#Jenny toast (sister)
overthinkingtaleblr · 10 months
Oh yeah i almost forgot.
(Taps mic)
(Leans in close)
Butch Lesbian Jenny Toast.
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nyxx-nth · 12 days
What's your opinion/headcanons on Jenny Toast? (the sister, not the genderbent version)
Ohoho!! Inchresting.
I like the whole “she’s a police officer” idea. It’s cool to me. EXCEPT she’s an ex-officer to me. She quit her job because she grew to resent the establishment.
Current job is a private investigator. She also uses connections with the force to keep tabs on current & cold cases and whatnot to pursue in her own time. Does a lot of volunteer work too. Basically, she’s a very “lives to work” person LOL
Long hair usually up in a ponytail. Blue eyes. Muscular (buff women save me please save me buff women 🙏)
She’s intelligent, very logic-oriented. Cares deeply for others but tends to prioritize the greater good over the individual, BUT she’s become a lot more empathetic towards the individual and that’s a big part of what led her to quit being an officer (and start doing volunteer work too).
Also, uses her private eye skills to keep tabs on her brothers since they’re always getting into shenanigans 😒
She’s either straight or bi to me, I think. Maybe lesbian?? I haven’t thought about her sexual/romantic orientation all that much, so I really gotta put more thought into it lol.
Remember hearing abt a ship between her and Sue and it made me think that they would def get along well if they met, I think ☺️
I don’t really concretely have anything with ships for her,,, what comes to mind off the top of my multishipper heart for potential partners is:
- Just some random guy as boyfriend/husband
- NOTHING! Single
- Sue
- Josh
- Aimée
- Billy
- Maddie
- Colon
- Katrina
I think that’s where I’ll cut this off so I don’t yap for eternity :3
Also, closing note that I’m very not set in stone on my headcanons for her so they very well may be subject to change in the future, but this is some of how I currently see her and I’m pretty content with it atm.
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feathered-moths-ablaze · 11 months
PoV: your younger twin siblings are arguing who's dad's favourite when you know it's you
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etherealnoir · 1 year
But if we popped all of the writers/showrunners tires, we'd be the bad guys.
This part didn't surprise me in the slightest because they kept pushing that girl on us even though we weren't interested, simply because the show runners admitted they thought Lyndie was more attractive:
"Maureen Ryan's exposé, out Tuesday, also suggests through multiple sources involved with the show that the co-stars on the Fox series, Tom Mison and Beharie, "did not want to have a whole lot to do with each other" and that co-star Lyndie Greenwood was brought in as a potential replacement for Beharie."
"Burn It Down also claims that following alleged conflict between co-creator and director Len Wiseman and Beharie while filming the pilot, actress Lyndie Greenwood — who portrayed Beharie’s sister, Jenny Mills — was brought on as a potential replacement for the 42 and Shame actress."
This part pissed me the fuck off THEE MOST:
Beharie was said to have prefaced statements with “I’m not trying to be difficult,” despite one source saying they never witnessed her being so. Or at least no more than Mison, who was allegedly described by a producer as “the star” and who another source described as “a handful” as well. “He had his own set of issues,” they said. “I’ve always said that on any other show, he would’ve been the biggest problem.”
They had the audacity to ruin Nikki's career AND THEIR SHOW for this lanky uncharismatic Beans On Toast bitch, and where has he been since Sleepy Hollow? What has he done?
JUSTICE FOR NICOLE! She deserved so much better oh my god.
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evelyn-onfire · 2 months
Johnny Ghost and his twin sister Jenny Ghost are in the 6th grade and go to a relatively big middle school. Unfortunately, Johnny is bullied quite often for being the “weird kid” and well- for being adopted.
Then suddenly, a new rich family from England comes to town and there are new kids at the school! Jonathan, Gavin, and Jemma Toast. Jonathan is put into Johnny’s class, and it turns out, Johnny Ghost is very displeased at the fact that this rich British kid has basically the same name as him, and is now trying to befriend him.
But it turns out Johnny Toast is actually really nice and stands up for Johnny Ghost and maybe is actually chill, so they become friends!
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solitarysketcher · 1 month
Got hit with Transfem Gavin again - tho more on the positive side.
Her transitioning and she ends up looking like Jenny. Like she'd obviously have ways to distinguish herself in her own way but at a distance her and her sister look the same, and leading to situations like:
Toast, thinking his sister has come to visit: oh hi Jenny! What are you doing here? :D
Gavin, who's just transitioned: *staring like deer in headlights* •-•"
theres no winning in transgender triplets
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biggestgirlkisserever · 2 months
Been seeing some of your fangan content and honestly I rlly like it! Mind if we (me) can get a list of there fav foods or…favorite things in general? Just a lil curious ;;
someone?? Interested?? In my fanganronpa??? I’m in heaven.
well sure I’ll put there favorite foods and stuff they like on the side. Why am I so excited idk lol
here we go 😹😹
Suwa Fuzuki
Favorite food: Toast
Favorite thing: Her girlfriend
Yunoto Sakura
Favorite food: not a food, but it’s coffee!
Favorite thing: her students
Aiyo Sukina
Favorite food: Fried rice
Favorite thing: Romance novels
BoBo Nakotizu
Favorite food: cherries
Favorite thing: dark clothes
Yuri Zacanoshi
Favorite food: bagels!
Favorite thing: the outdoors
Maki Yokumia
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Favorite thing: dealing justice
Daikura (dark empress) Inochizai
Favorite food: Ramen (in a cup)
Favorite thing: Cats
Miko Ishiwada
Favorite food: tangerines
Favorite thing: Any genre of books
Otoe Yumijiko
Favorite food: cotton candy
Favorite thing: Her daughter
Jenny Notoshi
Favorite food: Any type of candy
Favorite thing: her video blogs
Reko Yinimozu
Favorite food: cheesecake
Favorite thing: rainy days
Kaitaka Hanabozu
Favorite food: bread
Favorite thing: Traveling
Nikoya Wakagoshi
Favorite food: waffles
Favorite thing: Her sister
Jeriko Wakagoshi
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite thing: Men
Ami Koyamada
Favorite food: any fruit
Favorite thing: documentaries
—————————— Saisuki Dojo
Favorite food: Pizza Hut
Favorite thing: Soul rock and rap
Rinomi Notisuko
Favorite food: muffins
Favorite thing: Praise
—————————— Idk what else too put here but uhh if ya interested ima drop my (ongoing) fanfic of my fangan. Hopefully ya like it ;;-;;
haha look at that it’s right there omg 💀💀💀
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wrong-alien · 3 months
My sister: Wait, why does your Tsuki has a toaster near his bed? Toaster should be in kitchen, isn’t it?…
Me: Ah hah.. you know… uhmmm… Her name is JENNY
My sister: ?
Me: She went up to 11! Good toaster, I can toast like 6 bagels if I wanted to…
My sister: You are crazy
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mamasplat · 1 year
fun facts i picked up from the older pie footage
johnny ghost has been confirmed to have thick thighs
johnny ghost listens to nicki minaj and the pussy cat dolls
johnny toast sent johnny ghost valentines card when he retired, he also put a camera in his closet
not confirmed but seemingly implied that in his youth toast had some form of phase, most likely something based in some form of rebellion and i think that works amazingly with toasted ghost because we know ghost was a punching bag in his youth. do with that what you will
ghost and spooker seem to have very similar speaking habits, including but not limited to- pacing while speaking, big gestures with speech, speaking so fast they stutter and misspeak. it’s possible that this hasn’t always been that way but rather it being subconscious because ghost is spookers mentor
it’s implied spooker has family baggage, but we get no further information on that
ghost has been heavily accidentally queer coded, seemingly romantically involved with men in his past, mostly toast, and also having a lot of trauma habits and dialogue that implies he is trans FTM
toast was confirmed to be queer, he swings both way having two wives both seemingly dead, and having a history of crushing on men or even being romantically involved with men
ghost is horribly afraid of birds, toast is seemingly the only person who can calm him down from his episodes but this is very much true for when there is birds
johnny ghost hates anime
colon is the only main member of pie to have a legal drivers license
spooker still has a tail from when he was turned into puppy monkey baby
jimmy casket has taken control of many people other than ghost which we see in the murder videos mainly but also in the typical content, and yes i will call the murder videos canon as filler content to the storyline because without them jimmy wouldn’t be able to be involved with pie
spooker is a weeb
it seems all of pie has at least one 2000s pop nightclub song that they love
johnny ghost is commonly mistaken as, a woman, a cat, and a cosplayer
spooker goes to conventions
ghost and toast live together and shared a pet fish named poltergeist, which died because toast forgot they had a fish
toast seems to have a lot of information about ghosts family that he hides from him, seemingly for his own mental sake
colon and spooker have a child they adopted, however that child is a ghost and her name was woah
colon and spooker also live together but not with toast and ghost
we have a lot of jenny’s- we have jenny toast, johnny toasts sister, jenny ghost, a lady from another universe where the cast is genderbent, another jenny toast from that same universe, and ANOTHER jenny toast FROM A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE who is also just a female version of toast that ghost married when he was a puppet
that’s all i have for now but i assure you i can find more i have a whole hard drive of the old pie stuff 
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renee-writer · 2 months
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The Heart Don't Lie Chapter 75
“So, you are having a niece.”  She smiles up at Andrew.
“Aye, if she keeps it.”  They are in Lallybroch ‘s great room. He will be having tea with her family. He has something important to talk to Jamie about.
“Right. Are you hoping she will?”
“Part of me is,” She pushes a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, “I don’t want Willa to have a hard life and her life will be easier if she gives her up.”
“But this lass is hers; she is of our blood. And Willa will always wonder if she gives her up, will always worry about her. Aye, her life will be hard if she keeps her, but so much more fulfilling.”
Nodding, he lifts her to her feet. “Get that. Shall we head to tea?”
She grins at his old school manners. “Aye.” She takes his offered arm.
Jenny studies him. She sees no fault in him, nothing that has her concerned. Still, this evening, there is a nervous energy about him. Is he going to… ah, maybe. It is a might soon though.
Ian smiles at the lad. To see his niece happy again is a great thing. He prays he is as he seems. Meeting Jamie’s eyes, he sees the same thing.
Claire is busy with the twins. She misses most of the interplay that is happening at the table. Emily and Thomas are learning table manners. It is a process.
Then Willa stands, making an announcement that takes everyone’s other thoughts away.
“I have decided to keep her,” her hand cradles her daughter, “and name her Bethany, if that is alright with you, Rose.”
Rose stands and hurries around the table to embrace her sister. “Oh Willa, I love it!”
“I wanted to honor her memory and if my daughter is half the lass she was, well, she will be brilliant.”
“Aye, she will,” Jamie stands, “a wonderful decision, Willa.”
She looks at the other faces. Do they all agree?
“It is wonderful, Willa. You will have our full support.” Mama Claire adds.
“Aye, you shall.” Her auntie agrees.
“A toast,” Uncle Ian offers, “ To Bethany!”
Glasses are raised, “To Bethany!”
Later, as the lasses talk babies and logistics, Andrew finds Jamie and Ian, in the study.
“Mr. Fraser, I have a question for you.”
Jamie rises his eyes. “Aye?”
“I ah, would like your blessing to court Rose.”
Jamie thinking he would be asking for her hand and not sure what he thinks about that, breathes out in relief.
“You do have old fashioned manners, lad. Court seems a word from another time.”
“Yes sir. I know, but it is to soon to ask for her hand. Still, I want you and Mrs. Fraser to understand how serious I am about her. That my future is hers, when she is ready.”
“Impressive.” Ian murmurs. Jamie agrees.
“Quite. Andrew, I am happy to give it.” He puts his hand out. Andrew shakes it.
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overthinkingtaleblr · 9 months
I often feel really, really bad that I keep not posting for a large swaths of time, so as a bit of an apology, I figured I’d share some of my older wips with you guys ^^ I dunno when I’m gonna finish them, but I figured they deserve to see the light of day at least once.
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I tried to get the image IDs as descriptive as possible so lmk if i missed anything! Goodnight!
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chellesdump · 8 months
The Candle Slayer - Rosie Posie + her Alice unnie
"Little Rosie is spending her day with her unnie, they are celebrating Hank’s adoption day so they got him a cake with a pretty candle that of course Rosie blew out - hankie can’t possibly do it himself -. Alice finds that she needs to take Rosie to the hospital asap"
word count ─ 1.4k
tags ─ toddler! rosie, big sis! alice, alice park the actual unnie, hankie is here too, candles, ER visit, alice should already be used to her dongsaengies shenanigans, a day with rosie is never a dull one, dr ahn jeongwon, I love you uri andrea you da best pediatrician
notes ─ This is for the Uh-Oh!! prompt, this idea came to me when I was writing yesterday’s prompt. I’m not sure when Hank was adopted, but let’s pretend that it was around this time of the year for the sake of my story hehe. Please enjoy this piece made to celebrate my birthday, I'm getting so old 🥲😣
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Of course Alice could deal with anything that her little sister did, like come on she has known her for more than 26 years, she already knew that if something to eat was in front of her she would be entertained for hours. Maybe the regression had been something new to her once she came to live in Korea and started spending more time with her sister, but she was able to understand it and accept it fast, she would do anything for her Rosie.
That is why she found herself in this situation, Rosie had begged her to throw a party to celebrate Hank’s adoption day, and how could she say no when both had looked at her with puppy eyes - Hankie has natural puppy eyes, since he is a dog. But still he had used his charms -, so now she was picking up the cake.
Alice had spent most of her morning running errands for the party, from getting the appetizers for both of them and also some that Hank could eat, decorations, getting both cakes - one meant only for Hank and the other for both Park girls -, she had to clean her apartment, all before they would come to drop Rosie and Hankie off.
At around noon Jennie came to do the drop off, since Jisoo who was supposed to had to go to the set of her newest project to solve some problems. As soon as she saw her unnie Rosie jumped into her arms, Alice spun them and filled the little's face with kisses, the toddler screamed out of joy at the affection she was getting, soon Jennie bid her good-bye, "Bye Mama!! See you soon" waved Rosie.
"You ready to start decorating ?" asked Alice walking to the sofa and letting Rosie down, she took the box filled with decorations and opened in front of the little so she could see what was inside, “Wow unnie, so pwetty. We hang now?” asked the little with sparkling eyes.
With a chuckle Alice told her that they could start decorating, letting Rosie choose the placement of everything, just helping her when they would place things in high places since she didn’t want the girl to fall and hurt herself.
They finished setting everything up quite quickly and proceeded to start the party, Alice couldn’t understand why Rosie had gone so overboard with the preparations for the party, since it was just the two of them plus Hank. But at the same time she guess that Hankie do deserve a huge celebration, since he suffered so much before entering the family, so at the end of the day the work was worth it.
The celebration was a huge success, Hankie looked so joyus, jumping and yapping all around the place, they made lots of toast to Hank's health and life, Alice with wine and Rosie with grape juice. After the many toasts Alice really needed to use the toilet so she went to lock the door and left the little one with the table full of food, knowing that would keep her from getting in trouble while she was gone, with one last look she left to do her business.
When she came back, Alice could sense that something was wrong, the kids were suspiciously quiet and calm, she was dreading getting closer, what could possibly be waiting for her when she reached the sofa, she guessed it won't be so bad seeing how they weren't panicking or crying… right?
Upon reaching the sofa, she saw both were still breathing properly, nothing seemed broken or sprained, maybe Rosie only had a tummy ache, it happened so often giving how much the girl loved to try different foods. But the food that was on the table looked almost untouched, and she hadn’t been eating that much either before Alice left her alone, she had been more preoccupied playing with Hank, so could it be really a tummy ache?.
Finally she dared to ask Rosie what had happened, no better way to know than to straight out ask, “Mate? It’s everything okay, you look a little out of it?” asked Alice and as soon as the words left her mouth, the tears started coming out of Rosie’s eyes, soon followed by the wails, “Ally unnie!! Bae apayo!! Feel icky!!”.
That made Alice panic, what could have Rosie ate that was causing such discomfort? They had made sure that nothing in the food would be dangerous for them, she started scaning the place trying to find what she could have possibly consumed. Suddenly from the corner of her eye she spotted the culprit, there laying on the table was a bitten candle, and a big chunk of it had been bit.
“Rosie mate, did you ate a piece of this?” said Alice holding up the candle, really hoping that the answer would be no, but she saw how nervous the little had turned after the question. 
“I’m not mad Joey, just please answer me” begged the eldest getting desperate about not getting an answer, “Yesh, am so sowwy unnie. It wooked so tasty” cried out the little girl throwing herself into her big sister’s arms, Alice made action to start comforting the sobbing toddler and after placing her on her hip.
Never letting go of her baby sister, Alice went to grab a backpack and filled it with things they could need on their imminent trip to the E.R., putting inside some diapers - and whatever was needed for diaper changes -, a couple sippy cups and bottles filled with juice and some empty, a change of clothes, some toys and her favorite blankie, lastly grabbing the girls stuffed kangaroo, ready to go she bid goodbye to Hank.
The whole trip to the E.R. was filled with anxiousness from the Park sisters, the normal joyous mood was replaced with dread and silence, it felt like an eternity the trip but in less than 30 minutes they were inside the hospital regestering Rosie so she could be seen by a doctor.
After taking with the nurse at the desk, they were told to sit and wait to be called for a doctor's consultation, Rosie sat on her unnie’s lap and clung to her shirt, she was scared of hospitals and just wanted the comfort from her big sis and Mrs Kangaroo. 
Just 15 minutes later a kind doctor called them into his office, “Hello, my name is Dr. Ahn Jeongwon and who is this little princess that’s visiting me today?” asked the doctor with a calming smile, “This is Rosie and I’m her sister Alice, her guardian” answered the older girl with a courtesy nod, “Nice to meet you Alice. Now Rosie… It’s okay if I call you that or you prefer something else?” said the doctor. 
After getting an affirmative nod he talked again, “So Rosie, could you tell me what brings you here today?”, the regressed girl began retelling the past events with the help from Alice when she couldn’t express something well, and the doctor took notes of everything, calling a nurse when Rosie finished her story.
“Okay, you don’t need to worry about anything princess, you’ll be more than alright. The candle wax isn’t poisonous so you will be alright Rosie, we only need to wait for it to come out, and it could continue to be bothersome.” explained the doctor directing everything to Rosé, and then he turned to Alice as well, “I would like to keep her here overnight in case the pain is too much and to make sure that the whole piece comes out, Nurse Gong here will escort you to a room. We’ll make sure that you feel safe here and tomorrow you will be able to go home” said the doctor waiving goodbye.
The Park sisters installed themselves on the room they were assigned, apparently it was almost a given fact that the candle should be discharged before the day ended, but they had to keep Rosie in case they nedeed laxatives or some pain meds. 
“Let’s get you ready for bed Joey, then we can watch a movie while eating some dinner. How does that sound?” asked Alice, relieved that her baby sister was going to be okay, “Yeah unnie, can yous lay wif’ me?” begged Rosie pouting, of course Alice couldn’t say no so she sat next to the little and both began eating what the nurses had brought them.
When the dinner was all eaten and they were almost at the end of the movie, they changed into some pajamas they had given them and laid on the hospital bed, cuddling after the tiring day.
“Wuv yah Roo unnie” whispered Rosie into Alice’s chest where she was snuggled.
“I love you, even more, uli Joey” whispered back Alice, planting a kiss on her baby sister's hair.
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Cory McBrown: Year 1-Chapter 1
Here's another sample of my writing, and you can check out all ten chapters on my website, linked at the bottom:
2nd of October, 2001
First I have to set the scene. It’s the 2nd of October, 2001. Here in Ireland, we start secondary school at twelve. My alarm clock was set to the radio. At 6:00 a.m., “Shiny Happy People” by R.E.M. started blasting. It must have been some throwback station or something. Not that I minded. It was one of my favorite songs when I was little. I turn off the alarm and roll back over. I do not want to get up. My blanket is so warm, and the pillow is so soft.
My baby sister, Jenny, starts fussing in her crib. I share a room with her. I don’t share a room with my big brother because he’s older, and apparently, 16-year-olds don’t generally share a bedroom with their 12-year-old little sisters. Something about bringing girls over. I roll out of bed and pick up Jenny. I take her downstairs to my mum, who is making breakfast and lunch for school.
“Morning. She’s up.” I say.
My mum turns to me and takes the baby. “Good morning, sweetie. Thank you. You’d better get ready so you’re not late.”
I rush back upstairs, brush my long, wavy, blonde hair, braid it, brush my teeth, and then put on my new school uniform. It’s a white shirt, green sweater, purple and gold tie, and blue and green plaid skirt and blue blazer. I add a sparkly purple headband to the uniform, cause you know, I like to be unique.
I sling my backpack over my shoulders and go back downstairs. This time I find Jenny in her high chair, and my older brother, Bart, eating shredded wheat at the counter. Mum hands me a plateful of fried eggs and toast as I sit down at the table.
“There. That should fill you up for the morning.” Mum says.
I smile as I start to eat. Mum works a lot, but she always gives us a big meal before school, to make sure we won’t be hungry until lunch. She hasn’t done it with Bart since he was about 14 and a half. He took charge of his own breakfast then, and he even started drinking coffee! It’s weird sometimes having a brother so much older than you.
There’s a knock on the screen door, and my two best friends, Samantha and John McBride, who are also twins, walk in.
“Morning!” Sam says.
“Good morning, you two,” my mum says. “Nice hair, Sam.”
Sam brushes her new chin-length hair behind her ear. “Thank you, Ms. McConnell.”
Just in case you caught what Sam called my mother, as I mentioned my parents are divorced. I haven’t seen my father since I was six years old when he left. I don’t know why he left. I don’t even know if he’s still alive. I think I asked my mum once, and she said he was, but that was a couple of years ago. She’s remarried now but kept her last name, as did Jenny.
Anyways, I like Sam’s new hair. She looks good with it short. The twins immediately sit on either side of me.
“Guess what?” Sam says.
I shrug. “I don’t know. What?”
“That cute boy I’ve been eyeing all semester- he got moved to our class. And his name’s McGinty, so I may get to sit next to him.”
“Didn’t you have a crush on a girl last year?” I ask.
Now Sam shrugs. “So what? I can crush on both.”
John takes a banana and starts to eat it, while I ask, “Why’d he get moved?”
Sam shrugs again. “I think he wanted to change his schedule.”
“Supposedly, he wanted to be on the other side of the school as Rooster McClaggen at the end of school,” John says.
“It is so weird going to school with old teenagers,” Sam says.
Bart frowns at her. “Hey, watch it,” he teases.
“Bart, will you walk Cory to school today?” Mum asks.
Bart frowns. “Me? Why? I promised Mary I’d meet her at school.”
“I can’t walk up to my girlfriend at school with my little sister hovering behind me. Why can’t she walk with Sam and John?”
I frown at my brother. “Bart, I’m sure you did not mean to be hurtful just now, but I want you to walk with her because people have been antsy since the plane attacks. I want you to look after her until she gets to class,” Mum says.
Bart sighs. “You’re right, mum. I’m sorry,” he just goes back to eating.
My mum is referring to the September 11th attacks in New York and Washington D. C. She didn’t let me see any of the footage, but I know it was horrible. And she’s right, it’s making people antsy, especially at school. Some of our darker-skinned classmates are being bullied because of it. I don’t know why. It’s not their fault.
After we finish breakfast, we grab our backpacks and head out the door. Bantry is a small town, so we don’t have to walk far to get to school. We don’t even go to the normal secondary school. That one’s a Catholic school, I mean it’s Ireland. We go to Bantry Bay Alternative Education Academy. It’s not an alternative version of education, it’s just not a religion-affiliated school.
Bart walks with us but is using his new phone to text someone. “Who are you texting?” I ask.
Bart groans. “Cory! You made me push the wrong button.”
I giggle. Those phones are weird. Why would you take all that time pushing buttons to get the right letter when you could just talk on the phone?
“Is it Mary?” I tease him about his girlfriend.
Bart puts his phone away. “I have other friends, you know,” he says.
After my first class, I meet Sam and John in the hall to get our books for our next class out of our lockers.
“I thought secondary school English would be a lot more difficult than primary school. But that wasn’t so bad,” I say.
“Aye, that’s because we’re in the first tier,” Sam says. “Bart is diagraming sentences.”
I shudder. John catches the eye of a tall brunette with a bow in her hair.
“Oh, Janey Mac!” He says, blushing bright red and trying to hide behind his algebra book.
“What’s gotten into you?” I ask.
Sam tries not to giggle. “Uh oh. It’s Trudy O’Neil. John’s had a crush on her since 5th class.”
I frown. “What? How come I didn’t hear about this?”
“Because he’s too scared to talk to her.”
John frowns at Sam, lowering his book without thinking. “I am not scared.”
The girl, Trudy O’Neil, comes up to us. “John McBride?” she says.
John quickly puts the book back in front of his face. Sam and I laugh. Trudy tries not to laugh, too.
“I just wanted to say that I liked your shoes,” Trudy says.
John lowers the book. “Oh,” he blushes. “Thank you.”
Trudy smiles. “See you in class.”
Trudy then leaves.
Sam and I look at John, who is bright red. I nudge him playfully. “She likes you.”
“How do you know?” John frowns.
I exaggeratedly imitate Trudy. “See you in class.”
John gives me a mock glare. “Just wait till you have your first crush. I’m gonna be relentless.”
I roll my eyes. I don’t see that happening.
After school, I went to watch the girls’ basketball team practice, longing for the day when I can be on the team myself. Basketball is my favorite sport, and I’ve been told I’m pretty good at it. I once beat Bart 35-17 one-on-one, and he was at least 7 inches taller than me at the time. I met Sam and John after and they walked me home. I had a spring in my step, but that didn’t last long. When I got home, Bart and Mum were fighting. They fight a lot nowadays. It’s about various things; school, girls, responsibility. It isn’t that Bart’s not responsible. He’s a Virgo with a Capricorn moon. No one is more responsible than Bart. He accuses her of being irresponsible, and that makes me uncomfortable. I sent Sam and John home for the fight. I walked in, trying not to get in the middle of it.
“Bart, there is no discussion here. I don’t want you going out that late on a school night,” Mum says.
“I am sixteen years old. I can go out as late as I want,” Bart argues.
“When you’re eighteen, you can go out as late as you want. Until then I get to say,”
“You know what. Fine. It’s not like you care,” Bart stalks off to his room.
I just quietly go to my room, sit down on my bed, and cry. After a few minutes, someone knocks on the door.
“Who is it?” I ask.
“Honey, it’s me.” It’s Mum.
I sit up and wipe my eyes. “Come in.”
Mum comes in and sits on the bed with me. “You didn’t say you were home.”
“You and Bart were fighting again. I didn’t want to get in the middle of it.”
“Honey, you don’t need to worry about me and Bart. But you do need to let me know when you get home from school, okay?”
I nod.
“Where’re John and Sam?” Mum asks me.
“I sent them home. I didn’t want them to see the fight.”
Mum looks at me, sadly. “Honey, I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better about letting it go to a full-blown fight, okay?”
I nod again. “Okay.”
Mum and I hug. “Alright, do your homework, and I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”
Mum had to go deliver a baby. She’s a Lamaze coach and midwife, so sometimes she gets called in the middle of the night, day, mealtime, and once even during a PTA meeting. So, Bart is making me dinner tonight. I do my homework in the living room.
(2 - 3)t + 4 = 1
What is this gob? The worst part of secondary school so far is algebra. What the hell is the letter for? I thought math was supposed to be about numbers.
“Cory, dinner’s ready,” Bart calls me from the kitchen.
I lean back and sigh. I didn’t get a thing done. My brain just isn’t working.
Bart comes in. “Did you hear me?”
“Aye. I’m just frustrated by this problem.”
Bart looks it over and helps me through it. t=3 apparently. We went into the kitchen and ate dinner. Bart made mac’n’cheese with bacon, and peas. It’s an easy thing to make, and easy for both me and Jenny to eat, except she doesn’t like peas. Bart tried several times to get her to eat before he caved and cut up a carrot for her.
After dinner, and putting Jenny to bed, Bart came to my room and helped me braid my hair. Every night we have quality time, even since Bart became a teenager. I like that he makes time for me, even when he has friends and a girlfriend. The truth is, Bart may irritate me sometimes, but we’ve always been close. After our father left, he started to take care of me a lot more.
While Bart braided my hair, I mused. Finally, I ask him, “Bart, why do you and mum fight so much?”
Bart sighs. “That’s not anything for you to worry about.”
“But I already worry about it. I hear it all the time. Sometimes I don’t think you think she’s a good parent.”
“Mum is a wonderful parent… We just disagree sometimes.”
I sigh. “Bart, why can’t you tell me?”
Bart finishes my first braid. “Because you’re too young to understand.”
I frown. “I’m twelve! I go to secondary school.”
Bart tickles my nose with some of my hair. “And you can’t understand algebra yet. When you can understand that, I’ll tell you why Mum and I fight.”
I frown again. “That’s just not fair.”
“You know, when I was your age Mum told me I wouldn’t understand why she dated for another few years. That was unfair.”
“Doesn’t she date to replace da?”
Bart pauses for a moment before continuing. “Aye, but not for the reason you think.”
“She wants a dad for us. That’s why she married Edward.”
“Aye, and Edward is always working.”
I never thought about that before. Edward O’Donoghue is Jenny’s father and our stepdad. It’s true, though. We don’t see him a lot. He does play basketball with me sometimes.
Bart finishes the second braid. “Look… There are a lot of grown-up things that go on that… one day you’ll understand. But right now you’re twelve, and the only things you should be worried about are school, eating right, and getting enough exercise.”
“And my period. Sam said I’ll probably get mine soon. She got hers last year.”
Bart nods. “Aye, sure. Now go brush your teeth.”
I hug Bart before I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed.
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anxious-ace · 2 years
Johnny Ghost headcanons:
I'm pinning him at 32 years old
Trans and questioning sexuality
(He might be gay but he has no idea)
Jimmy is an alter (don't worry, this version is written better)
(Meaning he's not just a psychopathic murderer, he has a motive which is protecting Johnny, himself, and anyone Johnny cares about)
(He also has moments of "ok, I have to calm down, this is too much.")
Almost all of his childhood is repressed, he remembers bits and pieces of his teens and remembers almost all of his adulthood
(Overtime Jimmy stopped fronting as much and he just leaves Johnny be most of the time)
Jenni (genderbent Ghost) is his older sister at 35 or so
[Matilda Toast (genderbent Toast) is Johnny Toast's little sister at 30]
(I had to fix it because Ghost and Toast canonically have a two-age gap between them, making Toast 34)
Semi-verbal (he has his silent moments, Jenni and Toast know what expressions mean what)
He and Toast are just running around each other while Colon and Spooker have been dating for months
Kinda hates social events (pressure to mask mental illnesses and socialize)
Gregory might be his past self (before or just as Jimmy was forming) but I'm not fucking sure
This man will just sit somewhere and stare (this signifies switching)
Jenni has had to pick him up from the woods after he walked too far from home
He's mixed with his mom being Columbian and his dad being Italian
His mom has 8 siblings, and each of those siblings has 2-3 children (his cousins), and those cousins have 2-3 kids of their own
Gertrude is one of his cousins (she's Uncle Ernie's daughter and he's his uncle if I recall correctly)
The whole Billy being Uncle Ernie and Gertrude's son isn't a thing in this au (makes it a whole fucking lot easier for me because the canonical bullshit Venturiantale made up is too fucking confusing)
Knows Angus through Toast (he introduced him to the show, they also met him at a summer camp where Angus worked for a bit)
(They were 2 of the campers while Angus was a junior counselor, Toast was 9, Ghost was 7 and Angus was 16)
Was born in an insane asylum (his mom had cut an officer's dick off while in psychosis, 2 months after Ghost's dad died)
Found out about Woah (the ghost Spooker and Colon adopted while Ghost was still in retirement) through the video of them adopting her
In this au, Woah is the ghost of a girl named Maria, who is Ghost's niece and Jenni's daughter, who died from starvation (she did say that she was hungry in the video)
He might have a touch of 'tisim with Ghost hunting, unsolved mysteries, space, and horror movies being his main interests
(This gives rise to Toast proposing to him in the observatory/planetarium at PIE HQ)
He likes to bite/chew things to stim (this does include himself and other people, Toast has found a way to get him to stop biting other people but he still bites himself)
Him having nonverbal moments is probably what got him diagnosed in the first place, that and the hatred for certain textures, sounds, tastes, etc.
Raymond (their kid) knew Maria/Whoa and Kristy before they died (he doesn't know what happened to them obviously)
Ghost knows what happened to his and Toast's respective dads (Ghost's dad had hung himself)
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elijahtheghostof · 2 months
Johnny Toast Vs Gavin Toast and Jimmy Casket
In those days, all Johnny Toast really did was watch the news…
He could only observe helplessly from his couch, downing his third glass of whiskey, as Jimmy Casket rose to be the world’s most renowned murderer. He couldn’t even recognize Ghost in the blurry pictures that flashed across his screen.
This was all his fault, he should have never left Ghost alone. Not with his…condition, and not when Gavin could so easily sweep him up.
They had both gone through hard changes those past few years, but he thought that Ghost was doing well! He had been finishing high school in the states, he was working at McDonald’s, and he’d send Toast logs and videos from little cases he went on all the time!
When his parents first told him that he was going back to London for college, and he couldn’t bring Ghost along with him, he should have fought harder. There was absolutely no reason why he should have had to leave Ghost behind. He could have moved to London with him, the palace had plenty of space. But, Toast unfortunately knew the reality of the situation, he knew that no one liked the strange, bossy American boy who always followed him around. He knew that his family was trying to put distance between him and his childhood companion. But, Ghost was so much more than that…
Of course Johnny Toast was a push over. Of course he had to be the good son, Gavin had already claimed the bad one. What more, he had to be the model child to soften the blow of another upcoming royal family scandal. His dear little sister, Jenny, a few years behind them, had confided in him that she wanted to go to an American police academy once she graduated. A British princess, a police officer. Toast had to be the child who upheld their parent’s expectations. He had to listen, he had to go back to London.
He had never seen Ghost look more like a kicked puppy than when he told him he had to leave.
Of course, Ghost tried to recover quickly, tried to regain his confidence before he announced,
“I’ll go to college with you then!”
“Sir…you can’t read.”
“That’s what text to speech is for!”
“College costs a lot of money…”
“Alright, how much? I’ve been saving up from work, maybe I could take some cool classes in paranormal investigations!”
“It’s…50 thousand dollars”
“A semester….”
When months still protected them from Toast’s departure, Ghost ranted and complained and whined about him leaving like it was a far away evil. However, during the weeks leading up to it, he practically clung to Toast’s side.
Ghost cried at the airport, Toast cried when he got on the plane.
A new normal eventually settled over the two of them. They used to call each other on the phone all the time, despite the ocean of a distance separating them…He had told Ghost that he was taking night classes because that was the only time slot he could get, but in reality, he took them so they would be awake at the same time to talk…
But. all of their communication stopped when Ghost went missing for good. No one could find hide nor hair of him, but once the killings started, Toast knew exactly what had happened. Gavin had got to him. And eventually, that spiraled to where they were now.
No one could find the world’s most renowned criminals, or at least, live to tell the tale. Johnny suspected that this was Gavin’s doing. It would have been easier to find Ghost, help Ghost, if his twin brother wasn’t accompanying him. On his own, Jimmy Casket was a feral animal, incapable of thought. But with Gavin…the two of them were a force to be reckoned with.
But one day, Toast realized something…Ghost and himself had been hunting entities down their entire lives. Literally, they were solving cases at the ages of six and eight respectively. Even if the police couldn’t locate the world’s most prolific serial killer and criminal, surely he could. Surely, he could save the love of his life from this madness. Surely, he could at least try.
And on that day, Toast sobered up.
He began research immediately. He investigated every crime, deadly bank robberies that caught the two on camera, to the most tangentially related cold cases. Toast went over every case file, no matter how difficult it was to imagine Ghost doing such terrible things. It only reinforced just how dangerous Jimmy was. One such case indicated how he had managed to murder three high profile creepypastas completely on his own. Toast traveled to each and every town the two struck. He felt like he was running after them, as fast as he possibly could, but he could never catch up to them…
And while Toast searched, he spent his time wisely. He trained his body for the fight that he knew was inevitable. Any moment of freedom or leisure was spent doing push ups or pull ups, learning how to fight. He had even cut out the whiskey for this, and strictly ate foods that made him stronger.
Despite all of this, however, the usually so proper and refined gentleman was fraying at the seams.
Any place he stayed in as he chased the criminals across the country quickly became littered in newspaper clippings, articles of all of Jimmy and Gavin’s possible appearances around the world. Tangles of red thread connected it all together as Toast tried to figure out where they would be next.
But finally, after years of grueling research, Toast had finally managed to track down what he believed was the two’s current hideout.
It was so strange, seeing Ghost again, after all of this time. Only…it wasn’t Ghost. It was Jimmy Casket. He looked exactly like Ghost, and also nothing like him at all. There were the obvious parts, beautiful brown eyes replaced by blood red ones. The uncanny, maniacal expression that took over features Toast was so familiar with. But there were more subtle signs as well. He was without the hoodie that Ghost always wore (Toast had found it when Ghost first went missing.) And, unlike Ghost, Jimmy didn’t bother to hide his body. The pretty, girly figure he always tried to cover up, that Toast used to lovingly make fun of him for. Ghost was incredibly self conscious about it, but Jimmy didn’t seem to care. He wore a red shirt that was so tattered, it had ripped into a crop top, a pair of old jeans, no shoes.
Gavin gave Toast a look of absolute disdain.
Meanwhile, Jimmy Casket stared at him hungrily, licking his smiling lips. Laughter escaped him in his bloodlust.
“Look, JimJam! There’s someone else you can kill!!” Gavin almost sounded as maniacal as Jimmy Casket as he sicked the wild dog on him.
Knife between his grinning teeth, Jimmy Casket got on all fours. And with a sickening laughter, he pounced. But Toast was prepared. Jimmy may have had a supernatural strength and speed, but, Toast knew Ghost’s body better than anyone. He knew that, despite how he tried to hide it, Ghost was frail. He just had to over power the killer.
He dodged a fatal blow, instead only managing to get grazed on the shoulder. Toast gritted his teeth and winced as blood blossomed to the surface, staining his white sleeves.
Meanwhile, Jimmy whined, stomped his foot on the ground, and pouted like a petulant child, “Awww!!! I missed! But don’t you worry, Toaster Strudel! I won’t miss next time!”
Jimmy made a clumsy, careless blow, giving Toast an opening to grab Jimmy’s thin wrist, and attempted to wrestle the knife out of his hands.
The scary thing about Jimmy Casket, was that there was no reasoning with him. But, maybe he could reason with his wayward brother. Still fighting for the knife, Toast called out to his twin,
“Gavin, please! It doesn’t have to be like this! Just give me Ghost back, we can go back home, settle things with the fam—“
“HA!! Like I’d go *ANYWHERE* with you!!”
“I don’t understand why you hate me so much!!“
The knife clambered away from the both of them, and landed on the floor by Gavin’s feet. And before either of them could grab it, the green eyed man had snagged it.
“You—you don’t understand?!” Gavin let out a sarcastic, airy sort of laugh. “You took *EVERYTHING* away from me, just by being born!! There's no way I’m giving you the *ONE* thing I have, the *ONLY* thing you don’t! As long as I have Jimmy, you’re never getting your precious Ghost back!!”
“He’s not some toy to fight over, Gavin!! Ghost is a *real* person and he doesn’t want to be doing any of this!!”
Gavin laughed, “Oh! You’d be surprised what little JimJohn wants!”
Jimmy was overjoyed as Gavin threw the knife to him, like tossing a dog a bone.
“Yeah!! Y-y-you’d be surprised what I want!!” Jimmy reiterated, “Which is blood and knives and stabbing and stuff!!!”
Jimmy ran for him again, and as much as he didn’t want to, Toast knew that he had to pull out the gun he had been carrying.
He shot three rounds at Jimmy’s feet, all of which missed, and only caused the killer to laugh and wildly exclaim, “Is we dancin?!?!”
As Toast fended Jimmy off, Gavin continued to rant, “You know it’s *FUNNY* that our dear, *dear* family considers you the GOOD kid, you’re literally a ghost hunting macaroni dealer!! I guess I must have set the bar low!”
It was at that moment that Toast spun around, and hit Gavin in the face with the butt of his gun. Blood spattered out of his twin's mouth, hitting the floor. “You keep feeling sorry for yourself, but you’re the one doing all of these bad things! Do you know how much Jenny worries about you?! She’d take you back in a heartbeat!!”
Toast felt two things next, a hard punch, square in the jaw, and Jimmy’s knife grazing his ear as it buzzed past his head. Inadvertently, his brother might have saved his life, that punch snapping his head out of the way and stopping the knife from embedding in his brain.
“Oooooh! I’m NOT like a Legolas today!” Jimmy laughed, seemingly completely oblivious to the brotherly conflict.
“*DON’T* talk about my sister! I *HATE* you!!” Gavin snapped
Toast had the advantage here. He was armed, and Gavin wasn’t. If he was, he would have already pulled out his gun and shot him dead. But instead, Toast could see the way his brother’s eyes were scanning the room, likely mapping out whichever hidden weapon that he was going to pull out, stashed somewhere in the house.
And before Toast could let that happen, he shot his brother in the leg.
There was a reverberating bang that Toast felt bounce up to his elbows, blood shot out from his twin’s thigh. He heard Gavin curse loudly before he fell to the floor, hopefully incapacitated.
“GAVVVY!!” Jimmy cried out in distress, suddenly dropping everything he was doing and scampering to Gavin’s side.
“Behind you, idiot!” Gavin called out to his accomplice. But it was too late. While Jimmy was distracted, Toast tackled the killer. Using his much larger, much more muscular body, Toast tightly wrapped his arms and legs around Jimmy, trapping him in a hug-like restraint.
“I’m—really sorry about this, sir!!”
“NO!! N-NO!!!” Jimmy thrashed in his arms, “I DON’T WANT TO BE GREGORY!!! GAVVYY!!!”
Toast knew that Ghost, and by extension, Jimmy, was physically weak. So he was able to get the chloroform out of his pocket without letting Jimmy escape. And finally, after what seemed like forever of smothering him with it, Jimmy went limp in his arms.
Toast was left panting for breath. For a moment, all he could do was just lay on the ground in the carnage, shocked by everything that had just transpired, even with the sound of his brother cussing him out filling his ears. He was just too exhausted, and Gavin looked seconds away from losing consciousness as well.
Even still, Toast wasn’t done yet. Worried for his twin, he tied a tourniquet around his rapidly bleeding thigh. After that, He cuffed Gavin to a pole, called the police, and gave them an anonymous tip on the criminal’s location. He had taken Ghost’s unconscious body, loaded him up in his pink car, and left the scene before they arrived. Toast had very mixed feelings about his brother’s impending life sentence. Toast was just glad that Ghost was finally safe from him. But his mind raced with thoughts of his wayward twin being shipped off to the Tower of London. But rationally, he knew that Gavin was going to be treated well. A member of the British royal family, in jail, for a life of crime, aiding a murderer. The tabloids were going to have more of a feast with Gavin than they already did…
He took Ghost back to the nearby Airbnb he had rented out. In the very likely occurrence that it wasn’t Ghost who came back to him, Toast unfortunately had to put Ghost in a straight jacket. He placed him on the bed so he would be comfortable, he had to chain his ankle to the post, however…In all actuality, when faced with Jimmy Casket, Toast should have had more security measures. But, he couldn’t bear doing that to Ghost.
While Ghost was asleep, he treated his partner’s wounds before treating his own. He felt a deep sense of guilt for inflicting them, even if he was Jimmy Casket he had been dealing with, deep down in there, it was still Ghost. He looked down at his calmly sleeping form. Ghost had so many more scars now, it had been so long since he had seen his partner…
But the eyes that opened were red. “Gavy….?” Jimmy Casket asked groggily, as if he were a child who had just woken from sleep. It was strange, to see the world’s most renowned murderer, the man who had ruined his partner’s life, look so helpless.
“No…I’m Johnny” Toast answered slowly.
Jimmy Casket looked confused. “Where’s Gavy?!” He cried. He tried to get up, but the restraints prevented him.
“He is in jail.” Johnny Toast replied calmly.
Jimmy just stared at him for a moment. Wide, blood red eyes unblinking. Then suddenly, tears began to overflow from them. Within the limitations of his restraints, Jimmy rolled around, kicked his feet, and ugly sobbed, like a child having a meltdown.
Toast watched the scene unfold, saw how Jimmy Casket was completely unable to regulate his emotions, much less understand them. He felt a strange sense of pity for this creature that had taken over Ghost’s body.
Toast wasn’t quite sure how to bring Ghost back. But nevertheless, he felt the instinctive urge to pacify Jimmy in the meantime.
He slowly ran a gentle hand up and down Jimmy’s back in an attempt to soothe the killer. “Sshhh, sshhh,” Toast hushed the mad man, “I know it’s hard…I’m upset that it’s come to this as well…”
Jimmy seemed unresponsive. He only continued to scream, cry, and kick. An unattractive stream of snot was dripping down his nose. It was so strange, he seemed so small, fragile, and breakable, just like Ghost.
Toast let out a sigh, pulled the fancy handkerchief out of his pocket, and used it to clean up the world’s most renowned murderer’s face. His only semblance of an idea next was to pull out his thermos of hot tea. He gently pushed it against Jimmy’s lips, making him drink the calming substance.
“I hate you!!” Casket slurred out between the mouthful of tea and his sobs.
“That’s…alright?” Was all Toast could think to say in response. He thought it helped the strange man child, a little bit?
The two of them stayed like that for a while. It was strange for Toast to see what he thought was an emotionless psychopath cry over his brother, of all people. And it was with a heavy heart that he realized, they must have really loved each other…Toast continued to rub Jimmy’s back as the killer sobbed, occasionally having him drink some of the calming tea. (All of this crying was probably dehydrating him.) He would listen to Jimmy helplessly scream things at him like, “I—I’m gonna show you my S-S-SECRET, TOASTER! And after I do, I’m gonna get Gavy back!!” He sounded more like a desperate child rather than a threatening serial killer, and Toast wasn’t sure how to humor it.
Eventually, Jimmy Casket cried himself out, and fell asleep.
Toast could only stare down at the man. He rubbed his stubble covered chin thoughtfully as he pondered what to do. After Jimmy had been in control for so long, he wasn’t sure what to do to help break Ghost to the surface. A part of him was terrified that it wasn’t even possible anymore…but he didn’t dwell on such a thought.
Eventually, Toast realized that all he could really do in the meantime was make Ghost as comfortable as possible. And so, he stayed worriedly by his side for what felt like hours.
And then, Finally, beautiful brown eyes opened for the first time in a long time. Years, maybe.
At first, Ghost looked confused and disoriented. However, once that began to wear off, he started to look scared. His brown eyes were as wide as a deer in the headlights. And, instead of being happy to see Toast, he screamed bloody murder. He tried to scramble off of the bed, but due to the restraints, he only fell.
“Sir!!” Toast exclaimed, trying to help Ghost up, worried that he had hurt himself.
“Please! Gavin, just let me go!!” Ghost sobbed, trying his best to fight back.
Toast just froze, locking eyes with the man beneath him. Of course… “Sir…it’s me…Johnny…”
It was only then that Ghost stopped hyperventilating, and his tears of fear turned into tears of relief. “Johnny…Johnny, hug me! Johnny!!” He cried, unable to do it himself.
And so, Toast complied, the two of them cried, and he never wanted to let go.
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rielohel · 3 months
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