#Joe stalks Gwil
warren-lauren · 4 years
Adopted Daughter May!reader x Gwilym Lee
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Gwilym leaned on the armrest of his chair with his head resting on his hand and turned towards you as he watched you carefully. You were talking to Brian again. That's all you ever did was talk to Brian, and Roger, never anyone else. You had your own life and own career to focus on but when you were there it's as if everything centred around you. Perhaps that was just to him since he couldn't take his bloody eyes off you. He didn't know anything about you, just you were Brian's daughter, and you were veterinarian Doctor. He was desperate to know more about you, and it wasn't like you were there often.
You looked up from Brian and smiled softly at Gwilym only to quickly look away from him.
"See, you're being weird." Joe smacked his hand against Gwilym's shoulder making him jump.
Joe shook his head with a chuckle. "Doesn't matter."
Gwilym chose to ignore Joe and turned his attention back to you, only you had disappeared. Gwilym's obvious displeasure to your disappearance made Joe laugh and draw his friend's attention. "What?" Gwilym's brow creased.
"You. You're not exactly subtle with your stalking, are you?" Joe teased.
"I am not stalking, Y/N." Gwilym huffed and stood up from his chair.
Joe followed after him as he walked over to the snacks table. "I never said, Y/N, did I?"
Gwilym let out a heavy sigh. "Just shut up."
"What's he done now?" Ben asked as he and Rami joined the pair at the table.
Gwilym shook his head, "Nothing,"
"I haven't said anything other than the truth," Joe argued.
Ben raised his eyebrow. "Which is?"
"Gwilym's stalking of Y/N. It's weird."
Ben and Rami nodded agreeing with Joe. "Especially if you don't know anything about her." Rami reminded the lack of knowledge he had of you.
Gwilym sighed deeply, "Can we drop it, please?" He turned away from the three of them and began to walk off in the opposite direction to have them follow after him.
"Why don't you try and find out something about her?" Ben asked.
"Just don't google her, that doesn't work," Joe added. "What?" He asked as the others turned to look at him with questioning looks. "I was curious to who Brian May's  secret fourth child was." He shrugged. "She doesn't exist according to Wikipedia."
"And you believe everything you read on there, do you?" Rami rolled his eyes dramatically as if Freddie was coming back life before them.
"Tell you what, let's ask Roger," Ben spoke whilst walking over to where Roger was stood talking to Sarina. "Rog, got a second?"
"Ben!" Gwilym's eyes widened.
Joe and Rami quickly followed the blonde, eager to know more about the mystery daughter of Brian May.
Roger raised his eyebrow as he looked at his double. "What do you lot want?"
"What do you know about, Y/N?" Ben asked.
Roger frowned at the younger man. "M'sorry?"
"Ben," Gwilym groaned drawing Roger's attention to him.
"I think what Ben means, Roger is we'd like to know some things about, Y/N." Rami smiled. "Gwilym fancies her-"
"I don't!" Gwilym's face burned bright red as Roger and Sarina smirked knowingly at him. "I mean-"
"Aw, look at him." Sarina teased making everyone laugh except Gwilym who was blushing even more.
Roger chuckled, "Fair enough." He nodded, glancing around to see if you were about. He knew how you hated people talking about you.
You were ever so shy and you preferred being as far away as possible from the spotlight.
"I'm assuming you're not so subtly asking about Y/N's real parents." He looked between the four boys who were all nodding.
"Anita was working with Y/N's mum when she was about 5 years old. After spending so much time with both of them whilst Anita was filming, they stayed in touch with each other. Anita and Brian watched Y/N grow up, you know, they had this bond. It was a good thing really, Y/N's dad has never been in the picture and when Y/N's mum was hit by a drunk driver and died, Brian was the first person she asked for and they took her in.
"A few months later and they were fostering her. A year later, I think Y/N was about ten, maybe eleven... and the pair of them had adopted her." Roger smiled to himself. "Having Y/N here is a big deal for Brian. When her birth mother died it really knocked Y/N's confidence. She used to love being on set with her mother, and Anita. He was gonna be this big stage star, or so she used to say when she was little but that all change because of some drunk idiot." He glared into space.
Gwilym's heart broke for you. "Dear God," He ran his hand down his face, "Is she okay?"
Roger nodded with a soft chuckle. "It's been fifteen years, Gwilym, I think she's okay." Roger gave his shoulder a gentle pat. "Why don't you go talk to her?" He nodded over to where you were just entering the room with Brian.
Gwilym gulped as he looked over nodding. "Yeah, okay..."
You tried to listen to what your dad was saying but you couldn't really focus on what he was saying as Gwilym was looking at you.
"Y/N?" Brian raised his eyebrow at you. "Everything okay, love?"
You nodded, "Fine, dad," You smiled at him.
Brian gave you sceptical look and looked over his shoulder, "Ah," He smiled to himself. "Would you like me to leave you alone?"
"With who?"
Brian nodded his head towards Gwilym as he came to a stop beside you. "Am I interrupting?" He smiled nervously at you.
You shook your head glancing up to your dad.
Brian rolled his eyes. "What can we do for you, Gwilym?" Brian smiled kindly at the younger man.
"Oh, well, I was just wondering if, Y/N, would like to go for a drink?" He blushed and nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
Your brow knitted together as you turned your head to look at your smug dad. "Is this something to do with you?"
"What? No." Brian scoffed.
"Oh no, no," Gwilym shook his head quickly as he took another step closer to you. "Roger told me to." He chuckled.
"He what?"
Gwilym's eyes widened. "I mean he convinced me." He let out a nervous chuckle as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.
You frowned at him, "What do you mean 'convinced' you?"
"Oh... well... I was, a little nervous, and, he told us about your... hmm, mum, and, I thought you'd like to talk-"
"Ah, right, now I understand," You looked over to where your Uncle Roger was stood with the others, watching you. "You found out my mum was killed and thought you'd come over here and give me some pity. Well, I don't need it, thank you very much." You huffed and barged past him, not giving him a chance to explain.
Gwilym's eyes were wide as he stood frozen to the spot. "I-" Gwilym turned to look at Brian with a confused look. "I don't- what did I do?"
Brian rolled his eyes dramatically. "You fucked that up, didn't you." He shook his head. Gwilym opened his mouth like a goldfish as he turned his head and looked over his shoulder to where the others were stood watching with shocked expressions. "Oh, for- Go talk to her, Gwilym!" Brian shoved his shoulder to make him move.
You were making your way out of the studio when Gwilym found you.
"Y/N," He called out to you as he ran up to you. "Please, wait,"
You scoffed, "Why? So you can tell me how sorry you are about my mum. I know you're sorry, everyone is always sorry, Gwil. But it was a long time ago, and-"
Gwilym cut your long rant off by pressing his lips against yours in a hard kiss. He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. You moaned against his lips and grabbed at his shirt, pulling him closer to you.
"Just stop talking, please." Gwilym let out a slow breath.
"I thought you wanted me to talk?"
Gwilym rolled his eyes playfully and smiled at you. "I do. Not because Roger told me what happened to your mum but, because I've been wanting to know since we met. Ben was the one to demand Roger told us something about you. I just wanted to get to know you because... I liked you, an-"
You leaned up and pressed your lips against Gwilym's shutting him up. "Do you want me to talk?" You smirked playfully at him as you stepped back from him.
Gwilym nodded, "Right... sorry." He chuckled rubbing his hand over the back of his neck nervously. "So, hmm, would you like to go for a drink later? And talk?" Gwilym smiled softly at you.
You nodded biting your bottom lip, your blush deepening, "I would." You smiled up at him. Something behind him caught your eye and made you uncomfortable. "You should go back."
Gwilym's eyebrows knitted together. "What do you mean?" You nodded your head behind him. Gwilym looked over his shoulder and let out a loud groan, "Oh for fucks sake, piss off!" He shouted at the others as they tried to poorly hide out of sight.
"God, this is embarrassing." You hid your face in your hands as Gwilym pulled you into a hug laughing.
"They're not that bad." Gwilym chuckled.
"I didn't mean them," You pointed over your shoulder to where your dad and Uncle Roger were stood grinning to themselves.
"Oh," Gwilym blushed deeply, "Shall we bugger off to somewhere more private?" You nodded and happily took his hand so the two of you could run away from the audience you had captured.
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you should do a little sister ben hardy imagine he’s 9 years older
Ooo, this is very interesting and different! Let’s imagine, shall we, for a bit...
Ben was very surprised when he turned nine and found out that his parents were going to have you. (whether you were born or adopted is up to you!) But he was determined to adapt. He became responsible.
He always loves to drive you, he helps you clean out your room though you had some trouble, and for a while, he even packed your lunches before you went to school!
That also means he would watch you grow up. You would become a child, then a teenager, and then a young adult finding her way into the world and he would e so in awe seeing you change!
Plus you would introduce him to all of the cool things of your generation. Ben stays in the know about whatever challenge is going on TikTok or drama between Youtubers because you would show and tell him everything. Your friends would be so surprised how much he knows!
He also gets to teach you life lessons. When you go home, pouting about something, you cry out “it just isn’t fair!”
Ben nods his golden head. “Yeah, but what are you gonna do about it?”
“Is there anything you can do about it, Y/N?”
“I guess...I can do this thing...” you say, forming your plan as you explain your thought process. And he smiles.
You both have a close bond. You watch movies together, chat on the phone, share memes, and have a tight relationship.
Though when it comes to dating, he is super protective. 
If a guy is showing you interest, Ben stalks their social media pages and tells you if it’s a yes or no.
“This guy is a bloody hell no. Y/N! He posted a picture of himself! With a quote of himself beneath! And it was ridiculous! What a stuck up bastard!”
And if you show interest in dating Rami or Gwil or Joe...then that’s a wild roller coaster in itself!
“Rami, you better have her home by Ten!” “Gwil, if you get her pregnant I’ll chop your cock off!” “Joe, that door better stay open!”
But he is sweet and only wants the best for you.
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Taglist: @jamesbuckybarns @queenlover05 @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @yourlocalmusicalprostitute @rhapsodyrecs
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queenmylovely · 4 years
Wedding Party II
Summary: Ben hardy x fem!reader. A game night between friends will surely take off the tension from whatever’s going on with you and Ben. 
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: cussing, building tension, charades 
A/N: This is the third and final (multiple) part(s) of my 500 follower celebration!! Thank you so much again to everyone who follows me, including the people that have since I hit 500, cause it’s been a minute, whoops. I was planning three parts for this, but I got into the charades so we’re looking at four instead! (p.s. if you want to try to guess the charade movies before the characters do that’s how I tried to write it lol) Any feedback is super appreciated but especially replies, messages, and asks are super helpful for my writing ‘cause I get to hear what you think!
Part I, Part III, Part IV, Mini i, Mini ii, Masterlist
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(yet again wonderful gif by @mrbenhardys) 
Ben couldn’t believe how close he had come to kissing you the other night. He had diverted it last second by kissing your cheek, but even that teetered too far over the line of what was supposed to happen. If fucking someone at Rami’s wedding wasn’t allowed, then developing a full-on crush wasn’t either. But boy was he.
Even though you were the one that had mentioned hearing about him when the two of you first met, he was surprised to see that all of the references to you by his friends hadn’t failed to live up. In fact, he would probably say that what they said didn’t do you justice. Though he wouldn’t advertise it, he had also done a quick instagram stalk and thought you were even more beautiful in person.
Rami hadn’t slipped up like Lucy and mentioned your name specifically when telling him not to sleep with anyone at the wedding, but even so, Ben found all of his focus on you when it came to that rule. Whether it was because you had known of but never met each other for so long or simply because of who you were, you fascinated him.
Which he knew was dangerous in this particular situation. But he reminded himself that he would only have to see you at the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, wedding, and reception. He thought that maybe after that something more could develop, but until then he would have to stay on track.
But when Ben got out of the car to head into Rami and Lucy’s building and held the door open for someone behind him, his whole plan was ruined when that person was you.
“Oh, hi!” you said cheerily and he said hi back; you were trying to mask the mixture of excitement and dread you were feeling. Excitement at seeing Ben and spending time with him and dread at seeing Ben and spending time with him.
The two of you walked across the lobby and to the elevator. Ben pushed the button and you waited together. He had the same internal dilemma going on but he just smiled and said, “I can assume you’re going to game night too then?”
“That’s a safe assumption. Haven’t seen you at one of these before,” you pointed out, trying to make casual conversation. The elevator dinged and you both got on, Ben again hitting the button for the correct floor.
“Yeah, my last film had a lot of night scenes and stuff so I was always busy. But that’s in post and my next one will be mainly day shoots so I’ll be able to come to more of these,” Ben explained as the elevator doors opened and the two of you walked into the hallway.
“We’ll be seeing a lot of each other then,” you commented during the short walk to their front door. You reached up and knocked twice.
Then at the same time, the two of you sighed. Your heads whipped towards each other in confusion and you were both about to say something in response or question when the door opened.
“Ben! Y/N! You made it, and look at you arriving together, already practicing for the wedding, huh?” was Joe’s excited greeting when he opened the door.
“Hey mate, good to see you,” Ben told Joe, giving him a hug.
“Hey Joe,” you said with a smile as you hugged him. Then you teased, “Did Lucy and Rami hire you as their butler or do you just really enjoy opening doors?”
Ben laughed at what you said even though he didn’t have the full context and you felt your cheeks heat up.
As the three of you walked into the apartment Joe just barked out a laugh and told you, “You’re hilarious.”
You smiled at him, “I try.”
Once you reached the living room, you saw both Rami and Lucy there, setting up the snacks. Gwilym was there as well, but he was pouring a couple glasses of wine. They all put down what they were holding and came over to do the usual greetings and such. Apparently, it was only to be you six because some of the other regulars had other obligations.
After everyone had a little plate of snacks and a glass of red or white, Rami began his usual little spiel at the beginning of game nights, “Alright everyone, welcome to game night. We will be playing team games, so partner up now.”
“Dibs on Gwil,” Joe called out, looking directly at you with a smirk. If only he knew how good he had really gotten you.
You shot back, “That’s fine by me. I’m sure Ben will be a great teammate.”
All the same, Ben shot Joe a quick look that he didn’t understand and you shot Lucy a quick this-wasn’t-my-fault look that she accepted with a nod.
Rami continued, “Great, we have three games lined up, but we can play as many times as we like. Lastly, remember that this is strictly a friendly competition, so no sore losers when Lucy and I beat all of you,”
“Oh it’s on,” Joe replied. Then he and Rami got into a little trash-talk.
Ben laughed and turned to you, “Are you competitive?”
“Well… I suppose that’s something one could say about me,” you said with a sheepish smile.
“I hope I’m not too big of a disappointment then, I’m not the best at these types of things,” Ben said with a slightly awkward smile.
“I’m sure you’ll be great,” you said, placing your hand on his shoulder. “Anyway I’m not nearly as competitive as them.”
You nodded towards Rami and Joe who were jokingly getting in each other’s faces, unable to hold back their own laughter. Ben and you burst into laughter, joining Gwil and Lucy’s at the sight. It took you a second longer to realize that your hand was still on Ben’s shoulder. You only did because Ben had looked at it and you removed it before it became so awkward you had to leave.  
Luckily, Rami and Joe were done with their shenanigans and everyone was ready to start the first game. It turned out to be charades and little slips of paper were quickly divided between the three groups.
Rami and Lucy went first and both were ridiculously quick at guessing each other’s answers. You supposed it came with living together and such as well as being actors.
Then Gwil and Joe were up and they didn’t fare quite as well. For some reason, Joe was being far too elaborate with his acting and would mime putting on a swimsuit, putting on sunscreen, swimming, and then being chased by something just to get Jaws. Gwil was good at the charade as soon as he actually started, but he seemed to overthink every word before he started.
Finally, it was you and Ben. You went first, saying before you started, “Sorry I’m literally the only non-actor here.”
Ben waved you off with a laugh. Then Lucy flipped the timer over and you quickly opened the first slip. It said Jurassic Park and you breathed a quick sigh of relief. Then you pointed at Joe, put your hand to the height of a little kid and did T-Rex arms.
“Jurassic Park!” Ben exclaimed and though Joe said something about that not being fair, you moved on.
Next you mimed taking a ring off and holding it up to your eyes, staring at it intensely.
“Lord of the Rings, next!”
The next one was harder, but you got going. First, you pretended to be eating toast and coffee. Second, you did some characters: one with crossed arms and a frown, one flexing muscles, one reading a book and pushing up glasses, one flipping their hair and giggling, and one pulling their hair and shaking their head.
“Okay, okay, eating and drinking, a meal? Breakfast? Breakfast. And these are different people? I don’t know that first one. Then a jock? A nerd? A pretty girl? Oh, oh! The Breakfast Club!” Ben shouted, looking proud of himself for getting it and you couldn’t help but smile before moving onto the next one.
You ended up getting five before time ran out, just one less than Lucy had on her turn. Now it was Ben’s turn to do the charading and you were ready to be the one guessing.
As you switched spots, Ben whispered to you with a smile, “Good job.”
Trying not to show your happiness at his little praise, you just nodded and returned a whisper of, “Thanks.”
Ben got ready, doing a little jog in place warmup as a joke and you probably laughed harder than necessary. Then Lucy counted down from three and flipped over the timer.
As Ben picked up the first slip, you leaned forward to pay attention.
With a nod, Ben started his first charade. He mimed someone in the shower and for a quick second you pictured what he would look like in the shower. But once you said shower, he moved to the next part, getting out of the “shower” and then whipping back the curtain and pumping his from near his head to in front of him again and again. Then you realized that he was pretending to stab someone.
“Psycho!” you yelled and Ben grinned.
After picking up the next slip the first thing Ben did was scrunch up his face in a snarl, crouching down to all fours and making a hand into a claw, stalking closer to you. You felt a weird mixture of apprehensiveness and something else as he got closer and had to remind yourself this was a clue.
Ben was only about a foot away from your legs before you blurted out, “Cat, uh, lion, tiger!”
Tiger was the one so Ben stood up and then mimed rowing a boat. You thought for a second before quickly stating, “Life of Pi.”
Two more slips later, you were only two away from a tie with Lucy and Rami and you had about thirty seconds on the clock.
Ben snatched up another slip and read it, a frown taking over his face for a second. Then he recovered and started miming drumming. Next he did guitar and keyboards then singing.
“Drums. Ok, guitar, keyboards, oh a band!” you said and Ben nodded before moving on.
Next he started dancing, which you could hardly stop from laughing at, but just because it was cute. He was doing lots of 70’s moves like the hustle, YMCA, John Travolta’s move from Saturday Night Fever, and others you didn’t know the name for.
“The hustle. Um, YMCA? The Village People? Disco?” you said as you tried to stifle your giggles.
Ben nodded quickly and then motioned to keep going.
“Um… a disco… band?” you questioned and got another carry on gesture from Ben. “ABBA?”
After a thumbs up, Ben mimed the sign for movies and then singing and it came to you and you jumped up, “Mamma Mia!”
“Yes!” Ben exclaimed right as Lucy called out time. He came over to you by the couch and brought you into a tight hug that almost lifted you off the ground and you laughed out loud in surprise.
Lucy cleared her throat and you and Ben let each other go quickly, turning to look at her. She just raised an eyebrow and smirked, “You know you two didn’t actually get enough to tie me and Rami.”
“Good thing it was just a friendly competition,” you pointed out with an equally fraught with meaning smile.
“And we have two more games to try and beat you guys,” Ben pointed out, with a regular smile.
“Actually, I think you mean that you have two more games to lose to us,” Joe cut in, breaking all the tension and making everyone laugh good-naturedly.
The night went on and in the end Rami and Lucy did win because while they lost to you and Ben in trivia, they beat everyone during taboo. Poor Gwil and Joe didn’t win anything, though they claimed that was because they were out of practice.
Once the games were done, music was turned on and everyone got to chatting. You were talking with Joe and Rami about New York and the other three were talking about their upcoming projects more in depth.
Then you realized your drink was running low and excused yourself to go refill it. What you didn’t see as you were walking over to where the wine was was Ben jumping up and excusing himself to do the same.
Just as you were reaching to grab a bottle, you heard him say, “Allow me.”
You turned to realize he was standing just a step behind you and you slowly placed the bottle in his outstretched hand. Then he reached around you to set down his glass and grab yours and you sucked in a breath at the feeling of him just barely brushing against you.
Ben started pouring the wine and as he was doing so, looked up at you with a hint of a smirk on his face.
You realized you were probably just staring at him with your mouth open so you fixed your face and said, “So is this becoming a thing? Are you always going to make my drinks for me?”
Ben laughed lightly and handed your glass back to you. As he picked up his glass, his arm grazed your waist and you had to physically take a step back so you wouldn’t take one forward and kiss him.
Then you heard loud laughter coming from the couches and you both looked to see Rami sitting on Lucy’s lap, both of them laughing so hard they could barely breathe. You smiled at the joy and Ben looked at you with a smile.
“They’re so in love,” he commented and you nodded, a dreamy look in your eyes.
“I’m so excited for the wedding. It’ll be beautiful,” you replied. “I’ve been to a lot of weddings and not everyone’s meant for it but they are.”
“Really?” Ben asked.
“Yeah, some of them are more in it for the wedding than the actual marriage you know?” Ben nodded. “Luce and Rami want a special day, but it’s more important to them who’s there than what it looks like.”
“I had a mate from primary who must’ve had over 300 people at his wedding. I didn’t even get to talk to him and we had been best mates when we were young, so they’re definitely doing the right thing with quality over quantity too,” Ben told you.
“Wow, yeah. I guess along the same lines I can see what Lucy means. But it was a little much to tell me we couldn’t--” you stopped yourself right before revealing that you weren’t allowed to sleep with Ben to Ben. You hoped that Ben didn’t notice your abrupt stop, but he did, his brows furrowing.
“We couldn’t…?” he asked, his thoughts flashing to his conversation with Rami.
“I just-- we, like, the guests, couldn’t-- well shouldn’t-- or it’d be better to--”
“Hey Y/N, who was it from our class that got married recently with that wild theme wedding?” Lucy called over to you, and you quickly took it as a chance to get out of this conversation with Ben.
So you turned to Lucy and as you spoke, and slowly walked over to where they were, leaving Ben to either stay where he was alone or join everyone else in the conversation, “It was Amanda. And the theme was that elf… village? From Lord of the Rings, the one where Cate Blanchett lived.”
“Lothlórien,” Gwil informed everyone.
“Sure. Some of it went over my head, but it was pretty,” you commented. By that time, Ben had taken a seat next to you, his thigh touching yours. The conversation turned into a debate about theme weddings but it was hard to stay fully focused with Ben’s warmth interrupting your thoughts. Those damn thighs aren’t fair, you complained to yourself.
This time, you were the first to get up to leave since you had brunch with a friend the next morning.
“Are you good to drive?” Lucy asked since you had had three glasses of wine.
“Oh, I took an uber here, so I was just going to take another one back,” you answered.
“This late at night?” she asked, a worried look on her face.
“Well I always kinda take ubers this late…” you mumbled.
“You know what? I have something tomorrow too, I can take you home. I’ve only had a glass and a half,” Ben suggested, holding up his half full glass as proof.
“Oh, you don’t have--” you started but were interrupted.
“Per-fect!” Lucy said with a smile and you resigned yourself to accepting the ride.
You and Ben gathered your things and then said your goodbyes, getting hugs and kisses from all, especially Lucy who was four glasses in and a little tipsy.
Then you and Ben walked out of the apartment, following the same path you had taken together only a couple hours ago. You chatted about this and that but you were more focused on how your hands would brush against each other every fifth step or so than the conversation.
That is until Ben said, “So you’ve never used my number.”
You weren’t expecting that so you coughed in surprise before answering, “Well, I texted you saying it was me so you had mine too.”
“Well… okay,” Ben said a little sheepishly.
“Okay,” you responded before pulling out your phone. You went to your Instagram dms and found a meme that you thought he would like and sent it to him. “There you go, I used it.”
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Ben took out his phone when he got the notification and opened it, laughing when he saw what it was, “Oh my gosh, this is so cute. You know I have a dog.”
“You do?” you asked, getting excited.
“Yeah her name’s Frankie. Here,” he replied, going to his home screen where you could see a picture of just about the cutest beagle you’ve ever seen.
“Oh my goodness, she’s adorable. Ugh I love her,” you said, going a little goo-goo at the sight of the dog. It helped that owning a dog was always an item on your pro list for guys.
“She’s the best. Oh, here we are,” Ben said, gesturing to his car.
The two of you got in, but before he turned on the engine Ben said, “Here, watch this video of her.”
Ben leaned over the console to show you and you met him halfway, both of you turning your eyes down to the phone to watch Frankie running around what you would assume is Ben’s apartment, fresh from a bath. You and Ben laughed at her antics and when she jumped up on the couch and wiggled around on her back, Ben’s groan in the video and groan in real life synched up and you lost it.
Ben couldn’t help but laugh too, but he said, “Hey, that left a stain, that’s a suede couch.”
That just made you laugh harder and soon both you and Ben were leaning on each other for support as you tried to catch your breath. As your laughter finally died down, you looked up at Ben, whose face was only a few inches from yours and as a couple more giggles passed your lips, you couldn’t help but steal a glance at Ben’s. You looked back at his eyes and caught him doing the same, biting your lip in anticipation. Both of you leaned a little closer, a little closer, until you were so close you could feel Ben’s breath on your lips.
Then your phone’s ringtone went off, louder than reasonable and you both jumped in surprise. You picked it up again and saw that it was Lucy calling.
“Yes, Lucy?” you answered with a bit of a sigh, your rational mind returning and reminding you that you weren’t supposed to kiss Ben.
“I forgot to tell you to text me when you get home!” she practically yelled and you held the phone away from your ear. You could hear Rami shushing her on the other end.
“Okay, I will, don’t worry, Luce,” you reassured her before saying a quick goodbye and hanging up.
Ben had turned on the engine and was starting to pull out of the parking space.
“She just wanted me to let her know when I get home,” you explained.
“Yeah I heard,” Ben said with a laugh. “Just, uh, tell me where to go.”
“Oh yeah,” you replied, remembering that he was taking you to your house and not back to his.
Permanent taglist: @riseetothesun @caborhapch @drowseoftaylor @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @supersonicfreddie
Series taglist: @killer-queen-87 @theprettyandthereckless @radiob-l-a-hblah @theonsasheart @hannafuckingsucks​
If you would like to be added to the taglist for this little series or my permanent one, just send me a message or ask!
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In Case You Didn’t Know
A/N: Hello, hello! Next songfic that I wrote! This one is ‘In Case You Didn’t Know’ by Brett Young (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qaHdHpSjX8) with Gwilym! I really liked this one, so I hope you guys do too!
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x fem!Reader
Summary: You and Gwilym have been dating for a couple months, but he’s about to leave for Italy. And you want to say something to him.
Warnings: Some sad (not really angsty), Cursing, Fluff, Implied sex (not explicit in the slightest, but just in case)
Taglist: @queenlover05, @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye
 You watched as Gwilym ran around his flat, packing up for his newest job.
“I can’t believe you’re going to be in Italy for almost four months,” you pouted.
“I know, Y/N/N, but I’ll be back before you know it,” Gwil gave you a kind smile.
“Says you. You’ll be in a far off foreign country, doing something you love, and I’ll be here without my amazing boyfriend.”
Gwil looked at you sitting on the couch. It made him realize how much he was going to miss you.
The two of you had been dating for close to three months. Actually, tomorrow, the day he left, was your three month anniversary. And you were crazy about him. You hadn’t said those three magical words yet, but you wanted to. You wanted to tell him that you were in love with him. Truly. Madly. Deeply. In love.
Gwil walked over to you. You looked up at him and gave him a half smile. He took your hand and pulled you to your feet. He wrapped his arms around you and you rested your head on his chest.
“I’m going to miss you so much,” you whispered, nearly in tears. You couldn’t help it. He’d become such a big part of your life. You were friends for nearly a year before you both finally admitted to having feelings for each other. You’d talked every day since and seen each other usually three times a week. Now what were you supposed to do?
“I’ll miss you too,” Gwil pressed a kiss to top of your head. “But you could come visit.”
“You know I’ve got that big project at work coming up. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get away.”
Gwil sighed and gave you a squeeze and then rubbed your back. “It’ll be okay. We’ve got Facetime, and texting, and email.”
You chuckled under your breath. “Email, huh?”
“That way we can talk while you’re at work.”
“I’ve got an idea,” you pulled your head away and looked up at him.
“What’s that?”
“You finish packing and then meet me in the bedroom in oh…fifteen minutes?”
“Make it five,” Gwil growled and gave you a kiss.
Later that night, you were lying in bed with Gwil’s arms wrapped around you.
“What time do you have to be at the airport?”
“Half past seven,” Gwil pressed a kiss to your neck.
“We should probably get some sleep then. We’ve only got about five hours until we have to leave.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Gwil pressed another kiss to your shoulder.
“Don’t start what you can’t finish, Lee,” you mumbled as his lips continued moving.
“No, no, you’re right, we should get some sleep,” Gwil said in your ear before kissing just below it.
You turned over so that you were facing him. He gave you a soft smile.
“We really need to sleep.”
“I never said that you were wrong about that.”
You looked over Gwilym’s face in the soft light that was coming in through his window. Your heart was swelling and there…right on the tip of your tongue…
“Gwil, I…” you sighed, chickening out. “I really think we should get to sleep. You get crabby when you don’t get enough sleep.”
Gwil kissed your forehead. “Fine, let’s get some sleep.”
“And you’ll text me when you land?” You asked Gwil in the car in the morning.
“Of course I will,” Gwil squeezed your hand as you pulled into the loading zone.
“And call me after you get settled?” You knew you were just putting off letting him go. There was no way to put it off anymore. He would be leaving. You felt like your heart was going to actually break when he left.
“I will, I promise.”
You didn’t know it, but Gwil felt the same way. He hated leaving you for a week, let alone three months.
“And if you meet some pretty Italian woman then you’ll at least…”
“The only pretty Italian in my life is Joe.”  
You laughed and then parked the car. “If you say so,” you glance at the clock inside your car. It was 7:15. “We should get you inside.”
You and Gwilym walked inside, hand-in-hand.
“...and when I get back, I’ll have a bunch of new recipes that I’ll be able to cook for you.”
“Now I really can’t wait for you to come home,” you pulled Gwil to a stop just before the ticket counter for him to check in.
“I can’t wait either,” Gwil sighed and then checked his watch. “I should really get going.”
You frowned. This was it.
Gwil wrapped his arms around you and pulled you towards him.
“I’m going to miss you so much,” Gwil whispered.
“I’m going to miss you too,” you said into his chest. You looked up at him and put your hand on his cheek. You then pulled him into a kiss. It still sent a bolt though you. Gwil pulled away and rested his forehead to yours.
“I love you.”
You hadn’t meant to say it. It just came out. Your ears started ringing and you took a step back from him.
“Y/N,” Gwil’s face was screwed up in confusion as he reached for you.
You both stared at each other for a few moments. When it was clear that you had really messed up and he wasn’t going to say it back, you panicked. He didn’t love you. He wasn’t where you were yet. Shit. SHIT! Your mind told you to run. To get out of there as soon as you could.
“I…I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that. I just…um…and you don’t have to say it back! You better get going. I’ll talk to you when you land,” you quickly pressed a kiss to his check and made your way out of the building, hoping that you didn’t look at embarrassed as you felt.
God, you were so stupid. How could you just blurt that out just before he left? If you’d said it last night you could’ve at least talked it out. And now he was flying thousands of miles away. Fuck.
Meanwhile, Gwil was making his way to his gate. His heart was about to beat out of his chest. He’d heard you, of course. He knew what you said. And what it meant. It made him nervous. The last time he had been in a relationship he thought he was in love, but he got burned. What if the same thing happened here? He knew how he felt, but…was he ready to say it back to you? Right now? No, he wasn’t. So maybe some time apart would be good.
Later, as you were still panicking and stalking around your flat, you heard your phone ringing. You almost ran to answer it. You saw Gwil’s name on your phone and you felt yourself release a breath that you didn’t know that you’d been holding.
“Hi, darling,” Gwil said.
It made you smile.
“You made it to your hotel?”
“I did. I am unpacking as we speak.”
“Good, I’m glad you’re there safe,” you replied.
Then the phone went silent. You listened to Gwilym as he unpacked and put his clothes away. It felt awkward. Or was that just you? Did he feel as awkward as you did? Probably not.
Gwilym felt nervous. Why though? You had said that he didn’t need to say it back. And he’d decided that he wasn’t ready. Not yet.
“So, what did you do the rest of the afternoon?”
“Oh, you know, cleaned up around the flat. Dishes, laundry, the usual,” you replied.
“Sounds like fun.”
“I guess.”
The silence took over again. You couldn’t handle it anymore. You had to bring it up.
“Look, Gwil, about what I said at the airport?”
“Yeah?” Gwil wasn’t sure what he was expecting you to say, but some sort of clarification would be nice.
“I…I didn’t mean to…make this weird.”
“Weird? Who said anything about weird?” Gwil asked, even though both of you knew it was weird.
You could take it back, but realized that you didn’t want to. You’d meant it. You’d meant everything you’d said. You loved him. And yes, you would like to hear it back, but you didn’t need to. You could wait until he was ready.
“I meant what I said. I do love you. And…and you don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready. And I probably should have said it before you left for four months, but I needed you to know.”
Gwilym didn’t know how to respond. He knew that he didn’t want to lose you, but he also knew that he wasn’t ready to say it back yet.
“Thank you for telling me. I just I don’t think I’m there yet.” Gwil almost felt guilty. He wanted to, but he just couldn’t bring himself to say it.
“And I’m not trying to force you!” You told him. You meant it, but your vision began to swim. Why were you crying? “I just…” You weren’t really sure what you were just, but Gwil apparently knew.
“I know, and I care about you a great deal, cariad.” And he did. He cared about you more than most people in his life. Maybe he was in love with you. But he couldn’t say it if he didn’t mean it.
You exhaled slowly to keep from crying. “I know you do, Gwil.”
“Good,” Gwil closed his eyes. He could tell you were upset, but he also knew that you weren’t going to force him into saying that he loved you.
“So,” you cleared your throat and wiped your eyes. “How was your flight?”
“Oh just dreadful,” Gwilym groaned and launched into the story about the awful person sitting next to him that just complained for the entire flight.
You and Gwil fell back into your normal conversations. It was like nothing had changed. You were on the phone for nearly two hours before you yawned and felt your eyes drooping.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. You’ve probably been awake all day and some bastard kept you awake late last night.”
You giggled. “Yes, he did. He’s cute though, so I’ll give him a pass.”
Gwil chortled. “I’m sure he appreciates that.”
“You should probably get some sleep, too. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
“I know. Can we Facetime tomorrow night after you get off work?”
“Of course we can. I’ll call you?”
“Perfect. I um…Y/N?”
“Yeah?” Your heart accelerated a bit. You thought that maybe Gwil had changed his mind and was going to say it.
“I miss you.”
You bit your bottom lip.  
“I miss you too, babe.”
“I’ll um…I’ll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Right. Bye, Gwil.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
There was a brief stint of silence and you thought about telling him again. The conversation almost felt incomplete. Now that you had said it, you almost felt like you had to end the conversation with it. You inhaled to start, but then Gwil told you goodbye again and then you heard him hang up. You sighed, annoyed with yourself. You should’ve said it to him.
Gwil sat on his hotel bed and stared at his phone for a few moments. He could call you back, talk to you more about the whole ‘I love you’ thing. No. He shouldn’t.
Gwilym laid back and closed his eyes. This was going to be a long few months.
 “You seem…different,” your coworker, Julia, said to you over lunch one day.
“What do you mean?” You asked as you took a bite of your salad.
“You’re quiet, you’re sort of…down? I mean, I know that this project has gotten out of hand, but it seems like more than that. Problems at home?”
“Gwil is still in Italy.”
“When does he come home?” Julia’s voice was full of genuine concern. She was like the mother of the office.
“Not for another month. And…something else,” you sighed.
“What’s that?”
You went into an explanation of how you had told Gwil you loved him and he’d still yet to say it. It made you nervous. It made you feel like you were much more invested than he was. You had told him a couple more times, but Gwil still just said that he ‘cared about you, deeply’.
“Well, you both have been busy. Have you been talking every day?”
“No, I mean, we text every day, but we don’t talk on the phone. Sometimes we only send like five texts.”
Julia just hummed.
“I don’t know,” you rubbed the bridge of your nose. “Maybe when he comes back, we should take a step back.”
“I would wait for him to come back. Then maybe the two of you can approach the subject again.”
“I guess so. And just….wait until then?”
“I suppose so.”
“Thanks, Julia,” you gave her a small smile.
“Gwilym, is everything okay?” Nicholas asked him as they were sitting in the makeup trailer.
“Hm?” Gwil looked over at him. He’d been thinking about you. He was going to be home in less than two weeks and he missed you like crazy. He couldn’t wait to see you again. He was thinking about planning a romantic date of dinner, maybe some dancing. “Oh, yes. Just ready to be home, I think.”
“Ah. Ready to see Y/N, eh?”
Gwil smiled and nodded. “More than ready. Facetime just isn’t working for me anymore.”
“You poor thing. Four months without your love.”
“...right. My l…love.”
Nicholas cocked an eyebrow at him in the mirror.
“You two have been together how long?”
“About six months now.”
“And…you’ve said ‘I love you’, right?”
Gwil was silent.
“Oh, Gwil. You…you do love her, don’t you? The way you talked about her, I just assumed… I hate to say this, but if you don’t know by now, you probably don’t love her.”
Gwil stayed quiet, but his brain was working a mile a minute. He knew he loved you. He had figured it out a couple weeks after he left. The two of you were Facetiming and you had laughed at something that Gwil said to you and it hit him. It hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in love with you. He’d been in love with you since before the two of you were even dating, he’d just denied himself that. He’d just been so burned in the past he wasn’t willing to admit to himself. Now he was. He wanted to tell you, but he also thought that something that monumental should be said face-to-face. Even when you had said to him over the phone, he hadn’t said it back yet.
A couple nights before he left, Gwilym was sitting in his hotel room planning on how he could tell you. He pulled out a piece of paper and pen.
I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. I think I really knew the moment when we were at Barney’s house and you and I were in the kitchen. We were having a discussion about whether or not I was right about…something or other. I honestly can’t remember, but you were arguing with me and I realized how passionate you were. I also couldn’t take my eyes off you. I think that was the first moment my brain said ‘oh, you’re in love with her’ and the annoyingly logical part of my brain said ‘NO! You’re not even dating her!’
Then, there was the night that we kissed for the first time after our first date. You and I had just left the theatre and we were holding hands, walking back to your flat. We walked up your door and I thought that maybe I wouldn’t kiss you. I wouldn’t try to rush things, but seeing you that night. That dress you were wearing and your eye makeup slightly smudged from you crying at the show…you looked too beautiful not to do something about it.
Finally, when you told me that you loved me at the airport, I…I should have said it back. I should have said it on the phone the night. I should have said it every day since then. And I’ sorry that I didn’t.
The truth is, Y/N, I’ve been in love with you for a long time. And it’s about bloody time that I tell you.
Y/N, I love you. I’m in love with you. Simple as that.
 Gwil looked over what he had written and shook his head. He could read that to you over the phone the next time you spoke on the phone. But later that night, as he was talking to you, he couldn’t do it. He did decide to make the night he came home special though. He knew that you’d wanted to go to Fridley’s, a new restaurant that had opened not too long ago. Maybe he could call and make reservations…
 You were bouncing on the balls of your feet at the airport. Waiting for Gwilym to finally be home. In your arms. In your bed. Not even for anything sexual (but for the love of GOD you needed him for that too), just being held by him during the night.
You couldn’t wait to see him. You couldn’t wait to kiss him and be with him. Even if it was just cuddling on the couch.
Finally, you watched as he came down the escalator. He was searching the crowd. Until those deep blue eyes that you hadn’t seen outside of a screen locked on yours. Your face broke into an face splitting grin. Gwil matched you.
He was so happy to see you. The moment he met your eyes his brain and his heart started yelling at him, “THERE SHE IS! THE WOMAN THAT YOU LOVE!” He wasn’t arguing with it anymore. He knew it was true. He was absolutely in love with you.
The two of you practically ran into each other’s arms. Gwil picked you up and spun you around. You giggled and wrapped your arms and legs around him.
“Oh, cariad, I missed you so so much,” he whispered in your ear.
“I missed you, too. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you’re home!”
“Me either, darling, me either,” Gwil gave you a squeeze and then he sat you down. “I’ve got some surprises for you tonight.”
“Is that right? Does that include going to yours? Because I swear…”
Gwil gave you a heated kiss, promises of more to come. He had missed being able to kiss you. He had missed…well doing more than kissing, but right now he could settle for that. He was hoping he could convey how much he missed and loved you in that kiss.  
“Oh we will end up at one of our flats. I promise you that.”
You laughed again. “Well, what are these surprises?”
“We’ve got dinner reservations at Friedly’s at seven. What do you think about that?”
You gasped. “How did you get reservations there? That’s the busiest place in London. You would have had to made reservations months ago.”
Gwil looked nervous for a moment. “I sort of called and played the ‘I’m an actor’ card.”  
“Aw, you did that for me?” You laughed, knowing Gwil wouldn’t have don e that unless it was really important.
“Only for you, darling,” Gwil took one of your hands and brought it to his lips.
 Later that evening, you were getting ready. You didn’t say ‘I love you’ to Gwil but you were going to say it tonight.
And if he didn’t say it back, the two of you were going to have a serious conversation.
You applied your lipstick before looking yourself over in the mirror. You were wearing what you knew was Gwil’s favorite dress and heels.
Gwil walked up the stairs to your flat. He usually took the lift, but he had so much nervous energy that he took the stairs. Tonight was the night.
You heard a knock at your door and smiled, knowing who was out there. You walked over and answered the door. Gwil was wearing a black suit with no tie. His whole face lit up when he saw you. It made your heart flutter and the butterflies you had in your stomach all day go crazy.
You didn’t know that Gwilym was experiencing the same thing.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
“...and they have beautiful beaches.”
“Sounds divine,” you sighed as you took another sip of wine.
“It is. I’ll have to take you there sometime.”
You smiled behind your glass, hoping that that promise would come sooner rather than later. Gwil was already planning it in his head while he poured himself another glass.
“But enough about my trip, how did your project go? I know you’ve been working so hard.”
You sighed and began talking about your project that you were still working on. Something had gone horribly wrong and you were still working on it. You even had to bring in some outside help and now you were in charge of the entire thing since your supervisor had been fired because of the mistake he made.
“At least I got a pay raise,” you downed the rest of your wine. It was already taking effect on you, your head getting a little lighter.
Gwil poured you some more wine as he listened to you continue to talk about your work.
You really liked your job, but it had been stressful lately and without Gwil there in person to talk to, it was worse.
After your second glass, you got giggly. Wine always did that to you.
“Gwil, can we dance?” You asked him as the string quartet started playing.
“Of course, darling,” Gwil stood up and then pulled your chair out, leading you to the dancefloor. Gwil wrapped one of arms around your waist, pulling you close and took your hand with the other. You put your free hand on his shoulder and he started moving around to the music.
“I know I told you this at the airport, but I missed you so much while I was gone.”
“I missed you too, Gwil,” you sighed.
Gwil let go of your hand and put his hand on your waist, pulling you flush against him. You rested your head on his chest before you put your other arm around his neck. Gwil pressed a kiss to your hair.
You listened to Gwil’s heartbeat in your ear. You’d missed hearing it. You’d missed having him hold you. You’d just missed everything about him.
Gwil had missed this too. He missed having you near him. Being able to see you whenever he wanted. Being able to kiss you whenever he wanted. He had missed everything about you.
It was now or ever.
Gwilym took a deep breath. “Y/N?”
“Hm?” You picked your head up and looked at him.
He just stared at you for a few moments.
“I…I know that I…” Gwil cleared his throat. “I know things have sort of been a bit…not up in the air, but odd? Because I haven’t said…you know. I haven’t told you that I…” Gwil sighed, trying to find the words. “What I’m trying to say, darling, is... I love you.”
You gasped. You weren’t expecting for him to say it first tonight.
“Gwil, I…you don’t have to…”
Gwil pulled you into a kiss, much like the one at the airport. He rested his forehead to yours again.
“I want to. And I mean it. I’ve been so SO in love with you for a long time, I just…I was being stupid and far too logical for my own good.”
“Say it again.”
Gwil smiled and ran his thumb along your jaw.
“I love you, Y/N. I love you more than I can…”
You cut him off with a kiss. A searing one that if the two of you weren’t in public, would lead to something that you both needed and wanted. You wrapped your fingers in Gwil’s hair deepening the kiss. You swallowed the groan he started.
Gwil pulled away for some air.
“Sweetheart, as much as I would love for this to continue, I um…I don’t think here is the appropriate place.”
“Let’s pay and go back to yours.”
“Yes, I…yes, let’s do that.”
“Say it one more time, please?”
Gwil stared into your eyes and gave you a quick kiss.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Gwil. I love you so much.”
“I know, cariad.”
You and Gwil went back to his flat and enjoyed each other’s company the rest of the night with sweet kisses, slow, passionate sex, and whispered declarations of love.
You fell asleep, wrapped in Gwil’s arms. Safe, secured, and, now you finally knew, loved.
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laminy · 4 years
I’ve never done this off anon, but pretty sure you know when I send a prompt. I’m feeling yucky today and I was wondering if you could write a Mazlek snippet from ITBASM. I honestly don’t mind what it is, as long as their is snuggling and Joe being Joe. Thank you so much! 😘
Joe reaches up, casually resting his arm on the back of the sofa, pausing a moment before he reaches out, gently scratching his fingernails over the back of Rami’s neck.
Rami jumps and his shoulders scrunch up, and he looks at Joe. “Don’t do that,” he says. “I thought you were a spider.”
Joe laughs softly, nodding towards the television, where they’re watching a horror film. “Or a psycho killer?” he asks softly, leaning in towards Rami before laughing maniacally. 
“Get off of me,” Rami says, “I’m trying to watch the film.”
Joe grins but rolls his eyes, settling back a bit to watch the screen. He makes it a few more minutes, wherein Rami jumps once or twice more, before he can’t resist it any longer, and he scratches Rami’s neck again.
“Joe!” Rami practically whines, and Joe laughs again. “I’m going to throw you out the bloody window if you don’t quit it.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Joe says, and he moves his hands back. “I promise I’ll stop, that was it.” He even crosses his arms over his chest so that Rami can tell he’s not lying, and he settles back again. They agreed on the movie together, but it’s clear that Rami is a lot more interested in it, given how far he’s leaning forward, barely even blinking as the killer stalks some poor motel employee.
Without warning, everything in the flat goes dark, and Joe immediately sits up.
“Ha ha, very funny,” Rami says, taking a sip of his soda.
“I— what?” Joe asks, taking out his phone. “How did I turn the lights and the TV off without you noticing?” He can barely see Rami, just his silhouette in the little bit of light now shining in through the window. He pushes himself up, walking over to look out the window. 
“What is it?” Rami asks.
“I don’t know,” Joe says, looking at his phone again. “I think the power’s out. Like, everywhere.” He turns back, flinching back against the window when he realizes that Rami’s standing right there. 
“Sorry,” Rami says, looking out the window. “Do you think it’s the weather?” he asks.
“I don’t know,” Joe says, and they both stand there, pressed against the glass.
“Or a serial killer?” Rami asks, and Joe chuckles a bit, then gives Rami a side-eyed glance.
“Uh, probably not?” Joe says hesitantly. “Unless you know something I don’t.” 
Rami just turns to look at Joe, not saying anything, and Joe’s eyes widen a bit. Rami slowly turns back to look out the window, raising his hand to the glass. “They’re here,” he says in a creepy sing-song voice, and Joe’s heart feels like it’s in his throat before Rami looks at him again and starts to laugh. “God, you’re so easy,” Rami says.
“Well, what the hell was that?” Joe asks, taking a step back. “You— when did you watch Poltergeist?”
Rami shrugs. “I don’t know, it was on the tele a couple months ago,” he says. “I watched it with Gwil.”
“What the fuck,” Joe mutters, shaking his head, and Rami keeps laughing. “I thought I was going to have a heart attack.”
“Let’s get ready for bed,” Rami says, picking up his soda and bowl of popcorn off the coffee table, slowly heading towards the kitchen.
Joe sighs and turns the flashlight on on his phone, following after Rami with his own snacks. “Rami, do not jump out at me.”
“I’m serious, I don’t want to spill my soda.”
“Ugh, fine,” Rami says. “That’s the only reason I won’t.”
They put their things down in the kitchen, and then Rami takes Joe’s hand, smiling eagerly at him. “Isn’t this fun?” he asks.
“No, why?” Joe asks, reaching his hand out as they approach the staircase, not wanting to stumble.
“I don’t know,” Rami says, “it just is. It’s sort of creepy, but it makes everything so quiet and pretty too.” When they get to the top of the stairs, Rami gently pushes the door to the nursery open, peeking in.
“All good?” Joe asks softly, and Rami looks back, nodding. “Good,” Joe says, and he peers in as well, smiling at Rami. They leave the door open a bit, and then walk into their room, getting ready in the dark. 
Rami climbs into bed, and looks over at Joe as he gets in alongside him. “Did that film scare you?” he asks.
“No,” Joe says, reaching back to adjust the pillows, shifting a bit. 
Rami stretches his arm out over Joe’s chest, snuggling against his side. “You’re not going to have nightmares?” he asks.
Joe shakes his head. “No, I don’t think so,” he says. 
“Oh,” Rami says, sounding a bit disappointed.
“Why?” Joe asks, reaching up to play with Rami’s hair, smiling.
Rami shrugs. “So I could protect you,” he says, and Joe’s smile immediately turns to a grin as he thinks about the first film they saw together, another horror movie— back when Joe was so desperate to be with Rami his idea of flirting was saying he wanted to have nightmares so Rami could protect him.
“Well, I can try,” Joe says. “I’ll just think really scary thoughts until I go to sleep. Or I can pretend. You can hold me really tight, I don’t mind.”
“Okay,” Rami says happily, and he snuggles even closer to Joe, burying his face in his neck, kissing him there.
“Thank you for keeping me safe,” Joe says, and Rami laughs softly, nodding as he closes his eyes.
“Even after all you did was tease me all night,” Rami says, “I still love you.”
“You pretended you were possessed by a ghost,” Joe says, and Rami shrugs. Joe smiles, kissing the top of Rami’s head. “Still love you though,” he echoes.
“Always,” Rami murmurs softly, before he starts to yawn.
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orwocolor · 5 years
saturday mornings with borhap boys in bed
AN: As always, the rest of the boys are under the cut. Enjoy and don’t forget to comment :)
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a loud beeping noise startles you
your body jerks up, and with your eyes still closed, your hand shoots to an alarm clock sitting on your bedside table, snoozing the alarm as quickly as possible
you groan and burrow back into duvets
you scoot over to gwilym who’s lying right next to you
although he’s still half asleep, he opens his arms wide and let you snuggle into him
he encircles his arms around you, pulling you as close as possible
you take a deep breath through your nose, and breathe in his scent
you nuzzle the crook of his neck, his beard scratching lightly against your forehead
he starts weaving his fingers in your hair but soon enough, his arm grows heavy on you and he’s back in deep slumber
and you desire nothing else and so you soon follow him
but as it usually it, five minutes later, the sound of the alarm clock pierces through your bedroom
this time, it’s gwil who reaches over you and dismisses the alarm completely
you roll on your back and rub your eyes
“I think we should get up,” you say, sheer reluctance apparent in your groan
“er, what about no,” gwil answers and moves to lie on top of you, pressing his ear against your chest, listening to your heartbeat
and also holding you in bed, and not letting you go
“come on” you insist, and give him a weak push, since your heart’s not in it
you feel like it is you whom you try to convince to get up rather than gwilym
“five more minutes” he whispers into your skin and slides down his hand to caress your side
“what about the kids?” you ask
“they’re fast asleep, it’s middle of the night”
“it’s light outside”
“irrelevant,” he says resolutely and pulls you closer to him
you move to rise up but he holds you still “come on, stay here”
“if I stay here, will you fix the dripping tap that you said you would fix about a week ago? I mean, I can fix it myself but where’s the fun in that,” you grin, “and besides, you promised”
he hides a chuckle into your chest and places a delicate kiss there “okay, I’ll do it”
“promise? for real this time?”
he huffs and raises on his elbows to look into your eyes
he licks his fingers and lifts them up “promise, scout’s honour”
“and you’re gonna do it first thing in the morning?” you smile at him
“I’m gonna do other things first” his eyebrows wiggle and you can’t help but kiss him
“but before I’m gonna get to it,” he continues when your lips finally part “let’s go back to sleep”
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you slowly open your eyes and look around your bedroom
you blink a few times, still getting accustomed to the light streaming down on you through a window
a quiet groan leaves your mouth and you stretch your body, feeling all sorts of good
you blush as you remember the last night and hide your grin into a pillow
“joe” you whisper as you turn around but his side of the bed is empty
“joe?” you say again, a bit louder and your fingers grazes the cold sheets
that’s when you hear a crash and loud “damn it!” coming from the kitchen
okay good, he’s alive and at home
he also probably just broke something but hopefully he’s not hurt
“joe?” you yell, way too reluctant to get out of the bed
his head pokes into the bedroom and he gives you a smile, looking out of breath
“good morning, love, hope you slept well” he says quickly “erm, the bowl with those little pink roses... that wasn’t, I mean isn’t precious, is it?”
“no, it wasn’t and that’s your only luck, sir” you point your finger at him in mocked annoyance
“great! stay exactly where you are, I’ll be right back!” the last words are muffled by the closed door, since he’s already gone before he can finish the sentence
you fall back and pull the duvet to your nose, trying to stay warm
it takes a few minutes before joe enters your bedroom again, a bed tray in his hands
“oh my god, that smells delicious” you start salivating from the scent only and you even haven’t had a bite
“only the best for my best” joe places the tray across your legs and you sit up properly
“that was cheesy af, but you’ve brought me food, so you’re forgiven” you plant a quick kiss on his cheek as he plops down next to you, still wearing his pyjamas, and you dive into your breakfast
there’s everything, coffee, juice, pancakes, syrup, red fruit, yoghurt, toasts, gummy bears
wait, gummy bears?
you pick up the bowl with them and raise your eyebrows, pointedly looking at joe
he just shrugs “breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it has to be as nutritious as possible”
“right” you say slowly and do not further comment on it
“hey!” you yell when joe grabs a few blueberries “you thief! that’s my breakfast”
“soon, we’re gonna share everything you know? in good times and bad, in sickness and health and all that stuff? as my wife-to-be you shouldn’t mind sharing your breakfast with me” he gives you a big goofy smile
you return it, but he doesn’t notice as you stealthily take a few gummy bears into your hand
you toss them at him a burst in laughter when you see his surprised expression
“ah, you’re so gonna pay for that!” he says and grabs a handful of gummy bears as well, with a mischievous look in his face
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when you wake up, it’s still quite early as you can’t see the sun yet
but you can tell it’s almost the crack of dawn
you groan in pain the moment you straighten your leg as you stretch and you get a cramp into it from sleeping curled up in a ball the whole night
you grit your teeth and force yourself to keep it stretched, although it hurts so much
after a little while, the pain dissipates and you calm down
there’s no need to look around, since you already know that you’re alone in bed
it’s not so long ago since you moved into ben’s place
and it didn’t take you much time to realise that your mornings were going to be a solitary affair
unless he’s working, he starts his day with a morning jog, getting up when you’re still deep in slumber
at first, you were confused and worried by his absence but you got used to it by now
you grab the book on your bedside table and start browsing through it to find the part where you finished the last time
immersed in the story, you hear a key turning in the lock of the front door and barking
“quiet, girl, we don’t want to wake up y/n” he yell-whispers to frankie
you can hear her paws patting against the wooden floor in the living room as she runs around the house
“no, frankie, no!”
she barges into the bedroom and jumps on the bed, immediately coming for your face as she gives it a proper lick in greetings
“and good morning to you, too!” you scratch the area behind her ears and she grumbles appreciatively
ben’s at her heels and rushes after her
“frankie! down!”
you give her a hug, not letting her go and planting a kiss on her head
“it’s fine, I’ve been up already” you nod towards the book that’s lying open on the bed next to you
“oh, okay” ben gives you a smile which you reciprocate
you finally take him in and you like what you see
he’s out of breath, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead and dripping down the sides of his head, a black t-shirt snuggly hugging his torso, earphones swinging against his chest, and his grey sweatpants sagged down on his hips
you bite your bottom lip and the movement doesn’t go unnoticed
he clears his throat and darts his eyes down to the floor "I’m gonna get a shower”
“you forgot something” you say and he looks you in the eyes, confused
“did I?”
“uh-huh” you tap your lips and give him a cheeky smile
he releases a relieved sigh and stalks over to you, covering your lips with his
“good morning, love” he whispers against your mouth
“good morning” you answer, a smile audible in your voice, happy that he’s back home
he leans further down and kisses you again, his tongue sliding against yours
“stop it!” you say with laughter when your lips part “you’re all sweaty and you’re squishing poor frankie”
she’s still nestled in your lap and gives him an annoyed look
“sorry girl” he apologises and pets her head
she licks his palm - apology accepted
“and what about me? I won’t get an apology? your sweat is everywhere!”
“I saw you ogling me, love, and well, now you’ve got a reason to join me in the shower”
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you emerge from dreams slowly and gradually
first you feel the light kiss of sun on your eyelids and you smile sleepily
when you finally open your eyes, you find out the source of light is not the sun but a lamp sat on one of the bedside tables, the one on the opposite side of the bed
it takes you a moment to come back to earth and differentiate between your dreams and reality
you stir and hide a yawn into your palm
“good morning, my love”
rami’s voice is soft and tender and he leans down to kiss your temple
he sits in your bed, his back against the headboard
“morning” you respond and take a deep breath through your nose
you raise your eyes and gaze at him
he’s reading a script, always the perfectionist he is
the filming starts on monday and he wants to be prepared as much as he can be
the light coming from the lamp illuminates the other side of his face that is turned away from you
the glow makes him look almost angel-like
“what time is it?” you ask, still feeling a bit groggy
he turns to his bedside table
“half past seven” he answers
after a single beat you realise you were supposed to get up early and get your children prepared for a weekend at their grandma’s
“crap, the kids, I forgot”
you almost jump out of the bed but rami is quick to stop you
“no, no, don’t worry, all’s done, my mum’s already left with them” he explains
“wait, what?” your brain just can’t start functioning properly and you feel even more disoriented
“I woke them up, dragged them out of their beds, prepared breakfast, packed their bags, made them put their clothes on, that took as long as any other morning, which means forever, then I had to change said, since he put on his shirt the wrong side out and he put his shoes on the wrong feet” he chuckles at the last bit
“you should have woken me up” you say sincerely and lift your head to caress his face
“I know you didn’t get that much of sleep” he answers and puts the script on the bed “I heard you sneaking out of our bedroom when the storm began, I know you went to their room and stayed there for some time”
“you know how much thunders frighten them” you offer as an explanation and look down on your hands in your lap
“I know, and I love you so much for everything you do” he notices how your hands fidget, so he takes them into his and presses kisses on them
“so” you start slowly “the kids are gone?”
“and they’re not gonna return anytime soon?”
“and we’re alone?”
you cock an eyebrow and wait for the penny to drop
his face lightens up in understanding and he kisses you on your lips
and it’s a hell of a kiss
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mamaskillerqueen · 5 years
Don’t Go Away... Please  || Ben Hardy x Fem!Reader
A/N: I don’t know, y��all. I don’t know. This is from a prompt that I just felt like writing about and I kind of hate it but I don’t. Like I said, I don’t know. Warnings: Cursing, mentions of a creepy ex/stalker/fuck buddy. And, as always, shitty writing... weeeooo! Word Count: 2,440 Prompt: “You guys go on without me.”
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Why had you decided to come?
This was such a stupid idea.
You watched as Joe did his best “Have ya met Ben?” for the ten thousandth time in the last hour.
Okay, maybe you were exaggerating.
It felt like ten thousand times though, as you sat idly at the bar, nursing the same drink you’ve had since you first arrived. Almost the minute you got to the club, you were left alone. Joe had latched onto Ben’s arm and began pulling him into the crowd, Lucy had dragged Rami out to dance, and Gwil had given your shoulder a squeeze as he and his fiancé said their goodbyes for the evening.
What you should have done, was follow them out of the club and gone home. You weren’t the sharpest crayon in the box though. Or maybe you enjoyed torturing yourself by watching the scene unfold before you as girls flung themselves at Ben’s feet.
You would never admit it... at least out loud, but you were stupidly in love. It wasn’t a “love at first sight” kind of deal. In fact, when you first met him, you were determined to not feel a thing. Of course he was attractive, any one with eyes could see that. That was precisely the reason you had been so determined. He was just another guy, one who had openly admitted to hating how people saw him for only his looks. As Joe’s best friend, you felt it necessary to not drool all over his other best friend.
You had done so well. Everything was going great, you had been successful in just treating Ben like he was any other person. A great friendship blossomed out of that. Even when he was in England there was hardly ever a lapse in your conversations. Phone calls were frequent, often finding yourself in the grocery store with the phone pressed to your ear. Texting was even more so, mostly stupid gifs you both found funny. It was when you found yourself going through a messy breakup - of sorts, for lack of a better term - that you found yourself thinking of Ben as more.
You definitely wouldn’t say your heart was shattered, far from it. This had been exactly what you wanted, it was why you ended it. Or tried, at least.
What had started out as a casual sex fling turned into an obsession. You had come home from work, shoving your heavy apartment door open with your shoulder while carrying bags of groceries and your phone pressed to your ear. Ben was blabbering on about his latest audition that was somewhere exciting in the world when you spotted all of the boxes stacked in your living room.
“Ben... I think, uhm, I’m gonna need to call you back.”
He hadn’t gotten a word in before you were hanging up and dropping the things onto your table. You looked down at the keys in your hand, remembering having to slide the key into the lock to open it. You also remembered locking up before you left. And, you most definitely didn’t remember boxes being stacked in your living room this morning. The door to your bedroom swung open to reveal your fuck-buddy in all of his naked glory. He was very clearly ready to welcome you home with a quick dance between the sheets but you were far from interested at the moment.
“How the fuck did you get in here?”
After quite a bit of yelling - on your part, you finally got him to admit to stealing your key one night and having a copy made. The boxes were most of his belongings. He was moving in. When you insisted that wasn’t what was happening things got a bit... hairy. You found yourself sleeping on Joe’s couch that night, more than grateful he was your neighbour. The cops had to come physically remove the man from your apartment the next morning, along with his things. The super changed your locks the following day. Disaster avoided.
Or so you thought.
Apparently breaking and entering isn’t a huge deal. Neither is stalking. Because almost two weeks later, you came home to the exact same situation. Only this time, as you pounded on Joe’s door, screaming for him to let you in dammit, Ben was the one to pull the door open. You had no idea he was in town and for a moment you forgot about the disaster that awaited you in your apartment. A squeal of excitement left your lips in the form of “Benny!” before you jumped into his arms for a bear hug. You could feel the rumble of laughter in his chest before he put you down and raised a brow. He asked you what you were doing here and as you relayed the long story to him in the door way, his face set into stone.
What surprised you the most was when his arm slung around your neck, pulling you tightly into his side as he strutted you both back across the hall to your apartment. Ben’s a big buy, a bit intimidating too. It wasn’t long before he had the crazy guy locking himself into your bedroom. As instructed, you’d call the police again (a second time that day about the same incident). When they finally arrived and dragged him out, Ben insisted on staying with you. Joe was working on a photoshoot all evening and wouldn’t be back until late, anyways. There wasn’t much room for the both of you to crash on his couch, so Ben insisted on staying on yours.
It was nice, getting to sleep in your own bed without fear of someone busting in. Even if they did, Ben was on your couch to make sure you were safe. It had been a long evening of cooking and watching movies. As you got comfy in your bed you realised that you had never had someone be as caring and kind in the way Ben had been that night. You also realised that he had done a wonderful job in making you laugh, and forget about the crazy guy who insisted he was going to live with you. He’d always been great at making a shit show of a day better. Even when he was an ocean away.
That was when it clicked. Ever since you came to the understanding that you were in love with Ben, you couldn’t unsee it. The small little gestures he did that no guy in your past ever had, like when you’d go out for food and he always picked your favourite spot because he knew you wanted to go without you even having to say so. Or how he’d call and ask about your day, even though his was far more exciting. They were small things but a lot of the time it made it hard to not think that maybe he felt the same way.
And then you come out with them tonight just to watch Joe drag him through the club trying to pick up girls.
The beginning of the evening had been great. Dinner with the cast as they finally got to be in the same place at the same time. Joe had introduced you to his little family on multiple occasions and so you were always excited to see any of them. When they asked you to join them, you’d been more than happy to accept. If you had known tonight would end like this, you wouldn’t have bothered.
You noticed your two best friends making their way towards you, probably for more beer. With a huffed sigh you downed the last of your Guinness and placed the glass back on the bar.
They yelled in unison and immediately burst into laughter, claiming they owed each other a coke. Despite yourself, you grinned with a shake of your head. They were such idiots but you loved them both. Maybe differently but still...
“I think I’m gonna head out.”
You were tired of watching their weird episode remake of How I Met Your Mother and just wanted to go home. There were a million new horrible romcoms on Netflix that were calling your name. Not to mention the pint of mint chip buried at the bottoms of your freezer. Tonight you would wallow, and tomorrow you’d be fine again. Tomorrow there would be no feelings for Ben, and you could go back to being best friends. It would be great...
“Nooo, come dance with us! We’re gonna find Lucy and Rami,” Joe declared, clearly feeling the alcohol already.
“You guys go on without me.”
Sliding off your bar stool, you leaned in and kissed Joe’s cheek before patting Ben’s chest as you walked by both of them. You had called a goodbye over your shoulder but with how loud the music was, you were sure that neither of them heard you.
Once the door opened and you were thrust into the bitter chill of the New York evening you sighed. Fresh air, if you could call it that - this was New York City - had been needed. You pulled your jacket a little tighter around yourself and then started down the sidewalk. It was cold but for some reason you felt a walk home was better than climbing into a taxi. Not to mention, it was so much faster to walk... even in heels.
The sound of rushed foot steps started your way and so you shimmied closer to the buildings, getting out of the way of the person in a hurry. It wasn’t until the foot steps slowed and fell in line with your own that you looked up. Your brow furrowed when your eyes came in contact with familiar emerald ones.
“Did you really think I was going to let you walk home alone?”
Ben the over-protector. You only offered him a small smile, amusement clear in your eyes. It was almost a knee jerk reaction, one you regretted as soon as the words left your lips.
“Don’t you have a million girls back there to choose from that you can take home? I’m sure that will end far more exciting for you than this will.”
Was that... bitterness and jealousy? You’re damn right. Did you hate it? Absolutely. Luckily for you, Ben didn’t seem to notice. And if he did, he didn’t care to say so.
“Maybe but the only girl I actually care about getting home safely is you.”
That sounded terrible, as if he didn’t care if those other women made it home safely but, you knew him. You knew that wasn’t what he meant at all. He was just… reassuring you. Which was weird, right?
Trying your best to keep up the appearance of being fine, you bumped your shoulder into his with a faint smirk on your lips.
“How sweet? Mister Ben Jones, an actual knight in shining armour not caring about other women’s safety since 2019.”
He laughed and you wished you could have a full album to listen to that laugh forever.
“You know that’s not how I meant it.”
He was right, you did know that. It wouldn’t have been like you to not make a joke of it though. The amusement dissipated rather quickly though and your somber mood was back. Instead of his laughing playing back in your head, you just kept hearing Joe’s wingman attempts. They would have been hilarious if you weren’t stupidly in love the man he was trying to fling at other women. Ben was the first to notice your mood, if you were honest he probably picked up on it in the club. That was why he was out here. He knew you were upset about something. The revelation only made you feel crappy for pulling him away from his friends and fun. What kind of friend does that?  You really were horrible. “I can practically hear you thinking from over here,” Ben announced after who knows how long of walking. His deep voice nearly startled you, but when you looked up at him and saw clear concern in his eyes you forgot about your internal spiral. “I do that sometimes, you should try it.” You were greeted with another laugh and a shake of his head, making his carefully slicked back hair fall forward on his forehead. When his hand came up to push the unruly blonde locks back into place, you had to look away. Thankfully the rest of the walk back to your apartment building was quiet. He spoke again when you finally reach the front door of your place. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Ben. Thanks for walking me home. You really didn’t have to.”
He waved you off, shrugging his shoulders as if ditching the partying and his friends was nothing. Could your heart stop falling for him? Or... could he just stop being so... Ben? You turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, stepping inside. Just as you were about to shut the door, assuming that would be the end of your night, Ben placed his hand on the door to keep it open. With a furrowed brow you looked up at him, silently asking him what he was doing. He didn’t say a word though, just stared at you for what felt like forever before he finally took a step forward. He wasn’t even passed the threshold of your apartment but he was close enough to place both of his hands on either side of your face, and then he was leaning down. Your brain could barely process what was happening before his lips were on yours. You were frozen. Completely frozen. This wasn’t happening. You were dreaming. Clearly you had come home from the club, passed out watching horrible movies and eating ice cream. This was your brains way of coping with the disaster that was your love life. But then he was pulling away and you could see the almost mortified look on his face. He was sputtering something, apologies probably if his bright red face was any indication. Your heart was pounding so loudly in your ears, you couldn’t actually hear him. When he turned to start walking away, you came back to reality. You caught his wrist just before he reached Joe’s apartment door. He turned, apologies once again poised on his lips but you didn’t give him the chance. You surged up onto your toes and pressed your lips to his. Luckily for you, he was much quicker on the uptake than you. Maybe tonight wasn’t your worst idea.
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bohrapbois · 5 years
Lazy Sunday
I’ve wanted to get back into writing, and as some of you may remember, I started doing one-shots ages ago when this blog was fairly new. After people seemed to grow bored of my stories, I got embarassed and dishartened and stopped writing but @heybuddy-drabbles is a saint and managed to get me back in the writing spirit. So the celebrate hopefully writing again, I wrote this prompt. Hope you enjoy <3 
(A little bit whumpy cause Ben is an idiot and fell over but nothing bad lol)
SHIP: Hardzello - Ben Hardy/Joe Mazzello
WORD COUNT: 660 - only a short one to see if you guys are interested
Sundays off together were a rarity, so they made sure to treasure them. Usually one of them was off filming/in a different country/spending time with family, but it worked out sometimes. But today wasn’t technically meant to be one of those days. In fact, Ben was actually filming ‘Six Underground’ in Italy, and Joe had only come over for a week during filming to watch his boyfriend be flung around in a harness, but Ben being Ben couldn’t do a simple filming week, and is embarrassed to admit that he’d been showing off for the red head and ended up slipping and fell awkwardly, ending up winding himself on the side of a table and bruising his side. 
But it meant a weekend off for him (it wasn’t really needed but it was appreciated) and that’s how he ended up curled up in bed with Joe.
The soft hues of the sun breaking through the white curtains bathed them both, making their pale skin shine as a gentle breeze drifted through the Juliet balcony doors. Happy noises rose from the streets below, tourists and locals alike enjoying the late morning warmth, no idea that three stories above lay two somewhat-known actors in a comfortably sized hotel suite.
Head pillowed on Joe’s chest, Ben sighed contenly as bassist fingers ran through his blond hair. Eyes closed, the Brit enjoyed listening to the soft chuckles of his boyfriend who was currently using this day off as a chance to catch up on some random comedy he’d found deep in the depths of Netflix. A tray of crumbs and empty mugs was on the floor beside the bed, only recently been consumed and then dumped over the side, as neither of the couple wished to vacate the bedroom (Joe argued that he was the one to go make them breakfast in bed so he shouldn’t have to clean up, and had completely ignored Ben’s solid logic of himself being injured and therefore shouldn’t have to get up). The volume was turned down low, Joe never minding to use subtitles, allowing Ben to drift in and out of sleep, recovering from very active filming scenes and the emotional turmoil of being laughed at for being so clumsy. 
It must’ve been a few hours later when Ben snorted himself awake. Laying on his back and blinking up at the ceiling, he let out an annoyed sigh and flapped his arm about, not coming in contact with anything other than the mattress and a cooling spot next to him that Joe must’ve vacated recently. “Joe,” he called out, voice cracking after previously snoring, and received a “yeah?” from the next room over. With a few pained grunts (and a few special acting ones to emphasize his annoyance at having to get up), Ben sat up and swung his legs off the bed, wincing for real as the bruised muscles had to stretch. He somewhat limped through to the living area (little kitchenette, sofa, another TV etc) and found Joe lounging on the sofa scrolling through his phone.
“Good afternoon sleeping beauty,” Joe greeted after a quick check of the time. The older man laughed at Ben’s poute, and continued to giggle as he stalked across the room and shoved Joe into a laying position before laying face first on top of him. 
Joe protested as the larger man wiggled around, finally settling down with his face buried in Joe’s chest, arms wrapped around Joe’s waist and legs tangled over the edge. Joe remained still for a moment before realising that, yes, his muscle hunk of a boyfriend is in fact a touch starved puppy and is in fact going to take a nap while squishing him. Being able to move his arms slightly, Joe repositioned his phone and took a quick selfie, smiling as he sent it to the ‘band’ group chat with a kissyface emoji.
He smiled even wider at Gwil’s puking emoji.
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kenneth-omega · 6 years
Could you do 1 and 5 with Gwilym? Like some love/hate relationship? If you can't it's totally fine thank you anyway ❤
Damned If I Do **Gwilym Lee**
A/N: Thank you anon!! I went super overboard on this and wrote nearly 5k words for it, but it’s some good-ass Gwil smut. I tried to turn it into a love-to-hate-each-other relationship, with very BDE from Gwil and major Dom! vibes. So I hope you like it!
Warnings: SMUT, swearing, fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, Dom!Gwil x reader
Word count: 4.9k
1: “we’re in public, you know”
5: “mine” “say it again”
prompts came from this smutty prompt list
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In your head you knew it was wrong of you to piss off Gwilym, but that man hadn’t half gotten on your nerves earlier today. As you sat at the all-inclusive bar next to Ben, sipping your Aperol Spritz, you cast your mind back to the events of the late afternoon.
“All I’m saying is that if you hadn’t insisted on having your hair appointment today, we wouldn’t be running late.” Gwil sighed, stood in front of the floor-length mirror, trying to fasten his bowtie. You were sat at the vanity, where you had been fixing up your makeup.
Slamming the lipstick down on the wooden surface, you turned to look over at him, eyes glaring into the back of his head.
“Are you freaking kidding me, Gwil? You’re saying this is my fault?” You snapped, watching as he started trying to tie his bowtie once more, having mucked it up for the tenth time. You could tell he wasn’t focusing properly, and that the added frustration was making his temper fray. But frankly, you couldn’t give two shits, as your own fuse was close to being blown.
“That’s not what I said–” He began, but you cut him off, getting to your feet and putting a hand up in a gesture for him to shut up.
“No, but it’s what you’re heavily implying.” You responded, stalking across the bedroom to grab your purse off the dresser top. Gwilym gave a short grunt of frustration as he almost messed up his neat bow, although you had a feeling it was also in response to your statement.
“Well, I’m ready.” You huffed, folding your arms as you stood by your hotel room door, waiting impatiently and tapping your velvet-clad, stiletto-heeled foot, as you watched his reflection in the mirror. Gwil’s eyes flickered up from his bow to look at you, before returning to watching his hands.
“Makes a change for once.” He mumbled, finally managing to get his bow fastened around his neck, pulling the black collar of his shirt down over it. You huffed through your nostrils angrily, probably looking like some enraged bull as you stood silently, shooting daggers with your eyes. You tapped your index finger against your bicep as he grabbed his wallet and began fastening a watch around his wrist.
Finally, he was ready too and stood in the middle of the room, arms extended out at his sides as he presented himself in front of you.
“Handsome as ever.” You bit out, before turning on your heels and opening the bedroom door, stalking out and down the hallway. You weren’t meaning to sound so horrible, but his last comment had driven you up the wall, and the intrusive thoughts in your mind were making you feel rather shitty.
Did you really spend too long on yourself?
You were shaken out of your little daydream by a soft hand brushing your elbow. Turning to your left you were met with Ben’s soft smile.
“You okay? You look a little lost.” He asks, picking up his bottle of beer from the bar top. You smile at his obvious concern for his friend’s girlfriend, and you know it won’t have gone unnoticed by him that you two hadn’t been speaking all night.
“I’m fine, Ben, thanks for asking.” You assure him, finishing the rest of your drink, regretting it as the bubbles tickle your nose and made your eyes water a little. Now it looked like you were getting emotional.
“You need me to get Gwil?” He asks you, starting to get off his barstool to go find your boyfriend. You grab onto his bicep, the steady muscle underneath the soft fabric of his blazer tensing up under your touch.
“No!” You exclaim. Ben shot you a suspicious look. “I’d rather not hang around him right now.” You admit, eyes downcast as you knew Ben would no doubt be looking at you with pity.
“Y/N, did you guys have a fight?” Ben asks you, backtracking and returning to his seat, but leaning in a little closer so as not to be overheard by anyone. You really did appreciate his concern for you both.
Shaking your head, you ask for another drink, simply requesting the same, before turning in your seat to face Ben who is waiting patiently for you to speak.
“Just an argument, really. But I’m just so furious with him.” You growl, tapping your nails on the bar as you try to keep your temper in check. Yours and Gwilym’s relationship had always been a little volatile, but in the good way. Your friendship had been the same, both of you falling out over stupid things and not speaking for a day, until one of you would cave and text the other, and you’d go grab drink as if nothing ever happened.
“Okay…” Ben began, eyebrows furrowing together. “About what?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, knowing how stupid it must sound. “Over which one of us made us late for tonight.” You look over your shoulder at the scene before you. It was the afterparty for the Oscar’s, Bohemian Rhapsody having won four different awards at the ceremony, so celebrations were in full swing.
You’d been late to arrive at the carpet, and after the ceremony was over you’d all returned to the hotel that you were staying in, having rented out the bar downstairs for the party.
Ben laughed next to you, but you didn’t register it at first, as your eyes met Gwil’s from across the room. You hadn’t spoken since the ceremony, where you had said congratulations to him and the others. After that, you’d remained distant and sullen.
Now he was leant up against a wall, drink in hand as he stood in conversation with Joe and a woman you didn’t recognise. Joe seemed to be trying to hit it off with her, however she seemed an awful lot more interested in Gwilym and what he had to say. Your eyes remained locked with his, until he was asked a question by the woman and Joe nudged his arm. Although he looked away to speak to the girl, giving her his trademark charming smile that he always reserved for you, his eyes kept flicking up past her head to look at you.
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of him knowing you were staring, you turned back to look at Ben. Although innocent enough, that girl had rubbed you the wrong way and you didn’t like him smiling at her. As idiotic as it sounded.
“Hey Ben?” You ask the blond, your eyes narrowing slightly as you try not to get too het up about what was going on across the room from you.
Ben, mid-drink, looks at you out of the corner of his eyes, raising his eyebrows in question. You place your hand on his leg, just a couple of inches higher than his knee, but it was enough to make him choke a little on his drink.
“Thanks for being a good friend.” You told him sweetly, giving him sincere smile. Ben put his bottle down and put a hand on your shoulder, giving you a wink, something he was renowned for doing. It wasn’t a flirtatious gesture from him, more of his way of telling you that it wasn’t an issue, and that he was always going to be there for you.
“Not a problem Y/N.” He assures you, squeezing your shoulder.
Although the whole exchange was innocent enough if someone were to hear you two talking, but you knew that from across the room it wouldn’t look quite the same. That’s what you were hoping for.
Looking out the corner of your eye, you could see a tall, dark form shifting through the throng of people, and before they even got to you, you knew it was Gwilym.
In less than a few seconds, he was by your side, pushing himself a little bit in between you and Ben, cutting off your view from him. You look up at him through your eyelashes, giving him a little smirk as he glares down at you, his face like thunder.
“Hello Gwil.” You greet him politely, your tone sweet yet sharp, as you pick up your new, full glass of Aperol Spritz, taking a sip from it and running the tip of your tongue across your top lip as you wait for him to respond.
“Are you finished?” Gwil asks you, his voice dangerously low as he towers over you. His deep, cobalt-blue eyes were practically burning a hole into your mind, a flash of jealousy illuminating them. You hum, looking at your nearly-full glass as if it were a tough question, pondering over your answer.
“Not quite.” You tease, flashing him a smile that was all teeth and no humour.
“That’s not what I meant.” He hisses, eyes shifting to the left, aware of Ben sat behind him, looking a little confused and forlorn.
So he had seen you.
“I wasn’t doing anything.” You tell him, the tone in your voice growing sharper by the second. You could feel another row coming on.
Gwil scoffs, his eyes rolling as he raises a singular eyebrow at you, as if to say “really?”. You got off your stool, the legs scraping on the floor as it pushes away from you, and stood in front of him, brazenly looking him in the eye.
“Don’t take that attitude with me.” You snap, one hand balling into a fist as the other grips the bar top. You’re almost shaking with fury as Gwil glares down at you, not even flinching at your sudden act of defiance.
Leaning in, his face draws ever closer to yours, and were it not for both of your vicious scowls, people might mistake you both for getting close and cuddly. Just inches from your face, Gwil’s arm slips past you and you get ready to push him away if he tries to grab your hand or pull you into him.
Instead, you hear the scrape of the barstool behind you and feel a soft bump as it hits the back of your legs, making you startle slightly. Gwil doesn’t break eye contact for a single second as he pulls the stool up.
“Sit.” He commands you, his voice a husky growl that sends a delicious chill down your spine. You do so immediately, scooting your bum onto the seat and waiting to see what he’ll do next. It’s a little unexpected, and not what you had thought might happen.
Gwil straightens up and turns around to his friend. Ben, who had been sat with his drink, was minding his own business and scrolling through his Instagram as the whole fiasco went on beside him. But when Gwil turned around he couldn’t help but notice the obvious waves of rage rolling off of his friend.
“Ben, can you give us a moment? Alone?” Gwil asks his friend calmly, the intimidating glare dissipating instantly as he addresses him. Ben shrugs, thinking none the wiser of it, and gets up from his seat, walking off to go find Joe and Rami.
You swear under your breath, realising that Ben had now sent you to your doom, as Gwil spun back to face you. His expression held no malice or anger, just frustration. You didn’t know whether it was the good or bad kind, however.
Stepping closer to you, Gwil slips his leg between yours as he closes the gap between the two of you. His body shields you from the eyes of the rest of the room, with the cool metal of the bar keeping you pinned against him.
“What the hell are you doing?” Gwilym hisses at you, all the while looking around the room, instead of at you. To anyone else, it might look like you two were having a meaningless conversation as Gwilym simply seemed to be observing the party. Nothing overly suspicious.
“I told you before, I wasn’t doing anything!” You snarl, picking up your glass and taking a big gulp of your drink, before slamming it back down on the surface, much like you had done with the lipstick earlier that day.
Gwilym’s hand suddenly grazes your knee, the pads of his fingers brushing the inside of your leg.
“Liar.” He responds, still refusing to look at you. You froze on the spot, unable to move as his hand rest firmly on your leg, his thumb digging into the soft flesh whilst his fingers lightly stroked across the soft skin. It sent tingles up your leg, straight to your core, and you tried not to let it bother you.
Besides, you were a little occupied by the fact that Gwilym had just called you a liar.
“What did you just call me?!” You demand, the volume and shrillness of your voice getting a little higher. Gwil’s hands slip up your leg, underneath the skirt of your dress, in a flash, gripping the flesh of your upper thigh tight, no doubt leaving marks. But it causes you to clamp your mouth shut as his fingers lay mere centimetres from your panties.
“Hush now.” Gwil murmurs, eyes twinkling as he tries to keep his face impassive, knowing full well what effect this was having on you.
“Fuck off.” You hiss under your breath, but it soon turns into a whimper as his index and middle finger slip further up and press harshly against your clothed clit. You have to resist the initial urge to move your hips and grant yourself some friction against his fingers.
Gwil leans down, so that his mouth is brushing against your ear, his beard scratching your cheek. His hot breath feels so good on your neck, and you can’t help the fact that you’re starting to get rather wet for him.
“Play nice, princess.” He hums, rubbing his fingers in a singular circle against your clit, feeling your body jerk against him in response. You clamp down on your bottom lip hard, another small whimper coming from your mouth.
“We’re in public, you know.” You mumble a weak excuse, when you finally manage to recover from the sudden stimulation. You were so furious at him for everything that had happened today, and yet it only seemed to make his touch, his fingers, and his presence more magnetising.
“I know. The perfect punishment for being such a naughty girl tonight.” Gwil chuckles, the low hum of his voice making your clit throb against the pressure of his fingertips. You couldn’t help but spread your legs a little wider for him. A silent plea for him to touch you more.
“Don’t know what you mean…” You moan gently, his fingers starting to rub slow circles through your panties onto your clit. Your hips begin to twitch involuntarily, succumbing to the magic of his fingers.
“Behave, or else I’ll stop.” He growls, removing his fingers from your clit, the loss of his touch leaving you feeling high and dry. That is, until his hand moves your panties to the side and his fingers begin to slide through your folds, spreading the wetness that has begun to pool in your underwear.
You gasp in delight and horror as you realise that there are people all around you both.
“No.” He snaps, cutting you off.
You moan softly, knowing he won’t listen to you, not when he has you like putty in his fingers.
“Please, baby–” You whine, inching forward in your seat, hoping for him to get the hint. Gwilym sighs happily at his nickname, it offering some form of comfort to try balm over his jealousy. A name he knows only he can get you to say, and only say when you’re desperate for him.
“Much better.” He praises, fingers dipping closer to your entrance, but not quite enough. You roll your hips forward, your leg which is stuck between his brushing against his crotch, his hard on rubbing against your thigh. He’s just as turned on as you are.
This snaps you out of your mewling, submissive state, your half-closed eyes flicking up to look at his face that remains stone cold as he continues to tease your pussy in the middle of the party.
“Baby?” You ask him sweetly, batting your eyelashes at him as he looks down at you, slightly confused as to why you’ve stopped begging and squirming under his touch. You sneakily slip a hand up the inside of his thigh, until you reach his crotch, and rub his hard cock through his trousers.
Gwil almost stumbles at the sudden contact of your hand against his erection, palming him through his tight trousers, and has to bite back a loud moan. You can feel his dick flex and twitch under your palm and you can’t help but smile to yourself.
“You were saying?” You whisper, rubbing your hand along his length, the tips of your fingers pressing down a little to massage his shaft through the material. Gwilym’s fingers sink into your wet entrance without warning and you gasp, your free hand coming up to slap your mouth shut and stifle the moan that was soon to follow after.
His fingers curl inside you as he pumps them slowly, the heel of his palm grinding against your clit.
“Fuck–” You cry, as quietly as possible, through your fingers.
“Don’t you dare tease me without my permission, do you hear me?” Gwil growls, fingers moving slow inside you as he leans in to plant a kiss on your neck, right below your ear. You whine and nod your head in response, unable to open your mouth for fear of a moan coming out.
Gwilym savours the feeling of your walls clenching around his fingers for a little bit longer, before he pulls away, leaving you feeling empty without his long digits inside you, fucking you just right.
He pulls out a tissue and wipes his fingers, internally fighting the urge to lick them clean like he normally would, to be able to enjoy the taste of you. But he knows there’s time yet.
“Get up.” He demands, pulling you to your feet and taking your hand in his. He begins to drag you towards the door that will lead you into the lobby, where the lifts are. You follow after him like a lost sheep, giddy with excitement and arousal. Gwilym stabs the button for the lift, and the two of you wait in silence, the lobby is almost dead, save for you and the receptionist who doesn’t even raise his head at you both.
Gwilym leans down to whisper into your ear. “When you get into that lift, I want you to take your panties off like a good girl.” He informs you, just as the lift dings and the doors open.
It’s pretty late now, so you know that there will be barely anyone else around.
The two of you step into the lift and Gwil pushes the button for your floor, before the doors close softly. He turns to you, leaning his back against the wall of the lift, his arms folded as he waits expectantly, eyes glittering with arousal. For a second you stand there defiantly, until he raises an eyebrow at you, his gaze promising punishment if you don’t comply with his wishes.
You slip your dress skirt up, hooking your thumbs in the waistband of your panties and pulling the down over your ass, letting them drop onto the carpeted floor. Gwil’s eyes remain focused on your face as he extends a hand out, waiting. You pick your panties up off the floor and place them in his outstretched palm, watching as he pockets them without another word.
“Good girl.” He tells you, as the lift dings and the doors slide open to reveal your floor.
The walk to your room is silent, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation and lust. Gwilym unlocks the door to your room, flicking the lights on. Throwing his blazer onto the little armchair, he begins to undo the tie which he had tried so hard to get perfect earlier that evening.
“Get on the bed.” He growls at you, noticing you stood in the middle of the room, watching him begin to undress. “And take everything off.” He adds, eyes flicking down to your dress.
He begins to unbutton his shirt, pulling it out of his trousers from where it had been neatly tucked in, kicking off his shoes in the process. You remain still, watching him slowly remove his clothing, his slightly tanned skin rippling as his muscles flex with every movement, in the soft glow of the lamps. Just as he starts to undo his belt, he looks over at you and realises you’re still not doing as he asked.
With a sigh, he stalks over to you and slips behind you. His fingers brush the nape of your neck as he shifts your hair aside, scooping it over one shoulder, so that he can get to the zip of your dress. You can hear the little whirr as he pulls the zip down, the material of your dress loosening as he slides it off your shoulders, letting it slip off your body.
You look down and see it pooled around your ankles, leaving you naked in front of him. Gwil sucks in a deep breath as his eyes move over your bare form, unable to contain his obvious admiration.
“Fuck, princess.” He groans, his hands grazing your hips. Gwil leans forward and presses a kiss to your shoulder. “You’re so beautiful.” He murmurs against your hot skin.
You lean back into him, the bare skin of his chest warming against your back, relishing the contact between you both.
“I’m so lucky to call you mine.” He sighs, both his hands slipping up to cup your breasts, kneading them in palms, fingers grazing over your nipples. You instinctively arch your back, your ass pressing against his hard cock, earning a low moan from him.
“I’m all yours.” You assure him, tilting your head back to give him more access to your neck, allowing him to plant open-mouthed kisses against the sensitive skin. He takes one of your nipples between his thumb and index finger, rubbing it gently. Your skin erupts with goose bumps and you groan, his hard cock straining against his trousers.
“Mine.” He growls, before going to your neck and slowly sucking a deep purple bruise into the skin. You reach a hand up to run it through his floppy brown hair, having recently got the back and sides cut short, so it feels soft and fluffy.
“Say it again.” You beg, feeling the familiar rush arousal between your legs, knowing you must be soaking wet right now.
He removes his lips from your neck, spinning you around to face him, cupping your face with his hands.
“Mine.” He whispers, his eyes blown with lust and love for you, lips plump and red from how much he’s bitten them.
“Then fuck me like I’m yours.” You tell him firmly, eyes never breaking contact, as you take one of his hands from your face and gently wrap it around your throat, adding a little bit of pressure.
Gwilym needs no more hints, pushing you onto the bed and climbing on top of you in an instant, sliding his belt off and pulling his trousers down so he can rub a hand against his hard cock through his underwear.
“Legs, princess.” He tells you, opening your legs and slipping them over his shoulders, with you helping him without hesitation. Gwil, his head between your thighs, looks up at you and gives you a warm smile, all the dominating swagger he usually has vanishing for a moment, as he looks at you like he’s the luckiest man in the world.
And then it’s gone, as Gwil dips his tongue between your folds, the tip flicking against your clit. You can feel the bristles of his beard scratching against the inside of your thighs and creating more friction against your pussy.
“Fuck, Gwil.” You cry, your back arcing as you slip your hands down to run them through the long strands of hair on the top of his head, tugging them a little. His instinct is to moan as you pull on his hair, and the vibrations against your clit make you buck your hips, grinding your pussy against his tongue.
“So wet, baby girl.” Gwil teases, removing his mouth and using a finger to rub slow circles on your clit, watching you squirm under him. He can feel his cock leaking pre-cum in his boxers, and he so desperately wants to be buried in your soaked pussy.
You seem to want the same thing as you beg for him to fuck you, your legs trembling as he switches from using his finger on your clit to using his thumb, allowing him to tease your entrance.
“Want my fingers in your pretty pussy?” He asks you, dipping them in slightly, but not fully, liking to watch as you gasp at every movement. You nod in response, your soft moans giving him all the encouragement he needs.
He buries two fingers into you with ease, curling them inside you to rub against your walls, before he starts to pump them. The sight of your legs opening more for him, taking his fingers so well, makes Gwilym rock hard. He pushes down his boxers, finally relieving his erection from its confines. It springs out, the pre-cum dripping off the tip as he wraps his spare hand around the shaft, and slowly begins stroking himself to the sight before him.
You open your eyes, wanting to see Gwilym’s face as he fucks you with his fingers, and you almost cum when you see him jerking off over you.
“Such a good girl.” He moans, mouth falling open slightly as his fist pumps his cock quickly, still praising you as he gets you both off.
“Gwil, fuck me.” You beg, knowing that you can’t hold off your orgasm much longer, and wanting to feel him deep inside you. He slows down his rhythm, teasing himself as he strokes just the head of his cock, removing his fingers from your pussy and greedily licking all your juices off them.
He shuffles himself so that his cock is lined up with your entrance, moving his hand from his member to the base of his shaft.
Gwil slowly pushes the tip inside you, pausing as you moan at the teasing sensation, before slowly pushing deeper and deeper inside you, until his cock fills you up entirely. He can’t contain the hungry growl in his throat, as his desires are slowly fulfilled.
“Fuck, that’s good.” He moans, relishing the way your walls clench around him, before he begins to pull back out, and then in once more, building up a pace. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist as he thrusts into you quickly, his arms pinned at either side of your head as he leans over you, the new angle allowing him to fuck you better.
“Baby–” You cry out, one hand gripping the sheets whilst the other holds onto one of Gwil’s wrists. Noticing the way you grip onto his arm, he leans down, using his left forearm to prop himself up, whilst he slips his right hand around your throat, holding you in place. Your hand reaches up to rest over his, not adding any pressure, but just wanting to feel the sensation of his hand around your neck.
“God you’re so fucking hot, and you were so naughty tonight.” He growls next to your ear, panting as he fucks you harder, your skin slapping against each other as he drives his cock into you.
“…Wanted your attention.” You whimper, turning your head towards his, leaning in for a heated kiss. Gwilym runs his tongue along your lips before sticking it down your throat, your lips coming together in a wet kiss.
“Because only I can make you feel this good.” He gasps when you pull apart, looking at you through his long eyelashes, a little bit of spit coating his bottom lip. You gently suck his bottom lip, pulling a breathy moan from him.
“Of course baby.” You assure him, a hand slipping down to your clit to begin rubbing it at a fast pace, matching every one of Gwilym’s thrusts. “Now let me show you how you make me feel.” You tell him.
Gwilym brings himself up onto his haunches, his hands falling down to hold your hips, allowing him to control your movements and watch you play with yourself on his cock. With every clench of your walls around his cock, his thrusts grow a little more desperate, and he prays you’ll cum soon so that he can join you.
Your mouth falls open as the beginning of your orgasm starts to creep up in your stomach, and Gwilym has to bite his lip as he watches you get closer and closer.
“Say my name.” He begs you. “Say my name when you cum, princess.”
You nod at him, knowing he won’t have to wait much longer, as you reach the edge of your climax, going over the edge and falling into bliss.
“I’m–Fuck, Gwil! Oh, fuck baby…” You moan, the waves of euphoria washing over your body with every thrust of Gwil’s cock inside you.
Gwil, knowing you’ve reached your high, doesn’t try to hold off his own orgasm any longer, his thrusts getting sloppier, until he’s finally cumming too, his hot load spurting inside you.
“Jesus! Holy fuck–” He exclaims, hips still rolling against yours as he rides it out, wanting the pleasure to last as long as possible. After a few more shaky thrusts, he carefully pulls out, before bending down and pressing soft kisses up your stomach, past the valley of your breasts, until he’s kissing your chin all the way up to your lips, where he plants quick, hot kisses.
His hair is hanging down over his face, getting in his eyes and tickling his nose, but he doesn’t care, because you’re there in front of him, looking up at him with an incomparable amount of love in your heart, your eyes slightly glazed from exhaustion, as you reach up to stroke his beard.
No matter how mad he may get at you, he knows nothing can ever beat this feeling.
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glitterslag · 5 years
Paris, Mon Amour - A Booty Call spinoff/Part 3
Back by popular demand. And because Paris Ben needed his own blurb. 
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Word Count: 3k
Warnings: language, some smut, lil bit of angst and a rogue dick-pic
Summary: You’re trying not to miss Ben, but it’s hard when there are pictures of him everywhere you look. Even your house-mate can’t shut up about him. 
A/N: This was originally a spin-off blurb set in the Booty Call AU, but can either be read as a standalone or as a Part 3 of the main fic. LOTS of people have requested this over the weeks (super sorry it’s taken me so long to finally finish) so I’d love it if just as many people RB and comment! Enjoy x
P.S. my tag lists are a holy show at the moment so if you were/weren’t tagged and you did/didn’t want to be - SORRY!
“Have you seen those pictures of Ben at the Oscars?”
You were kneeling on the kitchen tiles, up to your elbows in the bottom freezer drawer, hunting for a tub of ice cream. Jen’s voice floated down the hallway from where she stood at her bedroom mirror, taking off the last of her makeup.
Jen was one of those people who always kept her bedroom door open.
“The ones with Joe and Gwil?” You called back, smiling faintly.
You had post notifications on for all of your friends, Joe and Gwilym included. You had, of course, seen their instagram stories from the Oscars.
“No, no. The ones with the girl.” Jen said as she wandered through into the kitchen, towel on her head and her body wrapped in her fluffy purple dressing gown.
“Lucy?” You wondered, spoon in your mouth as you used both hands to rummage for the tub of mint choc chip.
“No, the beautiful blonde, the skinny one.”
“Lucy’s the blonde.”
You were starting to get a bit irritable now, fingers stinging with the cold of the freezer. Where was the bloody ice cream?
“No, not Lucy, another one - gorgeous. A model maybe?”
“I think you mean his stylist.” You said bluntly.  “Iliara?”
“Noo no, not his stylist, the stunning blonde-“
“I GET IT SHE’S BEAUTIFUL!” You yelled, slamming the freezer door shut with a heavy thud.
Jen faked hurt.
“Well there’s no need to get so snappy with me. I was just saying.”
You honestly hated her, sometimes.
In truth, you did wonder about what Ben was getting up to every night at these glamorous parties, even though you knew you had absolutely no right to. You couldn’t help it. He wasn’t your boyfriend – far from it - you had only slept together a handful of times by now. And Jen knew that. You tried hard to just to be happy for Ben, and not think too much about him rubbing shoulders with all these beautiful women. But it wasn’t easy when she seemed to have this perfect knack for rubbing things in.
All the boys had said that they wished you could come tonight, but unfortunately not. Apart from Rami, they were only seated in the viewing gallery themselves, and none of them got to bring a plus one. Only having been an apprentice, there was no chance someone with your position would get invited to the ceremony.
You got texts and snapchats from the boys though, all night, making less and less sense as they steadily get drunker and you found yourself staying up way past bedtime to open their messages, despite having a lecture at 9am.
“Wish you were here to help me tie my tie. Keeps coming undone :/”  read a particularly sweet one you received from Ben at about one in the morning, and it somehow calmed all of the fears you’d had before.
“Have you seen those pictures of Ben in Paris?” Came Jen’s disembodied voice almost the second you walked through the door, and you nearly jumped out of your skin.
“What are you, stalking him?” You said bitterly, ripping off your bike helmet and flinging it down onto the sofa.
Jen eyed you from the kitchen counter knowingly.
“Long day, was it?”
You shed your coat, scarf, gloves, hat, shoes, each one coming to join your helmet with more velocity than the last.
“Mm.” You muttered under your breath, stalking over with your arms folded to flick the kettle on. “Remind me again why I started back at this fucking uni..?”
You had seen the pictures.
Ben had flown to Paris for fashion week that morning, and by the time you sat down to have lunch at uni he was all over your Instagram feed looking like he’d barely slept. There were pictures of him with models. Sat on the front row of some Yves Saint Laurent show sandwiched in between them. The butterflies in your belly had started up again.
You hated yourself for being like this. Insecure was so not attractive. And you were never like that with boys. It’s just that other boys usually weren’t Ben fucking Hardy.
He didn’t look very happy. He hadn’t shaved, and there were dark circles under his eyes. You couldn’t help but feel a twang of concern. You wrestled with yourself for an hour or so before shooting him a little text, enquiring after his wellbeing.
He didn’t get back to you until midnight.
“Just got back to my hotel room. Exhausted.”
“No offence, but you look it.”
Ben had gone straight from the Oscars afterparty to the airport for a twelve hour flight to Paris. You were doing a presentation on colour theory for your Contemporary Cinema seminar when his text had come pinging through into the top corner of your MacBook, hooked up to the projector for your whole class of 30 to see.
Ben Hardy: Still pissed on the plane. Help me
They’d all giggled as you scrambled to switch off iMessage, struggling to regain composure and continue with your presentation, worth 50% of your grade for the whole module. It was a good job Ben had such a common name, as you had to laugh and brush it off when some kid in the back joked that you were “chirpsing the real Peter Beale”.
You recounted the tale to Ben now, hoping to give him a laugh, and indeed, the screen lit up your dark bedroom with a little line of laughter emojis only a minute later. You grinned, warmed. You might have been separated from him by the English channel, but compared to Los Angeles? You could kid yourself he was only next door.
You wanted badly to tell him you missed him, but you’d only just started admitting it to yourself.
“Sorry we keep missing each other.” He wrote, referring to the conflicting schedules you’d had over past few weeks, as well as the time zone issue. “It’s just been a mad one.”
That’s ok! I get it :)
You reply. And then:
You should sleep.
You worked out it would be past 1am there. He had to have been absolutely worn out.
Why’s that?
Kinda got a problem..
You waited for him to elaborate, sitting up and switching on your bedroom light.
You’re not in public are you?
You were curious now, closing all your other apps to focus solely on the conversation. Surely he knew that at midnight on a Monday you’d be home.
Just answer You at home?
I’m in bed
Even better ;)
You felt a flutter in the pit of your stomach. What was he up to?
Ben, what is it?
I wanna send you something
And then it dawned on you. He couldn’t sleep. Had a problem. Needed you to be alone.
Only if that’s ok?? He replied, seconds later.
You put the phone down on your pillow, chewing on your nails as you waited for him to send it. There was no reason to be nervous. You’d seen his cock in person. Touched it. It just felt like a big deal somehow, having it on your phone. Risky.
He was lying in bed too. White hotel sheets, single bed against one wall, a mirror image of your cramped little student room. 
The picture was nice.
I mean, of course it was – it was his, but even for him. He was naked, from the looks of it, lying on his back grasping himself in his fist, bright pink and hard against his belly. He looked gorgeous. You could barely close the picture long enough to tell him so.
You didn’t full-on sext. He was far too tired - and you far too shy - for that. But you did send him a picture of yourself, face cut off from the lips upward, of course. It was nothing too crazy. Just you lying in bed in your low-cut pyjama vest and French knickers (“Fitting ;)”).
After a few more messages back and forth your cheeks were stinging with heat, nipples hard through your pyjama top and a pool forming between your thighs.
He sent you a picture of his come, pearlescent white against his velveteen stomach in the camera flash. You felt your heart beating in your mouth and your fingers and your clitoris as you looked at it, wondering how that, something you’d never, ever imagined yourself wanting to receive from anyone, could be so beautiful to you.
You found yourself longing for his taste. To lick every last drop from the silky skin of his tummy.
Christ. You thought. What had gotten into you?
“What a waste” you typed.
The next morning you strolled into the kitchen with a spring in your step , and were pouring cereal into a bowl when Jen piped up from the kitchen table.
“Did you see those pictures of Ben?” She asked predictably, and you bit back a smirk. “The ones with the models? He’s at the Yves Saint Laurent show.”
As if you wouldn’t have known where he was.
She was on the gossip page of one of those glossy magazines, OK! or Grazia - that sort of thing. As she brushed toast crumbs away to pour over the celebrity news you caught a glimpsed of a harassed-looking Ben, walking down the street with his hood up.
“He’s at fashion week.” She added.
“Oh, I spoke to him last night, actually.” You said, attempting to sound offhand.
“Really?” Jen replied airily. “What’d you talk about?”
“He was just saying how tired he was. Couldn’t wait to get back to London.”
“He was probably saying it to make you feel better.”
She didn’t look up from the magazine as she bit into her toast. Still, you could tell she was put out.
Ben arrived back that night and invited himself over. Couldn’t be bothered to deal with the mess at his, he said. He could unpack tomorrow. Besides, Frankie was with his ex for the whole week anyway, so there was nothing for him to be back for. He said he’d dump his suitcase at home and then come straight round, but you didn’t realise how literally he’d meant that.
He looked bone-weary. Hair a mess, he wasn’t shaved or showered, still in his clothes from the flight and you thought privately that you might prefer this version of him the best. His nose and fingers and toes were cold from the outside, and you squealed in his grasp, trying to squirm away but he wouldn’t let you, nuzzling his icy nose into you on purpose, seeking your warmth. You got straight into bed even though it had only just gone 8 by the time he rocked up, and his lips were pressed against yours right away.
For once, there was absolutely no lust there. He didn’t try to roll on top of you, hands staying on your middle, rubbing up and down your sides gently instead of trying to wander downwards. Just kissing for the sake of kissing. It made your heart speed up to think it. You still couldn’t quite believe he was here.  He’d never been round to your flat before.
You made out for what could’ve been ten minutes or an hour, before coming to a slow, mutual stop.
“ ‘M’too tired to do anything,” He said, voice thick with sleep as he pushed his face into your neck to smell you. “Jus’ wanna nap for a million years.”
“M’Kay.” You said, muffled against his soft green jumper. He smelled of the outside.
You woke up not knowing what century it was,  and you assumed he’d feel the same. 
It was about 7am, and you were positively toasty. The heating had kicked in overnight and you’d fallen asleep in leggings and fluffy bed socks. At some point, Ben had taken his top off and you’d eagerly taken it and put it on, keen for his body warmth that still clung to it. 
You peeled yourself off him, feeling sweat sticking down your back from where his bare chest had been pressed against it all night. He was like a space heater at the best of times. You slipped your socks off your sweaty feet and kicked them far down the bed, losing them in the sea of duvet.
You wriggled around in his arms so you could bury into his chest and he wrapped them back around you again, even in sleep. You lay there for a while in the pitch black, playing at being a little mouse snuggled up in the burrow, lying side by side with its den mate in the dark earth. Only the smell and feel and taste of each other to rely on.
You almost didn’t want to wake him up. To prolong the pretence that he was your live-in boyfriend for just a little longer. That he didn’t have to leave in an hour or two and that then you wouldn’t see him again for god knows how long.
You realised you only disliked dark mornings when you were sleeping alone.
“Have you seen those pictures of Ben at the airport?” Jen asked as the two of you trailed into the kitchen.
Ben stepped out from behind you awkwardly, and her ears turned pink with embarrassment. She slapped her hand over her mouth. You realised this was her first time meeting him in person.
“Coffee?” She managed to squeak after collecting herself again, and everyone laughed.
“It’s a good job you’re back.” She said to Ben not long later, handing him the mug of black coffee which he grabbed gratefully. “She’s been in a mood all week!”
“I have not Jen!” You protested, mortified.
Ben just grinned and slung an arm around you, biting into his toast.
“I’ll keep her in check.”
He winked at you and you nearly died off.
You watched him across the kitchen table over breakfast, thumming at your shirt collar. You brushed your fingers over your sore collar-bone absentmindedly, poking at the skin there testingly, bruised from where he’d sucked and bitten it. There was a sort of soft shyness to the way Ben was looking at you; private, stolen glances over steaming coffee cups, Jen yammering on in the background, oblivious to the fullness of the atmosphere.
You’d never liked it in the morning as much as you did with Ben. Only an hour ago, you’d been giving him a sloppy blowjob under the covers, enjoying the perfect stillness of 7am while he ran his hands through your hair and sighed. Eventually, once he was a bit more awake, he’d hauled you up and then rolled on top, pinning your hands to the bed as he settled his warm, welcome weight on top of you.
You’d not been quite ready for him yet, legs slung over his hips and hooked under his bum as he wiggled into you, and the stretch felt so incredible it had been an effort to keep quiet, conscious of Jen asleep in the next room. His thrusts were slow, fingers laced through yours, holding you down as you kissed sloppily.
Then he’d let go of one of your hands to bring a thumb down in between your legs, fingers gripping at your hip gently as he brushed over your clit, feather-light. He slowly built you to a shivering, long drawn out orgasm, clenching on him violently as he trembled with the effort of staying quiet.
Eyes squeezed shut, pink lips parted, he approached his high, and you took him by the back of the head gently to place a long, soft kiss to his cheek to soothe him. He pushed into it, panting, little noises of appreciation escaping the back of his throat while he came.
“I’ll have to leave”.
You snapped him out of his reverie and he blinked at you, blushing. You didn’t have to be an expert to tell what he’d been thinking about. 
“Lecture?” Ben wondered, and you shook your head.
“Nah, work.”
You told Ben he was free to stay and have breakfast after you left for your part time job at a cafe. However, it appeared that the idea of him and Jen being left alone together terrified him as much as it did you and he opted to walk out with you after you finished your coffee. You walked your bike with him to where he’d parked his car.
“I could give you a lift?”
“Nah,” you said casually, fastening your helmet under your chin. “traffic’ll be bad”
He nodded his head. Neither of you moved to leave, and he looked like he was about to say something until both your heads jerked around at the sound of a group of school kids shouting from across the road.
“Oi, weren’t you in Eastenders?!”
One of them came running across the road to where the two of you were stood, face to face in front of his car boot. The rest of them followed nervously. The two of you sighed and smiled.
“I’ll be late.” You said, mounting your bike. He shot you a pleading, apologetic look but you just grinned at him from over your shoulder.  “I’ll have to go.”
You waved him off as the gaggle descended on him, cycling away before they could get too good of a look at you. You glanced back every now and then at his retreating form, trying his best to be polite as they each asked him for an autograph and a picture.
Tag list: @thegreekdreamersworld @youcapturedmyheartben @inlovewithbenhardy@summer–infinity @hmmmm-nope @hanginwithmanerds @shhhs3cret @redspecialty @falling-stars-never-cry @deathbyinternets @anita-e-taylor @hales-a-bells @not-your-housekeeper @wanderingxsherlockian @benstolemyhearty @scarsout @hardzzellos @bloominess @wonderless-screwup @abigfatmess @d-r-e-a-m-catchme @borhap-baby @the-claire-bitch-project @lukeofmine @sadfathoe427 @amidst-wonderland @glitterdreamsz @haywood-ya-not @hystericalqueenstan @totallynerdstuff @mustbeaweasleyginger @sweetheartben
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Can you do joe with a Scorpio lover please??
Sure thing! (Fun fact, those are my parent's signs!!!)
cw: mentions of sex
On your first date to dinner and a movie (a classic), you were both pretty shy. Even though it’s Joe, he was dating you and his heart was so aflutter he was super self-conscious of everything. Neither of you wanted to reveal too much 
But in the end, you walked home and you both said you had a great time. He then asked to kiss your hand and heart thundering you said yes. He did it so tenderly and sweetly you swore you would never wash that hand again (you eventually did, please wash your hands ya nasties)
So Joe is a Virgo, so whenever you get into a dark mood he will sense it and want to take care of you and baby you. Usually, he thinks of a way to make you laugh
You figure out how much Joe loves it when you verbally affirm him. You say “I love Undrafted! You are so multitalented, Joe! It’s hysterical- you have to direct more films!” and he gives a cute smile back and says thank you.
You basically stalked his social media and found out how much he loved Baseball and so when you surprised him with tickets he was all aglow! And it was a fun time, you went on a chilly Autumn evening and got hot chocolate and popcorn and heard Joe swear profanities until his team won.
You were both nervous the first time you both did the deed. Joe wanted everything to be perfect and had planned everything from the champagne you would drink to a playlist (even though Gwil wanted to hack it and fill it with Jesus music to prank him, but Ben caught him and stopped him).
But after that first time, it was so amazing that you were jumping on Joe’s bones whenever you could, or at least wanting to touch him (there was that one time when Gwil was actually successful and as soon as Joe took off his pants you heard Larry the Cucumber sing “Jesuuuuuss loooves meeee thiiiis Iiiiii knooooow” and burst out laughing. There was a very heated and hilarious Facetime call soon after from England).
Despite whatever challenges or hacked playlists you face, you overcome them to have an enduring love.
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anxiouslymalicious · 5 years
Until the morning comes.
Pairing: Ben Hardy x fem!Reader
Summary: A continuation of Until you keep your promises in which Ben and the reader meet again at Gwil’s wedding.
Word Count: 4,093
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and sex, the reader being down, the usual
A/N: holy shit. That was something. I really do hope you guys like it, I have spent so much time writing this and I think I’m quite content with it. There is still more to come! (Also the end bit was kind of inspired by ‘The Most’ by Miley Cyrus because I’m in love with that song and her and I adore the EP)
Oh, and I’m casually tagging @mamaskillerqueen because you wanted to be tagged last time and I’m not sure if you want to be tagged in every chapter? Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
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You were hurting. It was more an emotional pain, but it had turned physical for the most part. Your eyes constantly stung with unshed tears. There was a constant knot in your chest, the feeling tightened whenever you saw happy couples on the street or on your social media. As you tried not to go outside much more than necessary, you could easily avoid most of those couples as you lowered your gaze, kept your earphones close and walked fast. Online, however, this proved to be much harder. Although you tried to stay away from platforms like Instagram, you couldn’t help but to check on what your friends you were doing. That, however, also included happy couples. You couldn’t help but stare at the pictures fans took of Rami and Lucy for hours on end and stalk Gwil’s Instagram account. Gwil had confided in you about wanting to propose to his girlfriend and when he did, you were one of the first people to know about it as you had helped him plan out the whole evening.
Gwil greatly appreciated that effort. He knew how much it hurt you, but you insisted on helping. If you couldn’t be in a functioning relationship yourself, you at least wanted to see your friends’ relationship bloom.
Summer passed quickly, and it was no surprise when the invitation to Gwil’s wedding came fluttering in. It was scheduled for the end of August, which was still months away as the invitation made its way into your mailbox, now, however, it was only about a week away and you still had to figure out whether you would tell Gwil that you were not feeling too hot or if you were going to buy a dress.
Ever since parting ways with Ben again, he had been texting you every day. Though, at first, you hadn’t replied, you now answered most of them. You were trying to be civil with him, no matter how much pain it caused you. Ben wasn’t doing any better, though.
Every text he sent was so carefully typed. He made sure that every word fit, that there was no way you could misunderstand anything, accentuating his intentions with emojis if necessary, that you knew how he felt and how he missed you. Because he truly meant it.
Neither of you had seen the other again after Helen drove off, it still seemed impossible to you to look at his gorgeous face again without bursting out in tears and breaking down, but you knew that you couldn’t avoid him for much longer. Gwil had told you immediately that he was going to invite Ben, too. He didn’t see a reason to be anything but honest with you. You, obviously, hadn’t expected him not to. You met Gwil through Ben, they had been close friends for longer than you had even known Gwil, so you were aware that there was no way he would leave Ben out.
“I don’t think I’m ready to face him.”, you told Helen as you were pacing in your living room. Over the past months, you had gotten a raise for throwing yourself into much more work than your boss had asked you to and, thus, impressed her. With the new budget and some newfound determination to not let Ben get to you like he had last time, you and Helen had managed to find a flat for yourself.
It was tiny, but in a nice location and your neighbours were all rather friendly. The flat had a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and a room that you used for literally everything else. It wasn’t too big, but, by far, big enough for you. It was a heavenly offer and you didn’t hesitate to rent it.
So far, the flat was rather empty. You only owned what was necessary, it was still missing decorations to become a more comfortable living place. And it was missing memories to become an actual home.
“You will never be ready. But do you really want to miss out on your friend’s wedding because you are afraid of seeing Mr. Dickhead himself?”, Helen was eyeing you as she stuffed her mouth with yet another spoon of her favourite ice cream.
“I hate you.”, you mumbled as you crossed your arms in front of your chest and dropped to the couch.
“I know, I love you, too.”, she replied, the words muffled by the ice cream in her mouth. You two giggled.
“You’re disgusting.”, you told her as you stuffed your own mouth with a spoonful of your favourite ice cream. You had placed it on the table as you started pacing earlier.
“But you haven’t thrown me out yet. And we’re going shopping together tomorrow so I can’t be that bad.”, Helen replied as soon as she swallowed.
It was true. You had asked Helen to help you find a dress you could wear to Gwil’s wedding. She was your best friend and knew exactly what you liked and what suited you best so there was no one else who could possibly do that job better than her.
And so, Helen stayed over for the night, too lazy to make her way back home, and you two got up early on that rainy Saturday morning to go shopping.
It had taken you no less than 12 different shops, what felt like 100 dresses and almost the whole day to find something that you liked. It was a mostly black rockabilly dress with roses ranking up from the seam to your cleavage. Matching the style of your dress, you had also bought red shoes and a thin red belt.
The dress made you feel beautiful. It hugged your curves just right, accentuated the parts of your body that you liked and hid the parts that you disliked. It was a black rockabilly dress. Red roses adorned the bottom of the dress, near the seam and near your cleavage. When you stepped out in the dress, you felt your heart flutter. It was the first time you felt this good while looking into a mirror since that one time Ben had tried to ease your insecurities.
Helen noticed the way you looked at yourself, and the way the men in the store looked at you and knew that this was the dress. The one dress you had to take home. So, being the good friend she was, she didn’t leave room to discuss and told the young woman helping you two that she could stop looking.
Later that evening, you two walked to a little restaurant to have dinner together, then headed back home. It was strange walking into an empty flat, knowing that you would stay alone for the night. You were still used to expecting someone to come home. Whether it was Ben or Helen.
Ben had texted you once more. He was telling you about how Frankie was missing you, still looking for you in his flat, although you had moved out months ago. It seemed like you were not the only one who was taking longer to get used to this new living arrangement than expected.
‘Frankie is not the only one who feels weird about being alone like this. But I guess all of us have to get used to it. I’m sorry I took so long to reply, but I was looking for a dress for Gwil’s wedding and Helen didn’t really give me a minute to breathe.’, you texted Ben as you finally got changed into your pyjamas and lay down in your bed. It didn’t even take Ben a minute to reply.
‘So I’m going to see you there?’
‘I told Gwil that I would be there, and I didn’t spend that much money on a dress and a new pair of shoes to not wear them.’
‘Do you want me to stay away from you or can we talk? I miss your voice. I miss you. I swear I’ll keep my hands to myself, I just want to be able to be spend time with you again. I haven’t seen you in months.’ Ben’s reply felt so sincere, you couldn’t bring yourself to say no. But you also couldn’t help but let a few tears fall.
You were missing him dearly. You missed being close to him. You missed his morning breath and his perfume. You missed the way he would randomly hug you from behind and kiss your cheek whenever you were doing housework. You missed the way he would look at you when you told him to go out with someone else because you didn’t feel to good about yourself. You missed lazy Sunday mornings in bed with him and the hazy state both of you found yourselves in after sex.
‘We can talk. Let’s just try not to talk about anything that might cause drama. I don’t want to ruin their special day. Good night, Ben.’, you texted him, knowingly not replying to him telling you that he was missing you and that he wanted to spend time with you. You couldn’t reply to that. Not right now.
You put your phone on the nightstand, the display facing downwards, as you plugged it in and turned around to go to sleep.
Over the following days, you and Ben had texted some more. He mentioned missing your relationship and you a few more times, but you couldn’t make yourself reply to those phrases, instead talking to him about other things.
Now, you found yourself getting ready for the wedding. You were truly anxious to face Ben again, but you talked to Gwil once more and he and the rest of the BoRhap cast vowed to help you out when you found yourself in an uncomfortable situation with Ben. How exactly they wanted to do that, you were not sure, but you were certain that you were to find out later that day.
The ceremony started rather early in the morning. It took place in a beautiful little garden. Nothing too big or fancy, just right. It was definitely magical.
The second you arrived at the venue, Lucy had already wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug. You hadn’t seen her, Rami and Joe in ages and you had missed each of them a lot.
“You look gorgeous! How are you doing?”, Lucy asked as she pulled out of the hug again and held you at an arm’s length, staring at you intently. You knew exactly what she meant, but you decided not to get into great details. Not today.
“I’m good. A bit tired, but good.”, you replied and small-talk ensued as she took you to where Joe and Rami were standing under a tree, seeking the shadow.
“YOU’RE ALIVE!”, Joe yelled as soon as he spotted you, making you jump lightly. You knew Joe and you were aware that he was rather goofy, but you definitely hadn’t expected him to yell. A lot of the other guests that had arrived early had probably turned to watch your little group, but you couldn’t care less.
“Don’t be so sure about that. Maybe I’m a ghost”, you told him with a wink before hugging him tightly.
“That’s unlikely. You’re radiating with life.”, Rami told you as you moved to hug him.
“He’s right.”, you heard the all too familiar deep voice right behind you. The boys were looking nervous, their gaze moving rapidly between you two. You blushed, your arms raising to cross in front of your chest as you turned to face him.
The moment your eyes met, you felt your heart skip a beat or two and you were not sure whether it was because of the feelings you still had for him or if it was due to the way he looked.
Ben looked a lot better than he had when you met him in the café. Back then, he looked like literal death. Now, there was still some evidence that he was not doing too well, but it wasn’t nearly as obvious. He looked good in his suit, the white jacket, coincidentally with some little flower embroidery on his chest, but there were a few things off about him.
His hair, for one, was a tad bit longer, his curls coming through, but it looked strangely dull, not as shiny as it usually did.
His smile did not reach those gorgeous green eyes, the dark circles under his eyes, however, were quite prominent in his face.
Ben looked paler. Like he hadn’t really seen the sun too much throughout the summer. You knew that he was gone for filming and didn’t spend too much in rainy London, but you thought he would have at least a hint of a healthy tan. He did have a little blush on his cheeks, though, as he stared down at you.
The last thing you had noticed about his looks was his lips. They looked very chapped and you immediately understood why as Ben pulled his lip in between his teeth and gnawed lightly at it.
You felt how your cheeks heated up and gazed towards your feet rather than his face and nodded a bit.
“Thanks, Ben. You don’t look to bad yourself.”, you replied quietly. His smell filled your nostrils. It was that divine smell of the perfume you had gotten for him on his last birthday.
“We both know that you’re lying, love.”, Ben chuckled under his breath, his hand finding its way to your upper back, almost like he was asking for permission to hug you. Your friends were eyeing you carefully and especially Lucy and Joe looked like they were having a telepathic discussion on how to proceed with the current situation.
You raised your hand to pat Ben’s back, giving him a weird little side-hug.
“Hey, Y/N, I think we should get something to drink, don’t you? It’s so warm and I’m thirsty! Anyone want something?”, Lucy suddenly asked, grabbing your arm and taking a few steps back with you.
“Yeah, sure.”, you told her. The guys politely declined the offer, giving you and Lucy the opportunity to escape. Joe quickly engaged in a lively discussion with Ben and Rami, but you felt Ben’s eyes on your back as you left.
You had finished the first drink of the day, a decent glass of white wine, before you had even seen Gwil or his bride, but it didn’t matter to you. Your goal was to reach a level of drunkenness in which you didn’t feel uncomfortable talking to Ben by the end of the day. You wanted to have at least one nice conversation with him and you could already tell that it was going to be tough.
Soon, you had met Gwil. He was a nervous mess, always fiddling with something, stumbling over his words, but as soon as he looked into his soon-to-be bride’s eyes, he found some grounding and managed to get his vows out with only a few stutters.
You were crying. Full on ugly crying. You didn’t even try to hold back the tears, it stung too much, and you knew that you would cry sooner or later. Sooner was better, though. Gave you more time to fix your make up or even an excuse to leave earlier.
A tissue entered your field of vision. Ben was holding it out to you, silently asking if you needed it. You gave him a thankful nod before carefully dabbing at the tears.
“Here, let me help.”, Ben said once the ceremony ended and you were safe from tears for the moment. His hand was under your chin, carefully tilting your face up so he had a better view. Ben’s tongue poked out lightly between his lips as he was unbelievably focused on fixing your makeup.
“You are by far the most beautiful person here. And that’s a lot to say, Joe is standing only a few steps away from us in that new suit of his.”, Ben told you teasingly, his lips forming into a grin as he wet his lips with his tongue. You giggled lightly. By now, you had had quite a bit to drink and the alcohol was slowly kicking in.
“I appreciate the compliment, Ben.”, you told him sincerely as your own hand found his wrist. There was a strange moment of silence between you two, neither of you knew what to say, nor how to act. It wasn’t uncomfortable, it was the opposite, really. You hadn’t felt this comfortable near Ben in quite some time and it was like you were falling in love with him all over again. You lost yourself in those familiar green eyes, in that warm smile that finally reached his eyes.
That was, until Joe came tumbling by.
“Gwil is looking for you guys for the pictures!”, Joe excitedly told you as he pushed himself in between you and Ben, wrapping an arm around each of your shoulders as he walked you to the photographer.
You and Ben hadn’t gotten a new chance to talk for quite some time that day, Joe was always trying to guide him away from you. Whether it was during the reception, the dinner, he did not let Ben leave his sight for a single second. After that sincere moment between you and Ben, you were almost mad at Joe for fulfilling that task so well. Scratch that, you were mad.
You were sitting with Lucy and Rami throughout most of the wedding. Lucy continuously glanced towards you, opening her mouth as if she was trying to ask what had been going on between you and your ex-boyfriend earlier that day, but she stopped herself, opting to talk about something else instead.
But at some point, she and Rami were slow dancing together and you made your way to the bar, ordering a new drink. You didn’t know how many drinks you already had, but you were past the point of caring. The wedding had continuously reminded you of what you couldn’t have and it hurt too much to force yourself through it in a sober state. By now, the wedding had reached a point where most people only stayed to get drunk anyway, so one more drunk did not matter.
A sigh escaped your lips as you stared at the colourful cocktail the bartender had mixed for you.
“Would you mind if I sat here with you?”, Ben’s deep voice sounded near your ear, drowning out the loud music.
“Not at all.”, you replied, still eyeing your drink. Ben quickly ordered something for himself, then moved his chair closer to yours.
“It’s good to see you again.”, Ben told you as he sipped away at his own drink.
“Same goes for you. Though it’s a shame that little Frankie isn’t here with you.”, you replied with a little smirk.
“Well, you could always come home with me and see her, love.”, he told you with an equal smirk, pushing your shoulder with his own lightly. You giggled.
“You know full well that I won’t. Not now.”, your mood dropped again instantly. Ben noticed. He picked up on it and instead pulled out his phone to show you goofy pictures of Frankie.
Both of you had ordered a few more drinks until you were both in that tranquil and giggly state that never lasted too long. You two were still quite aware of your surroundings, you had full control over your limbs, but you had forgotten about your worries. And so, it wasn’t a surprise that, when you and Ben found yourselves staring at the starry sky above you, you took a step closer to Ben. He wrapped his arms tightly around you. His own gaze had settled upon your face long ago, you were a much prettier sight than the stars.
“Y/N.”, he mumbled. You looked up at him with a hum.
“Please tell me to stop if you don’t want this.”, he told you, his eyebrows knitted together as he watched your expressions. His face was one of pure worry. He was scared that you would push him away, but he was even more scared that you wouldn’t. In your utterly happy state, you moved to stand on your toes and pressed your lips to his.
The kiss felt so comfortably familiar. You were sure you could get drunk off the feeling of his lips on yours, his hands pulling you closer by your waist as your own hands tangled in his curls. Little moans escaped your lips just as much as his as your lips messily moved against each other, but neither of you could care less.
Soon, Ben’s kisses moved from your lips to your cheeks, over your jaw, to your neck. He easily found your sweet spot and you were already putty in his hands.
“Please take me to your room.”, you asked Ben breathily as you gave his curls a tug, knowing full well that he had also booked a room at the hotel the reception was held at, just like you and many other guests had.
“Wasn’t planning on leaving you here.”, Ben mumbled as he moved his lips to press against yours again in a short, but sweet, kiss, before taking your hand in his and walking back inside. You two avoided being seen by either Gwil, Joe, Rami or Lucy surprisingly well, and stumbled towards the elevator that would bring you to Ben’s room.
As soon as you stepped into his room, you two moved messily with each other, still knowing each other’s bodies quite well, but the alcohol in your systems made everything a little harder.
“I missed this…”, you mumbled once you curled up against Ben’s sweaty chest. Your muscles were aching, the aftereffects of the by now unfamiliar movements slowly kicking in. Ben nodded lightly, still out of it from his orgasm, as his fingers ran through your hair in a soothing manner.
“You don’t need to miss this.”, he told you seriously.
“I know, but I don’t think I can do this just yet. And I understand that you might want to move on and look for a new person to grow old with- “, you started, but Ben stopped you with a soft kiss to your lips.
“Stop it. I love you the most. I love you more than anyone or anything. You can push me away as much as you want to, I’ve been a dick, I deserve it, but I won’t stop loving you.”, Ben’s voice was soft as his eyes were focused on your own.
“Your touch feels so good. And I’m not talking in a sexual way only. When you fixed my make up earlier today, I just. I don’t know. It’s like you made all of this pain go away.”, you mumbled tiredly. Your eyes were starting to droop, staying awake was hard.
“I know, I feel the same. And I miss how you made me feel better about my body. How you can kiss all my worries away. How you were always the more rational one and helped me through my life when I couldn’t think straight. All I need is you and I can’t believe that I am here with you. That you let me be so close to you.”, Ben mumbled. His words were almost slurred, the alcohol and his own tiredness were a deadly combination for words.
“Can you keep your promises?”, you asked, suddenly sitting up. You made a move to get out of his bed, but Ben caught your wrist and pulled you back.
“I can try. I promise to stay with you until you wake up and if you regret anything we did when you’re sober again, I will leave you alone. Do anything you want. But please stay for the night. I don’t want you to walk out there all the way to your room all on your own and I can’t get up and bring you to your room. I’m too tired, love.”, Ben whispered, watching your every move.
“I’ll stay until the morning comes.”, you grinned tiredly. Your room was only a few steps away from his, but you had always adored this embarrassingly protective side of Ben, but you knew he was only joking, looking for an excuse to get you to stay.
“Until the morning comes.”, Ben repeated, already half asleep as he tugged you into his side, holding you close to him as both of you drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
A truly extraordinary morning was about to come.
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forever-rogue · 5 years
You Belong to Me
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A/N: UMM YEAH SO HERE IS THAT HIGHLY REQUEST JEALOUS!JOE SMUT. No plot. Just smutty good of our fave dino boy being all jealous and possessive. Enjoy some filth.
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: SMUT ;)
PS - I hope this isn’t total trash, and you can enjoy!
"I will," he almost growled as he leaned down in front of you, touching your lips with a finger, "soon you won't even remember his name, baby girl. I'll show you how a real man fucks a woman."
"Go on then," you raised your eyebrow as he offered you his hand. You bit your lip, a part of you torn as to whether or not to actually go with him. But the pure carnal look in his eyes was enough to convince you otherwise. You took his hand and he helped you up, "you better not make me regret this."
"The only thing you'll regret is us not properly fucking sooner," he winked at you as he laced his fingers through yours and pulled you along with him to the staircase. He stopped and turned around to give Gwil and Ben a cheeky wave, "don't bother waiting up, gents. It'll be a long night."
"Joey!" you shoved him slightly and he just laughed as he bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time, making sure you were following closely.
Once you got into his bedroom, you looked around the familiar space. You had been there a thousand times before but this time was different, very different.
Joe came up behind you and wrapped his around your waist, and started kissing your neck. You pushed back against him as his hands started to wander under your shirt, tracing shapes and figures all over your bare skin.
"Wanted this for so long," he whispered in your ear, his hands traveling up and starting to massage your breasts. You subconsciously ground your hips into his, feeling his already hard cock against your ass, “should have done this sooner. Want those pretty lips around my cock.”
“You could have just asked,” you teased, reaching between the two of you and palming his erection. He reached up and unclasped your bra, letting it slide down your arms, “you gonna use that big mouth and eat my pussy like a real man?”
He whipped you around quickly, and pawed at your shirt, giving you a shirt before he ripped it, quite literally, off your body and discarded it onto the floor, followed by your bra. Joe put his hands on your shoulders and gently pushed you down until you were on your knees, face level with his erection.
“It isn’t gonna suck itself,” he raised as eyebrow as he gestured between your mouth and his cock. You looked at him with wide doe eyes, taking your time to undo his belt, popping the button, and pulling the zipper down. You pulled his pants down and boxers down, which he promptly kicked off and licked your lips at the sight of weeping cock. It was even better than you had remembered, although you had been half drunk then too. He was probably a bit bigger than Ben, although both of them were impressive specimens.
“So hard for me, Joey? Look at your cock, look at how badly you want this,” you giggled at, spitting in your hand and wrapping it around his shaft. You pumped his cock a few times, coating it with this precum and your spit. He watched you with a hungry look in his eyes, bucking his hips so slightly, but he wasn’t ready to relinquish control to you, “so pretty.”
“In your mouth. Now,” he commanded and obliged him, taking him into your mouth, using one hand to massage his balls and the other to pump the bit you couldn’t quite fit in your mouth. You worked slowly at first, making sure to draw it as long as possible to rile him up. Joe wasn’t having it though, taking his hand and forcing your head towards his crotch, making sure you took him in completely. You almost gagged on his cock, making all sorts of obscene noises as tears formed in the corners of your eyes, “fuck. You take my cock so well. Look at that pretty little mouth all filled up.”
He finally gave you some relief, letting you pull off of his cock to get some air. You took a moment to breathe a line of spit connecting your lips and the tip of cock. You looked at him as you licked his tip to collect the saliva and precum, running your tongue along your own lips to swallow it.
“You gonna let me do all the work?” you asked him innocently, “Ben fucked my mouth. Are you gonna show me how a real man does it, Joey? Ben’s just a boy after all.”
“You’re such a dirty little slut, aren’t you?’ he asked and you just nodded, giving him a sweet smile. He reached down and grabbed your face roughly, sending shivers down your spine, “you act all innocent but I know better. I know a slut when I see one. I’ll give you want you, baby girl.”
He grabbed his cock and shoved it roughly in your mouth. You moaned his cock, spurring him on as he kept a hand tightly gripping you hair. You put his hands on thighs to balance yourself as he started to thrust into your mouth. The snap of his snaps was languid at first, the slowly sounds were your light gagging and his soft moans as he took his sweet time. The feeling of your warm mouth around his cock, mixed with the sight if you taking him all in was almost enough to drive him over the edge.
As he pulled back to thrust in again, you pulled back and looked at with a mischievous smirk, “is that the best you can do? Fuck my mouth like you mean it.”
He watched you like a hunter stalking his prey as he grabbed your head again, rougher this time, and forced you completely on him. He made you wait a few seconds before pulling you off and repeating the actions several times, “you like it rough, don’t you? Such a pretty little slut. You’re mine now. I’ll make you remember who owns you.”
With those words, you moaned around him, growing wetter at the idea of his possessiveness. He gave you a wink before he bucked his hips and started to fuck your mouth like you had been wanting. It was a brutal pace, and he gave you no mercy as he kept going on, calling you all sorts of filthy things under his breath. Tears were of pain and pleasure were running down your face as he carried on with his ministrations.
After what seemed like a small eternity, his thrusts started to waver slightly, becoming more slow and erratic as you felt his cock twitch in your mouth. You looked at him silently telling to let go and cum. He already had plans for that though, “you’re going to swallow every last bit. And if you don’t, I won’t eat that delicious pussy of yours.”
You squeezed his thigh in reassurance that you would comply, and he gave a few more thrusts before groaning and releasing in your mouth. You kept him in your mouth as you sucked his cock to get out every last bit of hot cum he had to offer.
He slowly let go of your hair, and you pulled back a little, getting go of him with a loud pop. Maintaining eye contact with him, you licked up and down and his shaft, cleaning him off. Opening your mouth, you showed him that you had swallowed everything, “good enough for you?”
He reached down and wiped away a few of your remaining tears, giving you an almost tender look, “such a good girl. You liked that, didn’t you?”
“Mhmm,” you agreed as he pulled up and moved a hand to the waistband of your leggings. They were probably also ruined by now, completely soaked through with your arousal.
“Your turn,” he smirked, “I bet Ben didn’t even use his mouth on you did he?”
“No,” you shook your head as he putting his hand in your leggings and started to run a finger along your soaked folds. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips as you leaned into his touch, “fuck, Joey, just like that.”‘
Joe nudged you in the direction of his bed,  gently pushing you down on it. He gave you a searing kiss before working down your body leaving open mouthed kisses all over your exposed skin. He nipped at the delicate skin, making sure to leave marks even more prominent than Ben had. No one would know Ben had even touch you. You were all his now.
He tugged down your leggings, smirking when he saw that you weren’t wearing panties. He threw the clothing to the side and spread your legs gently, kissing and biting at the insides of your thighs. You moaned as he got closer and closer to your soaked core, taking his time as you had with him.
You tried to reach down and guide his head directly where you needed him, but swatted your hand away, “I don’t think so. I’m in charge here, pretty girl.”
“Please,” you almost whimpered at him, and he slowly traced a finger along your folds, soaking up the wetness on his fingers. He stared at you as he put the digit in his mouth and sucked it clean, “need you now.”
“Who do you belong to?” he asked as he started to gently circle over your clit, causing you to arch your back. He used a hand to pin down your hips and keep in place, “tell me who you belong to.”
“You,” you moaned as he pushed a finger into you, curling it expertly and almost effortlessly finding your g spot. You didn’t bother to hold back all the whimpers and moans that were spilling out of your mouth, “you, Joey, you. I belong to you.”
“That’s what I thought,” he added another finger, pumping them in and out rapidly as he finally put his mouth on your soaked core. He ran his tongue deftly over your clit, taking time to lick and suck like it was his only job in life. He pulled out his fingers and replaced him with his tongue, and you were soon a writhing mess under him, whimpering and mewling at his actions, “so fucking delicious.”
“I’m so close,” you pouted at the loss of his mouth on your pussy, “please let me cum. I want to know how it feels when a real man makes me cum.”
“You think you’ve been good enough?” he taunted you, kissing your clit and letting his tongue linger there for a few seconds. You wiggled your hips so he would continue, and he decided to oblige and running his tongue along your folds. You looked at him desperately, you orgasm quickly approaching, “cum for me then, baby girl. Cum all over my face.”
“jeezuschristjoeyfuckfuckfuck,” spilled out of your mouth as you saw stars, throwing your head back in pure ecstasy as he worked you through your orgasm. He keep his mouth on you, lapping up every bit of your juices, not stopping until you went limp, chest heaving at from the pure bliss he had just given you.
He watched you as he gave you a few more soft licks before pulling himself up and looming over your body. You bit your lip as you stared at him, his wet glistening with your wetness. There was something so hot and carnal about the way he looked at you, hungry for more.
You grabbed his face and pulled him down to you lips, tasting yourself on him. It started off slow at first, but he soon took over, kissing along your jawline and neck, biting at the skin. His hand wandered down south again as he started to finger you once more, slowly this time as to not overstimulate you all at once.
“Look at you,” he whispered against your skin, “so desperate for my touch. So wet again for me. Who do you belong to?”
“You,” he took a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue over it as it instantly hardened due to his actions, repeating the action on the other one.
“Who does this pussy belong to?”
“These tits?”
“This ass?”
“You,” you were whimpering under him as he gripped your hips tightly, watching you slowly fall apart underneath him. The smug look on his face suggested he was more proud than he had ever been.
“Nothing for Ben,” he growled, making sure you were positive that you were his. You licked your lips and nodded, watching as he jerked himself a few times before lining up at your entrance. You were trembling with anticipation as he slowly started to push himself in, letting you adjust to his considerable girth, “fuck, you’re so tight. It’s like you were made for my cock.”
“Fuck me, Joe, fuck me please,” you moaned, as he buried himself completely inside you. He let out a heavy breath as he waited a few moments before he started to move.
He went slowly at first, pulling out almost completely before pushing back in to the hilt. It was slow and pleasurable, the familiar tingling started to build up already. But you wanted more and you could tell he was holding back. He removed a hand from your hip, circling over your sensitive clit slowly, the only sounds in the room where your panting and a slew of moans and quiet curses.
“God, you’re so perfect,” he said as leaned down to kiss you, “I’m never going to get tired of this pussy.”
“Then take me,” you begged him, “fuck me and let everyone know I belong to you.”
That was the last bit of encouragement that he needed before he thrust harshly into you, letting himself remain buried inside of you. He readjusted your hips slightly, making sure to get the perfect angle before he started to pound into you.
He was practically fucking you into oblivion as he continued his assault on you, murmuring things that still made you blush into your ear. How you had waited this long to give him another go was beyond you. He knew exactly what he was doing.
The sound of skin slapping on skin echoed through the room as you chanted his name like a prayer, encouraging him to go harder and faster. You probably wouldn’t be able to walk properly for a week at this rate, but you didn’t care. You just wanted another orgasm.
“’m close,” he said through gritted teeth, head thrown back in pure pleasure as his thrusts grew more sloppy. You were right behind him, pleasure slowly sinking in as you felt another orgasm building up, “gonna cum in you.”
“Fill me up with your cum, Joey, give it to your good little slut,” you encouraged him and you could feel his cock start to twitch as he gave you a few more purposeful thrusts. He groaned as his hot cum started to coat your walls, giving your clit a few more gentle touches so you’‘d cum with him. You moan at the stimulation, closing your eyes to ride it out as he collapsed onto of you.
“Fucking hell,” he whispered, kissing your shoulder as you both tried to catch your breath, “you’re amazing.”
“Not so bad yourself,” you let out a small laugh as he slowly pulled out of you, leaving you feeling empty. He went to grab something to clean up but you held onto his wrist and shook her head, “leave it. I love feeling your cum dripping out of me.”
He almost moaned at your words, moving to take a look at his handiwork. A beautiful sight, he decided. He pulled your legs apart and put his mouth near your pussy, giving you a smirk before he ran his tongue along your folds to capture the mixture of his cum and your juices. He came back up to you, swallowing everything before kissing you, giving you a good taste of himself and you. You didn’t think you’d ever seen anything hotter.
“Look at what you’ve done to me, baby girl,” he pointed at his already half hard cock, causing you to giggle, “I hope you’re not tired.”
“Wide awake,” you promised, reaching over and grabbing his cock, starting to jerk him slowly, “you’ve worked so hard, Joey, let me give something to you.”
He looked at you to say something but you put a finger to his lips, and forced him to lie down on the bed. You took your time to kiss him, making him the same as he did to you while jerking him off. You kissed along his collarbones, and neck, finding his sweet spot with almost no effort and he bucked his hips into your hand.
“Who does this cock belong to?” you turned the tables on him, seeing him at your complete mercy.
“You,” he choked out as you kiss down his chest, making sure to press you breasts against him. It wasn’t going to take long for him to cum again, but you had a plan for that, “baby-”
“My turn,” you interrupted him as you straddled his hips and slowly lined him up at your entrance. You slowly sunk down on his cock, moaning at the feeling of him filling you up again. You leaned down and kissed as you started to slowly grind yourself on him, and placing his hands on your breasts, “I’m gonna give the best ride of your life.”
“Shit,” he groaned as you slowly started to bounce on his cock, “why haven’t we done this sooner?”
“I guess I just need to try out a few boys before I got a real man,” you teased, moving in time with the light thrust of his hips, “Ben who? I only know Joe.”
He leaned up and moved his mouth onto your breast, sucking and nipping gently, “who do you belong?”
That was all it took before the two of came undone again, repeating each other’s names like it was the only thing either of you knew.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Hi! Can u do one where you’re getting married to Joe or Gwil, but when the officiator does the “speak now or forever hold your peace” Ben stands and speaks now, your choice on who she ends up with :)
OOoooooohhhhh drama! I LOVE it!
Ben was your best friend, and you couldn’t thank him enough for introducing you to Gwilym. You and Gwil clicked right away, and the years you’d spent together were incredible. You loved him so much, so when he proposed, you had no hesitations about saying yes.
It took a year to plan the wedding. You’d been so particular about everything so you had the perfect dress, the perfect venue, the perfect centerpieces. Most importantly, you had the perfect groom in Gwilym. You smiled each time you thought about seeing him at the end of the aisle. You couldn’t wait to spend forever with him.
Although, throughout the wedding planning process, you noticed Ben had kept his distance from you. You hated it because you so often wanted his advice on things. But whenever you called, he avoided your questions or didn’t even pick up the phone. Your texts went ignored as well. When you texted to ask if he was mad at you for something, you got a short “Nope, just busy” in reply.
When you spoke to Gwilym about it, he confessed he was having the same problem. Ben showed up for events with the other groomsmen, but would disappear for long periods of time wherever they were. You both wondered what could be going on with him.
The day of the wedding came, and your worries about Ben were far in the back of your mind as the doors to the chapel opened and you made your way to Gwil. He looked so handsome in his tux, and with his hair done neatly. You noticed he wiped a tear away as he looked at you, and that got you a little choked up too. Your father passed your hand to Gwilym’s and the minister began the ceremony.
“You look beautiful,” Gwilym whispered to you. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you returned with a grin.
The minister read through the vows, which you and Gwilym tearfully but happily exchanged, placing your rings on each other’s fingers. You were nearly there. You were so close to being Mrs. Lee.
Then the minister asked if there were any objections. “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
There was a pause. You waited eagerly for it to pass so you could kiss your husband, but then, from behind Gwilym, Ben cleared his throat. The whole room turned shocked eyes on him as he stepped away from the rest of the groomsmen and approached you.
“I can’t hold it in anymore,” Ben said. “I love you, Y/N. I know you love me too. You’re just choosing Gwil. This is a horrible moment to do it, but it’s now or never, right? Choose me.”
A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Shock rocked you. You held onto Gwilym’s arms to keep your balance. You took a deep breath but your chest felt tight. A million feelings ran through you, but the first one you recognized was anger. You glared at Ben.
“How dare you do this to me,” you said venomously. “You know that I love Gwilym with my whole heart. You’re my friend, Ben, but that’s it. And honestly, after this, I don’t even know if we can be that.”
His mouth fell open, and you could see the hurt in his eyes. You didn’t even care. This was supposed to be your day and he was making it about himself. If you could, you would have punched him in the nose.
“Get out of here,” you told him. “And stay away from me. Do not call me, do not text me, do not come to our house.”
Ben’s face went red and he could feel the way people were gaping at him. He had taken a risk, and it had completely backfired. What he thought would end with you and him running away together, only ended with you furious and him humiliated.
“Y/N, I -”
“Get. Out.”
He said no more and stalked out of the church. You turned teary eyes on Gwilym again.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“I’m sorry too,” he replied, pulling you closer.
“Well, I suppose, Gwilym, you may now kiss the bride,” the minister sputtered, trying to recover from the awkwardness of the moment.
Gwilym leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, but you were both tense. Your guests clapped, but they were obviously still reeling from the drama that had happened. Gwil gave your hand a squeeze before you started back down the aisle together, trying to gain back the momentum of happiness from earlier. As you looked into his eyes, you felt it again.
At the reception, you knew people were talking about Ben, but you ignored them. You weren’t going to give Ben your whole wedding day. You focused on Gwilym, reminding him how much you loved him, and by the time you were sent off to your honeymoon, Ben was forgotten. You would always remember this as the day you married Gwilym, not the day you lost Ben.
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almightyellie · 5 years
Been drooling over Ben, Joe & Gwil for ages, finally decided to make a Tumblr and stumbled upon your gem! Just read 3H and Holy shit, don't mind me- going to stalk the heck out of your blog & read every single piece you've posted! 💕
ahhh yay! i’m so excited you’ve decided to join us. you are the sweeeeeeetest!!! i’m so glad you liked it! thank you so much 🧡
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sadprose-auroras · 5 years
29, 31 and 32 with Joe and Fem! Reader. Maybe angst turns into fluff? Thanks xx
29 – “If she’s going, I’m not.” 31 – “I can’t stand this anymore.” 32 – “I’m seriously on cloud nine.” – Joe Mazzello x female!reader (angst to fluff)
It also sucks, so I apologise xx
Telling someone how you really felt, no matter who it hurt, was relieving in the moment. The after effects were not so great. You didn’t see Joe for three weeks and four days after your stupid little outburst. You were embarrassed, more than anything. You’d prioritised your jealousy and feelings over Joe’s happiness and safety. The worst thing was, you hadn’t made any progress. You’d only made everything a million times worse.
So, when Gwilym rang you asking if you were coming along to Joe’s birthday, you hesitated. Truthfully, you couldn’t face him. You didn’t want to see them together, sure, but you also couldn’t handle the humiliation of your confessions. But, as he always did, he continued and continued to wear you down, in the most respectful way possible of course.
“Please, Y/N? It’s just drinks, you don’t have to stay for hours… I just hate to see the two of you not speaking, you know?”
Oh Gwilym, always the mediator.
“Yeah,” you sighed, exacerbated, rubbing your forehead. “I hate it too. But if she’s going, I’m not. I can’t stand seeing them together, and I can’t face him after what I said.”
“She’s not going.” He had an unusually gleeful tone to his voice. Like he knew something you didn’t.
The night began fairly awkward and tense. From your perspective, at least. When you greeted Joe, you could immediately tell he was upset and trying to hide it. But you didn’t want to pry, to cause any more damage.
Despite everybody else chatting and laughing loudly, both yourself and Joe, sitting as far away from each other as you possibly could, remained fairly quiet. Honestly, every time you looked at him, your heart broke into a million pieces. He was staring at the table, his eyes clearly pained, forcing a smile or response every so often.
Much like you did all those weeks ago, which seemed like so much longer ago, Joe snapped.
“I can’t stand this anymore,” he murmured, pushing himself out of his chair, his shoulders hunched as he stalked out the door. You all looked at each other, shocked, before you spoke up.
“I’ll go talk to him.” You sighed, your heart pounding as you followed him outside, clutching your jacket around your chest in the cold as you sat beside him on a bench, while he stared straight ahead. Neither of you said anything for a while, and you swallowed your lump in your throat before you spoke up.
“I’m so sorry, Joe,” you said practically under your breath, turning to face him. “That was so unfair of me to-“
“You were right, though,” he interrupted. “She was manipulating me. You could all tell, I should’ve listened.” He faced you as well, his glassy eyes causing your heat to ache. You placed your hand comfortingly on his shoulder.
“It’s not your fault, hon.” You bit your lip, moving past the affectionate nickname as quickly as possible. “She’s awful, yeah, but you weren’t to know that. Not when she was manipulating you. It’s not your fault,” you repeated firmly, looking into his eyes as if to emphasise your point. He merely nodded.
“Thank you,” he whispered after a moment, placing his hand over yours, immediately causing you to smile softly.
“So… are we gonna talk about, uh, what you said?” he asked. You dropped your hand straight away.
“That was a mistake to tell you that, I’m sorry.” you murmured, eyes averting from his. “That wasn’t fair to pile that on you, especially while you were going through what you were.”
“You were right, though. Again.” he smiled, gently placing his hand on your cheek and turning your head to face him. “I should be with you. I’ve been an idiot not to realise how perfect we are for each other. Gwil tried to tell me a million times that we should give it another go.”
“He said the same to me, too,” you chuckled through the few tears of relief that rolled down your cheeks. Joe gently wiped them away with his thumb, and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” you asked in a small voice, snapping out of your haze. “You’ve just been through some real shit… I don’t want to take advantage of you when you’re in a vulnerable place.”
“Y/N, I don’t want to waste another day of not being with you,” he said breathessly, leaning forward and kissing you softly before you could react. The kiss was intoxicating, and despite his rushed words, it was slow and loving. You had never been kissed so tenderly, yet so passionately at the same time.
When you pulled away, both of you were smiling so widely, holding each other close, unable to help from laughing giddily.
“I’m seriously on cloud nine right now,” you grinned, before leaning in to kiss him again.
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