#Jim fucking sterling son
@everything-but-the-not-natural hey, you want to play "how accurately can I predict Leverage?" (I've still only seen through "The Two Horse Job." So halfway through season 1.)
List of characters because I am SHIT at names:
- Nathan Ford, former insurance investigator and current hiest planner, son died after being denied insurance coverage for an experimental treatment
- Sophie Devereaux, professional chameleon (but only during crime/high stakes situations), clearly wants to get with Nathan
- Eliot Spencer, close combat expert (but dislikes guns), excellent cook, and (former?) horse girl
- Alec Hardison, tech expert and hacker
- Parker, thief, gymnast, and INSANE
- Jim Sterling, former rival to Nathan and current insurance investigator
So! Predictions:
- Eliot used to be military, probably Marines or other special forces. He presumably excelled at regular military fighting and got fast-tracked to black ops. (He may have gotten pulled into being a contractor after his official term of service ended.) I'm betting SOMETHING traumatic happened to cause his dislike of guns - if I had to guess, I'd say that he was ordered to kill (via sniper shot) someone who was using a human shield (most likely kids or someone Eliot cared about). Bonus points if the sniper target turned out to be not a villain, which Eliot could have figured out if he'd been closer to the action.
- He probably turned to crime to escape being chased by the military, to support himself, and possibly to find someone to protect him from all the enemies he made while serving whichever military/spooky government force he used to work for. He ABSOLUTELY feels guilty about all the harm he did in his Tragic Past (not everyone he fought/killed was evil, but I doubt he knew that then), but he won't let on about this until much later, after he's started to trust everyone. (Parker will just offer to blow his enemies up. Alec will want to hack them.)
- Eliot will 100% end up cooking for the team at some point. Probably frequently. There will probably be a funny scene where he throws out all of Parker's and Alec's shitty junk food and then aggressively cooks them something from scratch. With a shit-ton of vegetables minced into a sauce, because HOW ARE YOU TWO NOT DEAD ALREADY?!?!?
- Parker strikes me as a foster kid. Foster or group home after she fucking BURNED DOWN HER PARENTS' HOUSE, WTF PARKER. And of course, being in a place with OTHER troubled kids just taught her all sorts of tricks (on top of the ones she'd figured out by herself). At some point, she learned to use money as a way of keeping score of her success in life - possibly someone bullied her *specifically* because they had money and she didn't? In any case, her moral compass is "I do what I want, whatever's most fun in the moment, WHEE!" With her skills, this is TERRIFYING.
- She will ABSOLUTELY steal shit to try to make her teammates happy - things they mention they like or are nostalgic about. Eventually she'll learn to care about people and show affection WITHOUT first resorting to crime. (...but it will take a WHILE.)
- Alec is harder for me to pin down, partly because none of the episodes have focused on his backstory yet and partly because I can't identify with him as much. But SOMETHING drove him to not only *use* computers, but EXCEL at them. I'd guess he was a nerdy kid who liked computers, and then learned that coding/hacking was a way to escape an unpleasant real life. The more he learned about coding and hacking, the more he realized that he could change his real life by doing that...and thus his start in crime.
- He also learned to play a role pretty well (when he was an office worker for a job, and the flashback where he pretended to be a black celebrity). He's probably got a history of people expecting certain things from him (due to racial or economic status) and learning to either play to those expectations (and thus escape notice) or loudly call out how inaccurate those are to embarrass people into backing down (as he did when someone noticed he'd changed costumes in an elevator). This chameleon ability will continue to be useful.
- At some point, he'll probably pick up some more physical skills from Eliot and Parker, since right now he either works behind the scenes or as a distraction.
- Sophie can do flawless performances of any character, but ONLY IN HIGH PRESSURE SITUATIONS. She learned that *somewhere*, and I'm betting that when we find out where/when, it won't be pretty. I'd bet she was neglected or abused somehow, and playing different roles was the only way she could get what she needed to survive. (And if she was caught being a fake, she was punished somehow, so she learned that she had to be FLAWLESS.) But because she's used to using this skill in high stakes situations, she can't call it up the same way when the stakes are low - like an audition or a theatrical performance.
- We'll get to see more of her true (probably adorably awkward) personality - who she is when she isn't playing some flawlessly elegant beauty. When she's comfortable enough to relax like that around the team, THAT'S when Nathan will start to pick up that "oh shit, she likes me, this could be something REAL."
- Nathan used to be an insurance investigator for high value claims, but unlike his rival Jim Sterling, Nathan usually tried to FIX the situation instead of just screwing people over to save the company money. (For example, recovering stolen items instead of just saying "this was a conspiracy by the owner.") He thinks insurance companies should HELP people, and felt personally betrayed when his company refused to cover his son's medical care (I think someone mentioned that it involved an experimental treatment). He felt that the company should have covered his son's care - possibly that whatever loophole they used to deny care didn't apply, or just that "I've been such a good worker for so long, you should make an exception for me."
- Obviously that didn't happen, and the company was probably blunt to the point of nasty about it, which prompted him to quit. You've mentioned he has an ex-wife, so that may have been the last straw for her re their relationship. (First their son's illness, then the denied care/coverage, then using all their money to pay for their son's care, followed by their son's death.) When Nathan quit his - presumably well-paid - insurance job in disgust/grief, she saw it as throwing away their only chance to get out of the debt they'd taken on. Cue a huge fight, followed by a nasty and bitter divorce. So he lost EVERYTHING all at once - his faith in his job, his son, his marriage, his financial security...no wonder he turned to alcohol to cope.
- The functional alcoholism WILL be a recurring theme. It's probably his biggest character flaw at the moment, which makes it an easy way for the writers to trip him up or have the team criticize him. When he starts to cut back on the alcohol, that will be a major turning point. (But he'll almost certainly relapse at a plot-critical point.)
- Jim Sterling implied that Nathan had a more prestigious position than he did at the Sleezy Insurance Company (even if they were doing similar jobs). I'm guessing there was some sort of internal competition, probably tied to how much money they saved Sleezy Co or to how many claims they could justify denying, and that Nathan always beat Jim. (Bonus points if the winner of the company's competition got some sort of prize - a large annual bonus, a raise, a better office, etc. Which obviously Jim wanted and Nathan took for granted.) Jim is petty and bitter as hell about this, so he's going to happily screw Nathan and team over WHENEVER POSSIBLE.
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whifferdills · 5 years
maresdotes replied to your post “half life 3 is a VR exclusive oh my gooooooooooooooood the DRAMA”
Tbf on the salt, it's not a conclusion to the storyline, but falls between HL1 and HL2 (so presumably while Gordon is still in deep freeze/on Xen and Alyx is growing up). But yeah, the VR thing is annoying since it's in part there to plug Valve's VR headset.
yeah if it was HL3 for real certain sections of the internet would irreversibly collapse
tbh i do understand the source of the salt - VR sets at their cheapest are still expensive for what’s still essentially a gimmick that gives you motion sickness and using it to plug Valve’s not-the-cheapest is uh. yanno, some things make capitalism more obvious. i’ll admit it, i got a little adrenaline rush opening steam that uh, went completely away immediately and, right, it’s not the most fun thing,
however that was IMMEDIATELY replaced with glee because, you know what’s gonna happen. you KNOW what’s inside that box. page upon page upon page of self-righteous whinging and complaining about the trailer and people doing weird flexes about their spending habits and more whinging and meta-whinging and melodramatic soliloquies about being a Gamer, unable to play a Video Game: this is my number one guilty pleasure, i adore watching people go off their shits about something completely inconsequential. this is exactly the sort of no-stakes dramawave that really pops my tart.
(tbh I think HL is precisely the kind of pole you might actually be able to pitch a VR tent on - it’s big-ticket, well-respected, it attracts the sort of hopeless nerds who are willing to dump a few cold hundo on a video game peripheral, if you’re trying to get over the hump of “VR has no games because no one has VR because VR has no games” then you could do worse. and keeping it a prequel or spinoff or w/e prevents the Gamer Outrage from gaining much of a foothold outside entitled manbabies crying on Steam forums and Reddit)
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saltyfilmmajor · 5 years
jesus christ disapporves of loot boxes
I mean yeah ( I know this is in reference to Jim, one of the only valid critics of anything in media) but there is actually blibical context for this, cause Jesus hated greedy motherfuckers and loot boxes are just corporate greed used to manipulate people into spending more money which is revolting
Anyway Jesus said fuck loot boxes, he said that to me personally
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deviacon · 6 years
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I searched, but there was nothing to reblog. Courtesy of Clan Cur Productions on YouTube.
“Steamed Hams but it’s a Jimquisition episode”
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A Little Chat About Net Neutrality
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artofarklin · 7 years
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Day 3 inktober - dedicated to the greatest showman in games media, thank god for him!
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redphienix · 7 years
just noticed that jim’s new intro has a small graffiti comment specific to the episode every jimquisition.
didn’t notice.
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gawky-pandora · 8 years
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Jim Fucking Sterling Son.
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nagdabbit · 3 years
"theyre really gonna make me watch hager. theyre really gonna do me like this. the opener is hangman's slot, fuck outta here with this."
"undefeated! bruh, this bitch only had three fights, and the last one was a dq cuz he can't keep it above the belt. that ain't something to be proud of, that's literally doing mma wrong."
"this man is a dumb, transphobic cunt." - this one wasn't a joke, it's just true.
"wardlow is just a great big boxer boi, huh."
"this is booooooring, fake mma is boring. regular mma is boring and it's literally one of my hobbies!"
siobhan upon getting even more bored: "i'm gonna make tea in honor of... this. its just honey for wardlow and a whole bottle of vodka to forget." me: "how is that tea?" siobhan: "ill use icecubes shaped like leaves. it still counts."
"i still think i should be allowed to hang with kingston for just like ten minutes. that's all we need to cause significant property damage."
"i need someone to clip darby yeeting himself at someone, but add the song wrecking ball."
"i am still manifesting hook's shoulder-waist ratio. can you imagine? those shoulders and my tits. exquisite."
"who hasn't won a fight with the clever use of zipties?" *darby proceeds to lose* "alright, fine, *I* have won a fight with the clever use of zip ties."
"small arn better wrestle in those goddamn loafers."
"kris is the best friend with custody of their single collective braincell, right? right? you're not agreeing with me. why aren't you agreeing with me?"
"i have no notes, this match was perfect, i would die for all of these himbos and the alien."
"peter avalon should be the leader of the wingmen and the fact that he isnt is a hatecrime against me, personally."
"i just think, personally, this callis character should be murdered. and in case this is ever used as evidence in a court of law, i am making a joke, but also callis isn't real, so." *several seconds of googling later* "oh he IS real. huh."
"wrestling sure is kinky, huh?"
"i just think that hook and his dorito shoulder-waist ratio should wrestle, not small arn."
sitting up straight and yelling, "HEY, SMALL ARN IS VERY GOOD, ACTUALLY? DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?"
"i take back the joke about about loafers, i like this young old man."
"when does andrade debut, why is he not in a ring wrecking shop right this instant, why am i not watching andrade."
"i do not care for the blondes. they bore me."
apropos of nothing, during a commercial break: "did i ever tell you about that time i snapchat'd running from the cops? like i was recording them while they chased me through a park, right? i dont remember why, i think i was just walking home and walked by a crime but i dont fuck with bacon so i booked it. that's like the same energy of joey janela. joey would snapchat running from the cops."
"they havent booked penelope vs jade cargill because they know i would absolutely cause major flooding in this region and don't want that on their conscience."
"oh, she f l e x i b l e."
"miro is so menacing and terrifying, but he could honestly talk my goddamn pants off."
"if anyone hurts vickie i will lose my goddamn mind. i will riot. i will drive to florida and wreck a bitch."
"santana and ortiz are my favorite tag team, i want it on record. they're good boys, brent."
"shut the fuck up dash." - she couldnt remember which was dax and which was cash
"oh they're still doing just the one women's match a week, huh. i see how it is. does tony just not like women?"
"i looked up smart mark sterling and unfortunately i would die to protect him."
"i want to fight jade. in both the horny and non-horny way."
various names shes called the young bucks because she refuses to remember their name(s): buckaroo bozos, mikey and nike, buck offs, jim and the other one, the fraternal twins, steel panther, matthew 7:21 (and i quote, "it's the only verse i remember that isnt the cold steve one), knob jackson, the fuck outta here, frat boys, alter boys, not this dumbass again, mrs. jackson's greatest shames, discount lucha bros, horse girls
"what the fuck do you mean karl is the older one?!"
"i like kaz. let him do like one murder, he's earned it."
"put penta in a dc movie, you cowards."
"go back to impact, leave my son eddie alone you fucks."
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heartofhubris-a · 4 years
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Roommate is @the-realharleyquin
idk what life is, photo IDs under read more
(i’m just going to make a transcript so you know what was said. Me: me, Rommate: R)
Title: Leverage Characters as guessed by me, someone who’s never seen it. (My roommate is showing me them.)
Me: I’m in pruple
Roommate: My Roomate is in orange. 
[Slide 2: a photo of Nathan Ford on the phone.]
Me: Remember Odin from American Gods? This is his shitty son Adien. his job is to basically carry the whole team. 
R: This is Nathan Ford, he’s the Mastermind he used to be an insurance agent but after the company he worked for didn’t pay for his kid treatment. Now he takes down people like his old boss.
Me: Oh so breaking bad ripped him off gotcha
[Slide 3: Picture of Sophie Devereaux leaning against a bar] 
Me: OKOK so she's a cougar who drinks red wine but she also has a thing for flogging people. Her name is Jessica also it would take her 2 seconds to make someone submit
R: This is Sophie Devereaux she is the Grifter she used to be an art thief, Nathan tried to catch her stealing a long time ago, now they are teammates.
Me: So I was right. 
R: Yes. 
[Slide 4: Photo of Alec Hardison DJ’ing]
Me: oh shit that's just Penny from the Magicians when he's under that glamour spell when he's a dj. Ok so his job is that he always plays music to the beat of the ass kicking and his stage name is like DJ Kick but his real name is John
R: This is Alec Hardison, he’s the smartest boi (age of the geek baby) he’s the hacker, and he loves he bf and gf also his nana
Me: Hot 
R: Agreed. 
[Slide 5: Photo of Eliot Spencer from the episode where he’s a chef?]
Me: ok so the actor himself is a dilf but this MF is one of those dads who smokes weed all the time but's like ~cooooool~ w his kids drinking and he probs has like 2 kids somewhere that he's never met and another 3 kids that he met for the first 2 months of his life. his name is something basic like "Diesel" and his entire purpose is to side track the group other than the one episode where he saves the day
R: Okay I agree that the actor is a dilf but this is Eliot Spencer, he is the hitter aka the tank he is the “lone wolf” but he loves his bf and gf and the team (he will never admit that aloud tho got to keep his ‘macho’ 
Me: Let me dress him up in a suit and i’ll climb him like a tree even though he looks like he’s 5’6
R: Yes, i agree completely. 
Me: Put your dick up.
[Slide 6: Photo of Parker surrounded by kids when she’s in a leather jacket]
Me: She's Seen Shit and doesn't realllly understand the issue with complaining to the manager but like. She complains to the people she's trying to destroyHer name is Helen and her job is to bitch until she's knocked out but she is great at lock picking. wait. or she's the mage
R: Ok ok, so this is Parker, she is the thief also she is the baby of the group, her bfs love her and so does everyone else. She becomes the next mastermind when Nathan retires.
Me: I will kill for her. Does she need anyone killed? No clue. Will I anyway? Yes
R: Big Mood
[Slide 7: Photo of Jim Sterling holding up a badge.]
Me: he's a cunt. his name is Gabriel or an angel name and his job is to be a cunt.
R: This is Jim Sterling, he is one of Nathan's old work “buddies” all he wants is promotions for work, so yeah he is a cunt.
Me: Finally got one 
R: Ye.
[Slide 8: Photo of Tara Cole at a bar and we can see bare thighs]
me: pass. Her name is crystal and she's a cunt too
R: Ok, this is Tara Cole, it has been a while since i have seen the tv show even tho i am rewatching it but any way she is an old “friend” of Sophie’s she takes over as the team’s grifter for a while and all she wants is money.
Me: Ok so she’s really the chick who shows up to fuck shit up gotcha
R: Yeah she only lasted a few ep i think she ‘tried to change but i don’t like her
[Slide 9: Photo of Special Agent McSweeten. Also slightly lower is a photo of Parker]
Me: oh he's a dumb cop and his name is Darrel
R: This is Special Agent McSweeten he pops up every now and then and yes he is quite dumb. He has a crush on Parker (completely understandable imo).
Me: Wait whos parker again?
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falconwhitaker · 4 years
NBA 2K21, a $60 game, has now got unskippable adverts in it.
Oh dear.
*grabs popcorn and waits for Jim Fucking Sterling Son to make a video*
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arsenicpanda · 4 years
favorite gif set or gif you have made?
Ooh, so this is a complicated one, and I’m going to split hairs on it because there are different things I’m proud of.  So buckle up, it’s time for a long list, long enough that it’s read more time, baby, and hopefully it works.
My favorite high-effort gif set is either the Two Truths and a Lie set because I love the concept and it took so goddamn long, but I think it was really worth it or the “Riverdale: It’s sort of a roller coaster ride where you’re always going down” set because I love have a compilation of Riverdale’s wildest moments from seasons 1 to 3.
My favorite comedy/crossover gif set is probably Riverdale + Unraveled because I think it’s just a really good fit, and it cracks me up every time.
My favorite single character gif set is a tie between the Jughead + Born Depressed set and the Jughead + alternate definition of “Bad Boy” that he actually fits set (the latter of which doesn’t look that good on mobile because it fucks up the red font for some reason) that I liked the idea of so much that I fucking remade it after I got better at making gifs.  I think they both really fit his character, albeit in different way.  Bonus points for “Born Depressed” because Jughead having a youtube channel ala Jim Sterling (who uses the song as his theme) is 100% believable, and bonus points for “actual Bad Boys” because it includes the “cares about his community” angle that is so vital to Serpent!Jughead but that most people forget when approaching Serpent!Jughead.  Like, if a take on Serpent!Jughead isn’t heavily advocating for, caring about, supporting, and prioritizing his community, what is even the point?
My favorite bughead gif set is either the flavors of bughead set or the Nat King Cole’s “L-O-V-E” set (which also doesn’t look good on mobile because I didn’t think to check it first and the font is too thin and the red fucks it up again orz, but I really like how it looks on desktop).  I loved singling out the flavors of bughead (especially “fucking insufferable,” they’re so that) and finding fonts that best fit the concepts (something a friend of mine suggested I do when I asked for her opinion on the original set, which only mentioned the flavors angle in the caption).  And I’m a huge fan of Nat King Cole’s “L-O-V-E”, it’s a.) absolutely gorgeous in lyrics and voice (god, Nat King Cole had the most amazing voice) and b.) the ultimate shipping song, and I think I nailed fitting the lyrics to the scenes.
My favorite parallels gif set is either the Jughead v Penny + Gladys v Penny set that is so spot on because that parallel was the very first thing I saw when I saw Gladys interrogating Penny; you really see that Jughead is his mother’s son there.  And it has a synchronized movement between Jughead and Gladys that I really like (and that movement is the main reason I haven’t tried to remake it with different coloring so the lighting is brighter, although I do like the coloring on the Gladys scene).  Alternately, it’s the “the Jones parents getting what (they know) they deserve” set because it really illustrates the way the Jones parents know they suck and is another one I remade, this time because I had used “grab every other frame” when making it, which made the gifs look choppy, and that bugged the shit out of me, especially because it’s my most popular gif set.
My favorite coloring is definitely the Jughead borrowed Sweet Pea’s brass knuckles to beat up Bret set because, god, it was so fucking hard to color.  I know they look like normal scenes and not, y’know, artsy, clever coloring (something I really don’t know how to do) so they don’t look hard, but, let me tell you, they were a struggle.  I had to fight a scene full of blue/cyan for the Sweet Pea gif (and I won btw) and removing the overlay of blue/cyan and making Sweet Pea’s skin look like a human skin color and not fucking grey was a nightmare, and the Jughead scene had this ugly, ugly green color to it that was a bitch and a half to fix.  I’ve had to reuse both scenes in later gif sets, and I just reused the PSDs each time because I’m not getting those to look better than I did.
And, finally, my favorite “thoughts on” gif set is definitely the one based on my dad’s shipping bughead right after episode one, which was, I think, the first one I made in photoshop, and is so old that I didn’t even know the right tags to use for gif sets or the right dimensions to use for gifs, and it’s the other set I liked the concept of so much that I remade it so it looked better.  It’s just such a charming and hilarious reaction to the first episode of Riverdale.  Because he didn’t care about the corpse of Jason Blossom that was just found, no, his first question was about Jughead’s love life, which I think is fucking hilarious.
Oh, and my favorite non-Riverdale set is probably the SNL parody of “Roxie” with Kelly Anne Conway set because I so, so love that parody and wanted it in gif form.
tl;dr I have different favorites for different types of gif sets and also I’m super indecisive.
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eroticcannibal · 5 years
Jim Fucking Sterling Son cutting so deep with the sarcasm in his new video
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technogenic-mess · 5 years
If anyone other than Jim Fucking Sterling Son had told me that there’s a good game based on the Terminator license in existence, I’d have called them a fucking liar.
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ruckeysquad · 6 years
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had the sudden inspiration to draw a jim sterling, took about 5 hours, and outside of the feet, i think it turned out great
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