#Jay son of Jafar
versusvirtuous · 24 hours
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ruerock · 4 months
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core four icons
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bananaactivity · 25 days
I have him… Chad Charming.
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Some new things… his scars and chipped tooth…
Those are injuries from advanced sword training. He had a bad teacher who pushed him way too hard. He came back really banged up so his parents fired that lady.
The gold embellishment on his chest is his name CAC. “Chadsworth Ameal Charming”
If you’ll notice his rats there names are Patch and Rajah, looking at the fur patterns and the names I think you get the references.
Like I said before he’s roommates with Carlos in an annoying brother way. He’s really sweet in my version and don’t ask about Chloe… they are good siblings ofc.
I kinda don’t like blue hair Chad or hair dye Auradonians so non of them have that. He’s a himbo blond and Carlos is his genius dorm mate.
I’m gonna get some duo pics of him and Carlos done too 😁
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xxhyposisxx · 4 months
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Mal and Jay my beloved💕
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booksandmemes · 25 days
Harry: How do I make a date romantic? Gil: Be mysterious. Harry: Okay. *Later* Uma: So where are we going? Harry: None of your fcking business. . Evie: Here are two pictures. One is your dorm. The other is a dumpster. Can you tell which is which? Jay: Jay: This one's the dumpster. Evie: they are both your dorm. . Jane: What's worse than heartbreak? Carlos: Stepping on your pet's tail and not being able to explain how sorry you are. . Ben: Wanna hear a dark joke? Mal: Ya, I love dark humour. Ben: *turns off the lights* knock knock. Mal: Turn the damn lights back on. . Mal: I lost Uma. Evie: How do you LOSE Uma. Mal: To be fair she's pretty small. . Jay: Say no to drugs. Jay: Say yes to drugs. Jay: it doesn't matter what you say. if you're talking to drugs, you ARE on drugs. . Fairy G: So, you three, we sent letters telling your parents not to worry- Evie: They won't. Fairy G: That you're safe- Jay: That'll just depress them. Fairy G: And that you'll be seeing them in a few weeks. Carlos: Do we have to? . Evie: I love you, Doug, and I'd do anything within reason to make you happy. Doug: Eat, stay hydrated and get enough sleep for your body to function. Evie: I said within reason. . Uma: Why were you up till 3 am yesterday? Gil: How do you know I was? Harry: we could hear you clapping to the friends intro every 25 minutes.
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nightingale2004 · 3 months
Can someone answer me why the Once Upon a Time cast looks more like the descendants casts parents than the actual descendants cast parents?
Can someone answer me that?
Like seriously, put Regina mills and Evie together side by side, and they look seriously related. Same with Once upon a time Cruella and Carlos.
Disney should've used the Once upon a time cast as the descendants' vk's parents instead of the people they casted
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The way this make me giggle is so out of pocket lmao
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itsalwaysforyou · 4 months
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there’s blood in the water, there’s blood in the water
kenny ortega, descendants / the crane wives, the crooked, the cradle
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ashwoods-21 · 2 months
Do you ever just be scrolling through through any sites (Tumblr, TikTok, ao3) looking for anything new about your favorite topic *cough* descendants *cough* Jay angst *cough* -excuse me, and you just give up and go back to your saved/ liked posts and reread everything for the thousandth time.
Just me?
(Small HC: Jay either has dyslexia, likes to read books but is too “tough” to admit it, or has dyslexia and still likes to read and is too “tough” to admit it)
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Jay: *carrying bags in both hands*
Carlos: *reaching out his hand to grab some bags*
Jay: *switching all the bags to one hand and grabs Carlos's in his own*
Carlos: wait no this isn’t what i meant
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strugglingsapphic · 2 months
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do i let the girls, gays, and theys access my descendants collection on tiktok that has over 750 videos in it because my FYP knows what i am, and it has content from all 4 movies?
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purple-dragon-queen · 2 months
Finally got my hands in this book
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It's the using his tilte for me
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bananaactivity · 2 months
My one goal with Carlos is to make him literally the coolest member of the core four. 🙏😔
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For some reason I’ve been hiving the vast middle names idk why… But Carlos is Carlos Glenn de Vil after Glenn Close who plays Cruella in the 1996 live action 101 Dalmatians. AN ABSOLUTE ICON
I’ve also drawn up a couple of fits for Carlos too
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This tiger print fit is based upon one of Glenn Closes costumes from her movie. I love this color on Carlos likeee dayummmm 🫣
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I am struggling a bit keeping his features consistent but this fit is a slay… I’m toying with the idea of Carlos always wearing red gloves no matter the fit… his cigarette stick I’ve decide will always be red.
(Boyce had the most doe eyes I have ever seen on anybody so I really wanna keep those consistent toooo)
I think I’m going to write the Jay scene from Carlos’ point of view. I’m really loving his redesign and the way he views situations is very analytical which I love to write for ( I think I might like him more then Harry 😰)
Here is a small excerpt from a wip I call “Sonata” , it’s the story about Mal taking Uma’s Shell necklace, and Carlos telling her she Goofed big time:
Like a blur Jay was on his knees, his scimitars splayed out far from reach. Harry’s hands were stuffed to brim with slick brown hair. The edge of his cutlass pressed to just below his Adam’s apple, and the tip of his golden hook caressed the soft of Jays cheeks. “ I told yew Gorgeous, it’s ney so simple.” Jay swallowed as sword dug deeper into his throat, and Harry looked up the hall towards Mal, Evie, and Carlos. Carlos knew Harry so well, he gave only one warning to anyone crossing him, Carson hanging from his entrails had seemed like that warning but maybe he was giving Mal a second chance. It confused him, Harry’s methods were strict, every situation a do or die no second try, he didn’t give more choices than that.
Mal couldn’t spell him she was too slow and by that time Jay would have been minced meat. To Carlos absolutely agony she didn’t offer Harry the necklace, it couldn’t be clearer that he was giving them, no MAL, the chance to save Jay. Was she really that prideful? Then Harry laughed, a loud crazed noise, the resulting tremble giving Jay a cut the size of a hair. He gasped and Harry quieted and crouched lower, tilting his sword and jays head to opposing angles, and most peculiarly soothing him as he did so.
Jay strained but let out no more sound. Harry’s smile returned as he gazed deeper into Jays wild eyes. “ I like yew gorgeous~ Ye get straight to the point yur strong and I’d say the fairest challenge I’ve ‘ad in ten years.” He was whispering soft enough to be intimate, and loud enough for the spectacle. With a curious glance at Mal he lifted his brows a bit and continued “ If this is to be yur fayt I ‘ope to give yew one final swan song tou yur crew~ A… beautiful sonata o’ sorts, strung by my sword on the cords of yur throat ringing tru from the vibrato o’ your trachea, the final breaths yew gasp as you cling to the thinnest strings of your life, the gurgling o’ yur blud drowning out the final cords of your death and the grand finale: the deafening silence as yew slip swiftly into the unknown. I will do yew this service and remember the beautiful dulcet tunes o’ yur dying breaths. Lest yer crew find it in them to spare yur life, though I’m sure the sounds o’ yur death may be as beautiful a tune as I have ‘eard yet, ney they very well mey be so Id be in deep regret to take yew so soon Jay.”
That’s all I’m giving youuuu rn 😻
(Of course Jay survives this takes place before they get picked to go to Auradon Uni but you do nt know HOW he survived 🙄 Did Carlos plead for his life, did Mal give Harry the necklace, or did Harry chicken out of making an example of him, find out next time on dragon ball z)
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eviegrmhld · 1 year
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booksandmemes · 14 days
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Jay getting the boys.
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Evie getting the girls.
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Carlos getting whoever.
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Mal getting Celia 'cause "We came here for you if you're not there istg-"
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xxhyposisxx · 8 months
lovecore Jay and Mal ✨
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