#Jake sersin imagine
themorriganwitch · 1 year
Jake Seresin NSFW Alphabet
18+ below minors do not interact
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Aftercare (What they are like after sex): Listen, he was a fuckboy until he met you. So, there was barely anything post sex except for a short peck on the lips before he left and spend the night curled up in his own bed. When the two of you started dating, he was mighty overchallenged with you pouting at him, cause he did not wrap you up into his strong arms immediately after he pulled out. It took him a little while to fully let loose and be intimate with you besides sex, but after a serious conversation where you both honestly talked about your needs, wants and concerns, he tried his best to fully satisfy you. 
Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):  On himself definitely his upper body. He spends a lot of time in the gym and takes a lot of pride in his looks. But no matter how much he loves his body himself, he loves it even more when he sees you watching him at the beach or at the gym, eyes ranking over his body while you absently bite your lower lip. Jake teases you enormous for it, but secretly he loves it. 
On you he has a thing for your ass, your boobs, and your eyes. Your ass because he is big on physical touch and always needs to have a hand on you, preferably on your nice ass no matter if its thick and juicy or small and cute. Your eyes cause it’s what caught him first when you looked at him all those years ago on a Friday night at the hard deck. Your boobs because there is nothing better for him then laying on top of you after a particular stressful day at work and burry his face in your boobs while you play with his hair. 
Cum (Anything to do with cum): He is not as messy as Rooster is, like he would not feel the need to mark you up with his cum. He either likes it clean inside of a condom, or if you are on the pill, he is obsessed with cumming inside of you. Also highly believes that spitters are quitters. 
Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs): Hangman has two. 
It took him ages to open up about this to you, but as soon as he did, he felt an instant relief. Jake just can’t stand the thought someone could find out that the cocky, handsome aviator has a thing for sucking your nipples. He doesn’t know why he likes it so much, and he honestly does not want to find out but something about it is incredibly comforting and calming for him. 
He has not told anyone yet but sometimes he fantasizes to be watched by someone else while he fucks you senseless. And if he says someone, he means Rooster, because he would love to see the jealousy in Bradley’s brown eyes while he slowly thrusts into you and makes you feel oh so good, letting his wingman know that he will never be able to satisfy someone as good as Jake Seresin can. (The One Shot to this Headcanon can be read here)
Experience (How experienced are they?): It’s Jake Seresin we are talking about. He has been around the block. Probably five times. But I would say that he is not that experienced when it comes to real connections and intimacy, being vulnerable is something he needs to learn with you. 
Favorite Position (pretty self explanatory)
 Everything where he can see your face. 
Mirror Sex:  Ride him in reverse cowgirl position while the two of you look at each other in the mirror – pure heaven.
Missionary: He is obsessed with seeing all those expressions on your face. How your eyes roll in the back of your head when he hits that spot inside your velvet walls or how your pretty mouth forms a silent O whenever you shatter around him and squeeze him just right. 
Doggy Style: On the rare occasions when he does not need to see your face as much as he needs to fuck you deep into the mattress, doggy style is his go to. He has a perfect grip on your hips and he can spank your ass occasionally while he hears your whimper beneath him. 
Goofy (Are they rather serious oder humorous in the moment?): The most you will ever get out of him is small smile when you try to crack a joke to lighten the mood, even though you should know better. When it comes to Sex your man is on a mission and nothing else. He will do everything to satisfy you in every way possible and that’s why he is determined to stay serious. 
Hair (How well groomed are they?): He is completely shaved in down under. Jake just prefers this look for himself, cause it fits his pretty boy aesthetic. For you he would also prefer you to be hairless, but he would never pressure you into a certain way how to treat your body. As long as you’re a happy and confident within yourself, he is a happy guy. 
Intimacy (How are they during the moment?): He had plenty of Sex without ever feeling really intimate with someone. He spends all his time to build his career and never really saw a need to get emotional close to someone. Until he met you. After he experienced loving sex for the first time in his life, he got absolutely addicted. I highly doubt he could ever go back to his fuckboy years, after he experienced real emotional closeness and intimacy with you.
Jack off (pretty self explanatory): He prefers the real deal, but he is not above it. Sometimes he is deployed, or you are simply not in the mood for sex, so he would jack off. 
Kink (some kinks of theirs): Hangman has several kinks (copied from my Dagger Squad Kink Headcanons)
Breeding kink – that man wants to see your belly round and your tits swollen. Could be the southern boy from a huge family in him or just him in general. No matter what – that man wants to see you pregnant with his child. 
Cockwarming – Jake being the touchiest human on planet earth loves nothing more that feeling your walls hugging him perfectly close, especially after coming right back from a long deployment. 
Edging – He’s a teasing piece of shit. Nothing gets him more going that hearing you beg for his cock. 
Exhibitionism – slipping his hand between your thighs while sitting at dinner with Rooster and his girlfriend knowing only, he can feel the wet patch on your panties even though you are in a room full of people, that’s probably the best dinner he ever had. 
Brat Taming – Mouth ‘Make me’ at him, after he admonished you several times for you teasing him on a navy ball and will fully loose his shit as soon as you come home. 
He also has a thing for degradation and humiliation
Location (Favorite Place to do the deed): Hangman is pretty open and risky. He has railed you in the bathroom of the hard deck and several clubs already, as well as at the beach and his car. He never would do it on base though or anywhere else where someone of his admirals could see the two of you.
Motivation (What turns them on): Competition. Tell him your Ex-Boyfriend was the best sex you ever had, you will regret this two hours later and won’t be able to walk for the next couple of days. Watch Coyote doing push-ups at the gym for a second to long, he will rail you at home until you won’t be able to spell Coyote correctly.  Tell him after girls’ night how Phoenix rhapsodized about how her boyfriend make her cum three times by giving expertly good head, he will make you call her right after he doubled this sum, so you have to tell her with shaky voice that no one will ever be as good in bed as Jake Seresin is. 
No (Something they would not do): He would never share you with someone else. Hangman likes to think about the idea to be watched while fucking you, but he would never ever let someone else touch you the way only he is allowed to. He is way too possessive for this. 
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills): That man is skilled af when it comes to giving head. He knows all the tricks; he spends his time to learn your body language and he has you squirming and shaking beneath him within seconds as soon as he puts his mouth on you. But I would say that he can get quite egoistical when it comes to giving oral. Like he does not do it on purpose but if you don’t remind him from time to time, you will get down on him way more than he goes on you. If you remind him though, he will feel bad enough to spend literally hours between your legs, long enough to beg him to let you go because you are so overstimulated but satisfied. 
When it comes to receiving head, as said before he highly believes spitters are quitters, but he would never be mad at you if you would feel uncomfortable to swallow his cum. 
Pace (pretty self explanatory): He can do slow. He can do passionate. He can do hard. He can do rough. Whatever you need or want it’s yours. 
Quickie (pretty self explanatory): Accepting the challenge to make you cum in a spare amount of time? He is absolutely down. He loves the rush; he loves the intensity, and he loves the risk (if you are doing it at a semipublic place)                                       
Roles (Which role do they take during sex): He mostly is a Mean Dom. Jake just has a major thing for degradation and humiliation. Everything consensual of course. I do see him having sub tendencies, which he slowly explores with you. Being vulnerable is not easy for him, but he trusts you enough to let you know this side of him.
Stamina (how many rounds are they able to go?): He is fit, he eats very well and takes good care of himself. He definitely can go for as many rounds the both you want until the both of you are left very satisfied. 
Turn off (What turns them off) : Bad hygiene or someone who is overly lazy (as long as these are not consequences of mental health struggles) He spends most of his time either to work on himself or he works his ass off to get a promotion at work. Someone who has no ambitions or does not care about themselves enough to treat them good, is simply a major turn off for him. 
Unfair ( How big of a tease are they?): Biggest tease on planet earth. He will do literally anything to see you all flustered, cheeks slightly red and eyes wide in disbelief. No matter if he would send you dirty texts with some nice Ab pics while you are out for brunch with your friends or if he fingers you beneath the desk while out for lunch with the dagger squad but pulls out his fingers right before you come – he will always find a way to get you hot and needy for him. And he will tease the living shit out of you for it. 
Volume (How loud/vocal are they): He is big on praise. He loves to tell you who good you take him and what a good little slut you are for him. Besides this he loves to hear you beg. This man will literally have you beg for everything. You want his cock all down your throat? You better ask nicely. You want to cum on his fingers? You better go on your knees with doll eyes and beg.
Wild Card (their wild card): He is extremely competitive, which also shows in his Sex life. You probably never had a more intense orgasm than the day, you spend with Jake, Bradley, and his girlfriend in a cabin in the woods. Even though you and Jake already finished and were all cuddled up, slowly drifting into sleep – the moment he heard Rooster railing his girlfriend in the room next to yours his competitive side was awaken and it did not take him more than 5 minutes to get you all worked up and thrusting into you so deeply that you could not help yourself but to scream his name.  No need to say the smirk he wore the next day at breakfast table, because he pulled three more orgasms out of you while Bradley made his girlfriend only come twice, annoyed the hell out of everyone but Jake. 
X-Ray: (What's going on in those pants?): He is about average length, but he is deliciously thick with a prominent vein on the bottom side of his cock. His tip has a pretty pink tone. 
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): High. Extremely High. If he can get his hands on you – he will. Whenever and wherever you let him, just sign him that you are in the mood, and he is ready to go.
Zzzzzzz (How fast do they fall asleep after it?): He will always make sure you are being taken care of after sex. After the two of you had your conversation about what you want and crave after Sex, he will always make sure you get what you need. No matter how stressful his day was, he will wait until your head meets the pillow and he hears your sweet snores until he falls asleep himself. 
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say-al0e · 8 months
Dark Cloud
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rating: pg
Summary: If anyone understands the pain of losing someone you've already mourned, it's Jake. (AKA my dad passed a little over a month ago and it’s been difficult to understand my emotions so I’m doing what I do best and write about it) Warnings: Death of a parent, bad relationship with parents, abusive parent, self-deprecation, general anxiety, grief, feelings, etc. (Anything else and I’ll tag it.) Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x GN!Reader (Pretty sure GN but if you catch anything, let me know and I’ll change it to the correct pairing) Word Count: 3.8k Top Gun Taglist | Top Gun Masterlist
Jake Seresin was not known for his silence.
At any given moment, he could be counted on to produce a witty quip or sarcastic comment. He was known for having a big ego and an even bigger mouth. To those who knew him - those who loved him - it was a mild annoyance. To those who didn’t, it was infuriating.
Despite his reputation, however, there were moments of relative quiet in the life you shared with Jake.
There were moments of quiet reflection, often in the days before or after a deployment, where he ruminated on what he’d done with his life - the things he’d accomplished and grew prouder of with each passing day, the things he had yet to achieve but knew were within his reach, the future he’d built with you.
There were moments of bliss, comfortable stretches of time where no words were needed as you allowed yourselves to disappear into your own little world. Those moments were few and far between as you were rarely left alone long enough, but you savored every chance you had to enjoy the life you’d built together.
There were moments of discontent, seconds that felt like hours passing in an uncomfortable lull that only amplified the insecurities or worries or sorrows either of you felt. Those moments dragged on, heavy and bitter in an otherwise beautiful existence, but were luckily few and far between.
Some of the moments of quiet you shared stretched on endlessly and you were grateful. The moments of quiet bliss and peaceful contentment were moments you wouldn’t trade for anything. Others grew less intense with time but you were still grateful for them as they encouraged growth.
But as you sat in a deckchair almost as old as you in a backyard you’d spent a different lifetime in, one of those moments you hoped would disappear just as quickly as it began enveloped you.
This moment was not one driven by Jake. The silence was not his choice - not something prompted by a reflection on his own mortality or the future he often worried he was jeopardizing by following his dreams. There was no bliss, no pride, no happiness, no worry for himself. This moment was one he held entirely for you.
Three days had been spent in a heavy hush, a silence that pressed on your chest and left Jake quieter than you’d ever seen him. He’d been rendered speechless after a short midnight phone call from your mother and chose his words carefully in the days leading up to the moment you found yourself desperate to run from. The silence was tentative, as if he knew one wrong word would snip the fraying thread you found yourself clinging to, and you hated it.
Though you’d often asked him to be quiet - almost always teasingly - and though his presence brought you comfort, his silence only made the overwhelming noise of your thoughts that much harder to withstand.
Despite finding yourself surrounded by family, the vast majority knew little about you. Jake, however, knew you well. He knew that you’d spent those three days struggling to understand - to rationalize, to compartmentalize - feelings that were complicated at best. He knew when you needed guiding, when you needed him to ask questions to help catalogue what you felt. He knew when you needed him to distract you, offering you stories from his last deployment to pull you away from the heaviness at hand.
But, most important of all, he knew when you needed space.
The moment that enveloped you, the quiet he’d given you in the three days since receiving that phone call, was meant to be comforting. It was meant to be the space you needed - space to decompress, space to be uncertain, space to be overwhelmed, and you appreciated the thought behind it. You were grateful he wasn’t pushing, grateful he hadn’t joined your mother or other well-meaning friends and family members in asking how you were doing, but you’d grown tired of the quiet as the still of the backyard surrounded you.
Orange light from the setting sun lit the world aflame and burned nearly as warm as the flurry of emotion churning in the pit of your stomach. It was difficult to catalogue what exactly you felt - mentally, physically; everything blurred into one overwhelming ache that you felt deep in your bones - and you weren’t quite sure how to articulate that.
Very little about the few days you’d experienced made sense, least of all your emotions, but you knew that if anyone could string together meaning from your rambling stream of consciousness, it would be Jake.
With a sigh, you slumped deeper into your chair and blinked back the sting of tears threatening to fall.
Every single person you’d interacted with for the better part of three days began every conversation with a barrage of questions; how are you? How are you feeling? What can I do? They all declared how tough it must be, some even claimed to understand exactly what you were feeling. It must be so hard, they cooed, before promising they were there if you needed them.
It was all superficial, at best, but you took the question as a base to begin a conversation you’d been dreading.
“I’m fine, Jake.” There was little chance he didn’t notice the quiver in your voice, even less of a chance he didn’t notice the clench of your jaw and the heavy exhale you released, but he nodded, just the same.
“I believe you.”
Jake knew that you weren’t fine - not really, not entirely - but he also knew that what you were feeling was more complicated than grief.
Losing a parent was always going to be a difficult experience but losing a parent you’d gone no contact with for reasons beyond your control only further complicated matters. There was no easy explanation for the multitude of emotions clouding your brain and Jake understood that.
Jake lost his own father in his twenties. Though he’d still been on speaking terms with his father upon his death, if only barely, their relationship had always been difficult. His father was cold, controlling and domineering, so Jake understood complicated relationships with fathers just as he understood how difficult it was to grieve someone long before they died.
Everything you felt, every complicated emotion and messy blur of feelings, you knew he would understand. It was likely he’d felt them himself. Regardless, it still felt nearly impossible to articulate as you blinked against the sun’s harsh glow.
Few others had seen the toll your mother’s misguided attempts at encouraging a reconciliation between you and your father had taken. It was well-intentioned, you were sure, but ended in an anxiety you hadn’t felt since your teenager years.
From the safety of your shared home, Jake had witnessed a handful of tense phone conversations. He’d listened as your father threw insults thinly disguised as questions or compliments and belittled you in ways that made his blood boil. He’d watched as you slumped on the couch and gave one word answers as you willed those awful conversations to be over. He’d held you after as angry tears tracked down your cheeks and you wondered just what you’d done to deserve this kind of treatment from someone who was supposed to love you.
It made sense, then, why he’d remained so quiet at your side. And instead of pressing for an answer, asking questions that would only make the entire process that much harder for you, he waited. He sat quietly, green eyes flickering between you and the trees in the distance as he waited for you to gather your thoughts.
“None of this is for me.”
The declaration felt bitter, dripping acid as it fell from your lips, but it was honest in a way you couldn’t be with anyone else. No one else understood, no one else saw you - really, truly, completely saw you - in the way that Jake did. Though you felt overwhelmed, anxious and upset, you felt hopeful that he’d get it as he hummed.
“How do you figure?”
“Funerals are… hard,” your settled on, blinking hard against the tears you were frustrated still managed to sting at your eyes. “They’re supposed to be for people you love, people that meant something to you. They’re supposed to give you closure. It’s a final send-off, something that just… marks the end, I guess. You mourn someone that meant something to you but all he was to me was a nightmare.” With a deep breath, heavy and barely enough to fill your aching lungs, you shook your head. “I didn’t lose my dad on Sunday. I lost him when I was old enough to realize what kind of person he was.”
Anger, burning hot and all encompassing, made it easier for you to finally feel the emotions you’d been attempting to rationalize away. And Jake, who had been waiting calmly for the storm, sighed.
There was little doubt that Jake was also feeling a multitude of emotions neither of you felt capable of exploring in the moment but that did little to stop him from reaching out to take your hand in his own. The weight of it, the heat of his palm pressed to yours, tethered you to the moment. A gentle squeeze helped you remain present as you swallowed the emotion clumping in your throat.
“Everyone here things I’m the problem,” you began, quiet but angry. “They think I just up and abandoned my dad. They think I’m a bad person because I haven’t had a relationship with him in over a decade but no one bothers to ask why. No one asks what happened to make me leave home and refuse to come back. No one asks why I went nearly fifteen years without speaking to him. No one puts any of the blame on him. They just ask why I didn’t try harder.”
The still of the night stretched endlessly around you but Jake’s attention fell solely on you. Those green eyes burned into your skin, patient, as you took a shuddering breath.
“Why was it my responsibility?” The question, a broken plea for an answer you knew Jake couldn’t give as he’d wondered the same thing, lingered unanswered for a brief moment before you huffed. “I’m the child here. He was the adult, he was my dad. He was supposed to care, to make me a priority, to love me. Instead, he made me believe I was worthless. He told me that no one would ever love me, that I was too difficult for anyone to ever waste their time on me. He was a miserable, abusive, narcissistic son of a bitch but no one ever acknowledges any of that.”
Breathing grew more difficult with every word you spoke. The weight of every emotion you’d ever felt in relation to your father pressed on your chest, leaving a dull ache between your ribs as you took a moment to clench your jaw and regain some semblance of your composure.
Jake knew all of that.
The beginning of your relationship had proven difficult because of your shared difficult pasts. Both of you had been wary of commitment - Jake because of his own insecurities, his own doubt that he’d never be worthy of anything more than a one night stand - but you’d managed to take everything in stride. Just as you’d encouraged him to know his worth, he’d been instrumental in helping you to find your own.
There was a flicker of hurt in his eyes as he realized just how difficult the experience was proving to be, just how easy it was for you to revert to an old way of thinking. It seemed that no matter how hard you tried, no matter how much progress you’d made, you felt yourself spiraling as you scrubbed at your cheeks.
“Everyone says he talked about how proud he was of me. He told them all that I lived in California and had a good life but he didn’t know anything about me. He had no idea what I do for work. He didn’t know your name, didn’t even know we were married. He didn’t know anything about me but he had everyone convinced that I was the problem. And I just…” With a weary sigh, feeling the weight of the world pressing on your shoulders, you laughed. “It’s not fair. Why did he get to have friends and so many people to defend him? Why did he get to spend so much time being happy, not caring, loving his friends when I spent years wondering if anyone would ever be able to love me?”
Jake squeezed your hand gently and you could feel the weight of that single gesture. It meant more than he likely realized, warmed you from within, and you desperately wanted to look at him but you knew that sparing him a glance would only end with you dissolving into tears. You were on a roll, speaking the thoughts you knew made little sense to anyone else but had been plaguing you since you received that phone call, and stopping didn’t seem like an option.
“Sometimes I wonder if all of this was my fault.” The admission was quiet, your voice dropping to a near whisper and thick with emotion as you laughed quietly - self-deprecatingly. “I remember being so happy when I was little. I remember him taking me places, going out to dinner and seeing movies and going to the roller rink. I remember him coming to my softball games and my spelling bees. I remember feeling loved.”
With a shake of your head, you tugged at a fraying thread at the hem of your top. “I remember all of that, but then I also remember being ten and wondering if everyone else had a dad who yelled at them. I wondered if everyone else had a dad who would disappear for days when he was angry. I wondered if everyone else had a dad who would throw things at them and make them cry. I don’t… I know if I just got older and he got meaner or if I just gained consciousness and realized he was always mean.”
Faint sounds of life began to bleed into the backyard - the noise of your mother and step-father and various family members who’d dropped by with food and well-wishes milling about - but you ignored them all as you inhaled a shaking breath.
With a single glance spared at the silhouette of your mother, you laughed quietly. “My mom doesn’t remember it but we had an argument when I was, like, fourteen. I don’t remember what it was about but I remember her being so angry at me and saying that I was more and more like my dad every day. I didn’t cry much but I remember breaking down. Nothing anyone has ever said to me has hurt that bad. I think about her saying that all the time and I try so hard to prove that it’s not true but it feels like no matter what I do, no matter how hard I work to be a good person, I keep seeing more and more of my dad in myself.”
With another harsh breath, this one a desperate attempt to clear your throat of the emotion threatening to choke you, you wiped harshly at the tears that had started falling. Somewhere in the midst of your inner turmoil, there was an anger that you allowed yourself to cry. None of this was worth your anger, your upset, your energy, but it felt impossible to do anything more than continue spouting a stream of consciousness you only hoped Jake could still follow.
“While you were deployed, I went to the bar with some friends after a bad day. I wasn’t really in the mood but I ended up having fun,” you admitted, shrugging lightly as you dropped your gaze to where your intertwined hands rested on your thigh. “At the end of the night, though, it was just me and Blake on the patio and we were talking about all the stupid shit that was happening at work. I made a joke about trying to be more positive and he laughed. He said it was no use because I’ve always been a ‘dark fucking cloud’ and that was just who I was. It was a joke,” you conceded, lifting your hand to trace a nonsensical pattern across the back of Jake’s hand. “But it really wasn’t. He’s right. I’ve always been a dark cloud and I’ve always been miserable and bitter and angry.”
A quiet laugh, devoid of any humor and clearly as defeated as you felt, escaped as you shook your head. “All the words parts of me, all the things I wish I could change, all the things I know that make it difficult for people to like - let alone love me - are all parts of my dad. And I just wonder, what happens if I can’t fix those parts? What happens if I spend the rest of my life as this dark cloud? What happens if one day, all my friends realize how miserable I make them? What happens if, one day, you realize that you could do better? You can be a jackass but you’re a good man, Jake. You could easily find someone who loves you that’s bright and happy and warm. I worry that I’m going to die alone, miserable and forgotten, just because I’m me; a dark fucking cloud that pushed everyone away.”
Jake allowed the silence to linger for a moment, giving you a chance to catch your breath. When he realized you were finished speaking, he reached out to carefully brush away the tears tracking down your cheeks. From the corner of your eye, you caught the look on his face - a deep sadness you’d never seen from him before, complete with shiny eyes and a frown - and felt a fresh wave of tears stinging at your eyes.
Though you tried blinking them away, Jake shook his head.
“Sweetheart.” He slid his chair a touch closer, his knee knocking into yours as he lifted his free hand to your cheek. “I don’t say this often, but you’re wrong. I don’t know what to say that will make all of this better but I can tell you what I do know.” With gentle fingers, he tilted your head to meet his eyes and, despite the urge to glance away, you held his gaze.
“You are not a dark cloud.” His conviction was clear, certain and strong as he searched your face. “You know that everyone was surprised when you showed up to the Hard Deck. They couldn’t believe that someone as good as you, someone as bright as you, could love me. I can be an ass, but you? Even when you don’t want to, you try to see the best in people. It doesn’t matter how bad your day is, doesn’t matter how rough things are, you’re always trying to encourage the people in your life. I can’t count how many times you’ve told me your day was shit only for you to turn around and spend the night hyping up Bob, cheering up Phoenix, singing with Rooster, making Coyote laugh.
You’re the most supportive person I’ve ever met. Anyone who asks you to show up for them, you’re there and cheering the loudest. You push people to be the best versions of themselves. When I’m in my head, you’re the person to bring me back. Despite everything, you’re a good person. You try so hard and everyone can see it. I’m difficult to like, but you? There’s nothing difficult about liking you and there sure as hell isn’t anything difficult about loving you. You love me, you make me happy, and I’m lucky I get the chance to love you.”
With another gentle squeeze to your hand, Jake sighed. “None of this is your fault. You were a kid, sweetheart,” he reminded you, careful to avoid irritating your skin further as he brushed away the few tears that continued to fall. “I know all of this is hard. I know you loved him when you were a kid and I know there’s still some kind of love there. I know it still hurts, even though he hasn’t been in your life. And I know that none of this makes any sense. I can’t tell you not to worry about any of this but I can promise you that I’ll remind you every chance I get of just who you are. I’ll be here to remind you just how loved you are. You are a good person, sweetheart, and I love you. On the good days, on the bad days, on every other day in between; I love you and I’m not the only one. You mean so much to so many people and we’re lucky to have you in our lives.”
As the tears fell faster, Jake stood from his seat and tugged you up after him. He pulled you into an embrace, arms wrapped tightly around your body, and pressed a soft kiss to the crown of your head. He allowed you to squeeze him tight, body pressed close to his, and waited patiently for you to calm.
“I love you,” he whispered, voice carrying through the night when your breathing began to even. “You know I’m not just saying this for the sake of saying it. I’m not that nice.”
When you laughed quietly, Jake smiled. “Thank you.” With another soft squeeze to his middle, you sighed. “I love you, too, Jake.”
“Alright, what d’you want to eat?” Jake shifted then, tipped his head to look you in the face, as he redirected the conversation. He knew there was an apology coming - one neither of you needed - so he stopped it before you could. “You haven’t eaten anything all day. And if you tell me you’re not hungry, I’m calling Rooster and letting him sing as many songs as he can,” he teased, waiting to see if his joke would earn him a smile.
“You decide,” you offered, smiling lightly as you nodded. “I don’t want to make any decisions. I’ll have whatever you get.”
“Okay,” he relented, appeased by the easy agreement as he wrapped an arm around your waist and began guiding you back to the house. “C’mon, we’ll get you some water and figure it out.”
The pair of you knew the pain of this loss better than anyone. There was no easy resolution, no easy answer for the messy feelings you still felt roiling in the pit of your stomach - no solution for the feelings this dredged up in Jake - but you felt a little more at peace.
The path now placed in front of you was in no way straightforward, not one you’d be able to navigate easily, but you felt hopeful that there would be a rainbow shining bright through the dark clouds, just as long as Jake was by your side.
Author's Note: I dunno, man. It's been a rough two months.
Taglist: @lulu-noodles, @holachicos, @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth, @withakindheartx, @ssprayberrythings, @verin93, @totalwitch2, @malindacath, @alexparkxr, @hangmandruigandmav, @alexxavicry, @calicokel, @jaymum, @dracosluvbot, @little-wiseone, @specialk6802, @mandylove1000, @julesclues, @archetypesoflife, @oliviah-25, @benhardysdrumstick, @caatheeriinee07, @yvespoems, @chloereidwayne, @flower-name​, @callsignharper​, @peoniarose​, @hangmanscoming​, @rh3tt​, @dakotakazansky​, @silversprings-mp3​
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topguncortez · 1 year
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Court of Thieves || Chapter 2
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synopsis: The Lady Mitchell has traveled to Landing Center to meet her new husband. Prince Jake returns from war and comes face to face with his father's ailing condition
word count: 4.7k
warnings: mentions of death, language, era-related misogyny, talks of pregnancy, arranged marriage, mentions of infidelity.
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You wanted to put up a fight. You wanted to scream and yell and throw things and curse at your father for signing you away before you even had a chance. From a young age, you knew that you wouldn’t have much say in the matter of who you married. Your father was part of the King’s guard, a trusted swordsman in his younger days. Whatever marriage you were to spawn was going to be for a political alliance, but your father promised you that it was going to be with your blessing. 
“I hear that the Prince isn’t so bad,” Bradley said, interrupting your reading. You peered over your book at him and he just shrugged, “It could be worse.” 
You closed your book. You had to travel through the night via ship to the mainland of Brinefell. Now you were in a carriage to take you to Landing Center, where the King resided. . . your new home, “How could it be worse? I am betrothed to a man who’s called the Crown Whore Prince.” 
The rumors of the Prince of Brinefell’s escapades were vast. He surrounded himself with pretty women, tearing through them like a man on a hunt. He didn’t care that he sullied their maidenheads, and had no intention of wedding them. The Prince was a smooth talker and had a pretty face to back it up. 
“Those are just stories, you know that,” Bradley said, reaching across the small carriage cabin to grab your hand. 
“And my sister’s stories? Those are just rumors?” 
Bradley sucked in a breath. Pete had sent his eldest daughter Allison to be a part of the Queen’s court. The Queen was friends with Pete’s late wife, Penelope, and did him a favor by inviting Allison. Allison was a beautiful young girl, with dark hair and striking green eyes. Her fair skin had many guards falling for her and pleading with Pete for his daughter’s hand in marriage. However, Pete turned them down, knowing that his wild daughter needed to calm down before she became a wife. What he didn’t know was that Allison had been caught entertaining the Prince in his chambers late at night. 
“Try and think positive, ducky,” Bradley said, “You won’t have to do a single thing. No chores, no studies, no filling glasses of wine. You’ll be sitting at high tables with fancy cheeses and wines.” 
That part of the deal did sound appealing to you. You had always envied the ladies of the Queen’s court when you’d go to balls with your father. They always had the fanciest dresses, their hair done in neat updos and stylings. You had heard a rumor that they have a feast every night of roasted pig and quail eggs. The King had hired a personal cook from France to make every meal for him and his family. 
But even with all the good points Bradley was giving, you were thinking of at least two negatives to each one. The biggest one was losing the person who knew you best. You and Allison were never as close as you and Bradley are. You knew that the second the carriage stopped on the Castle grounds, Bradley would be stopped from following you. He would be pushed away and possibly into the arms of another. 
You weren’t sure when the crush on Bradley had started, you think it was around the time that you became a woman. Bradley had always been a dashing man, and he grew into his looks as he got older. He now supported a beard, that helped define his prominent cheekbones. His hair color was lighter now that it was summer, a mix of different color brown curls. You loved his curls, they were always so soft. Your favorite thing was running your fingers through his hair as his head lay in your lap while you read him poetry under the sycamore tree. 
And now, those days of laying in the sun with Bradley were gone. 
Bradley liked this whole situation almost as much as you did, maybe even a little less. He knew you well enough that you wouldn’t put up a fight. You weren’t as strong-willed as Allison or your father, you were much like your mother. Quiet, and respectful, but could still stand up for yourself when needed. Bradley knew that Pete would try and marry you off if you weren’t already promised to another. He had asked your father for your hand on multiple occasions, telling him that there was no one better than himself to protect and care for you. Pete knew that Bradley was probably right, but he had already made the promise of your hand to the King. 
“Bradley,” You said softly, “W-what if I can’t produce an heir?” 
Bradley’s eyebrows furrowed at your question, “What do you mean? Don’t you cycle?” 
You blushed and nodded, “Yes, but that doesn’t mean anything. What if I can not successfully give the King an heir? A son. . . What if he casts me aside like my poor cousins were by their King.” 
You were broken when you received the news about your dear cousins and the fate of their marriage. The accusations of witchcraft, incest, and adultery made your stomach turn. Then knowing of the brutal end they both received, their heads separating from their bodies, kept you awake at night. Bradley had held you as you woke up screaming in terror as the replay of your cousin’s execution played over and over behind your eyes. 
“I assure you, ducky, no one will let that happen to you,” Bradley said, squeezing your hand, “No queen has ever-” 
“No queen had ever been put to death before Anne either,” You swallowed. 
“Y/N,” Bradley said sternly, “The people of Brinefell are fair and just. They won’t allow the King to do something. . . so barbaric. Olivia the Great’s ghost would reign down on him if he did.” 
You gave him a small smile as the carriage came to a stop. You felt bile rise in your throat as you peered out and saw the entrance of the Castle. Bradley got out of the carriage first and walked around to your side, opening the door and giving you his arm to help you out. You squeezed his hand as you walked towards the entrance. The castle in real life looked more magnificent than the paintings had depicted. Beautiful white limestone stood at least three stories tall, with black framed windows nearly every three feet. The points of the steeples ascended high into the sky. 
A guard had led you and Bradley through the castle, and it was even more gorgeous on the inside. Marble floors where you swore you could see your reflection. High above you were candle chandeliers, the steel made into intricate patterns. Magnificent oil paintings of past rulers are on the wall. The most notable one was that of Queen Olivia, the Great. You felt as though her green eyes were following you as you walked by it. The large windows let in natural light, making the castle look even bigger on the inside. 
The guard pushed open a set of doors to a rather large meeting room. You sucked in a breath as you came face to face with nobles, lords, and priests. Your hand squeezed Bradley’s, and he set his free hand on top of your hand. The two of you shared a brief look, and he smiled at you. 
In the back of the room, stood two large thrones. You knew what the room was without having to be told. A gorgeous woman was sitting in one of the thrones, clad in the most beautiful purple dress that you had ever seen, and a beautiful crown sat upon her head. The seat next to her was empty, but you still felt the King’s presence in the room. 
“Your Majesty, Lady Y/N Mitchell of North Island,” The guard said, introducing you. 
You let go of Bradley’s arm and took a step forward, curtseying in front of the Queen, “Your Majesty.” 
You kept your head down as you heard the Queen rise from her seat. She stepped down from the throne and walked up to you. You lifted your head and stood to your height. The Queen was even prettier in person; perfectly pale skin, big brown eyes, and dark brown hair that went straight down her back. Even though she was one of the most important women in Brinefell, all your fear had washed away as she smiled at you. 
“Y/N,” The Queen said softly, “You are an image of your mother.” 
“You knew my mother?” 
The Queen gave a soft nod, “That I did. She was a dear friend of mine. The news of her passing upset me, I am so sorry.”  
You hardly remembered your mother. She had died in childbirth when you were three. You weren’t sure if the memories you had of her were your own, or if they were adapted from the stories your father and grandparents had told you. But what you did know about your mother, Penelope, was that she was a vision. 
Penelope had inherited a century-old gene with beautiful silver-like hair, light blue eyes, and skin that made her look sunkissed. Her beauty went further than just on the outside. She had a heart of gold, spending her time raising her children without the help of nannies (which was rather unheard of), studying philosophy, and writing poetry. Your father had gifted you a couple of her journals when you left for the Landing. 
“But let us not dwell on sad times,” The Queen smiled, “We have much to celebrate,” She looked around the room, “Lady Y/N is engaged to my son, The Prince!” The room filled with cheers and applause as you blushed and nodded your head. The Queen held her arm out to you, and you took it, “Come now, child, we have much to discuss.” 
You looked over your shoulder at Bradley, who gave you a small nod, “It is okay. I have an appointment with an old friend.” 
The Queen looked between the two of you, “Join us for dinner tonight. . .” 
“Oh, my regards, your majesty,” Bradley said and bowed to the Queen, “Sir Bradley Bradshaw, of the House Bradshaw.” 
“I thought you looked familiar,” The Queen said, “Your father was a brave swordsman. Please, do us the honor and join us for dinner.” 
“As the Queen insists. Farwell for now,” Bradley said and took his leave from the room. 
You walked arm and arm with the Queen through the halls of the castle. You half listened as she rambled on about certain paintings, or gifts that lined the walls. She talked about her two daughters; Saera and Margeret. Jane was off studying in Earthmoor and Margeret had just had her first child. The Queen also explained a bit more about your impending wedding to her son. 
Years ago, when the first battle of the Rebellion started, your father headed the King’s army out of North Island.  He took his soldiers to Bearhaven to try and control the rebels. It was supposed to be an easy-fought battle, but the battle had quickly turned bloody. Desperate and out of options, your father wrote to the King begging for his intervention. Brinefell had been in a time of peace & serenity, The King wanted to keep the fighting out of his city as much as he could. Your father knew that writing him would only cause the rebellion to grow if the crown got involved, so your father offered the King your hand in return for help. 
“Your wedding was supposed to happen long ago,” The Queen said, as you sat in her chambers, “But the rebellion has expanded and now Argerus is at odds with us.” 
“But isn’t the Prince fighting in Argerus? How will he have time to come back and wed?” You asked. 
The Queen’s smile fell as she looked down at the cup in her hand, “I’m afraid the rush of the marriage is because of my husband, The King. He is ill, and dying. Because Jake is so young, and because of the past history of young, unwed rulers, the council passed a law that the heir must be wed before they take the throne.” 
You knew of the stories of the disastrous reign of King Francis, the current King’s older brother. The council had found King Francis incompetent in his job and removed him. King George was quickly instated and took over the ruling of Brinefell. 
“I believe the King wanted to see you,” The Queen said, “He is usually awake at this time. Shall we go see?” You nodded and stood from your chair. The Queen, again, hooked her arm through yours and walked down the hall to the King’s chambers, “Do not let him alarm you, child, his sickness has taken over his body, but his mind is still intact.” 
“Yes, your majesty,” You said. 
The Queen pushed the door open to her husband’s chambers and the two of you walked inside. The King was laid in bed, a curtain of sheer white cloth surrounding the bed. You could remember that your mother’s bed looked like this only days before her death. It was traditional to have curtains covering the bed of a dying person. A physician had once told you, that dying was hard, brutal work. It wasn’t easy for family members to see their loved one dying, and they believed that the dying deserved some privacy. 
“Your majesty,” A man bowed to the Queen as he stood from the side of the bed. 
“Sir Cromwell,” The Queen greeted, “How is my dear husband?” 
“Awake,” Sir Cromwell said, “He just received morphine, and will retire soon.” 
“Is that-” A rumble of a voice sounded out from behind the curtain. Even ill, his voice was still strong and powerful. 
You took a step forward and curtseyed for the King, though you knew he probably could not see you, “Your Majesty, it is I, the Lady Mitchell.” 
The King let out a small gasp, followed by coughing. Sir Cromwell was right by his side, helping him sit up. He then drew back the white curtains, allowing you to see the King’s face for the first time. The King looked pale, his blonde hair was thin on top. But his eyes, oh those eyes, ever so powerful and green, just like Queen Olivia’s were in her painting. 
“Please, Sir Cromwell, help me out of bed,” The King said. Both Sir Cromwell and the Queen rushed to his side. She grabbed her husband’s legs and helped swing them over the side of the bed, while Sir Cromwell helped the King sit up. You stood back and watched as they helped the ailing King stand to his feet. The Queen wrapped her arm around his waist and put one of his around her shoulders. 
“Where to, my King?” The Queen asked. 
“Anywhere you lead me, my love,” The King said to his wife. The Queen blushed and patted his chest, before leading him to a chair in the sitting area of his chambers. Once the King was sat in his chair, the Queen moved about, fixing his pillows and putting a blanket over his lap. She lifted his feet so Sir Cromwell could slide a footrest underneath them. 
“My Queen, you do too much for me,” The King grabbed her hand to stop her fretting. 
“My job is to serve you, my King,” The Queen kissed her husband’s forehead, before taking a step back and curtseying for him, “I will leave you to do your business, your majesty,” She stepped back, allowing you to take a step forward and sit in the chair beside the King. 
The King shifted in his chair, and you turned your head towards him, “She worries too much.” 
“A good wife ought to worry,” You said and the King nodded in agreement, “My mother used to worry for my father when he was away at battle. I remember her praying and writing all the time. She waited on him even on her death bed.”
“A wife’s job is never easy,” The King said, “I find her job more strenuous than mine. A King is nothing without his Queen. She is the true bearer of the Crown and its legacy. I can not continue on without her, and my son without you.” 
You let the King’s words wash over you. The realization of what your role meant finally hit you. Your marriage to the Prince went further than just repaying a debt to the Crown. You were needed to create a legacy not only for the Prince but for your family as well. Your father had no sons, his legacy ends when he dies. A son would mean the house Mitchell lives on after your father dies. A son would mean the crown carries on. 
“I understand, your majesty,” You said and took the King’s hand, “I promise I will do all I can to assure the Crown stays with your kin. I promise to do my role for you and your Prince, as well as my father.” 
The King nodded his head, “I know you will, Princess.” A flash of pride filled your chest at the mention of your new title, “Now, I hear you are skilled with a bow and arrow, tell me about it.” You chuckled and started in on your training with the weapon. 
— — — 
Jake was tired. As soon as Master Brook left his tent the other night, he packed up his saddlebags and travel all the way back to Landing Center. He had hoped that he wasn’t too late, that his father hadn’t passed before he could come and speak to him. Jake felt relief when he rode into Landing Center and saw his father’s colors still flying in the wind. 
When he arrived, he was met with his father’s most trusted confidants at the gate. Master Moore was his brother-in-law, the King’s hand, and Lord Floyd. Jake didn’t really care for Master Moore. The man had been trying to get Jake removed from the line of succession and reinstate his uncle, Francis instead. 
“Robert!” Jake shouts as he dismounts his horse, “Oh how I missed you!” Bob rolls his eyes as he took a step forward and greeted the Prince, “Where is the cake and party? The Prince has returned!” 
“Our apologies, your majesty,” Master Moore said, “Maybe if you weren’t returning to see your dying father, we would’ve had cake and whores.” Jake glared at the man as he took off his riding gloves and handed the reigns of his horse to one of the keepers. Bob could sense the tension between the two of them and stepped in the middle. 
“Your mother would like to see you,” Bob said, “In her chambers.” Jake nodded and headed to her, but not before sending another glare toward Master Moore. The man returned Jake’s icy stare before turning to Lord Floyd. 
Jake smiled politely at his mother’s ladies as he walked into her room. The Queen was by the fireplace, sewing probably a new shirt for the King. One of the ladies whispered in her ear, and she turned to see her only son standing in her room. She smiled and rose from her seat, going to hug him, but stopped short. 
“My dear son,” The Queen frowned, licking her thumb and wiping away some dirt on Jake’s cheek, “Do you ever take a bath?” 
Jake smirked, “Yes, but cleansing myself is not what I do in them.” 
“Oh Gods,” The Queen shook her head. She walked back over to her chair by the fireplace and took a seat, Jake took one across from her. A servant placed a tray of fruits and cheeses in between them, as well as two cups of wine. The Queen thanked the servant and picked up one of the glasses, taking a sip of the red liquid. “Have you seen your father?” 
“No,” Jake answered, “Was met at the gate by Robert and that cunt Moore-” 
“Master,” The Queen corrected, “Master Moore.” 
“He is a cunt,” Jake said, “He has only one loyalty and that is to the bastard Francis-” 
“Prince!” The Queen corrected again, “Act as though you are the son of the King, please.” 
Jake rolled his eyes, “Yes mother.” 
“You must see him, but please, take a bath first, you smell of blood and shit,” The Queen cursed and Jake laughed. The only time he ever heard her curse was when he was with her. She held herself to the highest standard, being the Queen consort. It was refreshing to drop her facade and be herself with her children. Not many can say they’ve seen the Queen drunk and racing knights in the garden, “You also will be meeting your new wife tonight.” 
“Ah, so it is true,” Jake sat back in his chair, spreading his legs. The Queen scoffed and kicked his knee. He laughed as he crossed his leg over the other, “Betrothed to Mistress Mitchell? Doesn’t she lay in bed with Lord Bradshaw.” 
His mother gasped, “Jacob,” He shrugged and looked over at her, “It is unbecoming of a prince to talk about his future bride in such a way.”
“She will not be a true Queen if she comes from the bed of another man. All the heirs spawned will be true bas-” He was cut off by a sharp kick to his knee, “Ow!” 
“You should be glad I didn’t strike you with my hand,” The Queen pointed. Jake suddenly remembered why they called her the ‘Fire Queen’. She could get quite the temper sometimes, “The Lady Mitchell is untouched and does not lay in the bed of another. You will marry her and make strong heirs to the throne.” 
Jake grumbled and picked up a cherry, biting it off the stem and popping it in his mouth, “I have something I must admit though,” He said, a smirk on his lips as he sat up, sticking the stem in his mouth, “I know her sister.”
The Queen narrowed her eyes at her son, “In what regards?” 
“Intimately,” He pulled the now-knotted cherry stem out of his mouth. 
“Oh Gods,” The Queen shook her head. She stood up from her chair and grabbed her bible. She didn’t say another word as she left her chambers but Jake knew she was more than likely going to the chapel to pray. 
— — — 
Jake had listened to his mother and took a bath as she had asked. It felt good to finally bathe in warm water instead of having to find a creak. He washed his hair with sweet-smelling soaps and oils. He made sure to scrub his hands, getting all traces of blood off of them. In battle, Jake tried his best to not get his hands bloody, but sometimes it was inevitable. 
His green eyes trained on the reddened skin as memories of battle flooded his mind. The screams of brave men, scared women and terrified children filtered into his mind. He told his men to try and leave the women and children unharmed, but occasionally they would get in the way. Jake had held one too many wives back as their husband’s heads were cut off for disobeying the crown. 
Leaning back in the bathtub, Jake looked at the ceiling. Could he even be a good husband with all the things he had seen? His father had never been to war, he had never seen the terrors that were out there. Could Jake be the husband that he was supposed to be when he has killed? Could someone even look at him and want to lay in bed with him? Jake was a murderer, he was not a good man. How was he supposed to raise sons to be good men? 
“Your grace,” His servant called for him. Jake looked over the side of the tub, “It is time to dress you.” Jake sighed and nodded, climbing out of the tub. 
He got dressed in his traditional evening dinner wear; a black and gold tunic, black pants, and boots. He made sure to shave his face, knowing how his mother hated facial hair. Jake chuckled to himself as he shaved in the mirror his servant held. 
“First rule I am making as King; I get to have a beard,” Jake said, rinsing the shaving blade. 
“Yes, your grace,” The servant said. 
When Jake was shaved, dressed and the formal crown had been placed on his head, he grabbed his sword and headed to his father’s chambers. Various lords, ladies, and noblemen bowed to him as he passed through the halls. The great hall was going to be full as a crowd was gathering to celebrate the Prince’s new engagement. Jake would much rather slice his own throat than have to dance in front of people he didn’t even know. 
“He is unruly,” Jake heard his mother’s voice as he approached his father’s chambers. He furrowed his eyebrows and everso quietly stepped into the room. He hid behind a drape, as his mother kneeled before his father who sat in a chair, “I worry how he will treat her.” 
Jake looked down at his shoes, feeling a pang of hurt in his heart. He knew he wasn’t always the nicest, or the most thoughtful, but he believed he would make a good husband. He could be respectful when he needed to be. He knew that this whole marriage was nothing more than a business transaction. Jake could turn on his flirtatious side, send this girl a few smiles, and make her feel good in bed so she could carry his heirs. 
“He is my son,” Jake lifted his head up at the sound of his father’s weak voice. He had only been gone a month, and his father had deteriorated so quickly, “He will treat her well.” Jake cleared his throat, as he stepped around the drape he was hiding behind. The King’s face lit up as he walked in. Jake bowed to his father and mother, before taking the chair next to him. 
“How was Argerus?”
“Brutal,” Jake answered, “Not sure if Mother wants to hear of my conquests.” 
“No, she does not,” The Queen stood up, “I shall see you at dinner. My King,” The Queen curtseyed before them both and left the room. 
Jake sighs and looks at his dad. The King was sick before he sent Jake to fight in Argerus, now, it was amazing that he was even still alive. His color was gone, he looked like a gust of wind could break his bones, and his eyes were half open. Suddenly, Jake felt sick as he realized he was about to take over for his father ruling the country. There was still so much that he didn’t know. 
“I can hear your thoughts,” The King said barely above a whisper, gaining his son’s attention, “Speak them.” 
“I don’t know if I am ready,” Jake mumbled, “There are lots I do not know yet. You have more to teach-” 
The King held his hand up, “My job has been done, Jacob. You know all you need.” Jake scoffed, shaking his head. He went to stand up, but the King reached his hand out. Jake took it without hesitation, “You know more. . . than you know. . . You need. . . trust.” 
“If you say in Master-” 
“In her.” 
“Your Queen.” 
Jake furrowed his eyebrows and opened to ask his father what he means, but the King fell into a fit of coughs. Jake’s heart started racing as he stood from his chair and helped his father lean forward. He rubbed the King’s back as he continued coughing, grimacing as he noticed pink droplets landing on the white blanket in front of him. Sir Cromwell entered the room and walked to the King. 
“Your majesty, we must get you to bed,” Sir Cromwell said. The King didn’t put up a fight as servants flanked his side to help him up. Jake watched helplessly as they carried the man that was once larger than life to bed. He waited until they had him tucked into bed, looking even smaller and frailer than he did earlier. 
Jake walked to his bedside, running his hand over his father’s hair, “Thank you, my King,” He pressed a kiss to his father’s forehead, before leaving his father to rest.
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taglist: @cherrycola27 @itsmytimetodream @yanna-banana @laneylovesglen @elijahmikaelsonbitch @desert-fern @callsignharper @prettiewittie @hangmanscoming @damrlova @captainmoonknight @jazminlahey20 @bradshawseresinbabe @rebellionofthetoys @seitmai @xoxabs88xox @princess76179 @clancycucumber230 @soulmates8 @dempy @starberryhorse @kmc1989 @thedroneranger @loving-and-dreaming @whatisloveavy @memeorydotcom @shanimallina87 @phoenix1388 @mygyn @topgun-imagines @bradleybeachbabe @na-ta-sh-aa @startrekfangirl2233 @atarmychick007 @lunamoonbby @sophiaslastbraincell @bradswolfe @fandom-princess-forevermore @angelbabyange @lovelywiseprincess @krismdavis @eternallyvenus @dakotakazansky @pono-pura-vida @callsignartemis @daggersquadphantom @gspenc
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goosemothersblog · 1 year
Pairing: oc!kazansky x jake seresin
Inspired by Taylor Swift albums: folklore + midnight
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ABOUT THE OC!: she’s Tom Kazansky eldest and only child. Was born in 1989 (three years after Top Gun) and is currently 33 years old.
In her childhood she preferred cars over planes (which hurt a lot to her father). During her teenage years that didn’t change, so, when the time of pick a university arrived, she choose one in Europe, hoping to become an mechanical and aerospace engineer.
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CHAPTERS: minimum
ooi. you’re on your own kid
where you learn about Ally Kazansky and her life
oii. this is me trying
where Ally has a job offer from the Navy that she couldn’t resist
iii. the 1
where Ally has an argument with her father and she meets again a certain pilot
ovi. cardigan
where Ally and Jake’s story began
more works coming in any time
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thewulf · 1 year
Good News || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: So i saw somewhere where a woman got into trouble for "destruction of government property" but it's just her giving her military husband hickies, and i think this would be so hilarious with Jake Seresin.
A/N: This one came so quickly to me. It's just pure fluff. All the Jake Seresin fluff! Short but sweet. Hope you all enjoy :)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 2.3k +
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Your eyes flipped back to the calendar on the wall with a big red circle around today. You’d probably looked at that calendar a thousand times over the last six months as you waited. Waited agonizingly every single day praying you wouldn’t get a knock on your door or the dreaded phone call.
Jake had been deployed on a carrier off the coast of Israel in the Mediterranean Sea for the last six months. You knew it came with the territory when you started dating him all those years ago. It terrified you every single time he came to tell you he was off on a mission or going on orders overseas. You’d never show it, only your utmost support and confidence in the man. But you knew how dangerous it was. He told you about all the men and women he’s seen gone down and some never making it home in his short span as a pilot in the Navy. It didn’t just terrify you, it rocked you all the way down to your core. What if he didn’t make it home? He was a hell of a pilot, one of the best that was flying, but things didn’t always go your way. He knew that. You knew it. Everybody seemed to know it.
But today was the day. He was coming home. After the months of shitty less than communication and trying your best to stay distracted it was here. He was safe. He was alive. You’d talked to him just a few hours ago. Waiting.
Jake’s parents picked you up from your shared home just off base that’d been eerily quiet in his absence. They didn’t want you driving in your hyper-fixated state. They never wanted you driving when it came to these kinds of events. They knew how much it tore you up when he was gone on deployment. If you didn’t fly down to Texas they made sure to fly to you. Just to keep you company. You hadn’t a clue how you’d gotten so lucky to have them in your life. And hopefully in the future as family. You never pushed it though. You didn’t want him to panic and ran. And truth be told you’d be fine never marrying him so long as he was like this in your life. Your best friend and love wrapped up in one.
“Are you excited?” His mom asked seeing you nearly bouncing out of the backseat once the car rolled onto base.
“Oh Nancy,” you could only nod your head in confirmation, “I’m more than excited.” Your cheeks were starting to burn from the big cheesy grin you were wearing.
His dad, David, spoke up, “I know Jake is just as excited.” He smiled just feeling the excitement in the air. These days were truly the best. Six months was a long time to be away. The longest deployment he’d been on in years.
The three of you made small talk as David drove to the base. Once parked, you happily led the older couple over to where the sailors would stand before they waited to be dismissed. You watched as the hundred or so men and women aboard the ship departed to their designated formation. Your eyes scanned for your loved one. Your Jake.
Finally spotting him you waited anxiously as the rest of the crew lined up. You just had to wait it out another ten minutes or so. They had to officially be dismissed before they could break for the family reunions. These last few minutes always seemed to draw on for decades trying to be as patient as possible.
You kept your eyes on him as he kept his forward. You hadn’t a clue that he already spotted you moments before you did him. But he had to keep his attention forward. No matter how anxious he was to see his favorite girl again.
They second they were dismissed Jake made a beeline right for you. Your face lit up in surprise as he headed right at you. Your body responding by moving forward you jumped right into his arms once he got close enough. He was more than ready. He wrapped his arms right around you securing you tightly to his chest while your feet locked behind him.
“Jakey.” You grinned hugging him tightly, afraid he’d be gone from your arms again you cherished every second like this. It made you realize how much you really did love the man you were holding so tightly. How much you craved him, everything about him. You’d rather not have had him gone for six months though. That was far too long for your liking. As if you had any say.
“Honey.” He cooed gently rocking you side to side. One arm snaked around your waist, one arm gently cradling your head in his hands, “You’re so fucking pretty. How’d you get even more beautiful? God I missed your face.” Jake leaned down capturing your lips in his. As gentle as he normally was with you this was hungrier. He really had missed you. Giving your hip as squeeze you felt him smile into the kiss as you squirmed away from his grasp.
Once you stopped giggling you looked right into his eyes smiling dopily, “And I missed yours, handsome man.” You gave him a wicked smirk before doing the unthinkable. Jake had warned you time and time again how he couldn’t show visible marks on the skin, or the Navy could have his ass. And maybe even yours if they were angry enough. You’d known they were empty threats, but you’d never dreamed of potentially hurting his flying in anyway. So, you’d never leave any marks.
Sliding his collar to the side you decided to throw caution to the wind seeing everybody lost in their own world with their own families. Jake’s parents were even admiring all the reunions around them instead of having their eyes fixated on the two of you. They loved watching all the joy every time. Nancy always made sure that every sailor was feeling the love. That was just one of the reasons you’d fallen in love not only with Jake but his entire family. His mom was as sweet as they came. His dad just as caring but even more tough. It was no wonder Jake was the way he was. Albeit a little more of an asshole than either of them even combined.
“Ma’am. That is abhorrent.” A vaguely familiar voice made you focus on your surroundings once more, “This is Destruction of Government Property.” You heard a cough from behind Jake drawing you away from your boyfriends neck. The look you sent could’ve killed him if it were at all possible. Bradley fucking Bradshaw. Was he actually serious right now?
You felt Jake’s laughter in his chest before you heard it. Flicking your eyes up momentarily at him you kissed him on his cheek before flipping Bradley off, “I don’t care Bradley.” You continued flipping him off while Jake held you tightly to his chest.
“Sweetheart…” Jake tried to warn you. The government really did own his ass. But his Commanding Officer was cool. He wasn’t expected to be back on base for another few weeks… what did a few hickies hurt? You knew the drill, but it didn’t seem to matter as you clung to him like he was about to vanish at any second. He looked down at your doe eyed expression, “I missed you.” He finished realizing just how hard deployment really was on you. The two of you were going on year five together. He’d been a pilot for all of them. He’d flown his hardest missions during that time. Your support never wavered. But seeing you like this? Like you’d never see him again… it hurt him. It hurt knowing you were feeling like that.
“You’ll care when there are Naval Officers on your doorstep.” Bradley tried. He really did. But you really didn’t care. You missed him more than anything. You didn’t care that his parents were there watching. You just missed him. Missed his corny ass jokes and the soft touches he always threw your way. You missed the sweet smiles and laughter that came with being around him. 
“So be it. Worth it.” You giggled as Jake pinched your sides again bringing your attention back to the man you’d dreamed about every day.
“Eyes over here darling.” He made sure to flip Bradley off before holding you back in his arms once again. He wouldn’t let you drop your hold on him. He wanted you close. He didn’t care either. He’d craved you for those months. He’d forgotten just how bad deployment got. Bradley mumbled some incoherent words before disappearing off into the crowd.
Kissing his cheek once more you nodded, “Sorry Jakey.” Brushing your hands through his hair it felt like it really was just the two of you there. Like nobody else was around.
“No need to apologize.” He whispered in your ear sending immediate chills down your spine, “You didn’t answer my question though. How’d you seem to get even more beautiful while I was gone?”
You truly felt like a little schoolgirl was a nasty crush on a boy way out of your league. He was so sweet to you and only you. Not having a clue why. You loved watching him interact with everyone else. He was so different than the man who came home to you every night. But that was Jake. Tough as they come. Sweet as can be. The biggest fight the two of you had was when he came home and told you about the six month long deployment a year ago. You didn’t even fight you were just sad. Sad that he volunteered to go. Volunteered and didn’t tell you. The two of you worked through it though. You always did.
“Shush. You’ve just been trapped on a big boat for so long I’d be offended if you didn’t think I was pretty.” You wanted to kiss him so bad. You didn’t even remember the kiss you gave him once you spotted him walk off the ship. You blacked out, truly.
“Never ever.” He grinned, “I’ll never stop complementing my beautiful girl.”
You squeezed your arms around him pulling him so much closer. You’d melt into him if you could, “You’re too sweet to me Mr. Seresin.”
He shook his head, “Not enough, I’d say.” He took the lead this time leaning down to give you a soft, sweet kiss that was far too short for your liking.
“I love you.” You whispered to him feeling oh so happy. So beyond excited he was holding you in his arms once again. You tried to step away to give his parents a chance to say hello, but he only held you tighter. Shaking his head.
“Love you too, gorgeous girl.” He hummed placing a soft kiss on your forehead, “That was it, by the way.”
You scrunched your eyes together in confusion, “What?”
He nodded his head with that larger than life smile on his face, “You’re looking at Captain Jake Seresin. Command Ground Officer.” He emphasized ground with wide eyes.
“Jake! Congrats. You didn’t tell me! Does this mean you’re here? Permanently?” Looking at him expectedly. It hit you just how good it could really get once you knew he’d be sleeping by your side every night.
He nodded his head in excitement, “At least for this job. I’ll still be flying but more on the leadership side. Training. Preparing them.”
You didn’t think your heart could swell any larger in love. But there it went. Only Jake could do that. You knew it. He knew it, “You’re not kidding right? Like you’re being serious?”
“Yes sweetheart. So serious.” He kissed your nose this time. He missed you more than you could’ve imagined. It was an impossible six months. He didn’t want to do that anymore. He couldn’t be away from you anymore. Lucky for him he had options. They let him choose. He choose to ground himself from missions. It was time to grow up and move on. He’d accomplished everything he sought out to and more already in the air. Now he was on a mission to rise to the top. Admiral Jake Seresin had a ring to it. 
You wanted to squeal but knew you had eyes all over you. Anybody could’ve been watching, “That’s the best news I’ve heard in a while J.”
“Just you wait.” He grinned ear to ear leaning down once more, whispering into your ear, “Won’t even be the best news you’ve heard all day.” Leaning all the way down he kissed you with a little bit more but keeping it PG. His parents were standing there a little annoyed that he’d chosen to be with you for so long before he even acknowledged them. But they knew. They knew the raw power of love. How much it could sway and dissuade. How deeply Jake was in love with you and how much you were with him.
“Oh? Do tell.” You pulled away looking at him curiously.
“You’ll see.” He wiggled his eyebrows just to egg you on.
You narrowed your eyebrows in on the man you loved so dearly, “You know how much I hate surprises.”
He laughed gleefully, “Oh darling, I know.” He pulled you back into him momentarily, “Promise, it’ll be worth the wait.”
“Promise?” You knew he’d keep true to his word, but you wanted to hear him confirm it.
“I promise you darling. Just you wait.” Squeezing your hand, he finally walked over to his parents bringing you right along with him. Only dropping your hand as he went in for the hug with his mom.
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Taglist: @stuffingbuttsandshit @genius2050
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Abs Sans Brain
Top Gun: Maverick - Jake “Hangman” Seresin x f!pilotreader [no use of y/n]
2.6k || Your date with Jake at the Hard Deck is crashed by the rest of the squad.
==== Genre: Fluffy, flirty, and funky
CW: Swearing, drinking
Author’s Note: I’m writing this before I start writing the fic itself. I’m shooting for 600 - 800 words. Please laugh at me when we see how wrong I end up being. Oh, and the reader is best friends with Bob because I said so. || cross-posted on ao3
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There were very few things you had asked for in life. Good health, good people, and the entire sky at your disposal. A small list, if a bit demanding. One thing you hadn’t been expecting when you’d asked for the Heavens was all those who came with it. In particular, Jake Seresin, who slid into the booth across from you. Beers in hand, grin in place.
“Come here often, doll?”
You roll your eyes at him. A movement that does little to hide the smile blooming across your lips. “I can’t believe I ever let that line work on me.”
“In your defense,” he said, taking a long swig of his beer. “The first time I used that line, we were thousands of feet in the sky. It’s where I’m at my most irresistible.”
“Ah, yes. That must have been it. Everywhere else you’re just insufferable.” You laughed and took a significantly smaller sip of your beer. It’s your second one in ten minutes. “If I didn’t know you any better, Seresin, I’d say you’re trying to get me drunk here.”
“Tryin’?” he scoffed, “and you say you know me.”
The unfortunate thing about this whole situation was that you did know Jake. You knew him well, better than Coyote. You knew his favorite color was yellow. That’s why it had been put in his helmet. (He’d also left off the ‘a’ in his helmet because the idea of filling it in to say ‘Hungman’ fit his sixth grade sense of humor). You knew he over-exaggerated his southern drawl whenever you walked into a room because you’d once drunkenly admitted to him that hearing him talk flooded your mind with dirty thoughts. You knew Jake’s mind was fifty percent dirty thoughts, twenty-five percent sky, twenty percent you, five percent ways to school you at cards and five percent cheeky comebacks he was sitting on to annoy the rest of the squad with. And, most disheartening of all, you knew Jake was not a romantic.
It didn’t bother him that date night was a few beers, fried food, and a game of pool. It didn’t bother you either. Not entirely, but you were hoping for one night where you could dress up nice and go out somewhere fancy. Somewhere along the lines of joining the military and ending up at TOPGUN the line of being feminine had been blurred. Commanders couldn’t understand why you’d want to put on a bit of mascara to fly a plane. In the same stretch of imagination, Hangman seemingly couldn’t put it together that you’d like a bit of romance in your life beyond the cheesy pickup lines and pet names.
If you could add anything to your list of ‘good health, good people, and the entire sky’ it would be a few nice dates. You’d say nothing fancy, but you wouldn’t mean it. You wanted fancy. Even if it was just to realize that fancy is actually not what you wanted at all. Something to change up the pace of playing pool with Jake and being hit on by him like you were his latest conquest and not his girlfriend of six months.
Part of you felt like you were being slightly unfair.
“Your turn, doll,” Jake said, but when you went to pass in front of him he grabbed you by your belt loop. He pulled you back towards him, matching your laugh, and captured your lips with his.
Moments like these almost had you convinced that maybe you could push those selfish date ideas off to the side. Jake liked showing off. He liked being able to flirt with you in a place where you could laugh loudly and no one would look at you weird. He liked being able to slip out the back door to walk down the beach with you under the stars.
“If it’s my turn,” you said between kisses, “then let me shoot the ball.”
Reluctantly, he let go of your waist and you positioned yourself to sink yet another ball into the pocket. You planned to kick his ass in an embarrassingly short amount of time to get the pettiness out of your system, then enjoy your night together.
Except for the fact that the front bell chimed, and familiar shouts filled the bar. Familiar because you’d heard them less than an hour ago. You considered altering your list once more. ‘Good people who knew when not to come get a drink.’
“Hangman!” Payback shouted across the bar. “Rack ‘em up. Rooster was just telling me how the two of you ended in a tie game last week.”
Jake’s laughter filled your ears. He still had a hand on the small of your back, but his attention was entirely on your group of friends trailing through the door. “Chicken doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about. I smoked his ass.”
“I’d like to see you put your money where your mouth is, Seresin. Unless you’re still broke from the last time I kicked your ass.”
Rooster headed over to the pool table followed closely by Fanboy and Coyote. Payback, scribbling in a notebook, hung back for a moment. Then opened his mouth to edge the tension on a bit more. You knew your date night had been pushed aside, so you took it upon yourself to step off to the side yourself.
Phoenix smiled at you, waving, and tilted her head. “I thought you guys were on a date?” She asked. You shot her a look that said ‘We’ll talk later.’ Natasha let out a laugh. “Sorry. Look, I’ll get you something strong to drink.”
“Make it a double!” You called out after her as she made her way over to the bar where she’d be trapped by millions of questions from Penny. The sound of your name, your government name, being called by a certain southern drawl caught your attention. “Yes, love?” You asked, hoping that your boyfriend was about to make an unexpected promise that the two of you could leave after one game.
“What’s the matter, darlin’?” Jake nudged you softly with his shoulder then threw his head over in Bradley’s direction. “We can always just ask the peanut squad to leave. The small man will only get so much smaller when I whoop his ass for the hundredth time”
Rooster stiffens, almost to attention. He holds the pool cue next to him. Straight and tall. “I’m taller than you are, Bagman.”
It had become a trend of sorts to refer to Jake with various insults that fell so effortlessly from Bob’s mouth. You had tried your hardest to resist, out of solidarity for your boyfriend, some of the nicknames were too creative to avoid… and it gave you an excuse to make Jake try and draw his true name from your lips.
“I wasn’t referring to that kind of height, Chick.”
“C’mon, Jake,” you whine, “can you please just be the polite Jake I know you to be?”
“Oxymoron!” Rooster calls from across the pool table to which Jake whirls around and says, “What the fuck did you just call me?”
You shoot a glare in Bradley’s direction. “Seriously?” Out of the corner of your eye you see Payback pulling that same little notebook out of his pocket to make a mark. You turn on him. “And what the hell are you doing?”
He turns the page towards you. On it in crude, unintelligible handwriting is what you can only assume to be two columns labeled “Hangman” and “Rooster” with a series of ticks beneath them. Jake in the lead by a long shot. “I like to keep track.”
In the corner, you noticed when you squinted to read the handwriting, was a third little box. Completely full of ticks. “Who is that?”
“Bob,” Payback said at the same time Bob said, “Mine.”
You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to Jake. “Can I talk to you?”
Your tone is enough to etch worry on his face. He set his pool cue against the table, grabbed you by the waist, and pulled you off to the side. “What’s wrong, doll?”
“This isn’t a date.” The whiny lit to your voice didn’t make you feel the most sexy, but you’d tried seducing Jake to go to a movie so the two of you could make out in the dark instead and that hadn’t worked. Pouting was your last resort. “Every time we go on a date, they show up. They’re like fleas!”
“At least fleas can do tricks.” Jake turned to look over his shoulder. “Rooster can’t even hit a ball straight.”
“Jake, I’m being serious. Why won’t you just take me on a date? A real one.”
“Look, pretty girl, I’ll make a deal with you.”
You side-eyed him, unconvinced, and sighed. “Lucky me.”
“Play me in darts. I win, we stay and hang out with everyone. Lord knows Rooster and Phoenix need to be humbled in pool. Plus, you’re the only one here who can get Bob to do enough shots to start doing karaoke.” He rests his forehead against yours. “I know how much you love his drunk renditions of ‘Sweet Caroline.’”
Jake had a point. There had been one night - shockingly, another date night at the Hard Deck turned into a group activity - where you went to sulk in a booth while your schmooze of a boyfriend fueled his bromance with Coyote, Rooster, and Payback. Bob, still not the biggest partier, had grown tired of the swapping insults over darts and was worn out from dodging Phoenix and Fanboy’s attempts to get him to dance with them. So he’d ended up in the booth across from you.
You’d been pounding back shots of tequila like they were water. “He’s stupid,” you had slurred to Bob, “but you’re not stupid. You’re fun. Here, do a shot with me. Let’s be fun.”
He would tell you the next day that he had only intended to do one shot but one turned into two which turned into four which turned into Bob unplugging the jukebox to sing a melody of songs from your Grandma’s playlist with impressive range. After each one he would make sure to point you out of the gathering crowd of dazzled patrons. “This one’s for her!” He’d shout in dedication and start up singing again.
It hadn’t been a bad night then, and, even though you’d never admit it to Jake, you had a lot of fun. Tonight would be the same if you could let yourself stop moping long enough to enjoy it. But there was still the matter of:
“What if I win?” You ask. Competition was the reason you were here on the West Coast to begin with. You were the best of the best because you refused to let anyone else get the upper hand on you. “What do I get then, Seresin?”
“If you win,” Jake said, slowly kneading your hips with his hands. “I will take you out on another date - a fancy one. With roses and the opening of doors and the biggest bottle of wine this nice restaurant downtown has to offer. I’ll dress up and give you the most romantic night of your life. But tonight we’ll stay here and do everything we’d do anyway if I had win.”
“If I win.”
“If you win… but you won’t.”
He didn’t have to say it for you to know it was true. He threw darts the same way he flew planes: with deadly precision. There was a reason Hangman was the only one out of everyone in their generation with two confirmed kills. He could land a shot with his eyes closed. In the air and with two feet planted firmly on the hardwood floors of the Hard Deck.
“That’s not fair at all.”
“I don’t make the rules, sweet thing.” That stupid smirk was back on his face. The two of you hadn’t made it back to your booth yet for appetizers, otherwise there’d surely be a toothpick rolling between those lips of his too.  “C’mon, we’ll make it easy. Three darts each. Most points win.”
“That’s not how you play darts, Jake. Even I know that.”
“Bagman,” Payback called out, “what are you doing, the balls are racked?”
You went to grab the darts from the board as Jake said, “Kicking my girl’s ass in darts as a warm up for kicking your sorry asses in every game after.”
“Ladies first,” you gestured, mimicking his smug smirk. He glared playfully at you but stepped up to throw the first dart in a movement almost too quick for you to see. A perfect bullseye. “Show off.”
“Got to put some skin in the game.” Jake moved you in front of him. His hands gripping your waist to hold you in place as he pressed kisses to your neck. “I like your skin better, darlin’.”
You shooed him away. The dart felt heavy in your hand. Screwing this up would essentially be throwing away your only sure shot at the date of your dreams. You lifted your arm and threw the dart. It flew, fitting itself snugly into the single bull.
Jake’s turn. He moved just as quickly as the first time, but the angle he shot at landed the dart in a single scoring 18. Winning was still well within your grasp. A decent date was inching closer and closer.
Your turn. A deep steady breath. This dart felt weightless. An extension of yourself. You throw the dart in a less fluid motion than Jake, but manage to stick it in the bullseye right next to his.
“Look at that!” You shouted, pointing and jumping. Joy overwhelmed you not just because you were currently winning, but because this had been the first bullseye you’d made without Jake helping you in the slightest. He’d likely still claim this victory as his. It was his silly deal that made you so determined in the first place.
Jake’s final turn. He still had the chance to put you in the dust. Your eyes were glued to the board, but the dart never came. When you turned to look at him, Jake threw the dart at the ground. “You win,” he said, but you shook your head. Eyes back to the board. You won even without throwing this last dart.
You snapped your head in his direction, ready to call him out for cheating, but you were cut off by Jake’s lips crashing onto yours. He pulled away quickly, muttered a small, “You really think I’d deny you anything, doll?” then rushed off to join the restless group at the pool table. Leaving you to glance from the stray dart stuck in the floor and the man you were beginning to fall for at the pool table.
Phoenix saddled up next to you, drink in hand, and passed one over to you. “What did he promise you if you won?”
“A real date.”
“The fancy one with all that inspiration you’ve been sending me on Pintrest.”
“That’s the one.”
She let out a low whistle. “Wow, and I thought he loved you just by the way he looked at you, but this is something else. He’s smitten.”
“I guess I have that effect on some people,” you said and hid your giddy grin with a sip of your drink. “Did you ask Penny to get the tequila shots ready?”
“The real question is if we’re ready to hear Bob signing.”
This might just be one of your favorite dates yet.
oneshot taglist: 
@rosiahills22 @pono-pura-vida @gizmodear​
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
Deployment Surprise
Summary: Both Jake and Bradley are deployed and have the opportunity to receive care packages. Little Y/N decides to send her daddies a little something special to keep them safe.
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Jake Seresin
Warnings: fluff
A/N: Based on this Instagram video.
A/N 2: Also thank you @fangirlvibez for tagging in this cute request!
Our Little Girl
Master List
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Bradley and Jake haven't been on many deployments since the birth of their little girl and they can think Ice for that. They have been on a total of 3 since she was born each time was a short one. However, this one they absolutely had to go on it was going to be for at least 3 months. Their little girl would be staying with her Grandma Carole and Grandpa Goose while most of The Dagger Squad got deployed. Y/N loved it when she stayed with her grandparents, they loved to spoil her. Maverick and Goose weren't called to go which wasn't unusual since Ice and Slider were going, if two of them didn't go then the other two would. It was an unspoken agreement that Ice would also be in charge of The Dagger Squad along with Maverick and the two RIOs were along for the ride.
A week leading up to their deployment they could tell Y/N was getting antsy. She's been away from both of her fathers multiple times but never for this long. They noticed that she was getting more clingy to both of them to the point where she was crawling into bed with them at night. They would be expecting her and when she crawled in they would just roll over and cuddle her.
Bradley and Jake had just begun putting Y/N to bed. It was 3 days until they left. It was 8 PM when they started her routine of putting her to bed. They had begun supper at 7:30 PM and had just finished and now it was bath time and bed time.
"Sweets. Bath time." Jake said as he and Bradley finished putting food and dishes away. She looked up at him from her place at the table and stared at him hard.
"No. No leave Dada or Papa." She said ending it with a frown. He sighed this has been happening ever since she found out they would be leaving.
"How about I take you and give you a bath then you can cuddle with us on the couch?" Jake asked not believing he was negotiating with a 4-year-old but is used to it.
"No. You both give me a bath and then cuddle." She said folding her arms Jake sighed and looked at Bradley who just shrugged.
"Dada has to finish up in here." Jake said once he turned to Y/N with his hands on his hips.
"Then no bath. I want both of you." She said now on the floor and copying his exact movement. Bradley chuckled she was too similar to them and it was scary.
"How about we go ahead and give you a bath and I can finish up later." Bradley said breaking the staring contest. Jake looked at him but he already knew what he was thinking. "It's not a problem. I'll finish up when she's asleep. Nothing here is going to spoil." He said and Jake seemed satisfied with that. Y/N thought about it and then broke into a smile.
"Ok." She said and practically skipped to the bathroom.
Jake turned to Bradley "She's too much like you. I've known you and have been living with you long enough to know how to handle you." Bradley said with a chuckle.
"Hey, she's like you too. Mister I know how and love to play the piano. " Jake said and Bradley nodded.
"Oh, I know. Mom keeps telling me that." He said and they stood there talking until Y/N hollered out for them.
"Dada, Papa!" She hollered and they began walking to the bathroom to find her standing there with her hands on her hips. She had that hip popped out and a look of annoyance on her face. "It's about time." She said with a roll of her eyes. They both shook their heads and chuckled and started to get her ready for a bath.
Once bath time was out of the way they went into the living room and cuddled her while putting on a movie. Halfway through the movie and she was out like a light. She had fallen onto Bradley's shoulder and was ever so slightly snoring. They didn't feel the need to finish the movie, having already seen it several times.
Bradley picked her up and they walked her upstairs to her bedroom as she snuggled further into his neck. Bradley laid her down and kissed her forehead and Jake did the same thing they both told her that they loved her. They gave her favorite stuffed chocolate and tan bunny named Rolo to cuddle with. They walked back downstairs and Jake helped Bradley finish up what he was previously doing.
They sat in the living room when they were done and watched some TV. "You know she's going to be a wreck right?" Jake asked his husband who nodded.
"Yea I know but she'll have mom, dad, and Maverick with her." Bradley said and Jake nodded. They watched a little bit more TV before retiring to bed.
It was around 11 PM when they heard little patter of feet and then felt the bed dip. They had been expecting her and wondered why it took her so long. She snuggled up in between them and they just rolled over and snuggled her. Jake had her head tucked under his chin and arms around her shoulders and then Bradley had his head nuzzles in her hair and arms around her torso. All three of them slept peacefully that night.
When it was time for them to leave everyone went down to the docks with them. She was currently clinging to Jake. They walked down from the car and she was nonstop talking about anything and everything.
"When you're away I draw you pictures." She said happily already thinking of what she would be doing. It hadn't fully hit her just yet.
"That sounds awesome, Sweets." Jake said and kissed the side of her head. They reached the dock and then it finally sunk into her.
"Papa? Dada?" She asked quietly.
"Yea, Honey?" Bradley asked and looked at her as tears welled in her eyes.
"You leave me?" She asked sniffling.
"Just for a little bit, Sweets. You'll be able to call us occasionally." Jake said and she hugged him around his neck and wouldn't let him go. Bradley tried to take her but she wouldn't let go. "Sweets, give Dada a hug." He said and she let go of him and transferred to Bradley.
She hugged him around the neck just like she did with Jake. "Oh, Honey, it's ok." He said when he felt tears on his neck.
"I don't want you both to go." She said and sobbed. Jake came over and rubbed her back.
"We'll be back as soon as we can. I promise." Jake said and she nodded. Goose, Carole, Maverick, Ice, and Slider came up to them. They said their goodbyes and then Goose took Y/N from Bradley's arms with some struggle. Everyone boarded the ship and watched it sail off.
"Ok, Chick. It's time for some Grandpa Goose time." He said tickling her which made her giggle. They walked back to the car. She was quiet and Goose, Carole, and Maverick took notice of this.
"Hey, Peanut they'll be ok. They have Grandpa Ice and Uncle Slider with them." Maverick said looking back at her while Goose drove and she nodded.
They had to go back to Seresin-Bradshaw Residence to pack some stuff up and then they were off to Goose and Carole's house. "Ok, Chick. Go and pick out some clothes with Grandma." He said and she nodded and followed Caorle to her room.
"What do you want to take with you? We can always come back here." She said and Y/N nodded and started to pick things out with the help of her. As Carole was zipping up the suitcase Y/N made her stop.
"Wait! We need Rolo, Hershey, and Cookie." She said grabbing her stuffed bunny, stuffed bear, and stuffed penguin. She really liked the wildlife so was excited when she got wildlife animals.
"Honey, you don't need all of them." Carole said and Y/N gave her a look like she just broke her heart.
"Yes I do. They're from Dada and Papa." She said with a hint of sass and Carole chuckled.
"Ok, Honey. You can take them." Carole said and Y/N smiled and put them in the suitcase and helped her zip it up and then they were off.
They got downstairs to where Goose was standing in the kitchen. "What took so long?" He asked picking Y/N up and attacking her neck with kisses and she giggled.
"She insisted on packing 3 stuffed animals." Carole said watching them and being taken back to when he did that with Bradley. They left shortly after that.
It was the first night without her daddies and she was not taking it well. They had just finished dinner and she was throwing a fit. "Chick, it's time for bed." Goose said and she shook her head and stood firmly.
"No want Dada and Papa." She said with her lower lip wobbling. Goose sighed and so did Carole. They knew this would happen and were expecting it. They had kept her busy throughout the day to keep her mind off of it but it was just now hitting her that she didn't have them with her. She then started full on crying. Goose went to her and picked her up.
"Oh, Honey. They'll be back." Carole said walking over to them and rubbing her back as Y/N sobbed into his neck. He bounced her and rubbed her back.
"Shhhhh. It's ok, Chick." Goose said and about a minute later she was reduced to sniffles and had fallen asleep. "I think she's asleep." He said and Carole nodded confirming it. They walked to her room that they had set up and laid her down in her bed. They had already changed her and bathed her. Carole grabbed Rolo and put it in her arms and she rolled over and went to sleep. They both kissed her and then started to get ready for bed themselves.
It had been a month since they had left to keep her mind off of it Goose had made it his mission to make her happy and not upset. So what does he do? Well, let her play in the mud and take her to the beach. Would Carole be mad at him? Yes absolutely. When Goose had decided that he would be playing in the mud with his granddaughter was when his wife was out with her friends in the evening.
"Chick, what do you say we go and plant some flowers for grandma?" He asked her once Carole was out the door. Y/N looked up and him and her eyes lit up. She nodded her head.
"Can we plant some for Dada and Papa?" She asked and Goose saw the excitement in her eyes.
"Of course we can Chick." He said and so they headed outside and began to the planting process. Everything was going smoothly until Goose felt something being thrown onto his back and he turned around to find a smirking granddaughter. "What are you up to, Chick?" He asked and she just kept smiling. The water hose had been running into the some of the dirt and she picked some up and had a mischievous look in her eye. She threw it and he ducked. "Oh it is on." He said and grabbed the water hose her eyes widened.
"Uh oh." She said and took off running and giggling which made Goose laugh as well. He had gotten her a couple of times and then accidently fell into the mud that had been created. It wasn't a hard fall but she had look of surprise on her face and so did he.
"Are you ok, Chick?" He asked turning off the water and running to her. She had mud all over her face and clothes.
"I'm ok, Grandpa Goosey." She said, a nickname that she had given him, as he wiped mud off of her face. In that moment Carole had came back and outside and saw the chaos.
"NICHOLAS BRADSHAW WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DO TO MY GRANDDAUGHTER?!" She asked somewhat yelling in surprise. Goose turned around and they both looked at her as she stood there with her hands on her hips.
"Mud!" Y/N yelled and then she looked at Goose and he nodded and Y/N started to run after her grandma. "Grandma! I wanna give you a hug!" She said and Carole eyes widened.
"Oh no you don't." She said and took off running and laughing. After awhile Goose caught her and kissed and hugged her and she squealed in excitement and smiled. Then she something tackled her legs. She looked down and saw Y/N "You got me!" she said "Now time to get cleaned up." Y/N giggled and let her grandma take her to get cleaned up.
When she was cleaned, Goose had dinner going. Y/N ran up to and hugged his legs and she looked down seeing her smile at him "All cleaned up?" He asked and she nodded.
"Yes! I'm hungry." She said as Carole walked in behind her with their muddy clothes and threw them in the washing machine and started it. They both laughed.
"Just like your daddy." Carole said shaking her head.
"He was always hungry. He is still that way." Goose said as he turned off the stove and got down plates and plated for everyone. They went to the table and began to eat. Afterwards they got her down for bed easily. It was a pretty peaceful night for all of them.
The next morning Goose and Carole were up before Y/N making breakfast when Maverick walked in and greeted them both. "Hey guys. Where's Peanut?" He asked while taking his jacket off.
"She's still sleeping. She had an exciting day with Goose and mud yesterday." Carole said helping Goose.
"Have you heard anything from Ice?" Goose asked turning to him while turning off the stove and Carole walking to Y/N's room to get her.
"He said that we could send care packages if we want to. Otherwise they're doing well and can't want to be home." Maverick said leaning up against the door. Before they could say anything Maverick was thrown a little bit forward by a weight and a shriek.
"Grandpa Maverick!" Y/N yelled and he picked her up.
"Good morning, Peanut." He said and hugged her. "I heard you had a good day with Grandpa Goose yesterday." He said looking at her and she nodded widley.
"Uh huh! We played in the mud!" She said excitedly and he just smiled and laughed especially when he saw the look on Goose and Carole's faces.
"Breakfast time." Carole said bringing two plates at a time over to the table while Goose did the same thing and Maverick carried Y/N over. They ate peacefully.
"Maverick said that we could send care packages to Jake and Bradley if we wanted to." Goose said and Y/N lit up at the names of her parents.
"I think that would be a marvelous idea." Carole said and Y/N nodded her head.
"I wanna send them something! Please?" She asked and they all smiled, she sure does love her daddies.
"Of course you can honey. They would love that." Carole said and that is how Y/N finished her breakfast. She couldn't wait to send something special to them and she had the perfect things in mind.
That evening Carole had gotten a box and both she and Goose had written them letters and had thrown in some stuff that they thought they would like. Maverick was there as well doing the same thing for Ice but he was sending some stuff that Ice had forgotten and needed.
Y/N had made them each a card and when it came time for her to put something special in the box she had disappeared for a minute, it was long enough to concern the adults in the room. Goose had decided to go and check on her. "Doing ok, Chick?" He asked and she looked up at him and nodded
"Yes." She said and grabbed two of her stuffed animals and walked out into the living room. She gently put two of them in the box and then looked up when she noticed it was quiet.
"Peanut, are you sure you want to send those?" Maverick asked and she nodded.
"I want Dada and Papa to have them. They'll keep them safe." She said in a matter of fact tone then going back to making them pictures.
"Ok, Honey. Just as long as you are sure." Carole said with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sure." Y/N said and without looking up and didn't see the adults with a surprised look on their faces and tears in their eyes. Y/N also wrote them a note explaining why she sent them.
Afterwards they had everything together they all ate supper and Maverick went home. Goose put Y/N to bed and then walked out to Carole who was crying. "Are you ok?" Goose asked his wife and she nodded then he noticed that she was holding the note.
"She's such a sweet girl." She said as Goose came over and sat down next to her and read the note, he too started to cry. Once they were done making sure everything was there, they taped the boxes and wrote the address and wrote the boys' name on there.
The next morning Maverick came over to pick Goose up and the packages and they went to work and shipped them off with everyone else's.
Bradley and Jake were sitting with the rest of The Dagger squad in the common room when Bob asked about Y/N. "How's Y/N doing?" He asked, out of all of the group, besides Jake and Bradley, Y/N had spent more time with Bob and his family. Bob had a little boy named Mason and Y/N and him had hit it off very well.
"She's doing good. She cried when we had to leave." Bradley answered "How's Mason?" Bradley asked.
"He's doing good. Asking when he can see Y/N again." He said with a smile.
"I bet when they grow older they're gonna date, get married, and have kids." Jake said with a smirk and everyone chuckled at that.
"They're going to be little heartbreakers that's for sure." Nat said.
"Knowing them, they're going to be too shy to say anything." Javy said.
"Y/N shy? Have you met her? She's too much like her father's." Mickey said
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jake and Bradley said at the same time.
"Oh come on, you're both outgoing and won't let anything hold you back. He means nothing bad about it. She has both good qualities from you." Ruben said and they all had to agree with that. Just then Ice came in with Slider carrying packages.
"Packages for everyone." Ice announced and they handed them out to everyone. Jake and Bradley got theirs and smiled they opened it and immediately teared up, on top were Hershey the bear and Rolo the bunny, Y/N's favorite stuffed animals.
"Isn't that two of Y/N's favorite stuffed animals?" Javy asked and they both nodded and grabbed the note.
Papa and Dada
Hershey and Rolo will keep you safe while you fly. They keep me safe from bad dreams. So they keep you safe now! I told them they had to!
I miss you! I want you back home!
Grandpa Goosey and I played in mud yesterday! Grandma was mad but we chased her down and tackled her in a hug.
Love you!
The note was short and sweet but it was enough to make them cry. There were notes from Carole and Goose and drawings from Y/N they were both emotional for the rest of the night. When they were done they had each grabbed the stuffed animals and took a picture with them. They've decided that they would capture moments with them in different places. Both Bradley and Jake slept with them, even if it was weird for grown men to be sleeping with stuffed animals but not to a parent. It felt like they had their little girl with them at all times and they would always love that feeling.
It was 2 months in their deployment and each time they went up in the air they would take Hershey and Rolo and take pictures of them and with them. It quickly became the new normal to see them with the stuffed animals, if anyone dared make fun of them for it they would be getting an earful from Ice himself and that was scary enough.
They had just docked for a brief 4 hours just to get everyone off the aircraft carrier and battleship. It was also their chance to get some food and treats from themselves. The Daggers stayed pretty close with each other. They all had to laugh at how many times Bradley and Jake got hit on, and seeing the people's faces fall when they found out when they were married to each other.
"Hey let's take a picture!" Javy had practically yelled out and everyone laughed but nodded. They had gotten someone to take a picture of them and Jake had Hershey and Bradley had Rolo in the center. They couldn't wait to show their little girl the pictures. One would think Jake would be too embarrassed but he wasn't not in the least bit, he proudly showed off that stuffed animal because it was his little girls.
A blonde haired women walked up to the group with her friends in tow. "Cute stuffed animals. Where'd you get them?" She asked flirtly eyeing Jake up.
"Yeah, they're adorable." One of her friends said and Jake and Bradley just smirked.
"They belong to our daughter." Jake said with a smirk and pointed between Bradley and himself and they watched her face fall for just a second. "Their names are Hershey and Rolo." He said pointing to each of the stuffed animals.
"Oh that is adorable! How old is your daughter? Do you have a picture?" She asked and they both nodded as Bradley pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of them both with Y/N in the middle hugging their necks while they kissed each cheek and smiling.
"She's 4 and her name is Y/N." Bradley said showing her the picture.
"She's adorable. She's lucky to have two good looking fathers." She said and they nodded. The group of girls ended up staying and talking with them until it was time to leave. They didn't want to hook up with any of them, especially when they found out Jake and Bradley were married to each other and had a kid and Bob was married as well and had a kid. They asked about his wife and Mason and he shyly told them about them.
As the 4 hours was coming to an end everyone started to walk back to the aircraft carrier and battleship. When they were in front of the aircraft carrier Bradley and Jake paused as well as the rest of the group. "Hey lets get a picture real quick." Jake said to Bradley and he nodded. Bob offered to take the picture and they did so right next to the ship's name. Once it was taken they got back on board and waited to be undocked.
Each day or week that they did something fun or interesting or when they felt like it they would take pictures with Hershey and Rolo. They had been out on the flight deck with their jets and they had put them in the cockpit and labeled the pictures as 'Lt. Hershey and Lt. Rolo ready to fly.' They would be printing these out when they got back to land for their little girl.
They had a lot of fun taking them everywhere and taking pictures. Hershey and Rolo even made it in the picture with the entire deployment. They had become such the normal that even some of the other shipmates took pictures with them 'Making new friends.' on picture had said. Ice and Slider even got in on it 'Grandpa Ice and Uncle Slider hanging out with Hershey and Rolo.'
They had taken a picture of them looking out into the ocean saying 'Taking a short break and looking out into the ocean.' Their deployment was a lot more enjoyable with their daughter's stuffed animals.
The mission was finally done when it came to the third month. Everyone was grateful for it. Jake and Bradley couldn't wait to get back to their little girl. They didn't have much time to talk to anyone but they some great pictures. They had been finally able to video call their loved ones. They called Goose and Carole and they picked up on the first ring.
"Hey boys! How's it going?" Goose asked they smiled
"Going good! Just got done with the mission." Bradley said
"Where's Sweets?" Jake asked and Carole held up a finger and moved out of frame.
"Y/N your fathers are on the phone!" She yelled and they heard something crash and then feet pounding on hardwood they just smiled and shook their head. She came into frame after sliding to a stop and Goose caught her.
"Papa! Dada!" She yelled out her hair was wild and falling into her face. Goose put her on his lap and Carole came into view.
"Hey, Sweets. We miss you." Jake said
"We loved the surprise you sent." Bradley said brining out the stuffed animals "Matter in fact everyone loved them." He added and she smiled and her eyes lit up.
"I told you they would keep you safe!" She said and they nodded.
"They sure did, Honey." Bradley said
"When are you guys coming home?" Carole asked
"Should be in a week or so." Jake said
"We can't wait to see you. We miss you, especially Chick." Goose said
"Are you being good for them, Sweets?" Jake asked and Y/N nodded her head.
"Of course Papa!" She nodded her head wildly. Bradley looked at his parents and they noddded.
"I hear you got into mud and got Grandma covered." Bradley said and they saw that signature Sersin smirk appear on her face and she nodded.
"She did but it was all in good nature. Goose put her up to it." She said and Goose gasped.
"I would never!" He sounded but everyone knew the truth.
"Hey guys we have to go. We'll see you soon." Bradley said and Jake nodded.
"We love you both!" Carole and Goose said at the same time.
"Love you Dada and Papa!" Y/N said and everyone smiled.
"We love you all too." They said in unison and then they had hang up which instantly put a frown on little Y/N's face.
"What's wrong, Honey?" Carole asked
"I miss them." She said and burrowed into Goose's arms and neck and hugged her a rubbed her back as she cried. Caroled rubbed her back as well.
"They'll be home soon. I promise." Carole said and Y/N sniffled and nodded her head. She couldn't wait to see her daddies.
As they had said it was a week later and everyone was heading down to the docks to pick their loved ones up. Carole had Y/N in her arms as they arrived at the docks. Maverick was with them too along with Bob's wife and Mason. They were on the look out for The Daggers and when they spotted them Y/N went crazy.
"I see Papa and Dada!" She said as they started to walk over to them. Once everyone got close enough Carole let her down and she ran over to them and jumped into Bradley's arms and they both hugged her.
"Hi, Honey. It's so good to see you." Bradley said
"We missed you so much, Sweets." Jake said while hugging her as well.
"I missed you both!" She said and they smiled and walked over the rest of the group that had reached Maverick, Goose, and Slider.
"Grandpa Ice! Uncle Slider!" She yelled and gave them hugs and they greeted her back. Everyone greeted each other and they were split and headed their own way.
When Bradley, Jake, Y/N, Goose, and Carole arrived back home. Y/N was nonstop talking but knew when to be respectful and let the grownups talk. They stayed over at Goose and Carole's for a few hours and then they were packing Y/N's stuff up and heading home.
When they got into the Bronco she started up the talking. It was getting late considering it was 10 PM at night when they got back.
"-and then we went to the beach a built sand castles. We got ice cream there." She continued talking.
"That sounds fun Sweets. I'm glad you had a good time." Jake said smiling back at her and saw how her eyes were lit up, Bradley could see it too. Jake turned back around and Bradley turned his attention back on the road.
"It was! We then went to the park a lot and and...." She drifted off and when Bradley stopped at a red light they looked back and found her fast asleep. They looked at each other and smiled.
They arrived back at home and Bradley parked The Bronco and killed the engine and quietly got out. Jake was already by the door and opening it and getting her out. She adjusted but never woke up. They walked into the house and shut the garage. They would get the bags in the morning.
They both decided to let her sleep in the bed with them wanting their little girl close. Jake and Bradley got ready for bed while she slept. Bradley had ran back out the garage and grabbed Hershey, Rolo, and Cookie. He walked back upstairs and saw his husband already cuddling with Y/N he smiled and climbed into to bed with them. They snuggled her and they fell asleep. Finally being able to get a good nights sleep in 3 months now that they were back home with their daughter safe in their arms.
Bradley and Jake had printed out the pictures they had taken and showed them to Y/N and she lit up like Christmas tree when they told her the stories. They hung them up in her room and they made duplicates to put in a photo album for her. What they didn't know was that those pictures would stay up on her wall for years to come and that photo album would go everywhere with her.
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
Flyboy (Part 5) | Jake Seresin x Reader  Top Gun: Maverick - Jake Seresin x Reader  Genre: romance; fluff; angst; best friends to lovers Warnings: tw: violence; tw: being hit on; tw: unwanted physical advances from some creep tw: suggestiveness (no outright smut, but nudity, touching, ass squeezing, etc - MINORS DNI) general hangman being hangman; sexual tension; general cursing; will contain mentions of a break up / previous relationship; general use of pet names; fem!reader; pining; general naval / flying inaccuracies. Length: Mini-series, chaptered - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Epilogue 
Summary: Jake gets called back to TOPGUN the same time you’ve been granted a sabbatical from work. He invites you, his purely platonic best friend of years, to live with him for 6 months and you accept. Just two best friends kicking it back for 6 months in San Diego, Fightertown USA, right?
A/N: Aaaaand Part 5, before we move on to the last, and final Part 6 (and of course, the epilogue). I am super excited for Part 6 (because I literally have had the end to Part 6 written out for a while now) and the epilogue, but at the same time, I don’t want Flyboy to end :’( Work is going to be crazy in the coming week, so please be patient with me on Part 6! As usual, thank you all for your likes, comments and reblogs, so many of you are honestly so fucking sweet. I love you all, you guys have really motivated me to finish this mini-series <33 I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your comments, reblogs (esp the ones where ya’ll QUOTE????)
Also, yes, I know they aren’t a couple (but really, they are) - but just trust me please, it will all go somewhere.
Flyboy | Mini-Series Masterlist
(If you haven’t already seen them - blurbs and asks (one-shots coming soon) are also listed on the Flyboy masterlist!)
Flyboy - Part 5
PART 4 <<
Approximately 5.3k words
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It is the loud ringing of an alarm, the persistent noise growing louder by the second, that pulls you from your sleep. As your mind adjusts to being awake, you recognise the alarm as Jake’s. You typically don’t wake up with Jake’s alarm, because unlike today, he usually manages to get to it immediately after the first ring.
You feel a dip in the mattress and hear a faint clatter as he shifts to swipe his phone off the bedside table. Jake silences the alarm, and you hear a quiet, barely audible sigh from him. The mattress dips for a second time as he arches his back to stretch himself out. The faint rustling of sheets follow and the trickle of cool air under the covers and the loss of warmth beside you tells you that he is about to slip out of bed for the day.
You don’t open your eyes, mind still hazed from sleep, but reach out blindly, fingers managing to curl around his forearm. You feel the muscles in his forearm flex in surprise as a response. Jake is not entirely sure if you are awake, or if this is a reflex of yours while you are asleep, and you feel the fingers from his other arm over yours, attempting to gentle uncurl your fingers from his arm.
“Don’t go.” You mumble without opening your eyes, voice soft, foggy from being half awake, but a clear indication to him that you are indeed not fully asleep. It earns you the quiet rumble of a chuckle, and fingers which skim across your face brushing hair back behind your ears as a thumb runs across your cheekbone.
“Go back to sleep.” His voice, coated with his own haze of sleep, is deeper than usual.
Jake stills, feeling your fingers loosen their hold against his arm, and your arm droop back onto the bed. He hears your breathing settle back into a steady pattern and slowly, silently, extracts himself while biting back another sigh, his second of the morning. The Navy had made Jake a morning person and waking up had not been an issue for him for years; since he had been in the Naval Academy, but the past three weeks of waking up to you had him strangely reluctant to leave you in the mornings, struggling to start his day.
Jake flicks the light switch to the bathroom on before cracking open the door. He turns, to glance back at the unmoving heap in his bed which the sliver of light from the bathroom falls on, hidden by the covers and existing within the ridiculous heap of pillows that you had moved from your bed to his, and slips into the bathroom to face his own reflection in the mirror, smiling back at him.
You wake up to a barrage of notifications on your phone.
Coyote: Why….
Fanboy: It was supposed to be fried chicken Friday :-( Fitch says to tell you he is sulking.
Rooster: Hangman told us to order chicken. It isn’t the same.
Bob: Have fun at dinner!
Payback: I’m sulking.
Tash: Dear lord, I have never seen a bunch of grown men so depressed over chicken.
Bob: But can we please have fried chicken Friday next week?
Tash: Who are you and Hangman meeting for dinner? He refuses to tell. Also, are we are still on for the beach tomorrow?
Rooster: Can we come for dinner?
Coyote: Consider my heart broken.
You find yourself equal parts amused and confused as you scroll through the individual notifications from each person. You had made fried chicken once in the almost 3 months since the group of you had been here, following the recipe you had learnt from Jake’s mother years ago during a break when you were both home from college, and it had the group floored. They had begged and wheedled for another round, which you had been reluctant to give in to, because the clean up from deep frying was always horrendous. However, after weeks of persistent pleading, you had finally succumbed and today had been designated as the long awaited fried chicken Friday.
Locating Jake’s name, you shoot off a text while still lying in bed.
Is fried chicken Friday cancelled?
Jake’s response is immediate.
J: Yes. I’m taking you out for dinner.
His response makes you smile, your heart flipping in your chest. Neither you nor Jake had discussed, or spoken more about what you both were since the beach football day, but unlike the build up between Annie’s wedding and that one fateful day, there was no longer a stretched out, building tension between you both. Instead, what existed was a mutual understanding which you both felt. You were his, and he was, undoubtedly yours. What you had both agreed on however, in words, was maintaining, or trying to maintain, the status quo with the people around you - it wasn’t hiding, just keeping what was yours, yours for a little longer.
You know that peanuts and beers at The Hard Deck does not count as dinner.
You send off your reply as a joke, only to have your phone buzz in response, Jake’s face flashing across your home screen.
“What kind of heathen do you think I am.” His voice comes across the line in an amused drawl and you can hear the sound of voices behind him fade as he walks away to find some semblance of privacy.
“The kind that brings a girl for peanuts and beers and calls it dinner.”
It earns you a bark of laughter, and you can almost picture the corners of his eyes creasing in amusement.
“I’ll be back at 6.30.”
“I’ll bring a bag for the shells.” You say, keeping your voice impassive. You can’t see across the phone line, but it makes Jake grin on the other end before he drops his voice.
“Darlin, I guarantee you that if any, you’ll only be having one type of nuts.”
You can hear the smirk tilting his lips even through the phone. It is clear that it is a joke, but you groan loudly at the incredibly bad sexualised innuendo, while making a face which Jake can hear through the line.
“God, you’re awful.” Your response only earns you a guffaw from him which rings loud and clear over the phone.
You find yourself sitting on your bed, covers intact, but devoid of any pillows, body wrapped in a towel, eyes staring into our open closet. You had moved yourself, all your pillows and a choice number of toiletries to Jake’s room and bathroom, but had kept the rest of your belongings, including your clothes, in your original room.
“Do I wear jeans?” You call out loudly, hoping that your voice manages to travel out of the door that is ajar, and down the hallway and to Jake, as you slide off the bed into a stand, to rifle through the garments hanging in your closet.
“Wear whatever you want.” You hear Jake’s voice call back and you can’t help but roll your eyes lightly.
“Do I wear a dress?” You try again, ignoring his answer. He hadn’t told you where you were both going, and you were probing, trying to get a sense of what would be an appropriate dress code. You don’t hear a response as you flick through the hangers, your mind focused on the rustle of fabric and scrape of hanger hooks against the metal pole in the closet.
“You could wear a potato sack, I’ll still take you out.” The sound of Jake’s voice in your ear, the feel of lips against your earlobe and the weight of his hands sneaking around your waist to pull you flush against his body causes you to jump in surprise.
“Are you trying to kill me.” You puff out, attempting to adopt a affronted tone, but your body betrays your words as you relax into his hold.
“Kill you?” Jake asks, in between trailing kisses down the column of your neck, and onto your bare shoulder. “Never.”
It had come as no surprise to you, because Jake had always been comfortable with physical touch with you even as friends, but being with Jake had showed you a whole new side to him, and also to himself. Whether it was running his fingers through your hair while you watched a show together, tugging you towards him before he fell asleep, having his lips on some part of you every chance his got, or subtly placing his hand on your thigh under the table whenever you were together with other people in a group - you (and he himself), had come to realise that Jake always wanted some part of you against him.
You feel his hand work his way in between the fold of your towel, dipping behind the material to come to rest on the skin of your stomach.
“Jake,” you warn, and you can feel his smile against your shoulder as his lips continue against your skin.
“What?” He asks innocently, but lets his hand dip down, grazing skin right above the waistband of your underwear. You feel his thumb swipe lazily along the front of your underwear and you shake your head slightly. Two could play at that game.
“Do that,” you say and twist in his arms. It forces him to move his head up, allowing you to plant your lips at the base of his neck to suck lightly at his skin, “and we won’t make dinner.” You tip toe, lips moving higher along his neck, the stretch of your body causing the towel around you to drop, leaving your body bare, and you in nothing but a thong.
The drop of the towel causes him to groan, allowing Jake to catch sight of you, lips against his neck, back bare, ass cheeks standing out against strip of white lace between them, in the dresser mirror across the room. He reaches his hands down, cupping your ass in his hands, as he allows your lips to continue their work against his neck, as your fingers slide along the inner waistband of his jeans.
“Keeping doing that,” he breathes out, voice slightly rough from the feeling of your lips on his neck, bare breasts, nipples hard and pressing against him, “and we definitely won’t make dinner.” He squeezes your ass cheeks in his palms, and you pull your lips away from his neck, letting your hands come to a rest on his chest. Jake looks down to meet your eyes, which are sparkling with a mischief usually seen in his own, before he feels you press a chaste kiss to his jaw.
“Can I get dressed now?” You ask, while reaching up to run a hand through his hair, causing it to fluff up slightly.
“Please.” Jake meets yours lips with his.
“But how could you have not read even one review.” You find yourself grinning from ear to ear as you shake your head ruefully.
“It said washable on the box in the picture,” he shrugs as he squeezes your hand, which he has interlaced with his, lightly as if to punctuate his point. “It also said ages 2 and up.”
“Did she make you buy a new chair?” You glance over at Jake, taking in his side profile, his outfit of a brown bomber jacket, grey tee and dark jeans making the dark blonde of his hair and green of his eyes pop even more than usual.
“She did,” he grimaces, “cost me a bloody fortune.”
“And did she throw the markers away.” You tease to which he nods, his expression as he recounts the whole situation he had been retelling - of him buying his niece ‘washable’ markers, which she had promptly used to decorate Jake’s older sister’s brand new white, designer, armchair - making you chuckle.
Jake had, true to his word, driven you both to the main city area, and brought you out for dinner. It had, undoubtedly been a nice change of pace, away from the group of aviators, and being amongst complete strangers which had allowed you both to just be yourselves, together. It had given you the freedom to tuck yourself under his arm and slide your hand into his back pocket while waiting for your table at the restaurant, allowed him the liberty to slide his fingers together with yours as you walked down the street, and raised the opportunity for him to freely press numerous kisses to your temple, forehead, lips and jaw in public over the course of the evening. The conversation between you both was the same as it had always been, circling everything and anything. Being together in other ways hadn’t changed that.
“Immediately,” he responds. You open your mouth to speak, when a tap on your shoulder interrupts.
“Excuse me, I was wondering if you both could help me and my husband with a picture?”
You both turn to find yourselves face to face with an older couple on their 50’s.
“Sure,” you respond and Jake lets go of your hand as you receive the phone from the lady. “Just against there?” You point towards her husband, who is standing in front of a small restaurant that looks old, but quaintly so.
“That would be great,” she flashes you a wide smile, before hurrying across to come to a stand beside her husband. You wait for them to position themselves, she sliding her arm around her husband’s waist, and he, his arm around her shoulders, their heads both tilted together. You raise her phone, with a count, and snap a series of photos, Jake standing behind you, his hand positioned lightly against the small of your back.
“All done,” you call out, and the older couple walks towards you. You hand her back her phone, allowing them the time to flip through the pictures, ensuring that they are satisfied.
“They are fantastic, thank you.” The couple beams at you both.
“Special day?” Jake asks, conversationally, and the older man nods.
“It’s our 30th anniversary,” he says, and throws a fond look which his wife meets with equal emotion, “we met here,” he gestures behind towards the restaurant, “30 years ago.”
“That’s impressive,” Jake returns, his words referencing to both the length of their relationship, as well as the restaurant that has remained standing, as both your gazes dart towards the restaurant before going back to the older couple.
“Well,” the older lady laughs, as she tucks her phone back into her bag, before sliding her arm through the nook of her husband’s elbow. “I’m sure you and your wife will make it to 30 years as well.”
She winks, and you feel your face heat. You open your mouth to correct her, only to find Jake sliding his hand back into yours. You turn your head towards him, only to find a smile on his lips.
“M’am,” he drawls, tipping his head at the older lady “I can’t wait.” Jake presses the back of your hand to his lips, not bothering to correct her, before throwing a glance at you, and your heart fills with a warmth, while you meet his glance in a curious wonderment. You hadn’t had any doubt that what was between you and Jake, what this was, was serious, real, despite neither of you having voiced it out - but hearing him say it out loud, not even directly, and so casually as if it were a second nature to him, had your heart doing olympic level somersaults in your chest and your brain turning into mush. You are pretty sure you’ve forgotten how to speak.
Jake feels yours eyes focused on him as he drives you both back home. He knows that you think you are being subtle about it, but given that you are lost in your thoughts, you most certainly are not.
“Sweetheart,” he says conversationally, pulling you gently out of your thoughts, “it’s rude to stare.” He reaches over with his right hand to gently squeeze your jean clad thigh, keeping his left hand and gaze on the road.
“When?” You ask him, while simultaneously letting your left hand fall onto his right. Jake flips his palm skywards, catching your fingers in his larger ones, his thumb stroking the back of your fingers lightly.
Jake knows what you are asking even without you having to use too many words; when did your feelings begin?
“Astutely, 6 months before your break up with Dan,” he starts, thumb still stroking against against the back of your fingers as he pauses, “less so since you told me you had started seeing him.” Jake turns to glance at you, as he comes to a stop at a red light. “Maybe, unknowingly, sometime around the last year of high school.”
His confession hits you hard, catches you by surprise, and Jake feels your shock through the grip of your fingers around his. He squeezes back instinctively, offering your reassurance, focusing his gaze on the front of the road as the light flashes back to green.
You stay silent, and he lets you, until the car rolls to a stop in front of another red.
“First year of college, Christmas break.” You say softly, and it’s Jake’s turn to stare at you, dumbfounded, and in complete surprise, his fingers falling lax against your hand. It’s your turn to squeeze his hand, holding it tight in yours.
He recovers, glancing at the rear review mirror, noting that there are no cars, before shifting the car’s gear into park, and jabbing on the hazard light. Jake reaches over the center console, his right hand firm, but gentle, cupping the side of your face and pulling you to him. He stares deep into your eyes, your noses bumping against each other, before he captures your lips with his. This kiss is deep, bruising, but unhurried, and you let him lead you, a sense of calm and peace washing over the both of you, the same question in his mind, mirrored in yours - why the hell, did you both wait so long?
“I’m leaving,” you call out, while pulling a chilled bottle of water from the fridge and throwing it into the bag you have slung over your shoulder. You hear the beep of a car horn and chime of your phone, signalling Phoenix's arrival to pick you up.
You are beside the door, hand on the frame, tugging on your sandals when you feel Jake’s hand on your elbow, tugging you around. He smells like a combination of aftershave and soap.
“Don’t burn,” he orders you, as he brushes his lips against yours in a quick kiss.
“You’re bossy,” you say, as you run a hand through his hair, which is still half damp from his shower. You are about to reach up to kiss again him, when Phoenix beeps the horn again, this time longer, and louder.
“Patience is not her strong suit.” Jake says, and you see him roll his eyes. You unlock the door and push down on the handle, stepping out into the sun, hand raised in a wave towards Tash whose hand is hovering above the horn, ready to beep it again.
“I’ll see you at The Hard Deck tonight. Have fun at golf with Javy and Rooster!” You call over your shoulder, managing to catch him shaking his head openly at Tash, judgement on his face. It earns him another beep of her horn, and you turn towards Tash just in time to see her flip Jake off before he shuts the door. It makes you laugh.
“He’s hot,” you hear Tash say as you both lie flat on your fronts, the last rays of the evening sun on your backs.
“He’s no Rooster though.” You tease, and she flushes pink.
“Not for me,” she deflects, as she slides her shades down the bridge of her nose, “for you.”
“I’m good Tash.” You laugh, as you turn your attention back to the book in front of you, flipping a page over.
“Come on, don’t you want a vacation fling.”
“Not particularly.”
“He’s coming,” she hisses and you look up just in time to see the man she was talking about, tanned, tall, dark sandy brown hair, approaches.
“My friends and I were going to go in there for a drink, care to join us?” He gestures to his group of 3 friends before pointing towards The Hard Deck.
“We -” Tash starts, and you cut in immediately.
“- are meeting some friends.” You smile, apologetically up at him, your own shades covering your eyes.
“Friends?” The beach stranger asks, with a small laugh, while tilting his head to a side, “or boyfriends?”
“Friends.” Tash affirms for you before you can get a word out. “How about we catch you inside.”
“Sounds good,” he flashes you both a wide smile, and thumbs up, “I’m Paul.” He says, before jogging back to his friends.
“Tash,” you start, only to have her press a finger to your lips.
“Nu-uh, I’m doing this for you, you’ll thank me.”
“You guys should come with us the next time.” Coyote tips the mug of beer to his lips.
“You can see Bradshaw make a fool of himself first hand.” Jake chimes in, tone smug and slightly mocking, his words directed at the table, from beside you, his ankle leaning casually, against yours under the table the group is seated at.
“No thanks,” Phoenix snorts as she pops a fry into her mouth. “Golf seems boring. Besides,” she dusts her hands off before propping her elbows on the table and pointing towards you, “we had an arguably more fruitful day than the lot of you.”
“Fruitful?” It’s Fanboy who asks, his head swivelling from Phoenix to you.
“Did you kill someone Trace,” Payback jokes, to a laugh from Bob.
“Little miss here,” she points at you, while wagging her eyebrows, “had the attention of Paul there.” She jabs a thumb over her shoulder in an outright manner, causing the table of aviators around you to carne their heads to stare across the room over at Paul and his friends, before she finishes her sentence “on her the entire afternoon.”
You feel Jake glance at you, brow slightly raised, but expression otherwise unreadable.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” you huff, as you take a sip of your beer.
“He was staring at her the whole afternoon,” Tash continues, much to your dismay and you can almost feel Jake bristling slightly beside you. “He introduced himself, and asked us to meet him in here.”
“I didn’t say anything, you said said yes.” You retort, shooting back at her, while you cross one leg over the other under the table to slide your foot up Jake’s calf in an attempt at reassurance.
“The. Whole. Afternoon.” Tash repeats, emphasis each words with a rap of her knuckles on the table.
“You. Are. Crazy.” You rap your knuckles against the table in imitation of her, and it earns you a round of laugher from the table, including from Tash herself. “I’m going to get another drink.” You say aloud, to no one in particular as you stand, pushing back your chair, your clear attempt at avoiding Tash’s persistent attempt to make the conversation about you and Paul.
You lean against the bar counter, catching Penny’s eye. She throws you an apologetic look, from across the hectic bar, and you shake your head, letting her know it’s fine and you’ll wait and give her a thumbs up. You twirl your card around in your fingers, tapping the plastic against the counter along with the beat of the music playing from the jukebox when you feel a hand on your shoulder, and a body close to yours, effectively caging you in against the bar counter. You want to think it Jake, but the scent of the cologne pervading your senses tells you that it’s not.
You manage to flip around, your back pressed tight against the bar counter, the edge of the wood pressing into your skin, to come face to face with Paul. The scent of alcohol hits you as he exhales, and a look at his eyes, which are glassy and unfocused, tells you that he has had too much to drink.
“Hey,” he starts, and you can hear that his speech is slurred, “what took you so long. Your friend said you guys would be in here.”
You try to side step your way out, but he leans forward, his hands grabbing onto the bar counter on either side of you, firmly trapping you.
“I need to get back to my friends.” You say, voice firm, as you cross your hands over your chest in defence.
“Sugar,” he starts, and you cringe outrightly at the term, “forget about your friends, you’re here with Paul now.” He leers openly at you, his gaze dipping below your neck, tracing its way down the sundress which you had thrown over your two piece as a cover up.
“Let me out.” You unfold your arms, to push against his shoulder, attempting to force your way out. He doesn’t budge, but chooses instead to grip your upper arm, his fingers digging into your flesh.
“Come on now,” he slurs, his fingers bruising into your skin, “why are you playing hard to get now.” He moves his other hand from the counter to run a knuckle down the side of your face, causing you to shudder openly at the contact of his skin with yours. “You and you little friend were lying on that beach the whole afternoon in those small little swimsuits.”
His words make you roll your eyes, anger rising in you.
“It’s a fucking beach Paul.” You shake your head, hitting his hand away from your face. It enrages him, and you see his eyes harden as his hand that is on your upper arm presses more firmly into your skin.
“You little-” He begins to say, and you brace yourself, ready to face him head on, when you see a familiar hand land on his shoulder. Paul stumbles backward as the hand on his shoulder yanks him away from you.
“Stay the fuck away from her.” Jake steps in front of you, putting himself between you and Paul, who has stumbled forward in attempt to regain his balance.
“Who the hell are you.” Paul spits out, but Jake doesn’t budge.
“Get the fuck out of this bar.” Jake says, and you can hear the anger burning in his tone. It’s an anger you have heard many times in your life, particularly so when you both had been young, and Jake had been alot more rash, and less collected than he was now.
“Or what?” Paul challenges, drawing himself up, to his full height, but Jake stands firm in front of you, unfazed as the taller of the two.
“Or,” Jake begins, and you hear a dangerous iciness to his tone that has started to interlace itself with his anger. You glance down, and see his fist balled tight, knuckles white. “I’ll make you sorry for ever touching my girl.” His voice is dangerous quiet, and low enough that only you, him and Paul can hear it.
You see the group of aviators now alerted to the commotion, and picking their way towards the three of you from your left, and Paul’s friends, who you decide look much more sober than he does, rushing over from your right. His friends reach him first, pulling him back just as Paul makes to raise his fist, and Rooster squares himself firmly beside Jake, the two men blocking you from view.
“Leave.” You hear Penny say, her tone cool, hard, angry as well, from behind the counter, and the bar, which has turned collectively to observe, watches, silently, as Paul’s friends drag him and themselves out the door.
“You okay?” You feel Penny’s hand on your shoulder, and Rooster’s concerned glance at you.
“I’m ok,” you say, throwing them each a smile, and Rooster nods, his gaze shifting from Jake, who has turned to face both you and Penny, his lips still pressed into a tight line, eyes still clouded with anger. Rooster tilts his head ever so slightly towards Jake, and you tip your head an inch down in a nod. You see him exchange a look with Penny, before both him and Penny back away, her back to the other side of the bar, which has once again started to bustle with noise as if nothing had happened; and Rooster, to gather the group that had managed to make their way halfway over to you, back to their corner, giving you space to deal with Jake.
“Jake.” You call his name, as you reach down to grab his fist, which is still balled up tightly and hanging by his side. He moves his gaze down to look at you, but the anger doesn’t dissipate.
“Jake,” you try again, fingers massaging against the skin of his balled up fist. “I’m fine.” You say and you see his gaze flick immediately to your arm.
“I should have punched that motherfucker.” He seethes, and you move your hand up to grab his wrist instead, squeezing firmly.
“I’m fine.” You emphasise again. You see his gaze begin to soften, and you move your hand up to his waist, your hand darting under his shirt, fingers squeezing lightly against his skin. It does the trick, and you hear a deep exhale from him as his anger begins to ebb away. “Let’s go home?” You ask, your bag already stowed away in his truck.
Jake nods, your last word pulling him back fully.
You both throw a wave at the group of aviators who have returned to their corner, receiving nods of understanding and waves in return, and you tug Jake out of the bar, your hand low and out of their sight, but your fingers interlocked loosely with his, as Jake follows behind you.
He comes to a stop in front of his truck, pausing before he unlocks the door.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner.” He says, and it makes you frown.
“Jake,” your tone is disapproving, chastising, as you reach out to slide your hands around his midsection. “I can take care of myself, and you were there plenty soon.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but you cut in with a firm “no”. There is a moment of silence, where Jake’s shoulders tense up, but you rub a hand against his back, pressing your cheek to his chest, grounding him, and he lets the tension go, choosing instead to wrap his arms around you.
You both don’t notice Penny watching with a small smile on her lips from behind the bar, looking out of the window as Jake folds into your touch and you mould yourself into him.
“Didn’t know they were together.”
Penny holds her arms over her chest as the bartender, Harry, comes to stand beside her, both watching as you both pull away from each other.
“They aren’t,” she respond, she and Harry watching as Jake says something to which you respond by punching him lightly on the shoulder, attempting to turn away, only for him to laugh before he catches you by the waist and connect his lips to yours.
“Sure looks like they are.”
Penny watches as you fall into the kiss, fully, wholly, completely, despite it being short before pulling away.
“Not officially” she says as Jake opens the door of his truck for you, letting you step up and in, before reaching over to buckle you in, both of you joking with each other, every single ounce of tension and anger from earlier gone, eyes twinkling in the faint glow of the street lamp towering overhead, “but they are.”
Penny had seen plenty of fights in The Hard Deck, and she had seen one too many involving Jake Seresin - but what she had never seen was him, or any man who threw a punch or came close in this bar, for that matter, let go of his anger as quickly as Jake had because of you
“They don’t need to be, to be, huh.” Harry asks as he slings the dishcloth in his hands over a shoulder.
“They’ve always been.” Penny mutters simply as she watches Jake shut your door and jog over to the driver’s side.
>> PART 6
Series taglist: @blue-aconite @rosiahills22 @luckyladycreator2 @britty443 @yanak324 @rule107 @fuckyeahhangman @spidey-d00d @dempy @barista-library @alexwinchester23 @shakira-sasha @bxwitched @lumenseal @obiwankenobis-lap @prettybiching @littlebadariell @actuallybarb @beaner-life-23 @coco-loco-nut @criminalyetminimal @tragzerus @alana4610 @tkmarvel-divergentbish @kilojulietsierra @imagineyneyjr r @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @ive-got-more-wit @fuzzy-panda @helloimhereforabit @meowimakellysaurusrex @t-rexs @iangiemae @shawnsthighs @cxit-writes @shanimallina87 @dempy @mell-bell @saynotononsense @justsplendidd @dont-talk-me-down @the-cranck-hobbit @blindedbyyourgrace17 @fandom-life-12 @bxwitched @indynerdgirl @hope-love-equality2 @fangirlofallthings22 @alistocats @callsign-marlie @bellamy1998 @slayry @bladed-planes @turningtoclown @double-j @shanimallina87 @chiffondaydreams @capswife
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withahappyrefrain · 4 months
“I love you, but that’s a terrible idea” from the January OTP prompts for Jake and Venus pretty please :) 
"I love you, but that's a terrible idea," Venus stated, taking her eyes off the screen to face her husband.
"So is that a no?" Jake asked, trying to emulate a puppy dog with his green eyes. If their relationship was still fresh, it would have worked.
"You're really asking that in regards to our baby having a cowboy themed nursery?" Venus deadpanned.
"It's cute! They can have little cowboy boots and a stuffed horse, as well as some-"
"We are not getting them Longhorn themed stuff Jake. I was lenient with the dog, but I draw the line at indoctrinating our children," she placed her hands on her stomach. While she was far from showing, it was already an instinct.
"I want it to be known that I did not indulge that much when it came to getting Okra Longhorn themed things. They have one jersey and one toy," Jake said, putting his hands up in defense.
"And what, you think that deserves a reward or something?" Venus rolled her eyes as she paused the Bachelor episode she and Jake had been watching.
"I think we should at least get baby Seresin a matching jersey. Think of how cute the pictures would be. We could also get them a horsie blanket, a brown cow ottoman-"
"Did you say brown cow ottoman? Wait, have you been looking at stuff already?"
Jake moved so he was sitting next to her on the couch. Grabbing his hand with one hand and placing the other on her stomach.
"I'm not an amateur V, I have a Pinterest board," Jake said with the complete sincerity that she both loved and was confused by.
"I'm only six weeks along, why the rush?" She asked, resting her head on Jake's shoulder. The smell of Cedarwood calmed her, reminding her that he was here. She snaked an arm around his shoulders, her fingers quickly finding his scalp to massage.
Jake sighed, fighting back the urge to roll it off. She would know and he knew better. Plus she would stop her world famous massages.
Always a step ahead, she quickly added, "And don't tell me it's nothing because I have that pregnancy intuition now."
Jake's brows knitted together, "Pregnancy intuition?"
"Yeah, I'm like ninety percent sure it's a thing."
Jake rolled his eyes, though a small smile remained on his face, "Is that what you're going to say when you want to be right?"
She leaned in, a devious smirk on her face, "Are you going to tell me I'm wrong?"
The comment got a smile out of Jake, the tension visibly leaving his shoulders as he laughed. A domino effect, as it got a laugh out of Venus as well, her smirk melting away into a sweet smile.
Jake shifted, laying his head on his shoulder and wrapping an arm around her waist.
"This upcoming class is going to be tough according to Cyclone which means I'll be spending more time at work and I... I don't want to miss anything."
Instead of responding immediately, she simply pressed a kiss to his forehead. Her hand found his, bringing it to her stomach.
"You're not going to miss anything. I mean, probably me throwing up-"
"But then who's going to hold your hair?" Jake asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
He truly didn't want to miss anything.
Call it pregnancy hormones or being in love for years, but it nearly brought tears to her eyes.
"I have ponytail holders. But I promise, you will be the first to know when baby Seresin is making me throw up. And you'll be there to set up our nursery, which will not be cowboy themed but I'm willing to entertain the idea of a baby cow ottoman to rest my feet on."
It brought a smile to Jake's face, though it didn't completely put his mind at ease. This would be his first true test as a Top Gun instructor and it couldn't have come at a worse time.
"Besides, if Cyclone keeps you from me, I'll call him personally," Venus explained as she reached for the remote, resuming the rose ceremony.
"How....how do you have his number?" Jake asked, thoughts of missing baby time being replaced by the potential of his wife committing some kind of felony.
"I have my sources," was all she said before getting the bowl of popcorn.
It took Jake a few moments before it hit him.
"Wanted to thank me for introducing him to his wife."
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ereardon · 1 year
Jake Seresin masterlist
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*All of my fics are 18+. Please do not repost my work without consent or steal my work. Reblogs and comments give me life so please do interact if you'd like!
✤: Fluff
❂: Angst
❀: Smut
Full-length series:
❀❂✤ Slow Burn — Jake x OC [Kate] – Complete
After a one night stand with Hangman disrupts the fresh start you were looking for when moving to San Diego, the unexpected pregnancy forces you and Jake learn how to live with each other and tolerate one another. As the months go by, you slowly get to know the real Jake beneath the facade he puts on, but when old flames and work obstacles threaten to topple everything, your new relationship is put to the test.
❀❂✤ As It Was — Jake x OC [Abby] – Complete
When Jake Seresin calls to tell you he’s accepted a permanent position at Top Gun, you’re elated to finally be living in the same city as your best friend. But everything changes when Jake tells you his news — he has a new girlfriend, and he’s serious about her. And while you want to like her, for Jake’s sake, something about her feels wrong. Jake's arrival in San Diego also puts you in the direct path of Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, who has set his sights on you despite being Jake’s sworn enemy. Every move Rooster makes, Jake intercepts. What game are these two playing, and why is Jake more concerned about you moving on with Rooster than he is about his own relationship? 
❀❂✤ My Girl — Jake x OC [Natalie West] – Complete
Jake Seresin could be the answer to all of your dating woes. He’s the full package: steady job, mature, dependable, attractive to a fault. The polar opposite of every guy your age and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. But there’s one roadblock: he’s a single father to four-year-old Ellie. Jake is looking for a level of commitment you’re not quite sure you’re ready to give, and he’s not willing to bring someone into his daughter’s life who isn’t there for the long haul. And even if you are stepmom material, is Jake ready to let someone back in his life while still mourning the recent loss of his late wife? 
❀❂✤ The Backup — Jake x Reader — Ongoing
Dating is hard, especially in a city like San Francisco. That's why most of your dates end up with you in Jake Seresin's bed. He's the fallback guy. But keeping your friends with benefits situation with Jake is becoming harder to hide from your tightly knit friend group. And what happens when you start seeing a guy that you actually like, and the midnight booty calls go away?
❀❂✤Before I Knew — Jake x Reader — Ongoing
On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
❂✤ You Again — Jake x Reader – Complete
It’s been five years since you last saw your childhood best friend and first love Jake Seresin. But fate, or coincidence, has you back in Jake’s life and he’s desperate not to lose you again.
❀❂✤ Snowed In — Jake x OC [Ella Finnley] – Complete
When a massive storm shutters every airport in New York, you receive an unexpected call. Jake Seresin, the ex-boyfriend of your college roommate, is stranded at JFK with nowhere to go. Somehow you find yourself hosting Jake for a long weekend in your studio apartment. What happens when you realize that maybe your long-standing hatred for him was covering up something else?
One shots:
❂ He'd Let Her Go — Jake x Reader – Complete
Jake meets the love of his life in college, but after years together he realizes the best thing he can do if he really loves her is to let her go.
❀ One Night in Tokyo — Jake x Reader – Complete
Calling off your wedding three days before wasn’t part of the plan. Neither was going to Tokyo alone on what was supposed to be your honeymoon. That’s how you ended up at the bar of The Shangri-La, drinking martinis. That’s how Jake Seresin found you. 
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
The Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine
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✦ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Better Man Universe
✦Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Single!Mother
✦Word Count: 1.9 k
✦Warnings: Fluff, slight anxiety, Dad!Jake, Maty and Jake Duo, just adorableness
✦A/n: I thought I would give you all cute, fluff, before shit hits the fan!
✦Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
To say you were thankful that Jake was home would be an understatement, not only had you missed him terribly, but Mathew had been in utter despair the whole time he was deployed. Not only had the four-year-old’s nightmares become a nightly occurrence, that landed him in your bed, but the daytime was just as hard. Maty had grown intensely attached to Jake in the short time that he had been living in the house before he was deployed, and since being home it seemed like the two were practically attached at the hip.
You knew that Jake had started waking up with Mathew in the middle of the night again, and Jake had automatically fallen into the role of soothing him. You had tried to convince Jake that he didn’t need to, that he needed and deserved to rest after the stressful deployment.
You didn’t know all of the exact details, but from the bits that Warlock had mentioned in passing, you knew that it was ranked close to the Uranium mission and that the mortality rate was high once again for the Dagger Squadron. Though thankfully they had all made it home safely and now had the week off.
You hadn’t meant to sleep in, though without Maty jumping on you this morning, you hadn’t gotten your early wake-up call. Your rub the sleep from your eye and push up to cress Jake’s side of the bed, his absence evident, given the cold sheets that surrounded you.
Jake’s t-shirt rests on your frame, slipping off your shoulder as you rise from the bed, in search of your shorts before heading out to find your boys. Your grab your scrunchy from the dresser as you leave your room and throw your hair up into a messy bun.
The sound of music drifts through the house, an old country song that you’re sure Jake has played for you before. You follow the twang of the guitar, before both Jake and Mathew’s voices ring out through the house.
We like fixing things and holding mama's hand Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad?
Your breath catches at the word, you and Jake had never specifically talked about Mathew ever calling him dad and you can’t help the anxiety when it rises up in your gut. You knew Jake would never want to hurt Mathew, though you weren’t sure if that was a title Jake wanted to be called.
I wanna do everything you do So I've been watching you
Their singing continues and only grows louder as you reach the doorway. Your hip settles on the kitchen doorframe, and your gaze is met with a sight that you would happily welcome into your life forever. A shirtless Jake, with Mathew on his hip as they both sing along to the song, well Mathew yells out random words that he knows, but the smile resting on Jake’s face has butterflies erupting in your stomach.
They had always been amazing together, Jake had taken every meltdown, nightmare, or just bad day in stride, and certainly amazed you most of the time. Sure, Bradley and your father were good with Mathew, but Jake was a wonder of the world. Not only had he always taken your thoughts and opinions into account, but Jake loved Mathew the way you always hoped a man in your life would.  From that first meeting, the pair had formed an instant bond, that rivaled the one you had with Mathew as his mother.
The pair don’t notice you as they work on the ever-growing stack of pancakes.
“Daddy, make Mickey! Please?”
Hearing the name fall from Mathew’s lips, compared to a song has a silent gasp falling from your lips. The tightness in your chest grows slightly in anticipation of Jake’s sour reaction to the name. Maty wasn’t his child, why would Jake want to be called such an emotional, love-filled, life-altering title.
“You’re sure you want Mickey, buddy?”
“Mickey, daddy!”
Jake tickles at Mathew’s tummy and an eruption of giggle falls from your sweet boy, as his arms wrap tighter around Jake’s neck. As he readjusts his grip, the familiar blue material of Mathew’s blanky peeks at you over Jake’s shoulder and you almost laugh. From the moment Jake had given Maty the blanket, it was never far from reach. Mathew’s need for it only grew while Jake was deployed, and every car ride, whether it be to the beach, store, or your parent’s house, the blanky came.
“Alrighty, let daddy go to work!”
The second not-so-silent gasp that falls from your lips, is what gains Maty’s attention. His bright green eyes, which match that of Jake’s, land on you instantly as a high-pitch squeal yells out ‘momma.’
Both of your boys spin around easily, smiles resting easy on their faces, happy to see you for the first time this morning. Though Jake's face quickly becomes one of concern, as he takes in your expression. You hadn’t known that tears were falling from your eyes, though Mathew is quick to fill you in on the reason for the sudden change in Jake’s face.
“Momma sad? Why are you crying?”
Your hand instantly rises to your face, fingertips coming in contact with your tear-stricken face and a small laugh falls from your lips before you’re pushing off the frame and moving to them both.
“No baby, they’re happy tears. I promise.”
Your hand reaches up to stroke through Mathew’s unruly hair before you lean up and kiss him on the forehead. His own hands reach out from Jake and cover your cheeks, whipping the stray tears you had missed.  Your head settles on Jake’s shoulder, leaning into the pair enjoying the moment, and the sweet smell of vanilla drifting from the stack of pancakes on the counter.
“Alright buddy, you go get situated at the table. Momma and I will bring the pancakes to you!”
Jake sets the small boy down and gives him a wink, before sending him off to the dining room. You gently remain leaning against Jake’s shoulder, though his body shifts slightly and the arms just holding Mathew are now holding you. You nuzzle into his bare chest and enjoy the quiet thud of Jake’s heart echoing through your ear.
The arms wrapped around you move to pull you back by the shoulders, and the small whine emitted from you as you try and nuzzle deeper into Jake’s chest, has him laughing at you. Your hand finally releases their hold, and you let Jake pull you back. His hand rises to cup your cheek and get you to look at him, as his thumb stroke gently back and forth across your cheek.
“Hi, Sweets.”
“Hi, Jakey.”
A soft smile graces his face as he watches you, taking in your every breath, movement, or slight shift. The green in his eyes is prominent against the sun shining through the kitchen window, and the quick thought once again crosses through your mind, of how Mathew and he could have identical eyes.
“Did you not hear, darlin’? That’s not my name anymore.”
You don’t miss the unease tone in his voice, the slight questioning in the statement. Your own eyes search his, expecting to see some form of distaste for the name. Mathew had never called anyone that name, not even Adam. Given that Mathew was so little, but also the fact that Adam didn’t claim him, the name never came up. Sure, you’d tried to explain what a dad was to Mathew when he asked, but he always just nodded along completely understanding. Looking back now though, your description could have been the reason Jake got the title.
“I never meant for him to throw this at you, Jake.” Your hands resting at your side, raise, clasping together, then unclasping, over and over. “I can go talk to him now if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“Hey darlin’, look at me.”
His other hand rises and gently grips your cheek, forcing you to stare directly into his eyes and not waver away like you had been.
“I’ll tell you this every single day for the rest of our lives if I have to, but baby, you and Maty are it for me.” A shuddered breath creeps it way up your chest, and you can stop the sliver line of tears from forming at your water line.
“So, you wanna be–” You push a breath out, annoyed at the quiver in your voice. “You wanna be Mathew’s daddy?” You nibble at your top lip, the need to make sure that Jake wants you as well, scares you and you’re terrified of being unwanted all over again.
“And you want me?”
Your question comes out choked and the hands cradling your face, move you and pull you back into Jake’s chest. Though your anxiety ticks away at your chest and has you pulling away to look back up into his eyes.
“Sweetheart, I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you.” The smile Jake gives you is breathtaking, and one of your favorite looks on him. “Someday, if you’ll have me, I would like to make it official for both you and Maty.  People already think he’s mine and well, you’re too beautiful to not be a Seresin.”  
A soft blush covers your cheeks, as the tension in your chest releases, and a delicate laugh falls from you. Your head instantly drops forward, with the relaxation in your neck, and finds home back against Jake’s chest. Your eyes fall shut, as you take in the confirmation that Jake saw the same future for you three, as you had grown to not only want but need. You place a soft kiss against the center of Jake’s chest before you pull back to look into Jake’s eyes.
“I love you, and I would love that.”
“I love you, darlin’.”
The both of you find each other, lips slotting against one another, in a slow, passion-filled kiss. The loving moment is quickly broken, as you hear a high-pitched laugh, followed by a small figure colliding into your legs. Breaking away from one another, you both look down between the two of you and find Mathew. Looking back at the two of you, before a wide smile spreads across his face and he’s grabbing one of each of your legs and hugging.
“Did you make Mickey, daddy?”
Both you and Jake share a look, before he is reaching down and settling Mathew in between the two of you.
“I was just about to, but momma here was distracting me.”
Both Maty and Jake look to you, waiting for an explanation. The smirk Jake gives you, has you given him an ‘oh really' look. You quickly grab Mathew from Jake’s arms and rest him against your lap.
“Daddy just couldn’t stop talking about, how he wanted to make you a big brother.”
You give Jake an identical smirk back hoping to see him backpedal, though your tactic falls completely as a wide smile forms on his face. Before he’s grabbing Maty back from you and moves out of the kitchen.
“Momma you finish making Pancakes, Maty and I have some terms to go over for the new baby!”  
The pair are leaving the kitchen before you can utter another word, leaving you baffled at how quickly the tables turned. Though as you start on the Mickey Mouse pancake, you can stop the smile that forms on your face and the flutter of butterflies that erupt in your stomach, at the thought of having a baby with Jake.
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I Want One
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 Warnings: Cheese with a hint of angst.
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader  
Word Count: 551
A/N: This is so cheesy and basically wrote itself. I debated posting it, might delete later. I hope you enjoy it.
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Jake’s arms were wrapped around your shoulders, your back pressed to his chest, and your hands holding onto his forearms. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head as you watched your brother and sister-in-law load their two kids into the truck.
 “I want one,” Jake spoke, breaking the silence.
 “Babe, you just got a new truck a month ago.”
 “Not the truck,” he laughed.
 You looked up and followed his gaze, your six-month-old niece giggling in your brother’s arms. “A baby?” You asked, shocked.
 He smiled, the breathtaking kilowatt expression that exposed his dimples and crinkled his eyes. “Yes,”
 This was a conversation you had both had a dozen times. You’d never wanted kids before you met him. You had a rough past; you never felt stable or safe enough to consider having a baby before you met him. But Jake came in like a wrecking ball. Every boundary or plan you had set dissolved without a second thought. He didn’t push them or tell you anything negative about your plans. They just no longer mattered. He was safe. No matter where you were or what was happening in the world, he was your home, peace, and sanctuary.
 “Babe,” He spoke softly, kissing the top of your head again, “hey,” he whispered, “look at me.”
 You pulled back and looked up at him, and he wiped the pooled tears from under your eye. You hadn’t realized you had started to well up.
 “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
 Shaking your head, you smiled, “s’not that,” you kissed him chastely. Hoping he’d let it go.
 “Hey, talk to me,” He soothed, his hand cradling the side of your face.
 You leaned into it, kissing the palm of his hand. “Just never thought I could be this happy. Happy enough to actually want to have a baby with you.”
 He chuckled and kissed you again.
 “Get a room!” Your brother yelled from the truck window smiling at the sight of you and Jake.
 You pulled away from each other, both laughing. Jake’s hand coming to rest on your lower back, keeping you tucked into his side.
 “Go home then!” You shouted back.
 “Yeah, we have a baby to make!” Jake shouted.
 You buried your face in his chest. Laughing and blushing. Your sister-in-law cheering in the background.
 “Bout time!” Your brother yelled back. “Love you guys!”
 “Love you!” You yelled back. Both you and Jake waved as they pulled down the drive.
 “I like him,” Jake smiled, referring to your brother.
 “He likes you too. Which is pretty impressive.” You agreed.
Silence passed between the two of you for the briefest moment as you watched your brother and his family slip down the road.
 “I can’t believe you just told my brother we were going to make a baby.” You laughed again.
 “Well, we are, aren’t we?” He shrugged.
 “Yes, but you basically just told my brother to leave so we could have sex.”
 “And?” He smirked
 You rolled your eyes, smiling. It was a pointless, silly argument that you’d never win. “Take me to bed, Lieutenant.”
 “Yes, ma’am.” He grabbed you by the waist and threw you over his shoulder, a gentle swat on your butt.
 “Jake!” You exclaimed, laughing.
 It was going to be a long night.
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A/N: If you’ve made it this far - thank you so so so much for reading! My Masterlist can be found here. All work is also available on AO3    
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topguncortez · 2 years
I have to request on anon because tumblr hates me but I swear it’s me
Can I get a dramatic confession of love for Floydsin? Thank you ❤️
hehehe oh baby jay…. you ready for this? Did I watch the scene where Priscilla leaves Elvis while writing this?? Yes.
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warnings: slight mention of religious trauma, slight mention of homophobia (christian parents)
The door slam loudly, enough to rattle the picture frames that were nailed to the walls. Jake sighed as he opened the door after it was slammed in his face.
The night didn’t start off bad, but it was sure ending on a sour note. What was supposed to be a simple night out with friends, celebrating Rooster’s engagement to his girlfriend, quickly turned badly when Hangman’s ex fling, Morgan, walked into the bar. Bob Floyd was never a jealous man, but he was when it came to Morgan.
Morgan was basically Jake’s girlfriend in everyone’s eyes. They went out, and held hands, and kissed, and slow danced to George Strait, and Hangman even took her home for Christmas last year. Morgan was the girl that everyone saw Jake Thomas Seresin with. She was perfect.
Jake had broke up with Morgan almost half a year ago, he said it was neutral, but Morgan said it was because Jake was head over heels in love with Bob Floyd. Jake said that she was crazy, making shit up but Morgan pointed out what everyone else saw. She saw the way Jake looked at Bob, how his green eyes were always watching the quiet WSO, how he would go to Bob whenever they would fight, how Bob was a constant in Jake's ever changing life.
"What are you doing?" Jake asked, as he walked into their bedroom, seeing Bob angrily throw his clothes into an open suitcase.
"Leaving," Bob muttered.
"Why?" Jake furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Is this because of what happened at the Hard Deck? Cause I apologized-"
"It's more than just that!" Bob yelled, and it surprised Jake.
Bob never yelled. Even when they would fight over stupid things, Bob was always the level headed one. That's what made him such a good WSO, such a good partner. Bob was a listener, an observer, always watching every move around him. Bob had been watching, observing the way Jake talked and looked at Morgan tonight. Jake was relaxed, calm, and the second Bob walked up to him, placing his hand on the small of Jake's back, the blonde haired pilot stiffened and shoved Bob's hand away.
"I. . ." Bob opened his mouth and shook his head. His mind was swimming as he tried to gather the right words to say, "I love you, Jake."
Jake felt his heart stop when he heard those three little words slip out of Bob's lips. Those three words that Bob had told him over and over. The first time Bob had said those words was after a fight and make up sex. Bob was holding Jake to his chest, running his fingers through his blonde hair. Ever since then, Bob had always said it: before he leaves in the morning, when they go to bed, before every flight.
"I love you and, I don't think you love me."
"You told me when I said it, that you just couldn't say it yet, and I understood but now. . . Seeing the way you looked at Morgan, the way you acted around her, touched her. Hell, Jake, you've never even held my hand in public."
"I didn't know you wanted-"
"You didn't know that I wanted my boyfriend to show me the slightest be of affection? To act like he actually likes me? I can't keep doing this," Bob said, his blue eyes were filling with tears.
"Doing what?" Jake felt his throat constrict.
"This," Bob, pointed between the two of them, "I can't keep fighting for an ounce of attention, an ounce of affection, an ounce of love, when you don't feel the same." Bob leaned down, flipping his suitcase closed and zipping it.
"Bob, please," Jake grabbed his boyfriend's hand to stop him from picking up the luggage, "I'll do better, I promise. If you want me to hold your hand, I will. If you want me to kiss you before your flights like Bradley does to Y/N, I will. If you want me-"
"Are you ashamed of me?" Bob, whispered.
"No, baby, no that's not."
"Then why haven't I met your parents? Why did you invite Morgan to go to your sister's wedding and not me?"
"I-" Jake, opened and closed his mouth a couple times and sighed, looking down at his shoes.
Truth was, Jake never told his parents that he broke up with Morgan and started dating Bob. Truth was, Jake never even told his parents that he was bisexual. It wasn't that he was scared, everyone who mattered to him knew that he was out. It was that he was worried about the small town Texas gossip, how his very Christian mother and father would react. He loved his parents, but they were stuck in their ways, and so were most of the people in the small town that Jake grew up. Morgan was the safe bet to take to his sister's wedding, but Bob was the one he really wanted to take.
"I can't keep hurting myself like this, Jake. And I love you too much to let you keep hurting yourself," Bob set his suitcase down off the bed, and walked towards Jake, taking his face in both of his hands, "It'll be okay, I promise."
Jake shook his head, and watched as Bob stepped back, and grabbed his suitcase.
"Bob! No, wait!" Jake said, following the WSO out of the bedroom and down the stairs, "No, you can't do this! Please," Jake was full on crying, tears and snot running down his face, "Do you still love me?"
"More than you will ever know," Bob said, and wiped his eyes. Jake slowly sat down on the stairs, looking at his feet as Bob stood in the entry way of the house.
"We'll be back together," Jake said, and he nodded like he was agreeing with himself, "When you're 40 and I'm 50. You'll see."
Bob's chin quivered as he tried to bite back his tears. Jake looked up at him, his green eyes wet with tears. Bob sighed and walked over to him, taking him in his arms. Jake held onto Bob tightly, like he might disappear and sobbed into his stomach. Bob titled his head up to look at the ceiling, trying to stop the tears from falling down his face.
"I have to go," Bob whispered and removed Jake's arms from around his torso, "You have to let me go."
"Will you please stay?"
"If I don't go now, I'll never leave," Bob, grabbed Jake's face one last time in his hands and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Jake held on to Bob's hands as he stood up and pulled out of his grasp.
"Please," Jake cried, reaching out for him.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Bob didn't look back as he grabbed his suitcase and walked out the door, letting it slam close.
"I love you."
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i got the boy - jake seresin x reader
angsty thing based off this request by @itzyogurl92
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“Y/n?” your friend calls your name nervously, grabbing your attention from your phone. You hum, looking up at Isabelle to see her staring at her phone suspiciously. 
“Isn’t this Jake?” She shoves the device toward you and when you inspect the photo on instagram clearly, you see that Izzy’s right. There, in one of her friend’s instagram posts is the one and only Jake Seresin, standing with who you assume is his new wife. 
He’s all dressed up - obviously, it’s clearly his wedding day - and the sight is weird to see. Back in high school you couldn’t even get this boy to wear a dress shirt to prom. Of course his mother - bless her - forced him into nice attire, but he still showed up in a baseball cap. Let’s just say your photos from that night looked a bit funny.
“So what do you think?” you ask, spinning in the beautiful dress you picked out. The skirt swirls around you gracefully as you do, the light catching on the satin and making it shine. You’d decided to get dressed at his house, considering his mom was basically your mom and she was going to drive you to the dance. 
Jake smiles and pulls you close, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I think you look wonderful darlin’.”
“I wish I could say the same for you,” you tease, pulling away to take in his ridiculous outfit again. He’s dressed in a white dress shirt, tie knotted messily under the collar, with his letterman jacket on top and topped off with his signature baseball hat. 
“What, you don’t like it?” he feigns hurt, stepping back and copying your twirl mockingly.
“Babe, it’s fine. It’s just… do you have to wear the hat?” you ask him. 
“THAT’S WHAT I SAID!” his mom calls out from the other room, causing you to double over in laughter. 
“Don’t make fun of me,” he pouts adorably, crossing his arms and stomping like a child, “You know I love this hat.”
You pull him over to you by his tie, looking him directly in the eyes as you fix it for him. “I know you do, baby, I’m just teasing,” you say, eyes darting from his eyes to his lips. He gulps nervously, pink dusting his cheeks. Luckily for him, his mom walks in just then. 
“C’mon guys, not in my living room!” she scolds you jokingly. “It’s time to go, anyway. Let’s get in the car!” The two of you follow her to the garage, giggling like children and holding hands like the teenage lovers you were. 
The world had seemed so set in stone back then. You’d graduate in a couple weeks, he’d apply for the Naval Academy, you’d apply for Texas University, and the two of you would live happily ever after. 
It all seemed so perfect as you leaned your head on his shoulder, making eye contact through the rearview mirror as you drove through the city. Music played softly from the radio; I Got the Boy, by Jana Kramer. 
You hummed softly along, having known the lyrics since you were a child. Jake stayed silent for a bit, gazing lovingly at you as he listened. He leaned toward you and kissed the top of your head. 
“I can’t believe it’s almost over,” he said softly. You looked at him. “It just feels like it’s gone by so fast. It was just yesterday that we were stepping into the school for the first time.”
You smiled sadly. “I know. I don’t want it to be over, Jake.”
“Promise this is forever, Y/n. Promise me,” he urges, grasping your hand in his.
“I promise,” you whisper, and the two of you seal it with a kiss. No lust, just love. He holds you as best he can with both your seatbelts on and you tangle your hands in his hair.
“Promise me we’ll get through everything together?” you ask.
“I promise, baby. You’re my first kiss, and you’ll be my last, pretty girl, I swear it.” 
You scroll through the post, the second photo is one of the bride’s hand, with her large diamond ring. Your stomach rolls unpleasantly, the piece is almost identical to the one Jake promised he’d get you one day. When he gave you a dainty promise ring one summer.
“No way, he failed her?” Maia asks, jaw opened. She knew your history professor was strict but not that strict.
“Yeah and then-” you trail off, feeling a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“Hi darlin’,” Jake greets you excitedly. You turn your head to face him, meeting his hyper eyes with a slightly confused glance. 
“Hi? What’s got you so excited, pretty boy?” you ask, and you feel his arms shift slightly before something cold is slipped onto your ring finger. You look down and a pretty gold ring with a pearl perched on top is sitting on your finger. 
“A promise ring,” Jake explains, “A promise that I’ll get down on one knee and give you a real one - diamond, gold, anything you want - and we can spend the rest of our lives together.”
“Aw, Jake,” you smile so hard your cheeks are hurting, “I don't even want another ring. I just want you,” you turn around and he wraps his arms around your legs, lifting you up slightly, so his head is tilted upward to kiss you.
You push the phone away when you see the last photo; a picture of him kissing her. Isabelle takes it back and pulls you into a hug. It reminds you of the summer before he moved. 
Jake pumped his fists in the air excitedly as the bouncer let him into the club. He had to have used a fake ID, because although you were born in the same year, you turned 18 before him. Meaning Jake was stuck sneaking into parties until the second month of the Academy, in which he’d probably try his best not to get too drunk anymore.
He grabbed your hand, immediately pulling you to the dance floor. Neither Jake nor you particularly loved drinking, you really only cared much for the vibes of the club; the loud music, the dancing, all of it. 
“I’m gonna go get us some drinks, okay? I’ll find you after,” he kisses you goodbye and turns to leave, but you grab his hand.
“Wait, J, don’t leave me alone,” you whine, and he chuckles, pulling you into him and wrapping his arm around you in a comforting side hug. Jake walks with you to the bar and you order drinks together, keeping you safe and protected the whole time. 
“It’s okay,” Isabelle whispers, and you hadn’t realised tears were sliding down your cheeks - too caught up in lost memories - until now. 
She knows how you never got over him, how you never stopped loving him. How he was your first kiss and he promised he’d be your last. But in the end, you only got his first kiss and she’s the one who’ll get his last. 
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wouldpollyapprove · 2 years
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
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Nothing To Prove
Gif Imagines:
Finding Out He’s Dating Maverick’s Daughter
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Hangman x Rooster x Bob x Female Reader Masterlist
We Worry Because We Care
When You Fall, We’ll Pick You Back Up
Calm Down
Not Just A Game
You Always Have Us
Ghosts of The Past
There Is No Rush
The Softest Moments
This Is One Battle You Won’t Win
Getting There First
Just A Little Sweet
It Can Happen To The Best
We May Have Been A Little Rough
Fixing The Broken
Parents To Be part 2 blurb
I Have No Idea What You’re Talking About
Coming Home
Period Comfort
Who Did This To You?
Baby Fever
Helping Others
Learn To Deal With It
It’s All Internal Soulmate Au
I’ve Been Called Worse 18+ ONLY
A Little Loopy
 Clips of Our Life Soulmate Au
We Can Still Hear  18+ ONLY
In The Kitchen (Kinda second part to We Can Still Hear) 18+ ONLY
In The Hanger (Final part to We Can Still Hear) 18+ ONLY
Sexy Photo
Southern Boy Charm 18+ ONLY
Bubble Wrap Soulmate Au
Navy State Ball
Reaction to Abusive Home HCs
Bob In The Corner
You For You 18+ ONLY
Never Again
Honorable Discharge
Yes, Sir 18+ ONLY Part 2
You Can’t Kill A Mitchell
Pushed A Little Too Far 18 + ONLY
Panic Attack
Calling Red 18+ ONLY
Dumb Little Girl 18+ ONLY
Watch Your Tone 18+ ONLY
Warm Again
You Scared Us!
Happiness on Earth
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