#Reorganisation Bill
elicathebunny · 8 months
How to stay positive despite the situation.
Life is hard, nobody said life was easy. People who claim life as easy have benefited from those who have endured hardships or surpassed their own.
But then questions arise: how does one achieve an "easy" life? How can people live their lives as if they have selected what difficulty level to play, yet mine seems to be automatically set to the hardest one?
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Positivity is a learned habit for those who are not used to being in that mindset.
HABITS: The more often you repeat the new action, the stronger and more efficient these neural networks become. This reorganising and strengthening of connections between neurons is called neuroplasticity, and in the case of building habits – long-term potentiation. Each time you perform a new action while trying to form a habit, you need smaller cues or triggers to activate the same network of brain cells.
Being positive isn't easy when your situation is the complete opposite. But I believe that is the only way to survive a negative situation. When you are negative, you become a victim of your circumstance and nothing changes. How you think is how you perceive the world, whether true or not.
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First, Nix the Negative: Before you put positive thinking into practice, look for any negative thoughts that may be running through your mind. These include: A bad filter. Do you overlook the good things about a situation and get wrapped up in the negatives? For example, you enjoy a fun dinner out with friends, but the restaurant gets your bill wrong at the end of the night. You leave feeling annoyed and frustrated, forgetting about the good time you had. Taking the blame. Do you tend to take on the blame for something bad or disappointing that happens? For example, a friend declines an invitation from you, so you assume it’s because they don’t want to spend time with you. Predicting disaster. This means you have one setback and then expect the worst to happen. For example, your car won’t start in the morning, so you think the rest of your day is destined to be doomed. Black-and-white thinking. Do you see things as either good or bad, with no middle ground? In this mindset, if things aren’t perfect, they’re automatically bad.
Thinking positive is difficult when you are surrounded by everything the opposite. But if your mind is the same, how will you overcome it? It starts by making one change in your mind that can completely change your perspective on your circumstance. Remember that change doesn't have to be significantly big; it could be changing something simple, yet it could make a difference in your life.
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Everything around you that you can change should be positive. Don't focus on anything you can't control just the things you can. Change the type of music you listen to, are the lyrics what you want to resonate with? Words are affirmations, or in other people's words are spells. What you say or what is said to you enough times will be embedded in you if said with enough emotion attached to it. Change
Change the words you use to talk to yourself or to talk to others. Do you participate in gossip? Do you talk down on yourself? What words do you use negatively when talking about yourself and can you catch yourself saying/thinking them in order to change them? Swap out negative thoughts with positive ones. I know it will sound phony when trying but keep trying until it replaces the old habit of self-negativity.
Cut off people who drain the positivity out of you, and if you can't physically remove them, don't engage in conversation with them unless you actually need to (work or school environments). Sometimes people don't get the memo even after distancing, this is when I'd just start ignoring them tbh (don't be rude about it, this is only when you've made it clear that you don't want to associate with them).
Love yourself from the inside. Don't just focus on the outside but really focus on your inner health. Are you drinking enough water? Are you eating well? Do you socialise enough or are you isolating yourself? Are you spending enough time alone or are you over-socialising? Are you lacking anything in your body that you can replenish through supplements or changing your diet? Are you moving enough? Are you resting enough and getting the needed amount of sleep for your age range? Are you overworking yourself? Are you being too kind to yourself and not pushing yourself enough? Do you know your body? Do you go outside enough? Do you have a self-care routine or time throughout the day or week to dedicate to yourself? Do you take care of your hygiene?
Feeling good inside is how you can attempt to change what's happening outside. You can't attempt to better your situation if you don't feel like you can. If you feel like crap obviously you're not going to achieve what you aspire to do.
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Being positive all the time is not going to happen. Your not going to be happy all the time because that's not human. But learning how you can make your self happier and how not to be stuck in a rut is good to know.
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firespirited · 8 months
I got to give belly scritches to both ginger cats this morning but my phone crashed right as I tried to get photos (I think it might be model specific, the LG G5 crashes repeatedly if the charge is under 60% and will not start at all if it's under about 45). They also played with the string of the dog lead before getting distracted with a brotherly play fight.
I've been stuck unable to craft or do much except rest after pulling my left shoulder somehow. Neck neuralgia is so stupid. Arm hurty so gonna make your eyes not work and woopsie doo brain feels too big for the back of your cranium in a way that's going to ramp up into pain so odd it'll feel like you don't have a body just a big ache that outlines the exact shape of your skull from the inside.
Felt sane enough to try a little konmari without throwing out baby and bath with the bathwater. I could tell the difference between aesthetic enjoyment and nostalgia, personal spark vs rarity/sunk cost but it passed within five minutes. I was looking at newer monster highs and some work in progress that can't currently be finished that I've displayed with mixed dolls and couldn't get the clarity and then doubts took over.
So next time: fully dressed dolls among their similar shaped/unfinished 'peers' and try again.
Still not doing the craft supplies, it's too fraught. It could really do with some reorganising but I could so very easily give away all the painstakingly collected stashes because of the uncertainty that comes with neck injury and the big worry that comes with the pain.
Like I'm currently struggling with taps (faucets?) and spreading butter so everything handicraft related feels slightly threatening. There's no pressure except a very limited amount of personal space and clutter blindness.
Paperwork and email inbox sorting is on hold because it got out of hand and is going to take some courage 😂😁
Getting registered to vote is proving difficult: they want paperwork to prove I lived in British addresses from before I was ten: they have my birth certificate and passport details but I wasn't exactly on the bills or receiving official mail as a kid. If they really cared, they could see my NHS records but I suspect they want 'expats' only not emigrants, the types with a second home, double citizenship or who left after retirement. It was open to any brits but they want proof of diplomas (16+), work payslips and bills. I had a bank account at 7 (granddad felt it was a very important rite of passage to have one even though I didn't get an allowance) but that doesn't count either. Frustrating.
I'm very fond of late winter, the skies are spectacular and you get to see the frost sparkle as the sun rises. I don't mind wearing double socks because there are no mosquitos. The slap in the face that is cold wind makes any heated building feel magically cozy and the birds make a racket up til 7 thirty. Even saw what looked like a bat this morning but I don't know what they eat in this weather or if they hibernate. Off to wikipedia.
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the-greatwar · 10 months
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Reginald, known as Reggie, was the eldest son of William (Bill) Stenning and his wife Emily
Stenning nee Gander. He was born in late 1891 and baptised here on 01/11/1891. His father was a
gardener and the family lived at Treeps Cottage. He is listed at home on both the 1901 and 1911
censuses when he was a baker’s assistant.
Reggie’s papers have recently been digitised but form part of the ‘burnt documents’ severely
damaged in an incendiary attack on the repository during WW2. Reggie’s papers are missing large
sections. It is possible to work out that he joined the 1/1st Sussex (Fortress) Reserve of the Royal
Engineers as a sapper on 16/11/1914 and was numbered T224, the ‘T’ indicating this was a Territorial
unit. This unit was based in Newhaven and their role was local defence. As the dangers of invasion
receded six engineer units formed the 1/1st Sussex Army Troops Company, RE. With their specialist
knowledge they left England on board the Empress of India arriving at Le Havre on 20/03/1915
joining the British Expeditionary Force at Etaples. At some point Reginald was raised to Lance
Corporal and, although the date cannot be read, it is most likely to have been before he entered
France. The Company was employed building accommodation for the arriving troops and hospitals
and roads around Etaples. They were moved to Vimy Ridge in May of 1916. Here their role was to
extend the deep dugout and tunnel systems under the ridge. One of their innovations was to construct
a ropeway slung from the roof to carry the spoil out to the surface. This system was later adopted by
other units. They also built concrete machine gun positions, and if that were not enough, some of
them, reportedly, helped the local farmers with their harvest.
In late 1916 a reorganisation of troop numbering of the Territorial Forces was undertaken. Six figure
numbers were allocated and the Sussex Fortress men were given numbers starting at 545001 on 01/
02/1917. Reggie was renumbered 545119. Just two days before this Reggie was hit in the leg by a
shell splinter. He was taken to 45 Casualty Clearing Station based at ‘Edgehill’ near Dernancourt but
died the following day. He is buried in the Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension in grave IV.
H. 8. He is remembered on both local war memorials.
Grave B102 in the South Avenue Cemetery holds a member of the Stenning family. In 1920 an Act of
Remembrance laid flowers on the graves of all servicemen who had died. Reginald is mentioned in
the newspaper article and it is possible that flowers were laid here. There is no stone.
Reginald, bekend als Reggie, was de oudste zoon van William (Bill) Stenning en zijn vrouw Emily Stenning - Gander. Hij werd eind 1891 geboren en gedoopt op 01/11/1891. Zijn vader was een tuinman en het gezin woonde in Treeps Cottage. Hij staat vermeld op zowel de 1901 als de 1911 gehouden volkstellingen toen hij bakkersknecht was. Reggie's papieren zijn onlangs gedigitaliseerd, maar zijn ernstig beschadigd bij een brandbomaanval op de opslagplaats tijdens WO2. Van Reggie's papieren ontbreken groot gedeelten. Het is mogelijk om eruit op te maken dat hij zich aansloot bij de 1/1st Sussex (Fortress) Reserve van de Royal Genie als sappeur op 16/11/1914 en was genummerd T224, de 'T' gaf aan dat dit een Territorial eenheid was. Deze eenheid was gestationeerd in Newhaven en hun rol was vooral lokale verdediging. Toen de gevaren van een invasie afnamen werden zes genie-eenheden gevormd in de 1/1st Sussex Army Troops Company, RE. Ze verlieten Engeland aan boord van de Empress of India, waar ze op 20/03/1915 in Le Havre aankwamen en zich aansluiten bij de British Expeditionary Force in Etaples. Op een gegeven moment werd Reginald gepromoveerd tot Lance Korporaal en, hoewel de datum niet kan worden achterhaald, is het zeer waarschijnlijk dat het was voordat hij Frankrijk binnenkwam. De compagnie werd ingezet voor het bouwen van accommodatie voor de aankomende troepen en ziekenhuizen en wegen rond Etaples. Ze werden in mei 1916 verplaatst naar Vimy Ridge. Hier was het hun taak om diepe dug-outs en tunnelsystemen onder de heuveltoppen te graven. Een van hun innovaties was het bouwen van een kabelbaan die vanaf het dak wordt gebruikt om de specie naar de oppervlakte te brengen. Dit systeem werd later overgenomen door andere eenheden. Ze bouwden ook betonnen mitrailleurstellingen, en alsof dat nog niet genoeg was, naar verluidt hielpen ze de lokale boeren met hun oogst. Eind 1916 werd een reorganisatie van de troepennummering van de Territoriale Strijdkrachten ondernomen. Zes nummers werden toegewezen en de mannen van Sussex Fortress kregen nummers vanaf 545001 op 01/ 02/1917. Reggie werd omgenummerd tot 545119. Slechts twee dagen eerder werd Reggie in zijn been geraakt door een granaatsplinter. Hij werd naar 45 Casualty Clearing Station gebracht, gestationeerd in 'Edgehill' bij Dernancourt, maar overleed de volgende dag. Hij ligt begraven op de Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension in graf IV. H. 8. Hij wordt herdacht op beide lokale oorlogsmonumenten. In 1920 werd in het kader van de herdenking bloemen op de graven van alle gesneuvelde militairen gelegd. Reginald wordt genoemd in het krantenartikel, gewijd aan deze herdenking.
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御ふぁっくゆーして下さいませ。 gofakkuyuu shite kudasaimase./Go fuck yourself left and right, baby~
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Moon Day 14 in Capricorn/Waxing Gibbous
day’s V I B E – 6 of Wands Rx
Continuing yesterday’s vibe, this day is still going to deliver a surge of motivation to help you get on unfinished tasks. Work as much as you can today (Moon is still in Capricorn) for tomorrow’s going to be a Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius. On the day of the full moon you will want to reorganise your Life’s most important priorities somewhat. Chances are, you won’t be able to focus working on things that really don’t matter, even if they pay the bills.
The same can be said about, again, your circle of friends (or maybe coworkers in some cases). The thing about Aquarius energy is that, more than people give it credit for, it is honest. When Aquarius energy is expressed well, it is incredibly honest! In the most self-respecting manner. Aquarius understands who it is and what it has to offer the community, the world, even; so it comes naturally that Aquarius is solitary because its self-worth doesn’t depend on other people’s petty approval. Aquarius’ truly calm confidence lies in its own raison d'être.
Aquarius suffers when living in lies, even if for the sake of maintaining casual friendships. Ironic because Aquarius is ruler of the 11th House of friendships. But the thing about 11th House friendships is that here we talk about friendships that are finally real, ones that finally last a lifetime. Such friendships are recognisable by the same visions and values we share, you see.
So you see, 6 of Wands in reverse today wants to invite you to really let go of your concerns about getting hated/disliked/ridiculed for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with your self-worth. People who make fun of you are probably not always bad people; they’re just not your people.
Let that shit go and let them go fuck themselves left and right. You go do what you know you’re meant to do. The world fucking needs you right now!🥥❔🤍
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Priestess of Purity
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m o o n a v i g a t i o n ♥︎
‘I was born of purity. I maintain my purity in this world of chaos. I bring back purity from the depths of my subconscious. I remember what I came here to do. I am meant to do important things. There are roles I must fulfil and it’s all gonna be fun! I am an emanation of Pure Light Source. I am good. My intentions are good, baby~! My Life is only gonna get good from here.’
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Feeling like a sicky boy…
I cried so much last night I dehydrated myself further than usual and now my heads warm and fuzzy. And I woke up cause my elbow still hurts from when I injured it at the end of may.
But luckily I don’t have anywhere to be today. So I’ll be on here but responses and role-play might now be as Instantaneous or continuous today. Because I’ll have to take breaks or naps.
But I wanna relax and talking with all of you is my favourite part of my day!
Last night was one of the worst panic attacks I’ve had in months. At one point it felt like nobody was fronting in the body and it was so scary. I never want to feel like that again. But luckily I have therapy tomorrow, so I can talk about it then and start feeling mentally better at least!
I’m still working on my new discord server, and adding the bots and channels and making it look all nice and pretty. I’ll send out the links once that’s done. And as far as writing and stuff, I’ve gotta clean out my google drive cause I’m out of storage and don’t have the money to just buy more right now. 😭 but once that’s all reorganised I can organise my thoughts better and start writing again.
I’m also still organising my master lists so I can reread all my stories A) to spark new ideas and B) to remember where I left off or an continuity things I can fix/bring back. Sorry things are moving so slow, that’s the reality of being mentally I’ll and physically disabled. Especially since I waste so much entertainment everyday having to pretend to be able bodied, because you can’t live in a capitalist society without money. Especially not when medical bills cost the way they do.
But hey, at least it’s my birthday month! I’be got tickets to see my favourite musician, I’m gonna be in my first cosplay competition ever, and I’m having a spider-man themed birthday party!! I’ll probably post my birthday Wishlist soon, but obviously NO pressure, I know money is tight for everyone this year. But usually I buy my own gifts but I can’t this year. Just well wishes and getting to talk with all of you will be more than enough.
I love you all so much! 🫀🫀🫀🫀I don’t know if I’ll get back to sleep soon, or be up for a bit. But I figured I’d give an update.
@queer-and-utter-chaos @emeraldfangs @mothmans-kingdom @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @myers-meadow @keffirinne @stu-machers-girl
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agentnico · 9 months
My Most Anticipated Movies of 2024
Here we are - Christmas behind us and right at the precipice of the end of the year with 2024 ready to rock and rumble. So naturally as per usual this time of year I do all my film-related Top 10 lists, with the first up My Most Anticipated Movies of 2024. An interesting aspect of 2024 is that it is in fact bare bones when it comes to superhero flicks with both Marvel and DC taking a little break as they reorganise that respective cinematic universes, with the only major flicks of that genre being Deadpool 3 and the Joker sequel. As such, I’m really hoping we will get some stand out releases from the indie and more niche market, so looking forward to those surprises down the line, as for now here are the movies on my radar who I see having potential at being the stand outs in 2024…
10) KUNG FU PANDA 4 - Jack Black’s Po the Dragon Warrior is back for another round of hijinks. DreamWorks animation sequels recently have been nothing short of superb, with the genuinely laugh-out-loud hilarious Croods 2 and then the fantastic Puss in Boots: The Last Wish that had no right to be THAT good! Like honestly, how the hell was Puss in Boots 2 so awesome!? From the striking and ambitious animation style, to the soundtrack and one hell of a title track with “Fearless Hero”, to the narrative itself tackling surprisingly mature themes and honest depictions of panic attacks - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is a masterpiece! There, I said it. As such really high hopes now for DreamWorks’ other projects, with Kung Fu Panda always a reliable series, yet I must say the trailer was a tad underwhelming hence why it’s so low on the list. Still though, the previous 3 have been solid so no reason for this one not to. Let’s give this panda some love!
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9) THE MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE - Director Guy Ritchie has been on a real hot-streak lately, delivering quality after quality. 2019’s The Gentlemen is one of the coolest gangster flicks in recent memory, 2015’s The Man from U.N.C.L.E was an entertaining action espionage caper with some great humorous banter, and this year’s The Covenant was one of the more underrated surprises, delivering a tense and realistic pulse pounding war thriller that was so out of character for Ritchie, yet honestly delivered such an edge of your seat experience. Then there’s that Aladdin remake with a blue Will Smith. Look, everyone’s gotta pay the bills, but nonetheless Guy Ritchie really is hitting the mark non-stop, so really looking forward to this World War II based action spy film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. Love the title alone. Also Henry Cavill’s in the lead and that guy’s simply cool.
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8) ARGYLLE - So much so that this is the second film on the list featuring Henry Cavill in the lead. What a cast - John Cena, Sam Rockwell, Dua Lipa, Bryce Dallas Howard, Samuel L. Jackson, Sofia Boutella and Bryan Cranston. Talk about an ensemble! This comes to us from Matthew Vaughn who made those Kingsman movies, and one could argue that this looks and feels like a Kingsman movie. Wouldn’t even be surprised if at the film’s end there will be a twist connecting it to that franchise Cloverfield-style. Looks like a good time though, as long as they brush up on their special effects, as that CGI cat is Garfield-level bad!
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7) BOB MARLEY: ONE LOVE - When a music biopic is done right then it is SO right! Taron Egerton rocked as Elton John in Rocketman, and Baz Luhrmann visual frenetic style paired really well with the crazy life of Presley in 2022’s Elvis. And who can of course forget the incredible tale of Dewey Cox, as he walked hard through his drug-filled Bob Dylan-stealing life where absolutely nothing bad happened to him. I’m of course kidding, but if you’ve never seen Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story then you’re missing out on of the funniest music biopic satires ever. That movie is hilarious and the Beatles scene alone is worth the price of admission. Anyway, in regards to One Love, the trailers for this Bob Marley biopic have actually been really intriguing. Kingsley Ben-Adir seems to be impersonating the famous reggae singer really well and the movie itself seems to offer a powerful depiction of Marley’s journey behind his revolutionary music. At the very least I’m going to enjoy listening to “Buffalo Soldier” on the big screen, and that’s gotta count for something.
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6) FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA - One of the stand-outs of George Miller’s absolute batshit insane wasteland hit Mad Max: Fury Road was Charlize Theron’s headstrong Furiosa. Well Theron is not returning and instead Anya Taylor-Joy takes on the role as a younger version of the character. I am always hesitant with prequel stories as I always wonder what’s the point of them, however Miller’s Fury Road was visually incredible with some outstanding action sequences, and additionally the trailer for Furiosa features an unhinged Chris Hemsworth, and for those of you who’ve seen Bad Times at the El Royale you’ll know the guy can play insane really well.
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5) DRIVE AWAY DOLLS - The Coen Brothers are behind some of the most thrilling crime capers in film history, yet recently they temporarily parted ways to focus on their own projects. Joel went on to direct a truly spectacular Shakespeare adaptation of Tragedy of Macbeth that gave Roman Polanski’s original a run for its money, and now Ethan Coen has got his first solo directorial outing with Drive Away Dolls. It’s a queer roadtrip buddy comedy about two friends whose spontaneous trip to Tallahassee is undermined by a gang of amateur criminals. Should be a fun time at the movies with hopefully some of the Coens’ signature wit, and the supporting cast featuring Pedro Pascal and Matt Damon simply sounds delightful.
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4) MICKEY 17 - Bong Joon-Ho’s highly anticipated science fiction film starring Robert Pattinson. Not much is known about this however Joon-Ho is fresh of winning an Oscar for Best Picture for his incredible Parasite, and Pattinson has really proven in the last decade that he’s a very talented actor, and that the quicker we forget about his Twilight times the better. Look, it’s a movie that is made by a very talented group of people, so I’m really rooting for this one to be a hit.
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3) DEADPOOL 3 - One of the few superhero flicks of 2024, and the only one I really care about, as, well, it’s fricking Deadpool! The first two were awesome, and we have Ryan Reynolds back in this one, this time with the highly anticipated return of Wolverine himself - Hugh Jackman. Again, there are reasons to be worried, as the MCU’s Multiverse saga has been very underwhelming and this film is posed to be at the centre of this cinematic plot line. Additionally, due to the writer’s strike earlier in 2023 Ryan Reynolds was not allowed to improvise on set, and I feel like Deadpool thrives of the ad-libbing and actors being allowed to act in the moment, so take that away and what do we have? Fingers crossed the team know what they are doing and I’m still really looking forward to it, yet Deadpool 3 has a lot to prove come it’s summer release day.
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2) MAXXXINE - The final entry is Ty West’s horror trilogy X. Following the only survivor of the bloody incidents of X, Maxine continues her journey towards fame to be an actress in 1980s Los Angeles. Both X and Pearl really reinvigorated the horror genre as they both took inspiration from the old yet managed to blend in something new, as such making this third installment one of my most anticipated this year. In fact, I don’t enjoy horror films that much, so when one gets me so invested it really proves a point that it is something truly special.
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1)THE LORD OF THE RINGS: WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM - Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy are my favourite set of films ever. So of course anything to do with Lord of the Rings gets my blood pumping. Amazon Prime’s recent Rings of Power show was an absolute slap to the dick, and was such a disservice to the fans, however War of the Rohirrim sounds more promising. The prequel will be an anime adaptation of Tolkien's world and will take inspiration from the look and feel of Peter Jackson's original trilogy, with Miranda Otto returning to narrate, and as you may recall Otto played Eowyn, the daughter of Theoden, in the original trilogy. The film is directed by anime industry heavyweight Kenji Kamiyama, known for his work on Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Blade Runner: Black Lotus, promising excitement for both Tolkien and anime fans with his impressive track record. It sounds like The War of the Rohirrim will be worth the wait at least because at Annecy Film Festival in June 2023, an exclusive first look was screened and the first reactions are very positive. And look, it is a new Lord of the Rings movie that will be playing in cinemas! I am very afraid but also very excited!
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mydeclutterjourney · 1 year
I've not decluttered much lately
But I'm somewhat managing to keep up with doing the dishes often. Not yet each day but every 2 or 3. Dishes now takes less than 15 minutes, I always have clean cutlery and plates to eat with, and the kitchen looks tidy most of the time. It's refreshing.
The next issue is, do I still get a dishwasher? Is it really necessary? It's going to add to utility bills but it may save me time, especially on days when I don't get home until late so don't wash dishes. I've already cleared the cupboard space for it, but I do need to declutter and reorganise the other cupboards so it's easier to get pyrexes and mixing bowls out.
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influencermagazineuk · 2 months
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advancegkquiz · 8 months
Learn About Some Important Amendments of the Constitution|SSC CGL Tier-1||
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What is the 105th Amendment?
What is 106 amendment of Indian Constitution?
भारतीय संविधान का 106 संशोधन क्या है?
When was 106th Constitutional Amendment Act passed?What is the latest amendment of the Constitution of India 2023?What is the 104 amendment of the Constitution?What is the 100 amendment in Indian Constitution?What is the 100th Amendment of the Constitution?How many amendments are there in Indian Constitution in 2023?When was 105th amendment introduced?What is the 128th Amendment Bill?Is GST 101 or 122 Amendment?What is 125th amendment Bill?Who wrote our Constitution?When was Article 31 removed?Which country first introduced GST?Which PM introduced 9th schedule?What is the 9th schedule?Who is the mother of Indian Constitution?What is the 122 Amendment bill related to?What is the First Amendment bill?
Learn About Some Important Amendments of the Constitution|SSC CGL Tier-1||
||List of Important Amendments in Indian Constitution||
1st Constitutional Amendment Act , 1951 -
This amendment added Article , 15(4) and Article , 19(6) and brought changes in the right to private property in pursuance with the decision of Supreme Court concerning fundamental rights. 
9th schedule to the Constitution was also added by it. 
7th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1956 -
Through this amendment the implementation of State Reorganisation Act, was made possible. 
The categorisation of States into Part A , Part B and Part C ceased henceforth. 
Part C states were redesignated as Union Territories. 
The seats in the Rajya Sabha and in the Union and State Legislatures were reallocated. 
It also effected changes regarding appointment of additional and acting judges , High Courts and their jurisdictions etc. 
10th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1961 - 
Incorporated Dadra and Nagar Haveli as Union Territory. 
12th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1962 - 
Inclusion of territories of Goa , Daman and Diu into the Indian Union.
13th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1962 -
Insertion of Article 371 A to make special provisions for the administration of the State of Nagaland.
14th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1962 -
Pondicherry , Karaikal Mahe and Yenam ,  the former French Territories , were specified in the Constitution as the Union Territory of Pondicherry (now Puducherry).
Enabled the UTs of Himachal Pradesh ,  Manipur , Tripura , Goa , Daman and Diu and Pondicherry to have Legislature and council of Ministers.
15th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1963 -
It raised the age of retirement of a High Court Judge from 60 to 62.
Extended the jurisdiction of High Court to issue writs under Article 226 to a Government or authority situated outside its territorial jurisdiction where the cause of action arises within such jurisdiction.
16th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1963 - 
Changes were effected in Article 19 to enable the Parliament to make laws providing reasonable restrictions on the freedom of expression in the larger interests of sovereignty and integrity of India.
Amendments were made in the form of oath contained in the 3rd Schedule with emphasis on upholding the sovereignty and integrity of India.
19th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1966 - 
Article 324 was amended to clarify the duties of the Election Commission. It  deprived the Election Commission of the power to appoint election tribunals for deciding election disputes of members of Parliament and State Legislatures. 
21st Constitutional Amendment Act , 1967 - 
Sindhi language was included as 15th regional language in the 8th schedule.
24th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1971 - 
It was a retaliatory act of the Parliament to neutralise the effect of the judgement in Golak Nath Case. 
It affirmed the Parliament's power to amend any part of the Constitution ,  including Fundamental Rights by amending Article 368 and 13.
It made obligatory for the President to give assent to Amendment Bills , when they are presented to him/her. 
25th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1971 - 
(came into force on 20.04.1972) :
It restricted the jurisdiction of the Courts over acquisition laws with regard to adequacy of Compensation.
This amendment came primarily in the wake of Bank Nationalization Case and the word 'amount' was substituted in place of 'compensation' in Article 31.
It also provided that no law passed by the State to give effect to Directive Principles specified under clauses (b) and (c) of Article 39 can be declared void on the ground that it was inconsistent with Fundamental Rights conferred by Article 14 , 19 and 31. 
26th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1971 - 
This amendment withdrew the recognition to the rulers of Princely States and their Privy purses were abolished. 
30th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1972 - 
It provided that only such appeals can be brought to the Supreme Court which involve a substantial question of law. 
The valuation aspect of Rs 20,000 for appeals in civil cases to the Supreme Court was abolished. 
31st Constitutional Amendment Act , 1973 - 
By this amendment , the seats of the Lok Sabha was increased from 525 to 545 but reduced the representation of UTs in Lok Sabha from 25 to 20. 
35th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1974 - 
Accorded status of Associate State to Sikkim by ending its protectorate kingdom status which was a novel concept introduced in the Constitution.
36th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1975 - 
Made Sikkim a full fledged State of the Union of India.
38th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1975 - 
Clarified that declaration of emergency by the President and promulgation of Ordinance by the President or Governor can not be challenged in any Court on any ground. 
39th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1975 - 
The disputes or questions regarding elections of President , Vice-President , Prime Minister and Speaker oof Lok Sabha were taken out of the purview of judicial review of the Supreme Court or High Courts.
42nd Constitutional Amendment Act , 1976 -
(Mini Constitution) :
The 42nd Amendment made fundamental changes in the constitutional structure and it incorporated the words 'Socialist' ,  'Secular' and 'Integrity' in the Preamble.
Fundamental Duties were added in Part 4A.
Directive Principles were given precedence over Fundamental Rights and any law made to this effect by the Parliament was kept beyond the scope of Judicial review by the court.
It made the power of Parliament supreme so far as amendment to the Constitution was concerned. 
It authorised the Supreme Court to transfer certain cases from one High Court to another and redefined the writ jurisdiction of the High Courts.
It provided for administrative Tribunals for speedy justice.
It empowered the centre to deploy armed forces in any State to deal with the grave law and order situation.
It authorised the President to make the Proclamation of Emergency for any part of the country or to whole of India.
It made it obligatory for the President to act on the advice of the Council of Ministers.
Tanure of the Lok Sabha and the State Assemblies was increased by 1 year.
43rd Constitutional Amendment Act , 1977 - 
The 43rd Amendment omitted many articles inserted by 42nd Amendment.
It restored the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the High Courts , which had been curtailed under the 42nd Amendment. 
44th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1978 - 
The Amendment was brought by the Janta Party Government which repealed some of the changes effected by 42nd Amendment , omitted a few and provided alterations. 
Right to property was taken away from the list of Fundamental Rights and placed in a new Article 300 A as an ordinary legal right.
Constitutionality of the Proclamation of Emergency by the President could be questioned in a court on the ground of malafide (42nd Amendment had made it immune from Judicial review).
 It brought the revocation of a Proclamation under Parliamentary control.
In Article 352 regarding National Emergency , the words 'internal disturbance' were substituted by the words 'armed rebellion'.
It authorised the President to refer back the advice to the Council of Ministers for reconsideration , but made it binding for the President to act on the reconsidered advice.
The power of the Courts to decide disputes regarding election of Prime Minister and Speaker was restored.
Constitutional protection on publication of Proceedings of Parliament and State Legislatures was provided.
List of All Important Amendments in Indian Constitution |UPSC|SSC|
52nd Constitutional Amendment Act ,1985 -
This amendment was brought about during Rajiv Gandhi Regime with a view to put an end to political defections.
It added 10th schedule to the Constitution containing the modes for disqualification in case of defection from the Parliament or State Legislature.
55th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1986 - 
The formation of Arunachal Pradesh took place with special powers given to the Governor.
It also provided for a 30-member State Assembly.
56th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1987 -
Goa was made a full fledged State with a State Assembly but Daman and Diu stayed as UT.
57th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1987 -
It provided for reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribes of Nagaland , Meghalaya Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh in Lok Sabha.
Seats were also reserved for the scheduled Tribes of Nagaland and Meghalaya in the State assemblies of Nagaland and Meghalaya.
58th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1987 - 
An authoritative text of the Constitution in Hindi was provided to the people of India by the President.
59th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1988 - 
It amended Article 356 to provide that the declaration of Emergency may remain in Operation upto 3 years and also authorised the Government to Proclaim Emergency in Punjab on ground of "internal disturbance".
The amendment made in Article 352 thus provided that the emergency with respect to Punjab shall operate only in that State.
61st Constitutional Amendment Act , 1988 - 
It brought about an amendment to Article 326 for the reduction of voting age from 21 to 18 years.
62nd Constitutional Amendment Act ,1989 -
It increased the period of reservation of seats provided to the Schedule Caste and Scheduled Tribes for another 10 years i.e. upto 2000 A.D.
The reservation of for Anglo-Indians through nomination in case of their inadequate representation , was also extended up to 2000 A.D. 
65th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1990 - 
A National Commission for Scheduled Caste and Schedule Tribes with wide powers was provided to take care of the cause of SCs/STs.
66th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1990 - 
This amendment provided for the inclusion of 55 new land Reform Acts passed by the States into the 9th schedule.
69th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1991 - 
Article 239-4A and 239-4B were inserted in the Constitution to provide a National Capital Territory designation to Union Territory of Delhi with a Legislative Assembly and Council of Ministers.
70th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1992 - 
Altered Article 54 and 368 to include members of Legislative Assemblies of Union Territories of Delhi and Pondicherry in the electoral college for the election of the President. 
71st Constitutional Amendment Act , 1992 - 
It included Manipuri , Konkani and Nepalese languages in the 8th Schedule. 
73rd Constitutional Amendment Act , 1992 - 
The institution of Panchayati Raj received Constitutional guarantee , status and legitimacy. 
11th Schedule was added to deal with it.
It also inserted Part 9th , containing Article 243 , 243A to 243O.
74th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1992 - 
Provided for Constitutional sanctity to Municipalities by inserting Part 9-A containing Article 243P to 243ZG and the 12th Schedule which deals with the items concerning Municipalities.
77th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1995 - 
By this Amendment a new clause 4A was added to Article 16 which authorised the State to make provisions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes with regard to promotions in Government jobs. 
78th Constitutional Amendment Act , 1995 - 
This amended the 9th Schedule of the Constitution to insert 27 Land Reform Acts of various States. 
After this the total number of Acts included in the 9th Schedule went upto 284.
79th  Constitutional Amendment Act , 1999 - Amended Article 334 to extend the reservation of seats for SCs/STs and Anglo-Indians in the Lok Sabha and in the State Legislative Assemblies upto 60 years from the commencement of the Constitution    (i.e. , till 2010).
80th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2000 - 
Amended Article 269 and substituted a new Article for Article 270 and abolished Article 272 of the Constitution. 
This was based on the recommendation of the 10th Finance Commission. 
This Amendment was deemed to have come into operation from 1st April 1996. 
The Amendment widened the scope of the Central taxes and duties on the consignment of goods levied by the Government of India and distributed among States. 
81st Constitutional Amendment Act , 2000 - 
Amended Article 16(1) of the Constitution and added a new clause (4-B) after clause (4-A) to Article 16(1) of the Constitution.
The new clause (4-B) ends the 50% ceiling on reservation for Scheduled Caste and Schedule Tribes and other Backward Classes in backlog vacancies.
82nd Constitutional Amendment Act , 2000 -
This Amendment restored the relaxation in qualifying marks and standards of evaluation in both job reservation and promotions to Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes which was set aside by a Supreme Court's Judgement in 1996. 
84th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2001 -
This Amendment provided that till the publication of the relevant figures of the first census after 2026 the ascertainment of the population of a State for following purposes shall be made on the basis of the census shown against each of them : 
∆ Election of the President under Article    55 - 1971 census.
∆ Allotment of seats to each State in Lok Sabha -- 1971 census.
∆ Division of State into territorial Lok Sabha Constituencies -- 1991 census.
∆ Composition of Legislative Assemblies under Article 170 --1991 census.
∆ Reservation of seats for SC/ST in the Lok Sabha under Article 330 -- 1991 census.
85th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2001 - 
It amended clause (4-A) Article 16 and substituted the words "in matters of promotion , with consequential seniority , to any class" for the words "in matter of promotion to any class". 
The Amendment provided for 'consequential seniority' to the SCs/STs for promotion in Government Services.
86th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2002 - 
Added a new Article 21A after Article 21 which makes the right of education for children of the age of 6 to 14 years a Fundamental Right. 
Substitutes Article 45 to direct the State to endeavour to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of 6 years. 
Added a new Fundamental Duty to Part 4 (Article 51A) of the Constitution. 
87th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2003 -
Provided that the allocation of seeds in the Lok Sabha and division of each State into territorial Constituencies will be done on the basis of population as ascertained by the '2001 census' and not by '1991 census'.
88th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2003 - 
This amendment inserted a new Article 268A after Article 268 which in power the Union of India to Levy 'service tax'.
This tax Selvi collected and appropriated by the Union and States in the manner as formulated by Parliament.
89th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2003 - 
Provided for this establishment of a separate National Commission for Scheduled Tribes by bifurcating the existing National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
The Commission shall consist of a chairman Vice-Chairman and three other members.
They shall be appointed by the President of India.
90th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2003 - 
This amendment was necessitated due to creation of Bodoland Territorial Areas District within the State of Assam by agreement reached between the Centre and Bodo representative for solving Bodoland problem.
It stated that the representation of Scheduled Tribes and non Scheduled Tribes in the constitution of the Bodoland Territorial Areas District shall be maintained.
It meant that the Representation of the above categories Shall remain the same as existed prior to the creation of Bodoland Territorial Areas District.
91st Constitutional Amendment Act , 2003 - 
This amendment limits the size of Ministries at the Ventre and in States.
According to new Clause (1-A) the total number of Ministers , including the Prime Minister in the Union Council of Ministers or Chief Minister in the State Legislative Assemblies shall not exceed 15% of the total members of the Lok Sabha in the Centre or Vidhan Sabha in the States.
The new Clause (1-B) of article 75 provides that a member of either House of Parliament belonging to any political party who is disqualified for being member of that house on the ground of defection shall  also be disqualified to be appointed as a Minister under clause (1) of Article 75 and 164 until he is again elected.
However , the number of Ministers ,  including the Chief Minister in a State shall not be less than 12 (in smaller size like Sikkim , Mizoram and Goa).
92nd Constitutional Amendment Act , 2003 -
It amended the 8th Schedule of the Constitution and has insulted 4 new languages in it , namely -- Bodo , Dogri , Maithili and Santhali.
After this amendment the total number of constitutionally recognised official languages has become 22.
93rd Constitutional Amendment Act , 2005 - 
Provided reservation in admissions in private unaided educational institutions for students belonging to schedule caste/tribes and other backward classes.
94th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2006 - 
Excluded Bihar from the provision to clause (1) of Articles 164 of the Constitution which provides that their shall be a Minister in charge of tribal welfare who may in addition be in charge of the Welfare of the Scheduled Caste and backward classes in Bihar , Madhya Pradesh and Odisha.
It extends the provisions of clause (1) of Article 164 to the newly formed States of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
95th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2009 - 
Extended the reservation of seeds for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and and State Assemblies by another 10 years (beyond January 25 ,2010).
The time period of 60 years under Article 334 of the Constitution was to lapse on January 25 ,2010.
Through this amendment in Article 334 the words "60 years" has been substituted by "70 years".
96th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2011 - 
Substituted the word 'Oriya' by the word 'Odia' in the entry 15 in the 8th Schedule.
97th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2011 - 
Amendment of Article 19 [In Part - 3 , in Article 19 , in clause (l) , in sub clause (c) , after the words 'or Unions' , the words 'or co-operative societies' shall be inserted].
Insertion of new Article 43B in Part 4 (" 43B. The state shall endeavour to promote voluntary formation , autonomous functioning , democratic control and professional management of co-operative societies").
98th Constitutional Amendment Act , 2012 - 
Insertion of Article 371J [Special provisions with respect to State of Karnataka].
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newspatron · 10 months
How Jammu and Kashmir Bills Passed by Modi-Shah Government Will Transform the Region
We hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned something new. Please share your feedback, questions, or comments below. We would love to hear from you.
In this article, you will learn about the two historic Jammu Kashmir Bills Modi Shah government passed in the Lok Sabha that aim to address the long-standing issues in Jammu and Kashmir. You will also discover the history, administration, and strategic significance of PoK, the region that has been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan for decades. Read on to find out how these bills…
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nagarajseofreelancer · 9 months
How to Choose the Right Storage Unit for Your Household Goods
Having adequate storage space for household items can be challenging when our lives get busy, and our living spaces get more cluttered. Extra areas to safely store and organise your belongings could be available with household storage solutions, whether relocating, reorganising, or cutting down on clutter. Still, it could not be easy to know where to start. Because of this, keep reading to discover household storage in Bangalore for furniture, electronics, personal belongings, and more.
Find Out How Much Room You'll Need
Make a list of everything you need to store before looking for a home storage unit. Think about the kind of item (furniture, appliances, boxes of personal possessions, etc.), the time it will be stored (months or years), and the temperature and humidity of the spaces.
The storage business uses the list to assess your needs, investigate potential locations, and then provide you with an estimate based on your belongings.
A Wide Range of Storage Units in Different Shapes and Sizes
A variety of unit types and sizes are available at a household storage in Bangalore, including self-storage apartments, climate-controlled units, box containers, mobile storage units, and more. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Decide what kind of storage you'll need depending on your items.
A common type of self-storage facility is the old-fashioned, locked room. On the other hand, things that are particularly sensitive to changes in humidity or temperature are best stored in climate-controlled establishments. Stored in a large warehouse are the belongings of a whole household, in contrast to smaller, more mobile units like boxes.
Generally speaking, renting a household storage unit larger than you anticipate needing right now is a good idea.
Determine Your Maximum Allowable Spending and Evaluate Prices
The price of a household storage in Bangalore might vary depending on factors including location, unit size, and facilities offered. Essential first actions include establishing a spending limit and assessing interest rates. Get the facts and shortlist the five best solutions for storing your household belongings.
Find a storage unit that fits your budget and doesn't impose any hidden expenses, such as late fees, insurance premiums, administrative costs, or contracts with a minimum length of time. Finding apartments within your budget is the next step; after that, you can continue evaluating other crucial features.
Service for both pickup and drop-off for maximum convenience
Following the first narrowing of your household goods storage alternatives, it is crucial to consider extra convenience elements. Factors such as pick-up and drop-off hours, monthly billing cycles, lack of lock-in time, etc. are important when choosing a household storage option.
Verify Amenities and Provide Top Priority to Security Features
Your belongings should be stored in a secure environment. To protect your belongings from robbery, vandalism, and other forms of harm, it is advisable to choose a home storage facility that has vigorous security measures.
All things to watch out for are constant monitoring by guards, on-site management, biometric access control, fire safety, insurance, clean and well-lit areas, controlled temperatures, pest management, etc.
Ultimately, your needs, location, price, amenities, security features, contract terms, etc., will determine which home goods storage solution is the best fit. So, Avati Safe Storage is the best solution for secure and versatile household storage in Bangalore, Karnataka, India!
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buttercuparry · 10 months
Validity of J&K Reorganisation Bill
The order noted that it did not find it necessary to look into the validity of the legislation that divided the erstwhile state into J&K and Ladakh. 
“The Solicitor General stated that the statehood of Jammu and Kashmir will be restored (except for the carving out of the Union Territory of Ladakh). In view of the statement we do not find it necessary to determine whether the reorganisation of the State of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir is permissible under Article 3"
You do not find it necessary to determine if it is okay to divide a land in two Union territories? :))
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morningmantra · 10 months
'J&K's accession delayed due to ...': Amit Shah again targets former PM Nehru in Parliament
Union home minister Amit Shah on Monday said that the new J&K bills on reservation and reorganization will restore the rights of those deprived in the Union Territory for 70 years
Union home minister Amit Shah on Monday said that the new J&K bills on reservation and reorganization will restore the rights of those deprived in the Union Territory for 70 years.Shah was speaking in the Rajya Sabha during a discussion on the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023 and Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, 2023. The bills were later passed by Rajya…
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Brazil Overhauls 15-Year Old Bankruptcy and Reorganisation Act
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Many federal laws regulate insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings in Brazil. The most prominent legislative instrument is the Bankruptcy and Reorganisation Act,[2] which governs bankruptcy liquidation, judicial reorganisation and extrajudicial reorganisation proceedings applicable to companies, whether they are limited liability companies, publicly traded stock corporations, private stock corporations or sole proprietorships – with the exclusion of companies controlled by the government. The Bankruptcy and Reorganisation Act has recently been amended by Federal Law No. 14,112, dated 24 December 2020, which altered several of its provisions.
Aimed at boosting economic growth, Federal Law No. 14,112/2020 (formerly, Draft Bill No. 6,229) amended the Bankruptcy and Reorganisation Act and overhauled the 15-year-old legislation. The first draft was the result of a working group put together with several respected scholars and tasked with the objective of updating the current legislation. This first draft was significantly modified by the Ministry of Economy, mainly to strengthen the tax authority’s position in judicial reorganisation proceedings. More than two years have passed since its enactment and we must say that the final version of the law has been criticised and also praised. Some of the most relevant changes to the current legislation are the following:
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Bitcoin (BTC) experienced a price drop earlier this week, falling below the $27,000 mark, as investors digested reports from the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting following the Federal Interest Rate decision. The current market sentiment reflects a period of consolidation, potentially influenced by profit-taking following a previous upward trend in mid-September. Despite the ongoing market fluctuations, Anthony Scaramucci, founder of New York-based global investment firm SkyBridge Capital, remains steadfastly optimistic about Bitcoin’s long-term prospects. Speaking at the Messari Mainnet conference in New York on Wednesday, Scaramucci asserted that the worst of the bear market is over and that Bitcoin is superior to gold in value and utility. Scaramucci’s bullish stance is based on his belief that Bitcoin will continue to gain popularity, particularly among younger generations, who will play a crucial role in mainstreaming the cryptocurrency over the next two decades. “You (young people) will be mainstreaming Bitcoin the way my generation mainstreamed the internet,” he said. “The next 10 to 20 years are remarkably bullish (for bitcoin).” He acknowledged potential challenges in the macroeconomic environment, including rising interest rates and regulatory scrutiny, but maintained his conviction that Bitcoin’s appeal as a store of value will persist. Scaramucci further argued that, as wealth is created in society, a portion will flow into digital assets, with Bitcoin likely the primary beneficiary. He emphasized Bitcoin’s superiority to gold, even though gold’s purchasing power has grown significantly over the past five decades. “If you got your bitcoin, I wouldn’t sell your bitcoin, you made it through winter,” Scaramucci added, stressing this is one of the reasons he was bullish.  The former White House communications chief also revealed that he anticipates that the widespread adoption of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by institutional investors will drive massive adoption and further widen the market for Bitcoin. Scaramucci’s positive outlook on Bitcoin comes just days after he called for the resignation of SEC Chairman Gary Gensler. He joins a chorus of voices within the crypto community and lawmakers who have expressed concerns about Gensler’s regulatory approach, which some perceive as stifling innovation. Meanwhile, while Scaramucci’s call for Gensler’s resignation remains verbal, some lawmakers, such as US Congressman Warren Davidson, have taken more concrete steps, including introducing a bill to reorganise the SEC to address concerns by the crypto sector. At press time, Bitcoin was trading at $26,620, with the price remaining largely unmoved over the past two or so days.  Source
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glitterisevil-blog · 1 year
Angel Cake - a short story
“Just keep the shelves tidy, help customers find things, make sure they know they can borrow books as well as buying them…oh, and make your boss a coffee now and again!” said my new manager, Cath.
It wasn’t my dream career, volunteering in a community bookshop on Trafford’s quietest high street, but that Duke of Edinburgh award wasn’t going to award itself. So here I was, being shown the ropes (and the kettle) by Cath.
I was killing some time reorganising the teen fiction, when he tumbled through the door. The fierce January gale threatened to blow him away along with his hat. He looked seven stone wet through, with tracing paper skin and a faint smell of tobacco that clung to his weather-worn overcoat.
He moved frustratingly slowly, dragging a frail finger across each shelf, squinting through his thick glasses to make out the words on each spine.
“Go on then, don’t just stand there gawping at him – go and help him!” said an exasperated Cath.
“Can I help you with anything?” I said in my friendliest and most efficient voice. I had to say it again, only much louder the second time.
“Do you have a cookery section?” he almost shouted. “I’m baking a cake this week. Never made one in my life! The wife thinks it’s hilarious that I’m attempting my first ever angel cake aged eighty-seven!”
I directed him to the cookery section, and proudly thrust Delia Smith’s Book of Cakes into his hands.
“What Delia doesn’t know about making a cake isn’t worth knowing!” I joked, as he took the book from me and started to thumb through the pages with a look of abject concentration.
“Special occasion?” I enquired, hoping for the sake of the recipient that it wasn’t. I was sceptical at how this virgin attempt at a complicated, multi-layer sponge cake would actually turn out.
“Wedding anniversary” he beamed back at me. “Fifty years on Sunday and never a dull day” he grinned.
“Wow fifty years - is that gold?” I asked.
“Yes, I suppose we are quite old” he replied wistfully.
I flushed crimson and went to correct him, to assure him that I wasn’t casting aspersions about his age. But he seemed so beautifully lost amidst pages of meringues and roulades that I decided to stay quiet.
He fished in his pocket and found a crumpled note which he handed to me; his eyes hopeful that it would cover the cost. It didn’t.
“You can borrow books from here too you know?” I offered, hoping he’d consider this as an option. “Just leave us a few details, and then once you’ve made your cake, you can return Delia to us!”
He produced a pen from his breast pocket, jotting down his name and address in a feathery, shaky scrawl.
“I hope he comes back with that book” said Cath once he’d left, “I can just about make out his first name as Bill. The rest of it… not a clue!”
And come back he did! Bill tumbled through the door again the following Tuesday, book under his arm, ready to expand upon his chef skills.
“How did your wife like the cake?” I asked.
“She said the sponge was a bit dry but she loved it all the same” he said proudly.
“Well, it sounds like it wasn’t bad for your first attempt” I joked, “she’ll have you on that Bake Off show next!”
“She’s certainly got a taste for my cooking now” he said. His eyes suddenly dropped and he became a little less jovial. “I’m doing a lot of the cooking at the minute; her health isn’t so good you see. Anyway, she always says that good food is the path to good health. Let’s hope so eh?”
I helped him seek out a book on pies, which he faithfully returned the following week along with a new request for something on stews and casseroles.
The bookshop grew gradually busier over the coming weeks. I did some social media posts so people knew about us. We even began to serve coffee and tea as our little book-hive began to buzz with more footfall. But I mostly looked forward to Bill’s Tuesday afternoon visits and updates on his cookery projects. The benchmark of success (or failure) was always his wife’s brutal appraisal of the dish.
We’d gained some new regulars too - notably two surly older ladies who drank endless pots of tea and made scathing comments. Cath (secretly) dubbed them The Sisters Grim as they always pored over the local obituaries to see who’d died that week, and then embarked on an Earl Grey fuelled assassination of the deceased person’s character!
We were edging cautiously towards Spring when I’d suggested one week to Bill that he might like to give breadmaking a go.
“I think that Doc Hollywood chap off the telly’s done a book, hasn’t he?” asked Bill.
I smiled and dutifully went off to find what he needed. I’d maintained my habit of never correcting him.
The shop was busier than usual the following week, so much so that it was nearly 3pm by the time I noticed there’d been no sign of Bill. I wondered if he - or possibly his wife - had taken unwell. I hoped they were both alright.
Another Tuesday came and went, but Bill still hadn’t been back to see us.
As I flipped the door sign to CLOSED and cleared away teapots, I saw that The Sisters Grim had left their newspaper on the table. A notice caught my eye:
APPEAL – We’re trying to trace the family of Bill O’Donnell (aged 87)
He sadly died at Cresta Close in Altrincham on Wednesday 9 February. There are no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.
His late wife Jean (a retired cook at Springwood Primary School) passed away in 2018 and was his last known relative. Anyone with information about his next of kin should contact Trafford Police.
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