#Jim Kirk/OC
Someone posted this in a Trek group:
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Counter theory:
"My theory was always that Spock was the unhinged and wild one -- a rebel by Vulcan standards -- and he radicalized "stack of book with legs" Jim Kirk.😂
Spock was the one out there mind melding with every Horta, Nomad and V'Ger while Jim and Bones absolutely panicked in the background.
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Then Jim usually ended up being the one to get Spock out of it, too. The Apple, Operation Annihilate, A Private Little War, The Infinite Vulcan, TMP . . . How many times did we see Kirk have to carry Spock body and limb and slightly on fire back to the ship after he got into it?
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The amount of shit Jim has to do for Spock in Star Trek III alone.
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Spock is like the Enterprise housecat who stubbornly insists on being an outdoor cat and keeps escaping, later having to be carried back indoors. He keeps causing mischief but everybody loves his ass anyway.
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Kirk and Spock were chaotic messes who loved their frontier first contact work in TOS and onward -- they deserved each other.😂👌
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Shit, cat got out again.
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medlilove · 2 months
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(Edited to add headshots because tumblr hates detail) I've etched away at this is a lovely few weeks, so click for full res and all the little details, okay? It's my love letter to the journey I've found myself on
This is long-ish, so its under the cut (but worth reading...)
I had been thinking a lot recently about that double feature episode, you know the one? I half remembered it then, when they chased a bunch of alien spies so fast through the solar system they all got thrown back in time. Half the crew went on a little undercover adventure in Toronto in 2024. It was great because they got completely cut off from the Enterprise, so half of them, well mostly Uhura and Spock if I recall correctly, spent their time collecting as many radios as possible and worked on building their own communications. Uhura and Spock were basically taking turns constantly tweaking radios by the window with wires everywhere. Oh yeah, their base of operations was the whole top floor of a worn out old building looking over a big square. They ended up in the really arty/queer part of town full of art galleries and thrift stores.....??
Chapel and Chekov were sent out to those shops to find disguises for everyone. I loved the joke that Chekov was puzzled and slightly alarmed that Christine just knew everyone's clothes sizes and measurements with no explanation. Later on, they ended up getting separated from the rest of the group and getting held up by B story shenanigans, mostly getting lost and running into culture shocks. It was fun to see them having their own adventures and made for a pretty interesting combo. Spock and Uhura spent most of their time with the tech, accidentally listening to the times most popular music while changing frequencies. Jim and Sulu paired off to search for clues, and getting supplies and spent a lot of time talking to the locals setting up for a Pride parade. McCoy, feeling paranoid and irritable that he had practically no equipment, wandered around with Dr Alfred Nahdi, the Botanist, who kept picking random weeds and talking about how extraordinary the little dandelions were. Oh and together they stole a whole medical bag out of an ambulance?? It was pretty funny.  Anyway, the main issue was they couldn’t risk leaving the area because all these alien spies had assimilated into the population and they had to track them all down and bring them back with them so as not to disrupt the timeline or something. They had to track down the aliens while making sure the aliens didn't pick up on who they were or that they were also out of place. They ended up being there for around two whole ass months, I think. The spies were spread out all over and there were about 30 of them, but it ended up being the Botanist, Alfred (Alfie) Nahdi who found the enemy base of operations by complete accident. Alfred, who had spent most of the time studying all the common flowers and weeds that were so ordinary at that time but were extinct in their time, figured out where the aliens' base of operations was because the big plant shop at the end of the square had a few succulents that could not have existed in 2024. It was a big "woah" moment. And there was this whole thing where he had to act like he hadn’t just figured it out because the florist, who was almost certainly a spy, was watching him and McCoy. But soon after, it all went to hell anyway when a fight broke out and Sulu was straight up shot with the aliens' weapon that had bullets made from alien metal. So then Bones had to perform old school surgery on him in their HQ, with only 2024 equipment. Jim, Spock, and Uhura were out fighting and ran into Chapel and Chekov and were able to finish them off, but it got really crazy because there was a Pride parade in the square at the same time so they had to make sure no one noticed them. While Bones was pulling bullets out of Sulu, with the botanist assisting him until Chapel (who had been sent by Jim) appeared and took over. McCoy said something like, “Christine, I’ve never been so glad to see you in my life,” and they sewed him up all old school. And it worked out! But Bones was a mess because he had to do messy surgery with none of his kit, and so much pressure, and more blood than he was used to... Chapel stayed with Sulu, and Bones and Nahdi went to sit on the fire escape stairwell and had a sweet scene of Bones just full of adrenaline, his hands couldn't stop shaking. They sat hand in hand for a while listening to all the people on the streets below. Then Spock, Jim, Uhura, and Chekov appeared at the stairwell and they all had a happy, albeit exhausted reunion. After a day of everyone recovering from all the excitement, Uhura and Spock used some extra tech they got from the aliens and finally made contact with poor Scotty who was up on the Enterprise losing the will to live. Anyway, their outfits were iconic tbh.
I invented this whole thing to draw Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy in a sweater. I lost control of the situation. I spent a lovely two weeks etching away at this with the support of my lovely ST server, I love you guys. This ones for you.
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kaffkanya · 3 months
god i love tos as much as the next guy but there are episodes that are so hard to watch cause of the misogyny and crazy cultural appropriation. and you can use "oh it was the 60s" as an excuse for only so long
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sleepyhollowss · 11 months
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Some coloured OC doodles plus some goofery based off of and odd thought I had during a conversation
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bamfspock · 2 years
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They're trying
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sexystembolt · 2 years
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dustykneed · 8 months
hewwo can i request some sweet mckirk smoochin? :') jim turning up that patented Kirk Charm and showering bones with affection, bones getting all flustered and absolutely melting 🥰 your style is so lovely!
hewwwo !!!!! thank you so much for the request and the kind words<33 sorry for making ya wait (i made a bunch of things tho >:33 hope ya like em! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
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(i swear ONE DAY ill finally have the kiss-drawing epiphany and draw lips actually touching. today is not that day but im getting closer !!!!! fingers crossed)
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(since i now have a squeaky clean inbox yall feel free to send in some reqs (hc word dump reqs also open tbh might be fun!) see ya on the other side of the inbox<33)
#@the painting: it CAN be platonic mckirk if youre brave enough. itd be in character 100% just LOOK at the tos bloopers. tell me they wouldnt i dare you
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muppet-facts · 1 year
Muppet Fact #865
In 2000, Kirk Thatcher mentioned in an interview with Written By that a project called Uncle Deadly's House of Badness was in the works, but it's unknown if a pilot was ever written or filmed.
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Uncle Deadly's House of Badness. Muppet Wiki.
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theshadowrealmitself · 10 months
Thoughts only funny to me: Kirk Prime being found and rescued by a completely random third party, this lone wolf explorer, who finds Spock Prime in the aos universe expeditiously because they can’t stand having Jim Prime in their ship anymore
They’d like the guy under any other circumstance, but 1) they’re not used to having another person in their ship and they’re realizing it’s completely draining to them, and 2) Jim keeps going into captain mode™️ and accidentally sitting in the captain’s chair and making orders and the oc is just Done™️
They find Spock Prime, try to get Jim Prime off their ship, but because it’s a fascinating ship (long story), now they have the both of them on their bridge looking at everything, obviously not in a hurry to leave
Oc is done doing good deeds.
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hopefulcanary · 4 months
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(early) june commission on behalf of @asoulofstars, featuring jim and anna, @niceofthenine's lovely oc
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When someone says TOS Jim and/or Spock ain't it:
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Childe . . .
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allouryesterjanes · 3 days
Art from ye olden days! (My old blog)
As much as I'd like to find a better way of archiving the original artworks on my old blog in a way that retains its notes (I think keeping those interactions would be cool and fun), There's not an incredibly large volume of artwork, and it's honestly easier to just make a big post like this! So, if you used to follow me when I was under the name theodorestribbles, here's all the art I posted! (Excluding a few pieces I don't like!!! Yes, yes, archiving is important, but I promise the world will not end if I neglect to repost everything) As always, click for better quality!
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Posted August 11, 2024
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Posted July 20, 2024
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Posted May 15, 2024
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Posted April 18, 2024
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Posted April 15, 2024
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Posted March 27, 2024
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Posted March 14, 2024
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Posted February 27, 2024
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volcaramel · 7 months
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some random sketchbook doodles of star trek and ocs (feat. bive from regretevator) :)
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remholder · 1 year
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hands you a Them
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imagines--galore · 7 months
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bamfspock · 2 years
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Starfleet regulation says top tier flirting only
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