#Jackson Shepard
polarlys · 7 months
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Jackson Shepard for @cr-noble-writes because if there’s one thing I enjoy, it is an absolute mess of a character (affectionate).
I was messing around with makeup and love bites for fun and practice, and this was supposed to be the alternate version, but my cat and I had a sleepy wrestling match (she did pretty much all of the wrestling) over whether or not meal times can be postponed when the human is asleep. Neither of us knows exactly how it happened, but layers got irrevocably merged in the confusion, so here we are. Kitty made an executive decision and we’re sticking with it.
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cr-noble-writes · 2 days
What's something that Alex and Jackson have in common, and something they don't? Please feel free to elaborate in detail. 😁
This is such a great question that made my brain fully cease function for like half an hour after I read it lol. But it gives me the opportunity to talk about (and maybe flesh out a bit) the way Jackson sees his father and Alex sees his mother. So, let’s talk a little about idealizing one’s parent and making decisions relating to finding out whether that parent is really as perfect as one remembers or not.
This is a very long answer, so I am gonna throw down a read more haha.
Let’s start with my favorite emotional constipated disaster man, Jackson Shepard. Jackson absolutely idolizes his father. So much so that a large portion of his life was spent trying to be his father. From a very young age, Jackson wanted to be an N7. Why? Because his dad was part of the earliest cohort of N7s, and like most young kids, he thought his dad was perfect. Mitchell Shepard was certainly not perfect, but we’ll get to that later. Jackson only ever saw the good stuff with his dad. The hero stuff. The great dad stuff. The happy, perfect family stuff. And then Mitchell died before Jackson got old enough to really have the chance to see that his dad was, in fact, just human.
So, rather than going through what most kids go through as they approach/reach adulthood and discovering their parents are just people who are just doing their best, Jackson’s already idealized image of his father became further idealized by his death. This is, of course, A Problem™. Obviously, its not a problem to look up to one’s parents. In fact, one hopes to be the kind of parent their child can look up to. It is, however, Very Bad to have such a perfected image of the person you look up to that you’ve now given yourself something that is quite literally impossible to live up to.
So much of Jackson’s adult life is underscored by the fact that he’ll never be good enough to live up to his dad. Almost every decision he makes is colored by whether his choice is something his dad would approve of. While that doesn’t stop him from making choices that he doesn’t think his dad would have made, it does make those choices weigh heavier on him. The imagined disappointment of a perfect parent hangs like a storm cloud. It takes him a very long time to get out from under that. And while he steps out of his father’s footsteps professionally pretty early in his career, its not until much later that he really takes the first step toward living for himself rather than to try to gain the approval of the Perfect Father that only exists in his mind.
Some ways into the ME3 timeline, Liara uses her Shadow Broker reach to dig up some classified files on Mitchell Shepard. Jackson takes them, but after some thought he decides not to look at them. There’s a couple of reasons for this, because Jackson is a complex, contradictory little fuck who can’t have a simple motivation to save my god damn life. First, I think with the war, everything that’s happened with Coats, and the ways his friendships with Kaidan and Ashley have affected him, Jackson is finally starting to reach a point where he gets what’s actually important. Second, there’s a part of him that’s equally terrified that reading those files will confirm that his dad was every bit as perfect as Jackson thought or that they won’t. But I think this is really when Jackson finally starts to separate his own goals and motivations from the idealized image of his father.
Personally, I think some of the info in those files would actually be kind of comforting for Jackson. Because I think on some level, it would actually be good for him to know that the person he has always thought of as being the best person he knows also did some pretty fucked up stuff in the line of duty. Even that is complicated tbf. Ultimately I do think its a good thing that he decides he doesn’t need to know.
Now, let’s talk about Alex. Alex’s situation is a little different, obviously, but he has absolutely idealized the fuck out of his mother. In a way that really affects his worldview. There are good reasons for this, of course, but ultimately I think that just like Jackson, Alex just… never got to the point of realizing his mom is just a person doing their best. And, I actually think because of the nature of his idealization of his mother, it’s actually far more emotionally devastating for him than Jackson’s idealization of his dad.
So, it starts with Alex landing himself on the streets of Blackdamp as a kid, and the fact that Ishara quite literally saved his life. He was literally suffocating because of an atmospheric disturbance when she found him. Not only did she save Alex’s life, she then took him into her home and allowed him to make it his. A kid who was not only from a different planet, but of a different species. A street rat who had never had a family or a real home, from a species that had only barely entered the sphere of galactic society. She knew nothing about him (or the care and feeding of a human child, really) but she took him in and raised him along with her biological children like Alex had always been hers. Based on that alone, she was an angel so far as Alex is concerned.
Add to that the fact that he knows next to nothing about her life before she had children, and the fact that what he saw from the time he met her was a strong, kind, incredibly intelligent person who was constantly trying to better herself and the world around her? Ishara Atruzea can do no wrong, and could never have done wrong. Of course, Alex’s own sense of right and wrong doesn’t necessarily line up with traditional human values, but that’s a separate thing lol.
The interesting thing, and the thing that makes his idealized version of Ishara so devastating for him, is the fact that while Alex definitely interacted with asari society in a broader sense, Ishara was his first and primary impression of the asari. Consequently, a lot of his idealization extends to the entire species. Not to the same degree, of course. He is well aware that individual asari are just as capable of terrible things as individuals of any other species. In the broader sense, however, he does carry an unconscious bias in favor of asari. He does believe that asari are “better”. That they are above many of the moral and societal failings of other species.
So when he starts finding out that they kind of suck in a lot of really big ways, actually, its devastating for him. Not because it changes his view of his mother in any way, but because it changes his entire worldview. The breaking point for him is the temple on Thessia. Finding out that the asari, who are supposed to be all about cooperation have been hiding/hoarding information that could have prevented the war with the Reapers from getting as bad as it does is deeply painful for Alex, because he truly believed that the asari were above that kind of behavior. But really, I think the paradigm shift starts with Samara.
Alex, being culturally asari, absolutely agrees to kill Morinth. He unquestionably believes that is the only way to deal with an Ardat-Yakshi outside of a monastery. But in the ME3 timeline, when everything goes down at the monastery, and Samara would rather take her own life than kill another of her own children… I think that’s a big moment of “hey maybe the asari aren’t morally superior” for Alex. I think that’s the first time that it really clicks for him that societally, there are actually some pretty serious problems with how the asari do things. And then it just kind of rolls downhill from there.
As far as things they don’t have in common? The list is literally endless haha. The big one, I think, is their approach to people and relationships.
Jackson actively avoids attachment. If asked, he’d probably just say relationships aren’t his thing (this includes platonic relationships; he also avoids close friendships). Truthfully its a combination of a couple of things. He has some pretty severe emotional trauma around relationships. Between the way things went down with his mother after his dad died, and the first time he really loved someone romantically (or at least really thought he did. Its complicated), its largely a defense mechanism in the sense that if he doesn’t let anyone get close to him, no one can hurt him. There’s also the fact that emotional attachment is something he sees as a weakness exploitable by third parties, and he can’t have that either. The few friends Jackson has are accidental, at least on his part. They just manage to worm their way under his skin without him noticing until it's too late lol.
Alex is very aloof and closed off with people he doesn’t know because of experiences he’s had re: being biotic and also experiencing xenophobia because of his background. He doesn’t, however, avoid attachment. All it takes to acquire Alex’s friendship is kindness, really. There are different levels to that friendship, of course. For example, Alex absolutely counts Lee Riley among his friends, and they had a non-romantic sexual relationship for the year they spent training under Anderson, but he never told her about his family. Things with the Normandy crew are a little bit different because someone else told the galaxy about his family, so that immediately became kind of a non-issue, but I like to think that even if it hadn’t come out, Alex would have told Kaidan and Ashley on his own because they definitely unlocked Friendship Prime. There’s also the fact that once he decides someone is His Person, he’s pretty much all in. You’re family now. Stuck with him in one way or another forever and ever, amen. And it happens fast.
Thank you so much for asking this question! I don’t think I’ve ever had an answer for an ask that was this long before haha
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wandamaximommy22 · 1 year
drinking game to play while watching greys
take a shot every time they say
1) seriously
2) fistulas
3) mcdreamy
4) mcsteamy
5) round of epi
6) time of death
7) it’s a beautiful day to save lives
8) you’re my person
i can guarantee you will be absolutely hammered within the first few minutes
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come-on-valdez · 4 months
One of my friends called Jason Grace an alpha male and I had to physically restrain myself from fighting them
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danielslaw · 2 years
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 8 months
Greys and Station Masterlist
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Greys Anatomy: Arizona Robbins
Callie Torres
Amelia Shepherd
Mark Sloan
Jackson Avery
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Station 19: Maya Bishop Andy Herrera
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werewolf-luna · 2 years
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wolf pack // 1x06
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youronebraincell · 2 years
This is the greatest scene of the entire show
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geekverse08 · 2 years
Photoshoot of the Wolf Pack cast for Entertainment Weekly 2023!🐺🔥
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your-marvel-nerd · 2 years
I have been binge watching Grey's Anatomy again and I can't stop thinking about the marriage effect. Essentially it is that if 2 characters get married on the show that marriage is destined to fail. Either in divorce or death. You want examples:
Meredith and Derek-Derek dies
Amelia and Owen-Divorce
Jo and Alex-Divorce
Arizona and Callie-Divorce
George and Callie-Divorce
Jackson and April-Divorce
Cristina and Owen-Divorce
There are more but don't want to keep this list to long. The only couple I can think that is married is Bailey and her husband but besides that, disaster.
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andrewisdoing · 3 months
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Things That Definitely Made Me GAY (Part 2):
MUSIC ICONS: Part of my Coming Out would be incomplete without the music that found me during that time. I’d wager my survival had every bit to do with the singers, songwriters and entertainers I was playing at the time. I especially credit Madonna, Janet Jackson, Barbara Streisand and Rufus Wainwright. They were the unexpected heroes in my ears everyday reminding me it was okay to embrace the dramatic, funny, complex, sexual situations of life in song.
FILMS: I am a firm believer that people are always searching for bits of themselves in the movies. So, being the teen I was, I wanted to find parts of my being in the movies to be affirmed that I wasn’t alone. Whether it was a documentary or rom-com, I wanted to escape into a potential future or an idea of what it looked like to be a gay man in 2009. Documentaries were a gift from heaven because I got to see where we had been and where we were going. I still feel that way as a 30 year old. I feel like I still am eager to see stories of us and find parts of myself on celluloid.
VOGUEING/PARIS IS BURNING: This movie quite simply changed and saved my life in a LOT of ways. When Madonna’s Vogue (BEST SONG FOREVER ON REPEAT) came into my life, my godmother introduced to me to the Houses of New York City, the Ballrooms and the origins of Vogueing. I had never felt so seen as a black gay person in a film prior to seeing PIB. It was the antidote to existing in a suburb in Washington. To know I wasn’t alone in the world and that there was a place beyond Washington where people like me exist, was (and still is) the greatest gift anyone, especially from kin, could’ve given me.
QUEER AS FOLK: THIS SHOW TOOK ME THERE. I remember hiding the box sets at many friends’ houses when I first had come out. While the show can be a bit dated, the stories and original characters really shaped what being a part of the LGBTQ+ community could potentially be as I grew into adulthood.
HISTORY: When I first came out, I made it my personal mission to read up on all things gay history to understand who came before me and whose footsteps I was walking behind. I found so much solace in the bravery we displayed as a community. I know that I am free to be me because of the folks who came before me. I hope that as time goes on, we discover more unsung gay heroes.
HEROES: I went out to of my way to find people who were like me and people who had the same interests as me. Finding people who made me feel understood and created the work to express all the facets of not only the human experience but the gay experience. Whether it be through dance, poetry, filmmaking or photography, I credit these artists for saving my life through their work.
FATSO: Some kids first cartoon crushes were Aladdin, Hercules, HELL, I could even bet that some had crushes on The Beast, BEFORE HE BECAME HUMAN! Me? Mine was (and still is) Fatso. Some have read him as a queer coded character and for my sake, I really hope that it’s true.
PORN & The Pornstars That Make Em’ : As weird as it may seem, discovering Porn really helped me feel liberated and free to understand my sexuality and what I really liked. Also..boy, oh boy, the men and the videos that still to this day..get me off is a list that’s too long to count. From Zeb Atlas to Tom Katt, these men served the fantasies that were so hot and beefy, I still can’t believe my eyes. Being gay certainly has its perks.
NOAH’S ARC: In the same vein as QAF, Noah’s Arc made me feel not only seen as a gay man but as a black man. I love that the show gave the community so many versions of our existence. Making us more than a side character or the uplifting and sassy character, at that. We were portrayed as human and proof that we exist.
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notmeiti · 1 year
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cr-noble-writes · 1 year
Mass Effect Master Post
A collection of all my Mass Effect fanfic, meta, and character posts.
Alex Shepard
Alex Shepard Character Info
Alex Shepard Asks Answered:
Greek Mythology from @heroofshield
Edgy/misc OC ask from @rotschopf-thedrow
OC ask from @briarch
OC asks from @crescentbunny
OC asks from @shadoedseptmbr
Shepard asks from @kalliesa
Shepard asks from @parker-of-loxley
Shepard asks from @theoriginalladya
Shepard asks from @rotschopf-thedrow
Shepard asks from @iheartgarrus
The Pigeon Parallel
How Gender is He?
Why Didn't He Join the Commandos?
Teenaged Boy Needs
Percy Jackson
Alex's biotics
OC Headcanon ask from @otemporanerys
Six Song Soundtrack
The last several asks were from @butter-and-too-much-bread
Jackson Shepard
Shepard asks from @gardensystemtv
Shepard asks from @foofyschmoofer
Shepard asks from @ad-astra13
Shepard asks from @spacebunshep
Shepard asks from @pastelroyce
Shepard asks from @dandenbo
OC ask from @briarch
OC ask from @pastelroyce
OC ask from @mtreebeardiles
OC ask from @rotschopf-thedrow
Six Song Soundtrack
Combo posts!
The idealization of parents- ask from @swaps55
Other Mass Effect OCs
OC asks for Nyala Atruzea from @nickelkeep
OC asks for Taedra Atruzea from @swaps55
Sorry for all the tags, but y'all have all legitimately helped me build these characters by asking these questions, and you all deserve credit for that <3
Odyssey- Alex Shepard's canon series, mShep/Reyes, mShenko
New Stars Growing Pains The Upside of Down By The Stars Family Day A New Hope Argonauts
Virtue and Volatility- Jackson Shepard's canon series, mshep/Coats, Willenko
Verisimilitude Vicissitude Viaticum Venatic Vexillum
Can't Live Without You- John Shepard, mShenko
Night Terrors Don't Die, Kaidan Meanwhile, In Starboard Observation All's Fair in Love And Sparring
Canon Compliant
Baby, It's Cold Outside- Alex Shepard, mShenko The Man I Thought You Were- Scott Ryder, mReyder Couldn't Utter My Love- Jackson Shepard/Alex (Shepard) Atruzea, mercenary AU Let Me- Alex Shepard, mShenko Learning- Alex Shepard, mShenko
Alternate Universe
Kiss Me, Not Him- Alex Shepard, mShenko, roommates AU The Ties That Bind- Alex Shepard, mShenko, vampire/fey AU I Shouldn't Hope To Know- Alex Shepard, mShenko, magical Regency AU
Exchange Fics
Some Things Never Change- Shenko Summer 2023, mShenko Gun Mods and Handjobs- Fornax 2023, Venko (Kaidan/Vega) From The Bedside- Spectre Requisitions 2023, fShalibrations (femshep/Tali/Garrus) First, Last, Only- Holiday Hangover 2024, Alenkoats (Kaidan/Coats) Like Real People Do- Big Place 2024, Venko (Kaidan/Coats)
Unattached Fics
ME Drabbles- A collection of drabbles from prompts from the MEFFW discord server Penny For Your Thoughts- mShenko Primitive Pleasures- mShenko Disappointment- Jackson Shepard, pre-Canon Come and Save Me From It- Destiel, Supernatural crossover
Biotic Flora and Fauna of Thessia The Alliance Intelligence Organization Criminal Justice in Asari Space
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fanbynature · 2 years
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> 1 x 02 - Two Bitten, Two Born
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deadpresidents · 9 months
2023's Best Books
I meant to do this a few days ago so there was more time before the holidays, but here's a quick list of the best books that I read that were released in 2023. Obviously, I didn't read every book that came out this year, and I'm only listing the best books I read that were actually released in the 2023 calendar year.
In my opinion, the two very best books released in 2023 were An Ordinary Man: The Surprising Life and Historic Presidency of Gerald R. Ford by Richard Norton Smith (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO), and True West: Sam Shepard's Life, Work, and Times by Robert Greenfield (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO).
(The rest of this list is in no particular order)
President Garfield: From Radical to Unifier C.W. Goodyear (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The World: A Family History of Humanity Simon Sebag Montefiore (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
France On Trial: The Case of Marshal Pétain Julian Jackson (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Last Island: Discovery, Defiance, and the Most Elusive Tribe on Earth Adam Goodheart (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient Roman World Mary Beard (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
City of Echoes: A New History of Rome, Its Popes, and Its People Jessica Wärnberg (BOOK | KINDLE)
We Are Your Soldiers: How Gamal Abdel Nasser Remade the Arab World Alex Rowell (BOOK | KINDLE)
Edison's Ghosts: The Untold Weirdness of History's Greatest Geniuses Katie Spalding (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
Waco Rising: David Koresh, the FBI, and the Birth of America's Modern Militias Kevin Cook (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Summer of 1876: Outlaws, Lawmen, and Legends in the Season That Defined the American West Chris Wimmer (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
King: A Life Jonathan Eig (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
LBJ's America: The Life and Legacies of Lyndon Baines Johnson Edited by Mark Atwood Lawrence and Mark K. Updegrove (BOOK | KINDLE)
Who Believes Is Not Alone: My Life Beside Benedict XVI Georg Gänswein with Saverio Gaeta (BOOK | KINDLE)
Eighteen Days in October: The Yom Kippur War and How It Created the Modern Middle East Uri Kaufman (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Rough Rider and the Professor: Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge, and the Friendship That Changed American History Laurence Jurdem (BOOK | KINDLE)
White House Wild Child: How Alice Roosevelt Broke All the Rules and Won the Heart of America Shelley Fraser Mickle (BOOK | KINDLE)
Romney: A Reckoning McKay Coppins (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
Founding Partisans: Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson, Adams and the Brawling Birth of American Politics H.W. Brands (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Earth Transformed: An Untold History Peter Frankopan (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
LeBron Jeff Benedict (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
Ringmaster: Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America Abraham Riesman (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden's White House Chris Whipple (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
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Eli: Isn't it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Blake: Plane tickets?
Luna: Concert tickets?
Harlan: Prostitution?
Hikari: Glasses?
Everett: I hate all of you.
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