jebiknights · 2 months
Forever crazy to me when people write characters who have canonically (or semi-canonically in Legends) struggled with the Dark side brush Anakin off as a lost cause. Obviously in order to return to the Light you have to want to, I do get that and the characters are likely going to know that, too. But it's just so disingenuous to me when people have these characters be unforgiving and skeptical, ignoring that character's past and experiences. I'm not sure if it's just a lack of knowledge of the characters in question or if they just like using characters as Anti-Anakin/Vader mouthpieces but it really takes me out of a story.
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jerzwriter · 10 months
Take Me Out
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Trystan Thorne x Carolina Rose
In my HC, Carolina was born & raised in the Bronx, and to her, the New York Yankees are a religion. This commission by the magnificent @/artbyainna was inspired by my fic A Celebration, and since some wanted to know how Carolina behaved at the game, the drabble below the break provides some insight. I hope you enjoy it.
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Book: Crimes of Passion (Post Book 1, Pre 2)
Pairing: Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Rating: Teen
Words: 1,011
Summary: When Trystan has the opportunity to see Carolina in her element, he just has to steal her away for a moment alone.
A/N: Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge from the April Challenge: Just want to be with you, sunset, kiss also participating in @choicesflashfics prompt is bolded below.
Carolina couldn’t contain her laughter.   She hadn’t felt this way since she was a teenager, perhaps not even then. The wind whipped through her hair as she clutched Trystan’s hand, willingly running behind him as he circled the stadium’s ramps, exuding such confidence you would have guessed he knew where he was going.
“Trystan!” She yelled breathlessly. “You’ve never been here before! Do you know where you’re going?”
“Yes, down,” he answered matter of factly.
“And why exactly are you going down?”
She collided into his back, nearly toppling them to the floor, when he suddenly stopped and turned to her with a devilish smirk.
“Carolina Rose, if I was going down... you’d know it.”
“You jerk,” she laughed, playfully pounding her fist against his chest. “I swear you act like a teenage boy!”
“It’s part of my charm,” he winked. “Here,” he pointed to the entrance of a relatively empty section of the stadium. “That’s where we’re going!”
“Why? Our seats are better than that, and besides, we left Luke and Ruby behind.”
“Yes, we did,” he acknowledged as he leaned against the concrete partition separating them from the field. “I like them very much... but if I didn’t get you alone for a few minutes... I was afraid that I would die.”
Carolina’s lips twisted, a playful gleam in her eye. “You thought you would die?”
“Absolutely,” he looped his arm around her waist and pulled her near. “Do you see the effect you have on me?”
“Really? So, tell me... what put a healthy man like yourself in critical condition? Was it the way I curse the umpires out every three seconds? Or how I put that old man in his place when he dared to question if Jeter held the team’s post-season hits record?”  
“Neither of those,” he smiled.
“So it was the way I surreptitiously threw peanut shells at the Boston fans passing us?”
“No. Though, I’ll admit, that was impressive.”
“Was it when I jumped up and down like a lunatic when Judge hit a home run?”
“No,” his eyes roamed over her body, momentarily pausing at her chest. “Though I must admit, I rather enjoyed that part.”
“So what was it,” she snuggled under his arm. “What made being alone with me a life or death issue?”
“Seeing you in your element. Watching you be unabashedly yourself without a worry about anything, just Carolina, having the time of her life at a Yankee game. It was enchanting... in a gauche sort of way, but enchanting nevertheless.”
“Really?” she chuckled. “And to think I considered toning it down. I know I can get pretty crazy and I didn’t want to scare you away.”
“Please, I’m from Drakovia. It would take much more than that to frighten me away. Besides, don’t ever change any part of yourself for anyone, especially me. I’m crazy about you just the way you are.”
At a loss for words, Carolina was spared when a roar from the crowd turned their heads back toward the field, or at least Carolina’s head turned. Trystan wanted to be interested in the game, but how? Given the choice of watching a multi-million dollar team play ball or watching her... his answer would always be the same. Carolina…every single time.
He brushed a stray hair behind her ear and marveled over her. He knew this game was important to her, and it linked her to her father, who shared the same passion. Knowing another stadium’s tragic role in her life, he was happy to know she could still enjoy this. She blushed when she caught him staring at her far too seriously.
“What?” She smiled.
“Nothing. I just love seeing you happy. You used to come to games with your father, no?”
“Oh, yes!” She beamed. “Whenever we could! As a teen, he didn’t have the money to come, so he got a job selling popcorn in the stands just to watch them play. By the time I came along, he could spring for tickets, only the cheap seats, but that didn’t matter to me. I have the best memories here. That’s why I always wear his jersey when I come.”
Trystan spun her around and looked at the number 23 on the back of her jersey and the name written above it.
“Mattingly. Was he your father’s favorite?”
“Sure was! Donnie Baseball! Dad was crushed he never got a World Series ring.”
“Is he your favorite player too?”
“Oh, no. I love him, but,” she patted the number 2 on Trystan’s back, “Derek Jeter is my favorite.”
“And why is that?”
“Are you kidding? He’s a legend! Besides...growing up, I had the biggest crush on him... the man was freaking hot.”
“Oh, really?” Trystan simpered. “Now I understand why you gave me his jersey to wear. Although I’m sure I look even more attractive in it.”
“Mmmm, I dunno,” she shook her head playfully. “I’d need you to put on the cap to make a fair assessment, and since you refused....”
“And mess up this hair? My true crowing glory! I think not, Carolina.”
“You’re too much,” she laughed, running her fingers through his impressive mane. “Thank you for bringing me here tonight, Trystan. It means a lot to me. But the sun’s setting, and as much as I adore this time alone with you, we probably should get back to Luke and Ruby. We’re trying to keep us a secret for now, after all.”
“I suppose,” he shrugged, “just one thing before we do.”
“What’s that?”
 Without a word, he pulled her into a lingering, tender kiss, causing them to momentarily forget they were surrounded by thousands of people. Yankee Stadium feels downright desolate when you’re kissing the right person.
“There,” he smiled as he pulled away. “Now I can cross kissing a gorgeous detective at Yankee Stadium off my bucket list.”
“Oh, that was on your bucket list?” she chuckled.
“Don’t judge my bucket list, Carolina. I have my kinks; you have yours.”
I totally HC that they were blissfully unaware that they got caught on the "kiss cam." Luke and Ruby saw it all, and Ruby dropped her popcorn as it happened. With their suspicions confirmed, they had a quick debate over teasing them as soon as they returned or playing stupid. They decided on the latter... for now. 😏
@choicesficwriterscreations @choicesbookclub
Tagging others separately
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404-found · 1 month
Blameless Before the Judge
John 18:10–11
[10] Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant and cut off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.) [11] So Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup that the Father has given me?” (ESV)
Luke 22:49–51
[49] And when those who were around him saw what would follow, they said, “Lord, shall we strike with the sword?” [50] And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. [51] But Jesus said, “No more of this!” And he touched his ear and healed him. (ESV)
Jesus in all of his love, grace, and mercy healed him.
To be a nice guy? Sure! But I believe it goes even deeper.
As you read earlier Malchus was a servant of the high priest. It was a capital crime to harm a servant of the high priest in any form! Let alone lobbing an ear off. Peter would have been executed by law. However, when Jesus restored his ear he erased all evidence that Peter had ever transgressed. So if Malchus would have went before the council and accused Peter of the crime there was absolutely no evidence that Peter ever committed the crime.
That's what Jesus did for us. Ultimately we chose to sin against Him, to rebel against Him, to disobey Him, to in a sense substitute ourselves as god, attempting the de-goding of God, living our life by our own standards, and bringing ourselves glory instead of Him. Because we've done that, we've willingly separated ourselves from God, not wanting to relate to God, but to be god ourselves. In doing that, we've put ourselves under the judgment of God instead of the grace and mercy of God.
Even though we've done all of this, that God lovingly came into human history as the man Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man. He was born of a virgin, without the affects of generational sin, and lived a life without sin, even though he was tempted in every way you and I are. Even though Jesus lived a sinless life, he willingly went to the cross to die a sinners death, and in doing so substituted Himself for us, the sinless One for the sinful ones. Our first parents in the garden substituted themselves for God, just as we would have, and do, and at the cross Jesus reversed that substitution and substituted Himself for sinners. So when Jesus went to the cross He willingly took upon Him the sin of those who would come to trust in Him. That means that Jesus Christ, God who was a man, died in our place for our sins, satisfying the justice of God toward sin and securing the grace and mercy of God for those who believe in Him. Jesus dead body was then put in a tomb, and for three days he was buried. But on the third day Jesus rose from the grave, proving his authority over sin, death, hell, Satan and demons. When we believe and are reborn in Jesus Christ we are washed clean by his blood. Jesus sacrifice takes away all evidence that we ever transgressed. And it doesn't matter who accuses or what evidence they say they have. When we stand before a holy judge who's a holy God and he looks at us he will see Jesus whose blood we have been cleansed by.
Jesus lived a life we could not live (a sinless life), He died a death we should have died (a sinner's death), He rose to give us a life we could never have otherwise (resurrected life), and He alone is the way, the truth and the life – the only way to God.
John 8:10–11
[10] Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” [11] She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”]] (ESV)
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thosehallowedhalls · 5 months
Book: Crimes of Passion 2
Pairing: Trystan Thorne x F!MC (Emma Rose)
Rating: General
Summary: Trystan reflects on his past and looks to the future.
A/N: I got whiplash when Trystan went from being obviously hurt by, and jealous of, Juliana's relationship with his/her sibling to literally laughing off the very idea of being jealous in the bonus scene. The transition felt off to me. This is an exploration of how s/he may have gotten to that point.
Also, the CoP2 timeline is a mess. But I think that by the time they went to Juliana's house and the yacht, Trystan and MC had known each other for around 2-3 months.
@choicesjanuary2024, Day 17, A period of deep reflection. @lilyoffandoms
Trystan stands up on wobbly legs. Walking Emma through his last memories of Juliana was excruciating, but he is glad he did so. If only because he needed to talk to somebody about Juli’s death, truly let himself feel the grief, without having to be on his guard lest the other person find something incriminating in his words. With Emma, he doesn’t have to watch out for verbal traps. Her only goal is to support him.
It makes all the difference.
They’re quiet on the way back to the palace. He glances at her. She’s looking out the window in a way that makes it clear she’s not seeing anything but her own thoughts. Her chin is set, her brow furrowed in concentration and sorrow for somebody she's never met. He knows she’s still thinking about Juliana.
He takes her hand and holds on tight, grounding himself in her presence.
After parting ways with Luke and Ruby, he waits five minutes before making his way to Emma’s room. Judging from how long it takes her to open the door, she isn’t expecting him tonight.
“Trystan? Is something wrong?”
He simply wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. She runs a hand down his back.
“You don’t want to be alone?” There’s understanding in her tone.
He shakes his head. “I don’t want to be without you. Can I stay tonight?”
She steps back and opens the door wider.
By tacit agreement, they don’t talk about the case. Today has been one emotional hit after another, and he desperately needs this moment of peace with someone he cares about. But no, he thinks when Emma gets into bed and turns on her side, facing away from him. Just someone won’t do. He needs a moment of peace with her.
He drapes an arm across her waist and closes his eyes, breathing in the scent of Emma and feeling, more than usual, the absolute rightness of being with her.
Trystan wakes early the next morning, a comforting weight on his chest.
He looks at her with a soft smile, enjoying the rare opportunity to watch her when she’s unaware. She’s such a vibrant person that it’s hard to think of her in anything but constant motion: even when she’s quiet, she’s gesturing with her hands or rolling her eyes or biting her lip. But when she sleeps, there’s nothing on her face but peace. He nuzzles her neck, enjoying the warmth of her skin and feeling something deep inside unlock.
He loves her.
Everything that’s been building up in him over the last couple of months finally breaks free, and love washes over him in a wave so intense it takes his breath away.
He didn’t remember it could be like this. Maybe it wasn’t like this. If the feeling in his heart, that sense of almost bursting apart at the seams, is any indication, this time he has more to give.
He hasn’t been giving her as much as he should, he thinks with a pang of regret. Between the pressures of preparing to rule, and the stressors of the investigation, he has been putting her second and third on his list of priorities.
No more.
He carefully eases out from under her, holding his breath as he reaches for his phone. He needn’t have worried, Emma doesn’t so much as stir. He emails his father, asking him to cover for him during the parliamentary session. Come hell or high water, today he’s taking Emma out on a date.
That is, if he can talk her into dropping the investigation for an hour or two, which admittedly might prove to be a problem.
The quiet reflection of the moment comes to a screeching halt when her phone chimes and she shoots out of bed like she’s on strings.
Still riding the high of new love, he grins at her. “Good morning to you too.”
Trystan sits on his bed, examining the locket they found earlier. There’s no more denying it; Juli and Sebastyan obviously had a romantic relationship at some point. He waits for the pang of hurt and jealousy that’s been stabbing him at irregular intervals since he found out about Juliana’s relationship with one of his siblings.
It doesn’t come.
Confused, he waits. Still nothing.
Well, no. Not nothing. He’s getting better at parsing out his emotions, so he takes stock. Anger, sorrow, regret. Not an ounce of jealousy in sight.
What changed?
It can’t be his love for Emma. He may have completed the fall this morning, but his feelings for her far preceded the crossing line. She’s been the only one he wants to be with since the moment he met her.
So maybe… Maybe it was never about jealousy. Maybe it was feeling like one of the few good memories of his past was now tainted. Like he could no longer cherish his memories of Juliana because he didn’t actually know her.
And that’s nonsense.
The love that he and Juliana shared can’t be undone. It happened, and it helped shape him into who he is. Even if she loved Bas at some point, he knows she loved him, too. She chose him. Just like he chose her eight years ago, and he’s choosing Emma now.
He still loves Juliana, of course. He always will. But he’s not in love with her anymore.
He’s in love with Emma. He will always be in love with Emma.
Acknowledging it is both freeing and bittersweet. He doesn’t know how their future will play out. They’ve both done an excellent job of dancing around the topic but remaining together after the coronation is going to be hard.
They will find a way, he assures himself. He loves her too much to accept anything less.
Emma is a rock during the aftermath of Sebastyan’s murder. He comes to depend on her so much that he can’t see himself ever letting her go.
Grief can bring bright flashes of clarity. In the midst of his sorrow and guilt, Trystan realizes one thing: she’s become the single most important part of his life.
He won’t lose her. He can’t lose her.
He’s furious when Astrid says he and Emma are doomed to break up – all the more so because it brings up all the fears and worries he’s been working hard to bury. He’s been studiously ignoring that little voice in his head that tells him he won’t only be losing his freedom when his father places the crown on his head: he’ll be losing the woman he loves along with it. It feels like he and Emma are standing on a ticking time bomb, and the timer is seconds from going off.
So he stops second-guessing every look and touch. He stops worrying about whether his affection is too forward, too public, too much. Instead, he focuses on enjoying every moment he has with her. He no longer knows if he’ll get many more.
He stands on the dais, the crown weighing heavily in his trembling hands. Dread presses down on his heart, making it hard to breathe. This is it. This is the moment that changes his life. The moment when he loses Emma for good.
He can’t do it.
He’s accepted everything else that life has thrown at him thus far. Tried to make the most of all of it. But he can’t, he won’t, accept losing her. So he makes his choice.
He puts the crown on Lydea’s head, briefly relishing the unfamiliar sense of absolute freedom in his heart, before turning to the assembled guests with a radiant smile.
“Long live the queen!”
He’s lying on the bench with Emma in his arms. She fell asleep minutes ago, her head on his chest and her hair tickling his jaw.
No regrets, she asked. He supposes it’s a reasonable question from Emma’s point of view, but it's almost comically absurd from his own. He’s never had fewer regrets in his life.
She’s the best choice he’s ever made.
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MY AU IDEA: Megamind and the Devil of Metro City
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Summary: "Well, you know the story of Megamind, a blue alien baby who, as soon as his planet exploded, was sent to Earth and he grew up from childhood in a prison and became a supervillain who, after several crimes, kidnappings, robberies, a faked death of his mortal enemy, the creation of a hero and a question about his life he became the city's defender and had his heart stolen by a reporter".
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But in this universe things changed a little because the adoptive father of megamind James Harley, the Warden of Metro City Prison for the Criminally Gifted, adopted a boy, but not just any boy, he was a blind boy who came from Hell's Kitchen who had his father killed and his father was a famous boxer in Hell's Kitchen who fought to support his son but his pride led to his end and last battle so Matt was a little sad but optimistic as it meant a new beginning and Megamind and Minion will discover that his brother blind adoptive has a secret, a gift, a power, an ability and it will change their lives forever.
"Matt and Megamind became best friends/inseparable brothers because it was Matt, him and Minion against a world because weirdos should stay together and take care of each other, Warden took care of his children and they were everything to him."
"Well Matt defended Megamind from everything, including Wayne Scott (Metroman) the boy also had powers and was like them however admired and sometimes a cruel idiot but Matt gained respect when he took the blame for him and said noble things because he judged character and he had a lawyer in his spirit (also the devil inside him)"
"Wayne and Matt became good friends and Matt still had feelings about it because he didn't like the way he treated his brother and soon Matt made friends and helped Megamind make them and among them were Jessica, Luke, Claire, Karen, Frank, Danny and Foggy."
"These were their friends, family and future team".
"Megamind even became a supervillain and has his friends and family thinking this is completely normal"
Because Megamind won't admit it because he became a villain because it served to fill the pain of when Matt had to go to Columbia with his second brother and best friend Foggy (as Anna and James share the adoption of Matt and Megamind) and Megamind was affected a lot with that because his brother abandoned him just like Wayne/Metroman said (it happened and Matt never knew) years later Nelson and Murdock Attonerys in Law begins and at the beginning Megamind disguised in a human form comes to see his family and also needs help and a lawyer
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wenjunting · 6 days
nxx role-swap au:
luke as a psychologist (vyn). is still also a secret agent, but went into the patented Secret Agent Psychology Track to, idk. unnerve people. analyse them to further the nsb's goals. believes that his understanding of people is most useful to those around him, as compared to other skillsets— it helps him predict things, pre-empt any harm to those he loves instead of trying and failing to fight it off. seems to know everything about everyone, except how to deal with his own illness and his own history. is unnerving. is too kind, in the eyes of those he interacts with. but always too kind and never not kind enough.
artem as a private investigator (luke). in this au he doesn't hold the same regard for law as an effective form of justice; ergo, he makes his own justice. still has a near-encyclopaedic knowledge of the law because he was raised into it. is scared that he is betraying his parents' ideals. still struggles with whether his choices are right, and whether he can trust himself, but finds it better than systems that can easily be manipulated. [based off his 2nd birthday card, i think? will check ref] has seen terrible things happen and go unpunished in his forays into the darker parts of the world; distrusts law even more because of this. thinks he Always Has To Be Right otherwise the consequences will be devastating. doesn't really talk to anyone because of the solitary nature of his job, and hence suffers even more awkwardness & isn't quite good with teams, though he does sincerely try. is incredibly observant and always ready to help with anything he perceives needs it. instead of an antique shop his other job is film reviewing. his investigation business is also called mockingbird.
vyn as an artist (marius). in opposition to using psychology to understand the world, he uses art. motivated by a long-standing love for the beautiful. perfectionistic in terms of never being satisfied with his art; control freak in terms of seeing his art as the only thing he can control. to that end, is also a master of random tricks like his introductory card tower; sees these as a demonstration of being in control. wants someone to see the world the same way he does: the potential for something beautiful. the potential to create something beautiful, all by yourself. still good at reading/judging/manipulating people, but mostly to that end of understanding. still has two doctorates for some inexplicable reason. also, heir running away to become an artist trope.
marius as a lawyer (artem). in direct opposition to the artem of this au, he sees law as one of the best ways to make things right. partially motivated by spite: he was given law as a challenge by the members of pax group who believed he would never make it in anything serious. proved them incredibly wrong. as a super-prodigy-law student, he didn't have much time to spend with his father and brother when he was younger; heavily regrets this, but also thinks that he cannot let that lost time go to waste, i.e. he might as well��� must— make the most of his studies of law. still loves art. sacrifices it in order to keep at his job, following in his brother's legacy of doing something, anything, good.
codenames: artem keeps libra, because he's still pursing justice. marius keeps king because he's still heir of pax; it shows power, including his strength in law. luke takes adjudicator instead, because he prides himself on judging people and their intentions, on preventing the crime before it ever happens.
vyn takes 涂鸦, luke's cn codename, which does not actually mean raven; it means grafitti. fitting for an artist and also his sense of humour regarding his art. unless i read the cn codename wrong in which case i apologise :[
on non-mc relationships:
original nxx!! oh boy this is interesting. like, it would make much less sense for it to be vyn with giann/neil because he's "just" an artist, even if he was still friends with giann. luke is definitely out because of nsb things; artem is out because without the law connection to neil, he wouldn't know anyone there. so marius, maybe, as giann's brother with a useful occupation? or artem through a family friend sort of connection to neil, with the necessary skillset?
right now my thinking is giann/neil/marius -> marius/vyn (out of concern for giann, and mentor connection to marius) -> marius/vyn/artem (through neil, and maybe prior contact with either of them? entering later because of a lesser degree of connection to neil) -> current nxx. that leaves artem as a pseudo-outsider, joining the pair who already know each other. but also lessens the gap between them because he wasn't as close to neil to begin with, so he wouldn't defend neil against them to such an extent either. much to consider.
the vyn-marius teacher-student relationship would stay around the same, the only difference being that marius would constantly go "why do you know this aren't you an artist" and vyn would smile enigmatically. also would bond over art but would never ever admit it.
artem-marius: this has no canon basis, i think, but au!marius would definitely seek out artem to help in a case at some point. he would go "hey heard you do investigations i will pay you a million dollars to help me out here" and law background artem would immediately go "Ok." they would bond over law maybe. wow marius has so many friends.
luke is lonely whoops.
on mc relationships:
luke still has the childhood best friend and unexpected reunion deal. added bonus of mc being the only person who doesn't find him unnerving. he does not understand how she still believes so much in good; he is trying to understand her, still.
artem takes on vyn's role in that marius sends her to him, to judge whether she wants the right thing; they end up working together on a case that she brings up during that meeting. he is terrified that the law that she loves so much will fail her. she wants to show him that justice can be delivered through law; that he can trust.
vyn is accused of murdering someone and requests her defence, partially because of how marius and artem have described her, partially because he would rather rot in hell than get marius to defend him. he sees her as a beautiful thing. she wants to show him that this whole world is beautiful; that it could be.
marius is her work partner. basically artem except that she finds him infuriating. the pursuit of justice, of making a difference, together. she drives him to rest; to explore all the things he missed as a prodigy.
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BSD AND THE BIBLE PARALLELS TIME (I’m losing my sanity) *spoilers for newest bsd chapter below!!!
ok so, as we all know, Fyodor is literally having his Jesus arc. And so, IM GOING TO ANALYIZE THIS CHAPTER AND IM GOING TO COMPARE IT WITH ACTUAL EVENTS THAT HAPPEN IN THE BIBLE-
ok so obv we learn that Fyodor’s ability is basically resurrection (not to mention, confirmation of that was released a few days after Easter 💀). So in this chapter we learned that Fyodor’s death was sorta planned/prepared (bc of Fyodor’s ability). And then later, he got killed to then later be resurrected as planned, simple right? Well with Jesus, he knew beforehand that he was going to be killed (and more specifically for our sins). In the Bible, people have tried to kill Jesus multiple times (similar to what happens with Fyodor. It’s more capture than kill tho with Fyodor tbh). For Jesus’ death to be “relevant,” he would have to be killed by pilate and not just randomly. Bc then if that happened the message and overall plan, would be pointless. So with Jesus sacrificing himself for our sins, his resurrection would have a lot more impact to the world (with bible and Jesus prophecy stuff) and his overall plan. Later it’s also shown for his plan to be to judge the world and stuff. (Future Fyodor plot point?) For example: “Death is the enemy of mankind and the just punishment for our sin” (Romans 6:23). Hmmmm, doesn’t this sound a bit like CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Death is known to be a huge sin in the Bible, and for Bram to have committed that sin, he has to get punished. SOOOOOO, I’m guessing Fyodor’s ability also works that way???? So to simplify, if you kill (which is a sin), you get punished and aka then get killed as punishment and as said in the quote. (Sorry if all of this is horribly explained 😭)
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fun fact, Jesus in the Bible resurrected in the early morning. It’s indicated in the Gospel of Mark with this quote just before they announce Jesus’ resurrection “Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise” (Mark 16: 2-6) So the panel below would make sense.
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another funny thing that I found, Jesus was widely known in the Bible to create miracles. His resurrection was also the BIG miracle, as shown in Matthew 28: 1-7. Jesus also did bring many miracles to the land in the Bible. For example the calming of the sea in Luke 8. BUT THE POINT IS JESUS BRINGS MIRACLES IN THE BIBLE. And guess who says something about miracles in the newest chapter…..
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Ok so in the end of the chapter we get the line “A tripolar singularity.” Hmmmmm, tri? Like three? Well, in the Bible we have something called the holy trinity. Which has THREE symbols. The Father, son, and Holy Spirit. In the Bible it’s known for being the big trio and stuff. Tbh, this is a long shot but, maybe Fyodor was referencing the holy trinity? Idk, may the next chapter decide my fate with this theory.
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19th May >> Mass Readings (USA)
Friday, Sixth Week of Eastertide/Friday before Ascension Sunday. 
(Liturgical Colour: White: A(1))
First Reading Acts of the Apostles 18:9-18 I have many people in this city.
One night while Paul was in Corinth, the Lord said to him in a vision, “Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you. No one will attack and harm you, for I have many people in this city.” He settled there for a year and a half and taught the word of God among them.
But when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews rose up together against Paul and brought him to the tribunal, saying, “This man is inducing people to worship God contrary to the law.” When Paul was about to reply, Gallio spoke to the Jews, “If it were a matter of some crime or malicious fraud, I should with reason hear the complaint of you Jews; but since it is a question of arguments over doctrine and titles and your own law, see to it yourselves. I do not wish to be a judge of such matters.” And he drove them away from the tribunal. They all seized Sosthenes, the synagogue official, and beat him in full view of the tribunal. But none of this was of concern to Gallio. Paul remained for quite some time, and after saying farewell to the brothers he sailed for Syria, together with Priscilla and Aquila. At Cenchreae he had shaved his head because he had taken a vow.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7
R/ God is king of all the earth. or R/ Alleluia.
All you peoples, clap your hands, shout to God with cries of gladness, For the LORD, the Most High, the awesome, is the great king over all the earth.
R/ God is king of all the earth. or R/ Alleluia.
He brings people under us; nations under our feet. He chooses for us our inheritance, the glory of Jacob, whom he loves.
R/ God is king of all the earth. or R/ Alleluia.
God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; the LORD, amid trumpet blasts. Sing praise to God, sing praise; sing praise to our king, sing praise.
R/ God is king of all the earth. or R/ Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation cf. Luke 24:46, 26
Alleluia, alleluia. Christ had to suffer and to rise from the dead, and so enter into his glory. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel John 16:20-23 No one will take your joy away from you.
Jesus said to his disciples: “Amen, amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn, while the world rejoices; you will grieve, but your grief will become joy. When a woman is in labor, she is in anguish because her hour has arrived; but when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy that a child has been born into the world. So you also are now in anguish. But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you. On that day you will not question me about anything. Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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brodorokihousuke · 2 years
September 2022 Ace Attorney Events
this is a very stab-happy month in the AA universe... So many important (and unimportant) murders, oh joy!
As always, this post will contain SPOILERS. This one contains them for:
Miles Edgeworth: Investigations
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (DLC)
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2
Also note that this post concerns only titles with an English release, so GK2 dates will not be present.  All information is taken from the Ace Attorney Wiki’s timeline. I will also assume DGS takes place around 1900 and will use that year as a benchmark.
Heere we go
~1900 (122 year anniversary):
???: Odie Asman is tried in court for the crime of running a crime syndicate, but is found not guilty by a corrupt jury, leaving him free to destroy the hopes and dreams of some poor scientist. Sept. 4th: Susato Mikotoba departs Japan to return to London... Sept. 11th: ...and is shortly thereafter joined by her father Yuujin, and the Japanese Judge Seishiro Jigoku.
2012 (10 year anniversary):
Sept. 8th: The owner of the best AA name ever, Deid Mann, is murdered by Mack Rell, who had apparently received orders to do so from the Yatagarasu. Sept. 10th: Mack Rell’s trial happens. Calisto Yew murders both Rell and Byrne Faraday, proving that no one can ever have a normal trial for the 50th time.
2016 (6 year anniversary):
Sept. 5th: Mia Fey is murdered by Redd White, which sadly cancels the recently planned burger dinner. Sept. 7th: Maya Fey’s trial for the murder of her sister. The blame is eventually moved onto Phoenix Wright, heralding his future of shitty luck. Sept. 9th: Phoenix’s subsequent trial.
2017 (5 year anniversary):
Sept. 6th: Dustin Prince is murdered by Richard Wellington, the man who can’t tell the difference between a fancy baseball mitt and a bunch of bananas. Sept. 8th: Subsequent trial of Maggey Byrde for the murder of Dustin Prince.
2018 (4 year anniversary):
???: Diego Armando Godot wakes from his coma and rejoins the Prosecutor’s Office. ???: Viola Cadaverini’s car accident occurs. Sept.* 12th: Kane Bullard is murdered by The Penguin Luke Atmey Sept.* 13th: The trial of Ron DeLite for stealing the Sacred Urn. The blame is later rightfully passed onto Atmey. Sept.* 14th: Luke Atmey’s trail for the theft of the Sacred Urn. Ron DeLite’s (and eventually Luke Atmey’s) trail for the murder of Kane Bullard.
*Note*: This month is October in the western release, whilst it is September in the original Japanese release, for whatever goddamn reason.
2028 (6 years until):
Sept. 20th: Dumbass Dumas Gloomsbury is murdered by Pierce Nichody. Larry happens. Sept. 22nd/23rd: The subsequent trial of Sorin Sprocket for the murder of Gloomsbury. Sept. 23rd: The marriage of Sorin Sprocket and Ellen Wyatt occurs.
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alicentes · 2 years
This may be an unpopular opinion, but i do not care about the Velaryon line being usurped. Corlys is an absolute terrible father who forced his gay son into a marriage he didn't desire - any family that does this deserves to be "cucked" and have its line be extinguished. Besides, Corlys was the one who wanted Luke to be Driftmark's heir, since he valued power and prestige above all else - even his blood. Corlys is as rotten as Otto, IMO, just more honest about it.
I agree with you about Corlys, although he is quite interesting as a character he is a shitty person, but why should house Valaryon as whole go extinct? Your reasoning here applies to all the houses including the Targaryens, the Hightowers so I am genuinely curious if you feel the same about all of them or just the Velaryons? You said "any house that does this" so I'm assuming your feelings aren't just towards corlys and his house? but if the reason they go extinct just means House Targaryen grows then I don't think that is righting a wrong because they are even worse due to the fact that they are the rulers of the seven kingdoms. I do think Laena and her daughters were worthy of driftmark over Luke and that is why I agree with Rhaenys that Baela and Rhaena should have inherited in their own right instead.
Anyway I am ultimately team "let all these power-hungry aristocrats kill each other and redistribute their wealth between the smallfolk impacted by their war crimes" as I have said before. I do not think it would be fair to say the Velaryons deserve to go extinct but the other houses run by horrible rich people, do not. Either we judge all the houses as parasites that need to be destroyed or let them exist with the lesser of the evils in charge
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes in The Place Beyond the Pines (Derek Cianfrance, 2012)
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, Ben Mendelsohn, Emory Cohen, Dane DeHaan, Mahershala Ali, Harris Yulin, Rose Byrne, Robert Clohessy, Bruce Greenwood, Ray Liotta. Screenplay: Derek Cianfrance, Ben Coccio, Darius Marder. Cinematography: Sean Bobbitt. Production design: Inbal Weinberg. Film editing: Jim Helton, Ron Patane. Music: Mike Patton.
A veteran cop named Deluca (Ray Liotta) is praising the rookie Avery Cross (Bradley Cooper) for taking out robbery suspect Luke Glanton (Ryan Gosling), who crashed through a window and died after they exchanged gunfire. Deluca says he's been on the force for years and has only had to draw his gun two or three times, and here Avery is with a righteous kill at the start of his career. "And he was white," Deluca adds, marveling -- a line that perhaps echoes more in the years since George Floyd's death than it did even in the year when The Place in the Pines was released. To his credit, Avery is not so happy about the kill, aware that he shot first and that he maybe doesn't really deserve being celebrated as a hero. Before long he will finger Deluca as a key figure in the corruption of the Schenectady, N.Y., police department. Avery has a law degree, but he joined the force -- over the objections of his father, a judge (Harris Yulin) -- because he wanted firsthand experience of law enforcement, so he parlays his exposure of the bad cops into a job as an assistant D.A., and 15 years later is running for state attorney general. But this is, as director Derek Cianfrance has said, a fable about the sins of the fathers. Both Avery and Luke had infant sons at the time of their encounter, and the boys are fated to meet. The movie actually begins with Luke's story: When he learns that he has fathered a child with Romina (Eva Mendes), Luke quits his job as a carnival motorcycle stuntman and tries to settle down and become the boy's father. Romina isn't too happy about this: She has moved on and married Kofi Kancam (Mahershala Ali), who is the only father the boy, named Jacob, will ever really know. Luke's efforts to go straight don't last long: Wanting to earn money to help support his son, he gets involved in a string of bank robberies, which eventually lead to the confrontation with Avery that results in Luke's death. The paths of Jacob (Dane DeHaan) and Avery's son, A.J. (Emory Cohen), finally cross in high school. A.J., who has been sidelined by his father's political ambitions, has turned into a swaggering, partying adolescent, and he gets Jacob into real trouble that eventuates in a confrontation with the man who killed his father. Cianfrance delivers a vivid crime thriller, but the film is a little overwhelmed by its epic ambitions, especially the thundering coincidence of the meeting of Jacob and A.J., which the filmmakers want us to see as a mythic working out of fate, but which really boils down to old-fashioned melodrama. The 140-minute run time also betrays the film's slackness, and the starry casting, especially of Ryan Gosling in a role that ends halfway through the movie, doesn't pay off very well. Fine actors like Ali and Rose Byrne (as Avery's wife) are wasted in tiny parts. In short, ambition is as much Cianfrance's undoing as it is that of his characters.  
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mnmovdoom · 2 years
DAY 24 - “I don’t want to do this anymore.” (SW: Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa)
( Set in the Ghostverse. A little companion to chapter 13 - Like Father like son, from my BobaLuke fic Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost.)
Luke had known that Leia would be furious the moment she learned that he had been involved in the attack to the New Republican prison-ship. Still, deep down, he had hoped that she'd understand his reasons.
If he hadn’t joined Bossk’s team, Boba wouldn’t have either and Luke wouldn’t have been able to make sure that there would be no bloodshed. But with him piloting the Slave I, Boba made sure that Bossk and Hondo kept the pirates from killing uselessly.
At the end of the day, the New Republic hadn’t lost anyone except for the three Imperial officers that were taken to Ord Cantrell to join their own. No lives had been lost, and Luke and Boba had gotten their fair share of the credits - in Luke’s opinion, it had been a good day.
But Leia didn’t think so, and when R2 announced she was trying to get to Luke, he knew what was coming. The happiness over Boba having given him armour remained unchanged, untainted by the innate knowledge that it would be a day of loss. But Luke was ready to accept it, even though it pained him.
Anakin had wanted to stay and give Luke moral support during the holo-call with his sister, but Jango eventually managed to convince him to give Luke space. Boba was a little reluctant in leaving, but he eventually followed the ghosts out of the room and, once the door closed behind them, it was just Luke and R2. Deep down, Luke would’ve preferred to do this with Boba’s and the ghosts’ comforting presences around him. But he had brought this upon himself, so it was up to him to sort this on his own.
As soon as he put Leia’s transmission through, a holo of her popped up, with her arms crossed and the type of irate expression Luke had genuinely thought was meant for Han alone. He didn’t say anything at first, not as Leia’s eyes narrowed and she studied him critically. Finally, she set her jaw and met his gaze:
“You’re wearing armour,” she noted without greeting.
“Boba just gave it to me,” Luke replied quietly, watching a myriad of emotions flashing through his twin’s face. He reached to her through the Force, because regardless of the physical distance between them, they were twins and had a link that was impossible to break.
Yet another kind of distance was now separating them, and while their bond couldn’t be severed, it could be irreparably damaged.
At that moment, Luke realised that was the case.
“We need to talk about you and Fett. And Vader,” Leia said sternly, her arms still crossed over her chest. Luke just nodded, so Leia continued. “Ever since you set out with Fett and… that ghost… you’ve been undoing everything we worked for all these years!”
“Because three Imps escaped and everyone else walked away alive?” Luke asked, raising both eyebrows for emphasis. His flippant tone only irked Leia some more, judging by how her eyes widened a little:
“No, because you’re going around killing people, Luke!!”
“They’re slavers and murderers, Leia!”
“They must be brought to justice! There’s still much work to do to uproot the Empire’s influence from the galaxy, and this is no time to go around killing crime lords as you please! What if everyone starts killing whoever they want instead of taking them to justice??” Leia’s tone was passionate, the kind that bordered aggressiveness and that she reserved to address pilots before missions. Luke had heard it plenty, but while it had awed him in the past, it hurt him now.
She didn’t want to understand.
“You’re not upset about that,” Luke pointed out, tilting his head to the side, barely needing to comb through Leia’s anger. It was the same issue as when they met in Chandrila and it had nothing to do with killing slavers and crime lords. “You’re upset that it’s me, and I used to be a symbol for the Rebellion.”
At his words, Leia’s expression became guarded. She worked her jaw, then took in a deep breath and her arms fell to her sides:
“Everyone knows it’s you who’s all over the HoloNet, Luke. You left without a word with your green lightsaber, and now-”
“But I’m no longer a symbol for the Rebellion, Leia,” Sighing, Luke rubbed his face with both hands. “I’m my own person.”
“You’ve always been your own person, Luke!” She sounded shocked, which earned her a sceptical look. “I don’t know what kind of lies Vader and Fett have been filling your head with, but-”
“Why do you think it’s them, why don’t you believe that’s how I see it when I look back??” Raising his voice now, Luke shook his head in disbelief and unclipped his lightsaber from his belt, holding it for Leia to see. “The pilot that destroyed the Death Star. The Jedi who everyone wanted to see wielding his lightsaber for show, the-”
“You gave us all hope, Luke!!” Leia’s eyes were wide and furious, her teeth bared in a snarl. Was she even aware of how her temper was so much like their father’s?
“That made you all think I can’t go my own way! That I’ll just… be your Jedi forever!” Frustration began to get a hold of Luke, no matter that he didn’t want to. “I’m your twin brother, Leia! I’m your friend, and Han’s and Chewie’s and Lando’s and everyone’s! Why are you so upset with how I’ve chosen to live my life if I’m not harming any of you or doing anything to bring down what you’re trying to do?? Why does it matter so much that I was piloting when those three Imps were taken if everyone else walked away with their lives??” There was no answer to that, so Luke kept going, pouring out how hurt he felt. “When we met in Chandrila I apologised for having disappeared and told you everything that was going on, I told you about our father. You know how much he means to me and that he saved me from the Emperor, but you couldn’t accept that I want to be with him and that he’s redeemed,” A pause for Luke to take in a deep breath and try to rein himself in. “But when you asked my help because of the pirate attacks on the convoys? I went to help you. If you need help again, I’ll help you. I didn’t change that much, Leia. Why can’t you just let me go my own way if you know I’ll go back to you?”
The silence that settled between them was loaded. Leia’s expression in the holo was unreadable, and Luke couldn’t get to her through their damaged bond. He could feel her presence in the Force, but not her . Realising he was still clutching his lightsaber, Luke clipped it to his belt again, seizing the opportunity that he was looking away from Leia to speak again.
“I’m just doing what feels right for me, Leia. I’m helping people in the only way I can.”
“You can help people by helping the New Republic! Namely by not killing criminals without a trial and by breaking out Imperial prisoners!” Leia snapped, and at her tone, Luke shut his eyes for a moment.
Like their father, Leia was unforgiving when defending what she loved.
And Luke wouldn’t be her downfall:
“I don’t want to do this anymore,” Luke muttered, looking at Leia’s holo again. “I’m not a Rebel, I’m not a New Republican, I’m not a Jedi. I’m Luke Skywalker, and I want to live my life doing what feels right to me, not to an institution,” He paused again, to try and steady his voice. “Do I still have my sister and friends?”
There was no immediate answer. Leia, with a perfectly schooled face, looked impassively at Luke. That was the face of a politician, of someone willing to sacrifice the personal to achieve the professional, and Luke swallowed around the lump in his throat.
“You’ll always have your sister, Luke,” Leia said quietly, with the intonation of a farewell.
The transmission was cut.
For a moment, Luke stared with empty eyes at where Leia’s holo had been, suddenly so drained that he didn’t even hear R2’s sad beeps and didn’t respond when he gently bumped against his legs. It was like a part of his heart was finally no longer there, an aching piece that had been slowly tearing itself off from the whole.
It hurt, yet Luke wiped his face to the back of his flesh hand.
It hurt, but he would live.
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forhim-aname · 2 months
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Scripture of the Day—April 20, 2024 Which Bible Prophecies Were Fulfilled After the Canonized Scriptures—that We can Find in History Books? From the Bible’s King James Version Part 5 of a Series
Luke 11:44-51 - Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them.  Then answered one of the lawyers, and said unto him, Master, thus saying—you reproach us also. 
And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for you lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and you yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers. 
Woe unto you! for you build the sepulchers of the prophets, and your fathers killed them. Truly you bear witness that you allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and you build their sepulchers! 
Therefore also said the wisdom of God, “I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute: That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world—may be required of this generation: From the blood of Abel unto the blood of ZACHARIAS, which PERISHED BETWEEN THE ALTAR AND THE TEMPLE: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation. “
“Wars of the Jews” book 4, chapter 5, section 4 - And now these zealots and Idumeans were quite weary of barely killing men, so they had the impudence of setting up fictitious tribunals and judicatures for that purpose; and as they intended to have Zacharias the son of Baruch, one of the most eminent of the citizens—slain; provoked by his hatred of wickedness and love of liberty: he was also a rich man, so that by taking him off, they did not only hope to seize his effects, but also to get rid of a man that had great power to destroy them.
So they called together—seventy of the principal men of the populace, for a show, as if they were real judges. Before these—was Zacharias accused of a design to betray their polity to the Romans, and having traitorously sent to Vespasian for that purpose. Now there appeared no proof or sign of what he was accused; but they affirmed themselves that so it was.
Now when Zacharias clearly saw that there was no way for his escape, as having been called before them, with no intention of a legal trial—he took great liberty of speech in that despair of life he was under. Accordingly he stood up, and laughed at their pretended accusation, and in a few words confuted the crimes laid to his charge; after which he turned his speech to his accusers, and went over distinctly—all their transgressions of the law, and *made heavy lamentation upon the confusion they had brought public affairs to.*
Now the seventy judges brought in their verdict that the person accused was not guilty, as choosing rather to die themselves with him, than to have his death laid at their doors; hereupon, two of the boldest of the zealots fell upon Zacharias in the middle of the temple, and slew him; They also threw him down immediately into the valley below.”
*This part reminds me of another prophecy fulfilled with the slaying of Zacharias ‘between the temple and the altar’. Zacharias made heavy lamentation upon the confusion they had brought public affairs to; and Prophet Joel, describing the army and the war in the Day of the Lord, said this: “Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, ‘Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, ‘Where is their God‘?”
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occupyhades · 3 months
God's Whistleblower
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD." Jeremiah 17:5 (NIV)
What are worthless and wicked people like? They are constant liars. Proverbs 6:12 (NLT) 
A wicked person listens to deceitful lips; a liar pays attention to a destructive tongue. Proverbs 17:4 (NIV) 
So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? Luke 16:11 (NIV) 
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. James 3:9 (NIV)
“And now, you priests, this warning is for you. If you do not listen, and if you do not resolve to honor my name,” says the LORD Almighty, “I will send a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not resolved to honor me." Malachi 2:1-2 (NIV) 
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And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne. And there were open books, and one of them was the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their deeds, as recorded in the books. Apocalypse 20:12 (BSB)
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zeciex · 7 months
I'm a bit petty with this but I'm glad she didn't marry Cregan or another man who's all nice, chivalrous and supports her mother's claim. That would've been soooo boring, free of drama and real angst and I love toxic shit lmao. This is a personal preference so absolutely no offense to those who enjoy those type of stories, but I generally feel like most of the times where the OFC is married, betrothed or has a side romance with Cregan or another man like him, at least half of the readers turn immediately into Aemond antis. And I don't blame them, with Aemond being Aemond and doing stupid Aemond things and fighting for his side in the war it's hard for a lot of readers, especially when most are team black, not to be like "yeah he doesn't deserve her if he does all this and won't swear allegiance to his half-sister to prove his love for OFC"…which I do get it but like we said previously, he can't betray his family for love just like the OFC can't do it either. Also, after reading dozens of chapters where a clear connection has been established between Aemond and the main female character, one that is clearly based on true love, I really can't bring myself to root for another endgame ship; anything else that is not with Aemond always seems rather forced since it will all be based on duty and all that. Plus I really like the trope in which two persons from two opposing sides do manage to end up together despite all the forces that try to keep them separated. Not to mention that with Cregan specifically, I just don't think he wouldn't keep his father's oath if he didn't get to marry a daughter of Rhaenyra…seems a bit dishonorable for a Stark if you get what I mean and using him as a plot device in a Aemond/OC story when the sole purpose is to make Aemond jealous and feel some pain that someone else is or may be sleeping with the woman he loves is a bit cheap.
Agreed about the girlboss thing. Sometimes I do like the trope and I imagine it's hard not to write a girlboss when your OFC rides a dragon but with Aemond/OFC stories specifically it's a bit overdone at this point. Besides having almost no bad character traits and never suffering any major consequences for their bad decisions, a lot of the times these types of characters also read a bit too modern for a Westerosi woman (even for a Targ princess) while Aemond and most other men still retain a majority of the characteristics medieval men have.
I wonder what decision Daenera will make that is dark and with the intent of securing/freeing herself…it most likely involves killing someone who may be innocent. I suspect she won't manage to free herself though since judging by most of your past comments it seems like she'll be with Aemond during the war? Or maybe she'll reunite briefly with her parents when King's Landing falls but then she'll go back to Aemond when he's occupying Harrenhal to kill him and Alys when hearing about the rumors? Although I've always imagined the next time she'll be seeing any of her parents would be, in the case of her father, before Aemond and Daemon's final battle. It will be a long time but I also can't wait when both of them eventually decide to choose each other. Being loyal to one's side until the bitter end, I'm afraid it would be a death sentence and neither of them will do anything that would get the other one killed so their side can win the war. While some things and crimes will never be forgiven like Luke's and their child's death, the only way both can survive is to choose themselves and be united against those whose actions led to the whole mess they'll be facing in the first place. I also imagine that if she gets pregnant again, they'll take into account their future child's life when making the decision to choose each other and be even more motivated to do so. I also hope Daemon lives to witness her getting pregnant AGAIN with Aemond's child so he can telll her "don't worry I'll get rid of this one too"
Ohh I'm excited about the latest preview!! Alicent will try to force Aemond to marry whoever she wants until the end isn't she? Too bad Aemond won't listen to her this time! Even though I'll be hurt seeing Daenera forced into the (official) marriage with him, I'm also glad he took the opportunity to marry her. I feel like it was always going to be the only chance he was going to have so yeah…
I hear about the stories other people write a lot, but I don't read them since I have paranoia that I will accidentally plagarise it lol But I always go with 'to each their own'. I also prefer my stories where two people who should be enemies and should hate each other, fall in love. I love stories when there's a brutality to their love, when it has teeth and claws--but that there's also this deep seeded love that can't be dismissed. I love stories where no matter how flawed and awful a character is, that there's something to love about them anyway. And that is why I'm writing this. I also chose Baratheon because it would be DRAMA! If she had married Cregan it would all have been tame and just... I wouldn't work. It might have worked with a Lannister, but since they're pro Green, they likely wouldn't support Rhaenyra anyway. Boris Baratheon provided me with the drama and angst I wanted, and it was a plotline that could easily fit into the story -- and his death will also have consequences.
Daenera will have her own girlboss moments, as she's always had. But actions have consequences (for the most part, I do need some level of freedom) and I want to keep to that. Aemond burned Dae= she poisons his sword He exposes her scandalous letter = she sets him up with a whore Aemond helps Boris beat Aran=Boris wants Dae as wife/he basically introduced them lol Daenera fucked aemond = She needed to be married off Daenera stars an affair with aemond = she gets beaten up and is threatened to become a brood mare = she kills him Boris dies = loss of an alliance And so forth. Some consequences are bigger than others, and some are a domino effect. I also fear that if I keep her the same throughout the story, it will go stagnant, so having her lose power and fight to regain it will battle that stagnancy.
I wont reveal anything more, but the act is dark, and it is a way of securing/freeing herself, though she will remain with Aemond and in King's Landing. I am not entierly sure where she'll be, but I am leaning towards her going to Harrenhal before King's Landing falls. And she'll only meet Daemon again to confront him. With Rhaenyra it will be far longer, and Im not to sure when they will meet again.
"I also hope Daemon lives to witness her getting pregnant AGAIN with Aemond's child so he can telll her "don't worry I'll get rid of this one too" Are you kitting me?! This is great! lol I hope by the point that they choose each other, that by doing so they will each work to win the crown, and weave their way into it. It will take great machinations, but I'd like to see them (and especially Daenera) in a crown. But I am not entirely set on the ending just yet, though I really do hope it will end with them on the throne.
Oh, Alicent does NOT want Aemond to marry Daenera. She thinks that it will only bring him ruin and destruction, and with her knowing about the affair, she'd try and force his hand.... though, we know Aemond, he will drag his feet and push it as far off as it can get, and then everything happens and he's like 'this is my opportunity! Aegon gets a crown, I get Daenera its a winwin' and Alicent will have brain bleed trying to wring that idea out of his head. But a marriage with Daenera is sound. Politically it makes sense.
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the-hem · 9 months
The Parable of the Persistent Widow. Luke 18:1-8.
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What is a widow, according to the Torah? A widow is a person who has lost interest in their soul. In the Parable of the Vineyard, Jesus explains how to obtain awareness of one, a widow is someone who has lost interest in life. In the Torah, Tamar, a widow is told she has to wait for God to decide when her life will take on new meaning:
"So Judah said to his daughter-in-law Tamar, "Wait as a widow in your father's house until my son Shelah grows up," for he feared lest he also die as his brothers did. So Tamar went to live in her father's house. (Gen. 38:11)"
Tamar instead has an affair with a young goat and he emits into her. She returns to life and waits for Mashiach.
Who is the widow in the Parable of the Persistent Widow and how she is she like the one in the Torah?
18 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 
2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’
4 “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, 
5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”
6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?
 8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”
A town is a happy person. Unless there is an adversary present, then this widows the town, and then it should naturally seek justice for whatever reproached its happiness.
So who is the Judge in the story, and why is he so stoic towards the idea? The duties of judges are detailed in Shoftim, but for the purposes of the Parable, they exist only because trouble exists. Once Mashiach takes place, there should be much less of a need for judges. Shabbat the ablity to sort reality from fantasy is for persons, Mashiach is for everyone, all at once.
Judges are the mechanism for these, they are the process by which perception becomes reason. This is unique to the human form, and it completely unnatural to us. We require a "crime" a reason to reason, and then a judgement and a sentence that will help us carry out the results of the tribunal. First is the power to veto any process contrary to what is reasonable.
The widow has witnessed something, a transgression, her eyes are open but she is immobilized, so the Judge is going to have to step in.
From 10440, א‎אֶפֶסדדאֶפֶס‎‎, apseddapes=
Ap=eyes open
The verb εζομαι (hezomai) means to sit or be seated. It stems from the same PIE root "sed-" as does out English verb "to sit". In the classics this verb was only used for present and imperfect tenses and it and its derivatives alternate with ημαι (hemai) and its derivatives.
Our verb is not used independently in the New Testament but together with the preposition κατα (kata), meaning down from, down upon it forms the verb καθεζομαι (kathezomai), meaning to sit down or be seated down, but with an emphasis on being stationary rather than being seated on a chair: the opposite of Mary who "sat" at home (JOHN 11:20) was not Martha standing or lying down, but Martha on the move outside the house.
The opposite of Jesus who "sat" in the temple (MATTHEW 26:55) was not Jesus standing but Jesus on the move, outside the Temple. Sitting emphasizes immobility and specialization in an economic and cognitive sense, and demonstrates a lack of flexibility, diversification and development. Sitting is what lame people do, and see our article on the proverbial duo the lame and the blind.
da= understanding
pes= corruption
There are two roots with the form פסס (pss) in Biblical Hebrew, and one with the comparable form פשה (psh), which appears to have to do with one of the roots פסס (pss):
The root פשה (pasa) means to spread. It occurs only in Leviticus 13 and 14, and only in connection with leprosy and similar eruptions.
So the widow seems to want an underactive judge to address something of the caliber of an outbreak of leprosy or conditions contributing to the demise of the poor.
The verses after this part, state only the most advanced of men will comprehend how to overcome the crippling effects of the world around them and establish their humanity.
This is found in the gematria for verses 6,7, and 8, which are 14995, אדטטה‎, adetta, which translates as:
The masculine noun עד ('ad), also spelled ועד (w'ad), literally meaning advancing time. This word is usually translated with perpetuity or forever: of past time (Job 20:4), but most often future time (Psalm 21:6). In the latter case the form is usually לעד (l'ad), literally for always.
The verb אתה ('ata) is spelled the same as, and according to the Masoretes, pronounced slightly different from the masculine second person singular. Were we to stubbornly maintain that the two are connected, this verb would literally mean "to you". In reality it's commonly translated with to come; it's a rate poetic equivalent of the much more common verb בוא (bo').
But still, in order to express a coming, one would first require an awareness of you and me, so this verb is still not far removed from the above.
Our verb occurs about twenty times in the Old Testament, half of which in the Book of Isaiah. It describes bringing water to the thirsty (Isaiah 21:14), the coming of the morning (Isaiah 21:12), the getting together of humanity (Isaiah 41:5), the coming of the future in general (Isaiah 41:23), or a specific person and his policies (Isaiah 41:25), or wild beasts on the prowl (Isaiah 56:9).
Scary things may come (Job 3:25), or years (Job 16:22), or the brood of fools (Job 30:14), or the golden splendor around God (Job 37:22). It may describe the coming of God (Deuteronomy 33:2) or a coming to God (Jeremiah 3:22).
Jesus worries the world is too devolved to develop an interest in the things that will bring complete sentience to the world and happiness along with it. The levels of intelligence needed to solve the problems it has caused just seem too evasive. The result will widow all of us of a really good life if something isn't done.
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