to look pointedly at the audience]. Which I, anyways -[starts to say something to Jensen, stops, realizing he forgot to take mic away] oh shit, I thought -
Jensen: [laughs] You can't tell me a secret like this [holds up hand next to mic] and not take the mic away! Tell me later.
Jared: I will. I miss it all, but I don't miss - it's not, it's not painful for me? It's like a really, in a strange way, because I'm very nostalgic? I have shit that I should have thrown away years ago [points at Jensen] he can vouch for it. [Jensen nods and rolls his eyes] Whether it's clothing or call sheets, so I miss it but in a very wonderful light. And hopefully we get to, you know -
Jensen: I'll say I'll never be happy that it ... ended, that the show came to an end. I'm not, you know, 'Thank God that's over!' I'll never feel that way. But I am very content in how it came to, like, that we did those fifteen years and that we ended - and I'm not talking story, I'm talking the way that we were - like you said pranks, so I'm thinking about, outside of the way the story - the way that we all walked away with our heads held high and you know, there was so much love within that set, that's something I'll always be very proud of? And something I will always miss. Yeah, I miss the pranks, I miss just walking on set in the morning and saying hi to everybody. I miss getting breakfast at The Green Machine. I miss going into the hair and makeup trailer and saying hi to all the ladies and - I miss it all, there's so much, I mean, it's a long list of things that I miss doing that I did for many many years. But it juststill makes me look back on it and it makes me that much more proud of what we did and that time we had together because it will always make me smile.
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I'm hoping that you can help cure some of my sadness. I was watching the SPNNJ 2022 panel with Misha and Jensen earlier today. I noticed how different their dynamic is at that Creation con compared to JIBCON. Does Creation Entertainment not have them do many panels together? If so, why not? Do they feel censored somehow?
I also noticed a significant shift in their playfulness from the pre-covid JIBCONs to the most recent JIB. Granted, their most recent JIB panel seemed to be cut a bit short, so maybe they didn't have time for their usual shenanigans. What are your thoughts on this?
Has the relationship ended? Is it just how busy they are? Is there some recent-ish cockles material that I still need to find? I'm new to this and have been through your master list. Why do I care about them so much?!
hey there, hon. i understand the way you feel, but i think there's sort of this sense among newer cocklers that, like, if things have been quiet for a while, if we don't get regular, Big Deal shenanigans, then that indicates something is wrong.
having been in the dumpster for ten full years, i promise you: long silences between shenanigans are completely normal and absolutely do not mean anything is wrong.
we have less content overall now because jensen and misha aren't spending months on set together every year, but we've actually gotten more convention content in the last couple years than we used to. creation cons, as a rule, don't do cockles panels (there was one, in hawaii, i want to say 2017?) because of how they structure the panels and ops. the misha panel is the big event on saturday and the j2 panel is the big event on sunday, and then the photo ops and autographs take hours and hours. we've seen misha replace jared in a few sunday panels in the last couple years when jared announced he couldn't make it, which i can't recall ever happening before spn ended.
creation definitely, in my opinion, lowkey tries to keep jensen and misha separate, and the attitude is basically "if we had a jensen/misha panel then we'd also have to have a jared/misha panel, because there's nothing different about jensen/misha than jared/misha. get it? good."
(i think y'all newer folks also don't realize that we were not allowed to talk about destiel prior to cas's confession. we all knew but we were actively discouraged and shamed for talking about it or implying anything about it.)
so, yeah, we call jibcon cockles christmas because it used to be the ONLY time we ever got cockles panels, and it was the only time the cast could be more relaxed and honest, like they didn't have cw snipers trained on them at all times.
i agree that the jibcon12 energy was... more muted, at least in comparison to pre-covid panels, but i don't think it had anything to do with a change in jensen and misha's relationship. their panel was deliberately cut short, but they were very cute together, very flirty and intimate. i don't think the timing or mood was quite right for any outrageous antics, but they seemed really happy to be together, and that's all that really matters to me. :)
there's actually another jibcon coming up - what, next month? the end of this month? i think jibcon is the next con on the schedule, so we'll get to see them together again, and maybe something a little more exciting will happen.
but again, i promise that just because it's been a while since anything Spicy happened, that doesn't mean anything is wrong. they're both super busy, and they keep a lot of stuff private, but they seem as strong and steady as ever to me. don't worry. :)
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J2 Main Panel Charlotte 2023
I put this psa in the post for the Gold panel but I know some see one post and not the other so before we get into this panel quick psa that this con took place while the actor's union, SAG-AFTRA, is on strike. This means the boys cannot directly name any past, present, or future projects. For the sake of clarity I will be mentioning projects the boys are referring to by name but please be aware that the boys themselves did not do that they complied with strike regulations.
They had date nights! Jared said that they got to walk around a little bit on this day, as well as on Saturday and Friday they got some dinner ❤️
Jensen says he has some stories to share, and before the questions start he tells one of them; a few months ago D went to a charity auction thing in Austin, and she bid on a race car experience at the Circuit of the Americas track where he would get to ride shotgun in an actual racecar and get driven around the track a couple of times. As well as get to drive an exotic car himself around the track. She gave this to him as a gift, and at first he thought it sounded fun except when he asked her when it was she told him it was at 7am on a Saturday so he was not happy. He asked her if they (she and the kids) were gonna go and watch him and she replied no they were gonna sleep so he was like whatever, he got up super early, went to the track and he's looking around and the people at the track go over everything, they tell him to go downstairs to see who his driver will be and then he can meet them out on the track. He goes and looks at the chart and at first he thinks what he's reading is a joke but it wasn't his car was pink with a rainbow unicorn on the hood, and they name their cars, his was called sparkles glitter hooves which it had written on the side.
So he meets the nice lady who's gonna be driving him and he could tell she didn't want to be there that early either but she runs him through the whole thing, he gets in the car it was a big race car a McLaren, and they get to the track and take off do a few turns and they're not going that fast but he thinks maybe she's just warming up. They get to a section of track that's a straightway, it's over a mile long he thinks this is when she's gonna pick up speed, and she tried but the car was not accelerating like it's supposed to they got to about 50 mph and she tells him that something's wrong with the car and he's like "you think?" by that point they were already pretty far into the track so they have to limp back cause there's like engine failure. They roll in and she does offer to find him another driver but he says not to worry about it that it's okay thanks, gets in his car and goes home. Like an hour and a half later he gets a text saying his car was ready to get driven around and he deleted it, it was not a grand experience and he wishes he had just stayed in bed. Poor Jensen 🏎️
I do find it cute, however, that Jared says that if someone knows somebody who can take Jensen around the Charlotte motor speedway to leave them a card and show him some speed.
Question time!
Do they have a story about an embarrassing or ridiculous injury?
Jared says all of his injuries are ridiculous and embarrassing. For example he ripped his pants on camera for all to see once; also he pulls his back a lot and not doing really cool things like deadlifts or saving his children from a bus but by bending over and picking up a pair of socks in the morning. It literally happened one time when filming SPN (he says when working together on something in Canada) he got to work and said he pulled his back out that morning and Jensen asked him if it was from working out too early. And he told him no, that it was from grabbing some socks from his suitcase. And Jensen was like "grabbing some sock? were they lead socks?" and Jared replied like "no, they were regular socks they had some holes so they were lighter than usual." 😂 That and also tweaking his neck when drying his hair when it was luscious.
Jensen says he hurt his hand the other day while he was putting some stuff away in a hall closet. It's one of those closets that has double doors but the hinges are really tight so you have to shut them both together otherwise it won't close and as he was doing so he pushed on the seem and it pinched his palm and it was so hard that he yanked out his hand and left part of his palm in the door. And you can still see where his palm got pinched.
Related to that a few days ago he walked into his daughter's room and she heard him coming and was running away from the door but slipped and fell and when he opened the door she was on the ground and he asked her if she had fallen but she was like no but it was obvious that she had cause she was rubbing her elbow and her hip so he told her he thought she did and asked if she wanted him to hold her so he gave her a hug, flashforward to when this happened to his palm and he hears behind him "do you want me to hold you?"
He told her no and that he needed for her to go to mommy for some gauze and tape but they didn't have any then he remembered that when he had been going through a box of stuff he had seen a post-production s8 gift from Phil Sgriccia who would send them funny gifts and it was a little survival kit pouch so he figured it would have some bandages he could use till he could go to the store but it was salt, matches and a little thing of Holy Water.
Jared makes a dad joke about how this is why he leaves his doors slightly open so it's not longer a door it's a jar. That's actually pretty clever, that got a chuckle out of me. x
Keegan is there and Jensen asks him if he puts up with those jokes, he replies yes but that they're great....and that Jared's also his boss and he's the most amazing guy ever 😂
Keegan, asks a question, in the last year what have they done in their life that made it 10% better?
Jensen answers make the bed first thing in the morning. He didn't use to do that, he would maybe get around to it, sometimes he wouldn't go back to the bedroom until the afternoon and see it still unmade so now he gets up and makes the bed. Then I guess he remembers he's supposed to be married and he adds he has to kick his wife out of the bed first and then make the bed.
Jared quips that he's tried to get rid of some of his perfectionist inclines so one of the things he likes to do is not worry about whether or not his bed is made but seriously, he will not get on his phone when he's on his bed even if he wants to return a text message he won't do it on the bed, he will force himself to get out of it, and then reply. Jensen demonstrates what this would look like 😆
Jared says that truth be told he had the problem of if it was the middle of the night and he woke up and looked at his phone to check the time he would basically end up mindless scrolling, he would check the news, he would check ESPN, he would be more awake so he would go to youtube and then an hour would pass so if it's not important enough for him to leave the bed to do it then he just leaves his phone on the nightstand. x
If they were forced would they rather have the other's face for a butt or their butt for a face?
Jared saysJensen's butt grows better facial hair than his face and Jensen asks him how he would know that and Jared freezes and literally goes "do I answer that?" No need to Jared, we know 😏
So he goes for Jensen's butt for a face and says he could shave something to make it funny or like a heart. A heart, Jared? You want to have Jensen's ass as your face and shave a little heart on it?
Jensen answers Jared's face for a butt cause he could cover it up with a pair fo pants and Jared says they better be see-through pants otherwise he'd be wasting a damn fine ass. Without missing a beat, Jensen goes "Jared, I don't know if you know this I already have a damn fine ass." Jensen we have established Jared knows a lot about your damn fine ass. 😉
Next question is mostly for Jared but Jensen can feel free to answer: when picking a spatula what is his preference wood, metal, plastic or rubber, and why?
He says you gotta go wood because you can control the whip a little better. That when you're making an omelette sometimes it gets a little aggressive and flings a bit too much- at this point Jensen cuts in and asks him when he's ever made an omelette and Jared jokingly says on an online game from his phone.
Anywyas, Jensen says you don't do wood because you have to hand wash it, and you don't go metal either cause that'll scratch up your pan, you want a hard plastic they're dishwasher safe and not mess up your pan. x
What's their favorite inexpensive brand for whiskey or bourbon?
Jensen says Four Roses makes a pretty good inexpensive whiskey. Jared agrees and also mentions what I think is Diageo - I listened to the clip a bunch of times but it's difficult for me to understand what he says - which is actually a company that owns a large amount of the brands. Jared also says he used to prefer scotch to bourbon but now he prefers bourbon to scotch he thinks he likes a little bit of that sweetness these days.
Jared asks the fan which they like and the fan answers Jack Daniels. Jensen mentions that Jack Daniels is the only brand Robert Singer drinks. x
Any advice for senior year and life in general?
Jensen says he'll give senior year advice and Jared will give the life advice. Senior year advice do as much as you can, sign up for a different club, go play a different sport, try a different instrument whatever it is you're into do as much of it as possible because this is it. You're not gonna have High School again, part of the reason he's on that stage today is because he did just that, in his senior year he was playing baseball but he left the team early to do a play. If he had just stuck with what he had been doing the past couple of years he probably wouldn't have gotten on a stage and been "discovered" so try to do as much as you can and try to get as much as you can out of the year, you'll most likely be glad that you did.
Jared's life advice is similar, he says kinda do what Jensen said for the rest of your life. He remembers when he was a senior something was so scary about it because it was the finale of him knowing what to do with his life but the day after you graduate you wake up and you'll still be you and see there's something else for you to do so don't get overwhelmed by the seeming closure and finale of it just remember this is just a year in your life and if you're as fortunate as they were able to be where High School was four years of their 40-something year lives, you have your next 4 year growth cycle, your next 2 year growth cycle so this is just part of your life. Your life is not about to end it's about to begin. There's something strange and really scary but it should be scary if you feel some fear or trepidation about school being over that's okay but a year from now you're going to be in your next phase of your life. Somethings might look different especially if you follow as Jensen says and keep expanding your horizons, a lot of things will look the same but you'll still be you so keep your eyes on the future. x
If they were Earth embassadors to aliens what would they tell them, and what would they show them?
After joking around about face/butt, Jared says he thinks he would have more questions to ask than answers to give. He would probably try and communicate they mean them no harm, and he thinks he would show them a young child, be like we mean you no harm, and look how cool life can be- Jensen says here take this one, it's okay I got two more, and Jared says I have three that you can have 🤣
But no, he thinks becoming a parent is such a cool promise like seeing a baby or seeing a young child and thinking they have their whole life in front of them, they're gonna be going to their senior year, they're gonna fall in love, maybe they'll have kids of their own it's how wonderful life can be down here so please don't destroy us.
Jensen concurs that showing them the best part of humanity probably the smart way of doing things. x
If they could choose anywhere to live other than where they grew up, or where they live now where would it be?
Jared replies he has a soft spot for Italy. He loves Italy so if he were to choose somewhere international it would be there, if he was gonna choose somewhere in the states he really likes the mountains a lot. Someone in the crowd shouts Virginia and he says Virginia is awesome. Jensen asks if just mountains, and Jared replies yeah, and then gives as an example Sun Valley in Idaho where he got married, says G's family still lives there and they go visit. He says the older he becomes the less he can deal with the 100 degree hot weather in the city so somewhere cooler. He likes North Carolina too, they have a friend who lives in town and he has a place about 20 mins away from where the con is taking place and it's great no bugs, no sweat, beautiful. The crowd is shocked by the no bugs comment, and Jared says he didn't have any bugs do they have bugs and the crowd collectively says yes so he says he doesn't like Nort Carolina that much, he likes it less now 😂
Jensen doesn't know, he says he thinks he's pretty happy where he is.
Interesting answer coming from you at this period if time sir, where exactly is it that you're happy cause door was wide open to mention Connecticut and yet.....x
The next fan is from London and y'all know Jared had to do some accents, I laughed so hard with "Wales" accent 🤣🐳
Is there a book that they have recently re-read, or a book that they have connected to so much that they would want to re-read it?
Jared says his oldest son is entering the 6th grade so he is reading some more advanced books that Jared too would enjoy compared to the stuff from kindergarden or 1st grade. For example he just read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and this year in his curriculum is The Outsiders which Jared hasn't read since before getting to know and become friends with S. E. Hinton, and he actually reached out to her to say hey and told her his kid would be reading the Outsiders for school and she replied to let him know the school and she'd send over a signed copy. So he's excited to re-read that its been a while, he did not read Percy Jackson with his kid but he would discuss the book with him. And that's part of his summer homework to read the book and be able to tell not just what happens in the story but also what it parallels to and themes it explores, but he's really exited to read the Outsiders again.
Jensen says he's not much of a reader but D is an avid reader and a book he sees her pick up again and again is A Confederacy of Dunces. x
When will fans get to meet the two luckiest women in the world, their wives? 🙄
Jensen says the wives might disagree with the fan calling them the luckiest women. He says he thinks they would do a con but that he thinks they find it kind of like it's the boys thing and they don't want to encroach. Jared adds that furthermore and he's pretty sure Jensen feels the same, and he says it sometimes kind of like a joke but he also means it who's gonna watch the kids? That he and G do trips just themselves but they'll try as best as they can to have one of the parents around just be a tether for the kids as best they can. That it's just hard to know that far in advance for them to plan. Doing cons is something he and Jensen love doing and the wives can hold down the fort. x
I am more than happy about the wives not doing CE cons but these are such obvious lies. Both D and G have done cons with the boys before so they clearly don't think of doing cons as the boys thing, G was even a last minute guest at JIB. The whole "who's gonna watch the kids thing?" for starters sir we all know you got nannies and even if you didn't you can afford one but more than that that question and the whole wanting one parent to be around thing has not been an impediment in G attending non-CE cons with him. Including in Europe. But really the most hilarious part is Jared saying that it's hard for the wives to know that far in advance for them to plan when, two recent examples, FanX isn't till September yet G had already signed up for it in July and if you're thinking that's just two months in advance Infinity con in Germany is in May 2024 and she was announced as a guest earlier this month.
Instead of lying and coming up with cheap excuses these men need to grow a pair and admit they don't actually want the wives at CE cons.
Last question, what was their favorite video game growing up?
Jared says if the aliens came to Earth and said they were gonna mess humanity up unless one of the Earthlings can beat them in a video game he would be like okay and say Smash Brothers for Nintendo '64. Jensen says Golden Eye. Jensen also brings up the theory that Mario's cathphrase "It's me, Mario" is actually him saying itsumi in Japanese which means super so what he's saying is super Mario, and he does say he doesn't know if that's true or not it's something he saw online. It's not! It was something that made the rounds on tiktok but it's not legit, it's actually a form of a dad joke. Itsumi is not even a word in Japanese it's a surname.
What Jared says about Mario being named after Nintendo's landlord is partially true, they didn't do it because he let them live somewhere for free, they did it because the employees at the warehouse which is what he was renting to the company thought he resembled Mario so they nicknamed the character Mario and then the creator Miyamoto found out about it and he liked it so he decided to make it the official name. Real Mario's name was Mario Segale.
J2 Main Panel Charlotte
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j2spntranscripts · 5 months
☆ 2008 Fangoria (Jared solo)
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Official name: Creation Entertainment present’s FANGORIA Weekend of Horrors Location: Renaissance Austin Hotel, Austin, Texas Time: Saturday January 19, 2008, 12:00 PM (GMT-5) Panelists: Jared Padalecki Last episode: 3x08 "A Very Supernatural Christmas"- 12/13/2007 Next episode: 3x09 "Malleus Maleficarum"- 1/31/2008
Question Index: 1- Hair Products 2- Sandra McCoy returning (*Questions with estimated chronological order:) a1- fav SPN music a2- Texas vs. Vancouver a3- Height a4- Sam’s biggest motivation; Gilmore Girls a5- Writer strike impact; On set culture a6- SPN Dirty Secret a7- Acting opposite to Evil!Dean; 2x14 a8a- fan appreciation; Jared a8b-Sam’s theme song a8c- Sam’s music a9- Characters affect on brother dynamic; Bella, Ruby, Bobby, John a10- s3 airing schedule; 3x11, 3x12 a11a- Jared on working with Sandy McCoy; Don’t kiss Jensen in public bit a11b- Adlib; Creative Control; 3x06 a11c- appreciation; J2 brother chemistry a12- Fan Interactions; Surprising/Overwhelming a13- SPN Appeal; McG, David Nutter a14- Jared on horror roles a15- When are Sam’s powers coming back? b- Future projects c- fan appreciation; 3x08 d+ Supernatural Movie* d1- Writer’s strike impact; s3 d2- 3x08; Act Five: Int. Motel- Night, Unsaid dialogue e+ Jared on producers/directors; Kim Manners; Phil Sgirccia; Pranks; On set culture* e1- unknown f1a- fan appreciation; hair; 2x14; Evil!Sam f1b- fan appreciation; 3x03; comedic timing f2- Emotionally draining episodes; 2x17, 2x09; 2x14 f3- Impala 67; Driving off the clock f4a- Fanfiction f4b- Supernatural Novels f5- s3 Dean’s deal outcome f6- fav s3 villain; 3x01, 3x02, 3x03; Gordon, Sterling Brown g+ Jared’s dogs*
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video coverage of the con please point them out thanks*👍) (*tumblr doesn't like dailymotion vids so I can only hyperlink them*)
[click here] - Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0001 by psychoactivtoad [click here] - Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0002 by psychoactivtoad
◘Jared at Fangoria in Austin (1) by LauraTX1◘
Jared walks on stage patting his mic. The mic doesn’t pick up sound and the audience laughs. A member of creation staff walks across the stage and hands him a new mic.
Jared: (holds up working mic) Hello? (holds up malfunctioning mic) Hello? (switches) Hello? (audience chuckles)
Jared hands the staff the malfunctioning mic. The staff member then walks off the stage.
Jared: Can I sit, (?probably right?)? (?I’d get?) to see you all coming from the same angle?
Audience member: You can sit right here! (audience laughs)
•(0:12 L) - Introduction
Staff member drags a chair upstage for Jared then leaves off the stage.
Jared: Hi, guys! (?I’ve heard-?) I’ve heard from Jensen, he had to do some stuff in Los Angeles. So, he couldn’t make it out. But, he was very sorry, but he has to do some stuff involving the show. So, (?I’m going to go up?) produce that and prepare that. (audience woo) (pats leg) I actually just did, um, ADR on our next three episodes and they’re rockin’.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Jared has nice hair by BabyBlueSteel◘
So, I don’t know when they start airing, but strike or no strike we get four new episodes until next season. So.. I hope you guys will be excited. (audience cheers)
I wonder if anybody has questions? I’d love to- I mean, y’all let me talk and give me a microphone and stay in here too, I might talk for, like, six hours. (audience chuckles) So, before I get on that tangent I would love to hear if anybody has anything that they were wondering and think I could help. (points to the audience) I- I saw you first.
•(0:54 L, 0:29 BBS)- Fangoria08;Q1- Hair Products
Fan: Um, (Jared holds his mic up in the air for the fan) you have nice hair. (audience laughs) Sam has nice hair.
Jared: (laughs) Thank you.
Fan: I just wanted to know what, like, products do you use? (audience and Jared laugh)
Jared: Um, you know what’s funny is that, um.. Thank you very much. (audience laughs) Um, I- this is so funny. I- I usually do- I usually just get out of the shower and, um- I blow dry it. I probably shouldn’t admit that in Texas. (audience giggles) I’m gonna get my ass kicked. (audience laughs) But, um, I-I was told a long time ago that if you towel off your head, you go bald. (audience laughs) That’s like a whole (gestures) wear a hat, go bald.
(points into the audience) Is that what you did? You toweled off your hair? (audience laughs) (points again) (?He really toweled better than I could do. Holy-?) Thank you.
Um, and, so I started blow drying my hair. And now it naturally sort of does this. And so, I’ll just spray it with hair spray. But I’ve been- For the last month or so, I’ve been waking up and not having my hair professionally done or my make up put on. So I look at myself in the mirror going like, (grimaces and sways) “Uuuh” (audience giggles) So.
(?Audience member: that’s the episode?)
Fan: Yeah, okay. (audience laughs)
Jared: Thank you so much.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Will Sandy return to SPN by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: And then.. (points into the crowd) I saw you next
•(0:29 BBS)- Fangoria08;Q2- Sandra McCoy returning
Fan: Is Sandra going to come on the show again any time?
Jared: That’s a fantastic question.. (nodding) She did a great job. Thank you so much. She did. That was, uh- that was, uh- uh, a really interesting-
We started shooting that scene at midnight. And it was freezing cold and she had on.. (smiles) I liked it, but (audience laughs) a very thin dress. And it’s windy and it’s cold. And.. it was- and she was, you know? She’s not going to snitch. But, it was like, (scrunches up and shivers) “Ehvuvuh.” She was (?key tagged?) and they’re like action. So, she’s having to break in. (audience aw) And I felt so bad for her. And here I’m with my coat and everybody is running up to me and, like, bringing hand warmers or jackets. And I’m like, “Thank you. Thank you.” (audience laughs)
Um, but, right now we’re still wondering if I’m gonna come back on to the show, you know? Or if the show is gonna come back. So, unfortunately we’re at a standstill. I’d love to have her back though.
And, (points to the crowd) then I saw you in the back.
(missing coverage *which may mean content isn’t listed in the correct chronological order)
◘JARED PADALECKI on his favorite song on SN by Yeya◘
Jared: (?I say I went for the breath walkers and things?) (points to the crowd)
•(0:29 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa1- fav SPN music; 1x12, 1x17
Fan: Hi. (?Jane Boleyn) Uh, we know that (?per?) the music on the show is a really important part. (Jared starts to take off his jacket) And I know that you come in and talk about how you go back and watch (?the after?). Is there- Is there-
◘Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0001 by psychoactivtoad◘
Jared dramatically strips off his jacket off his arm. The audience laughs and then catcalls. Jared then fans his shirt. The audience giggles.
Fan: Is there a (?musical?) that you thought was really outstanding in the show?
Jared: Yes. Yes. My favorite, um, was actually the, uh, episode “Faith.” My favorite was the- duh,.. The reaper song. That musical in that whole- Was that the episode where the spoon in the mouth thing and he’s singing “Fire of Unknown Origin.” (audience laughs) I thought that was funny.
Audience member: That was “Hell House.”
Jared: (points at audience member) That was “Hell House,” okay. So, I like that.
But the same band, Blue Öyster Cult. Um so, but the “Don’t Fear The Reaper” montage with, um, the girl running through the woods and being chased.. by the reaper, I thought it was really well used. And, obviously, I- I knew the song, but I really knew it from Saturday Night Live with (?Will Ferrell hitting that cowbell?) (mimics hitting a cowbell). (audience laughs) (laughs) And so, um, it was exciting to- to.. associate that with something else.
(points to the crowd) I will getchu, but I think (points to another person in the crowd) I saw a hand.. over here did I? (swipes his hand) I was just kidding. (points again) Yes.
•(0:59 P)- Fangoria08;Qa2- Texas vs. Vancouver
Fan: Do you like Texas better or Vancouver?
Jared: I like Texas better. (audience woo’s) I’m from Texas. (pumps fist) I was born and bred, so I- I do like Texas better. Um, I think it’s just more my speed? But maybe I’m more it’s speed since I was raised here.
But, Vancouver has also been tough because, as you know, Jensen and I are pretty much in every scene. Or, if we’re not in every scene- The way they shoot television shows, f-for those of you that don’t know, um, if-if you watch some, it’s shot out of sequence. But, they shoot it with locations. So if we’re doing a scene in a hospital then we’ll do every scene that’s in the hospital that day. So even if we’re not in this scene in.. this in the hospital or that scene in a hospital, we’re probably in the others. So, we’re there all day anyways.
And so, I’ve seen a lot of Vancouver. Unfortunately, it’s been, you know, during work hours. Which is great but, you know, you’re busy, you’re doing your thing. And on the way to, uh, work, Jensen and I are head down in our script running our lines and memorizing our lines. And so, we don’t get to do (?that kinds of stuff.?) But I like the people here. I like the people here.
(turns a little to his left and points into the crowd) Let me go over way over- I think- Yes. (laughs) Yes. That was fun.
•(2:04 P)- Fangoria08;Qa3- Height
Fan: (laughs) Um, I have a quick question. I was just wondering- I’ve been a fan for a long time and I was wondering if you could tell us how tall you (Jared smiles) are since just in case you don’t know (?it throws papers?). (audience laughs)
Jared: (shocked face) How tall I am? (laughs) Um, at the- You know, what I- I have to say, my answer changes depending on where I am. If I’m at an audition I’m like, “How tall is the leading lady?” (audience laughs) “5’1”?” (shrugs) I’m like, “5’11”, 5’10 ½”.”  (audience laughs) But I think, I think I’m actually, um, 6’4” (nods). So- And in Texas I would say, like, 6’7” (audience laughs) or 11”. So, it depends on where I am.
Like, if I want to go to.. (?) I’ll say, you know, 6’2” or 6’3.” (?But I’m certain y’all are 6’2”?).
Audience member: No, you’re not 6’2”.
Jared: (nods) Yeah, how tall are you?
Audience member: (?6’5?)
Jared: (points to audience member) Yeah, you know. (audience laughs) Yeah, he knows. He stood right there next to me.
(points towards his right) Yes.
•(2:52 P)- Fangoria08;Qa4- Sam’s biggest motivation; Gilmore Girls
Fan: I want to know what Sam’s biggest motivation in (?)
Jared: Sam’s biggest motivation’s changed, which has been a really, uh, exciting thing to do because unfortunately on television shows, um… You can kind of just do one thing for a really long time and it gets so mundane doing the same thing over and over and over again.
And I don’t want to bad mouth the show or my character, because I-I loved it and I did a, uh- I did a lot of years on it. But on “Gilmore Girls,” my character gradually became more one note. Like it sort of started out exciting, but then as I started doing other things I couldn’t do as many episodes. And so I sort of became this character and there was less exciting things to play.
But, obviously Sam’s motivation has changed from, um, you know, after adventures because of Jess’ death to being (?aspired by his?) father- trying to look for his father. Now obviously he’s, um- he loves his brother and, uh, he wants to get his brother out of the deal.
It’s so weird talking about it. I haven’t filmed in such a long time.
Um, but his main motivation has been his love for his brother and his family. And a little bit.. half that and half just refusal to accept that he is, you know, not the same as the other evil children just running around. (audience laughs) (?That he’s?) (finger quotes) special.
(points) I’m going to go back to my (?cowgirl?)
•(4:06 P)- Fangoria08;Qa5- Writer’s strike impact; On set culture
Fan: Has- has the, uh, writer’s strike been hard on you and, uh, the people you work with? I mean, is it trying to cause strain and tension like you’re not coming to work?
Jared: You know what? The writer’s strike has been.. awful.. awful, awful, awful. Um.. There are- Supernatural has been really lucky. Um, and half- (head tilt) uh, half the time, I think, you know, we’ve been pitching over the (?barrel?). I mean, we’re just stuck in our own little microcosm and we don’t know the world around us. But, on the flip side of the coin, we’ve all been so close. Because we’ve now done 56 episodes together.
And literally, um, it’s funny because I-I hear every- every guest star that comes by, every guest director.. looks at Jensen and I and Kim Manners and they’re like, “Y’all guys have the closest-knit crew.. I’ve ever known.” And it’s funny because our crew members will tell us, “I’ve never done more than one year on a show, because after one year I wanted to get the hell out of there.” (audience laughs) “Because I’m tired of this person, or I hate that person, or I’m tired of this person.”
But the strike, I don’t.. I don’t know just yet because obviously the strike’s not over. But, I know that some of the, uh, some of the grips, some of the gaffs, some of the, um, you know, some of the- We have a 125 crew members. Some of the office workers.. um, have sort of.. explained to us- Because we left on December 26th, because s- we were done shooting “Mystery Spot.” And, um, people were saying, “You know what? I hope the strike ends,” because there was going to be a talk by next the Tuesday. And they’re like, “If the strikes, we’re totally back.” And they’re like, “Listen guys, I’m so sorry, but if the strike goes till January, I got kids. I’ve got a mortgage. And I have to go get work elsewhere,” because obviously there’s still (?) shooting.
Unknown: (speaking into another mic) Check. Check. Check.
Jared: (looks around) (audience laughs) Um… (to audience) it’s all good. (laughs) (audience laughs) (swipes hand) I throw my voice sometimes. It’s- I’m practicing. With the strike going on I-
Unknown: Check. Check. Check. (audience laughs and Jared pumps his eyebrows.)
Jared: I’m- I’m trying to practice my ventriloquism. (audience laughs) So, uh, I’m trying to get some extra gigs here and there.
But, anyways, point being, we’ve had some c- a tight knit family and now some crew members had to go and, uh, (shrugs) you know, put food on the table. So, we’re gonna- we’re gonna lose a lot of people that we became real close to. Because they just- (shrugs) I mean, it’s understandable. They have to feed their family.
(points over to his right)
•(6:17 P)- Fangoria08;Qa6- SPN Dirty Secret
Fan: Tell us a dirty secret on Supernatural. Okay, something that’s not going to make you (?confrontatious?) of all your (?experience?) (audience and Jared laughs) Bro, I want to hear something (?). Show me that.
Jared: Uh, thank you so much. (audience laughs) A nerdy secret.
Fan: Dirty! A Dirty secret.
Jared: Oh! A dirty secret. (audience laughs) (smirks) Um, a dirty secret. I was scared enough by nerdy secret. (audience laughs) Now a dirty secret.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Dirty secret and acting evil by BabyBlueSteel◘
◘JARED PADALECKI on Supernatural's dirty secrets by Yeya◘
I’ll have to think about that. I think- I, uh- probably my.. publicist kills me, but I probably have a big enough mouth already. So, I dish all the dirty secrets out. Everybody already knows. Like, everybody has already seen me farting on the gag reels (audience laughs) and stuff like that. So, I don’t want- I don’t wanna pretend I’m not, you know… prone to.. normal human problems. (audience chuckles) (holds a hand up) I’m just kidding. See? There I go. Um.. cotton mouth.
Uh, (nods) but I’ll think about that and I’ll think of a good answer while I’m answering you (points to his left in the crowd)
•(7:11 P, 0:38 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa7- Acting opposite to Evil!Dean; 2x14
Fan: Uh.. In the- In the show- the-
Jared: It’s written down that’s scary. (audience laughs) (Fan: I have to) (points back to last fan) I’m going to go back to dirty secret. Uh, (laughs).
Fan: I’m sorry I get nervous, so. (Jared: No, no. You’re good.) Uh, in the show the writing staff has, uh, made a lot of references to Cain and Abel this season. Okay? (Jared nods) And in the past, when that’s happened.. it’s eventually come to be their subtle way of telling the fans this is going to happen. (Jared: [nods]Right.)
So, my question is, um, I- everybody is expecting- everybody is expecting Sam to go evil. (Jared: [nods] mhmm) Personally, I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think it’s going to be Dean that turns because of his deal. (Jared makes a silent oh) But, how- how would that, I mean, how would that make it, uh- How- how much more difficult would that make it for your acting? For you- character? Well I- (laughs)
Jared: Umm, well obviously going back to sort of- (points at fan) That’s a very interesting. I-I’m- I’m glad that people were thinking about that because that is certainly something that the writers have alluded to both in Sam’s character and Dean’s character. So, it’s exciting to know that it’s coming across and that people are on to it.
Uhm, but, obviously Jensen and I have established a sort of rapport with the sort of brother banter, back and forth. And um, there’s a lot of, ah- I wish I could talk about this because I just saw three episodes that y’all haven’t seen yet. So, I’m going to know right now. But there is some funny, funny scenes that I was really proud and really happy with. Um, and I wish I could talk about them with you.
But, you become so.. used to.. that rapport that it will be very- very tough to all of a sudden.. go crazy. However, we’ve both have, in past episodes, both in, um, “Born Under a Bad Sign,” when I was demonic, to- (audience claps and woo’s) Thank you. To- (audience woo’s) thank you. Thank you. (mimics slicking back his hair) No. to, um- thank you. But, to “Skin” you know when-when Jensen was a shapeshifter and, um, sort of (?things all inbetween?). And actually, um, we see in the next four episodes- we see a bit more of both Jensen’s sort of crazy, um, dark side come out and Sam’s crazy dark side come out.
So, it would make it much more tough, but I think it’s an exciting thing. And, I certainly hope the show gets a chance to go there. (nods) That would be really awesome. So-
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: What would Sam’s theme song be by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his right in the audience) I just saw three hands. (audience laughs)
Audience member: I can go last!
Jared: Alright. (points to another in the crowd) I’ll go with you first.
•(9:24 P, 0:05 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa8a- fan appreciation; Jared
Fan: Um, first of all I want to tell you I think your work has always been really good but (Jared: Thank you) this seems to be really- I-I don’t know what you did. You seem to have stepped it up a lot. I just think-
Jared: A lot of drugs. (audience laughs) (shakes head) I’m just kidding. (waves hand) No drugs. But, thank you. Thank you very much.
Audience member: that’s a dirty secret!
Jared: That’s- (points in the crowd) dirty secret! (audience laughs) Th- (laughs)
•(9:38 P, 0:20 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa8b- Sam’s theme song
Fan: Um, and I wanted to know, back to music, the car has a theme song, does Sam have a theme song? Or what would Sam’s theme song be if he had one?
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria by shadowfax220◘
Jared: What would Sam’s theme song be.
Audience member: “Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” (audience laughs)
Jared: (nods) Yeah, “Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” That commercial with “Bow Chicka Wow Wow” in it.
That’s gonna have to be another one that I think about. Because there’s just so many, you know- I mean, I have songs that I love. I’d have to think about.. what’s Sam’s. I think- I think everybody’s theme song sort of changes, you know, depending on the episode or the mood. So, I think it’d have a few. One would certainly be, um, “You Sexy Thing” (audience laughs) So- (laughs and then shakes his head) I’m just kidding. (?I don’t know this?)
•(10:16 P, 0:57 BBS, 0:33 S)- Fangoria08;Qa8c- Sam’s music
Fan: What makes- Does Sam even like the same music as Dean does? It-
Jared: Maybe “Give It To Me Baby,” Rick James? (audience laughs) (?That would embarrass him.?) (to fan) Does Sam- Does Sam which?
Fan: But- Well, he- It’s always like, the classic rock is always represented as- as Dean’s music. Wha- what is Sam’s music?
Jared: Sam hasn’t had any music. Sam was just in college- probably the classic college like-
Audience member: Morrissey
Jared: Yeah, Morrissey. Morrissey would work. Some ABBA. (audience laughs) What’s the- What’s the- (?Ace of Base.?) (audience laughs) (?Remember??) A little ole school ha-ha. (audience laughs) (laughs)
That’s a- that’s a very good question. (gestures to fan) I never thought about that. But, obviously, the car and music have been more given to Dean. Um, which is sort of going in tune with who’s character it was at first and sort of still is and sort of like, “Hey,” you know, um, Han solo type character, so.
Fan: Sam (?strikes me more?) like Coldplay and Radiohead.
Jared: Yeah, yeah. I think he’s probably like Coldplay and Radiohead.. type guy. Pensive. (fan laughs) (points to next fan)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: How characters affect the dynamic by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa9- Characters affect on brother dynamic; Bella, Ruby, Bobby, John
Fan: Back to the dynamic and how your character changes each season, with the addition of Ruby and Bella, has that change the brother dynamic more so that you’re not actually working together so much as you’re relying on other outside factors?
◘Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0002 by psychoactivtoad◘
Jared: It.. It has, um, changed the dynamic- the dynamic a little bit. Um, but I think the- the brother connection is so strong.. that- I mean, because we’ve had- Even though Bella and Ruby are so now, uh, I guess, (finger quote) technically called series regulars, which means they’re.. for a whole year? But we’ve had cast members like Jim Beaver (Fan: Right.) (audience woos) or Jeffery Dean Morgan, (audience woos) (fist pumps) who we love that have done a lot of episodes and a lot of really tough scenes with us.
Um, at the end of season one, we’d just had all those scenes with Jeffery. Obviously that was more- I-I’d say those scenes with Jeffery… more changing of their dynamic. Because just by the nature of (gestures) here’s Daddy, you know, with two brothers that changed that dynamic. And, um, the child of Dean came out and the.. you know, rebel, um, in Sam came out.
But, with Bella and Ruby it’s still been- We’ve only did twelve episodes. And I think they weren’t in three of them. And so, we haven’t had a lot of time to explore that relationship. (nods) But it will change the br- the brother dynamic. And I-I know that because I talked to Kripke. So, we just have to get the chance to do it. (smiles)
Fan: Great. (?Well, Heck yeah?)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: The schedule before the haitus by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (points in the audience) You were-you were the last you said. So I have to go back to you.
•(1:20 P, 0:04 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa10- s3 airing schedule; 3x11, 3x12
Fan: Yeah. Well, I watch the show religiously and I don’t know half the stuff people here know when- (Jared and audience laughs)
Jared: I’m in the show and I don’t know half the stuff people.
Fan: And all I wanted to know is when I get a new episode. I know the 31st i-
Jared: (nods) The 31st we have a new one-
Fan: Is like it’s the start of.. more episodes (Jared: We have four-) than the new one and then we have to wait another month and a half or two.
Jared: Well it’s tough. I wish- I mean, the first thing I heard for a while- the- the general consensus was that the 31st we come back and then we’re gonna run four straight. Um, only three episodes are done right now. Um, the episode 12 will be shot- which is actually gonna air.. in the spot before 11. We-We switch- Or, they switched the airing order of episode 11 which is called, “Jus In Bello,” and episode 12 which is called, “Mystery Spot.” Because “Jus In Bello” has more of a cliffhanger ending, in case we have to.. cliffhanger the end? Just- (shrugs) (audience giggles) Without any more episodes.
But, they’re not done with all of them yet. Um, and so they’re gonna have to do some (nods) post-production and some ADR. But, from what I know, it’s gonna be the 31st straight- straight through February. That’s (?speed’s?) month. So they (?don’t?) want to do something else.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Working with Sandy by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his right) I see a couple guys over there.
•(2:22 P, 0:02 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa11a- Jared on working with Sandy McCoy; Don’t kiss Jensen in public bit
Fan: Um, S-
Jared: Or a girl and a guy. (holds hand up) Sorry. That’s a Texas thing. (holds mic out to fan)
Fan: Um, I just wanted to know, um, how was it-
Jared: Louder. (holds mic out higher towards the fan)
Fan: How was it to get to film with your girlfriend?
Jared: Louder. (holds mic out to fan. Then shakes head and  laughs while lowering his mic) I’m just kidding (audience laughs) I could totally hear, “How was it to work-
Fan: Can you hear me?
Jared: “With my girlfriend?”
Fan: Yeah. How was it?
Jared: It was- It was great. And it was absolutely bizarre. Because you- you ac- you get so close to somebody- I mean, Jensen and I are obviously so very close now too. But, I don’t.. (tilts head and smiles) kiss Jensen (audience laughs and catcalls) ..In public. (audience laughs and woahs) (holds up hand) I’m just kidding. I’m totally.. (audience laughs) (laughs then briefly looks to his left) (?I’ll trying to get?) some dirty secrets right here. (shakes head) (audience laughs and squeals) I’m just kidding.
Um, and it was- it was great, but also it’s-it’s really tough to get past the dynamic of someone who you’re in love with. You know, that you.. sort of want to call in between takes and be like, “Baby, I was sucking.” (audience giggles) You know? It’s like, you can’t really call them. But it was great.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #3 by shadowfax220◘
I’d love to do it again. And we met working together, so, um- so there was that saving grace. Um, probably but other than that, it was- it was really exciting (smiles).
•(3:24 P, 0:13 S)- Fangoria08;Qa11b- Adlib; Creative Control; 3x06
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Ad-Libbing by BabyBlueSteel◘
Fan: Do you and Dean ever adlib on- while you-
Jared: Yeah. Yeah. We will. Nothing big, you know. Not like, “Man I’m tired of you.” But we’ll- we’ll.. They don’t make us stick strictly to- Gilmore Girls was very- It was like Shakespeare. It’s like, you have to pause where it says pause. And if it’s.. “When or- When.. are you guys going to the store,” you can’t say like, “Hey, when are you going to the store?” Like, “Uh there’s a guys in there.” “Really?” Like it’s-  And it’s so fast paced that it just becomes.. about the language you know?
But, Jensen and I, we’ll kind of.. (“sort of” gesture) go off here and there. And we’ll add some things. Like, did y’all see the episode where, um, where it was called.. “Red Sky at Dawn”? “At Morning”? (audience yells out affirmatives) “Red Sky”- And- and I come out and I’m with Geer kind of (mimics dancing) dancing with, um- (Audience Member: Yes, tell us about that.) Well, the whole.. Jensen going, “You smell like sex,” (audience laughs) (shakes head and hand swipes) was totally out of- That was Jensen. So, certain things. Well cer- We’ll throw (finger quote) buttons on the scene. They’re called buttons because there’s something to break out on to. And I don’t have to like do the soap opera stare or something like that.
So, we’ll add stuff at the end of certain scenes.
•(4:27 P, 1:16 S, 1:03 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa11c- appreciation; J2 brother chemistry
Fan: Do you guys- I mean, you can actually believe your brothers. You have great chemistry together. (Jared: Thank you.) It-It what makes the show, you know, one of the things that makes the show so worth, um-
Jared: Well, thank you so much. And It was really exciting working with him because he and I hit it off right off the bat. I mean, he’s from Texas. He’s an- he’s a Dallas boy. (Fan: Yeah) So, we just got along really well from the git-go. And it made it really easy to work together (nods). (Fan: Yeah)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: OverWhelmed by the fans? by BabyBlueSteel◘
Um, (points to his right) I’m gonna go with you.
•(4:50 P, 0:03 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa12- Fan Interactions; Surprising/Overwhelming
Fan: Um, obviously you’ve done a couple of these conventions, and, you know, there have been different fan campaigns, like the postcard campaign (Jared: Yeah.) and stuff like that. Has there ever just been one of those moments when... the fan reaction is just kind of surprising and overwhelming?
Jared: Um, absolutely. There was definitely that moment in Chicago. I mean, there’s that moment here. It’s-it’s weird because, um- I mean, Jensen and I have obviously been very lucky. Um, we’ve both pretty much working right off the bat. We both kept working and we’re around people that even if they do like us, they are sort of working for us? And so- what’s the term? Like, they’re not brown nosers, like, everything we say is perfect. But, they’re nice to us. They let us kind of get away with murder? Um. (audience laughs) Dirty secret. (audience laughs) No.
But, we’re around people who… even though they don’t need to be scared of their jobs, or scared of what they’re jobs, they’re kind of still scared (finger quote) for their jobs when they’re around us. Like, they won’t really.. um, they’re there because they’re making a living.
But when you’re here, (gestures to the audience) around people who are here, not because they’re making a living off of you, or they want to make sure, you know, you don’t get beat up because then they’re going to lose their job or something, which they’re not. But I’m just around people right now who are coming because they just like the show, and (shrugs) hopefully the work, it’s really- it’s-it’s really, really humbling and amazing to see a big crowd of people who came.
And so anytime, thank y’all guys. (nods)
Fan: (?Thank you.?)
Jared: (to fan) thank you. (points to his far left) I’m gonna go that way because I see some- I see a couple hands (?fighting?) for it. Sure.
•(6:18 P)- Fangoria08;Qa13- SPN Appeal; McG, David Nutter
Fan: Um, what made you first, like, interested in doing “Supernatural?” Like, want to be in it.
Jared: Um, you know what? When I- when I first heard about “Supernatural,” um, I was working on Gilmore Girls obviously, and I heard about this, um, show called, “Supernatural” that was going to be the WB’s new, um, (finger quote) supernatural type show? (audience chuckles) But, I would go- I was a fan of-of Buffy and Angel and stuff like that. I didn’t want (audience clap) to be another Charm. (turns to clapper) Yeah. I didn’t feel like I was kind of right for that kind of genre.
Um, like, I love the campy horror, like I love camp horror films and- and stuff like that. But, I didn’t feel it was right for me at that point in time? But they were like, “No, listen. It’s totally real. It’s totally raw.” And I knew McG because I tested for Superman with him and he was a producer. And I knew David Nutter because I worked with him before in like “ER,” um, and I knew his work obviously because he’s a legend in the pilot business. He’s the only director ever to get ever single pilot he’s directed to get picked up.
And so, I was like, “Okay, I’ll read it.” And I read it and I was like, “Woah, this is super cool.” And I-I studied, you know, Joesph Campbell mythology and stuff like that in high school. And I was very familiar with the whole reluctant hero aspect like “Star Wars,” like, you know, the Luke Skywalker. And it was my chance to play Luke Skywalker. Um, so I (?took a try on it?). And here I am.
Uhh, (points forward) I’m gonna go with you.
•(7:36 P)- Fangoria08;Qa14- Jared on horror roles
Fan: Well, obviously- (?Well, I’ll just say?) horror (Jared nods) is why you’re here. (audience woo) (?Because we love?) horror ourselves (Jared: Yeah) (?we’ll have?) a lot more fun doing horror scenes. (Jared: Right.) And we’ve noticed you’ve done a lot of horror and camp (Jared: I have) in “Supernatural” (?and probably “Cry Wolf” scenes.?) Did you have more fun playing the more scary roles?
Jared: Um, absolutely. It’s sort of a mixture of, um, you know, I’m certainly not at the point in my career, nor was I a couple of years ago where I could just go, like, (sits up, waves hand, and says with a fancy accent) “Find me a copy.” (audience laughs) (?Nor could I go like,?) “Find me a.. Shakespeare piece.” So- so it’s half what you’re excited about doing and half what sort of just happens. What- what turn the industry takes.
Um, and so for a while the horror movies were the ones that were… in comparison basis easier to shoot because it’s cheaper, uh, (shrugs) or less expensive, (holds up hands) not cheaper (audience chuckles) (holds up hands again then smiles) Uh, and- and they- they have, uh- It’s easy to get a following, or easier if it’s good if it- if it strikes a cord. There’s something so fun about going to the movie and (mimics flinching) kind of getting scared and then realize everything’s okay.
And so, that happened to be what came my way. Though I’m very interested in the genre and I’ve always have been. But, um, I think after.. (?Superna-?) I did a movie last year. A Christmas movie. And it was so weird. It was like, “So, I don’t scream ever?” (audience chuckles) And then I was like, “I don’t like ever get killed in the movie? What’s going on?” It’s been so weird, you know? I’m so used to getting killed or then seeing scary things. So it’s weird to go back to it, doing a non-horror. But, um.. But I do love the genre.
(points to his left) I’m gonna go back over this way.. (nods) Sure.
•(9:07 P)- Fangoria08;Qa15- Sam’s powers
Fan: When are Sam’s powers coming back? (audience chuckles)
Jared: Um, Sam’s powers.. were.. actually gonna come back, um, pretty seriously, um, in the last half of the second season. It was- it was actually just about to go full horror.. with it when we had to stop, um, because of the writers strike. Which sucks, um, because I really wanted to do that. I was really excited about.. being a badass. Like, Jensen’s had the ability to play badass for 56 episodes. It was my turn (audience laughs) to (?do good stuff?) and save him or not save him. Um, so, soon. (nods) Whenever we come back it’s gonna be- it’s gonna, you know. It’s been two and half years now. We’re not gonna waste anymore time. (?We’re-We’re?) going full speed ahead.
(points to his right) I’m going-
(missing coverage *which may mean content isn’t listed in the correct chronological order)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Jared looking for other projects? by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qb- Future projects
Fan: (?) are there new projects that you’re looking at or what’s going on?
Jared: There are new projects that I’m looking at. For a while, I wasn’t sure- we weren’t sure how the, uh, strike was gonna affect us, and when it’s going to end. And so, you couldn’t really go out for projects. And pretty much the show- the-the engine shutdown, um, early December. Because we already knew about the strike. And it was like, you know, “Let’s just take an extended holiday.” So I (?fumbled an extended holiday?) And I just started taking meetings. This week we’re going to have the director’s guild settle with the producers (fist pumps) which we’re all very, very happy about because that hopefully means that the writers will.. just accept that, you know? Or actually- (holds hand up) I don’t want to just say, “accept it.” But, um, they’ll find some grounds now with the producers.
But it looks like, fingers crossed, (cross fingers) uh, the writer’s strike will end soon. We’ll still be able to salvage out this season. So, yeah.
Fan: Yeah-
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: A Very Supernatural Christmas by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (points to his right) Yes.
•(0:01 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qc- fan appreciation; 3x08
Fan: Um, the Christmas episode this season was wonderful.
Jared: Good, thank you.
Fan: So, good. Um-
Jared: I spent a lot of fun doing that.
Fan: And I remember hearing before it being aired there was like, “Oh it’s gonna be a Christmas (?for some reason in?) Supernatural.” (Jared: Yeah) (?Lies?) and it’s perfect. And I really like how you, um, (snaps) the things up there that- that you (laughs) (?cry out?) And they were the first time that it really seemed like Dean was actually gonna die, you know? Like, you all have come to this.. realization that’s unbelievable (?to deny?) (laughs) (?)
Jared: Right. Exactly, exactly. (?Think that’s one of the-?) But-
Fan: But, you all really sold it despite that- You know, despite knowing he’s not going anywhere in some way, (Jared: Yeah.) however y’all that figure that out. (Jared: Yeah.) And it’s just really.. (?)
Jared: I like playing (?without that.?) I give that straight to our writers for figuring out a way to, um, make a (?code?) for us and.. and, um- That was actually another- (points to his right) kick back to the (?book?) It was a very, very great episode to sho-, uh, Supernatural episode to watch really. It was like, October and (?) than you, but you’re, like, in your Christmas stuff and you’re going, “Yay, it’s Christmas time.” But then it’s like October 2nd? (audience chuckles)
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #1 by shadowfax220◘
•(0:00 S)- Fangoria08;Qd+- Supernatural Movie* (missing question, might be mislabeled)
Jared: (audience laughs) that- they wouldn’t cast me. Um, but thanks for the reinforcement. (audience laughs) And I think Supernatural absolutely can make full feature length. And we’re actually hoping for that, um, and trying for that. So, uh- I mean, they’re making the second X-Files right now and we kick their butts. (audience yeahs and claps)
(points towards the center right) I’m going to go you. You. (nods) Yes.
•(0:22 S)- Fangoria08;Qd1- Writer’s strike impact; s3
Fan: I was wondering, you talked about trying to salvage the third season if the writer’s strike came to an end. If it did come to an end, would you actually be able to finish out to be where you want it to be.. if you had the third season?
Jared: Um, either way we’ve lost episodes, because the way it’s going to work out is because we wouldn’t shoot the show beyond April because, um, I think when we go back to our 3rd or 4th season you have to have a two month hiatus or something? It’s SAG rules. Um, and so..
What I meant by salvage this season is that we sort of came to an abrupt halt. ‘Cause no one knew if the strike was actually going to happen. So, it was almost like, “Ah, alright. You know, whatever. It’s not going to happen.” And so when we stopped it was like, “Oh man, like, it really is over.” But if came- If the strike ended then we would know we have five episodes left now and then the season’s over. And so, they’d have to cut some stuff. They’d probably have to cut some of the, um, Creature of the Week episodes. One- Like, some of the ones that don’t have to do with the mythology of the show where we can get back and sort of, um, continue Sam and Dean’s, um, descent into.. wherever their decent leads. (audience chuckles)
(points center left) Uh, I’m going to go to you. I-I faked you out, sorry.
•(1:22 S)- Fangoria08;Qd2- 3x08; Act Five: Int. Motel- Night, Unsaid dialogue
Fan: (?Oh, I’ve got a salt piece. Probably should know this it’s there.?) (Jared: [laughs] thank you.) Okay, no. Actually, I’m going back to the Christmas Episode. My question for you is at the very final scene, (Jared laughs) Sam- Sam started to say something and then he just said, “Do you want to watch the game?” (Jared: Oh okay, I thought you were gonna ask about the eggnog.) What do you think Sam was going to- (audience laughs) (?Probably a keg or two?) I- I vote for keep you here longer telling him that Sammy won here. (Jared: thank you.) But, what do you think Sam was gonna say? Do you have any idea what.. where you stand?
Jared: Umm, I think he was going to apologize and say, you know, “I love you. I’m sorry I missed yah.” And-and Dean kicks back into high gear with, you know.. We leave it unspoken. Um.. it was going to be- Yeah, it was basically gonna be, you know, “Sorry I doubted you. I’m sorry I’ve been such a prick.” Because the whole- the whole season- the first few eight episodes- the first seven episodes Sam’s been like, yelling at Dean, “Why don’t you care about your life?” You know? “Here I’m trying to save you.” (fakes cries) “And you don’t even care.” (audience giggles) Um, and so finally he- he was saying, you know, “I’m sorry. You know, my- my anger at you has been.. driven from I love you and, you know, I don’t want you to leave.” And Dean- It didn’t need to be said. You know?
Fan: Well, actually it was perfectly m-unsaid, but I just wondered.
Jared: Thank you. (points to center left) I’m gonna go here.
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #2 by shadowfax220◘
•(0:00 S)- Fangoria08;Qe+- Jared on producers/directors; Kim Manners; Phil Sgirccia; Pranks; On set culture* (missing question,  might be mislabeled)
Jared: -love all of our producer, directors. We love it when Kim Manners shows up, because we.. just.. f’ around the whole time. (audience chuckles) (laughs) I don’t thi- W- It’s constantly making fun of him. We’re constantly standing up and, like, (stands up) Kim is right here (holds his hand up below his chest) or something (audience chuckles) (?in his direction?). We’re going (turns around without looking down), “Where’s Kim? We’ve been hearing (?).” (audience laughs) He’s sitting there and he’s just pissed off. (sits down)
And so, we have a great time with Kim. Um, because we just love to make fun of him. And obviously, he lives up there because he’s of- he’s are on set producer most of the time. And so, we’ve got this constant relationship with him. And we have a lot of fun. Yeah, we always have.. a beer after work, which is nice.
Um, and then, on the flip side, another.. director producer who I love, who I know it’s going to be draining is, um, Phil Sgirccia, who makes amazing episodes. He does a brilliant, brilliant job. But, um, he- he’s a very, very.. artistic director. He likes to shoot a lot. And so, you don’t know how many times you’re going to do something necessarily, but you’re like, “Oh, I’m so tired. I’m gonna suck.” And then you see the episode and it’s awesome.
So, um- like if everybody just has their different way, you know? They both make great episodes. But they go about it different ways. Sometimes Kim will do a shot. It’s literally a shot where you only say two lines, and then he’s like, “Okay, moving on to after that.” And you’re like, “You don’t want us to do it again from the top?” He’s like, “No. We already did that.” Like, (shrug), “Okay. Crazy, but alright.” (audience giggles)
And, um, Phil does a lot of different- But he also makes cool.. like montages and stuff like that. And his next episode rocks. So, we already really excited with it. It’s going to be the last episode with (?)
(points up high and to his center right) Go way in the back.
•(1:34 S)- Fangoria08;Qe1- unknown
Fan: Um, have you ever taken a role you re-
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: His comic timing in BDABR by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: Um, (pointing up high and to his center left) I’m gonna go way in the back.
•(0:02 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf1a- fan appreciation; hair; 2x14; Evil!Sam
Fan: (?Sam’s hot?) (audience laughs) (?) longer hair? (?I did it.?)
Jared: Thank you. (?I just had it cut?) because- (?It depends on the set?) And so I was like, uh, (?)
Fan: (?) about. Um, I just wanted to say (?) “Born Under a Bad Sign”? (?But my friend says?) Evil Sam hot enough to (?get?) himself. (audience laughs)
•(0:02 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf1b- fan appreciation; 3x03; comedic timing
Fan: And I just want to say, “Bad Day at Black Rock,” I was so impressed with your-
Jared: Which one?
Fan: “Bad Day at Black Rock,” your comic timing in that episode. (audience claps) (Jared: Oh.) I want to know how much fun (?) you. There was so much fun stuff in that episode and I was- I just know that’s the (?community claim?) but I was very impressed with your comedic timing in that episode.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #4 by shadowfax220◘
Jared: Well, thank you. And I- Anybody who knows me, knows that I’m.. I think I suck at comedy. (audience chuckles) Like, I- It’s like I steer clear of it. I like, (holds hand up) “ I don’t have comic timing.” Like, “Get me away from it. Make me cry or something.” (audience giggles) “Because, I can’t- I’m not the funny guy.” But it was very exciting to do that. And that was, um- I’ll chuck that up to Bob Singer, who’s our producer, who is also, obviously, directed a whole bunch of episodes. Um, and- and I guess he just knew how to prod me into doing the right things. And that was just a funny episode. I mean, he could’ve.. stuck.. (shrugs) anybody in that and it’d been funny. (Audience members: No.)
But I’m glad that- But, I’m very glad you liked it. (nods) And, um, uh, and I’m very glad you liked Evil Sam also. (audience laughs) I want to see it come back.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Emotionally Draining scenes by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his right) I’m going to go this way. (points) Sure.
•(0:52 S, 0:03 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf2- Emotionally draining episodes; 2x17, 2x09; 2x14
Fan: Okay, um, which- I’ve heard Jensen several times saying you had trouble episodes that have emotionally drained you all. (Jared: (?ten?)) Has there been, like, any, like, one particular episode that, I mean, kind of.. I don’t know, that you had to walk away from and just-
Jared: Yes, absolutely..
Audience member: What? (chuckle)
Jared: Um, she was saying that they’re, uh- Jensen was talking about certain episodes that emotionally drained him and she was wondering if- if the same happened for me.
Um, a lot of episodes, um… I mean, my mind, I-I guess, goes.. to… My mind immediately goes to.. “Heart”? Because the last scene in “Heart” really- We shot at the very beginning of the day, and so I was really fresh. But, um, (throws up hand and shakes head) it just did me in, for whatever reason. Sometimes- And sometimes it’s too much. 
Croatoan was another one where Sam.. thinks he’s going to die and he’s saying, “You’re an idiot. Get out of here,” like, “Stop that.” (shrugs) It just becomes- Every now and then it just becomes very, very real. And- and you’re done. And- and like, you can’t even.. (shrugs) stand up, um, because it takes it out of you in a bunch of different levels.
So, um, “Bad Day at Black Rock” I’m not- (holds up hand) Sorry, sorry. “Born Under a Bad Sign,” was very exhausting because there was Latin and then I was getting sprayed with water, and (audience laughs) I mean, just physically tiring. But, I’d say emotionally tiring, I’d have to think first about “Croatoan” and “Heart.” (nods)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Driving the Impala by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points high up to his right) Go way in the back.
Fan: Me? No.
Jared: (points and nods) Yeah.
•(0:04 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf3- Impala 67; Driving off the clock; Donut story
Fan: Oh, I was gonna ask do ever get to drive the Impala when y’all aren’t filming?
Jared: I do. (laughs) Um, (audience laughs) (finger quote) Do I get to? Or, (finger quote) Do I? (audience laughs) Uh, I don’t know if I necessarily get to, but I-I certainly get in the drivers seat and take her around every now and again.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #6 by shadowfax220◘
And a lot times we’ll be doing a scene in the Impala right before lunch and so, um, instead of leaving the Impala on set and get driven back, we’re just like, uh, you know, on the walkie going, (mimics talking on radio) “We’re taking the Impala back to the base camp.” (audience laughs) So, you know, we tear ass out of there. But, uh, I don’t think it’s- I don’t think it’s (shrugs) road insured or something? (audience laughs) And so (?it stays off the street?) But, we still do.
We actually got in trouble one time because we were shooting, uhhhhh, maybe “Salvation” with Jeffery Dean Morgan? Um, at the end of season 1 we were shooting in base camp. Trailer park was in, um, this pebble, gravel, uh, parking lot. And so we went back (chuckles), and we started doing donuts, (audience laughs) um, in the gravel parking lot. And, uh, there are no mud flaps on the Impala and so.. we didn’t realize at the time because we were just going, “Wooo!” (audience laughs) But we were just shooting these pebbles and people were, like, getting punched (mimics a flailing protective pose) (audience laughs)
And they were, like, terrified and the guy who, um- who (chuckles)- I feel like an idiot. The guy who, um, was watching the- who was our location guy, who’s in charge of making sure it was okay? Like came to get us to stop. And was, like, (mimics covering his face and slowly inching forward) was trying to come towards us (audience laughs) and not get run over by the car and not get shot by the pebbles. So, we definitely had fun, um, (audience laughs) in the Impala.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Does Jared read fan fiction? by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points center left) I’m gonna go right there.
•(0:01 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf4a- Fanfiction
Fan: You mean her? (Jared: Okay. Yes.) (laughs) been waiting for forever. I was just wondering- I just recently saw something online called fanfiction for Supernatural. Do you guys ever read that? What do you think about that?
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #8 by shadowfax220◘
Jared: Um, I-I know of it. And I think I’ve- I’ve- I’ve read a little bit of it but.. I haven’t read a lot of it. I’ve- I’ve heard- I’ve heard funny stories. I’ve heard some of it’s fantastic. I’ve heard some of it’s bizarre. (audience giggles) Um-
Fan: Really bizarre. In a lot of them you’re a girl. (audience laughs)
Jared: (?A lot of them I’m a?) what?
Fan: In a lot- In a lot of them you’re a girl.
Jared: That’s very bizarre (gauffaws). (audience laughs) Um, you know what? It’s- It’s weird because usually when I’m, like- like, Supernatural mode or when l’m looking at stuff and I’m reading something it’s like I- I rarely get to read books when I’m shooting during the year. Because I feel like if I’m sitting down reading, I should be reading my script, you know, like, really reading or working on the character?
And so, it’s hard for me to convince myself to sit down in front of a computer or in front of a book, which is terrible, because I’m going, “I should be working on the script right now. I’ve got a monologue tomorrow. I’ve got to learn it.” And so I haven’t had a whole lot of chance to read that.
That sounds funny though.
•(0:59 BBS, 0:50 S)- Fangoria08;Qf4b- Supernatural Novels
Fan: What- What about the novels? Did you read- (Jared: The novels?) Yeah.
Jared: Um, I actually (throws up hand), um, have not read that either. I have a copy of it now, but I’d love to read it. I just haven’t yet. I know there’s a comic book that Peter Johnson does.
I’m gonna go to someone (points to his far left) over that way. (points higher) I’m gonna go with- with my buddy with the Longhorns cap. (a few audience woos and aws)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Will Dean die this season by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:05 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf5- s3 Dean’s deal outcome
Fan: I wanted to know, does Dean ever die in a year?
Jared: In- In a year?
Fan: In a year, (?the first time?).
Jared: Oh, well we haven’t got that far yet, uh, because we got the stop by the writer’s strike, you know? But as of right now, it seems like he’s on certain course- certain death course. And I’ve spoken with.. Eric Kripke, who’s our show creator, and he- I don’t know if he was just.. playing with me, but he’s like, “I don’t know if Dean gets to die.” (laughs) (audience laughs) I think he was sort of hoping- We were sort of hoping for, if it hit him. I don’t know if it has yet. And so as of right now it looks like- it looks like he’s going to. But obviously we get nine episodes left and that’s- that’s forever. But I’ll get back to him (?once we resume?).
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Favorite Season 3 Villian by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his center left)
•(0:01 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf6- fav s3 villain; 3x01, 3x02, 3x03; Gordon, Sterling Brown
Fan: Yay! (Jared woos) Um, so far into season 3 of the episodes that have aired, what is your favorite bad guy?
Jared: My favorite bad guy in season 3? What were they? First episode of season 3 was?
Audience + Fan: The seven deadly sins.
Jared: Seven deadly sins. Ew, I love Josh Daugherty who played, I guess, as Ego? Who’s got (?)- (Audience + Fan: Pride.) Right! No, no. (points) (Audience member: He was actually Envy.) Pride was awesome. (nods) (Audience member: Pride could have had his own episode.) Pride was a lot of fun.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #5 by shadowfax220◘
And you know what? Um, before- before.. Or the take that you saw was actually toned down. And he was doing this sort of crazy Independence Day, Vincent (?Crawford?). I think at first (audience giggles) it was brilliant. It was perfect. But they decided to tone it down a little bit in the next take. And they ended up using the tone down version.
But it must have been Ego, who was sitting in the chair? (Audience: Envy) Envy! (audience chuckles) Um, yeah, it was, uh, he was.
And then the second episode was, those little dudes scared me. (audience laughs) Yeah, that was actually my favorite episode of the year was “The Kids Are Alright.” It was a lot of fun for me to watch. Half because I- it was a smaller episode for me? And so, I was really watching it as an audience member as opposed to like, “I suck there. Sucked there.” (audience laughs) “That was passable. Sucked there.” Um, so I got to watch it and enjoy it, because, um, it had been a while since we shot it and I wasn’t in a lot of it. So I try to kind of watch.
And, I was really proud of Jensen. I thought he did a great job. I thought it was funny. I thought it was scary.
Um, and then “Bad Day at Black Rock” that was the… (Audience member: Rabbit’s foot) Rabbit’s foot. No real villain, I guess. Just sort of.. (Audience member: Yeah.) Then what was four?..
Audience member: What about Gordon?
Jared: (?Ah, oh?) God. I forgot about that. (briefly looks up and throws up hand) (audience laughs) Gordon- Gordon I love to death.
Audience member: That was a great episode.
Jared: Gordon’s awesome. Sterling Brown.
Audience member: Literally? (giggles)
Jared: (side eyes with a smirk and nods) Literally. (?That’s funny?) I wish I could claim that I meant to do that, but, uh.. (audience laughs) (sits up and pushes bangs behind his ear) Yes, I meant to do that.
Um, no. I-I love Gordon. (looks towards fan) Probably Gordon. You know, it was good to have him back. He’s a great actor. A great dude. Um, so, I’d have to say, yeah, (nods) Gordon. In fact I was (holds leveled hand up above his head) (?tinier?) than him.. (audience giggles) logically. Yeah.
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #7 by shadowfax220◘
•(0:00 S)- Fangoria08;Qg+- Jared’s Dogs* (missing question, might be mislabeled)
Jared: (?Don’t have problems in?), um- I’m a- I’m a big believer, um, of that. But, um, I-I guess Digo refers to sort of- I (?read of something?) in Los Angeles and so it just refers to sort of a wild dog and (?queer?) dog, with the big ears and sort of a body that’s meant to run all day long.
Um, and then yeah, Harley. They actually came from the same rescue shelter so.. Yeah. Go rescue shelter. (audience giggles)
(looks to his left) All right guys, I think-
(missing closing)
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goodnight-sammy · 1 year
I have never really mentioned this, because I was kind of preoccupied with my own experiences at the moment, but as the months have passed this is something that I cannot get over.
I went to a Supernatural Convention, I was sitting in the copper seats, which are basically 3 days admission, seats a little better than general admission, and you get to go to the concert and karaoke and stuff included. But because these seats are assigned you get to know the people sitting next to you while you're there. I talked to a nice mother and daughter sitting to my left, and the next couple of seats to my right were empty... or so I thought.
The second day of the convention someone sits down in the seat next to me on my right. Because everyone has neck lanyards, I know it was actually their seat and not someone from further back trying to get a better seat for the panels. I said hi and introduced myself and asked her about why she was at the supernatural convention (lots of people swap stories about when they started watching, what they're excited for, etc.) and she was like "I mean, I used to watch the show so I thought if I were ever to go to a convention..." which was kind of a non-answer but I didn't think anything of it, maybe she was just shy and didn't want to talk to the stranger sitting next to her.
Except that one Saturday panel was the only one she attended. She wasn't there on Friday (which maybe she had work and couldn't get out of) but she literally showed up to like one or two panels out of all of the 7 or so panels happening on Saturday. She didn't even show up at all on Sunday... which is the day J2 take the stage.
I am almost certain she didn't have any photo op tickets or autographs either???
Anyways, this girl who went to one panel one day of a convention after buying 3 day-reserved seat admission for a few hundred bucks haunts me to this day.
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xlynnbbyx · 4 months
Here is the schedule for all of Jensen’s stuff for the con in Columbus, OH this weekend.
**Note: Since the con is in Columbus all times will be in Eastern Standard time.**
Saturday June 8th 
Photo Ops
Jensen & Baby: 1:50pm
Jensen(solo): 3:00pm
Jensen & Mark Sheppard: 3:30pm
Jensen & Misha: 3:40pm
Jensen: 5:15pm
Meet & Greet
Jensen M&G: 4:15pm
Sunday June 9th
Jensen and Jeffrey Dean Morgan gold panel(half hour long): 11:00am
Jensen & Misha main panel(hour long): 4:45pm
Photo Ops
Jensen & Misha: 12:45pm
Jensen(solo): 1:00pm
Jensen & Jeffrey Dean Morgan: 1:20pm
Jensen, Jeffery, & Sam: 2:20pm
Jensen: 6:00pm
Meet & Greet
Jensen & Jeffrey Dean Morgan: 11:45am
Jensen VIP: 12:15pm
**The next con for Creation is June 28th - June 30th in Seattle Washington. Jared will be at this con so we will get J2 stuff. Jeffery Dean Morgan will be there too so maybe we will get a J3 panel. With Walker sadly being canceled maybe Jared will be added to more creation cons. I don’t know if there is anymore overseas con this year. I think there is one in Liverpool not sure. But either way will keep you updated.** 
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