#Jack kelly fanfiction
lovingmusicalmen · 2 years
"Wh- so you did remember my birthday!" || "Of course I did. How could I ever forget?" with Jack Kelly?
This one's lowkey v cute! I hope you enjoy!
Still accepting blurb requests!
Fluff 21 - "Wh- so you did remember my birthday!" || "Of course I did. How could I ever forget?"
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If you were to ask Crutchie, he would say that Jack was moping.
A claim that Jack himself would vehemently deny. Jack Kelly did not mope, though that didn't mean that he didn't occasionally feel a tad bit disappointed. Especially when his girlfriend avoided him at every turn and gave absolutely zero inclination that she knew his birthday had been coming up.
And, yes, perhaps that mild upset was showing through Jack isolating himself on the roof of the lodging house with only his sketchbook for company. If you were to ask Jack, that was the ideal way for anyone to spend their birthday.
So no, of course he was not moping, no matter what Crutchie and Race and whoever else had to say about it.
"Jackie? You up here? The guys said they saw you head up here."
Jack tensed up at the familiar voice floating up to where he sat sketching from his penthouse.
"Oh so you actually want to talk to me now?" Jack bit out before he could think better of it.
Okay, so maybe Jack was a little more upset than he wanted to let on.
He let out a long sigh, snapping his sketchbook shut and turning around to face his girlfriend.
Y/N stood at the edge of the penthouse, her arms behind her back. There was a nervous smile on her face, and she was bouncing up and down a little on her heels. Her clothes were surprisingly clean considering that Jack knew she had been working far harder than usual lately.
"I have something for you," she said, smile widening.
Jack raised a single eyebrow at her, refusing to let her words raise his hopes.
Y/N crossed over to him, moving her hands to her front to present him with two small parcels and a piece of card.
"It's not much - but happy birthday, Jackie."
Jack blinked at her, staring between his girlfriend and the gifts she was presenting him with.
"Wh- so you did remember my birthday?" Jack asked in mild disbelief. Y/N let out a quiet laugh, biting her lip as she nodded.
"Of course I did. How could I ever forget?" Y/N asked, her voice soft.
"But you've been avoiding me."
"I wanted it to be a surprise. And I've been taking a couple of extra jobs to try and save up for what I wanted to get for you."
"You didn't have to do that!" Jack hadn't realised he had stood up until he had already crossed over to her. He clasped his hands ever-so gently on her arms.
"Of course I did - I love you, Jackie! Happy birthday!"
Jack learned and pecked her cheek before accepting the objects in her arms. He couldn't help but laugh at the card - two crudely drawn figures on the front holding what Jack presumed were meant to be newspapers.
"Yeah, okay - we can't all be artistic geniuses, Kelly," Y/N huffed, pouting.
"It's beautiful. I'll treasure it forever, baby," Jack promised, swallowing back any further laughter that threatened to bubble up.
True to his word, he strode over to where he had tacked up several of his own drawings to the railings, adding the birthday card to the mix.
"Crutchie is going to think your artistic talent took a serious hit," Y/N snorted, and Jack turned around just in time to see her flop down onto the piles of old clothes and blankets which served as Jack's bed.
Jack just grinned at her, joining her on the bed and carefully peeling away the newspaper which wrapped the two parcels.
A single cupcake was revealed in the first box and Jack's mouth watered at just the sight of it.
"This must've cost a fortune,"
"You deserve a birthday cake, Jackie - not every day you turn 18," Y/N murmured, grabbing hold of his hand and giving it a quick squeeze.
"I love you," he said, tightening his hold on her when she tried to pull away and instead tugging her closer to peck her lips.
"Yeah, yeah," Y/N waved it off. "Open the other one. That's the real present."
"The real present?" Jack repeated incredulously. Y/N just nodded eagerly, eyes fixed on the scruffy parcel. Jack picked it apart carefully, his eyes widening as he revealed a brand new set of paints for him to use. "How the fuck did you buy these?" He whispered.
"I told you - I've been taking a lot of extra work," Y/N shrugged bashfully.
Jack didn't think twice before lunging towards her to pull her into a long, deep kiss.
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lithuaniaseye · 7 months
last night I dreamed that Davey and Spot had a duet singing about how they yearned for Jack and Race respectively... I woke up laughing from the idea of Tommy Bracco and Ben Fankhauser's height difference.
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I think Jack and David should have kissed, and my feeling about that is... how do you know they didn't?
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characters calling their bf/gf/love interest nicknames is one of my favorite things ever.
Like, for newsies, like Jack calling David 'Davey' and 'Dave' and Davey calling him 'Jackie' is just so cuteee
or like Race being one of the only people who call spot 'spottie' or something, because he finds it funny that it makes him so flustered.
Or for tbom AUs where connor and kevin are together, them just shortening each others names into 'con' and 'kev' like awwww i just can't contain how happy it makes me feel.
one more example cause i gotta include my main three musical fixations...
in act two whizzvin calling eachother 'marv' and 'baby'
and i can just imagine the lesbians having so many adorable nicknames for each other like omggg
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ya-what--ya-erster · 3 months
I thought I’d share
I’ve been putting together an AU where Jack Kelly grows up to be Jay Gatsby who if you want here’s some key points
Nick is replaced with Davey
Recognized from war changes to recognized from the strike
They probably still both fought in the war but it will stay slightly insignificant until the end
Jay Gatsby was once Jack Kelly
Became rich for Katherine ✨ because after the strike obvs Jack had to go to war and Katherine thought he had died!! Some years after the war ended Jack became Jay and built his mansion across the bay from Katherine and one of the Delancey brothers because why not (he needs to be a jerk like Tom so it works)
Davey's POV just like it’s Nicks in the book
Probably leave Jordan as Jordan
Medda to replace the one old guy who Gatsby called an old best friend
Instead of an empty funeral, Davey tracks down all the old newsies that survived the war and they all collectively mourn the loss of their cowboy and the loss of all the other newsies lost in the war
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no-i-wanna-go-down · 5 months
The desperate search for good, finished Newsies fics that aren’t modern aus or just aus in general because MY GOD there’s so many :( no hate to anybody who writes modern aus it’s just that part of the charm of Newsies for me is the time period if that makes any sense actually at all
Anyways if anybody has fic recommendations that take place in the canon time period please gimme. Preferably a decent mix of angst and fluff, just all around good fics :)
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youaintnothinbuta · 6 months
A jack kelly x fem! Reader hanging out with the newsies then Les randomly blurts out “their kinda like mom and dad” Jack get really embarrassed and every bursts out laughing while agreeing
“They’re kinda like mom and dad.” — jack kelly x reader
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Summary: see request^^
Pairing: Jack Kelly x fem!reader
Word count: 375
Warnings: none!! Fluff <3
You sat with Jack and the other newsies in your usual spot, on the rooftop of a building near the lodge. You lean back against the edge, listening to the others converse, while Jack sat beside you, holding you close, his smile lighting up his face as he jokes with the others.
“Hey, Finch, back up from the edge.” Jack calls out to him, reaching over to tap Specs to tell him to grab onto Finch’s shirt.
Les, the youngest of the newsies, pipes up from across the circle. “You know,” he says with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Jack and Y/N are kinda like mom and dad.”
There's a moment of silence as his words sink in, and then the group erupts into giggles and agreement. You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks as you exchange a glance with Jack. Jack's expression is a mix of embarrassment and amusement, and he rubs the back of his neck as all the boys start nudging him, calling him daddy.
“Come on, Les, don't be ridiculous,” he argues, but his protest is met with more rowdiness from the Newsies.
“It’s true!” Race chimes in, grinning. "Making sure we're fed and safe, more parents than mine ever were.”
“Yeah, consider us practice until you start making your own.” Elmer added, Jack punching him lightly in the arm in response.
Jack shot you a sheepish smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “They’re not wrong,” you say, your tone teasing. He playfully nudges you with his elbow, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“I guess,” Jack surrenders, the group continues to tease and joke, their laughter echoing off the surrounding buildings. Despite Jack's initial embarrassment, you can see the fondness in his eyes as he looks around at the ragtag family you've all become. Les and Davey had their parents to go home to, yes, but Les considered you just as much of a parental figure. He crawled over to Jack, curling up in his lap, Jack still with one arm wrapped around your waist, listening as the others continued their chatter. Jack takes your hand in his, squeezing it three times, one of the many ways he wordlessly tells you he loves you.
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sntafe · 2 months
has anyone written cowboy jack kelly. like rodeo barrel racing jack kelly. because i just really need to read that
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we-are-inevitable · 4 months
the sun still sets the same - javid WIP
“Hang on– Wait, okay, wait.”
They’re almost to the silver door before David all but drags Jack back a few feet, nearly making him bump into another person on the sidewalk. Jack turns on his heels to face David, who gently grabs his shoulders and positions him in the mouth of the alleyway between the two buildings- a bar and a dance hall. 
“Everything okay, Dave?” Jack asks, righting himself from the shoving. He’s used to being manhandled- his frat brothers believe in the love language of side-punches and dragging people arould by the collar of their shirt- but David is pretty gentle about it, and it catches Jack off guard more than it should. “Change your mind?”
“No, I just… I wanna make sure that you didn’t,” David starts, glancing over his shoulder at the sidewalk. “Change your mind, that is. I know this isn’t really your scene, and I don’t want to force you or anything.”
Jack grins, gaze softening. It’s sweet, really, that David cares like this. He’s right either way: Jack has never been to a gay bar before, let alone a drag show, but David’s birthday is next weekend and Jack can’t go to his party because he has to go to a date party with some Chi-O, so this is the next best thing. A night out together, doing something that David loves.
Jack isn’t sure he gets the appeal yet, though; he knows it’s entertaining, but why David loves men in makeup and skirts, he isn’t sure. But, hey, maybe he’ll be enlightened. 
“Dude, you really think I would’a walked all the way here to chicken out at the last minute?” Jack asks, raising a brow and crossing his arms. He sees David’s worry melt away- not completely, but enough- and the grin that takes place on his face makes Jack smile wider. “I’m a big boy, Davey. Ain’t gotta worry about me.”
David breathes out and nods. “Okay, good,” He says, and crosses his arms to mimic Jack. Jack watches him for a moment, the way his biceps flex a little as he moves and the way he cocks his hip, and he wonders for a moment how David isn’t cold just wearing a cut-up sleeveless croptop and a mesh undershirt. “In that case, we need to go over the rules.”
Jack tilts his head. “Rules. What rules?”
“First off, no judging,” David says quickly, nonchalantly holding one finger up. “Not that I think you would, but I’ve dealt with enough dickish straight guys at drag shows to not want to put up with it. Second– you’re here to see the show. I guarantee there will be plenty of straight girls looking for a gay best friend in there, and I know you’re not gay,” David pauses for a beat, “and I’m not trying to police who you flirt with or anything, but I just– I don’t, uh, want you missing out.”
“Wasn’t plannin’ on flirting with anyone anyway. We’re celebratin’ your birthday, man, tonight’s all about you,” Jack says as earnestly as he can. This isn’t how he’d want to spend his Saturday night, but it’s for David. He’d do a lot for David. “Besides, you’re actin’ like I’m not gonna be glued to your side all night. I’m out of my element here.”
“Fair point,” David acknowledges with a tilt of his head. The movement makes the glitter on his eyelids shine in the barely-there ray of neon light from the sign above, and Jack has to admit, David looks pretty good in makeup, for a dude. “Third– please try to have fun, okay? I get that drag is, like, weird, but it’s supposed to be. Frankly, I think it’s better when it’s weird. I don’t want you to be miserable just because you’re doing this for me.”
“I guarantee you, this is gonna be fun, okay? I know it’s gonna be a culture shock. It’s fine, Dave, really,” Jack assures him, then nudges his shoulder with his fist. “Let’s get inside before you freeze to death.”
David’s grin morphs into some sort of amused little smirk, a look that Jack hasn’t seen before, and he drops his arms to his sides. “Oh, that’s cute! You think gay people get cold. You’ve got a lot to learn.” 
As if he didn’t just drop an enigma of a sentence, David turns on his heels with surprising dexterity for someone in 4 inch platform boots, and walks out of the alleyway, beckoning for Jack to follow. 
And Jack does.
He follows underneath the neon pink lighting of the sign reading Mirage, and he follows in line, and he follows when the bouncer- a larger man in a black tee and leather vest- draws an X on the back of his hand, and waves them inside, and he follows as David leads him into an overwhelming mash of glitter and pop music and people who don’t look like Jack at all.
For the first thirty seconds, it’s a difficult adjustment. After that, after Jack sees the smile on David’s face? After he sees David throw his head back and laugh at Jack’s initial shock, after he sees David start to sway to the music and raise his hands as he leads Jack to the stage area? Jack decides being in this new atmosphere is the easiest thing in the world, if it means he gets to see David smile like this.
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“We was beat when we was born”
Jack Kelly, 1899
I’m sorry but now I have to write an angsty story abt all the newsies shitty lives😭
(I rlly should try and finish my other works first, shouldn’t i?)
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somedayonbroadway · 7 months
What would the Newises do if they saw the Delanceys showing their brotherly affection with each other?
Interesting question…
I think all the newsies would react in different ways.
Jack would leave it alone. He wouldn’t say anything about the way morris tussled Oscar’s hair, but he would watch the exchange and wonder why they had decided to be as cruel to him as they were.
Race would speak up and ask them if they were going soft which would end in him getting chased all the way to Brooklyn
Crutchie would smile at them and say good morning as he bought his papes and he’d tell them they were lucky to at least have each other
Albert would use the opportunity to slip himself an extra pape or two because Morris would be making sure Oscar was alright after he slipped and fell
David would be too distracted managing his own brother to notice.
Specs would clean his glasses to make sure what he was seeing was actually real.
What do you guys think?
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serenasoutherlyns · 1 month
user serenasoutherlyns' fanfic recommendations!
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I updated my fic recs for the first time in at LEAST a year, so here's my most recent fic recs!
unsentimental<- I don’t even go here but this is the best fanfiction i’ve ever read
I hope we’re not going to have a problem
all I need is a taste
ficlets by eastberlin
balancing act
shorts by VerySpecificRandomThings
some of murphy’s not so obscure laws
miracle on 89th st
somewhere i can rest my soul
the trouble won’t wait
sigourney weaver
this is all olivia benson’s fault
modern times
big time
you have not yet learned to crawl
outside the frame (is what we’re leaving out)
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leading-manhattan · 5 months
Dysfunctional || Modern AU
You can also read on Ao3!
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David is dead on his feet. After a day of morning classes and the shift he picked up at the restaurant he feels like every spark of energy he had in him has been drained away. The only thing keeping him from sitting down in the stairwell of the apartment complex and passing out then and there is the promise of Jack waiting for him up on the second floor. There's nothing more satisfying than shoving his keys into the lock and pushing open the door. Unsurprisingly the lights around the flat are all on. It's not a big place by any means, they were two broke college kids lucky enough to find an affordable single bedroom near campus, but Jack often flipped on all the lights when he was working late into the night on a piece. In the center of their living room Jack's easel was set up with a medium-sized canvas nearly finished perched in its grip. Hence the lights.
David throws his keys on the counter, glancing around the space to see if Jack is in the room but quickly coming up short. He takes another look at the painting and furrows his brow. He recognizes the painting, splashes of navy and shades of purple that he couldn't name flowing together in a brilliant forest scene, it was the same commission Jack's been working on for the past week. The same commission that Jack's client was supposed to pick up tomorrow. It should've been finished by now so it'd be ready to collect by the evening after Jack wrapped up his classes. 
"Jack, I'm home!" David calls just in case Jack didn't hear him come in from, he assumes, the bathroom. A soft grunt comes from the couch, the cushions blocked by the back facing the door, and a sense of dread starts to stir up in David's gut. "Jackie?" He murmurs much softer into the quiet air of the apartment, slipping his bag off his shoulder and hanging it off the back of one of their dining chairs as he makes his way towards their makeshift living room.  
He's close enough now to see just who's on the couch and his chest constricts at the sight of his boyfriend. Jack is stretched out on his side, head propped up on one of the throw pillows, staring listlessly at his unfinished painting. He's still clad in the tank top and sweats he was in this morning when David left, streaks of paint scattered about his arms and clothes, and his eyes look so dead that for a moment David doesn't feel like he can breathe. He gently bats his anxiety aside and lowers himself slowly onto the armrest by Jack's feet. David swallows thickly, trying to think of the best way to approach this, but ultimately tries to take a casual approach.
"Is this the one you were working on when I left?" David asks softly, careful still not to break the fragile bubble that seemed to encase them. Jack offers another noncommittal grunt in response. David tries to push down the worry that flares cold and demanding in his chest. "I thought they were gonna pick this one up tomorrow, did they say they couldn't make it?" He presses tentatively.
Jack makes a choked sound deep in the back of his throat and David feels like his whole world collapses when Jack's lifeless expression cracks and tears quickly flood his eyes. Jack curls up, arms wrapping around his middle and legs pulling up to his chest, and David immediately jumps into action, leaping from his seat and immediately rushing to Jack's side. It's an awkward fumble lifting Jack up from the cushions high enough so that David can slip onto the couch but he manages and settles Jack lovingly against his chest. Soothing words spill from David's lips as he holds Jack tight, pressing soft kisses into his hair while Jack trembles violently with the force of his repressed emotions.
"I just couldn't do it," Jack gasps, arms uncoiling from his waist to latch desperately onto David's work shirt. He's sure there's a sauce stain on him somewhere but neither of them is in any mindset to care. "I was so prepared to finish it today, I was, but then I just sat down and suddenly it was like I couldn't get up and I-" Jack chokes on his words, a strained sob ripping from his throat.
David feels even more helpless than he did before, arms tightening around Jack while the other man tries pathetically to hold himself together. David's familiar with executive dysfunction, his anxiety has put him in very similar positions to Jack, but he also knows that there's nothing he can really do now to help. It was far too late for Jack to try and finish this painting for his client and Jack had classes tomorrow that he couldn't taint by pulling an all-nighter anyway.
"Hey, hey, hey," David says frantically into Jack's hair when he hears Jack's breath hitch. "It's okay, baby, it's alright. You can have an off day, that's okay." He promises warmly, nuzzling the top of Jack's head softly. He projects as much care and assurance into every movement, throwing himself into the act of holding Jack together.
Jack sniffs and shakes his head, burying his face into David's chest, "I gotta have this done by tomorrow. Ain't no way I'm gonna get this finished. They're gonna drop me and then I'm gonna 'ave a random paintin' I won't be able to sell." There's an undercurrent of anger and bitterness wrapped in Jack's sorrow and David hates how much self-loathing he can hear in Jack's voice. He slides a hand up Jack's back and runs his fingers soothingly through Jack's hair.
"How about this, huh? You're gonna tell the guy that you need a couple more days-" Jack looks up and opens his mouth to protest but David presses a swift kiss to his forehead to silence him. "And if the guy is a big enough asshole that he can't understand than I promise you so many people would love to get their hands on that painting. Jack it's gorgeous. No matter what you're gonna sell it." There's not a doubt in David's mind that if Jack were to list his painting somewhere it'd sell quickly. Jack was incredibly talented and even if he only did commissions sparingly there were plenty of people around the campus familiar and infatuated with his work. Jack's biggest critic was himself.
Jack lets out a watery laugh, offering David a shaky smile that nearly melts him with relief, "Just like that, huh?" Jack asks.
"Just like that." David promises easily. Jack swallows thickly, gaze drifting back to the unfinished painting that was taunting him a few feet away. "Hey, how about we turn off all these lights and order in? We can put on one of those musicals you like." David is determined to keep Jack's focus away from the easel that Jack's been lost staring at for who knows how long. If Jack sat down and just couldn't get himself back up David wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't eaten anything all day and that just wouldn't do.
Jack snorts, unclenching a hand from where it was fisted in David's shirt to wipe away the tears in his eyes, "Shuddup, Jacobs, don't act like you don't like 'em too."
David finally relaxes as the dread and worry start to uncoil. It makes room for the fondness and love that Jack imbues in him. "Yeah, they aren't so bad." He concedes agreeably. David didn't mind musicals but he'd be lying if he said that Jack singing along wasn't his favorite part.
"Can we get Chinese from that place over in Queens?" The tension is bleeding out of Jack's body and without it he melts against David's chest. He's quickly becoming a dead weight, perfectly pliable, and while this makes it a little harder to get up and turn off the lights David can't really say he minds.
"Of course we can." David nods easily, still carding his fingers through Jack's dark hair. Jack sniffles and turns his face into David's chest once again. The feeling of defeat and guilt isn't just going to leave but David's still glad to see that he's helping to make it more bearable.
"You're covered in sauce," Jack mumbles, a whiny note to his voice.
"You're covered in paint." David throws back.
A pause. "Touché."
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no-i-wanna-go-down · 5 months
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sick fic idea that i would write if i could write
jack (clearly sick, clearly unwell) knocking on the jacobs door to walk david and les to their selling spot, leaning on the door after he knocks, and practically falling into david when he opens the door
les being super helpful "hi jack, oh wow you look terrible!"
david being all... why dont you sit down while i finish my coffee, but actually just getting him to come in and sit down
jack falling asleep at the table
david taking les to meet crutchie or someone to look after him for the day
esther finding jack asleep at the table and making him tea and putting him to bed
david coming back and getting into bed with him
esther coming in later and seeing them asleep together and just being like "ah my boys are gay. good for them! GOOD FOR THEM!"
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