#Jerry Stahl
randomrichards · 6 months
A mad scientist
Brings out patient’s perversion
Campy horror art
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misterwhirly · 1 year
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girlzoot · 4 months
Dear Ophelia:
In the words of your bro Hamlet, “Get thee to a nunnery, why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners!” I’m not sure how exactly this relates to your question, but I was an English major, and there just aren’t a lot of life situations that let me dip into my wide-ranging stock of Shakespeare quotes. As for your son, I’m sure he’s a handsome devil, and I would simply advise—be discreet. Otherwise, to quote the bard, “As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.” Again, not particularly relevant. But—did I mention? I was an English major.
—Jerry Stahl/Care To Make Love In That Gross Little Space Between Cars?: A Believer Book of Advice
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beginningspod · 2 years
It's time for Beginnings, the podcast where writer and performer Andy Beckerman talks to the comedians, writers, filmmakers and musicians he admires about their earliest creative experiences and the numerous ways in which a creative life can unfold.
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On today's episode, I talk to writer Jerry Stahl. Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jerry won a Pushcart Prize early in his writing career before taking a detour into writing erotica and for magazines like Hustler. This led to another detour writing for TV and movies, although "detour" here might be incorrect, considering this has been a large chunk of his professional career. Jerry penned scripts for ALF, Thirtysomething, Moonlighting, Twin Peaks, CSI, Maron, Escape at Dannemora as well as films like Bad Boys II. As an author, Jerry has written a number of incredible books and memoirs including Perv: A Love Story, I, Fatty, Permanent Midnight and his latest Nein, Nein, Nein!: One Man's Tale of Depression, Psychic Torment, and a Bus Tour of the Holocaust.
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jewishbookworld · 2 years
Nein, Nein, Nein! by Jerry Stahl
Nein, Nein, Nein! by Jerry Stahl
One Man’s Tale of Depression, Psychic Torment, and a Bus Tour of the Holocaust In September 2016, Jerry Stahl was feeling nervous on the eve of a two-week trip across Poland and Germany. But it was not just the stops at Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and Dachau that gave him anxiety. It was the fact that he would be traveling with two dozen strangers, by bus. In a tour group. And he was not a tour-group…
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ashtxeman · 5 months
Punch-Out!! Pet Headcanons :]
I thought it'd be nice to get more info out there from the massive 12,000 word document I have for Punch-Out stuff. So, here's what the boys pets are (excluding Don and Hippo who, as of now, don't have any)! Silly disclaimer that some of this information has been put on some individual headcanon posts, so if you think you've seen it before, you probably have! Still nice to compile it all together. Now enough yapping..
Joe would love a cat, but he's allergic so he can't get one. He might cave eventually and just power through it. He does consider Kaiser's pet to be his own, but he's allergic to them so isn't a fan of handing out belly scratches or pats.
Kaiser has a schnauzer called Stahl who rocks a mustache just like him! They get along incredibly well, matching from the military force in their steps when they go on walks, or the muddy green colour decorating their overalls and leashes respectively. An inseperable pair.
Disco has a budgie called Bingo and a parrot called Donna (an odd name, but he insisted on naming it after Donna Summer). He's always been a fan of birds and loves teaching them to talk so he can someday create his own bird choir (where he is the main vocalist).. so far, results are less than desireable. But he still lives his birdy babies.
Hondo has an absolutely ferocious Scottish fold called Tofu, who Hugger named. She will bite, claw, scratch, and hiss at anything that moves, and often times she's been compared to Aran in nature which Hondo sadly agrees with. Deep down she truly does love Hondo, she just has a very violent love language.
Hugger, as anybody would think, has an ungodly amount of animals in his house. A maine coon called Bobby, Murphy the squirrel (who Hondo named), Maple the bear, two horses called Dusty and Valley, a flock of birds that constantly hang around in his garden, a fox called Muse that stops by occasionally, a landseer dog called Beethoven (he couldn't get his hands on a St. Bernard, so he improvised), and a terrier called Husk. 
Tiger has his white tiger, Gahana. She's a gorgeous creature and has the exact same smug nature as her owner. Often time she's kept in India since owning a tiger isn't very common in the states, but whenever Tiger fancies a visit he can easily go over to her or bring her to him.
Aran has a surprising amount of pets. Two weasels called Tom and Jerry (reference intended), a cat called Lucky, and a few lizards named Burren, Porter, Druid and Mulligan (all names of Irish pubs that Aran has definitely been to). His house smells like animal pee and he does not care how much you complain about it.
Soda has two huskies, Sila and Vlast, alongside a miniature pinscher called Sergey who he rescued from the streets. Sila and Vlast are powerful, boastful dogs who love to show off a little, whilst Sergey is more humble but does enjoy playing copycat with his siblings.
Bull doesn't have any personal pets, but has plenty of farm animals (and several bulls) back in Turkey that he gets along well with. Suppose they bring him comfort.
Macho has his three dobermanns, Duke, Cooper and Ace. They are spoilt to death and whenever he has the opportunity he WILL bring them up, so chances are if you know Macho you know the doberbros just as well.
Sandman isn't a big animal fan, but has a guinea pig called Drowsy who loves to cuddle (and sleep). She often loves to snuggle in bed and keep the big man calm when he needs it. She's a suberb emotional support animal.
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loueale · 1 year
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Esquire May 1993 :
Bowie Light Photo Diego Uchitel By Jerry Stahl Subject David Bowie
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moviesandmania · 7 months
DR. CALIGARI (1989) Reviews of surreal comedic sci-fi horror
Dr. Caligari is a 1989 American comedic sci-fi horror film in which the granddaughter of an infamous doctor experiments with hormone and shock therapies at her asylum for the insane. It was intended as a bizarre semi-sequel to the German Expressionist silent classic The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920). Directed by Stephen Sayadian (Night Dreams) from a screenplay co-written with Jerry Stahl. The…
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Hi! I have read that the GSR season 6 reveal was a surprise to Jorja Fox. Do you know/think that the relationships was a surprise to her? Do you think she and Billy “knew” their characters where in a secret relationship?
hi, anon!
so word on the street has always been that the s6 gsr reveal was a last-minute addition to episode 06x24 "way to go," not originally scripted, so it was kind of a surprise to everyone, jorja fox included.
that said, i do think that what was surprising about the scene wasn't necessarily its content but rather its placement—i.e., while it wasn't a surprise to billy and jorja that grissom and sara were already a couple, it was a surprise to them that tptb had finally decided to reveal that they were, right on the tail end of the season finale.
the reason i think that billy and jorja already knew that grissom and sara were in a relationship prior to the filming of the reveal scene in episode 06x24 “way to go” is because the original plan had been to have the reveal come much earlier in the season, during episode 06x05 “gum drops,” and things had only changed because billy had become unavailable to film the episode due to a death in his family.
by necessity, there would have had to have been some discussion leading up to the filming of episode 06x05 “gum drops” of what the nature of grissom and sara’s relationship was and how long it had been going on and what its specifics happened to be, and then once billy became unavailable and the revisions to the script were made, there would have also had to have been additional discussion on how things should be played going forward, including whether or not billy and jorja should depict grissom and sara as if they were already together.
not only does the gsr content from s6 suggest that both the writers and billy and jorja were conceiving of grissom and sara as a secret couple throughout the season—as there are many gsr scenes that only really make sense in that context—but there is also “outside of the universe of the show” evidence to indicate that such was the case, such as, for example, an interview jorja gave in january ‘06 (midway through s6), in which she both mentioned the original reveal scene cut from episode 06x05 “gum drops” AND stated that she fully believed that the gsr romantic storyline would be revisited within the course of the year, saying, "the grissom and sara storyline is not over. it will get revisited. i’m inclined to think it will be this year."
sounds to me like she's pretty certain, like she knows they’re already together and is just waiting for that information to be revealed to the viewing audience.
to much the same end: there was also another cut scene from episode 06x08 "a bullet runs through it," pt. ii that touched on the fact of grissom and sara already being together that, at the very least, made it to script, even if it was never filmed. in said scene, grissom acknowledged sara's upset over finding sofia in his office in such a way that made it fairly clear he was talking to her as his girlfriend ("you being angry at me made me feel closer to you").
all of the above being so, my thought is that what surprised billy and jorja about the inclusion of the reveal scene in episode 06x24 "way to go" wasn't necessarily the information that their characters were together (which was something they already knew) but rather that the audience was finally going to be told that such was the case.
after receiving the original script for episode 06x24 "way to go" with no reveal included, they probably assumed they were going to go into s7 with the relationship still under wraps only to be (pleasantly) surprised when director kenneth fink and writer jerry stahl pulled the bedroom scene out of nowhere.
or at least that’s my sense, anyway.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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litteratured · 1 year
Hubert Selby Jr:  It/ll Be Better Tomorrow 
English language, Italian Subtitles) MP4 DVD rip 
A Michael W. Dean / Kenneth Shiffrin Production. From MVD video. Narrated by Robert Downey Jr. 
Hubert "Cubby" Selby, Jr. (July 23, 1928-April 26, 2004) was the author of Last Exit To Brooklyn, The Room, The Demon, Requiem for a Dream, The Willow Tree, Waiting Period, and a book of short stories, Song of the Silent Snow.
Featuring interviews with: Hubert Selby, Jr, Lou Reed, Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto, Darren Aronofsky, Uli Edel, Alexis Arquette, Desmond Nakano, James Remar, Nicolas Winding Refn, Jerry Stahl, Richard Price, Amiri Baraka, Nick Tosches, Gilbert Sorrentino, Michael Lally, Kenneth Shiffrin, James Ragan, Michael Silverblatt, James R. Giles, John Calder, Arthur Boyars, Luke Davies, Jem Cohen, Susan Compo, Matt Polish, Carmine "Tony" DeFeo, Anthony Di Novi, Kaytie Lee, Susan Anton. 
 Website: http://cubbymovie.com/
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Lana Turner and Juanita Moore in Imitation of Life (Douglas Sirk, 1959)
Cast: Lana Turner, Juanita Moore, John Gavin, Susan Kohner, Sandra Dee, Robert Alda, Dan O'Herlihy, Karin Dicker, Terry Burnham, Troy Donahue, Mahalia Jackson. Screenplay: Eleanore Griffin, Allan Scott, based on a novel by Fannie Hurst. Cinematography: Russell Metty. Art direction: Alexander Golitzen, Richard H. Riedel. Film editing: Milton Carruth. Music: Frank Skinner.
John Gavin was Hollywood's ultimate decorative male, there to look good in bed with Janet Leigh in Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) but otherwise to play no significant role in the film. (When he shows up later with Vera Miles, playing Leigh's sister, to find out what happened to Marion Crane, she's the one who does all the work, including the discovery of the mummified Mrs. Bates in the cellar.) It's no surprise that when Gavin died a few years ago, several of the obituaries mentioned the scene in Thoroughly Modern Millie (George Roy Hill, 1967) in which his character is paralyzed by a poison dart: He's been presented as so handsomely wooden that it takes a long time before anyone notices he's just sitting there. He's not quite so inert in Imitation of Life, but that's because Douglas Sirk, like Hitchcock, knew how to make use of him: He's there to hang as nicely on Lana Turner's arm as the Jean Louis gowns do on her body. Unfortunately, this makes for some of the film's weaker scenes, the ones in which Sandra Dee's Susie develops a crush on him, but even there the fault is more Dee's limitations as an actress than Gavin's as an actor. He comes off much better in one of the key scenes, in which his Steve Archer proposes to Turner's Lora Meredith. It works because Turner is skillful enough to make Lora into a woman who knows how not to get trapped by male expectations of what women should be. It's not quite so well-played as the scene in Now, Voyager (Irving Rapper, 1942) I wrote about a couple of days ago, in which Charlotte Vale rebuffs Jerry Durrance's suggestion that she should be looking for a man instead of taking care of his daughter, but that's because Lana Turner wasn't Bette Davis. Still, the scene comes off, and it's reinforced later when Lora is the one who proposes to Steve, after she's gotten what she wanted. The film belongs, of course, to the women, not only Turner but also and especially to Juanita Moore and Susan Kohner, who got the Oscar nominations they deserved. It's possible to fault the film for "whitewashing" by casting Kohner as the Black girl who tries to pass for white, especially since in the earlier version of Imitation of Life (John M. Stahl, 1934), the corresponding character was played by Fredi Washington, who was indeed Black. But even to raise the issue of "passing" in 1959, especially in a film that some considered little more than soap opera, was audacious: The Production Code had long forbidden any treatment of miscegenation. And Sirk artfully turns the issue into a generational one: Sarah Jane's desire to be white as a reaction against the subservience of her mother, foreshadowing a generation gap that would be operative in the coming decade's civil rights struggle. Sirk's films have a way of working themselves into your head unexpectedly, putting the lie to my observation that drama makes you think and melodrama makes you feel. Sirk's melodrama -- Imitation of Life is unashamed of the clichés it exploits and usually transcends -- undoubtedly makes you feel. Is there ever a dry eye at showings of the film's funeral finale? But by confronting the problems that underlie the melodrama it also has a sneaky way of making you think.
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years
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The Thirteenth Floor (13º Andar), o filme que questiona a natureza de nossa realidade
Por Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
Dois meses depois que Matrix foi lançado em 1999 (em 31 de março), um outro filme a ir até mais fundo em certos questionamentos – mas que devido ao sucesso retumbante deste e por não apelar a efeitos especiais “bullet-time” mirabolantes, acabou passando totalmente despercebido – pôs em cheque a condição humana e sugeriu que não somos mais do que seres simulados eletronicamente (electronic simulated characters): The Thirteenth Floor (13º Andar), com direção e roteiro de Josef Rusnak, adaptado do livro Simulacron 3 (1964), de Daniel Francis Galouye (1920-1976).
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Hannon J. Fuller (Armin Mueller-Stahl), presidente fundador da Intergraph Computer Systems, uma mega empresa de vanguarda em inteligência artificial que desenvolve um projeto de realidade virtual dentro de um ambiente de sistema computacional inovador capaz de sustentar um mundo simulado totalmente autônomo e que recria de forma realista a Los Angeles de 1937, época da juventude de Fuller, é assassinado logo no início.
O detetive Larry McBain (Dennis Haysbert), interroga o sócio e melhor amigo de Fuller, Douglas Hall (Craig Bierko), bem como a jovem e linda filha de Hannon, Jane Fuller (Gretchen Mol), que surge do nada como única herdeira da companhia. Ao vê-la, Hall se sente imediatamente atraído por ela e lhe pergunta de chofre se já não se conheciam de algum lugar, indicando ter experimentado um déjà vu. Era a segunda vez que não conseguia acessar suas memórias, pois não se lembrava também do que fazia no momento em que Fuller era assassinado.
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Principal suspeito do crime, Hall já não tem certeza de sua inocência e resolve ir atrás da verdade mergulhando no mundo virtual criado por Fuller com a ajuda do programador Jerry Ashton (Vincent D’Onofrio), que de início reluta em transferir a consciência de Hall a esta realidade virtual onde os usuários acessam os seus avatares e interagem com outros seres virtuais sencientes, autônomos e autodidatas (fully formed self-learning cyber beings) que pensam e reagem como pessoas do mundo real sem saberem, no entanto, que vivem em um mundo virtual, que são apenas dados e impulsos elétricos em um computador.
A transferência se dá com a consciência do usuário sendo projetada no ciberespaço até incorporar-se ao seu avatar, que é a imagem e semelhança dele mesmo, um reflexo do seu caráter. Avatar (avatara, em sânscrito), aliás, é um conceito hindu que significa “descida de uma divindade do paraíso a terra” e a consequente aparência terrena desse ser celestial – em referência particular às dez formas de representação de Vishnu.
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Nesse processo de transferência, o usuário experimenta um outro fenômeno transcendente, o da bilocação, que é aquele quando uma pessoa é transferida em corpo e alma para um outro lugar longe da sua residência habitual até que a sua missão esteja cumprida, e regressa instantaneamente ao lugar onde habita, sem que os que convivem com ela percebam. Mas a pessoa que faz esta viagem conserva a lembrança do local onde esteve, assim como de todos aqueles que, vivendo lá onde esteve, viram-na e conviveram com ela, exatamente o mesmo que ocorre no filme.
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A cada incursão, Hall se arrisca neste mundo simulado até que descobre que ele próprio estava vivendo em um mundo simulado surgido de dentro de outro mundo simulado. Uma simulação dentro de outra simulação, dentre milhares de outros mundos simulados!
No final, ao ascender para um mundo superior, mais tranquilo, espiritual e etéreo, situado em 2024, ficamos sem saber se aquele era o mundo real ou apenas outra simulação.
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Bem antes de The Thirteenth Floor, em 1973, o ator e diretor alemão Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1945-1982) já havia adaptado Simulacron 3 no formato de uma minissérie de duas partes para a televisão alemã. Filmada em 16 mm e estrelada por Klaus Löwitsch, seu foco não esava na ação, mas nos aspectos sofísticos e filosóficos da mente humana, na simulação e no papel da pesquisa científica.
Em World on a Wire (em alemão Welt am Draht e que em português poderia ser traduzido por Mundo em um Fio), o supercomputador da Cybernetics and Future Science (Institut für Kybernetik und Zukunftsforschung) hospeda um programa de simulação que inclui um mundo artificial com mais de 9.000 “unidades de identidade” que vivem como seres humanos, sem saber que seu mundo é apenas uma simulação. O professor Vollmer (Adrian Hoven), que é o diretor técnico do programa, está aparentemente à beira de uma incrível descoberta secreta. Ele se torna cada vez mais agitado e anti-social antes de morrer em um misterioso acidente. Seu sucessor, Dr. Fred Stiller, tem uma discussão com Günther Lause, o conselheiro de segurança do instituto quando este desaparece de repente sem deixar rastro antes que ele possa passar o segredo de Vollmer para Stiller. Mais misterioso ainda é o fato de que nenhum dos outros funcionários da IKZ parece ter qualquer lembrança de Lause.
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Enquanto isso, uma das unidades de identidade na simulação tenta suicídio. Esta unidade foi excluída pelo colega de Stiller, Walfang, para manter a simulação estável. Para investigar os motivos do suicídio, Stiller entra no mundo simulado para entrevistar a unidade de contato. A unidade, chamada Einstein, é a única unidade de identidade que sabe que o “mundo” é uma simulação, e isso é necessário para executar o programa. Na tentativa de se tornar uma pessoa real, Einstein muda sua mente para o corpo de Walfang enquanto Stiller está em contato com o mundo simulado. Einstein dá a Stiller uma explicação para os mistérios, memórias que desaparecem e pessoas que desaparecem, dizendo-lhe que o “mundo real” de Stiller nada mais é do que uma simulação do mundo real, que está um nível acima.
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Esse conhecimento faz com que Stiller mergulhe na insanidade. As outras pessoas “reais” interrogam Stiller e ele é ameaçado de morte, encarceramento e internação involuntária. Stiller finalmente consegue convencer Hahn, o psicólogo da IKZ, de sua teoria. Este último logo morre em um acidente que é preso em Stiller, marcando-o como o suspeito assassino de Hahn e Vollmer. Stiller foge e procura a unidade de contato necessária que possa conectar seu mundo “real” com o mundo real, um nível acima. Ele sobrevive a várias tentativas de assassinato e descobre que o contato é Eva, que foi projetada na simulação após a morte de Vollmer (como sua filha inexistente). Stiller aceita sua presença, acreditando que eles já tiveram um romance. Eva diz que ele foi modelado no verdadeiro Fred Stiller, uma pessoa que Eva amava, mas que enlouqueceu com o poder de dirigir a simulação no mundo acima. Enquanto Stiller está programado para morrer em uma emboscada, Eva muda as mentes dos dois Stillers e traz o Stiller simulado para o mundo real.
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Saiba mais sobre realidade virtual e simulada no artigo completo que escrevi a respeito aqui no blog: https://www.claudiosuenaga.com.br/post/653609277934698496/matrix
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ryansmoviereviews · 2 months
Bad Boys 2 (2003)
Please check out my latest review. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Please subscribe! #movie #movies #moviereview #moviereviews #moviereviewer #film #films #filmreview #filmreviews #moviecritic #filmcritic #subscribe #like #share #review #follow
Dir Michael Bay Written by Ron Shelton, Jerry Stahl Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Jordi Mollá, Gabrielle Union, Theresa Randall, Joe Pantoliano, Peter Stomare. Eight years have passed since the events of the last movie, Marcus Burnett (Lawrence) and Mike Lowry (Smith) are still partnered, and now part of the Tactical Narcotics Team with the aim of bringing down drug smugglers. They soon…
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Birthdays 9.30
Beer Birthdays
Frank H. Stahl (1876)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Miguel de Cervantes; Spanish writer (1547)
Erika Eleniak; model, actor (1969)
Enrico Fermi; Italian physicist (1901)
Madeline Kahn; actor (1942)
Stanley Kramer; film director (1913)
Famous Birthdays
Michelangelo Antonioni; film director (1912)
Gene Autry; country singer (1907)
Stan Berenstain; children's writer (1923)
Francois Boucher; French artist (1703)
Andrew "Dice" Clay; comedian (1957)
Les Claypool; rock bassist (1963)
James Watson Cronin; nuclear physicist (1931)
Anita Ekberg; actor (1931)
James Fogle; writer (1936)
Greer Garson; actor (1903)
Elizabeth Gaskell; English writer (1810)
Bryant Gumbel; television broadcaster (1948)
Trevor Howard; actor (1913)
Stuart M. Kaminsky; writer (1934)
Zachary Levi; actor (1980)
Jerry Lee Lewis; rock singer, pianist (1935)
Larry Linville; actor (1939)
Emily Lloyd; actor (1970)
Ian McShane; actor (1942)
Horatio Nelson; English naval officer (1758)
Mike Post; composer (1944)
Quick Draw McGraw; cartoon character
Tintoretto; Italian artist (1518)
Lech Walesa; Polish solidarity leader (1943)
Ian Wallace; rock drummer (1946)
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loueale · 1 year
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Esquire May 1993 :
Bowie Light Photo Diego Uchitel By Jerry Stahl Subject David Bowie
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nerdwelt · 1 year
Jerry Raines: Gefängnisflüchtling aus Mississippi, der in Texas gefangen wurde, hat eine Geschichte von Gefängnisausbrüchen
HOUSTON, TX: Einer von vier Gefängnisflüchtlingen aus Mississippi wurde am Donnerstag in Houston, Texas, festgenommen, teilten die Behörden mit. Jerry Raines, der eine Geschichte von Jailbreaks hat, stahl während der Flucht am Sonntag ein Reparaturauto aus Hinds County und floh nach Houston, bevor er das Auto in Spring Valley zurückließ. WERBUNG Am Mittwoch, dem 26. April, wurde Dylan Arrington,…
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