#Jim Ryun
dreamywander · 5 months
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Tsunayoshi Sawada - KHR 🔥
«Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going» © Jim Ryun
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letsberealgenz · 6 months
how to exit your lazy era — level up, stay motivated and make 2024 your best year🕯️
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Firstly why do we even get stuck in our lazy era?
no motivation
you just faced a major failure
not seeing the results you want after working for so long
a way of procrastinating
an easy way to put away all your important task aside
“It’s easy to not do anything in life. It doesn’t even require any effort whatsoever.”
How to overcome this?
Plan your days earlier
Honestly we often hear people giving all sort of tips and tricks to be productive, but the thing is nothing works unless you have a vision for how your day is going to look like. Didn’t they say this?
“Visualization is the key to manifestation.”
2. Start your day with a boost of motivation
This is coming from a personal experience of mine. The only way I overcome my morning sickness was actually by quickly hitting the play button of my favorite motivational podcast as soon as I switch off my alarm. Now it feels like an autopilot mode. For real, try it out.
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” — Jim Ryun
3. Do what you love first thing first
Game-changer. It is one of the prime reason why I LOVE (not like) but LOVE getting up early after discovering the main hack of morning routine which is to do something that truly excites you to your very core.
It could be painting, reading, dancing, journaling, writing, singing, working out, walking, sitting outside sipping your favorite coffee, walking your dog, or literally not even doing anything. Whatever that soothes you, calms your soul and rejuvenates your being. BOOM! That’s exactly what you need to do as soon as you’re up.
For me personally, I love meditating, reading while sipping my coffee and just spending time with nature. The serenity and tranquility can’t be put into words to be honest!
“Slow morning is the recipe to my productivity for real.”
4. Sweating it out
Have you ever been in a situation (I'm sure we all have been in this one) where your body feels sluggish after lunch probably in the late noon? YES! It feels so horrible like you can’t keep your eyes open without consuming doses of caffeine.
Plus working from home is becoming a norm after the pandemic, therefore being stagnant is becoming more of a common trait that binds all of us together. Sitting still in front of your PC, sending emails through your handphone, recording content and et cetera.
This constant stagnation is actually preventing the daily movement our body needs to rejuvenate. Therefore, when we don’t get it that’s when the laziness kicks in. We do know the root problem right now and the root solution would be to move your body as often as you can.
Working out doesn’t need to fit into this standard practice social media has eluded us all by the frame of being in the gym. Honestly there’s more than that.
As long as you are sweating, you’re good my friend.
5. Vision board
Vision board is one of the easiest, accessible and FUN thing you can do to get yourself out of the rut. I don’t think so we need to go all around again to get the gist of vision board but it would be incomplete if I don’t share this secret with you.
Make a physical and a digital board. The physical one plays a role to be sitting in a space where you spend most of your time at. For instance, your office, work-studio, hostel and et cetera.
And the digital one is as important as the physical one because most of the time we are indulged or I would say obliged to our gadjets these days. Therefore, by setting your vision board as your lock screen wallpaper is definitely going to give you the sense of awakening your mind needs whenever you feel you’re slacking off.
PS: Pinterest is a great tool you can start off with.
6. Use your bank balance as a source of motivation
This is such a good way to actually get you moving. It’s a source of trigger that makes you question yourself like:
How am I supposed to achieve all of my goals on the vision board if I am not taking any sort of action from my side?
That million-dollar home, vacation and experience is not going to come alive if you’re just sitting and wishing for it.
7. Read self help books
I am sure everybody who’s legit on 
 platform is an avid-reader. I am not going to speak about the power of books because you know it all. The key is just to pick the right books according to your current life’s situation.
The main gist today is to help you exit your lazy era. So here are some book recommendations from my side.
Atomic Habit by James Clear
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Man’s Search for Meaning Viktor E. Frankl
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod
Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
The Concise 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Stillness is the key by Ryan Holiday
PS: What’s your favorite self-help book? Reply to this.
Stick till the very end because I am sharing with you the main HACK that nobody talks about.
8. Design your environment in a way that motivates you
We all have heard the phrase how your environment influences you. The least you could do is be conscious of how powerful your social circle is, the people whom you hangout with, the people whom you work with, the people you choose to have relationships with and the place you choose to live in.
It’s these little things that makes the most difference in your life at the end of the day.
9. Step out if that’s what you need
Honestly, a change of environment is what you need sometimes. Our body, out entire being recognizes when we are stuck in the same space for quite some time and this could be the #1 reason why you’ve been procrastinating. Probably you could do this:
Go to your favorite restaurant/café
Work from the library
Honestly choose a spot where you feel you could really maximize your potential and somewhere that actually motivates you to step up. Do better!
10. Allow yourself to be lazy at times
AHHHH! This is the magic pill I was speaking about. I realized nobody seems to tell you this but let’s be real. The only way to exit your lazy era is by giving yourself room to actually be lazy. You can’t expect yourself to transform overnight. You can’t expect to be productive 24/7. You can’t expect yourself to meet all the high standards you’ve set yourself up to.
And I want you to know this. It’s okay to be lazy sometimes. It’s okay to catch yourself not doing anything sometimes. But always remember this.
You shall only reward yourself to be lazy when you’ve absolutely fulfilled the promise you’ve made. The tasks you need to complete. The assignments you need to submit. The thesis you need to work on. The presentation you need to deliver.
Trust me if you implement all of the above habits, you would realize this:
“It’s the small changes in your daily life that you needed all along for your long-term success.”
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La motivación nos impulsa a comenzar y el hábito nos permite continuar.
(Jim Ryun)
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zemagltd · 2 years
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Everyday Poetry - "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." Jim Ryun
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inifinds · 6 months
Discover 10 Simple Ways on How to Stay Motivated Everyday
Every morning presents a new page in the chapter of life, each brimming with potential. Yet, for many of us, finding the spark to ignite our daily motivation can feel like a quest in itself.The key to sustained success, both personal and professional, isn’t just about finding motivation but nurturing it day after day.This post helps you discover, understand, and harness the power of motivation every single day.To-Do List for How to stay motivated everydayAbstract vector icons featuring themes of learning, love, creativity, and personal growth in a color-blocked style.Let’s get right to it. The hard work starts now to achieve your goals from the distractions of everyday life.  Identify Your DistractionsSpend a week noting down what distracts you daily. Are they digital, environmental, or even emotional distractions?Designate a Focus SpaceCreate a physical and mental space dedicated to focus. This could be a specific room, a desk setup, or a mental visualization that helps you concentrate.Set Clear, Achievable GoalsWrite your goals using the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to ensure they’re clear and manageable.Prioritize Your Tasks and GoalsUse tools like a priority matrix to decide which tasks are urgent. Begin each day by tackling these tasks first.Embrace Mindfulness PracticesIntegrate short mindfulness exercises into your day, such as breathing or meditation, to help center your thoughts and reduce stress.Limit Digital DistractionsAllocate specific times in your day to check emails, social media, or news websites. Consider using app blockers to help maintain focus during work or study hours.Explore Productivity Apps and ToolsResearch and test out productivity apps that can help you with discipline, track your goals, and block distractions. Find the ones that best suit your needs.Adopt a Flexible MindsetStay open to adjusting your goals and strategies as your circumstances or priorities change. Flexibility is key to sustained motivation.Celebrate Your ProgressAcknowledge and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Rewarding yourself can reinforce positive behaviors and boost motivation.Reflect and Adjust RegularlyAt the end of each week, reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Adjust your strategies accordingly to continue improving your focus and motivation.I thought I’d throw in some motivational quotes to help you get going, besides the to-do-list.10 Motivational Quotes for a Powerful Day“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” - Jim Ryun“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” - Lena Horne“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” - Zig Ziglar“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.” - Mark Twain“You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” - Charles Buxton“Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.” - Walt Whitman“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” - Oprah Winfrey“Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and energy needed to develop yourself.” - Denis Waitley“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” - Albert Schweitzer“On the other side of a storm is the strength that comes from having navigated through it. Raise your sail and begin.” - Gregory S. Williams“Flexibility is the key to stability.” - John WoodenHow to Stay Motivated Everyday: The Psychology of MotivationAt the heart of every action we take lies motivation, the invisible force that propels us forward towards our objectives.There is a difference in creating motivation for everyone. Intrinsic motivation comes from within, driven by personal satisfaction and interest, while external rewards or recognition fuel extrinsic motivation.Understanding the nuances between these types can shed light on why some days feel like an uphill battle and others, a downhill glide.The Impact of Mental Health on MotivationOur mental health and state are the bedrock of motivation.The right mental state acts as a fertile ground where motivation can flourish, whereas challenges in mental health can create barriers.Recognizing the symbiotic relationship between mental health and motivation is the first part of cultivating an environment within ourselves that nurtures sustained motivation.How to Stay Motivated Everyday: Setting and Achieving GoalsGet CLEAR Setting goals one by one is great, but how does it fit into the big picture?CLEAR Goal Setting Explained​C - Collaborative: Goals should encourage teamwork and cooperation, making them particularly useful for projects requiring collective effort. For an individual or small business, this could mean engaging with your audience, community, or partners to achieve mutual objectives.L - Limited: Goals need to be scooped within a certain timeframe and focus to prevent overwhelm and ensure manageability.E - Emotional: Connecting your goals to your emotions or a deeper purpose enhances motivation and commitment.A - Appreciable: Breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks makes progress more tangible and immediate.R - Refinable: As circumstances change, your goals should be flexible enough to adapt. We’re not seeking perfection. Actionable steps with adjustments along the way are all a part of the journey.Daily Habits for Lasting MotivationEstablishing productive routines and habits is key to setting the stage for your own success.These routines serve as anchors, providing structure and predictability to the chaos of everyday life.Staying disciplined to follow through with your routines can make the difference about what keeps you motivated, ensuring that you’re not just busy, but productive.The Role of Time ManagementMastering your NOW is about more than just managing your calendar; it’s about aligning your actions with your goals.It’s the art of making every moment count, ensuring that each task, no matter how minor, is a move towards something bigger. By prioritizing what is most important, you’ll see the improvements.The Power of Positive InfluencesFostering a Positive MindsetA positive mindset is the lens through which we can transform hurdles into opportunities and setbacks into a way to grow.Cultivating a growth mindset begins with mindfulness acknowledging our thoughts and emotions without judgment and steering them towards positivity and resilience.Surrounding ourselves with like mind people can change our mindset, making it easier to maintain motivation even on tough days.Leveraging Support SystemsNo one is an island, and our journey towards staying motivated is no exception.A robust support network comprising friends, family, mentors, or even online communities can provide the encouragement and accountability we need to persevere.Sharing your goals and progress with supportive individuals can multiply your motivation, turning the journey into a shared adventure marked by collective triumphs.Personal Growth and DevelopmentEmbracing Personal Development for MotivationPersonal growth is both a source and a product of motivation. It’s a virtuous cycle where the pursuit of personal development fuels motivation, which drives further growth.Engage in activities that challenge you, learn new skills, and step out of your comfort zone. Each new experience and skill gained is a milestone that keeps the flame of motivation burning brightly.Learning from Success StoriesStories of success and personal triumph are powerful motivators. They show that overcoming obstacles and achieving even the loftiest goals is possible.Looking at success stories, whether from experts in your field or characters in your favorite books or movies, can help you find ideas and strategies to stay motivated on your own journey.Every success story started with a single step, fueled by motivation.Overcoming Common Motivational ChallengesDealing with Bad DaysLife is all about the balance of the good and bad. Recognizing this is part of the human experience can help mitigate their impact.When we have these moments, go to your routines and simple acts that bring joy and satisfaction. Be thankful for all the good in your life.Allow yourself grace and understand that motivation is not constant.Every race begins with the first step.Making Adjustments and setting ExpectationsFlexibility is key to pursuing sustained motivation. When faced with difficult moments or when progress stalls, reevaluating and adjusting your objectives can provide a much-needed rest.This doesn’t mean lowering your standards, but setting realistic benchmarks and rewards that match your current circumstances.Such adjustments can renew your motivation, providing a clearer, more attainable path forward.ConclusionStaying motivated every day is a journey marked by highs and lows, successes and setbacks. By understanding motivation, setting and achieving goals, fostering positive influences, embracing personal growth, and learning to navigate challenges, you equip yourself with the tools necessary for sustained motivation.Next StepsNow, I’d love to hear from you. What strategies have you found effective in maintaining daily motivation? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and continue to inspire and motivate our community.Together, let’s make every day a step towards our best selves, fueled by motivation and boundless potential.Related ArticlesFixed vs Growth Mindset Examples: What are the differences?27 Best Books for Business Mindset to Activate your SuccessChange Your Mind, Build Your Wealth: The Best Books For Money Mindset21 Best Books for Self Discovery: Start your Amazing JourneyWhy is Grit Important to Growth Mindset: Develop ResilienceUnlock Life-Changing Joy Today: Your Magic Mindset Awaits! Read the full article
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hossainconsulting · 6 months
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"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." – Jim Ryun #ThursdayThoughts #HabitIsFuel 💭🔋
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atletasudando · 11 months
El 1-2 canadiense en los 1.500 metros llanos
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En los 1.500 metros llanos, una de las más atractivas pruebas del mediofondo, no había tanto misterio. El manejo táctico iba a prevalecer sobre cualquier otro factor y allí la experiencia de los canadienses fue decisiva. Un compacto grupo arribó a la última vuelta con posibilidades y prevalecieron los hombres que, por su fogueo en la alta competición, iban a manejarla mejor. Y en ese sentido los canadienses concretaron el 1-2 con Charles Philibert-Thiboutot y Robert Heppenstall. Los atletas sudamericanos estuvieron dentro de sus marcas. Thiboutot, a sus 32 años, viene de conseguir su mejor registro personal de 3:32.94 en la gira europea. Y tras haber logrado un bronce panamericano en Toronto 2015 (y la medalla de plata de 5.000, esta semana) ahora ganó en 3:39.74, aventajando por dos centésimas a su compatriota Heppenstall, con bronce para el estadounidense Casey Comber (3:39.90), pese a su tremendo esfurezo final. Cuarto quedó el puertorriqueño Robert Napoitano con 3:40.12 y quinto el estadounidense Kasey Knevelbaard (3:40.31), quien venía de ganar los 1.500. El ex campeón sudamericano Thiago do Rosario André –casi inactivo este año- retornó a la competición y ocupó el 6° lugar con 3:40.48, delante de los argentinos Diego Lacamoire (3:40.67) y José Zabala (3:41.49). HISTORIAL DE LOS 1.500 METROS EN LOS JUEGOS PANAMERICANOS Dos países ejercieron un neto dominio en la historia de los 1.500 de los Juegos: Estados Unidos y Brasil (8 y 7 títulos respectivamente). Y ese historial incluye la participación de figuras de primer nivel mundial, como el caso de Marty Liquori -campeón de 1971- quien era uno de los grandes rivales del legendario Jim Ryun en esa época. Brasil contó con los únicos dos mediofondistas que lograron dos veces el título de 1.500 en los Pan: Joaquim Carvalho Cruz (además campeón olímpico de 800) y Hudson Santos de Souza. Cruz logró su primer 1.500 en Indianápolis 87 delante de cotizados rivales como James Spivey y Steve Scott. Y volvió al cetro en Mar del Plata 95 cuando, recuperándose de varias temporadas de ausencia por lesiones, consiguió la última de sus coronas importantes. Hudson, quien ya había obtenido una medalla de bronce en su aparición en 1999, se proclamó campeón en dos oportunidades consecutivas: 2003 y 2007. Ahora Philibert-Thiboutot se convirtió en el segundo canadiense con oro panamericano en 1.500.  El anterior fue Graham Hood en Winnipeg 1999 con 3:41.20. Read the full article
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chus69 · 1 year
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„Motywacja jest tym, co pozwala zacząć. Nawyk jest tym, co pozwala Ci wytrwać. „  Jim Ryun
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betterclothai · 1 year
"La motivación nos impulsa a comenzar y el hábito nos permite continuar." - Jim Ryun
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gregterrelo · 2 years
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Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Jim Ryun (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm6qj5lOBGq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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h-elm · 2 years
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. - Jim Ryun
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jessikayost · 2 years
"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." - Jim Ryun "Be truly happy with daily free stuff In my Bio"
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regervin · 2 years
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If only wishing was enough... But it's not! Neither is just having motivation... Unless you're willing to consistently put in the effort to the point that it becomes a habit, then it really is only wishing... "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Ryun
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wolfrunner25 · 2 years
27 Oct 22
Good morning! “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” - Jim Ryun
When we want to change, we have to have the motivation to change. But then we have to do something to make that change more consistent and turn it into a habit. A habit is something we don't have to think about we just do it. I think that is why change can be hard. We are stuck in old habits that don't serve us well any longer but we just keep doing them. So when we are changing things we have to 'unlearn' and old habit and start something new. I wish you luck in finding new things that help you to change. I hope each of you has a good day.
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cytaty-motywacyjne · 5 years
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Jim Ryun cytat o motywacji i nawyku
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