#James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser
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James Fraser
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fernvehx · 15 days
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who's crying having a deja-vù?
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sassenach77yle · 5 months
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James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser was born on May I, 1721
💫Happy Birthday Jamie 💫
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dorkydiaz · 1 year
Istg if James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser is about to put on a red coat ….
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outlanderobsession · 6 years
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making-my-escape · 6 years
The Outlander «Deep Heart’s Core» reaction
Please, someone talk to me, I'm properly frustrated. I find this particular episode bitterly disappointing. For me it's the weakest one of the whole show (plot-wise). I do understand when show-runners have no other choice but to change the original material (if it's too complicated to put on screen unedited or too expensive to film). But with «Deep heart's core» (respective book chapters) it was entirely possible to keep considerable part of vital dialogs without exceeding episode's time limit, so everything would be fine. Nevertheless Starz chose to «reinvent the wheel». And look what's happened. 
We didn't get to see: a) How The Fraser's learnt their way to be a family. We jumped almost right into the domestic bliss instead. While the story could have become more believable if we had seen that it took actual time and effort to establish the relationship, even when everyone was willing.   
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b) How Jamie ached to be a Father, but yet Brianna wasn't ready to meet his expectations. She genuinely tried to please Jamie, being fond of him, but at the same time she didn't want to betray Frank. At the start Jamie & Brianna didn't even communicate directly. Claire helped them. It would have been so sweet to see their small steps toward each other. 
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c) How it was not Bree, who brought up Frank Randall a lot, but Jamie himself. Isn't it a more interesting angle? Fraser can't stop comparing himself to Randal, can't let him go. He sees that Frank had a huge impact on his women and this feeling bothers Jamie. It makes us see that JAMMF is just a man, and not an irreproachable being (as he's at least partly portrayed in the show). 
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So «behind the scenes» of this episode contains huge chunk of small but important stuff that didn't make it to the screen. And I dare to say, for a lot of people the special magic of The Outlander is right in these tiny details described above. Why all of a sudden Starz decided to leave them out? They managed to get through 3 seasons without unnecessary alterations well enough. I can't remember any other episode violated so much (well, In fact I can, but as I said, if it's impossible to shoot, I'm totally ok with shortcuts and changes). 
What I really don't like about «Deep heart's core» it's how the first part of the episode is all about things going very wrong very fast (too wrong and too fast, if it comes to that) while the second part is awfully stuck in pointless «plastic» out-of-character conversations and behavior. 
They've even changed the way Jamie «found out» about Brianna's pregnancy. That is another miss. From Jamie's perspective his wife and daughter had betrayed him, keeping the rape a secret. He's boiling with rage, but also helpless, heartbroken, and devastated. Still he keeps all these unpleasant feelings in. No matter what. 'Cause he knows what it's like to be raped, and he needs to be there for his daughter. It took all his strength but he was as gentle with Brianna as it was possible. Read this, you'll enjoy the scene. And don’t forget to delete «Unwed-pregnant-daughter-can’t-be-what-you-hoped-for» bullshit from your memory. Such lame stuff belongs with cheap soap operas, which The Outlander is not. 
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Also there's Claire, who's in deep distress. Torn between her love for Jamie and her motherly bond with Brianna. There's no peace between her and her husband. And that's the whole different level of the story, though let's not get into that. @holdhertightandsayhername wrote it better here
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What I'm trying to say is that for me reading these pages was like playing Minesweeper (do you remember the game?). Every next move is harder to make, because it's more likely to cause an explosion. So by the time characters got into the huge «revelation fight» I felt like a tightly coiled spring myself. But watching this episode was nowhere near that. All we saw was Jamie's injured hand in a «wee accident», and literary just one phrase «Your mother told me what happened». Followed by tonnes of incoherent shouting.  
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And why make such an idiot of Ian? Whether we remember it or not, Jamie was a man of 18th century. That added up to the existing tension. He naturally saw things not like Bree or Claire. Even made several intrusive efforts to arrange Brianna's future for her (including Ian's proposal), which gradually infuriated his daughter more and more. All good intentions notwithstanding. 
But that part was also left off-screen. As well as other dialogs that showed Jamie's perspective (his deep concern for Brianna's reputation — because public opinion was a huge thing in 1700s — his wish for another child of his blood, etc.). So when Brianna hit (!) her Da screaming «You are self-righteous bastard», it did seem to me a little bit too far-fetched. But not as over-the-top far-fetched as when a second later Jamie lost his shit, sounding almost panicked «I'll-make-it-up-to-you-please-just-don't-be-mad». Man, really, what could be more out of character?   
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Finally, the last third of the episode in general, the heck was that? Fellow bookreaders, am I the only one who doesn't get it? And what all these long scenes with Roger walking nearly-dead with Indians were for? They could have cut it in half and still be able to make their point. The lad horribly suffered «for nothing» and was determined to escape. I want to hear more from Roger, but only when he really has something «to tell». Besides, dear Indians, why to buy a man only to exhaust him to death on the road? Doesn't make much sense. 
3 more episodes are totally enough to conclude the season. But it depends on how to tell the story. So haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love, readers gonna read, and I just gonna hope the narrative gets better. The Outlander is a truly amazing story. It deserves to be directed accordingly. 
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P.S. Please, forgive my messed-up grammar and overdramatic way of describing things. English is not my native language, I've never written such a long text before.
Also all these pretty GIFs aren’t mine. I took them here. Please follow @outlander-online for more amazing content. 
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Pictured: James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser getting ready to celebrate Pride with his husband and wife 💜
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sanjahirkic · 2 years
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Then…. and Now…. Always dashing James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser…. One and only…. ♥️ #outlander #jamiefraser #loveforsam #sam Heughan #bestman #kingofman #king #bestactor #bestactorever #clairefraser #caitrionabalfe #loveforcait #scotland #outlandermoments #outlanderserie #family #outlanderreunion #outlanderlovestory #outlanderseason4 #outlanderlove #outlanderbooks #jamieandbrianna #thefrasers #outlanderinspiration #frasers #love #kiss #bestlover #bestloverever credit2theowner #outlanderstarz https://www.instagram.com/p/CcVxKNysXGO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Master Copy Jamie & Claire The Inquisitors fanfiction
Contains all snippets.
The Inquisitors
From LA to SM
Part One
Claire Beauchamp-Fraser hurried her husband Jamie along the busy LA street into the limo parked there for them. They had exactly thirty minutes to get to their next public appearance at Bumble’s designer clothing store in Santa Monica, a coastal city just west of LA.
With the thick traffic that would be a tall feat – it left them no time to change from the casual wear they now wore to the more formal designer clothing needed for Bumble’s.
Impatient, she quickly pushed her husband into the car. “Hurry up, Jamie. We have to change clothing for the fashion show. No time to waste,” she told him. She hurriedly shoved the plastic garment bag that protected his sport coat, shirt and dress pants into his hands. She quickly started removing her own garments. “We've got to get a move on, now hurry!”
Jamie smiled michievously and taking the clothing from her began removing his own clothing. To the world they were James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp two co stars hired to play Robert and Monica Johnson on the hit detective show “The Inquisitors.”, but by night and in private they were together. And a married couple. They had fallen for each other and had secretly married. The studio for various reasons wanted it kept quiet. So they lived their lives, co-stars by day and married couple by night. And now a baby on the way. Jamie beamed with pride at the thought of his unborn child within his wife and also his lover and co-star. He grinned over at her dressed only in her teddy and panties. God he loved that woman. Unable to resist, he pulled her against him and began nibbling on her neck. “Yes, sweetheart. I'll get dressed in a moment.” He assured her. “But first I want to do this.” He reached down and began fondling her full breasts. Lord, but pregnancy did great things to a woman's body.
Claire giggled and shrieked with delight as she tried a second time to pull up her panty hose. She pushed her “husband aka only her flirty co-star” away impatiently. “Jamie! Stop that or we'll never be changed in time. We have exactly thirty minutes to get across town to our next publicity event.” She shoved him a second time as he kept nibbling on her throat. “Stop it! James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser, I mean it! Cease and desist at once!”
Jamie lifted his head reluctantly pulling back at his wife's fierce look. She giggled and tittered with the best of them, but when she meant business well she meant business. No crossing that woman as a few fans and media reporters discovered to their sorrow. She was fierce and determined when it was necessary. God help anyone who got in her way or tried to stare her down. You'd lose. A simple fact, that was including himself.  He loved her to distraction and she him. But get in her road when she was on a mission or wanted to defend him, no that was plain suicide. He reached down and finished tucking his shirttails into his dress pants. He nodded. “Yes dear.” He smiled.
Claire looked up after buttoning her designer blouse. Returning his smile, she said, “What?”
He reached out a hand and lightly caressed her cheek. “Just that not one day has gone by since we did this, that I've ever regretted a moment of it. Not through all of it. Not the phony messageboards or the fake gfs or fake bfs – not any of it Claire. I'd do it all again. The hiding. Our wedding vows through the good times and bad. All of it. I love you.” He said softly, his voice growing thick with emotion. “From minute one. I love you.”
Claire felt her eyes moisten. It would ruin her mascara and she'd have to redo her eyes. She didn't care. Not yet having applied her lip gloss, she reached out and kissed him. She shook her head and kissed him again. “Neither have I. It's been worth all the pain and catcalls and everything. Like you I would say “I do" all over again. Especially now,” she confessed lightly patting the round swell of her belly.
Jamie beamed with pride when he thought of their marriage and now an unborn child they were hiding from the public. To the world they were Monica and Robert Johnson two hot married police detectives on the hit tv show “The Inquisitors.” But their bosses wanted them for now at least to hide their relationship. So they were just pals with a great tv chemistry to the world at the moment. Jamie chuckled. Little do they know. Little do they know. He finished buttoning his shirt and looked at Claire. “Ready?” he asked as the car stopped at their downtown San Diego location.
She smiled and took her husband's hand as their driver opened the limo door for them to get out. “Absolutely.” She said. “Let's do this.”
Part two
Cannot Keep My Hands Off
James Fraser ducked his head just barely avoiding the second missile his wife had thrown at him. Ooh but that one was close. She'd just barker missed with that wicked pitching  arm of hers! If one thing was true, Claire Beauchamp-Fraser Fraser could throw with the best of them. “Ouch!” He cried out as the third tumbler found its mark. He reached out and grabbed her arm, stopping any further attempts to throw things at him. “Aww, Claire, love come on. You know I said that I was sorry. I know I promised to behave but honestly when I saw you in that gown and when you started walking away … God Claire I couldna helped it, babe. I love you so much. I wanna keep my hands off you. You know that.” He wheeled, pulling her closer as he sensed her softening toward him. Such fire and passion in his woman, his wife of over four years. They'd hid their marriage and relationship even though they starred in the hit TV drama The Inquisitors. God but he loved her.
Claire sighed and slid her arms around her husband's neck, allowing him to pull her against him. She shook her head in exasperation. “Yes, but we are supposed to be playing the role of great pals and co-stars remember? Not your wife or girlfriend whom you'd like to bang against the auditorium doors.” She murmured softly. God but he was drop dead gorgeous. Her anger always waned with him for she could never stay cross at him for long. She reached up and kissed him. “You are impossible James Fraser. I love you like crazy but you are infuriating. Cannot keep your hands off, huh?”
Jamie lifted her suddenly and carried her across the room their large king bed. In one easy motion, he tossed her effortlessly onto it. He fell on top of her and started pulling off her gown and underthings. “Yup.” He said as he bent his head and began nibbling on her neck. Encouraged by he soft moans he continued his descent until his warm mouth found the soft swell of a pregnant breast. God pregnancy did great things to a woman's breast. “Any objections?” he asked, lifting his head slightly to raise an eyebrow at his wife. “Well?” he demanded.
Claire groaned and hurriedly pulled his head back down to her now throbbing nipples. “Uhhh. No. Not a one. Carry on. As you were soldier.” She muttered.
Jamie smiled and continued what he'd begun with the patting of her behind a few hours ago.
Part Three
Claire settled back against her pillows trying in vain to get comfortable. Or at least as much as her pregnant body would allow. The second of two pregnancies, this one a boy, was much more troublesome than his older sister, now two. IPhone in hand she tried to focus on the e-book she was reading. Unable to concentrate, she looked over at her husband of almost four years. She watched him as he voraciously scrolled through the contents on his new IPhone. She smiled and shook her head. “Are you pouring over all those Tumblr bloggers you like to follow again?” she asked him. He was constantly on social media especially Tumblr and Twitter. And to a lesser extent Instagram.
Jamie smiled and reached over and lightly patted her pregnant belly. He nodded. “Yup. Learn good stuff on there, love. You ought to try it.” He suggested. He reached over and lightly touched his lips to hers. He grinned. “I highly recommend it.” He murmured, kissing her again.
Claire shook her head. “No thanks. I have enough as it is with Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.” She shuddered. “Those Facebook groups are terrible. Stupid and rude and argumentative. To the point of showing their disrespect to us and the show. Total idiots.”
Jamie nodded. “Facebook is dumb. Especially The Inquisitors groups in general. They are rude and stupid for the most part, like you said. They drivel and growl about how the show isn't following Roxanne’s books. They drool over my character and seem to hate on yours. I like Tumblr. Those bloggers are too bloody smart for their own good though. That is why I stay on top of it all the time. I want to know exactly what they are saying at all times.” Jamie explained. “It's in our best interest to do so, Claire.” He added softly. “They are onto us I am afraid, babe. Not everyone believes them of course. But, ya, they know. About our relationship and marriage. And our little girl. And some believe that you are expecting again, love.” He whispered the words into her belly. “Not all of course. They argue among themselves. But yes, some think you're pregnant, love.” He looked up at her and smirked mischievously. “And they'd be right.”
Claire smiled and set her Iphone on the nightstand beside their bed. She drew her husband up until he was settled on top of her. She drew her legs apart to accommodate him, as he eased himself inside her, taking care to keep the bulk of his weight off her. She moaned softly as she wrapped her legs around him or as much as her round belly would allow. Grasping his arms, she moved with him, keeping the rhythm as Jamie thrust inside her. She groaned. “Yes. Absolutely right,” she muttered. “Absolutely.”
Part Four
The Love Bite
Jamie looked up from his phone and gazed at his wife of over four years. “Babe, what ya doing?” 
Claire was still engrossed in the Tumblr blog she was reading. She looked up briefly at her husband,  and smiling went back to scroll through her blog pages. Her latest post had tons of hits. Many loved her blog while others hated it. She didn't care. Gave her a voice to express her discontent over the nerwork’s current determination to mix promo for the new Season of The Inquisitors with her current engaged status, fake though it was. She laughed. Hard to be engaged when you are already married  -- ha ha. “Just pouring over my blog. It's all your fault,  James Fraser. You got me into this. Got me camping out on these blogs until I caught the bug. And worse, you got me pregnant! And we had to dicker and wine and dine with them to hide it all! Those girdles weren't fun!” Claire replied.
Jamie smirked. “Looked good to me,” he said.
She glared at him. “You weren't wearing them!” she retorted. “And you weren't nauseous all the time from them and carrying your son, either!”
Jamie nodded apologetically. “I know, love. I'm sorry. Truly.”
 She softened and set her phone on the nightstand. Their son Rufus was four months now. That time seemed a lifetime ago, but because of their secret life and family, the network wanted to push her engagement a little harder. It was tough because it set her against all fans, which she didn't care for. In one swift movement she climbed up onto her husband and co star. She pushed up further and pulled his arms around her. She reached up and kissed him, her tongue seeking his. That was their main issue – they had trouble keeping the tongue out of their on screen stuff. Emotionally you just couldn't disconnect those things  anymore than they could stop the heart eyes in public appearances. They tried, but they couldn't bury their feelings. “Hmmm,” she mused, pulling back. “It's all right, you're forgiven.” She looked up at her husband with heart eyes she could not turn off for the life of her. It would be easier not to breathe. “I love you.” 
Jamie felt his own eyes mist and nodded. “Me too, babe. Me too. I have never been sorry, Claire. Not through any of it. The fake narratives. Hiding our marriage and family. None of it.”
 Claire nodded, feeling her own wet cheeks. “Neither am I.” She hesitated,  looked down and then back up again,  her hand on Jamie's cheek.
“What?” Jamie put a hand to her lips. “I know. We're partners in this, Claire. I’ve got you. I will catch you when you fall. When they get ugly. Got you babe. Trust in me. Latch onto to me.”
She nodded and smiled. With that, she began fondling him roughly with her hand while dipping her head against the breastbone of his chest. He yelped when she bit him, hard. “Oh, I've got you James Fraser. I've got you.” She assured him, continuing her downward descent on him with her hands and tongue. He yelped again. “I've got you.”
Claire looked over at her husband and co star while he talked with the moderator for the Seattle Comic Con. She licked her lips, biting them with the memory as she watched Jamie silently rub the spot on his chest where she’d bitten him the night before… she smiled. Their lives were rough and filled with secrecy they both hated. But it was worth it. So worth it.
Part Five
The Inquisitors: The Frasers at Christmas
Claire fretted nervously as she waited for Jamie. She sat with Myra on her sofa in her Dublin flat she shared with Jamie. Myra, their friend and sometimes nanny to their two children,  Mary Kate and baby Michael, lived in the flat across the hall. Her cousin, Terry Morrison, who pretended to be her bf, escort, and now fiance, actually worked for them. As a personal assistant and security guard, he stayed most of the time in the third apartment next to Myra’s.
The children were now fast asleep in the guest room. Mary Kate in her crib and Michael in the cradle that Jamie had made for him. Her husband was incredibly gifted with his hands when it came to woodworking. He could take any old piece of wood or furniture and turn it into something beautiful.
She looked at her watch again. He was supposed to be on the 10 pm flight to Dublin from Buenos Aires, where he'd just finished production on a small Indie film. She was frustrated because of the circumstances they were trapped in. They'd been married for over four years and yet because of the Network had pretended to be with other people. It killed her at times. To keep lying this way, and hiding their relationship and children.
She looked over at the snow rain mix beating against the windows. It was getting worse. It was now almost midnight. It was Christmas Eve and almost Christmas Day. She'd argued with Jamie, upset that he was leaving his departure from Buenos Aires so late in the week and evening. He'd explained there were some things to finish with the production early Christmas Eve morning and the earliest flight to Dublin arrived at 10 pm Dublin time.
She looked at her watch again. Oh God, where are you, Jamie Fraser? And with the storm now?
Myra Burns reached out and put a gentle hand on Claire's arm. She'd known Claire and Jamie since production on The Inquisitors began over five years ago. An old friend of Jamie's, she started working with them as a production assistant on the show and became fast friends with them both. When they discovered that Claire was pregnant the first time, and needed to hide things from the general public, she quit her job to help them. She'd been their friend and nanny for them ever since.
She smiled at Claire and squeezed her arm gently. “Don't worry, Claire. He's probably caught in traffic because of the storm. He'll be here.” Myra assured her firmly. She drew a deep breath. Lord, she hoped so. For the storm was getting worse. “He'll be here. He's never let you down, Claire. Never.”
Claire sighed, smiled back at her friend. One of the best things about Claire Fraser was her smile and infectious laugh. She nodded. “Yes  you're right. He never has.” It was true. Since the moment she'd met Jamie, he’d he’d always supported her. In anything and everything she wanted to do, even when he didn't always agree. Always. She looked over at the tree that together she, Myra and Terry had put up the day before. She chuckled, with a little help from Mary Kate, that was. Terry, while rather awkward with her sometimes and always had been, was great with her children. Which was remarkable considering all the things they were involved in.
“Does the tree look ok, Myra?” Claire asked, looking worried.
Myra nodded. “It's fine. Jamie will be here soon. Don't fret, though I know you will. Until he walks through that door.” She yawned. “It's late, and I am beat. It's been a hard two weeks, and you need to be alone when he walks in. I am going to bed.” Myra added, heading for the guest room. For the night she would stay with the children in the Fraser's guest room.
“I suppose you are right on that. Good night and thanks again for all you've done for us. Merry Christmas, Myra.”
Myra smiled. “I would do it all again if I had to. Merry Christmas, Claire.”
At 12:30 am, James Fraser stepped out of the taxi, his carry on bag over his shoulder. He reached out and paid the cabbie, then picked up his suitcase and headed up the stairs to the flat he shared with Claire. He smiled at the thought of seeing her and being home again. It had been a long six weeks and the separation from his wife and children was getting to him. He'd missed them terribly. His life was so crazy, yet he had so much. Claire was his wife and so much more. Friend, best friend, lover and co star. The mother of his children in a life they'd been forced to hide. It was making him angry having to live this lie, this farce of a narrative being force fed to the general public. He wanted out, to tell the truth, but Claire, was terrified. Of the Network. The public and the fans who fed on the Robert Johnson fantasy. He understood, but his patience was wearing thin. Soon, he promised himself. Soon.
Standing outside the door of their home, he punched in the key code. Opening the door, he set his bags by the door. Closing it behind him, he first saw the Christmas Tree, shimmering with its lights, and all the shining gold, red, silver and green balls. He smiled. He loved this time of year and loved the decorations and trees and cats, and, --- he stopped and suddenly stared. Claire, his wife, was sound asleep on their sofa. The sofa was huge, and soft and the bright red gown his wife wore a huge contrast to the white of the sofa. Tall for a woman, she looked small engulfed as she was in the huge sofa.
Removing his overcoat, wet from the elements, he came over and knelt beside her. God, she is so incredibly beautiful. With her dark hair, now trimmed short because of toddler sticky fingers mostly, and her long legs. Oh, those legs that made a man just want to ---. The red teddy and gown she wore made her skin and complexion all the more attractive and compelling to him. God, he loved this woman. He saw her look up at him, a soft smile on her face.
“You're here,” she murmured softly. “God, you had me worried.”
Jamie smiled and bending down, gently pulled her into his arms. He kissed her, first her mouth, softly, then her eyes, throat and back to her mouth. He groaned when she deepened the kiss, sticking her tongue into his mouth. He answered back with his own, mingling with hers. He pulled back with a grunt of frustrated desire and longing. “God. Claire, stop that if you don't want to be ravished here and now. It's been too long woman. God, babe, it felt like forever.” Jamie groaned, muttering his words against her throat.
Claire held him close against her breasts and took a deep breath  trying to rein in her own longing for her husband. It was so hard, pretending. To the point where at times, she just couldn't stand it. She'd almost explode and Jamie would somehow find a way to bail her out of the mess she'd get herself into. Usually with her mouth. “I know. I've missed you, too. Desperately. But, in front of a Christmas Tree, with both children and Myra in the guest room, perhaps it's not the best place at the moment. True.” Claire agreed.
Jamie nodded and lifted Claire up on a whim and stood with her with one arm wrapped around her , and his cell phone in the other. He deliberately pulled them so their reflection shone in the window to the right of the tree. Holding Claire even tighter against him so she couldn't move, he began filming the tree with his iPhone.
“James Fraser, what do you think you are doing?” Claire asked, glaring at him and trying to unsuccessfully push herself away from him. “Stop that!” she growled. “People if they see that, will see our reflection on that window surface. Stop it! Stop filming now!!!”
Jamie merely laughed, stopped filming and started tapping on his phone, stepping away from Claire.
She crossed her arms in front of him, and stared at him, frowning still. “Now, what are you doing?” she asked. And then realizing exactly what he was doing, -- “Jamie,” she began, “You have to stop this,” she implored, realizing he was posting a clip of it to his IG story. She shook her head and looked at him with sheer disbelief – those bloggers on Tumblr, would have that clip posted, and screenshots of it, and the reflections of them pointed out on their blogs! They were relentless in their attempts at proving that she and Jamie were a couple. Grrrr. “They will know, Jamie! They will see us there, Jamie.”
He nodded, and smiled and bent down and kissed her. “Yup, that they will babe. That they will.” He agreed. “I did it on purpose.”
“Well, it's been quiet. And I know you've been pushing the narrative a little bit. And they resent that, thinking it targets them. And, they are reacting to the show,” he added.
Claire frowned. “Well, there was a reason for that!” she retorted. “I was only pregnant for like what felt like forever,” she replied, “I couldn't exactly show my pregnant belly, now could I?”
Jamie pulled her close and held her to him. “No, I know that. But most of them don't, babe.”
Claire put her arms around his neck as they gazed at the tree and looked out into the stormy night. “Yes. I was so afraid you wouldn't get here,” she murmured. “You like the tree? Myra and I did it yesterday with Terry's help. Your daughter helped too.”
“I will always come back to you, Claire. It's beautiful, the tree. I love it.” Jamie said, He pulled her closer against his side as they gazed out into the storm.”And, I love you. Merry Christmas, Claire.”
Claire felt her eyes moisten as she looked up into Jamie’s blue eyes. She nodded. “I love you, too. So very much. Merry Christmas. And the clip?” she asked.
He smiled. “Just to give them something for Christmas. Where is everyone?”
“Terry is down the hall  in his flat. Myra is in the guest room. With our children.”
“So, I've got you all to myself, then?”
Claire nodded. “Yup. And what are you going to do about that?”
Jamie's response was to lift his wife up and hold her high against him in his arms. He began purposefully walking to their bedroom. “We, are tired, wife. We are going to bed.” He added.
Claire giggled. “To bed, or to sleep?” she asked.
“Hmmm, that's for me to know, wife. And you to find out.” Jamie responded as he dumped her unceremoniously onto their king bed. He fell down on top of her, and started kissing her. Everywhere. “For you to find out.”
Claire didn't try to conceal her moan of pleasure. “Well, all right then. “ was her last conscious reply.
Part Six
The Inquisitors  - Oscars After party edition
Jamie impatiently pushed Claire into their hotel suite and slammed the door behind them.  Bursting with unfulfilled desire, he pulled her to him and kissed her, his mouth feasting on hers.
Claire inched back breathless and smiled at her husband. She placed a hand on his cheek, patting it gently. “Easy there, cowboy. I know you're impatient and all, but I don't want you tearing this gown.”
Jamie grunted in frustration and quickly made short work of his shoes and his,  throwing his jacket on the chair all in the same motion. Groaning, he sank down on his knees and reached out and started planting soft little kisses on each of the hearts on her gown. He looked up at Claire and grinned. “God, but you are stunning in this, Claire. Was all I could do to keep from devouring you on the spot on that floor. Right then and there. God, staying away from you like that – hardest thing I've had ro do, babe.” He murmured softly, his lips pressing against the largest heart at the back of the gown.
She turned around to face him, and pulled him up to face her. She smiled, the tears welling up in her eyes. She nodded. “I know,” she replied, “the hardest thing for me too. And to pretend all of the rest. It kills me. It truly does. But we do what we have to do, Jamie. Together.”
Pulling her close, Jamie bent down and kissed her tenderly. “I know, babe. Me, too.” He reached up and undid the clasp that held the gown in place and started easing down the zipper in the back. “But right now, I want you out of it love. I want to feel your skin against mine.” He murmured.
She smiled and stepped out of the gown and stood proudly in just her lace panties. She shook her head sadly. “You know we can't,” she began, “the doctor advised not for another week.”
He looked down at his wife and lightly cupped a full breast. This was the breasts that both he and his children feasted on. They'd grown so much since he first met Claire on the set auditions for The Inquisitors. God, but he loved this woman, tall with her dark brown hair, almost auburn and her steel blue eyes that were so full of love for him. Jamie nodded and kissed her again. Pulling her close, he started easing them backwards to the king size bed. “I know. I know. Just to hold you with your skin for the moment is enough. I love you, Claire.” He confessed.
Claire shivered with the depth of the emotion and love she felt for this big red headed, blue eyed stubborn Scot. She began divesting him of his shirt and pants until he stood there before her, as naked as she. She smiled. The best thing about Claire Fraser was her stunning smile and infectious laugh. “I love you, too. So much I ache with it. And our family. In spite of it all. The hiding and the fake. I'd do it again, in a heartbeat.”
Jamie eased her onto the large bed and pulled her into his arms, feeling the warmth of her against him. Skin to skin. He pulled the coverlet over them and held her. “So would I, Claire. So would I.” Tomorrow they'd go back to their own world and to their own safe haven. They and their family. They would start filming the new Season for The Inquisitors. Life would go on for Jamie and Claire Fraser. To the world they were just co stars and friends Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp. To them, they were husband and wife and parents to their children. Indeed life goes on. All the world's a circle and certainly as such for the Frasers.
Part Seven
Jamie came into the room and found Claire pacing the room, furiously moving back and forth at the foot of the huge king size bed they shared in their Dublin flat. She was holding her smart phone and muttering under her breath.
He came over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, stopping her determined pace over the area rug. “Babe,  what’s wrong?” Jamie took a deep breath. “Is it, is it Michael?” he asked suddenly, referring to their 8 month old son.
Claire put a reassuring hand on Jamie's arm and shook her head. “No. He's fine. He’s with Uncle Terry and your mum. He’s fine. He’s had his bottle and down for the night. Just fine.”
Jamie nodded. “And Mary Kate?” he asked. He shook his head in wonder. His daughter was now almost three. Amazing how his wife and himself were co stars in a hit tv show The Inquisitors for the last five years now. And were married for the last four. And had children. And were hiding it from the general public.
Claire reached up and caressed her husband's cheek. Loving the feel of new whisker growth there, she smiled. “She's with Myra tonight in the adjoining apartment. Sound asleep when I checked on them an hour ago.” She murmured.
Jamie bent down and gently kissed her, pulling her body into his. “Then, what had you pacing that way? Looked like you were ready to put a hole in the rug.”
Claire held up her cell phone impatiently. “I got reading some of those blogs again. And some of the Facebook group stuff. I don’t know what is worse. The ones who drool and lust after you, or the ones who have determined to believe that I was pregnant!” She hmmphed.
Jamie smirked at her expression and pulled her closer. He shook his head. “But, sassenach. You were pregnant. Twice. And the production company and the Network didn't take kindly to it, the second time, remember? And demanded all the extra stuff we are involved with now. And had to use camera angles and such to hide your pregnancy babe. For most of this latest Season.”
Claire scowled at him. “Yes, I know. But to listen to the growling on one side. And the other making a case for the two pregnancies. And, to make it all worse, we have all these foolish women on Facebook lusting after my husband!” she retorted. “And to maintain the level of the other side lines, especially the engagement,  well, it gets hard. I’m not like that, Jamie. I’m not.” She sniffed.
He bent down and kissed her again, his lips lingering on hers. “I know you’re not, babe. But, the general public thinks it is all real. The majority of them don’t really think we are together, let alone married with two children.” He placed his hand in hers and held it against his cheek. “They believe you are engaged,  to Terry. Or at least they all assume it's Terry.”
She nodded. “I know. But, with the second pregnancy,  our PR teams and the Network and The Inquisitors production cast wanted the added push to the general public. That we are not together, and are just co-stars and friends. Hence, the engagement was born.” Claire mused.
Jamie sighed. “Except they wanted it on me, babe. They were happy with the Claire – Terry boyfriend thing.”
“Yes. Except what the Network does not realize is that he’s been security for us, under the guise of a bf – escort all this time. And when they wanted an engagement for you, I said, no way. You were looking green around the gills as it was with Tracy as your gf. I wasn't about to allow them to put you into an engagement with that piece of trash.”
Jamie glared at her. “Claire, cut the criticism of her. She was paid to do a role. As required. Stop being so critical of the woman. You certainly cannot say this fake engagement has been pretty. With all the merger takeover rumors involving the Network,  it's been ugly at the top level. You know that.”
Claire tucked herself in against Jamie, and shivered. “I know. I know. The pregnancy made it worse too. Especially when I was sick most of the time. Keeping extremely fit helped, but it didn't stop it completely. It was so hard, filming sometimes---"
Jamie tightened his arms around his wife of four years. “I know, babe. I know. But, it's over now. And with both companies about to change hands in the new year,  things will change for us. We can, … tell the truth, if we want to,” he said softly.
She shuddered at the thought. As much as she wanted the truth out there, at the same time she was absolutely terrified of the women who lusted after Jamie. They saw him as the next best thing to Robert Johnson and drooled over Jamie Fraser because of it. “I know,” she returned, sighing. “But---, a part of me still, is so terrified Jamie. Of telling the truth. Admitting that we’ve lied. That we are together and are married, with two young children. I'm terrified. And when the Network and the Production company change hands,  and we follow through with the charges and the lawsuits---" Claire continued, shivering. “It's going to get even uglier than now, Jamie.”
“Hey, shhhhh. Shhhhh. It will be ok, babe. I got your back on this. Lean on me. I am your rock, and your anchor. I love you. We can get through anything. We got through this far. Trust in me. Trust in us, what we have. Together.” Jamie assured her, pulling her tight against him.
Claire nodded and put her own arms around her husband,  holding him tightly. She burrowed against him. “I know. I know. I love you too. Together.”
They stood there in the middle of the room, just holding the other until it was well past midnight. Looking down at his sleepy wife still in his arms he carried her over and gently laid her on their bed. Pulling off her outer clothing, he tucked her into the covers. Quickly pulling off his own clothing,  he climbed in beside her and just held onto her while she slept in his arms. Giving in to his own fatigue, he finally closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off into sleep.
Tomorrow would be a new day. Like always,  they would face it together.
Part Eight
Jamie Fraser yawned and stretched as he stepped back into the Dublin flat he shared with his wife, Claire Beauchamp Fraser.
He sighed with a pang of regret. If only they could tell the world, for if he had his way, he’d shout it to the rooftops. But Claire still was terrified of what their crazy fans, particularly his crazy fans would do if they discovered that the actor playing their heartthrob detective Robert Morrison was actually married to his co star, played by Claire Beauchamp.
And the Network and Production company for the hit show The Inquisitors wanted their personal lives and their real life relationship buried still from the general public.
They’d just started the sixth season of the show. Filming should last another 6 months and after that, with their contracts expired with the Network, would be free to tell the world if they chose.
Stepping into the huge kitchen dining area that he and Claire both shared in their off hours, he found Myra busily working along with his mother Ellen preparing their Christmas turkey and vegetables. Murtagh and Terry would be coming for dinner along with his older brother Willie and his new wife Consuela. Of Portuguese descent, she and Willie had a huge villa in Portugal.
Jamie and Claire and their young children had spent a good part of the summer there during the hiatus from the show. Mary Kate was now just over three and half, while Michael had just turned one. Their new infant boy was barely eight weeks old. He’d been the reason for their latest ugly chapter in their ongoing narrative with the general public. Terry and Claire were now officially “married,” at least in the eyes of the public.
Many fans were furious and turned away from the show and Jamie and Claire as a consequence while others believed he was gay. There were still a few stubborn people who didn’t buy any of it. They were the most annoying because they weren’t believing any of it, and worse, they were succeeding in swaying some new fans. It was ugly at the maximum.
Turning his attention to Myra, he smiled and tried to put the ugly things out of his mind, at least for today. When they were on their own, everything was ok, but when the PR stepped up and the narrative was ramped up because of it, it was hard to deal with. Pushing those things aside, he looked around the busy kitchen, he stooped and kissed his mum on the cheek. “Where is everybody?” he asked.
Ellen Fraser, a small woman in her sixties, now widowed, smiled at her son as steadily chopped up onions, garlic, carrots and peppers to roast for their dinner later. Your daughter and son are down still for a nap. They’ve yet to waken, Thank God.” She replied. “Claire was up early when you left for your run this morning. We sent her back to rest. It’s only been 8 weeks since she had Alex. Between the two infants in her life and studying TV scripts, poor girl was tired out.”
Jamie nodded. “Yes, she’s burning the candle at both ends right now. This marriage stuff with Terry doesn’t help.” He sighed. “Can I help?” he asked tiredly.
Ellen shook her head. “No, we’ve got it under control. Dinner should be in another two hours. Turkey has been in since you left this morning at 6 am. Go see to your wife.” Ellen scolded him. “But take a shower first. You reek, son.”
Jamie nodded and padded to the bedroom he shared with Claire. The flat was huge. An open concept with a huge kitchen and dining area. A large master bedroom and two smaller bedrooms. Their daughter had one of them that she shared with Myra or his mother as needed. The second one was setup as a nursery for Michael and now baby Alex though the baby was in his bassinet in their room most of the time. As needed Terry stayed with Michael some of the time as did his mum or Myra. There were two smaller bachelor flats that either Myra or Terry or his mum stayed in as required. The whole arrangement made for interesting travel sometimes, but with the help of Claire’s parents, who were in England, they got it done. And still held the narrative.
Stepping into his bedroom that he shared with Claire, he yawned but gazed fondly at his sleeping wife. She was curled up on their king bed, the huge comforter wrapped around her lithe body, with Alex cuddled up against Claire’s bare chest, sound asleep. Jamie felt his eyes mist. Heavens, this, this is what makes all this foolish fantasy fairytale they projected to the general public, so worth it. If he had to, to have his wife, his daughter, son and now his infant son in his life, in this way – well, he’d do it all over again. Tiptoeing away from them quietly, he stepped into the huge shower and let the warm spray of water from the jets soothe his tired and aching muscles. At nearly 40, his body, despite his determined regimen for fitness  and exercise, he was plagued by nagging injuries. His determination to do most of his own stunts on the show hadn’t helped. But, like his wife, with the steady narrative of her marriage to Terry, she soldiered on and so would he. Stepping out of the shower, he dried himself and slipped into warm, fuzzy sweatpants and a t shirt.
Walking around the bed, he slipped into the huge comforter, and curled his big body around Claire, spoon fashion, her back against his front.
Claire smiled to herself as she felt Jamie’s warmth behind her as he curved his big body against hers. He thought she was sleeping still, but her body was tuned to his so well in all the years since their marriage. She could sense every movement and sound he’d made. She reached over and gently set her infant son into the baby carrier next to the bed. At night, it was easier than the bassinet when Alex needed breastfeeding. She turned back and facing Jamie, reached up and kissed him gently on the lips.
Jamie opened one eye, and then the other. “I thought you were asleep, woman,” he growled. He reached out and cupped a warm, soft buttock. Jamie Fraser  was definitely an ass man.
Claire smiled and nodded. “I was, but I heard you come in. I always can sense your presence. You know that.” She murmured softly.
Jamie nodded in agreement. “True that. You’ve been connected to me since the first time we met, I think. Me also.” He bent and softly kissed the warm swell of the upper part of her breast, deliberately avoiding the sensitive and tender nipple.
She held his head against her in response. “Yes. That is so true, Jamie. In spite of the ugliness we face in our lives. You, our marriage, our family and our children and friends make it all worth it.” She replied, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
Jamie felt the dampness of her cheeks, though he wasn’t sure if it was just hers for his own eyes misted with raw emotion. “I know. And now the whole world thinks you’ve married Terry, love.”
Claire pulled back, looking up at her husband with eyes filled with emotion. She laid a hand against his cheek. “I know. Little do they know, we actually renewed our own vows, and validated them with the Catholic Church at the same time so our marriage and children are recognized in Scotland and Ireland. When I say,  ‘my husband,’ I actually mean you, my love.” She returned. “And can actually wear my own wedding rings as well.” She added.
Jamie his own eyes mist up a second time. “I know. And this time, when the Season 6 filming ends for the show, our contracts will be ended. We can tell the world, if we so choose, Sassenach.” He told her.
Claire nodded. “I know. I fear their reaction, still.” She said, hesitating. “But, I would do it all again, Jamie Fraser.” She confessed.
Jamie smirked. “So would I, ahhh, wife,” … “So would I.”
Claire smiled to herself as she felt Jamie nod off in a doze. So would she, she thought. Do it all again. But for now, the cycle would go on, play the narrative and push back as needed with bits of reveal breadcrumbs now and then. They’d been using Consuela recently, to advance the pushback for them. Certain groups would pay attention, as they always did. But for now, life for The Frasers continued on. Another Christmas and a new infant son. And Terry, Myra and her friends and parents would help. Still, Claire wondered what the reaction will be, among the groups, once the time comes when Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp admit to being a couple all these years. Hmmm, interesting indeed.
Part Nine
Inspired by recent posts of certain Hawaiian vacations and outdoor showers!
The Inquisitors – Hawaiian Vacation – The Uber Driver
Claire threw her purse onto the bedside table and glared at Jamie furiously.
“James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser! How could you be so dumb and stupid?” she fumed. “It’s one thing to leave your wallet and id with me to hold onto while you went on your hike up the mountain. Bad enough for me to keep your id and mine with me, while strolling through the shops with Myra and the kids until we could meet later at the beach bar where you were hiking in Oahu. That was bad enough, but to deliberately get yourself lost and off course while you stupidly wander into a Military station? Oh, that is too much, Jamie.” She continued impatiently, “Too much. And get yourself sunburned in the process. What am I to do with you? You always get in these messes. Always. And now, because of it, a military base knows our identities and our location. Great. Just bloody well, JHRC!”
Jamie quickly emptied his own pockets and laid them on the desk. He looked down at the floor, then looked up at his wife, giving her his best thousand watt smile. “I know, babe. I messed up. But I can get us out of it.” He told her, easing her into his arms. “I promise.” He murmured softly. He touched his lips to hers, gently chewing on her lower lip in the way that drove her wild. He bent his head and lightly rubbed his whiskered chin against the delicate softness of her throat. “Trust me, Claire.” He said. “I can handle it.” He assured her.
She pulled back slightly, enough to stare deeply into his eyes. She shook her head in disbelief. “How are you going to hide the fact you had to call me to come to the that military station on Oahu with that Uber driver your new military buddies trusted to bring myself and your id to them, so we could get you off that bloody base? And just how do you plan to stop that fool driver from spilling his guts to the next reporter that he’s just met Claire Beauchamp and James Fraser on the island of Oahu when they are supposed to be miles away from each other? And how he knows that they are in fact a married couple, and she is not engaged to someone else?”
Jamie just smiled in response and kissed her. “Trust me, Claire.” He replied, pulling out his iPhone. He started tapping on the screen.
Claire shook her head as she sat beside him on the sofa, watching him prepare the IG post. “But, you can’t post that now, in real time.” She protested.
“No, of course not.” He said. “We wait a few days and then post. And we’ll get a few of my friends to like it and comment.” Jamie smirked. He put a hand to his wife’s cheek, rubbing it gently. “And, then my wifey will answer back on, say, on Twitter, with a crop of my pic, and say something snarky. The fans will love it.” Jamie grinned. “And, we can distract them with some other banter like the soccer game coming up, love.” He told her, reaching out to fondle a breast. He grinned, “It’ll be great.” Jamie pulled himself up suddenly, taking Claire with him and headed outside to the garden terrace just outside their hotel suite.
Claire fidgeted for a moment, trying to stop his hands as he tried to remove her halter and shorts. “And, just what do you think you are doing?” she suddenly asked, pretending to glare at him.
Still grinning at his wife, he finished removing her clothing and his. He pulled her against him for a moment, reveling in the quiet bliss of feeling the warmth of her body against his own. He bent his head and rubbed his chin against her throat, enjoying how her breathing became ragged in response. He pushed them into the outdoor shower. He quickly turned on the jets, abruptly sending cold water down on them both. He laughed at the sound of her shriek from the shock of the water. “What’s the matter, love? Don’t like the cold? It’s good for you, after all, babe.” He informed her. He reached out and adjusted the controls until the water streaming down was warmer. He reached out and laid a caressing hand on her neck, her breast and finally resting on the curve of her hip. “Better?” he asked finally.
Claire nodded and reached out to stroke him, her hand sliding up and down his shaft, in a firm grip. “Yes, thank you. It’s very, relaxing, don’t you think?”
Jamie groaned in response, as Claire continued to stroke and caress him, the water teeming down on them both. He tried to push her off him. He shook his head. “But, babe, you can’t – we can’t – that is – the doctor said not for another couple of weeks,” he began, groaning in response to her relentless stroking on his member.
Claire sighed, and dropped to her knees. She looked up at him and smiled. “I know. But that doesn’t mean you can’t, that I can’t take care of you.” She replied, as she slowly started to take him into her mouth.
“But, Claire, I, uhhh, —“ he started, groaning at her determined mindset at giving him pleasure. Dear Lord, but he loved this woman. “But, —”
Claire shook her head, and uttered, “Shhh–“ as she took him deeper into her mouth, while stroking him with expert hands.
Jamie howled, his body shaking with pleasure in response to his wife’s continued assault.
Oh Lord, he thought. He should get lost on military bases and get sunburnt more often.
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renee-writer · 2 years
A Little Change in History Chapter 17
Frank lays on the ground, still as death, his eyes closed. Claire falls down beside him and does a quick check. She discovers two broken ribs. “Frank, can you hear me?” His eyes open a bit and he groans in pain. “Stay still Frank. You have so broken ribs and I believe your ankle is broken as well.” She looks to Jamie, “Mr. Fraser, can we get something to move Frank? We need to get him into the surgery.” He nods an with Alex and a few other men, they carefully lift Frank up and move him into the surgery.
Once he is there, she does a full exam on him. Her exam shows her initial fear was correct. “Frank, you do have several broken ribs and a broken ankle.” She makes him as comfortable as she can by wrapping his ankle and ribs tight and given him a drink of strong willow bark tea.
“Frank, what happened?” Jamie asks him.
“Mr. Fraser, I was grooming Donas. He saw Buttercup and ran me down to get to her, the blasted thing couldn’t be stopped. Oh, beg your pardon ma’am.” Claire waves it off.
“That beast has the devil in him sometimes. I am so sorry Frank. You will stay here with Claire, the healer, until you’re moved to your own croft. After, you will only work at the school as I can’t have you getting hurt. Sarah would be quite sore with me.”
Sarah, standing beside him, smiles under her chin. He looks to her and smiles. “Thank you Mr. Fraser.. Claire, may Sarah stay with me?”
“That is up to Mr. Fraser and Mrs. Murray. I would say yes.” There is a knock on the door and Claire goes to open it. Jenny enters.
“How is Frank?”
“He is better. He does have a few broken ribs and a broken ankle but, he will heal fine. I would like Sarah to stay the night here with him. I believe it will speed his healing, if that is alright with you and Mr. Fraser.”
“Claire, Mary has been missing you. Would you care to stay in the main house tonight?” Jenny replies.
“Thank you Mrs. Murray. That would be most welcome.” This way she would be closer to Jamie. She smiles at the thought and even laughs. Jenny is determined to get them to talk to her. Her chuckles increase and Jamie gives her a strange look.
Claire spends the next several hours making sure Frank is a pain free and comfortable as she can. Sarah is right by his side. Only a few months gone with child, it is alright for her to do so. It is decided that she can stay. Claire gives her instructions on what to watch for and then makes her way to the main house. She will have dinner with Mary and Mrs. Crook.
“Cccclaire, I have missed you. It is good to see you.” She smiles at Mary’s greeting, taken the younger lass in her arms.
“You too. Your stutter is better.”
“Yyyyes, it is Mrs. Crook and Mary. They help me a lot. I read every day during tea. It helps also..” They hug tight. She is so happy for her mate.
She takes some of her clothes to Mary’s room and then rejoined them. They eat and talk, catching up. After, Claire decides to take in some air before bed. She walks by the stables.
Suddenly, she is grabbed from behind. A hand is placed over her mouth. In a deep brogue, “What is a lovely Sassanch doing out walking in the dark?” He asks in her ear.
“Jamie.” her legs feel weak in relief. She turns, looking into those deep blue eyes, shiny in the moon light. Before she knows it, they are kissing.
Jenny comes out on the porch and sees them. A smile. Her plan has worked. First a bit of fun, “JAMES ALEXANDER MALCOLM MCKENZIE FRASER, what are you doing?” Claire turns pale and Jamie looks to his sister in shock.
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dragonbabezee · 4 years
Fictional Crush Series No.7
Have we made it to the 90′s yet?  We have!
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What’s this you say?  The Outlander series didn’t premier until 2014?  Well!  There just happens to be an antiquated technology called books in with this particular tale was first created.
Let me set the scene.  It’s 1993.  I’m at the library with my dad.  I feel like I’ve read the entire YA section, and I’ve run out of David Eddings and Anne McCaffery books to read.  I complain to my dad that I have sucked this library dry.  He reaches into the Returned Today Shelf of unsorted books and grabs one at random.  “Here, you haven’t read this yet.”  It was this, a first edition copy of Outlander:
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Perhaps he though it was an historical novel set in the highlands.  It kind of is...?  
To prove to him that plucking ugly books at random off the shelf was no was to pick a quality read, I read it.   First came intrigue, then delight, then fascination and compulsion, then welling tides of love and lust, and the feels! So many feels!
For those very few who are still unfamiliar with the Outlander universe, it’s a genre-bending book and series, especially the first three books, combining historical fiction, time travel, romance, blood, gore, sexual violence, medical ickiness, touches of mythical fantasy and magic, mystery, and a big slabbing helping of hot sexy sex.  
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Oh, and this hunk of red-blooded, red-haired Scot!
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That means “I am ready” for everyone who doesn’t read French or hasn’t read the book.  I was 15.  I was ready.  My parents may have disagreed if they had known what was behind that twee bookcover.
James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser, Jamie to some, and JAMMF to the old school fandom.  Oh course, now we have Sam Heughan to envision Jamie as, but back in the day we used a read words off a page and picture Jamie et al in our minds.   I don’t think they did a bad job of casting Jamie.  Sam is of course, too short, and his hair is not red enough, but I give it a pass.
What makes Jamie Fraser a worthy subject of a lasting fictional crush that rocked my world?  He is an enlightened and modern thinker of the Enlightenment era, meaning that he does still kinda believe in witches and faeries, but also in science, and can eventually be persuaded to not beat his wife for wrongdoing (after a knife to the throat).  He is a soldier, a mercenary, an expert swordsman, can ride any horse, even a demonic stallion that no one else can master, a farmer, a landlord, a leader of men, a student of science and progress, a virgin at the beginning of the first book, and a sex-god by the end of it.  
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Packaged in a 6 foot 6 Viking-esque warrior’s body, like a red-haired, blue-eyed demon set on Earth to sway our time-travelling heroine Claire off the path of marital fidelity.  It could be said that he is the ultimate Gary Sue.  He does have flaws though, mostly pertaining to pride and being a man of his day, even if he is a progressive one.  He is the prototype that launched a thousand Highlander romance novels.
The most singularly swoonworthy thing about Jamie though is how much he loves his woman.  The end.
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You want more detail?  Oh, fine, SPOILERS AHEAD.
He will save his wife from his worst and most feared enemy, armed only with an unloaded pistol, even though he thinks she’s probably an English spy bent on turning him and his folk as traitors to the crown.
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He will single-handedly rescue her from the midst of a witch trial that is in the process of condemning her, even though he’s fairly sure she really is a witch.
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He will trade his soul and his body to keep her alive.  He will believe the insane truths she tells him, and based on them, betray his kin and his King.  What impressionable young hetro woman doesn’t want that level of devotion from her man?
At the opening of the book, Jamie has already been through a lot - imprisonment and two disfiguring floggings, exile, the soldiers life. near starvation, serious head injury, family intrigue, the death of both his parents....and he’s only 22.  And yet, Jamie is still fairly optimistic character, aside for when he or his wife are getting tortured, raped, nearly killed etc.  He’s not one to wallow unnecessarily in his Man Pain.  Until he is, and then grab the popcorn and watch Claire drain the pool.
While we’re here, I’d like to point out a few unexpected treats and differences that I got from the show that I didn’t get from the books.
1) Jamie’s knees
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2)  The flogging and several other violent scenes that were disturbing enough in the books became Extremely Uncomfortable and Upsetting Viewing.  If you’ve seen the show or read the books you probably know what scenes I am talking about.
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3) they didn’t hold back on the sex scenes.  Many gifs from the various scenes would get this post removed from Tumblr.  Many were so hot I was blushing whilst watching it alone.  DO NOT WATCH WITH YOUR PARENTS.
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I have read all the books of course, though I mainly concentrated on the first one here, the one that spawned my crush.  IT was a couple of years before I got my hands on books 2 and 3, and the fourth one hadn’t been written yet (I did get to go to a book signing and have my copy of Drums of Autumn signed by Diana Gabadon, Herself!).  My parents remembered my love for the series, unfortunately, and tried watching the TV when it came out.  My dad finally saw the error of plucking a book at random from a shelf to give to his 15 year old daughter to read.
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mcfangirl269 · 4 years
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James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser
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James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser: Husband, Father, Leader, Fighter
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lindakml88 · 5 years
1. Ri Jung Huyk
2. Fitzwilliam Darcy
3. James Alexander Malcolm Mckenzie Fraser
And that's it!  These three men (in that order) are responsible for my perpetual singleness and my high expectations in life. 
(And I can't blame them, just look at them!)
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outlanderobsession · 6 years
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queenpeachqueen · 5 years
Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 users you want to know better (Tagged by @bigjewface , thank you!), here we go...
Name: 😉
Nickname: Peach, Peachy, variations of my actual name, Babe/y, Sweetheart, My Queen, My Lady
Zodiac: Leo ♌
Height: 5'8"ish
Languages: English, though I can swear and say "I love you" in a few others
Nationality: American, First Nations
Favorite season: Fall 🍁🍂
Favorite flower: Daisies 🌼
Favorite scent: Fresh baked goods, Lavender
Favorite colour: Teal/Turquoise/Aqua
Favourite animal: Pandas! 🐼
Favourite fictional characters: James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser, Claire Randall Fraser, Princess Merry Gentry
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Tea or hot chocolate
Average sleep: Meh, it varies. Usually around 6 hours at night
Cats or dogs: Puppers! 🐕🐾
Number of blankets: Depends. Usually at least 2
Dream trip: Europe. Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Germany, France...
Blog established: 2017 (I think?)
How many followers: 1,192
Random fact: I've been published 4 times 📚
@lordkevington (though I think you've done it already?)
And anyone else who wants to play along! Tag me so I can see your answers 💋
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