#Jamie needs a hug
Georgie & Jamie ❤️‍🩹
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twoarrsandonesea · 3 months
In my au Jamie is Jason's daughter. Jason was raped by Jamie's mother. Jason had been being tortured by Joker(he actually attempted to stop Lilac from raping Jason but the damage was done).
Jamie was a few months old when her mother, Lilac Jenton aka Clowny, kills her in front of Jason.
Lilac tossed Jamie's body into a river.
Talia found Jamie's body while on a trip in Gotham. Talia snuggles the baby's body out of the country and into Nanda Parbat. Talia uses the Lazarus Pit to bring Jamie back to life. Talia then names Jamie "Jamie". Jamie's name is actually pronounced Hi-me, however when she is forcibly returned to America her name begins to be pronounced incorrectly.
Jamie is kidnapped by Lilac when she is four years old and forced back to America, Talia is pretty sure that there are traitors in their midst because of this.
Jamie is then tortured by Lilac for several months before being killed.
Koker finds Jamie's body and has a mental breakdown because HOLY SHIT THAT'S HIS GRANDDAUGHTER, and then her eyes begin to glow green and Joker sees her breathing. At this point he puts two and two together and comes to the conclusion that God has gifted him a chance to be a better person. He is entirely wrong but no one can convince him otherwise. He calls Prowler for help.
A run down of Prowler is that he's another Robin that Joker killed. Prowler was named Carlos Solace and was actually Robin for several years before he died, however he stuck more to the shadows so he was never noticed by the press.
Prowler agrees to help Joker raise Jamie on one condition. Joker has to stop being a supervillain. Joker agrees to this.
Several other rogues help Joker and Prowler over the next four years in raising Jamie.
Lilac was not done causing terror for Jamie as she proceeds to torture Jamie again after kidnapping Jamie again. Then tosses the body into Gotham harbor.
Jamie comes back to life again.
She claws her way out of the river and John Constantine finds her. The moment she sees John she decides that he is now her father.
John tries everything and can't get this eight year old to leave him alone.
When she's ten the devil takes her soul and drags her to Hell.
She crawls her way out.
When she's eleven she meets Lian Harper and saves Lian from a trafficking ring.
Roy had thought Lian was dead but actually she was being trafficked.
Jamie saves Lian from the trafficking ring by committing mass murder.
Lian panics because this is a child that is saving her(Lian is thirteen).
Lian and Jamie end up sticking together while Jamie tries to find Roy so she can return Lian.
Jamie and Lian find Mar'i/Mary Grayson while in Star City, somehow they left undetected by Green Arrow.
Mar'i is a year older than Jamie(thirteen by this point).
They find Kay Allen(My oc who is Bart Allen's son) while on their way to Gotham. Hunter Luther(Conners clone) is also there.
Jamie brings them with her. They end up in Gotham when she is fourteen.
The ages are now: Jamie-14 , Lian-16 , Mar'i-15 , Kay-6 , and Hunter-19.
Miraculously all of their parents were in Gotham a year later, except for Jamie's parents.
The Outcasts(as their group was called) are disbanded that year.
Mar'i and Jamie were mates however Mar'i decided that since Jamie didn't have parents that Jamie didn't deserve to be a parent. Mar'i cheats on Jamie, breaks up with Jamie and pretends to have an abortion.
This causes Jamie to spiral mentally.
Jamie stays in Gotham as the antihero/Crime lord "Knight".
Jamie continues to save people even with her suicidal tendencies.
The ages are now: Jamie-16 , Lian-18 , Mar'i-17 , Kay-8 , and Hunter-21.
Jamie and Joker(now commonly called Jack Napier), reconnect. Jamie also reconnects with Carlos Solace and the other rogues that helped raise her.
Jamie has not yet reconnected with John, mainly because John disappeared.
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You’ll be safe (to feel our grace)
Jamie Tartt/reader bc there’s a devastating shortage of these fics, Jamie Tartt Imagine
tw: child abuse, violence, language and just be careful
requested? no
posted on ao3 under uhm_why_not
It was a bad beat against Man City. In fact, it was worse than bad. The locker room is quiet when you enter, fully expecting this.
You remember these games. When the match was so hard you would go home and get drunk alone or not say a single word on the bus ride back. 
In your fourteen weeks at Richmond, you’d never seen the team this quiet, never seen Dani not try and cheer people up, or Ted make some weird analogy that puts things in the perspective of a guy from Kansas.
They all barely glance at you. you traverse the locker room and make small conversation with Beard, who is standing with his arms crossed and hat tipped down near the far wall.
“Peter Wasnowski wants to talk to you,” you say. Beard meets your eyes. “He wants an honest perspective instead of Ted’s happy-go-lucky schtick.”
While you appreciated Ted’s enthusiasm and belief, sometimes being a coach is worth more than cheer twenty-four seven. As his strategic and medical coordinator, it was up to you to bring him back and to make a good reflection on the team, especially after a loss like this. Beard, stoic, silent, but wise, was your solution.
Beard acknowledges this, but when he makes for the door, a security guard peeks his head in. “Mister Tartt, you’ve a guest. Says he’s your father.” Ah, shit.
Jamie’s told you about his dad. Not much, only that he never had a great relationship with him, not now, not ever. He's always been painted in your eyes as a dick.
That's another factor to your Richmond experience: Jamie Tartt. he’s a soccer legend (although he makes fun of you calling it soccer), and he used to be a grade-A asshole, so you’ve heard from Sam and Roy. He’s Keeley, your best friend’s ex-boyfriend, and so you’ve heard your fair share of horror stories about how he used to be.
And yet…
Ever since you’ve arrived, he’s been nothing short of respectful and kind. He’s pretty funny, you would even admit. He brings you flowers on Mondays, and he turns bright red when you compliment his sense of style, even though he’s so full of himself that you would assume that he got compliments all the time. He has a facade that he puts on for fans: the untouchable, unbeatable star player of Richmond FC, the master ass himself. 
His father peeks his head, trying to be comical, but the team barely reacts,
You look at Jamie. He's tense, jaw clenched and fists turning white.
His dad prods and teases about the game, making biting remarks that you just know Jamie’s taking personally. You can tell, from the slight movement of his lip, to the crescents that are sure to be forming in his palms, that he’s about to lose it. 
Ted has this look on his face, protective, but not ready to intervene,
How is it, you wonder, that there is a room full of professional athletes- a team, a family - and no one is trying to defend Jamie, who is being verbally and emotionally abused by his father, right in front of them?
Jamie quietly stands up for himself. you feel a surge of pride, but the defense does nothing. his father only gets madder. You can’t help but wonder if he’s drunk or just plain crazy, because no one in their right mind would cross Jamie Tartt.
… right?
His father calls him a name and this is when you decide that Jamie is worth so much more than this. “Okay, that’s enough, sir.” you slip between the two Tartt men. Jamie’s father, crazed and hysterical, looks livid. you try and stay courteous.
“(Y/n),” Jamie’s tone is warning.
“I gave you a chance to talk to your son but I've had about enough. you need to leave.”
You have to fight hard so your voice doesn’t waver too much. There is a slight quake. You ball your hands into fists. “I won't ask again.”
“(Y/n),” Jamie says, more urgently. “don’t.”
But James Tartt Sr. ignores his son and zeros in on you. Your heart pounds in your throat
. “You think you can talk to me like that, you little slag? You fucking think that i’m scared of a little fucking bitch like you?”
“Sir-“ you put a hand out. Beard and Ted seem frozen. Finally, you can see the team reacting. Roy looks about to kill Mr. Tartt.
“Little fucking slut!” the name spits out like poison, and you don’t see the punch coming. The man’s fist collides with the left side of your nose, right next to your eye. The pain is automatic. You hit the ground and there are shouts, but your eye is watering and you can barely see. You can make out Jamie’s voice from the din. 
“You don’t touch her!” There’s a sound of a blow and you look to see Mr. Tartt fall to the ground. He groans, but gets up surprisingly quickly for a man his age. 
“Okay, you can get that one for free,” he laughs manically.
You find a sudden burst of energy and run straight into Mister Tartt’s midriff. You wrap your arms around him and push him away, like you’ve done many times before, separating teammates from petty locker room squabbles. He smells of stale beer and body odor. Beard has the same idea as you, and together, you rid the locker room of James Tartt Sr.
there’s a wet warmness running down your lip, the taste of iron in your mouth. you press your sleeve to your bleeding nose and squeeze your eyes shut. Beard crouches next to you.
“Let me look,” he instructs, you pull your sleeve away, a drop of blood on your jacket. It’s stopped quickly, and you completely take off your coat. “Not broken. Only bruised.”
You nod.
The sound of shouting echoes down the hall and Beard tips his hat to you, leaving you alone with your back pressed against the wall.
You give yourself thirty seconds to recuperate before re-entering the locker room.
You do a double take in surprise, the sight of Roy Kent hugging Jamie Tartt is not one you ever thought you’d see. 
You approach slowly, letting Jamie see you before putting your hand lightly on Roy’s back. He immediately lets go of Jamie, casts you a worried look, but gives you space.
Hesitantly, almost fearfully, Jamie takes your face into his hands, pressing a gentle thumb against the spot were his father hit you. 
“He hurt you,” he whispers. You ache at the sound of pain and regret in his voice, knowing he’s probably already tearing himself up for this. You wrap your arms around him, one over his shoulders, one under his arm and pull him close. He returns the hug, holding you tightly. You feel his chest quake against you.
“I’m okay,” you tell him, voice muffled. “you’re going to be, too.”
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whitetiger1249 · 11 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Totally Killer (Movie 2023) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jamie Hughes & Pam Miller, Jamie Hughes & Lauren Creston, Jamie Hughes & Blake Hughes, Jamie Hughes & Blake Hughes & Pam Hughes, Jamie Hughes & Amelia Creston, Jamie Hughes & Colette Hughes Characters: Jamie Hughes, Pam Miller, Laura Creston, Blake Hughes, Pam Hughes, Amelia Creston Additional Tags: Time Travel, Jamie Hughes Needs a Hug, Pam Miller Needs a Hug, Jamie Hughes and Lauren Creston Are Best Friends, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jamie Hughes has a Savior Complex, Thank you Autism-Swagger for the fic ideas, The mystery of the Canadian Exchange Student, Jamie Hughes Needs a Nap, She Gets One . . .sorta Summary:
Jamie Hughes aka Jamie LaFleur in 1987 had arrived home worried out of her mind after killing the Sweet Sixteen Killer.
Was her mom still dead?
What happened to Kara, Randy, Pam and Blake?
She races home to find her mom alive. Thank Jesus Christ that she is alive!
Somethings change (she has a 34 year old brother?!?!?!) and some things stay the same (her parents are soooo cheesy).
*** Alternatively known as I agree with @gotthepynk and other tumblr people that the movie needed a cathartic scene of Pam (and Blake) acknowledging her (their) daughter as the same weirdo that showed up in 1987.
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christiwhitson · 2 years
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His mind was a tangle of mismatched memories. In one reality, he’d spoken to Jared’s customers in a warehouse as he’d shown them the most recent shipment of wine from Portugal. In another, he’d wooed them over dinner with his beautiful wife at his side. He recalled that he’d been sent out with the MacKenzie rent party as punishment for refusing to take the clan oath, but the memory of a hasty wedding to a fiery Sassenach and yet another encounter with Jack Randall was more vivid in his mind.
In this new reality, he’d hadn’t been arrested and nearly hanged, hadn’t traded his body and his pride for Claire’s life. Jamie glanced down at his hand to find it free of the leather brace and clear of surgical scars. He wished fervently to feel the pain that should have come with the flexing of his fingers, to have physical proof of her presence in his life. If suffering Randall’s brutal attentions was the price for having Claire, he’d have considered it well worth paying.
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writerofthelorde · 1 year
I don't want to go (to man city) - Ted Lasso
Relationship: Jamie Tartt & the rest of AFC Richmond
Characters: Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Rebecca, Sam, Dani, others mentioned
Total wordcount: 851
Story summary:
Jamie has become so good that Man City contact Rebecca and make an offer to buy him back. She tells him in the dressing room. He’s standing in the middle of it and the others are all still putting their shoes on. His whole world starts to fade as he falls into a panic. He does not want to go.
Link to AO3
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littleweirdoss · 1 year
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Hey. Enough of that negativity. Yeah, City are great. They just are. but who the fuck care. 'Cause so are we.
PHIL DUNSTER as JAMIE TARTT in TED LASSO Season Three, Episode Five — "Signs"
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chaoticwhoknows · 1 year
do you guys ever think about jamie tartt and sam obisanya bc i do. constantly. they take up so much room in my brain. going from “no one in my entire career had made me feel worse about myself than jamie did” to sam and jamie being comfortable enough to constantly tease each other like siblings and swarm each other during goal celebrations and SAM being one of the first people (along with roy) who we see being concerned about jamie in mom city. JAMIE WEARING SAM’S NUMBER WHEN HE PLAYED FOR ENGLAND. season 3 jamie and sam are so… just so… they’re soooooooo!!! and season 2 jamie and sam are like hey what if i reached out to you through a series of seemingly small gestures in very vulnerable moments of yours bc i don’t know how to properly show that i care about you given the history between us until eventually we were just completely in sync with each other? what then?
and don’t even get me started on the parallels between them. ladies and gentlemen THE PARALLELS. the JUXTAPOSITIONS. the OTHER WORDS. their relationships with their fathers alone is so much to unpack. them cutting to JAMIE’S reaction when ola walked in and hugged sam in the locker room separately from the reaction of the rest of the team. the creators knew what they were doing with that
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walnutmistjamie · 8 months
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Why did you do that for?
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”Who’s this then?” she asks, as if she doesn’t know, and only to hear the excitement in Jamie’s voice as he tells her all about Roy Kent.
She’s a City girl through and through and it is a little jarring to see different colours up on her wall, but that’s what being a parent is all about, isn’t it? Loving someone enough to love what they love, even if it turns out to be the captain of bloody Chelsea. 
Posters come and go, there are girls and footballers and other girls and other footballers and then others still, but Roy Kent stays where he is, slap bang in the middle and staring right at her with those weirdly intense eyes whenever she gets in the room to hoover.
Needs to relax a bit, that one, she thinks, more than once. For all the pictures and clips Jamie has shown her, she’s never seen Kent smile. Plays like a god, though, one of those vengeful ones, so she guesses she can see the attraction.
It’s obvious that Jamie’s not happy, and she’s not either, what with having him move down all the way to London to play for AFC Richmond of all teams. Still, she supposed a loan make sense, get him more minutes and bit of experience.
“Didn’t Roy Kent move there after he quit Chelsea?” she asks, and is pleased with the way Jamie’s eyes light up a little at that. “You’ll get to play together now.”
“He’s a nasty bastard. Right fucking bitter about not being as good as he was, yeah?”
She doesn’t hear much more about Roy Kent after that, not for another year or so. Doesn’t hear much from Jamie at all, really, not even after he returns to Manchester. When he does stop by – for Christmas, for her birthday – he talks about just about anything but football. Doesn’t mention fighting Kent on the pitch, doesn’t say a word about calling him a knob on national television.
Doesn’t take the poster down either, though, she notices when he’s gone.
“Jamie Tartt is a muppet and I hope he dies of the incurable condition of being a little bitch,” Roy Kent says and she’s already halfway out the sofa when Simon’s hand on her arm holds her back.
“If Jamie wants it down he’ll take it down,” her husband tells her.
She sees her son crouching, defeated, on Wembley grass, and her heart breaks for him. Two days later he’s outside her door and in her arms and he’s talking like he hasn’t talked to her since he was loaned to Richmond and her heart breaks for him all over again.
She can’t wish she had never gotten with his wanker of a father, for how can she, when she got Jamie out if? Still, there’s no stopping her from wishing James falls down a sewer and drowns in shit, gagging on it as he goes.
“And I’m just standing there, like I couldn’t move or something, right, but then Roy walks over and I though he was going to fucking punch me, but he just hugged me, like really tight, and I fucking bawled my eyes out. Dead embarrassing, it was, but… made me feel safe, too. Made me think of you.”
She stops flipping the poster off, after that
“So Roy offered to train me, special,” Jamie says, and she thinks it sounds a bit like torture personally, the things Kent is apparently having him do in the middle of the bloody night, but Jamie’s nothing but enthusiasm and barely contained pride so she’s happy for him.
She knows that other parents might have been surprised to see their son befriend and then bring home people whose pictures he still has on his wall, but their sons are not Jamie, are they?
Roy Kent proves far less domineering than she might have suspected. Doesn’t shout once, is polite about Simon’s baking, and tells her he loves her before he leaves. Definitively has some issues, but seems a nice enough lad for all of that.
Simon drives them down to London for Jamie’s 26:th birtday and it’s only the third time she’s ever been to his Richmond home. As she exits the car, Roy Kent exits Jamie’s front door and pauses at the sight of her.
“Hey,” he says, and it’s a bit endearing, the way he sounds unsure, like he doesn’t know what to make of her or how to act around her.
No need for any of that, though.
“There he is,” she exclaims, adding, “I’m going to hug you now,” before doing just that.
His body is solid and hard and held so fucking stiff, but after just a moment – surprisingly quickly, really – he relaxes into the embrace, like maybe it’s one he’s been wanting for a very long time. He holds her tight and she lets him and she can see what Jamie means about him being a great hugger.  
Eventually, she gently pulls back a little, so she can smile up at him as she says, “Thank you.”
Off his furrowed brow, she continues, “For what you’ve done for our Jamie. I know it’s meant a lot to him, you training him and being his friend and everything.” 
“Oh. Jamie’s told you about that, has he?”
And she must raise her eyebrows at that, kindly but incredulously. “Of course he has, love. Never shuts up about you, does he?”
As it turns out, Roy Kent does know how to smile after all.
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tarttygoodness · 15 days
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If this image doesn't haunt you, it probably should.
This is someone literally in the middle of being abused and fucking begging for help. Begging for someone to intervene and get him out of there. Begging for a witness that might bring his ordeal to an end.
Jamie knew Ted was there and that Ted could have stopped it simply by coming into the room. Or gotten help from somewhere else.
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Ted watched it from through the glass. He saw the boot being thrown at Jamie's head. He watched Jamie's father strike him in anger. Ted got every answer to every question he ever had about Jamie from observing this.
Then he did absolutely nothing. He walked away and let Jamie continue being abused.
I cannot even begin to express how much I hated Ted for this.
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Jamie needing a *second hug* surprises even Mummy ❤️‍🩹
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And the way she rocks him with both of those hugs ❤️‍🩹❣️🥰
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The thing about S1 Jamie that I think is interesting is I think on rewatch there is some insight as to why Jamie went so hard on the bullying of Sam. (Not gonna be defending Jamie's treatment of Sam just looking into maybe why). Because out of all of the things Jamie did is season one. The one that seems hardest to understand or really forgive is his treatment of Sam. The first time around, you couldn't understand it. Sam is legitimately the kindest man in existence. (I know as a stroyteller it was the easiest way to really get us to dislike Jamie and really make us more understanding of Roy's treatment of Jamie which to be frank is not great and understand Ted's fruatrations with him) and Sam just keeps trying with Jamie.
But know I think it far to say thay S1 Jamie was jealous of Sam and his easy going, happy, postive nature. I dont think he was aware of it though.
Season 1 Jamie is so interesting because on paper, he had everything he thought he wanted. But I dint think he was overally happy. But yeah it seemed to be all his way
1. He played for the team he grew up supporting and dreamed of playing for. I imagine his first time stepping on that fiels in that uniform would have been monumental. Sure, maybe he wasn't a starter, but he got some minutes and the unspken agreement that in a few years, he would be a star.
2. I imagine he was initially disappointed to be loaned out, but then he learns he is being loaned to Richmond. Yeah they suck, but he gets to play a full 90 minutes, is basically going to be the best player, kick most of thier goals and he gets to be team mates with Roy Kent (he dreamed of playing against him one day, with him is a dream come true, I really think pre show Jamie would have been so excited to play with Roy Kent and was so disappointed in how it turned out). Plus, it has the added advantage of getting him away from his dad. And once his done his loan, he can come back to Manchester. This is his chance to get away from it for a while and be the star
3. He meets and gets to date Keely Jones who his always had a crush on. Dhe is literally a dream girl for him
So he should be happy right. His got everything he wanted, but it's not going the way he expected because.....
1. Roy Kent hates him (in my mind Roy was standoffish from the start, heres come this whizkid who was everything he used to be and slowly losing. I think Jamie came in at 100% and immediatley put Roy on the back foot). Jamie tries with Roy but the more it doesnt work the more Jamie goes OK, if I cant make him like me I will show him I am better than him. Hence the beginning of that relationship.
2. Yeah his away from his dad and his killing it at Richmond, scoring their goals, winning them matches but it only seems to be winning over half the team (he can't see yet his attitude is what is stopping the other guys from liking him). And the team still isn't doing great even with him. Plus he may be away from his Dad but his relationship with his mum feels like it in a werid place which sucks cause she is his favourite person ever.
3. And Keeley seems to be where its going right but sometimes it feels like his a bit of a project for her. And I think he has heard people (like Roy) question why she is with him.
And let's face it, he is still likely hearing from his dad when he doesn't perform up to his standards.
And then heres Sam. Who (at this point in time) isn't playing well, isn't scoring goals, not massively contributing to thier wins and yet he seems so genuinely happy all the time and everyone loves him, Roy Kent seems to like him and is friendly with him, complimenting him (which he has never done to Jamie). Sam is so open and kind he has probably talked about his dad in the locker room, and his relationship with his family seems perfect and that must gnaw at Jamie because all he ever wanted is to make his dad proud and his pretty sure he will never achieve it because the man is a d***k who is impossoble to please, yet Jamie never stops trying and things are werid with his mum which he hates. But all he hears when its brought up from Sam is how great his family is.
Then along comes the new gaffer who Jamie can't even understand why he is coaching, but he also seems to love Sam and wants him to be the decoy so Sam can kick the goal. Even though Jamie knows if he kicks it, it will go in.
Now we all know the reason Sam is liked is because he is an amazing, kind hearted, dedicated person, but I think S1 Jamie is so jealous and does not even know it.
Because S1 Jamie is still living with the notion that being the best in the most important thing ( thank you James Tartt Sr) so to Jamie he is out here busting his ass at training to be the best, scoring all the goals yet Sam seems to be the one who is living what he thought his dream time at Richmond was going to be. And I know I mention it but I think it is a big thing for Jamie, the harder he tries the more Roy seems to despise him, and take enjoyment in his embarrassment.
And S1 Jamie in all maturity handles his jealously by trying to make Sam feel as bad as he is feeling. Which Jamie, baby. That's kindergarten mentality. And poor Sam actually thinks Jamie is a great player and would love to learn from him in the beginning and isnt having a great time either.
But yeah. I dont think Jamie ever disliked Sam. I think he was insanly jealous of him all the time and didn't know how to handle that or even admit it himself.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Apologies for my rambles.
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moonchildquinn · 2 years
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i hope my baby girls are enjoying their time 🤍
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jamtartandsunshine · 6 months
“I don’t hate you.” Roy bites out uncomfortably. “I hate how you fucking act. You could be fucking amazing Jamie, but you can be such a little prick sometimes, and its like you know exactly what you’re doing when you fucking antagonize people, its on fucking purpose.”
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empresslesbiace · 1 month
Being forced to watch Yellowstone only to discover that you hate almost every character except the shows punching bag
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