#JK and JM choose to share a car
I know tkk were together quite a lot during their solo time, but jikk have been together for majority of the past 10 years. And I am not talking about the official content. Whenever any member took group selfies or videos, they were always the ones always sitting and standing together and tae always far in the corner. There have been so many jikk selfies throughout the years posted by jk himself, they were spotted so many times either alone or with friends. Do you really want to believe that everything was just bh trying to "promote the official ship"?
Them being closer can be termed as friends but why was tae never with jk in these scenarios? People did believe that tkk weren't close bcs of everything they've seen in the past few years. Jk himself said that he didn't talk to anyone except for hobi and jm when they were on that break. Even on jk's graduation jm was the one who was stuck to his side throughout the day. Tae was only on the sidelines with the other members. Tae and jk might've gotten closer during the last year or so but I don't believe that they were as close as jk and jm. Every footage from the past so many years can't be a lie. Tae is rarely seen with jk when they hang out as a group. It's always jk and jm. I don't think that jk and jm are a couple, but I really don't believe that jk and tae are either
"I know tkk were together quite a lot during their solo time"
And from the members own mouths, in 2016, 17,18,19,20 etc…
"but jikk have been together for majority of the past 10 years."
Errr nope
"And I am not talking about the official content. Whenever any member took group selfies or videos, they were always the ones always sitting and standing together and tae always far in the corner."
Not always, but keep believing it. Also lets remember the bit about offical content... you said it not me.
"There have been so many jikk selfies throughout the years posted by jk himself, they were spotted so many times either alone or with friends."
And? Friends hang out all the time.
"Do you really want to believe that everything was just bh trying to "promote the official ship"?!
No, but in offical content there is a push to highlight Brimothy moreso than any other ship. FACT.
"Them being closer can be termed as friends but why was tae never with jk in these scenarios?"
He and Tae have been you just CHOOSE to not acknowledge it, hell in the past 24hrs after much whohar from the fandom about who JK was not with Tae and Hobi after the beach photo, then today Disney docu series drops another episode that proved they were, and has shown that before and during most of lockdown Brian lived alone not in the Dorm (with JK) like was offically stated. Also, notice who in the last two episodes we've seen that TK are practically beside each all the time and Dum dum dum… TK have even shared a car during periods (2017-2019) where we were told by most Brimothys and other ARMY they never did share a car.
"People did believe that tkk weren't close bcs of everything they've seen in the past few years."
Everything they seen from BigHit yes… and also if a closeted celeb wants to hide stuff, they'll keep things on the DOWN LOW…
"Jk himself said that he didn't talk to anyone except for hobi and jm when they were on that break."
OH I must of missed that time when JK (in a WLive) had said he hadn't talked to Brian in a couple of months… you know the same time period he was seen and spent time with Tae, Hobi and the WOOGA Squad… a lot.
"Even on jk's graduation jm was the one who was stuck to his side throughout the day. Tae was only on the sidelines with the other members."
I thought we weren't just looking at BH content? (see I told we'd come back to this) Because there is content and photos that show other sides to that graduation, you just CHOOSE to ignore it. Google is your friend.
"Tae and jk might've gotten closer during the last year or so but I don't believe that they were as close as jk and jm. Every footage from the past so many years can't be a lie."
Bullshit, also again with offical footage?
ALL the members between 2017 and 2019, constantly say that JK and Tae are always together and practically the same person, both is what they liked and how they tought. Additionally, if they needed to contact JK it was best to contact Tae, because it seems they were always together, at least according to the memberr, and that suggests a closeness that other members don't have.
Also, nevermind that 2018 without security or staff JK and Tae went for a meal at a resturant and were photographed by fans. OR that JK and Tae cried TOGETHER about possible disbanding and were both sent the exact SAME TEXT from Yoongi. Forget about the that time when JK and Tae we caught by a Redbull van in Malta, or that they both went on a moonlight walk together.
OR how about the time when Tae won a prize that included a holiday, both he and JK went on said holiday together... ALONE
And most of that is from Non-offical content. But even in offical content there are examples of their closeness, people just choose to ignore it. OR even the muliple times between 2015 and 2020 they were spotted together by K Army, including trips to the cinema, holidays to Jeju and Geoje.
"Tae is rarely seen with jk when they hang out as a group."
If you say so… though that Disney documentary series paints a different picture as do the many bangtan bombs and Bon Vogages & In the Soops.
"It's always jk and jm."
No it's not…, but keep believing it.
"I don't think that jk and jm are a couple, but I really don't believe that jk and tae are either"
And that's fine, I'm not asking you to believe TK is a couple. But to say that JK and Tae have never been close prior to Festa 2022 (the start of the break) is bullshit.
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lajikookbolala · 11 months
"It's just weird how jungkook chooses his bestie taehyung over his bf." I can't think of a single instance of jk "choosing" tae over jm. Taking the same car isn't choosing shit. We have no idea why they shared a car (not that it matters). Did jk personally tell you he had the chance of sharing a car with jm but chose tae instead? Didn't think so. Also it has NOT been proven that jm went to ny for his schedule, we literally still don't know anything about it. Why don't y'all stop talking out of you ass? If the only way to "disprove" jikook is spewing this bs then I have bad news for you..
I can always rely on my Jkkr Anons to speak straight facts.
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marengogo · 2 years
NAKED - 2: Lips on Neck
Clarity - by Saleka  [CLARITY]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
I know. I know. I know. My next post was supposed to be about Jikook and the Art of Silence … but I am INFJ-T … so I follow my feelings (for the most part) and as a result, I’d like to talk about that particular occurrence in the lives of JM and JK for a second. All that chest, waist, butt and neck talk made me rethink about Hickeygate!
Like I do, in this come naked second of the blog, I’d like to begin with stripping them down of EVERYTHING that has happened to them previous to the day in which JK, at the time a 23 year old young man, vocalist of a band named BTS, came out of a car with a mark on his neck, ready to go to rehearsal. Soon after him, from the same car, out came another young man by the name of JM, also a vocalist for the same band. If I may add, the fact that they came out of the same car should also be stripped down from this story and simply regarded as facts. 
This information is being given to us through a compilation provided to us by the company of said band, HYBE. The DVD/compilation is called “BTS Memories of 2020” and it is paid content (there is a whole can of worms about paid content, but this is not for today’s essay…), which is edited by HYBE and mostly directed to ARMY, who are BTS’ fans BUT … we already know aaaaall of that right? So we shall not go deep into the various objective of this DVD, as this is about the two boys: Jungkook and Jimin.
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When the cameraman addresses JK, who is monitoring JM’s rehearsal and asks him what happened to his neck, the young man said and I quote -
JK: “Yesterday, Jiminie-hyung and I played around while having drinks. Jiminie-hyung got dizzie and bit me. He bit me and it became like this”
 Translation: phorenJJ
In the following scene Jimin is confronted with regards to JK’s mark. This time, the cameraman chooses a different approach and questions JM while he is in the company of JK and two other bandmates (Tae and Jin). JM replies and I quote:
Jimin: “... Jungkookie carried me and kept on going round and won’t let me down so I bit”
Translation: phorenJJ
From both boys’ versions of the event at some point: Jimin’s teeth were on Jungkook’s neck as they both used the word bite. Now I know it didn’t look like a bite. To many, including myself, it looked like a hickey BUT, let's strip them down of that as well. OK? Teeth are located inside the mouth, right? And the mouth is made of lips, just like an ass is made of buttcheecks. Thus, let’s chalk it up to the fact that, at some point during that night, JM's lips were on JK’s neck.
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Now, let’s take a second. Let’s imagine. You’ve been drinking. For those who have never drank, it makes you feel lighter, it lowers inhibitions, and the more your drink the less you can control your bodily functions as well; you really need to concentrate in order to do something properly.  
Let’s take a step back. Jungkook and Jimin are bandmates but also friends. In a location that is not provided to us, they were drinking, alone, as Tae and Jin seem to have no idea of what was going on. How do you drink with your friends? I'm usually seated at a table on a chair, so are my friends / friend. Some might be on a table, or by a window etc. But each on their own. And we are not talking about drinking while watching a movie or doing something else, because that is another situation and I do believe it would have been mentioned. This was just a drinking and talking night, it seems. Now here comes the piece of information we do not have: How did JM end up getting carried by JK?
Take a second and let’s continue to try to imagine. What could have made JK want to get up and carry JM? ...
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So let’s change the scenario. Let’s have them standing, what could have made them be standing? Maybe JM observed that JK now is so strong that he can carry him for example like he does in No more Dream! He knows, JK knows. So … would they need to demonstrate the fact to themselves? I’d say no, but they’ve drank, so for the sake of argument let’s say that JM wants to have JK show him how easily he can carry him … for some reason … and JK agrees. They both stand up and JK carries JM bridal style. Cool. Yeah, cool but apparently there was spinning.
… Let’s keep imagining. 
Once being carried, (not for the first time because Jungkook has carried Jimin bridal style many times) they both confirm and can see that Jungkook can carry Jimin, but for some reason JK decides that it is a good idea to start spinning them. Now mind you, they have both been drinking at this point and the last thing you want to do is start spinning. Like, I’m what you call a liquor enthusiast (... to put it nicely 😬…) and TRUST MY PEOPLE, spinning is really the last thing you want to be doing as the brain and the body would not sync and lots can happen from dizziness to throwing up. 
… but let’s keep imagining.
At some point during this very controlled, yet under the influence, rendition of No More Dream, JM decides that he wants to get down but JK doesn’t let him. From what we’ve observed JM usually pats JK’s chest to let him down, which he probably tried that night without avail. At which point, apparently we are still spinning (JK is Clark Kent …) and the next thing JM thinks is to bite him. Except, there are no teeth marks at all BUT we will call it a bite mark. JK must have not felt the bite at all or maybe didn’t mind it, and for his neck to get that bruise it means JM was on the neck for more than 15sec at least… after which we have no idea what happened. All we know is that they both showed up together to rehearsal with a clear mark which JK could have covered but didn’t. I’ll get back to this but before this, let’s take a quick step back and rely on some good ol’ physics real quick
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Have you ever been on a spinning ride? If you haven't, what happens is that you will be kept closer to the outer edges of what is spinning because of the centrifugal force, which depending on its strength, would make it very hard for you to reach the centre of whatever is spinning. In the bridal spin situation, JK was the center and JM was at the edge of “the ride” and depending on how fast JK was spinning, it would have been hella hard for JM to reach JK’s neck. Now let’s say that JK was spinning him slowly … 
try to imagine two tipsy grown ass men slowly spinning in the middle of a room, alone, while one is being carried bridal style and reaching out to bite the spinner in order to make him stop … LOL.
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This is not just JM calling JK cute, or JK slapping JM’s but, or JM pinching JK’s cheeks, or JK shaking JM’s hands. This is literally JM’s lips and tongue (now stay with me on the PG lane please! 👮) on JK’s neck, and no matter how blurry the concept of personal space is for every member in that band, they do have boundaries. We don’t know in fact if JM spent the night or if the same car did its rounds to go pick them up from separate locations … but that really doesn’t matter does it? As we get back to our speculation of what might have happened, let’s imagine JK, waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror and finding that mark on his neck. We all know that JK has plenty of makeup available, because of work but also personal choice, so covering that up was definitely going to be
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... but he didn’t.
And here come my thoughts - JKK_OBSERVATION_5.mg - Part of me thinks that if it were left to himself, when asked about the “bite”, he’d just say that Jimin bit him, but JM had them agree on a story to go with. And it wasn’t like the area hurt or anything, homeboi was touch the hell out of the mark and the whole day the only people that were allowed to touch that “bite” were the bitten (JK) and the biter (JM), now I ask you, if this were just some messing around among friends as some are trying really hard to make it look like, would JK be so sensitive about who touches a non important mark on his neck? I also feel like lowkey (highkey) JK was kinda proud and happy about being able to just walk around with that bite on his neck, I think that was a personal important moment for himself. Not sure what Jimin thought but as the biter he couldn’t quiet dictate how the bitten handled his body, right? Many will also downplay the meaning of a hickey, but let me tell you, just like when you write your name on something to make sure people know it is yours, if you apply that concept from human to human, I can guarantee you, there is nothing remotely platonic about leaving one's own mark on someone else’s body. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. 
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And that’s all from me!
About to go watch Eternals with a cheap Cabernet Sauvignon, 
Always respectfully Yours,
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jazeejae · 1 year
To justanarchive1 You mentioned... 4. Now this is the most important. If JK is with Tae every time he gives updates, then there's nothing, we as Ji’kookers can complain about. We may think what Tae is doing is not nice BUT it's JK who's still choosing to do everything he shared with Tae. Tae is NOT lying about these things. All of this indeed happened (except tattoo thing). So, which is worse. Spending all time with one person or the said person saying it online? In this sense, Tae is not doing anything wrong, even if he has a hidden agenda. It was JK who spend days and hours gaming with Tae, it is JK who goes bowling with his friends, it's JK who posted a cropped pic of their private trip, it's JK who went to Tae before he went to Qatar or even the day JM was returning home from Paris. It was JK who didn't support JM's work online, it was JK who's going shopping with Tae. if JK likes to do everything with him, except coming online to say a Hi to his own fans or at least give 2 fucks about Jimin's existence, Tae is simply making it online. Not pulling lies out of his ass. I, JaZee Jae, disagree with #4 above in bold letters: Is this your opinion or a Tae’Kookers opinion? JK is not with Tae, it is Tae that comes to JK! Didn’t JK ask Tae, why is he there? I also feel that Tae knows what he is doing whether we think it is nice or not. JK is on a Live Stream with 10,000+ fans watching him, he is not going to show dissent toward Tae. Can you imagine how many fans will cause drama if he did? C’mon now we must think better.  You mentioned: “Tae is NOT lying about these things”.  What things?  Tae has a habit of telling fibs here and there.  Did you witness JK and Tae gaming with each other and if you did how much time was spent besides what Tae said on a Live Stream who mentioned JK but no proof of JK was physically present and so, it is nothing but hearsay.  Show the cropped photo of their private trip.  Show proof that JK was with Tae before Qatar!  You can’t make assumptions by hearsay.  #4 is laughable, really, JK didn’t support JM, how do you know this?  Did you attach a listening device on JK or a tracking meter on the car he is riding in?  How do you know he went shopping with Tae, were you there or did you hear Tae say that?  LoL, How do you know that Tae is not feeding his fans B.S.? If this was a court case... it would be dismissable!
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kanmom51 · 3 years
JM JK timeline - my observations how they grew over the years
JM JK timeline.- my observations how they grew over the years
 Disclaimer: these are my own opinions and conclusions.  Feel free to disagree, but hate or aggression will be unacceptable.
This is coming out so much longer than I anticipated, so please accept my apology in advance, I will have to post this in several parts (not sure yet how many).
Part 1
I have been wanting to tackle this for a while now.  
I have read many post on this matter.  Many believe their relationship started during the 2017 trip to Tokyo - that they ‘decided to become boyfriends’ during that trip.  I may be the unpopular vote here, but I tend to disagree on the matter.
While the 2017 trip did cement the relationship and strengthen it (I mean they finally got to have a few days of total privacy, being themselves alone with each other, with no outside interference), in my opinion, it most definitely was not the start of the romantic relationship between them. It was not a catalyst that brought them to the decision to have a full blown relationship.  
I find it  hard to make analogies to dating stages when it comes to JK and JM, because I believe we actually can’t in this case.  It’s so different.  These are two young men that spent their formative years together.  For JK Jimin was there throughout his defining teenage years, both of them becoming young adults living under the same roof, being together almost 24/7, going through all the hardships in the early years together.  Sharing all the highs and lows together.  You can’t compare that to someone that meets and starts dating, gets to know each other and so forth.  There is no comparison what so ever.  
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Another misconception, in my opinion, is that JK didn’t like JM at the start, some even going so far as to say he hated him.  I don’t want to come out rude, but bollox.  JK was very young when he joined BTS, just at the start of his defining puberty years.  He was the youngest in the group and he struggled with finding his place, struggled with defining who he was, what he actually wanted to do, what he wanted for himself.  He found an older brother in Jin.  He found someone to look up to in RM.  He found someone to fool around with in Tae.  He looked up to Hobi and Suga, and they also tried to help him and guide him through his struggles. Fans saw these connections.  The fans also saw Jimin being super friendly, maybe over friendly, with JK, constantly saying how cute he is and how much he likes JK.  They saw what they perceived as a tug of war with Jimin, when Jimin is pushing onto JK and JK looks like he is pushing him back, like he wasn’t interested what so ever.  But this was mainly due to tendentiously edited clips.
Before writing these lines I made sure to go over chronological footage.  Starting with pre debut.  Seeing all this raw, unedited footage, and reading members interviews they gave just reinforced my disagreement with the ‘JK hated Jimin’ concept. It can’t be further than the truth. 
Jimin to JK was sort of a fresh breath of air from home.  Both of them from the same hometown.  JK having an older brother and JM missing his younger brother.  They both loved dancing.  They both worked their butts off.  It was an instant connection.  From the get go Jimin was a rock for JK, someone JK could talk to, rely on, practice with, someone that had a great influence on JK.  
JK was a shy introvert teenager, he didn’t know how to show vulnerability, he didn’t know how to show affection, and also I think Jimin’s level of openness and true affection towards him may have overwhelmed him.  In a later interview JK tells how he used to feel he had to wear a mask, not being able to be himself.  Not knowing how to behave in social environments, what was expected of him as ‘a man’ (when writing this the ‘men shouldn’t check their selfies’ conversation with Jimin comes to mind) .  So, he may have pushed back on occasions. Jimin’s affection and openness overwhelmed him.  But Jimin was the one to comfort him when he missed his parents, and cried at night.  Jimin was the one he spoke to when he was questioning his career decisions .  
It was hard for him to say or show Jimin that he liked him, that he needed his attention and friendship, but he did.  The most telling was when JM on Rookie King Ep. 4 (starting 23.07min) got up and sounded his frustration with the way JK was treating him.  I think he was actually caught off guard when JK, being honest, replied to Jimin tirade that he behaves the way he does because he likes him too much. That was certainly an eye opener. 
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The episode was aired in May 2014!!! I keep saying over and over again: Listen to what they are saying!!!
Establishing the fact that JK and JM were close from the get go, I will move on to another conclusion I made that is a base for my timeline, another reason why I feel some of the timelines out there are incorrect.   
JK and JM’s love story is not one of “love at first sight” or physical attraction that leads to dating, getting to know one another and finally love.  It is my belief that JM and JK loved each other before they started exploring their physical attraction.  The closest analogy I can make is a romantic relationship that buds out of a great friendship.  When someone is your best friend, when you love them for who they are, when you know them in and out for all they are, including their faults, before you realise that you are physically attracted to them, that’s when love is so strong that there is almost nothing that can break it.  I believe that is the nature of JK and JM’s love, and that is why my timeline doesn’t fit other timelines out there.  There wasn’t a flirting period, a dating period, a relationship period etc.  Their relationship doesn’t fit those moulds. Yes there was flirting.  Yes there was hesitance moving forward once they realised they actually liked each other on a different level.  But it wasn’t within those ‘relationship moulds’ that are referred to in different posts.
Also, we need to remember that they weren’t going through all of this in a vacuum.  Both boys were in a boy band of 7 members.  All seven members very close to each other and love each other in their own ways.  Anything JM and JK did, any step they made towards each other could have a rippling effect on their friends, on their band, on their careers.  Add to that the fact that it was a ‘forbidden’ relationship, that not only is it a gay relationship frowned upon in SK society (frowned upon is putting it very lightly.  Being in a gay relationship could be so risky for them both.  Risky not only to their careers but also for their physical safety), but also, as idols, romantic relationships were a big no no. And what about their families? How would they take it? Will they accept them? They were young men that had to deal with all these issues, all while finding their way to each other.
 So, where do I stand when it comes to defining this love story’s timeline?
It’s hard to tell.  
That was a truly shitty answer, I know. LOL
We will never really know the accurate timeline, not unless JM and JK decide to share it with us one day.
But I’m not going to chicken out, not now.
I am going to tell you what I believe is more or less the timeline of progression in the relationship.
Saying that, I’m not going to get into too many details because that’s just wrong.  It feels too voyeur to me.
And here we go:
From re-watching old content,  I see a shift in JK towards the end of 2014 (maybe even mid 2014 during American Hustle Life).  He becomes ‘nicer’, in a way, towards Jimin, doesn’t stop teasing him though (sometimes as a guise to seek Jimin’s attention though, rather than laugh at him). He also becomes clingier.  Almost every shot taken he is by JM’s side, behind him or in his close vicinity.  He is seeking out JM’s attention.
20 Nov 2014 there is another ‘Looks ranking’ (during the Pops in Seoul War of hormone interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4JO1GxTKXI starting from 2.39min).  I find this one interesting.  Once again, JK ranks Jimin last, while ranking himself 6th. Jimin is evidently hurt by the ranking. You can see it on his face.  It felt like he was truly disappointed and hurt by what JK did.  I tried to find remorse on JK’s part, but couldn’t.  He finds it funny, or so it seems.  Did he rank JM last because he was the easiest to appease later? Did he do it to hide his growing attraction? We will never know.  I don’t think that he wants to hurt Jimin, I don’t even think he is aware just how badly he did hurt him. What is evident to me, in any case, is that at this point he still lacks the empathy and sensitivity towards Jimin and his feelings.  This is something that will develop later on in JK’s behaviour towards him.
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This leads into the beginning of 2015.  Remember JM’s Bangtan bomb from January 2015, seeking out JK for an interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2JphzsaTIE )? How Jimin is adamant he is seeking out JK, who is avoiding him, and Tae’s teasing repetitively: “avoids?”.  Tae repeats this laughingly 4 times.  After a couple of times Jimin says it’s a joke, but after the fourth he actually turns sharply towards Tae, as if to wack him, saying again it’s a joke, making Tae giggle and say “sorry, sorry”.  From their interaction it’s totally clear that JK far from avoids Jimin.  The teasing way Tae repeats it 4 times shows us quite the contrary.  Not only doesn’t JK avoid JM, he seeks him out.  And what we can see from the clips around that time just strengthen that conclusion.  JK is constantly around Jimin.  He is the one that is seeking out JM’s closeness.  
Something else I noticed from this clip is how JK doesn’t flinch at the end when Jimin asks for a kiss and goes in for the kill.  I think Jimin was expecting JK to push back immediately, but that doesn’t happen.  After a couple of seconds JK does flinch, but not at the beginning.  It could be because he was surprised by JM’s move, but JM did say he wanted a kiss, and it wasn’t the first time he pulled a stunt like that.  JK also laughs at the end, after pushing back, unlike previous reactions, when he just seemed annoyed.  JK’s reaction just seemed different to me. This is only a nuance, and I might be wrong.
Next jump is towards mid 2015.  During this period between the start and mid of 2015 JK’s attraction to JM really shows. He just can’t keep his eyes or hands off him. He is most obviously attracted to him. Has he come to terms with it? I think he is still in turmoil at this point.  Not clear with himself what this is he is feeling, is it ok to feel this, and are his feelings going to be reciprocated.  Thinking about the situation he is in, how isolated he probably thought he was, is heartbreaking. It’s not that he had any one he could confide in within the group (not about that). He had to work it all out by himself. The person that he usually confided in, the one that he allowed to see him in his weaknesses was the person he had these feelings for.
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  Some examples:  BTS Bomb after KBS music bank 1st place 9 May 2015 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV3vIYdTNIU from 4.36min) – moody JK when he’s eyeing Jimin interacting with Hobi and Jin, also the way JK averts his eyes when Jimin looks his way. He’s not happy. Mood changes when Jimin pays him attention pulling him by his shirt.  
BTS Yeoeuido Fansign 4th July -  2015.  https://twitter.com/i/status/775127718409150464   Very well known clip.  JK outright getting pissed off when RM puts his arm around Jimin and pulls him closer. Jimin calls out to JK several times, and JK ignores him, until Jimin asks the fans if they want to see JK send them a heart.  JK, with straight face, not a hint of a smile on his face, does the heart.  RM’s reaction also quite peculiar, removing his hand from Jimin after seeing JK’s reaction.  I recommend to watch the whole clip.  JK’s facial expression changes immediately after turning and watching Hobi, but then becomes solemn again when turning back looking at RM and JM, staring at JM as he gets up.
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I bring up this example again, because I feel like this is a transition stage, when JK is finding it hard to come to terms with what he is feeling, but it is effecting his surroundings, that are becoming aware there might be something going on with him.  I don’t think that at this point JM is fully understands what is going on with JK, why he is acting all hot and cold.  I mean, like the other members, he might suspect that something is  going on, but feelings have not been made clear yet.
Somewhere between then and 29 Aug 2015 I think something changes.  I know the theory is that JK was shocked by Jimin fainting during their Osaka fan meeting on the 20th August 2015 and decided to make his move, referencing to the 20th Aug fanmeeting, JK stopping by Jimin’s side singing the lyrics of the song to him.  Jimin does seem pleased by it, but still I can’t say if that is actually the case.
Saying that, I do see a shift during the HK concert on 29th Aug 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPta9bGWmG8 .  During the performance of ‘Pretty woman’ (from 0.34min) there is a pretty intense, even sultry, staring moment that just feels is different.  The way they are looking at each other is just telling.  Following we can see Jimin checking out JK a couple of times, so much so that Tae notices it at some point.  That is the moment that I saw that something has changed.
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To be continued...
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
In free fire tae said he and jk are playing games TOGETHER.....ohh where is jikook?? Hahahah taekook are always together when it is off cam Not Your jikook who only interact when they see camera lol . If jm said that jk would have come up with excuses 'i play with him bcz i was bored' 'bcz his room was closest' 😂😂😂😂 but it was TAE and did u saw jk's reaction ?? He was so happy and looking at tae with loving eyes.🐰🐻
Okay, Anon. If that’s how you interpret their relationship, I’m not out to convince you otherwise. You could very well be right, and everything I’ve seen up until now between JK and Jimin was all a big act.
It seems strange to me, if I had a boyfriend I was always delighted to be with, that I couldn’t walk a few doors down to hang out in his hotel room (or any other members’ hotel room) instead of Jimin’s. Kinda weird that I wouldn’t spend my nights glued to such an attractive boyfriend, but instead waste countless hours night after night playing games, working out, drinking, doing karaoke, eating food, teaching my dog tricks, and horsing around together with Jimin just out of boredom (Tae is hardly boring, after all)! Bit odd to visit Jimin “morning, noon, and night”—to the point where my supposed boyfriend was confused enough to think Jimin’s room was my room. Also puzzling to go get tattoos together with Jimin recently, on my personal time, when I didn’t have to. Really a bit strange, to hang out on White Day with Jimin and not my (alleged) boyfriend (when none of us were on the clock).
Strange, but not impossible. Jimin has taken a huge step back from social media (probably because of all the hateful comments). He and JK haven’t mentioned hanging out in 2022, whereas JK and Tae talked about shopping, going to a fortune teller, and boxing and gaming together. (EDIT: apparently boxing is an unconfirmed theory and shopping was also not clearly done together, nor is it clear if they both consulted a fortune teller together—I’m really sorry, didn’t realize I might be spreading misinformation!)
Maybe when they talk about hanging out and do skinship and soft looks on vlives and social media it’s totally unconscious (and NOT for the sake of the cameras/attention, the way you think it must be just fanservice if it were Jimin and JK doing that stuff). Or maybe it’s all real for all three guys. Or maybe none of it is.
It’s totally fine by me if you take into account all the evidence and conclude Taekook is real and Jikook is not (or was real, but the ship died). No one knows but the members, so all any of us can do is look at what they do show us and choose our beliefs based on what resonates with us.
But, if you’re right, why so gleeful about it? What are you trying to “win” by declaring Taekook spends more time together off camera? Do you think so little of Jungkook that you believe he’d spend years interacting with Jimin only for the sake of the cameras? That he would let Tae (his supposed lover—who we all know is a sweet and sensitive soul) watch him cuddle, hug, piggyback, waltz, hold hands, give gifts, travel with, compliment, and wait for hours just to share a car ride home with another man, with no regard to Tae’s feelings? You must not think much of JK.
There also seems to be such resentment toward Jimin and his bond (or lack there of?) with Jungkook—but why? JK and Tae have both consistently expressed genuine affection and admiration for Jimin—why do you believe either of them would only want to hang out with Jimin when a camera is on? Do you think they are liars? Do you think V spent 2+ hours in a private FaceTime call with Jimin when Jimin was in the hospital but has no real love for him? They are all millionaires with international fan followings and billboard topping hits—they don’t need to pretend or perform relations to make money or get famous. There is just no reason behind such an exhausting charade.
So, why did you feel the need to seek out a stranger’s blog, and tell them their belief in the Jeon Park bond is wrong? And in such a smarmy, somewhat hostile way? Do you believe Tae and JK would be proud of the way you’ve represented them in this ask?
Hmm. Maybe try a little kindness, or at least civility, next time you engage someone about BTS. It’s absolutely okay if you look at social media and official content and conclude Taekook is real—your ship is valid!! Tae and JK have a real and beautiful bond. A bond that Jimin himself tried to encourage and enhance. You don’t need to try to make others “lose” just so your faves can “win.”
Please enjoy your ship, and don’t waste your time and energy worrying about Jikook or people who enjoy Jikook.
Life is too short and full of too much real heartache to compare our blessings and wish each other ill. Instead of arguing, let’s lift each other up!
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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Why did Jungkook not want to be on Jimin's team in the last run episode? He has changed a lot from before. Thoughts.
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My first thought is, you don't gotta interpret everything in a negative light.
Not every strong reaction is a bad reaction.
I'd be a phony ass fraud if I sat here and told you with my two thumbs that I didn't raise a brow at that moment. I did.
Especially when you contrast that episode with run 112 which falls on all fours with this current situation- ok may not all fours.
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But in that video, like many others, RM had suggested they form teams based on the sunglasses they wore, just as he had suggested they form teams based on the seating arrangements.
Of course he'd meant it as a Joke just as we discussed in a previous blog post. Personally, I expected they make a draw, rock papers or even dance in circles like they did in the other episode to decide who got who in the competition.
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But it seems in all the times he's been paired with JM he's been supper thrilled about it. He even warned the members not to underestimate him and JM when they'd unanimously concluded they were the disadvantaged team in the game- Jin not even bothering to ask them what their scores were on Korean.
He reset the timer to 10 seconds when Jk pointed out he wasn't good at reading fast
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When the time stopped and they were asked to make a team of four, he turned to find JM almost immediately as if to make sure JM was part of the four, he held on to his arm to prevent RM from breaking the link.
He was supposed to pair with Yoongi and Jimin with Tae but he didn't even try to find Suga. At least V did try to find Jimin. He moved towards JM and when he realized JK was hugging him he went for Suga.
Throughout the episode he was giving JM tips on how to cheat and shot when he wasn't sure of the answers.
Yet in the last run, he didn't seem as enthusiastic about being paired with JM- or so, he'd have us believe. Smirk.
He ain't slick. Lol.
To me he seemed, on the surface of it, either really salty about the others having Jin or RM on their teams or upon reflection, just plain ass overcompensating for something.
I'd go with the later.
It's similar to how, Jimin got the Sauna card and he'd complained about not liking the Sauna but then swapped cards with Tae so he could be on JM's team.
Or how he'd make a theatrical show of wanting to win a competition but smirk satisfactorily to himself when he loses.
I really don't think it's a big deal.
Personally, I love watching them paired up and doing such activities. It's a great way to see how they work together as partners and as a team.
It's also a great way for them to spend time with eachother, enjoy eachother, nurture their bond and strengthen their relationship.
Fanservice or not, scripted or not, you cannot deny that spending time together doing activities together is good for building a relationship.
They spend a considerable about of time together off cameras but a lot of their time is spent on cameras and at work.
They gotta find a way to make their relationship work on the work as I keep saying. All that 'fanservice' people say they are doing? That's them making it work. They gotta find a way to go on dates, feed eachother, hold each other's hands, tell Jokes, laugh at eachother's jokes, express their attraction for each other, flirt, share eachother's interests and do things couples do without inviting public scrutiny to their every interaction and invasion of their privacy.
So where they see an opportunity they go for it. For JK it's the the little decisions he makes on their behalf like choosing where they will sleep, what activities they can do together, wanting the bigger room, making sure JM wins the presidential suite, or choosing a room detached from the other rooms.
He invests in his relationship the best way he can. Same goes for Jimin.
I keep saying this whole fanservice culture is a win win situation for them- for even any queer idol couple in the same band.
What seem like a challenge could technically be an opportunity for a date for them without dispatch breathing down their necks.
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A typical example would be this. Jimin said he wanted to go get Yoga with the others but ended up going with YoonKook on their brewery excursion.
The more time they spend together, on and off cameras the more closer they get and the more they get to know eachother on a deeper level.
But you have to bare in mind, they need their personal spaces too in order for their relationship to function properly.
Jimin used can be very needy in his relationship but for the most part he enjoys his independence too.
Jk has always had a strong sense of independence but he can equally be quote needy and over attached once he is in a relationship- especially when things are going great for him.
Spending time apart, persuing personal goals and interest is good for them.
If it helps, think of moments when they hang around eachother as Jikook dates and when they hang quietly in the background of videos do think of those as them having their me times at work...
Would they miss an opportunity to 'date' or hang privately with eachother? I don't think so.
It's in their dicks interests and the interest of whole production team and crew to allow them to be around eachother as often and as much as they want and can.
I for one, I'm not prepared to sit through yet another excruciating episode of Jungkook wanting Jimin- physically and emotionally. I'm still dealing with the PTSD from the last BonV four episodes.
Y'all buy me Ko-fi please. I don't intend to sit through that shit sober.
If Jk is pushing to be on JM's team and what not it's mostly because he feels he needs to spend more time with him. If he's not pushing for that it just means he or they are both allowing for space and room in their relationship for eachother to pursue other activities and interests or even connect with other members- unless of course they are having relationship problems which I don't think is the case.
Jimin is particularly good at this.
He goes out of his way to nurture his relationship with the others even on set.
He does this especially with Tae.
He'd take Tae to go see places he and JK had already been to, he'd request to take pirate rides with Tae- even though JK is available and won't hesitate to let him know, he often make plans involving Tae or even the others- in Soop when Tae asked him to go ride around the town with him he chose to stay and manspread on Jin and Yoongi. *I'm cackling. Lmho.
Jimin is a funny guy.
Now does this mean he doesn't like spending time with Tae or that he's changed? Hell no.
Hell, Tae does the same thing from time to time too. I mean when he found out he had picked a Sauna card he asked to swap it knowing very well Jimin had picked that card too. Soulmates coulda soulmated that shit in hot piles of steamy.
Sure JK lurks around sometimes. He is the resident intruder stepping on Jimin's other ships' neck. Love him for this. Lol.
Perfect Disney villian.
Tae had to drag his ass away from the kitchen for intruding when he and JM were cooking in the Kitchen. Let's not talk about him physically removing him from JM's car or all the times he's complained about JK raining on his Vmin agenda.
When V wanted to be on a team with JM this man literally sabotaged him, hugging Jimin first. It's his laughter afterwards for me. Lmho.
V needs to insure his Jimin cos at this point it's trademark infringement. Hashtag soulmates. Lololol.
Jk needs to go ahead and free Vmin.
But JM does this too, in much more subtle ways- I'll never forget the look he had on his face when he had to get off the bus and walk home as punishment. It was the most heart breaking thing I ever seen.
Then he had to hang off Hobi to get JK to leave his friends and come to him.
It's why I used an ellipsis the last time I talked about Jimin being very mature now. Old Jimin would have, clapped back, made JK pay for that outburst if he genuinely thought JK meant what he said or believed JK really wanted to be on a team with someone else.
Y'all don't see him when JK compliments other people? He stays kicking his feet under the table🤣🤣🤣🤣
I used to pinch a gurl I liked when other gals talked to her when I was little- In my defense, I didn't even know I liked her or that it was straight up abuse💀
Jimin can be pretty scary and petty when he's mad or offended.
If it helps you sleep at might, think of this moment as just another one of those 'we've been a unit for so long do you wanna be with someone else now' scene from February last year.
Jk answered yes when JM asked him that. But do you really think he meant it?
Jikook is complex, not complicated.
They love eachother.
We can't be looking at their interactions as either or. Grey areas exist and it's not a negative thing.
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ladyc0312 · 3 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 91-101
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Sometimes, I think about some of the moments I list here and start to worry that I'm reading too much into things. And I'll be the first to admit that a bunch of them are ambiguous enough that reasonable people can differ in their interpretation. 
The thing about jikook, though, is that there are so many of these eyebrow-raising types of moments that you could throw out half of them and still have enough left over to think "there's something up with those two." Especially in the following episodes...
Ep 91 "Mini Golden Bell Part 1" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The ones where they make the best of sitting on the floor of an empty room and Jin and JK just barely manage to avoid murdering Tae over his less-than-excellent MC skills
03:35 - Everyone is confident that the "oh!" sound that's played is either JK or JM, but aren’t sure which is which. 
8:14 - When JM gets the right answer, JK is the only one to clap.
16:38 - JK is once again the only one to clap when JM gets an answer right.
Ep 92 "Mini Golden Bell Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
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15:00 - As he goes to measure JK's arm, JM informs everyone that JK's arms have gotten longer since he's been boxing.
15:54 - When JM keeps moving around while JK is trying to measure his arm, JK tells Suga to hold JM still. 
16:31 - When JM's arm somehow seems to get slightly shorter from his stretching, JK gets excited and calls him "Jimin" (no hyung) a few times and then "Jimin-ssi."
20:03, 20:18 - When JK is singing his karaoke love song, the other guys are all over-emoting or swaying and listening, but JM just stares straight at him (and even looks genuinely emotional?) and the camera just stops showing him at a certain point. See picture above. 
20:46 - When JK starts to criticize Suga's cham cham cham performance, Jimin tells JK to just sit down. And he does.  
BEHIND 5:48 - After RM tries to comfort JM about his short arms by saying his legs are long, JK repeats "yes, your legs are long" and then sings a lyrics with JM's name inserted ("moon, moon, what kind of moon jiminie")
Ep 93 "BTS Marble Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where I still don’t understand this game but enjoy the episodes involving it anyway
0:42: Not jikook-related, but I can't not point out the adorable moment where RM makes a pun about how Marble sounds like the way Koreans pronounce Marvel and JK says "I love you 3000" to himself. 
10:22 - JM and JK are sitting pretty close all episode, but it's particularly apparent here, where JM's arm is resting on JK's thigh as they read a question together.
10:40 - Reading the question is long done, but JM's arm remains. 
12:21 - JM pats JK's shoulder in comfort after he messes up a question.
16:14 - After the heart-making game is over, JM and JK make hearts towards each other once more.
20:21 - JK taps JM's leg while sweetly reminding him that the pedometer game is difficult. Then they lean in to strategize together. 
21:07 - JM pats JK's back when he ends up winning the pedometer game, then again when it seems like JK was tired out by it. BEHIND 1:15 - JK is sitting next to JHope in this shot. The next time we see them, JM is there instead and stays there the rest of the game.
2:10 - JK pats JM's hand after JM says that the winning team should share with the losing one so no one's feelings are hurt.
2:48 - JM appears to be sitting half in JK's lap as he explains his answer.
4:41 - JM leans into JK as he laughs. 
5:51 - Another angle of the 16:14 moment.
6:25 - JM is half in JK's lap again as they watch the other team eat snacks. When JK says it looks good, JM gets a piece for him and rather intensely watches him eat it.
8:40 - JM and JK continue working on a puzzle after the game is over. When JM solves it, he shakes his whole body and makes cute frustrated noises. JK looks like he finds it adorable (how could you not?). Jimin does it again closer to JK's face and JK looks away shyly. 
Ep 94 "BTS Marble Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
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4:20 - JM & JK trace a line with their fingers together in sync and the on-screen text informs us "two hands are moving like one hand."
7:24 - After JM and JK mess up in a game, the reach towards each other and hold each other's shoulders while collapsing in giggles onto the game board. The caption dubs them "dumb and dumber."  
16:28 - JM has his arm around JK's shoulders (while continuing from last ep to be half on his lap).
23:13 - When they're going back and forth about who should do the challenge, JM puts his hand on JK's thigh (the far one, for some reason) to tell him that he (JM) might get a leg cramp if he does it. JK does the challenge. 
24:12 - After JK loses the leg-shaking game by only one point, JM comforts him by massaging his thigh, shin, and calf.
BEHIND  0:29 - JK yells out "Jimin-ssi!!!" after JM gets an answer wrong.
1:54 - Another angle of the 7:24 collapsing together on the board moment.
4:03 - More of JM with his arm around JK.
7:48 - JM and JK stay behind to geek out together over some sort of kitchen appliance.
Ep 95 "Let's Play with BTS Part 1" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The ones where BTS play childhood games 
9:17 - JK whispers to JM to ask for clarification on the rules.
11:18 - JK falls backwards laughing and, immediately after, JM does exactly the same thing.
15:23 - JK comments on how small Jimin's hands are.
31:33 - JM shushes JK when he tries to give advice on the game.
34:32 - JK puts his hand on JM's shoulder and asks for a snack.
7:40 - JM and JK giggle together over something.
7:56 - JK wants to show JM a jacks technique.
8:18 - JM and JK giggle together again and JM puts his hand on JK's arm as they do so.
10:24 - When JK adjusts the cameras, JM says JK is the director, then congratulates him and offers him candy when he's done.
Ep 96 "Let's Play with BTS Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The one where we get the origin of “Rock Bison” - and it’s rather jikook-y!
3:18 - JM sees that JK is sad because he didn't get the top he wanted, so JM gives JK his top and takes the Rock Bison one that no one else wanted. 
11:32 - JK giggles at JM repeatedly throwing his top in the background.
22:52 - JM and JK do a weird backwards handshake before competing against each other in the eraser game.
23:56 - JK claps for JM after JM beats him in the game.
31:11 - JK consults JM on which lane to choose for his model car.
33:46 - When JM reaches out to take a box that might be heavy, JK watches and stands up as if ready to assist. BEHIND 6:51 - JM stands with his hand on JK's shoulder as they watch RM compete.
6:57 - JM holds JK's arms from behind and acts as resistance for him as he does arm-lifting exercises. 
10:19 - An off-camera JM tries to help JK figure out what's why the model car he built is so slow.
Ep 97 "Pajama Party Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 4)
The ones where the guys wear cute pajamas and yes the Behind picture in the second part is real!
5:49 - We see that JM and JK have been drawing on their socks together. More on this in the Behind...
11:14 - JK is lying in JM's lap and they're playing around with their feet. This one is also expanded in the Behind!
22:13 - JK pokes a rod he is playing with in between Jimin's asscheeks. I... have been searching for a less suggestive way to describe this accurately and I keep coming up empty. Blame JK, not me!
22:38 - Another entry in our ongoing "it's JM's fault if JK thinks everything he does is hilarious" series, JM collapses laughing when JK skips back to the group carrying a Cooky doll attached to the rod like he hunted it. (In JM's defense, JK does look incredibly adorable doing it.)
23:54 - JK reaches over and touches Jimin's hand and the camera immediately cuts to something else.  
Note: For fans of JK's satoori, it comes out multiple times in this episode when he gets frustrated with various members after they get a question wrong.
BEHIND 2:41 - JM calls for Taehyung to come sit next to him. JK does instead. 
3:04 - JM rests his foot on JK's thigh as they both draw on their socks.
4:07 - After JM finishes showing off the drawings on his socks, he points the camera to JK in full focus mode finishing his drawings and JM smiles like it's the most adorable thing ever. 
5:26 - I'm sure you've all seen this clip already somewhere, but I'll describe it anyway! After JK tucks his feet under Suga's robe, JM pulls him back so he's laying in JM's lap. JM then puts his arms around JK as he grabs his decorated socked feet to show him while making silly noises. JK then picks up his foot to show his drawn-on sock and makes a different silly noise, causing JM to giggle. The shot gets cut off mid-giggle for whatever reason...
5:53 - JM rests his foot on JM's back while he adds to his sock art. 
7:52 - When JK stretches his arm out to indicate some of the members, he maybe puts his hand on JM's back for a moment.
Ep 98 "Pajama Party Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
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You'd think this would be a super jikook-y episode given those pictures, but strangely enough, there are no moments of note in the episode itself. Since you can see the pics without watching the ep, I didn’t include them in the KM score.
BEHIND 1:20 - JM complains to JK that he hasn't gotten any answers right so far.  Some people have matched this to a round of the game in the episode itself where JK doesn't seem to be guessing as enthusiastically as he did before, perhaps in an attempt to make JM feel less bad. I mention it here because it's a theory I've seen a lot, but YMMV.
7:50 - JK shows JM that he has attached J and M balloons to his shirt while saying "JM" and "Jimin," making JM giggle. 
Ep 99 "Florists" (Ep: 5 / KM: 3)
The one where we learn that Jin probably doesn't have a future as a florist
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4:33 - When JM starts to get embarrassed because everyone is laughing about his birth flower name sounding like a dirty word in Korean, JK rubs JM's neck and then continues rubbing circles on his back for a while after, seemingly to comfort him. 
19:05 - When Jimin looks confused after RM says he comes out of a glass bowl in Serendipity, JK lightly slaps him on the chest for forgetting. It's almost like it has some sort of personal meaning to him...
28:05 - After JK presents the bouquet he made (which he says represents all different kinds of love), JM says "I think I'll love it when I get it as a present."  Translation note: As we've discussed before, Korean can be hard to translate because often pronouns are omitted. A more literal translation is "present if received will be loved." Most translations that I've seen interpret it as Jimin talking about himself as the recipient, but it's not totally clear. Mentioning this because I know I was wondering why this moment isn't talked about more, since it seems fairly suggestive that JM would assume JK was going to give him a bouquet of flowers he made.
28:38 - When JM explains what "Serendipity" means, he's looking at JK (I think - I'll be totally honest and say the angle is weird and it could be RM).
31:02 - After the florist picks J-Hope's bouquet over JK's as his favorite, JM comments that Jungkook's "looks like a real bouquet for a wedding."
Ep 100 "100th Episode Special Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where the show does enhanced editions of games previously played on the series and you will walk away with zero doubt as to whom the episodes are sponsored by
21:36 - When it looks like Suga hit Jimin with the badminton birdie, but he actually made a bad serve, JK approaches with his frying pan racket held out and an angry look on his face and starts to scold Suga.  I’ve seen this written up as a jikook moment with JK being over-protective of JM. I’m going to be totally honest with you and say that I didn’t see it that way - JK had been getting increasingly annoyed at the other team re-doing serves and my read was that the moment was more about that. Let me know if you see it differently.  Regardless, the more significant moments are the ones in the Behind...
BEHIND 4:13 - When JM is hit near the eye with the badminton birdie, JK goes over to him and checks on whether his eye was hit. JM reaches out towards him as he gets up. It's interesting to me that the others stand back and let JK be the one to check in on JM, even though Tae and Jin were both closer when it happened. 
5:03 - Not a jikook moment, but JK is doing an adorable cheerleading routine in the background here and I can't not mention it...
8:39 - When JM sees that Jin and JK aren't messing around and JK was actually hit in the nose with the volleyball, he gets serious and walks over, asking him multiple times if it hurts a lot. He ruffles JK's hair before kneeling down next to him to check in.
Ep 101 "100th Episode Special Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
17:40 - JM tells everyone JK is good at this type of game.
1:06 - JK instructs Jimin (in half-informal language) how to work the box.
5:50 - JK calls out to Jimin that his photo makes him look like he's in a cartoon (and there's a slight pause when he calls him in between "Jimin" and "hyung").
7:09 - Jimin asserts that JK does look sexy in the "sexy pose" photo. He is imho correct.
9:15 - When JM is playing around after the game is over, he calls for Jungkook to cover him
100th Episode Special: Survival Directors Cut (Ep: 2 KM: 0)
5:32 - JM covers JK with his laser gun, allowing JK to escape.  Not particularly shippy since they're on the same team, but including it for anyone who wants a visual aid for some sort of military AU...
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
The ask didn't read like it was Jikook proof of a relationship. It was alluding proof of a non relationship between JK or JM with other members. Meaning they chose each other once again, over others, to leave together that day. Something these two have been doing for years. Same way JK waited for JM at the airport only to be separated due to covid. Same way JM waited on JK recently at the airport. They choose to be together more so then over others, which makes it unlikely they're dating others.
But the underlying issue is the language they use to support the nonexistent (romantic) relationship with the other members, which magnifies a rampant issue when developing narratives.
The anon reasoned that JM was unlikely to be dating the other members because he asked JK to stay over everyone else that day, but how is this extrapolated from the established information provided that Jikook were already going to share a car? This doesn’t take into account the implication (inadvertently?) made by the anon that if JM asked any of the other members to wait for him, it would then be possible that he could be dating them (which creates another issue about these conditional statements, but that’s neither here nor there).
The only way the language wouldn’t have affected the anon’s rationale would be if they were pulling up data across multiple instances. For example: “Jikook regularly share a car and JM never asks the other members to wait for him, which convinces me he isn’t dating any of the others.” This establishes reasoning from a broader perspective and would lend credence to the theory that Jikook aren’t sharing cars for simply practical reasons, instead of forming a conclusion (which supports a bias) from an isolated event where there’s readily available logic that’s actually been stated.
I’m not ignoring the fact that this is something Jikook do frequently, but within the context of this episode, JM dating or not dating the other members doesn’t hold any weight.
In the grand scheme of things, though, this is hardly as egregious as how the anon depicted Jikook’s supposed treatment of TH. It may have been unintentional, but my point is to choose your words carefully because how you present information affects your audience’s understanding of how the moment is viewed, and that it’s so much easier to explain the moment exactly how it’s shared. Where theories start to form and work is when similar events repeat themselves.
Okay, but why does any of this even matter? Maybe to you and everyone else it doesn’t, but this is just how I feel about it. I'm not the shipping police, obviously. I'm not going to tell that anon what to do and how to proceed with their shipping practices, but all I'm pointing out is how shippers tend to rework what's shown to us in language that either has nothing to do with the moment or is misrepresented, as in the case with TH, and why I don’t agree with it.
Truly, do whatever you want, feel however you want to feel about them. The only reason why I’m critiquing this in the first place is because it was submitted to me, which of course I’m going to respond to if I have an opinion on it.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
do they have matching earrings? if not, then I just want to remind you of these videos. haha. https://twitter.com/stopkookminpls/status/1403333418532970496?s=19
Videos from anon:
Do they have matching earrings? I don't know. Lol probably! And the tannies have some matching jewelry together. JM and JK though have a tendency to match earrings ALOT, Share clothes/accessories ALOT and simply share the same pair of earrings at the exact time alot. Lol
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Look, I know Joon is distracting, but if we all take our eyes off him for a minute, we can see Jikook sharing the same pair of earrings and wearing just the one in the same ear as each other. Why? Who knows. But it does feel pretty match-y match-y. And we all should know by know one of the big couple traditions in Korea is to be matching in some way. Am I saying that is for sure what they were doing? Nooo. Am I just drawing the connections... yes, you may do with that information what you will.
He also took and wore Jimins earring in Festa 2020 for some reason... they do this a lot.
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Also the fact that you were focused on the earrings during those videos was impressive. I was way more focused on the choosing to car share and waiting forever for jimin. And then the fact that as soon as JK saw Jimin come in the room, he immediately turned over and got in the spooning position for Jimin to come wrap him up 😂 they are so cute!
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
I don't read much into playlists, but this is JK we're talking about. He has made it crystal clear to listen to the lyrics/songs he chooses. JM's playlist on Spotify is full of break up songs and so is JK's spotify. One stand out, Mad At Disney (not gonna mention Disney here, but you get it) look at the lyrics. ON JK's Melon, he chose Yellow, hard not to connect that color to Jimin, since he has in the past himself & its JM's mic color. Now add, no car sharing and JM's new apartment. Interesting
You are right anon, they definitely broke up. If they were ever a couple. Probably after they took that picture 2 weeks ago. There is nothing to do or say. Jikook is over. I think I will close this blog after this.
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btsandvmin · 4 years
If we feel that Sweet Night is also about Jimin, isn't it right to think that VMIN had the chance, but already lost it? Meaning, the love that Tae is feeling is currently not reciprocated? That JM can offer only friendship to him? There has been lot of rumors of JM and JK living together. And their recent vlives, even the bday live of Jin today pretty much proves that they are indeed always together. What do you think?
I mean of course we have no clue if Sweet Night is about Jimin, but if it is it can definitely mean there was a chance that they didn't take in some form. It could also be old feelings revisited or something else. I have talked about Sweet Night before and a few different interpretations. That Jimin wouldn't feel the same is of course also possible, or that they decided not to act on it or something. But Sweet night for sure is a romantic song that hints at feelings changing for a best friend. And if it is Taehyung's own feelings it could be about Jimin. And if it is I think they would all know it.
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However I doubt very much that Taehyung would write this song about Jimin, that Vmin would call each other soulmates despite Jimin knowing Taehyung's feelings and that Vmin would start to increase their hand holding if Jimin was together with someone else. Even more so if it is another member. It even seems very unlikely Vmin would be like this if the feelings were one-sided. Sweet Night is just another example of why I say Vmin is either platonic or they both feel the same. No matter if they are together or not. Basically if Sweet Night is about Jimin there are feelings there from both parts to some extent. Even in the song itself it hints at the other person feeling something similar and if there is still a chance for them like there was before.
I would say either Vmin is platonic and Sweet Night isn't about Jimin, or Sweet Night is about Jimin and they both know it and feels or have felt something.
Vmin could have had feelings in some form and not acted on it. Or they could be walking that thin line of friendship or more. But to have had feelings involved and then move on to the way they are together now? Don't you think that would be really weird beahvior? To act the way Vmin act when there has been some type of feelings involved but now one of them are together with someone else? For Taehyung to casually ask for Jimin to sleep together on JK's birthday? Once again one ship not being real doesn't make another one real.
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If so it makes more sense to think there are feelings or was feelings involved and that they still mean something, considering how Taehyung decided to express them. You can make the same argument with the Christmas song. I never said Vmin are together... Because we can't really know. But I do think it is possible that there is something there.
Vmin act weird to me, they have moments when they seem careful and act stiff or nervous when there seems to be no reason. Meanwhile they also have a lot of moments that are very intimate or show how important they are to each other. They should have no reason to be weird if they are just friends and as close as they say but platonic. Ji/kook seem really close but also not at all careful, but instead pretty shameless and open. These two behaviors in contrast to each other seem to point more at Vmin having something to hide than ji/kook. That's just my view.
About living together I personally think Jimin mostly uses the dorm. He if anyone seem to often mention the dorm and wanting to live there with everyone forever. Hobi even felt bad about thinking of leaving Jimin behind in the dorm because he is so happy to share with Hobi. Jimin also cried during tour because the members doesn't share rooms anymore, and when JK commented all he said was that he slept well that night. How rude is that if they are together? Not to mention why include it in their documentary. I think Jimin is a person who needs company a lot and likes spending time with JK. We know Jimin crashes all the members rooms during tour and rather be with them than alone a lot of the time. Jimin has also said it is the easiest to ask JK to do things, possibly because he is the youngest. Jimin wants to be with his members, that's the way I see it.
"I want to live with my lovely Taehyung-ah for the rest of my life."
But he could of course also live somewhere else. Even so Ji/kook being together no matter how often doesn't prove they are a couple does it? Jimin called Jin in one of his Vlive and then JK was also there and pretends to be Jin. I think these members likely spend more time in the dorm together, but even that is of course a guess. We know ji/kook seem to often be assigned the same car, but not at all always and why is still just speculation. Hobi and JK also often share, or Jin and Yoongi. No one assume they are together. My guess would be a lot of the members stay in the dorm when they have work because that is easier.
Today's vlive shows ji/kook are often together yes. Not always though. Ji/kook weren't initially together when Jimin got the Billboard news as JK got to know about it last and as Jimin said he was the one who told JK the news. Yoongi also said he cried with Jimin all night and it's likely they were at the dorm and when JK got back Jimin told him. Jimin says this about when he got the news: “When it came up I got surprised and cried. I was talking with Taehyung and he was like ‘Why are you crying?’” so it seems Taehyung could have been the first one Jimin talked to after knowing about it. That was also when Taehyung talked about sleeping together. And again, even being together often doesn't prove a ship being real. I still say Vmin's behavior goes against other ships unless you want to accuse them of playing things up. Which doesn't work considering all the things they do or have done that most fans doesn't even notice. And of course the fact that a lot of Vmin moments seem get played down or friendzoned.
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I have no clue if Vmin has something or had feelings before but not anymore, or if they were one sided... But if they did and if Sweet Night is in fact about Jimin, no matter the state of their current feelings it would make another ship very unlikely. Or are you suggesting Taehyung wrote and released a song about falling for his best friend/soulmate (while very much calling Jimin his only best friend) and Jimin responded with being extra clingy to Tae and doing all the extra stuff they have done this year like holding hands every chance they get, while Jimin is actually together with someone else who would also see these things all the time?
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No I remain in my opinion that if Vmin has something or had something then it doesn't work with their current relationship in combination with another ship being real. I don't think either of them would act this way if that was true. Either they wouldn't do what they do now, or it has always been very platonic. You don't start to call someone your soulmate, write songs about each other and hold hands every chance you get in front of your boyfriend if the person you do it with are some kind of ex or has had feelings for you. Or at least I doubt it very much. And Jimin initiates a lot of it too. A lot of things that Vmin didn't used to do before but has gotten more and more common and now even expected. In BV4 when Jimin had been mostly away for a month the one he went to and clung on to was Taehyung. They keep choosing each other to share beds when given the chance. There are many things.
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Another ship being real while Sweet Night is about Jimin seems not only unlikely but also like a very twisted behavior if true. From both Jimin and Taehyung.
Anyways these are my thoughts about it. Who knows for sure though. All I know is all the members love each other and that Vmin are soulmates.
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themoonispurple7 · 4 years
I don't understand why people are always ready to undermine jikook's bond( romantic or platonic, doesn't even matter) any chance they get. I don't get why the hatred and dismissal, when the two invloved in that ship love each other so passionately and unconditionally. This is not me stating "my opinion". People choose to ignore the most obvious things when it comes to them. ( Can't handle the intense amout of love thrown at their faces. Lol)
People say GCF in Tokyo was just a creative outlet for JK who wanted to share it with his fans. If he wanted to portray his video editing skills, he could have simply made a video capturing the scenic beauty of Tokyo and some shots including the both of them. Instead he chose to solely focus the video on JM as well as perfectly matched the lyrics with the video (definitely must have taken a lot of effort on his part) because he clearly means something to him.Why would JK stay up till 3 am editing a video of JM when they all have shit loads of other things to do, if the latter wasn't important for him? This was soemthing he CHOSE to do even when he didn't have to.
Their emotional connectivity with each other is on another level. All members of BTS are well in sync with each other's actions and are always there to comfort and console the others. But, I have yet to see one member running wildly across the huge stage towards the other member when they realized he was crying. I have yet to see one member sucking the other one's ear, enveloping him in his arms and shouting I love you at the top of his voice to console the other. I have yet not seen two members specifically seeking emotional strength from each other as Jikook does. Whether it is the couch moment where JK squeezes himself next to JM or the infamous LY Seoul concert moment where JK turned around, looked at JM and completely broke down. You don't do this with a person you're "uncomfortable" with. Seeking or providing emotional comfort is something they CHOOSE.
To all the people who say that the constant car sharing does not imply anything, I would like to point out that it does. It does show that the intimacy level which you have with the other person is so deep that you're willing to ride with him in the same car even after work hours. You're willing to be with him even when you're not bound to.( Bighit obviously forces them to interact at work -_-) They have enough in their banks accounts to not do it out of necessity. Bighit definitely does not have a say in who rides with whom( grow up guys) Again this is something they CHOOSE constantly.
Now before people throw another one of their "JK hates JM" and "JM only puts up an act with JK" tantrums, let me tell point out something. Remembering every minute details about each other, supporting each other, making each other's birthdays special, feeding each other, looking at the other one as if he hung the stars in the sky, terrorizing the other members with your muscles ( hello to the run episode where they created their own clothes and JK collided with poor Jin and proceeded to laugh it off) but being an absolute bunny rabbit with your bae and hitting him in the softest way possible, crying and calling him to forgive you and then in turn, him waiting for you in the heavy rain and then of course the bone crushing hug that followed, talking to a person who's two years older to you in an informal way( in a conservative society), bouncing the said older person on your lap, carrying him bridal style or him rubbing his nose in your neck while you give him a piggyback ride, playing footsies, staying with him on his birthday at 4 am ( no other member was there), drunk playing with him at 3 in the morning, being each other's "You are me, I am You"( I don't even understand what exactly is that thing), almost- kisses in Vlive's, 2018 MAMA , amd the recent run episode where JK hugged JM solely based on his own decision. The list goesss onnnnnnnnn. For the haters, if you didn't notice till now, all this is something they CHOOSE.
All these moments speak volumes. You don't go that extra mile with a person you don't love or even like at most. These moments simply protray LOVE. They are a slap in the face of every person who says that their relationship is fan service ( Go get your eyes checked, having a clouded vision might suck). This is THEIR LOVE and I'm in love with it. Even if it ain't romantic. It's so so beaitiful and I consider myself lucky that I get to see it. Such precious bonds are some times lacking even in blood relations. No other ship or person is in any way a competition to them. They will keep on jikooking in your faces, like it or not.
Sorry for the rambling. Had to get it off my chest. I love your blog. Please keep going. Thank you :)
This was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. I love you anon. 
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And just like you said, I love their love. If it’s a lovers’ love, a brotherly love, a friend’s love, a puppy love, or a grandmother’s love, it’s love. And it’s not going away no matter what we say or do. They’re stronger than anything angry antis can say or do, as they’ve proven countless times before.
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kanmom51 · 3 years
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Just wanting to leave this for your anon who claimed Jikook are forced to share a car. Jungkook stayed because he promised Jimin that they would leave together, which also implies that he could've left early if he wanted to. Which he didn't.
You and I are on the same page.
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lesbian-vmin · 3 years
“Vmin seems the most real, but I just think xx ship is real instead.” Or, “xx ship is probably real, but Vmin had to have kissed at least once.”
The way I laughed reading this just after you posted some ask talking about loving vmin but thinking j/k is more real.
The problem with these it’s the brainwashing. YouTube theories videos. They talk so much and make some compilations and people starts to believe that only one reason exist for that situation. The shippers think them sharing a car prove j m is living with j k and of course dating. All the apt roomies in the world are dating then. But people don’t even know anymore where j k is living and second even if they were living together how this prove they are dating? They are close friends too. If jm and tae assuming they sleep together isn’t a big prove to the rest of the people how sharing cars and living together would prove something? I mean of course they could be together and they don’t care. but there another options too people choose to ignore to make their narrative works. I mean jk and jhope were living (some time at least) in the same building for over a year. Arriving and leaving the airport in the same car. They could be hiding too right LOL. But yeah only maknae line ships make sense. I just wanted to express that because people are too hypocrites. If you want to believe in things make sure to see the whole picture.
I honestly think this is a big part of the problem. All these analysis videos and people watching fanedited things that show what people want them to see.
I have the luxury of having been around from the beginning and being able to form my own opinion. And I also steer away from fan edited content (especially by creators who don’t site sources). 
I always recommend for new fans to delve into official content before going to fan edited things. Form your own opinion, and then look at others. Even if it was edited content that brought you here. Stop there. And go get caught up on some official things.
A real “guide to BTS” (I should make one T_T) would be a link to provide you with official sources to learn about things. Not some cracked up video that turns the members into caricatures. 
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keeperoftinyarmy · 4 years
I'm actually amazed at how tkrs interpreted the video jk asking tae to share a car w him as "see bh is forcing jk to share a car w jm, jk is so sick of it anymore" when actually it just showed that the members themselves can choose who wants to ride with who
As a writer I know all about the verbal gymnastics to get a scene to say what I want. My mind can make huge leaps to create fiction.
There are plot holes in the TK narrative and people are scrambling to fill them.
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