#Johanna Mason x Annie Cresta
w3bheadz · 8 months
Johanna: I could kill you if I wanted. Katniss: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
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mrs-kmikaelson · 29 days
Our Song and Dance⁶
Pairing: Finnick Odair x reader, Katniss Everdeen x platonic!reader Summary: You'd grown used to dancing the same dance over and over again, the victor's dance, but then you start dancing with Finnick Odair and you feel things you never thought you'd feel. So you let yourself enjoy the dance, even though you knew that every song inevitably came to an end. Warnings: mentions of torture, mentions of forced prostitution, exploitation of minors, suicidal thoughts, war, violence, murder, mind games, religious references, very complicated relationships, complex mental health issues, death, and grief Words: 12.8K
Masterlist | Series Soundtrack
a/n: ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for! (greatest showman reference, not excluding my enbys y'all). here it is! this is the end! just for clarity, anything in present tense means r is thinking (as always), and there's an additional a/n at the bottom. love u guys!!
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When you were younger, you dreamed of being a storyteller. This wasn't your first time dwelling on that fact, but now you wondered if it'd be the last.
There was a saying your mother used to say, before your father died and she went mad. You reap what you sow. It was ironic how backwards it was in your life. First you were reaped, which then subsequently sowed the domino pieces to your fake life, all falling down to lead up to this moment.
Yes, backwards it was.
You'd barely gotten a wink of sleep before faraway booms were waking you up. You didn't flinch this time; you could tell they weren't close, but Finnick's hand on your shoulder still tightened, like he was reminding you that he was there if you so needed it.
"Mortal shells," Gale informed you, looking up at the basement's ceiling. "It's not ours. Peacekeepers must be shellin' the rebels outside of the city."
It surely didn't sound like it. Cressida must've came to the same conclusion because she soon piped up, "That's not outside the city."
Inside, then. They were inside the city. 
That meant it was show time.
You separated yourself from Finnick without a word, going to prepare. In his mind, you must've just been so focused that you couldn't speak to him. In yours, it was that you were so unfocused that you wouldn't.
For the last eight years of your life, you'd been spinning stories with Finnick like there'd be no tomorrow, and now that was about to become a reality. That's why you couldn't speak to him. This was the last chapter, the last dance before the song came to a stop.
So you got ready, screwing arrowheads onto their shafts and strapping yourself with guns, moving slowly as if you were frozen in time with knowledge no one else had. 
This was the end of your story.
This was the end of the song.
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Music beat loudly in your ears, but it was quieted by the sound of beeping. Your eyes were drawn to a black box on the table in the corner, similar to the one you once watched Finnick from, now projecting a mandatory viewing. There was no fanfare this time, as if Snow was now realizing that there was no need to sugarcoat what was happening.
The rebels had already invaded the Capitol. If its citizen's didn't know the severity of the situation before, they sure did now.
Finnick lightly snorted behind you as Snow's face came onscreen, making you resist the urge to swat him and laugh. You wouldn't have been laughing at Snow, though—you were much too angry for that—just at the boy who still found the courage to laugh in such terrible times.
You'd miss that.
Snow began speaking right away. "To all Capitol citizens more than a half mile outside the city circle, I am announcing a mandatory evacuation." Your brows knitted together. What? A quick glance at Katniss told you that she was just as confused. "Come to my home," he beckoned. "I am promising you shelter and sanctuary. All refugees... come to my home. There, you will be provided with food, medicine, safety for your children... and you will have my solemn oath to protect you until my dying breath."
Cressida made a sarcastic quip that you didn't hear, like your head was underwater.
This doesn't feel right.
"Our enemy is not like us," he continued. "They do not share our values. They have never known our comfort and our sophistication."
Somewhere in all the muffledness you heard Finnick mutter, "No shit," but it barely registered. Your eyes were trained on the image as if it'd unravel and reveal something to you. You didn't know what there even was to reveal—everything was laid out in the open now.
So then why do I feel like something's hiding in plain sight?
"And they despise us for it. Make no mistake." Snow's voice was filled with certainty and a spite so sharp it could cut through flesh.  "They are not coming to liberate us. They are coming to destroy our way of life. They are coming... to bury us." He put emphasis on his last words before the stream ended, his image cutting out with a flash.
What an interesting choice of words he used. Bury them. The people in 4 had been buried underneath rubble, so much so that you couldn't bury your own mother.
Katniss cut off your thoughts. "Is he still in the mansion?" You turned toward her, seeing her eyes already on you. 
You had to clear your throat before you replied, "Yeah." You'd been in that God-awful room enough times to recognize it, even in your dreams.
She nodded absentmindedly. "Okay, where's that?"
Pointing to a map she pulled out, Cressida answered, "About five blocks away. We're right here, off the avenues." She pointed to another far-off spot. "Mansion's here."
You crossed your arms. That was a long distance. "What about the pods?" you questioned.
Cressida motioned to another part of the map. "Well, they'll probably deactivate the pods around here for the residents' safety." 
"That could work." Katniss looked up at you, that same fire shining in her eyes that reminded you of her nickname. "We could get close enough."
That was the problem. You could get close enough—you could really do it.
But that felt too easy.
You didn't voice your doubts; Gale did. "Every Peacekeeper's gonna be waiting."
"Next to our faces on every billboard," Cressida cut in.
You shrugged. "Well, Snow's offering shelter to all the refugees." You could feel everyone's eyes dart to you, but you kept yours on Katniss. She understood your message right away. This was your shot. 
You had to take it.
The two of you were in agreement and that's all that mattered. Nobody was going to stop you.
Katniss got up, and then after grabbing the last of your weapons, you were heading upstairs.
One shot. You had one shot.
The extravagancy of Tigris' shop was lost upon you as you threw on a large coat, listening to Cressida's directions. There would be thousands of refugees; all you had to do was join them and keep your head low.
She wished you good luck, and then you found yourself hugging this girl you'd barely known for more than a few days. But she gave you trust when you needed it, and you wouldn't ever forget it.
You knew you weren't gonna see any of these people ever again, so you might as well say goodbye.
You were halfway through thanking Tigris when Peeta's voice suddenly sounded. "Katniss, let me come with you, okay?" You saw her face fall out of the corner of your eye.
He wasn't asking; he was begging.
"I can be a good distraction. They- they know my face—"
She firmly cut him off. "No, I'm not losing you again."
"What if Peacekeepers are searching the houses?" Gale spoke up. Whether it was out of spite or concern, you couldn't tell. "And if he's captured—"
He barely got to finish his sentence before Peeta was hurriedly interrupting him. "Then give me a nightlock pill, okay? I'm not going back."
You inhaled a sharp breath. Unconsciously, your hand went to the side pocket you'd tucked your pill in. Peeta's words had reignited a fear in you that you thought you'd expelled, bringing back memories you didn't want to have at that specific moment.
Please- please, I don't want to play anymore.
You didn't know you had closed your eyes until you reopened them to Gale handing Peeta his nightlock pill. Katniss went to unlock his cuffs, and that's when you looked away, getting the feeling you were intruding on something private.
Instead your eyes went to the very person you were avoiding. You met Finnick's blue eyes easily. Pretty blue eyes the colour of the ocean, your favourite colour.
Your favourite person.
A smile crept onto your face without your knowing. This was exactly why you were supposed to be avoiding him, but as you watched your best friend with the boy she loved, disregarding everything just to say goodbye, you couldn't help but want to do the same. You knew you already said goodbye to him, but you were already running out of time; why waste what little of it you had left?
One last time, you told yourself, just one last time to drown in his ocean.
You made your way over to him across the room, and before you could even get a word out, he said, "I want to come with you, too." You opened your mouth to protest— "But I'm not gonna ask you to."
You furrowed your brows. "Wha—"
Finnick lazily draped an arm over your shoulder, yet at the same time there was nothing lazy about the action at all. That, coupled with him brushing strands of hair out of your face, made you go silent. He was quiet, too, just staring at you.
The way he was looking at you reminded you of the way he examined his surroundings in the Quell, trying to remember where everything was.
It was like he was trying to commit your face to memory.
After a moment, he explained, "I know you won't let me." Of course, you wouldn't.
You weren't gonna let him watch you die.
You sighed, "I'm sorry—" 
With his voice as soft as silk, he chided, "Don't be sorry." His lips quirked upward while he caressed your hair. "Just come back to me in one piece so we can have that talk?"
You tried your best to reciprocate his smile. "I will." Liar.
Terrified that he'd see through your façade, you pulled him in, wounding your arms around him tightly. He held you just as tight. Only when your face was no longer in his view did you screw your eyes shut, willing yourself not to cry.
You'd stay like this forever if you could.
But you couldn't.
Behind you, someone cleared their throat, which meant your time was up. You had to go now.
Slowly, you unwrapped your arms from Finnick's body, wanting to hold onto him for as long you could. By the time you fully let go, you felt like something was missing. And there was.
Finnick Odair would always hold your heart in his hands.
You flashed him one last smile before you turned around. You wouldn't say you loved him before you left, and perhaps you'd regret that, but if you heard him say it back, you didn't know if you'd have the willpower to leave.
Déjà vu crashed into you like a tidal wave. You lived this moment before, saying goodbye then turning your back and walking away.
I'll see you at midnight?
Yeah, I'll see you at midnight.
You didn't see him at midnight. But you came back. It wasn't the same you that came back, but you did, eventually.
You came back before.
This time, you wouldn't.
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You and Katniss set off, finding the crowd immediately. It was a sea of people, impossible to miss. You joined them easily; if you were tentative, you'd get caught, so you had to march with them like you belonged.
There were dozens of Peacekeepers lining the sides of the path. When you glanced up, you found even more on the balconies of buildings, which quickly made you duck your head back down.
If you so much as removed your hood, they could identify you. And you refused to die before Snow did first.
The two of you were silent as you moved forward. There was that feeling in your chest again, the feeling that you were supposed to be saying something, but if anybody recognized your voice, you'd both be as good as dead. Katniss must've felt that pressure, too, but she didn't speak up about it, either.
On a whim, you glanced up ahead of you. You immediately regretted it when a child's eyes locked on yours.
She was clutching onto a woman's shoulder—her mother's, you assumed. You prayed that she was too young to recognize you or too tired to make the connection, but then her head lifted up and you knew it didn't matter. 
She recognized you.
You glanced away from the kid before looking back. Her gaze didn't move but neither did her mouth.
She recognized you, but she wasn't going to say anything.
You were about to breathe a sigh of relief before Katniss tapped your arm, motioning ahead. Your eyes travelled to where she was gesturing, and you could've sworn your heart stopped.
They were checking people. You wouldn't get past them and you both knew it, so you swiftly turned around without another word. Except they were behind you, too, sweeping through the crowd.
You turned forward again, your heart and your mind racing in tandem to find a way out of this. You don't know what you could've possibly come up with.
You don't even think you were breathing.
Your fingers were inching their way to the gun on your hip just as a hand went to your shoulder. But before either of you could do anything, a loud boom sounded, sending you to the ground.
People were shouting everywhere all at once, mixing in with the music so you couldn't hear a thing. Your ears rang but you could still hear someone bellow, "It's the rebels!"
You glanced backward, and their yell was proven correct. A mob of rebels marched forward in a line, shooting at every guard in white they saw.
Another explosion reverberated through the battlefield, making you cup your ears. You couldn't hold back the pained cry that left you.
You looked forward, your eyes finding the same little girl from earlier, her yellow coat now tainted with dirt. She was kneeling above her mother's body, screaming. Tears sparked in your eyes.
That girl's mother was dead.
But you couldn't end up like her.
Quickly, you gathered your bearing, ushering Katniss up. "Come on!" She was stagnant, but as soon as you pulled her up, she was back from wherever she'd gone to. And then the two of you were running.
You jumped behind a barricade, only stopping momentarily. There was a Peacekeeper lying on the ground in front of you. Good, you thought. You could use his gun.
You untangled the rifle from his hands, kicking him down when he started moving. Then you were running forward again.
You ran like never before, stopping only to check that Katniss was still with you. Explosions went off on your way, shaking the ground. Some were too close, but you kept running.
Whether it was your sheer will or the adrenaline pumping through your body, you couldn't stop, not when you were so close. The gate was in your view now. You pushed through the crowd, not caring if your hood fell off in the process. There was too much chaos for anyone to notice.
The people were restless, a robotic voice trying and failing to pacify them. You were so busy climbing up a tank, trying to get a better a look at the palace, that you barely caught it. The gates will open momentarily, it was saying. The children will be received first. Stay calm. Bring your children forward.
That... that didn't sound right.
No, it did. It did sound right. It was right to bring the children forward first.
And that's exactly why it sounded wrong.
President Snow had never cared about children—why would he start now? It was puzzling; it didn't make any sense. But you couldn't make sense of it. You're forgetting why you're here, Y/N.
You shook your head, trying to bring yourself back to your objectives and not watch as the Peacekeepers lifted children from their parents' arms, but then something else caught your attention.
Your eyes shot to the sky where there was a lone hovercraft flying, Panem's emblem painted onto the wings. Not one of yours.
The hovercraft flew by. You don't know what you could've possibly expected, but you certainly didn't expect for it to drop parachutes in its wake.
"Gifts from the Capitol!" someone cheered.
The pit in your stomach returned, no matter how hard you'd just tried to get rid of it. The parachutes fell like they were in slow motion. You couldn't tell if they were truly moving so slowly or if was just you.
The world seemed to stop. The dance seemed to stop. And then everything clicked.
But you were too late.
Your eyes widened. "No—"
You were thrown through the air, landing somewhere hard. The wind was knocked out of you. At first, you were choking on nothing until you finally gained the ability to wheeze. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes.
This time, you couldn't hear anything. No screams, no more shooting. No more music at all.
The music came to a screeching halt. The record didn't skip. It just stopped.
It occurred to you then that the fucking needle must've just scratched the vinyl, because the music restarted. But it wasn't the same.
You shot upward, coughing your lungs away and waving dust out of your face. You stumbled as you got up—that was a misstep. 
Dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing— 
Where's Katniss?
Frantically, your eyes darted everywhere. She wasn't beside you. She wasn't in front of you. You spun around, dancing, and she wasn't behind you either.
You wanted to scream her name, but you didn't. She's fine, you reassured yourself. She had to be fine—she was right next to you when the bombs went off. You just had to find her.
Your eyes scanned the scene in front of you, just now really looking at it. Bodies littered the ground, medics and Peacekeepers alike rushing to the wounded. So many wounded. You'd never seen so many bodies in one place.
You looked for a woman in a blue cloak among them. You didn't find her. But you did find someone else that was oddly familiar.
A blonde. A young blonde in a medic's uniform.
You know, I used to be jealous of you.
Jealous of me?
No, that couldn't be—
You have a family that really loves you, that beautiful sister of yours.
You blinked as if it'd make her disappear, but when you opened your eyes, she was still there, not a figment of your imagination at all. She was there.
And then she wasn't.
You had just opened your mouth, but the words died in your throat. "Prim—"
It all happened faster than you could register it.
You saw the flames first. Light travelled faster than sound. Then you heard it—the explosion. And then you felt it. You felt it more forcefully than any of the other ones, shockwaves rippling through your body.
And then you felt nothing.
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The last time you awoke in the Capitol, you could feel that something bad was about to happen to you. Dread flowed through your veins like it was blood, infecting every part of you. It was as if a dark cloud hung over your head, a voice in your ear telling you to keep your eyes closed for as long as you could, to enjoy the rest while you still had it.
This time, your eyes fluttered open on their own accord. Your eyelids weren't as heavy. Your body wasn't as sore. But there was a still a weight on your chest.
The dread was still there.
Then the memories flooded back to you.
Bombs. And Primrose Everdeen.
No. You had to have been hallucinating.
With that thought, you blinked, suddenly becoming aware of your surroundings. The lights were fluorescent, but they weren't blinding like typical hospital lights—and there was an incessant beeping noise, but it wasn't very loud. You gathered that this wasn't a hospital room; it was more like a triage centre.
There was a shuffling to your right that you directed your attention to. It was a blonde woman tending to a sleeping brunette's wounds. You blinked again, and then you realized that brunette was Katniss. 
You let out a sigh of relief. She was okay.
Your eyes then immediately flickered to the other presence in the room. Haymitch stood between yours and Katniss' beds. He was already looking at you.
You didn't greet him; the two of you were past that. "Is it—"
"Yes." He seemed to understand without any explanation. Your eyes fell shut for a moment then, taking it in, and he let you.
The war was over.
You won.
But this didn't feel like winning.
When you opened your eyes, Haymitch seemed to already know what you were thinking. That's what you liked about him: no nonsense, no bullshit, no trying to sugarcoat something that was so clearly sour. Just straight to the point.
"It was over after the Capitol dropped those bombs to defend the Palace. Rebels took it right after." He paused, eyes glossing over with a look you knew all too well. "Everybody felt it—Peacekeepers, Palace guards... kids. It was, uh... it was over after that."
You could remember that. The children reaching up in the air, trying to grab what they thought were gifts from their beloved Capitol. Bombs exploded in their faces. You wondered if they were strong enough to kill on impact.
You hoped they were.
Children crying for their parents. Parents crying for their children. All of the sounds melded together eventually.
But you won. You won, didn't you?
Didn't you?
He changed topics. You think it was too hard for him to talk about, too, and that was almost absurd. You never thought you'd see the day that Haymitch Abernathy shied away from anything, yet here you were.
"Your injuries are minor," he told you. "Damage is superficial. You got off unscathed." Did you? "They wanted to take you right to the Palace, but I figured you'd want to change your own clothes." 
He said it casually, but the implication was there. That made you crack a smile, or at least the best smile you could give. "Thanks, H."
He nodded in acknowledgement but otherwise didn't mention it. The victors didn't talk about those sorts of things, not up until recently. You knew what happened to him, to his family, his girlfriend. And he always knew what was happening to you, but it was never spoken out loud. The things that happened in the dark were never meant to be brought under the spotlight.
So Finnick brought out the sun. And now, every secret, every body, and every monster under the bed was out in the open for everyone to see. 
You just never thought the sun would burn so much.
Your gaze travelled over to the blonde woman, still at work, applying some type of ointment to Katniss' neck. She hadn't said a word.
You suddenly realized that you were staring at Carine Everdeen.
You looked back to Haymitch, then Carine, then back at him, a question lying silently in your eyes. You opened your mouth, but you didn't need to. Haymitch just nodded, a solemn countenance overtaking his face. At his confirmation, you felt yourself physically deflate.
You weren't hallucinating.
Prim was dead.
You sat there with that information for a bit, unknowing of what to do with it. Katniss' innocent little sister was dead, caught in the crossfire of a fight she should've never had to live through. 
Katniss only ever volunteered to spare her sister.
And now she was dead, anyway.
She deserved to be acknowledged. You didn't know what to say, but she deserved the effort. Prim deserved the world.
Your voice was just barely above a whisper, hoarse from either the lack of use or remorse, perhaps both. "Mrs. Everdeen?"
Her hands paused mid-movement. She slowly turned around to look at you. Only, she wasn't looking at you. She wasn't really there.
You could count the number of times you spoke to Carine on one hand. It'd only ever been in passing, a hello here and there. She wasn't close with Katniss, therefore, she wasn't close with you. But right now, it didn't matter how close you were at all.
Somehow, everyone felt so faraway.
You swallowed. "I'm so sorry."
She was silent, but you could see every word she wasn't speaking in her eyes. Sadness, regret, anger, devastation. Grief. For a second, you could see her come back, but she was gone just as quickly as she reappeared.
"Me, too."
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The ride from the triage centre to the Palace was all a blur. Somewhere in between everything, you got dressed into your own clothes, not the ones from 13. You briefly wondered how they got ahold of them.
Katniss was still there, sleeping. Maybe she woke up by now. You just needed to get out of there. Haymitch had told you that Finnick was en route, and you asked him to help you get out before he got there, to just tell him that they'd taken you to the Palace right away like they originally planned.
You didn't know why you did that, but you just knew you couldn't talk to him. Not yet.
They gave you a random room then left you there after you asked them to. You were sure they weren't supposed to do that, probably on Coin's orders, but the glare you sent them must've been real bad because they went scurrying out like mice.
You exhaled when they closed the door, finally alone. For a second, you felt like you could breathe again. And then you caught a glimpse of the bed and it was back to feeling like you were suffocating.
Crimson red sheets, gold accents. A ginormous velvet head board. A huge comforter that would likely warm you up— God, you were still so cold.
But you'd lied on a bed just like that before. And you were just as cold then, even with the warm body lying right next to you.
You cupped your mouth, knees buckling, but your other trembling hand grasped onto the chair right in front of you. You held onto that crest for dear life, simultaneously holding back a sob.
Calm down, Y/N. Just stop.
You were trying— you were fucking trying. But then your eyes zeroed in on items on the table in front of you. They blended in with the rest of the extravagant decor of this room, but once you saw them, it was all you could see.
A crown.
And a vase of fucking roses. 
You screamed, letting go of the chair and throwing the vase the ground, not caring if any of the shards hit you. The crown was next. Then you were tumbling down to the ground, too.
The dam in your eyes broke, tears flooding down your cheeks with no sign of stopping. Sobs wracked through your body.
It hurt. It fucking hurt. Not your legs. Not your back. Not your ears. Your heart. You clawed at your chest relentlessly, pleading for the pain to go away.
"Please," you cried. "Please make it stop." You don't know who you were crying to. You hadn't prayed in ages— you didn't even know what you believed in anymore. All you knew was that you were on your knees, begging for any God to listen.
But nobody answered.
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You might've sat on the floor of that room for hours—you truly didn't know. You cried until you didn't have tears anymore, until you were numb. You just sat there after that, staring at the ground, at the crown you threw.
So much power that a single object had over you. It was a mask. A contract. A lie. A trick painted in gold. Your legacy.
It was your fucking poison.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown, they said. 
They didn't know the half of it.
After a while, you got sick of staring at it, forcing yourself up and immediately turning to the door. You were exhausted, sure, and you'd sleep eventually, but not on that bed.
You turned the knob on the door and shut it behind you, knowing it was unlikely that you'd return to it. You made your way through the Palace like it was second nature; you knew this place well. Dozens of parties and faux appearances would do that to you.
The Palace only held poor memories for you. Here, your life as a marionette began, and you hadn't known anything different since. What person would want to stay in a place like that, a place that symbolized the moment their life changed forever?
Getting reaped might've been when your life went downhill, but your life became Snow's the second you stepped into his home.
You found yourself pulling the French doors to the backyard open, wanting to feel a cold that didn't come from your own body. The ground was covered in a blanket of white that crunched beneath your feet. Only a thin jacket protected you from the air sharply licking your skin, but you welcomed the feeling.
You didn't know what you were doing, but when you saw two men guarding the Rose Garden, you couldn't help but be pulled to it, like you still had strings attached to your limbs.
You were just reaching the doors when one of the guards stepped in front of them, his hand out. "Sorry, Princess. Can't let you pass."
His statement caused you to intake a deep breath, whether it was from the actual statement itself or the name that so happened to spill from his lips. You had half a mind to argue with him—you weren't sure if you were in your right mind at all—until a familiar voice ordered, "Let her in." 
You turned your head, seeing Paylor stood on the steps you had just walked down.
If you were in a better state of mind, you might've smiled.
"On my authority. She has a right to anything behind that door."
You didn't smile, but you settled for a nod. You weren't sure if your eyes translated correctly, but when she nodded back, you knew she received your message.
You weren't just thanking her for this.
Without another thought, you turned back to the garden. The guards opened the glass doors for you, letting you in. Immediately, your nostrils were flooded with the rich scent of earth. Green plants and bushes were everywhere, the most vibrant colour of green you'd ever seen in your life. You wondered if light hit differently in the Capitol, allowing people to see colours you didn't have back home.
Then you thought back to how people here had ignored the black tendrils engulfing the city for so long, and you realized that: yes, light must have hit differently here. It was impossible to ignore the darkness otherwise.
White roses were everywhere. It made you sick, but you stopped the bile from rising. There were so many. You used to wonder why Snow seemed so obsessed with flowers, why he wore them on his person at all times, but you supposed it was no secret anymore.
Help cover the scent of blood from sores in his mouth that will never heal.
Your eyes were trained on one of the roses when a voice cut through your daze. "That's a nice one."
Instantly, every part of your body stiffened, but you ignored every instinct screaming at you to spin around. You refused to give him the satisfaction.
"The colours are lovely, of course. But nothing says perfection like white." 
Your jaw locked, and you made good effort to relax it before you turned around. Seeing him there with that smile on his face nearly made you crumble, but you stood tall, echoing, "Ironic, isn't it? How a man so tainted tries to fool the world with an illusion of purity."
His grin only widened. "I was hoping you would find your way here. I knew you would." You wanted to slap the grin off his face and strangle him until the smugness in his voice disappeared. Your hands clenched by your sides, and judging by the way his eyes twinkled, he saw. 
He sat down on a ledge, musing, "You always were my greatest achievement."
The words were being spat from your mouth before you could stop them. "I am not your anything."
He tilted his head just ever so slightly, staring at you with pools of condescension as if telling you that wasn't true. It wasn't true, and he knew you knew it.
"I have a feeling your visit will be brief, so let's not waste our time, shall we?" You hated the way the word our rolled off his tongue, but you didn't show it on your face.
Snow cut himself off with a cough, bringing his handkerchief to his mouth. When he lowered it, it was spotted in blood. "Please offer my condolences to Ms. Everdeen about her sister." He tutted to himself. "So wasteful. So unnecessary."
You scoffed a humourless chuckle. "Really?"
"Why, yes, dear," he replied, shaking his head for effect. "Anyone could see the game was over by that point. In fact, I was just about to issue an official surrender when they released those parachutes."
A scowl crawled onto your face. "What the hell are you on about? You released those parachutes."
"You really think I gave the order?" He leaned forward in his seat, his eyes peering into your soul. You didn't once look away. "We both know I'm not above killing children. But I am not wasteful." He stressed the word like it was disgraceful to him. "I take life for... specific reasons. And there was no reason for me to destroy a pen full of Capitol children— none at all—"
He was cut off by another cough. It did little to disturb you; you were already disgusted from the moment he began talking. Every word he spoke was careful and calculated. Listening to him explain his rhyme and reason wasn't something you were interested in. What reason could he possibly have for what he'd done?
He took the lives of everyone he met. Every person you cared about had fallen victim to his schemes. Katniss. Johanna. Peeta. Finnick. He took your mother's life— he took your life.
There was nothing he could say to ever make you understand his perspective.
Once he stopped coughing and looked back up at you, the smile was right back on his face like it never left. "I must concede, it was a masterful move on Coin's part," he admitted. The second he uttered Coin's name, you tensed even more than you thought possible. Humour laced through his voice. "The idea that I was bombing our own helpless children to hold back the rebels... it turned the last of my guards against me. There was no resistance left inside the Capitol or the mansion." He leaned forward again, like he was letting you in on a little secret. "Do you know it aired live? There's a... particular savvy in that, isn't there?"
You were afraid that, if he kept talking, you wouldn't be able to hold back the bile in your throat. He's crazy. This was Coriolanus Snow, a man who rose to the top by knocking down anything or anyone that stood in his way. You couldn't trust a word that came out of his mouth.
Yet you were still compelled to listen to him.
The moment you met Coin flashed behind your eyes as you blinked. You felt the sensation of shaking her hand all over again. Every encounter you ever had with her ran through your mind.
You thought back to when you were in 2 and her and Commander Lyme disagreed.
You've been underground a long time, Madam Coin. This isn't like the rest of Panem. Support for the Capitol runs deep here.
Then there is no sacrifice too great.
Snow pulled you out of your trance. "I'm sure she wasn't gunning for that Everdeen girl, but... these things happen in war." It was as if he could see the gears in your head spinning out of control.
Spinning, spinning, spinning— 
"My failure was in being so slow to grasp Coin's plan," he proclaimed. "She let the Capitol and the districts destroy one another, then she stepped in to take power with 13's arsenal. Oh, make no mistake." He chuckled. "She intends to take my place now."
Your skin was crawling. You felt the urge to rip it off.
Something about his smile became more harrowing, like he was placing down his final piece on the chess board. "But I've been watching you. And you watching me." You dug your nails into your skin. "I'm afraid we've both been played for fools."
"You're lying." You didn't even sound convincing to yourself.
He tutted once more. "Y/N, my dear, I may have done many things, but have I ever once lied to you?"
You were gonna be sick. You turned around before he could see the tears gathering in your eyes.
This was over.
You went for the door, but just as you were about to knock on it and alert the guards, Snow stopped you in your tracks. "I see so much of myself in you, Y/N."
You felt your lips tremble, but not a single tear raced down your cheek. You didn't allow it.
Slowly, you turned around, your voice quiet but firm. "I am nothing like you," you avowed—to him and to yourself.
You didn't spend another second wasting your time looking at him, going to knock on the door as he broke into a fit of coughing. That coughing transformed into laughter.
Snow laughed maniacally as you left the garden and didn't stop. You could hear him laughing as you powered through his backyard, echoing in the empty space.
And even when you were back inside the Palace, his laugh still followed you.
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You found a random hallway in the mansion, the first one that didn't remind you of anything, and you immediately went to the wall closest to you, leaning your forehead against it and inhaling a shaky breath.
Get your shit together, you scolded.
You already broke down once today. You didn't deserve another breakdown— no, you couldn't afford another breakdown. You needed time to think.
Did you believe Snow? Was this just his last way of fucking with you before he died, trying to get the last laugh by absolving himself of the blame? He had to know that he'd reached the end of the line, that he'd be dying at your hands.
He lost, and you won. The war was over—all that was left to do was kill him.
Katniss' voice suddenly rang through your head. This isn't right, she'd said, mourning the possibility of innocent life being lost before it even happened. You remembered your response to that, too.
It's fire catching, Everdeen.
A shiver ran through your body. Was this what fire catching looked like? Children dying. Hundreds of people with their lives forever altered—hundreds of people injured or killed by those bombs going off. Fire caught onto them.
This didn't feel like a win. Mulling over Snow's accusations in your head, it all made sense. There were no victors in an arena. You deluded yourself into thinking this was anything other than a game while Coin was playing her winning card.
You remembered what it was like in the arena, surviving off of ruthlessness, uncaring of what'd happen to anyone else as long as it meant you got to win.
But this wasn't meant to be a game. 
I see so much of myself in you, Y/N.
You didn't want to be like that anymore. You didn't want to play anymore.
You turned around, being met with the Girl on Fire standing across from you on the other side of the hallway. That was the name Caesar gave her from her first Tribute Parade, but you no longer found it appropriate.
The Girl on Fire was the girl who volunteered in place of her sister.
The woman that stood in front of you now had her sister killed by the very thing that once defined her.
You made it a point to never call her that again.
Katniss Everdeen was her name. She was The Mockingjay. And somehow, she became your best friend. So then and there, as you stared at one another, you knew that you had to tell her what Snow said, regardless of what you believed.
Softly, you told her, "We have to talk."
Yet no matter how soft your voice was, you don't think anything could have ever softened the blow.
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Katniss took you to her room, and there, you told her everything. When you were done explaining, she looked so empty but so full of so many emotions at the same time. 
Do you believe it? she asked you.
I don't know, you responded. I don't know.
You sat there with her and gave her time to absorb it, not saying another word. The two of you sat there in silence until Gale came and fetched you, saying that Coin wanted to speak with you both.
You got up and left the room but closed the door on your way out. She wanted to talk to him—she needed to. 
You were there waiting for her when she was done, and you pretended you didn't watch Gale leave the room with tears in his eyes. 
Side by side, you walked to Snow's cabinet room with you leading the way. No one told you it'd be there, but you had a strong suspicion that that'd be Coin's choice. When you found two armed guards in front of the double doors, you were proven correct—and you didn't know why that unnverved you so much.
About 20 feet away from the doors, you held your arm out in front of Katniss, effectively stopping her. You had sat in silence with her for who knew how long, but now was one of those moments when you felt like you had to say something, and you were gonna take it before you got within earshot of those guards.
You stepped in front of her slightly so you could look at her, and for a moment, you lost your footing. It wasn't like you saw Katniss anything other than indifferent often, but this look struck you to the core. 
Perhaps it was the thin line of her lips. Maybe it was the emptiness in her eyes, no emotion in sight. Or maybe it was how you felt like you were staring into a mirror.
But she deserved so much better than being you.
Katniss Everdeen deserved the justice you never had.
You didn't know how to say all of this, nor did you know if she was in the headspace to listen, so you made sure she was looking at you when you spoke. "Do what you have to do," you whispered.
She stared at you for a few seconds, empty, but in all the darkness of her eyes you could see a faint light shine. Clarity.
She understood.
She gave you a small nod, and then you were moving out of the way, finishing your walk to the conference room. You might've been vague, but you knew your point was received. Whatever she wanted to do from this point forward, you'd stand by it.
The ball was in her court now.
The men in front of the doors gave you short nods of acknowledgement before stoically opening the doors. When they did, you weren't met only with Coin. This was a room full of victors.
And even though you suspected they hadn't been chatty before you entered, they were now radio silent.
Your eyes immediately locked with Finnick's, and you would've exhaled if you weren't under the microscope. He's okay. He's okay, and you knew that already, Y/N. You knew he was okay, but being told that wasn't the same as seeing him in person.
You didn't think you'd get to see those blue eyes again.
But you were.
Finnick flashed you a soft smile. It wasn't his classic Finnick smile, the one he'd throw at cameras and crowds. He was visibly exhausted, but he still found it in himself to smile at you.
It was the least you could do to smile back, even if it wasn't as dazzling as his.
"What's this?" the brunette beside you questioned, knocking you out of your trance. Her voice was cold and detached, but you noticed something now that wasn't there before. Deep underneath that ice was red, hot anger.
From Coin's response, you doubted she caught it. "The remaining victors." She gestured to the table. "Won't you join us?" Behind her, Johanna held out her arms, too, a mocking smile on her face that would've made you laugh if you weren't so tired.
You followed Katniss' lead, taking the last two seats at the table while also taking a cursory glance of the room. Beetee, Enobaria, Haymitch, Johanna, Finnick, Peeta, and Annie. You frowned. She was supposed to be on her honeymoon, not back in the Capitol—probably never back in the Capitol. But she glanced at you and you smiled, anyway.
"I have invited you all here for several reasons, but first, I have an announcement." Both Coin's words and her tone of made you look back at her, but then something else caught your attention.
Even under the glare of all the chandeliers in the room, you could still see the glint in her eye.
"I have taken the burden and the honour of declaring myself interim President of Panem." 
Oh, you could've laughed. Even though there wasn't a single thing funny about it.
You settled for narrowing your eyes; meanwhile, Haymitch scoffed. "Interim? Exactly how long is that interim?"
Coin's hands remained clasped on the table, and she didn't flinch. "We have no way of knowing for certain. But it's clear that the people are far too emotional right now to make a rational decision." Her voice was calm and collected, if not condescending. "We'll plan an election when the time is right."
You hummed, and even though she undoubtedly heard you, she ignored it.
"But I have called you here for a far more important vote." She finally look her hands off the table, leaning back. "A symbolic vote." 
Everyone in this room is a symbol in some way, you thought, but you held your tongue. Symbols didn't mean much to people who had been turned into nothing more than just that, but the thought must've escaped her.
"This afternoon, we will execute Snow. Hundreds of his accomplices also await their deaths. Capitol officials, Peacekeepers, torturers, Gamemakers. But the danger is, once we begin, the rebels will not stop calling for retribution." Dread crept into your stomach. Whatever she was going to propose, you wouldn't like it. "Thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy. So... I offer an alternative plan. Majority of five may approve it— no one may abstain." She gave you a pointed glance. "The proposal is this. In lieu of these barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic Hunger Games."
Somehow, the room got quieter.
You fought to keep your face impassive—though, you were unknowing if you succeeded. You could only hope that the years of pretending paid off.
In lieu? What the hell did that mean? She wanted to spare a horde of evil people in exchange for the lives of innocents? That didn't make any sense.
But then you realized, powerful people. It'd be sparing powerful people. 
Johanna broke the silence with a laugh. It bounced off the decorated walls like rubber. "You wanna have another Hunger Games with— the Capitol's children?"
Peeta monotoned, "You're joking."
"Not in the slightest," Coin responded.
You glanced at Katniss. She was mute, just staring staring straight at Coin. They all might've thought she was in shock, grieving, but you knew the truth.
It was all falling into place for her.
Finnick let out a scoff. "Is this Plutarch's idea?"
If you didn't know any better, you would've thought the look on Coin's face was offense and not pride. "It was mine." There was another scoff in the room, probably from Haymitch that time. "It balances the need for revenge... with the least loss of human life."
The least loss of valuable of human life.
"You may cast your votes—"
"No," Peeta cut her off immediately, voting first. "No, obviously not. This is crazy."
"I think it's more than fair," Jo chimed in. "Snow's got a granddaugter. I say yes." You didn't judge her for that answer, even if you didn't agree with it. All of you had felt pain at the hands of the Capitol, but you couldn't possibly imagine condemning anyone else to the same fate.
Capitol children or not, they were still children. They weren't symbols; they were human. And you refused to join any line of thinking that said otherwise.
"So do I," Enobaria said, her red lips curving into a smile that made you remember when those lips were once coated in blood. "Let them have a taste of it."
"You guys, this way of thinking is what started these uprisings." Peeta's voice was incredulous.
Annie spoke up. "I vote no. With Peeta." Despite the decision in her tone, she cast a worried glance your way right after. Why haven't you said anything? her eyes read.
You looked away from them.
"No," Beetee voted. "We need to stop viewing each other as enemies." 
Finally, the voice you were waiting for sparked. "You have to be kidding me right now." Finnick had a baffled smile on his face, and you had a feeling he was going to start saying a few choice words.
And you didn't know why just yet, but you couldn't let him.
Before he could get his vote in, you blurted, "Yes." His head immediately snapped to yours, and you felt instant regret when his eyes met yours. In the swirls of all the blue, you could see betrayal.
The bile that you worked so hard to suppress earlier was back rising, but you wouldn't let it leave. He had to understand. You had to make him understand. 
You kept your eyes on his, no matter how sick it made you feel, pleading to him silently. His own words echoed through your head.
Please just trust me.
Trust you to do what?
I just need you to trust me, Y/N, please. Trust me.
You did. You trusted him, even when you didn't understand it at all, and now you were just begging him to return the favour.
You closed your for a brief second. Please just trust me, Finnick.
"Yes." Your eyes flew wide open to see him already looking at you. He maintained your stare before looking back to Coin. "You've got my yes, too."
He said yes. But really, he was saying so much more than that.
I trust you.
Coin nodded, disclosing, "It's down to Katniss and Haymitch." Majority of five. Only one of them had to say yes for her plan to take off, and you already knew which one of them it'd be.
Coin's eyes narrowed while Katniss remained expressionless, and in that moment, it was clear that The Hunger Games wasn't the one Coin was proposing. It was this, and President Coin was the Gamemaker and engineer behind it all. This was a game of cat and mouse.
Only Coin wasn't the cat.
After a beat of silence, Katniss finally spoke. "I get to kill Snow," she dictated.
A few pairs of eyes flitted to you, but you only focused on one of them. Coin glanced at you, and when you didn't object, she obliged, "Of course."
The room was back to silence, but your mind was anything but. What you heard were strings, brass, percussion, and a whole orchestra of instruments. A cacophony of noise and voices singing about a necklace of hope, only getting louder, and louder, and louder, and louder—
And then the beat dropped.
"Then I vote yes." That's five. For the first time since you entered the room, there was a crack in Katniss' voice. "For Prim."
That was nearly a warning, but if Coin caught the edge to her voice, she didn't say anything about it. You think she was so consumed by satisfaction that she wouldn't have been able to notice, anyway.
She turned her attention to Haymitch if not just to stay true to her words. No one may abstain. "Haymitch?"
Katniss and Haymitch shared a gaze for a few seconds, and then he looked to you, and to Finnick, before he was looking back to Coin. He didn't agree with this, but he still lied, "I'm with the, uh, Mockingjay."
Coin nodded, poorly stifling a smile. You wondered how anyone could smile at the news of a slaughter. "That carries the vote. Excellent. We'll announce The Games tonight after the execution."
And that was it. She got what she wanted. She won.
But as you glanced at Katniss to see the emptiness returning to her eyes, you had a feeling that wouldn't last very long.
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Stylists brought you to your room and did your hair for you, taking the locks and forming them into the braided updo that the people had grown to love. It was a crown—that's why they liked it so much. You would've preferred to leave your hair as it was, but you compromised that you'd do the hair if they didn't make you wear that ridiculous costume.
Cinna was an impeccable designer, but if you could go forever without wearing that suit, it'd still be too soon.
On your way into your room, the stylists ignored the broken glass on the floor, stepping over it and sending each other looks that they thought were discreet. They weren't.
When they saw the crown lying on the floor, too, they didn't dare ask you to wear it.
They left soon after little small talk, though you didn't think they blamed you. You looked like shit before they got to fixing you up, making you look like you'd actually slept. 
Your lips were no longer pale, coated in lipstick that didn't look like lipstick. You supposed the "natural" element was part of the Princess façade. They did something that made your cheeks look less hollow and more rosy, and they concealed the bags under your eyes pretty nicely.
Now, you looked like the Princess.
But she doesn't exist, a voice reminded you. She's not you.
You tilted your head at the woman in the mirror. She wasn't your reflection; she was a mirage. You didn't see yourself in any of it, but you didn't see yourself before they added all the glamour, either. 
Who are you, Y/N?
You swore to yourself you'd find out.
After slipping on your coat, you left the room, promising never to see it again. You were walking to the front when you saw a woman in five inch heels and silvers tassles exiting a room, a big blonde wig on her head with sharp silver ticks pinned into it that looked like they could stab her if she fell the wrong way.
She glanced to the side and saw you before you could greet her, beating you to it. "Oh, Y/N!" A big grin came to her face as she marched her way over to you, heels clicking against the floor adamantly. You think she would've skipped if she could've. 
Her arms wrapped themselves around your frame before you could even think about protesting. "How lovely it is to see you!" she exclaimed.
Your humour trumped your discomfort, making you laugh and reciprocate the hug. "Hi, Effie." When she pulled away, you were quick to cut to the chase, knowing she'd talk your ear off for ages if you gave her the chance. You nodded to the doors she walked out of. "Is Katniss in there?"
"Oh, yes— yes, dear!" She ushered you to the doors. "Go right ahead!"
"Thank you." Effie uttered something along the lines of 'no problem' before opening the doors and practically closing them within the same breath.
The smile that was on your face promptly dropped when you saw Katniss, looking no better than earlier, but you made quick work to bring it back. "Hey, Everdeen." You tried to make your voice light, but the heaviness in the air didn't dissipate.
She turned to you after just a second too long, almost like she hadn't heard you. A grimace crossed her face, but you could tell it was her attempt at a smile.
You stood there for a bit, keeping your hands at your sides. There wasn't much more to say—this was it. After this, you didn't know what'd happen. What would life even be like without being crushed by the Capitol's thumb? Would you go home? Did you even have one?
You didn't know how any of this would play out, but you did know that whatever ending Katniss wrote, it would likely end in the two of you separating. You'd both go home, and you'd no longer see the girl you got so used to. Realistically, you'd only been in close quarters for a month, but before that, you were isolated. Katniss helped you get acclimated with the revolution and gave you hope for a better world, and now you'd be going into it without her.
She wouldn't be at your side anymore, but you wanted her to know that you'd be standing behind her regardless.
In two strides, you were embracing her in your arms before you could think better of it. She froze, stiffening, and you were just about to let go and apologize when she engulfed you with the exact same fervour.
Your lips curved upward, and that time, it wasn't forced.
Eventually, you pulled back, resting your hands on her forearms. Her eyes didn't look so empty anymore. 
You wanted to thank her for everything she'd done for you without knowing it, for saving your life in more ways than one. You wanted to tell her you loved her.
You opened your mouth, but she cut you off before you could even try. "I know." She nodded, the slighest quirk of her lips visible. "I know." Pause. "Me, too."
She knew. You didn't need to say it, and neither did she. 
Things weren't okay—they probably wouldn't be for a while, but in that moment, you knew they'd get better one day, even if you wouldn't be around each other to see it.
You nodded back at her, and you squeezed her arms one last time, whispering, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, Katniss."
And then you were letting her, walking away and leaving her alone while you still could. If you'd stayed any longer, you don't know if you would've left.
There was nothing left unsaid, and those were the best kinds of endings. But it was an ending, and that left you with bittersweet feelings you couldn't name.
Deep down, you knew you probably wouldn't see her again, and perhaps that was why you didn't meet the cars waiting for you at the front. If that was the last you saw her, you wanted that to be your last encounter.
And, so, your last memory of Katniss Everdeen was in that room.
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The word revolution, in the least words possible, meant change. That's what'd been happening for months now, if not years, and your reality was on the cusp of being turned on its head.
Yes, things changed.
And yet some things never did.
West of the city, there was a big lake; you found yourself there when you were supposed to be watching Snow's execution. A certain part of you was disappointed that you wouldn't get to watch him die; it was all you wanted ever since you got to 13, your sole motivation for staying alive.
But the other part of you was relieved. He would die, yes, but he wouldn't see you again before he did. He wouldn't get another chance to exercise his power over you ever again. So instead of being there, you were here, watching the water.
It reminded you of home. Back in your days at the Capitol, you didn't get do much sight-seeing of the city. You'd be brought in for a day or two, really only for the nights, and then you'd be sent back by morning. But once you met Finnick, he started walking around with you, and some nights you'd end up here.
You'd stare at the lake together in silence. Back then, the water was as close to freedom as you'd ever get. You supposed that was one of the things that did change.
You were free now.
What does that mean?
You pondered over that question for a while. For so long, you dreamed of even just tasting freedom; the thought was unattainable for so long, but now it was in your hands and you didn't know what you'd do.
The war was over.
But it wasn't.
The fight was over for you, but that didn't mean it was over for anyone else. Homes were destroyed. People were dead, and even more people were left here just to grieve. The nation was broken.
What did that make you if you just went home and left things like this? Maybe you'd done enough. Maybe you should just go home and retire the crown, finally get the rest you'd been longing for. But you didn't want that.
Who are you, Y/N?
Maybe you could be more than Panem's Princess.
You were startled by the call of your name, spinning around. When you were met with eyes that matched the water behind you, you were calmed down.
"Finnick." A smile graced his face, eliciting one from you like it was contagious. "Hi."
"Hi." So many words to say, and yet that was the only one that either of you said. 
He walked up to you, turning his gaze to the lake, and just like old times, you did the same. Just like old times, the two of you stared out at the water without saying a thing. Just like old times, for a little while, you were just Y/N, and he was just Finnick.
And just like old times, all of that came to an end eventually.
"You weren't at the execution," he said at one point.
"No," you replied. "I wasn't."
"But you already know what happened." It was set up like a question, but it wasn't.
You turned to see him already looking at you. His eyes weren't angry; they were just curious. You quirked one side of your lips upward. "I had a feeling." Judging by his statement, your feeling was correct. Your lips quickly drooped downward. "Is—"
He nodded before you could finish. "Katniss is alright." A breath of relief left you. "Paylor's gonna pardon her eventually. She'll probably be taking over." That confirmed it.
Coin was dead. And Snow was, too.
When you got your bearings, you shrugged. "I'd vote for her." You might've said it just to bring some humour to the conversation, but it wasn't a joke. You had no doubts that Commander Paylor would lead the nation with courage.
Finnick chuckled, agreeing, but as soon as he stopped, the light disappeared, reminding you of the weight of the conversation you were about to have. You didn't think you'd even be alive to have it, but you were, and now there was no avoiding it. 
He must've seen the shift in your demeanour. "Y/N—"
"I love you," you breathed, cutting him off. If you were gonna have this talk, then that was the way you needed to start it. "I love you, and I have loved you for years. I'm so happy that I get to say it out loud now, because I never thought I'd get to, but Finnick, I—" the quivering of your lips made you stop. Realization dawned on his face, and that made tears come to your eyes. "I don't think love is enough."
He stepped closer to you, grabbing your hands. You let him. "Y/N—"
A tear raced down your cheek. "I don't know who I am when I'm not pretending. I lost myself trying to love you," you confessed, more tears falling down your face, but in the blur, you could see tears in his eyes, too. "I need to find myself again. I'm not— I'm not in the right headspace for a relationship right now, and it wouldn't be fair to you to jump right into one like everything's okay." Your voice shook. "It wouldn't be fair to either of us."
You were just about to pull your hands away when he squeezed them tighter. "No, I can— I can wait."
Your chest tightened as you held back a sob. He was so frantically trying to hold onto you when he shouldn't have been. You shook your head. "No, you don't understand. I need to stay here— I need time—"
"I can give you time!" he exclaimed, his voice cracking, simultaneously cracking your heart. "I can stay here— I can wait. Y/N, I will wait forever for you if you need me to."
This time, the sob did leave you, and there was nothing you could do stop it. "You shouldn't have to! You should just go be happy—"
"I can't be happy without you," he argued, stepping even closer to you like his every action was begging you to see his perspective. 
At his interruption, more sobs fell from your lips, and he promptly pulled you into his chest. Instinctually, your arms wrapped around his torso, and his hands went to your head, caressing your hair as you cried.
You cried, and cried, and cried, and he held you all through it, letting you soak his shirt with your tears. He held onto you tightly, and not just physically, either.
Finnick Odair would never let you go.
Never again.
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Somewhere in the haze of it all, you calmed down. You don't remember when you did or what happened after that, but eventually, your eyes were fluttering open to a white ceiling. Your hands grasped at your surroundings, feeling linen scrunch beneath your fingertips.
You glanced to the side where a big window was, light shining in from the moon. You furrowed your brows. How long were you out—and where were you?
Slowly, you stood up, soreness hitting your body immediately. You held back a hiss. Sleep must've given the bruises time to marinate; you decided to ignore it.
You walked through what was clearly a bedroom and opened the door. It opened into a hallway; noise was coming from the left, so that's where you went.
You didn't know what exactly you were expecting when you reached the end of the hall, but it certainly wasn't Finnick in front of a stove, frying something out of view. 
He turned around, eyes widening. "Oh, hey— let me just—" your brows raised as he turned back to the stove, picking up the pan and dropping its contents onto two plates on the counter. Eggs. You blinked, and memories flashed underneath your eyelids of scenes just like this one.
You didn't think you'd ever see him cooking again.
When you opened your eyes, he was back to facing you, a sheepish smile on his face that looked just a touch out of place. "Sorry, I was cooking us some food." He gestured behind him then added, "Since you can't."
You scoffed, almost like you hadn't just been bawling your eyes out, almost like you were back at home and everything was still fine. "Okay, first of all, screw you—" he let out a chuckle, "second of all, thank you. And third of all, where the hell are we right now?" Your eyes scanned the area; this wasn't a hotel room. It was an apartment. "Last I remember, we were at the lake."
"This used to be Cressida's old place," he explained. "Said we could crash here as long as we wanted. She doesn't really wanna be here either way."
"Oh." We. We could crash here, he said. You were brought back to reality. "Finnick—"
"Let's eat," he cut you off, an easygoing smile on his face. Easygoing, but not easy. You could see the nerves churning behind his expression, so with a sigh, you nodded, letting him lead you to the dinner table and pull out your chair.
You told yourself you did it for him. But really, you wanted to prolong this for a little while longer, too.
He put your plate and cutlery in front of you. You wondered how he managed to procure eggs that weren't expired, but you didn't ask him aloud. You just picked up your fork and started eating.
Whether it was your hunger or your desire to hold onto this, you stayed silent as you ate. You even caught Finnick eating slower than usual; he wanted to hold onto this, too. He was determined to do so.
You and Finnick did what you did best: you pretended. You pretended that you didn't just lose it and cry yourself to the point of passing out. You pretended that you didn't have to talk after this. You pretended that you were still living in the life you had before the Quell, eating dinner every night just like this. And in remembering those dinners, you pretended that you weren't pretending then, too.
But you couldn't pretend forever.
You finished your food first and waited for Finnick to finish his. He took his time, and you let him. You let him twiddle with his fork when he was done, and then you let him take your plates and wash them afterwards. And once they were on the drying rack and he had no more excuses, you stood up from your chair with reality ready to spill from your lips.
He took no more than second to get to you. "Please, just— hold on." 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "We can't avoid this forever."
"I know." Despite the shake in his voice, there was undeniable resolution in it. "And if... if what you said is really what you want, I'll give it to you." Out of sheer surprise, your eyes opened. The face you loved so much looked pained, but he still gave you a smile. This time, you could tell it wasn't real; it was purely for your sake. "There are countless things I need to apologize to you for, and I'd spend the rest of my life making it all up to you if you let me, but I'd do anything for you. So if what you want is for me to walk out that door right now, I'll do it." He swallowed, like he was scared out of his mind. "I just want to ask you one thing first."
The rational side of your mind screamed at you not to entertain it, to say no and get him to leave while you could both still bear it. He was willing to give you an out—that's what you wanted.
Was that what you wanted?
No, what you wanted was to feel better, and sometimes, Finnick did that, but other times, he did the exact opposite. Most times, the rational you corrected. Most times, he made you feel worse. But the happiness he gave you in those few times overrode everything else.
The other version of you, the one that remembered the good just as equally as the bad, nodded and gave him the greenlight.
He enveloped your hands in his, and the warmth made you realize just how cold you were. "Dance with me," he pleaded. "Dance with me and then decide."
No. Don't do it—
Transfixed by the way he was staring at you, you found yourself agreeing and ignoring your inner voice. "One dance," you told him.
The smile on his face became a grin. Real. This time, it was real. "That's all I'll ask," he promised. You took his word for it.
One last dance. 
He led you to the open area between the kitchen and the living room, keeping your hands in his hold and pulling you closer. You rested your head on his, listening to his heart rattle against his ribcage. God, you missed that sound. 
You missed this.
Finnick swayed you slowly to the music, nothing external or tangible, but the music you were dancing to was more real than any song you'd ever heard.
You realized now that the rational you was right. Finnick set his trap, and you lied in it. Because now that you remembered what this felt like, how could you willingly give it up? How could you ever leave?
The song might've been filled with heightening moments, and there might've been times when you just wanted to throw the damn record player into the wall, but it was your song. 
And this was your dance.
Minutes passed before you pulled away. Finnick's hands immediately tightened on yours, and you squeezed them right back. You were pulling away, but the song wasn't over.
It wouldn't be over for a long time.
You warned him, "It's gonna be a lot of work, Finnick."
"I'm okay with that."
"We had a life back home— you had a life. I wouldn't be blaming you if you wanted to go back to it." 
He was shaking his head before you were even done speaking, eyes earnestly poring into yours. "I'll build any life so long as it's with you."
You searched his eyes for any sign of doubt or lying but found none. When you were sure that you believed what he was saying, that he believed what he was saying, you released the smile you were holding back.
His eyes widened. "Okay?"
An involuntary giggle left you. "Yeah. Okay—" without warning, he picked you up and was twirling you around, making you squeal. "Finnick!"
Your laughs resounded throughout the apartment, and when he put you down, it was just to engulf you in his arms again. You wanted to kiss him, and he wanted to kiss you, but you'd have to work your way back up to that.
And eventually, you would.
No, your song wasn't over.
It was just restarting.
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In district 12, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark stood inside their home. They started to live together after some time had passed, and while they weren't a couple at that moment, they were still together. That was more than enough for the both of them.
Katniss chopped up vegetables for the dinner they'd be having later with Haymitch while Peeta read her a letter, addressed to them both. They didn't get mail often, not in 12, so they didn't know entirely what was happening with everyone else, but this letter informed them of all that they'd missed.
You'll be happy to hear that Katniss' mother has been training new medical units in the Capitol. Thanks to her, we'll be able to heal many more people at a much faster rate.
Gale has been promoted to a captain in district 2 to help keep order and security. He's doing well there.
Johanna has gone back to district 7 where she is taking the healing process one day at a time. She'll take as much time as she needs.
Annie and Julian are back in 4, along with Mags. They spend every day loving their son the way we all should've been loved, and it's a beautiful sight to see.
I am in the Capitol. I run a centre for children all over Panem who have lost their parents. One of the children has been staying with me personally for a while; she reminds me of you, Katniss. I'm thinking of adopting her.
Finnick has been here with me. We're happy together. One day, not any time soon, but some day, I'm gonna marry him, and the two of you better be there for the wedding.
We've all suffered so much. But we owe it to the memories of everyone we've lost to do our best with these lives. 
I hope you're both finding some peace.
As Peeta read the last lines, Katniss smiled for the first time in a long time.
Taglist: @avoxrising @mxacegrey @littleshadow17 @lovelyteenagebeard @nasyanastya @catastrxblues @zodiyack @zulpix-blog @mushroomelephant @muggies @lantsovheiress @hobiebrowns-wife @notplutos @faeriepigeons @hnslchw @unholyhuntress @aclmagic @gloryekaterina @ayme301 @lem0ns77 @kisskittenn @onlyangel-444 @moonagedaydream505 @spderm4nnnn @satellitespeirs @glitzcute @iammirrorball @corpsebasil @forever-sleepy-sloth @omwtkydttfym @divinelovers @maggiecc @i-am-a-simp1 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @nelliereadsstuff @how2besalty @dreaminglandsworld @eilaharmonia @catvader101 @lexa138 @h0neylemon @dakotali @hermionelove @theseerbetweenus @whosscruffylooking @yourdailymemedelivery @emma-andrea1 @s1lngwns @meenyminymoes-blog @roxi-reid @rattertatter @sunnybunnyy2 @just-levyy @amaranth-writing @jennaaaaaaaaaaaa @joshhutchersonisdaddy @my-name-is-baby @hehehe13356 @quazsz @chloecharms23 @darlingsoulbeautifulthoughts @thehairington86 @imaegonstargaryenswife0 @ment1tavoid @hereliesme @tayrae515 @mottergirl99 @blackdxggr @giverosespls @erindiggory @feyretopia @bibliosaurus @sleila @soursonnets @blackoutdays13 @lovelyteenagebeard @nj01 @0bsessedwithfictionalcharacters @marimba375 @willow-g-1 @blahablah2 @inatimate-icarus @shoebillcuicui @scoliobean @awritingtree @h-------n @yoonki-bored @miserablebl00d @iloubr @fairytales007 @beannnnnnnn @dominicfikexoxo @aclmagic @helaenaluvr @ravenmedows @bigdolldoeeyesgirl to all taglist members, tell me if you want to be added to my finnick taglist overall! thank you for reading my fic, and thank you for enjoying it enough to even ask to be on the taglist.
additional a/n: see what i did there at the end—our song and DANCE ;) you guys, this is it. the song is over (for us at least). i'm in a mix of like pride and sadness. this has quite literally taken a year to finish. it's one of my fav things i've written to date, and at one point, it was the only thing i was writing. to those of you that have stuck around to the end, thank you. i really hope u enjoyed the series and its ending! i'm thinking of writing little blurbs for this and whatnot if ur interested, all revolving around their journey. eventually, i'll post a list of canons ab y/n and where i think she ends up. once again, thank you all so much for your support. reading your comments has never failed to make me smile. i love you!! have a great day.
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lady-corrine · 8 months
*playing taboo, the word is victor*
Annie: okay, what am i?
Finnick: beautiful!
Annie: more serious
Finnick: gorgeous
Annie: something I-
Finnick: the love of my life-
Johanna: can you play the game instead of being a simp for one fucking minute, Finnick?!!
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thebluemallet · 1 year
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Mockingjay Part 2 + The Onion Headlines
i am so sorry about the last finnick one
the hunger games
catching fire
mockingjay part 1
the ballad of songbirds and snakes
things to never say to someone who just came out
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cabotwife · 8 months
Play the Game (masterlist)
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the hunger games x pjo au
plot : everything changed for you the day you got reaped. Mags and Finnick prepare you the best they can, but can anything truly prepare you for what is to come in the arena?
relationships :
- percy jackson x annabeth chase
- clarisse la rue x y/n odair
- finnick odair x annie cresta
- johanna mason x y/n odair
info :
- main characters
- side characters
shorts :
- annie comes home
chapters :
- (i)
- (ii)
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I'm rereading The Hunger Games trilogy with a lot more insight on it and the characters than 14yo me did
Updates and lots of unnecessary commentary to come
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greywitchproject · 3 months
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Thg kids
[Johanna, Annie, Finnick, Prim, Katniss, Peeta]
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 21)
Summary: No one ever wins the games, even fourteen years later, Y/N is still playing.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
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They try something new, in the form of Prim visiting Peeta with Y/N. Katniss and Haymitch watching from the viewing window. Things are going well…until they’re not. The news of Peeta’s family sends him spiraling. Yelling and cursing Katniss, saying it’s her fault that Snow bombed twelve. That she’s a threat. Telling Prim to kill her.
“Peeta, what you’re saying isn’t real.” Prim says, in a whisper. Withdrawing from the edge of his bed.
“She’s a monster, Prim!” Peeta insists, the angry vein pulsing in his neck.
“Peeta,” Y/N calls his attention back to her. “You’re safe. No one is going to hurt you, I’m here.”
“She’ll kill you too. She’ll kill all of us. She’s a mutt, the Capitol created to destroy us!”
Nothing settles him after that. The doctor has to use a tranquilizer for the first time in days.
Y/N excuses herself to the opposite side of the viewing glass. Catching Katniss’ gaze, holding it as she moves closer. “It’s good to see you up and about. How are you feeling?”
Katniss says nothing, catapulting herself into her mentor’s arms.
“I’m here,” Y/N assures her. “I’ll be here.”
Haymitch escorts Katniss’ to the Nut in District Two. Y/N hangs back in Thirteen, with the kids and Peeta. Cashmere is sent to stand in for her best friend, which Katniss seems to appreciate, allowing her to weigh in on dialogue for the propo to sway the loyalists.
“Plutarch wrote a speech for you.” Haymitch tells Katniss, as they get into place near the tunnel left for civilians to escape, after the bombs were launched to bury the Nut and all the weapons inside.
The suggestion was Gale’s.
“Killing isn’t personal, Katniss. I figured you of all people would understand that.”
That’s what he told her the night before. Only she doesn’t agree, “killing is always personal.”
Cashmere takes the paper from his hands, reading it thoroughly. “She’s not saying this, they’ll tear her apart.”
“I never said it was a good speech,” Haymitch fires back. “Look, Katniss, you have to remember that you’re talking to everyone. Not just the people in the districts, but the Capitol, survivors from Two. You want them to lay their weapons down, so you might want to experiment with a little sensitivity.”
Katniss nods, though it isn’t her strong suit. “This is Katniss Everdeen, speaking to all the loyalists, from the heart of District Two-”
She is cut short by the train behind her, screeching to a halt.
Boggs wants to get her back, away from the tracks and the people who will soon emerge. But Katniss will hear none of it, especially after shots are fired. Ending up with a bullet in her own gear and unconscious all the way back to Thirteen.
Y/N finds them upon return. “What happened?” She asks Haymitch.
“Bruised ribs, bruised lung.” Haymitch runs a hand over his face. “It’s my fault. Shouldn’t have let her go.”
“Haymitch, you know there’s no way we could’ve stopped her.” Y/N sighs.
“No, but she’s more likely to listen to you than me.”
“I don’t think that’s true.” Y/N swallows.
“How are things? How are the kids?”
“They’re good, they missed you though.” I missed you.
“And Peeta?”
“They showed him the propo, he has real memories of Katniss.” The one’s the Capitol couldn’t taint because they didn’t own them. “He wants to see her.”
“You think that’s a good idea?” Haymitch wonders, feeling his wife reach for his hand.
“I know he’s in there. We can’t give up, there has to be a way.”
“No one’s giving up,” Haymitch assures her. “When Katniss is cleared to leave medical, we’ll ask her to see him. Tell her that he wants to see her. I think that’s progress in itself.”
“Yeah,” Y/N nods.
“Come ‘ere.” Haymitch pulls her against his chest, pressing his lips to the crown of her head. “We didn’t come this far, just to come this far.”
Again she nods, fisting the fabric of his uniform in her hands. Somehow he makes it hurt less.
No one could carry this burden alone, instead they learned to shoulder it together. To trade off when the other was weak, they learned to be two halves of a whole. Trying to pull away from that now seems impossible; excruciating at the very least.
Only when she is there, resting safely against his beating heart, Haymitch can breathe again. “I love you, Y/N.” More than you will ever know.
“I love you too.”
Days pass, Finnick and Annie get married. It’s beautiful, everything they deserve. They’re glowing; so in love.
Daisy squeals her distaste during the ceremony, until Y/N manages to quiet her with milk.
“I hear ya, kid.” Johanna adds, under her breath.
At the reception everyone dances. Not Johanna. She doesn’t understand how these people can prance around while the world is going to shit. Brooding until little hands pull her to the dance floor. Everest and Arista Abernathy always do get the best of her. Just like everyone else, she was begrudgingly wrapped around their fingers from the day they met..
“Let me go.” Johanna finally demands, with a smile.
Cashmere is their next victim, any and all bystanders are fair game.
Katniss narrowly escapes; finding Johanna among the crowd.
“You saw Peeta, didn’t you?” The victor of District Seven asks. “Did you tell him hi for me? We’re old friends, you know. We had adjoining cells in the Capitol, we’re very familiar with each other’s screams.”
“I’m going to kill Snow.” Katniss says; her tone is cool, calculated. Watching Prim take Daisy from Y/N, so she too can join the crowd. She knows that if she dies, to end all of this, it will be worth it. Prim will have her mother and her former mentors to get her through. She would be taken care of. “Nothing good is safe while he’s alive, and I can’t make another speech about it. No more cameras, no more propos, no more games. He needs to see my eyes when I kill him.”
Johanna’s scowl tips up into a grin, “now you’re talking.”
“I need to find a way to the Capitol while everyone is looking the other way.”
“I hear the medics talking, they’re shipping supplies to the front lines from hanger two, around midnight tonight. Medicine, painkillers, I was gonna go steal some for myself, but I guess I could just stay here and cover for you.” Johanna turns to looks at her dead in the eyes. “Anyone can kill anyone, Katniss. Even a president. You just have to be willing to sacrifice yourself.”
When Katniss disappears that night and crops up later with troops in the Capitol, Haymitch wishes he could say he’s surprised. But Katniss is who she is and he expects nothing less.
Coin can’t bring her back now. Instead she shoots for plan B, deploying the ‘star squad’ to join her. “It’ll be perfectly safe, you’ll be days behind the main troops. This is just to rally continued support and to document our journey to victory, spearheaded by familiar faces. I’d greatly appreciate if one or both of you could be there. Peeta is being deployed soon as well.”
“Peeta?” Y/N stammers, “Peeta can’t be anywhere near Katniss, let alone a war zone. There are too many triggers.”
“Dr. Aurelius has assured me that you’ve made leaps and bounds together, aiding in Peeta’s recovery. I’m sure that he would benefit from having you there.” President Coin gives Y/N a pointed look.
“I need to discuss this with Haymitch, in private.” Y/N insists, before her husband has a chance to wring the other woman’s necklace.
“Of course.” Alma nods, “I hate to spring this on you, but we are pressed for time. I’ll need your answer by tonight.”
Part 22
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease @ninimackbrews @wittiestrain184 @r1dd1kulus @erenluvr69 @helpimhyperfixating @jackierose902109 @jellybear455 @dreammgc @dadbodfanatic-x @ftdtcmlovr @inky-sun @ms-brek-ker @undercover55655 @mischiefmanaged21 @avoxrising @koiphisch @drwho-ess @daisydaisybilly @misfits1a @nj01 @eruannaaa-blog
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allisluv · 4 months
---- drabble / oneshot wip list
please let me know in the comments or in my inbox which ones you would like me to prioritise <3
requests: open
the hunger games:
*johanna getting turned on by readers hands
*katniss and reader getting ready in tigris' shop
*sex with katniss in the meadow
*lucy gray wearing lingerie to tease reader
finnick comforting reader through a hard time
reader comforting katniss after her breakdown in mjp2
madge and reader getting married
tigris guiding you through a panic attack
*masc johanna post rebellion smut
finnick reacting to reader flinching during an argument
finnick x reader in an everlark admiring from afar situation
rejecting finnicks proposal
post!hijack peeta x reader based on the alchemy by taylor swift
finnick taking care of you after you get your wisdom teeth taken out
katniss and reader in district thirteen*
johanna being impressed when her partner takes control
finnick helping reader with binge eating
finnick helping reader through a sensory overload
haymitch and effie at readers graduation
finnick on your birthday
*scissoring sub!annie when she’s on her period
*finnick making reader suck on his fingers when she’s being too loud
finnick and reader being parental over their young tributes
annie doing stick and poke on reader
*overstimulated finnick
reader doing finnick's makeup
finnick overhearing people making fun of his partners lisp
dating sejanus headcanons
annie and reader being best friends
nsfw cato alphabet
*post war johanna with a hair pulling kink
katniss explaining her asexuality to peeta
johanna x reader with anorexia
katniss with a cat loving girlfriend
tigris comforting you on your period
finnick x vegetarian!reader
finnick x super shy!reader
making out with johanna while your homophobic parents are downstairs
haymitch’s daughter sneaking up on him
finnick x reader who’s ashamed of her scars
mom!effie x victor who has ptsd
criminal minds:
derek's long lost daughter showing up at the bullpen
jj finding out her daughter vapes
emily realising she has a crush on reader for the first time
*rough sex and soft aftercare with emily
derek x fem!deaf!reader
spencer sfw alphabet
daisy jones and the six:
billy, his wife and their daughter spend father’s day together
eddie sfw alphabet
daisy x fem!dunne!reader
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katiemay-025 · 3 months
Surprise Plan
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summary: You and the fellow victors gather for a small get together last minute or at least that’s what you thought.
wc: 4.6k
warnings: mdni, alcohol use, use of y/n and l/n (your name and last name), brief nudity(topless), mentions of acrophobia(fear of heights), mentions of hydrophobia, unclear transitions between a memory and reality(maybe)
You were frantically running around the house making sure everything was in order and baby proofed when there was a knock at the door. Johanna was cooped up in her crafts room for weeks but this knock sprung her to life letting her feet move on their own to the door. You had your hand on the doorknob when Johanna rushed to it pushing you out of the way and swung the door open to Finnick, Annie and baby Flynn. Finnick held his son in his arms as Flynn rested his head against Finnick’s shoulder slowly waking up.
You greeted the district 4 couple from the floor and reached your hand out to their kid. He reached out for you because baby Flynn always loved when you brought him to play on the textured quilt you made. Finnick gave you the baby bag before Johanna grabbed at Finnick’s loose hem and whisked him away to her crafts room.
She never let anyone in there when she was working on a project so when you looked at Annie, she gave a shrug and brought the tray of lobster into the kitchen. It was a feat that she kept them all alive from District 4, then again it’s Annie and she’s got the nurturing hand of a mother. She even hummed to them to get the lobsters to sleep before cooking them. You remember when you thought it was a joke but then you watched her and was absolutely gobsmacked when she balanced them on their heads. Their tails curled in and they stopped moving.
Johanna suggested that they should do that to baby Flynn and she was promptly never allowed to babysit him without you, although Finnick seemed amused by it and onboard with trying it out and even held Flynn upside down. Safe to say, Finnick slept on the couch that night.
Johanna woke you up this morning telling you that the other victors were coming over sometime in the evening and you spent the rest of the day cleaning the house. Annie and Finnick couldn’t have come at a better time because the mess was just cleaned, Johanna was usually good about keeping the house clean but it’s like last night after you went to bed, she purposely let a tornado run through. That was an overstatement she just rearranged some of the appliances but you hated when things were out of place.
Beetee had work in the Capitol but you were able to ask him about what time Peeta, Katniss and Haymitch would arrive. Right in time for dinner at 8 which was 4 hours away. You were bouncing baby Flynn on your hip, helping Annie with the vegetables when Johanna pushed Finnick out of the room hastily. He had stopped in the middle of the room with an awkward smile. “Wow Annie, you are so beautiful.”
You watched her blush while balancing a lobster. “Awwww cute. Flynn this is what you should be like when you grow up.” You held back a laugh before cooing.
“Ew, okay now move your fish brains.” Johanna said pushing Finnick.
You ended up helping Annie for the next few hours and especially with playing with Flynn. It had been hours since Johanna and Finnick left the cabin and you had no idea where they went. It was getting annoying since Johanna was the one who knew everyone was coming and didn’t bother to help.
Annie could tell you were getting stressed when you started running a hole into the ground with your pacing. She took Flynn from you and guided you to the sofa in the living room and ran her fingertips through your hair trying to calm you down though it was all for not when the doorbell rang and you sprang up to get it.
Right on schedule, Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch arrived at your cabin. You hugged them and heard some quacking behind them, Haymitch had two geese with him waddling in outfits. “Haymitch, what’s with the geese?”
“Oh yeah it’s for you and Johanna. Y/n, meet goose you and goose Johanna. They’re your we-“ He didn’t get to finish his sentence before Katniss slapped him upside the head. Peeta came with the garlic bread and Katniss had a block of butter from a goat and she was going to melt some for the lobster.
You caught what he was about to say, there weren’t many words that started with those sounds and you and Johanna had an extensive conservation about marriage for the past three months. Your heart fluttered in your chest but you were still annoyed at Johanna for up and leaving with Finnick and not helping around the house especially when she knew you were going to have guests over.
Speak of the devil, and she shall appear, Johanna ran into the cabin almost out of breath with Finnick in tow.
“Where have you been?”
“I needed Finnick’s help with something.”
“For four hours?”
Johanna cut you off by flashing you and subsequently everyone in the room. You glared at her. You never liked that she was so open with being naked or in this case topless, mostly because you hated sharing but it did work, you shut up, looking at her with a smirk. It worked a little too well as Flynn made grabby hands at Johanna. “Milky!”
You laughed as Finnick threw a pillow at her to cover up. You guided Annie to the guest room with the long seat so she could nurse Flynn. You had Peeta help set the table for 7 and pulled a high chair from the closet that Johanna and you made for baby Flynn. She did the wooden frame and you flourished it with the cushions you made yourself. Much like all the other furniture in the house. You went back to the kitchen with Katniss.
“How have you been Katniss?” You made it a habit to check in on your fellow victors speaking to them through the phone as you sewed, knitted or crocheted something.
“Sometimes I think there’s nothing else to live for, without Prim, without my mom.“
“Yeah grief can do that.”
“Is this what it was like when you lost your family?”
“Like there’s nothing to live for? I mean I lived my whole life without them, but I still feel the loneliness of it. Some days I thought I had no purpose and I was better off dead.”
“Was that why you volunteered for your games?”
“Partly, I didn’t have anyone to grieve me but the little girl, Esther, she had a family, a place to call home. It’s crazy how your will to survive completely changes who you are. I was ready to die in that arena, but here we are. Things didn’t get better for a long time, I felt like I was stuck, I didn’t want to live and I didn’t want to die, but I didn’t want to go back to the girl I was before I volunteered. I couldn’t. That was when I decided I was ready to move forward despite my grief. Of course that’s the year Johanna won her games. I reached out to her and then she kept reaching out after that, at the most random times of the day too. I had to install a phone in all of my rooms so I’d actually hear the phone ring. She is the fire that lights up the void in my heart. Anyway, grief takes time Katniss. When you’re ready, the world will be too.”
You were too busy conversing with Katniss to notice Johanna watching you as she leaned against the wall with a giant smirk on her face. Following Katniss’ gaze you found Johanna and winked at her. She grabbed your chin and pulled you in for a kiss.
“Ew get a room.” Katniss announced.
Johanna pulled away with a glare. “This entire house is ours, so if you don’t like it, you’re welcomed to leave Swamp Potato.” You felt her try to rush at Katniss but promptly held her hips.
“No, we are not doing this right now. Go sit down.” You pointed towards the table. “Now.” Johanna grumbled before dragging her feet as you kept your eyes on her. When she suddenly paused, you knew Katniss was doing something behind your back to aggravate your girl. “Katniss.” You said sternly. Johanna smirked and stuck out her tongue. All it took was a deep sigh for the two of them to stop their antics.
Haymitch who was looting your alcohol stash bellowed with laughter. “And this is why Finnick and Annie chose you to be their baby’s godmother.” You turned your glare towards Haymitch and the alcohol in his hands. He immediately shut up. “I’ll go sit down until dinner is ready.”
“I think you should.” You agreed with a nod.
Dinner was pleasantly quiet. Finnick and Johanna were sharing looks towards each other like they did in the Quarter Quell when they tried to hide the breakout plan from Katniss and Peeta. You had to pretend you didn’t see it and it was hard. Normally Johanna would be staring at you every chance she got, only avoiding eye contact with you when she had something to hide like that one time she accidentally unraveled the crocheted bunny you were making. Finnick was a little better tending to Flynn on the high chair to keep his hands busy.
Katniss slipped up once by saying marriage instead of margarine. Glares were thrown at her at the table as you mindlessly passed her the butter. Peeta ‘if it weren’t for the baby’ Mellark was an excellent liar but when the topic of cakes came up, you saw him tense when you told him that you loved the cake for Annie and Finnick, he choked.
Surprisingly enough, Annie was the best at keeping the secret. You had not expected it from your best friend having held her in her delirious state after her games and Finnick took to answering the interview questions. You were the first person who was patient with her, even scolding Finnick before the District 4 train left the Capitol to go home urging him to be more gentle with Annie. The Odair Family came over often after the war and with Finnick and Johanna being thick as thieves, you naturally became close with Annie. The woman was just enjoying her lobster the way she cooked them having no reaction to the word, marriage, ring or other related words. Though you could see her through your peripheral when she gave quick glances at you whenever you did something for Johanna and vice versa.
The tension was cut when the phone rang and you simply leaned back, balancing on your chair to reach for telephone. “Hello. Mason residence.” You watched as Johanna spit out her food. You always addressed the phone Mason and Y/L/N residence.
“Hi, Y/N congratulations on your engagement.” Beetee said on the other line.
“Oh that. Yeah that hasn’t happened yet.” You laughed. “I will send you the blanket as soon as possible. I’ve just been a little bit busy today.”
“Oh no I’ve ruined it. I’m sorry.”
“No. It’s okay. Call back tomorrow to check in okay?” You chuckled as the other hurriedly went dead.
“Who was that?” Johanna asked.
“It was Enobaria asking about the blanket I’m making her.” You nonchalantly lied going back to your food.
“I forgot that she existed.” Johanna mumbled. She had always been angry at Enobaria, mostly because of any of the victors left, you had once admitted that you had a crush on her. It never went anywhere of course but when Johanna found out, she grew a new hatred for the career woman. After the vote, when she had no fear of ‘being her weakness’ she pulled you by your collar as everyone was leaving and kissed you hard in front of them.
You were shocked at first but melted into the kiss as you could finally have her without hiding it. Finnick wolf-whistled as Haymitch laughed. Johanna would have taken you right in that room if you hadn’t had somewhere to be. You thanked Peeta for the reminder and held Johanna’s hand the whole way to the city circle for Snow’s execution.
Beside you, Johanna was muttering words you could barely make out. You heard words like love and forever as she continued to stutter her way through the speech you presumed would be the one she’d propose to you with. Her nervous habit of bouncing her leg became more apparent when she messed up and had to start over again. As you continued to pretend to listen to Finnick’s story about baby Flynn loving the forest and pointing at every tree you placed your hand on Johanna’s leg to calm her.
They loved to think they were discreet but you knew it was a segway to move the party outside to wherever Johanna was going to propose. You knew because Finnick stared at Johanna and even cleared his throat to get her attention. You also knew because Flynn couldn’t care less about the trees, the Odairs have been over enough times for you to know he liked the hanging deer toys more than anything.
You were at a cross between blurting out that you knew what was going to happen and seeing how long they would try to deceive you. Either way a little help wouldn’t be that bad in the long run. “Johanna’s lived here all her life, I bet she’ll know a spot.“
“I can take you all there.”
Everyone agreed to tidy up the dining room and kitchen before going to the spot. Washing the dishes was therapeutic for you, granted it would only be two dishes with you and Johanna’s plate. Now with 8 plates, you made Finnick help as Johanna ran outside chasing Flynn who was chasing the geese.
“Look at our babies.” Finnick chuckled.
“I think my baby is cuter than your baby.”
“No one is cuter than Flynn. Except for Annie.”
“Except for Annie.” You said at the same time he did, matching his mannerisms. He looked down at you shocked before you snickered. “Everyone has their opinion Finn.” You finished soaping the last plate and washed your hands.
“I’m going to tell Annie that.”
“No need. I can tell her myself.” You knocked on the window to get her attention outside and pulled the window open. “Hey Annie. Finnick thinks you’re cuter than your child.” You saw the red in her face.
Johanna who had looked up from the knocking said. “I hope you try to kiss her through the window and fall out.”
“She was so close.” Finnick told.
“To what? She was never the romantic type.”
“You’d be surprised.”
You shared a look with Annie and she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Finnick. “How would you know that?” She asked. Finnick stammered before quickly changing the subject. That’s when it clicked, Annie also didn’t know about Johanna’s proposal. It made sense, she would have told you the second she walked in.
You might as well indulge your bestie. As the lot of you followed Johanna into the forest, you fell to the back and looped your arm around hers. “Annie, how are you?”
“Wonderful. It’s been so long since we’ve all had dinner together. I love it.”
You smiled. “I think you’re going to love it even more because Johanna is going to propose.” Your heart fluttered saying it out loud for the first time. It felt good.
Annie stopped and snapped her head towards you. “Are you certain?”
“Well yes Beetee actually called congratulating me on my engagement.”
“The one you said was from Enobaria?”
“So he knew?”
“I think they all do hence the gathering, the walk in the forest, Katniss saying marriage instead of margarine.”
“Aaaahhhhhh!!! Oh my god!” Annie jumped in her spot. Everyone turned their heads and you caught their questioning eyes.
“It’s fine. She just saw a giant bug.”
“I caught that too but didn’t think you heard because you just passed her the butter! Can I be your maid of honor?” She whispered.
“Um, do fish swim?”
Annie squealed and you had to shush her before everyone turned around again. “Is it supposed to be a surprise?”
“Oh yeah. They’re just bad at keeping a secret from me. I know them too well.”
The 8 of you continued your trek through the forest and slowly you remembered the forest around you from the times Johanna took you out here.
There was the small cabin with the broken window where Johanna disappeared to and proceeded to scare the living daylights out of you when you found her. It was scary at that time, but hilarious thinking back at it. “Hey Jo! Remember when you scared me in that cabin?” You yelled getting her attention in the front.
“You mean when I scared you so bad you fell over?”
“Yeah and then you sprained your ankle and we spent the rest of the day crying and laughing on the floor. Getting sticks in our hair.
“Good times.” Johanna smirked and you giggled.
The sun sent golden rays through the canopy spotlighting small areas of the forest floor. You forgot how beautiful it was out here, with the wind whistling through your hair and the leaves dancing in the air the sun There was a wooden info plaque in front of a young tree dated to the day you first kissed Johanna.
You had stopped at the 7th floor in the Capitol to comfort her after her tributes died in the bloodbath. Not many words were spoken but you silently held her hand as she cried knowing the feeling of losing your mentees for the first time. The hand holding quickly became engulfing her in your arms. The kiss wasn’t planned; your intention was to kiss her cheek as you left once she cried all her tears. Johanna had turned and your lips met for a brief second.
When you first found the tree after moving, you asked Johanna about it and that’s when she told you that whatever you had started on that day. You had a bigger impact on her than you thought initially. The tree was 5 years old now and already towering over you. You stood in front appreciating the pine tree.
Johanna strolled back to you with her hands behind her back, admiring you admiring the tree. “Enjoying yourself there?” She asked.
“You know, this was when I should’ve ran. You planted a tree the day we first kissed. It wasn’t even a real one.”
“It was real to me. It’s what got me addicted to your taste.”
“Obsessed much?”
“You’re the one that knitted a tapestry of me holding an axe.”
“First of all, it’s cross-stitching get it right, second of all, where did that go by the way? I feel like it disappeared.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about but we can look for it after our walk.”
“Wait.“ You grabbed her wrist stopping her in her tracks. You found her jaw with your free hand and guided it to face you before kissing her. As you pulled away, Johanna tried to follow your lips. “Now that’s a real kiss.”
“I didn’t kiss you yet. It didn’t count.” She moved her arms to wrap around your waist and you slung your arms around her shoulders to deepen the kiss. Her hands traveled down your body to grope your butt.
“Let’s focus on the task at hand please.” Haymitch reminded as he grumbled.
Johanna got in a squeeze and started running before you could scold her. You couldn’t help but laugh at her childish manners. She and Finnick were the same. They’re children at heart but they have their moments of maturity.
Moments like this spot in the forest. You saw the glow in the forest and would have to admit that it got your heart fluttering. The last time you were out this far, Johanna convinced you to climb the towering trees and stay in the canopy. You were terrified of heights, hugging the tree like a koala, eventually prying your eyes open to appreciate the landscape. Johanna eased you out of your panic and carefully guided you down from it nearly two days later.
You were fine conversing with her throughout the day but the second you looked down, you tensed up and held the tree tighter. You weren’t convinced to come down until Johanna spotted storm clouds rolling in. It was when she was still fearful of water and threatened to leave you there because she would be rendered useless in it.
It was that day that she allowed herself to heal from her trauma, striking a deal with you that she’d help you with your fear of heights in exchange of being allowed to help her with hydrophobia. In the following months, you would both take steps to overcome come your fears. You could climb at least as tall as a house and be okay while Johanna was able to wash herself without cowering.
It was like a village in the sky, ladders and guard rails would keep you from falling and the fairy lights climbed up the wooden structure like vines. It was beautiful with all the gazebos with plenty of rooms.
“Wow. This is definitely a spot.” You sighed in awe. Finnick and Annie beelined it towards the swing as Johanna approached you.
“You wanna check out the gazebo?”
“Is it structurally sound? This was not here 3 months ago.”
“Are you doubting me?” Johanna feigns hurt.
“A little.”
“Finnick and I tested it. We’ll be okay.”
“Okay then.” You made your way to the ladder nailed to the tree and climbed up. Once the two of you made it to the platform, you caught Johanna’s smirk on her face.
“You’ve got a nice ass.”
“Thanks. You’ve got a good looking butt too.”
“I sure do.” Johanna smirks and you laugh continuing to walk through the treehouse. It was beautiful up here seeing the glow seep through the other trees. The bird calls slowing down for the night and the gentle breeze rustled the leaves. You looked down at the other victors and waved to them. “Do you like it?”
“I love it Jo.”
You continued to the gazebo where the sunflowers were blooming. There were empty bookshelves, a rocking chair in the corner and cushions on the ground over the tapestry Johanna said she had no idea was. Your heart fluttered over the idea that you would spend more time here with Johanna.
In the corner of your eye, you saw Johanna pat all of her pockets and relaxed after sticking her hands into her jacket pocket. She kicked the dust on the wooden platform. This was the moment and your heart rate picked up. The district 7 girl was muttering her speech again, messing it up and starting over.
You watched her for a few tries feeling your face warm up at the thought that Johanna wanted this to be perfect.
“Jo. I’ll marry you.”
Your eyes traveled to her pocket then back up to her eyes. You crossed the small distance between the two of you and reached for her hands. “Johanna Mason. I know all this is because you want to propose.”
“How- was it Swamp Potato’s? I’ll kill her.”
“No. No need for killing.”
“Let be honest I knew something was up when I woke up and you told me everyone was coming over. I’m usually the one that comes up with the plans to hang out. My favorite meal, my favorite people, my favorite flower.
“Plus you were all running around like you had a secret. I was in on the plane to get Katniss and Peeta out of the arena remember. I know what you look like when you try to hide something. It’s horribly obvious.
“Also Haymitch almost said wedding gifts when showing me the geese. Are we keeping those by the way?”
“I don’t see why not. If they misbehave we’ll just eat them.”
You were around her long enough to not react to it. “Katniss saying marriage, I did notice that. And there’s also the fact that Beetee called to congratulate us about our engagement.”
“When did he call?”
“When I said it was Enobaria. Then there’s also you sitting next to me mumbling your speech to get it right. And let me just say, I would marry you with ring pop as long as forever means forever. You are insane and unhinged but deep down you have a heart. I’m so glad that I’m lucky to be the one who gets to see it, both literally and figuratively. Johanna Mason you are strong, smart, and a secret softie. You have no idea the light you bring into my life when you kept bothering me. I love you. You’re my life, you’re the reason I love waking up everyday.”
“Can you still act surprised when I get down on one knee?”
“Yes of course.”
Johanna hummed and pulled you into a kiss. “You were the first victor to ever reach out to me and make sure I was okay. It left a big impact on me to the point where I craved you. And hearing your voice on the other side of the line made my house less lonely. I loved that you picked up the phone before it even finished the first ring because it made me think that you wanted to hear me too.” You nod in agreement and Johanna’s smile widened.
“I was angry, at everyone, I still think I am but you always have the ability to calm me with a simple touch or even your alluring voice. You know when to hold me back from a fight and you know when to let me have at them.
“I want to do things with you like climb trees, lay in your lap as you work on your knitting projects, spoil Annie and Finnick’s kid, hike in the forest, cuddle, argue at each other until I flash you or until I have to sleep on the couch. I’ve already been through hell and back with you what’s a few more decades? Maybe even forever if You're up for it.“
You kissed her pulling her in for one. When she pulled away, she got down on one knee, and all her joints popped. She groaned as you laughed because your joints have been doing that since you met her. Her hooded eyes stopped you in your tracks. “I mean. Oh my god!” You acted covering your mouth in shock.
“Y/n L/n, will you marry me?”
“Yes! A thousand times- pffft.” You laughed at the cheesiness of it.
“Finish it. I have to be on my knees for this. The least you could do is finish it.”
“That’s what she said.”
“Fuck me.”
“She said that too.”
Despite the glare Johanna gave you, you could tell she was holding back her laughter.
You cleared your throat, “Yes! A thousand times yes.”
Johanna finally got up and popped her other joints groaning in the process. You laughed and hugged her as she placed the emerald ring on your finger. “Not a word.”
“Shut up about your old lady joints and kiss me.”
“Say less.” Johanna hummed and kissed you passionately. “SHE SAID YES!!!”
You couldn’t wait for the memories you would make with your fiancee and your future wife. “I love you.”
“SHE ALSO SAID SHE LOVES ME!” Johanna announced. You held her face in your hands. “AND I GET TO KISS HER!” She held you tight and you didn’t mind if she never let go as long as you had her.
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w3bheadz · 8 months
Literally anything with Johanna please !!! I want her to be happy so badly 🥺❤️
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Hi! Sorry it took so long, I've been really busy with uni and things. I have a lot of Johanna headcanons, so I'll do those for now!!
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Johanna Mason Headcanons
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♫↬ She's a lesbian for sure ♫↬ she listens to rock/punkrock/screamo music when she's training/working out/chopping wood ♫↬ she's really good at building things, she even built a treehouse for finnick and annie's kid ♫↬ johanna’s favourite holiday was Xmas. since she lost her family, she doesn’t celebrate it as much. ♫↬ she's terrified to get too close to anyone considering the fact that her entire family was killed. she needs a lot of assurance to know that someone will stay, but she will never admit it. ♫↬ she's a really hard person to read. you don't know what she's thinking a lot of the time. ♫↬ she's extremely protective once she does get close. ♫↬ she wanted a family, but she was always afraid she would pass her trauma onto them so she never tried to find anyone. ♫↬ katniss and johanna roommate era turned into them being best friends and having hour long phonecalls at least once a week ♫↬ she gives me very aromantic vibes, the only person i ship her with is annie cresta post-rebellion ♫↬ she also uses she/they pronouns probably ♫↬ she loves spicy food too
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mrs-kmikaelson · 2 months
Our Song and Dance⁵
Pairing: Finnick Odair x reader, Katniss Everdeen x platonic!reader Summary: You'd grown used to dancing the same dance over and over again, the victor's dance, but then you start dancing with Finnick Odair and you feel things you never thought you'd feel. So you let yourself enjoy the dance, even though you knew that every song inevitably came to an end. Warnings: LONG, brief descriptions of torture, mentions of forced prostitution, exploitation of minors, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, violence, murder, sick games, very complicated relationships, complex mental health issues, death, grief, and unhealthy coping mechanisms Words: 24K
Masterlist | Part 6
a/n: so here it is! 5 days later than i said, but it's here! and um, had the same problem w my hotch fic, but tumblr only allows 1000 blocks per post, so i had to cut this short. i'll be posting the rest w the ending shortly, but for now, enjoy! ly!
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As far as you knew, love and pain were one and the same. You weren't sure exactly when this fact had been established in your mind; maybe it was with your mother, when she hugged you as she cried. Maybe it was with Finnick as you stood from the sidelines and watched him be in love with another woman. Maybe it was that love, the love Finnick and Annie had, that made you realize it, a love between two people who could never be together. Maybe it was the star-crossed lovers on TV, having no choice but to fake a love that they were too young to know.
You were too young to know it, too.
But the pain aged you, made you into a person you didn't know, a person you didn't like. That's how you knew that Finnick would never love you. 
How could he love you if you didn't even love yourself?
How could he love you if no one else did?
You knew that—oh, you knew that so well. But your heart couldn't handle that right now, to accept what your brain already knew. That's why you were avoiding Finnick at all costs, why you turned him away the other night. He had the power to turn you into putty in his hands, and you had to be stronger than that right now.
You had a nation to save. You didn't have time to save yourself from drowning. 
As far as you knew, the revolution was going along smoothly. It'd been about two weeks since you all went to 2, and in that time, Coin and Plutarch had been strategizing, planning out their next moves. For now, you were recuperating, adjusting to life in 13, which was easier said than done. 
You barely slept, often ending up in the training room late at night when it was supposed to be closed. The guard knew, you think, but he never came out to stop you. Sometimes, Katniss was already there by the time you arrived. Neither of you questioned it.
Something told you she couldn't sleep, either.
You avoided common areas during the day, doing everything in your power to steer clear of the beautiful blue eyes you once adored- still adored. You didn't want to see Finnick Odair. You didn't want to see the victor of The 65th Hunger Games. You didn't want to see the charming playboy. You didn't want to see the convincing actor. You didn't want to see that boy who loved to swim as a child. You didn't want to see the hopeful soldier. And most of all, you did not want to see Finnick, your Finnick.
Because he wasn't yours.
And he never was.
You didn't say it out loud to her, but a part of you thought that maybe Katniss knew this. Maybe she was learning to read you just as you were learning to read her. So you'd end up eating in one of your rooms together, away from everyone else. Sometimes Johanna would join you, only sometimes. Things were different now.
You could tell that she wasn't used to this, and she didn't want to get used to it. It was always you, her, and Finn. And now, you couldn't stand to be around him for reasons you couldn't tell her.
But you think maybe she knew, too.
Maybe a part of her always did.
Sometimes Prim would join you. Katniss' cold exterior would melt and she'd smile larger than you'd ever seen just with her sister's presence. Primrose was innocent and sweet, too sweet for this world. She didn't know it—you didn't talk about these things—but she gave you a little bit of faith in humanity, day by day.
And seeing her and Katniss together gave you a lot more than just a little bit of faith. Seeing the way they were with each other made you wonder how things would've played out if you had a sister, a sibling to care after, a sibling that could've grown up with you, been there with you through your childhood before you stopped being a child.
In a way, you were glad that it was only you, that there wasn't another person who had to share in your pain. But sometimes, you thought, maybe it wouldn't have been so painful if you weren't alone.
Katniss was lucky. And so, you told her that. But unlike that day in the training centre, you didn't tell her out of spite or to taunt her. You told her because she was lucky, and she deserved to know that.
"You know, I used to be jealous of you," you said. The brunette looked up from her food, brows furrowed while your eyes were still trained on the door that Prim had just left from.
"Jealous of me?" She echoed, confusion lacing her voice. A ghost of a smile grew on your face.
You're lucky, you know.
How so?
"You have a family that really loves you, that beautiful sister of yours. At the time, I would've killed to feel a love like that, a love so unconditional." You thought of their mother and your smile widened ever so slightly. She may not have been mother of the year, but she was there. And, really, that's all you ever wanted. That's all anyone could ever ask for. "My mom was, uh... she was never really like that, I guess." You chuckled a bit. "And you already know how our relationship ended up."
The room was silent. The sound of the vent lightly thudding in the background was the only thing you could hear, accompanied by your song. Sometimes, around Katniss, the song got quieter.
And sometimes, around her, it got louder.
After a moment, she spoke. "You have that, Y/N."
Not expecting her to have responded, you turned to her, meeting her eyes staring at you intently. "Hm?"
"An unconditional love," she repeated, her eyes soft as if she were afraid of setting you off. "You have that."
At her words, the smile on your face dimmed. Finnick.
You're my world, Y/N.
You blinked the memories away, trying your best to ignore his face flashing beneath your eyes every time you did so. It was surreal, almost, to think that it was his eyes were what kept you anchored while you were in the Capitol.
And now his eyes kept you anchored as you tried to swim away.
You sighed. Katniss was still so young. She didn't live the victor's life long enough to understand, and you were glad she didn't. There were some things that she never had to experience, things she never had to know, things about you that she couldn't conceptualize, so you tried to put it all into words.
Even though you knew that no words could ever convey what you'd been through.
"I can see why you'd think that, Girl on Fire, but Finnick and I were never... fireworks."
"He told me."
Your head shot up at her reply. You waited for her to add something more, to say she was joking, but the punchline never came. Your breath got caught in your throat. "He told you?"
She hesitated, looking half like she regretting saying anything. "He told me about how you guys started." She paused, letting your thoughts run wild, memories swimming through your brain the same way you used to swim through district 4 waters. 
Can we- can we just be together tonight?
"He loves you, Y/N."
What do you mean? We are together.
No, I mean- can I- I want to hold you.
A small, humourless laugh left you, the same laugh you held back when you met young kids, telling you they wished they could have a love like that. You held back the laugh and the tears and didn't tell them that they should be saving their wishes for something better.
The Prince and Princess of Panem.
If only the kingdom knew that this story didn't end in happily ever after.
If only they knew this wasn't a love story at all.
"No." You looked back up at her, smiling bitterly. "No, he doesn't, Katniss. I'm sorry our act was so good that it actually fooled you." It almost fooled me, too, you thought. But you'd been dancing long enough now to know better.
Y/N, I swear to you on everything I believe in that I'm telling you the truth.
It's impossible.
I l-
"It wasn't an act," Katniss cut your thoughts off, latching onto your hand tightly. You resisted the flinch. "I could tell you loved each other—anyone could."
Her eyes were desperate, and you couldn't figure out why. For some reason, she believed in what she was saying. She believed in this love, this love that did not exist, but why wouldn't she? Nobody knew what happened behind closed doors. Nobody knew that you and Finnick only started dating to try and save yourselves from the something that was something bigger than you. Nobody knew that he called out to Annie when he had nightmares.
You weren't even sure that he knew it himself. 
"You underestimate Finnick's acting capabilities," you said, suddenly wishing you had a drink in your hand.
She was quick to reply. "You underestimate how much he cares about you." 
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. The look on her face... she almost looked offended, appalled that you didn't agree with her. At the same time, she looked like she knew something you didn't.
But you knew a mountain of things that she didn't, that nobody knew.
So you didn't respond, opting to continue eating your food, pretending that this conversation never started. Pretending, pretending, pretending...
Katniss looked at you for a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, before she looked back down at her food, too.
Eventually, you got up and headed for the training centre, conversation forgotten.
And she never mentioned it again.
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You were walking down the halls when you saw her. You had just been to see Coin; she told you no, that you and Katniss wouldn't be going to the Capitol.
Part of you was angry. How dare she tell you that you couldn't do this? How dare she say no after all you'd been through? This was your fight. It was your right.
But the other part of you was amused.
Maybe it was going through The Hunger Games twice, or maybe it was just every other fucked up thing that'd happened to you in life, but you found her funny. It was laughable that she thought she could tell you what to do; you'd respect her for everything else, but not this. She couldn't tell you what to do about this.
You were going to kill President Snow with your own sword.
And nobody was going to be able to stop you.
That was the thought running through your head when you turned a corner, and suddenly you were face to face with a redhead you hadn't seen in what felt like a lifetime ago.
Why would you do that for me? It was supposed to be me. Supposed to be me, supposed to me, supposed to be me.
She stopped in her tracks, eyes going wide. She looked like she hadn't aged a day.
So why did it feel like you hadn't seen her in years?
Why did it feel like you were avoiding her?
Before you could answer your own questions, you felt arms wrapping around you, holding you tightly. Your body went stiff. It's Annie, you told yourself. So, after a few seconds, you hugged her back just as tightly. 
This was your friend. This was the woman you volunteered for. And more importantly, this was your soulmate's other half. 
This was Annie.
You heard her sniffling as she pulled back, voice cracking. "I've missed you so much. We've missed you so much, Y/N." We.
You didn't know how to respond, so you did what you did best. You didn't say anything, just pulling her in for another hug. You blinked away the tears threatening to well in your eyes.
And Annie didn't know this. You may never grow the courage to say it out loud. But even though seeing her broke something in you, right now, she was helping you more than you're sure you ever helped her.
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After seeing Annie, you spent the rest of the day together. For a day, you forgot about Coin, and Snow, and the revolution all together. You forgot you were the Princess. You forgot that this was the woman Finnick was in love with. For a day, you were just with your old friend.
You shared memories of district 4 together, ignoring the fact that it was all rubble now. You talked about her art, how she'd had so much time to create in 13. Part of you envied that, but the other part was just proud and happy for her.
She'd come a long way from the girl crying in your living room, inconsolable and repeating the same words over and over again. Her cheeks looked fuller and there was this light in her eyes that you never thought you'd see again.
You were enjoying yourselves.
Until she said it, and your bubble broke.
"I met someone."
At first, it didn't really register, and then your breath suddenly halted, but Annie was none the wiser to your state of shock, smiling and staring off.
"He's- he's perfect. He's everything." She looked back at you, her eyes twinkling. "I'm in love. Oh, I'm so in love with him."
In love.
With someone else.
You half-composed yourself, stuttering, "W-with who?"
"His name's Julian," she told you. "He's from 12. And I know I haven't known him that long, but Y/N, he's the one." She brought her hand out in front of you, letting you see a ring you hadn't seen before. And now, you were sure that your heart stopped. "He proposed. And I said yes!" she squealed.
You couldn't breathe.
Music filled your ears.
Annie was getting married.
And it wasn't to Finnick.
You realized you'd been quiet too long and mustered up some sort of smile. "Annie, that's- that's incredible. I'm-" shocked "so happy for you."
She was so delighted that she didn't notice your demeanour, grabbing onto your hand. "Y/N, I want you to be my maid of honour." What? She continued, "And Finnick's gonna be Julian's best man. I want both of my best friends up there with me."
You couldn't breathe.
But you responded, nonetheless, because your problems didn't matter. What you felt didn't matter. This was about Annie.
You plastered on a smile and lied, "Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything."
Annie clapped and then went on and on about the wedding as the music just got louder and louder.
You're my world, Y/N, echoed in your ears.
Little did Annie know, your world just came crashing down.
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You paced through the halls of 13 aimlessly, even though a part of you knew where you were going. Music thumped loudly in your ears, and even if you had no destination, your mind was only dancing to that music.
Dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing-
You ran a hand through your hair, heart rate speeding up. You didn't know what to think. 
There was a perfectly crafted image of what you and Finnick were in your head—and that image was nothing. You were nothing. You were "together" out of obligation, to protect your families. And now that your mother was dead and his family was safe, none of that mattered anymore. The picture was ripped to shreds and the frame had shattered to pieces. 
This image was sometimes foggy, and sometimes you may have gotten confused, but through all the smoke and confusion, you still knew what this was. It was all a part of the game, a game with no referees but a guarantee in death if you didn't play right.
And if your punishment wasn't death, then you'd wish it was.
You knew that better than anyone else.
But now, now Annie had taken all those shredded pieces and put them together without even knowing it, creating a picture that you didn't know how to interpret.
You didn't understand.
You saw the way he looked at Annie—you saw it the moment you met her.
Rapid knocks hit your door as you were fixing up boxes upstairs. You'd just moved in with Finnick and were organizing your things. You raised a brow, putting a box down and heading downstairs.
The knocks continued up until you opened the door. A girl with red hair and porcelain white skin stood on the other side, a pretty smile on her face. Your confusion only grew. This girl looked like she couldn't be any older than 16.
What was a pretty teenager doing at your door?
She spoke like she was reading your thoughts. "Hi! I'm Annie." You were taken aback by her bubbliness as she held her hand out for you to shake it. You looked down, scanning it before deciding on taking it just to be polite.
"Y/N." She cut you off, then sheepishly pulled her hand back. "I- sorry, I just- everybody knows who you are."
You intook a sharp breath, doing your best to smile and thwart her comment. Everybody did know who you were—you needed no reminder about that.
She kept talking. "And you're, uh, you're Finnick's-"
You turned to see Finnick walking up to the door, wiping his hands with a towel. He must've been in the kitchen, you thought.
Her nervous ramblings stopped as her smile widened. "Hey." She glanced back at you, brows wiggling. "I just met the girl." 
"Oh, uh- yeah." He awkwardly cut himself off, coming to stand next to you. And your confusion just heightened.
Annie held something out in her other hand that you hadn't noticed before. "Your watch," she explained. "You left it the other day."
His watch?
"Oh, thanks." He took it from her grasp, and you watched as their fingers brushed. And then you looked up at his face and saw a sparkle in his eyes.
It was almost unrecognizable. No one had ever looked at you that way.
But you knew what it was.
And that's because you were starting to look at him that way.
They continued talking but you had tuned them out by that point, dull music ringing in your ears.
You should've known better.
Of course, there was a girl. A girl who was sweet, kind, and pretty. A girl who was nothing like you. 
The girl Finnick loved.
He said something to you, asking if he could walk her home. You just nodded. It wasn't a question, no matter how he phrased it.
Annie said goodbye to you and then you watched as they walked out the door, almost forgetting to shut it behind them.
You put a hand on your chest, something akin to a laugh leaving you.
Someone had told you that you were heartless once.
That was funny.
Because, at that moment, you felt your heart hurting just fine.
The memory made your eyes foggy and your breathing irregular. You were hyperventilating.
If Annie was getting married, then what was that? What was that memory? What were all the looks, smiles, and sleepless nights? What were the past eight years for?
What the fuck did any of that mean? What was that supposed to mean to you?
Was he letting her get away— after everything?
Another part of your brain whispered, what if he never had her in the first place?
No. No.
You changed course, walking to the training room. You weren't going to think about this anymore. Thinking about this only made your head spin, spinning the record faster.
If that record spun any faster, it just might break. 
And you had no idea what'd happen then.
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Soldiers filed out of the room you stood in front of, each saluting you as they went. You gave a nod back, resisting the urge to say something. You knew that, no matter what you said, they were still going to treat you like royalty.
It was better than your treatment in the Capitol, you supposed.
But, to the better part of you, this treatment was just a stain reminding you of the blood shed.
Plutarch stood at the end of the soldiers' line, ushering you inside. "Princess," he greeted, putting his hand on your back.
You ignored the disgusted shiver that went down your spine, greeting him back. "Heavensbee." You glanced at the greying woman seated at the long table. "Madam President."
"Y/N." She got up, shaking your hand. "Lovely to see that you're doing well."
You gave her somewhat of a smile, or at least hoped that you did, but didn't say anything.
The three of you sat down after the unpleasant exchange of pleasantries. You would ask where Katniss was, but she already told you that she'd be going to see Peeta. You didn't ask to come with her.
Not yet.
Besides, you knew that she needed this. They needed to talk.
You didn't know what happened when you guys came back, what happened between them, nor did you fully know what they did to him in the Capitol, but if it was anything like what they did to you, then it was bad.
Coin's voice broke through your thoughts. "I think the only thing left to say... is thank you."
You looked up at her, spotting the look on her face and realizing that you weren't going to like the rest of this conversation. "I need to be in the Capitol," you stated, adding, "Katniss and I."
Coin was shaking her head before you even finished your sentence. "No, you have done your job. You've been very successf-"
"There is no such thing as success until Snow is dead." At my hands.
Alma pursed her lips, no doubt at the fact that you interrupted her. You'd apologize, but you really didn't have the time or energy to care about that right now. You'd been apologizing for your presence for years, respecting every Alma Coin or Capitol resident that came along. 
You were done.
"And that will happen," she affirmed. "But you need not worry about any of it." You opened your mouth, but she kept going. "You've helped unify the districts in a very short amount of time, for which I thank you, but now we just want you to rest. And to heal."
Your eyes narrowed ever so slightly. She was pushing you aside.
"The last the rebels saw me, I was lying on the ground with a bullet in my chest."
Plutarch took your attention. "Y/N, we won't let this momentum go to waste. We'll shoot more propos, right here in 13, showing them that you're alive."
"No, I should be down with the troops-"
"It'll be like being on the front lines-"
Coin interjected, "As far as the soldiers know, you survived a bullet to the heart." Her voice was earnest, but if you knew any better, which you did, then you knew to look past her voice to the calculation in her eyes. "I think they'll understand why you're not with them."
You held back a scoff. "And Katniss? What's the excuse for her?"
Coin's resolve only hardened, a smile appearing on her face, a smile you didn't like. "Look, Y/N, when we win this war, we'll fly you both in for the surrender. We'll need you for the ceremony." She paused, nodding to herself. "You're very valuable to us."
Like an artifact.
You thought of saying something but thought better of it, hiding your true thoughts like it was second nature to you—and it was. You nodded, smiling back at her. "Well, whatever it is you need me to do, I'll do it." The lies flowed from your lips smooth as honey.
You got up, shaking her hand once more and bidding your farewell to the both of them. As you left the room, the thousands of things that'd been on your mind left and only one thought remained.
You were gonna watch Snow take his last breath, and you'd be the one to have taken it from him.
No matter what.
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Annie's wedding came faster than light, making you break your promise to yourself not to think about it. With Finnick across from you on the stage, it was impossible not to think about it.
You could feel his gaze burning into you, but you ignored it—at least, that's what it looked like to him. To you, you weren't ignoring anything. To you, he was at the forefront of your mind.
Hell, even as Annie walked down the aisle, Finnick was all you could think about. Your relationship, or lack thereof, was all you could think about. The day you met, the nights in the Capitol together, the days when you lost a tribute, the dinners, the nights you slept together, the times he'd kiss you without a camera in sight, the way he calmed you down during the Quell— your whole life together.
SImultaneously, the stolen glances at Annie flashed through your mind, too. The way he'd call her name as he slept, the way he fell apart when her name was called in the Reaping, the way he broke down with her in your living room, the way he'd kiss you for the cameras and then go to see her later that day.
What were you supposed to make of that?
A part of you thought it was comical. There was an entire revolution happening, the weight of the crown and Panem on your shoulders, but with just the simplest thought of Finnick, all of that dissipated into thin air and got magnified at the same time.
He had the type of power over you that a shepherd had over his sheep.
Did he know that?
Annie's voice sounded, breaking you from your trance. "From this day forth, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer. I promise to love and cherish you each day."
You looked towards them, seeing her hands intertwined with the boy's, sincere smiles on both of their faces and love-crazed looks in their eyes. They looked at each other like it was just them in the room. "I, Julian Cinder, take you, Annie Cresta, as my wife from this day forth," he proclaimed, quiet resolution in his voice. "Whatever happens from this point onward, together or apart, we will always be united. One life, one purpose, one destiny."
"You may kiss the bride," the officiator told him. Julian didn't need to be told twice, reaching downward for Annie's lips immediately, kissing her gently. 
Applause overtook the room. You wiped at a tear underneath your eye before joining them, clapping and forcing a smile. 
You were happy, you were so happy that Annie was in love and that the boy she was in love with loved her just as much. But you'd be lying to yourself if you said you were crying out of happiness.
Your tears weren't happy tears. 
Julian's vows were beautiful. The love that they shared was more beautiful than any painting you had ever seen, any song you had ever heard, any place you'd ever been to. And it was real.
It was beautiful.
But it was more beautiful and real than anything you'd ever get to experience.
As the reception started, you didn't stay long to watch the newlyweds' first dance. Music started playing, but it did nothing to silence the music already playing in your head.
Unbeknownst to you, you weren't the only one leaving the wedding early.
Your heels clicked rapidly against the floors, silent footsteps following you. You had just made it to the hallway your room was in when you were spun around.
Like a reflex, you automatically brought your fists up without even thinking, about to swing when you saw the perpetrator.
You lowered your fists, bringing one hand to your chest and breathing heavy. You couldn't tell if your reaction was from being touched or from being touched by him.
He held his hands up in surrender, opening his mouth, but you weren't letting this happen again. Not during these times, not today, not now. Maybe not ever.
You couldn't.
You went to turn, but this time, as if he'd learned from last time, his hand latched onto your arm. Your heart rate sped up, and suddenly, there was a pit in your stomach.
Was it butterflies?
Or was it fear?
You tried pulling away your arm, but his hold was like steel, unrelenting. "Y/N, we need to talk-"
"No." You refused to meet his eyes, pulling your arm harder, seemingly for no reason.
"I need to talk to you."
You shook your head. "No. We-" Fuck. "We have nothing to talk about."
"Yes, we do-"
"No, we don't." Water built in your eyes. "I have nothing to say to you." Liar.
"Stop it."
"We need to-"
You exploded. "You let her get away!" You looked up at him, and just like that, the dam in your eyes broke. Because the look on his face split your heart in two. "You-" your voice cracked "you let her get away."
Finnick went silent. His hold loosened, but you didn't notice. You didn't even notice the tears in his eyes. 
His voice was no louder than a whisper. "Y/N-"
You cut him off. He wanted to talk, so you would talk. You had enough things to talk about that it'd make your voice go hoarse, enough words stuck inside to you to fill scrolls and still have something left to say. "A-After everything, you just let her go- just like that."
"Y/N, baby, please-"
"Why," you asked, but your words sounded nothing like a question—and they weren't. You were demanding the truth, not asking for it. You wanted to know why. "Why would you do that?"
"Because I love you."
Your breath was knocked out of your chest. 
And for the first time since the Quell, the first time since you met Finnick—the first time since when you won The Hunger Games, the music stopped entirely.
And then it picked back up like it never did before. 
The music was loud, swirling around you like mist, like you could feel it, like it was pushing you to dance as your feet were glued to the floor. Finnick just stood there, staring at you helplessly. He said it so quickly that you almost thought he didn't think about it—did he? Did he think about his words before he said them? Did he think about the words that had the power to break you and build you up?
Did he think about the words that made you feel like you were alive and dying all at the same time?
Three months ago, you would've been overjoyed to hear him say that—to hear him say anything like that. But now it just felt cruel.
So your response was like nothing you would've ever imagined.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
Finnick's face dropped. A part of you, the part of you that got butterflies when he said what he said, felt bad. That part of you felt terrible. That part of you wanted nothing more than for him to be happy and for him to love you.
But the other part of you had learned that Finnick being happy and loving you did not exist in the same universe. The other part of you wanted to make him happy but had already accepted that love was not in the picture. This other part of you would go to great lengths to make him happy, like volunteering for deadly games and adding gasoline to the fire that was this revolution. But this part of you refused to pretend anymore.
You weren't going to play anyone's games anymore.
Nothing like the Finnick you once knew, he stammered, "I- I said I love you."
You scoffed. "Love? You think you love me?" 
His eyes narrowed, like he was getting angry. "Yes, Y/N, I love you."
Your eyes hardened, tears no longer falling. "Oh, is that what this is? Are we in love now?" He opened his mouth to speak but your sudden laughter cut him off.
Someone told you that you were heartless once.
Wasn't that funny?
You went on, "So, the sleepless nights I had, waiting for you to get home—was that love?" You stepped closer to him. "The nights when I knew you were with her, the nights you'd hold onto me and I could still smell her, the nights when you called. out. for her in your fucking. sleep.—is that love, Finnick?" You paused, laughing again like you were crazy, and maybe you were. "I didn't even know that we were in a relationship, let alone in love."
He shook his head rapidly with conviction, looking like you had just stabbed him. "No- no, I was never with her, not like that-"
"Oh, of course not-"
"You're talking about it like it was all bad! It- it wasn't, I- I fell in love with you, Y/N." He moved his hand up from your wrist to grasp your hand, picking up the other one and holding it, too. And for some reason, you let him. "What about the nights we spent together, the days in, the dinners, the last eight years-" he cut himself off, breathing heavily and staring into your eyes. "You can't tell me that we weren't in love."
Finnick's blue eyes were like a whirpool, sucking you in yet again. He looked like he truly believed in what he saying, so much so that you almost believed it, too. You wanted to. You wanted nothing more than to believe that your time together meant something, that he felt the same way you did. 
If you were still that same woman, you would've believed it. But even she was a swimmer.
You were not going to be sucked into his whirlpool. Not again.
Not after it tore you apart last time.
You snapped, "It was fake! All of it was fake!" You held back onto his hands, tightening your grip. Finnick's eyes may have been a whirlpool, but yours were a storm. "I remember that; it was my idea. And I am sorry- I am so sorry for the years I have stolen from you, but I had people to protect back then" mom "and I don't anymore." You stepped closer to him, if that was even physically possible. "Don't you get it? I have lost everything. But I never lost you." You shook off his hands, and even as such anger coursed through you, a tear raced down your cheek. "You can't lose something you never had in the first place."
Finnick recoiled. For a moment, he looked sick until he regained composure, reaching for your hands again but you quickly stepped back. "Y/N-"
"You know, you're half right, though." A humourless smile came to your face. "We may have never been in love, but I know that I was." And I still am.
Without waiting for him to respond or giving him the opportunity to suck you in again, you turned and quickly went into your room, locking the door as soon as it closed.
You ran for the toilet, expecting vomit to rise. You sat there, waiting for it come, but nothing came up. Suddenly, you errupted into laughter, the kind of laugh that made your stomach hurt, and then those laughs slowly turned into loud sobs, tears running down your cheeks.
You're fuckin' heartless, 4.
Oh, how funny that was.
Maybe they were finally right. Maybe you were heartless now.
Because your heart had just been ripped out of your chest.
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You didn't leave your room the rest of the day, except to congratulate Annie and go to the training room later at night. Katniss met you there, dull. You didn't ask her what happened, and she didn't ask you, either. You sparred and pretended that the last few hours didn't happen, that Finnick didn't let the woman he loved get away, that he didn't say what he said.
You already cried to yourself for hours. You didn't need to reflect on it anymore.
You were fine.
"No, you hold it with both pointers facing outward, like a bat." You corrected the position of Katniss' hands on the sword. She may have had a gift for the bow, but anyone with eyes could see that, that wasn't the case for swordsmanship. My God, she's helpless.
She scoffed, "You're acting like I'm inept. I can wield a sword just as well as you can shoot an arrow."
Katniss rolled her eyes but continued doing what you were telling her to do. She said she was curious. Little did you know, curious meant terrible.
Once her hands were in position and she was holding properly, she took a swing. You held back the urge to wince. She wasn't that bad, but it was pretty damn bad. "No, see- you can't swing like that. Way too slow, not enough force—have you seriously never wielded a sword before?" You grabbed one, holding up it and demonstrating. "You swing like this. If you swing the way you're swinging, then you're not gonna be able to slice anything."
"C'mon, this'd knock someone down."
"Well, the goal isn't to knock someone down; it's to kill them on impact."
"What, so you went into your Games with the mindset that you'd just kill immediately?"
You intook a breath, your bubble of pretend breaking. No, that wasn't what you went into your Games thinking at all. After a moment, you responded, "No." Pause. "I actually didn't think I stood a chance." Katniss went silent, but for some reason, you kept talking, eyes on the wall. "I would've been the youngest that year, but um... Bay was younger than me. And he wanted a longer life, a better life, so I fought for him. It was him and my mom." And now they're both dead. You cleared your throat, turning back to look at her and faking a smile. "So I decided ruthlessness was the only way to survive in there. And then when I got out, it wasn't ruthlessness that kept me alive; it was being royalty." You chuckled.
Never would you have ever imagined this being your life when you were younger, that you'd be Princess. But here you were, alive and well.
Or at least as well as you could be in your position.
Some had it worse.
You were fine.
You turned, about to move on and keep going when Katniss' voice broke the silence. "Aren't you tired?" You turned your head back to her to see the sword hanging from her hands, a look of exhaustion hiding behind her seemingly empty eyes, despair in her undertone. "'Cause I am. I don't know about much anymore, but I know that I am tired."
You stared at her, this time really looking at her. It was so easy to forget how young she was, that she was practically still a child. You supposed that a victor just grew into their role.
You did.
You were just fifteen.
After a moment, you lifted the corners of your lips as best as you could, trying to genuinely give her a smile, even if you could barely bring yourself to. "I am tired, Katniss," you affirmed. Despite the contrasting look on your face and the feeling in your heart, you didn't feel tears form, not for this; you had accepted this by now, and as wrong as it was, she needed to, too. "But it is not ours to be tired."
You turned around, not turning back this time until you'd replaced your sword for a bow. You turned back, switching Katniss', too. "Here," you said. "Let's switch back to the archery since you're shit with the swords."
She looked at you for what felt like forever but was really only a few seconds. And in those few seconds, the illegible book that was Katniss Everdeen became crystal clear, scibbled writing turning to print. A million emotions ran through her eyes: exhaustion, anger, devastation. But a single emotion rose above all, and you knew this because you lived it: the thirst for blood—a thirst that could only be quenched once you accepted that you were thirsty at all.
Finally, she looked away, nodding. "Okay." She looked back up. "But I'm not shit at anything."
A breath left you, like a weight that'd been lifted off your shoulders. You were back to normal. "Whatever you say, Everdeen."
And then, just like that, you resumed, and everything was fine again.
Or maybe it wasn't.
Maybe it never was.
But that wasn't the point.
In this reality, if you said something was nothing, then it was. If you were supposed to be the Princess and lead a revolution, then that's what you were going to do. If you said you were fine, then you were fine.
Weren't you?
Whatever you say.
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You and Katniss retired to your rooms after a few rounds of shooting and one round of sparring. You made it all the way to your door, but never opened it. Your feet kept moving, moving past your room and all the others until you made it to the nuclear weaponry.
You weren't going back to your tonight.
Or ever.
They were shipping supplies to the Capitol tonight from hangar 2. This was your window. Coin didn't want you in the Capitol on the frontlines, but that was exactly where you needed to be. You couldn't let someone else fight your fight. You needed to do this.
You'd said your goodbyes. You just saw Katniss, and though Johanna may not have directly said it, she knew you were leaving, too. She was the one who even told you they were leaving tonight. Peeta was getting better; he wasn't totally there yet, but he was getting there. Annie was happy, finally happy, living the life of her dreams amongst the nightmare you all lived in. Everyone was accounted for.
And Finnick... well, you'd said goodbye to him, too.
It was time.
You crept past any guards with ease, only stopping to pick up your go bag. Like a snake, you made your way through the many bombs and missiles, ignoring the fact that there was a metaphor in there somewhere. Just as the hovercraft opening was closing, you jumped in, rolling on impact.
Once the door closed, your eyes scanned your surroundings. Boxes and cargo filled the room, but it was otherwise empty. You let go of a breath you didn't even know you were holding. You were in the clear.
Might as well settle down, you thought. It was a long way from 13 to the Capitol.
You sat down in a corner, despite having the place to yourself, and brought your knees up to your chest, momentarily closing your eyes. You weren't gonna get much rest in the next few days, but you couldn't sleep now and risk not waking up. Yes, you were tired.
But tired was not a possession that someone like you could own.
You opened your eyes, opting to distract yourself by looking through your bag. 
You were lucky Katniss didn't question the absence of your sword in the training room earlier, nor did she notice that some of your shared arrows were missing along with your crossbow. That was because everything you needed was in the bag: weapons, gadgets, and clothing. But none of that was of any real importance to you.
What you pulled out wasn't one of the many pristine articles in the bag. It was damaged. The paper felt delicate in your hands, fragile. It was peeling, ripped around the edges, but maybe that was just because you brought it with you everywhere.
A photograph.
A photograph of yourself when you were younger. Before your father died. Beforen your mother went crazy. Before your name was pulled in the Reaping. Before you killed ruthlessly to survive just to end up wanting to die, anyway. Before you met a boy that made you want to live.
You were still a child here. Your smile was real, tugging at your full cheeks. You don't remember the exact day this was taken, but you remember that you were happy.
Tears threatened to reach your eyes, but you blinked them away. You used to pull out this photo to make yourself feel better, but now it seemed to have the opposite effect. Now, it just reminded you of everything that you'd lost.
But that was the point.
You didn't pull it out to cheer yourself up anymore. You pulled it out for that reminder, to remind yourself what you were fighting for. 
Your childhood was stolen from you. Every good thing you could've possibly ever had was ripped away from you, all because of who you happened to become, all because of the world you happened to live in.
You'd be damned if you'd let another child go through what you went through.
If you had your way, no child would ever go through that again.
And you would have your way.
No matter what.
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It wasn't long enough before you felt the hovercraft lowering, the pop in your ears telling you that you were landing. It wasn't really noticeable. You'd felt worse pains in your life.
You peeked your head out as the door opened, quickly turning back and intaking a shaky breath. It was a full crowd out there, and you could bet your ass there'd be cameras.
"It's okay," you murmured. "You can do this." You'd been through two Games, forced sex work, and President Snow's personal torture. A crowd was the least of your worries. 
However, this time was different. This time, you weren't gonna walk out there with a smile. You weren't gonna twirl or make your sleeves go up in flames. You weren't gonna dazzle anybody.
This was real.
This wasn't a show anymore. It was still a game—a different game, but a game, nonetheless, and you were nothing if not a great player.
You could remember your first Games like they were yesterday.
"You're fuckin' heartless, 4."
You laughed. "Oh, am I?" You swung at the boy's torso with your sword as he narrowly dodged it. "That's not what the papers are saying," swing, "are they?"
The boy and you danced around each other in a circle, danced, and danced, and danced, but only one of you would walk away singing. 
"You killed her," he spat at you, anger and desire shining in his eyes—the desire for revenge. "You killed Myrto."
You scoffed, "What, was that 6's female tribute? Be glad I made it quick." You swung again, this time cutting flesh, resulting in a hiss.
You were acting. Dancing. You knew Myrto's name and you knew she was from 6. You knew the names of everyone in the arena, but pretending not to made it easier. Pretending you didn't see Myrto hug the boy in front of you when you were at the Capitol made it easier when you snapped her neck.
Myrto and Spyros, 6's promising tributes. They were close. But he shouldn't have let her go off alone. He shouldn't have let you do that, even if you were doing her a service. Nobody in here would've given her as quick of a death as you did; many wouldn't have cared about the light in her eyes. Despite Spyros' words, there were many that were more heartless than you.
Or so you told yourself.
He swung back at you as you sidestepped, countering with a swing of your own, metal hitting metal. He looked you dead in the eye. "She was scared of you. She saw you kill that guy with your bare hands and was terrified the same would happen to her."
You leaned in, sneering in his face, "That guy came at me first, and then he touched Bay. You don't touch what's mine."
"And what? The crown is yours now, too?"
"Yes." Without another second to waste, you lifted your sword and plunged it into Spyros' stomach before he could blink. His sword slipped through this fingers in shock. A flicker of remorse flashed through your eyes. "No hard feelings, but I need to go home."
You ripped your sword from his skin, looking away andletting him fall to the ground. A few moments later, the cannon sounded ,and you knew he was dead. 
A sigh left your lips. Twenty-two down.
One to go.
You shook yourself out of your reverie, shaking your head as if you could still feel the blood on your skin. Blood seemed to consume your thoughts. Theirs. Yours.
No more.
"No more innocent blood," you whispered to yourself. It was funny, almost. You could remember wanting to win so badly, and then as soon as you got out, you wished you let Spyros kill you. If you did, you wouldn't be living with this guilt. You would've never been sold, you would've never gone through what you went through at the Capitol. And you would've never met Finnick, either.
But you couldn't decide if that's really what you wanted.
With one more deep breath, you walked out of the hovercraft, dragging your feet that felt like boulders and forcing yourself to go forward. The cold air of the Capitol hit you like nothing else, as if knives were biting into your skin, but you'd felt worse.
No one recognized you immediately, but soon, murmurs followed. You kept your eyes on the ground. "That's her," someone whispered. "That's the Princess."
Eventually, the crowd went silent and so you looked up, being met with every face in the area. All eyes were on you.
They were rigid, like statues, until one person got down on one knee. Your eyes darted over to him. Even from so far away, you could see his eyes. You saw admiration, respect, and gratitude, but most of all, you saw hope. He bent his head down, bowing. Suddenly, everyone followed. Men, women, and children collectively got down and bowed.
For you.
Your breath was taken away. You didn't know how to respond, but whatever words you were going to say died on your tongue when Boggs came into your line of sight. 
"Y/N," he greeted, the slightest bit of surprise lacing his stoic voice. "President Coin didn't tell me you'd be meeting us."
"I know," you said, and you said nothing further than that.
You couldn't tell what he was thinking, but after a second, Boggs nodded, softly telling you, "Come on." You followed him wordlessly, meeting Commander Paylor again before she went up on stage.
She was a good speaker, that you could tell, but you weren't truly listening. The crowd clapped and cheered but you were motionless. You could feel Boggs' eyes burning into the side of your head. He must've thought you were crazy, and maybe you were. 
You were fixated on the one thing you'd wanted more than anything else, so it was a bit difficult to pay attention to speeches, no matter how good they were.
After Paylor's speech, you followed Boggs out of the area to where you were stationed. Now that he found you, it only made sense that you'd work together. You could use the ammo, anyway.
You got to your post, still not really focused on anything, but then all of your distraction flew out the window when you saw a head of brown hair, not in a braid but in a ponytail just as similar.
So you weren't the only one with the idea of sneaking out.
"Great minds really do think alike, don't they?"
At the sound of your voice, Katniss turned around and a smile graced her face, and this was one of the few times you'd ever seen the sight. "Y/N," she breathed, and in three strides, she was embracing you in her arms.
You tensed but soon reciprocated the hug, basking in the irony that you once thought you'd never befriend this girl. Yet, now, she was the only one who stood by your side.
You hugged for a few seconds before letting go—both of you could only handle so much affection—but she held onto your shoulders. The smile was still there, but it had dissipated. It wasn't so bright anymore. 
She nodded towards a tent, and you nodded in response.
You needed to talk.
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Katniss led you into an empty tent and you both sat down. The time for pleasantries had passed—the gun on your hip and the sword hitting your leg had reminded you of that.
Out of habit, you glanced around the small tent. There wasn't much except for the little she'd laid out, along with her bag, stuffed with food. You nodded to it. "That's more food than I've ever seen you eat before."
She barely looked up. "Tryin' to be prepared-"
You cut her off, humming. "C'mon, Katniss." You shook your head. "Don't insult me."
Finnick was hard to get a read on these days. Johanna wasn't the same, and Peeta barely showed emotion. But if you knew anyone, it was Katniss. You were Katniss. So you already knew what she was planning.
After all, it was the same plan you had.
She finally looked up at you. "I'm gonna be fine, Y/N."
"Of course, you are," you affirmed. "'Cause I'm coming with you."
She sighed, "Y/N-"
"Be smart, Katniss. If you're going off alone, you need backup." You left out the fact that your plan involved no backup, either. "Besides," you added, "you know I want this just as bad as you." Maybe even more.
She stared at you for a few seconds after that, maybe a minute, before she eventually nodded. A sigh of relief left you, but before you could get anything else out, your names were being called.
"Y/L/N, Everdeen." Your eyes went to the woman outside of your tent. "Come meet your new unit."
You got up, crouching under the tiny tent opening and walking out until you were with everyone else, the woman who called you right in front of you. She sized you up with a stony expression.
"I'm Lieutenant Jackson," she introduced herself. Her voice was as emotionless as her face, though you recognized a hint of irritation in her eyes. "And I want to introduce you to your squad." She pointed to each person as she went. "This is Second Lieutenant Mitchell, best sharpshooter in Panem. These are the Leeg sisters, first combat division. And this is Corporal Homes."
You nodded to each of them in greeting, even though Homes and you had already met. Jackson introduced all of them to you, but not you to them; though, you supposed it was unnecessary. By now, everyone in Panem knew your face.
You went to say something, but as a familiar face came into view, you forgot whatever it was in a heartbeat.
Katniss' words echoed your thoughts. She left your side and made her way over to him, but you were frozen in your spot. "Are you with us?" she questioned, her back turned to you but her smile audible in her voice. 
"Looks like it," he responded, wrapping his arms around her. You looked away, feeling the phantom sensation of his arms around you, your feet stepping synchronously with the song that was back playing in your ears.
Love? You think you love me?
Yes, Y/N, I love you.
Involuntarily, your eyes travelled back to them only to see blue eyes already pointed your way. Your mind shouted at you to look away, but your eyes couldn't follow the instruction. This was your first time looking at him without tears filling your eyes.
And, God, was he beautiful.
Was it his face that shocked you or was it his presence? Was it your history or the chapter you were in right now? Did it matter?
All of the questions you had went unanswered as Boggs entered the canopy. "Gather round," he ordered, forcing you to peel your eyes away. Your unfortunate love affair would have to wait.
If you could even call it that.
"Squad 451, you're my unit." He looked around at you, the so-called 'best of the best.' And while you were the best, in many ways, you weren't truly put together because of your skills. Katniss had a way with a bow, and you and Gale were next in line in that area. Finnick and you had both mastered close combat. Mitchell was a sharpshooter, and everyone else had miles of experience. But that still wasn't why you were chosen.
He continued, voicing what you already knew. "Each one of you is elite in some form of combat. But we are a non-combat unit, so we'll be following days behind the frontline troops." Katniss and you shared a brief glance.
"You're to be the onscreen faces of invasion. The Star Squad," a woman declared, arms crossed. Cressida, you think her name was. You met her in the Capitol once. She was almost gonna direct a show for you and Finnick, and you thank the heavens every day that it never happened. "It's been decided that you're the most effective when seen by the masses."
It appeared that you and Everdeen weren't the only ones with qualms about this regime. "So we're not gonna fight?" Gale spoke up.
Boggs' reply was swift and prepared. "You'll do whatever you're ordered to do, soldier. It's not your job to ask questions."
He held his tongue and nodded, an affirmation leaving his lips, respectful but clearly reluctant. And why wouldn't he be? You were fighters—all of you. Kids thrown into the arena or the streets. This wasn't about pride, though, so you understood the establishment's point of view on this one.
But it wasn't about pride for you.
It was about revenge.
"Our instructions are to shoot propaganda footage on the battle-scarred streets of the Capitol." Boggs went on to explain that, even though you were a propo team, you were still in the middle of a war zone. "It is likely that we'll encounter both active pods and Peacekeepers." He paused. "You're considered high-value targets to the Capitol." His eyes momentarily darted over to you, making you stiffen. "In the event of capture, you'll be given a nightlock pill." Another pause. "A poison that acts immediately."
You felt Katniss' eyes on you as Jackson passed the pills around, the glare of scissors flashing through your mind, beautiful scissors that never got to kiss your skin.
My hair. It's- I want to cut my hair.
I'll help you.
You took the pill and stowed it away, ignoring her stare. You were thankful for her interruption that day in the bathroom, but you'd gone this far without mentioning it and you'd go a lot farther in the same state. 
As far as you were concerned, that day never happened.
You're not suicidal, your brain whispered, and you vehemently agreed. But if things ended the way you wanted them to, the way the way they were supposed to, then dying wouldn't be too bad.
That nightlock could go a long way.
"Our unit has been given a Holo, a database that contains a detailed map of the Capitol and a list of every known pod." That caught your attention, making you look up at the device he placed on a container, a hologram of the Capitol shooting out with little orange indicators everywhere. "These pods can trigger anything from bombs to traps to mutts. We cannot move without this device. There's no guarantee that our database is complete; there could be new pods that we're not aware of. Because we don't want the Gamemakers to know we have this intel, it has a self-destruct on it. You flip this switch, say nightlock three times, and it blows itself and anything within a ten-foot radius." He paused, making eye contact with each of you and enunciating slowly. "Stay within our unit. Even with the Holo, it is likely that new pods have been set. Whatever they contain, they are meant to kill you."
You glanced at Katniss to see her already looking your way, clearly thinking the same thing that you were. If you wanted to stay alive long enough to kill President Snow, then you needed that Holo.
Without meaning to, you consequently glanced at Finnick, seeing that childlike glint in his eye that you hadn't seen in ages; albeit, it had no place in war.
But that didn't mean that you didn't miss it.
He leaned towards Katniss and you like nothing had ever happened, making you tense. It was almost like he was playing a game, and you suppose that's exactly what it was because, not a second later, he spoke.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The 76th Hunger Games."
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Explosions went off in the distance that you tried not to be affected by, smoke and rubble surrounding the once pristine Capitol. It almost looked the footage you'd seen of 12—you imagined the other districts were the same. As you stood there and filmed propos, it almost looked like home.
You stopped in an abandoned restaurant, sitting down to rest. You didn't really feel like resting, but it was nice to stop and strategize.
Katniss and you sat off to the side, away from everyone else, but you could feel eyes burning into the side of your head, eyes that were likely blue. It took everything in you not to look his way.
"We're not getting across this minefield," you remarked.
Without missing a beat, she replied, "Not without that Holo. And we're not gonna get it off him while he's awake."
You nodded, repressing the urge to glance over at Boggs to avoid suspicion. "Let's make sure we're on the same watch tonight, then."
Allies until you weren't. Same team until the time came.
Just like The Games.
The sound of wheels on rubble made you stand up simultaneously, hand on your weapon in quick succession. "Is that Peacekeepers?" someone said.
Jackson radioed something into base before putting her walkie talkie away and ordering, "Stand down, everyone. It's friendly."
You snorted. Friendly was a nice choice of words. But it made you wonder who could possibly be there that hadn't already shown up. Johanna, maybe, you thought. Then the door opened and the person that walked out wasn't Johanna at all.
Katniss drew an arrow from her quiver automatically, making you press a hand to her shoulder. She held the bow down but kept the arrow; you think that if you hadn't stopped her, she would've shot that arrow instantly—and you didn't know if you could blame her.
That Golden Boy that walked into the Quell never came out, nor did Panem's troublemaker from 7 or the Princess. You were changed. And you were fucked up, you knew that—you didn't need a therapist to tell you that. But you were broken before; Peeta wasn't. 
You could still hear his screams when you closed your eyes, entangling with the beat of the music. You danced to those screams in the Capitol for weeks on end. 
And then they hijacked him. President Snow was the Devil, and he collected Peeta's soul like it was pocket change, turning him against the love of his life. 
You saw what he did to her. She never talked to you about it, but the rings around her neck and red in her eyes were impossible to miss when you came back. 
So, no, you didn't know if you could blame Katniss for wanting to shoot him, but none of you could let her do that. Because, if she shot hijacked Peeta, she'd be shooting the Peeta with a heart of gold, too.
He walked towards you slowly, soldiers behind and around him as you all stood with baited breath. He mumbled something to himself quietly that you couldn't make out, eyes trained on the ground as if wishing it'd swallow him whole.
He walked until he got too close and Katniss pulled back her bowstring. You widened your eyes, whispering, "Katniss-"
"Okay, stop," Gale warned, holding up one hand like he wanted to keep the peace but the other was on his gun, finger on the trigger. How convenient would it be if he finally got a reason to shoot the only other competitor he had? It nearly made you scoff.
"Hold up, everyone relax." You froze at the voice, seeing Finnick walk forward with his arm held out to the rest of you, like he was holding you off. You couldn't spot even the slightest hint of hesitation in his actions.
He continued to walk towards him, even as Boggs ordered Jackson to cuff him. Only then did Katniss lower her bow. You gave her a cautionary glance but didn't say anything more, following her back inside. She kept quiet about you and Finn; the least you could do was offer her the same luxury.
Back in the restaurant, Boggs explained that they wanted to add Peeta to the propo, show Panem that he was on your side now. 
But he wasn't.
You knew that. Katniss knew that. And President Coin certainly knew that, too.
A message to The Mockingjay.
"He's not in control of himself," Gale said, a blank look on his face.
"I say we schedule an around-the-clock watch on him," Jackson proposed, as if Peeta wasn't ten feet away, in perfect earshot of the conversation. "The Leegs 'til 1700, Homes and Mitchell 'til 1900."
Katniss startled you by her quick intrusion. "Give me a watch."
Clearly, the others weren't expecting that either, judging by Jackson's head tilt or the brief flash of emotion in Boggs' impassive demeanour. "And if it really came down to it, you think you could shoot him?"
"I wouldn't be shooting Peeta," she replied, her voice cold as ice. "'Be killing a Capitol mutt."
She didn't mean that. She really didn't. You could still remember how hysterical she was when she thought Peeta died in The Games. She loved him. But he didn't know that. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Peeta's eyes fall to the ground. "I'm not sure that kind of comment recommends you for the job either, soldier."
Boggs cut in, "Put her in the rotation." Jackson looked up at him, then he walked away. There, said and done. Katniss wouldn't have been Katniss if she hadn't followed him outside, but you didn't tag along for the questioning.
You stayed inside, walking away from where you sat with Gale to another area in the building. His thoughts were loud, too loud for your own. Peeta was here now, and that changed a lot for him. It changed a lot for Katniss, too, and you.
Because, now, you were stuck here.
There was no way you'd be leaving now.
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You were on your own in a secluded part of the restaurant, thoughts filling your head the way water filled district 4 one summer in your childhood, an unstoppable flood. That flood didn't leave any part of the district unaffected, and now you could feel this flood taking hold of your brain—and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
"C'mon, Y/N. We all know this is a sham. I mean, I've never even seen you speak to Finnick Odair, and now you're dating?"
You rolled your eyes at the Capitol's 'Favourite Son,' your disinterest doing nothing to deter him. Augustus Braun was nothing if not persistent, especially when it involved you. He won the year before you and thus made it his mission to pursue you ever since, so when revealed that you were dating Finnick, it clearly caused a stir.
You tried to brush him off. "I don't know what you want me to say, Augustus. I didn't see it coming either; it just happened."
"It just happened?" he echoed.
"Yeah. I mean, you can't control love." The words sounded so faux coming out of your mouth, even to you. It was times like these when you wished Finnick was here; he was a much better actor.
"That is so bull-"
Another voice interrupted. "Augustus."  You both turned to see Cashmere, one of his mentors, walking toward you, a feline smile on her face. "Leave the lady alone. You know we only fight when The Games are going on."
When The Games are going on, she said. You could be friends all year round, but as soon Reaping Day hit, that camraderie ceased to exist. Regardless, you were never close with victors from 1 and 2. You couldn't really trust anyone that would volunteer for those games just to bring glory to their name.
You had that glory. 
And you would do anyhing to give it back.
"Aw, Cash, I was just talking our princess here," he nudged your shoulder, "about her make-believe relationship." You wanted to punch him.
She laughed. "Oh, but the Princess wouldn't dare lie, Aug. She's too good for that." Some would call the look in her eyes a star's twinkle. You called it a malicious glint hiding in plain-sight. She turned to you. "It's the truth, isn't it, Y/N/N?"
You plastered on a fake smile that looked more annoyed than anything. "Of course, it is. What could I possibly gain from lying?" There it is.
The glint in Cashmere's eyes disappeared. She looked to Braun, but he didn't share her glance. He didn't look any different, but you knew that she got it. Because she knew what you could gain from lying.
All the same things she could gain, too.
So you watched as she put on a smile and defended you. "I believe her." Augustus' groan was loud, but it was inaudible to you as you silently thanked her with your eyes. "Now tell us how you and your prince met."
"Could I get a penny for your thoughts?" A voice broke you out of your trance, a voice you recognized all too soon.
Here he was, trying to talk to you, as if he didn't just let Annie walk away. As if he didn't tell you he loved you. As if he didn't just upend your entire world.
You didn't want to speak to him. You thought you made that clear already, and you did, but he was ignoring that. He wanted to talk to you, so he was gonna talk to you, regardless of your feelings.
You didn't look at him as he walked up to stand next to you, continuing to stare out the window. The destruction outside matched your mental state, grey and ruined, but it was still the Capitol, the same way you were still the Princess.
And he was still the Prince.
The words came tumbling out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. "Do you remember how we said we met?"
You were met with silence, not because he didn't remember but because he did. After a beat, he responded, "I do." You felt his gaze burn into the side of your head.
A humourless chuckle left you, false memories lighting up behind your eyelids as you blinked. Of course, he remembered. He had it memorized just as well as you did—he was the one who came up with the story.
You might've been the storyteller, but Finnick was a better liar than you could ever dream of being. He lied so well for years. So when he goes and tells you something like he loves you, that's all you can remember.
That he was a liar.
"We said that we met in the Capitol," you recalled. You had a reminiscent smile, but your eyes that were trained ahead of you betrayed the façade; you were bitter. "I wasn't watching where I was going; I was nearly hit by a bus, but you pulled me back last minute, saved me." Another laugh. "I was oh so grateful. You told me that you already knew me, that you'd seen me around before and you'd been working up the courage to come speak to me." You shook your head. "And then there: screen fades to black, and the rest was history, right? Love at first sight—God, they loved that, didn't they?"
"But it wasn't love at first sight," you cut him off. "It wasn't really love at all."
Finnick went to put his hand on your shoulder but you jolted away, finally turning to look at him. For a moment, it was like looking into a mirror: his eyes were sad, too.
But why? This was his story. Were his own lies getting the best of him?
Yes. They were.
With that realization, your eyes hardened. "We didn't meet that way. We were not in love—there was no love story. This is not a love story, Finnick," you emphasized, stressing every syllable of every word, your voice nearly cracking on his name. You averted your eyes, composing yourself and taking a step back. "So I don't want to speak to you for the rest of the time we're here."
"What? Y/N, I just-"
"Please respect that." Whether he was gonna abide by your wishes or not, you didn't want be stick around to find out.
So you walked away, leaving him there just like every other time it was just the two of you. It was funny, almost—it was always just the two of you, but now you couldn't handle it to be alone with him.
Perhaps that was because you knew you were right. This wasn't a love story. 
It was a tragedy.
And this tragedy wouldn't have a happy ending.
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You wondered what it was like to live in the Capitol, to be born into a life where food and shelter was always guaranteed, a life where you could raise children knowing that they wouldn't be taken from you by a slaughter that rich people would call a game.
A normal life.
Those kids went to school and made friends, they fell in love because they wanted to, not for survival. 
You wondered where those kids were now, as their home was turned into a warzone. What were they thinking? Were you the bad guys in their mind? Did they even understand what you were fighting for?
You heard Snow had a granddaughter. You wondered about her, about how she must've felt. And then that caused you to wonder... was evil an inherent trait? Was it like a disease that somebody had to be born with, or was it something that bred over time?
Suddenly, the sound of somebody sitting across from you at the table cut off your train of thought. When you looked up and saw Panem's Golden Boy, you found your answer.
Maybe evil wasn't an inherent trait, but good had to be. Because Peeta Mellark had the most pure heart you'd ever seen, so pure that Snow had to work twice as hard just to taint it, that his love for Katniss was so strong that it persisted—even if he didn't realize it yet.
Good had to be natural.
You had to believe that.
You greeted him softly, but not too soft. "Peeta."
He took a minute before responding, seeming to take in your appearance. "Y/N." Pause. "You look different."
That nearly wrestled a laugh out of you. "So do you," you replied, followed by a quirk of your brow. "But that's not why you're here to talk to me, is it?"
It wasn't.
You had a feeling he'd be coming soon. It was only a matter of time since he arrived. When you got out, the first thing you wanted was to talk to him, too. The only thing that stopped you was the white, locked room that kept him detained.
His room and yours were right next to each other in the Capitol.
That changed things.
You didn't expect him to speak so soon—you certainly couldn't find the words—but before you knew it, he was asking, "How do you do it?" He didn't need to explain further.
How you do this. That's what he was asking.
Peeta had trouble with eye contact since he arrived, but right now, he was looking you right in the eye, awaiting an answer you weren't sure you had—pleading for it. How did you do it? Were you doing it at all?
You wanted to give him the perfect answer, the same answer you were still seeking, but that wouldn't be fair. You didn't want to lie to him.
You were sick of lying.
"Honestly?" you questioned. "I don't know if I even know what I'm doing. Haymitch, uh, he told me I was still standing because I had to fight for the people that couldn't, show that them that they could." You paused, pondering over it. "And that's true. But there's more to it than that. It's not just about them anymore. It's about me, about us. I want-" you intook a deep breath, looking down momentarily. When you looked back up, it was with a new resolution shining in your eyes. "I want to show Snow that he didn't knock me down. And I want to make sure that no other pawn gets knocked down by a king and his crooked version of a game."
You didn't know if that was the answer he was looking for. You didn't know if that would help him—you didn't know if anything would.
But then you saw a look in his eyes, a new light that hadn't been there before, dim but present. It was accompanied by fear, but you could see it. A light shining through all the darkness. 
His voice was quiet. "Do you think we'll ever be free?"
You knew he wasn't talking about the war or the Capitol. He wasn't talking about Snow's hold on all of you. He was talking about the shackles of your own minds.
That took you back to the other blond boy you were accustomed to, his words reverberating through your head. We will never be free, Y/N.
Not long ago, you believed that wholeheartedly. The thought crushed you. You had accepted it as reality, that you were trapped and had nowhere to go, that this was your forever.
But maybe it wasn't.
"Yeah," you replied. "I think so."
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You couldn't sleep that night. It would've been better if you had a shift taking watch—that way, you would've at least felt useful, but you didn't. 
You weren't sure if it was a matter of if you couldn't sleep or wouldn't. Every time you tried to close your eyes, you were brought back to places you didn't wanna be, saw things you didn't wanna see.
That's why you were lying on your side, facing the wall instead of the ceiling. It was harder to sleep that way. And it also meant you didn't have to look at Finnick Odair.
You told him you didn't want to speak to him. Meanwhile, you loved him an unimaginable amount, so much so that he consumed your thoughts, even as you were in the middle of a war, hiding out in an abandoned restaurant as the enemy wanted your heads on a platter.
The enemy.
You thought of Coin then, how she sent Peeta here knowing it'd cause chaos, knowing it'd just bring both of the lovers grief.
Wolves liked to masquerade as sheep.
Maybe the enemy was closer than you thought.
In your own thoughts, you didn't even notice the stirring of limbs until a raspy and hushed voice sounded. "Katniss?"
Your immediate reaction was to stiffen, but you quickly stopped yourself from doing anything to give up the fact that you were awake. Because that was Finnick's voice.
He sounded just like that whenever he woke up.
You didn't see the brunette, but you already knew she wasn't sleeping either—though, chances were, she wasn't hiding it. "Yeah?" she muttered.
There was a beat of silence. You wished you could lift your head to see what was going on. It wasn't like Finnick not cut to the chase. Then again, you supposed it also wasn't like him to give spontaneous admissions of love.
Eventually, he got to it. "Do you and Y/N have a plan?" It almost sounded like his voice was filled with genuine curiosity.
Now it was her turn to respond. The turning of her gears was nearly audible to you. She couldn't tell him the truth, that you were really here to kill Snow and not to shoot propos. "Yeah, it's this plan."
There was no pause this time. "That's not what I'm talking about."
"Well, it's what I'm talking about," she bit back.
You knew she had more questions than this. You knew she was wondering why he was asking her and not you, wondering whatever it was that happened between you earlier or even back in 13. 
She had questions.
But out of respect, she would never ask them.
"I'm worried about her." Oh.
Whatever you were expecting, it wasn't that. It seemed that Finnick continued to surprise you with every encounter, even though this wasn't an encounter with you at all. His voice got quieter, but he still spoke with purpose, the same purpose you watched from a video out of a box where he exposed Snow for the monster that he is.
He always did have a way with words.
You just weren't used to hearing those words about you. Not without a camera shoved in his face or eyes glued to your forms.
"Y/N?" she asked, even though she knew who it was. "Don't be. She's the strongest person I've ever met." Oh.
Katniss defended you without a second thought, and for some reason, that was surprising. It shouldn't have been, but it was. You weren't used to friends or people to coming to your defense. Johanna was one of your closest friends, but you weren't with her enough to ever get used to it. Katniss, on the other hand, was someone you felt like you'd known your whole life.
Maybe because you had.
"I know that," he responded, almost offended she'd think he didn't. "Her strength is incredible- enviable, even." Pause. "But I still worry about her." Another pause. "If anything happened to her, I- I don't know what I'd do." 
Your breath hitched.
I said I love you.
Katniss must've been thinking of what to respond but Finnick barely gave her a chance. "Just- look out for her for me, okay- and I'll do the same for you." There was another pause, and then a shuffle, and then silence. "I have your guy. And you have mine."
It was a wonder you didn't make a sound.
A few seconds passed by, then she agreed. "Deal."
And when you got up a couple hours later after no sleep, you pretended the conversation never happened.
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The team was walking around looking for a good spot to film when your first pod was found. 
"Split. Take cover," Boggs ordered. You did as he said, retreating to the right pillar with Katniss, Gale, and Cressida as he threw a random rock into the walkway. Immediately, shots went off, loud and repeated.
You ducked your head into your knees, covering your ear with one hand while clutching onto your bow tightly. They're not people; they're just guns wired to go off, you reassured yourself. Somehow the thought of real people was scarier.
And that thought was scary in and of itself.
The guns went off until they knocked down a structure ahead of you yet you were still wary, even when Boggs gave the okay. "All clear. Gale, Homes, with me. Leegs, take the wings."
You slowly stood up, now holding onto the arrow with both hands just so your hands wouldn't shake. Katniss shot you a look, not needing to speak. You okay?
You nodded, sending her one of the same nature. What about you?
She nodded back. And even though neither of you were entirely convinced, you both still dropped it.
When you turned to your left, you saw Peeta still on the ground, empty rifle in hand, hitting his head against the butt and mumbling to himself under his breath. He sounded like a madman. That's when you turned to Katniss again.
For a second, she almost looked like she was gonna go over there.
And then a bomb went off.
You jumped, nearly losing your grip on your weapon. Katniss went running despite Jackson's call of her name. You wanted to follow her but it was like you her cemented to your spot. Your eyes were stuck on the floor, ears ringing.
Please, please- no- no!
You harshly shook your head as if it'd shake the thoughts out of your head, and then you booked it in the same direction, ignoring Jackson's protest. 
Turned out that you'd only spent a few seconds losing it. You crouched down next to Katniss while Gale went straight to look at his legs. You didn't look get a good look at them—you tried not to—but you didn't think they were even there anymore.
"It's okay," Katniss muttered, even though she knew it wasn't the truth.
He's gonna die, you realized.
Boggs realized this, too. "The Holo," he croaked. "The Holo."
You widened your eyes, going to grab it while Katniss held his hand. He pressed some buttons and used all of his strength to tilt himself upward, panting, "Unfit for command. Transfer- primary security clearance-" He looked to you, eyes wild yet resolved. "Say your name."
If you thought your eyes couldn't get any wider, you were wrong. But you didn't have time to question this decision or get him to explain his choice, so you spoke without realizing what was happening. "Y/N Y/L/N." Your breathing got faster. "What did you just do?"
He didn't answer you, just looked at you with the strongest stare a dying man could muster. "Y/N, don't trust them-" his eyes darted to Katniss, "n-neither of you. Kill Peeta if you have to. Do what you have to do." He stopped talking then, but his eyes were still open.
"Boggs?" No response. 
You tried. "Boggs?" No response, either.
He was dead.
Katniss gently set his head down. You just stared at him, taking shallow breaths.
He was dead.
Homes was still trying to triage his wounds—he didn't even realize it until Gale said the words out loud. "He's gone." It was almost compulsive of him to repeat it. "He's gone."
There was a collective moment of silence. Boggs was willing to put his life on the line for this revolution, and he did it. Now he was dead.
Weren't you all just dead people walking? Soldiers, just waiting to fall into your own carefully curated traps. And perhaps that was exactly why you were so okay with it.
A part of you knew you were already dead.
In the silence, groaning suddenly became audible to you. With a slight turn, you saw it was one of the Leegs. The blast hit her, too. When the other Leeg saw, she immediately got up and went to tend to her sister, but on her way, she stepped on a tile that sunk down on her weight. Her eyes went wide, but it was too late. 
Immediately, large gates that you didn't even know were there started to close in on the areas between buildings, effectively encasing you in the courtyard. In the blink of an eye, oily black tar was flooding down, billowing between the buildings.
Someone screamed. "Go, go, go!"
You took off running, the others not far behind you. Gamemakers were creative. You didn't know what that was, but you knew that if it didn't obliterate you first, it'd drown you.
You were running to higher ground, Katniss right next to you when you saw her being yanked away out of your periphery. You spun around to see her on the ground, just barely rolling out of the way as Peeta slammed his rifle down on the ground in a flurry of rage.
"Finnick!" she yelled, but someone else got there first, tackling Peeta to the ground before he could try hitting her again. You were there right after, pulling her off the ground and then holding her back from running into the sludge when Peeta pushed Mitchell in.
A net shot out of the ground with his body in it. Finnick came rushing before Peeta could come back to finish his task, holding him back.
"Come on, come on, Katniss, we gotta go!" You pulled her out of the way before the tar came crashing into you, running for the closest building.
Homes shot down the door. "Everybody, inside! Go! Upstairs! Go! Hurry up!"
You all went running up either flight of stairs, stopping in the middle just to see that the lower and upper half had been disconnected. You were stuck. And tar was filling downstairs at a speedy rate.
"Shit," you cursed.
You ran a stressed hand through your hair. On your right, one of the Leegs was moaning in pain, and on your left, Finnick was trying to calm Peeta down, holding him tightly. You looked away when he ended up pressing a needle into his neck, swallowing.
Now's not the time for memories, Y/N.
The tar continued to fill the building, making a bubbly sound that made you feel nauseous. "It's slowing down," Cressida noted. 
And she was right. It stopped just before hitting your landing, rippling at the stairs. You let out a sigh.
"Gamemakers are still putting on quite a show," she remarked.
"That they are," you mumbled—though, you were unsure it was loud enough for her to hear you.
Meanwhile, Jackson radioed in. "451 to base. Over."
"Hey, we better move," Homes cut in. "If Peacekeepers didn't know where we were, they do now. Those surveillance cameras caught us."
She just radioed again while you looked down at the Holo in your hand. "451 to base. Come in."
It was Gale speaking up now. "This is a bad spot. We need to move now."
"451 to base. Over." Jackson got frustrated, flipping her radio shut. "I can't get a signal," she said. "But I can get us back to base. Y/L/N, give me the Holo."
For a second, you didn't even know she was talking to you. Whether it be the shock or just the fact that she had barely spoken to you this entire time, it didn't register. When it did, you met her eyes looking at you expectantly. "Y/L/N, what did I just say? The Holo. Come on, let's go."
Boggs' words resounded in your head as all eyes turned to you. Don't trust them.
Your grip on the Holo got tighter. You didn't break eye contact as you told her, "Boggs gave it to me."
Jackson paused her movements, stopping to give you her full attention. "What are you talking about?"
Katniss backed you up, stepping forward and closer to you at the same time. "He did. He transferred Y/L/N his security clearance. Homes, Gale, and I saw it."
Jackson's gaze was unwavering, her voice colder. "And why would he do that?"
You were a great liar. When you were younger, you wanted to be a storyteller, so it made sense when you grew up to spin lies like clockwork. A liar, an actor, a victor, a dancer. You came up with a lie quickly. "I'm on special orders from Coin."
You maintained her stare as she questioned, "To do what?"
"To assassinate President Snow for all of Panem to see." 
It wasn't too far-fetched of a lie, but you had a feeling that no matter what lie you gave, Jackson wouldn't have believed it anyway. 
"I don't believe that for one second," she deadpanned. "As your new unit commander, I order you to transfer security clearance to me. Now."
Allies could only last so long before survival and power came into play, and you were in the Capitol. Power was the only thing that was important here. But this wasn't about power. 
This was about the people.
You weren't gonna let anything or anyone get in your way.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The 76th Hunger Games.
You kept your voice soft as you asserted, "I apologize, Lieutenant Jackson, but I cannot and will not do that."
Jackson stared at you for a second, almost like she was challenging you to redact your statement. When you didn't, she reached for her side. Guns were immediately drawn before she even pulled hers.
You were staring down a barrel as Katniss, Finnick, and Gale had their weapons pointed at her. One of the Leegs had a gun pointed their way, too, while everyone else just stayed still, glancing between you.
It almost surprised you when Finnick was the first to speak, and you didn't know why. "Woah, now," he warned. You could hear the smirk on his face in his words, so similar to that dangerous boy in The Games who laughed at any obstacle. "Let's not be too hasty."
Jackson ignored him, doubling down. "I'm not asking you again, Y/L/N." Her glare was menacing. "Give me that Holo."
She may have shot you then and there when she saw you weren't gonna cooperate, but before you could find out, Cressida was stepping in front of you. "She's telling the truth." What? 
She continued, "Plutarch wants it televised. He thinks if we could film the Princess assassinating Snow, it'll make the Capitol surrender before the casualties get too high."
"Look, while we're in here pointlessly arguing, there's 100 Peacekeepers on their way here right now to confirm that we're dead." Finnick's voice was rugged as he cut in, impatient. But only you could detect the undertone of worry.
Jackson seemed swayed but not swayed enough. Her grip on her gun didn't falter. You had to say something before there was a bullet in your skull and this was all for nothing. This couldn't all be for nothing.
"Boggs wanted this," you pressed. "And he wanted to help me."
You saw the waver in her eyes despite the gun still raised for your head, and you knew you got to her. You maintained her stare, silently pleading that she'd put it down. Eventually, she did.
You let out a short breath you didn't know you were holding. Jackson looked down, and then she nodded. "Alright, soldier." She looked back up at you. "Holo's yours."
You nodded back to her in thanks. The tension in the air didn't fully dissipate, but the guns had all now been lowered. Gale went for the stairs, cautiously stepping down on the first step to see nothing happen. In the time you were arguing, it appeared that the sludge had dried.
He turned back to the rest of you. "I don't think we're gonna leave any footprints. We should move now. And those cameras outside should be covered up the oil."
From next to the Leeg in the corner, Castor interjected, "She can't move forward like this. Her leg is too bad. We have to evacuate her." She hissed and whimpered as he spoke. Then he realized what words lingered in the air, the conclusion you all had reached but didn't want to voice. 
You had to leave her here.
At the realization, an apology was tumbling out of his mouth, but the girl's sister cut him off. "I'll stay with her."
Jackson reassured her, "As soon as we make contact, we will send somebody back. I promise you." Katniss' stare was so intense you could almost feel her thoughts.
If we make contact.
"Alright, everybody move out. Let's go!"
Any guilt you had for leaving the Leegs there had to be diminished; you had to focus. You and Katniss moved out side by side. In the background, you heard Finnick asking Peeta if he could walk.
Gale was right; the cameras outside were completely shielded by the tar. It had dried up everywhere like frozen ice—your own little winter wonderland. Except, in this wonderland, you had nightlock instead of potions that made you grew taller, guns instead of playing cards, and the mad hatter was a ruthless dictator trying to kill you all.
What odd music you had in wonderland.
But you danced anyway.
The net with Mitchell's body hung over you like a cloud, but none of you had time to pause and pay your respects. Gale and Jackson led the flock. You got far enough away from the building you were in to another in the same vicinity.
He shattered the glass with the butt off his crossbow. He and Jackson went running in first, checking the place to see if it was empty. Your immediate task was closing the curtains, but once you turned around you were stunned by the house's sheer beauty.
It wasn't a family home—you could tell, but it was so big for one person. Holographic walls, a decor mirror, a lavish velvet couch and matching armchairs surrounding a block television protruding out of the ceiling.
Not even your house in Victor's Village had been so luxurious. Even the curtains looked like they cost a year's salary from back home.
"Wow," a voice drawled. "Well, didn't we get lucky?"
Finnick's sarcasm was so familiar you went to roll your eyes, but the sound of tires on the ground cut you off in motion. Your guard flew back up as you discreetly peeked out the window.
Peacekeepers. Dozens of them. Big cars, too. All of them armed, and all of them going for the building you were just in.
You didn't have time to make the connection. They just started firing.
Oh, God.
Finnick's voice was now devoid of anything unserious. "It's the Leegs."
Oh, God.
Those shots might've been enough to kill them. But if they weren't, then the missile they launched certainly was.
The building came tumbling down, falling to pieces as you all simultaneously fell, too, crouching down. You felt your heartbeat strong, rattling against your ribcage, hearing it beat in your ears, mingling with the beat of the music.
As soon as we make contact, we will send somebody back.
That was a lie.
They were dead.
You weren't even sitting with information for a minute before a beep sounded, followed by the fanfare. Slowly, your head lifted. 
MANDATORY VIEWING. ATTENTION ALL PANEM RESIDENTS, the screen read. Soon, the blue sreen faded into Caesar Flickerman, and you were clenching your jaw, white hot anger running through your veins and electrifying every part of your body.
"You've got to be fu-"
"Good afternoon, I'm Caesar Flickerman," he cut Finnick off, resulting in a scoff. You could imagine him rolling his eyes, too. "Here with our continuing coverage of the defense of the Capitol." Now you rolled your eyes.
Every single word Caesar spoke was complete and utter propaganda bullshit. You wished now that you would've decked him when you had the chance, given him the finger and told him to go poke and prod in someone else's life.
He was nothing more than a mutt at Snow's disposal.
"Today, as our Peacekeepers valiantly hold off the rebels, our story... takes a surprising twist."
Following his statement, footage of all of you played from when you were running away from the oil. "Y/N Y/L/N, the girl we once deemed our Princess, and Katniss Everdeen, our once favourite daughter, have now infiltrated the city with some of the victors, whose names are all too familiar." You rolled your eyes again at Caesar's deliberate pacing and dramatic word choice. 
This was the man who once nearly praised you on a daily basis. He's the one that made that God awful nickname stick. Yet here he was now, turning his back on a group of people he once claimed to cherish.
Had you become too human for his liking?
"Finnick Odair and Peeta Mellark." He emphasized Peeta's name with careful precision, just as he came on screen, pushing Katniss to the side and trying to bludgeon her to death. You intook a sharp breath, glancing to Katniss first; she was already looking at Peeta. Her eyes were now more betrayed, like seeing it on TV was different, and his eyes were still glued to the screen, like he couldn't even believe he did it.
"Hm. Clearly, some alliances don't last forever."
Katniss' eyes slowly flickered away, and without really thinking about it, you grabbed onto her hand, squeezing it tightly just to show her you were there. She surprised you by squeezing back with the same force.
Caesar's voice suddenly got more smug. "Take a look at what happened just a moment ago, when our Peacekeepers cornered the former Princess and her band of foolish rebels. Whatever arrogance brought this treacherous girl back to us, you are about to witness a great victory, not only for the Capitol, but for Panem."
Video of the destruction from across the street played onscreen. You watched yourselves supposedly go up in flames.
Supposedly, you were dead.
"So there you have it. Y/N Y/L/N, Panem's Princess, a girl who inspired so much violence, seems to have met a violent end herself." A light chuckle escaped you against your will. You were dead? "Stay tuned for more information. Caesar Flickerman. Thank you."
Caesar ended with a smile that was so creepy it was comical. You felt like laughing again, but decided that propbably wasn't appropriate. Jackson didn't like you very much as it was, likely because of the title Caesar so eloquently gave you.
Royalty. You didn't feel so royal lying in sheets with men old enough to father you, men that were fathers.
Somehow, you didn't feel so royal lying on a cold metal slab, either
"So now that we're dead, what are we gonna do?" Gale questioned.
Peeta spoke up. "Isn't it obvious?" All eyes turned to him. No one had expected him to speak—it was his first attempt since nearly killing Katniss and actually killing Mitchell. "The next move is to kill me."
Katniss took a step forward, but you don't think it was concious. You don't think anything about what she felt toward that boy was conscious.
His voice was wrought with guilt. "I murdered one of our squad members." He paused as if trying to come to terms with it. It was the first time any of you had even acknowledged it. "Katniss is right. I'm a mutt. And it's only a matter of time before I snap again." They made eye contact for a second until he broke it, looking away. "I'm not in control. I need a nightlock pill, so I can die when I need to."
Gale's interruption was sharp and honest. "If it gets to that point, I'll kill you myself." You got the feeling he'd do it regardless.
His admission sliced through the room. He got up moments after, walking to somewhere else in the large townhouse. It was really so big that you didn't understand how it could still be called a townhouse. Kids back home would call this mansion.
You didn't let Gale get lost in it, though, standing up and following him to the kitchen. He entered the pantry; you were right behind him, closing the door.
You narrowed your eyes. His face was impassive but you could see the slighest bit of surprise in his eyes. That just pissed you off even more.
From the moment you met Gale Hawthorne, something didn't feel right. It wasn't that he was a bad man, just that you knew he'd be willing to do bad things for a chance of the right outcome. And you could understand that—you understood him most of the time, but that was out of line.
So you told him that. "You didn't need to say that to Peeta. Not like that." 
He scoffed. "I said what needed to be said. No one else would-"
"You twisted the knife, Gale!" you loudly whispered, eyes now narrowing into slits. "It's called compassion—try it."
"You heard him, Y/N—he's a mutt," he argued, not bothering to match your low volume and throwing his arm out, nearly knocking over a box of cereal in the process. "What kind of compassion does he deserve?"
At that, you took a step closer to him. "You have no idea what it's like." You pointed your finger in his face, consumed by anger. Anger for Peeta, for that boy you saw on TV with Finnick who was willing to kill himself for The Girl on Fire. For the boy who was nervous to meet you. For the boy whose screams you heard for nights on end. A fire burned in your eyes, a fuse now lit that couldn't be contained. "It was hell here. Peeta, Johanna, and I went through hell. You can't expect him to be all fine and dandy after that. And I know how you feel about Katniss, I do. I care about her, too, Gale—she's my person, and so as her person, I am telling you that knocking out the competition won't score you any points with her. Let her come to the decision herself." You went to turn but then added, "And leave Peeta alone."
You didn't want to see the guilt painted all over his face after that, opening the door and leaving him in the pantry by himself.
You weren't excusing what Peeta did, but you knew that he needed time. He needed the time to find himself again. He wasn't the same person. And neither you were you.
You may not have known it, but you needed to find yourself again, too.
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The lot of you sat in the living room of the house for some time, waiting it out until it was safe to move. Until then, you ate marshmallows and other little treats stashed in this person's home.
You eat like this, you'll believe anything, Gale had said, and you thought he was right. If you lived like this, grew up like this and were born into this life of opportunity and opulence, then you were sure that you'd believe almost anything, too.
But genocide? you wondered. Perhaps the sun shines brighter here.
Perhaps it blinded them.
Suddenly, the fanfare started, making you all look up to the TV to see the Capitol logo fade into faces—your faces. A showcase of your deaths, like you were fallen tributes.
Finnick's face came onscreen. You heard his snicker from somewhere in the room. Then came you. You shook your head at the ridiculousness of it all.
Didn't they know? You were still dancing.
You'd be dancing until your song ended with Snow's dying breath.
After Peeta and Katniss' pictures played, the montage transitioned into Snow's face. An involuntary shiver overtook your body.
You heard his voice before he even started speaking.
Oh, sweet girl. I will make you wish that you died in that arena.
"So, Y/N Y/L/N, a girl we gave the world, a disgrace to our nation, is now dead. And Katniss Everdeen, a poor unstable girl with nothing but a small talent with a bow and arrow, joins her in the ground." He sounded pleased of himself. "Neither of them thinkers, nor leaders. Simply faces, plucked from the masses—a silly girl with a crown and a deranged one with a song."
You scoffed at the smugness in his tone. A silly girl with a crown. It was funny that you weren't laughing.
"Were they valuable? They were extremely valuable to your... rebellion. Because you have no vision, no true leader among you," he lectured. "You call yourself an alliance. But we saw what that means. Your soldiers are at each other's throats-"
Snow was cut off from his rant by random glitching. Not random, you realized. Your lips curved upward just the smallest bit. Beetee.
Alma's face graced the screen, replacing Snow. "Good evening," she greeted. "For those of you who don't know me, please allow me to introduce myself. I am President Alma Coin, leader of the rebellion. I have interrupted a broadcast from your president in which he attempted to defame two incredibly brave young women." She paused, collecting herself. "'Faces, picked from masses,' he called them. As if any leader, a true leader, could be anything else."
The emotion and conviction in her voice nearly made you believe she actually liked you. "I had the privilege of knowing a small-town girl from the Seam in district 12, and a girl from the water in district 4, both of whom survived the Hunger Games and the Quarter Quell—and rose up and turned a nation of slaves into an army." Her voice raised at the end; she sounded like she might cry. "Dead or alive, Y/N Y/L/N and Katniss Everdeen will remain the faces of this revolution. They will not have died for nothing."
From the seat beside you, Katniss muttered under her breath, "I had no idea I meant so much to her."
You huffed a barely-there chuckle. "Me neither."
Coin continued, "Their vision and ours will be realized. A free Panem, with self-determination for all. And in their memory, we will all find the strength to rid Panem of its oppressors." She took a breath. "Thank you. And be safe."
The screen then faded to pictures of you and Katniss, a whistle playing in the background. It was from The 74th Games—it belonged to a girl named Rue, you think. You could remember watching her hide away from everyone in training, knowing that she wouldn't last.
A 12-year-old girl, sent into the arena to die.
That thought spurred you into drive. You got up. "Snow is in his mansion," you said. "Where is that?" You placed the Holo down on the coffee table, pressing a button and watching it illuminate with the Capitol's hologram.
The others gathered around you. Cressida pointed to spots on the map, informing you, "That's us. That's the City Circle. It's at least, 70- 75 blocks north."
That appeared to catch Finnick's attention. "75 blocks?"
Without thinking about it, you responded, "Nobody knows we're alive. This is our chance." Your eyes met his, and just then did you realize that you were talking to him. You quickly averted your gaze, switching the topic. "These buildings," you pointed, "Do these look over Snow's gardens?"
Cressida was unsure. "I..."
"They do," Castor replied.
"Well, if he goes outside at all, we could get a clear shot." You glanced to Katniss who nodded back to you. It was undecided between the two of you who'd get to deliver the final blow. You wanted to, so badly, but if there was anyone who deserved it just as much, it was her.
When the time came, you'd decide.
"We're getting ahead of ourselves here. Whether they're looking for us or not, we are pinned down," Jackson cut in, subsequently instructing you to hit the middle button to scan for pods.
When the map lit up, you sighed. "That's just about every ten steps."
"Yeah, and that doesn't even show the new ones," Gale reminded you.
Finnick's voice was tired. "So we can't go anywhere in the streets."
"And the rooftops are just as bad," Jackson added.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Pollux tap Castor, pointing his finger down. Realization dawned upon his face. "There might be another way."
Unanimously, it was decided that you'd take Pollux's suggestion. He said he knew the tunnels well, and it was a good way for you guys to go undetected.
So you packed up what little you had, strapping yourself with weapons, and grabbing the Holo. And just as quickly as you all were there, you were gone, slipping into the night.
The tunnels were huge and spacious. It was surprising that you'd never been down there once, that there were still so many parts of the Capitol you hadn't seen. It didn't feel that way after sleeping in so many Capitol beds.
If that could be called sleeping.
You walked with the Holo in hand, navigating your way through. Everything was fine until you heard the sound of a train's engine. 
Like lightning, you all ran to the side, hiding behind the wall and out of the train's sight. You exhaled once it passed. You could only pray it didn't catch a glimpse of you.
But prayers couldn't be enough. You turned to Pollux. "We're too exposed here."
He nodded then gestured forward with his hand. You let him take lead, following him to a door. The door opened to another ladder that you went down without further question.
It was darker, and there was half-dried up liquid all over the floor, but one quick check of the Holo told you that this place was clear. For the time being, at least.
Smoke went off in one of the hallways that spooked you, but it was fine once you realized that it was just normal smoke. You could still remember that smoke from the Quell, how it felt as it licked your skin.
But you're fine, Y/N. You're not there anymore.
You willed yourself to believe this was a war, not a game. 
You refused to be someone's chess piece any longer.
You eventually came across a little tunnel where Jackson suggested you rest, electing herself to take first watch.
You sat down, glancing at Finnick and looking away before he could notice. Your eyelids got heavier. It'd been nearly two days since you last slept.
You were tired.
No, you were exhausted.
Unknowingly, your eyelids started to droop shut. It wouldn't hurt to get a few hours of shut-eye, you reasoned. You needed to be sharp for what lied ahead of you.
So, within a matter of seconds, you drifted into an abyss of nothingness.
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"Y/N, my dear, it is so lovely to see you again."
A smile was etched onto your face, like you were a puppet and the puppeteer that stood before you controlled your every move. The puppeteer made you extend your hand and shake his own. He pulled at your strings and got you to sit at the chair in front of his bureau.
Then he forced your mouth to open, spilling rehearsed pleasantries that you didn't actually mean. "President Snow, it is always a pleasure."
It wasn't. Nothing about meeting Snow in his office was pleasurable to you.
He sat in his red chair that was akin to a throne, higher than you. It was a reminder—a reminder that, even though you had won your Games, and even though you now basked in riches and fame, you were still beneath him. You were still beneath every person in the Capitol you would ever meet, and he sought to make sure you'd never forget it.
"Pleasure," he repeated. "That's an interesting word, isn't it?"
You furrowed your brows, unsure of what he was getting at. "I... I suppose so."
He hummed and just took to staring at you. Was his goal to make you squirm under his gaze? You were certain it was, but you didn't. You kept your cool and maintained his stare. Whatever President Snow called you in for, you were determined to show you could handle it.
You wanted him to like you.
And what a mistake that was.
"Y/N, I am sure that, by now, you've been made aware of the... infatuation people have with you," he started, tilting his head like it was a question. It wasn't, but he did expect a response.
"Yes, I've heard chatter."
He tilted his head again, feigning interest. "What kind of chatter, dear?"
You swallowed. What did he want you to say? Somehow, it felt like no matter what your answer was, this was a trap. "I- people liked my performance, they like my personality. They think... they think that I'm-"
He cut you off, "Captivating? Note-worthy? Attractive?" His last adjective elicited another swallow from you. The word sounded slimy coming out of his mouth. "All-encompassing, Y/N, you are desirable."
Trap. This was a trap. Still, you questioned, "Desirable? What does- what does that mean?"
He didn't answer you, going back to his stare from earlier, but this time it spoke to you. You know what it means, his eyes read. But you didn't. You didn't want to.
You were regretting coming here. You wanted to go back home to lie in your bed, curl yourself up in the covers you never had as a child and sleep. You had a doctor now, one you could afford, that prescribed you medication just to sleep; you wanted to use it right about now.
Then Snow made you wish you had just downed the whole bottle when you had the chance.
"I have a deal for you."
A deal with the devil.
And soon enough, you were stuck dancing his dance 'til the end of time.
You were shaken out of your dream by someone tapping your knee. Your eyes fluttered open to see Jackson crouched down in front of you. "It's your watch," she informed you.
You nodded, masking how thrown off you were by standing up, moving to go sit toward the opening. Your legs felt shaky against the ground, but you willed them to move.
You ended up sitting across from Peeta. Finnick was right next to him, his head lulled forward, eyes closed. Good, you thought, they both deserved the sleep.
Finnick always had trouble sleeping in high-stress situations. He had trouble sleeping regardless, sometimes more than you. You caught him awake more times that you could count, nursing a glass of something strong and staring at nothing instead of trying to sleep.
You should've known this time would be no different.
You were staring at the opening when you heard his voice. "Y/N?"
Instantly, your head snapped toward his. His head was upright now, no longer lulled over, and his eyes weren't closed—they were trained on you. A shaky breath left you, from being either startled or frustrated.
Why can't he ever leave well enough alone?
You opened your mouth to reiterate what you already told him, but he was faster. "I know." He paused, staring at you in that way you hated. His voice was quieter now. "I know. You don't wanna talk to me."
"So then why?" you asked, pleading for him to tell you the truth. "Why do you keep doing it?" Why did he insist on continually hurting you?
You were already in love with him. He already had your heart in the palm of his hand, so why did he feel the need to crush it?
It was already broken.
There was something about Finnick's expression you couldn't decipher, something that almost looked pained, and that pained you, too. For a moment, you almost thought you were spared, that he'd pretend to go back to sleep and you'd pretend to believe it, just like old times.
But when was the universe ever so kind to you?
"I do remember the night we met," he revealed. His eyes were sincere; you wanted to look away, but yours were locked on his. The two of you had never talked about this before. "The- the real night. But that wasn't the first time I saw you." He paused, swallowing. "I saw you win. I saw you back home. I saw you in the Capitol dozens of times, but- that night... I don't know what changed. You always looked beautiful, but that night you looked like an angel, Y/N." Your throat tightened, water welling up in your eyes. And then he went in a different direction. "But you were drinking. You looked... sad. And I- I wondered to myself, how could such a beautiful girl be so sad?"
You had to cut him off. "Finnick-"
"So I went up to you," he continued, ignoring your protest. "I had to. Something pulled me to you like a- like a magnet. And up close, you didn't just look like an angel anymore—I saw a goddess. A goddess whose voice dripped of all things sweet and bitter at the same time." He sounded breathless, his eyes glazed over like he was reliving the memory just as you were. "You enchanted me, Y/N."
You were speechless. You didn't know if you could speak even if you had the words. It was almost certain that, if you spoke, you'd cry.
Not once did he look away. Not once. God, he looked like he meant it. And that just made it hurt all the more.
"That was the night we met," he affirmed. "I remember the pretend, but the pretend isn't what I thought about while you were gone. What I remember best isn't the pretend." His gaze got heavier. "It's everything real that we had."
This felt real. And the tear that raced down your cheek felt real. The hoarseness in his voice felt real. The weight on your chest felt so real that you almost thought you were suffocating.
Do you want this to be real, Y/N?
Yes, of course, you did. A part of you did.
But did you really?
If this was real, would that make the pain easier to manage?
You didn't get to finish that thought. You didn't get to respond. There was a thud far off, something dropping in the water that caught your attention.
Simultaneously, both yours and Finnick's heads turned to the opening. It was complete and utter darkness—there was nothing there.
Then another drop. That made you brace your bow, your other hand going to wipe your cheek. Your eyes suddenly felt much drier.
Finnick got up before you could, going to the opening. You shot upward right after. "Finnick."
He held back two fingers without turning around. "Hold on. Just let me check it out."
You didn't listen, following him into the cavelike tunnel with the Holo turned on. It began chiming immediately, but the light you shined everywhere didn't pick anything up but dirty walls.
If you listened hard enough, it was almost as if you could hear your own name being whispered and bounced off the walls, drawn out purposefully.
You tilted your head and closed your eyes, focusing on the sounds entirely. Water droplets and Finnick's footsteps could be heard, your own breathing, and then you heard it again.
Your eyes flew wide open. "Do you hear that?"
Finnick turned to you but then a shuffle from back inside the tunnel interrupted whatever he was going to say. 
Both of you turned back to see Peeta waking up, the others not very far behind him.
Jackson, who you couldn't see, questioned, "What is that?
Peeta came to the answer faster than either of you, rushing, "We gotta go. We gotta get outta here now."
"Keep your voice down-"
"Mutts! They released mutts!"
Shit. You quickly re-entered the tunnel. "Pollux, what's the fastest way out?"
Without another word, Pollux was up and leading the way. Gale stood next to him, shooting an incendiary down the path before you went down. 
Fire. Clear. It was safe to continue. You walked slowly, Jackson covering the back.
There was another tunnel on your left. Fire. Clear. Nothing.
On your right was a much more narrow tunnel, ending in a very small opening. The rest of you lit up the way while Pollux crawled in. Nobody spoke as he checked the area. It was silent except for your laboured breaths.
Then you couldn't even hear that. Your breath hitched as he went out of your view. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10-
Ten seconds. Ten seconds and then he was back. You exhaled as he came back into sight, signalling that it was clear to come in. 
Gale and Katniss went first. Then you, then Finnick, Peeta, and the others. Jackson was the last to come in. She shined her flashlight on the path you came from until she decided it was okay to enter.
As soon as she put her flashlight down, your stomach dropped.
Jackson spun around, revealing dozens of mutts with pale, slimy skin and grizzly teeth. They didn't have eyes, but you saw their claws as they took her to the ground.
You gasped. Katniss immediately drew an arrow and shot at the opening, launching an explosion that sent you both backward into the water.
"Go! Go! Go! It's mutts!"
You took the hand that was outstretched to you without even looking at who it belonged to, and in a flash, you were up and running. Peeta screamed, "Pollux, lead us out of here!"
You ran like hell, but the mutts caught up to you. Briefly, it registered to you that there could've been tens and tens more.
One knocked Castor into the water behind you, leaving Cressida to scream his name. You barely noticed Finnick shooting one at your side as you knelt down, drawing an arrow and shooting, lighting them up like candles.
But Castor was still there. He was screaming. 
"Y/N, come on, move!" 
Finnick shook you out of your stupor, grabbing you and practically dragging you upward. That removed you from your trance, sending you running.
You were going straight until another horde of mutts came your direction, forcing you to turn to the tunnel on the left. They're coming from all sides.
You stopped as you ran into a larger area, spinning around and firing another explosive arrow into the tunnel you just came through. There was a ladder here—you just had to fend them off long enough to get there.
Katniss and you stayed on the ground, firing arrows left and right, trying to stop them from getting inside. She turned and one jumped down at her, leading you to shoot at it. She shot one coming from behind you; you shot one from the front.
But they were fast. You didn't see one coming until it was coming right at you, too close for you to fire. Your eyes widened as it pushed you against the wall; the only thing stopping it from mauling was your bow cushioned between it and your body.
Reflexively, your free hand went to the sword on your side. You raised it into the air and brought it down right on its neck, simultaneously kicking it away from you. Just as that one was gone, another came running from your right. You stabbed without a second thought.
Another got too close from your left. You hit it over the head with your bow, backing it with enough force to snap its neck. 
Too slow, you realized, quickly sheathing your sword and hanging the bow on your back, replacing it with the 9mm strapped to your thigh, promptly shooting the mutt in front of you.
You spun, seeing Katniss trying to fight off a mutt on top of her. You shot it with precise aim, killing it immediately.
Before you could even go to help her up, you were being knocked to the ground, your gun flying out of your hands.
You shuffled backward on the platform using the heels of your hands, eyes wild with the realization that it was right in front of you, but then just as it was about to come down on you, it was impaled from behind, a familiar trident glinting in the light.
A sigh of relief escaped you as Finnick threw the mutt to the ground, swinging at the next one like clockwork. That gave you the second you needed to get your bearings. You unsheathed your sword a second time, running up and covering him, slashing away at mutts on auto-pilot.
Your feet moved with a mind of their own, dancing with relentless determination. Finnick and you stood back to back, killing mutts like it was nothing.
The area was almost empty; just about everyone had gone up the ladder already, everyone but you, Finnick, and Katniss. She was on the ground, a mutt in front of her. You ran to her, sinking your sword into it and tossing it away before pulling her up. "Go, go, go!"
She followed your direction, running for the ladder. You hacked away at another one just as you heard Finnick scream, "Katniss!"
Immediately, you spun around, watching him throw his trident at a mutt trying to pull her down. Shit. He was weaponless.
A mutt crashed into him, and you wasted no time to pull out your second gun, shooting it in its centre. You ran to him, shooting two more on your way, and pulled him up. "Come on! Let's go!"
He rapidly nodded back to you, and you booked it, him running behind you. You made it to the ladder, climbing up like your life depended on it because it did. You were almost there when you heard Finnick scream, a mutt biting into his shoulder, but he stabbed it and pushed it to the ground.
You made it up to the top, looking down to see him up two-thirds of the way when a mutt jumped up and grabbed his shoulder. Your eyes went wide. "FINNICK!" 
He lost his grip, and your hand shot down at the speed of light, grabbing his. You surprised yourself at your own strength, pulling him up. Katniss quickly reached down to help you.
You don't know what the sound left you was; it was like a sob. He's okay. He's okay.
But if you were one second later, he wouldn't have been.
Without thinking about, you threw your arms around him. He reciprocated immediately, hugging you just as tight. Another sob left you. He's okay. He's okay.
I love him, and he's okay.
"Come on, come on, come on, come on! Let's go!" That brought you back to your senses, making you let go of him despite every bone in your body that said not to. "Keep moving! Keep moving!"
Katniss shot an arrow down the ladder just to slow down any mutts that'd follow you, and then the three of you were off once more.
You ran into the train station, and immediately, you were met with bullets flying your way. Not mutts this time. Peacekeepers.
Katniss pulled you behind a pole with her, soon realizing there were Peacekeepers attacking from the side, too. She shot an arrow at them, causing them and the escalator they were on to explode.
We have to run. It was either run or stay there to die. You pulled at her sleeve; she got the memo, running with you to the side.
One of the lights flickered before shining even brighter, like a spotlight. You soon realized its purpose when Messalla ran underneath it and was instantly vapourized, becoming nothing more than ashes.
Cressida stopped, her mouth falling open. You had to force yourself to yell at her. "Keep going! Keep going!" She got out of her shock and then started running again.
You didn't have time to stop and mourn over the life lost.
You raced through the station, shooting behind yourself periodically and dodging the light traps as you went.
But that wasn't enough. Not enough to satisfy the sick fantasies of a Gamemaker.
The ground behind you broke, and then it was coming at you like wave of rubble, forcing you to run faster than you ever had.
With all of your might, you jumped onto the platform, breaking your fall with a roll. Panting, you got back up, and you would've kept running had you not heard Cressida scream Peeta's name.
You turned around, seeing Katniss already running toward him. He was knelt forward, hands covering his ears. She crouched down next to him. "Peeta, we have to keep going!"
"I'm a mutt-"
"We have to keep going!"
 "I can't keep control!"
"Yes, you can-"
"Leave me, I'm a mutt!"
Katniss kept wrestling against him. "Look at me!" She grabbed his face into her hands. "Look at me." Within a split-second, her lips crashed into his, kissing him like he wasn't breathing and needed CPR.
Anyone watching could feel the love she had for that boy.
You glanced at Finnick to see him already looking at you, then you promptly looked away. This wasn't about you.
When she finally pulled away, she was nearly begging him. "Stay with me." And when you saw the look on his face, you knew that she got to him.
"Always," he whispered.
Katniss nodded, and then she pulled him up and you were running out. It was snowing when you got outside, a thin layer covering the ground. 
"I know where we are!" Cressida shouted, turning back to you. "I know a place. Up those stairs!"
You followed her, running up the stairs and passing a portrait of Finnick on the way, the words WANTED written on it in bold. There were likely similar ones all around the city. Your theory was proven correct when you ran past another post, this time with your own face.
Cressida ran forward to some dress shop, banging on the door. It almost looked like it was empty until you saw someone's figure behind the pixelated glass.
A woman opened the door and you all immediately ran inside, Cressida exclaiming, "Shut the door, shut the door!"
Katniss immediately raised her bow at the woman, drawing an arrow until Cressida assured her it was okay. While Finnick and Gale went to secure the perimeter, you stayed and examined the woman, getting a good look at her.
She had a tiger pattern tatted, framing her face and going down all the way to her neck, with whiskers. The orange, furry coat she wore completed her appearance. She looked familiar; you just couldn't pinpoint from where.
Cressida walked up to her. "Tigris, do you remember me? I'm with Plutarch's underground." Tigris just stared at her blankly. "We need your help."
In the background, someone shouted that it was clear. You watched as Tigris' eyes then locked on you. She didn't stare long before she acquiesced, leading you to another part of the shop. The boys met you on your way there.
She lifted a quilt off the ground, revealing a hidden trap door. It opened to a flight of stairs, and then the puzzle pieces suddenly clicked.
"I- I know you," you said. "You were a stylist in the Games."
She paused, removing her hood. "Until Snow decided I wasn't pretty enough anymore." Her hands ended up on her hips.
Pretty enough. That was all shades of ironic to you. How could such an ugly man decide what was beautiful?
Your mouth moved on its own accord. "We're here to kill him."
Tigris was impassive, but if you looked hard enough, you could see the slight curve of her lips.
You went down the stairs. She closed the door once the last of you was down. You were cemented to your spot by the stairs, listening to the sound of Pollux cry. His brother was dead.
The Leegs. Jackson. Castor. Messalla. Even Finnick almost died, and you don't know what you would've done if that happened, if he died due to decisions that you made.
This was your fault. This wasn't a game, but you played it like one. Now everyone that was dead was dead because of you.
Cressida said something about Gale needing stitches, along with Finnick. Slowly, you turned around, swallowing. This is my fault.
The words came tumbling out of your mouth. "I made it up." All eyes went to you. No take-backs now. "Everything." Your voice cracked. "There- there is no special mission from Coin, it's just- it was just my plan." Don't cry, Y/N. Don't cry. You don't deserve to cry. "Everyone that's dead is dead because of me—I lied."
"We know," Cressida said. "We all knew."
Your brows knitted together. They knew? "Wh- the soldiers from 13?"
"They did, too." They knew. "Do you really believe that Jackson thought you had orders from Coin?" Her voice wasn't accusatory, nor was it intended to be hurtful. It was genuine. She looked down. "She trusted Boggs and he clearly wanted you to go on."
But why? Why did Boggs trust you? Why did she lie for you, and why did any of them go with your plan?
"We had your back, Y/N." Your eyes darted to the new voice, meeting Finnick's blue eyes from across the room. His voice was soft, just as soft as it was earlier before the mutts came. "Always have. Always will."
Tears came to your eyes. Don't cry, Y/N. You sniffled. "I never meant for any of this to happen. I-" you cut yourself off. Don't cry, Y/N. You turned to Pollux. "I'm so sorry, Pollux. I'm so sorry."
Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry-
"Glimmer. Marvel. Mags." You looked to the side, seeing Peeta with his eyes trained on the ground, reciting, "Clove. Wiress. Rue." He looked up at you. "Bay." Your breath hitched. Bay. "What do all those deaths mean?" 
You couldn't answer—because you didn't know. That was a question you'd been asking yourself since you were thrown into the arena at 15.
"They mean that our lives were never ours," Peeta said. "There was no real life, because we didn't have any choice. Our lives... belong to Snow, and our deaths do, too." 
Finnick's voice echoed in your head, words playing in your head that you had thought about a thousand times before. We will never be free, Y/N.
"But if you kill him—if you end all of this... all those deaths, they mean something." 
Your will was broken, a tear falling down your cheek against all your best restraint. Meaning. Every death since you were reaped for The Hunger Games and every death that came before it, they could all have meaning.
"Cinna. Boggs. Castor. Jackson. They chose this."
Katniss spoke up from beside you. "They chose you, Y/N." You turned to her, seeing the silent words that lied in her eyes. She nodded, as if confirming it for you. She was giving it to you.
Snow's death. It was yours.
So it was decided. You would kill President Snow. You would put an end to this, and you would give those deaths meaning. 
No matter what, even if it killed you. That didn't matter.
Your death would have meaning, too.
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You were dressing Finnick's wound, wincing every time he hissed like you could feel the pain yourself. He didn't deny you when you sat next to him, a first aid kit in your hands.
You stitched him up like it was muscle memory, which it was. Your father taught you. I'm not always gonna be here, Y/N, he said, so there are some things I need to teach you so you can take of yourself. And your mother.
And you did. You took care of yourself and her for six years. Then you took care of yourself out in the wilderness in The Games, going as far as to kill people just to stay alive. When you got out, you continued to care of your mother, even as she refused to look at you. You sold your body and gave up your innocence so she would stay safe; you gave her your home.
Now where was she? She was dead.
But Finnick wasn't. He was still alive. He could've died right before your eyes, but he didn't. You couldn't let him die.
Your mother, she died without the two of you ever reconciling. You refused to let that be the case for you and Finnick. All of the grief and trauma between the two of you, it would be resolved. It had to be. Or, at least, it'd be as resolved as could be possible. 
Maybe there was too much too broken to be fixed. Maybe Finnick Odair and Y/N Y/L/N were doomed from the start.
But at least you had this. You had goodbye.
All of a sudden, he spoke up. "The plan was always to pull you out." You stopped what you were doing, your hands freezing in their place. "You were never supposed to be in The Games, Y/N. The Reaping was rigged."
"What?" Shock laced through your voice.
"You were supposed to stay in 4," he told you. "You were supposed to stay home, and then people from 13 would come pick you up." A breathless chuckle left him, one that you were sure hurt his ribs. "You were never supposed to volunteer."
Memories flooded your head.
Why would you do that?
Why would you volunteer?
You intook a sharp breath, realization hitting you like a truck. The hiding away at the gala, talking to Plutarch, the way he wasn't surprised when the Quell was announced, the sheer anger he had when you volunteered. And then the insistence that you would be fine, that you were both gonna make it out of that arena.
Except you didn't.
"So that plan changed. Johanna was supposed to cut your tracker, but she didn't get the chance. Then Katniss shot the force field, and I-" his voice cracked, "I wanted to find you, but I couldn't move."
Stop. "Finnick-"
"I was gonna tell you." He turned around, facing you. "After The Games, I was gonna tell you that I loved you. But then they had you and I couldn't. But I do, Y/N." He grabbed onto your cheeks, and you let him. His eyes begged you to believe him. "I love you."
A shaky breath left you, the words reverberating through your head. I love you.
He loved you.
And this time, you believed him.
You rested your forehead against his. "God, I-" say it. "I love you, too."
In a heartbeat, Finnick's lips collided with yours. You didn't even have to think about before you kissed him back, your lips moving together in unison, dancing to the song you'd danced to for years. You realized this was your first time kissing him since the Quell, and you realized just how much you missed this.
Whenever Finnick kissed you, you felt loved, even if you knew he didn't love you.
Except this time, you knew he did.
When you pulled away, you couldn't help the smile that came across your face. When you opened your eyes, you saw that his face was no different.
This. This was what home felt like.
Even if you might not feel it again, it was nice to visit just one last time.
"When, um," you paused, running a hand through his hair. God, I missed this. "When all this is over, we can talk about everything."
His grin got wider when you thought that wasn't possible. "Okay. I can wait—I'd do anything for you." Your smile got a little hollow. I hope you let me die.
You were lying. You knew you wouldn't be here to talk about everything—you'd be dead by then. But you wanted to just have this, this one last moment. You wanted one last moment with Finnick, doing what the two of you did best. Pretending.
So you pretended everything was okay, and you made promises you couldn't keep.
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N."
You smiled. "I love you, Finnick Odair." You'd love him to the end of time. You loved him to death. Soon, he'd realize that.
Goodbye, Finnick.
I love you.
Taglist: @avoxrising @mxacegrey @littleshadow17 @lovelyteenagebeard @nasyanastya @catastrxblues @zodiyack @zulpix-blog @mushroomelephant @muggies @lantsovheiress @hobiebrowns-wife @notplutos @faeriepigeons @hnslchw @unholyhuntress @aclmagic @gloryekaterina @ayme301 @lem0ns77 @kisskittenn @onlyangel-444 @moonagedaydream505 @spderm4nnnn @satellitespeirs @glitzcute @iammirrorball @corpsebasil @forever-sleepy-sloth @omwtkydttfym @divinelovers @maggiecc @i-am-a-simp1 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @nelliereadsstuff @how2besalty @dreaminglandsworld @eilaharmonia @catvader101 @lexa138 @h0neylemon @dakotali @hermionelove @theseerbetweenus @whosscruffylooking @yourdailymemedelivery @emma-andrea1 @s1lngwns @meenyminymoes-blog @roxi-reid @rattertatter @sunnybunnyy2 @just-levyy @amaranth-writing @jennaaaaaaaaaaaa @joshhutchersonisdaddy @my-name-is-baby @hehehe13356 @quazsz @chloecharms23 @darlingsoulbeautifulthoughts @thehairington86 @imaegonstargaryenswife0 @ment1tavoid @hereliesme @tayrae515 @mottergirl99 @blackdxggr
additional a/n: ru happy i didn't kill finnick?! it was very tempting, guys, but i had this planned out from the beginning. ALSO, bc i am skeptical that every tag on this taglist works, here is an additional taglist of everyone new that has asked to be on it.
107 notes · View notes
lady-corrine · 9 months
Johanna: Annie's eyes are blue?
Finnick: They're a sea green, more aquamarine than blue.
Johanna: When was the last time she smiled?
Finnick: This morning, we were talking about starfish.
Johanna: When's my birthday?
Johanna: When's my birthday, Finnick?
369 notes · View notes
thedelicatearcher · 3 months
the hunger games characters if they were on stan twitter:
katniss only enters twitter to like and retweet posts. but she is nosy!! she loves reading other people’s arguments and liking the tweets of the person who is winning.
peeta is the one who makes edits. everyone in his fandom knows him. as soon as a new album comes out, he’s already making edits with his favorite characters. he used to only post on twitter, but when his edits started to get reposted on tiktok he had to move there too.
when katniss gets brave and gets into an argument, she hurries peeta to like all her tweets and defend her.
johanna  LOVES to fight with other stans. if there is not already an argument, you better believe she is going to start it. her favorite thing to do is to threaten to dox them.
finnick would NOT be involved in stan wars, he only comes to twitter to be nice and to talk to his mutuals. he blocks anyone who hates on his favorite artist and goes on with his life. 
annie is more of a tumblr girlie and just makes gifs of her favorite artists and reblogs deep analysis of her favorite songs <3
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cabotwife · 8 months
Play the Game (main characters)
side characters
Johanna Mason - District 7
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Johanna Mason of District 7, the lumber district, won the 71st Hunger Games. she pretended to be weak and afraid, letting the other players kill each other off before she entered and finished the games.
- Finnick Odair's best friend
- Clarisse La Rue's mentor
- was reaped at 16, is 17/18 now
- possible love interest for Y/n Odair
Finnick Odair - District 4
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Finnick Odair of District 4, the fishing district, won the 65th Hunger Games. he was extremely loved by the watchers of this game, so he got a plentiful number of sponsors. he used his skills with the trident to win his games.
- Johanna Mason's best friend
- y/n Odair and Percy Jackson's older brother
- semi-mentor of y/n Odair
- boyfriend of Annie Cresta
- was reaped at 14, is 21 now
Percy Jackson - District 4
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Percy Jackson of District 4, the fishing district. Percy got taken in by Finnick and y/n Odair's mother when he was 6 after his mother had fallen to a peacekeeper.
- best fisher in District 4. he has a way with the fish
- younger brother of y/n and Finnick Odair
- he's 14
Y/n Odair - District 4
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Y/n Odair of District 4, the fishing district, is the female tribute for her district in the 72nd Hunger Games.
- older sister of Percy Jackson
- younger sister of Finnick Odair
- mentoree to Mags Flanagan
- she's 16
Clarisse La Rue - District 7
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Clarisse La Rue of District 7, the lumber district, is the female tribute for her district for in the 73rd Hunger games.
- mentoree of Johanna Mason
- volunteers for the games, which shocked everyone
- she's 16
- possible love interest for Y/n Odair
Luke Castellan - District 2
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Luke Castellan of District 2, the weaponry district, was the male career tribute for his district in the 69th games. he won his games by being upfrontedly violent and smart, killing other careers first before going for the other tributes.
- best swordsman in his district
- won his games in record time, to the dismay of the capitol
- won his games at 16, is 19 now
Annabeth Chase - District 2
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Annabeth Chase of District 2, the weaponry district, is the adoptive younger sister of Luke Castellan. she is currently beging trained in The Academy.
- she's 14
Grover Underwood - District 10
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Grover Underwood of District 10, the livestock district. a child of nature, one with the creatures of Panem.
- he's 15
[(taglist) : @yourfavmiki ]
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hummingbirdorchid · 2 months
So I was thinking about how much Johanna and Finnick's reputations conflict and if word got out that the sex symbol of district 4 was friends with the angry brutal Johanna Mason (who I doubt was very good at pretending not to hate the capitol) then people would start viewing him differently. Obviously Snow wouldn't want that so their friendship would be kept off screen. That could also be a reason that they had such a strong bond. They didn't have to pretend to be people they weren't to appease cameras when the other was around.
Also I think that it would be really funny if the capitol had no idea that Johanna and Finnick were friends when they run into each other in catching fire. Cause, like, even Katniss is able to recognize that they're clearly really good friends and she's really bad at recognizing relationships (her friendship with Madge pre-games, not the Gale vs Peeta thing). So obviously the capitol can tell that Finnick and Johanna are close and sense they only see Finnick as something to thirst over they assume he and Johanna are romantically involved. Like, imagine them thinking Finnick was talking about her in his interview when he recited the love poem. Everyone's all excited about having not one but TWO sets of star crossed lovers this year.
And when he and Johanna are reunited in Mockingjay they're able to laugh about it. I'm talking "if you were my husband, I'd poison your coffee" "If you were my wife, I'd drink it" kind of thing. Sometimes Annie will play along too, in a "you're such a cute couple, how did you guys meet?" kind of way. I don't think she would ever play it like Johanna was stealing her man or that Finnick was cheating on her, because that would be a sensitive topic (not that Finnick would ever cheat on her, but he probably felt like he was). I think it would be really nice for them to be able to joke about something like that because they all know that they can trust each other and that they're safe in that respect. Something that could never have been said before, especially for Finnick. I just really like the idea of them having something to joke about.
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