#Jack salter x you
umnitsa · 1 year
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Summary: Jack has a challenge.
A/N: I feel this is a bit cracky. I giggled writing one too many times, from sheer joy xD thanks @hopsgirl for the inspiration and encouragement. I hope you guys like it!
Pairing: Jack Salter x fem!Reader
CW: fingering (f receiving), somewhat of a size kink, squirting, praise kink. Shameless appropriation of lines and structures from the movie (and I don't even care) (howl in the comments if you see it)
Jack sat on the bed, sliding his hand up and down your naked thigh. You were completely naked and he was dressed, in a dark polo and black jeans. Everything with him was a challenge… At least felt like it. You didn’t mind. He smiled gently, petting you.
“You know I need to prepare you, don’t you?” He said, softly; you nodded as an answer. “We want to do this as safely as possible. I don’t want you to get hurt in any way.”
Jack raised the dildo, and for the first time in the evening, you felt intimidated. It was big, impressively thick. You swallowed, squirming. His hand on your thigh was soothing.
“I know, right? It seems way too big, and you aren’t sure it will fit. It takes courage, you need to keep calm, and you need to want it more than anything. This is not an easy task. And it’s absolutely no shame if you give up right now. Not a lot of people can actually take it… Take me. Do you want to stop? This is your chance.”
You shiver, the whole challenge making you even more wet. You would enjoy that one. You licked your lips, some primal need to be worthy of this man’s approval taking your senses.
“No, Jack.” You sighed, his hand on your thigh too enjoyable. “Please, don’t stop.”
Jack smirked, looking pleased with your answer. He moved, placing the dildo on the bed, a bottle of lube beside it. He opened your legs gently, sitting between them.
“Are you ready?” He asked, his thumb rubbing up and down your slit, soft moans falling from his lips as he feels your slick. “It seems you are.”
He slid his index finger, his thumb pressing over your clit. You whimpered, your thighs twitching. His fingers felt so good.
“Keep still.” His voice was soft, nasal, and carried this deep commanding quality. He added a second finger and soon you could feel the filthy sound of his thrusting. He groaned and pushed another finger into you.
You felt like you were going to burst just from his fingers, you could just imagine how his cock would feel. You whimpered, grabbing the sheets, his fingers quickly picking up speed, quickly hitting the sweet spot inside you until you wailed under his watchful gaze.
You realized that he was going to make sure you would relax to take it all by overstimulating you until you couldn’t think, you couldn’t move, you would be just pliant under his hands, under his body. It made something stir inside you, as you quickly approached orgasm, your thighs trembling. He shifted, and you felt a finger over your clit, rubbing circles over your clit.
“Hey.” His soft voice cut through your pleasure. You looked down. Jack was looking up at you, intensely, lips parted, panting, in expectation. “It’s time.”
It was the way he said it; as if it was an undeniable fact, as if he was driving your body and there was no other possible outcome.
Your orgasm took you by surprise and by force. It was like an explosion, burning hot through your body and between your legs.
“Fuck!” He exclaimed happily, admiring, as you squirted all over him. “Good girl!”
Jack slowed his fingers until he stopped, one of his hands petting your belly; the other, drenched, rested against your thigh. With a smirk, he slapped your pussy, enjoying the splash. You yelped.
“You were pretty damn good for me, baby.” He paused, smiling approvingly. He looked into your eyes, and with a nod, said softly:
“You got this. One more.”
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itsonlydana · 1 year
"Sehnsucht" || Gran Turismo (2023)
Sehnsucht: German from sehnen (“to long”) + Sucht (“anxiety; sickness; addiction”)
meaning: yearning or craving, but the word as a concept and its roots can refer to a lingering illness of heart-wrenching pining for something
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➛ pairing: Danny Moore x fem!reader
➛ idea: Two people too blind to see what the other feels until Jack Salter puts a stop to the hurting and wondering
➛ tags/warnings: Age difference, mature language, mention of drinking, idiots in love, hurt/comfort
➛ word count: 5k
➛ an: i am obsessed with this movie and Orlando Bloom so here we are - i wrote this baby in three days
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Would have been the first word of the day but all you can do is groan as the feeling of something pounding inside your head drags you out of sleep.
The hammering is brutal and while your brain is still trying to fight back the lingering grasps of the night and you don't really know what is going on, you are sure you are dying.
The curse, now being moaned against the warm spot of the pillow your face is mushed against, feels heavy in your dry mouth and hard on your chapped lips. The feeling is disgusting and not just because your mother always threatened to wash your mouth out with soap if you dared to swear but because your tongue is hefty and there is no spit left whatsoever and speaking feels more like grating the words over your teeth.
The hammering doesn't stop, it grows louder and louder, becoming unbearable as your body and mind wake up slowly.
Heat washes over your body in unpleasant waves and you try to kick the sheets away but they cling to your sweating body. You feel like you are burning up, not only from the sheets but from the inside as well. You kick the sheets harder, legs rubbing against each other until the fabric finally slides down and bunches together somewhere at your feet. You couldn't care less about where it lands.
The relief is instantaneous. A slight breeze caresses your nearly nude body and you slightly lift your head in the direction you presume the wind is coming from.
It's deliciously calm at this moment of quiet, the air fills your lungs, kisses the sweat on your body, sends refreshing shivers that soothe the pain in your head and a soft sigh escapes you.
Taking a deep breath your mind finally settles and in that exact moment the sweet moment of ease slips from between your fingers, blurred memories of last night crushing down on you like a bucket of ice-cold water.
A gasp tears through you as you sit up in shock, the sound tearing through your rib cage and lungs painfully like a punch and echoing through the hotel room you find yourself in. Your chest rips apart, every breath shattering another bone and ripping muscle after muscle, while the memories claw their way back from the hazy wall of your subconsciousness back into the forefront of your mind.
The dim light of the bar should've been dark enough to mush the faces, surely they had been counting on it, he had been counting on it but you would recognize him everywhere.
The dark hair with the curls falls into his face, hides his eyes which certainly are closed in pleasure and you can only stare at the hands that are currently raking through the locks, messing up the slicked-back style he favors. His arm flexes, the muscles straining against his shirt visibly even from far away, as he cages the woman against the wall while his other arm is planted firmly next to her head, hiding most of her but not enough that you don't see how pretty she is.
You should look away, save yourself from the pain the image inflicts on you and still- you physically can't turn.
It's like watching a car crash happen, it has been ever since Danny started talking to the woman. Him buying her drinks and flirting with her was the car losing control, spinning and swerving. The hope of everything turning out alright when he had dismissed her arm on his for only a second.
Hope blossoming under conditions far too dark, far too impossible.
Hope repairing the crack in your heart, only to rip it into pieces when he leans into her, whispering into her ear and she laughs and she blushes and you stare.
You stare
watching the car crash
watching Danny lead the woman to the dance floor
watching Danny put his hands on her waist, moving to the music, moving far away from you
watching them stumble to the bathrooms and not making it before he pushes her against the wall
watching alone from the bar, left alone, left to suffer.
And then there was Jack, pulling you into his side, placing a drink into your hand with a mumbled "Come on, drink up, kid" and you bleed and cry and hold on to the shoulder holding you up.
Danny left with that woman, you remember it clearly despite the effort to drink enough to forget. They had left not shortly after he had kissed her and after that, everything had been a blur of alcohol burning in your throat and stomach, the world spinning and turning and coming to a full stop somewhere after you threw up and Jack had to carry you back to the hotel.
It had become a recurring routine, an unhealthy habit you had fallen into ever since Danny Moore had kissed you after the first race you placed first, with all three of you celebrating and Danny and you walking along the beach after Jack had taken off to the hotel room. Your hands had brushed against each other, gentle like the waves coming up licking the sand, a soft caress of the side of his hand that wasn't stuffed into the pocket of his black coat until it became an intertwining of your pinkies, a soft and gentle fall of your hands into each other and his thumb stroking over your skin.
It was how he had pulled you in and kissed you, your hands pressed between your chests, breath coming quickly because of the swift movement and his lips tasted like the salty seawater when his lips moved in synch with yours.
You dry heave, another sob breaking out of your sore throat and would there have been any more liquid in your body you surely would have started crying again. But you were all empty, left hollow and raw.
Your eyelashes still stick together, as you lift a hand to rub over your face and they come back smeared black with ruined mascara. Forcing yourself to get up, you shift to the side of the bed, Jack's bed you presume from the black suitcase lying on the floor and some of his personal items scattered over the surfaces of the room. Legs dangling over the bed you lift your head and are suddenly confronted with your own image.
That Jack had a mirror placed next to the bed was a thought pushed away by the reflection you see. There is no room for any jokes as you stare at the puffy and reddened cheeks with black streaks running over them. They are an ugly reminder of how you tried to catch Dannys eye, the carefully applied eyeliner in the hope of him seeing you again ruined and smudged.
The bags under your eyes tell the story of many nights spent tossing and turning, not being able to fall asleep with the things running through your mind. The question of why you were still trying is always there, whispered into your ear by your insecurities and fears in a voice that sounds strangely like Danny sometimes. Though you know that he would never ask you this.
He was still all over the project "GT-Academy"; despite the fact that Nissan offered him a bigger position which he had declined with a smile and a "No thank you, I am very happy where I currently am" to the cameras when someone had slipped it to the reporters.
They had asked you as well how you felt about Danny's decision, shocking you with this opportunity he hadn't told you about but thank god for all the media training. Falling into a perfected smile the astonishment and hurt were quickly hidden behind a positively neutral facade. You had told them you couldn't dream about working with anyone else than Danny and Jack on your side, moving the question away from its origin and following it up with the upcoming plans you three were working on.
After that interview, you and Danny had argued.
That started happening a lot more ever since he had kissed you on the beach and stopped looking at you the next morning. In front of the cameras, he was still praising you, talking about "combined forces" and "partnerships" and "teamwork" and "supporting you" while he strayed farther and farther from you away from the lenses and microphones.
Him joining you on the sidelines of every race, cheering for you and always hurling you into a hug if you did well became a rarity. At first the hugs stopped, became handshake and then he excused himself from the races, babbling about press conferences or filming commercials for Nissan before he simply stopped giving you an explanation and just showed up now and then.
He was slipping from your fingers, after three years of working with each other and flying all over the world to see new places and win races, he was harder to reach every day and every night when he would disappear with another woman you lost him more and more.
If you only knew what you had done wrong.
You flinched when a soft knock sounds through the room before the door is opened a crack and Jack tucks his head inside.
"So you are up already", he opens the door wider, stepping inside with the question you don't have the energy for to answer.
Instead, you shrug your shoulders, not turning away from the mirror.
Jack exhales and crouches down to his suitcase. "Don't know if you're hungry but I ordered some room service.", he grunts when he stands up again. "Suppose you should get at least coffee into you." A shirt is thrown in your direction and lands next to you on the bed. It's far too big, falling down to your thighs even while sitting down and you look like a child stealing their fathers' clothes.
"Thank you", you mumble, throat still dry and tongue still heavy.
Jack shakes his head, "No worries. Here, take this as well", he said and walks over to the bed with a bottle of water and what is probably an aspirin-both you take gladly.
While you swallow the pill and greedily inhale the cooling water, Jack sits down next to you. He leans back a bit, his hands behind him on the mattress and you wordlessly fall into the offered shoulder, your pounding temple pressed against his collarbone.
"You should talk to him", Jacks voice is low and the words spoken cautious and his left arm curls around your waist as if he knew you were close to jumping up and running away.
"Jack", you sigh his name in a weak form of protest.
He shakes his head again, before laying his chin on yours. "No I mean it. This won't go well if you don't clear the air", the words vibrate through your body.
"I have this under control" A lie. Not even a good one, as evidently proven wrong by the state of you last night.
"Don't lie to me, kid. I had to carry you into and out of the cap because you were so out of it. Not that I don't understand it. Shit, I did far worse stuff when I was in l-", he stops and you freeze.
The unspoken word hangs between you in the air, pressing down on you like a heavy weight.
"Kid-", Jack starts but you stop him, lifting one hand to lay it against his chest.
It's not like you have never talked about Danny with Jack. At first you tried to suppress the feelings slowly growing for the man but two years ago, when they started influencing your driving because you had no one to talk about it, you had confided in Jack. He had been surprisingly calm about the whole situation, not hot-headed as you knew him but maybe that was partly fault of the whole you still winning races and maybe turning up at his hotel room at 3 am with a bottle of whiskey had surprised him more than you spilling your secret.
So yes, Jack knew that you were falling hard for Danny, have been for a while.
"I didn't mean it like that", Salter says.
You sigh, deflating even more into him. "No, it's fine. I know.. I do", you pause, swallowing "I do love him"
The arm around you tightens and you feel Jack tensing up. "I will kill him someday. Fucking around with you like that. Fuck, he should know better" Looking up Jack wears a stony expression, his jaw clenched and his eyebrows drawn together.
"He has been in the media business far to long for him to fuck up this hard. And those women he fucks" He raises a hand and pinches the bridge of his nose, huffing out in annoyance. "Every damn press conference, I wait for the question about these women and their looks to drop and then I would love to see what he would do."
"Yeah", you sigh wistfully and turn your head back to the mirror. The next sentence is barely a whisper when you say it: "Why do they all have to be this pretty?"
In the mirror you can see Jack's eyes snap down to you, looking at you in a way that makes you think you missed something crucial and just when you want to ask him what that could be, a sharp knock comes from the door.
"Must be room service", Jack excuses himself, unfolding from you as gently as a man his size can and ruffles your hair. He stands up with another groan and you bite back a smile and a joke about how a man his age shouldn't be out partying this hard and late. There is another knock, knuckles meeting the door in the main room hard and fast, in an urgency that has Jack rolling his eyes. Grumbling to himself he walks out of the bedroom, heading for the door you can see from your place on the bed: "Fucking 5-star hotel and you would think with the money we pay they could wait a minute. Let me get that. You should eat something, and if I don't get ´nother coffee in me soon-"
The rest of the sentence dies on his tongue as he opens the door.
You stay quiet, watching in confusion as Jack's back straightens and one hand curls into a fist that surely wasn't a result of excitement at seeing coffee.
Then you can hear him, the low rasp of his voice, desperate and tired: "Jack, I fucked up. I fucked up hard"
Salter doesn't move an inch. Even when you can see Danny trying to take a step into the room, he squares his shoulders and blocks Danny's way with one hand stemmed against the door frame.
"Don't think you should be here right now", Jack says, a warning tone in his voice that Moore seems to interpret the wrong way.
"Oh, you have a girl in there?", you can hear him and see Jack shaking his head. "Then let me in, please. I need to talk to you about something important and I swear I will fucking explode if I don't"
"Moore-", Jacks voice takes on a low growl.
"No, Jack, I mean it. I fucked up badly. There was this woman last night at the bar, don't know if you remember but-"
"Moore, I don't really care who you pick up. If you need someone to get her out of your room call hotel security"
"No!", frustrated Danny groans. "She didn't stay. Not after what I did. Jack, I really don't want to discuss this standing in this hall! We have enough reporters on us already, don't you think?"
Before you had simply stared out the room, frozen at the sudden confrontation with Danny standing right outside but the mention of the woman, pressed against the bathroom, raking her hands through Dannys hair, her mouth clashing against his, you whimper and lift your legs slowly. Bringing them up to your chest, you wrap your arms around them, hugging yourself as to not break out into tears. You don't find any comfort in the fact that she didn't stay. It's even worse to think that Danny just finds a woman, fucks her and then she leaves him.
You could never leave him.
Not if he gave you the chance but he ripped that away from you before you could find out how his touch would feel.
What was it with these women that they could get his attention, even for just one night, but you were left alone to wonder and dream and hope and suffer?
The next whimper leaving your mouth reaches Jack and just when he whips his head to you, eyes looking you over to make sure you are alright, Danny uses the opportunity to duck under his arm and sneaks into the room.
You freeze up again at the sight of him. He is still wearing the same shirt as yesterday but now it's nowhere near as smooth, it's not even tugged into the black jeans and he looks so disheveled and panicked as he trips over a heel, your heel. Your hand flies to your mouth, trying not to make another sound and draw his attention towards you.
"Jack I need to tell you something and you have to promise me that you let me explain before you try to kill me, alright?", Danny stops, his back to the wide open bedroom door, and you don't dare to blink or move a muscle. You are fixated on his unruffled image, drawn into it by the pure realness of him. Where he normally is perfect, always knows what to say, always knows how to present himself to the public, he is now completely unraveled.
"Danny I swear to god-" Jack groans again. "Get out of here!"
"I can't!", Danny cries out, shifting his weight from one foot to the other "I fucked up. She could already be on her way to whatever newspaper is hearing her out and trust me; any of them will tear into her and then into us. Into me. Into her!"
Instantly, Jack's body language changes and with one swift movement the hotel room door slams close through a shift of his arm. "What the fuck did you do Moore?", he fixates the other man, staring him down and Danny shrinks, hiding between lifted shoulders.
"I said her name," he admits, and the room temperature drops.
Jack's eyes grow hard, his jawline is so tense you are sure his teeth are grinding against each other. You have never seen him this angry. Not this type of anger, anyway.
Jack Salter was hot-headed and was known for losing his temper if some of the male reporters threw some truly disgusting offers your way and a few years back when you'd tried to win your FIA-license and Nicholas Capa had made it his mission to nearly kill you on the track, Jack had been close to punching the arrogant boy in front of everyone at the podium.
This was a new version of his anger and it scares you how calm he seemed.
"You said what?", he asks, lip twitching and head following the question with a shaky movement.
"Her name", Danny moans, "Fuck, I was trying so hard and then I say her bloody name when I'm with another woman. I'm going crazy Jack, she's messing with my head and nothing helps"
Who was he talking about? You nearly break your skull thinking of the woman that Danny Moore had been seen in public within the last few years and while you can remember some names and faces from before the Academy, there were almost no memories of mentions or pictures popping up in the press after that. There have been the women at the bars, of course, but none of them had been with him longer than a night.
"Danny, I don't think we should have this conversation right now", Jack presses, moving towards the door again and his hand is already on the handle, fingers curling around the gold-colored metal when Danny explodes.
"How can you be calm about this, Salter? I bloody moaned our girl's name into the ear of a woman who is probably blabbing to a reporter and I need to talk to her before the press asks her why her mentor is thinking about her when he fucks another woman! I don't give a rat's ass who you have hidden in your bedroom! Tell whoever it is you picked up that you will be back but right now I really need your help finding-"
He turns around and your name falls off his tongue in a breathless stutter as his gaze glides into the bedroom. Onto you, sitting in Jack's bed with Jack's shirt, clinging to your legs in an attempt to calm down your breathing that has quickened up during the last few minutes and has now become quite panicked.
You two stare at each other, you already with tears blurring your vision but you can clearly see Jack rubbing a face over his beard. He clicks his tongue against his teeth, grinding out a: "Well now fuck this", before he pushes past Moore, who is standing still in the middle of the room, the arm he had swung into the direction of the bedroom dropping to his side.
The words are burning themselves into your mind as you stare at him, scorching your skin all the way down into your heart which surely has stopped beating because this can't be real.
Your hands fist themselves into the fabric of the shirt, knuckles becoming white with the strength and while your fingernails press into your palms nearly painfully sharp, you can't stop.
Danny Moore has a look in his face that you can't describe. If you had to try though, you would think of a mixture of absolute shock as he first sees you, morphing into anger, longing, and fear in a speed that not even your cars can achieve. His mouth opens to say something and you beg him with your eyes to please say anything, but he just lets his jaw open and close.
The great Danny Moore. Speechless at the sight of a bit of naked skin and you in Jack's hotel room.
Ironic how much you had wished for most of this.
While you and Danny continue the contest of not breaking away from each other, Jack is cursing and grabbing some stuff like his phone, a watch and the coat hanging over the end of the bedframe. He stalks over to your side of the bed again, taking your chin into his hands when you don't react to him calling your name and forces you gently to look at him. His eyes glide over your face, thumbs swiping away the few tears that have escaped down your cheek.
"You need to tell him", he says quietly to you, holding your face in the large palm of his hand. "You tell him everything and I am sure it will work out, kid. Be brave" Jack presses his forehead against yours before he turns and points a finger at Danny.
"If you do any more stupid shit I will nail you to the ground by your balls, Moore.", the threat has Danny nod, even though his eyes show he has no idea what is going on right now.
With that Jack disappears out of the door and the slam is loud enough that you flinch. The aspirin may have worked but the whole situation has your head hurting again.
You look from the door back to Danny, wincing at the man slowly walks into the bedroom. He stops at the doorstep, his posture unsure and drawn into himself like a mirror of how you are holding up.
You wait with bated breath for him to say what is going on, what he meant before.
He finally opens his mouth again, speaking slowly: "So you and Jack, huh?" and the laugh that leaves you is tinted in agony.
"No", you shake your head. "No, not me and Jack. I just slept here" It's a poor explanation, one that doesn't cover how you had curled into the other man's chest as you cried yourself to sleep. You half-heartily lift your chin and point into the other room. "He slept on the couch"
"Ah", Danny nods and pushes his hands into the pocket of his pants. He seems so unsure, so lost and nothing like the man Nissan prides itself with as marketing manager. No sign of his self-confidence in front of the cameras, just as little of his ability to speak quickly and well articulated in any situation. He is a picture of misery.
You two must make a fantastic looking couple right now. Nissans employee of the month and flagship racer reduced to two lost souls staring at each other in completely inappropriate states and a longing between them that would put Shakespeare's tragedies to shame.
You lose the tight grip on your legs, letting them fall back onto the mattress. "Do you mean it? What you said to Jack."
Dannys face screws up and he raises a hand to run it through the mess that is his hair. "Darling, I didn't want you to hear it like that", he starts and you can hear the apologies creeping their way into the conversation, the attempt he will grap on to deny because you know Danny and you know he will always try to save a situation with what he thinks is easiest rather than what is right.
"But I did", you interrupt him "I did and I want to know if you meant it. Because I really need to hear you say the truth right now" There is a begging edge to the words and you turn, sitting on your knees and pushing your fists into the crumbled-up sheet.
Danny comes closer, one step at a time, working out what to do and what to say. Brown locks fall into his face, eyes directed onto the floor like he can't bring himself to look at you.
But you- you can't look away from him.
He has the sleeves of his white shirt pushed up, his muscles flexing as he sits down carefully and leans forward, elbows on his thighs, hands rubbing over his face. You stare at the collar of the shirt, on the buttons he forgot or just didn't bother with and the skin that is right in your face because of it. There are freckles on his chest, dark stars dusted on his tanned skin, drawing you in in such a mesmerizing way.
His hands move to his hair, once again, raking his fingers through it though it doesn't change a thing. "Darling", he mumbles, focusing on his fingers and picking something nonexistent from his nails, "I have no bloody idea how I should start this, fuck. This shouldn't be how you find out, or what you deserve."
"You can't tell me what I deserve"
"No, but I know it's not me"
He finally looks up, dark chocolate brown eyes locking onto yours. There is a longing in them, one you have seen on pictures of yourself whenever someone captured you staring at Moore at press conferences. One that surely must be reflected in your gaze a well.
You shuffle closer. Close enough that your knees brush against his thigh and he flinches, his head twitching to the other side but one of his hands betrays his effort of holding back. It drops down to your leg and as soon as the warmth of his palm makes contact with your naked skin you gasp. Rough finger pads start moving in circles as you lean into him.
"Is that why you ignored me after the kiss?", you ask, and he nods.
"You deserve another man, a better one. Jeez, look at me." He points at himself, raising an eyebrow that radiates disappointment over himself. "I could be old enough to be your father and when I realized I couldn't have you I picked up women who looked like you. That's not the standard you should go for. You can go for so much better"
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you are about to say, about to admit.
"Danny Moore" You lean in closer, the mattress dipping under the weight of both of you so close together and your body nearly topples onto him. You use both of your hands to steady yourself, fingers digging into the fabric of his jeans. "You don't get to kiss me, ignore me and try to replace me", your voice shakes, breath stuttering in beat with the double tempo your heart has taken to beat in.
When Danny looks at you again, there is a smile on his lips. "It was easier than doing the right thing."
"And which would have been?"
"Never stop bloody kissing you"
There is a second in which you simply stare at him, the wonderful and stupid man in front of you and then you kiss him. It's not as gentle as the first one you shared under a field of stars, not like you had imagined it ever since. It's messy and raw, your feelings pouring out of your mouth in desperate kisses and Danny answers. His hands find your waist under the shirt, holding onto you as he kisses you back and your eyes flutter close as his lips move against you in such a perfect way.
Both of you know you need to talk, need to figure out how to move on from this point- not right now though.
Right now you just give into the longing, the yearning, the hope blossoming in just the right circumstances.
And the Sehnsucht in your heart explodes, soars as it finally finds what it has been looking for.
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spookyrealms · 1 year
Payback (Jack Salter x Reader) 18+
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 𝟏𝟖+, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄/𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐨, 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝!𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫. 𝐓𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭.
𝐖𝐂: 𝟐.𝟎𝐤
𝐀𝐍: 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐨. 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭. 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨. 𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐩𝐥𝐬 𝐛𝐞 𝐤𝐢��𝐝 (:
You eyed your half eaten salmon fillet on the plate in front of you, zoned out as one of the higher ups for Capa droned on about this years successes.
It was a "team" dinner; the word team taken very lightly considering anyone outside of the essential circle of people who aided in Nick Capa's success were nothing more than minions that silently kept the company running behind the scenes.
You were one of those minions, a graphic designer that stared at a computer for eight hours back at headquarters. But, every six months Capa would set up a dinner night at some fancy restaurant and pretend like the company was one big happy family. It wasn't. You hated working for them, but they paid good.
Last year you were about to walk right out of your job but you just had to meet one of the mechanics, Jack Salter.
He was charming, sarcastic, and hated his job as much as you did. The two of you bonded over venting about woes in the workplace. What started out as casually stopping to chat here and there during the work day, turned into meeting for dinner at a pub, going to see movies together, and before you knew it, the two of you were dating.
Anyone at Capa could care less that two employees were dating, they just wanted to ensure both of you still did your jobs. Even though the two of you were good employees for a company that didn't deserve either worker, Jack swore the moment a better opportunity would arise, he'd take it to get the two of you away from Capa.
That moment hadn't arrived yet. And now the two of you sat side by side pretending to be interested at a company dinner meeting.
Jack rested his chin on his hand as the chief engineer talked. His brow would knit every so often, the corners of his mouth drooping slightly as he listened. You knew these facial expressions were a result of Jack's inner driver desperately wanting to make some sort of remark on what was being said. But he knew better and kept his mouth shut.
Your eyes lingered on your boyfriend as he took a sip of his beer. There was something about him tonight that just had you enamored more than usual. Maybe it was the suit he wore? His tie was slightly loosened and the very top button of his dress shirt undone. Or was it the way his hair was styled and the appearance of his not so groomed facial hair? The more you thought about it, the more you realized it was all of the above. He just looked that good.
By the time you came to your conclusion, Jack was eyeing you suspiciously. He raised his right eyebrow slightly as a small, curious, smile grew on his lips.
"Care to share what you are thinking?"
You blushed slightly at the realization you had been caught staring. "Oh nothing." you dismissed, turning your attention back to the plate in front of you.
You heard Jack grunt beside you, he sounded a little disappointed that you didn't share what you had been staring at him for.
A few minutes passed, your thoughts began to wander again, this time you thought of an idea. Reaching slowly across, you rested your right hand on Jack's inner thigh. He instantly tensed, the location of your hand caused him to clench his jaw and turn slightly to look at you.
"Y/N..." he mumbled, keeping this situation as discreet as he could.
A small, subtle, smile danced across your lips when he said your name. You kept your hand in place for a minute, letting him think that's all you had planned on doing. It certainly wasn't.
Jack's leg jerked upwards, smacking the underside of the table when your hand moved to his crotch. The sound of his knee colliding with the table caused everyone at the table to stare.
Jack looked mortified, his cheeks turning a bright red color, you on the other hand, did your best to stifle a laugh.
"Sorry." Jack cleared his throat, a rush of awkwardness temporarily paralyzing him.
The other people at the table shot both of you disapproving looks before turning their attention to the chief engineer who continued his speech. Now with zero attention on the two of you, Jack leaned slightly towards you.
"You're gonna pay for that."
His comment made you smile. "Fine by me, bet you can't make it through this dinner." you countered.
The two of you eyed each other before Jack moved to his upright position. You moved your hand against his crotch, he tensed again, jaw clenching tighter then it had the first time you placed your hand on his leg.
This time he retaliated. You felt his large hand slide up under your tight, maroon colored dress, and squeeze the inside of your thigh.
You let out a long sigh, keeping it quiet enough to avoid unwanted attention, but Jack heard it. The corner of his mouth raised slightly into a smirk.
Another pause between the two of you ensued, both wondering who would make the next move. You did, of course. Gripping his now hardening bulge.
Jack pulled his lips inward and cleared his throat, retaliating with moving his hand up farther, letting his middle finger brush against the soft fabric of your panties. Your breath hitched at the feeling of his touch. You could feel a growing heat between your legs that now had you on edge.
The both of you were wound like springs, ready to burst at any moment. The anticipation of the next move caused your skin to erupt in goosebumps. Instead, Jack rose from his seat, tossing his napkin onto the table.
"We have to get going, thanks for inviting us." He said quickly, backing up so you were able to exit your seat as well.
Surprised by his sudden need to leave the dinner table, you hurried out of your seat, waving to the people that eyed the two of you. Your cheeks were flushed, not from embarrassment, but rather the heat of arousal that had pretty much consumed your every thought at this point.
Jack gripped your hand firmly and lead the two of you out of the restaurant, weaving between tables till you reached the cool London evening air.
"Okay now what?" you asked, looking to your boyfriend as he walked like a man on a mission to the parked black Mercedes, digging the key fob out of his pocket.
"You pay for your actions." he answered, his voice was thicker than it was back in the restaurant. His tone was laced with desire and that only made your core throb even more.
The car was parked towards the middle of the lot that sat across from the restaurant. Since it was later in the evening, some time after eight, there were significantly less cars parked in the lot then there was upon arriving for the dinner an hour and a half ago.
With a quick click of the key fob, Jack unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for you. You let go of his large hand and sat down in the car, watching him shut the door and quickly make his way to the driver side. Being the tall man he was, Jack had to practically fold in half to lower himself inside the vehicle, a minor struggle you always found amusing to watch.
"You really think we are gonna make it all the way home?" you asked, eyes shifting to the floor below you so you could place your purse between your feet.
In the few seconds you had looked away, Jack reached over, hoisting you onto his lap in one quick motion. The suddenness of the action caused you to gasp and rest your hands on his chest as you straddled his lap. The two of you locked eyes. A shiver ran down your spine when you saw how glossed over and dark his eyes were, nothing but lust and want could be seen etched over his face.
"Fuck.." you mumbled, crashing your lips onto his.
The kiss was sloppy, rushed, heated. You hummed against his lips as his hands slid down, gripping your ass with both hands. In response, you used both of your hands to pull his tie loose and unbuttoned his white dress shirt halfway. Once achieved, you were quick to place your hands on his bare chest. You could feel his heart racing already, the man was a live wire about to short circuit at any moment from the amount of arousal he had been holding back.
The following moments whizzed by, nothing but a whirlwind of pleasure and want. Jack had pulled the lever on the side of the driver's seat, causing the back to fall all the way down, allowing him to lay back completely. As your tongues danced, Jack let go of your ass briefly to undo his pants and belt. When he seemed to struggle with the process, you temporarily pulled away from the kiss and helped move the fabric out of the way, his cock emerging from his boxers like a spring.
Large hands moved back to your waist, one hand hooking your panties and pulled them to the side, the other holding you steady as you felt Jack rub his hardened member against your slick core.
You let out a light moan. "Jack...c'mon don't tease." you whined.
Jack smirked. "I told you you'd have to pay for teasing me earlier."
"As if you can hold off long enough to actually tease me." you countered.
"True," Jack kissed you again. "I'm too impatient."
Before you could even formulate a response, you felt his cock fill you completely. A sharp gasp escaped your lips, chased by a satisfied moan.
Your walls clamped against him, forming around his thickness as he began to thrust in and out.
"Goddamn you feel so good..." Jack breathed, biting back his lower lip as he raised his hips slightly, allowing him to angle his thrusting, knowing right were your most sensitive spots were.
"Jack," you moaned, feeling that tight coil deep within you start to build already. "--right there."
The car rocked to the movement of his thrusts, windows became blurry with condensation, and a symphony of moans could be heard, only muffled by the closed Mercedes doors. You could care less if anyone within the vicinity could hear the two of you, your mind was far away on a pleasure high you couldn't even put into words.
The building of your climax caused you to whine and squirm under Jack's strong hold. He could tell you were reaching breaking point and he had every intention of getting you to a climax that would leave you breathless.
His thrusts became quicker, deeper, harder. You cried out in pleasure, tilting your head towards the ceiling of the car, nearly scraping the top of your head on it as every nerve in your body came alive.
Your walls fluttered around him as you released, your fists gripping his undone dress shirt. For a moment you thought you were seeing stars, who knows, maybe you did, the release was that extraordinary.
Jack groaned, his release coming only moments after yours as he pumped himself into you, slowing down his movement after a few more weak thrusts.
The two of you lay on the driver's seat, panting heavily. Your head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Jack wrapped his strong arms around your waist, the two of you enjoying a wordless embrace for a few minutes as you came down from cloud nine and back to reality.
"Holy shit." Jack huffed, reaching one hand up to wipe some sweat from his brow.
"Holy shit is right." you agreed, a tired but happy smile on your face. "I guess this was good enough payback."
Jack chuckled, bringing the seat back to an upright position. He lazily kissed your lips a couple times before setting you back into the passenger seat. "Yeah, I think that'll do." he agreed, pulling his pants back up and starting the car.
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Forget the Past, Enjoy the Present (Jack Salter x Reader)
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lame *ss title.
1. I should be sleeping
2. It's been like... 6 years? since the last time I wrote a fanfic
3. I am sorry for the cringey writing, I needed to get this out of my system
4. I only saw the movie 1 time, I hope I can go again before they remove the movie in the cinema
5. annddddd I don't own brands, names and etc. Only the cringe plot
5.5. I don't know much of how motorsports work, maybe when I have more free time I will write something really good, in the meanwhile, I ' m r e a l l y s o r r y
6. Jesus, David Harbour, I love you
Part 2 or a remake of this, yess
There is like a 10 year age gap, I believe Jack was in his 30s when the accident happened, so Reader is in their 20s making their way on racing things.
Italics for past time and details about yourself
15 years ago…
“This is devastating” a car race has gone wrong before, but this wrong? “Jack Salter seems to have lost track of his path along with another racer. Everyone at the expectation of what is going to happen next.
“Is he all right?” Jack asked while the paramedics were taking him into the ambulance “He seems to be stable, we need to hurry”, assured his trainer.
“You’ll be okay, Jack, don’t fall sleep” he heard a familiar voice before getting unconscious.
Present Time
Jack got a call from that stupid gremlin Danny Moore while he was working. Gamer racers? People who probably never drove a real car before on these powerful vehicles? Crazy idea, but here he was.
“Oh, but our special team is not complete yet” Danny was showing him the GT Academy, but once they reached the racetrack for the academy he stopped at the pits. Jack just sighs. “Now what?”
“I want our racers to have a different kind of life experience besides yours” Moore gave him a little smile.
“Stop talking around the bush, who is it”
“Well, you know them”
Jack just closed his eyes.
A demi sport sedan of (your design) was nearing them on the pits. The driver’s door opened reveling a (your hair color) person. They got closer to them. The marketing expert clapped his hands and opened his arms to embrace Y/N in a hug.
“Can’t believe you still are so energetic, Daniel” Y/N greeted him. He smiled but also sensed the tension between the other two. He pulls apart from Y/N and gestured to Jack “I’m pretty sure you remember this big guy”, Moore gave Jack a gentle pat in his belly, making the taller man grunt.
“Of course, hard to forget a man with his nose. Hello, Jack”
“Hello, Y/N” they gave each other a quick look and turn their eyes to any other place possible.
Danny clapped his hands again “Well, let’s get to it!” He gave both Jack and Y/N a pat on their backs before leaving to greet the players.
Once they saw the gaming racers arrive and Jack gave them a depressing speech, Danny introduced Y/N to relieve the pressure of the competitors. “Hello, I’m Y/N, I love racing so much that I’m an Industrial Designer to understand better everything about cars. I’m a racer but since I was young, I participated in street racing. That’s why Daniel here wanted me in the team, to teach you about how savage real racers will be with you.” They gave them a wink before getting in their place behind Danny.
“All right, get comfy guys, but not so much because you start your training tomorrow” the marketer for Nissan dismissed everyone.
Jack was left confused, so they got a degree to understand more about cars?
A couple months before the accident
“Hey, you know it wasn’t your fault, right?” they said, Y/N’s fingers touching only with the tip of the fingers in his shoulder.
“Yes it was, I should’ve more careful!” he got angry, everyone kept saying that it wasn’t his fault, that maybe could have happened with another person. He push Y/N’s hand away, but they got used to that reactions.
“Besides, what do you know about safety? The only track you know is the street, you have never been in a real race” He added fueled by the anger remembering the crash and the loss of a life.
“Is as dangerous if not more, but whatever, I tried everything to cheer you up, but it seems that you never bear my presence. I’m sorry, I hope you find peace someday.”
Y/N met Jack when they started to become more interested in racing in a professional way, not that they doesn’t enjoy street racing, but earning cups and medals looked really nice.
Jack doesn’t say anything nor gives them a glance. They picked their things up and left him alone in silence.
The team of Danny Moore, Jack Salter and Y/N worked just fine, even if the racers ended up with mixed instructions from the older racers. Moore found it problematic, he needed Jack to be synergic with Y/N so the racers could get better and better.
“Jack, my brother”
“We are not brothers”
“Oh, c’mon, we been working for days now.”
“Whaddaya need” Jack didn’t enjoy when people interrupted his Walkman’s sessions.
“Welp, always straight to the point. The three of us, we are making a great team, but no perfect.”
If Jack got a cent for every time he sighs for something that came out of Danny’s mouth, he will have tons of money. “Now what, just tell me and I will work on it”
“Nice of you to say that. Apologize to Them”.
Jack lifted his eyebrows surprised. “You think that’s the issue? We are fine, we talk the necessary.”
“Yeah, like divorced parents. That’s the problem”
“I liked the turn you made on that weird curb, but next time…” Y/N really takes pleasure in giving feedback to the young drivers. Jack approached and cleared his throat; the other instructor paused at the interruption and turned their head.
“Yes…?” Y/N raised a brow, clearly confused because Jack never shared a word with them aside from things related with the competitors or Danny (Danny himself is a topic).
“Can we… uh, talk, like the two of us” he tried to say as quiet as possible so the others couldn’t hear.
“Sure, let me finish with them” Y/N gave some last instructions to the gamers and then followed him far from the pits.
“Well, I don’t know how to start”
“Why are we here, then” Y/N crossed their arms.
“Fine, fine. Look, I’m sorry” he ran his hand over his face trying to find the courage. “I… what happened 15 years ago wasn’t my fault, you were by my side even if I never liked it. I was young and stupid to push you like that. I’m sorry” he ended and looked at the (your eye color). "I also took you for granted as a driver, hell you drive better than most of those assholes out there"
They cast their face down for a moment and then up to his eyes. “It’s fine, I appreciate your apology. Everything is in the past now” Y/N offered a small smile to him. He nodded his head. "And thanks for the compliment, it means a lot coming from you."
After that they manage to find a better rhythm of teaching the competitors. A couple of weeks have passed, Y/N and Jack became friends (the first time they met doesn’t count to Y/N since it was one-sided). Sharing meals together without Danny.
Danny Moore got an eye for perfect opportunities, and again he found one. He noticed the long glances Jack gave to Y/N, and how he worries when Y/N got in a car to give the gamers extra lessons.
“Jack, my brother” He said to Jack once they were in the press room alone.
“Jesus Christ, now what?”
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sivilvendetta · 4 months
New fic just dropped
Do you like cars? Racing? Gran Turismo the movie?
How about Jack Salter? Or David Harbour? Why not all of it?
Then check out my fic!
Mechanic!Reader clashes with her fellow team Captain in this almost spicy X Reader fic. Mind the tags as per usual :)
Haha, I broke this character's Ao3 cherry
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No. He is my little meat puppet and I will do what I wish with him.
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neptuniite · 10 months
WIP Title Game
Thanks for the tag @serve-cunt and @rebsinthevoid !!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Be Fair To Me — Erres x Hal
Earn it, Boy — Erres and Hal
Curious are the Gods — Erres and Torben
The Cormorant — Harry Peglar x John Bridgens
Road Trip Ficlet — Harry Peglar x John Bridgens
Secret Santa Thing — Jann Mardenborough x Jack Salter
Open — Jann Mardenborough x Jack Salter
Genesis — Selaphiel x Sandalphon Tagging @silvermagpies, @boatgays, @pudentilla, and whoever else wants to try it out!
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Welcome all! Stark here, and I'm looking for some discord partners. Generally, keep things ranging from 2-3 paragraphs. Sometimes, it's longer, rarely ever shorter. Replies range from daily to every few days. Between health and my job, I don't always have availability, but try to at least send messages outside of the rp.
Currently looking for partners to double. I typically write the male role but don't always wanna be stuck with it. Would love to write against some of my wanted characters.
Fandoms: Marvel (MCU, NMCU), DC (Gotham, comics, Smallville), Stranger Things, Pacific Rim, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, What We Do in the Shadows, Detroit: Become Human, Good Omens, Stargate Atlantis, Hellboy, Sons of Anarchy, Underworld, House, Resident Evil, Call of Duty, Top Gun, Ted Lasso
Pairings: MxF, primary canon x OC
Like to write against: (current wants)
Donal Logue characters (Quinn/Blade, Harvey Bullock/Gotham, Kevin Tidwell/Life, Hank Dolworth/Terriers, Alex Balder/Max Payne, Declan Murphy/Law& Order SVU)
David Harbour characters (Hellboy, Jim Hopper/Stranger Things, Alexei Shostakov/Marvel, Doug Dennison/Sleepless, Santa/Violent Night, Jack Salter/Grant Turismo, Frank Masters/The Equalizer)
Jon Bernthal characters (Frank Castle/Marvel, Sam Rossi/Sweet Virginia, Shane Walsh/The Walking Dead, BJ Rose/Grudge Match, Griff/Baby Driver, Ethan Sawyer/Those Who Wish Me Dead)
Rodney McKay (Stargate Atlantis), Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), Dewey Finn (School of Rock musical), Beetlejuice (Musical)
Like to write for: Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Eddie Brock, Steve Rogers, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Negan, Carl Grimes, Rick Grimes, Connor, Dean Winchester, Jax Teller, Chibs Telford, Chris Redfield, James Wilson, Jake Seresin, Bradley Bradshaw, Jamie Tartt, Jason Scott, Simon Riley
Ocs: Several on standby but am always willing to make one up with a wanted FC if you want to play one of my wanted characters.
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spookyrealms · 1 year
yes a story with jack salter a female reader would be amazing because there are a very few here on tumblr and your writing is amazing so it would be a very good story from you i already know
omg thank you so much for the compliment! i really just wanna push out something jack related so i'm currently working on a jack x reader one shot and see what kind of traction that gets (:
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