mikazureart · 1 year
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I told you it's cold! Here, you can wear my scarf
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blushnik · 10 months
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Patron's most voted for November.
I can confirm, drawing Marc getting a hug feels like getting one yourself 😔💙
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strangejron · 1 year
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ohanaya-mkn · 7 months
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soba-riri · 10 months
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Nesting + crybaby Jake
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wakafa · 2 years
I can't comfort you, but
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nutteu · 6 months
Open Commision!
Hello, Shiki here.
I’m opening my commission to pay bills, accepting all fandoms, but especially Moon Knight and Saltburn. OCTP is allowed as well! Here’s the pricing, do/don’ts as well as links to my portfolio and social accounts. For more details, check out my carrd: nutteu
[AO3] [Portofolio] [Moon Knight Series] [Saltburn Series]
✨Payment: BCA (Indonesia), Wise (International, supports direct transfer from local bank) & PayPal (+€4-5 for tax, procedure will be explained via private message)
✨Minimum order: €35/350k IDR/3k words
✨Normal: €50/500K IDR/5k words
✨NSFW: €65/600K IDR/5k words (depends on the kink)
✨Highly detailed NSFW: €75/700K IDR/5k words (depends on the kink, see extra charge section below.)
✨OC/CTP has different rates, please discuss first.
✨Max 10k words, additional rate if more (€2/10K IDR/100 words). DP is half of your total payment (full payment for international commission to reduce tax), if the word count is less than your payment, I'll return the excess.
✨Special price for certain fandom/cp that I like (do ask)
✨Related to rules above, I might give you more words if I like the cp (do ask)
Do's & Don't's
✨Do: m/m, f/m, f/f, threesome, poly (max 4 people), canon/canon, oc/canon, octp
✨Don't: multi-chapters, certain OTP (please ask if I'm comfortable writing them), others (we'll discuss first)
Reblog will be much appreciated! Thank you and hope you have a nice day! Go to my inbox if you wanna ask about something :D
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hokuukukhaos · 1 year
I love how all of us simultaneously agree that:
1. Steven is pure cinnamon roll
2. Marc, very depressed and very tired but trying his best
3. jake, a menace a danger to society and overall, a giant freaking whore
i love the moon boys sm 💗💗
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tiptapricot · 1 year
MK ship dynamic hcs continued with marcjake!
They start out with a lot of animosity when meeting. Marc has a lot of trepidation and deep seated fears and judgements about there being parts he didn’t know about, about not being as “in control” as he thought he was, and Jake has his own frustrations about how things in the past have been handled, and the things him and Marc disagree on when it comes to their shared wellbeing. The overlap of those feelings causes a lot of friction, and a lot more arguments during the immediate time post Jake reveal
They’re two guys used to bottling up their emotions, to focusing on an end goal and not including themself in the forefront of that, and that means communication is a bitch
Steven tries his best to get in the middle of them, but there’s still several months of headaches, and days full of shouting in their head, and people not being around when they need to be. It’s tough
Jake is the one that ends up breaking the tension. Him and Marc are butting heads again, over something small that’s grown into something larger, and Jake snaps at him. “You’re not fucking alone in this, Spector.”
Marc quiets for a moment. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you aren’t the only one that’s gone through this shit. I was there too. I pulled our ass out of that house, I pulled our ass out of the military when you were running straight into fire, and I pulled our ass out of Cairo. It’s not just you. It never has been. So I get it, yeah? It can really suck, to have to keep going, to have to cover yourself up, to keep track of everything, but you get over it and get in line. I’ve had to.”
It’s not really the way he meant to say it, but once it’s out there’s no going back. Marc slips away, leaving a ruffling of anger and something heavy right beneath their sternum, and Jake throws his hands up and gets back to whatever they were doing
It’s over the next week that the interaction really settles in
It changes something for Marc, in how he sees Jake. He can’t unhear what was said, can’t shake the tactile push of Jake’s words. It was so fucking familiar, the feelings in them, and he—Dammit
Steven talked once, about recognition of the self through the other, but this… Marc doesn’t want this. This isn’t what it’s supposed to be like
It’s hard not to notice, afterwards, the way Jake doesn’t snap at him for why he’s doing something, but what he’s doing as a result (like he knows, like he’s been through this himself)
It’s hard not to notice the way his presence is always felt with a heaviness in their hands and around their shoulders, an ache in the joints, making everything feel more worn
It’s hard not to notice that when he’s mad he hasn’t been listened to, mad that he’s been alone, that he knows why it happened
It’s a terrible thing, for Marc to realize how alike they are
It makes it hard to hold onto his anger. Instead of an obstacle, and enemy, a Someone to shove away so the world can be simpler, Jake becomes a synchronized step, old footprints Marc knows the rhythm to
He’s pissed about it anyway, though
Jake doesn’t comment, when Marc stops pushing back and trying to draw answers out of him, and just hovers. Just watches
Jake’s in the flat one night after being out serving Khonshu, sitting in their kitchen with his gloved knuckles pressed into a small bowl of ice, when Marc settles forward. Their neck tingles and the world blurs a bit, and Jake hisses when Marc helps register more of the pain
“Can you go?” Jake asks through gritted teeth.
“You’re doing it wrong.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Why are you still wearing gloves?”
“Ice burn isn’t great, Spector.” And cold, bloody, wetness is one of the last things Jake wants to subject his fingers to
There’s something like a sigh and then the world thins as Marc pushes through him, shouldering Jake to the side. He lets him, too tired to push back
Marc stares for a moment after the switch, and then peels off the gloves, wincing at the tug on their badly split knuckles. “Clean first,” he mutters. “Then ice.”
He takes them to the bathroom and rinses their hands, working gentler than he usually does. Maybe because he thinks Jake will snip at him if he’s too rough, or maybe just because he’s always been better at being careful with others than himself
Marc does the alcohol rub too, the little strips of gauze, the band aids. Then he swipes a dishcloth from the kitchen and a bag of peas from the freezer, and settles on the couch, coolness seeping over their fingertips
Together they stare up at the ceiling, a bitter acceptance settling deep and hesitant somewhere in the quiet
They don’t end up talking much more, after that. Not in full Words and Voice conversations, at least
When they do it’s usually from the fallout of something building, from the difficulty of Working through feelings, or knowing How to
They continue to get frustrated, continue to miss the mark on assumptions and bottle things up.
Marc fronts for most of a mission for Khonshu once, when they’ve been dosed with some toxin that throws their brain out of wack, and Jake simmers angrily for a week before Marc realizes it was his recklessness got Jake pissed
In turn, Marc constantly gets annoyed at Jake’s clothes being left around the flat or his shoes tracking dirt in the door, and it bursts into a rather long trail of back and forth notes in their phone about how to share their space and what their cleanliness boundaries are
Keeping up Work and Home and Hobbies and Moon Knight is a lot. Jake is busy, Marc is busy, Steven is busy, and collectively they are tired, so clear talking doesn’t happen all the time. But…
There’s another aspect to what settles that’s… different
Sometimes the lack of Words isn’t the silent treatment, or a volcano building pressure. Sometimes it’s just… that they don’t need to
Jake gets when Marc is tense and snappy the morning after a nightmare. Marc knows what it’s like to crash after a bad mission and to wake up with their body sore and hardly wanting to move. They both know what it’s like to stare at the numbers on their phone and wish it felt good to call them
They get each other, as much as Marc may loathe to admit it at first. They both understand what it’s like to lose themselves in protecting others, to squirrel feelings away where they won’t hurt, to hide. It’s something different than they can get with other people or with Steven. Not better, just different
They both try to say the quiet part through actions, to Show whatever kind of appreciation has grown instead of Admitting it. They do little things, passively, with the other in mind. Just because they know better, of course, or because it makes their life easier. It doesn’t mean much in the big scheme, really
Jake begins casually checking that Marc eats a varied diet, that he’s getting himself good food and not sacrificing flavor for efficiency (or allowing Steven to snack without getting any actual meals in). That shifts into getting him to get fancy takeout now and then (whether by Jake ordering it himself or by Marc finding a menu and a number left on the counter), to allow Marc little pleasures that are his and to find enjoyment without being afraid
Marc does his own little upkeep. When he’s annoyed at clothes being left around, he folds them, and at some point it becomes a relaxing routine instead of a pointed move. He sets Jake’s shoes by the door, and puts the coffee pot on when he feels the slow, slushy shift of him coming towards front after a night of something tiring. Marc gets the car washed, and dusts the vents, and swaps out the air freshener when it goes stale, and buys new pocket tissues.
They never discuss it beyond passing comments (“Is this the right place?” “Best on the South Side.” or “You wrinkled my tie, Marc.”). Discussing it would be too far. Discussing it would be something different.
In times they meet in headspace, when Jake emerges from his locked up corners of the inner world, they mostly do things in parallel play
Jake fiddles with the old cab he has in there, the one that always needs some kind of repairs, and Marc will sit quietly and pretend he’s not flipping through old NASA magazines they still have memorized from childhood
Jake strikes up a conversation about that once. (“You still into space?” “You still into driving?” Jake laughs loud and Marc cracks a grin. He’s tugged forward to a Mars exhibit at Steven’s old work a few days later)
The arguments that pop up get shorter. The miscommunication gets a bit better. The flames lull to embers, and it takes both of them time to admit that means there’s warmth there now
Wasn’t it meant to be rotten work? All of this. Especially to the other, especially if it was them.
Because it isn’t
Marc thinks it’s nice to make jokes in Spanish again, and to have rock and jazz and Latin pop stuck in his head on bus rides
Jake can admit that seeing Marc smile gives him way more of a kick than getting him to swear, and that having someone there to keep him company on late nights is better than a lonely parking lot
None of that means the bite goes away, that the struggle to fit edge to edge ever smooths, but at the same time…
At the same time there are distant hands to care for bruised knuckles, and a leather anchor to cling to during flashbacks, and someone else to say “I know right?” when memories resurface that make the floor shake.
There’s a camaraderie there, in their mutual weariness, in their shared fear of failing to protect the people they love, and their history of fighting and surviving
And sure, they both get that after a point, but… well shit, it wasn’t meant to feel like this
Marc isn’t meant to find himself fiddling with Jake’s gloves, only to lean down and rest his cheek on the leather. Jake isn’t meant to smile a bit wider and feel a warm heat in his throat when Marc’s close to front. They aren’t meant to have silent, parallel activity turn into hips side by side as one of them tells a story, and then into hands brushing together, and into the muted touch of holding.
But fuck if it isn’t nice, if it doesn’t feel good, and safe, and sweet
Neither of them know how to say it. They pinch and gripe and snap, but Love is not a word they know how to say. It’s so sappy
Not that they need to. Not that they’ve ever really had to Say the things that matter. It comes through anyway
There are weary cuddles, looks that pass meaning easily because they’ve seen the same one on their own face in the mirror, reassurances, strong hands and safe corners of headspace when the world outside is too loud
Marc leaves unfinished tic tac toe boards and messages in morse code in Jake’s jacket pockets. Jake gets him an in-box Blast Off from eBay for Chanukah one year. They make a Google doc to argue over sports
One afternoon, Marc’s helping get food ready for Shabbat (at Steven’s insistence for them to actually rest and focus for a weekend) when he’s hit with a thick wave of dissociation. Nothing happens for a bit. No thoughts, just the untethered movement of a chest and eyes staring down, and then the hand reaches up, and the hand presses against lips. A little flash of red and green and deep brown bloom behind Marc’s eyes, and when his hand settles down again, brushed with a kiss of wetness, he huffs slightly, smiling
Jake keeps Marc floating. He tugs him up by his collar and says You aren’t allowed to drown, it will get better. You do not get to give up.
Marc gives Jake a place to stand. He straightens his hat and looks him dead in the eyes and knows him for it. You don’t get to disappear. You don’t get to be overshadowed by this weight.
And within all of it there is something gentle, something that stems from having been through the same type of wars, and being a safe understanding place for the other to retreat to
They’re dual hands holding the same mug of sweet coffee. The “Got onions. Check freezer for ice cream.” in their notes and the “Jake, did you tape the game?” sticky noted onto the front door. They’re warm kisses pressed against temples and curls and facial hair waiting to be shaved (Not a chance, Spector, let me have this one). They are a pause, and rolled up sleeves, and thumbs rubbing absentmindedly on the chafed impression of watch bands and glovelines
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mikazureart · 4 months
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Perfect Summer
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little-worm-grant · 10 months
Jake's pov: He Knows
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Jake Lockley & Marc Spector
436 words / Masterlist.
If you like what you see, leave a like or reblog and follow me ♥
Summary: Taking place after the show, Steven discovered Jake's still working with Khonshu, and rather than letting Marc find that out for himself, he bites the bullet and reveals himself.
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Welp. Cat’s outta the bag. Steven knew about Khonshu. Took them long enough really. Both a pair of dumbasses.
Meant it was only a matter of time before Marc knew. Steven was many things, but dishonesty wasn’t one of them. He sucked at keeping secrets. Their first encounter went as well as he’d expected it to. Marc had been filling his head with all kinds of optimistic nonsense. Spilled all the tea before the night was over and Jake didn’t need to do much. Just had to be nice and avoid murdering, both of which were easy enough. Wasn't like he did it without reason.
Call the old bird a lot of things, but he wasn’t a dictator. Let Jake come and go as he pleased so long as he got the job done sooner rather than later. He was good for it. He’d not known anything different until Steven talked about him with a whole different attitude. Surprised but he found it hilarious. Especially since Steven doesn’t take any shit. His animated little voice as he talked about Khonshu said as much. A proud moment.
Back to his Marc issue. Jake thought about doing nothing. He kept out of their business for the most part, up until Steven co-fronted with him that one time. If that boy could do it. Marc will likely follow, and knowing him, will join in at the most inopportune moment. Jake was worried he’d make things so much worse, because he would. There was never going to be a good moment for Marc to find out Jake’s still tied to Khonshu. Not after the deal they’d all made.
Like any other job, he decided to pull the trigger first.
Easier for him to take over the body and assume full control. Was a lot more foreign for him to simply watch Marc go about his day. He’d wondered if he’d kicked Steven out to be there, but couldn’t focus too long on that. Marc’s eyes were soon meeting his and he was perceptive enough to know something was off with ‘Steven’ in his reflection.
Jake stared him down a moment longer. Breaking into a sly smile. “Poquito gusano broke the moment you looked at him like that, didn't he?” No point pretending to be Steven. If his entire demeanor didn’t give it away, a closer look at him certainly would. None of that dorkiness in sight. More like a cat coiled up playing with an insect it caught. Not quite going in for a kill just to see if it’ll move again. “I’ll tell him you say hi next time.”
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strangejron · 9 months
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Just by Radiohead
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acefusti138 · 7 months
marc spector’s squirt is just the dolphin pussy jelly for bad bitches with DID
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blushnik · 2 years
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POSTING THE ALTERNATE ENDING to the Pirate AU separately 😩💙
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soba-riri · 5 months
Whiskey on Your Skin
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Moon Knight (TV 2022)
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Relationship: Jake Lockley /Marc Spector
Characters: Jake Lockley, Marc Spector
Additional Tags: Top Jake Lockley, Bottom Marc Spector, Car Sex, Anal Sex, Pre-Relationship, Possessive Behavior, Jealous Jake Lockley, slight Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Jake and Marc tiptoe around an invisible line, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley and Marc Spector Have Separate Bodies
Before he can question it, Jake reaches over and yanks on the coat.
“Hey!” Marc yelps, pulling the coat back. “What are you doing?!”
“What am I doing? Making sure you don’t bleed all over my car!”
“I said I’m fine!”
“Oh yeah?” He gives a hard tug, nearly jerking Marc sideways.” You don’t mind if I make sure, right?”
“Jake, let go, you’re going to rip it!”
“You let go!” Grabbing the fabric with both hands, he gives one last tug, and the coat slips, exposing what the man was hiding.
Jake’s jaw drops.
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vampirate99 · 1 year
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🌙Under the moon and stars⭐
Marc/Steven/Jake (and gus)
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