J2M SPN UK 2018 Panel
At the start of the J2M panel, they made Misha introduce J2 and Jensen is laughing at him lol.
They gave Misha a short chair like at SDCC next to Jared (they changed it back right after lol). Jensen: “Ah, it’s the little things.”
Misha “What’s your normal routine up here… do you guys do acrobatics?”
Jared explains to Misha that they play strip question on stage. If you get the question wrong, you have to take off an article of clothing.
Jared: “I guess my dream job has always been no job… but I would have liked to have been a teacher!” Jensen to Jared: “I learn from you daily, you are a teacher!” Jared put his head on Jensen’s shoulder :)
Jensen: “Sometimes I feel like the right answer would be a Chippendales dancer!”
Misha: “I thought I was gonna be a politician when I grew up!”
Wrong answer: Misha strips off his jacket lol.
Jared: “Jet lag has not been nice to Mr. Misha.”
Jensen earlier about J2M trio op: “We’re doing a crossover. Jensen, Jared & Gollum.” Jared to Misha: “Had I known you looked like this, I wouldn’t have taken a shower.”
Jensen: “There’s another crossover photo later. Supernatural and The Walking Dead.”
J2M just got offered food and now they’re totally fighting over those gummy bears.
Jared nudging Misha to grab gummy bears from a fan: “Misha, Scooby dooby doo!”
Mishalecki are fighting over Misha’s jacket
Jensen: “Jared keeps translating English to English, but he breaks it up and it’s actually worse!”
Jared got the question wrong so he strips and now Jared’s jacket is off!
Jensen would consider a Supernatural tattoo after the show ends because it’s a huge part of his life.
Jensen and Jared both say they would consider getting an SPN tattoo after the show ends.
Jensen took a picture of Jared stripping.
Misha: I wish I’d worn my good socks today. Jared: I’m surprised you have socks on! Jensen, cracking up: Things are looking up Mish, you left the house with socks on!
J2M trying to stump the fans to get the audience to strip.
Fan asks if when Dean and Cas do intense stares if it’s written in the script. Jensen says yes, that in the script it’ll be like a serious moment and then it will say “eye f-u-c-k.” They explain that in general all staring scenes between characters are written like that lol. They say that there’ll be a scene where everyone is eye-fucking. They mention another example in a recent episode between Rich and a female character (I’m assuming the Gabriel and Rowena scene from the last ep lol).
If they could go back & further explore a storyline? Jensen: Demon Dean & purgatory. Jared: Soulless Sam and Sully. Misha: Human Cas & a new storyline with “cool Cas.”  
Misha’s sock is off.
Misha: “I’m wearing one shoe and no sock… this is starting to feel like a walk of shame right now!”
Jensen on his cell phone contact that’s famous and is not from SPN is Corey Taylor. Jared’s is JJ from Kaleo, and Misha’s is the Queen lol.  
Misha is happy about his two degrees of separation to Neil Gaiman on Twitter through Kim.
Fan: If your character could swap character arcs who would you swap with? Jared: You know what, I’m gonna say it. I wouldn’t fuckin’ change it. “Sam’s my boy, I wouldn’t change anything.”
Jensen would have swapped with the storyline with Gabriel when he went to Monaco. Jared whispers in Jensen’s ear. Jensen: or Monte Carlo. Jensen loses his overshirt lol.
Misha: I’m hard on Cas. Jared: Woah!!
Jensen Iced Misha (for those who don’t know, Icing someone means the person has to drink a little bottle of Smirnoff Ice - a brand of vodka - while kneeling down on one knee lol).  
Misha refuses to drink it on stage so he goes backstage and Jared follows, giving a play by play of Misha drinking the Smirnoff with plenty of innuendos, cracking Jensen up who stayed on stage.
Misha: “I’m not agreeing to a trio panel again!”
Fan asks if after seeing Jack use his powers without being evil, do you think it’s changed Sam’s perception of his own powers? Jared says that Sam took Jack under his wing and so far, he thinks it’s been successful that Jack hasn’t turned evil and feels reassured about his own.
Jared took his shoe off. “There, I lost my shoe.”
Jared: “When you sweat in the snow you get used to sweat proof socks!”
Asked about important changes SPN gave them. Jared: I met the mother of my children on the show and a couple of my best friends! Jensen *points to self* Jared nods and puts his head on Jensen’s shoulder and Jensen touches his head <3
Jensen says he has a lot of relationships now and the show made it so he can live and raise a family where he wants.
Misha: Having families. The only reason why my wife has sex with me is that I’m on the show lmao.
Fan asks about the boys going on a hunt in Amsterdam. Jared says he wants to go to Anne Frank’s house and dig up some Nazi ghosts and kill them! Jensen: I killed Hitler.
Jensen says that in Amsterdam Dean would get lost in the red light district, Cas would be stoned in a cafe somewhere, and Sam would be on an architectural tour.
Misha gets called out on his old answer last year & has to take off his belt.
Fan: I have ten princess dresses. Jared, pointing at Jensen: So does he!
Jared: Come on Misha get it right. I don’t want to see you naked. Again. Jensen: Today.    
Who would you meet and pay an autograph for? Jared: I paid for Richard Kiel’s autograph. Jensen: Robert Plant. Misha: Bob Garfield. Jared also mentions that he would have loved to meet Carrie Fisher.
Fan: I’ve been watching you since I was two. I’m 16 now. J2M are devastated lol.
Fan: So in your group, is there a mother hen figure who stops you from getting into trouble? J2M in unison: NOPE. Jensen: “The problem is, we don’t have one!”
Jared: “You know when they say the inmates are running the asylum? That’s us."
Jared: “I still find a freedom and a source of creativity in what I do.” Jared says you get to learn from the characters you play and the people you work with.  
Jared doesn’t care if he never wins an Oscar. He’s motivated by love in the craft of acting. “I know y’all love me and I love y’all back legitimately and I don’t care if I don’t get an Oscar or if I’m on a billboard or anything.”
Jared: When they call “action” I’m free. I still find a freedom of expression in what I do, that’s why I keep doing it. Jared said he’s not an A-list actor. Jensen: I know you.
Jensen says to learn as much about the technical aspect of filming as you can. He also viewed every audition as a final performance because it helped him deal with rejection.
Fan: Sorry I’m really nervous. Jared: Don’t be nervous, you’re surrounded by family.
Jared is removing Misha’s boot when Misha refuses to answer a question about his favorite trenchcoat lol.
Misha talks about how Jensen gave him some hand-me-down shirts that Jensen wore a lot at cons. Jensen says it happened because he was mortified when a fan called him out on wearing the same shirt twice at a couple of different cons. So he asked Misha if he wanted any of his shirts.
Misha said it apparently got fans talking and Jared yells in a high-pitched voice: They slept together! Jared says he wants to see “who wore it better memes” of Jensen and Misha wearing the same clothes.
J2 talk about how Jensen shared underwear with Jared at a con before. Jensen: Where were we? Seattle. Jared: Yeah. Jensen: Did you just not have enough? Jared: Yeah… another time (to tell the story lol). Jensen to the audience: I’m sure you can figure it out! Jensen: Look, I care, I want to make sure my boys are covered! Jared: They say some people give you the shirt off their back, some people give you the *** off their ***. Jensen: The chocolate gonch. Jared whispers and laughs and Jensen falls over.
Jared likes Sam’s red flannel. Maybe because his marker is red, or it makes up 60% of his name :P
Jared: “I think Sam has a fondness for his red flannels!”
Jensen likes his grey flannel.
Jensen removes his belt lol.  
Richard Ices J2. They both take a knee and drink on stage.
Rich to Jared: “You know, you saying you’re gonna screw with us is like saying the sun rose!”
Richard apparently turned the lights off on Jensen in the bathroom earlier. When Rich left and Jensen wasn’t done lol.
The guys are all surrounding the poor last question girl and teasing her with the mics. Boys are cracking up.
Jared hopes s14 isn’t the last. Still feels they should go out in a blaze of glory. Jensen’s had several variations of how the show might end and none of them know how it’s going to end. Misha: Cas is gonna sacrifice himself somehow.
Jensen had a dream about the end of the show and when he shared it with Jared and Misha they both teared up.
Jensen has told that dream many times where he’s lost his brother, he’s done with the hunting life and he doesn’t want Baby anymore because he doesn’t have Sam, so he drives off on a stranger’s motorcycle. Audience: NOOOO. Jensen: You can’t control my dreams!
J2M putting their random clothing items back on. Jared helps with Misha’s shoe lol.
At some point earlier in the panel Misha leaned on Jared’s shoulder right in his face and Jared was just like “Hi!” :)
Jared Iced Rob. Jensen tries to Ice Richard, but Richard jumps out of the way successfully.
Panel ends with the usual J2 fist bumps!  
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lupine-princess · 5 years
My face hurts watching this! Too funny! How have I not seen this before?!
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destiel-freak67 · 6 years
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OMG OMG OMG I FINALLY HAD MY PHOTO DONE WITH THE GUYS. They were so kind and thoughtful and they held my drawings for the photo. I will definitely be doing this again.
Jensen: Woah this is awesome
Jared: Wow did you do these? With pencil? Magnificent
Misha: Woah so cool, you actually made Jensen decent looking
You gotta love Misha 😂😂😂😂
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myhumanweakness · 6 years
Okay so, I did an extensive analysis of the SPN UK J2M panel a little while ago, and I always watch it when I feel really sad because it just “warms the cockles of my heart.” But this is the first time that I noticed a VERY IMPORTANT COCKLES MOMENT THAT WE ALL NEED TO BE SCREAMING ABOUT!
Watch this video very, very closely at 7:13-7:16. You’re going to need to watch it twice because you need to watch Misha very carefully and then you need to watch Jensen very carefully. 
DID YOU SEE IT!?!? In case you didn’t, Misha bites his lip and stares at Jensen (because people in the audience are saying he gave the wrong answer), and then Jensen see this and raises his eyebrows and smiles at Misha. 
That silent conversation that they just had with not one but two suggestive looks exclusively directed at each other... yeah. That’s Cockles. 
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deangirlsince07 · 6 years
JENSEN! Its like your a professional taking off your belt ;)
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That J2M Panel from SPN UK...
*does that fingertip kiss gesture that chefs do when the food is good*
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fandomismyspirit · 6 years
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Misha getting iced and Jensen being smug as fuck SPN UK CON 2018 - J2M Panel 📷 SomerInTheWind
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sammyhale · 6 years
J2M SPN UK 2018 Panel
At the start of the J2M panel, they made Misha introduce J2 and Jensen is laughing at him lol. 
They gave Misha a short chair like at SDCC next to Jared (they changed it back right after lol). Jensen: “Ah, it’s the little things.” 
Misha “What’s your normal routine up here... do you guys do acrobatics?”
Jared explains to Misha that they play strip question on stage. If you get the question wrong, you have to take off an article of clothing. 
Jared: “I guess my dream job has always been no job... but I would have liked to have been a teacher!” Jensen to Jared: “I learn from you daily, you are a teacher!” Jared put his head on Jensen’s shoulder :)
Jensen: “Sometimes I feel like the right answer would be a Chippendales dancer!”
Misha: “I thought I was gonna be a politician when I grew up!” 
Wrong answer: Misha strips off his jacket lol. 
Jared: “Jet lag has not been nice to Mr. Misha.” 
Jensen earlier about J2M trio op: “We’re doing a crossover. Jensen, Jared & Gollum.” Jared to Misha: “Had I known you looked like this, I wouldn’t have taken a shower.”
Jensen: “There’s another crossover photo later. Supernatural and The Walking Dead.”
J2M just got offered food and now they're totally fighting over those gummy bears.
Jared nudging Misha to grab gummy bears from a fan: “Misha, Scooby dooby doo!”
Mishalecki are fighting over Misha’s jacket
Jensen: “Jared keeps translating English to English, but he breaks it up and it’s actually worse!”
Jared got the question wrong so he strips and now Jared’s jacket is off!
Jensen would consider a Supernatural tattoo after the show ends because it’s a huge part of his life. 
Jensen and Jared both say they would consider getting an SPN tattoo after the show ends.
Jensen took a picture of Jared stripping. 
Misha: I wish I’d worn my good socks today. Jared: I’m surprised you have socks on! Jensen, cracking up: Things are looking up Mish, you left the house with socks on!
J2M trying to stump the fans to get the audience to strip.
Fan asks if when Dean and Cas do intense stares if it’s written in the script. Jensen says yes, that in the script it’ll be like a serious moment and then it will say “eye f-u-c-k.” They explain that in general all staring scenes between characters are written like that lol. They say that there’ll be a scene where everyone is eye-fucking. They mention another example in a recent episode between Rich and a female character (I’m assuming the Gabriel and Rowena scene from the last ep lol). 
If they could go back & further explore a storyline? Jensen: Demon Dean & purgatory. Jared: Soulless Sam and Sully. Misha: Human Cas & a new storyline with “cool Cas.”  
Misha’s sock is off. 
Misha: “I’m wearing one shoe and no sock... this is starting to feel like a walk of shame right now!”
Jensen on his cell phone contact that’s famous and is not from SPN is Corey Taylor. Jared’s is JJ from Kaleo, and Misha’s is the Queen lol.  
Misha is happy about his two degrees of separation to Neil Gaiman on Twitter through Kim.
Fan: If your character could swap character arcs who would you swap with? Jared: You know what, I’m gonna say it. I wouldn’t fuckin’ change it. “Sam’s my boy, I wouldn’t change anything.” 
Jensen would have swapped with the storyline with Gabriel when he went to Monaco. Jared whispers in Jensen’s ear. Jensen: or Monte Carlo. Jensen loses his overshirt lol.
Misha: I'm hard on Cas. Jared: Woah!!
Jensen Iced Misha (for those who don’t know, Icing someone means the person has to drink a little bottle of Smirnoff Ice - brand of vodka - while kneeling down on one knee lol).  
Misha refuses to drink it on stage so he goes backstage and Jared follows, giving a play by play of Misha drinking the Smirnoff with plenty of innuendos, cracking Jensen up who stayed on stage. 
Misha: “I'm not agreeing to a trio panel again!” 
Fan asks if after seeing Jack use his powers without being evil, do you think it’s changed Sam’s perception of his own powers? Jared says that Sam took Jack under his wing and so far, he thinks it’s been successful that Jack hasn’t turned evil and feels reassured about his own. 
Jared took his shoe off. “There, I lost my shoe.”
Jared: “When you sweat in the snow you get used to sweat proof socks!”
Asked about important changes SPN gave them. Jared: I met the mother of my children on the show and a couple of my best friends! Jensen *points to self* Jared nods and puts his head on Jensen’s shoulder and Jensen touches his head <3 
Jensen says he has a lot of relationships now and the show made it so he can live and raise a family where he wants. 
Misha: Having families. The only reason why my wife has sex with me is because I’m on the show lmao. 
Fan asks about the boys going on a hunt in Amsterdam. Jared says he wants to go to Anne Frank’s house and dig up some Nazi ghosts and kill them! Jensen: I killed Hitler. 
Jensen says that in Amsterdam Dean would get lost in the red light district, Cas would be stoned in a cafe somewhere, and Sam would be on an architectural tour.
Misha gets called out on his old answer last year & has to take off his belt.
Fan: I have ten princess dresses. Jared, pointing at Jensen: So does he!
Jared: Come on Misha get it right. I don’t want to see you naked. Again. Jensen: Today.   
Who would you meet and pay an autograph for? Jared: I paid for Richard Kiel’s autograph. Jensen: Robert Plant. Misha: Bob Garfield. Jared also mentions that he would have loved to meet Carrie Fisher. 
Fan: I’ve been watching you since I was two. I’m 16 now. J2M are devastated lol. 
Fan: So in your group, is there a mother hen figure who stops you from getting into trouble? J2M in unison: NOPE. Jensen: “The problem is, we don’t have one!”
Jared: "You know when they say the inmates are running the asylum? That's us." 
Jared: “I still find a freedom and a source of creativity in what I do.” Jared says you get to learn from the characters you play and the people you work with.  
Jared doesn’t care if he never wins an Oscar. He’s motivated by love in the craft of acting. “I know y’all love me and I love y’all back legitimately and I don’t care if I don’t get an Oscar or if I’m on a billboard or anything.” 
Jared: When they call “action” I’m free. I still find a freedom of expression in what I do, that’s why I keep doing it. Jared said he’s not an A-list actor. Jensen: I know you. 
Jensen says to learn as much about the technical aspect of filming as you can. He also viewed every audition as a final performance because it helped him deal with rejection. 
Fan: Sorry I’m really nervous. Jared: Don’t be nervous, you’re surrounded by family. 
Jared is removing Misha’s boot when Misha refuses to answer a question about his favorite trenchcoat lol. 
Misha talks about how Jensen gave him some hand-me-down shirts that Jensen wore a lot at cons. Jensen says it happened because he was mortified when a fan called him out on wearing the same shirt twice at a couple of different cons. So he asked Misha if he wanted any of his shirts. 
Misha said it apparently got fans talking and Jared yells in a high-pitched voice: They slept together! Jared says he wants to see “who wore it better memes” of Jensen and Misha wearing the same clothes. 
J2 talk about how Jensen shared underwear with Jared at a con before. Jensen: Where were we? Seattle. Jared: Yeah. Jensen: Did you just not have enough? Jared: Yeah... another time (to tell the story lol). Jensen to the audience: I’m sure you can figure it out! Jensen: Look, I care, I want to make sure my boys are covered! Jared: They say some people give you the shirt off their back, some people give you the *** off their ***. Jensen: The chocolate gonch. Jared whispers and laughs and Jensen falls over. 
Jared likes Sam’s red flannel. Maybe because his marker is red, or it makes up 60% of his name :P 
Jared: “I think Sam has a fondness for his red flannels!”
Jensen likes his grey flannel. 
Jensen removes his belt lol.  
Richard Ices J2. They both take a knee and drink on stage. 
Rich to Jared: “You know, you saying you’re gonna screw with us is like saying the sun rose!”
Richard apparently turned the lights off on Jensen in the bathroom earlier. When Rich left and Jensen wasn’t done lol. 
The guys are all surrounding the poor last question girl and teasing her with the mics. Boys are cracking up. 
Jared hopes s14 isn’t the last. Still feels they should go out in a blaze of glory. Jensen’s had several variations of how the show might end and none of them know how it’s going to end. Misha: Cas is gonna sacrifice himself somehow.
Jensen had a dream about the end of the show and when he shared it with Jared and Misha they both teared up. 
Jensen has told that dream many times where he’s lost his brother, he’s done with the hunting life and he doesn’t want Baby anymore because he doesn’t have Sam, so he drives off on a stranger’s motorcycle. Audience: NOOOO. Jensen: You can’t control my dreams!
J2M putting their random clothing items back on. Jared helps with Misha’s shoe lol. 
At some point earlier in the panel Misha leaned on Jared’s shoulder right in his face and Jared was just like “Hi!” :) 
Jared Iced Rob. Jensen tries to Ice Richard, but Richard jumps out of the way successfully.
Panel ends with the usual J2 fist bumps!  
Info via: Maisie, Jenn, Kelli, Bubbs, Natasha, Stevie, Sil’s livetweet list
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waywardkansasflower · 6 years
Watching the SPN UK J2M panel for the first time and I don’t understand how those fans can get excited about Jensen giving Misha his old clothes. 
Jensen gets rid of clothes he wore at conventions because a fan literally walked up to him and said something insultingly, to his face, about him wearing the same shirt the year before and it ”mortified” him. That’s not okay, not at all, not ever. Jensen literally said “I was mortified”. What the fuck? Do you never wear the same clothes twice? So why can’t Jensen? He’s human, not a doll.
Comments on that video full of shippers cooing over “shared clothes”, not anger at such a disgusting and disrespectful fan.
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nuttyforackles · 6 years
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J2M from SPN uk 😂💖 love you Misha 👀💖
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likestarsonearthj2 · 6 years
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J2M Panel || 6th May 2018 || SPN UK Con - Birmingham, UK || Photos by: SomerInTheWind - x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x 
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bluefirecas · 6 years
Just got around to watch the J2M panel from SPN UK and the HonCon Mishalecki panel and might I say the number of times Jared makes Misha LAUGH ABSOLUTELY INSANELY is infinite.
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imalivecrisischat · 6 years
Inside The Life of an IMAlive Volunteer
@RandomActs #SPNCrisisNetwork
Sarah From The UK
I first got into volunteering after the J2M campaign to raise funds for the SPN Family Crisis support network. Wanting to give something back to a fandom/family that had done so much to help me, I applied via random acts and got my invite to train with IMAlive back in March 2017.
I manage two betting offices as my day job (off track betting), a career I have been doing for over…
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my take on the spn uk J2M panel
because i was there!
The boys clearly all get on amazingly well, yes Jenson does look at Misha a lot (make of that what you will), clearly they are all the best of friends.
The boys get on like a house on fire, or siblings lol.
Any one who says otherwise is a damned idiot, especially that bloody bronlie who was on the train torturing the younger fans with her anti-misha rubbish. (yes guys, i met one in RL. who knew  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, i thought they only existed on the internet,)
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findteenpenpals · 7 years
have i successfully got your attention, good (i've done this a couple times before and it kinda flopped bUt wE'll sEE) hi my name is [sakshi] (i'm so sorry i just had to ygm) and i'm 13 (14 in december) my resident country is the tiny island (aCROSS THE SEA THAT CONTROLS THE PEOCE OF TEA *ahem*) of britain i my (pretty generic for an avid tumblr user tbh) interest aRe -all that 'emo' shit (yanno what i'm on about) alongside a healthy serving of troye sivan, dodie, and deh and hamilton (and probably some more i forgot) -tV SHoW, sherlock, 13rw, riverdale, stranger things, lucifer and more that i cba to add -bOokS i like many (honestly take a guess from what uk already it'll probs be right) -i play instruments (pretty shittily bUt still) -i watch youtube (just take a guess, you'll possibly be right) idgaf about race gender sexuality n shit (coming from an indian panromantic who doesn't quite know their gender [im biologically female]) u can talk to me on: tumblr - notsocialsakshi (but we all know that it's pretty shit so pls use something else) instagram -notsocialsakshi (do u see a trend in the users huh) snapchat - sakshi.killjoy (hAh i HAD U FOOLED) (this ones the most preferable) aaaaaanywhoooo talk to me, it'll probably be a little awkward at first and maybe instead of saying hi ask me a random question or start ranting about how (spn s11 spoilers ahead) chARLIE DESERVED BETTER DAMMIT and we can go from there warning i swear, use caps (because that's how i scream when texting) make mildly inappropriate jokes and wayyy too many references. and i get ~quite~ heated about certain topics sooooo if that ain't ok with u then 🤷🏽‍♀️ snapchat me and we'll see what happens cya soon :3 pls live in the u.k. and don't be over 16 k thanks for ur time carry on (mY WAYWARD SOOOOON) looking at j2m gifs
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super-not-naturall · 7 years
Alphabet Game
I was tagged by the oh-so-amazing @assbutt-still-in-hell
A- age: 19 (20 on July 17th!!)
B- biggest fears: helplessness . . .
C- current time: 10:05pm
D- drink you last had: Starbucks passion tea with lemonade
E- everyday starts with: Hitting snooze as many times as I can
F- favorite song: You can’t ask me to give you just one favorite song! That’s not fair! Uhh right now I’ve been obsessed with The Night We Met, Kiss me Deadly, Night Bus, and Home for Fall
G- ghosts, are they real?: I know this is probably going to sound stupid coming from a Supernatural fan, but I don’t believe in them. I think a lot of times they are demons, not ghosts.
H- hometown:  Avoca, NY. AKA middle of fucking nowhere.
J- jealous of: Literally everyone who is able to meet J2M
K- killed someone: Not yet, but if these men keep coming up to me and mansplaining my car to me, that might change.
L- last time you cried: I actually don’t remember . . .
M- middle name: Renae
N- number of siblings: 1/2 (He’s my half brother.)
O- one wish:  Meet the SPN cast (This was Ass-butt-still-in-hell’s answer but I’m keeping it because I agree.)
P- person you called or texted last: My best friend Emma to the Lee
Q- questions you are always asked: “Wait, you’re a Christian? But you’re not judgy!” Like, Christianity isn’t supposed to be judgy, people. Only God can judge, not humans.
R- reasons to smile: Sam winchester, supernatural in general, all of you beautiful people on here, puppies (any dog actually), and J2M’s families always make me smile.
S- song you last sang: In the Night
T- time you last woke up: 11:45
U- underwear color: Orange and gray
V- vacation destination: London or anywhere in the UK
W- worst habit: Biting my lips/peeling the skin off my lips
X- any x-rays: I’ve had so many; feet, stomach, ankles, my arm, my wrist, i had a chest x-ray twice.
Y- your favorite food: Pasta, like EVERY TYPE OF PASTA
Z- zodiac: Cancer
I’m tagging (if you choose to do so) @sammy-moo @because-sam-winchester and @impala-dreamer if y’all want.
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