#Jeanne Kalogridis
amberkendslacy · 4 months
I've been reading Dracula Pastiches instead of taking part in Dracula Daily this year.
Current read is: Covenant With The Vampire by Jeanne Kalogridis.
Only 20% in but it is very good so far. Haven't seen any mention of it on tumblr so wanted to see if anyone else has read it? Or any Dracula Pastiche/Spin Offs they recommend?
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gothiccharmschool · 1 year
Can you share the titles of your top 20 favorites from your vampire bookcase?
Whooo, that's a tough one. After staring into the depths of the bookcase, in no particular order:
Dracula - Bram Stoker
Interview with the Vampire - Anne Rice
The Vampire Lestat - Anne Rice
Queen of the Damned - Anne Rice
The Delicate Dependency - Michael Talbot
A Dowery of Blood - S.T. Gibson
Beguiled by Night - Nicole Eigener
Dark Dance - Tanith Lee
Personal Darkness - Tanith Lee
Darkness I - Tanith Lee
Lost Souls - Poppy Z. Brite
Voice of the Blood - Jemiah Jefferson
Gothique - Kyle Marffin
Covenant with the Vampire - Jeanne Kalogridis
Those Who Hunt the Night - Barbara Hambly
Traveling with the Dead - Barbara Hambly
Vampire Kisses - Ellen Schreiber
Anno Dracula - Kim Newman
Sunshine - Robin McKinley
Dreams of Decadence - anthology
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Alla corte dei Borgia Livre en italien écrit par Jeanne Kalogridis Bon état 590 pages L'impétueuse princesse Sancha d'Aragon, fille illégitime du roi Alphonse II de Naples, arrive à Rome après avoir été contrainte d'épouser le fils, cadet, à peine pubère, du célèbre pape Alexandre Borgia. Dans le cadre opulent de la cité pontificale en cette fin de XVe siècle, elle est accueillie à bras ouverts par cette famille scandaleuse en raison de la dépravation de ses mœurs et de sa brutalité po1itique. Après avoir repoussé les avances du. pape, elle se lié d'amitié avec sa séduisante et hypocrite belle sœur, Lucrèce, à la jalousie aussi légendaire que la beauté. La famille Borgia détient le secret d'un poison redoutable et on raconte, que Lucrèce n'hésite pas à éliminer ses rivales, surtout celles auxquelles s'intéresse son frère aîné, César. Aussi, lorsque Sancha s'éprend follement de l'irrésistible César, qui lui rend sa passion, elle doit cacher ce secret si elle veut rester en vie... #librairiemelodieensoussol  #melodieensoussol #oiseaumortvintage #libraire #librairie #librairiemarseille #librairieparis #librairieindependante #librairieenligne #librairiedoccasion #livresdoccasion #borgia https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKOU0MMP21/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phantasmeels · 2 years
Figured I could get these out to show y'all. I read these back when I had a hyperfixation with Dracula, Hellsing, Castlevania, Vampire Hunter D etc. Dracula fans seeing this, you absolutely gotta check these out. If I recall correctly, the first two books are backstory to Dracula, the third is more or less Dracula but from other perspectives. It's a really great trilogy that greatly enriches the original book with some nice and fairly unique vampire lore for what it is. I think you'd all enjoy them!
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thetudorslovers · 3 years
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"A pity, ' he said, without a trace of mockery. 'It seems that those who possess the greatest beauty appreciate it the least."
-Jeanne Kalogridis, I, Mona Lisa
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jotunvali02 · 4 years
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Not only I discover ‘The Lost Years’ is a saga, not just one book, but I also learn the author who wrote it is the SAME who wrote the greatest, most awesome and stunning (& most graphic & lecherous but also highly educative & feminist) Dracula novels???
I LOVE HER!!!  💗A💗
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three-swallows · 4 years
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saramonstre · 7 years
Q and A time! 🖤🦇🙃
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A settembre in libreria
A settembre in libreria
  Buona sera lettori e lettrici!! Visto che siamo ancora all’inizio del mese, ho deciso di presentarvi la mia rubrica preferita: Novità in libreria!!! Si tratta di una rubrica mensile, che pubblicherò entro la prima settimana di ogni mese, in cui vi presenterò alcuni libri in uscita. Ovviamente mi potrò basare solamente sulla trama per selezionarli, secondo il mio gusto personale, ma cercherò…
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ladyniniane · 4 years
Recommandations : Romans historiques
Suite à une discussion avec @queenfredegund j’ai retrouvé quelques romans historiques qui m’avaient marquée. Les voici classés par cadre géographique. Certains ont été lus il y a 3 ou 4 ans, donc je ne me rappelle pas de tous les détails. N’hésitez pas à me dire quels sont vos romans historiques préférés !
Chine :
-The empress of bright moon, tome 1 « The moon in the palace », Weina Dai Randel : Un roman sur l’impératrice Wu Zetian et ses premières années au palais, avec une protagoniste intelligente et attachante. Il y a un tome 2 mais je ne l’ai jamais lu. 
-Le chant des regrets éternels, Wang Anyi : Un roman élégant et mélancolique. A travers les aléas de la vie de son héroïne, il livre un portrait de Shanghai et des tourments de la révolution culturelle. 
-Impératrice de Chine, Pearl Buck : L’impératrice Cixi, de son arrivée au palais à la prise du pouvoir. Un roman prenant avec une protagoniste intelligente et nuancée.
Egypte antique :
-Nefertiti et Les soleils de Nefertari, Michelle Moran : Je mets ces deux livres ensemble car ils sont en réalité liés. L’autrice nous offre un point de vue original sur ces deux reines et les évènements qu’elles ont traversés. 
Empire Aztèque :
-The goldsmith’s daughter, Tanya Landman : La chute de l’empire Aztèque vue par une héroïne orfèvre. Là encore, un personnage féminin très intéressant et doué de ses mains.
 France :
-L’héritière des anges, Florence Roche : XVIIIe siècle, une belle histoire d’émancipation grâce à l’opéra et au chant, avec en filigrane les conséquences des guerres de religion entre catholiques et protestants.
-The Paris Winter, Imogen Robertson : Académie de peinture, enquête, vengeance et solidarité féminine sont les ingrédients de ce roman qui explore le quotidien parfois difficile d’apprenties peintresses au XIXe siècle.
-L’atelier des poisons, Sylvie Gibert : Comme dans The Paris Winter, on y suit une héroïne peintresse qui cherche à faire sa place dans le milieu. Se rajoute à cela une enquête policière bien menée qui en fait un livre prenant.
Israël :
-Sisters at Sinaï, Jill Hammer : Un recueil de nouvelles écrit par une femme rabbin et mettant en scène les personnages féminins de la Bible. Aucun prosélytisme mais une relecture féministe de certaines situations. Certains textes sont très émouvants.
-Jezebel, Eleanor de Jong : Un roman qui donne une vision plus juste de ce personnage tant calomnié dans la Bible. Jezebel est montrée comme une femme trop libre pour cette société patriarcale et un personnage courageux, humain et crédible.
 Italie :
-Les héritières de Rome, Kate Quinn : Je ne trouve pas tous les livres de Kate Quinn sur Rome bons (ni tous ses livres bons par ailleurs) mais celui-ci est sympathique et distrayant. Les héroïnes sont intéressantes, bien campées, chacune avec une personnalité distincte.
-Sacred hearts, Sarah Dunan : Italie, en pleine Renaissance. Un livre qui aborde la thématique très intéressante du couvent comme un lieu d’émancipation où les femmes sont libres d’apprendre la peinture, la médecine etc.
-Bleu passion, Victoria Strauss : Un roman plus jeunesse qui aborde les mêmes thématiques que Sacred Hearts mais en se focalisant sur la peinture. Les deux livres se complètent assez bien d’ailleurs de par les choix faits par leurs héroïnes.
-Captive des Borgia, Jeanne Kalogridis : Il est facile de se planter et de tomber dans ces clichés outranciers avec un livre sur les Borgia. Celui-ci les évite mais il a surtout l’originalité d’être écrit du point de vue de la princesse Sancha d’Aragon, une forte personnalité.
-The shepherdess of Siena, Linda Lafferty : XVIe siècle, Virginia souhaite braver les interdits de l’époque en participant à des courses de chevaux. L’héroïne brille par sa détermination face aux obstacles et aux préjugés qu’elle rencontre.
Japon :
-Fille de joie, Kiyoko Murata : Une histoire d’émancipation et de solidarité féminine. Bien que l’héroïne soit vendue à une maison close, la prostitution n’est pas montrée de manière glamour mais comme une exploitation dont ces femmes vont devoir se libérer.
-Les mystères de Yoshiwara, Matsui Kesako : Une enquête dans le “quartier des plaisirs” éponyme. Différents personnages prennent tour à tour la parole pour nous conter leur quotidien. Se dévoile en filigrane le portrait d’une femme énigmatique, surprenante et maîtresse de sa destinée.
-Le miroir des courtisanes, Sawako Ariyoshi : L’histoire d’une mère et de sa fille dans le monde des geisha. Deux personnages féminins complexes et un puissant portrait de femme indépendante.
-The Kabuki dancer, Sawako Ariyoshi : L’histoire d’Izumo no Okuni, la femme qui fonda le théâtre kabuki. Une belle histoire d’émancipation grâce à l’art au sein d’une époque tourmentée. 
-Three views of crystal water, Katherine Govier : Un roman doux, contemplatif et poétique sur une jeune occidentale accueillie dans une communauté de plongeuses ama. En filigrane : le début de l’intérêt de l’Occident pour le Japon, la guerre et le passage à l’âge adulte. 
Macédoine :
-Conqueror’s wife : a novel of Alexander the great, Stephanie Thornton : J’avais beaucoup aimé ce livre qui donne la parole aux femmes ayant influencé la vie d’Alexandre le Grand. Certaines d’entre elles sont des figures mineures, voire obscures, mais elles s’imposent ici comme des individus intéressants et complexes.
Mongolie : 
-The tiger queens : The women of Gengis Khan, Stephanie Thornton : Ce livre nous entraine à la découverte de femmes puissantes qui ont fait l’empire Mongol. Les points de vue de différentes femmes alternent tout au long d’un récit très instructif. Avertissement cependant, je me rappelle d’une scène d’exécution très dure, j’ai encore envie de vomir rien que d’y penser.
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imwritesometimes · 4 years
tagged by @maderilien thank you ♥♥♥ sorry for the late response, had to wait for my migraine to pass before I could hop on my laptop!
your name and then what you would have named yourself: Erin, and honestly I wouldn’t pick anything else 
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): I know I am a Capricorn and nothing more lol
when did you join tumblr and why?: I joined forever and ever ago (like seriously maybe 2013) but it was with an old blog. I’ve been on and off here ever since mostly because I can’t stand other social media sites. 
top 5 fandoms: I don’t get too involved with fandom like overall? cause my taste is all over the place but I do enjoy 9-1-1, The Mandalorian, What We Do In The Shadows, Schitt’s Creek, and Black Sails
top 5 favorite films: oh gosh this changes like weekly but a strong list would be Goodfellas, Indiana Jones, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Ocean’s 11
go to song when you wanna Feel something: Shine A Light - The Rolling Stones
what’s your religion or faith if you have one?: I don’t practice any kind of religion 
a song that makes you feel seen: My Way - Frank Sinatra
if you could have any career: lawyer or author 
do you have a type?: not really?? I mean I guess I really like funny people/sarcastic people!!
what does your heart/soul yearn for: a break
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: sarcastic, stubborn, empathetic, tired, anxious
favorite subjects in school: english, history, spanish
where does your soul feel most at home: at home. I’m lame and just really love being at home
top 5 fictional characters: Indiana Jones, Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean), Rust Chole (True Detective), Moira Rose (Schitt’s Creek), Marion Ravenwood (Indiana Jones)
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: The Black Sails finale made me sob for like 2 days. The True Detective s1 finale when Rust talks about his daughter and like letting go also made me cry like gross. Other than that I can’t really think of any???
the earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the moon
favorite kind of weather: overcast, between 50-70 degrees, maybe a tiny breeze or a pleasant bit of rain
top 3 characters you kin with: idk...
favorite medium of art: music, painting/drawing
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: full-time professional introvert 
a favorite literary quote: Oh man just one ok... “Whatever anyone does or says, I must be emerald and keep my color” - Marcus Aurelius Meditations
some of your favorite books: Meditations Marcus Aurelius, Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen, The Memoirs Of Cleopatra Margaret George, The Song Of Achilles Madeline Miller, I, Mona Lisa Jeanne Kalogridis
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: Ireland. I love California but my family is mostly from Ireland and I would love to at least live there for a little while!
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: the 60′s, or like the 17th century I guess???
if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: piano or guitar
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: idk...
and lastly, favorite recent selfie in your camera roll: I’m not on my phone buuuut I did take a picture recently cause I straightened my hair to see how long it had gotten in lock-down and it was ridiculous so I had to document it
Tagging: Only if you would like to and have time of course!!! @novemberhush @dinkryze @arcticelves and anyone who would like to participate!
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jotunvali02 · 4 years
Il Volo - 'O Sole Mio (Videoclip)
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cortegiania · 4 years
Hi! Sorry if i disturb you, I'm a huge fan of the couple lucrezia & Cesare, they're my fav 😭 and I'm searching for a TV show or also fanfiction/book where there is an incest relationship as brother and sister! Can u help me pls? Thank u baby! ❤️
Hi! Books, definitely The Family by Mario Puzo, Sins of the House of Borgia by Sarah Bower, Jeanne Kalogridis’s The Borgia Bride -- top of my head, there might be more, anyway the more “explicit”, so to speak, is Puzo’s. As for fanfiction, I’ve got to put this out there for our followers because I really don’t know. Hope I helped x
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shenani-gan · 5 years
Get to Know Me Better
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Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better.
1. Dogs or Cats?
While I love all animals, I stick to cats because easier to care for than dogs.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
Neither tbh
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
Uhhhhhh. A nice wooded place near the ocean or some sort of water that gets all 4 seasons. Though mostly the cooler ones like winter and fall.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Depends on the film. While I love a majority of the classic Disney movies, like the ones that came out during the Disney Renaissance, I love a lot of the stuff Dreamworks has put out and I feel they do a better long term job with their stuff, as most sequels dont suck ass unlike Disney sequels.
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
Darkwing Duck and Gargoyles. (Wow that says something about my aesthetics...)
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
I’m not. I’ve kinda given up on most movies as they seem to be mostly cash grabs at this point than new, interesting films with decent plots.
7. Favourite book you read in 2019?
I haven’t. I honestly don’t get the opportunity to read much anymore, much as I would like to. (Also my attention span has been SHIT lately.)
8. Marvel or DC?
Both. They both have amazing characters and some not so amazing ones.
9. If you choose Marvel favourite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member?
X-Men would have to be Wolverine
Justice League.... depends. Traditionally it’s Batman, though if we’re going with the version they threw out in the 2000′s, it’s a toss up between Hawk Girl and The Flash.
10. Night or Day?
11. Favourite Pokemon?
Mew or Abra. I love them both.
12. Top 5 bands:
Uhhhhhh.... I don’t tend to go for specific bands, but songs themselves but let’s try.
1) Two Steps From Hell
2) The Piano Guys
3) Lindsey Sterling
4) Lizzo
5) Peter Hollens
Yeah idfk. I have a hard time with that shit because I don’t just stick to one particular artist, I hop around according to my moods.
13. Top 10 books.
Welp. Here we go.
1) Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
2) The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice (Even if she’s a bitch to fanfic writers)
3) Harry Potter  by JK Rowling
4) Lamb by Christopher Moore (Fucking hilarious omg)
5) The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein
6) The Lord of the Rings (Also by JRR Tolkein)
7) Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
8) Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
9) The Devil’s Queen by  Jeanne Kalogridis
10) I’m having trouble remembering another book that I’ve read and enjoyed also the sound of my husband eating is driving me crazy and my concentration is breaking....
14. Top 4 movies
Not even going to try. I fucking hate these lists.
15. America or Europe?
I prefer Europe. Besdies the fact that it’s GORGEOUS... the history and food alone compel me...
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Meh. Either? Both have their ups and downs. Tumblr has more downs tho lbr 
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
18. Favourite YouTuber?
I dont have any.
19. Favourite author ?
I dont have one. Seems any time I find one they somehow end up being problematic and if you like them you’re an awful human being. Or some shit. Also it’s been a while since I’ve read anything.
20. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee. Always the coffee.
21. OTP ?
I dont have one.
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
Nope. Tone deaf as a mother fucker thought I used to sing in my school’s chorus when I was a teenager.
I was tagged by @resistance-ranger​ and am just now getting to it.
Tagging.... whoever wants to do this I guess.
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tudorblogger · 5 years
On This Day - 26 May
On This Day – 26 May
26 May 1897
Publication of ‘Dracula’ by Bram Stoker
‘Dracula’ is a Gothic horror novel, and probably the most famous vampire novel ever written. It was placed at number 104 on the BBC Big Read, and was even popular at the time it was written, with positive reviews from critics. However, it didn’t make Bram Stoker a lot of money and he died fairly poor. The book initially cost…
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chthonic-cassandra · 4 years
The world of published Dracula fan fic/spin offs/continuations is a bizarre one, and a continuing source of dubious marvels. Until recently, I did not know that it contained Jeanne Kalogridis’ Diaries of the Family Dracul trilogy, but, now that I do, I am compelled to share this knowledge with you.
This is a Vlad Tepes/Dracula meld, published in the mid-90′s, when that premise still held some novelty, which follows Vlad’s descendants, who are trying to escape a centuries-old bargain which their predecessor made selling their souls to the devil in order to obtain his own immortal vampirism.
The books are marketed as romances, but aren’t really at all, which I imagine has created some disappointed readers; they’re actually really quite dark, with the few scenes of vampiric seduction we get giving way quite quickly to bleakness.
There’s a lot of weirdness to them, and especially in the latter two books, which go increasingly far off the rails as the timeline approaches that of Stoker’s novel (the events of the third book, Lord of the Vampires, are contemporaneous with those of Dracula). 
[cutting here for spoilers and length, though the spoilers are hilarious and you should read them]
The first book is reasonably tightly plotted - nothing special in that regard, but with a contained cast of characters, and a horror narrative that unfolded increasingly disturbing details about Vlad’s plans in a pleasingly ominous manner. I got mildly invested in the story, and in the central characters - Arkady, Vlad’s great-great-etc grandson who doesn’t want to think ill of the man he has been raised to respect as an elder; his lonely sister Zsuzanna, who becomes the object of Vlad’s predations; and Arkady’s British wife Mary, who is the first to suspect something more sinister in the family.
In the second and especially third books, things get more sprawling, confusing, and incoherent. The major twist of the second book is the revelation that Abraham Van Helsing is the son of Arkady and Mary (and thus a descent of Dracula!); the major twist of the third is that Jack Seward is Van Helsing’s son. 
As a Dracula fan, I of course enjoyed the audacity of both twists, and in a few places Kalogridis finds some clever ways of linking her story with Stoker’s own, but generally not enough use was made of the story of Dracula itself, which gets recounted for us sort of laboriously in the third novel without much shading added. (Lucy, Jonathan, and especially Mina also get extremely sidelined in this telling, which is always something of a disappointment.)
What we do get is cosmologically confusing psychic vampirism, vaguely alchemical magic systems, and the inexplicable presence of Ezrebet Bathory, who is confusingly called Elizabeth even by the Romanian characters.
By far the most hilarious element of these novels for me, however, was concealed in the forewards and acknowledgments. Kalogridis thanks Radu Florescu and Raymond T. McNally in her acknowledgments to the second book (and I think also the first?); she tells us that their writings on the historical Vlad Tepes and his linkage to Stoker’s Dracula was invaluable for her, and the source of most of her historical background. Okay, that makes sense - unsurprising source, but it’s nice to see her cite it, sure.
Then, as we open the third book, we see a foreward written by none other than Elizabeth Miller! Grand dame of Dracula scholarship and rival to Florescu and McNally, who has been famously attempting to debunk the association they make between Dracula and Tepes for decades. What is happening here??
I don’t actually have any idea why Miller agreed to write this foreward, which is markedly clipped and restrained; she praises Kalogridis’ attention to some details in Stoker’s novel, while also making sure we understand her argument that Dracula and Tepes are entirely separate people. It’s tremendously bizarre, and I have so many questions about how and why it happened. But the implied academic drama is delicious.
While I can’t exactly recommend these books as books, they were profoundly entertaining as episodes in the history of Dracula reception. If anyone should choose to read them, I must warn you that there are some not great disability representation moments, and some comedic representations of sexual assault (during the vampire brides’ attack on Jonathan, unsurprisingly).
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