#Jack Milton
filmjunky-99 · 4 months
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t h u n d e r h e a r t, 1992 🎬 dir. michael apted
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lyingfallow · 3 months
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i'm back rdr posting
one more as a bonus
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arsont-t · 6 months
Hear me out, the bioshock cast but they are all working in a corporation (Andrew's) and it's a "the office" like romcom/sitcom.
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eclaire-went-bam · 5 months
mlp au my friend and i made last night
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sadboi-writer · 2 months
Dear Jack (Series)
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Chapter Five: Swords and Magic
Summary: Milton and Y/N get bailed on by their friends because it's "not their thing". But, Rudy offers to help. Then the dojo realizes they're stronger together.
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, medieval cursing
Masterlist ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Six
Everyone was stretching in the dojo when Jerry ran in.
"Guys, huge problem!" He started, "Kelsey Vargas, the coolest girl in school, is on her way down here."
"Don't panic." Jack assured, "We've trained for this. Guys, bust out the emergency deodorant."
Y/N rolled their eyes, "So you'll put on deodorant for Kelsey, but not for Kim and I? Way to make some girls feel special."
Jerry rolled his eyes, "I don't need deodorant!"
"Yes, you do." Y/N said
"We all need deodorant. We're teenage boys." Milton replied, " Our bodies are a smorgasbord of smells.
Eddie nodded, "I'm not taking any chances, I'm wearing a necklace made of air fresheners right now."
He pulled out a necklace of tree shaped air fresheners and inhaled.
"This week I'm Alpine Meadow."
Jerry shook his head and turned to Y/N and Kim.
"I told Kelsey I was a martial arts expert and the youngest sensei in history." Jerry explained
Y/N cackled, "Oh, you're screwed dude."
Kim made a face and walked off. Rudy approached Jerry.
"Jerry," Rudy greeted
"Oh, Rudy, Kelsey's on her way." Jerry replied, "Dude, please hook me up with that black belt!" Rudy frowned, "You can't have this belt! Its a symbol of hard work, honor, and respect."
"Well, then why do you use it to walk your dog?" Jack asked
Rudy turned to Jack, "That was one time and it was an emergency. I had a pug with the squirts and new white carpet! Look, can we stop talking and get to sparring please?"
Rudy looked around, " Jerry, you're up against Kim. Milton, you're with Y/N. Eddie, you're with Jack."
"Jack?!" Eddie despaired
Jack did some warm up moves, much to Eddie's dismay. Y/N chuckled.
"Don't scare him too much, Jack." They hollered
Jack smiled, "Wouldn't dream of it."
"Uh, hold on. My phone is vibrating," Eddie panicked, " You know I hate to be that guy but- Hello?"
Eddie held his wallet to his face.
"You mean the guy who pretends his wallet is a phone?" Jack replied
Eddie shushed him, "Please, shh! Can you hear me now?"
And Eddie left the dojo.
Rudy clapped his hands, "Come on, guys, let's go!"
As they all prepped to spar, Kelsey walked into the dojo she stopped standing next to Rudy. Y/N waved lightly as they settled into their stance opposite Milton.
"Hi, Jerry," Kelsey greeted
Jerry spun around, "Kelsey, what a surprise."
"So, these are your students who fear and respect you?" She asked
Kim smiled tightly, "Yes, we are. I'm about to fear and respect the living grits out of him right now."
"Oh, no," Jerry panicked, quietly toward Kim, "Not my grits, I'm gonna need my grits!"
Kim was quick to grab his arm and flip him. Y/N cackled, offering Kim a high five.
"Wipeout!" Y/N chuckled
Jerry stumbled to his feet, "Yeah, I'd say you've got that move down pretty well! Oh, you guys take a five. Kelsey and I are gonna get a froyo."
Jerry stumbled toward Kelsey and Rudy.
"Oh, come on, Kelsey," Jerry groaned
Kelsey put out her arm to go with him, but Jerry stumbled and wrapped his arm around Rudy instead. Leaving Kelsey confused.
At school the next day, Jerry was all grump because of Kim embarrassing him.
He stalked down the stairs, "Hey, thanks a lot, Kim! You cost me a date with the coolest girl in school!"
"What are you gonna do, sensei, "She asked sarcastically, "throw me out of the dojo?"
Eddie chuckled.
"Kim, in the future, let's respect Jerry enough not to embarrass him in front of the girls he's lying to." Jack teased
Jerry completely missed the point, "Thank you , Jack! It's called decency, Kim."
The four heard a kazoo playing fanfare and kids laughing on the other end of the hall. They watched as Milton and Y/N marched through in totally embarrassing (in their opinion) royal garb.
Milton trotted to the staircase and announced, "All hail Miltonius, and his enchanting sidekick the Lady Y/N/N! The newly crowned king and queen of Narnia!"
"See, Milton, this is the reason you had to go to spring formal with a bio lab skeleton." Jack pointed out, "And Y/N what are you doing?"
"I'll have you know that Bonita is an excellent dancer," Milton protested
Y/N shrugged, "I'm having fun, Jack. I even made mine and Milton's outfits, do you like?"
Y/N did a little twirl, showing off the intricate design they'd sewn. Jerry smiled and offered a little clap for them.
Eddie interjected, "Hey, I know what's going on! It's that time of year when all the dorks come out and play swords and magic in the park!"
"Or if it rains we use the bingo hall at the senior center!" Milton added, "We tear it up!"
"Yeah we do!" Y/N cheered, giving Milton a high-five
As they spoke, Kelsey walked past the group.
"Hi, Jerry," She greeted
Jerry pushed Milton and Y/N out of the way, "Hey, Kelsey. I was just talking to these kids I've never seen before! I don't even know their names! Right, Milton? Really, Jerry?"
Milton ignored him, "Guys, big news! This year, you guys are all gonna participate in the battle with us!"
"It's going to be so fun!" Y/N chimed in
"What happened to all your other friends?" Kim asked, "You know, the ones who throw up when I try to talk to them."
"This years things are a little complicated," Milton explained, " Francis has a bassoon recital, Jeffrey is a finalist in the Mathlympics, and Louis got grounded for teaching his cockatiel bed words."
"Dude, we're not gonna be a part of your nerdfest," Jerry protested
Milton chuckled, "Very funny, Jerry."
"Nerdfest is in Minneapolis in October, duh!" Y/N laughed
Jack stood, "See, Milton, a bunch of dudes in tights running around the woods beating each other senseless with foam swords-- It's just not our thing."
"Well, it's our thing," Milton proposed, gesturing to Y/N, " And we wanna share this moment with my best friends. That's you guys."
Eddie shook his head, "I don't know. I just quit the cello and threw out my panda bear backpack. I'm just starting to get cool!"
"Come on! Just give it a chance!" Milton pleaded
Y/N looked at the ground, realizing their friends weren't going to budge. Which suddenly made them feel very uncomfortable in their outfit.
"Soon you'll know the exhilaration of bonding down a hill, cape aflutter, to slay a half-elf with a foam rubber axe!" Milton insisted, "Are you with me? All for one and one for- Gah!"
He shouted in despair as he realized the rest of their friends had left them.
"I probably lost them at 'cape aflutter'!" He bemoaned
Y/N played with the lace on the cuffs of their sleeves, pulling lightly at the loose threads they had yet to surge off. Milton came over and put a hand on their shoulder.
"I already made their outfits," Y/N mumbled
"I know, buddy, I know." Milton said empathetically before guiding them away
After school, Milton and Y/N were the first to the dojo. Immediately, Milton was complaining to Rudy while Y/N sat sullenly on a bench.
"I can't believe our own friends bailed on us!" Milton grumbled
Rudy shrugged, "I don't know. Running around in the woods, beating other dudes senseless with foam swords? That just sounds like a good time to me!"
Milton huffed, "Y/N made their costumes and everything!"
"You know what?" Rudy asked, "I love stuff like this!"
Y/N's eyes shot up, a small smile on their face. Milton turned and looked at their sensei.
"Are you saying you'll go into battle with me?" Milton asked hopefully
Rudy smiled, "It would be an honor... my lord."
Rudy bowed to Milton, who couldn't wipe the smile from his face.
"Wow," Milton acknowledged, "You two may be the only real friends I have."
Milton turned and grabbed a bo staff off the wall. He held it high with a smile.
"With this bo staff I bud thee, Rudy, my faithful squire!" Milton announced
"I can't believe it," Rudy giggled, "I'm a squire! I'm a squire! I'm a squire!"
That weekend, Rudy, Y/N, and Milton all took to the park with their weapons and costumes to go into battle. Rudy, being the squire, had the backpack full of everything. The three stumbled into the clearing where battle would start.
Rudy gasped for air, "You know, I don't think this squiring thing is for me."
"This turkey leg isn't gonna salt itself!" Milton insisted
Y/N chuckled, "My lord, I think we ought to give him a break."
Rudy huffed and pulled out his salt shaker, salting the turkey leg as Milton had asked.
"Dang it, I left my grape juice in the Port-a-Pooper!" Milton complained
Rudy shook his head.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go get it!"
Rudy turned and hobbled away to get Milton his grape juice. Y/N turned to Milton.
"Don't get me wrong, Mil. I'm glad Rudy is here," Y/N began, "But, I kind of wish Jerry or at least Eddie was here."
Milton sighed, "Yeah, me too. But, at least Rudy didn't leave us hanging, right?"
Y/N shrugged, "Yeah, I guess it just hurts that they weren't really willing to do for us what we do for them. I almost kissed Truman for Eddie, and he won't put on a cape and beat some guys up for us?"
"Yeah, I know Y/N/N, but we have each other. And we have Rudy."
Meanwhile, back at the dojo Jack, Eddie, and Kim exited into the food court as Jerry danced up. He was in a really good mood.
"Oh, guys, check it out! I smoothed everything out with Kelsey!" Jerry announced, " I promised I would never lie to her again, and I got a date with her this afternoon."
"Yeah!" Eddie encouraged
"The kid is back in the game! Whoo!" Jerry cheered
Jack dapped him up. But Eddie pointed out something behind them both.
"Nerd alert," Eddie stated
They turned around as Sidney and his friends approached.
"Greetings. We are the Dark Knights!" Sidney announced, "Warriors known for being brave and ferocious and-"
Kim cut him off, "Ferocious? Sidney, you cried in science when your fruit fly died."
"That fruit fly left behind 3,000 babies." Sidney narrowed his eyes, " Milton and Y/N said they put together a band of loyal warriors that will finally capture our grail and defeat us. Like that's going to happen!"
Sidney gave his best (yet it was still terrible) evil laugh. Jack cringed.
"Dude, dude, dude," Jack protested, "That evil laugh is so not working."
Sidney turned to his other friend, "Thanks, Benny. You told me it was intimidating!"
Benny shrugged, Sidney stormed off past him. Leaving the four Wasabi warriors in their place.
Jack was first to break the silence.
"Woah, guys, Milton and Y/N called us their loyal warriors." Jack considered, "Now they're gonna be out there all alone against a flock of dweebs hopped up on Honey Buns."
Kim grimaced, "Uhm, Jack, are you saying we should go to the park and help them? Because, uhh- I-- I can't. My, uh, Aunt Charlotte-- yeah, she's coming in from, uhm, Charlotte and we're gonna go watch Charlotte's Web. Wow, I am not good at lying."
Jack sighed, "Look, they've both always been there for us! Jerry, what about that time where you tried to get Kelsey jealous by making her think you were dating a cheerleader? Who helped you out?"
"Milton," Jerry conceded, "Wow, you're right. He was there for me... Did you know that Brian Donnelly actually asked him out?"
"Eddie," Jack insisted, "What about you? You hate going to visit your nana."
Eddie nodded, "That's because she always wants to do things to my hair."
"But who always goes with you?" Jack asked
"Y/N and Milton," Eddie answered, "Sometimes I think nana loves them more than me. And I'm okay with that!"
"And Kim!" Jack continued, "What about that time at the St.Patrick's Day Concert when you lost your voice? Who got you through that?"
Kim sighed as she thought back, "Y/N."
Jack looked around at his friends.
"Guys, I think you know what we have to do." He incited
They all went inside and changed into the outfits Y/N had hung up for them in the locker room. Eddie and Jack exited, Eddie dressed like a bardish elf and Jack dressed like an English knight.
"Seriously?" Eddie complained, "Is this really what we have to do?"
"Yes, it is!" Jack insisted, grimacing himself
The two tried to adjust themselves to be as comfortable as possible. As Kim and Jerry exited. Kim wearing the pink and purple princess dress that had been sewn for her, and Jerry in his tartan kilt.
"Come on," Jerry grumbled, "Let's go to the park."
"I don't get it," Kim groaned, "Why do I have to be the princess?"
"I am not swapping!" Eddie was quick to say
Then the four took off toward the park. Jerry slowed for a moment and looked at a lady who had been staring.
"Hey lady," he snapped, "Eyes up here, okay? Ugh, these sexy legs are a curse!"
The four tromped through the park, out of breath and sweaty as all get out.
"I can't take this anymore!" Eddie hollered, "It's hot, my feet are killing me, and these elf ears are starting to get sweaty!" He pulled one of the ears off and wrung out the sweat from it to prove his point. Causing Jack and Kim to grimace.
"You don't get to complain," Jack countered, "We could have stayed on the path to the battlefield, but noOoOoO, you knew a shortcut through the woods!"
Jack snatched the ear out of Eddies hand and yelled into it.
"This is not a shortcut Eddie!"
"Relax!" Eddie insisted, "I'm an Explorer Scout! I was trained to navigate by the stars!"
Kim started smacking her palm with her wand, "Oh, I can help you see the stars alright!'
Jack grabbed her shoulders and stopped as she moved towards Eddie angrily.
"Woah, woah, come on guys," He mediated, "We have to focus. Their battle starts in a half-hour."
Meanwhile, Milton and Y/N stood with Rudy as they met at the summit prior to the battle.
"So, where is this big loyal army you've been bragging about?" Sidney asked
"Yeah, guys, where are they?" Sidney's wizard asked
Rudy stuck his arm out, "I've got this, your highnesses. Yeah, we may be outnumbered, but my king and our queen have the heart of a lion! And I have the speed of a--a-- you know those animals with the pointy ears and they're really fast?"
"A gazelle?" Sidney offered
"Yeah," Rudy agreed, "Wait, no, no, they're skinny and they don't really run so much as--as just bound! And they kind of go grrr! And, oh it's right on the tip of my tongue!"
"Squire!" Milton interjected, "Let's just go over the rules. One, the first team to capture the other's grail and place it on the pedestal of glory next to their own is the winner."
Sidney nodded, "Rule two, if you get struck on the chest you're out."
"Cheetah!" Rudy shouted, "Sorry, it's the animal I was thinking of earlier. It just popped into my head. Sorry, keep going."
Y/N stepped up, "Rule three, no cursing or foul language. Unless it's a medieval word like 'zounds'!"
The Dark Knights gasped, Rudy placed a hand on their shoulder.
"Y/N, you are better than that!" Rudy insisted
"Not today I'm not," They smirked
The three went to their base to prepare for battle. They watched the Dark Knights parry with their swords.
"Oh, this will not end well for us," Y/N mumbled,"Milton, I fear our defeat is imminent."
Milton looked at Y/N with a bit of sadness in his eyes.
"Rudy, this looks bad," Milton spoke, "They'll be coming for our grail soon and I think you should know, I probably won't be going home with you."
Rudy's eyes hardened, "No, don't you talk like that. You're so young! You've got your whole life ahead of you."
"No!" Milton clarified, "I won't be going home with you because my mom is picking me up here to take me to the orthodontist."
Rudy nodded, "Look, whatever happens down there, It's been an honor to serve under you."
Rudy saluted vigorously. Y/N smiled.
"Rudy, can I get a ride back to the dojo after this?" Y/N asked
He nodded.
"Rudy, I've been thinking," Milton said, "If you're the only one who stood by us."
Milton looked to Y/N for permission, they nodded willingly. Milton unsheathed his sword.
"I hereby dub thee, Sir Rudy, our faithful knight!"
"I can't believe this!" Rudy cheered, "It's all happening so fast! Pretty good for a kid from the wrong side of the tracks with nothing but a pocketful of dreams! Not gonna cry... not gonna cry."
"Get it together!" Y/N snapped
The fanfare blew as they said that.
"We're going into battle," Milton announced
Y/N drew their rubber sword, Milton handed Rudy his then pulled a backup.
"Men, I can think of no greater warriors to fight with." Y/N complimented, "May our souls be lain in glory."
The Dark Knight collectively yelled, "Charge!" Then, Milton, Rudy, and Y/N were back to back. A triangle of threat to anyone who dared go for their grail.
All the while, Jack, Jerry, Eddie, and Kim were still running from the bees that they'd agitated.
"I think we finally lost the bees," Jack panted, "Where's Kim and Eddie?"
Jerry huffed and puffed for a second, "Oh, Kim got her hair tangled up in a thorn bush. Eddie's trying to get her out."
Eddie ran into the clearing, "It took a while, but I finally got Kim's head out of that bush! Luckily I had my official Explorer Scout pocket knife."
Kim walked in, her hair spiked up where Eddie had had to cut it. The three boys gasped. Kim smiled at them.
"Guys, the battlefield is just over there," She pointed out, "Come on!"
She ran off toward the battlefield, leaving Jack, Jerry, and Eddie behind.
Jack turned, "Eddie, even if you make it out of this battle alive, Kim's gonna kill you."
Then Jack took off in a run toward the battlefield. Jerry stepped toward Eddie.
"Wait, that was Kim?" Jerry asked
In the heat of the battle, Milton, Rudy, and Y/N fought valiantly. Swords clashing with fervor as they guarded what was rightfully theirs.
"I don't thinkI have much left," Rudy commented, "My tights are riding up, I got sunblock in my eye, and if I don't get a potty break soon something really bad's gonna happen."
"Rudy, focus!" Y/N insisted as their sword clashed with Sidney's
"Something better not happen!" Milton replied, "Those pantaloons are rented! Battle on! We must protect the grail at all costs!"
"Aye, your majesty!" Y/N shouted as their sword locked with the wizards this time
Sidney knocked Milton's sword from his hand, "It's over Miltonious! Prepare to taste my foam!"
Before Y/N could move to protect Milton, a foam axe flew through the air and hit Sidney. Knocking the sword from his hand. All eyes shot to the perpetrator.
"Ow! Who threw that!" Sidney whined
Y/N's face broke into a huge smile as the four sprinted across the battlefield screaming to join them.
Y/N heard Sidney say, "His arm is made of ogres!" Y/N took a swing with their swords, "That is a princess and her loyal knights, you Scobberlotcher!"
Sidney and his knights gasped at the words Y/N had used. Sidney swept up his sword from the ground.
"Retreat! Retreat!" He squeaked out
The four joined Milton, Rudy, and Y/N at their pedestal of glory. Y/N smiled and gave Jerry a tight hug.
"You guys made it!" Milton smiled
"I hoped you would show up," Y/N revealed
Jack panted, "This may not be our thing, but if it means something to you guys, then we're with you, King Miltonious and Queen Y/N/N!"
Milton's smile widened, "Thanks! Who's the dude with the punked out mullet?"
Y/N's eyes scanned and landed on Kim and her janky hairdo. A gasped escaped them as their hand flew to their mouth in shock. Kim looked just as confused.
"All right guys, hands in," Jack was quick to switch subjects, "We've got us a grail to capture."
Everyone piled their hands in, "Wasabi!"
"Charge!" Milton shouted
The group took off in a run toward the Dark Knights, a battle cry loud in their throats. Jerry immediately took down one guy, Eddie psyched out three on accident and they were taken out, and Kim got two.
Rudy stayed a guarded the grail with Y/N on the foreground trying to prevent anyone from getting that close. Jack was taking care of five of them at once. While Y/N had another three. One knocked their sword from their hand. Y/N surely thought they were done for. But, Jack came in from the back, kicked them their sword and fought back to back with them.
When he was done with his enemies Jack celebrated, doing a stupid little running man.
"Yeah!" He hollered, " Don't mess with the Jack!"
Y/N chuckled as they watched him fall into a bush.
Across the battlefield, Milton was locked in battle with Sidney. When his sword was knocked from his hand. He used the swing set to kick Sidney away, then used the flag to pole vault over the knights. Milton got his hand of their grail and grabbed a loose sword. He charged back toward their base and slipped through the knights as they charged. He tripped on his way down, turning the knights attention to him.
Y/N watched Milton set the grail on the teeter-totter. Immediately, they nudged Jack.
"Give me a boost, huh?" They asked
Jack looked and understood what they meant. He cupped his hands as Y/N backed up to get a running start. Y/N ran and ket Jack cup their foot, giving them lift as they launched across the battlefield.
Y/N landed harshly on the upside of the teeter-totter, punting the grail to their side of the field. Milton stood and ran after it as the Dark Knights watched in awe.
Milton ran as fast he could as the battle stopped around him. He dove and caught the grail, slamming it down onto their pedestal.
"Victory!" Milton shouted
Y/N cheered, "Yes!"
Jack ran to Y/N, picking them up in a hug. When he set them down, they looked into an each other's eyes for a moment. It was like the world was quiet and nothing else mattered. Until Jerry joined their hug.
"Whoo!" Jerry shouted, "We did it!"
"Oh! Come on!" Sidney complained
As the Dark Knights dispersed, Jack, Jerry, and Y/N joined their friends by the pedestal.
"Way to go, Milton!" Jack praised, "You did it!"
"No, Jack! We did it!" Milton insisted!
Kim smiled, "Here you go, Milton. Here's your grail, you've earned-"
She screamed as she saw her hair in the reflection of the grail. Kim looked ready to cry.
"My hair,"She squeaked,"What happened to my hair? Eddie?"
Eddie laughed nervously.
"You are so dead!" Kim promised
Eddie screamed as he took off sprinting, Kim hot on his tail. Y/N laughed, leaning into Jack's shoulder.
"Oh, she's going to kick his butt," Y/N chuckled
Later that day, after Milton's orthodontist appointment, the group went to the dojo. Where Y/N was already steaming and mending their costumes. None of them hadn't seen them yet.
"Thanks a lot guys," Milton complimented, "I know you were embarrassed by those costumes. But don't worry, you'll never have to wear them again."
Y/N frowned, they had worked hard on those.
"And no one at school will ever have to know!" Milton insisted
Jack caught sight of Y/N, "You're right, Milton. They don't, but they will."
The following Monday, Jack, Jerry, Eddie, and Kim all wore their newly mended costumes with no fight. Partly to make Y/N feel better about thinking they were embarrassed to wear them. And partly, to just support their friends.
They got laughed at, and Jack officially lost any hot dates he'd been working towards. But, at the very least, he thought it was worth it to make Y/N and Milton happy.
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zombiefishmonster · 1 year
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- some of my fav behind the scenes pics <3
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yezzyyae · 4 months
My sister & I was trying to figure out what movie to watch today & I was about to click on “The Godfather” on Paramount+ & my sister screamed “Oh please Nooooooo please don’t” & I said “why not?” & she said “it’s because I will go down the Al Pacino’s rabbit hole & not come back out for 6 months”. Literally it takes me 6 months to recover I will watch every movie over & over but mostly “The Godfather Part I & II”, “And Justice for All”, “Panic in Needle Park”, & “Scarface” then “Dog Day Afternoon” every morning I wake up 🙂‍↕️ & I won’t stop I will make my whole family watch it w/ me also LMAO so my sister said hellllll no next movie shit I can’t believe how funny that sounds 😂but I LOVE AL PACINO SOOO MUCH!
I love every character Al Pacino plays I don’t care 🤷🏾‍♀️ what the character is doing! I just love his face so much ooh wait “Sea of Love” & “The Devil’s Advocate” is my “half sleep let me put this on so I can dream about Al Pacino”❤️
So many more movies I love that I watch all of his movies satisfies me inside! The GREATEST ACTOR OF ALL TIME!
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dutchieliciousplans · 7 months
Lunch with the Marston family at beecher hope kinda day 👌
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(Sorry for the bad quality image 😩)
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WAIT If delta made it to the surface tenenbaum knows someone who can un-bigdaddy him because both jack and porter have been turned back. Jack made the turn and he’s shown not having the armour In the good ending cutscene. And porter’s voice was returned In the end of Minerva’s den. As he’s speaking to pearl one last time.
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4rainynite · 5 months
EAH Dorm Rooms Headcanons pt 22
Teachers Addition
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It wouldn't be high school without the teachers and to teach the students passed down legacies.
A good majority of the adults went to Ever After High School and some even became teachers to teach the future generation.
At the end of the day teachers need a place to sleep and we get to see who roomed with who during their high school years.
The teachers' living quarters are between the boys and girls dorm and is smaller than the students' dormitory.
Like the students each room is design to fit the persons personality.
Headmasters Milton and Giles Grimm
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Brothers Milton and Giles created Ever After High to teach the future fairy tales their storybook legacies. Overtime Giles notice how some destinies weren't equal even if some were happy ever afters. Giles purposed a way to make everyone happy, but Milton didn't agree. Still traumatized of almost losing Giles when they were children made him deadset on following the pre-determined fates and because he fears he'll lose power. There was a huge fight and Milton cursed his brother to speak Riddlish and banish him to the Vault of Lost Tales.
Being co-headmasters and founders of Ever After High School, Milton and Giles have the biggest rooms in the living quarters.
Milton's room is similar to his office: full of portraits of himself, full of awards, clean, expensive furniture, posh, with a canopy bed, and blue.
Giles's room is similar to the Vault of Lost Tales: messy, papers everywhere, books piled high, mix-matched furniture, and red.
When Milton cursed Giles the police investigated and closed his room up. Milton avoided the room at all crime to not feel guilt for what he had done to his brother.
When, Giles is free from his curse (he didn't get cured in Thronecoming) and Milton is arrested for his crimes, everyone predicts that Giles will throw away Milton's things. But, he doesn't. Giles lets it be, even after his brother's betrayel he refuses to touch the room.
Baba Yaga
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Baba Yaga teaches home-evilnomics and facility advisor and though she sides with Headmaster Grimm with destiny she's less strict and willing to show sympathy for those who want change.
Baba Yaga doesn't need a room due to her living in her cottage/office with chicken legs so it changes locations and we've seen it plenty of times in the show.
Her cottage has Slavic designs, candles, spell books, potions, and she has a steering wheel to control the hut.
I believe Baba Yaga's cottage/office is like the shotgun houses from my home state Louisiana. For those who don't know what a shotgun house is it's a narrow house (front to back) and each room is divided for better examples: 1 2 3. The first section is her office, second potion making section, third kitchen, fourth bathroom, and last bedroom.
Mr. Breaker Badwolf
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Breaker Badwolf was a student at Ever After High School where he studied (met the love of his life Ruby Hood and had a daughter) and now teaches General Villainy.
Breaker's room resembles a wolf's cave like his niece Ramona's room with rock formations, dim lighting, and leather furniture.
He seems like a hunter to me, so he has a collection of traps and snares in his room.
He keeps a two-way-book to speak with his with, photos of Ruby & Cerise, and letters from her hidden away in his room.
The White Queen
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After, evacuating Wonderland due to the Evil Queen's curse, she and her fellow Wonderlanders escaped to Ever After. She got a job at Ever After High School as the new Princessology teacher.
Like all the Wonderlanders her room is messy, but in a organized chaos sort of way.
Her room is styled like a chessboard with Wonderland decor.
Maid Martha Marion
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Maid Marion is the teacher of damsel-in-distress class and mother of Sparrow Hood.
Her cartoon and book appearance are drastically different in the show she looks like the perfect damsel while in the book she was described as:
Madam Maid Marian set a black bag under the desk, then removed her cone hat. Her hair was chestnut and cut in a short bob. She was fresh-faced, with no makeup. A few freckles dotted her wide nose and high cheekbones. She wore the colors of the forest, with a moss-green tunic and brown leggings. A pair of green feather earrings completed the woodsy look. Her suede boots looked super comfortable.
Appearances aside Unlike other damsels-In-distress she teaches her students to save themselves.
Her room is a hodgepodge of luxurious queen/ forest decor.
She definitely has exercise equipment and hunting gear like bows and arrows in her room.
Coach Gingerbreadman
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Coachh Gingerbreadman is the gym teacher who encourages his students to run faster to avoid crazed bakers.
His room is more of a gym than a bedroom with a treadmill, weights, a rowing machine, and etc.
His room is mostly candy & gingerbread decor with trophies decorating the walls.
Evil Step-Librarians
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Evil Step-Librarians (Stephanie and Sissy) are the librarians of the school, one is the mother of Prudence and Charlotte, and Cinderella's stepsisters.
While other staff members have their own room, they share one while at Ever After High School.
Their room has a gaudy luxury feel to it. Like everything cost of money but it looks cheaply made and tacky. And everything is bejeweled.
Since they're librarians the room has multiply bookcases with trashy romance novels.
Prof. Jack B. Nimble
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Prof. Jack B. Nimble is the of tall tales and seems to be a popular teacher among the students.
Prof. Jack has a huge candle collection ranging from size, colors, and scents. He has the cleanest smelling room in the teachers' sleeping area.
As you can see by his desk most of the furniture in his room is candle themed.
Because of this the sprinkler system goes off in his room a lot (similar to Faybelle).
He also has a huge bookcase where he keeps a collection tale tales and poems.
Prof. Pied Piper
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Prof. Alto Pied Piper is the music teacher and the father of Melody Piper.
His room is similar to the music classroom with many instruments and music books.
He keeps his Imperial Gold Turntables in his room when not using them in his class.
He has a mini fridge stocked with snacks for his pet rats.
He owns a huge collection of flutes and vinyl discs.
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Rumpelstiltskin teaches chemistry and is one of the least popular teachers in the school due making students spin straw to gold for extra credit.
His room is probably one of the messiest rooms in the teachers' living quarters and screams goblin core.
He has a spinning wheel that he uses to spin his own gold.
Momma and Papa Bear
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Ursula and Bernard are a married couple so obviously they share a room together.
Their room is cottage core with bear cave elements.
Like their story sleep in separate beds since Poppa likes his mattress firm and Momma likes her mattress soft.
Ursula teaches cooking class so she has a ton of cookbooks and Bernard teaches beast training and keeps many cages and pet supplies in their room.
Their son, Teddy, sometimes visits them when not in class.
Author's note: We were robbed that they never appeared in the show!
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Hagatha is the school's lunch lady who is infamous for her porridge which she adds artificial lumps to.
Can't really say too much about her so maybe insects motifs on her dress she has food and bug decor in her room.
Mrs. Trollsworth
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Mrs. Trollsworth is the secretery and Headmaster Grimm's assistant in his schemes.
Being a troll, her room is messy with a mix of grandma parlor room decor.
Mr. Green Thumb - Is the groundkeeper/gardener, due to his small size he most likely has the smallest room in the teachers' living quarters. It most likely full of gardening equipment and indoor plants.
Prof. Card - Prof. Card with the other Wonderlanders evacuated after the Evil Queen's curse, he is the current art teacher at Ever After High School. His room is full of art supplies and has a few weapons since he was a guard.
Prof. Knight - Prof. Knight teaches Hero Training and is one of the oldest teachers in the school who still remembers the art of knighthood. His room is decorated with suits of armor, swords, and horse decor.
Well, that's all the staff at Ever After High School!
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gayest-spn-character · 3 months
Gayest Supernatural Character, Round 3
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Always find it funny when someone says "Oh if Jack wasnt there with Arthur Arthur couldve killed Milton and Ross and half the game wouldnt take place"
Besties Idk how to tell you this but The Pinkertons wouldve sent two new agents
Its how Ross started working with Fordham after Milton was killed by Abigail
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glizzygoblin7 · 6 months
i’m sick of keeping my kickin it headcanons in the notes app and this fandom needs more content anyway 🤗
this are mostly jerry bc he’s my favorite
- jack still skates and the others got him a new board as a gift one year
- jerry’s the youngest in the group
- jerry is dyslexic
- rudy and ty are actually good friends they just disagree on minor things and play it up for their students (my dojang does this lmao)
- jack fuckin loves smoothies. it was his idea to add a smoothie bar to the dojo
- after the otai academy kim is pretty much bilingual (and also a better fighter than jack)
- jerry has anger issues
- milton is non-binary/bigender/some sort of not cis
- jack secretly really likes star wars and other “nerd” stuff and bonds with milton over it
- jack and jerry have a shared sneaker collection
i have more just not off the top of my head
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infiniteimaginings · 7 months
「𝘒𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘐𝘵」
Started: March 1st, 2024 Updated: March 1st, 2024
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Characters I write for in the show 'Kickin It'
Brody Carlson Eddie Jones Jack Brewer Jerry Martinez Kim Crawford Milton Krupnick Rudy Gillespie
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sadboi-writer · 1 year
Dear Jack (Series)
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Chapter Four: Dojo Day Afternoon
Summary: The group is introduced to Arthur, who shows interest in Y/N. When Y/N tells him no, he starts causing chaos around the dojo. Jack retaliates.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings:Canon-typical violence
 Masterlist ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Five
After their argument Y/N was avoiding Jack as best she could. Only seeing him at the dojo. 
When they walked in that following Monday, there was a pile of concrete rubble in front of the others. 
“I’m going to get a smoothie.” Eddie grumbled, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Eddie.” Y/N greeted
There was a muffled flushing and then plunging noise coming from Rudy’s office. 
“No, don’t you die on me! It’s not your time!” Rudy’s muffled voice insisted
“What’s going on in there?” Milton asked
“Rudy’s fighting with his toilet again.”Y/N sighed, walking up a rapping on the door, “Rudy stop plunging Myrtle!”
He stumbled out of his office in full plumber gear, “Poor Myrtle, I almost lost her. Twice I had to plunge her back to life!”
“How do you know if a toilet’s a boy or a girl?” Jerry asked
Rudy gestured, “Well, you take the top off the tank and reach your arm in and feel around-”
“Stop!” Milton insisted, “I think I’d rather hear about this in an awkward conversation with my father!”
“Rudy, focus!” Kim snapped, “The new owner of the mall is gonna be here any minute!”
Eddie ran in, “Hey! You guys gotta check this out! These brochures are all over the place! This new owner is making some big changes!”
Y/N took the pamphlet from him and glanced over it. 
Kim looked, “Hey! They finally took the baby changing area out of the food court! And if you ask me, that was a big step in the right direction!”
“No way!” Eddie exclaimed, “They’re bringing in a Captain Corndog!”
“Oh snap! That’s a classy joint!” Jerry said, “Yeah, my sister got married in a Captain Corndog! The captain walked her down the plank himself!”
“Look at that huge new parking lot!” Milton pointed out
Y/N took the pamphlet back, “Where’s the dojo?” 
Eddie looked over her shoulder, “There’s a parking lot where our dojo should be!”
Y/N sat down on a bench and kept looking over the pamphlet. There was no other area for the dojo. It wasn’t just being moved, it was being destroyed. After a while, Kim sat down next to her.
“What are we going to do?” Y/N asked
Kim shrugged, “Rudy will figure something out.”
Rudy had headed into the locker room to change to meet the new owners. And he came out soon after, looking way more presentable. Not five minutes later, the new owner strolled in with a boy who seemed to be the rest of the group's age. 
Rudy stepped forward extending his hand, “Mr.Turner! Welcome to my dojo!”
Mr.Turner smiled, “Nice to meet you, Rudy! This is my son, Arthur!”
“Hello, sir!” The boy said, eagerly shaking Rudy’s hand, “What a wonderful dojo you have here! Let me ask you: How do you do it? A sensei, a businessman, and obviously a male model!”
Rudy got flustered, “Uh, yeah... I don’t know-totally, it’s-well- Look at me!”
“Arthur, go make some friends while Rudy and I talk!” Mr.Turner told his son
Arthur smiled, “Yes, daddy! You and Rudy go have a good talk, alright? I’ll just be out here with the gang!” 
Mr.Turner and Rudy went into Rudy’s office. As soon as the door shut, Arthur’s entire demeanor shifted. Jack was the first to greet him.
“Hey, I’m Jack. How ya doing?”
“So!” Arthur interjected, “What do you losers do all day around this dump?Sit around and pretend to know karate?” 
He punctuated his sentence by flailing his arms around. 
Jerry puffed his chest, “Pretend to know karate? Check this out,”
Jerry readied himself, and Y/N finally stepped forward to join the group. Jerry stepped back.
“Go ahead, show him Jack!” 
Jack rolled his eyes, but turned to a practice dummy. The group started cheering him on. He did a roundhouse kick and knocked the head off the dummy. Arthur rolled his eyes, he glanced at Y/N and smirked.
“That was nothing!” Arthur insisted, “You guys want to see some real karate moves?”
He took the bow staff from Milton. 
“Watch this!” He proclaimed
He swung it around wildly while shrieking. Y/N looked away out of embarrassment. He broke one of the trophies.
“Uh oh.” He panicked, before throwing the bow staff back to Milton
Rudy and Mr.Turner emerged from the office.
“What was that?” Rudy demanded
“I can’t believe it, sir! That kid just busted up all your trophies!” Arthur lied
“Milton you are in big trouble!” Rudy scolded
Jack stepped forward, “What? It wasn’t Milton, it was Arthur!”
“Oh,” Rudy softened, “Well, accidents happen. And thank you for showing us what a dangerous place that is to keep trophies! Now, everyone give our newest member Arthur a big Bobby Wasabi welcome!”
Mr.Turner started clapping and so did Jerry. Y/N slowly joined in to not seem rude. Meanwhile the rest were just standing there, in shock.
The next day, Kim was whaling on a practice dummy as Eddie held it. He groaned as he let go of it.
“Kim, take it easy!” Eddie whined
Kim sighed, “Sorry, I’m just tired of being looked at as just another pretty face.” 
Jerry nodded, “Welcome to my world, sister!”
“I mean, what’s the point of being a reporter for the school TV station if Margaret Bork just thinks I’m some airhead southern belle who can’t do real news?” Kim vented
Arthur came in laughing, dragging Jack along with him. Y/N glanced their way as they hit a training dummy again. 
“OH, you guys should have seen what we just did!” Arthur cackled, “It was a riot! It was like taking candy from a baby!”
Jack rolled his eyes, “That’s what you actually did, Arthur. You took candy from a baby.”
Y/N laughed, Jack glared at her. 
“Hey, uh, can I get in on that?” Jerry asked before taking a piece of licorice, “Thanks, nothing tastes better than something stolen from a baby!”
Jack stormed off into Rudy’s office, and the others went back to what they were doing. Y/N approached Arthur.
“Hey,” She greeted
He seemed surprised, “Oh, uh, hey.”
She nodded at the licorice, “Can I steal a piece?”
He nodded and handed her one. Y/N bit a piece off and chuckled as she chewed. 
“What’s so funny?” Arthur asked
Y/N shook their head, “I just think it’s funny that you got Jack to just stand there while you nabbed this.”
“It’s not like he was gonna do anything,” Arthur replied
“So true.” Y/N chuckled, “Hey, do you wanna go get something to eat?”
He seemed even more surprised at that but nodded. Y/N smiled and grabbed their things. 
Jerry quirked a brow, “Where are you going?”
“Arthur and I are going to get something to eat.” Y/N replied as they headed for the door where Arthur was waiting
After the two had left Jack came out of Rudy’s office. When he didn’t see Arthur or Y/N he immediately approached Kim.
“Where did Y/N go?” Jack demanded
Kim looked at him, “She went to get something to eat with Arthur.”
His face got slightly red, “She can’t do that!” Kim turned on him, “Why can’t she!” “None of us likes him!” Jack tried to defend, “She can’t just take hiim out on a date or whatever!”
“So, you’re jealous?” 
“No, I am not jealous!”
“You so are.”
“I so am not!”
Kim chuckled, “Whatever, Jack.”
Meanwhile, Y/N and Arthur were sitting at a table in Falafel Phil’s laughing. Y/N took the wrapper off their straw half-way and blew through to shoot the other half at Arthur. 
“So, let me get this right?” Arthur chuckled, “You and the pasty kid sumo wrestled a professional sumo wrestler because you felt guilty?”
“Oh yeah,” Y/N affirmed, “I had a bruised back for like a week. Milton had to help me down stairs.” Arthur perked up, “Oh! I got you guys a gift, do you want to see?”
Y/N nodded and Arthur pulled out his phone, showing them the new pristine practice dummy he had ordered and was meant to get to the dojo the next day.
“That’s really nice Arthur!” Y/N complimented
They checked their watch, “I have to go, but we have to do this again sometime! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Y/N left with a wide smile on their face. On their way out they ran into Jerry, who was also heading home.
“Hey,” Jerry greeted
“Hey,” Y/N replied
“How was your date?”
Y/N smacked his shoulder, “It wasn’t a date! And it was good. Arthur isn’t too bad.”
The two parted ways, to go home. The next day, when Y/N entered the dojo Arthur was sitting there with the new dummy. The rest of the group exited the locker room. And Arthur stood, shooting Y/N a smile.
“What’s this?” Jack asked
“It’s a gift!” Arthur answered, “I know I’ve been a little bit of a jerk.”
“A little bit of a jerk?” Jack asked, “That’s like saying Jerry’s a little bit confused.”
“What?” Jerry asked, “Wait, what did I miss? I’m confused.”
“He’s trying to be nice, Jack.” Y/N snapped
Arthur smiled at her, “Look, to show that I’m not all bad, I got you guys this brand new state of the art punching dummy!”
“You know what, Arthur?” Jack said, “Maybe I had you wrong. If Y/N trusts you, I guess I do too.”
“Now that’s more like it!” Jerry cheered, “I think I should be the one to break this bad boy in!”
Jerry punched it in the face and the stomach opened letting out a spring punch. Y/N went to his side instantly.
“Oh my god, Jerry are you okay?” Y/N asked
Jack and Kim helped Jerry off the floor as Y/N rounded on Arthur.
“What the hell,Arthur?” Y/N shouted, “I gave you the benefit of the doubt! I thought you were alright! And now you do this!”
She punctuated every sentence with a poke to his chest.
Jack stepped forward, “Alright, that’s it-”
Kim stopped him, “No, Jack, you promised Rudy... but I didn’t.”
Eddie stopped Kim, “No, Kim, I want him all to myself.”
Milton stopped Eddie, “No, Eddie,this one’s all me.”
Milton turned on Arthur, then back to the rest of the group.
“Wait, why can’t Jack do this?” Milton pleaded
Y/N glared at Arthur, “It’s fine guys,let’s just start practice.”
Jack looked at her, and her eyes pleaded with him. Until he nodded in agreement. Arthur pushed Y/N out of the way.
“Woah, woah, woah, Jack!” Arthur prodded, “ I got this! Since Rudy’s not around and I outrank everyone, I’ll lead the class!”
“Are you nuts?” Eddie demanded, “You don’t outrank Jack!”
“Really? See, I don’t know if you noticed...” Arthur taunted, “But, I’m a green belt!” 
“Yeah,” Kim snapped, “Because your daddy bought it for you.”
Arthur stepped forward, “Jack, you don’t know anything about karate. You’re nothing but a scrawny little skate rat.”
“Arthur, would you just shut up?” Y/N demanded
Jack glowered at Arthur, “And you’re nothing but a spoiled little poser.”
The group chuckled at that. 
“Poser, huh?” Arthur snapped, “That’s it.”
Arthur ran at Jack.
“Jack don’t!” Y/N insisted
But, Jack hadn’t heard her and had already thrown him into the wall. 
“You’re gonna be sorry you did that!” Arthur shouted
Not a moment later Rudy and Mr.Turner entered the dojo.
“What’s going on?” Mr.Turner demanded
“It’s a good thing you’re here, dad!” Arthur cried, “I was just saying my prayers and eating my vitamins when Jack threw me into this wall!”
Mr.Turner turned to Rudy, “We had a deal, Rudy! You said this was a warm, safe environment where Arthur could learn karate and make friends!”
“Jack!” Rudy stumbled, “Did you throw Arthur into our wall of friendship?”
The group hesitantly nodded and agreed with what he said. Rudy ran to the wall and helped Arthur out of it. 
“They don’t do that to just anyone!” Rudy insisted, “They must really like you! Don’t you, Jack?”
Y/N stepped forward, “It wasn’t Jack’s fault. Arthur came at him first.”
Jack looked at Y/N with thanks in his eyes.
“He came at Jack, Jack came at him, it’s a big coming atcha party!” Rudy continued, “Alright, back to practice you lovable, scamps!”
“Rudy,” Mr.Turner snapped, “This is unacceptable, I want Jack and Y/N thrown out of your dojo!”
Y/N turned on her heel to look at the two. Glancing quickly at Jack, who was also frozen in shock.
“What?” They all asked
Arthur smirked, “Buh-bye, Jack and Y/N”
Rudy stood his ground, “I’m sorry, Mr.Turner, but that’s not gonna happen.”
“Alright then,” Mr.Turner stepped forward, “You have two hours to get out. You’re standing on the site of my new parking lot. Come on, son.”
Arthur was ushered out of the dojo by Mr.Turner. Tears brimmed Y/N’s eyes, one way or another she was losing this dojo. Rudy argued with his toilet for a second. 
Jack and Y/N decided to kick themselves out. Rudy stopped Jack.
“Put your stuff back, you’re not leaving.” Rudy insisted
Jack sighed, “If we don’t go, you guys lose the dojo.”
“We lose it either way.” Y/N said, “We’re not going to take it away from you guys.”
Rudy placed his hands on one of each of their shoulders.
“No, you;re not going.Sometimes in life, a man has to decide what’s really important,” Rudy said, two men started to carry his toilet away, “Oh hey! Not the toilet, take the kids instead!”
“Rudy!” Milton protested
“I’m sorry, but you’ve never sat on her.”
Jerry stepped up, “We’re not gonna take this, man! We gotta fight the power, yo!”
Jack dropped his duffle, “Jerry’s right! We’ve got to fight back! Like that guy on Meyer Avenue!”
“He chained himself to that old tree so that it wouldn’t be cut down!” Y/N continued
Kim nodded, “He stood his ground and saved that tree!”
“Until it fell over in a storm, destroyed my Aunt Verna’s house and she had to move into my room!” Milton complained, “I’ve seen things no boy my age should see.”
“You know what, you guys are onto something!” Rudy agreed, “What Turner’s doing is wrong, and we gotta fight back!” “What are you saying, Rudy?”Jerry asked
“I’m saying they can’t tear down the dojo if I’m chained to that post!” Rudy clarified, “And I will fight the good fight for as long as it takes! So chain me up!”
The group all cheered encouragement for him. 
“Get these things off of me! I can’t take it! I’m going crazy!” Rudy shrieked after he’d been chained up
“Rudy! It’s only been three minutes!” Jack replied
Kim stormed out of the side room, “Yeah, well if it’s such a great story then why not report it yourself?! That was Margaret, apparently Taco Tuesday is becoming Fajita Friday.”
“Yes!” Milton praised, “You slip the lunch lady $10 and a cat calendar and you can move mountains, baby!”
Eddie sighed, “All this talk about food is making me hungry, I’m gonna go over to Honeybuns to hook us up!”
“No!” Jerry protested, “You can’t go out there, man! That’s just what they want! You go out that door, it’s like we’ve given up!”
“Well, eventually we’re gonna need something to eat!” Kim reasoned
Eddie looked up, “You know, our air vent connects with the nail salon. Those ladies are always snacking on something.”
“Yeah!” Jack stood, “He’s right!”
Jerry nodded, “Yeah, but who’s skinny enough to fit through that vent?”
All their eyes went to Milton. 
“Oh.” Milton said, before the realization hit him, “Ohhhhh!”
Milton stripped his over shirt, leaving him in a  wife beater tank top. He threw the over shirt and hit Y/N in the face with it.
“Agh! Milton!” Y/N complained
Jack and Jerry hoisted Milton up to the vent. And there was a humming noise. Y/N glanced around.
“I think the exhaust vent just turned on!” Y/N announced
“What makes you say that?” Jerry asked
Then Milton was sucked up into the vent, Jack chuckled.
“Oh nothing in particular.” Y/N continued
They all sat together, waiting for anything to happen. About half an hour later, Turner showed up. Jack was the first on his feet.
“Look, Turner just showed up with some people!” Jack pointed out
The man had a megaphone and made an announcement.
“Attention dojo squatters, you have five minutes to get out.” Turner hollered, “We are bringing in a wrecking ball.”
“You don’t scare us, Turner!” Rudy shouted, before lowering his voice, “That whole bringing in a wrecking ball routine is the oldest trick in the book!”
Y/N kept their eyes outside, “That is a very real wrecking ball.”
“What?” Rudy demanded, “Unchain me, you fools!”
“Dude, we can’t!” Jerry said, “You gave the keys to Milton!”
Rudy panicked, “What? No! It can’t end like this! I never sat in a hot tub full of pudding! No wait, yes I did... no that was custard.”
Jerry peeked outside, “Nothing brings in a crowd like a wrecking ball! They’re totally on our side. You can feel the love!”
A muffled chant of “Knock it down!” began. Jerry glared outside before sticking his head out.
“Why don’t you guys shut your pie holes!” He shouted
Y/N slumped on the ground across from Rudy. Kim stood up straight as she got an idea.
“I just realized I’m in the middle of a huge story!” Kim announced, “Five kids from our school fight a great injustice!”
Jack glanced outside, “Well you better get out there, because it looks like your friend Margaret just showed up.”
“Oh no she didn’t,” Kim stormed out, “Not today, Margaret! Not today!”
Turner pulled out his megaphone again, “In two minutes we’re turning this place into a parking lot!”
Jerry looked at the four who were left, “I’m going out there.”
Then he stepped outside.
“Alright, now I got some demands, people,” He started, “Now, we’re gonna need a big bag of cheeseburgers, some fries, some juice boxes, and throw in some of those glow in the dark straws! They make drinking fun, yo!”
A guy in the crowd shouted, “Your demands stink!”
“Bro I wasn’t finished!” Jerry whined, “And I’m also gonna need a couple of helicopters flown by supermodels!” 
“Now those are some demands!” The same guy shouted
Jerry got the crowd to cheer Wasabi.
Y/N looked out the window, and saw Arthur climbing into the wrecking ball control center.
“Guys!” Y/N shouted, “Look!”
The wrecking ball started swinging around. 
“I got this,” Jack insisted before running outside
Y/N was quick to follow but stayed in front of the door. They blocked it with their body, if anything was happening to this dojo they were going with it. The ball swung toward them, and they leaned back.
“Y/N get out of the way!” Jack shouted
Pushing the door in slightly as the wrecking ball lightly tapped them and the dojo. As soon as it stopped, Y/N went inside.
“That was horrifying.” Y/N gasped out as Jerry pulled them into a tight hug
“You’re insane.” Jerry replied
Turner was the next person in the door.
“Is everyone okay in here?” He asked
Rudy sighed, “Look, Turner, you win. Alright, just go ahead and take your dojo back! Put up your parking lot! But, you know what? We’re proud! And we will hold our heads high!”
Rudy lifted his arms and the chains fell from around him.
“Really?” Rudy whined, “Hands over the head, that’s all it took.”
Jack ran inside pushing Arthur in ahead of him. 
“I think this belongs to you.” Jack said
Once they were both in he ran to Y/N. Doing a once over to make sure she was okay before pulling her into a bone crushing hug.
Turner rounded on his son, “Arthur, how could you do something like this? You endangered Y/N’s life! I’ve given you everything!” “Maybe that’s the problem.” Rudy said
“What do you mean?” Turner asked
“Well, this dojo might not be much,” Rudy continued, “But it’s built on the principle’s of discipline and respect. A couple of things Arthur obviously doesn’t have.”
“Blah, blah, blah,” Arthur groaned, “Look, can we just knock down the little dump now, dad?”
“No,” Turner snapped, “He’s right. I’m sorry, Rudy. Your dojo can stay.”
“Yes!” They all cheered
Jack picked Y/N up in a hug and spun them.
“Arthur, get in the car!” Turner snapped, “You’re grounded!”
Arthur quirked an eyebrow, “Grounded? What does that even mean?”
Jack smirked as he set Y/N down, “I think you’re about to find out.”
“Buh-bye, Arthur!” Y/N mocked
Turner pushed Arthur out of the dojo, leaving only the gang inside. 
“Jack, what you did was incredible!” Rudy complimented
Jack shook his head, “ It wasn’t just me! We all did it!... Wait a minute, has anyone seen Milton?”
Once everything was said and done the dojo was empty. Rudy was in his office and everyone else had gone home. Y/N sat on the bench, rubbing the spot on her sternum where the wrecking ball had tapped. A few moments passed before she felt a weight next to her. 
Jack glanced at her, “You shouldn’t have put yourself in harm’s way like that.”
“You jumped on top of the wrecking ball,” Y/N replied with a chuckle, “I am far from the one who was in the most danger.”
There was a moment of silence and Y/N looked at the ground.
“About what happened after the thing with Truman-” Jack started
Y/N stood, “Can we just forget that it happened? I’d rather things just go back to normal.”
Jack sunk in on himself a bit, “Yeah. Of course, yeah, it never happened.”
“Awesome. I’ll see you tomorrow, Jack.” Y/N said before leaving
Jack watched after her before mumbling under his breath, “I have a crush on you too.”
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