#Jack Kibble-White
radiofreeskaro · 1 year
Radio Free Skaro #927 - Fonts of Knowledge
Radio Free Skaro #927 - Fonts of Knowledge - First #Gally1 guest announcement! - Adventures in Type and Space with Graham Kibble-White, Jack Kibble-White, and Stuart Manning!
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs927.mp3 Download MP3 It’s getting close to new Doctor Who and the 60th anniversary and it’s also getting close to new Gallifrey One, as seen by the first batch of guest announcements including Alex Kingston, Lalla Ward, Segun Akinola, and more! In 59th anniversary news, Doom’s Day comes to an end, there are new dollies on the way, and our special feature…
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Details I noticed in The Last Wish pt 2
This also includes some of my favorite lines that don't get talked about enough lol
There are eight tally marks next to Puss's wanted poster, one for each life
When Puss is basking in the applause after he defeats the giant, there's a lady in a wheelchair on the left side of the crowd
After the Doctor tells him he needs to retire, Puss says, "Are you the village comedian as well?"
In the fight against Death in the bar, Puss actually does cut a chunk of Death's fur off. Like we know that Puss is a good fighter, but this solidifies the fact that when he's actually putting all his effort into it, not preforming like he was with the giant, he is a crazy force to be reconned with. Which then in turns shows how powerful Death is. But kudos to Puss; he may brag constantly but at least he does actually have the skills to back it up
The characters actually get dirty. This happens after Puss swims through the sewer and then walks through the woods but also to all of the characters as they go through the Dark Forest. Everyone gets progressively dirtier and more scraped up
When Puss starts singing while holding his funeral at Mama Luna's, he says, "Who is your favorite fearless hero? You were, you were."
When they're eating at the kibble trough and Perrito keeps hitting Puss with his tail, Puss elbows him as he tries to get him to stop it
Puss must have made some friends, or acquaintances at least, while at Mama Luna's because he nods at a cream and white cat, who nods back, when him and Perrito walk past
When the crime family arrives, Mama says, "Listen to your sister, Baby!" To which Baby responds with, "She's not my sister, she's a fugitive orphan!!" Idk, his delivery there always gets me lol
While the bears ransack her house, Mama Luna calls out, "You think this is the first time I've been stuck in a piano???" ...Which makes me have a lot of questions about her life lol
The way Perrito says, "If this Puss in Boots is such a big deal, maybe we shouldn't be desecrating his grave :D" with a big smile on his face as he digs it up lol
With every character, with the exception of Kitty, there's a big build up before they show their face. Puss: we see his boots and people's reactions while he flips around for quite a while before he finally lifts his hat up, the Doctor: we hear him first and then see his back, the three bear crime family: we get a POV shot from Golid as she's riding on their backs and then they're backlit, Mama Luna: we see her dress and then Puss' reaction, Perrito: we see him from behind and then Puss' reaction, Jack Horner: we see his shadow then a poster of him as a kid and then close ups of him eating a pie, the Serpent Sisters: we see them from above/behind and then a close up of the chest, Ethical Bug: lots of glowing/sparkles and Jack's reaction. Kitty is the only character who almost instantly gets a face reveal (even tho we briefly only see her eyes for a second), probably for the shock value of her dramatic reveal
While Puss and Kitty are hiding behind the chest after taking the map, Jack says, "Aha! There it is!" Puss lets out a sigh of relief after realizing that Jack was referring to the Midas touch and not their hiding spot. Just all the little details that show he's more on edge and anxious than he was before his encounter with Death
During the fight/chase for the map in the factory, Goldi smiles and nods in the top left corner while Papa says "You shouldn't have done that, mate" after Puss hits him in the nose with his stick
Kitty's path through the Dark Forest consists of the swamp of infinite sorrows, the mountains of misery, and the abyss of eternal loneliness. I think she might give Puss a good run for his money on who's the most depressed lol
Puss starts scratching at his beard as early as the pocket full of posies
Jump to the end now bc I got too caught up in the movie to notice any new details lol
In the second to last scene, as the Commodore walks out to the dock to go on his vacation, villagers whisper and glare at him behind his back. He is not very well liked lol
Part one , Part three, Part four, Part five
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fbwzoo · 1 year
Animal room updates!
Not much new with Spoon or Misdreavus, really. Spoon does seem more reluctant to eat his kibble this year, which is odd for him. I think we're going to make him a vet appointment soon here to check his teeth. He's way overdue for one anyway. 😬
Misdy is still a ghost ham, and occasionally starting to cause more mischief finally! She chewed the side of her waterer, and dumped it one night too. So I'm starting to increase her enrichment to keep her busy! I think it took her this long to start the usual female Syrian trouble bc she was just so happy to have plenty of space to make tunnels in.
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We've been working on slowly making Clover hedgie 's viv into a bioactive-ish set up. She now has wheat grass that's growing really well due to a misting system Jack added. We're planning to add some powder orange isopods & maybe some mealworms. I'm hoping we'll have to top them up if it means she's hunting them & getting some good enrichment from that! She seems to like the grass and has some pathways made in it. (Please excuse her dirty wheel)
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The rats are... mostly doing okay. We had to euthanize Maven a few weeks ago, she had gone pretty downhill and it was time. She got tons of treats in her last week, and lots of malt paste, her favorite. We got some of get footprints to remember this very very sweet girl with. 💜 We moved the white twins (Quail & Pippi) in to the oldies cage with Zucchini & Cecil, who are both doing really well still.
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We do have another goodbye coming up in the next few weeks though, I think. Sauce, one of the Terror Twins, has been growing a lump on her side and it's getting pretty big. She's still getting around fine, so she's been getting extra treats each night in the meantime. Everyone else is doing fine right now though! 🤞I'm planning to start increasing their enrichment in particular along with the dogs as I get myself back into the swing of things. We have a well stocked room of stuff to use, I just need to start using it!!
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blubushie · 1 year
have you eaten cat? what about dog? whats wombat taste like? kangaroo? emu? crocodile? possum? camel? snake? koala? those big lizards? whats the worst thing youve ever eaten?
Have you eaten cat?
Yes. I don't like to let things go to waste. Tastes kind of like pork but gamey. In texture it's close to pork or goat. I've eaten goat too.
What about dog?
Red meat what tastes like sheep and beef but more metallic and meaty. It's actually really bloody good (a lot of carnivore meat is) and I'd eat it more if it wasn't for the stigma and mental block of "this is a companion animal." That's hard to get over but if you fed someone dog meat and they didn't know it was dog meat, they'd want seconds. It's delicious.
What's wombat taste like?
No clue, never had it, and Victoria (last state to allow their hunting) banned the unlicensed hunting of wombats in 2020. That said, Jack's an Aborigine and doesn't need a hunting licence so long as he's hunting to feed himself or his mates and isn't hunting to sell the meat. I texted him (you're lucky he wakes early) and according to him it's really fatty and sort of pork-like but generally "neutral" and doesn't have much flavour.
What's kangaroo taste like?
Red meat, tastes like a mix between beef and lamb but with the gaminess of venison. Really good if you ask me. Has to be cooked fast or it'll toughen up and it tastes gross. This is a sear meat and not a roast meat.
What's emu taste like?
Never had it. Had to ask Jack again. He says it tastes like beef. It's a red meat and looks a lot like beef too.
What's crocodile taste like?
It's a white meat, tastes like pork with a slight fishy taste. The meat's flaky but incredibly juicy. I personally love it. The croc sliders at Daly Waters are to die for.
What's possum taste like?
Like rabbit but way better. Very juicy.
What's camel taste like?
Depends on the age of the camel. An adult healthy one tastes like lean beef with a hint of game if you get the right cuts. An older one is much gamier. Lean like kangaroo has to be cooked fast but this is a meat that can be cooked to well if you do it right.
What's snake taste like?
Chicken but more neutral with not much flavour. It's absorbent so it'll take on the flavour of whatever you cook it with. Not that good by itself but add some native spices and it's great.
What's koala taste like?
No clue. They were hunted to near-extinction in antiquity (for their pelts, not meat) and I don't know of anyone alive who's hunted or tasted one. After researching it looks like it wasn't a preferred game animal even by the Aborigines and was only eaten in times of famine. The meat is very oily and apparently takes on the eucalyptus flavour from their diet, so I'd wager it tastes very fucking bitter.
What's those big lizards taste like?
I assume you mean goanna? They have thin fishy bones but they're actually really good. Taste like chicken. Jack and I usually stuff the body with native spices and native yams and either tie the body closed with twine and roast them over a campfire or lay them on their back over hot coals. The skin peels off easily if you roast them, or it flakes off when you brush off the ashes if you cook them over coals.
What's the worst thing you've ever eaten?
A cigarette on a dare by Jack when I was drunk. If you mean things that are actually food and I didn't eat on a dare, probably dog kibble. If you mean food meant to be eaten by humans, then, uh... black liquorice? I hate it with a burning passion.
Also almost ate my rifle once or twice, but that's besides the point.
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rachaeljurassic · 2 years
Oh, one more! You know The Overly Suggestive Moments that happen now and then, when the director/cameraman must have had so much fun - can you name a favourite?
OK, I THINK I know what you mean by this, but forgive me if I'm off the mark. I can't remember the specifics of a LOT of them, but there's one I remember that made me laugh out loud. It was in season 1 but I can't remember which episode. Phryne was wearing white trousers and she stood up, and said something about 'hiding her flammables' while said flammables were most definitely in Jack's line of sight 😏. Sorry I can't remember it better but I feel sure you lot know what I'm talking about 🤣
And, along similar lines, later in the series when she stood up in the most provocative way possible, SO close to Jack he had to stand stock still for fear of what he might do if he didn't! I mean, she might as well have climbed him like a kitten after its kibbles 🤣
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nopeferatu · 1 year
thank you for the tag, @rumandstars!! 🥺
last song
You Should Probably Leave by Chris Stapleton, one of my very favorite Ennis-and-Jack songs. I'd love to write a fic inspired by it one day, but I know that I realistically will probably not :c
currently watching
My cat eat his cat food from off the floor because he likes to pull it out of the food bowl, play with the kibble like a soccer ball, and then eat it :P
In all seriousness I think the last thing I started over was Wednesday, but it was more like I just put an episode on for background noise while I did something else. I'm planning to watch Good Omens S2 and rewatch Our Flag Means Death within the next few days, though!
currently reading
In terms of books: Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest by Will Fellows, and Still Straight: Sexual Flexibility among White Men in Rural America by Tony Silva
In terms of fanfic: The Sky Above by @mediumorange, A New Horizon by @rumandstars, and Prairie Dog by @maelstroem-of-love
Fun fact: the first book was actually given to both Heath and Jake in order for them to prepare for their roles in Brokeback! I've had some ideas for an academic essay about BBM so I'm using these books as some background resources. Also I'm a very slow reader, so if you've seen me talking about them for awhile now, mind your business 🤫
current obsession
Brokeback Mountain
Heath Ledger, just as like. an entity.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Movie Podcasts
1960's Mod-Era Barbie Dolls
The Miranda Sings scandal :P
I taaaag @year81, @alifeasvivid, @autistic-ennis, @eldhuug, @broe-v-wade, aaand @sheepydwagon! and anyone else who wants to do this!
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Sure why not @drfowler
Fav color: easy, purple
Currently reading: machine tool practices ninth edition by Richard r kibble, Roland o Meyer, John e Neely, and warren t white
Last song: I assume this means one I listened to? Buttercup by jack stauber. Love that song
Last movie: minions rise of gru, I watched it by myself in an empty theater between classes for $5
Sweet/savory/spicy: I love me some spicy but savory takes the W here
Working on: moving out of my moms house (not going well I have $50, but I paid off all of my debt today!)
I know this isn’t your kind of thing but if your feeling it @marshswamp I’d be interested in your answers
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winterisakiller · 5 years
Get Better - Chapter Four
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Title: Get Better
Chapter: 4/18
Character: Tom Hiddleston/Cath Richardson (OFC)
Genre: Romance
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Love. Companionship. Family. These are all of the things Tom Hiddleston desperately wanted. But his life and his choices left that a distant and unlikely prospect. So he did his best to move on and live his life as is. When an opportunity to return to the theater arises, he jumps at the chance and along the way finds that maybe, just maybe, those distant and unlikely prospects are closer than he could have imagined. Sequel to Brave Face.
Authors Notes/Warnings: So as I was writing Brave Face I knew that Tom’s story wasn’t over, even if that particular part of it was. And while I knew, more or less, what the overall ending to the story would be, its taken me a while to figure out the time in between. Thanks to @redfoxwritesstuff for letting me continually throw ideas off and at you. I still can’t fathom why you put up with it, but I am eternally grateful you do. This story will update on Thursdays.
Tag list: @tinchentitri @theheartofpenelope @noplacelikehome77 @nonsensicalobsessions @blacksuitofdoom @messy-insomniac-bookgirl @wolfsmom1 @theoneanna @just-the-hiddles
Previous Chapter
 Boxing Day dawned bright and cold. A light snow had fallen sometime overnight, blanketing the front garden in a thin layer of white. Tom had slept in as much as he could that morning but found himself awake at what the bedside clock told him was just after eight in the morning. Bobby, who’d curled up at his feet the night before, had turned restless. He nosed at Tom’s bare arm, whimpering.
 “Alright, alright,” Tom grumbled when he could no longer ignore the spaniel’s insistent pawing, his voice gravely with sleep. “I’m up.”
 He stretched and climbed slowly from beneath the warmth of his covers. Bobby bounced anxiously by the closed door, eyes darting from it to Tom and back, whimpering. Pulling on the warm, navy blue robe he’d packed, Tom padded from his room and downstairs towards the back garden door, Bobby close on his heels. He passed his mother, sitting at the wooden kitchen table, a steaming mug of tea before her. Tom mumbled a greeting at her as he led Bobby to the door and outside to do his morning business. The spaniel hesitated at first, staring at the blanket of white, before rushing outside his bladder winning that particular battle.
 “Close the door, Thomas. You’re letting out all of the heating.”
 Tom smiled sheepishly and pulled the garden door shut, but remained standing and staring out the small window at its top. After a few minutes, Bobby had enough of the cold and the wet and galloped back to the door, barking to be let back in. The spaniel sprinted back into the kitchen as soon as Tom had pulled open the door and wasted no time in asking for food, his excited yips growing steadily in volume.
 “Sometimes I envy you, Bobs,” Tom laughed as he scooped kibble into the food bowl and placed it on the ground before him.
 Diana chuckled. “Dogs do have it made, don’t they?” She sighed. “Dogs and children.”
 “That they certainly do,” Tom answered with a nod and turned his attention back towards his mother. “You’re up early.”
 She shrugged and took a sip of her tea. “It’s peaceful, this time of day.” She nodded towards the counter where a steaming carafe sat. “There’s fresh coffee if you’d like.” And laughed as his bleary eyes brightened.
 “You are the absolute best,” Tom beamed pulling a mug down from the cabinet by the sink. He worked in silence pouring and doctoring his coffee before settling himself across from Diana at the table. They sat quietly, sipping from their mugs, speaking only briefly until the sound of feet on the stairs heralded the awakening of the remainder of the house.
 Cora, with her mother in tow, was the first of the lot to wander into the kitchen. Sarah fell on the carafe of coffee with a quiet sigh of delight, pouring the dark, rich coffee into the mug Tom handed her. Cora, dark hair in disarray, hugged her grandmother and bent to lavish attention on Bobby who had been laying sedately by Tom’s now empty chair. Bobby rolled onto his back, his belly exposed for maximum petting and mouth open, tongue lolling to the side.
 Tom laughed as he watched his eldest niece and his dog get on and fought the urge to join them, focusing instead on getting breakfast started. Sarah, by unspoken agreement, quickly joined it. It was something they had started years back, when both were able to work the stovetop without parental aide, as a way to help their mother. The first year they’d attempted it had been…interesting. But it had only been a small fire and quickly contained; though it had scared Tom good and proper. They talked amicably as the worked in tandem making breakfast; toast, eggs, and bacon. Diana made several attempts to help with the meal prep only to be shooed away by her two eldest children. “We won’t burn the kitchen down...We’ve grown,” Tom teased, narrowly missing the cloth napkin his mother tossed at him.
 Cora, who had been content playing with Bobby, stood and wandered towards her mother, “Mummy when is…” Her words trailed off as her the view from the kitchen window caught her attention. “Mummy! Mummy! It snowed! I want to go and play! Please mummy! Please!”  
 Sarah shook her head, “Not right now, sweetheart. Breakfast first and then we can talk about going out to play.” Cora pouted, dark eyes filling with tears, and started to protest. “None of that now, miss. Go wash up. Food will be ready shortly.”
 The little girl continued to pout as she made her way out of the kitchen and back up the stairs, small feet echoing on the stairs as she went. She returned several minutes later, washed and dressed, her father following behind. They helped set the table, Cora bouncing impatiently as her eyes darted towards the window and the snow beyond. Emma, Alice, and Jack stumbled in the kitchen shortly after food hit the table. Coffee and tea passed around to the still half-sleeping adults, they soon settled to the table and ate peaceably.
 Cora plowed through her meal and turned back to her mother. “Can I go out and play now?”
 Her mother sighed.
 “I can take her, Sarah. Plus I’m sure Bobby would be delighted to get to run about outside with us,” Tom offered, putting his fork down against the side of his plate.
 “Yes! Mummy, please? Uncle Tommy can take me. Please?”
 Sarah shot her brother a look and nodded. “That’s fine then.” Cora bounced out of her seat and sprinted to the stairs. “Make sure you dress warmly! And don’t stay out too long!” Sarah called after her daughter. She chuckled and turned her attention back to Tom. “You are in for it now, little brother.”
 Tom shrugged, standing and carrying his plate to the sink to wash up. “Probably. But it’ll be fun.”
 Plate washed and dried, he headed from the kitchen upstairs to his own room to dress. Cora was already downstairs, waiting impatiently by the door when he emerged dressed in his usual jeans and blue jumper. He smiled at her, shoving his feet into a pair of snow boots, and shrugged into his coat.
 “Uncle Tommy, let’s go! Let’s go!”
 He allowed Cora to pull him out of the door, Bobby on their heels, and into the cold, bright morning. A makeshift snowball fight ensued, with Cora pelting her uncle with handfuls of snow while Bobby barked and ran between them, laughter echoing off the house as they ran. It was close to noon before Tom could convince Cora to go back inside and only then with the promise of hot chocolate. Coats and boots shed, Tom ushered Cora into the kitchen and together they fixed two mugs of steaming hot chocolate.
 Cora raced into the living room with hers, cries of “be careful” echoing from parents and uncle alike. Tom shook his head, carrying his own mug towards the living room as well, when a knock sounded from the front door. He stood, puzzled, for a few moments before understanding dawned. That must be Amy and her family. He shoved the sense of apprehension roiling in his gut aside and made his way to the door, pulling it open.
 Amy stood in on the front step, her son balanced on her hip, cheeks red from the cold, her husband beside her holding gift bags in his gloved hands. “Tom, hello!”
 Tom offered them a genuine smile, standing to the side of the doorway to let them pass. “Amy, Edward, welcome. It’s lovely to see you both.” They exchanged quick hugs, as coats were removed and the others shuffled in from the living room.
 “Amy darling!” Diana called, pulling her into a warm embrace which Amy returned with fondness. Pulling back, Diana turned her attention to the baby in his mother’s arms. “This must be Henry. Hello little love, let me look at you.” Henry squirmed in Amy’s arms, blinking up at Diana before smiling and reaching out towards her.
 Tom found himself watching Amy and his mother interact with Henry. The way they both lit up, smiling at the little boy; it was beautiful and tore at something in his chest. It was bittersweet, seeing the happiness radiating from them. There was a quiet longing in his heart he refused to let himself dwell on. And though he had long since accepted the consequences of his actions, a very small part of him wished that the boy had been his. Amy was a wonderful woman, caring and full of life, and clearly she was a wonderful mother as well. He’d known she always would be. Had he not been that selfish and self-centered man he’d been, then maybe, just maybe this would have been his family. His son.
 It was stupid, feeling this way. Stupid and utterly selfish. But yet here he was. And normally he could see this for what it was; could understand that it was simply a longing for a life he wanted. But sometimes the knowledge that he’d let her go with his selfishness and his carelessness stung.  And at times it was difficult to ignore. Therapy helped, being able to talk with someone who would not judge had been a godsend, but it was a long road and he found he stumbled just as often as he stood firm. As the familiar ache in his chest throbbed, he made a mental note to call Dr. Foster. Things were better now but talking never hurt.
 “…happy for you.” Amy’s voice cut through the fog of his thoughts, pulling Tom back into the present.
 “I’m sorry what?”
 A look of understanding and a soft sadness flashed in Amy’s eyes. “I was saying, I was quite chuffed to hear you were getting back on stage. I know how much you love it.”
 Tom smiled. “Yeah. I’m really rather excited. It’s a limited run which is nice. So I’ll be busy but at least I’ll get to sleep in my own bed.” They both laughed.
 Bobby, who had quite enough of being upstaged by these newcomers, barked.
 Amy dropped her eyes and a wide smile spread across her face. “Well, hello you. Bobby, is it? Aren’t you the handsome one?” Bobby barked once and attempted to jump, his front paws landing on the side of Amy’s leg and nuzzled his nose into her hand.
 “Bobby, no.” Tom reprimanded. “We don’t jump.”
 The spaniel looked crest fallen as he lowered himself back to the floor but did not attempt to jump again. Amy bent, Henry still in her arms, and reached her hand out to scratch behind Bobby’s ear. “You are quite the spirited one aren’t you?” she laughed as Bobby leaped to lick at her face then paused to sniff at a confused Henry. Bobby looked back and forth between mother and child before moving to lick the small boy. Henry blinked and scrunched his face, unsure of what to make of the sudden action. Amy laughed and kissed her son’s head as she stood back up. “It’s alright baby.”
 Edward smiled at his wife and son, excusing himself from conversation with Emma and her husband to join Amy. “Tom,” he started, “Heard about the play. Congrats.”
 They talked briefly about the play and then about theater in general. Edward was knowledgeable, had a wicked sense of humor, and Tom genuinely liked him. He was a good man, honestly much better than Tom himself had ever been, and it was clear just how much he cared for Amy. He’d watched the way they were around one another; the smiles and the knowing touches, the trust and love between them. And Tom was honestly happy for her, for them. This was what Amy deserved; what he’d always wanted for her, even if he hadn’t been the one to give it.
 New Year’s Day dawned cold and clear; the faint morning light filtering through the opened curtains. Tom blinked, throwing his arm over his eyes, and groaned. Beside him Bobby whimpered before turning over and shoving his cold nose into Tom’s armpit causing the man to flinch.
 “Fine. Fine.” With a few grumbled curses, Tom pushed himself up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
 A quick glance at the clock on the bed stand told him it was just past eight. Much earlier than he’d intended to wake. Bobby whimpered once more and pawed at the door. Another groan and he was on his feet. Tom padded quickly down the stairs and into the kitchen, finding Ben nursing a cup of tea.
 “Sophie still asleep?” he asked, a yawn overtaking him.
 Ben nodded, placing his mug on the counter. “This was the first night we’ve had sans children in far longer than I care to admit, she is taking full advantage of it.”
 Not to be ignored, Bobby barked again and headed towards the garden door.
 Ben laughed, shaking his head. “Well that’s you told then.”
 Once Bobby had been let out and food placed in his bowl, Tom turned his attention to obtaining much needed caffeine. It wasn’t exactly an addiction he’d told himself over the years…Just something he needed to keep him mostly functional. Especially after staying up half the night talking about everything and nothing with Ben and his wife. It was nice, the quiet way he’d been able to welcome in the New Year; with friends and a lingering hope that the coming year would continue to bring him good fortune in whatever way it saw fit.
 He’d spent far too many previous New Year’s in crowded parties with people he knew but only just so and in his younger days staying up into the wee hours drinking and dancing had been exciting and all he’d wanted. Now something quieter, calmer had been infinitely more welcome. Even if he’d stayed up far later than he’d intended.
 Coffee brewed and doctored to his liking, Tom let Bobby back into the kitchen, where he fell with glee into his food bowl. Laughing, he picked his mug up and joined Ben at the counter, settling onto one of the bar stools. “How long are the kids going to be with your parents?”
 Ben stretched and yawned. “Until at least tonight, maybe tomorrow. Mum and Dad love having them over and prying them back is usually a process.” Both men laughed.
 “My mum’s the same way with Sarah and Emma’s daughters. And Amy’s son to, for the matter. I honestly thought she was going to cry with Amy told her they had to leave.”
 “She’ll probably be worse when you have children of your own,” Ben pointed out with a nod of his head.
 Tom let out a quiet sigh. “That looks less and less like a likely prospect, my friend.”
 Ben heaved a sigh. “Unlikely but not impossible, my good man. And I know that better than anyone.” The knowing look Ben shot Tom was one he was well familiar with. And one he knew Ben would not let him ignore.
 “Things are different with you and Sophie.”
 “Different, but not exactly unlikely, nor impossible to repeat.” Ben paused, taking another sip of his tea. “And don’t you forget I know a thing or two about feeling like you blew your one chance at happiness.” He placed the mug onto the counter, leaning against the granite top. “I was with Olivia for eleven years and when that…ended, I honestly thought that was that. If I couldn’t make such a long standing relationship last then what was the point?” He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “But I was wrong. Things didn’t work out the way I had once thought they would…How I wanted them to…But what I got instead was something so much better in the end.”
 Tom shrugged. It was far too early and he was nowhere near caffeinated enough for the direction this conversation was swiftly heading. “Let us simply agree to disagree.”
 “If you so insist,” Ben countered, finishing his tea and placing the mug onto the counter. “But I think you are selling yourself short.”
 “Duly noted.”
 The pair sat in relative silence. Bobby, having determined that sausages were not currently in the making, wandered off towards the stairs with a disgruntled woof of annoyance. “That dog is spoiled,” Ben noted, standing to make himself another mug of tea.
 “Yeah,” Tom admitted with a self-deprecating shrug, it wasn’t as if he could deny it. Ben laughed and took his now steaming mug of seeping tea back to his barstool, shaking his head. The sound of footfalls on the upper level pulled their attention away from their respective contemplations. Ben pushed himself to his feet and greeted his sleepy wife at the doorway of the kitchen with a quick kiss.
 Sophie stifled a yawn and murmured a quiet “morning” to both her husband and Tom before wandering in search of her own caffeine. “You would think,” she started once she’d taken several sips of sweetened and milky tea, “that not having two rambunctious children running about would lend itself to a decent night’s sleep.” She yawned again. “But it seems as though the third had something to say about being left out.” Sophie rested her hand gently on her swollen belly. She let out a soft sigh. “The waiting is always the worst part.”
 Tom cleared his throat. “Not long now though?”
 Sophie shook her head. “Sometime in the next two weeks, or so my OBGYN assures me. I’m personally hoping for sooner rather than later…Though I’m not exactly thrilled about the sleep deprivation that is swiftly approaching.”
 All three laughed.
 “Speaking of sleep deprivation,” Ben started, turning his attention back to Tom. “When are you scheduled to jet off to the states again?”
 Tom placed his now empty mug on the counter behind him and stretched. “In about a week and a half. The convention is three days and the plan, as far as I am aware, is to get there a day or so early so that I won’t be a complete jetlagged mess.”
 Ben snorted. “Oh yes, god forbid you forget to apologize for breathing because you’re a touch tired.”
 “Why am I friends with you again?”
 “Because I’m devastatingly charming and you adore me.”
 It was Sophie’s turn to snort with laughter.
 Ben shot her a withered look. “My dear, you wound me.”
 “Someone has to keep your head in check, my love.”
 Tom watched his friends playfully bicker and smiled, doing his utmost best to ignore the twinge of jealously that alighted in his chest. It was pointless to deny he wanted that with someone of his own. The laughter and the teasing, the mutual understanding and love. And while he knew such a thing wasn’t impossible, nothing was ever truly impossible, its likelihood seemed far too remote for him to contemplate. Hating the path his mind was taking, Tom shook his head briefly to clear his thoughts and went to pour himself another coffee.
 Jet lag was a bitch of a thing and one Tom had yet to fully overcome. His flight from the States had landed early the morning before and he’d spent most of the previous day settling his life back into order. Bobby had to be picked up from the kennel, laundry needed sorting and washing, and the desperate state of his pantry and fridge required a grocery run. He’d fallen into bed in the early evening, too tired to force himself to remain awake any longer.
 When his alarm had sounded that morning, it took all he had not to thrown the blasted thing into the nearest wall. Bobby, in his usual fashion, had nudged and whined until Tom was up on his feet and stumbling down the stairs. Dog let out then swiftly back in and coffee made and greedily consumed, Tom settled himself in the living room.
 It was early still, not quite nine. His meeting with Jaime, the production team, and Charlie and Zawe, both officially on board, wasn’t until half eleven. If he could find the motivation it wouldn’t be too difficult to squeeze in a run before he had to be off. And god, he was tempted. While he’d been able to run in the gym of the hotel he’d stayed in while in Arizona, it hadn’t been quite the mental release his runs usually were. His feet were literally itching to get back onto the pavements. But gods above, he was so tired.
 Bobby bounced eagerly at his feet, the spaniel’s desire to get out of the house clear. Tom let out a resigned breath and pushed himself up to his feet, heading upstairs to change into his running kit. He padded back down several minutes later and grabbed Bobby’s lead from its home by the door. Bobby barked excitedly, barely standing still long enough for Tom to clip his lead in place, and pulled his master to the door.
 It was on their second full lap of the nearby park that Tom felt himself hit his stride. The tension which had been building in his shoulders began to relax. Running, though something he had initially picked up for training purposes while at school, had become another form of therapy for him. While it would never take the place of actually talking to someone, running helped him work through whatever problems niggled in the back of his head. Everything seemed infinitely clearer during and after a run. And today was no exception.  
 He loved his family and his friends dearly; they had been a solid source of support through so much of the messes and the triumphs he had made of his life. But dear god, their sudden and intense investment in his personal life grated. He was used to the intrusive questions and demands for access from the media and from certain aspects of his fan base and tolerated them as best he could. It was an unfortunate part of the life he’d chosen. Getting it now from those closest to him, even understanding that it came from a place of care and with his best interest in mind, pushed him in ways he wasn’t sure how to handle. And he’d been terribly short because of it. The phone call from Emma the night before hadn’t helped matters nor had his own exhaustion.
 The conversation itself started out well enough, Emma inquiring about his availability the following weekend. They were throwing a small party for Jack’s birthday and had wanted to see if he could make it. He’d agreed readily enough; Tom got along well with his brother-in-law, anyone who could put up with his bratty little sister and make her smile was good in his books. And then she’d gone and mentioned that a dear friend of hers, Evie, would be there. More than that, Emma hinted not so subtly that Evie and Tom might get along rather well, all things being equal.
 He’d tried, desperately, to keep his temper. Emma hadn’t meant anything by it other than concern for his happiness; he’d known that. But that had admittedly been the final straw and he’d snapped at her. All but roared that she needed to mind her own damned business. Tom had regretted it immediately and apologized but the damage had been done. Emma ended the call with a terse “see you Saturday then” and he’d been left cursing himself.
 A buzzing in his side pocket pulled Tom’s attention from his thoughts. He pulled out his mobile, glanced at the name flashing across the screen, and slid his finger to answer the call. “Yes, Luke.”
 His publicist chuckled at his less than enthusiastic greeting. “And good morning to you as well, Tom. Glad to see the jet lag hasn’t spoiled your sunny attitude.” Laughing harder as Tom merely grumbled in response. “I just wanted to make sure you remembered the meeting this morning.”
 Tom bit back the retort burning in his throat. There was no need to take his temper out on Luke, not when the man was simply doing his job. “Yes, I remember. I’ll be there at half eleven.”
 “Right. Should I send a car?”
 The shake of his head was an automatic gesture and one he belatedly realized Luke could not see. Jet lag really was a bitch. “No, I think I’m just going to catch the tube today.”
 Luke chuckled again and answered, “Fair enough. See you at half eleven then” before ringing off.
 Bobby tugged at his lead, alerting Tom that his pace had slowed during his brief conversation with Luke. “Fine, fine,” he grumbled, picking up his pace. “Two more laps then its home for us.” Bobby yipped once and together they made their way down the paved path. The park was relatively empty, most sane people remaining indoors with the weather so cold. Tom enjoyed the peace the relative seclusion brought and was almost loathe to head home but a quick glance at his watch told him his cushion of time was rapidly dwindling.
 It was quick jog back to the house and once Bobby was let loose from his lead, Tom kicked off his trainers and jogged up the stairs towards his room. He rushed a shower and threw on the suit he saved for meetings. He rubbed his hair dry, settling on the end of the bed and tugged on his boots. Tom thudded back down the stairs ten minutes later and headed into the back room, securing Bobby in his kennel. The spaniel whined in protest before seeming to accept his fate, curling up on top of the blanket and locking wide eyes on his master. Tom let out a sigh and hurried from the room. A glance at his watch told him he had less than an hour to make it if he wanted to be on time. He snatched his keys from the hall table, shut and firmly locked the door, before darting down the street towards the underground.
 The fates, it seemed, were shining on him. He dashed into the Underground station and caught the next train out within minutes of its departure. A short ride later, found Tom jogging up the street and into the stage door entrance of the theater. Luke, ever punctual, was waiting at the staircase landing and smiled as his client approached.
 “Look at you, here on time.” He stole a quick glance at his watch and then back at Tom, eyes widening slightly. “And early even. I never thought I’d see the day.”
 Tom shook his head. “Funny.”
 “And don’t you forget it.”
 The two climbed the stairs and, with a few false turns, found the small office where their meeting was scheduled. Jaime and a few of the production team were there. Tom greeted them warmly and they sat chatting as they waited. Charlie and Zawe arrived several minutes later, their respective representatives in tow.
 Charlie smiled at Tom, pulling him into a warm hug. “It’s great to see you. Can’t wait to get started.”
 Tom laughed, “Me too. This should be a great bit of fun.”
 He greeted Zawe in a similar fashion and they all gathered at the table in the center of the room. The meeting itself was straight forward; addressing the logistics of rehearsals and the overall vision for the show. They were handled production packets, including tentative schedules and copies of the script. Tom turned his over in his hands, eyes catching on the neat yet flowing hand which graced the front of it.
 The writing was far neater than his own scrawl and he found himself intrigued, though he couldn’t put a finger as to just why. Maybe the lack of sleep is making me a bit soft in the head, he thought with a smirk of amusement. Wouldn’t be the first time.
 Luke’s quick elbow to his ribs forced Tom from his thoughts. Surreptitiously rubbing his side, Tom shot his friend a scathing look.
 “Tom?” Jaime repeated.
 He felt a flood of embarrassment at being caught not paying a wit of attention. “I’m so sorry, what was that?”
 Jaime laughed and shook his head, “Just saying it’s a pleasure to have you on board and that I’m very much looking forward to getting rehearsals underway.”
 Tom smiled brightly. “So am I.”
Next Chapter
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Get Better - Chapter Four
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Title: Get Better
Chapter: 4/18
Character: Tom Hiddleston/Cath Richardson (OFC)
Genre: Romance
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Love. Companionship. Family. These are all of the things Tom Hiddleston desperately wanted. But his life and his choices left that a distant and unlikely prospect. So he did his best to move on and live his life as is. When an opportunity to return to the theater arises, he jumps at the chance and along the way finds that maybe, just maybe, those distant and unlikely prospects are closer than he could have imagined. Sequel to Brave Face.
Authors Notes/Warnings: So as I was writing Brave Face I knew that Tom’s story wasn’t over, even if that particular part of it was. And while I knew, more or less, what the overall ending to the story would be, its taken me a while to figure out the time in between. Thanks to @redfoxwritesstuff for letting me continually throw ideas off and at you. I still can’t fathom why you put up with it, but I am eternally grateful you do.
Boxing Day dawned bright and cold. A light snow had fallen sometime overnight, blanketing the front garden in a thin layer of white. Tom had slept in as much as he could that morning but found himself awake at what the bedside clock told him was just after eight in the morning. Bobby, who’d curled up at his feet the night before, had turned restless. He nosed at Tom’s bare arm, whimpering.
“Alright, alright,” Tom grumbled when he could no longer ignore the spaniel’s insistent pawing, his voice gravely with sleep. “I’m up.”
He stretched and climbed slowly from beneath the warmth of his covers. Bobby bounced anxiously by the closed door, eyes darting from it to Tom and back, whimpering. Pulling on the warm, navy blue robe he’d packed, Tom padded from his room and downstairs towards the back garden door, Bobby close on his heels. He passed his mother, sitting at the wooden kitchen table, a steaming mug of tea before her. Tom mumbled a greeting at her as he led Bobby to the door and outside to do his morning business. The spaniel hesitated at first, staring at the blanket of white, before rushing outside his bladder winning that particular battle.
“Close the door, Thomas. You’re letting out all of the heating.”
Tom smiled sheepishly and pulled the garden door shut, but remained standing and staring out the small window at its top. After a few minutes, Bobby had enough of the cold and the wet and galloped back to the door, barking to be let back in. The spaniel sprinted back into the kitchen as soon as Tom had pulled open the door and wasted no time in asking for food, his excited yips growing steadily in volume.
“Sometimes I envy you, Bobs,” Tom laughed as he scooped kibble into the food bowl and placed it on the ground before him.
Diana chuckled. “Dogs do have it made, don’t they?” She sighed. “Dogs and children.”
“That they certainly do,” Tom answered with a nod and turned his attention back towards his mother. “You’re up early.”
She shrugged and took a sip of her tea. “It’s peaceful, this time of day.” She nodded towards the counter where a steaming carafe sat. “There’s fresh coffee if you’d like.” And laughed as his bleary eyes brightened.
“You are the absolute best,” Tom beamed pulling a mug down from the cabinet by the sink. He worked in silence pouring and doctoring his coffee before settling himself across from Diana at the table. They sat quietly, sipping from their mugs, speaking only briefly until the sound of feet on the stairs heralded the awakening of the remainder of the house.
Cora, with her mother in tow, was the first of the lot to wander into the kitchen. Sarah fell on the carafe of coffee with a quiet sigh of delight, pouring the dark, rich coffee into the mug Tom handed her. Cora, dark hair in disarray, hugged her grandmother and bent to lavish attention on Bobby who had been laying sedately by Tom’s now empty chair. Bobby rolled onto his back, his belly exposed for maximum petting and mouth open, tongue lolling to the side.
Tom laughed as he watched his eldest niece and his dog get on and fought the urge to join them, focusing instead on getting breakfast started. Sarah, by unspoken agreement, quickly joined it. It was something they had started years back, when both were able to work the stovetop without parental aide, as a way to help their mother. The first year they’d attempted it had been…interesting. But it had only been a small fire and quickly contained; though it had scared Tom good and proper. They talked amicably as the worked in tandem making breakfast; toast, eggs, and bacon. Diana made several attempts to help with the meal prep only to be shooed away by her two eldest children. “We won’t burn the kitchen down…We’ve grown,” Tom teased, narrowly missing the cloth napkin his mother tossed at him.
Cora, who had been content playing with Bobby, stood and wandered towards her mother, “Mummy when is…” Her words trailed off as her the view from the kitchen window caught her attention. “Mummy! Mummy! It snowed! I want to go and play! Please mummy! Please!”  
Sarah shook her head, “Not right now, sweetheart. Breakfast first and then we can talk about going out to play.” Cora pouted, dark eyes filling with tears, and started to protest. “None of that now, miss. Go wash up. Food will be ready shortly.”
The little girl continued to pout as she made her way out of the kitchen and back up the stairs, small feet echoing on the stairs as she went. She returned several minutes later, washed and dressed, her father following behind. They helped set the table, Cora bouncing impatiently as her eyes darted towards the window and the snow beyond. Emma, Alice, and Jack stumbled in the kitchen shortly after food hit the table. Coffee and tea passed around to the still half-sleeping adults, they soon settled to the table and ate peaceably.
Cora plowed through her meal and turned back to her mother. “Can I go out and play now?”
Her mother sighed.
“I can take her, Sarah. Plus I’m sure Bobby would be delighted to get to run about outside with us,” Tom offered, putting his fork down against the side of his plate.
“Yes! Mummy, please? Uncle Tommy can take me. Please?”
Sarah shot her brother a look and nodded. “That’s fine then.” Cora bounced out of her seat and sprinted to the stairs. “Make sure you dress warmly! And don’t stay out too long!” Sarah called after her daughter. She chuckled and turned her attention back to Tom. “You are in for it now, little brother.”
Tom shrugged, standing and carrying his plate to the sink to wash up. “Probably. But it’ll be fun.”
Plate washed and dried, he headed from the kitchen upstairs to his own room to dress. Cora was already downstairs, waiting impatiently by the door when he emerged dressed in his usual jeans and blue jumper. He smiled at her, shoving his feet into a pair of snow boots, and shrugged into his coat.
“Uncle Tommy, let’s go! Let’s go!”
He allowed Cora to pull him out of the door, Bobby on their heels, and into the cold, bright morning. A makeshift snowball fight ensued, with Cora pelting her uncle with handfuls of snow while Bobby barked and ran between them, laughter echoing off the house as they ran. It was close to noon before Tom could convince Cora to go back inside and only then with the promise of hot chocolate. Coats and boots shed, Tom ushered Cora into the kitchen and together they fixed two mugs of steaming hot chocolate.
Cora raced into the living room with hers, cries of “be careful” echoing from parents and uncle alike. Tom shook his head, carrying his own mug towards the living room as well, when a knock sounded from the front door. He stood, puzzled, for a few moments before understanding dawned. That must be Amy and her family. He shoved the sense of apprehension roiling in his gut aside and made his way to the door, pulling it open.
Amy stood in on the front step, her son balanced on her hip, cheeks red from the cold, her husband beside her holding gift bags in his gloved hands. “Tom, hello!”
Tom offered them a genuine smile, standing to the side of the doorway to let them pass. “Amy, Edward, welcome. It’s lovely to see you both.” They exchanged quick hugs, as coats were removed and the others shuffled in from the living room.
“Amy darling!” Diana called, pulling her into a warm embrace which Amy returned with fondness. Pulling back, Diana turned her attention to the baby in his mother’s arms. “This must be Henry. Hello little love, let me look at you.” Henry squirmed in Amy’s arms, blinking up at Diana before smiling and reaching out towards her.
Tom found himself watching Amy and his mother interact with Henry. The way they both lit up, smiling at the little boy; it was beautiful and tore at something in his chest. It was bittersweet, seeing the happiness radiating from them. There was a quiet longing in his heart he refused to let himself dwell on. And though he had long since accepted the consequences of his actions, a very small part of him wished that the boy had been his. Amy was a wonderful woman, caring and full of life, and clearly she was a wonderful mother as well. He’d known she always would be. Had he not been that selfish and self-centered man he’d been, then maybe, just maybe this would have been his family. His son.
It was stupid, feeling this way. Stupid and utterly selfish. But yet here he was. And normally he could see this for what it was; could understand that it was simply a longing for a life he wanted. But sometimes the knowledge that he’d let her go with his selfishness and his carelessness stung.  And at times it was difficult to ignore. Therapy helped, being able to talk with someone who would not judge had been a godsend, but it was a long road and he found he stumbled just as often as he stood firm. As the familiar ache in his chest throbbed, he made a mental note to call Dr. Foster. Things were better now but talking never hurt.
“…happy for you.” Amy’s voice cut through the fog of his thoughts, pulling Tom back into the present.
“I’m sorry what?”
A look of understanding and a soft sadness flashed in Amy’s eyes. “I was saying, I was quite chuffed to hear you were getting back on stage. I know how much you love it.”
Tom smiled. “Yeah. I’m really rather excited. It’s a limited run which is nice. So I’ll be busy but at least I’ll get to sleep in my own bed.” They both laughed.
Bobby, who had quite enough of being upstaged by these newcomers, barked.
Amy dropped her eyes and a wide smile spread across her face. “Well, hello you. Bobby, is it? Aren’t you the handsome one?” Bobby barked once and attempted to jump, his front paws landing on the side of Amy’s leg and nuzzled his nose into her hand.
“Bobby, no.” Tom reprimanded. “We don’t jump.”
The spaniel looked crest fallen as he lowered himself back to the floor but did not attempt to jump again. Amy bent, Henry still in her arms, and reached her hand out to scratch behind Bobby’s ear. “You are quite the spirited one aren’t you?” she laughed as Bobby leaped to lick at her face then paused to sniff at a confused Henry. Bobby looked back and forth between mother and child before moving to lick the small boy. Henry blinked and scrunched his face, unsure of what to make of the sudden action. Amy laughed and kissed her son’s head as she stood back up. “It’s alright baby.”
Edward smiled at his wife and son, excusing himself from conversation with Emma and her husband to join Amy. “Tom,” he started, “Heard about the play. Congrats.”
They talked briefly about the play and then about theater in general. Edward was knowledgeable, had a wicked sense of humor, and Tom genuinely liked him. He was a good man, honestly much better than Tom himself had ever been, and it was clear just how much he cared for Amy. He’d watched the way they were around one another; the smiles and the knowing touches, the trust and love between them. And Tom was honestly happy for her, for them. This was what Amy deserved; what he’d always wanted for her, even if he hadn’t been the one to give it.
New Year’s Day dawned cold and clear; the faint morning light filtering through the opened curtains. Tom blinked, throwing his arm over his eyes, and groaned. Beside him Bobby whimpered before turning over and shoving his cold nose into Tom’s armpit causing the man to flinch.
“Fine. Fine.” With a few grumbled curses, Tom pushed himself up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
A quick glance at the clock on the bed stand told him it was just past eight. Much earlier than he’d intended to wake. Bobby whimpered once more and pawed at the door. Another groan and he was on his feet. Tom padded quickly down the stairs and into the kitchen, finding Ben nursing a cup of tea.
“Sophie still asleep?” he asked, a yawn overtaking him.
Ben nodded, placing his mug on the counter. “This was the first night we’ve had sans children in far longer than I care to admit, she is taking full advantage of it.”
Not to be ignored, Bobby barked again and headed towards the garden door.
Ben laughed, shaking his head. “Well that’s you told then.”
Once Bobby had been let out and food placed in his bowl, Tom turned his attention to obtaining much needed caffeine. It wasn’t exactly an addiction he’d told himself over the years…Just something he needed to keep him mostly functional. Especially after staying up half the night talking about everything and nothing with Ben and his wife. It was nice, the quiet way he’d been able to welcome in the New Year; with friends and a lingering hope that the coming year would continue to bring him good fortune in whatever way it saw fit.
He’d spent far too many previous New Year’s in crowded parties with people he knew but only just so and in his younger days staying up into the wee hours drinking and dancing had been exciting and all he’d wanted. Now something quieter, calmer had been infinitely more welcome. Even if he’d stayed up far later than he’d intended.
Coffee brewed and doctored to his liking, Tom let Bobby back into the kitchen, where he fell with glee into his food bowl. Laughing, he picked his mug up and joined Ben at the counter, settling onto one of the bar stools. “How long are the kids going to be with your parents?”
Ben stretched and yawned. “Until at least tonight, maybe tomorrow. Mum and Dad love having them over and prying them back is usually a process.” Both men laughed.
“My mum’s the same way with Sarah and Emma’s daughters. And Amy’s son to, for the matter. I honestly thought she was going to cry with Amy told her they had to leave.”
“She’ll probably be worse when you have children of your own,” Ben pointed out with a nod of his head.
Tom let out a quiet sigh. “That looks less and less like a likely prospect, my friend.”
Ben heaved a sigh. “Unlikely but not impossible, my good man. And I know that better than anyone.” The knowing look Ben shot Tom was one he was well familiar with. And one he knew Ben would not let him ignore.
“Things are different with you and Sophie.”
“Different, but not exactly unlikely, nor impossible to repeat.” Ben paused, taking another sip of his tea. “And don’t you forget I know a thing or two about feeling like you blew your one chance at happiness.” He placed the mug onto the counter, leaning against the granite top. “I was with Olivia for eleven years and when that…ended, I honestly thought that was that. If I couldn’t make such a long standing relationship last then what was the point?” He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “But I was wrong. Things didn’t work out the way I had once thought they would…How I wanted them to…But what I got instead was something so much better in the end.”
Tom shrugged. It was far too early and he was nowhere near caffeinated enough for the direction this conversation was swiftly heading. “Let us simply agree to disagree.”
“If you so insist,” Ben countered, finishing his tea and placing the mug onto the counter. “But I think you are selling yourself short.”
“Duly noted.”
The pair sat in relative silence. Bobby, having determined that sausages were not currently in the making, wandered off towards the stairs with a disgruntled woof of annoyance. “That dog is spoiled,” Ben noted, standing to make himself another mug of tea.
“Yeah,” Tom admitted with a self-deprecating shrug, it wasn’t as if he could deny it. Ben laughed and took his now steaming mug of seeping tea back to his barstool, shaking his head. The sound of footfalls on the upper level pulled their attention away from their respective contemplations. Ben pushed himself to his feet and greeted his sleepy wife at the doorway of the kitchen with a quick kiss.
Sophie stifled a yawn and murmured a quiet “morning” to both her husband and Tom before wandering in search of her own caffeine. “You would think,” she started once she’d taken several sips of sweetened and milky tea, “that not having two rambunctious children running about would lend itself to a decent night’s sleep.” She yawned again. “But it seems as though the third had something to say about being left out.” Sophie rested her hand gently on her swollen belly. She let out a soft sigh. “The waiting is always the worst part.”
Tom cleared his throat. “Not long now though?”
Sophie shook her head. “Sometime in the next two weeks, or so my OBGYN assures me. I’m personally hoping for sooner rather than later…Though I’m not exactly thrilled about the sleep deprivation that is swiftly approaching.”
All three laughed.
“Speaking of sleep deprivation,” Ben started, turning his attention back to Tom. “When are you scheduled to jet off to the states again?”
Tom placed his now empty mug on the counter behind him and stretched. “In about a week and a half. The convention is three days and the plan, as far as I am aware, is to get there a day or so early so that I won’t be a complete jetlagged mess.”
Ben snorted. “Oh yes, god forbid you forget to apologize for breathing because you’re a touch tired.”
“Why am I friends with you again?”
“Because I’m devastatingly charming and you adore me.”
It was Sophie’s turn to snort with laughter.
Ben shot her a withered look. “My dear, you wound me.”
“Someone has to keep your head in check, my love.”
Tom watched his friends playfully bicker and smiled, doing his utmost best to ignore the twinge of jealously that alighted in his chest. It was pointless to deny he wanted that with someone of his own. The laughter and the teasing, the mutual understanding and love. And while he knew such a thing wasn’t impossible, nothing was ever truly impossible, its likelihood seemed far too remote for him to contemplate. Hating the path his mind was taking, Tom shook his head briefly to clear his thoughts and went to pour himself another coffee.
Jet lag was a bitch of a thing and one Tom had yet to fully overcome. His flight from the States had landed early the morning before and he’d spent most of the previous day settling his life back into order. Bobby had to be picked up from the kennel, laundry needed sorting and washing, and the desperate state of his pantry and fridge required a grocery run. He’d fallen into bed in the early evening, too tired to force himself to remain awake any longer.
When his alarm had sounded that morning, it took all he had not to thrown the blasted thing into the nearest wall. Bobby, in his usual fashion, had nudged and whined until Tom was up on his feet and stumbling down the stairs. Dog let out then swiftly back in and coffee made and greedily consumed, Tom settled himself in the living room.
It was early still, not quite nine. His meeting with Jaime, the production team, and Charlie and Zawe, both officially on board, wasn’t until half eleven. If he could find the motivation it wouldn’t be too difficult to squeeze in a run before he had to be off. And god, he was tempted. While he’d been able to run in the gym of the hotel he’d stayed in while in Arizona, it hadn’t been quite the mental release his runs usually were. His feet were literally itching to get back onto the pavements. But gods above, he was so tired.
Bobby bounced eagerly at his feet, the spaniel’s desire to get out of the house clear. Tom let out a resigned breath and pushed himself up to his feet, heading upstairs to change into his running kit. He padded back down several minutes later and grabbed Bobby’s lead from its home by the door. Bobby barked excitedly, barely standing still long enough for Tom to clip his lead in place, and pulled his master to the door.
It was on their second full lap of the nearby park that Tom felt himself hit his stride. The tension which had been building in his shoulders began to relax. Running, though something he had initially picked up for training purposes while at school, had become another form of therapy for him. While it would never take the place of actually talking to someone, running helped him work through whatever problems niggled in the back of his head. Everything seemed infinitely clearer during and after a run. And today was no exception.  
He loved his family and his friends dearly; they had been a solid source of support through so much of the messes and the triumphs he had made of his life. But dear god, their sudden and intense investment in his personal life grated. He was used to the intrusive questions and demands for access from the media and from certain aspects of his fan base and tolerated them as best he could. It was an unfortunate part of the life he’d chosen. Getting it now from those closest to him, even understanding that it came from a place of care and with his best interest in mind, pushed him in ways he wasn’t sure how to handle. And he’d been terribly short because of it. The phone call from Emma the night before hadn’t helped matters nor had his own exhaustion.
The conversation itself started out well enough, Emma inquiring about his availability the following weekend. They were throwing a small party for Jack’s birthday and had wanted to see if he could make it. He’d agreed readily enough; Tom got along well with his brother-in-law, anyone who could put up with his bratty little sister and make her smile was good in his books. And then she’d gone and mentioned that a dear friend of hers, Evie, would be there. More than that, Emma hinted not so subtly that Evie and Tom might get along rather well, all things being equal.
He’d tried, desperately, to keep his temper. Emma hadn’t meant anything by it other than concern for his happiness; he’d known that. But that had admittedly been the final straw and he’d snapped at her. All but roared that she needed to mind her own damned business. Tom had regretted it immediately and apologized but the damage had been done. Emma ended the call with a terse “see you Saturday then” and he’d been left cursing himself.
A buzzing in his side pocket pulled Tom’s attention from his thoughts. He pulled out his mobile, glanced at the name flashing across the screen, and slid his finger to answer the call. “Yes, Luke.”
His publicist chuckled at his less than enthusiastic greeting. “And good morning to you as well, Tom. Glad to see the jet lag hasn’t spoiled your sunny attitude.” Laughing harder as Tom merely grumbled in response. “I just wanted to make sure you remembered the meeting this morning.”
Tom bit back the retort burning in his throat. There was no need to take his temper out on Luke, not when the man was simply doing his job. “Yes, I remember. I’ll be there at half eleven.”
“Right. Should I send a car?”
The shake of his head was an automatic gesture and one he belatedly realized Luke could not see. Jet lag really was a bitch. “No, I think I’m just going to catch the tube today.”
Luke chuckled again and answered, “Fair enough. See you at half eleven then” before ringing off.
Bobby tugged at his lead, alerting Tom that his pace had slowed during his brief conversation with Luke. “Fine, fine,” he grumbled, picking up his pace. “Two more laps then its home for us.” Bobby yipped once and together they made their way down the paved path. The park was relatively empty, most sane people remaining indoors with the weather so cold. Tom enjoyed the peace the relative seclusion brought and was almost loathe to head home but a quick glance at his watch told him his cushion of time was rapidly dwindling.
It was quick jog back to the house and once Bobby was let loose from his lead, Tom kicked off his trainers and jogged up the stairs towards his room. He rushed a shower and threw on the suit he saved for meetings. He rubbed his hair dry, settling on the end of the bed and tugged on his boots. Tom thudded back down the stairs ten minutes later and headed into the back room, securing Bobby in his kennel. The spaniel whined in protest before seeming to accept his fate, curling up on top of the blanket and locking wide eyes on his master. Tom let out a sigh and hurried from the room. A glance at his watch told him he had less than an hour to make it if he wanted to be on time. He snatched his keys from the hall table, shut and firmly locked the door, before darting down the street towards the underground.
The fates, it seemed, were shining on him. He dashed into the Underground station and caught the next train out within minutes of its departure. A short ride later, found Tom jogging up the street and into the stage door entrance of the theater. Luke, ever punctual, was waiting at the staircase landing and smiled as his client approached.
“Look at you, here on time.” He stole a quick glance at his watch and then back at Tom, eyes widening slightly. “And early even. I never thought I’d see the day.”
Tom shook his head. “Funny.”
“And don’t you forget it.”
The two climbed the stairs and, with a few false turns, found the small office where their meeting was scheduled. Jaime and a few of the production team were there. Tom greeted them warmly and they sat chatting as they waited. Charlie and Zawe arrived several minutes later, their respective representatives in tow.
Charlie smiled at Tom, pulling him into a warm hug. “It’s great to see you. Can’t wait to get started.”
Tom laughed, “Me too. This should be a great bit of fun.”
He greeted Zawe in a similar fashion and they all gathered at the table in the center of the room. The meeting itself was straight forward; addressing the logistics of rehearsals and the overall vision for the show. They were handled production packets, including tentative schedules and copies of the script. Tom turned his over in his hands, eyes catching on the neat yet flowing hand which graced the front of it.
The writing was far neater than his own scrawl and he found himself intrigued, though he couldn’t put a finger as to just why. Maybe the lack of sleep is making me a bit soft in the head, he thought with a smirk of amusement. Wouldn’t be the first time.
Luke’s quick elbow to his ribs forced Tom from his thoughts. Surreptitiously rubbing his side, Tom shot his friend a scathing look.
“Tom?” Jaime repeated.
He felt a flood of embarrassment at being caught not paying a wit of attention. “I’m so sorry, what was that?”
Jaime laughed and shook his head, “Just saying it’s a pleasure to have you on board and that I’m very much looking forward to getting rehearsals underway.”
Tom smiled brightly. “So am I.”
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downthetubes · 6 years
New "TV Years" magazine celebrates the 1980s with look back at Doctor Who, Spitting Image and more
New “TV Years” magazine celebrates the 1980s with look back at Doctor Who, Spitting Image and more
TV YEARS, a brand-new magazine about old telly is on sale now in all good newsagents – and includes articles by a host of great writers, including Doctor Who Magazine contributors Graham Kibble-White and Andrew Pixley. Published by Bauer Media, the first issue is a fun read, all about the nostalgia decade du-jour, The Eighties.
Weighing in at 100 pages, but costing just £3.99, it comes from the…
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"I like to talk with you," he remarked. "You are not indifferently schooled. You've read the books, and your economic interpretation of history, as you choose to call it" (this with a sneer), "eminently fits you for an intellectual outlook on life. I would rather everyone gave birth to the fetus, barring medical emergencies for fetus and mother, yadda yadda, the usual exceptions. But, recognizing that everyone has the right to control what happens with their own bodies, I consistently vote for laws that reflect pro choice ideals. I want babies to live, have a shot at life, etc but I know I don get to decide that for everyone. Dust free drying is not a problem, but because lacquer dries so fast sometimes almost instantly it is very difficult to work with. Brushing lacquers are not recommended for amateur use; spraying lacquers must be applied with a motorized spray gun. Lacquer fumes can be both toxic and explosive. The strawberry smells just like strawberry jam, 구리출장안마 though if you prefer a lemony one there's the regular black sugar one too.And for clay (non Honey), Innisfree has their volcanic wash off mask line. The mousse one is very smooth though my friends swear the non mousse clay ones are stronger. If you're not in Asia and looking for non AB, Lush has some wash off masks but the price is really jacked up in Korea. I get lucky with a couple good raids, get another ptera (level 209 thanks to some quick dodo farm kibble). Good loot from raiding, upgrade to c4 and then really good loot from raids. Some bastard slaughtered my dodo farm (even tho I had a sign saying free range eggs help yourself, common). Ugh that's so accurate. I unfortunately spent a lot of time around violent white supremacists as a teenager (meth is a hell of a drug, especially at 17), and I see disturbingly similar logic in the sub those hatemongerers used to peddle 15 years ago. I know it sounds very dramatic to say so, but so much of the rhetoric used is unbelievably similar to gang recruitment tactics. Probably mining parts of the cave. Then they hit a nest of Shaelmaar who have made a mess of the place. They make more tunnels and enemies to fight. But why do you care enough for it to vex you? That what I don get. Someone wanted an answer. Someone was willing to provide it, by not saying "why don you google it you lazy" or condescendingly commenting with only "[wikipedia quote]". So the longest lasting lipstick I ever tried is the new Maybelline Super Stay Matte Ink. My goodness, I put it on for work, and eight hours, lunch, and a lot of drinking and talking later, it looked just fine. I do find that the formula stays a bit sticky, and starts getting shinier and more film like towards the 8 9 hours mark. However, in Spain, the most important and best loved tradition among children is Los Tres Reyes Magos, the day of the Three Wise Men. The Three Wise Men were the Biblical rulers who followed the star of Bethlehem to the birthplace of Jesus. The kings brought with them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. If I 구리출장안마 hadn gotten a BFP within the first six months, I might turn to FF or something else.Symptom spotting: Nothing really. My nipples became super sensitive the weekend before I tested positive. More so than they usually would during ovulation. Then I found this post on FutureDerm that totally blew my mind about setting a schedule for building tolerance to retinoids (see sources for link). So I mapped out my schedule for all 24 weeks and promised myself I would be patient. I went without actives for over a month, then took another crack at one night with lower strength Tazorac, my drug of choice.
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jacktrammell · 4 years
Reflections of a Gentleman Farmer
Reflections of a Gentleman Farmer: 2020 Episodes
By Jack Trammell
 2020 was a terrible year for people—but a good year for our animals.  We were home with them ALL the time.  Literally.  And the beauty of it is that we didn’t have to wear masks around them!  They loved it—they are going to hate us when we return to teaching face to face and a strange suspicious man shows up to feed them during some weekdays.  But it was a year, as usual, filled with funny and unusual farm tales.  
#1 Cattails
We have a cat “Hugo” who was born in a barn with some others that we didn’t find out about until I almost hit them with the tractor.  Hugo was the only one of the five who didn’t run away.  I picked him up and it was love at first sight.  The others got fixed and were adopted.  Hugo, however, who looks like a black and white kitten Border Collie cat, has become a farm “dog” to go along with Ranger, the real border collie.  
Hugo is quite an unusual cat.  He follows me around everywhere—inside the chicken coop (where he teases the roosters); along to feed the horse (he insanely rubs up against the horses legs and could get crushed); to feed the dog (this is the ONLY animal Ranger lets share his Kibbles and Bits); to the sheep pen, where the sheep come up to him and he raises a paw to their face and they back off); he lays with the geese who try to eat his tail (which he twitches out of their beaks); he purrs for the tiny Zebra finches in the kitchen when he sneaks in the house (although I don’t know how much to trust him here); he chases the golf balls I hit in my hay field/driving range (even though a couple of them have bonked him); more than my lazy old sheep dog Ranger this cat is now the go everywhere on the farm with me companion.  He even gets in the truck and rides the fences with me.
I guess it’s fine, although I’ve always been a dog guy.  A dog can chase a fox away; a dog can bark and scare off an intruder; a dog can serve as footwarmers on a cold night; a dog licks and kisses; dogs smile; dogs speak almost human English sometimes; dogs herd my animals where I need them. But now in the strange way the universe works I have a farm cat companion instead.  And the dog is okay with it.
 #2 Bridge and Floods and Environmental Change
I constructed a triple truss sixteen-foot bridge over one of our smaller creeks to allow medium sized equipment to cross over.  The posts were buried three feet in the ground.  I was quite proud of the engineering design and construction.  Unfortunately, and certainly related to climate change, we have had record amounts of rainfall in the last two years.  For the first time ever I have not had to irrigate crops or gardens over the summer months (which sounds nice but keep reading).  
The recent floods of Hammond Creek, the main waterway on our farm, have become frightening.  They have literally washed out the state roadway (Route 629) multiple times and closed it to traffic.  I had a sheep drown because the water level rose ABOVE the four feet fence line and swept it away.  In fact, one flood actually lifted my nearly one ton bridge up out of its moorings and placed it on top of a nearby fence.  I was flabbergasted (but never underestimate the power of water).  It took heavy equipment to get the bridge back to its location (although to my construction credit it stayed in one piece), and then I buried the moorings in concrete this time (we’ll see how it works).
I began to realize that my farm shows all kinds of signs of climate change—new invasive plants (Beefsteak Plant aka Perilla frutescens); a whole bed of cattails swept out to sea (Hammond Creek goes into the Chesapeake Bay); gates with one foot clearance now dragging on the ground due to the massive movement of mud/dirt; barns literally sinking into the ground due to saturation; plants that used to struggle now flourish; plants that flourished now struggle; old mill stones from a Colonial mill site have actually been moved dozens of yards for the first time in my experience.
Climate change is of course a political issue, too, but as a farmer living on our current property for nearly twenty years, I will simply say this—it’s obvious some things are changing.
Jack Trammell ran for Congress in 2014 and is a professor of Sociology.  He can be reached at [email protected] 
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petstutorial · 5 years
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Chicken Soup For The.Soul Dog Food Review Have you're ever heard of chicken soup for the Soul? If you haven't, then you are in for a treat. Here is a brand that has grown tremendously over the years, expanding its wings in positive thinking and pet food. That said ,we have prepared chicken soup for the soul dog food review to help you acquire the best meal  for your pet. Covering the history and the upsides ,and down sides of the product. See also: [su_note note_color="#eff9de"] Royal Canine Dog Food Review | Ingredients | Recall History Wholesomes Dog Food Reviews | Ingredients | Recall History [/su_note] Who manufactures Chicken soup Dog food? Chicken soup for the Soul came to be in 1993 founded by two brilliant minds ,Mark Victor Hansen and his counterpart Jack Canfield. Initially, the company was more into the inspiration part of life, where they provided soul line books. Each book was created following a particular theme with intense heartwarming stories from readers. Their main aim is to touch the hearts of people. All chicken sup for the soul products are manufactured by the Diamond Pet food. Presently, Chicken soup offers a wide range of dog food products with outstanding classic and grain-free formulas. Based on their company website, Chicken soups makes every effort to strengthen the relationship between the pets and pet owner by providing quality products — one of the reasons why the company cooperates with local animal shelters to nourish pets. Recall History Generally, the chicken soup brand has been effect by two recalls. This includes: In April 2007, where the Chicken soup for the soul brand was involved in the significant menu food recalls, this was issued due to melamine contamination. In May 2012, the FDA issued a recall on all the chicken soup for the soul product due to potential salmonella contamination. Ingredients All the ingredients included in the chicken soup dog food are well formulated to cater to the nutritional needs of the pet. Some of the ingredients include real meats, veggies, fresh fruits many more. Moreover, they claim their products are free from added corn, soy, wheat, or any artificial additives that may be harmful to your petof Chicken soup dog food The Average price of chicken soup for the soul Compared to any average kibble, you will find the Chicken soup for the soul brand more expensive. Its price varies from one recipe to another with a bag of around 25 to 30 pounds going for $38 to $65. But you can choose to purchase 13-ounce cans, where 12 can go for $16 to $30 giving you an average price of $2 per box. Where to buy Chicken soup for the soul dog food You can explore several stores online to acquire this product. But one of the proficient stores that offer the best customer treatment is Amazon. You will also find their prices even favorable. Top Best Products Chicken Soup of The Soul Dog Food Diving deeper into the world of nutrition. Let's have a look at the best Chicken soup dog food products you can come across in the market. 1. The Chicken Soup For The Soul for adult dogs [amazon box="B00IEXBUNG" grid="1"] The chicken soup for the Soul for adult dogs is among the proficient products you can acquire for your dog. The product is specially formulated to ensure the well-being of your pet. Equipped with natural premium nutrition, you can be sure your dog will benefit from the high ingredients with the warmth and comfort that comes with this beautiful meal. Moreover, the product promotes your pet's lifelong health. Moreover, the food can last up to 6months, depending on the feeding habit of your dog. Ingredients Some of the ingredients in the product include: Chicken meal Chicken meal is a nourishing source of protein, which in the growth and development of the dog's muscles. Chicken cracked pearled barley This is barley that has been cracked. Barley is very important to a dog because it contains a lot of minerals and ingredients such as Peas This provides vitamins and minerals to the dog's body, ensuring that is has a strong immune system. Moreover, it is an excellent source of natural protein for the dog. Oatmeal This is an ingredient that is rich in fiber. Fiber helps lower the body's cholesterol level and lower sugar content. Diabetic dogs should ingest more fiber. Ocean fish meal Ocean fish meal is restricted to feeding pets and is a good source of protein for dogs. Egg products They are a great source of high-quality protein for the dog, which is highly essential in muscle building. Potassium chloride Potassium is necessary for regulating the dog's PH levels, which is the acidity or alkalinity of the body. With the acidity levels regulated, the body can retain calcium. Pros  Has no corn or wheat It is highly nutritious Not explicitly crafted for a particular breed of dogs Made of high-quality products Lasts longer Cons  At times, the dog may experience diarrhea. [su_button url="https://amzn.to/2B5FZ3U" target="blank" style="default" background=" #fe8d2e" color="#ffffff" size="5" center="yes" radius="square" icon="icon: thumbs-up" rel="nofollow"]CHECK LAST PRICE[/su_button] 2. The chicken soup for the Soul for puppies [amazon box="B00IEFZYVI" grid="1"] Among the best chicken soup for dog products is this fantastic product. As the name goes, the product is well crafted to meet the needs of puppies. This is the best way to promote rapid growth and keep your dog healthy. Moreover, the meal does not contain wheat, corn, or artificial coloring; this way, your is safe food contaminants. It also contains DHA which promotes eye and brain development. This way, you will always have an active dog in your homestead. Ingredients The ingredients used to make this excellent product include: Vitamin E Like in a human, this vitamin is essential for the dog. It helps to treat vitamin E deficiency, which is characterized by a poor vision and low immune system. White rice It helps the dog lower stomach ailments, lower cholesterol in the body, has vitamin D, and provides the dog with energy. Chicken fat Chicken fat is a necessary ingredient needed for the growth and development of the puppies. In addition, it is a source of omega in the dog’s body. It’s the ingredient that makes the meal tasty for the dogs. Salmon Salmon is a common denominator in most of the quality dog foods because it’s rich in protein and helps to improve the immune system. Potatoes Potatoes are becoming ingredients in dog’s food because they are a good source of carbohydrates and are more affordable than other sources of carbohydrates. Ocean fish meal Ocean fish make this meal. But the ones used are majorly small fish. They are commonly found in pet meals because they have a very high oil content and can choke. Dog food containing ocean fish meal has a very high concentration of crude protein. Dried Kelp Kelp is an essential mineral for the dog. Its importance in the dog’s body ranges from helping reduce Tartar in dog’s teeth, aiding in digestion, and assist in hair loss problems such as alopecia to heling in tissue repair. Pros  Product has no corn,which is not favorable to certain types of breeds Contains antioxidants to promote the general health of your puppy Supports proper digestion, and the general health of your puppies' skin. Cons  It's only the best product for children At times different puppies may react differently after eating this food. [su_button url="https://amzn.to/2ILRxxI" target="blank" style="default" background=" #fe8d2e" color="#ffffff" size="5" center="yes" radius="square" icon="icon: thumbs-up" rel="nofollow"]CHECK LAST PRICE[/su_button] 3. The chicken soup for the Soul Small Bites Dog food [amazon box="B00KMQLS8K" grid="1"] Indeed, every product by chicken soup for the Soul has a purpose. Among the essential products, you should consider acquiring is the Adult dog small bites.This is the best product for a smaller breed like a Chihuahua. The product is made of the finest ingredients with the first ingredient as Chicken. Generally, the meal promotes the growth and well-being of your pet. Thanks to its small kibbles size, small-sized dogs can enjoy this food without a struggle. Ingredients In terms of elements, the product contains: Flaxseed Flaxseed is an ingredient that is used to promote the healthy growth of the skin. It contains omega-3 fatty acids that are used for hair loss. In addition, it’s a source of fiber.   Salmon Most dog foods contain salmon in their ingredient because it’s a high source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. It, therefore, functions as an anti-hair loss and boosts the immune system   Iron proteinate. This is simply iron that has been chemically bonded with protein. It falls into the category of chelated minerals. Such ingredients make it easy for the body to absorb them.   Oatmeal Oatmeal is a good source of fiber for the body and is very important for dogs that have wheat allergies. Also, suitable for dogs with bowel irregularity.     Potatoes. Potatoes are well known for the high carbohydrate content.  Of late, they have been used as ingredients for most dog foods because they are affordable.     Egg product. Having eggs in your dog’s diet is very beneficial. Despite being a rich source of proteins, eggs are a good source of soluble vitamins.   Chicken fat. Chicken fat is an ingredient responsible for the tasty nature that you will find in most dog foods. In addition, it’s a source of proteins and Omega-3 acids. Pros  The product contains no corn It is edible for most dogs Highly nutritious Made of natural ingredients Has smaller kibble to favor your small breed Cons  May react differently to different kinds The package has no directions The product formula is only meant for adult dogs [su_button url="https://amzn.to/2MzAU9D" target="blank" style="default" background=" #fe8d2e" color="#ffffff" size="5" center="yes" radius="square" icon="icon: thumbs-up" rel="nofollow"]CHECK LAST PRICE[/su_button] 4. The Chicken Soup for the Soul Weight Care Dog Food [amazon box="B00JDS81IS" grid="1"] Every moment counts with the best product in the market. The Chicken soup for the soul weight care dog food is one of the best products you can come across. With the main ingredient as Chicken, you can be sure your dog will enjoy eating this product entirely. Generally, the food is composed of natural ingredients to support the wellness of your dog.It is also the best product to promote weight loss in your dog but turning fat into energy. Ingredients It is mainly composed of: Chicken Chicken meat provides high- quality protein to your dog .This ensures that it thrives physically and health wise. Salmon. It’s the source of proteins in the dog food. Proteins are used in the repair and maintenance of worn-out tissues in the body. Flaxseed Flaxseed is rich in fiber, which is needed to keep the digestive system healthy. It’s also a source of Omega-3 acids that are required in the body for hair loss. Chicken fat This ingredient gives the dog food its tasty nature.  It’s particularly helpful to dogs with problems such as itchy skin, low immunity dry skin Whole-grain brown rice It’s easily digestible by dogs and contains other minerals and vitamins help to the body such as vitamin B, selenium, and manganese. Peas Peas are a source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain a high level of protein, which boosts the dogs resistant to infections or diseases. Cracked pearled barley Pearled barley is barley that has its bran removed. Cracked barley is the pearled barley that has been reduced in size by grinding. Barley in dog’s diet is a source of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Pros  Promotes weight loss in dogs Very nutritious and enjoyable for your dog It is enriched with antioxidants to keep your dog young and energetic It contains direction on how to feed your dog, which is based on the weight and size of your dog Cons  May have effects on dogs with complications. [su_button url="https://amzn.to/319dptk" target="blank" style="default" background=" #fe8d2e" color="#ffffff" size="5" center="yes" radius="square" icon="icon: thumbs-up" rel="nofollow"]CHECK LAST PRICE[/su_button] 5. The Chicken soup for the soul for large breed adult dogs [amazon box="B00IEXBPTK" grid="1"] To ensure the well-being of your large breed adult dog, this is the best meal to go for. Chicken soup for the soul products are formulated with the pet's interest at heart.This is one way to ensure your dog enjoys the meal and grows health every minute. The meal is slowly cooked for wholesomeness providing its wonderful natural goodness and flavor. The meal also has a healthy balanced diet with major groups provide via poultry, fish grains, and many others. When it comes to skincare, this meal is the best for natural Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids that promote healthy, beautiful skin. Ingredients The ingredients include: Oatmeal Oatmeal is generally a source of fiber. Therefore, it's essential in the dog's overall digestive health. Chicken fat Chicken fat contains a high source of omega-3 acids. This acid is essential in curbing hair loss. It also includes a high amount of proteins. Whole-grain brown rice Rice is a common meal in humans. It is a source of many nutrients for the dog, such as vitamins and minerals. They are easily digestible by dogs. Cracked pearled barley Dogs cannot feed on grains. That explains why barley has to be cracked and pearled. Barley has a lot of nutrients, which makes it an ingredient in most pet foods. Ocean fish meal This is a fish meal made of small ocean fish. Any fish meal is always characterized by high protein content. Thus it's necessary to improve the body's immune system. Chicken Dogs can eat chicken, both raw and cooked. It's included in this dog food to increase the protein content. White rice White rice is very beneficial to your dogs. It has low-fat content, low cholesterol, high vitamin D content, and boosts the body's energy levels. Pros  Very useful in maintaining healthy skin Highly nutritious in maintaining the general health of your pet Cons  It has no direction on the feeding schedule for your dog May cause different reactions in different dogs. [su_button url="https://amzn.to/2M9xL1g" target="blank" style="default" background=" #fe8d2e" color="#ffffff" size="5" center="yes" radius="square" icon="icon: thumbs-up" rel="nofollow"]CHECK LAST PRICE[/su_button] 6. The chicken soup for the soul for large breed puppies [amazon box="B00IEXBRK2" grid="1"] Formulated by the best in the industry, the chicken soup for the soul plentiful breed puppy food is the ultimate solution for the  large breed puppies. The meal is composed of a holistic diet composed of all-natural ingredients to promote the growth of lean muscles and strong bones in large breed puppies’. Moreover, the meal contains antioxidants to improve health and not forgetting DHA for proper eye and brain development. Indeed, this is the best choice for your large breed puppy. Ingredients The product is composed of: Cracked pearled barley This is barley except that it has been cracked and ground with the bran removed. Barley is a very nutritious ingredient that will help the dog allergic reactions caused by wheat. Whole-grain brown rice This is an ingredient that is found in most British dog food producers. It contains a lot of nutrients, which include vitamins and minerals. In addition, it has fiber. Egg product In humans having eggs in our diet is very beneficial to our health. The same goes for dogs. They are rich in proteins and fat-soluble vitamins. Carrot Carrots are rich in potassium, vitamin A, and fiber. In addition, they can help improve the dog’s dental health. Vitamin E supplement Vitamin E is a requirement which helps in vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E deficiency is a problem that is rare in dogs. But if a dog lacks vitamin E, it will experience issues such as poor vision and low immunity. Tomato pomace Tomato Pomace is a minor ingredient found in most pet foods. Tomato pomace contains a high amount of soluble fiber. In addition, it contains minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C and potassium. Blueberries Most people won’t believe this, but as in humans, they are a source of fiber and are antioxidants. Pros  It is composed of antioxidants to maintain the general health of the pets It is highly nutritious and promotes rapid growth in large breed puppies It is a great source of DHA which supports active eye development. Cons  It does not have the direction to direct the user on how to feed the pets Different dogs may have mixed reactions to the products. Not the product for animals with digestion complications. [su_button url="https://amzn.to/2OJG8Cc" target="blank" style="default" background=" #fe8d2e" color="#ffffff" size="5" center="yes" radius="square" icon="icon: thumbs-up" rel="nofollow"]CHECK LAST PRICE[/su_button] FQAs Q: How many times should I feed my dog?  A: Depending on the feeding habit of your dog, you can choose to feed your dog 3 to 4 times a day. Some of the products come with directions on how to feed your dog. But if it does have any instructions, take your time to find out which is the best feeding schedule. Q: Which is the best product for my dog?  A: There are several products you can explore freely to find the best for your dog. Whether you are keeping a large or small breed, you will always find a product that suits your dog perfectly. Moreover, all Chicken soup for the soul products is made with the pet's interests at heart, making them the best choice for your pet. Q: Why is my dog not eating this product? A: Several reasons have turned up on why your dog might not eat this product. Different dogs react to the product differently. A good example is if your dog is used to eating this product, you should consider starting up by mixing the pervious product with this product. This way, the dog will gradually transit to this product. You should also check with the physician to know the medical state of your dog. Q: Can I feed my German shepherd this product? A: The product is not specially formulated for a particular breed of dogs. You can choose a product that suits your product correctly in terms of size and weight. So whether you are keeping a German shepherd or Chihuahua, you can feed them right product to your dog at see it thrive. The product has not corn or wheat, so you have nothing to worry about. Conclusion Every dog deserves the best care. One of the main reasons why the chicken soup for the soul products are aimed to promote the general health of your pet. They have devoted themselves to invest in providing high-quality products to suit your pet perfectly. Take your time and select the best product for your dog from the list provided above. With the Chicken soup for the Soul you can never go wrong. Best Selling Chicken Soup for the Soul Dog Food On Amazon [amazon bestseller="Chicken soup for the Soul dog food"] This post has appeared for the first time in https://petstutorial.com/chicken-soup-for-the-soul-dog-food/?feed_id=105&_unique_id=5e2b040082bb7 #pets_tuttorial #jane_brody #pet_blog #pet_training #pet_products_reviews #best_dog_products #best_cat_products
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awellboiledicicle · 8 years
buzzlam replied to your post “buzzlam replied to your post “me: [enjoying puppy bowl] [a vegan...”
Just saying that if it is economically and medically viable, a vegan/plant based diet can reduce animal suffering, the effects of climate change and in some scenarios can aid human health. Being angered about an inappropriate diet for a dog would be hypocritical if not angered by the inadequacy of a primarily grain diet for many 'farmed' animals; it's something to look into if you care about animals- and if you are able to obviously aha ✌️��
ok because im in this kinda mood.
Veganism, in terms of white people tapdancing around doing it, is not good for jack and shit. 
People in southern american are starving to death because white people are going “QUINOA NOW” and I know damn well how immegrant and migrant workers are treated in this and other countries to grow your organic veggies.
Animals being raised for slaughter are treated really fucking well because poorly treated animals do not grow well. Starved animals don’t grow, not milked cows are usually in pain after a day or so, uncared for animals that have been domesticated don’t do too fucking well on their own. Beaten or neglected animals don’t sell well because their meat and product reflects it. I know because my family raised beef cows, we ran a carving & meat smoking shop, and there’s enough dairy farmers up here that I am personal friends with one that took me on a fucking tour.  Dairy farms and others often have working dogs-- which they feed kibble with meat in it. The difference between feeding their dogs and their other animals? Their other animals are made, via their fucking biological makeup, to eat grain as part of their diet. Because grain is a grass. That’s all it is, just the seeds of it. No one is feeding their damn herds only grain, or only one grain and walking away. That would be like pissing in their wallet. They have formulated feeds to make sure their animals get a good nutritional meal, sometimes its grain and meal mix, sometimes it’s hay, sometimes there’s a mix along with grazing time. 
You know who’s a fucking hypocrite in this lil informal info to info pissing match you’ve jumped into? You, buddy my pal. Because i’m suspecting just a lil touch of “i don’t care about the animals i just want to point out i’m better than you because I don’t eat meat” here. Just a smidge. Just like Mt. Everest is a pebble, like that. Because let me tell you--- Being pissed that some woman is looking at her love of animals and thinking her dietary/moral bent should apply to a dog, and knowing it’s stupid and knowing she probably has no real fucking clue because sometimes Foster people have the basic knowledge enough to get a pass and the shelters are packed, along with hoping to high heaven someone explains it to her, all that? That can exist along with knowing damn well what is humane treatment of livestock and inhumane treatment. I am 100% against inhumane keeping of livestock, because i’ve seen it and i’ve gone toe to toe with someone over treatment of horses and cattle and physically blocked a woman from shooting my then 7 year old little brother because he was petting a donkey we were trying to rescue. Because the woman thought he was going to steal the donkey, even though we then rescued him and then shelled out money for the next 11 years because she’d broken his legs over and over again and his feet still aren’t right. I’ve raised rescued baby donkeys that fuckers have starved till they looked spindly and ‘cute’ and we had to get them off the side the road because their buyers realized they were sick. I’ve sat in the animal shelter spoon feeding animals because abusive owners kicked their faces in and this is the only way they can eat and drink. 
So I fucking dare you to say i don’t care about animals and easing their suffering.  Farm animals have a whole list of problems, i’ll grant that-- illness because not a fucking buyer in this country wants them vaccinated against preventable diseases, every time an antibiotic comes out that could make them safer or healthier the whole fucking world loses their minds no matter how safe the thing is, things like that. 
I care about animals. I care about animals more than I care about a lot of my own fucking family, if i’m being 100% honest, and not a fucking person on this goddamn earth will tell me that because I don’t live on vegan shit-- or for that matter, people who i know damn well care their fucking heart out about humans and animals-- don’t care. Because i’ll be damned before you can look me in the eyes and tell me that the people who slave away making sure white people running around playing the morality olympics are less important than animals we’re already working on ensuring the welfare of.
if y’all don’t want to work through this long ass post, i will sum up.
Vegans don’t own the monopoly on caring for animals, in fact the giant pull by white vegans increases the suffering economically and personally on thousands of people worldwide, and also playing That Vegan Recruiter is never a welcome thing and just makes you sound annoying.  Good day.
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haliasjane · 8 years
tagged by @kibbles-n-bitch
How old are you?:  like 27 or some shit
Current Job/Dream Job?: warehouse worker and part-time alterations person/writer that gets paid enough dollars to do that exclusively
What are you talented at?: knitting, sewing i guess?, probably i should put writing in here, learning new things
What is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)?:  that stupid fucking book of mine. i’m like five chapters from the end of my first draft, which people more successful than me tell me is only like 5% of the total work that goes into a book. maybe you all can read it at your respective nursing homes when it comes out
What is your aesthetic?: boi i don’t know. like 80% cat hair though
Do you collect anything?:  bloody knuckles and broken bones i mean craft supplies
What is a topic you’re always up to talk about?:  knitting, cats, the movie titanic (like, in that movie’s universe, it’s partially jack and rose’s fault that the ship sinks. they come out of the ship basement or whatever that’s called after Doing It and their carousing distracts the lookouts in the crucial moments before the ship hits the iceberg. if they had kept it quiet maybe the lookouts would have seen the iceberg in enough time to turn. it’s partially your fault that he dies, rose. also one of the lookouts says to the other “if that’s what it takes for us to get warm, i’d really rather not, if it’s all the same to you” and i just. guys. like, you know people have fucked in the lookout tower, right? like it’s a mathematical certainty, right? and another thing: billy zane)
What’s a pet peeve of yours?:  when people tell me to stop talking about a movie that came out in 1997, the slow but unrelenting passage of time
Good advice to give?:  stay frosty
Recommend three songs?:  Marina and the Diamonds - Primadonna, Vanessa Carlton - White Houses, David Garrett - Viva La Vida (you knew this was gonna be in here don’t give me that look)
Tagged:  @yuppieschmuck @knitders @startenthousand @dancinginredshoes @malacoda-in-bruges @the-lazy-old-fox @WHOEVER WANTS TO 
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paull-green · 4 years
Dog Training#Activity#Breeding#Grooming#Preparation#Upbringing# Commands List#Angle#Database#Enumerate#Identify#Inclination#Itemise#Itemize#Lean#Leaning#Listing#Move#Name#Position#Recite#Slant#Table#Tilt#Tip#:
1/ Sit down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing#! The first#archetypal#archetypical#basic#best#early#eldest#firstborn#firstly#foremost#forward#freshman#front#gear#honours#initial#introductory#low#no.#oldest#opening#ordinal#original#position#premier#premiere#primary#prime#prototypal#prototypic#prototypical#rank# thing#abstract#abstraction#action#aim#artefact#artifact#attribute#entity#feeling#happening#object#objective#occurrence#situation#statement#target# to teach#blackbeard#buccaneer#inform#instruct#learn#pirate#thatch# a dog is to sit. This is the easiest order#arrangement#condition#dictate#enjoin#impose#inflict#magnitude#ordering#ordination#organisation#organization#position#prescribe#prescript#request#rule#say#sect#status#tell#visit# to teach#blackbeard#buccaneer#inform#instruct#learn#pirate#thatch# and is natural#born#earthy#elemental#fresh#innate#intelligent#physical#raw#rude#spontaneous#unaffected#unbleached#uncolored#undyed#unprocessed#, so it won't cost#expenditure#outgo#outlay#toll#value# him much#more#often#overmuch#some#such#untold# to learn#acquire#discover#hear#inform#instruct#larn#read#see#study#take#. If you can get him to sit and he understands that this is the position#attitude#berth#billet#business#condition#function#item#job#lieu#line#occupation#office#opinion#orientation#part#perspective#place#point#post#posture#relation#role#situation#spot#stance#state#status#view# to wait#act#inactivity#move# for his food#content#matter#nutrient#substance#, before going#accomplishment#achievement#deed#effort#exploit#feat#leaving# outside#alfresco#exterior#external#extracurricular#inaccurate#maximal#outdoors#part#region#right#surface#unlikely# or just#conscionable#fair#fitting#honorable#honourable#meet#retributive#retributory#right#righteous#rightful#upright#vindicatory#virtuous# when you expect#await#judge#look#wait# something from him, you will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# be much#more#often#overmuch#some#such#untold# more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# comfortable#comforted#comfy#cosy#cozy#easy#homelike#homely#homey#homy#prosperous#rich#snug#soothing# with the next#close#incoming#succeeding# steps. To do this, proceed#act#continue#hap#happen#keep#locomote#move#occur#pass#speak#talk#travel# as follows: * Take#Abide#Accept#Acquire#Affirm#Ask#Assert#Aver#Avow#Bang#Bear#Bed#Bonk#Brook#Buy#Conduct#Construe#Cover#Cross#Deal#Decide#Demand#Determine#Digest#Direct#Eff#Endure#Exact#Expend#Fuck#Get#Guide#Have#Head#Hold#Hump#Interpret#Involve#Jazz#Know#Love#Move#Necessitate#Need#Occupy#Position#Postulate#Purchase#Require#Screw#See#Select#Sicken#Stand#Stomach#Strike#Submit#Suffer#Support#Swan#Swear#Tolerate#Track#Train#Traverse#Undergo#Use#Verify#Withdraw#Work# a kibble or a reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# for your dog. Let your dog smell#aroma#comprehend#odor#odour#perceive#perception#property#scent#sensation#sensing# it and then put it in your closed#blinking#blocked#compressed#drawn#enclosed#nonopening#obstructed#sealed#shut#squinched#squinting#stoppered#tight#unopen#unreceptive#winking# fist#hand#manus#mitt#paw#. * Stand#Booth#Defence#Defend#Defense#Fend#Fight#Flora#Halt#Lay#Layover#Oppose#Place#Platform#Pose#Position#Posture#Put#Resist#Rest#Set#Stance#Standpoint#Stands#Standstill#Stop#Stopover#Support#Table#Vegetation#Withstand# in front#advance#advanced#anterior#beguiler#cheat#cheater#confront#deceiver#face#figurehead#first#fore#foremost#forepart#forward#frontal#frontmost#lie#line#look#proximity#side#slicker#strawman#trickster# of your dog as he gives you his attention#aid#attending#tending#work# and waits for his reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare#. * Say, "Sit, or sit down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing#." Use whatever#some#whatsoever# word#articulate#evince#express#language#morpheme#order#phrase#promise#show#speech#statement# you like#equal#equivalent#same#similar#suchlike#. * With the dog's attention#aid#attending#tending#work# fixed#concentrated#fast#firm#geostationary#geosynchronous#immobile#leaded#nonmoving#regressive#rigid#secure#set#specified#stationary#steady#taped#unadjustable#unchangeable#unmoving# on your fist#hand#manus#mitt#paw#, begin#act#commence#get#move#solon#start#statesman# to follow#analyse#analyze#arise#canvas#canvass#choose#copy#develop#ensue#espouse#examine#grow#imitate#locomote#move#obey#originate#persevere#persist#play#result#rise#select#simulate#study#survey#take#travel#uprise# an imaginary#imagined#notional#unreal# line#ancestry#billet#blood#bloodline#communicating#communication#conductor#connecter#connection#connective#connector#connexion#contrast#credit#demarcation#descent#destination#differentiation#distinction#finish#genealogy#goal#lie#merchandise#origin#parentage#pedigree#pipage#pipe#piping#product#reasoning#road#route#series#stemma#stock#wares# to the back#affirm#aft#approve#backmost#backrest#backward#backwards#bet#confirm#corroborate#endorse#gage#game#hind#hinder#hindermost#hindmost#indorse#o.k.#okay#place#play#position#posterior#punt#rear#rearmost#rearward#rearwards#sanction#side#stake#substantiate#support#sustain#wager# of the dog, passing#death#decease#departure#exit#expiration#extremely#fugacious#going#impermanent#loss#motion#movement#pass#qualifying#reaction#release#reordering#response#success#temporary#transient#transitory# over his head#advance#brain#caput#chief#cognition#coil#direct#educator#forepart#front#juncture#knowledge#lead#leader#mark#membrane#noesis#nous#occasion#pedagogue#perversion#precede#progress#progression#psyche#straits#subject#theme#topic#word#. At first#archetypal#archetypical#basic#best#early#eldest#firstborn#firstly#foremost#forward#freshman#front#gear#honours#initial#introductory#low#no.#oldest#opening#ordinal#original#position#premier#premiere#primary#prime#prototypal#prototypic#prototypical#rank# the dog won't understand#believe#interpret#read#realise#realize#see#translate#, he may try to move#act#advise#change#displace#locomote#propose#relocation#run#suggest# or turn#activity#appeal#bout#break#change#channel#channelise#channelize#crumble#dawdle#development#displace#favor#favour#ferment#flop#founder#grow#invoke#lag#locomote#lose#metamorphose#motion#move#movement#play#recede#release#reverse#rotation#round#separate#slip#transfer#transform#transmit#transmute#transport#travel#turning#twist#work# around your hand#ability#accumulation#aggregation#aid#applause#assemblage#assist#assistance#clapping#collaborator#collection#cooperator#crewman#deal#extremity#forepaw#give#handbreadth#handsbreadth#help#jack#laborer#labourer#manus#mitt#pardner#partner#paw#pointer#power#reach#sailor#script#side#transfer#writing#, but keep#book#cell#cook#donjon#dungeon#enter#fastness#fix#have#hold#livelihood#living#maintain#make#prepare#protect#ready#record#remain#reserve#resource#rest#save#stay#stronghold#sustenance# trying#disagreeable# until he sits down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing#. Then give#administer#afford#allot#apply#break#cater#cerebrate#change#cogitate#commit#communicate#consecrate#create#deal#dedicate#devote#dispense#distribute#elasticity#employ#founder#free#fund#furnish#gift#lot#make#move#pay#ply#present#provide#release#relinquish#render#resign#snap#spring#springiness#stretch#supply#think#use#utilise#utilize#yield# him his reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# while#patch#piece#spell#time# saying#expression#language#locution#speech# "Good#Acceptable#Advantage#Advantageous#Ample#Angelic#Angelical#Beatific#Beneficent#Benevolent#Best#Better#Bully#Close#Complete#Corking#Cracking#Dandy#Discriminating#Echt#Favorable#Favourable#Fortunate#Fresh#Genuine#Goodish#Goodness#Gracious#Great#Groovy#Healthful#Healthy#Honorable#Hot#Intellectual#Just#Keen#Moral#Morality#Near#Neat#Nice#Nifty#Obedient#Operative#Opportune#Peachy#Pleasing#Quality#Redeeming#Redemptive#Reputable#Respectable#Right#Righteous#Ripe#Safe#Sainted#Saintlike#Saintly#Salutary#Satisfactory#Saving#Secure#Serious#Smashing#Solid#Sound#Suitable#Superb#Superior#Swell#Unspoiled#Unspoilt#Upright#Vantage#Virtuous#Well#White#Worthy# dog, very#rattling#real#really# good#acceptable#advantage#advantageous#ample#angelic#angelical#beatific#beneficent#benevolent#best#better#bully#close#complete#corking#cracking#dandy#discriminating#echt#favorable#favourable#fortunate#fresh#genuine#goodish#goodness#gracious#great#groovy#healthful#healthy#honorable#hot#intellectual#just#keen#moral#morality#near#neat#nice#nifty#obedient#operative#opportune#peachy#pleasing#quality#redeeming#redemptive#reputable#respectable#right#righteous#ripe#safe#sainted#saintlike#saintly#salutary#satisfactory#saving#secure#serious#smashing#solid#sound#suitable#superb#superior#swell#unspoiled#unspoilt#upright#vantage#virtuous#well#white#worthy#" or any other#added#additional#another#different#else#new#opposite#otherwise#remaining#separate# positive#advantageous#affirmative#affirmatory#certain#confident#confirming#constructive#electropositive#formal#optimistic#supportive# expression#aspect#constituent#countenance#demo#demonstration#face#language#locution#look#manifestation#reflection#reflexion#speech#style#visage#. You can use any word#articulate#evince#express#language#morpheme#order#phrase#promise#show#speech#statement# you want#deprivation#essential#impoverishment#necessary#necessity#need#poorness#poverty#require#requirement#requisite# to teach#blackbeard#buccaneer#inform#instruct#learn#pirate#thatch# order#arrangement#condition#dictate#enjoin#impose#inflict#magnitude#ordering#ordination#organisation#organization#position#prescribe#prescript#request#rule#say#sect#status#tell#visit#, but keep#book#cell#cook#donjon#dungeon#enter#fastness#fix#have#hold#livelihood#living#maintain#make#prepare#protect#ready#record#remain#reserve#resource#rest#save#stay#stronghold#sustenance# in mind#aim#brain#care#cognition#deal#design#handle#head#intellect#intellectual#intelligence#intent#intention#knowledge#listen#manage#noesis#nous#obey#psyche#purpose#remember#watch# that dogs tend#incline#lean#run# to remember#advert#cite#mention#name#recall#recollect#refer#retrieve#think# simple#acerate#acerose#acicular#acuminate#apiculate#bladelike#caudate#cordate#cordiform#cuneate#deltoid#dolabrate#dolabriform#easy#elemental#elliptic#elongate#ensiform#hastate#human#individual#lancelike#lanceolate#linear#lyrate#mortal#naif#naive#oblanceolate#oblong#obovate#obtuse#orbicular#orbiculate#ovate#oversimplified#pandurate#panduriform#peltate#perfoliate#person#plain#pointed#reniform#retarded#rounded#sagittate#sagittiform#simplex#simplified#simplistic#smooth#somebody#someone#soul#spatulate#swordlike#ultimate#unanalyzable#uncomplicated#undecomposable#unlobed#unproblematic#unsophisticated#unsubdivided# words#language#line#text# more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# easily. Once#Erst#Erstwhile#Formerly# you have#acquire#bang#bed#bonk#change#eff#feature#fuck#get#hit#hold#human#hump#individual#jazz#know#love#make#mortal#person#possess#score#screw#somebody#someone#soul#tally# chosen#choson#elite#korea# a word#articulate#evince#express#language#morpheme#order#phrase#promise#show#speech#statement#, you should always#e'er#ever# use the same#aforementioned#aforesaid#assonant#comparable#corresponding#duplicate#equal#homophonic#identical#like#one#said#self#selfsame#similar#synoptic#synoptical#unvaried#unvarying#very# one. If one day you say "sit", another#added#other# "sit" your dog will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# not understand#believe#interpret#read#realise#realize#see#translate# and therefore#hence#thence#thus# will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# not obey you. 2/ Halt#Arrest#Block#Conclusion#Ending#Finish#Forbid#Foreclose#Forestall#Game#Halting#Hold#Kibosh#Lame#Pause#Preclude#Prevent#Stop#Unfit#! Your dog has to learn#acquire#discover#hear#inform#instruct#larn#read#see#study#take# to stay#act#appease#brace#bracing#check#continue#decree#delay#detain#edict#fiat#fill#fulfil#fulfill#meet#order#outride#remain#rescript#rest#retard#satisfy#slip#stick#strip# still#allay#comfort#console#ease#noneffervescent#plant#relieve#solace#soothe#works# in one place#abode#approximate#area#base#determine#estimate#expanse#gauge#guess#item#judge#localise#localize#locate#piazza#point#position#post#property#put#rank#residence#send#set#site#situate#situation#space#spot#square#station#, because when visitors come#amount#arise#arrive#become#descend#develop#get#grow#locomote#move#originate#proceed#rise#travel#turn#uprise#, when he goes out for a walk#accomplishment#achievement#bearing#calling#career#carriage#locomote#locomotion#move#paseo#pass#path#posture#travel#vocation#walking#walkway# on the street or you just#conscionable#fair#fitting#honorable#honourable#meet#retributive#retributory#right#righteous#rightful#upright#vindicatory#virtuous# want#deprivation#essential#impoverishment#necessary#necessity#need#poorness#poverty#require#requirement#requisite# him to stay#act#appease#brace#bracing#check#continue#decree#delay#detain#edict#fiat#fill#fulfil#fulfill#meet#order#outride#remain#rescript#rest#retard#satisfy#slip#stick#strip# away#absent#departed#forth#gone#inaccurate#off# from something or someone it's the best#advisable#champion#finest#first#foremost#good#human#incomparable#individual#mortal#optimal#optimum#person#physiologist#primo#prizewinning#somebody#someone#soul#superfine#superior#top#uncomparable#unexceeded#unexcelled#unsurpassable#unsurpassed# way to get it. And how do you keep#book#cell#cook#donjon#dungeon#enter#fastness#fix#have#hold#livelihood#living#maintain#make#prepare#protect#ready#record#remain#reserve#resource#rest#save#stay#stronghold#sustenance# him quiet#calm#calmness#comfort#composure#console#equanimity#inaudible#lull#noiseless#order#peaceful#placidity#quiescent#quieten#relaxing#reposeful#restful#serenity#silent#slumberous#slumbrous#soft#solace#soothe#soundless#still#stilly#tame#tiptoe#tranquil#tranquility#tranquilize#tranquillise#tranquillity#tranquillize#unagitated#uneventful#unhearable#unostentatious#unpretending#unpretentious#unruffled#untroubled#? By following#followers#mass#masses#multitude#people#pursuing#shadowing#stalking#succeeding#tailing# these steps: * When your dog is sitting#meeting#motility#motion#move#movement#session#, stand#booth#defence#defend#defense#fend#fight#flora#halt#lay#layover#oppose#place#platform#pose#position#posture#put#resist#rest#set#stance#standpoint#stands#standstill#stop#stopover#support#table#vegetation#withstand# next#close#incoming#succeeding# to him on his left#faction#hand#larboard#leftish#leftist#leftmost#liberal#manus#mitt#near#nigh#odd#parcel#paw#port#remaining#sect#sinistral#socialist#socialistic#tract#unexhausted#unexpended# or right#alter#appropriate#aright#change#compensate#conservative#correct#ethical#faction#far#good#hand#honorable#honourable#just#justice#justness#manus#mitt#modify#moral#opportune#parcel#paw#proper#reactionary#reactionist#redress#rightish#rightist#rightmost#ripe#sect#starboard#suitable#tract#, choose#decide#determine#opt#prefer#select#take# one of the two directions. Put his leash#bind#constraint#lead#restraint#tether#tie# on and say "[Name#Analyse#Analyze#Appoint#Argot#Call#Calumny#Cant#Canvas#Canvass#Charge#Constitute#Defamation#Denote#Enumerate#Epithet#Establish#Examine#Family#Figure#Folk#Found#Gens#Identify#Institute#Itemise#Itemize#Jargon#Kinfolk#Kinsfolk#Label#Lingo#Make#Nominate#Obloquy#Patois#Personage#Phratry#Plant#Recite#Refer#Reputation#Repute#Sanction#Sept#Slang#Study#Traducement#Vernacular#], Stop#Act#Block#Break#Catch#Cease#Conclusion#Consonant#Constraint#Disrupt#Ending#Finish#Forbid#Foreclose#Forestall#Grab#Halt#Interrupt#Kibosh#Knob#Labial#Layover#Occlusive#Place#Plosive#Preclude#Prevent#Quit#Restraint#Spot#Stay#Stopover#Stoppage#Terminate#!" with the palm#area#region#touch#tree# of your open#afford#agape#agaze#ajar#area#arise#artless#coarse#country#exterior#gaping#give#ingenuous#lawless#opened#outside#staring#subject#susceptible#turn#undecided#undetermined#unfastened#unlawful#unobstructed#unprotected#unresolved#unsealed#unsettled#unstoppered#wide#yawning#yield# hand#ability#accumulation#aggregation#aid#applause#assemblage#assist#assistance#clapping#collaborator#collection#cooperator#crewman#deal#extremity#forepaw#give#handbreadth#handsbreadth#help#jack#laborer#labourer#manus#mitt#pardner#partner#paw#pointer#power#reach#sailor#script#side#transfer#writing# next#close#incoming#succeeding# to him. Wait#Act#Inactivity#Move# a few seconds and if he obeys, come#amount#arise#arrive#become#descend#develop#get#grow#locomote#move#originate#proceed#rise#travel#turn#uprise# back#affirm#aft#approve#backmost#backrest#backward#backwards#bet#confirm#corroborate#endorse#gage#game#hind#hinder#hindermost#hindmost#indorse#o.k.#okay#place#play#position#posterior#punt#rear#rearmost#rearward#rearwards#sanction#side#stake#substantiate#support#sustain#wager# and say "That's good#acceptable#advantage#advantageous#ample#angelic#angelical#beatific#beneficent#benevolent#best#better#bully#close#complete#corking#cracking#dandy#discriminating#echt#favorable#favourable#fortunate#fresh#genuine#goodish#goodness#gracious#great#groovy#healthful#healthy#honorable#hot#intellectual#just#keen#moral#morality#near#neat#nice#nifty#obedient#operative#opportune#peachy#pleasing#quality#redeeming#redemptive#reputable#respectable#right#righteous#ripe#safe#sainted#saintlike#saintly#salutary#satisfactory#saving#secure#serious#smashing#solid#sound#suitable#superb#superior#swell#unspoiled#unspoilt#upright#vantage#virtuous#well#white#worthy#!" or something like#equal#equivalent#same#similar#suchlike# that and reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# him with a caress. * Repeat#Act#Echo#Emit#Hap#Happen#Ingeminate#Iterate#Move#Occur#Pass#Reiterate#Repetition#Restate#Retell#Tell#Utter# the above process#activity#affect#appendage#cognition#deliver#enation#growth#impact#knowledge#noesis#operation#outgrowth#touch#transform#transmute#treat#walk#writ# until he manages to stay#act#appease#brace#bracing#check#continue#decree#delay#detain#edict#fiat#fill#fulfil#fulfill#meet#order#outride#remain#rescript#rest#retard#satisfy#slip#stick#strip# still#allay#comfort#console#ease#noneffervescent#plant#relieve#solace#soothe#works# for more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# than 10 seconds. Remember#Advert#Cite#Mention#Name#Recall#Recollect#Refer#Retrieve#Think# to always#e'er#ever# reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# him first#archetypal#archetypical#basic#best#early#eldest#firstborn#firstly#foremost#forward#freshman#front#gear#honours#initial#introductory#low#no.#oldest#opening#ordinal#original#position#premier#premiere#primary#prime#prototypal#prototypic#prototypical#rank#, and then you can alternate#act#alter#backup#change#con#cyclic#cyclical#learn#memorise#memorize#move#relief#reliever#replacement#secondary#substitute#vary# between a reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# and a simple#acerate#acerose#acicular#acuminate#apiculate#bladelike#caudate#cordate#cordiform#cuneate#deltoid#dolabrate#dolabriform#easy#elemental#elliptic#elongate#ensiform#hastate#human#individual#lancelike#lanceolate#linear#lyrate#mortal#naif#naive#oblanceolate#oblong#obovate#obtuse#orbicular#orbiculate#ovate#oversimplified#pandurate#panduriform#peltate#perfoliate#person#plain#pointed#reniform#retarded#rounded#sagittate#sagittiform#simplex#simplified#simplistic#smooth#somebody#someone#soul#spatulate#swordlike#ultimate#unanalyzable#uncomplicated#undecomposable#unlobed#unproblematic#unsophisticated#unsubdivided# Good#Acceptable#Advantage#Advantageous#Ample#Angelic#Angelical#Beatific#Beneficent#Benevolent#Best#Better#Bully#Close#Complete#Corking#Cracking#Dandy#Discriminating#Echt#Favorable#Favourable#Fortunate#Fresh#Genuine#Goodish#Goodness#Gracious#Great#Groovy#Healthful#Healthy#Honorable#Hot#Intellectual#Just#Keen#Moral#Morality#Near#Neat#Nice#Nifty#Obedient#Operative#Opportune#Peachy#Pleasing#Quality#Redeeming#Redemptive#Reputable#Respectable#Right#Righteous#Ripe#Safe#Sainted#Saintlike#Saintly#Salutary#Satisfactory#Saving#Secure#Serious#Smashing#Solid#Sound#Suitable#Superb#Superior#Swell#Unspoiled#Unspoilt#Upright#Vantage#Virtuous#Well#White#Worthy# Dog. * When you manage#care#command#control#deal#handle#succeed#win# to keep#book#cell#cook#donjon#dungeon#enter#fastness#fix#have#hold#livelihood#living#maintain#make#prepare#protect#ready#record#remain#reserve#resource#rest#save#stay#stronghold#sustenance# him still#allay#comfort#console#ease#noneffervescent#plant#relieve#solace#soothe#works#, give#administer#afford#allot#apply#break#cater#cerebrate#change#cogitate#commit#communicate#consecrate#create#deal#dedicate#devote#dispense#distribute#elasticity#employ#founder#free#fund#furnish#gift#lot#make#move#pay#ply#present#provide#release#relinquish#render#resign#snap#spring#springiness#stretch#supply#think#use#utilise#utilize#yield# the command#bid#bidding#code#compel#control#dictation#enjoin#lie#mastery#order#overlook#overtop#require#say#skillfulness#statement#tell# and move#act#advise#change#displace#locomote#propose#relocation#run#suggest# away#absent#departed#forth#gone#inaccurate#off#. If he follows you, come#amount#arise#arrive#become#descend#develop#get#grow#locomote#move#originate#proceed#rise#travel#turn#uprise# back#affirm#aft#approve#backmost#backrest#backward#backwards#bet#confirm#corroborate#endorse#gage#game#hind#hinder#hindermost#hindmost#indorse#o.k.#okay#place#play#position#posterior#punt#rear#rearmost#rearward#rearwards#sanction#side#stake#substantiate#support#sustain#wager# to him and give#administer#afford#allot#apply#break#cater#cerebrate#change#cogitate#commit#communicate#consecrate#create#deal#dedicate#devote#dispense#distribute#elasticity#employ#founder#free#fund#furnish#gift#lot#make#move#pay#ply#present#provide#release#relinquish#render#resign#snap#spring#springiness#stretch#supply#think#use#utilise#utilize#yield# the command#bid#bidding#code#compel#control#dictation#enjoin#lie#mastery#order#overlook#overtop#require#say#skillfulness#statement#tell# again. Move#Act#Advise#Change#Displace#Locomote#Propose#Relocation#Run#Suggest# a few yards away#absent#departed#forth#gone#inaccurate#off#, then call#birdsong#demand#disposition#enjoin#exact#inclination#label#meet#option#order#phone#play#ring#say#song#telecommunicate#telephone#telephony#tell#tendency# him and give#administer#afford#allot#apply#break#cater#cerebrate#change#cogitate#commit#communicate#consecrate#create#deal#dedicate#devote#dispense#distribute#elasticity#employ#founder#free#fund#furnish#gift#lot#make#move#pay#ply#present#provide#release#relinquish#render#resign#snap#spring#springiness#stretch#supply#think#use#utilise#utilize#yield# him a reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare#. * Increase#Amount#Gain#Growth#Increment#Process# the distance#indifference#interval#length#size# until your dog is almost#most#near#nearly#nigh#virtually# 10-15 metres away#absent#departed#forth#gone#inaccurate#off#, or have#acquire#bang#bed#bonk#change#eff#feature#fuck#get#hit#hold#human#hump#individual#jazz#know#love#make#mortal#person#possess#score#screw#somebody#someone#soul#tally# someone else#added# call#birdsong#demand#disposition#enjoin#exact#inclination#label#meet#option#order#phone#play#ring#say#song#telecommunicate#telephone#telephony#tell#tendency# him. Always#E'er#Ever# remember#advert#cite#mention#name#recall#recollect#refer#retrieve#think# to call#birdsong#demand#disposition#enjoin#exact#inclination#label#meet#option#order#phone#play#ring#say#song#telecommunicate#telephone#telephony#tell#tendency# at the end and say, "Come#Amount#Arise#Arrive#Become#Descend#Develop#Get#Grow#Locomote#Move#Originate#Proceed#Rise#Travel#Turn#Uprise# here!" or something that tells him to move#act#advise#change#displace#locomote#propose#relocation#run#suggest#. 3/ Get down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing#! Right#Alter#Appropriate#Aright#Change#Compensate#Conservative#Correct#Ethical#Faction#Far#Good#Hand#Honorable#Honourable#Just#Justice#Justness#Manus#Mitt#Modify#Moral#Opportune#Parcel#Paw#Proper#Reactionary#Reactionist#Redress#Rightish#Rightist#Rightmost#Ripe#Sect#Starboard#Suitable#Tract# after sitting#meeting#motility#motion#move#movement#session# down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing#, teaching#commandment#doctrine#education#instruction#ism#pedagogy#philosophy#precept# him to lie down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing# is another#added#other# basic#basal#base#canonic#canonical#commodity#elementary#essential#first#fundamental#goods#grassroots#primary#radical#rudimentary#standard#staple#underlying# order#arrangement#condition#dictate#enjoin#impose#inflict#magnitude#ordering#ordination#organisation#organization#position#prescribe#prescript#request#rule#say#sect#status#tell#visit# for dogs that is easier to get. Also, it's a logical#analytic#analytical#coherent#dianoetic#discursive#formal#lucid#ordered#orderly#ratiocinative#rational#reasonable#sensible#synthetic#synthetical#valid# process#activity#affect#appendage#cognition#deliver#enation#growth#impact#knowledge#noesis#operation#outgrowth#touch#transform#transmute#treat#walk#writ#, because you can say "Don't move#act#advise#change#displace#locomote#propose#relocation#run#suggest#" then "Sit", then "Down#Behind#Consume#Descending#Doc#Doctor#Downbound#Downcast#Downed#Downfield#Downward#Downwardly#Downwards#Dr.#Drink#Eat#Fallen#Feather#Felled#Hair#Imbibe#Kill#Land#Low#Mastered#Medico#Perfect#Physician#Pile#Plumage#Plume#Set#Strike#Thrown#Trailing#". The dog will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# associate#affiliate#assort#cerebrate#cogitate#colligate#connect#degree#interact#link#relate#think#unify#unite# all this quickly#apace#quick#rapidly#speedily# and will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# do it almost#most#near#nearly#nigh#virtually# automatically in the future#approaching#coming#early#emerging#forthcoming#futurity#hereafter#incoming#later#next#prospective#prox#proximo#rising#subsequent#succeeding#tense#time#ulterior#upcoming#. * Stand#Booth#Defence#Defend#Defense#Fend#Fight#Flora#Halt#Lay#Layover#Oppose#Place#Platform#Pose#Position#Posture#Put#Resist#Rest#Set#Stance#Standpoint#Stands#Standstill#Stop#Stopover#Support#Table#Vegetation#Withstand# in front#advance#advanced#anterior#beguiler#cheat#cheater#confront#deceiver#face#figurehead#first#fore#foremost#forepart#forward#frontal#frontmost#lie#line#look#proximity#side#slicker#strawman#trickster# of your dog and say Sit. Once#Erst#Erstwhile#Formerly# you're sitting#meeting#motility#motion#move#movement#session#, say "Down#Behind#Consume#Descending#Doc#Doctor#Downbound#Downcast#Downed#Downfield#Downward#Downwardly#Downwards#Dr.#Drink#Eat#Fallen#Feather#Felled#Hair#Imbibe#Kill#Land#Low#Mastered#Medico#Perfect#Physician#Pile#Plumage#Plume#Set#Strike#Thrown#Trailing#" and point#amount#bushel#characteristic#component#contact#convexity#direction#disc#disk#doctor#fix#inform#lie#mark#measure#mend#muzzle#outlet#part#peak#portion#punctuation#quantity#repair#restore#sail#saucer#show#spot#stop#tangency#taper#tip# your finger#digit#fingerbreadth#touch# to the floor#base#construction#control#flooring#level#room#storey#story#structure#. If he doesn't react#act#move#oppose#respond#, hide#conceal#fell#pelt#skin# a reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# in your hand#ability#accumulation#aggregation#aid#applause#assemblage#assist#assistance#clapping#collaborator#collection#cooperator#crewman#deal#extremity#forepaw#give#handbreadth#handsbreadth#help#jack#laborer#labourer#manus#mitt#pardner#partner#paw#pointer#power#reach#sailor#script#side#transfer#writing# and lower#alter#berth#bunk#change#decrease#devalue#displace#inferior#junior#lessen#lour#lowly#minify#modify#move#petty#secondary#subaltern#subordinate# it with the reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing# (without letting go), the dog will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# automatically be attracted and will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# lie down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing#. * Once#Erst#Erstwhile#Formerly# lying#fabrication#falsification#prevarication#untruthful# down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing#, give#administer#afford#allot#apply#break#cater#cerebrate#change#cogitate#commit#communicate#consecrate#create#deal#dedicate#devote#dispense#distribute#elasticity#employ#founder#free#fund#furnish#gift#lot#make#move#pay#ply#present#provide#release#relinquish#render#resign#snap#spring#springiness#stretch#supply#think#use#utilise#utilize#yield# him his reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# and say "Good#Acceptable#Advantage#Advantageous#Ample#Angelic#Angelical#Beatific#Beneficent#Benevolent#Best#Better#Bully#Close#Complete#Corking#Cracking#Dandy#Discriminating#Echt#Favorable#Favourable#Fortunate#Fresh#Genuine#Goodish#Goodness#Gracious#Great#Groovy#Healthful#Healthy#Honorable#Hot#Intellectual#Just#Keen#Moral#Morality#Near#Neat#Nice#Nifty#Obedient#Operative#Opportune#Peachy#Pleasing#Quality#Redeeming#Redemptive#Reputable#Respectable#Right#Righteous#Ripe#Safe#Sainted#Saintlike#Saintly#Salutary#Satisfactory#Saving#Secure#Serious#Smashing#Solid#Sound#Suitable#Superb#Superior#Swell#Unspoiled#Unspoilt#Upright#Vantage#Virtuous#Well#White#Worthy# dog" and scratch#blemish#cacography#defect#dent#depression#excoriation#hand#handwriting#impression#imprint#incise#irritate#itch#lesion#mar#mark#mash#prick#scar#scrape#scrawl#script#slit#wound# or pet him to reinforce#fortify#instruct#learn#reenforce#strengthen#teach# this attitude#cognition#knowledge#noesis#. If you use the trick#conjuration#cozen#deceive#deception#delude#device#fob#fox#gimmick#illusion#legerdemain#magic#performance#twist# of hiding the reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# in your hand#ability#accumulation#aggregation#aid#applause#assemblage#assist#assistance#clapping#collaborator#collection#cooperator#crewman#deal#extremity#forepaw#give#handbreadth#handsbreadth#help#jack#laborer#labourer#manus#mitt#pardner#partner#paw#pointer#power#reach#sailor#script#side#transfer#writing#, you should gradually remove#disappear#shift#take#vanish#withdraw# it to teach#blackbeard#buccaneer#inform#instruct#learn#pirate#thatch# him to lie down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing#, even#alter#change#equal#flat#flatbottom#flatbottomed#flush#justified#level#modify#plane#regularise#regularize#smooth#steady#still#straight#symmetric#symmetrical#yet# without a reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare#. 4/ Come#Amount#Arise#Arrive#Become#Descend#Develop#Get#Grow#Locomote#Move#Originate#Proceed#Rise#Travel#Turn#Uprise# here! You don't want#deprivation#essential#impoverishment#necessary#necessity#need#poorness#poverty#require#requirement#requisite# your dog to escape#amaze#avoid#baffle#beat#bewilder#carelessness#discharge#diversion#dodging#dumbfound#flee#flight#flummox#fly#get#gravel#leak#leakage#mystify#neglect#negligence#nonperformance#nonplus#outflow#outpouring#perplex#pose#puzzle#recreation#regulator#run#stick#stupefy#valve#vex#, don't listen#center#centre#concentrate#focus#hear#pore#rivet# to you and don't answer#fulfil#fulfill#lick#reply#resolution#respond#response#result#satisfy#say#serve#solve#solvent#state#statement#tell#work# your call#birdsong#demand#disposition#enjoin#exact#inclination#label#meet#option#order#phone#play#ring#say#song#telecommunicate#telephone#telephony#tell#tendency#. So, calling#business#job#line#occupation#vocation# is the fourth#4th#ordinal#quarter#quartern#quaternary# basic#basal#base#canonic#canonical#commodity#elementary#essential#first#fundamental#goods#grassroots#primary#radical#rudimentary#standard#staple#underlying# order#arrangement#condition#dictate#enjoin#impose#inflict#magnitude#ordering#ordination#organisation#organization#position#prescribe#prescript#request#rule#say#sect#status#tell#visit# when training#activity#breeding#grooming#preparation#upbringing# a dog, because if he doesn't come#amount#arise#arrive#become#descend#develop#get#grow#locomote#move#originate#proceed#rise#travel#turn#uprise# to you, you won't be able#competent#fit#healthy# to ask him to sit, lie down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing# or stay#act#appease#brace#bracing#check#continue#decree#delay#detain#edict#fiat#fill#fulfil#fulfill#meet#order#outride#remain#rescript#rest#retard#satisfy#slip#stick#strip# still#allay#comfort#console#ease#noneffervescent#plant#relieve#solace#soothe#works#. * Put a reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# under#low# your feet and say "Come#Amount#Arise#Arrive#Become#Descend#Develop#Get#Grow#Locomote#Move#Originate#Proceed#Rise#Travel#Turn#Uprise# here", "Here" or "Come#Amount#Arise#Arrive#Become#Descend#Develop#Get#Grow#Locomote#Move#Originate#Proceed#Rise#Travel#Turn#Uprise#" to your dog without him realizing that you have#acquire#bang#bed#bonk#change#eff#feature#fuck#get#hit#hold#human#hump#individual#jazz#know#love#make#mortal#person#possess#score#screw#somebody#someone#soul#tally# that reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare#. At first#archetypal#archetypical#basic#best#early#eldest#firstborn#firstly#foremost#forward#freshman#front#gear#honours#initial#introductory#low#no.#oldest#opening#ordinal#original#position#premier#premiere#primary#prime#prototypal#prototypic#prototypical#rank# he won't understand#believe#interpret#read#realise#realize#see#translate#, but when he sees this piece#bushel#case#cloth#composition#conjoin#create#doctor#example#fabric#fix#gun#helping#instance#join#leather#make#material#mend#opus#part#patch#percentage#portion#repair#restore#serving#share#spell#tack#textile#thing#time# of food#content#matter#nutrient#substance# he will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# come#amount#arise#arrive#become#descend#develop#get#grow#locomote#move#originate#proceed#rise#travel#turn#uprise# quickly#apace#quick#rapidly#speedily#. When he arrives, tell#affirm#archer#assert#aver#avow#bowman#enjoin#inform#narrate#recite#recount#request#say#swan#swear#verify# him "Good#Acceptable#Advantage#Advantageous#Ample#Angelic#Angelical#Beatific#Beneficent#Benevolent#Best#Better#Bully#Close#Complete#Corking#Cracking#Dandy#Discriminating#Echt#Favorable#Favourable#Fortunate#Fresh#Genuine#Goodish#Goodness#Gracious#Great#Groovy#Healthful#Healthy#Honorable#Hot#Intellectual#Just#Keen#Moral#Morality#Near#Neat#Nice#Nifty#Obedient#Operative#Opportune#Peachy#Pleasing#Quality#Redeeming#Redemptive#Reputable#Respectable#Right#Righteous#Ripe#Safe#Sainted#Saintlike#Saintly#Salutary#Satisfactory#Saving#Secure#Serious#Smashing#Solid#Sound#Suitable#Superb#Superior#Swell#Unspoiled#Unspoilt#Upright#Vantage#Virtuous#Well#White#Worthy# dog!" and then sit down#behind#consume#descending#doc#doctor#downbound#downcast#downed#downfield#downward#downwardly#downwards#dr.#drink#eat#fallen#feather#felled#hair#imbibe#kill#land#low#mastered#medico#perfect#physician#pile#plumage#plume#set#strike#thrown#trailing#. * Go somewhere else#added# and repeat#act#echo#emit#hap#happen#ingeminate#iterate#move#occur#pass#reiterate#repetition#restate#retell#tell#utter# the same#aforementioned#aforesaid#assonant#comparable#corresponding#duplicate#equal#homophonic#identical#like#one#said#self#selfsame#similar#synoptic#synoptical#unvaried#unvarying#very# action#activeness#activity#challenge#litigate#mechanism#proceeding#proceedings#process#production#spread#spreading#state#sue#, this time#abstraction#case#clip#dimension#example#experience#indication#instance#instant#measure#minute#moment#period#quantify#reading#second#term# without a reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare#. If he doesn't come#amount#arise#arrive#become#descend#develop#get#grow#locomote#move#originate#proceed#rise#travel#turn#uprise#, put the reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# back#affirm#aft#approve#backmost#backrest#backward#backwards#bet#confirm#corroborate#endorse#gage#game#hind#hinder#hindermost#hindmost#indorse#o.k.#okay#place#play#position#posterior#punt#rear#rearmost#rearward#rearwards#sanction#side#stake#substantiate#support#sustain#wager# under#low# your foot#add#beat#cadence#hoof#measure#meter#metre#organ#pay#pes#walk# until your dog associates the Come#Amount#Arise#Arrive#Become#Descend#Develop#Get#Grow#Locomote#Move#Originate#Proceed#Rise#Travel#Turn#Uprise# here! with the call#birdsong#demand#disposition#enjoin#exact#inclination#label#meet#option#order#phone#play#ring#say#song#telecommunicate#telephone#telephony#tell#tendency#. * Increase#Amount#Gain#Growth#Increment#Process# the distance#indifference#interval#length#size# more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# and more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# until the dog listens to you when you are several#individual#various# metres away#absent#departed#forth#gone#inaccurate#off#. If you associate#affiliate#assort#cerebrate#cogitate#colligate#connect#degree#interact#link#relate#think#unify#unite# the reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# with waiting#inactivity#ready#, he won't hesitate#delay#pause#waffle#waver# to run towards you when you call#birdsong#demand#disposition#enjoin#exact#inclination#label#meet#option#order#phone#play#ring#say#song#telecommunicate#telephone#telephony#tell#tendency# him. Remember#Advert#Cite#Mention#Name#Recall#Recollect#Refer#Retrieve#Think# to reward#act#aftermath#approval#approving#benefit#blessing#consequence#instruct#learn#move#payoff#reinforcement#repay#teach#welfare# him every time#abstraction#case#clip#dimension#example#experience#indication#instance#instant#measure#minute#moment#period#quantify#reading#second#term# he responds to a basic#basal#base#canonic#canonical#commodity#elementary#essential#first#fundamental#goods#grassroots#primary#radical#rudimentary#standard#staple#underlying# command#bid#bidding#code#compel#control#dictation#enjoin#lie#mastery#order#overlook#overtop#require#say#skillfulness#statement#tell#, positive#advantageous#affirmative#affirmatory#certain#confident#confirming#constructive#electropositive#formal#optimistic#supportive# reinforcement#approval#approving#blessing#confirmation#device#input#operation#reenforcement#stimulant#stimulation#stimulus# is the best#advisable#champion#finest#first#foremost#good#human#incomparable#individual#mortal#optimal#optimum#person#physiologist#primo#prizewinning#somebody#someone#soul#superfine#superior#top#uncomparable#unexceeded#unexcelled#unsurpassable#unsurpassed# way to train#check#condition#develop#drag#educate#instruct#learn#prepare#procession#read#ride#series#study#take#teach# a dog and any other#added#additional#another#different#else#new#opposite#otherwise#remaining#separate# animal#animallike#beast#being#birdlike#brute#carnal#cranelike#creature#fauna#fishlike#fleshly#horselike#insectlike#organism#physical#sensual#.
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