#Jimmy de Santa imagine
rfxiii · 1 year
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So, this exact moment in the Reuniting the Family mission has always stuck with me and made me sad. And here’s why:
I know that the mission is supposed to give more insight into Michael and his family, how they interact, and their issues, while also being a bit comical with Michael and Amanda’s arguing, and Michael’s “suck my cock!” comment.
But it’s been clear from the beginning that fighting and screaming at each other is an incredibly common occurrence in the Townley/De Santa household since, probably, forever. And when Michael and Amanda really start screaming at each other, Tracey curls up on herself and tightly covers her ears while Jimmy just sits quietly and watches.
And all I can imagine is that this is an action she’s all too used to doing since she was a child. She probably grew up listening to Michael and Amanda’s explosive arguments- hearing them scream about drugs, and Michael’s cheating, and how badly Amanda hates Trevor.
But she’s just a little girl back then- she can’t leave, it’s too scary to yell back and ask them to stop, so all she can do is hide in the corner of her room, cry, and wait until the screaming stops. She can’t talk to Jimmy about it, he’s just young enough that he doesn’t understand or he’s too engrossed in his games and playing with his toys to care.
She can’t talk to her mom and dad and ask them to stop. She can’t talk to Jimmy. But she can talk to her Uncle Trevor. And Trevor, all to familiar with growing up in a household full of screaming and fighting, knows exactly how she feels. And maybe he tells her he’ll try to talk to Michael, maybe he tries to cheer her up, or maybe he tells her that when he was a kid, and his mother and one of her many boyfriends got into a screaming match, he’d go hide in his room and press the heels of his hands as hard as he could against his ears because it’d muffle the sounds until they stopped. And maybe, just maybe that advice stuck with Tracey even into adulthood when her parents still fight.
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clairesvalentine · 15 days
michael de santa sfw alphabet? literally been my boyfriend for 10 years i luv him 🙏🏻
sfw headcanons — michael de santa
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note: hello hello hello!! here are some head canons for my favorite grumpy old guy ❤️‍🩹 i hope you enjoy it! sorry for taking so long!! school just started and i was working all summer! i have been hard at work with everyone's imagines ꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ ♡‧₊˚
warning(s): just some fluff. enjoy!!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
michael shows affection in his own way—small, thoughtful gestures like bringing home something he knows you’ll like, or spending quality time watching movies together. he’s not overly romantic, but he still cares about you deeply.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
micheal would be the type of best friend who gives tough love but always has your back. you guys met through franklin. you had been friends with franklin for a while and you were struggling. he offered you a chance to earn easy money. you met during a heist meeting and you guys never turned back.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
michel loves to cuddle but won’t admit it. he likes to hold you close on the couch during a movie or when winding down after a long day. his cuddles are comforting and make you feel safe. though, he will never really be the one to initiate them.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
michael’s already experienced domestic life and is both comfortable and slightly jaded by it. he’s not great at cooking or cleaning, since he has a maid, but he tries when he’s in the mood or when he feels like he needs to make up for something.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
michael would be heartbroken but would try to keep it together. he might come across as cold and indifferent, even though he’s deeply affected.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
he’s got mixed feelings about marriage given his past marriage but he does value that kind of commitment. he’d likely take his time before rushing into marriage, wanting to make sure it’s the right choice. he doesn’t want a repeat of what happened.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
micheal can be surprisingly gentle when he wants to be. he knows when to tone things down emotionally, especially when he knows that you need it. physically, he’s careful and tender in intimate moments.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
he enjoys hugs, particularly when they’re a surprise. his hugs are strong and enveloping, giving you a sense of warmth and protection.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
micheal wouldn’t rush into saying "i love you," but once he does, it’s genuine. he’s careful with his words because they hold a lot of weight to him. he wants to be sure before he says anything.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
michael gets jealous pretty easily, especially if he feels like someone’s intruding on something important to him. he’d definitely confront the person if things got too bad.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
his kisses are deep and meaningful. his favorite places to kiss you is on the lips and forehead, feeling a sense of connection. he enjoys being kissed on his cheek or neck.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
having raised kids himself, micheal is pretty experienced but worn down when it comes to parenting. he’s protective and tries to give good advice but can be frustrated easily… as seen with jimmy.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
mornings with michael are slow and relaxed. he likes to sip coffee, read the paper, or just enjoy some quiet time by the pool before starting the day. he’s not much of a morning person, but he enjoys the peace.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
nights with michael are spent unwinding, usually with a movie or a glass of wine. he loves a good movie to end the day with. he likes to relax after the chaos of the day and just enjoy the quiet with you by his side.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
micheal tends to keep things to himself at first, revealing his thoughts and past over time. he isn’t the type of her person to outwardly share how he’s feeling, as you’d have to pry to get into his head.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
he has a notoriously short fuse, especially when things don’t go according to plan. However, he has you to keep him in check and well— accountable for his actions.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
michael well… remembers the basics. he might miss some details but he’s thoughtful about what really matters to you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
his favorite moments are the quiet, peaceful ones you two share together. no chaos or drama. just a perfect night in, laughing together or talking late into the night.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
michael is very protective. he’d go to great lengths to keep you safe. he appreciates knowing you’ve got his back too, especially when he’s dealing with personal struggles.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
micheal puts in a good amount of effort, though he sometimes feels out of practice. he’d surprise you with thoughtful gestures, making special days memorable.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he can be impulsive and sometimes lets his temper get the best of him. he might also retreat into himself or resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms when things get tough.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
michael cares about his appearance, but in a subtle way. he wants to look good, but he’s not obsessed with it. he likes to be presentable, especially when going out.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
absolutely!! michael has had a lot of ups and downs in his life, and having someone stable and supportive like you would make him feel grounded. without you, he’d feel lost.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
micheal has a secret love for old classic films and will spend hours watching them, often quoting lines from his favorites when the mood strikes. he leaves you so confused with these quotes, like… wtf are you talking about?? but it’s endearing to say the least.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
he hates dishonesty and people who act entitled. in a partner, he wouldn’t tolerate manipulation or someone who plays games with his emotions.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
michael tends to fall asleep with the TV on. he’s a light sleeper and often wakes up in the middle of the night, but finds comfort in having you nearby, sometimes reaching out to make sure you’re still there 🥺🤍
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rreskk · 1 year
Trevor Philips…
Drug dealer, “international CEO”, son, brother, friend.
TW: -Self harm -Implied drug use -Childhood abuse
I’ve made a longer analysis of Trevor as a character (THIS ISN’T A FANFICTION). 
Growing up in the Canadian region border of America, it has been portrayed that he has a complicated history surrounding family and mental illness. While it isn’t exactly proven (unless Trevor stated himself), his childhood had been the possible causes of his later behaviour and long-term issues. As for now, we see it as psychopathy, or as wiki would say “Intermittent Explosive Disorder” (impulsive behaviour and explosive temper that could lead to physical aggression). Others would argue that he suffers from borderline personality disorder, considering his struggle to contain stable relationships and is seen experiencing the main symptoms of what a person of BPD can have.
His childhood consisted of instability, financial stress, emotional damage, and physical abuse. Trevor mentioned his mothers constant absence to Lamar and Franklin during a friendly hangout. -“She came back, she left again, came back, left again…” The repeated cycle of his mother leaving, whether this was earlier or later in his teens, it would show the great affect it had on him, personally. Trevor made it clear about his abandonment issues during the storyline and dialogue. His whole idea of finding Michael was to fulfil the years of being abandoned and alone. Having experienced this instability for his childhood had took a toll on his emotional availability. The cravenness of reassurance, respect, presence, or just staying with him. However, his anger issues would make it harder for him to keep people around.
Trevor has also stated his anger management being poor since the beginning of his time. After having a conversation with Jimmy De Santa, he was asked when he knew what he wanted in life. It’s safe to say he had this psychotic mindset since birth, theoretically the result of his mother’s drug addict and poor lifestyle. -“I was pulling the legs off spiders, and I wanted more. I wanted to kill all the way up to the food chain until I hit top, the human being.” However, when being antagonised about this behaviour, he swiftly blames it on his childhood as Amanda would say: -“God, he is such a turd! That wounded childhood bullshit – we all had had shitty childhoods, you balding lump!” This same coping mechanism from Trevor is seen when being asked about his mother. We all know he has been through some verbal/emotional abuse as for his fear of talking about her. Trevor has never said anything negative about his mother despite complaining about his childhood… If someone dares speak her name, he’ll throw a fit, a rageful rant about respecting his mother, almost protecting the fact that she may be the reason for his tormented soul. The “Mrs Philips” mission towards the end of the game, we can see the emotional abuse he receives without doing anything wrong to deserve her bitterness. The constant insults and belittlement, Betty even demands Trevor to seek her medication and would not let him inside the trailer until it was finished. If this is bad enough during his adulthood, we can’t even imagine the mess he had to deal with during childhood. Nevertheless, his mother issues has inserted a particular taste in women throughout the years. -“Old women are to be cherished!” He'd say during a strangers and freaks mission. His calm behaviour towards Patricia and any lady in general would suggest his utter respect (or secret fear). He craves female attention and a maternal dependence. If we look at this closely, we may understand how the lack of maternal attachment between the first few years of his life (0-5 years) would influence his later decision to grow attachments to the wrong people, and the wrong things. (This is called attachment theory- psychological theory). Trevor’s mother may have missed most of his early childhood for financial gain (her stripping, prostitution, etc), and therefore left Trevor with whoever she had at home, his brother and some of his step-dads. Occasionally he was left alone.
Moving on to his difficult relationship with fathers in general, we can understand that the physical abuse he gets from the men in his past would influence his behaviour to men in the future and present. Trevor had grew up being physically abused and dominated, almost tricking his mind into exacting himself into the repeated cycle, turning into the abuse he got and aims the intensions to weaker men (Ron, Floyd, Wade) to fill in that insecurities he got from his biological and step-fathers. Although a father figure isn’t as important to a maternal figure, it did affect his perspectives and made his anger issues worse, especially (I can’t exactly remember the source) when Trevor’s biological father abandoned him in a shopping mall (that he later burnt down in retaliation). Being let down by many older figures had made him dependent on people in the future, people who have a stand in power with Trevor, someone who is able to balance and handle his anger (Michael and Franklin).
It has also been stated that his brother, Ryan, had died of unnatural causes. Elements of Trevor’s words would convince us that he had something to do with it considering they hadn’t of gotten along well enough… To live. However, there is not much information surrounding his brother during this time.
His education is flawed (dropping out before graduating) and being expelled due to the aggressive nature. Trevor had moved all over Canada and had been switched between care homes, trailers, schools, prisons all throughout growing up. However, he has surprising gains in mathematics and can workout sums within a second, and with full accuracy. Trevor is able to process mathematical problems fast, as Wade would say: -“He’s very good with numbers.” Furthermore, the lack of grammar and overall English makes him improvise during speeches and messages. Trevor always speaks metaphorically, he hyperbolises a lot, uses imaginative scenarios to engage the people around him. (Sometimes manipulating – extremely, to get his point across… even if it doesn’t make sense).
“I was a drifter up by the border, wandering from truck stop to truck stop, recently out of the military… Huffing gas, fucking people over, killing, eating, whatever.” Trevor’s discharge from the military was caused by the detached and restrained relationship with his mother. Psychologically, maternal dependence and relationships determines someone’s emotional strengths and depth… Trevor mentioned during an online heist that the therapist who was determining his worth would constantly try and talk about his mother, resulting in an episode which… Eventually led to his discharge (thanks to his anger issues). His dreams to fly planes would crush and Trevor would be left drifting around the Midwest, utterly defused and emotionally damaged. That’s until he meets Michael, and then Brad.
2004, the prologue. We can consider Trevor’s experience to be titled as “survivors guilt”. His loyalty and partnership with both Michael and Brad was cut off after they both unexpectedly got shot. Trevor lived with the guilt of seeing his best friends die, thinking he could of done something… But Michael had obviously told him to save himself, resulting in the 9 years of isolation and depression. He was unknown of Michael’s plan to escape the criminal aspects, feasting the money for himself, the money Trevor couldn’t access as his identity was blown. Imagining that Trevor had to shave his hair and beard just to pass the radar of his North Yankton wanted posters, he had to skip towns without money, and impressively invested a meth business, earning a good load to make him… Well, wealthy. His mother had been absent for years after being imprisoned (as it was mentioned through story-mode), leaving Trevor to be living in Sandy Shores with a successful rising drug business, but with the shame of his past abandonment and lawful struggles to keep his morality clean… Obviously his modesty being destroyed by the abuse of drugs and alcohol (his damaging coping mechanisms).
Unsuspecting Michael being alive, it was a total shock for him to see the news, a potential copycat… Yet Trevor knew. Trevor’s intuition was strong, always have been strong. Throughout the gameplay, Trevor has odd intelligence and senses. He can tell when something doesn’t fit and he’ll suddenly click. He can understand situations faster than most people. He caught eyes with Davey and he knew him. He first saw Michael after 9 years and knew he was lying. After some convincing… Michael’s denials had led Trevor to realise that Brad’s imprisonment was also a lie. It seems that although Trevor takes on the worse from his experiences, he also earns himself the skill to predict and understand unfolding events. He can attack and approach situations, while impulsively, but effectively.
Further notes: Trevor’s coping mechanisms would include niche drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, aggression, self-harm, and isolation. He finds himself deeply attached to women in general, often exploiting himself by seeing many prostitutes and masturbating to pornography daily. This would be the result of his mother’s absence and abuse… Nevertheless, he engulfs in self-harm (hitting his head, biting, scratching, etc) as a way to defuse his self-hatred (as he always saw himself as the problem… Thanks to his childhood again). His suicidal tendencies is pretty obvious throughout the gameplay.
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chloe12801 · 9 months
I've really been loving these headcanons you've been posting since you clearly know the characters so well! I had a weird one, I hope you don't mind lol Could I ask for headcanons on Michael's older daughter (older than Tracey and Jimmy) were to date Steve Haines? Maybe she works for the FIB or something? I just love the idea of added tension for the group lol
Michael’s Daughter x Steve Haines
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Sorry this took multiple months for me to write! Life is so busy unfortunately. I hope you enjoy <3
Note: I’m going to call Michael’s oldest daughter ‘Mod’ for brevity’s sake 👍
- Mod was always more morally just than the rest of her family. It was like when parents of a smart kid say “she didn’t get it from me” except with morals
- She was able to get a government job as a secretary without trouble due to her own hard work, distancing from the Townley name, and maybe a good word from Dave Norton
- She was working there before Haines was transferred and once he was, she immediately liked him
- She felt he was entertaining and kind (to her) and after a while they started dating
- She knew it was risky considering he was Dave’s new boss and Dave had so much dirt on her family, but she tried to pretend everything would be fine
- They dated maybe a few months to half a year before Michael came out of retirement
- Haines definitely wanted to meet the parents but she wasn’t having it
- Explanations like “They just aren’t personable”, “They have rough pasts and it shows”, “My parents and I just don’t get along” were given to him about why it’s a bad idea but never much detail
- She knew affairs between the FIB and the De Santa’s were not business to invite home. She already had a hard time getting them to accept her as an employee, albeit a low level one
- Everyone in the family gets upset with Michaels criminality, but she’d be enraged about it considering her and her boyfriend were in government. She’d prefer a clean record type of life, anything else was beneath her
- When M and Haines meet, Michael’s family is unaware about the situation. She only realizes the situation occurred after Steve vents to her one night about a man named townley. M’s so different from Mod, the thought didn’t cross Steve’s mind that they might be related
- She’d likely tell him the truth in that moment, heart dropping and fully being ready for him to leave her but he wouldn’t
- He’d be shocked, not seeing any relatedness and may pull out Mikes picture to confirm that he was her father
- “Well, fuck me. I get your apprehension about us meeting sweetheart. He’s a piece of work” she’d nod
- Her and Michael’s relationship was fine. It wasn’t good but it wasn’t terrible. She was mature enough to see him as a broken man who’s past turned him into a disaster. She accepted him as he was and set boundaries in place to avoid getting hurt. She didn’t like him as a person and never would deal with him if they weren’t related, but he was her dad
- I imagine Mod as a pretty uptight and judgmental person, a strict rule-follower, likely as a coping mechanism to avoid more people like her dad from coming into her life
- Michael would find out about the relationship after Haines mentions it in exasperation about a favor. Something like “I can’t believe Mod came from you”. M would respond angrily asking what the fuck he knew about her and Steve might say something like “a lot considering I’ve been dating your daughter for a while now”
- M would need a shot, or 10, after that realization
- The whole “why didn’t you tell us” conversation would occur between Mod and her parents and Steve would get an earful about his confession from her as well
- Steve would try to involve her in the manipulation as his favors from Michael increased, “Can you persuade your dad to do this, please princess”
- She would at first and then she’d get frustrated feeling like a tool for Haines to use more than a partner who he cared for
- They might even break up over this if Haines didn’t stop immediately
- If they stayed together, mentions of Michael would be an off limits discussion topic for Haines to bring up
- As for Michael, he would need to vent about Haines to someone else if he wanted the relationship between him and Mod to stay being okay
- Lots of boundaries would be required for any longevity in this situation
- Amanda, upon knowing of their relationship, would likely find Haines to be a solid choice when compared to Tracey and her’s choice of shitty men. At least Steve wasn’t putting her at risk 24/7, had a home, and a job. She wouldn’t feel able to judge much
- Mod’s relationship to Trevor would be worse than her and Michael’s but she’d still be understanding of him. They just clash way too much on morality to really get along
Trevor would be so fuming that M raised a “government pig” who hung around other “government pigs”, the whole Haines and Mod thing would make him sick and Michael would get to hear about it very often during T’s tirades
This was a fun character to come up with, I think there’s potential here for sure :))
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 849
Gif NOT mine. (Tumblrs crediting me, but it isn't mine. Click my name at the bottom of the gif and you'll understand.)
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
GIF credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2021
Tag - @emmysworld
"Babe." Jimmy whined as he nuzzled his face into (Y/n)'s neck, who in turn giggled as his lips tickled her skin. His hand sneaking up and under her shirt, playfully groping her right boob in his warm hand. "Jimmy I'm trying to play video games." (Y/n) huffed playfully, shaking her head a little when he pulled away pouting. "Let me beat this boss and I'll let you have your turn early." (Y/n) reasoned with a smile before getting completely emersed into the game. Jimmy pouted but he let her be, and continued to watch her play. After three failed attempts (Y/n) finally beat the boss, and handed the controller off to her boyfriend. Who continued the game without another word, unaware of the pout that appeared on his girlfriends lips.
A while later Jimmy had passed the controller back to his girlfriend, when he reached a boss he couldn't beat. "Why did you give me the hard boss?" (Y/n) chuckled as she died in game for the second time. "Because you're awesome, so I figured you can beat him." Jimmy hummed as he laid he head down in her lap. "If you say so." (Y/n) chuckled as she began the fight again. All the while Jimmy watched her play with mild interest, getting distracted by her chest moving closer towards his face every time she moved. "God damn it!" (Y/n) hissed in frustration when she died yet again. She leaned forward without thought, resting her elbows against her knees, and more or less smothering Jimmy. "Hey!" Came his muffled cry, startling (Y/n) who jumped back, sitting up again.
"Sorry Jimmy!" She chuckled sheepishly as he sat up from her lap, allowing her to be able to rest her elbows against her knees properly. "Hey I wasn't complaining." Jimmy flirted playfully, only pouting a little when (Y/n) continued focusing on the game. Nearly ten minutes later she finally beat the boss, throwing her arms in the air. "Yes!" She whisper shouted in excitement, practically diving into Jimmy afterwords. "I got that prick." (Y/n) giggled as she straddled his legs, pulling a smiley Jimmy into a heated kiss.
What neither of them noticed was (Y/n)'s knee setting on the TV remote, unaware of the TVs volume getting turned up rapidly. "Damn it Jimmy, keep it down!" Tracey shouted as she barged into her brother's room, freezing in her tracks at the sight before her. "Tracey get out of my room!" Jimmy hissed as he gripped his girlfriends hips firmly. While Tracey stood their surprised, just staring at the couple in front of her. "Who the hell are you?" Tracey asked after shaking her initial shock. "Uh (Y/n)." She introduced herself, still seated in her boyfriends lap. "Tracey get out NOW!" Jimmy hollered again, throwing his controller at her to scare her off.
His sister rushed out of the room with a flourish of colorful words. And Jimmy turned his attention back to (Y/n), his anger washing away when she reattached their lips. "Mmph." Jimmy chuckled against her lips, his hands reaching around and groping her ass playfully. "Can you keep quiet?" (Y/n) teased as she pulled away from the kiss, giggling at the excitement in his eyes. "Y-yeah." Jimmy nodded his head excitedly, his heart hammering in his chest when she pushed him to lay back.
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angelwheat · 3 years
I hope you don't mind me asking because I would like to know If you write Headcanons for Jimmy de Santa? If yes may I get some about Michael finding out he's dating the reader by finding the in Jimmys room. If not than ignore my request ☺️💖
★·.·´¯`·.·★ X ★·.·´¯`·.·★
Michael Discovers Jimmy’s Secret Girlfriend (Drabble)
Headcanons were a little harder to write. Here's a short story instead.
★·.·´¯`·.·★ X ★·.·´¯`·.·★
Location: Rockford Hills, The De Santa Residence
Michael heard a commotion coming from upstairs, not like the usual shouting of curses and vulgar insults, as well as a video game playing at a almost deafening volume, emitting from one room in particular. This time it sounded like someone was shuffling around, and there was a faint sound of giggling too; that certainly wasn’t Jimmy.
He quietly makes his way upstairs, soon standing by Jimmy’s bedroom door, which happened to be partially open, listening to the voices coming from inside. Upon hearing an unfamiliar female voice, Michael hastily shoved the bedroom door open.
“Jim-” He cut himself short, his eyes locking on the girl sitting beside his son.
Jimmy was stunned, his mouth agape. He didn’t know which move to make next, but very quickly the couple stood before Michael, with Jimmy protectively ushering his girlfriend to stand behind him.
“Dad! What are you doing in here?! Can’t you see I’m with my girlfriend?” He motioned to the girl behind him.
Regret engulfed Michael immediately as he remained in silence for a moment, mentally scolding himself.
“Ah, your girlfriend?” He awkwardly spoke.
The boy nodded. “This is (Y/n).” He glanced to her standing timidly beside him, soon adding, “(Y/n), this is my dad.”
Michael smiled awkwardly as he introduced himself by his first name, (Y/n) smiled as she waved meekly. Jimmy couldn’t help the bad feeling he had. A situation such as this always ends badly, much like the first time Tracey brought a boy home; he surely made no return. Though he was up to no good, and Tracey was thankful that Michael stepped in.
“Alright, well... I’ll-” Michael was cut off by Jimmy’s voice.
“You’re not mad?” The boy asked, now confused.
With a little smile on his face, Michael shook his head. “Of course not.”
Jimmy grinned like a child.
Michael soon made an exit. “You kids have fun.”
As he made his way down stairs, the smile on his face shined even more. The sight reminded him of his youth, when he had first met Amanda. Michael had never been more proud of his son, and not to mention the girl he had met, she was stunning. Something about this pairing matched perfectly. He had a good feeling about this one.
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septembersghost · 2 years
jimmy sitting disheartened and all alone at the courthouse would be his day, every day, if he didn't indulge in ugly excess and fill every nook and cranny of saul's existence with continual noise and color and too loud advertisements and paid companionship and a bluetooth immediately in his ear. there's a piano in the mansion that never gets played, he can't explain why he even bought it, jokes it adds class. putting a tombstone in the middle of the room would be too unsubtle, not that he's aiming for subtlety. he avoids going down to court when possible, avoids interacting with the legal community in general, and they have a particular ire towards him when he does. they are not his colleagues, they are his adversaries.
suzanne called him a scumbag and there was only one person in the world who'd defend him against that accusation, and she's gone. when kim wexler left, the ada said, good for her, aloud to everyone in the vicinity, but then they all talked about what a shame it was to lose such a fine lawyer. it had to be the hamlin thing right? a few people whisper, maybe, in her time at HHM, she and howard were closer than they seemed, didn't you know the firm paid for her law school, there's another piece of the HHM legacy ruined forever, but those rumors are shut down quickly. first with, no, he wasn't like that. it's still hard to believe he could ever... and then with, no way, she was devoted to mcgill. she defended him at the hearing against his own brother, remember? that was the beginning of the firm's problems. even, i heard she accused howard of nepotism. then other details, she quit s&c abruptly, that was probably his fault. he did the same thing in santa fe. never made sense what she saw in him. or, she seemed to get fixated on wanting to help people, think it was guilt because she knew what he was becoming? or, she finally woke up, guess she was disgusted by what he was becoming. imagine having to live with him. or, why would a woman like that ever marry him? she disbarred herself! he totally tanked her life. or...?
discussions of james mcgill begin to treat him like he's dead, though no one quite realizes they're doing it. it wasn't that he'd been a bad lawyer, he was smart, he could be a really nice guy, but he was always wheeling and dealing. hard to know what was real until he showed it with that de guzman thing. maybe that was why she disappeared.
none of these discussions are had in front of saul because saul is never approached like a human being, but he still knows they have them. he's an annoyance, an aggravation, self-aggrandizing, tenacious. he succeeds with his cases, often. at a cost. they have to deal with his screeching commercials and his clashing suits, it is impossible to avoid this man in albuquerque, he rises to mini-celebrity status through sheer obnoxiousness alone, never letting anyone forget he exists. i'll fight for you. nobody knows what he's even fighting for - glory? money? respect is out of the question. they never see anything genuine from him except his desire to win.
he will not sit alone at the table. whatever, it doesn't matter who's there with him, but he's not pathetic. he's great. hell, he's untouchable. you've never mattered all that much to me...but so what? this is easier. no more pretending, no more attempts to play it straight, no one else to try and change for. he's a cathedral of justice with foam columns. they can't take him down. he beats them to it.
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vespussi · 4 years
gta v characters as john mulaney quotes
franklin clinton: you know those days where you’re like, this might as well happen.
michael de santa: so he made his living in murder.
trevor philips: i’m so horny and angry all the time.
lamar davis: stick in it, i am an american!
lester crest: i don’t care for these new nazis and you can quote me on that.
steve haines: some people give off a vibe, right away, they’re like, “do not fuck with me.”
dave norton: i’ll keep all my emotions right here and then one day i’ll die.
wade hebert: i had a very long day. i am very small and i have no money. you can imagine the kind of stress that i am under.
floyd hebert: my wife is a bitch and i like her so much!
ron jakowski: in 2029 i’m going to be drinking moon juice with president johnathan taylor thomas.
amanda de santa: i am a proud asian american woman and you will treat me with respect.
tracey de santa: i would always think how could another person kill someone? how could a human being kill another human being? and then i got cheated on and i was like, oh okay.
jimmy de santa: why do people shush animals? they’ve never spoken.
agent 14: i try to stay optimistic even though i must admit things are getting pretty sticky.
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gta5-watchdogswriter’s guidelines (Updated June 12th, 2020)
I am making guidelines that will set down boundaries, which will makes you and I comfortable on this blog. If you do have a question, feedbacks, or suggestions, please let me know on this post, in my askbox, or in my inbox. Since I’ll be combing two fandoms into one blog, I will be updating a few things as well as changing a few things. 
Thank y’all for bearing with me! I hope you enjoy future contents.
Here we go!
What do I accept or allow on this blog?
✦ Any ships as long as both are legal, consenting adults. I will also refer to this in my don’ts and expand from there. All I can say is as long as it’s not minor x adult or aged up character x adult, I’ll be happy to write a ship. Even if it’s nonexistent, I can and will write it. I will also be doing playlists, aesthetics, etc for these ships too. 
✦ As mentioned before, I can make moodboards/aesthetics, playlist, scenarios/imagines, headcanons, and many more for characters. Keep in mind that any headcanons or whatever the case is is from my perspective and what I think would go accurately to the character. Feel free to also come to my askbox or my inbox and discuss with me your own set of headcanons. If you really want it to be featured in scenarios, let me know!
✦  OCs x canons or OCs x OCs. Yes, I can and will write your OCs if you do request them! Just give me information about them and I will use that to help me write them in scenarios. 
✦ SPAM! That’s right! Spam the hell out of me. Have multiple ideas you want to be used in a scenario? Send them all to me. Send all the songs, memes, headcanons, ideas, anything you want at me!
  ✦  NSFW/Smut. I usually am not of big fan of writing smut/NSFW, but I can and will do it. Just for y’all! As long as the characters are adults, I will write any smutty scenarios or NSFW headcanons. NSFW can also feature other themes as well. All will be tagged appropriately and kept under read. I will also put trigger warning as well. 
What do I DON’T accept or allow on this blog?
✦  X readers. For right now, I do not feel comfortable writing canon x reader. Perhaps in the future I will change my mind about it and do it. I don’t hate it. I’m not against it either. Again, I am not comfortable writing it just yet. 
✦  I don’t do minor x adult (or any pedo ships), incest, or any of those things. So, please avoid asking me those kind of things. It will be deleted asap. 
✦ Drama & hate messages. If you have any drama, please keep it away from me. I’m fine with being a listener and helping people when they want to rant/vent, but if it involves dragging me into drama, no thank you. Likewise to hateful messages. Don’t like a ship that you see? Skip over it and don’t say anything about it. Don’t like a certain character? Again, skip over it. There are characters and ships I or y’all don’t like, but of course, I do have to write about them. It might bring joy and happiness to others.
✦  NSFW/Smut. Once again, don’t come asking NSFW stuff with characters that are minors. As an adult, it’s highly uncomfortable for me to write anything NSFW for underage characters. I will write these characters, but I will avoid NSFW stuff. For kids who are under the age of thirteen, I will not ship or write NSFW about them. 
Now with that out of the way, time for the characters I will write. 
Trevor Philips
Michael De Santa
Franklin Clinton
Amanda De Santa
Tracey De Santa
Jimmy De Santa
Wade Hebert
Any of the online characters
Lamar Davis
[Insert anyone I miss]
Watch Dogs:
Marcus Holloway
Raymond Kenney/T-bone
Jordi Chin
Clara Lillies
Aiden Pearce 
Nicole Pearce 
Jackson Pearce
Lena Pearce (if necessary, before her death)
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I was shocked when the phone ringed and got the call that told me the news of the death of the journalist, promoter, chronicler and music lover Octavio Hernández, a crucial character in this city on the rock music scene, as well as in cultural stances. Memories come to life again. . .
At that time, I began to listen to local radio programs, i was highly impressed by Octavio Hernández's incendiary verb in his nightly weekly radio show, El Arca de Neón, especially after the tragic suspension of a Maldita Vecindad show in the Palenque del Hipódromo.
Octavio from a young age decided his way through rock and after completing the academic part, he nourished himself with knowledge collaborating on Melodía 10 Años, then newspaper Uno Más Uno, until he reached Signore, the Mexicanized version of Playboy, where he became famous for an incident with a music promoter at a festival in Acapulco who clocked him blindsided. At the reedition of the Avandaro Festival in 2006, I remember that when I greeted Octavio, he told me: "Do you believe what just happened?, this motherfucker thinks I forgot what he did to me in Acapulco and now he is even hugging me!".
His love for music and reasons of affection took him to the south of the American continent, where he saw the future of rock in our language and in Portuguese too. So, he came with a vision, and it was common that he inevitably spoke of the big bands like Soda Stereo, Enanitos Verdes, Os Titas, and Caetano Veloso,  as well as his beloved Radio Futura and other sparkling artists. He arrived in Tijuana and began the take-off of the Arca de Neón which was a guide of the present and future through the frequency of Estereo Frontera 102. 5, until crossing the border, where he started with El Acordeón, the first rock publication in Spanish in the USA.
Contests and shows like Duelo De Rebeldes and  La Frontera Aquí, the first visits from Maldita Vecindad, Santa Sabina, Social Security, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs and others, we promoted by him. His pen set fire to the pages of El Precipicio in Diario 29 and continued to connect to his land via Ciudad Rock En Español, La Jornada and other newspapers and magazines.
In 1994, when I published my first fanzine, I began to frequent the Punto de Vista magazine office, where I went and collaborated for three years with great friends. One day (already in 95) on Madero Avenue, I ran into Octavio, I introduced myself to him and he responded as always, in the way he spoke to everyone, with that characteristic adrenaline and his mouth overflowing words that sounded like wisdom to me. Months later alongside another unforgettable friend, Ricardo Alarcón, we were working details of what would be the Tianguis of Rock and Culture. Coincided that Octavio was his friend, so, consequently, we coexisted in this place and we begin to have more approach. The day of the tianguis, I remember him very happy, hugging everyone, eating his sandwich and chatting. I remember him saying to me: "I'm going to see if, in those that follow, I'll bring the old demos I have from bands like Fobia, La Maldita and others".
One day, he invited me to collaborate on an event he was promoting, and we had a previous talk at the Rubén Hood, that little bar in the parking lot of Arena Tijuana 72. I accompanied him and another friend of his. We talked about a lot of stuff in music, but the most interesting thing was his painful story of the day of the tragic earthquake of 85, which changed his life completely, of his pain for those he lost. At that time, I had a social life, I moved everywhere as I pleased and coincided with my friends. He was a vital and necessary presence in events, for all of us. I remember the Festival of Alternative Culture, where he shouted to me "get off the stage" or his crazy turns with a bottle in hand in his beloved stage at  Mexitlan while Los Enemigos took the stage. I'm sure that my writing style copied (or stole) his words, his ways of writing and even the way he always nervously walked around in events, as I saw when he brought legends like Pappo Napolitano, Ratones Paranoicos and Voodoo Glow Skulls, among others. And I forgot, he connected me to be interviewed for a documentary about the border scene for French television, I have never seen that show.
He offered two workshops related to the culture of rock in the CECUT, one by himself, and another with journalist Delia M, I remember that one when my good friend Humberto Huerta and me finished at her house in the Zona Norte at the end of the workshop. Octavio later crossed the street only when Estéreo Frontera took El Arca off the air abruptly, so he was offered to move  to Stereo Amistad 99.7 in what I consider one of the best times for rock radio on the border, as they listened to their audience and took local rock music and  was part of the daily rotation. I constantly called the show on the air, which was transmitted on a small table with a green tablecloth. Over time, Octavio was given control of the nights at the station and Corazón Eléctrico was born, the first  attempt to have an independent alternative radio station, but, the new management ended the project due to "lack of rating and sales", as the new manager of the radio group commented directly to me on a phone call, when I innocently called to complain.
Octavio's path took him to La Banda Elástica Magazine, where he excelled covering all the ways of rock on the border. California and Tijuana were as one, opening the gates to bands of both sides...until one day at the Cecut announced his departure from the magazine, which, put some harsh distance between both sides, which was manifested in subsequent numbers related to rock history in Tijuana and USA on LBE. He wrote some essays about that in Perdidos En La Linea, Lumbre and others, until he landed a spot on Retila Magazine, where he was set up as the editor and assembled his dream team, I was included, the greatest honor for me, alongside with some of the best writers ever, but, the dream was short as the magazine ended after the economic crisis derived from an event that  the magazine organized and was a disaster. we only work three numbers, but was incredible.
It was the stage where we hang out the most and had great mutual respect. He interviewed me for one of his most famous articles, Tijuana Mesopotamia, which was the title of his first chronicle book, where the text also appeared, previously published in La Jornada. I got the book and  I appear in the acknowledgments. His pen appeared in a trendy magazine called Lumbre, which was a pretext to coincide in a night where we had an incredible gathering together with another dear friend, Ejival and other friends. He also wrote in No Cover, but only for the first edition.
Many of the stories that he wrote, I will reveal that they were versions, let's say, light, of how the events he wrote about happened, but his use of vocabulary to make the stories enjoyable is what I take away from...it's going to hurt remembering when he would stare at me and touch my head and tell me "pinche Rincon, you are quite a character" or his traditional "how are you, maestro?". He continued to collaborate with media such as Circulo MixUp, Cinemania and alongside his beloved friend Charly Alberti on yeyeye.com.
Suddenly, life changed. I remember he had a serious health problem, and after that, we met again when Roy Villela from Oxigeno Rock Shop called us to a magazine project. We met outside the Box Underground venue, and that day, there was a show featuring a band from Ensenada called Blue Mind. Suddenly, Octavio asks me if the man who was standing at the door was Raúl Ramírez, the famous and legendary Mexican tennis player, I say yes. Immediately he got up and went to greet Mr. Ramirez, who was accompanied by his wife, Miss Universe 77 Maritza Sayalero. Octavio reminded Ramirez of the wonderful afternoons with his usual dynamic, citing his legendary rivals as Jimmy Connors and Vitas Gerulaitis, but above all, his vibrant triumphs against the elite before a Ramírez who listened to him with pleasure and surprise. He went back to radio, at the now Fusion 102.5 for two more stints of El Arca De Neon, being the second the lengthiest one, finally, after all these years I went a couple of times, as that was something I put on the bucket list.
In recent times, he spoke more of the past than of the present, very little of the current market. He spoke of seeking to bring veteran artists of blues and old school rock to perform around here. He brought for shows bands like Santa Sabina (their last show before the passing of singer Rita Guerrero), La Barranca and Rubén Albarran from Cafe Tacuba. Worked a lot with the Interzona Festival and was featured on Canal 12 Televisa Tijuana on the Fusión TV show. We returned to coincide by mutual friends when he launched the Tijua Neo magazine alongside the journalist Fernando Del Monte, but issues made Del Monte leave the project. Later, he would leave El Arca show forever in harsh circumstances, however, he was able to return later to the show and others on the same station as a guest. I was invited to write for Tijua Neo in some issues, but then, for a series of stuff, we stopped talking for about three years. We never had any difference openly, but when we saw each other, I know there was some small tension,  we agreed that it was already past and that we should start over.
We met in person in January of 2015, we greet in my frustrated birthday event at the TJ Arte y Rock Cafe, and we said goodbye with a hug, as always. He told me that he knew we were going to work on something soon. The last contact we had was by a Facebook message, he invited me as a judge to the TIM band contest, but my time did not coincide because of the workshop I was working on at the time, so I declined...I did not think that he would die, I never imagined that. I knew his pain for his partner Rosalba and her health problems, but he was motivated by love, beer and for culture. It is worth mentioning that in his recent messages, he asks us to support local rock always.
Never assume that what we see today, will be tomorrow. Octavio, I admire you, I respect you and I love you, I remain with your direct and indirect teachings, with your words of appreciation, with your influence.
Thanks and see you soon, very soon, I hope not to be late.
(Text originally published on the AudioTijuana blog in Prenser and republished in the electronic magazine En Tijuana).
I also would share the text in relation to an event-tribute that took place in 2014. He asked me to wrote it, since he tought i was the only one that knew more about his work. This was featured on El Mexicano newspaper :
ARCABUZ: A Tribute to Octavio Hernández, The Border Rider of Rock.
Octavio manifested his love for music from a very young age. His contact with rock was being notorious, being astounding with the live performances of bands that made history and are now legends, that marked him to get involved in journalism in his native Mexico City, where after from his beginnings, he learned the art of chronicling and musical criticism alongside respected characters like Víctor Roura  in the pages of Melodía: Ten Years Later, Uno Mas Uno and at the beginning of La Jornada, then he would put his talents to work for  Signore (the first Playboy Mexico magazine) and other publications would give him a unique and special place in national journalism.
Along with his first wife Rosvita he traveled to South America. In Brazil. he saw the jubilant  scene of emerging artists,  while on the streets of Argentina, he learned where the future of Latin American rock would come,  from groups like Soda Stereo, but his life destination would change, as he arrived in 1988 in Tijuana, where he saw the enormous potential that the city had to be considered the spearhead of a musical movement, but also, he discovered that California was another hotbed for bands and media, so, he stayed here.
He made history by being a great influence on the radio through the Arca De Neon show in its various stages at Estereo Frontera 102.5, Stereo Amistad 97.7 and Fusion 102.5, and also,  crossed the border to team with Dave Stampone - from the university radio station in San Diego ( KCR) - to make a prodigious binational simulcast. In Stereo Amistad, he promoted one of the first commercial radio projects dedicated to rock music called Corazón Eléctrico, something that deserved better luck. In Los Angeles, together with Enrique Blanc and Omar Márquez, he edited the first publication dedicated to rock in the Spanish language called  El Acordion, it became a vital part of the roots of La Banda Elastica Magazine, where he was featured later.
With his pen, he later became editor of Retila Magazine ("the rival" of La Banda Elastic in Los Angeles) and discovered the new cyber ways alongside YeYeYe.com and also collaborated in prestigious publications here and there such as Circulo Mix Up, Pulse Latino, Lumbre, La Olla Express, Bitácora, LA Weekly, La Opinión, No Cover in Spanish, Identidad and Guitar Player, among others.
As a promoter of concerts, he provoked electrical miracles such as the contest Duelo De Rebeldes (binational rock contest, thanks to which the new Tijuana music appeared on the cover of the San Diego Union-Tribune) and the first appearances in the city of Maldita Vecindad, Santa Sabina, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs (whose debut was in Tijuana and not in Mexico City), Seguridad Social, La Lupita, Pappo Napolitano, Ratones Paranoicos, VooDoo Glow Skulls, La Barranca and others. From then on, he never stopped opening roads.
His chronicles and articles have been published in two amazing books, Tijuana-Mesopotamia, Crónicas y Otros Latidos and Cornucopia, Periodismo Sonoro y Anexas. On television, he appeared with his music section in the cultural program Fusion for Televisa Tijuana and is the director and editor of the cultural magazine TijuaNeo, where he demonstrates that his passion for rock is not at odds with his vast general culture. These stages, he lived them with all the same intensity that his heart had for his life partner Rosalba.
He has been found on the road those who are legends and those who could be. With nocturnal adventures accompanied by the inevitable cold beer, or the sun to the fullest, he always talks anecdotes and stories that seem fantasy and those, written, take a much more mystical dimension. He is one of the most transcendental characters of our border.
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thatswhenyourefrom · 6 years
Sunday’s Best - “Poised to Break” & The “Californian”
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I wanted to give insight into the checkpoints of the external forces that make me who I am today. I won’t deny that most of these pieces will mostly stem from my adolescence (and also mostly be music), but I still act as clay in the presences of art around me. The selected pieces (or collections of pieces) may be precise or vast, so expect varying lenses. Most of what I wanted to bring to this conversation were my hidden gems; pieces I hold so true to me and me only. I came to a realization recently that some of my favorite albums and some of my favorite movies do not stick to some of my peers. I don’t expect them too. I also don’t expect to sway any opinions or justify any of my opinions. The expectation is to usher you in to the closest parts of me.
I first heard Sunday’s Best in 2002 on a Canadian tv show called Undergrads before I was in the double-digits. It was a background song (reused again in the end credits), but the chorus stuck in my head. Whether it be hummed, sang, or just spinning around in my head, the song and the sound was stuck (and remains to be to this day). This song has built a house on top of my brain.
In the early 2000’s, the internet was picking up a lot of steam, and even though I was a young little guy, i started to learn my way around it at a young age. Yet still, there was difficulty in finding what I was looking for. I needed to find the artist of this song and the name of the song and download it on Napster or Ares or Kazaa or Limewire (or……). When a certain mood would strike, I would feel almost nostalgic and go on journeys to find a soundtrack list of the songs involved with this show. The hunt for the past is what I craved, and still do. One day I found the Undergrads website, put up by MTV when they used to make websites for each individual show on their rotation. It was a flash site and you could navigate around a little picture and highlight items for more information. One setting to navigate was a bar. In that bar was a jukebox. In that jukebox was the soundtrack list.
I began downloading every song I could. To be entirely honest, I think that these two Sundays Best songs were relatively easy to find, since the rest of the soundtrack was made up by obscure Canadian power pop bands. After listening to the first song I downloaded I knew I had found it; the song was called “Saccharine”.
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I mark this song as my touch point for what I would later call emo music. The cul de sac that now exists with the houses of The Promise Ring and Texas is the Reason would most likely not exist is I didn’t hear “Saccharine” when i was nine years old. It fit right in with the other music I liked at the time like Jimmy Eat World who had just brought the light of Bleed American to the world. I get amped in the same way when I hear “Saccharine” as I do “Sweetness” by Jimmy Eat World; youthful, energetic, a little pain, and most of all nostalgia.
[If you would like to split hairs for a minute, I really love the poppy sound of this song and it‘s a much more of a power pop/college rock sound that I was attracted to than something classically emo, but it paved the way, so i digress.]
The hooks still get me. The riffs enliven me. At the very least, you can walk away from this song thinking it it is a catchy bastard. If anyone in the world can take a step back, look in on this song, and for even a second understand that this is the foundation for some person’s entire musical world, you have found me out. I am an open book at that point.
This is one song.
There is another Sunday’s Best song in the soundtrack for Undergrads and it also rang in my head, but to a much lesser extent. “White Picket Fences” is a much more reserved song by comparison to “Saccharine.” Quieter, yet way more dynamic. It grows so much. From what I remember from Undergrads, the audience only hears the last section, a theme that is bigger and hookier than the mood the rest of the song lays.
These two songs remained on my iPod for years.
When I was around the ages of fifteen and sixteen, I decided that i really needed to figure out all of this mumbo jumbo and really hammer down the music that has plagued me for years. What is that sound I am looking for? I want more Sunday’s Best. Can’t just search indie rock. Can’t search punk. Can’t search anything. The keyword “emo” was found and i had suddenly discovered a bible.
I spent a ton of time getting to know a ton of new bands which continue to dominate the music I like today. In this discovery of bands, I also learned much about record labels, including Polyvinyl records. Guess who put out Sunday’s Best’s music.
I decided that I would make the gamble and buy the CD “Poised to Break” by Sunday’s Best from the Polyvinyl store. I call it a gamble, because I have been severely bitten by looking in deeper to a bands output only to find out that the single I love is by far the only thing I could find likeable. This is not the case. This album is ten songs of exactly what I love.
“The Hardest Part” is a strange opener, because it’s kind of big and heavy. The chorus is yelled for Christ sake. It’s easily the angriest sounding song for an otherwise mellow band that I would call energetic at most. Partially uncharacteristic, but still a damn fine song. Track 2, “Bruise Blue” would fit right in with the soundtrack of Undergrads (and parallely my life). It’s calm, full of hooks, emotional. Great. Followed by “Bruise Blue” is “White Picket Fences” and “Saccharine”. At this point, my thought it “well I have all of the best songs out of the way.” “Indian Summer” blows that away with a track that I am so surprised isn’t heralded as an indie rock classic. This song wants be on every mixtape and MTV show until the end of time. “When is Pearl Harbour Day” is an awesome song about nostalgia, including the following line which rings in my head all of the time: “I hate nostalgia, it tries to hard to remember only the easy parts.” Track 7 and 9 are both energetic ones. Track 8, “Looks Like a Mess” is a broody, melodramatic song that I am undeniably in love with. “Winter Owned” rounds out the album and brings it back to the energy of track 1 and employs the same mixed singer chorus. The final track (and bonus track) is called “Congratulations”. Full of hooks, personal experience of naivety and confusion. The secret track is an instrumental song I am sure they used to open sets with. I am glad they included it because it’s loud, slow and cool. To me, each track is unskippable.
The whole album sounds like a soundtrack to a teen drama show that were hugely popular in the late 90’s going into the early 2000’s. Shows like Buffy, Dawson's Creek, 90210, and so many others were drenched in naive and intense emotions, stories of love and personal growth, and youth culture which made them a perfect place for this type of music. I am lucky i got to grow up in the times when I did where I can look up to those people on the screen, then be them, then look back on them with a familiar nostalgia.
Years later I would find that Polyvinyl holds a “Garage Sale” where they sell their surplus records and cd’s for next to nothing. While flipping through the garage sale, I had discovered Sunday’s Best had a second full length. I must have unconsciously ignored this release due to my fear of ruining the sanctity of my entire musical foundation. Do I risk it? What if it sucks and it’s ten boring songs? Or what if they sound like other more popular bands of now? It did come out in 2002 when this type of music was the mainstream. This is more than just a $3 gamble.
I bought it. It’s called “The Californian”. It’s better than the first LP.
Again hitting a ten song track count, “The Californian” is a succinct mood of an album. Much more consistent in tone, the songs are a lot more mellow than the ones on the first LP. This doesn’t mean that it lacks dynamics or moments of intensity. But it does mean there’s less yelling, head banging, and anthemic lyrics. What arises is my own personal therapy. Whether it be because I found a lot of this music (emo) in the autumn seasons, or if my mood just drew my to these sounds during fall, I always return to my classics around this time. Monday was a brisk day and I put in “The Californian” and it immediately hooked a line to the center of my heart. The air reminded me to being a young person and being in high school and college and time passing and old friends and how I used to feel so big, and the songs from “The Californian” were not there to yell at me; they were there to hold me like mother to her child. Therapeutic.
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Quick track by track: The album launches into “The Try”. Coming off of the first album, you immediately know this album has more pieces to each song (production wise) creating a huge sound. But it’s not wasted. Every melody is catchy as all hell. “The Try” reigns that in. Track two, the title track, continues this pace. The chorus bops around a bit. “Don’t Let It Fade” is the single. Very quiet. Very somber. The bridge is my favorite part. “The Salt Mines of Santa Monica” has more energy than the last two so it sounds like a bigger “Poised to Break” song. The second singer has great contributions in the pre-chorus. He is really being used in a more calculated way. “If We Had It Made” comes in with massive church bells sound. One of my favorite songs. I love the bells. I don’t entirely know what the song is about, but the chorus moves me. Track 6 is a rocker. Even so, it’s consistent. “Without Meaning” was used in a Gilmore Girls and it’s directed melodrama fits that vibe really well. “Beethoven St.” is pure Sunday’s Best. If you wanted to write a song like them, copy this song. “Brave But Brittle” has a lot of the classic emo riffs. The way the intro falls over itself and then morphs into have arpeggios. Another favorite of mine. The last track is easily my least listened to song, but that’s because I usually reach my destination listing to this album in the care. It’s great though and I kick myself for missing it.
(I could give more in depth track-by-track if requested, but that isn’t necessarily the point of the writing.)
This band and these two lengths are an emblem of my growth. They are a tree that has stood my whole life and I am still sustained by its fruit. The sound that is contained in these albums is contains a definition of who I am and what I love. When you cannot articulate a feeling with direct words, you use art. That’s what artists do. Though I could never imagine conjuring this feeling inside of anyone else with my own art, I am glad I can direct others to this album and this feeling. It it’s hooks can get in and you let yourself get pulled, you can be me.
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literarygoon · 4 years
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I’ve never met a more nonchalant shit-disturber.
Decked out in a Santa hat and Harry Potter spectacles, Chris Elston was on the streets of Victoria this week trying to raise awareness about the problematic nature of Bill C-6. It’s part of a larger campaign that saw him erect billboards all across North America earlier this year to express his support and solidarity for author J.K. Rowling, who has been mobbed relentlessly by activists for her stance on gender issues.
Literary Goon connected with Elston on the steps of the Legislature to chat about freedom of thought, conversion therapy and gender ideology in schools. Literary Goon: I understand you're a kindred fan of J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter series, and you recently finished reading Goblet of Fire with your daughter for the first time. I still remember how I felt when I reached the end of that book, how energized I was by how the narrative was exploring progressively darker themes as Harry aged. What lessons and insights have you gained from J.K. Rowling's work, and how does it inform your current worldview? What does her work signify for you as a parent?
Chris Elston: The Harry Potter books don’t exactly inform my worldview, but they are full of wisdom and inspiration which is very helpful. I am also fortunate to have magical spectacles like I do, where Muggles think they are without lenses. What Muggles don’t realize is that my spectacles enable me to peer deep within the gendered soul, and when I gaze very deeply, I can always see that the gendered soul is a myth!
Sex is binary and always will be. People should be able to express themselves however they please, but to deny biological reality is folly.
I will say that J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series inspires good in people. J.K.’s genius, imagination, and strong moral fiber shine through in the books, as Harry undergoes injustice after injustice, and is forced to call upon courage he doesn’t know he has. He just carries on, fighting, as we all must do right now.
As Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, said, “It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay though never quite eradicated.”
L.G: Earlier this year you erected a billboard in Vancouver that was quickly and unceremoniously taken down by angry activists who characterized this declaration of love as hate speech. Since then, you've arranged for billboards all over North America, all with the same message: "I <3 J.K Rowling".
For your efforts, you've had your business and social media accounts mobbed, you were arrested while peacefully protesting, and you've drawn nationwide attention to your mission. What are you trying to accomplish?
C.E.: The billboard was taken down by Pattison Outdoor — one of the companies owned by billionaire Jimmy Pattison — after Vancouver City Councillor, Sarah Kirby-Yung, kicked and screamed and threw a hissy fit on social media, complaining that a declaration of love was HATE SPEECH.
Oh, the absurdity of it all. Love does not equal hate.
After that, with the help of two anonymous donors, several Canadians, and people worldwide via GoFundMe — before GoFundMe’s censorship and cancellation — a billboard went up in San Francisco, 15 billboards went up in Utah, 14 digital screens displayed our message throughout the underground Metro network in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Portland. And finally, Times Square in New York City.
What am I trying to accomplish? That is very simple. I am trying and succeeding in having one conversation at a time, and I encourage other people to have one conversation at a time. The more conversations, the better. People need to understand what is going on in society, especially with our children. Children cannot speak up for themselves; they have neither the knowledge or experience or appreciation of history to understand what is going on. They are being lied to in our schools by a trans ideology that was snuck into our school lesson plans without any consultation with parents.
If politicians refuse to listen, it is up to us as the citizenry to spread awareness ourselves, so that we can arm other parents and children with the truth. Once the truth is known, it acts as armour against any lies which try to insidiously seep in through our schools, and elsewhere in society.
L.G.: You successfully recorded politician Nicola Spurling lying on video during this most recent election campaign. She denied apologizing to J.K. Rowling after calling her a danger to children, then doubled down on that accusation -- despite the fact that this interaction is now a part of the public record. You've also tangled with well-known liar and vexatious litigant Jessica Yaniv, and the former NDP politician who defunded Vancouver's Rape Relief Centre, Morgane Oger. What would you like the public to know about these three individuals, and why do you judge them worthy of your opposition?
C.E: I don’t judge them worthy of my opposition. Or anyone else’s, for that matter. What they’re worthy of is being exposed as the vexatious, vindictive, troublemaking liars and bullies that they are. They find shelter for their incredibly nasty behaviour underneath the baby blue and pink of the trans flag, which people don’t dare to cross, because to do so brings unprecedented harassment.
Any extremist ideology that can’t stand on its merits and has to use lies and bullying to silence fair criticism is an ideology that needs to be exposed. These three hooligans are perfect spokespeople for the lying extremists who try to silence any concerned citizen into submission through intimidation.
L.G.: There aren't many men involved in the gender critical movement, partially because they don't feel welcome to contribute. You've now experienced blowback from potential allies such as feminist speaker Meghan Murphy, who have disavowed your actions and disassociated themselves from your campaign. Why do you think it's important for men to speak out on this issue, and why is there so much opposition to them doing so?
C.E.: Meghan Murphy literally said this is a women’s only movement. Okay, that sounds like a totally different movement from anything I’m involved in. I’m not sure what it is, but I hope it’s very successful.
It’s important for men to speak out because we are fathers and sons and husbands and brothers and because this affects children all across society. On the subject of women’s sex-based rights, it affects our wives and mothers and adult daughters. Everyone should be concerned about this. Who cares what their sex is? This is a tragedy and an emergency because 99.99% of us have been asleep, while activists have been busy planning and succeeding in getting our laws changed, effectively eliminating the sex binary.Who is anyone to say that a father of daughters should not be speaking out? And then to lie and lie in an effort to sabotage my efforts?
It’s stunning and would be quite fascinating, if not for the real damage all these lies have caused to the campaign. Lies that hurt a campaign like this might as well be direct efforts at harming children, as far as I’m concerned. Anyway, onwards and upwards. “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” – Winston Churchill.
The truth has at least one leg of its pants on now. Social media can be a rather inhospitable place, but it plays an important role in bringing people together, and in sharing ideas. In the real world, support has grown day by day and continues to do so. No government, organization, or individual can stop free speech and compassionate conversation, and that is what I will continue to do.
L.G.: I was on the receiving end of a social media mobbing by trans activists while I was an editor at the Humber Literary Review, where activists campaigned behind the scenes to have me de-platformed for wrongthink. This is just one example of how TRAs are threatening people's livelihoods all over Canada and across the globe for expressing their beliefs. To me, the most egregious part of this whole conversation is the way diversity of thought is becoming villainized. What do you think these activists fail to understand about freedom of speech and expression?
C.E.: The transgender activists understand freedom of speech and expression perfectly well, which is why they always try to shut it down.Truth always wins. They know that. This is a craze. It will go on as long as it goes on, but that won’t be forever. It won’t end with a bang, but with a whimper.
As more and more of us get educated, more of us will be in position to speak out, act out, and vote out our politicians.
L.G.: Gender ideology in schools is particularly alarming to me, as the father of a new daughter. I want her to grow up without having regressive, sexist anti-science rhetoric in her classroom -- but that's exactly what SOGI 123 offers. What options do parents have who object to this curriculum, and how do you think we can bring common sense back to the conversation around gender identity?
C.E.: Common sense already exists in the vast majority of our population. Each school board has say over the materials that are used in the classroom, in order to accomplish the broad curriculum goals of the Ministry of Education. We need to speak with our school trustees, or vote them out and install better ones, if needed.But teachers also have autonomy over what and how they teach in their classrooms. Parents should have discussions with teachers.This is simply a case of creating broad awareness of what is potentially being taught to our children, so that parents can get actively engaged, and act accordingly.
Read the lesson plans at https://bc.sogieducation.org/sogi3.
The Literary Goon
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nils-elmark · 4 years
Min tidsrejse tværs over Amerika
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Under corona nedlukningen bingede min hustru og jeg det ene afsnit efter det andet af Boardwalk Empire på HBO. Det er en gangster-serie, der starter i 1920 i Atlantic City på den amerikanske Østkyst. I afsnit 4 er der en scene, hvor en af hovedpersonerne, Jimmy er i Chicago med sin kæreste, den prostituerede Pearl, der pludselig sidder og læser en bog. Som litterær opdagelsesrejsende spoler jeg naturligvis tilbage, for at se titlen på bogen. I en serie, der koster 35 millioner kroner per afsnit, giver instruktøren ikke en af personerne en bog i hånden, uden at han har tænkt over, hvilken bog det skal være. Bogen er “Free Air” af Sinclair Lewis; den blev udgivet i 1919 og er altså en tidstypisk bog.
Jeg går på jagt efter originaludgaven og konstaterer, at der er 26 eksemplarer til salg i hele verden, de fleste i USA, til en pris på mellem 50 og  200 dollars plus 20 dollars i porto. Det er for dyrt, så jeg fortsætter jagten og finder tilsidst det eneste eksemplar i England hos et London antikvariat. Her er prisen £6 og det samme i fragt. Den 101 år gamle bog, jeg modtager, er slidt og gennemlæst, men den fungerer stadig helt efter hensigten.
Jeg kan godt forstå, hvorfor gangsterpigen Pearl er så optaget af sin bog: Den er spændende, godt skrevet og romantisk. Den handler om den unge overklasse pige Claire Boltwood fra Brooklyn i New York, der sammen med sin stilfærdige far, kører tværs over Amerika i bil fra Minneapolis i Minnesota til Seattle i Washington. Det er Claire, som sidder bag rattet; hun er den nye frigjorte amerikanske kvinde og hun er på en 3.000 kilometer biltur 70 år før Thelma & Louise. Undervejs gennem Midvesten møder hun den unge Milton Daggett. Han er  født og opvokset i den lille flække Schoenstrom, hvor en stor del af emigrant-indbyggerne stadig taler ‘Pidgin-German”. Milt er den moderne unge mand af folket. Han har ikke den store uddannelse men er begavet og entreprenant. Han er mekaniker og har sit eget værksted, for i Free Air er bilen symbolet på den amerikanske drøm. Toget er for snobbet aristokrati, bilen er for folket og fremtiden. Titlen ‘Free Air’ refererer i øvrigt til et skilt på en tankstation, som fortæller, at luften til bildækkene er gratis.
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Forfatteren Sinclair Lewis tog selv på tur gennem Amerika inden landet blev asfalteret. 
Milt bliver vildt forelsket i Claire, opgiver sit værksted og fortsætter i hjulsporene efter overklassepigen og hendes far. I 1910′erne var USA stadig ikke asfalteret hele vejen på tværs, og det var en krævende tur at køre i over prærien i hjulsporene fra indvandrernes hestevogne. Milt redder datter og far ud af en række vanskeligheder - vi får undervejs et on-line mekaniker-kursus, som minder om “Zen og kunsten at reparere sin motorcykel”, men Claire er i øvrigt ikke nogen hjælpeløs pige og de to unge mennesker udvikler hinanden på rejsen over Amerika. 
Så er det, at de litterære omkørsler dukker op. I Gopher Prairie giver Claire 2 bøger til Milt for at højne hans boglige uddannelse. I Schoenstrom, hvor han kommer fra, er det nemlig kun præsten, som læser bøger.
Den ene bog er digtsamlingen “The Congo and Other Poems” af Vachel Lindsey. Den skal jeg naturligvis også have fat i. Bogen blev udgivet 1914 og handles til hundredvis af dollars, men jeg finder en eksemplar fra 1916 til 18 dollars i et antikvariat i Califormien. Da jeg åbner bogen for første gang, kan jeg se, at den tidligere har tilhørt en vis Margaret C. Anderson. Hvem var hun? Hun var såmænd en af USA mest progressive redaktører, som introducerede en generation af verdens førende modernistiske digtere til det amerikanske publikum. I sit magasin trykte hun blandt andet 13 kapitler af James Joyce’s Ulysses, før den overhovedet blev udgivet. At få hendes signatur med i købet er ‘drummer boy’s luck’. 
Digteren Vachel Lindsay er i 1919 en ung amerikaner - han er Milt Daggett’s alter ego - og da sidstnævnte slår op på digtet “The Santa Fe Trail” udbryder han:
“Lord! I didn't know there were books like these! Thought poetry was all like Longfellow and Byron. Old boys. Europe. And rhymed bellyachin' about hard luck. But these books—they're me”
Lindsay skriver digte for folket; han er repræsentant for det 20. århundredes “americanism”; man skal bevæge sig i tiden og ikke dø, hvor man er født.
Den anden bog som Milt får af Claire, mens de kører gennem Yellowstone Park er “Merchant from Cathay” af William Rose Benét. Benét er som Claire født i Brooklyn, og denne bog fra 1913 er hans første. Jeg har fundet den til blot 7 dollars, men pakken er endnu ikke kommet med posten, så jeg har det som Milt: Jeg aner ikke, hvad den handler om; men det er derfor, mit univers hele tiden vokser.
For hver gang, der dukker en ny bog op med posten - det indvarsles af en rasende gøen af hunden - lægges en ny brik til puslespillet om, hvad mennesker tænkte og beskæftigede sig med for hundred år siden. Jeg føler som Howard Carter må have gjort det, da han i 1922 åbnede forseglingen af Tutankhamun’s grav i Ægypten. Jeg sprætter ganske vist kun bølgepap og gaffatape op men er lige så spændt på, hvilke antikviteter, der dukker op. En hundred år gammel bog er en antikvitet. Bare det at skrive sætningen lige nu, får mig til at spekulere på, om Carter mon skrev en bog om sine oplevelser for 98 år siden. Det er fascinerende at tænke på, at samtidig med at Carter finder en 3.000 år gammel mumie, er Claire og Milt på vej over prærien og ved at udtænke det moderne industrielle Amerika.
Ind i mellem er det henkastede bemærkninger, som får mig til at grave ned i litteraturen. Som da Claire i en lille by på prærien med stor ærefrygt hører servitricen på caféen diskutere Ibanez’ romaner. Claire formoder, det er en skolelærer, som har taget et sommerferiejob, men Milt har hørt, at hun vistnok er litteratur professor på et lokalt universitet. Det får Claire til at udbryde: “Dette er Amerika - jeg er glad for, at jeg har fundet det!”
Selvfølgelig skal jeg have fat i Ibanez; jeg vil vide, hvad servitricen taler om? Og jeg ved nu, at hun er optaget af romanen “The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse”. Den blev skrevet i 1916 af den spanske forfatter Vicente Blasco Ibanez og handler om to svigersønner, der kæmper på hver side af fronten under 1. verdenskrig. Den blev oversat til Engelsk i 1919 og blev en bestseller i USA, hvor anmelderne karakteriserede den som “en sublim menneskelig historie fortalt af et geni”. Når servitricen således taler om bogen og dens forfatter, er det fordi, det var en bog, man talte om, mens Sinclair Lewis skrev sin egen ‘road-movie’.
Ad snørklede veje finder jeg den engelske version af “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”  i et tysk antikvariat for 12 Euro. Så slipper jeg for at købe den i USA, hvilket er en stor fordel. Dels er portoen billigere i Europa dels undgår jeg emsige toldere. Hvis jeg er uheldig, kan pakken nemlig blive stoppet af statsautoriserede posekiggere i lufthavnen, som let kan fortolde og for-momse prisen på en billig støvet bog med et par hundrede kroner. Det er ikke kun Trump, der lægger afgifter på varer fra Kina! Danmark har skam også sin told-mur til Amerika.
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Én til litterær afstikker er jeg nødt til at have med fra “Free Air”, nemlig digteren Amy Lowell. Hun dukker op, efter Claire er kommet igennem Spokane og kører ad det gamle stejle indianerspor, der leder gennem Blewitt Pass. Monotomien ved at køre mile efter mile får Claire til at opremse staten Washington’s bynavne på samme måde, som børn engang gjorde med danske bynavne, når de spillede bold i skolegården:  Odense Bogense, Middelfart - bom - Assans Fåborg Svendborg - bom. 
I Claire’s version bliver det til  “Klickitat, Kittitas, Spangle, Cedonia -  Pe Ell, Cle Elum, Sallal, Chimacum - Taholah, Synarep, Puyallup etc. Det som Claire synger kaldes også ‘noise art’. Det var ekstremt trendy i 1910erne. Noise art er i familie med dadaismen og futurismen, hvor maskinerne tager over og laver deres egen musik på samme måde, som lyden af traditionel western-musik er skabt af rytmen fra hestenes hove mod jorden.
Og her er det så, at Claire Boltwood ekstatisk fremhæver digteren Amy Lowell, som hun i øjeblikket føler, hun overgår med sine indianske bynavne, der flyder sammen til et digt til musikken af den 8-cylindrede motor. Og jeg er helt med i bilen. Lige nu tager Claire mig nemlig ind i den nye amerikanske tankegang.
Ingen kan længere være i tvivl om, at jeg også er nødt til at få fingre i noget poesi af Amy Lowell. Jeg  vælger en samling digte fra 1926 med den vidunderlige titel “What’s O’Clock”. Jeg er heldig at finde den i en engelsk antikvarboghandler i en nedlagt biograf i Hereford, der i øvrigt udtales, så man kan høre alle tre stavelser: He-re-ford.
Fantastisk digtning - jeg er vild med Amy Lowell og What’s O’Clock, som indbragte hende en Pulitzer Price i poesi i 1926. Hun røg store cigarer, fandt ud af, at hun var lesbisk - det var de alle på den tid, i øvrigt - tog til London med sin elskede og kuppede den nye kunstretning “Imaginism”, hvilket fik blodtrykket banket i vejret hos Ezra Pound, som ellers gik rundt og troede, at han ejede bevægelsen. Lowell var en litterær disrupter og fornyer. 
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Og så fortsætter Claire og Milt ellers bilturen til Seattle, hvor hendes overklasse slægtninge og østkyst-kæreste gør alt, hvad de kan, for at udstille og latterliggøre den unge mekaniker fra Midtvesten. Men dette er en romantisk fortælling, så til sidst trækker Claire sit trumfkort: Aunt Hatty! Hun er familiens Tante Møhge, der kan huske, hvordan slægten kom til penge og hun er mere end villig til at minde de snobbede efterkommere om, hvorfra de fik deres amerikanske blå blod: 
“some of 'em got it by stealing real estate in 1820, and some by selling Jamaica rum and niggers way back before the Revolutionary War.
Østkyst aristokratiet får ludo-brikkerne slået tilbage til start, Milt frier til Clair mens de kører tilbage gennem de åbne vidder i hans skrammede bil. “Men vi skal nok klare det”, forsikrer den galante Milt. “Jeg har sparet tusind dollars op fra mit værksted.” 
“Det skal du såmænd ikke spekulere over”, siger den unge amerikanerinde fra Brooklyn og ser beundrende på sin frier fra Schoenstron, “jeg har 5.000 dollars af mine egne penge”
Free Air var den første amerikanske ‘road novel’ og forfatteren Sinclair Lewis blev i 1930 den første amerikanske Nobelprisvinder i Litteratur. Han var en kritiker af amerikanske kapitalisme og materialisme, og jeg kan ikke finde på noget bedre tidspunk at blæse støvet af hans bøger end nu, hvor Trump tromler frem og Silicon Valley profitmaksimerer. I 1935 skrev Lewis så romanen “It Can’t Happen Here”, der midt i fascisternes europæiske sejrsgang berettede om den amerikanske demagog Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, der møvede sig til magten som USA’s præsident. Minder det om nogen, vi kender? 
Mit litterære eventyr startede med tv-serien Boardwalk Empire for tre uger siden og “Free Air” har efterfølgende lukket mine øjne op for fødslen af den moderne amerikanske sjæl. Jeg har ikke blot læst en god bog af Sinclair Lewis, jeg har bogstavelig talt genskabt hans bogreol! 
På mit skrivebord står nu de antikvariske men ultra relevante forfattere: Vachel Lindsay - Vicente Blasco Ibanez - Amy Lowell og Sinclair Lewis. William Rose Benét  er på vej det samme Lewis’ “It can’t happen here”. Når jeg regner efter, har bøgerne kostet det samme, som jeg før Corona-nedlukningen flere gange om måneden betalte for en returbillet til London. Men lige nu flyver jeg selvsagt ingen steder, men jeg rejser stadig. Jeg er time-traveller og jeg er ikke hjemme endnu. Jeg har en stribe bøger, jeg skal have læst først; ikke blot fordi fortiden er historisk interessant, men fordi den giver et fingerpeg om, hvordan vi skal agere i fremtiden for at lykkes. Noget som har slået mig ved læsningen af tyvernes amerikanske bøger er drømmen om frihed - frihed til at rejse, frihed til at skrive som man ville - frihed til at opleve. Det har vi glemt i 2020. Vi er optaget af at indskrænke menneskers råderum. Vi kan ikke bare tømme skraldespanden, vi må ikke bare tage bilen, vi må ikke spise kød, vi må ikke sige “eskimo-is”, vi må ikke sige mand og kvinde. Vi har kvalt eventyret i gule veste og cykelhjælme.
Free Air slutter med, at Clair og Milt kører på eventyr og kommer til et vandløb fyldt med mudder. Milt spørger: Jeg er ikke sikker på, at vi kan komme over. Skal vi prøve? 
“Ja for pokker”, svarer Claire. “Gi’ den gas!”
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motherpsyduck · 7 years
Motherpsyduck’s fanfiction masterlist ✏️💖
Already Seen (completed)
(Marvel’s Jessica Jones tv universe)
Summary: You’ve just moved into your new home in Hell’s Kitchen. On your first night you can’t help but witness a lanky, purple suited man being thrown through a door down the hall from where you’re staying. You meet one of your neighbours during the incident, and didn’t expect to find people who also have abilities of their own…
Word Count: 45,556
Relationships: Reader x Kilgrave, Reader x Jessica Jones, Reader x Malcolm |1: Weird But Definitely Not Boring|  |2: Red Images|  |3: Pretzel Courage| |4: Per Se|  |5: Powerful|  |6: Misbehave|  |7: Old Scotch| |8: Death & Honey|  |9: Tiny Baby Pancake|  |10: Ulterior Motive| |11: Waves of Doubt|  |12: Panic! At the Spanish Beach House|  |13: Cold| |14: Feelings|  |15: Chills|  |16: Inevitable Close, New Adventure| 
House Guest (in progress)
(GTAV universe)
Summary: You’re a foreign exchange student who’s been granted a scholarship to attend the University of San Andreas, Los Santos (ULSA). Tracey De Santa signed herself up as a volunteer for one foreign student to reside at her home for as long as they need (without asking her parent’s permission of course). You’ve been randomly selected by the university to reside at Miss Tracey De Santa’s home until your studies end. Good luck!
Relationships: Reader x Trevor Philips, Reader x Michael De Santa, Reader x Tracey De Santa, Reader x Franklin Clinton, Reader x Jimmy De Santa, Reader x Lamar Davis, Reader x Amanda De Santa |1: Meet The Family| |2: Rash Decisions| |3: Making Connections| |4: Reckless Scorpion| |5: Innocent Prying| |6: Jumping to Conclusions| |7: Red Skin| |8: Waves of Joy in Sandy Shores| |9: Short Lived| |10: Sunshine in Vinewood| |11: Producer Perks| |12: Coming Soon!| 
T is for TEQUILA 🍹 (completed)
(The Walking Dead tv universe)
Summary:You joined the Saviors about a year ago. Negan wants to keep you around as he’s taken a liking to you. You however have your eyes set on his right hand man.
Word Count: 10,077
Relationships: Reader x Simon, Reader x Negan (Reader is a Savior and lives at the Sanctuary) |Chapter 1| |Chapter 2| |Chapter 3|
Negan TWD Imagine
Original Word Count: 418
Edit repost word count: 494
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years
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Imagine # 653
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2020
*I fucking love Jimmy! 😅
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angelwheat · 2 years
GTA 5; masterlist
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*note: some links within my masterlists tend to mess up and direct to the wrong post. i apologise in advance if you are directed to a potentially triggering post. do message me so that i can correct any links!*
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- All Characters
Height Headcanons
Nicknames For You
How They Comfort You
How A Break Up Affects Them
You Get Back Together
Favourite Activity They Do With You
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- Franklin Clinton
Franklin Imagine #1
Franklin Imagine #2
- Michael De Santa
Michael Discovers Jimmy's Secret Girlfriend (Drabble)
Michael Imagine #1
Michael Imagine #2
Michael Imagine #3
Michael With A Depressed S/O
Michael With An Injured S/O
Michael With An Affectionate S/O
Michael With A Crush On Someone
- Trevor Phillips
Trevor Imagine #1
Trevor Imagine #2
Trevor Imagine #3
Trevor X Reader (One-Shot)
Trevor Finds Out You Have A Crush On Him (HCs)
Trevor Being Sweet To His S/O
Trevor When He's Hopelessly In Love
- Lamar Davis
Lamar Imagine #1
- Wade Hebert
Wade Imagine #1
Wade Imagine #2
- Pavel (GTA Online)
Pavel meets Franklin, Michael, Trevor, and Lester
Pavel & S/O Headcanon #1
Pavel X Reader (One-Shot) #1
Pavel & Gothic S/O Headcanons
Pavel Headcanon #2
Pavel Imagine #1
Pavel X Reader (One-Shot) #2
Pavel Headcanon #3
Pavel Headcanon #4
Pavel X Reader (One-Shot) #3
Pavel Sharing Childhood Memories
Pavel X Reader (One-Shot) #4 {NSFW*}
- Misc.
Franklin, Michael, Trevor; S/O That Cries During An Argument
Michael & Trevor; S/O With Social Anxiety
Franklin, Michael, Trevor; Marriage & Children
Michael & Trevor; Pregnant S/O
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