qaumisafeer · 5 years
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عمران خان: دنیا مقبوضہ کشمیر اور بھارت میں فسطائی نظریہ مسلط کرنے کو تسلیم کر رہی ہے۔ وزیراعظم عمران خان نے کہا ہے کہ دنیا اب برملا تسلیم کررہی ہے کہ مقبوضہ جموں و کشمیر اور بھارت میں غیر جمہوری اور فاشسٹ (فسطائی) نظریہ مسلط کیا جارہا ہے۔
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bhaskarhindinews · 5 years
These changes occurred after the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir
कश्मीर पर मोदी का मास्टर स्ट्रोक, ऐसे समझें क्या होंगे परिवर्तन
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जम्मू-कश्मीर से धारा 370 हटाई गई
धारा 370 हटाने के बाद हुआ होंगे ये परिवर्तन
जम्मू-कश्मीर राज्य पर केन्द्र की मोदी सरकार ने अहम फैसला लिया है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के साथ अहम बैठक करने के बाद गृहमंत्री अमित शाह ने राज्यसभा में अनुच्छेद 370 को खत्म करने के लिए जम्मू-कश्मीर पुर्नगठन विधेयक 2019 पेश किया।इसके तहत जम्मू-कश्मीर से लद्दाख को अलग कर दिया गया है। लद्दाख को बिना विधानसभा केंद्र शासित प्रदेश का दर्जा दिया गया है। वहीं जम्मू-कश्मीर भी अलग केन्द्र शासित प्रदेश बन गया है। यानी जम्मू-कश्मीर अब दिल्ली की तरह विधानसभा वाला और लद्दाख, चंडीगढ़ की तरह व‍िधानसभा व‍िहीन केंद्रशासित प्रदेश होगा।
आगे पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें –  https://www.bhaskarhindi.com/news/these-changes-occurred-after-the-removal-of-article-370-from-jammu-and-kashmir-80221
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collapsedsquid · 4 years
Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday asserted in Lok Sabha that Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Aksai Chin are part of Jammu and Kashmir and said "we are ready to give our lives for it".
Moving a resolution for revoking provisions of Article 370 and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill 2019, Shah also said that there has been a long-standing demand for giving Union Territory status to Ladakh which was fulfilled by the Narendra Modi government.
"Kashmir is an integral part of India, there is no doubt about it. When I say Jammu and Kashmir, I include Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Aksai Chin, both are included in the territorial boundaries of Jammu and Kashmir," the Home Minister said.
This piece was from the end of 2019, and claiming Aksai Chin is claiming a large part of territory on the Chinese side of the LAC.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Four Million Indians in One State Risk Being Denied Citizenship. Most Are Muslims. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/17/world/asia/india-muslims-narendra-modi.html
Donald Trump’s and Stephen Miller’s "nativist" policies are reverberating around the the world. 😢😢😭😭
Four Million Indians Risk Being Denied Citizenship. Most Are Muslims.
By Jeffrey Gettleman and Hari Kumar
Aug. 17, 2019
NEW DELHI — More than four million people in India, mostly Muslims, are at risk of being declared foreign migrants as the government pushes a hard-line Hindu nationalist agenda that has challenged the country’s pluralist traditions and aims to redefine what it means to be Indian.
The hunt for migrants is unfolding in Assam, a poor, hilly state near the borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh. Many of the people whose citizenship is now being questioned were born in India and have enjoyed all the rights of citizens, such as voting in elections.
State authorities are rapidly expanding foreigner tribunals and planning to build huge new detention camps. Hundreds of people have been arrested on suspicion of being a foreign migrant — including a Muslim veteran of the Indian Army. Local activists and lawyers say the pain of being left off a preliminary list of citizens and the prospect of being thrown into jail have driven dozens to suicide.
But the governing party of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not backing down.
Instead, it is vowing to bring this campaign to force people to prove they are citizens to other parts of India, part of a far-reaching Hindu nationalist program fueled by Mr. Modi’s sweeping re-election victory in May and his stratospheric popularity.
Members of India’s Muslim minority are growing more fearful by the day. Assam’s anxiously watched documentation of citizenship — a drive that began years ago and is scheduled to wrap up on Aug. 31 — coincides with another setback for Muslims, this one transpiring more than a thousand miles away.
Less than two weeks ago, Mr. Modi unilaterally wiped out the statehood of India’s only Muslim-majority state, Jammu and Kashmir, removing its special autonomy and turning it into a federal territory without any consultation with local leaders — many of whom have since been arrested.
Among Mr. Modi’s critics, events in Assam and Kashmir are Exhibits A and B in their conviction that the prime minister is using the early months of his second term to push the most forceful and divisive Hindu nationalist agenda  ever attempted in India and to fundamentally reconfigure the concept of Indian identity to be synonymous with being Hindu. Many Indians, on both sides of the political divide, see Assam and Kashmir as harbingers of the direction Mr. Modi will take this nation of 1.3 billion people in the coming years.
The stated purpose of the citizenship dragnet in Assam is to find undocumented immigrants from Bangladesh — a predominantly Muslim country to its south. Amit Shah, India’s powerful home minister, has repeatedly referred to those immigrants as “termites.’’
All of the 33 million residents of Assam have had to prove, with documentary evidence, that they or their ancestors were Indian citizens before early 1971, when Bangladesh was established after breaking away from Pakistan. That is not easy. Many families are racing to get their hands on a decades-old property deed or fraying birth certificate with an ancestor’s name on it.
Beyond this, Mr. Modi’s government has tried to pass a bill in Parliament that carves out exemptions for Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and people from other religions — but leaves out Muslims.
Mr. Modi’s critics say he is playing a dangerous game and pulling apart the diverse, delicate social fabric that has existed in India for centuries.
The prime minister’s political roots lie in a Hindu nationalist movement that emphasizes the religion’s supremacy. This worldview has a long history of sowing division between the country’s Hindu majority and Muslim minority, at times exploding in violence.
Assam has been hit by its own troubles and ethnic bloodshed. But the violence being reported now is self-inflicted.
Noor Begum, who lived in a small hamlet in a flood-soaked district, spiraled into depression after finding out that she and her mother had been excluded from the citizenship lists. Her father and seven siblings had made it.
It didn’t make any sense to the family: Why, if they all lived together and were born in the same place, would some be considered Indian while others illegal foreigners?
“Of course she was Indian,” said her father, Abdul Kalam, a retired laborer. “She used to sing Indian national songs at school. She felt very Indian.”
On a bright morning in June, Noor hanged herself from a rafter. She was 14.
Many Muslims in Kashmir are despondent as well. After Mr. Modi’s government erased Kashmir’s autonomy, thousands of outraged Kashmiris took to the streets, only to be locked down by a heavy deployment of security forces and a smothering communications blackout.
Kashmir has long been a flash point. Both India and Pakistan control different parts of it and several times, the tensions have driven the two nuclear armed rivals to war or dangerously close to it.
Though the Indian government has eased some of the communication restrictions in the past few days, hundreds of Kashmiri intellectuals are still under arrest and Pakistan is seething.
The tension with Pakistan tends to lift Mr. Modi’s political fortunes. His forceful stand against India’s No. 1 enemy just adds to his image as an unswerving patriot and one of the most decisive and powerful prime ministers India has produced in decades.
Many in India’s Hindu majority don’t object to Mr. Modi’s Hindu nationalist policies or even seem to think too much about them. They praise what they see as the strides he has made in fighting poverty and projecting a more muscular image of India on the world stage.
But critics say his Hindu nationalist beliefs are central to who he is and intentionally divisive, engineered to win votes from the Hindu majority. India is about 80 percent Hindu and 14 percent Muslim. (Christians, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists make up most of the rest of the population.)
A small but vocal minority of left-leaning intellectuals, Muslim leaders and opposition politicians has tried to turn public opinion against Mr. Modi’s policies without much success.
What is happening in Assam and Kashmir “is an assault on the very imagination of India, of the freedom struggle, of the Constitution, of the idea of a country in which everyone belongs equally,” said Harsh Mander, a former civil servant turned human rights activist.
“Muslims are the enemy,” he said. “It’s a war on the Indian Constitution.”
Ashutosh Varshney, the head of Brown University’s South Asia program, said that India “in all probability and unless checked is headed toward a Hindu nationalist, majoritarian state.”
With the political opposition in total disarray and all government agencies — especially the bureaucracy and the security apparatus — firmly in Mr. Modi’s hands, Mr. Varshney said the only hope for India’s secular democracy is in the courts.
But, he cautioned, “The judiciary might well surrender.”
Even a streak of alarming headlines in recent weeks, including big job losses in the auto sector, deadly flooding across the country and a new outbreak of violence by Hindu mobs against Muslims, hasn’t dented Mr. Modi’s popularity.
Outsiders may wonder how any political movement in India could question Muslims’ contribution to society. India is a thoroughly multicultural place, and Muslims have contributed for centuries, even ruling the country at times. Muslim emperors built some of India’s brightest cultural treasures, including the Taj Mahal.
But since Mr. Modi took office in 2014, government bodies have rewritten history books, lopping out sections on Muslim rulers, and changed official place names to Hindu from Muslim. Hindu mobs have lynched dozens of Muslims; participants are rarely punished.
Mr. Modi and allies in his Bharatiya Janata Party, known as the B.J.P., have denied any anti-Muslim bias and rejected criticism that the way they have handled the mass citizenship check in Assam has been harsh or discriminatory. State level officials in Assam said this was purely an administrative exercise to ferret out people who have no legal right to stay in India.
Rupam Goswami, a spokesman for the state B.J.P. party, said the registry “is only a process of documentation.”
Like much of India, Assam has reflected a tapestry of different ethnic groups and religions for as long as anyone can remember. Its beautiful tea estates have attracted flocks of migrant workers.
But many indigenous Assamese, who are mostly Hindu, have resented immigrants from Bangladesh, saying that the ethnic Bengalis were coming into their state and taking away their jobs and their land. In 1983, this locals-versus-outsider enmity blew up.
Assamese villagers slaughtered more than 1,000 ethnic Bengalis, many of them Muslim — scholars say that most ethnic Bengalis in Assam are Muslim. In 2012, another smaller wave of violence erupted.
The next year, India’s Supreme Court set in motion a process for a large-scale registration of citizens to be updated in Assam. This would determine who was an Indian and who was not. The deadline for residents to provide documentary proof that they or their ancestors have a legacy as Indian citizens, going back to March 1971 or earlier, has been extended several times.
Though this issue predates Mr. Modi’s taking India’s reins in 2014, the B.J.P. has aggressively backed the process, with Mr. Shah vowing to clear out all the “termites.’’
When a preliminary Assam citizenship list was published in 2018, leaving off four million people, scholars said the majority were Muslim but large numbers of Bengali-speaking Hindus were also excluded.
The B.J.P. then had to regroup. Its response was to push a new citizenship bill that said migrants from neighboring countries who were Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Parsees or Jains would be eligible for Indian citizenship. One of South Asia’s biggest religious groups was conspicuously left off: Muslims.
The government said it was trying to help religious minorities from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. To critics, it looked like another anti-Muslim campaign, plain and simple.
The bill sailed through the lower house of Parliament but stalled after many Assamese politicians said they didn’t like the religious dimension the B.J.P. was injecting — or the possibility that the large number of Hindu Bengalis would be given an exception. Some B.J.P. politicians say they want to revive it.
Many of the people whose names were left off the list were born in India, lived here all their lives and were considered citizens in every right.
One of them was Mohammed Sanaullah, a retired army captain. In May, he was picked up on suspicion of being an illegal migrant and jailed for nearly two weeks.
Mr. Sanaullah said he was totally demoralized.
“I am an Indian, my father is an Indian, my grandfather was an Indian, my forefathers were Indian. They were all born in India. We will be Indian forever,” he said.
The Assam state government sends suspected foreign migrants to foreigner tribunals, a growing network of more than 100 small courts where the onus is on the suspects to provide the proof that the government is demanding. Human rights observers have complained that the proceedings often discriminate against Muslims and are the equivalent of sham trials.
The B.J.P. doesn’t want to stop at Assam.
Mr. Shah and other party leaders have promised their supporters that they will bring mass citizenship reviews across the country. Human rights activists fear these could be used to discriminate against minorities and this will be made easier because, under Supreme Court rules, individuals are allowed to legally challenge another’s citizenship.
More than 3.5 million people who have so far been left off the Assam citizenship list have filed challenges to their exclusion, and state-level officials are reviewing these claims.
But Assam is not waiting. The state government, which is controlled by an arm of the B.J.P., is planning to build 10 new detention camps with the capacity to hold thousands of people.
Bangladesh has not been eager to accept the ethnic Bengalis in Assam as citizens either. That could leave many languishing in a legal no-man’s land without many rights.
Critics say what is happening in both Kashmir and Assam are attempts to change the demographics in these areas in favor of Hindus. Kashmiris fear the government’s real plan in wiping out their autonomy is to pave the way to resettle large numbers of Hindu Indians in Kashmir and end its status as the one Muslim-majority territory in India.
Under the changes, Kashmiris will lose the special land rights they used to hold that made it difficult for non-Kashmiris to buy land in their state. Mr. Modi has argued that the new arrangement will bring outside investment, better governance and a “new dawn.”
But other Indian states have similar protections for local residents and Mr. Modi’s party is not trying to change those.
Critics say the difference is obvious: Those states are not Muslim.
Suhasini Raj contributed reporting from New Delhi, and Shajid Khan from Rowmari Chapari, Assam.
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newsupdatesbykiara · 2 years
8 years of Modi government: A look at some of the big achievements
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government marked its eighth year in office on Monday.
PM Modi has been leading the country since 2014, and in his second term, he was able to ensure that his party won the faith of the people by an even bigger margin.
The last three years in office in the second term have been full of challenges that were overcome with decisive leadership and strong political victory.
Here are the key eight achievements that stood out in Modi 2.0:
On August 5, 2019, Union Home Minister Amit Shah passed the Bill in Parliament to abrogate Article 370 and to bring the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh in the mainstream. Article 370 which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir was abrogated. The government also announced the split of the state into two Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.
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newspatron · 10 months
How Jammu and Kashmir Bills Passed by Modi-Shah Government Will Transform the Region
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In this article, you will learn about the two historic Jammu Kashmir Bills Modi Shah government passed in the Lok Sabha that aim to address the long-standing issues in Jammu and Kashmir. You will also discover the history, administration, and strategic significance of PoK, the region that has been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan for decades. Read on to find out how these bills…
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mensrightsff · 5 years
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RT @AQUIBMIR7: Jihadi Ghulam Nabi Azad Says PM Modi And HM Amit Shah Are Threat To Secularism. Non-sense! Has He Forgotten What He As CM Did In Jammu and Kashmir Assembly In 2007? He Rejected Bill On Secularism. He Introduced Sharia In J&K. He Rejected Bill On Tricolour. Am I Right?
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bigyack-com · 5 years
BJP’s foreign cell, the unofficial ambassadors of the party - india news
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As India’s diplomatic corps set out to address questions and concerns from their international counterparts on controversial decisions such as the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into union territories and revoking its special status guaranteed under Article 370 or the passage of the Citizenship (Amendment Bill), a similar exercise was carried out by the BJP’s foreign affairs cell or the overseas cell. Led by Vijay Chauthaiwale, the BJP’s overseas cell has come to be recognised as a key outreach arm of the party that works firmly and without delay in shoring up support for the government’s policies. These foreign cells, which are present in a host of countries across the world, were instrumental in leading campaigns with the Indian diaspora taking out marches and celebratory rallies to welcome decisions such as abrogation of Article 370. While the government’s explanation for a communication lockdown in the three regions of the erstwhile state was to avert violence, the diaspora took to social media and to the streets with posters and placards of how the provision was discriminatory to a section of the people including the LGBT community. These cells act as the government’s unofficial ambassadors, trying to breakdown the rationale of policy decisions to the man on the street. Now, as the anti-CAA protests intensify in the country, the foreign cells are back at work. Pro-CAA rallies have already been taken out in places such as California, where participants with placards ‘NRIs support CAA’, ‘CAA is all about human rights’ chose to exhibit support for the legislation that seeks to fast-track citizenship for persecuted minorities from the neighbourhood who arrived in Indian before 2014. To counter the charge that the law is discriminatory, because it explicitly states that the provision of fast-tracking applications is limited to Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians, the foreign cell has begun circulating literature on the provisions of the law. “The Shayama Prasad Mukhrejee Foundation has drafted a white paper on the CAA, which has been circulated through email and social media to over 50,000 members. A second booklet including the testimonies of persecuted Hindus will also be circulated soon... all these are efforts to engage with people and clear the misconceptions,” said Chauthaiwale. He said the cells are also upfront about protests against CAA in India being a democratic right of the people. “There is a small section that is protesting and it is their democratic right, but we are engaging constructively with people outside to give the other side of the story,” he said. Citing the role played by the foreign cell soon after the abrogation of Article 370, he said, “...There is a generation of people abroad who are not conversant with the historical background of Partition, their opposition stems more from the lack of knowledge that creates confusion. So, we went out and explained how Article 370 was discriminatory and not an issue that can be viewed from the binary of Hindu-Muslim.” In the coming days, the foreign cell, which was instrumental in organising big-ticket events of Prime Minister Narendra Modi from his Madison Square reception to the more recent Howdy Modi event in Huston, will focus more on party-to-party interactions. In 2019, the cell had organised visits of party delegates to South Korea and China. A doctorate in microbiology, Chauthaiwale who comes from a family moored in the ideology of the RSS, was picked for his current role by BJP president Amit Shah. While Chauthaiwale sees his role as an outreach mode for staying connected with diaspora, his critics complain that his role has the potential to overlap if not circumvent the diplomatic process. He was in the news recently when a British high commission team met him to express concern that the overseas friends of BJP were seen to support the Conservative party. “The Labour Party openly supported a resolution against India; the diaspora there tried to do a few things, but the party had nothing to do with it. We are clear that some people who were involved in campaigns there were doing so in their capacity as British nationals. We are only interested in the outcome (of the elections),” he said. Will there be changes in store for the cell as the party heads into a new phase, with a new party president taking over the reigns? “...That depends on the new president, but for now the engagement will continue,” Chautahiwale said. Read the full article
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Year in Review: Events that made biggest political news in India in 2019
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Politics News The year 2019 saw several events that could be termed ‘turning points’ in India's modern history. From revoking Jammu & Kashmir’s special status through abrogation of Article 370 to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which brought the country’s youth to the streets in chilly nights of December, there are several good and bad memories this year is going to leave Indians with.
Abrogation of Article 370 - On August 5, 2019, Home Minister Amit Shah announced the scrapping of Article 370 of the Indian constitution, a move that stripped the state of Jammu & Kashmir of its special status.
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Shah also announced that J&K would cease to be a state and get split into two Union Territories — J&K with a legislature, like Delhi, and Ladakh without one, like Chandigarh.
Reservation for economically weaker sections - Towards the end of its first term in office, the Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government had brought the 124th Constitution Amendment Bill...Read more.
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blogofspider · 5 years
What is happening in India about Kashmir
People of (IOK) India Occupied Kashmir agreed to be on IOK to be part of India only on condition (special status) under 370 &35A. If the laws has to be changed or abolished as now have been the change is
possible and would be fair only if it is done when people of IOK demands that, this has also been mentioned
in the judgment of Supreme Court of India in case of SBI vs Gupta holding.
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Document Images : Judgment of Supreme Court of India in case of SBI vs Gupta holding.
But now, in august 2019, there was presidential rule in IOK.
The change or abolishment of 370 & 35A wasn't demanded by people of IOK directly or through assembly of IOK.
Central government sent around military force to Kashmir, gave a untrue reason of security threat to media, to India.
Mehbooba Mufti (Ex-CM OF TOK), Omar abdullar and other leaders of Kashmir went to governor of Kashmir to ask reason of this military transfer.
Governer told them its nothing about Kashmir's special status
Central government of India has get request from governer of IOK, who works for central government itself.
Referring to 'own' request, central goverment get the President order. So everything is done by central government.
without asking any opinion of people of IOK and elected assembly of IOK.
State of Jammu & Kashmir has changed in Union Territory. Now central government rule it.
Then the bills was passed in Rajya Sabha & Lok Sabha using brute majority
Bills were passed when ex-CMs and other leaders of Kashmir including current MP Farooq Abdullah been kept in house arrest, Kashmir kept in curfew.
TV, internet and telephone connections have been cut off.
Postal service stopped.
Journalists from Kashmir kept in custody.
Journalist having curfew passes didn't allowed to go in Kashmir. It has been made assured that no news go in or out of Kashmir.
Any leaders tried to go in Kashmir were sent back from Srinagar airport.
Home Minister Amit Shah lied in Loksabha that Farooq Abdullah is not under arrest, Farooq abdullah confronted
forces with this statement and came out of house gave statement to media that he was house arrested.
Leaders from Kashmir moved to other locations and kept detained.
International media shown video of protest by people of Kashmir against abolition of special status to Kashmir
Central government refused any occurrence of protest and said video is fake.
But after firm position by international media Home Ministry accepted occurrence of protests.
Then media reported use of pallets against people of Kashmir including children, including a seven year old girl.
Again Home Ministry refused the reports first, then accepted after days.
Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi lled and gave many infactual reasons for abolition of articles and changing J&K into Union Territory.
Central government is continuously telling lie and also spreading it through some controlled media channels that there is normalacy in Kashmir.
Ex-IAS & current politian from Kashmir Shah Faesal was taken in custody when he was leaving to go to Harvard University by connecting flight through
Istanbul on Delhi airport and taken back to Srinagar.
Magsaysay award winning Sandeep Panday has been arrested in UP just because he was going to protest peacefully 'stand for Kashmir'.
List of illegal arrests is growing with days.
Kashmir is under curfew and lockdown now!
Control of Kashmir forcibly shifted to central government.Democracy is dead in India, yes in India.
This is all happened and happening in Hitler's way.
An image by/through Kavita Krishnana :
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sarkarimirror · 5 years
Amit Shah launches ‘Listening, Learning and Leading’, the book based on Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu’s two years as Vice President of India
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Union Minister for Home Affairs, Shri Amit Shah launched the book ‘Listening, Learning and Leading’ in Chennai today. This book is based on Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu’s two years in office. The book captures glimpses of the Vice President’s 330 public engagements across the country during this period. Talking about the book and his experiences from Life, Shri Naidu said that this book gives a glimpse of his life after assuming the office of the Vice President of India. He said, “I have retired from politics, but not tired of public life. Learn, Learn and Learn, then Earn. Even after you start earning, do not stop learning.” One must have conviction and commitment to what one does, connection with grassroots, patience to be successful in life and a zeal to bring a change in other peoples’ lives, he said. Shri Naidu complimented the leadership and conviction of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi led government for the repealing of the Article 370. “It was the need of the Hour and was due for long”, he said while reading out a news article from 1964, quoting a demand from MPs in Parliament for the same. Shri Naidu also laid forth his views on reform measures in various fields that are required to bring effective governance in the country. Talking about the venue of the event, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu said, “I have special love for the State of Tamil Nadu. The State is an important part of India. Tamil Nadu has been the leader of the cultural developments in the country and I have no hesitation in saying that I wanted this function to be hosted in Chennai. I am Vice President of the whole country, not only Delhi. The country includes North, South, East and West.” In his address, Shri Naidu also said that there should be no opposition to any language, but no language should be forcibly imposed on anyone. Everyone must give priority to their mother tongue, while showing an inclination to learn other languages as well. Addressing the event, Shri Amit Shah said, “I have come here not as a Minister, not as an MP, not as a party president. I have come here as a student of politics, in honor of the personification of an ideal politician and leader, that is Shri Venkaiah Naidu. The book, ‘Listening, Learning and Leading’, is nothing but the story of his life and is an ideal for the youth of the country to follow. This has been exemplified in his conduct throughout his life, from a son of a farmer to the Vice President of India and Chairman of the Upper House of the Parliament. It is his dedication and untiring service for the Nation that has helped him to become a role model for the whole country, Shri Shah said. The Home Minister talked about the immense contribution of Shri Naidu towards his political party and the Government while he held various Ministerial portfolios in the NDA Government. Shri Shah mentioned that the concept of Smart Cities and the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana were launched during Shri Naidu’s tenure as the Urban Development Minister and how they are transforming the Indian urban landscape. The Home Minister added that even after becoming the Vice President, he has been as active as ever and has been continuously in touch with grassroots and has provided his guidance through his extensive speeches inside and outside Parliament. Being from agricultural background, Shri Naidu’s interactions with farmers across the country and his contribution to shaping the agricultural policy of India is commendable. Further, Shri Shah noted that Shri Naidu has been active in getting India’s message communicated to the world by meeting visiting foreign delegations and visiting 19 Nations in the last two years, of which some countries have been the first ones that were visited by an Indian Vice President. The Home Minister said that the book is an example of how a leader needs to communicate with the masses of the Nation. It is for future leaders in all fields to tread the footsteps shown by Shri Naidu. Shri Shah further noted that it is an auspicious happening that the young Shri Naidu who participated in movement against Article 370 in his youth, was the Chairman of the Upper House when the resolution was passed. He said, “I had no confusion in my mind as Home Minister of India on what would happen after Article 370 is abrogated. I am confident that Jammu and Kashmir would progress on the path of development and prosperity. Yet while introducing the resolution on Article 370 in the Upper House, I had apprehensions on how the House would function, as the Government does not have majority in Rajya Sabha”. Commending him for his neutrality and leadership during the discussion in Rajya Sabha on Article 370, Shri Shah congratulated Shri Naidu for his exceptional leadership in conducting the proceedings of the House, maintaining the decorum of the House and getting the resolutions and bills regarding J&K passed. The Event was graced by the Governor of Tamil Nadu, Shri Banwarilal Purohit, Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting, Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Shri Prakash Javadekar, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Shri Edappadi K. Palanisamy, Deputy Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu, Shri O. Panneerselvam, eminent scientists like Prof M.S Swaminathan, Dr. K. Kasturirangan and Members of Parliament from various parties, among other dignitaries. Read the full article
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richmeganews · 5 years
Historic Win Or Blunder By Modi-Shah Team?: Tharoor Vs Jitendra Singh | News Today With Rajdeep
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The Lok Sabha also passed Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, moved by Home Minister Amit Shah. The resolution was passed by Lok Sabha with 351 members in support and 72 against it, while one member abstained.
The Bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha on Monday. Now the Bill will go to the President for his signature.
The Bill, once signed, will bifurcate the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union territories. Jammu and Kashmir will become a UT with legislature and Ladakh will become a separate UT without a legislature. #NewsToday #Article370 #JammuKashmirBill #LokSabha
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sharmaheena850 · 5 years
Kashmir 2.0 in Modi 2.0: Five key points you shouldn't miss on J&K, Ladakh
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Rajya Sabha on Monday approved a resolution revoking the special constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir and passed a Bill to split the state into two Union Territories, as Home Minister Amit Shah promised to restore full statehood after normalcy is restored in the militancy-hit region.
Under Article 370 of the Constitution, Jammu and Kashmir enjoyed complete autonomy and the state legislature was free to draft its own laws except in the areas of communications, defense, finance, and foreign affairs.
Also, Indian citizens were prohibited from purchasing land in the state.
So, what will exactly change in J&K if the Lok Sabha today passes the Reorganisation Bill? Read More
Article Source -> Business Standard
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positivenewstrends · 5 years
Special Status of J&K Ended with the Abrogation of Article 370
Article 370 of the Indian Constitution that grants special status to the state of Jammu & Kashmir has been discarded, following which the state will now be governed by the Central Government. The Union Home Minister of India, Amit Shah announced the scrapping of Article 370 in Rajya Sabha today.
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According to the sources, the announcement came after Indian PM Narendra Modi organized a cabinet meeting at his house before the beginning of today’s Parliament Session.
The declaration of “Article 370 Scrapped” has instantly come into force after being signed by Indian President Ram Nath Kovind. Jammu & Kashmir will no longer be considered as a state. It will be bifurcated in to two union territories, namely Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. While Jammu & Kashmir will have a legislature, Ladakh will be without a legislature, the sources said. Mr. Amit Shah also introduced a reorganization bill for J&K.
The abrogation of Article 370 Kashmir is expected to have profound aftermath on the already-fidgety state. The repeal of the provision of being called “special state” has rendered the section inoperative that allowed the State Assembly to ratify all the rules & regulations concerning J&K.
Read Full Article
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mylucky137276 · 5 years
Kashmir 2.0 in Modi 2.0: Five key points you shouldn't miss on J&K, Ladakh
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Rajya Sabha on Monday approved a resolution revoking the special constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir and passed a Bill to split the state into two Union Territories, as Home Minister Amit Shah promised to restore full statehood after normalcy is restored in the militancy-hit region.
Under Article 370 of the Constitution, Jammu and Kashmir enjoyed complete autonomy and the state legislature was free to draft its own laws except in the areas of communications, defense, finance, and foreign affairs.
Also, Indian citizens were prohibited from purchasing land in the state.
So, what will exactly change in J&K if the Lok Sabha today passes the Reorganisation Bill?
Listen to the Podcast
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mensrightsff · 5 years
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Jihadi Ghulam Nabi Azad Says PM Modi And HM Amit Shah Are Threat To Secularism. Non-sense! Has He Forgotten What He As CM Did In Jammu and Kashmir Assembly In 2007? He Rejected Bill On Secularism. He Introduced Sharia In J&K. He Rejected Bill On Tricolour. Am I Right?
— AQUIB MIR. 🇮🇳 (@AQUIBMIR7) January 17, 2020
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