#jake sersin angst
ereardon · 1 year
Jake Seresin masterlist
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*All of my fics are 18+. Please do not repost my work without consent or steal my work. Reblogs and comments give me life so please do interact if you'd like!
✤: Fluff
❂: Angst
❀: Smut
Full-length series:
❀❂✤ Slow Burn — Jake x OC [Kate] – Complete
After a one night stand with Hangman disrupts the fresh start you were looking for when moving to San Diego, the unexpected pregnancy forces you and Jake learn how to live with each other and tolerate one another. As the months go by, you slowly get to know the real Jake beneath the facade he puts on, but when old flames and work obstacles threaten to topple everything, your new relationship is put to the test.
❀❂✤ As It Was — Jake x OC [Abby] – Complete
When Jake Seresin calls to tell you he’s accepted a permanent position at Top Gun, you’re elated to finally be living in the same city as your best friend. But everything changes when Jake tells you his news — he has a new girlfriend, and he’s serious about her. And while you want to like her, for Jake’s sake, something about her feels wrong. Jake's arrival in San Diego also puts you in the direct path of Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, who has set his sights on you despite being Jake’s sworn enemy. Every move Rooster makes, Jake intercepts. What game are these two playing, and why is Jake more concerned about you moving on with Rooster than he is about his own relationship? 
❀❂✤ My Girl — Jake x OC [Natalie West] – Complete
Jake Seresin could be the answer to all of your dating woes. He’s the full package: steady job, mature, dependable, attractive to a fault. The polar opposite of every guy your age and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. But there’s one roadblock: he’s a single father to four-year-old Ellie. Jake is looking for a level of commitment you’re not quite sure you’re ready to give, and he’s not willing to bring someone into his daughter’s life who isn’t there for the long haul. And even if you are stepmom material, is Jake ready to let someone back in his life while still mourning the recent loss of his late wife? 
❀❂✤ The Backup — Jake x Reader — Ongoing
Dating is hard, especially in a city like San Francisco. That's why most of your dates end up with you in Jake Seresin's bed. He's the fallback guy. But keeping your friends with benefits situation with Jake is becoming harder to hide from your tightly knit friend group. And what happens when you start seeing a guy that you actually like, and the midnight booty calls go away?
❀❂✤Before I Knew — Jake x Reader — Ongoing
On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
❀✤Homecoming — Jake x Reader — Ongoing
Returning home to California after six years abroad in England, you found everything has changed. Jake Seresin, your father's former college roommate and lifelong best friend, is now a widower and has purchased a new vineyard in Montecito, only a few miles from your childhood home. Your parents’ marriage is on the rocks, your brother is struggling with what to do with his life, and you’ve grown up and are starting your own counseling practice. So what happens when you find yourself falling for the man your father calls his best friend? And worse, what happens when your parents find out he’s falling for you, too? 
❂✤ You Again — Jake x Reader – Complete
It’s been five years since you last saw your childhood best friend and first love Jake Seresin. But fate, or coincidence, has you back in Jake’s life and he’s desperate not to lose you again.
❀❂✤ Snowed In — Jake x OC [Ella Finnley] – Complete
When a massive storm shutters every airport in New York, you receive an unexpected call. Jake Seresin, the ex-boyfriend of your college roommate, is stranded at JFK with nowhere to go. Somehow you find yourself hosting Jake for a long weekend in your studio apartment. What happens when you realize that maybe your long-standing hatred for him was covering up something else?
One shots:
❂ He'd Let Her Go — Jake x Reader – Complete
Jake meets the love of his life in college, but after years together he realizes the best thing he can do if he really loves her is to let her go.
❀ One Night in Tokyo — Jake x Reader – Complete
Calling off your wedding three days before wasn’t part of the plan. Neither was going to Tokyo alone on what was supposed to be your honeymoon. That’s how you ended up at the bar of The Shangri-La, drinking martinis. That’s how Jake Seresin found you. 
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talkfastromance4 · 1 year
Waiting & Staying–Jake Seresin (An Arrangement Series)
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An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
word count: 3005
warnings: hospital, sadness, slight angst
Feedback, asks, comments/reblogs mean the world to me!
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It’s all a miraged blur when you leave the ball. It’s blurred snapshots of running up the stairs to suddenly being in Reynolds’ car gazing at the streetlights as they streak by. Jake’s hand wraps yours up with his to stop your fidgeting but your mind is still fidgeting and racing. Then you’re running through the large revolving door of the hospital, your voice an echo as you ask for Betty and then you’re running toward the elevator, nearly tripping in your heels as you do.
Jake stabilizes you and once the doors slide open you step inside and kick off your shoes, your finger pushing on the floor number incessantly. You watch the red dotted numbers impatiently as you ascend wanting the elevator to move faster. You squeeze yourself through the doors as they glide open and run to the room Betty is in, your feet smacking on the floor.
Betty is awake but looks tired as she smiles at you then she frowns. 
“Why aren’t you at the party?” she asks.
“Because I got a call you were brought here,” you pant trying to catch your breath. Jake enters the room behind you holding onto your shoes. “Have you been tested or talked to by a nurse or doctor?”
“I had bloodwork done but that’s it. You should still be at the party, Dolly, I’ll be fine.”
“No, I’m staying right here,” you pull a chair up next to her bed.
While you wait Betty asks about the party and you tell her all about it. She asks the same question a few times but you don’t blame her because of what she’s been going through lately. The stroke that got her here is taking a toll and she hasn’t even fully recovered from the surgery on her bladder yet. How much more can she take?
Jake keeps leaving the room and going into the hallway, it’s irritating you slightly because if he’d rather be at the ball then he shouldn’t have left with you. You try not to dwell on it too much but when Betty is asleep and a nurse still hasn’t come in and he is still in the all, you stalk out there. 
“If you want to go back to the party, you can go,” you tell him hotly. “I’ll take it from here.”
“Why would I want to go back?”
“You’ve been on your phone the whole time,” you gesture to it in his hand. “So go, Jake. It’s fine.”
“I called Serena and told her Reynolds would be picking her up so she can get into the house and get you a change of clothes. I’m not leaving yours or Betty’s side.”
“Oh…” you feel sheepish now. “Um, thank you.”
“How is she feeling?” 
“Fine, she’s asleep now. But if they found blood I don’t get why tests aren’t being run,” you’re starting to get worked up again. 
“Let’s wait together.”
Jake rubs soothing circles into your back as you sit and wait for someone to come into the room. Someone finally does when Serena arrives with a tote bag of clothes telling you that Betty will need a colonoscopy but the doctor who does it is at another hospital so it won’t be until the next day. 
You’re adamant on staying and so is Jake even though you try to tell him to go home. The next day goes by and no doctor. Then another day and the same thing. Betty hasn’t been able to eat because of the colonoscopy and she’s only allowed to suck on ice cubes because it could affect the anesthesia and your patience has reached it’s limit. 
“Where the hell is the doctor to perform the colonoscopy?” you demand a nurse that has come in to check Betty’s vitals and levels of her blood. 
“He’s had quite a bit of emergencies–”
“Isn’t this an emergency since she was brought into the ER three days ago? She hasn’t eaten or drank in three days and nothing is happening!”
You push Jake’s hand away from your shoulder and you stand up from your chair.
“I understand you’re frustrated, Miss, but her levels are stable.”
“What does that mean? Is she still bleeding?”
“Not right now, that’s why we’re checking her hourly.”
“So if they rise will that constitute an emergency surgery? What if it’s too late? You all don’t seem concerned she was bleeding. I understand you all have a lot on your plate, I really do. I respect your job but this is ridiculous.”
“I’ll find out when the doctor will be here,” the nurse replies calmly.
“Good. Have him come straight here or I’ll find him myself.”
You glare as she leaves and Betty falls asleep again. You wait some more staring out the window and a nurse says the doctor is on his way now. 
“I know you’re angry right now, Sugar,” Jake says softly next to you. He places a gentle hand on your shoulder, “but Betty is very lucky to have you be her voice.”
That appeases you slightly but you’re still irritated.
More waiting and then the doctor comes in and his Colgate smile and bounce in his step really ticks you off. He reads through Betty’s chart, talks to her a little and says surgery will be in an hour. You snort and the doctor glances up at you.
“We’ve been waiting for a long time,” Jake explains.
“I understand that and I apologize–”
“You understand? Listen,” you spin on your heels so you’re facing the doctor. “I’m tired of being apologized to and saying you understand our frustration but nothing is being done to fix my frustration. I’m tired of the half-assed remarks and information. Your job is tough, I get that, you have other patients and you’re not supposed to get attached or have emotions in your line of work. But could you please, please try using a little bit of compassion? You’re still dealing with family members and a person who is scared and wants to feel better. 
“If you keep pushing her aside and I end up losing her, you’ll be dealing with a lot more than me being an angry family member.” 
“Yes, I’ll make sure the operating room and team are ready. I’ll have updates for you very soon,” he coughs then exits the room. 
You fall into the chair with your head in your hands. You’re emotionally and physically exhausted. You don’t want to be known as the irate person in the hospital but you’re tired of the ambiguity and evasiveness. 
When it’s time for Betty to go get her colonoscopy, you give her a hug and a kiss and you sit and wait some more. An hour later she’s wheeled back in, sound asleep from the anesthesia and a promise from the nurse they sped up the results but as of right now, her levels are still stable. 
“I think we should go home, rest, and eat something,” Jake suggests. You notices he’s still in his suit from three days ago and you feel guilty about that. 
“You can, I’m staying here. You could have gone home and changed, Jake,” you sigh.
“I told you I’m not leaving you. You stay and I stay, but Sugar–” he kneels in front of you resting one hand on your knee and the other on your cheek–”you’re exhausted. A hot shower, change of clothes, and some food will help.”
“He’s right,” Betty suddenly says. Her eyes are half-lidded and she clears her throat. “You take care of yourself, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’ll stay with Betty–”
“You go home, too, Jake. Take care of my granddaughter.”
Her eyes drift shut and her body relaxes into the pillows. Jake’s green eyes are pleading and you give in, taking his hand and let him lead you out of the hospital. 
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“What would you like to eat? I can make something–” jake begins when you’re back home.
“I’m not hungry,” you sigh.
“You need to eat something. What are you hungry for?” he insists.
“I don’t know. I’m going to take a shower.”
He watches you shuffle towards the stairs. He can sense you withdrawing from him and building up that wall he’s tried so hard to knock down. You haven’t opened up fully but he can tell you’ve been burned in the past but he’s not quite sure who hurt you this badly. He calls Rhea and asks her if she can make your favorite comfort foods. 
He decides to shower and change himself, he feels sterile and stiff from being in his suit and the hospital for so long. You’re still not out of the shower when he’s finished and he starts to get worried. Your bathroom door is shut when he enters your room and then he hears a clatter of commotion.
Panicking, he rushes to the door but it’s locked.
“Sugar! Let me in, are you hurt?” he asks, pounding on the door. The shower is still running and he thinks you might’ve slipped and hit your head so he shoulders the door open.
You’re wrapped in a towel, wet hair falling down your back and you’re leaning against the bathroom counter. Products are scattered along the floor and the heels of your hands are pressed into your eyes.
At the sound of his voice you start to collapse but Jake is swift and catches you in his arms right before you hit the ground. You’re sobbing and gasping, finally letting out what you’ve kept built up during this whole ordeal. You’ve tried to remain strong but it became too much and crashed over you like a tsunami. 
Jake shifts his body so his back is against the cabinets and he repositions you in his lap. Your arms wrap around his shoulders and you cry into his neck.
“I’ve got you…I’m right here,” he murmurs in your wet hair. He kisses the top of your head, holding onto you tightly, rocking slightly until you’ve cried yourself dry. 
He helps you stand then grabs a tissue to dry the tears from your face. Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy.
“Stay right here, okay?” he asks and you nod so he can shut off the shower then, grabs your hand and leads you into your room. 
He gives you a gentle push and you drop onto the edge of your bed, towel still wrapped securely around you and you’re staring, unblinkingly at the lush carpet. Jake sprints to his room so he can grab his NAVY t-shirt and when he gets back, you’re in the same position. Still as a statue, staring. 
“Let’s get you changed, okay?” he asks then moves to your dressers. He finds a pair of cream colored sleep shorts and opens a few more drawers until he finds some underwear. He sets the articles of clothing beside you but you remain unmoving. “y/n, look at me.”
Your eyes dart to his automatically.
“I’m going to help you change, is that all right?” he asks and you jerk a nod then stand up. Your movements are almost catatonic as you let the towel drop to the floor. 
Jake moves quickly, tapping your legs so you can step into the underwear as he pulls them up in the right position. He makes sure to keep his eyes on your toes, noting the pretty coral color they are from your last pedicure appointment, and wanting to give you as much privacy as possible. When he stands up straight, he grabs his shirt and pulls that over your head, again, keeping his eyes on your face. 
He pulls your hair out from the back, feeling how the ends are starting to knot. 
“Get into bed and I’ll brush your hair,” he says then gets your brush from the bathroom. 
You’re under the covers, stoic and clutching the edge of the bedspread, your eyes are heavy and he so desperately wants you to sleep. 
“Let me get behind you,” he murmurs and settles himself behind you as you move forward. You’re cradled between his legs and he drags the brush through your hair as gently as possible. “I’m having Rhea make your favorite foods, but if you want to sleep first I’ll make sure she puts it in the fridge.”
“‘Kay,” you whisper. 
When the brush runs through your hair with no resistance, he sets it on the nightstand and starts to move out from behind you. Your hands flash to his forearms, stopping him. 
“What is it, Sugar?” he asks, craning his neck so he can look at you more clearly. You open your mouth then close it a few times until biting on your lip. “Do you want me to stay?”
You nod.
“Okay, I’ll be right here,” he nods then kisses your cheek. 
You begin to move from his lap and he lifts his arms up allowing you to go wherever you please. You end up shifting to his side, draping one arm and leg over his torso, your head on his chest. Jake gets comfortable, tickling his fingers up and down your arm, pressing soft kisses to your head as he does. 
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You end up sleeping for a day and a half and it’s a dreamless sleep. But when you do wake up, Jake is still next to you, you shifted throughout the entirety but he still had his hand on your hip while he slept. You rolled over and stared at his sleeping face, ignoring the hollowness in your stomach. 
His stubble is more pronounced and his lashes extend to his cheeks like little paint brushes. You scoot closer, pressing a hand to his cheek and he scares you a little when his eyes open. 
“Are you really awake, now?” he asks.
“Were there false alarms?”
“Mhm,” he slides his hand from your waist to your lower back, his thumb making circles. “A few times. I’m glad you finally slept.”
“I’m sorry about my…breakdown.”
“Don’t be sorry. You bottled it up and your body finally released it, but I could tell it took a lot out of you. Betty is doing fine, she called a few hours ago after she was done having breakfast. She wants you to eat before we head over there.”
“I am hungry,” you admit and it makes him laugh. 
“I thought so. I’ll go warm up the food and you can meet me downstairs.”
You’re both slow moving getting out of bed, you were in such a dead sleep your bones were sore and stiff. While you used the bathroom, you had some time to think about Betty. About Jake. About you and Jake. You grab the black folder from the bottom of your dresser.
When you went downstairs, Jake was setting the food on plates and he gave you a happy grin as you stood beside him, the folder behind your back.
“Grab whatever you’d like to drink. We can eat and then change before heading over to Betty–”
You cut him off mid-sentence by grabbing his cheeks and rising on your toes to kiss him. It’s only your second kiss but your lips move in synchronization, an already familiar dance and his hands find home on your hips. You set the folder on the counter beside him. His palms form perfectly to your curves and he inhales a gasp as you nip at his lip before pulling away.
“What was that for?” he whispers, jaw ticking as he swallows harshly. 
“I’ll sign the paperwork.”
He moves his head back, eyes studying you then he notices the folder on the counter. 
“You’ll what?”
“The arrangement, I’ll sign it,” you nod. “But everything will be for Betty.”
“y/n…let’s discuss this after you’ve eaten. You’ve just been asleep for thirty-six hours with no food and anxiety about Betty. We don’t have to talk about this now.”
“I want to talk about it now. You said the ball is in my court. I’ll sign it as long as it all helps Betty. I don’t want to keep waiting to discuss this. I’ve made my decision. I’ll sign the paperwork and we’ll figure everything else out later. But Jake…please help Betty.”
Your voice quivers as you say her name and on impulse you snake your arms around Jake’s shoulders. You press your lips to his neck, leaving soft, suctioning kisses to his skin while whispering ‘please’ and his body relaxes into you. 
“I’ll go out with you to restaurants and bars and parties and whatever else,” you whisper in his ear and then glaze over to his lips. “Taking care of Betty will take care of me. Please, Jake.” 
You press your lips to his, dragging your tongue through his lips to connect with his. He gives in, kissing you with all his might it makes your knees weak but then he removes your arms from around him. He places them at your sides, his grip firm but not unpleasant as he stares at you.
“Okay, sign it. But in the future, you don’t have to coerce me by kissing me, that’s not what this is.” His green eyes are dark and hard, unwavering as he lets his words sink in. “Understand?” 
You swallow.
He releases you like a hot iron, picks up his plate and moves to the patio. You grab yours as well but he closes the door with a snap and you take that as being uninvited to join him. Your stomach is in knots because of what you just did but also a weird euphoric feeling that Betty will be getting the best care. 
Your lips are tingling from the kiss and you watch him slowly eat his food, your mind filled with more questions. The knot in your stomach won’t go away because you didn’t mean to hurt his feelings but you also didn’t want to stop kissing him.
Will you be able to keep the arrangement superficial? 
Does he even want it superficial?
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i got the boy - jake seresin x reader
angsty thing based off this request by @itzyogurl92
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“Y/n?” your friend calls your name nervously, grabbing your attention from your phone. You hum, looking up at Isabelle to see her staring at her phone suspiciously. 
“Isn’t this Jake?” She shoves the device toward you and when you inspect the photo on instagram clearly, you see that Izzy’s right. There, in one of her friend’s instagram posts is the one and only Jake Seresin, standing with who you assume is his new wife. 
He’s all dressed up - obviously, it’s clearly his wedding day - and the sight is weird to see. Back in high school you couldn’t even get this boy to wear a dress shirt to prom. Of course his mother - bless her - forced him into nice attire, but he still showed up in a baseball cap. Let’s just say your photos from that night looked a bit funny.
“So what do you think?” you ask, spinning in the beautiful dress you picked out. The skirt swirls around you gracefully as you do, the light catching on the satin and making it shine. You’d decided to get dressed at his house, considering his mom was basically your mom and she was going to drive you to the dance. 
Jake smiles and pulls you close, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I think you look wonderful darlin’.”
“I wish I could say the same for you,” you tease, pulling away to take in his ridiculous outfit again. He’s dressed in a white dress shirt, tie knotted messily under the collar, with his letterman jacket on top and topped off with his signature baseball hat. 
“What, you don’t like it?” he feigns hurt, stepping back and copying your twirl mockingly.
“Babe, it’s fine. It’s just… do you have to wear the hat?” you ask him. 
“THAT’S WHAT I SAID!” his mom calls out from the other room, causing you to double over in laughter. 
“Don’t make fun of me,” he pouts adorably, crossing his arms and stomping like a child, “You know I love this hat.”
You pull him over to you by his tie, looking him directly in the eyes as you fix it for him. “I know you do, baby, I’m just teasing,” you say, eyes darting from his eyes to his lips. He gulps nervously, pink dusting his cheeks. Luckily for him, his mom walks in just then. 
“C’mon guys, not in my living room!” she scolds you jokingly. “It’s time to go, anyway. Let’s get in the car!” The two of you follow her to the garage, giggling like children and holding hands like the teenage lovers you were. 
The world had seemed so set in stone back then. You’d graduate in a couple weeks, he’d apply for the Naval Academy, you’d apply for Texas University, and the two of you would live happily ever after. 
It all seemed so perfect as you leaned your head on his shoulder, making eye contact through the rearview mirror as you drove through the city. Music played softly from the radio; I Got the Boy, by Jana Kramer. 
You hummed softly along, having known the lyrics since you were a child. Jake stayed silent for a bit, gazing lovingly at you as he listened. He leaned toward you and kissed the top of your head. 
“I can’t believe it’s almost over,” he said softly. You looked at him. “It just feels like it’s gone by so fast. It was just yesterday that we were stepping into the school for the first time.”
You smiled sadly. “I know. I don’t want it to be over, Jake.”
“Promise this is forever, Y/n. Promise me,” he urges, grasping your hand in his.
“I promise,” you whisper, and the two of you seal it with a kiss. No lust, just love. He holds you as best he can with both your seatbelts on and you tangle your hands in his hair.
“Promise me we’ll get through everything together?” you ask.
“I promise, baby. You’re my first kiss, and you’ll be my last, pretty girl, I swear it.” 
You scroll through the post, the second photo is one of the bride’s hand, with her large diamond ring. Your stomach rolls unpleasantly, the piece is almost identical to the one Jake promised he’d get you one day. When he gave you a dainty promise ring one summer.
“No way, he failed her?” Maia asks, jaw opened. She knew your history professor was strict but not that strict.
“Yeah and then-” you trail off, feeling a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“Hi darlin’,” Jake greets you excitedly. You turn your head to face him, meeting his hyper eyes with a slightly confused glance. 
“Hi? What’s got you so excited, pretty boy?” you ask, and you feel his arms shift slightly before something cold is slipped onto your ring finger. You look down and a pretty gold ring with a pearl perched on top is sitting on your finger. 
“A promise ring,” Jake explains, “A promise that I’ll get down on one knee and give you a real one - diamond, gold, anything you want - and we can spend the rest of our lives together.”
“Aw, Jake,” you smile so hard your cheeks are hurting, “I don't even want another ring. I just want you,” you turn around and he wraps his arms around your legs, lifting you up slightly, so his head is tilted upward to kiss you.
You push the phone away when you see the last photo; a picture of him kissing her. Isabelle takes it back and pulls you into a hug. It reminds you of the summer before he moved. 
Jake pumped his fists in the air excitedly as the bouncer let him into the club. He had to have used a fake ID, because although you were born in the same year, you turned 18 before him. Meaning Jake was stuck sneaking into parties until the second month of the Academy, in which he’d probably try his best not to get too drunk anymore.
He grabbed your hand, immediately pulling you to the dance floor. Neither Jake nor you particularly loved drinking, you really only cared much for the vibes of the club; the loud music, the dancing, all of it. 
“I’m gonna go get us some drinks, okay? I’ll find you after,” he kisses you goodbye and turns to leave, but you grab his hand.
“Wait, J, don’t leave me alone,” you whine, and he chuckles, pulling you into him and wrapping his arm around you in a comforting side hug. Jake walks with you to the bar and you order drinks together, keeping you safe and protected the whole time. 
“It’s okay,” Isabelle whispers, and you hadn’t realised tears were sliding down your cheeks - too caught up in lost memories - until now. 
She knows how you never got over him, how you never stopped loving him. How he was your first kiss and he promised he’d be your last. But in the end, you only got his first kiss and she’s the one who’ll get his last. 
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goosemothersblog · 1 year
Pairing: oc!kazansky x jake seresin
Inspired by Taylor Swift albums: folklore + midnight
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ABOUT THE OC!: she’s Tom Kazansky eldest and only child. Was born in 1989 (three years after Top Gun) and is currently 33 years old.
In her childhood she preferred cars over planes (which hurt a lot to her father). During her teenage years that didn’t change, so, when the time of pick a university arrived, she choose one in Europe, hoping to become an mechanical and aerospace engineer.
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CHAPTERS: minimum
ooi. you’re on your own kid
where you learn about Ally Kazansky and her life
oii. this is me trying
where Ally has a job offer from the Navy that she couldn’t resist
iii. the 1
where Ally has an argument with her father and she meets again a certain pilot
ovi. cardigan
where Ally and Jake’s story began
more works coming in any time
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randoauthor · 2 years
Bagman Part 2 (J.S)
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Pairings: Hangman x Fem!Reader, Sister!Natasha x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Fighting, blood, some suggestive stuff if you look for it, fluff, a rather happy ending.
Word Count: 1.3k
Author's Note: @SADPETALSSTUFF  I know you asked for a part two a while ago, so here I am to make up for it!
Summary: So Natasha found out, but that would never stop Hangman.
Part 1
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Her lips tasted like cotton candy and her skin was as soft as velvet. I picked her up with ease before setting her gently upon the railing of the deck. The breeze was cool but the heat we were creating was burning us up. We were too enthralled in our own little world that we didn’t hear the bar door open or my friends pour out onto the deck.
We did however hear Natasha as she shrieked.
“What the fuck are you doing to my sister?”
I've never seen a person move faster than she did once her sister yelled at us. Natasha came stomping over to me, her finger pointed defensively as her sister sat wide-eyed behind me.
"You promised Hangman!" Nat shouted, shaking her finger at me.
"And you!" Her attention turned towards her sister, "what was my one rule?"
Her sister's eyes quickly met the floor as she mumbled quietly, "anyone but Bagman."
Natasha threw her hands up in the air, "exactly!"
Rooster tried to give his input but she shut it down with a simple 'shut it.' closing his mouth he nodded and stepped backward into the group of our friends.
"Phoenix, come on," I try to say but she cuts me off, rambling again about how her sister broke the one rule she had.
"Okay," I start again, "first off ouch that I am off-limits, I find myself to be a very personable person."
"Bullshit." Nat shoots back, "I don't need you breaking her heart."
I look back at her and she gives me the most pathetic look ever, all I want to do is kiss her and assure both her and Nat that I wouldn’t break her heart, ever.
I take a small step backward and reach my hand out behind me for hers, once I do feel her hand I realize how much smaller it is than mine, that and how soft her skin is.
I wonder if she is this soft everywhere.
I'll figure that out later, hopefully.
"Natty," she begins slowly from behind me, trying her hardest to calm her sister down, "this was a mutual decision."
Natasha scoffs, "I think that makes it partially worse."
Her grip on my hand tightens as if to tell me she doesn't mean it. She seems almost protective of me and I have no idea why. Maybe I'm some kind of forbidden fruit kink or something. She was told she couldn't have me so she really wants me.
"I didn't want him cus he was off limits Nat, I wanted him because regardless of who he was talking to tonight at the bar his eyes always traveled back to me, he kept me where he could see me regardless of how close the girls boobs were to falling out of her shirt."
Rooster let out a snort, we never really got along but he knew every word she was saying was true. Her eyes dart back to her sister as she steps forward gaining slightly more confidence.
"He is definitely cocky you weren't wrong about that," she looks up at me, "but he seems really genuine and he's really cute too." I give Nat an apologetic smile, I never wanted to start a fight between them, especially after they haven’t seen each other in so long. Natasha sighs, her eyes running back and forth between her sister and me.
"Nat," I started, trying to test the water. She doesn't protest or shut me up so I continue. "I really like your sister, she's funny and she's got your attitude but she isn't you, in fact, she is the right amount of not you that it doesn't seem like I am kissing you or wanting to take your clothes off."
"Walking a fine line Sersin." She warns.
"Regardless, I really like her. She is everything I could dream of and more." I turn to look at the smaller version of my friend, her eyes are huge and the pink shade that was once on her lips isn't quite there anymore. But her smile was once again genuine and seeing it made my heart skip a beat.
"He's not lying Phoe," Bob called out softly, "for once in his life he is telling the truth."
Phoenix shot us both frantic glances as my grip around her sisters hand grows tighter.
"Nat," her sister practically begged, "please."
Natasha let out a sickening laugh before taking a step forward, her fist connecting with my nose.
"Oh my god," Bambi shrieked as the blood ran down my face.
"Okay that one hurt." I said cupping my hands to catch the blood.
Natasha got closer to my face, her eyes a darker shade then I have ever seen.
"I am gonna let you date my sister, but I swear to god if you break her heart, it will be more than your nose that is broken." She looked at her sister who gave me a worried glance, I tried to reassure her it was okay but she lead me inside and to the bathroom.
"I'm sorry," she says over and over as we begin to sop up the blood with paper towels, I wince as she comes in contact with my nose.
"Sorry." She says again.
I give her a soft smile before raising a hand to her cheek, catching the tear that was falling down her beautiful face.
"Don't apologies for this, Phoenix will get over herself, this will be a funny story that we tell at our wedding." I joked softly, she gave me an appreciative smile in return before tending to the cut on the bridge of my nose.
I stared between her eyes and her lips, wanted them to be on me again. She seemed to be reading my mind because she moved to her tip toes and leaned in.
And a soft knock at the door stops her right before she gets to kiss me.
"Hey," Phoenix poked her head into the bathroom, "I just wanted to say I was sorry."
I smile and give her a nod.
"No harm done Phoenix, I would have probably done the same thing if it was my sister." I chuckle, which earns a laugh from the girls too.
"Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She looked between her sister and I. "Take care of her Hangman, please."
I give her an understanding nod as she bids us both farewell and closes the door, Bambi going back to cleaning me up, giving me a chance to snake my free arm around her.
The little gasp she let out was like the gospel singing choir songs to me. I met her gaze and softly leaned down, her lips gently hitting mine.
And she still tasted like cotton candy. Except this time there was the soft scent of whiskey from the drinks she had tonight and when my hands slowly moved up to cup her breast I felt my world fall apart around us. Everything I had ever imagined her to be was crushed by the reality that she was so much better.
I swung us around so that she could sit on the counter top, her legs spreading just enough that I could fit between them. Our kissing getting more violent, more needy.
"Jake," she moaned driving me crazy.
"Jake," She said slightly more firm than before. "Not here."
"But why?" I whined into her lips, the soft scent of cotton candy and whiskey overcoming my senses again.
"Because it's a public bathroom," she laughed as I started kissing down her neck. "And you are still bleeding."
I groan a little more as she continues to press cold compress to my nose, earning a hiss out of me.
She goes to say 'I'm sorry' again but I cut her off with a kiss.
"Just finish this up before I take you right here in this bathroom." I say with a groan,
She lets out a frazzled nod before hurriedly finishing the task at hand. Bandaging me up I give her one more quick kiss before we rush out of the bathroom and into my car.
This was most definitely a night she will never forget.
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mrsjobarnes · 2 years
What’s the worst thing that can happen?
Summary: Jake and you have been secretly together for 5 months, what is the worst that could happen? 
Jake Sersin x Mitchell!Reader
Word count: 1.8 k 
Warning - 18+, Angst, Fluff, Illusion to Smut
Likes, Comments and Reblogs  are welcome!
Please do not steal my work! 
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“Hey, baby, I'm pulling into the parking lot now. Are you sure you don’t want to come clean and tell Bradley?”
“Y/n have you lost your mind? Rooster and Maverick would kill me if they found out I was dating you, and I don’t know about you but I’d like to live” you giggled at what Jake had just said.  
“Okay but if they ask I’m not lying anymore,” you said.
“Deal, at least if they kill me I’ll have witness” you can’t help but laugh at the stupidity of your boyfriend
“If they see how happy you make me, they can’t hurt you. That’s the perk of being the only girl but in all seriousness, it doesn’t matter what they think, you’re my boyfriend and I love you. That’s all that matters” you quickly say your goodbyes and lock your car. As you walk into the bar you look around for your bean pole of a brother. After you spot him you walk over. “Hey, guys this is Maverick's daughter and my sister Y/n!” Rooster said. Everybody went around introducing themselves when Coyote aks the million-dollar question
“Soooo are you like adopted or something because you look nothing like Maverick,” he asks. Rooster goes to answer when you cut him off. 
“Am I adopted Bradley, how could you lie to me?” you say, the group goes dead silent. He rolled his eyes, while Jake bites his lip to keep from laughing. “I’m just kidding, yeah I'm adopted,” you say. Everybody lets out a collective sigh and hardy laugh.
“Long time no see,” said Nat while she gave you a bear hug. “Seriously where have you been? '' she asks. 
“Well unlike you guys some of us have regular 9 to 5 jobs,” you say smiling. 
“Y/n you and I both know you don’t work a 9 to 5,” Bradley says. It’s true you don’t, you’re an elementary teacher so you work overtime quite often. 
“Tis true brother, however winter break is around the corner! Thank god, I love kids but some of these crotch goblins are giving me a run for my money” you say with a serious look. Everyone burst into laughter. Nat offers to buy you a round and you graciously accept. The team goes on to talk about things that you could care less about. All you care about is the joy you see on Jake’s face when he gets to talking about something he is passionate about. You know how your brother feels about Jake. they didn’t have an excellent start to their relationship but he saved, your brother, and dad. They are working on building a relationship, which makes you very happy. 
As the night goes on you end up playing pool with Jake, Bob, Nat, and Bradley. You are bending over for your shot when Bradley asks “what the hell happened to your neck and chest Y/N” he asked with a very concerned tone, ready to beat whoever did that to you. 
“Oh this, it’s nothing.” you try to play it off but Nat interjects and tells Bradley that they are hickeys. Your face turns beet red as you tried to think of a way to change the conversation. Jake starts panicking because of the conversation you had in the car. “So has anyone seen the new episode of house of dragons?” a tv show you knew Bradley liked.
“You’re not getting out of this Y/n,” Bradley says with a stoic look on his face. He has always been super protective over you. He thought that if you were seeing someone you’d tell him. To be honest he was a little hurt. 
“Its, not a big deal, I’m seeing this guy and he got carried away. It’s not my fault I’m irresistible. Plus I’m a grown woman and if you think I look bad you should see him” you say. Jake smile remembering how she got those and why it looks like his abs and back were attacked by a cat. “Now can we move on to why you still have a caterpillar on your lip,” you ask. The group erupts in laughter. Pleased with the fact that he gets to live till tomorrow Jake buys the table a round. While he’s at the bar ordering a girl comes up and strikes up a conversation with him. 
“Oh look, hangman found someone already. He was doing so well too, almost 4 months.” Javy said. Everyone lets out a chuckle.  You turn around and see Jake talking to a girl. You try hard to not get jealous because you know he is a good guy. Before anyone else could comment they saw Jake shut down the girl’s advancements and head toward the table with their drinks. “Whoah Hangman are you sick,” Javy asks. 
Jake furrows his brows “No?” he said questioning why Javy would ask that, then it dawned on him. “Oh I just don’t feel like it tonight,” he said. 
“That’s been your excuse a lot recently, are you sure you’re okay” Javy ask genuinely concerned. Jake felt trapped, he could either fess up or keep lying. He looked at you, hoping you could give him an answer. You look at him as if giving an encouraging nod.  He quickly musters up some courage. 
“I am seeing someone” Jake said with a bashful smile. You smiled as well, although it wasn’t the full truth it was a step in the right direction. The group was silent until Bob congratulated him and said it was about time. The group quickly moved conversations to talk about the most recent football game. 
You walked over to Jake and whispered into his ear “Hey do you want to get out of here and come to my place?” He gave an enthusiastic yes and told the group that he was going to head out. 15 minutes later you also bid your goodbyes to the group and raced to your house to meet Jake. 
As you pulled into your driveway and parked Jake hopped out of his car and raced to you feverishly kissing you. Once he was done he put his hand out asking for your keys. Once he had them he threw you over his shoulder giving your ass a nice smack which elected a moan from you.
 You are awoken by the sun streaming through your blinds. You turn over and snuggle into Jake’s chest to hide from the sun’s harsh rays. He brings you closer as if that’s possible. “Good morning darling,” he said with his voice thick with sleep and southern charm, you smile and look up at him. 
“Moring,” you say kissing him, he kisses you back like a man starved. You giggle and straddle him and kiss down his neck when you hear the lock to your front door click and a pair of boots stomping around. 
“Y/n, are you up? You are late to brunch” your dad shouts
“Hurry up im starving” shouts Bradley stomping up the stairs. You quickly look at your clock and see that it’s 12:30. You are 30 minutes late to brunch. 
“Shit shit shit” you whisper as you get off of Jake and try to find a shirt. “Uhh give me a second, i'll be right out” you shout. Whispering profanity and telling Jake to get dressed and hide in the bathroom. It’s too late because Bradley opens the door right as Jake is getting out of bed to put his boxers back on. 
“What the fuck” Bradley yells frozen in the doorway, you hear another round of feet coming up the stairs. 
“What is it, Bradley,” your dad asks sounding super concerned. Once he appears at the door and lets out a grone. They both look ready to kill At this point, but the shock has worn off of you. 
“First of all knock”, you say in a stern tone. “Second of all calm down,lets talk about this when I’m fully dressed” shutting the door in their faces. Looking back a Jake you expect him to freak but he doesn’t he just pulls you in for a kiss. 
“It was nice to know you doll,” he says kissing you again. You roll your eyes and put on some PJs. Once you are both dressed you head downstairs into your kitchen. 
As soon as you walk in they start asking questions. You hold your hand up and say “First of all stop yelling, Second would you all like coffee?” you walk towards the coffee maker and turn it on. Jake stands at the door looking ready to run if they come after him. As the coffee starts to brew you go about making your cup while Bradley and your dad just stare at you knowing not to mess with you until you’ve had a cup. As soon as you’ve taken your first sip they start bum-barding you with questions. “Okay let me start from the beginning you say” walking over to the table and grabbing Jake along the way, as you all sit down. “Jake and I met at the Hard deck 5 months ago, he was very kind and not like how you all described him,” you say looking at Bradley. 
“YOU’VE BEEN DATING FOR 5 MONTHS” Bradley stands and shouts. You give him a look that screams ‘shut the fuck up’ he quietly sits back down and you continue explaining the ins and out of your relationship. Once you are done you all sit in silence while the two men across from you process this new information. “I still don’t like this,” said Bradley. You kick him under the table and glare. 
“I don’t care if you like it, it's my life and I can date who I want,” you say looking at Jake with doe eyes. Bradley just glares at Jake 
“Does he make you happy,” your dad asks. You shake your head yes. “Then that’s all I can ask for, but I swear Jake if you hurt my baby I will kill you,” he said. 
“Yes sir,” Jake said. “She is honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love her and would do anything for her.” He said kissing your forehead. You look up at him and snuggle into him. 
“Okay, then that’s all I can ask as a father,” Maverick said sincerely. You smile at your dad and then look at Bradley. 
“I'm not happy that you kept this from me, however, if you are happy then I'm happy. Just keep the PDA to a minimum please,” he said with a small smile on his face. “I'm going to text the group that you don’t have an STI,” he said looking at Jake. 
“What,” the group said collectively. Bradley explained that when Jake stopped sleeping with a new girl every night, the team got concerned and Bob suggested that he may have gotten an incurable STI. They all burst into laughter. 
“Well, why don’t you two get dressed? We can go get food, I'm still hungry and I know Bradley is probably dying” said Maverick, you and Jake agreed and went to get ready. 
“See that didn’t go that bad,” you said, handing Jake some clothes. 
“Wait till they find out that I’m moving In,” he said, kissing your neck.
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mayhem24-7forever · 2 years
A Little Out of The Ordinary: Part 2 (Whumptober 2022)
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~ Part One ~
Whumptober Prompts (from this list): Tossing and Turning - Caught in a Storm - Sleeping in Shifts
Character: Jake “Hangman” Sersin (Top Gun: Maverick)
Author’s Notes: If you are not over eighteen, this is not for you! I deserve a safe place to express myself and that includes not wanting minors to read my content, even when it is not sexual in nature. Thank you. I actually switched this with the day 9 prompts so that I could do a two parter for 1 and 2, sorry. fic divider by @jbarneswilson​
Warnings: pregnancy hormones causing trouble, heartbreak, unplanned pregnancy, running away from your problems, angst with a happy ending
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“Let me know if you need anything my love.” Y/N’s aunt said from the doorway of the guest bedroom and Y/N nodded with a weak smile from where she lay on the bed. “Goodnight sweetie.”
“Goodnight auntie.” she replied in a mumble, turning her back to the door as her aunt closed it.
This had been her nightly routine for the past few weeks… well, six to be exact. Six weeks ago she had said goodbye to Jake as he left for a long mission, unsure if he would even come back. The next day, she had gone to the doctor’s office for a regular check-up and almost fainted when the nurse informed her that she was almost six weeks pregnant. That afternoon, she had shown up on Penny’s doorstep, sobbing and exceptionally emotional (and irrational) and made the rash decision that Jake could never love her and that it was best for her to leave. Penny, of course, desperately tried to convince her to take a moment to think it through but her raging pregnancy hormones won over and she wrote him a letter, leaving it with Penny to give to him when he returned. Within a few days, her cousins came to help her pack up her apartment and drove her an hour up the coast to stay with them.
For six weeks, Y/N had been trying to get used to her new life as a single pregnant woman living with her aunt and uncle. Her cousins and their families lived nearby and she spent most of her day helping out with all the kids and learning how to be a mom. The morning sickness had been the worst, hours spent sitting on the floor of the bathroom with her head halfway in the toilet, her aunt or one of her cousins rubbing her back and holding her hair back for her. She had gotten an ultrasound done, her aunt there to hold her hand and wipe her tears when she saw the little black and white sonogram of the growing bean in her stomach.
She thought a lot about Jake in those weeks, which is what she found herself doing that very night after her aunt left her room. Tossing and turning, she couldn't seem to get comfortable or to turn off her rambling thoughts, the storm raging outside not being any help. Flashes of lightning lit up the room sporadically through the thin curtains, followed by the rolling sound of thunder and the ever-present tapping on the rain on the windowpane.
Twelve weeks of pregnancy meant that a lot of the first trimester symptoms were waining and without the heavy emotions of the hormonal swings, she was left to realize just how stupid and hasty she had been in her decision making. She should have talked to him face to face, not left him a letter. She should have told him in person and let him give his opinion, it was after all, his child too. But she knew what he would have said. They had pillow talked about their plans for the future one night and she knew Jake had big plans for his military career. He had no intentions of a wife or kids. She loved Jake more than anything in the world, which is exactly why she couldn’t tie him down with a family when all he wants to do is fly.
Her phone buzzed on the nightstand for what must have been the thirtieth time that evening, the screen lighting up with yet another notification of new text messages, missed calls, and voicemails. From the frequency, she knew that Jake must have returned from deployment that afternoon and read the letter earlier that evening. She knew it was wrong and cowardly but she was too nervous and scared to open the notifications so she turned her phone off and rolled back over to try and sleep. It took a while longer and she cried the whole time but she was eventually able to fall into a restless sleep, dreaming about being back in Jake’s arms.
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“Wake up, my love.” Her aunt’s voice rang through her dreams, bringing her back to consciousness. “Y/N, wake up.”
“Auntie?” she asked groggily, squinting up at her aunt in confusion. “What’s going on?”
“Come downstairs, there’s something you need to see.” her aunt replied before walking out of her room, leaving the door open.
Y/N shook her head in confusion but got up nevertheless, glancing at the alarm clock on the nightstand to see that it was almost three in the morning. With the storm still raging outside, she shuffled to the closet to grab a robe and slippers before heading downstairs to see what was going on. As she descended, she could hear raised voices and as she stepped off the bottom step she could see her uncle arguing with someone at the front door, a wooden baseball bat in hand. Her aunt stood next to him, phone in hand and poised as if she was ready to call someone. Upon noticing Y/N’s arrival, she called her over, pointing out the door.
“Sweetheart, do you know this man?” she asked softly. “Because if you don’t I’m gonna call the police. He’s been pounding on the door and calling for you.”
Y/N reached the door and looked over her uncle’s shoulder to find a surprising sight. Jake Seresin was standing on the front porch, soaked through by the rain like a drowned cat.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed in relief when he saw her and took a step forwards but was stopped by the end of her uncle’s bat.
“You stay back!” he ordered before looking to his niece. “Do you know this crazy guy or do I get to kick his ass for trespassing and harassment?”
“Oh my god, Jake!” she cried out, hands flying to her mouth as she gasped in surprise. “Yes, I know him. It’s okay, he’s not here to hurt anyone.”
“You sure?” her uncle asked, seemingly slightly disappointed he didn’t get to chase Jake off his lawn with his bat.
“Yes, I’m sure.” she replied, eyes still locked on Jake in bewilderment before turning to her uncle and aunt. “Can you give me a minute alone with him? Please?”
Her uncle nodded gruffly, giving Jake a piercing look of warning before moving to allow her outside. She thanked her aunt and uncle, apologizing for the trouble before closing the door behind her.
“Jake, what are you doing here?” she asked.
“I needed to talk to you but you weren’t picking up the phone. I went to your old apartment and had to bribe the landlady to give me your forwarding address. Then I kind of stole Bradshaw’s bronco to drive the hour out here but the storm hit while I was driving.” Jake explained, slightly out of breath. “Then the stupid car broke down a couple blocks away so I ran here. Your uncle thought I was insane and your aunt was gonna call the cops but I convinced them to go get you to prove you know me. I’m just so fucking happy I found you.”
“I- I-” she tried, her brain struggling to catch up with what was happening. “But why are you here?”
“Because I’m an idiot!” he replied, which only made her more confused. “I never told you how much you meant to me and I should have! I came back from the mission ready to tell you everything but you were gone and it’s my fault, I know that. I made you think that I didn’t care about you but it’s not true.”
“Jake, I-” she began but he stepped forwards and cut her off.
“I love you. I have loved you since the moment I met you and I can’t believe it took me so long to tell you.” he said, eyes pleading with her to believe him. “I love you and I’m ready to be a dad. Please tell me your feelings haven’t changed, please.
“They haven’t.” she replied decisively, tears coming to her eyes.
“You were right about something in the letter… this wasn’t supposed to happen. You and me, I mean. We were never supposed to happen.” he said and as a look of hurt flashed across her face he quickly added “A smart, kind, beautiful, and amazing woman like you never should have gotten involved with a cocky self-involved asshole like me. But you did. And I’m so glad you did because I love you and I can’t imagine a life without you now.”
“Jake, what about your plans for your career? Your future?” she asked.
“Fuck my plans!” He exclaimed as he stepped forwards to put his hands on her cheeks so he could gaze right into her eyes to ensure she listened to every single word of what he had to say. “Fuck the medals and the promotions and all of it because there is nothing in this world I want more than being with you and this baby. So please, say you’ll have me.”
She replied by throwing her arms around him, locking her lips with his to show him everything she wanted to say but didn’t have the words for. Jake’s entire body untensed, melting against her as he pulled her in closer to kiss her back like he might never have the chance to again. She felt drops on her face and was unsure if it was the water dripping from his hair or the tears pouring from her eyes but she didn’t care. When they finally pulled back for air, they rested their foreheads against one another, grinning at one another in utter bliss.
“I love you too.” she said quietly, a slight shiver running through her body as his cold hands upon her face wiped away her tears, a huge smile on his face.
He suddenly realized something and pulled backwards, his hands going to hold her shoulders as he looked her up and down frantically.
“Oh my god, the baby! It’s cold and I’m wet and now you’re wet and that can’t be good for the baby and-” he rambled panicking, stopping to look at her curiously when she laughed.
“Relax, Jake!” she told him. “It’s alright! The baby and I are fine, it’s just a little rain!”
“It’d still make me feel better if I could get you inside.” he said, grabbing her hand and opening the door. “Unless your uncle is gonna try and kill me again.” he added with a laugh and they went inside together, as happy as could be.
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readerthatreadsss · 2 years
Last updated 07/30/23.
So...my last post has been gaining me a few followers so I thought I'd make a post detailing specific characters that I'll write for.
I'll also copy and paste my past post about what I will and won't write at the end.
Also, anything I write will be X fem! Reader.
(I will be constantly updating this post as I become more comfortable with writing for more characters)
Marvel men
-Miguel O’Hara
-Marc Spector/the rest of the Moon Knight system
-Matt Murdock
-Frank Castle
-Peter Parker (all three)
-Steve Rogers
-Bucky Barnes
Marvel women
-Natasha Romanoff
-Wanda Maximoff
-Shuri (WIFE-sorry lemme calm down)
-Carol Danvers
-Darcy Lewis
Stranger Things (it's a short list cause most of the characters in the show are literally children :)
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Hopper (yup you read that right cause I love DILFS)
-Robin Buckley
Criminal Minds
-Every single one of them. (Nah I'm just playing)
-Spencer Reid
-Emily Prentiss
-Aaron Hotchner
-Jennifer Jareau
-Derek Morgan
-Luke Alvarez
Triple Frontier
-Every character except Ben Affleck's.
TVD (The Vampire Diaries)
-Damon Salvatore
-Stefan Salvatore
-Elijah Mikaelson
-Rebekah Mikaelson
-Klaus Mikaelson
Miscellaneous (characters from random fandoms/movies)
-Javier Peña (Narcos)
-Lloyd Hansen (Gray Man)
-Joel Miller (TLOU)
-Jake 'Hangman' Sersin (Top Gun: Maverick)
-Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw (Top Gun: Maverick)
-Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
-Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
-Castiel (Supernatural)
-Soldier Boy (The Boys)
-Lip Gallagher (Shameless)
-Carmen Berzatto (The Bear)
-Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
-Siobhan Roy (Succession)
-Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson or Christian Bale)
More to be added...
(Looking over this list I have arrived at the conclusion that I am a whore-)
In terms of what exactly I’m open to writing? I can write headcanons, blurbs, and one-shots. Specifically smut, angst, and fluff. The more descriptive you are in your requests, the easier it is for me to write them. But I don't mind the challenge of having to make my own plot.
Kinks/scenarios I’ll write smut for? Almost everything EXCEPT;
-Lactation kink
-pegging (into it in real life but I have no clue how to write it properly I'm sorry)
-Wax play (note I didn't say temperature play because I will write some stuff with Ice)
-Age play (specifically where a character is purposely behaving in a childlike manner/ baby talk. Daddy and Mommy kinks are welcomed tho!)
-CNC and noncon (I’ll definitely write some VERY MILD dubcon if asked tho)
-sexual activities with m1n0rs
-Domestic Vi0lence/ SexuaI abus3 (spanking is a yes tho)
-Scat & Piss
-Race play
-SEVERE knife kink (like I'll write a small knick or slice that barely bleeds or something but anything else is a no for me sorry)
-S3lf Harm/Su1cide (this is not to say that I feel any way towards people who struggle with these issues but I don't think I'm able to effectively represent them in my writing without triggering myself (as someone who has/is struggled with depression) and the last thing I want to do is offend anyone)
Anyways, that’s it for now! Like I said, feel free to make requests or even just send me a regular question or comment to get to know me! 
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Radar // Bob Floyd
Summary: After Phoenix and Bob are forced to eject after a freak bird strike—the Top Gun class find out a little bit more about their quiet back seat weapons systems officer.
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd paring. Jake ‘Hangman’ Sersin Antagonist Angst.
Author Note: Absolutely obsessed with Bob atm. Open to make this a concept train— Bobs just so pure. I could write about him forever. For the purpose of this fictional universe OS ranks over Lieutenant.
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“Bird Strike!--” Phoenix shouted, the jet buffering for a second before swinging to the right. Alarms instantly began to blare, a warning light popping up with one of Bob’s biggest fears. Fire. looking behind him out to the left of the cockpit, Bob could feel the panic rising in his chest at the quickly escalating severity of the situation unfolding.
“Phoenix, left engines on fire.” Bob relayed what was going on, even though he knew Phoenix already knew from the amount of alarms ringing off.
“Climbing!” Phoenix shouted as she pulled back on the throttle. “Throttling back, shutting off fuel to the left engine, extinguishing fire.” Bob watched as the right engine began to diminish, not something you’d want to see at a time like this.
“Phoenix, right engines out I repeat! right engines out!”
“It's still spinning, trying to restart the right engine.”
“Phoenix it's on fire, don't try to restart it!” Maverick's voice came through the comms as Bob watched on from the back seat, his mind running wild. Was this how he was going to go out? Was this it? A fucking Bird Strike? Bob's mind was blurred with images of you, your smile, your laugh. He thought what you would do in a world post him, if you'd move on, if you’d ever have children. It was easy to live with ignorance, but in situations like these the certainty of death was all too confronting. Every small moment with you Bob treated it like it would be the last, not a second was taken for granted, because he knew that every time he climbed into that back seat ready for take off? He may not get to experience another.
“Throttling up!” Phoenix reported as she climbed a little higher trying to restart the engine, but it was to no use. The engines completely cut out, bursting into fire. Bob could feel the heat radiating behind him, panic setting in heavily.
“Phoenix we’re on fire, we’re on fire!” Bob shouted.
“Dammit–” Phoenix sighed, not sure what her next move was going to be, but whatever it was, she had to think fast. It wasn't just her life on the line, but her back seaters as well. Spinning out of control and hurtling towards the mountain range below, Mavericks voice came over the comms once again.
“Phoenix, Bob, punch out now, punch out!” Maverick shouted in desperation.
“There's warning lights everywhere Phoenix, were in hydraulic failure.” Bob reported, his mind made up–but he had to wait for Phoenix to confirm they were punching out.
“I can't control it–” Phoenix panicked as she pulled and pushed the throttle she gripped in her hands, trying to control the fall.
“We’re going down Phoenix, we’re going in where going in!” Bob repeated. Automated warning signals blasting throughout the cockpit.
“You can't save it, eject, eject!” maverick called. The three words of confirmation finally left Phoenixes mouth, Bob let out a heavy sigh as he grabbed his eject handles.
“Eject, eject, eject!” Phoenix shouted.
“Ejecting–” Bob replied, pulling harshly on his cords, only to smack into the lid of the cockpit on his way out. Shooting high into the sky in a picnic. His shoot had come loose. “Shit!” Bob panicked as he fell free towards the ground below, working frantically to pull his shoot to slow down. Only when doing so did it jerk him up fast, compressing his torso until he let out a blood curdling groan, blacking out as he descended to the ground.
It was hard to get a read on Bob Floyd. His call sign was his nickname—short for Robert. Just plan, simple Bob. The other pilots at Miramar for the life of them couldn’t get a read on him. Bob was quiet and in all aspects, reserved. They kinda just decided as a collective unit to throw the call sign Bob back at him because in all honesty? Bob didn’t really try all that hard to give them any sort of personality.
He was simply a back -seater. A weapons system’s officer who was damn good at his job and just so happened to be in love with the Miramar Operations Specialist. His darling wife of two blissful years and best friend of five, Bob Floyd held that card close to his chest. Just as close as his wedding band strung around his dog tags, tucked under his flight suit.
Your name was Renée Spencer-Floyd, but everyone just called you by your call sign. Radar. To be fair, you and Bob couldn’t help but to laugh some nights. It had to have been the hyphenated last name that threw people off your scent. And to give a smidge of credit Floyd was a pretty common last name. So to have Spencer-Floyd and Floyd at Miramar at the same time? The reach wasn’t all that far.
“Well, there doesn't seem to be anything broken besides the few busted ribs Lieutenant Floyd, but I would like to keep you both overnight for observations. You know–” Doctor Chris tried to explain to the two obviously shaken aviators. “To be sure the signs of shock diminish and to double check that there's no internal bleeding anywhere.”
“Isn't that where the bloods supposed to be?” Bob tried to crack a joke, his ribs busted in three separate places from the impact of his shoot ripping him up, faulty– but still life saving. “Internal?”
“I guess you could put it that way.” Doctor Chris chuckled to himself as he quickly checked Bob’s pupils. One by one with a small flashlight. “You got any family we can call? A girlfriend perhaps?” Phoenix smirked to herself as she sat on the bed across the room, Bob didn't have a girlfriend did he? Surely he would have mentioned it.
“Uh, yeah actually, you could call my wife? She’s probably either not aware of what's happened or trying her best to manage expectations that she's cool, calm and collected one hundred percent of the time albeit while she's screaming on the inside.” Bob rambled, too afraid to look over at Phoenix.
“Wife got a name Bob?” Dr, Chris asked as he clicked his flash light back into the breast pocket of his coat. Pulling out a pen and notepad to write the details down.
“Uh, it's uh, OS Renee Spencer-Floyd–” Bob squinted at the squeal that left Phoenix’s mouth, her jaw dropping to the ground as Dr. Chris wrote down the details, leaving soon after to go contact you immediately about Bob's situation. There was a few months of silence before Bob had the courage to look over at Phoenix, still in shock. Not from the crash, but from the new revelations. “I don't wanna hear it.” Bob begged.
“You’re married!? More specifically to the OS!? Radar!? As in the radar, our all seeing eye in the sky?” Phoenix had always admired what you did just as much as you did her. “You and Radar are married?”
“For two years, yeah” Bob pulled out his dog tags that were tucked away into the pocket of his hospital gown. The nurse had made him take them off before he had his multiple x-rays, having given them back shortly after with his wedding band still strung around the chain. Holding it up so it spun in a small slow circle. “We both transferred over from Lemoore, try and stay as close as possible, whenever we can.”
“We've all been in a group together at the Hard Deck and not once have I seen either of you interact like any more than friends?” Phoenix questioned.
“How are you and Bob going?” Maverick asked as you sat with him at the bar. Sipping down the cold beer Penny had offered you as you sat. The pair of you had just made your way over from being briefed about this highly classified, dangerous and in your professional opinion— ridiculously suicidal mission. 
“We’re good.” you nodded, pressing your lips together as you let the bottle rest on the bar. “You know, trying to keep things quiet while we’re stationed here, a need to know basis type quiet.” Pete Michell had always seen you as the daughter he never had, always keeping up to date with your life, both personal and professional.
“But if you had it your way he wouldn't be here right now would he?” Maverick smirked, watching as you looked over across the bar to where your husband sat, watching the other aviators play pool as he ate what you could only assume to be peanuts from a plastic cup. Taking the final sip of your first beer you quickly gestured at Penny for another, fishing some cash out of the pocket of your Naval skirt, accepting the fresh beer.
“After that briefing are you kidding me? Hell no, but I don't make the rules, do I?” you smirked, taking another sip, you still couldn't process what you had just been briefed on, but until you had a chance to sit down and really go through all the intricate details and program a simulation? You didn't want to think too much about it. Crossing the hard Deck you slowly approached your husband, god he looked good in his uniform. He always did.
“Is this seat taken?” you cooed, coming up beside Bob close enough to graze his shoulder. Small, undetected touches were always a go to for the pair of you, indiscrete but full of love and electricity. Turning to face you with a bright smile beaming Bob shoved over, making enough room for you to sit beside him. The blush across his cheeks made him feel like a teenager again, talking to girls was never a strong suit of his, but you always seemed to make it easy, well, as easy as it could be for a guy like Bob. 
“Please, have a seat.” Bob replied softly. “When did you get in?” He asked curiously, drinking in the sight of you. Completely head over heels.
“I literally just got here, I went straight to the briefing room when I got off the plane.” you explained, having had to take a separate flight to Bob. “I feel like my heads going to explode.” You took a sip of your beer as Bob bummed your side.
 “That bad huh?” he questioned, taking a sip of his own beverage— a cup of ice water. You nodded in response with a small sigh. Looking at Bob, he could see the worry swirling around in your eyes. “A need to know basis I’m assuming?”
“The Admiral will brief you and the guys tomorrow.” you smiled softly. Feeling a presence  coming towards you. Catching your attention as you took just one more sip of your beer. “All due respect though–” you paused for a moment, drinking in the sight of your husband, taking into the bottle neck of your beer discretely. “If I had it my way, you wouldn’t be sitting here right now.” Bob understood where you were coming from, he never really had to worry about you being in life threatening danger as much as you did. More often than not you were stationed stateside, and when you weren’t? You mostly stuck to patrol boats, the non-combatant type that just sailed the seas on reconnaissance. Bob knew that after this mission was over you’d both had a total of two blissful months together before new stations were sent out, so in his mind? Any time he got to spend with you was a blessing, no matter the danger.
 “And with all due respect, ma’am.” Bob teased, his fingers dancing discreetly with the hem of your naval skirt, his eyes roaming your face, taking in all the features, all the beautiful flaws that made you perfect in every respect. “I'm just thankful that I get to be stationed in the same place as you.” you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you smirked. 
“And who would this lovely lady of the sea be?” Jake Seresin, you'd heard rumours but never had you ever had to encounter the man who had an ego the size out Mt Everest. “Bob? Care to introduce us to your friend here? One of Top Guns finest i presume?” 
“Uh–” Bob stammered over his words as he cleaned peanut crumbs from his uniform. “This is uh–um i–” rolling your eyes as you chuckled as you stood, holding your hand out for Jack to shake. 
“OS Renee ‘Radar’ Spencer-Floyd.” you introduced yourself. “I presume it's Hangman?” you saw the colour slightly fade from Jack’s face as he shook your hand. “Nice to meet you, and the rest of the Top Gun class.” you gestured to those who stood around the pool table. 
“You're our operations specialist?” Jake questioned with a hint of disbelief in his tone. “God damn we’re all doomed boys.” Jake smirked, biting his bottom lip as he eyes you up and down.
“Not if I have anything to do with it.” you replied, slightly annoyed at the misogynist undertone Hangman had given you.
“Well, I'm keen to get to know more about you, so how about we go out to dinner sometime, you can tell me all about what it is you actually do and I can tell you how dangerous it is to fly fighter jets for a living?” You generally wanted to gag. Not only could you not process the severity of this mission but now you had Jake Hangman Seresin hitting on you in front of the class you had to get home safe to their families but also your husband. Rolling your eyes you handed Bob your beer. 
“Listen, Hangman, I'm flattered really, but–” you paused, feeling Bob's hand slipping up and down the back of your thigh gently, complete secrecy to his gentle touch. “I've got my hands full right now keeping you all alive and you really really arent my type.”
“Are you not into pilot's Radar?” Hangman questions, trying to read you as you chuckled and sat back down next to Bob.
“Weapons systems officers are more my type.” you teased, Bob couldn't hold his drink in as he splattered a cough. Shocked, you'd be so bold. The group laughed at the way Bob reacted  to your comment. 
“Well you're in luck Radar, Bob here's a weapons systems officer.” Coyote pointed out, having no idea you already knew. 
“We are friends.” Bob agreed wholeheartedly before correcting Phoenix a little. “Well technically she's my best friend but I mean you get the drift.” Bob couldn't help but to smirk. It hit a little harder then Phoenix expected it to, thinking back to what Maverick had said earlier in the week.
“Dont tell me, tell his family.'' At the time Phoenix didn't know Bob’s family, but the fact you were Bob’s wife, changed everything.
“Holy shit– I can't believe it, you and the radar!” Phoenix clapped her hands as she slightly giggled to herself. “Woah, that's got me, I'm too stunned to speak.” Bob let out a small scoff, looking down at his feet.
“Yeah well, we don't really like to mix our personal and professional lives all that much.” Bob explained. “Hence why we don't really announce our relationship, our marriage to the entire navy. Just a small need to know group.” Bob explained as Phoenix listened, understanding wholeheartedly.
“Well thanks for letting me in.'' Phoenix smiled softly from across the room, Bob simply pressed his lips together and nodded in response, nervous for you to find out. “How long have you two been together?” Phoenix tilted her head to the side, waiting for Bob to respond.
“All up? It will be seven years this August, and boy has time stood still with her.” Beside his job as a weapons system officer, Phoenix had never really heard Bob speak about anything else so passionately. It was like a flood gate had been let open. “I’m telling you Phoenix, that woman?” Bob smiled bright from across the room. “Is the absolute love of my life, so thank you for allowing me to come home to her one more day.” Bobs thank you was as sincere as it could be. Tears in his eyes as he held his emotions in.
“Radar seems like a really nice person Bob, I'm glad you have someone to go home to, especially after today.” Phoenix smiled softly, feeling confident in her choices today, the ones that led to both her and Bob both still being alive and breathing and most importantly, both in one piece. “She's quiet though? like you.”
“She's passionate too, loves her job Phoenix, she’s probably in that communications office yelling at the Admiral about something that needs to be altered or changed completely to keep us all safe up there.” Bob chuckled, knowing you were always fighting for everyone else. “Hell she’d challenge anyone to keep pilots safe, she doesn't believe in suicise missions.”
“Does she think this one is?” Phoenix asked sheepishly. “Does she think this missions a suicide mission?” Bob was quiet for a second or two, knowing how you felt about this one.
“She knows that there's a possibility someone won't be coming home, but, she's trying her best to make sure we all do, whoever ends up going.”
You weren't aware of what happened. You were in the middle of an operation that required all of your focus, time, and most importantly your expertise.
“Two minutes and fifteen seconds is an impossible time to match, with the combination of the steep climbs and the fact whoever flys this mission is going to have to withstand incredibly force, i highly recommend pushing to two thirty–”
“Unbelivable–” Admiral Bates groaned. “You played whatever stupid game on the beach with the aviators and got close!” Admiral Bates was up in your personal space in the commander's station. A dark room full of radars and operations systems. you felt your mind escaping back, not the the beach because of the dogfight football, but for something else, someone else. Bob. 
“So—“ you cooed, walking with Bob up the beach along the water’s edge. “I'm a little pressed you didn’t take your shirt off.” you sighed playfully. Bob couldn’t hold back a laugh as he smiled bright, turning to you as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. 
“Oh yeah, no I uh—I didn’t want to bruise Hangman’s ego.” Bob teased kicking the water that lapped around his ankles. “You know, with how absolutely ripped I am.” You chuckled in response, letting the conforming silence fall between the pair of you. “Still would have enjoyed the show-“ you smirked, thinking about the way Bob felt, his warmth, his touch. “I think Rooster might be onto us–” Bob interjected with a worrisome tone. His fingertips danced with yours as you walked side by side. “I think he saw you sneaking into my bunk the other night.” you couldn't help the scoff that left your mouth. Nodding in response. 
“Oh yeah, caught me red handed, but I told him the next morning we were doing paperwork–”
“Paperwork?” Bob questioned. “You couldn't have come up with any other excuse?”
“I was caught off guard!” you laughed, defending yourself as you bumped Bob's side, him doing the same to you with his hip. “Besides, if anyone was to know, I think Rooster would be the absolute least of our concerns.” 
“Since when does Bob talk to girls?” Coyote couldn’t help but lock onto the pair of you as you walked up the beach. Rooster watched as you bumped into Bob before he bumped back into you. Laughing loudly. “I mean they were stationed at Lemoore together so maybe he’s just comfortable with her?” Rooster mentioned, sparking a questioning look from Coyote. 
“What?”“Who told you that?” Coyote pressed, crossing his arms as he watched on. 
“Radar did? We had lunch in the mess the other day, just ran into her, why?” Rooster explained as he watched Bob try to trip you up. Thinking back to when he had caught you sneaking into Bob bunk, he was sure paperwork did not involve the things he heard, but for what it was worth? Go Bob.
“Bob told me they’d never met before until last Thursday—“ Coyote questioned, dumbfounded at the sight he was seeing as Bob made you scream like a teenager as he wrapped his arms around your waist, tackling you gently into the water. 
“I knew taking a chance on you was almost as incredibly risky as taking a chance on Maverick—at least he lives up to the expectations set for him.” Admiral Bates hissed your way, throwing insult after insult at you as you stood your ground. You’d run the systems, done the checks, done the math and the numbers, the risk to reward ratio wasn’t adding up. Rolling your eyes you proceeded with your judgment call, having simulated the mission over and over and over again.
“This is my professional opinion as an operations specialist, the numbers don't add up. It's gonna take one hell of a pilot to succeed and even then you have to accommodate for loss, he or she–” you hesitated for a moment. “Won't come home if you send them in at two fifteen.” you felt as if you were red in the face.
“I have no doubt in my mind that it is Radar, however, your judgment is skewed by the amount you have grown to know this class.” you could feel your heart racing. “They all accept this risks—“
“They all have families who love them?” You argued. “What excuse will be good enough when you tell them you had a choice to do this the right way and you pushed and pushed and pushed Admiral!” Slamming the stack of papers you held in your hand down on the table next to you in frustration. They never listened to you, a woman very much climbing the ladder in a man’s words.
“Those pilots have what it takes, Radar, it’s you who doesn’t have the faith—“
“It’s a god damn suicide mission!” You shouted, anger coursing through your veins. “And if you think it's doable, admiral, how about you fly it?” you hissed, gritting your teeth as you held your ground. “All due respect sir, this mission as important as it may be it isn't worth putting people's lives in danger any more than they have to be, if i can help it, i will, and in my expert opinion on the subject you either need to increase the time limit or find a damn good pilot who’s willing to self sacrifice.” A knock at the door interrupted the heavy moment between you and Admiral Bates. Taking a step back and a heavy sigh, you answered to the request harshly. Rooster popping his head through before standing to attention.
“Admiral Bates, OS Spencer-Floyd.” Rooster stood to attention before you waved him down.
“At ease, what can we do for you lieutenant?” you questioned frustratedly, still trying to regulate your anger at the situation.
“May I have a word Radar? In private?” Roosters concern was as clear as day even in such a dimly lit room. It worried you instantly as you followed him out of the communications office into the corridor.
“What's wrong whats, hey–!” you hissed as Rooster dragged you down the hall into a nearby room. Empty. “Rooster!” You and Rooster had always been friendly, your dad knew his dad. They’d flown together on the SS Hammerlock, before Goose and Maverick were sent to Miramar. Having always known each other, always finding comfort in each other’s presents. Rooster had always had a hunch you and Robert Floyd were slightly more than then friends, especially after he’d seen you and Bob leaving the Hard Deck together late one night after a few too many beers on the old timer, and even more so once he’d seen the way you and Bob interacted on the beach. And his suspensions were almost one hundred percent confirmed when he’d caught you red handed doing “paperwork” with Bob in his bunk. Almost as if you were still on your honeymoon, totally consumed and infatuated with one another. You and Bob were always careful about your levels of public displays of affection—but sometimes? You had to sneak a kiss or two in. Or in this case, Take ever inch he could give. Rooster had always had his suspicions, you and Bob were somewhat glued to the hip, best friends. Husband and wife.
“It's Bob'' Rooster signed, his hands coming down to slide across his face, pulling at his skin. “It's Bob, Renee.” Your heart sunk into your stomach, shit he had training today didn't he? Did something go wrong? Was he okay? Fuck, you could feel your face heating up, your heartbeat began to race as your voice cracked.
“What's– what's Bob got to do with me?” you asked, still trying to keep your composure. “Wouldn't–”
“A call came in from the Miramar Hospital–” you stopped listening after you heard the word hospital. Question after question spiraled uncontrollably out of your mouth. Rooster had just so happened to be passing by the administration office on base, one of the receptionists had kindly asked him to go find you. Fill you in on the situation. You were lucky it was Rooster who had been passing by, not someone like Hangman who would have spread this shit like wildfire.
“Hospital? What do you mean hospital Rooster? What happened? Is Bob okay?--” your mood instantly shifting to panic mode. Rooster interrupted you by placing his hands over your shoulders, looking his eyes on yours as he spoke as calmly as he could. Trying to keep you from panicking too much, grounding you by touch.
“There was an accident during the training session, Bob and Phoenix had to eject, that's it, that's all, he's alive, he's in one piece, but a Dr. Chris? called looking for Floyds emergency contact Renee, said Bob had asked for his wife to be contacted?” Rooster let his question hang in the air as you tried to read his concern, ultimately landing on the only possible explanation. The truth. Pulling out your dog tags from your naval uniform, you showed Rooster your wedding band. “Holy Shit–”
“Spencer-Floyd, Rooster, it's not rocket science.” You chuckled to yourself as you shook your head. “But it sure wasn't hard to keep a secret.” you smirked, tucking your tags back into your uniform. “Now can you save your questions for when you drive me over to the hospital?”
“You want me to drive you?” Rooster questioned. “I just came in here for like—damage control you know, I thought you’d want this to stay under wraps?” You didn’t have to ask again as a small sob escaped your mouth before you covered it with shaky hands. Tears forming in your waterline. Rooster pressed his lips together, nodding gently. “Okay, okay, I’ll drive you, c’mon Radar—let’s get you outta here ma’am“ rooster scooped you inside his arm as he led you out.
“Fuck this hurts—“ you sobbed. “You said he’s okay right?” You mumbled through your breaking composure. Your head, hanging low. “I don’t think I could handle it if he wasn’t.” Your mind was wandering back through your life spent with Bob. A rolodex of memories playing through your mind, you couldn’t stop them—you didn’t want to stop them. “Bob—“ you sobbed a little louder this time.
“He’s okay, I promise I wouldn’t lie to you.” Rooster led you all the way out to his truck, opening the passenger side door for you like the true gentleman he was. “Mrs Floyd.” He gestured as he opened the door for you, noticing the small almost undetectable smirk on your face as he did so. “So—“ Rooster started his truck and got to work. “Why Bob? If you don’t mind me asking?” Rooster focused on the road ahead. His glasses dark against the sun of Miramar.
“Why Bob? Don’t you think that’s a loaded question?” You replied as you thought of an answer. Sniffling. “He’s just Bob, has been for years I guess. That’s kinda what drew me to him, his naturally reserved nature, the quietness, but boy is he smart and funny and oh, he hates reptiles and amphibians because they freak him out and it’s just—“ you caught yourself spewing your guts as Rooster smiled as he drove. “Sorry, too much.” You mumbled, looking out the window as the desert turned to small in a middle of nowhere town.
“Hey I asked, so please, continue.” Rooster gestured as you repositioned in your seat. Thinking about Bob, hoping he was without a single scratch. “Besides, now I know lizards are gonna be a good prank.”
“You know Bradley—“ you paused for a moment, remembering just how wonderful your wedding day was. An elopement in your parents backyard with your family and Bobs. So simple and so small but exactly how you pictured it. “Someday, someone is gonna come into your life….and they are going to love every single atom of your being. They’re gonna adore every little thing about you. The way that you eat, the way that you smell, the way that you put your cold toes on them in the bed when they’re nice and toasty.” You turned to face Rooster, knowing it never really worked with anyone before. “And it’s gonna make so much sense why it never really worked with anyone else.”
“Does Bob love every atom of your being?’ Rooster replied as he turned the next corner. Nodding gentle re responded quietly.
“Every single one, so if he's not okay, please–”
“I know as much as you do Radar, he's alive.” Rooster cooed letting the silence linger for a moment before he was at it again. “So like, what's with the ginger and rice?” you couldn't help but to break out into a loud obnoxious laugh, looking over your shoulder at Rooster who wore curiosity well.
“It's an old wise tail, fresh ginger and white rice, apparently it helps settle your stomach.”
“Why doesn't he just eat a banana if he's got a weak constitution?” Rooster countered.
“Why would he eat a banana?” you questioned. Smirking as you waited for Rooster to reply with surely some smart ass remark.
“It tastes the same coming up as it did going down.”
The moment you stepped foot into the general admissions area of the Miramar hospital, every single pair of eyes turned to look at you as you stood a few inches short of Rooster. Stopping dead in your tracks as you faced the class of Top Gun, all wearing the same expression of confusion on their faces.
What the hell is the OS doing here?
“Go, ill do my best to cover–” Rooster leaned in and whispered softly in your ear. Nodding with your lips pressed together, you headed over to the nurses station, Rooster heading towards a very curious class.
“I'm looking for Robert Floyd?” you were quiet in your request to the nurse who sat behind the glass. Chewing her gum that was probably the only thing she had time to eat in the past nine and a half hours. But you weren't quiet enough for the prying ears of Hangman, who’d somehow managed to slip past Rooster and follow you over to the nurses station, lingering behind you as you spoke. “Im his wife–”
“I'm sorry, what did you just say?” Hangman's voice scared the shit out of you, causing you to jump in fright as you turned to face him. Looking at Rooster over his shoulder, all he could do was shrug his shoulders in defeat.
Good one you idiot, you couldn't help but to sigh his way.
“Since when are you and Bob married, since when does Bob talk to girls, he barely talks to me?”
“Why would anyone willingly talk to you Hangman?” Rooster chimed in, coming to your defense. “In this moment Radar is still our OS, know your rank before you dig yourself a deeper hole to climb out of man.” Rooster turned to you, jerking his head slightly to tell you to leave. Wasting no time, you turned on your heels and ran down the hall, counting the room numbers that passed you by. The group followed shortly behind.
“What the hell is going on here?” Coyote questioned, all he was here for was to check up on Phoenix and Bob, his head wasn't processing why you were here. This didn't seem like a situation you as an OS needed to be involved in. “Why's radar he– oh damn, Bob pulled.” The group went absolutely silent as they finally reached Bob's room, you'd flung yourself over him as he laid in his hospital bed, sitting up with the covers pulled up over his legs reading some random book one of the nurses gave him. A true library dweller.
“You scared the hell outta me Bob!” you whispered into the crook of his neck, letting go as he groaned from the pressure you'd placed on his stomach, your eyes growing wide at the face he pulled. “What, what have I not been told?”
“It's nothing i promise, i'm good.” Bob led. “Just a few broken ribs to remember the moment.” you audibly gasped, sitting back in the chair you'd wasted no time in pulling to his bedside.
“I was in the command office, I didn't know you'd been in an accident–” you tried your best to explain, Bobs hand came to rest over yours, squeezing softly.
“Not a serious one, I'm all good here bub, you don't have to worry.” Bob was calmer than you, more level headed, if only you'd seen the way he reacted in the backseat of Phoenix's aircraft this morning. Then you wouldn't have thought he was so level headed. “I'm still here, hey i'm not going anywhere, without you by my side.” Bob cooed, his hand lifting your hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss against your palm.
“This was too close this time–” you held back your tears, taking a deep breath and looking up to the ceiling. “Too close Bob, I hate the feeling I got when Rooster told me a call came in from Miramar hospital, I hate the emptiness and the not knowing if you were really okay.”
“Its our job Radar.” you smirked at the call sign, Bob never really called you by your call sign when it was just the two of you. “It's the risk we take.”
“Yeah but you aren't a job to me, you're my best friend, my husband for god sakes, every other person waiting out there is a job to me, but they still have friends and family who love them, who need them to be safe.” you explained as you looked into Bob's eyes, swimming with love for you. “You are and will never be a job to me, the quicker you understand that, Lieutenant, the quicker we can be on the same page going forward.” Bob chuckled as you leaned in to place a small and gentle kiss against his lips. Smirking against yours as he chuckled. The moment pure and fleeting, the way Bobs lips felt against yours was like a drug you’d become addicted to.
“Yes ma’am, understood.” Bob kissed you back a little harder, a little hungrier for the taste of you after having faced the possibility of never coming home to you again. “Not a job—“ silence fell over the pair of you as you pulled back, sinking into your chair with a sigh of relief. Knowing Bob was truly okay had you let out a breath of air you didn’t know you’d been holding in. Looking at the love of your life so vulnerable lying in that hospital bed when he was usually way up in the sky.
“I never told you this—“ you began, feeling a presence behind you, Rooster, Hangman, Coyote. “But I was in love with you long before I first told you.” It was an admission to the audience that had formed behind you, not just to Bob. “Hell, I’m pretty sure before you were sent to Top Gun the first time.”
“Renee—“ Bob tried to interrupt, but you kept speaking.
“From the very first second I saw you smile at me, I knew I was hooked for the rest of my life.” You let out a small chuckle. Looking at Bob looking at you. “If you ever don’t come home, that’s it, I’m nothing without you—so if you and Phoenix end up flying this mission, you better come home to me or I’ll be furious with you Robert Floyd.” You chuckled together, Bob nodding in response as his eyes wandered to the crowd behind you.
“I gather you’ve all met my wife?” Bob smirked at his team. Jaws wide open in shock. Questions after questions rattling around in their brains. “This doesn’t change a single thing—“
“It absolutely does Bob.” Hangman pushed forward. “How do we know you won’t go on this mission because dear old Radar here puts in a good word? Huh?” You scoffed in disbelief. “It all makes way too much sense now—“
“If I had it my way none of you would be flying this mission especially Bob—it’s a suicide mission Hangman.” You hissed, standing from where you sat next to your husband. “Day in day out, all I do is run this damn mission, over and over again and it’s never good enough to keep you from being the latest naval statistic.” You groaned. “Not even your egotistical arse.”
“It’s true—“ Rooster chimed in. “I heard Radar kinda giving Admiral Bates a piece of her mind before I knocked, they want us to run a time of two fifteen—Radar wants to push for more.” You stood silent, squaring your shoulders at Hangman who grit his teeth, looking down at you slightly as he towered over you.
“Let’s not forget, I’ve never left a single soul out to dry, we all know if Bob had been in your backseat he wouldn’t be here right now, so don’t test my limits lieutenant—Bob might be my husband but I know for damn sure he’s just a worthy as you think you are to be chosen for this ridiculous mission, he doesn’t need me blowing smoke up his ass—hence why we don’t disclose our relationship publicly.” You couldn’t help but let your emotions get to you. This whole situation had you sick to your stomach. Especially since you’d already had a blow out with Lieutenant Seresin previously.
“There’s more than one way to fly this mission—“ it was the combination of Rooster’s low baritone, the seriousness in his tone and the way his eyes held a deeper need for validation that had you standing a little taller, shoulders a little more pulled back. Mavrick had just told Phoenix to have a good enough excuse to tell Bob‘s family why she didn’t anticipate the next turn. One they would accept at the funeral. It got to you, got to Bob.
“How do you propose we go about it?“ pilot input was always incredibly important to you, especially when designing and coordinating mission flight sequencing. As Rooster looked you dead in the eyes ready to explain, Hangman couldn’t shut his mouth to save his own life.
“You really don’t get it—“ he hissed, turning to Rooster. “On a mission like this a man flies like Maverick here, or a man does not come back.” Chewing his gun too obnoxiously for your liking, Hangman took the moment to turn to where Phoenix sat. “No offence intended.”
“And yet somehow? You always manage—“ You smirked at how instinctively Bob had Natasha’s back. Smirking softly as you peered his way, making eye contact with your husband as he turned back to face you at the front of the class. Smirking back, Bob lowered his head to focus. “You’ve left two of your wingmen behind in the past 72hrs—“
“Three—“ you corrected Bob. “The back seater is included in Hangman’s casualty list.” Bob could hear the sadness in your tone the way you looked at him like he hung every single star in the sky just for you. It was hard to hide the disappointment you felt that someone who was meant to look out for your husband would leave him behind. “Three lives lost and for what? A failed mission.”
“There’s a reason why Bob here is a black seater.” Hangman interrupted, managing your expectations of him. “You have to be at least this tall to sit upfront.” It was childish, The way Hangman held his hand about three centimeters above the ground. “Isn’t that right Bobby Boy?”
“Don’t take this out on me, your egos been all out of whack since Radar turned you down at the Hard Deck—“ you were Bob's wife, point blank.
“It is absolutely imperative that you act like a team, a family, for this mission, otherwise? someone won’t come home, and you’ll have to carry that weight. Every day, every night.” You explained with as much seriousness as you could muster. Finding a slight gap before Hangman could make a comeback. “I can’t stress that enough.”
“It’s not my problem they can’t keep up—“ Hangman smirked, sinking into his chair as he tapped his own against his paper. That was probably then when your final very thin straw broke.
“Hangman—“ you began, walking closer as the heels clicked against the concrete of the empty hanger turned classroom. Arms behind you. “What is it that you think is so special about you that puts your life above every other person in this room?” You questioned, leaning in over his desk as you got in his face. “Because quite frankly the way I see it is those people who can’t keep up will end up being the ones who save your sorry ass when you take a wrong turn and end up needing support—“
“It’s incredibly hard to take advice from a non-combatant.” Hangman hissed. Bob's ears pricked as he sat up a little straighter.
“Watch it Bagman—“ Bob grumbled. “Radars—“ Bob went in to defend you, but before he could? Hangman was interrupting with a snicker.
“Oh sorry Floyd, don’t you think your girlfriend here can’t handle it?” Hangman teased, chewing his bottom lip as he turned back to you. Standing tall once again. “C’mon sunshine don’t pretend you can roll with the big boys.” You chuckled, smirking slightly as you looked around to the class—all eyes on you including Mavericks.
“Lieutenant Seresin, I have zero tolerance for pilots who think reckless endangerment is a damn personality trait.” You spoke firmly. “If there isn’t a dramatic attitude change in the next five seconds I will make sure come hell or high water you will be removed from this program no matter who good you think you are, and I will make sure that no commanding officer will want to work with you—“ spied briefly, leaning in once again. “Do I make myself clear?” You hissed through gritted teeth. It was completely silent on Hangmana behalf, you could hear a feather drop. “Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear!?” You shouted.
“Yes OS!” Hangman repeated. Sinking into his set. Turning on your heels you Gave Maverick and all knowing look—he knew it and you knew it more, Jake Seresin wasn’t the right fit to fly this mission.
“C’mon hangman, we all know it’s just the ego taking—“ Bob interrupted. “All those times you’ve made a move and yet somehow, you never noticed she was taken.” Bob chuckled.
“If you weren’t in a hospital bed right now I’d put you in one—“ Hangman hissed, you held your hand out against his chest—stepping in front of his path towards Bob.
“Don’t make this worse, walk it off—that’s an order.” Your eyes were cold as ice as you ordered Hangman to step outside. “Go—“ Bob watched on as you used your authority. It kinda got him going. Never really one to see you get so worked up. But the two most recent times he’d been present for? Had blood rushing to parts he only wished you had some time to give attention to. “You guys should go see Phoenix, I’m sure she’s waiting for you guys to check in on her?” It was more of an order than anything else. You wanted Bob all to yourself for a moment.
“Jesus—“ you sighed, sitting back into your chair, pulling yourself as close to Bob as you could. “What am I gonna do? I’m past damage control, this is a bloody shit show!” You groaned, your index finger and thumb coming to squeeze the bridge of your nose, releasing some pressure. Bob couldn’t help but to try and lighten to mood, smirking as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“Would this be a bad time for me to mention I’m totally one hundred percent attracted to the way you just put Hangman in his place?”
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dating rooster, phoenix, and hangman headcannons
pairing: bradley “rooster” bradshaw x jake “hangman” sersin x natasha “phoenix” trace x female reader
word count: 1.5k (i did not plan for this to be that long but i love this pairing and got carried away)
warnings: some brief bullets about sex but nothing graphic or described in detail, mostly just fluff with a bit of angst thrown in about what it’d be like to be in a poly relationship with these three
note: i love all three of them so much- this will hopefully be the first of a few poly ships i explore on this blog
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okay so the four of you met/connected/got together when they were all called back to top gun
you were maverick’s only daughter and were home on break from your own job so you decided to visit and spend some time with your dad when he wasn’t teaching
i like to imagine you work for the government in some capacity but in some form of intelligence whether that’s an analyst position or forensics or my personal favorite choice as an agent for the cia or fbi
you all met that first night at the hard deck
you knew bradley from your childhood and were excited to reconnect with him when you realized he was there and then you saw natasha and jake and you thought you had died and gone to heaven
you were very attracted to all three of them instantly and felt a connection with them as the night went on
the others felt the same way but were way more hesitant about their feelings, especially towards their fellow aviators
natasha couldn’t take your eyes off of you as you played pool beside jake and was very thrown off when her gaze kept being pulled towards the way he wrapped his arms around yours to help you
bradley couldn’t get enough of your loud drunken laughter and found the sound even more addicting when it mixed with natasha’s
jake was very jealous when he saw how engaged you were in a conversation with bradley and how both of you kept not-so-subtly checking the other out but was thrown off when he couldn’t figure out which one of you he was jealous of
the four of you kept spending time together, first in large groups then breaking off into pairs and eventually just the four of you a few times
it helped that the three of them were able to grow closer during training as well and figure out their individual dynamics with each other
you four have always made it a priority to develop and work on your relationship as a whole and with each other individually
even though all of you clearly felt something was there, you were the one to initiate that conversation
the night before they left, you took time to see them all of three of them individually and kissed them for the first time and then pulled them all to the beach and explained how you felt
“I like all three of you, I know all three of you like me and I’m guessing you also like each other so here’s the deal. you’re going to go on your mission tomorrow, succeed, and then you’ll come back to me and we’ll figure this all out together.”
the three of them all kissed each other and talked before they returned- bradley and natasha kissed the night before they flew, jake and natasha kissed immediately after she landed when they didn’t know what happened to bradley, and jake and bradley kissed after bradley made it back
once they all returned, you four talked and went on your first date and you’ve been together ever since
you all kept going on group dates and partner dates and just fell more and more in love with each other
they were so nervous to tell maverick but you weren’t nervous at all since you knew your father just wanted you to be happy
plus he totally saw how all of you looked at each other and knew you’d all end up together
after they left top gun, they all got transferred to the same base (which totally wasn’t your dad pulling strings to help your budding relationship that’d be ridiculous) so you were able to move in together relatively quickly
you all just fit together really well and balance the others out
you like to spend as much time as you can together, especially given the nature of your jobs. you never know how much time you’ll have before they’re deployed or you’re sent on a classified mission across the globe so you cherish anytime you have together
all four of you enjoy lazy nights at your house where you cook dinner together and listen to music and play board games and end the night snuggling together on the couch
at one point in the night, there will be some dancing, usually initiated by bradley, and it isn’t uncommon to end your board games early when some of you get a little too competitive
monopoly is permanently banned from your household
you also enjoy going out together, whether it's to a local bar or the beach or a new restaurant. you never stay out as long as you plan to cause eventually one or more of you just wants to go home and have sex and you are all awful at denying each other anything
you have all teased each other at one point or another in public just to get them to leave early
one time the three of them were deployed together and were finally coming home after a few months away. you talked with them as much as you could but god you missed them
so you were a little upset when they proposed that you all went out to hard deck when they returned so they could see some of their other friends who also happened to be returning stateside/in town. they were excited to see them so you couldn’t say no but god you wanted to be anywhere but there
so to make it a bit more fun, you just happened to wear a low cut, short, white sundress that you knew would drive them mad
one of them consistently had their hands on you all night and you felt their eyes on you at all times
it wasn’t until some sailor tried to hit on you at the bar that they really couldn’t wait anymore and promptly left the bar
you could barely walk the next day but it was fine it was worth it
all four of you were protective of one another but those three were especially protective over you
you honestly didn’t mind it. they didn’t do it because they doubted your ability to defend yourself but because they really cared for you. plus, with your work, there were plenty of times where you were alone with no one but yourself to protect you so you liked having them there to protect you
the four of you don’t fight often. when you do, it’s typically between two of you and you try to just let the two individuals work it out on their own. you don’t ever want it to feel like it’s three against one so you all really try to practice good communication and just talk things out before they escalate
you aren’t perfect so there have been times where you’ve had bigger fights between all of you
one of the worst was when the three of them were upset about a mission you were going on. you had been sent home a week earlier due to injuries and once you were cleared by the doctor, your handler was sending you right back to finish the job
they were terrified you’d get hurt again and you knew that you could handle yourself. the fight quickly escalated and ended with you stating that you couldn’t be with people who don’t think you can take care of yourself before storming out the door to go stay at your dad’s
you gave them the silence treatment for the rest of the day, ignoring all their calls and texts. it wasn’t until they showed up at maverick’s place and your dad forced the four of you to sit together until you worked it out that you spoke to them and made up
you all have so many pet names for each other. At first you tried to assign each of you specific pet names so you wouldn’t get confused but that practice faded quickly. Now it's just a guessing game as to who the other is referring to
bradley: “hey babe!”
jake, natasha, & y/n: “what honey?”
eventually down the line, I feel like you would retire from work so that y’all could start a family
it was something the four of you didn’t talk about often at the beginning, but as time went on it was clear the four of you wanted a family together in some way shape or form
when you found out you were pregnant on a mission, you quickly wrapped that up and put in your paperwork to leave so you could take care of your kids
the four of you have at least two kids, if not three or four
you love being a stay at home mom and the others are amazing parents. you may spoil your kids a bit but they would never doubt that they were loved
you always plan something with your kids to welcome the others back after they come home from deployment.
the four of you are 100% soulmates and are so happy with the little family you’ve created together
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SMUT * || Angst ~ || Fluff ♡
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One Shots // Headcanons // Requests
Call Out My Name (ft. a very angry brother! Jake Sersin) *♡ Mickey returns safe and sound from his latest mission, and the only thing he wants is you. But fate has a different plan, and a surprise awaits.
Christmas Ain't The Same Without You (Holidays AU) *♡ Holidays without your lover aren’t the same, you miss him with all your heart and he does too.
Reds and Greens (soccer! player Mickey AU) ♡ It's the final soccer match at university, the biggest one. You are there to support your team and your best friend Mickey. Will they bring the cup home?
Story Sneak Peeks
Holiday One Shot Sneak Peek
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mrsjobarnes · 4 months
Not the Only Cowboy - Chapter 5
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Summary: Jake had never been the type of guy to fall first, maybe you’ll be the one to change that. 
A/N~ Sorry this took so long guys, I had writer's block, and then uni started and it got put on the back burner! However, I’m back and ready to finish this story! Also a huge Thank you to @angel-0f-verdun for helping me with this!
Jake Sersin x Nurse!reader 
Word count: 1,172
Warning: Abuse, Angst, Violence 
Likes & comments are welcome! 
Please do not steal my work! 
Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
2 weeks. It took you two weeks for you to leave the guest room. You requested time off and were granted 2 weeks but after that, you’d have to go back, back to the place that no longer felt safe since Blake had found you. 
He had crossed the country to find you, he didn’t care about the restraining order or that you had only packed the essentials and moved. No, you were still his, his to control, his to break, his to own till death, and even after that. You were his baby, his honey, his sugar, and he needs you back home. Your love hasn't always been like this. He was your college sweetheart, you were his tutor. His smart, kind, patient, and outgoing Y/N/N. After he graduated he went into the Navy to be a navigator and you continued your nursing school. Once you had graduated you became a civilian nurse serving on base. It was picture-perfect if you ignored the screaming matches and the occasional pushing and shoving. It didn't get bad until you were treating some of the naval men and he saw them flirting with you. 
That's when the abuse started, he’d beat you within an inch of your life in places no one could see. He’d even threaten to shoot and kill you if you ran away. No one noticed till you were wearing long sleeves in a Virginia July. That's when your charge nurse Maggie asked you. You tried to lie but the 55-year-old saw right through you. She slipped a paper in your locker later that night with several phone numbers to call for help. You knew that she was just looking out for you but, at the moment you felt hurt and angry. Thankfully, the calm part of you kept that note and hid it in your locker. After six months of plotting with Maggie, the clouds parted and Blake was given orders to be deployed for 2 months. You took that as your chance to run. After saying your goodbyes, you sold your car and changed your phone and phone number, opened up a new bank account and purchased a plane ticket to your new haven.  
It was your haven until he showed up. Destroying all you had built up, all of the work you’d put into making this place feel like a safe place had just been squashed by him. So here you are lying in Phoenix’s guest room, scared he’ll break through the second-story windows or the door.  He’d threatened to kill you before who’s to say he won’t kill Phoenix to get to you? You need to start over again, how far would you go this time? Coast hopping didn’t work, maybe you needed to go to a northern state, he did hate the cold. Maybe in a small town in Montana, get a job at a hospital this time. Yes, that should work. You’ll just choose the smallest town possible, maybe ditch your phone and switch to a pager, they still had those right? You hear a knock at the front door. Your blood runs ice cold, and quickly you run into the ensuite bathroom and lock the door. 
“Hey, Y/N it’s just me,” says Phoenix. “I bought groceries, what do you want for dinner?” she asks from the kitchen. You slowly exit the bathroom and start to head to the door, placing your hand on the handle you stop. Maybe you should just run at night and just take what you had here, grab your car, withdraw most of your money from the bank and run. By not telling anyone it would keep them safe right? Turning around, you text Phoenix that you’re not hungry and ask if she is going out tonight. She replies that she is, unless you want to talk. You tell her to enjoy her night and start researching on a private browser about where to go, maybe Sidney, Montana. It seemed small enough that no one would think to look there, now to look at apartments. After googling for about 30 minutes, Phoenix shouts that she’s leaving. Walking over to the window you peer out waiting till she leaves. Once the coast was clear you quickly started packing a bag and making a mental checklist of what you needed to do. 
get food
Leave a note 
Call Uber to the base 
Bank and gas 
25 minutes had passed and all you needed to do was get food and gas then stop at the bank, but first, you needed to get your car.  You bring all of your things to the door. When all of a sudden you hear someone knocking at the front door. “Fuck” you whisper under your breath. Quietly you grab a kitchen knife and look through the peephole. When you are met with the most perfect green eyes. It was just Jake, you sigh and put the knife down. “Go away Jake,” you say through the door.
“Phoenix gave me a key, I’m coming in,” he asks. 
“No, go away,” you say. He doesn’t listen and slowly enters the apartment. You grab the knife and point it at him, enraged he didn’t listen. “I said don’t come in Jake,” you say, clenching the knife for dear life. As he crosses the threshold, the two of you make eye contact. He has never seen someone so broken and scared, it breaks his heart.  
“Hey Y/N” he says slowly approaching, you clench the knife trying to push back the fear. It's Jake, he’s not going to hurt you, but you thought the same thing of Blake. How could you have been so stupid? “Y/N Imma need you to put the knife down darling, I just want to talk okay?” he said, itching closer to you. 
“Jake please leave, I don't want to talk. I just want to be left alone” 
“No it looks like you're trying to run” he says pointing to the suitcase and backpack next to the door”. 
“Why does it matter if I do? I have only brought trouble into the team's life. I've taken over Phoenix house and probably have a write-up at work for causing a scene. So just let me go, you’ll be fine without me.” you say hesitantly placing the knife down. 
“No? What do you mean, No?” you say looking into his eyes. 
“No, what about me? I know that’s selfish but you can’t leave me. I was an ass before I met you, I didn't care if I died on a mission as long as I went out in a blaze of glory, but now you’ve given me something to care about, someone who wants to come home too. So please stay, we can get you help. Cyclone says he could look into it, he just needs your permission.” Jake hesitantly walked up to you and cupped your face. 
“Can you promise that you won't hurt me? '' You say as your eyes glisten with tears. 
“I promise,” Jake says, pulling you into a hug. 
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SMUT * || Angst ~ || Fluff ♡
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One Shots // Headcanons // Requests
The Wedding Bet Date ♡~
(Enemies to Lovers || Hangman x Phoenix)
When Natasha "Phoenix" Trace made a stupid bet, she did not expect Jake "Hangman" Sersin to be thrown at her face out of nowhere. Now they are stuck together, forced to confront a past they are trying to forget.
Story Sneak Peeks
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Requests are open! Keep 'em coming 😏❤
SMUT * || Angst ~ || Fluff ♡
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One Shots // Headcanons // Requests
The Wedding Bet Date ~♡
(Enemies to Lovers || Hangman x Phoenix)
When Natasha "Phoenix" Trace made a stupid bet, she did not expect Jake "Hangman" Sersin to be thrown at her face out of nowhere. Now they are stuck together, forced to confront a past they are trying to forget.
Story Sneak Peeks
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