#John Marston x you
johnpriceslamb · 2 months
𝓽 𝓱 𝓻 𝓮 𝓪 𝓭 𝓮 𝓭 𝓮 𝓵 𝓮 𝓰 𝓪 𝓷 𝓬 𝓮
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🪡 Before you joined the gang, you used to be a tailor. An event was coming up soon which involved looking fancy, meaning that you had to take his measurements for a new suit.
𝓑𝓔𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔 𝓨𝓞𝓤 𝓟𝓡𝓞𝓒𝓔𝓔𝓓 ! ⋆ female ! reader ⋆ hyper-feminine ! reader ⋆ very suggestive content w/ javier ⋆ close proximity ⋆ reader is mentioned to be physically smaller than said chars ⋆ poorly google translates spanish >.> ⋆ not proof read nor edited ⋆ wrd count/1.2k
🪡 arthur morgan ⋆ charles smith ⋆ john marston ⋆ javier escuella (sep) x f! reader
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🪡 𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓾𝓻 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓪𝓷,
“stand still!”
You prattle on for the umpteenth time this evening. The loyal enforcer of the gang grunts at the feeling of the cold tape measure wrapped around his bare waist, as he begrudgingly lifts his arms up to avoid messing up the measurements.
“For someone so little,” He groans at the feeling of the flexible measure tightening deliberately around him, “You sure do have a lot of attitude.”
You ignore him, of course. You scribble down the exact number of his measurement down on a piece of paper with a slight hum. The beads of your delicate necklace hang delicately off your neck as you bend over the edge of the table a bit, elbows propping your demure head for support. Arthur couldn’t help but boredly take a peak of what you were writing down, before ultimately sighing as he hopes for this to go a little quicker.
the cigar in his mouth hangs low on his bottom lip, embers flying out from the tip. He takes another slow drag, before letting it out with a gentle sigh- to your direction. You throw the man a puffed-cheek glare, your little nose scrunching up at the smell.
He wouldn’t admit the fact that he felt warm when your fingers would touch his body so subtly when measuring him. Or when your face was so close to his ragged skin, he could really feel your soft breath. Did you always look that pretty when you’re concentrated?
“Hey, Arthur?” That familiar high-pitched voice catches his attention. His hands lazily grab ahold of his low-hung belt, before leaning in.
“Mh?” He lowly grunts, squinting his eyes at the sight of your beady eyes staring up at him. He chews at the end of his cigarette, letting out a huff when the smoke unexpectedly enters inside his body.
You cheekily smile, tinkering your dewy lashes at him to feign innocence. The pencil in your grip is tapped multiple times on the paper, “Wouldn’t pink be a suitable colour choice for your suit?”
“[name].” You’re lucky you were blessed with a cute little face, otherwise he’d have no issue throwing you in the lake nearby.
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🪡 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓽𝓱,
“..I’m not familiar with getting measured, I apologise if I make anything difficult.” Charles quietly explains to you in that baritone voice he had. You can’t help that sweet fluttering in your chest at the apology.
“Nonsense!” You wave him off with a toothy smile, “All you’ll have to do is stand still.”
The gentle giant in-front of you slowly nods. He’s not uncomfortable, but he’s kind of on the edge since this was new to him. But since it’s you, he can feel some of the tension in him melt. Usually, he tends to avoid interacting with other people at camp.
But you? Something about you made him draw closer.
“Just a matter of standing still? I think I can manage with that. No trouble with me.” A ghost of a smile slowly etches onto his dark skin at your expression. Almost.. puppy like.
You’re about to measure his full height to ensure the exact proportions of the suit are balanced, only to realise..
Your height (lack thereof.. oops.) comes in as a bit of an issue here. For plot purposes, there aren’t any stools around nor could you go on your tippy toes to measure him fully.
“..Ah.” Charles blinks at the situation. Amusement crosses his face, before gesturing to hand over the end of the measuring tape. He holds it just at his head, patiently watching you peak at the number it falls down to at his ankles.
“Oh my..” You let out a tiny squeak at the number, a shy smile appearing on your sweet face before scribbling it down on a piece of paper nearby.
“Oh my?” He repeats you, “What? Is that.. Is that bad?”
“No, no!” You stammer, meekly brushing your hands over your light pink petticoat, “You’re just.. Y’know. You’re tall.”
“Oh?” He smiles lightly, lovingly looking at your light expression, “I hope that won’t be too much of a problem.”
“It’s not a problem. Quite the opposite, actually.” You quietly mumble the last part. Oh dear, you can feel his gaze, practically warming up your soul, staring at you as if you hung the stars. You feel your cheeks heating up.
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🪡 𝓳𝓸𝓱𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷,
never in your life have you wanted to smack a man in the face so badly.
“Woah,” John grins like a newly wet dog from running through a puddle, “Y’here to take my measurements or to feel me up?”
All you did was just wrap the tape around the swell of his hips. Your cheeks puff out, purposefully tightening the tape to get your point behind.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind either way.” He cheekily smiles, before scoffing at the feeling of the measuring tape deliberately tightening around him.
You swear you can smell the scent of booze. You ignore it, before straightening your back to measure his waist. What you can’t ignore however, was that raspy drawl his voice had which somehow makes you fall for him over and over again.
He may be as dumb as rocks, but his little antics drew you in.
“Hey,” He calls out to catch your attention. You sweetly tilt your head up, and to the side when he looks down at you.
“You gon’ pick the colours of my suit, or do I get to?” He asks curiously.
You ponder, “Well.. Do you want to?”
He thinks about it for a moment, before coming up with an answer. “Nah. Reckon you should. You’re the professional, after all.”
You can’t help but let out a soft giggle, “I wouldn’t go that far.”
When you’ve finished his measurements, you excitedly turn to him to discuss the colour choices which’ll be appropriate for the event coming up soon. Both of your eyes meet and he peers down at you with a loving gaze, it catches your breath a bit before you force yourself to look down at the notes which contained your notes.
“I think your suit should have a low v cut to really show that upper-body of yours. Perhaps a classic navy blue as your primary colour, and— Hey! Are you even listening to me?”
He blinks a few times, a bit sheepish. “I am, I just don’t got a clue on what you’re saying, sweetheart.”
You can feel your hand tighten.
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🪡 𝓳𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓮𝓻 𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪,
“Ah.. Quite close there, aren’t you?” He has this.. devilishly handsome smile you want to wipe off badly. He peers down at you as if you were nothing but a little dollie while you measured his chest.
“‘M not trying to be!” You whine, going just a bit lower to wrap the measuring tape around his waist now. You hum delightfully as you find the exact number, squinting your eyes to see where the tip of the measurement tape lands on.
While you’re busy with your own little thing, you don’t notice the way Javier admires you from above. He can’t help but comment on it too.
“You know,” He starts of with a slow, lazy smile. Mischievous, even.
“You’re looking very pretty working down there.” He puts a lot of emphasis on the word ‘very’ in his sentence. It’s subtle, but if you were to be paying attention to him you’d get it immediately.
You tilt your head up to innocently thank him with a small smile etched on your pretty little face, before realising what his words were implying. That little..
“Javier!” You scold him with a very high-pitched tone. You feel your dignity fading away as soon as he replies with a mocking laugh to your whining.
“You know I’m just playing around, chica. Don’t take it so seriously.” His hand goes down to cheekily pinch your squishy cheek to get his point through. You frown.
“You’re horrible.” You babble, begrudgingly taking his last measurement. You’re very tempted to give him the cold shoulder, but decided against it.
“You’re too kind.” He sarcastically replies, that same lazy grin on his face from the start as when he sees you scribbling down some notes about his measurements and preferences. You throw a tiny glare at him, “I’m the one creating your suit here, be nice!”
“Mhm? I haven’t gotten to express my gratitude yet have I?” He takes the notepad away from you, setting it aside before easily picking you up by the waist and setting you on the table, your legs dangle off the edge easily as he nears you.
“Permiteme que, querida.”
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blckbrrybasket · 2 months
RAHHH i loved the odd!reader piece you posted!! i would love to see more, only if you want to write more, no pressure!! <33
ahh im so happy that you like it!! i love odd!reader so much <3 so so sorry this took a bit to come out
if you or anybody has any ideas for odd!reader plssss send them my way i would love to write more for them!!
have some headcanons and a lil something 💫
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- When in public there are times where they’ll never touch their boyfriend or stand so close next to him that their face is in his side.
- It’s become a bit of a one-sided competition for their boyfriend to try and fuck them dumb (quickly mentioned in the blurb but he does take it as a challenge)
- They’re very clumsy. It’s not very noticeable to them anymore. Elbows knocked on door frames, tripping, miscalculating how far away something is, is all common to them.
- Surprisingly not queasy to most things, sees it as a part of life.
- That being said, the most horrendous thing could happen to them and they’d shrug like “:/ what can you do?” While their boyfriend is staring at them in horror.
- Knows way too many random facts. Makes it interesting to watch shows or movies when they randomly drop facts about the filming process or the lore.
- Bounces their leg like nobody’s business. Has spilled things by hitting their knee on the table.
- Egregious sleeper. Why can they fall asleep to the sound of gunshots outside, but if something interrupts their rain sounds they can’t sleep.
- Knows whats best but doesn’t know how to express it so they’ll just say “yes” or “no” and expect everyone to understand why.
The girl on screen pressed herself against the side of the house, panting as she tried to find a good moment to run. You and your boyfriend were watching a horror movie as you squirmed in your seat. Your legs were laid out over his lap, draping over the armrest of the couch.
“She actually called 911.” You muttered, popping a piece of popcorn into your mouth. “Well yeah-“ He started. “No like the phone was still connected. When filming she accidentally called 911 multiple times.” You finished the thought.
He raised his eyebrows at you, not questioning, only turning his head back to the screen when a blood curdling screen was ripped from the actor. “Yeah?” You smiled contently. “Mhm!” A few moments passed by quietly, aside from the gore on the TV.
Your eyes trained on the screen as the girl ran around the house only to be met with the slasher. The knife stabbed into her, a small grimace finding itself onto his face at the forced angle of the cut. “Do you think it would be cool if the cloak was white instead of black?” The question pulled him out of watching the movie and he glanced at you. “Huh?”
“Well originally the cloak was going to be white and if it stayed that way it would be covered in all the blood stains. It’d look cool.” He slowly nodded, “But the black looks cooler in the night.” You paused before a smile spread across your lips. “Yeah. You’re right.” His hand wrapped around your ankle and his thumb slid back and forth over your skin, both of your attentions falling back to the film.
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ahqkas · 17 days
hello love!! may i please request some headcanons for arthur morgan and charles smith when they see their partners wearing their shirt? (and maybe john and javier? only if you’re up for it of course!) xx
PRETTY LIKE THE SUN ; arthur morgan, john marston, javier escuella, charles smith
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© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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when arthur saw you wearing one his shirts, his eyes instantly softened and his lips parted slightly. the sight of you struck him — seeing something of his on you, so intimately close, filled him with a mix of emotions
“well, don’t you look just perfect,” he said, a slow smile spreading across his face. his irises never left your form, taking in the way the shirt enveloped you. it was an old, worn shirt, softened by years of wear, and seeing it on you brought a warmth to his chest
“you look better in this than i ever did,” he murmured, his voice rough with affection. his fingers brushed over the fabric, lingering on your arm as if committing the moment to memory
“but i gotta say, seein’ you in my shirt . . . it makes me feel all warm.”
he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, then your nose, and finally your lips, each kiss a silent vow of his affection and presence. holding you close, he rested his chin on top of your head. “you can wear my shirts anytime you like,” he whispered, his arms wrapping around you protectively. “makes me feel real good, knowin’ you want to.”
he’s such a sweetheart about it
his eyes widened slightly at the unexpected sight before him. there you were, standing by the window, wrapped in one of his old, worn shirts. the shirt hung loosely on your frame, the sleeves too long, and the hem brushing against your thighs
a slow smile spread across john's face, his amusement evident. “well, look at you,” he said, his voice tinged with a chuckle. he stepped closer, his eyes roaming over you. “that’s my shirt, ain’t it?”
his heart swelled at the sight
“you look real good in it, darlin’”
he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace. “you can wear my shirts anytime you want, darlin’,” he whispered into your hair. “hell, you can have ’em all if it makes you happy.”
this man wouldn’t shut up about it, he’d annoy you for the next days, even weeks
but he wouldn’t admit he’s replaying the picture of you, standing in front of him in one of his shirts. the thought made him feel deep things, things he wouldn’t even admit when drunk on alcohol
from that day, he wants you to wear his clothes every single day
javier strolled into your shared tent, a soft tune humming from his lips as he shook off the day’s dust. his eyes immediately caught sight of you, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. you were wearing one of his shirts, the fabric loose and flowing around you, and the sight stopped him in his tracks
“. . . is that my shirt you’re wearing?”
he would be either so confused or in denial of this happening
but once the feeling dropped off, a wide, delighted smile spread across his face
even his eyes smiled
“you look absolutely beautiful,” he murmured, his voice tinged with awe
reaching out, javier gently took your hands in his, lifting them to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles. “you always look beautiful, but seeing you in my shirt . . . you’re breathtaking, mi amor.”
javier held you close, his hands lightly caressing your palms. “you can wear my shirts anytime you like,” he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity. “in fact, i’d love it if you did.”
the thought of you wearing his clothes makes you even more his than you already are
charles walked into your shared tent, the weight of the day's tasks evident in his tired steps. as he glanced up, he froze momentarily, taking in the sight before him. you stood there, illuminated by the soft glow of the lantern, wearing one of his old shirts. the fabric was too big for you, sleeves hanging past your wrists and the hem falling almost to your knees, but the sight of you in it struck him deeply
“hey there,” he said softly, a warm smile spreading across his face. his eyes softened, filled with a mix of surprise and admiration. the man moved closer, his gaze never leaving you, taking in every detail of how his shirt enveloped your form
you smiled at him. “i hope you don’t mind,” you murmured, glancing down at the large shirt
charles’ heart swelled with adoration at you words. he reached out, his big, calloused hand gently lifting your chin so he could look into her eyes. “mind? not at all,” he said, his voice low and tender. “you look beautiful. it means a lot to me that you wanted to feel close.”
he brushed a soft kiss across your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment. “if you ever need anything — comfort, warmth, just a piece of me — you take whatever you need.”
he’s ready to gift you all of his shirts
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 months
RDR2 HC - Running away together & what would it take.
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RDR2 x GN! Reader
Summary: Running away together & what would it take for them to.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship, Running away, Some Happy Endings
Characters: Dutch van der Linde, Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Hosea Matthews, John Marston, Josiah Trelawny
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Dutch van der Linde
- A hard task in itself, prying Dutch away from his power over the gang, it's an almost impossible task. Though echoing Hosea's words to lie low would earn you some time in having a voice over Micah's, he would consider it.
- Nightly talks cuddled up in his arms, imagining life away from the one you have aloud; he entertains it, but not without saying some doubtful scenarios. Having to change your ways, almost manipulating him into taking that life as a real thing.
- Never leaving his side, hearing every thought, not giving Micah a chance to talk to him in private, in turn driving you crazy. Doing anything for that good life, leaving your intentions to change just to get your Dutch safe.
- Every day drained you; all that work had finally caught up to you. Slowly, you lost faith as the gang came into more trouble, making you come to a realization. You made your choice.
- A night of loving Dutch one more time, cuddled up into his arms, then having to leave them. Leaving him in a deep sleep with a final kiss. Taking your horse he had gotten for you a long time ago and what little clothes you had left from all the years of running. Finally leaving in the cold night, not daring to look back.
A year had gone by, and still you dreamt about that day and its many outcomes, but all you could do was smile at the memory of his messed hair loving him for that final night. Telling yourself over and over that it spared the both of you, there was no use to keep trying. Leaving to build your own life, living out your dream that you tried so hard to convince Dutch of so many times.
He would have loved it, just the two of you; he just couldn't see it. Getting up from your bed, dressing up for the day, and having to live off of the small land you fought to get months after. Making your way to the kitchen, readying breakfast before your day of work, but a knock interrupts you from the task.
Grabbing your old weapon, hoping it still worked, then walking slowly to the door, pointing the weapon from your hip. Upon opening the door, your mind and body went blank. Dutch was standing at your front door, looking like shit. "Dear," he says, voice cracking. Even after all this time, he charmed his way into your heart, igniting your love again.
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Arthur Morgan
- You both have always talked about that kind of life and what it would be like, but it always ended as a joke and never as something to look forward to. Until you really thought about it, hearing Hosea's story of him and his wife fed into your dream.
- Bring it up to Arthur one night, making sure he took it seriously, not knowing what to say, only he couldn't leave the gang just like that. Over time, you pushed the matter, and he always listened but never said anything.
- Being with the gang for a long time, you watched it change as Dutch came into more trouble. Finally, it hit a breaking point when Arthur went missing from the meeting with Colm O'Driscoll. The camp had to calm you down, but it didn't stop the tears every night, fighting your mind to just leave, but it turned to worry that if he'd come back, you needed to be there for him.
- After days of the gang searching, you finally spotted Arthur's house with him on top, thinking you had just gone crazy. Hearing his groans of pain, you ran to him, crying aloud, causing the camp to spring into action, with some having to hold you back so the rest could work.
- After an hour of working on him finally letting you see him, never leaving his side as you waited for him to wake. Hosea brought you something to eat every day, knowing what you had been going through.
Snapping from your exhausted state as a groan came from Arthur, watching as he stirred from his rest. Tears once again spilled from your eyes while grabbing his hand and placing it to your cheek. Waking fully, he whispered your name, running a hand through his hair earning a hum from him as he rested his eyes once again.
"I thought you were dead," you whispered, kissing his hand earning another hum. "Okay," he whispered weakly, making you look at him meeting his blue-green eyes. Taking a minute for you to understand, you nodded, "Tonight." You responded, getting only a weak nod back. Quickly getting up to then plant a kiss on his lips before preparing your leave.
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Javier Escuella
- Being so loyal to Dutch, as soon as you'd bring that idea of life up, he'd tell you of the time he tried to find that kind of life, with it ending with Dutch saving him, in turn needing to repay Dutch with his life. A life for a life.
- Still, of course, you stayed with him, but it didn't stop you from trying. From mentioning small things, such as telling him to look at the homesteads as you passed them or talking to couples who owned their land, hearing the stories of home life making sure Javier was near you to hear.
- Wishing aloud to love him behind closed doors, but he brought up the suggestion of a hotel quickly you shot it down with wishes of loving him in your own home. Unknown to you, it wasn't till the end that he would change his mind.
- Seeing as he buddied up with Micah breaking your heart, seeing what Micah did to Dutch, there would be no way he would sink his claws into your Javier. Realizing it even more after hearing Arthur's words confirming your Javiers changed, solidifying your thoughts. Having to do the only thing that was left.
- Grabbing a bag, you started to stuff your things into it. Hearing footsteps come closer, you didn't look up, knowing who it was. When asking what you were doing, you told him you were leaving him. Shocked, he begged, but you gave it to him in the end, giving him an ultimatum. You or Dutch.
Pain washed over his face. He looked to the floor, hoping it would have the answer, but you continued packing. "Amor," he begged, but you kept your back to him as much as it pained you. "I can't do this, Javi," you say, tears stinging the brim of your eyes. "Tell me," he says, putting a hand on yours.
"All of this, you hate Micah. What changed?" You asked, making him look away, but you brought his face back softly with your hand. Cupping his face, "I know you see it. He's not well. I'm not going to stick around anymore, Javi," you say, turning to zip up your bag.
"It's your choice," you say before grabbing a few more things. "I can't," he says weakly. "Okay," saying your final words before walking to the horses, putting your things onto yours before hopping onto your horse.
Taking a last look at the camp, not caring who chose to look. Hearing as the horse next to you stirred, looking to see Javier hop on his with his belongings behind him. Smiling at each other, you turned away from camp, taking off quickly to start your new life.
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Charles Smith
- Having been in the gang for a small amount of time, he had never shut down the idea, though never did he start to make plans on it. Figuring it was from his friendships with Arthur and John or him just settling in having run with him before the gang, you were of course thankful for them taking you both in, but shaking off the idea was never going to happen.
- Taking long rides on the days he got off, hugging his waist while resting your head on his back, talking about many things: camp gossip, your past travels, the future. Sometimes passing by a homestead watching as the people worked away at their land, imagining out loud how that would be, it would be better than always running.
- He loved you dearly; it pained him whenever leaving you to do a job with the gang, but you hated it more when he came to you from a watch stumbling on his tired feet to then crashing into your arms falling asleep before he could even mumble, "I love you.".
- Making his choice after the bank job that had gone wrong, having to bury Hosea and Lenny's bodies, the both of you talked about the decision ending with a kiss and the start of packing your things. Though quickly interrupted by the law, causing you to run once again, making you both stick around the gang a little longer.
- Knowing it put the both of you in more danger, he tried to make it quick by using the gang to help the tribe, only meeting them once by going with him, you understood. Finally, the day came telling only Arthur and John and those closest to you, getting hugs and wishes of luck to your new life.
Waking to the cooing of birds wrapped in the warmth of Charles's arms, hearing him snore softly, kissing his scared cheek, waking him from his slumber earning a smile. Looking at you with tired brown eyes, taking a moment to admire your well-rested faces.
Wiggling out of his arms with an objection as he tightened them, making you both laugh before you headed off to the kitchen in your homestead, but not without getting dressed first from the night before. Having been years since that day, leading to a new life, though the past caught up a year later, causing Charles to go with John just to make Dutch and Micah pay for all those years ago.
Of course, coming back to you with a bullet in the shoulder and a promise to never leave you again, from John's home, you both made it up to Canada, living out your dream of a homestead. Ending your reminisce on the past as Charles wraps his arms around you once more, kissing your neck softly while you readied the morning drinks.
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Bill Williamson
- It had never been an idea to the both of you from all the years you ran with the gang until going into town. Seeing how a couple talked about their lives after getting that first taste of that kind of life, you never looked back.
- Not telling Bill at first, wanting him away from Dutch a bit before springing it upon him after one of your hotel nights away, he entertained your thoughts, though laughing at some parts until he realized you were serious.
- His first feeling was anger at how he could never do that to Dutch, but you argued that Dutch doesn't control your lives. Finally, he calmed down, telling you he looked up to Dutch. Knowing how he wanted the limelight that Arthur and John had, you convinced him that even if it was painful to say and hear, he would never be them. His obsession can't control him.
- Even though he listened with understanding, even agreeing, he told you the time wasn't right. Giving your understanding back to his reasoning, you stayed with him. But things didn't stay still for forever.
- The bank job had gone wrong with the law running you out of Shady Bell, feeling as if it was years before you got Bill back in your arms after hearing tales of him on Guarma. Having enough, you started to pack your things, causing Bill to freak. Hearing none of it, you gave him a choice. Hoping he would pick the right one.
Standing in front of your horse, holding your bag tightly, "I've hit the end, Bill; I-I can't. I can't stay up every night hoping you're alive; it's not fair to me or you." You choked through your words, causing a scene for the whole camp to see, but you didn't care; you were done.
Seeing his hesitant look back at Dutch, who watched on calmly, you had your answer. His continuous seek for approval from Dutch would never stop, and you weren't going to be around to watch it kill him or you.
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Hosea Matthews
- Having left before he would hear the idea once again, not shooting it down immediately though ending your talk with how his story ended, right back where he started.
- As time went on, his coughs had gotten worse, as well as his attitude towards it, helping with his cough fits earned a hand wave and a choked-out "I'm fine." But you kept pushing, knowing if it was the end for him, it should be anywhere but running with the gang.
- Bringing it up more, he entertained it a bit more, but other reasons would always pop up after, trying to understand you let it go after every talk. As the gang settled into Shady Bell slowly, you noticed that he became even worse; he barely came to bed, but when he did stumble in, smelling of booze, giving you a slurred "I love you" before snoring away.
- Not waiting for his final say any longer, you slowly packed your things over the days, making sure both of your horses were ready to go in the night. Thankfully, you met a couple who knew of a cabin not too far away at a cheap price. Saving up quickly, you bought the cabin, leaving it to wait for you. Taking note of when the watch shifts change and when the camp dies down for the night.
- Finally, you made your move. As Hosea stumbled into being his familiar drunk self, you went into action, calling his horse over by the back door quietly loading on what little you had left. Then, waking Hosea leading him to the horse with false words, finally, you were ready with Hosea in a drunken sleep on your back, fleeing into the dark swamp.
Riding through the night, keeping Hosea on the horse, with luck, you made it through the swamp and into the forest on your way to the cabin. Not knowing how long this would last not even sure if this was a new life. "Just enough for you to rest," you whispered into the cold night air.
Making it to the cabin, using all your strength to get him in the cabin, laying him on the bed, tucking him. Going back out, taking your things from his and your horses, then letting them rest in the small stable for the next few days.
Waking into the morning still hearing Hosea's snores with his warm arms around you. Slowly, you get up, readying his medicine, hoping he'll understand your actions. Being all for him in the end.
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John Marston
- Having entertained the idea only came up two times. The first was for one of Hosea's cons, having you and John play as a married couple that lived on a farm just for another couple who actually lived on a farm to come along to buy into Hosea's con.
- As years went on, seeing how the gang dwindled, thankful for not taking your John, but not without a scare and a promise to stay with you. Getting out of the snow, helping John to Horseshoe Overlook, fighting to keep him down, and resting. John made a joke about you being his spouse and having a little farm. That was the second time.
- John wasn't the only one with that joke; being protective over him, Hosea started to joke about how the con act ended long ago, but you were still acting the part.
- Finally, John was ready for jobs again, so you loosened your protection, though you weren't afraid to give it to Dutch if he came back with so much as a small scratch. Furthering that joke in the camp led you two to talk. John agreed to the possibility, but it was different in his mind. You saw it coming sooner than him.
- Sadly, it wasn't until the very end you could live out that idea. The gang fell apart, pushing you both towards Strawberry, but not without making a rule for yourself. Never to live that life again. It was easier said than done. John helped the framer, and you fled, leaving your John behind.
Reading the letter over again as the carriage hit every bump on the road, making your impatience worse. Finally stopping, not wanting to look out the window, needing to see him up close, you hurried out.
Standing there face-to-face with your John, having been gone for so many months, your eyes stinging as you wrapped your arms tightly around him. "It's over," he whispered into your ear, making the threatening tears spill, tightening your hold, not wanting to let him go again.
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Josiah Trelawny
- Living that dream already in Saint Denis, but unbeknownst to you, Josiah had dealings with a gang. Hearing the name of the gang from officers around town yet not thinking anything of them. Not even questioning his absence at home as his "office work" makes him travel a lot.
- Loving the stories of his travels made you susceptible to listening for things, but never did you think you'd hear about your husband from an officer's mouth on the street. Then the next day, another questioned you on your doorstep, being very hostile and pushing past you just to find nothing, but before leaving, accusing you of dealing with the "Van Der Linde Gang.".
- Hearing nothing from your Josiah in the few passing days got you worried—maybe you didn't know the man you married. Though finally, you saw him as he crawled up the stairs of your Saint Denis home, the sight brought you to tears.
- The damage to him was heartbreaking. He groaned and hissed through his teeth as you cleaned up his bloody wounds, then bandaged them up. Saying nothing, you let the silence fall with his story quickly following, but you didn't let him finish.
- Saying the name of the gang, seeing how his face turned pale. Telling him of what transpired days before, hit you hard speaking of what you knew out loud to him. Starting with a sigh, he told you everything with a voice filled with shame.
"Stop," you said, interrupting his explanation, doing as you said, looking to you. Not being able to handle the sight of him knowing every cut or possible broken bone was because of his deals with the gang. You started to question whether the life you built was even real; was the love you got from him even real?
"Love," he pleaded, placing a hand on yours looking into the eyes you fell in love with so many times. Still, you held your ground. "No more J," you say, making him look down watching as he nodded. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around his upper back and shoulders, hugging him as he sat in your home, where he belonged.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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Masterlist Word count: 550 Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader
Summary: You know that John likes you. You know that Arthur likes you. They know about each other, but the others don't. Gossip spreads and, what feels like a ticking time bomb, turns out to be unconnected. 
'I don't think he knows,' Abigail says as she sits, knitting with Mary-Beth and Tilly while watching you and Arthur talk. John has gone out hunting with Charles to learn how to use a bow as he is useless with it. Arthur had asked Charles to do so but Abigail suspects he had other motives for getting John away from camp.  'I think he does,' Tilly argues with a grin, 'why else would he ask Charles? Everyone knows John is too impatient to learn how to use a bow.' She's got a point, Abigail figures.  Things had been weird ever since you joined the gang. Sadie had found you in Valentine and recognized you as an old friend. In fact, the friend who set her up with her husband. She told the others you seemed lost and needed some place where people have your back. Most were sceptical but your turned out to be a hard worker and a great hunter, bringing in huge game for the camp whenever you went out. Dutch had almost considered letting you take a wagon along so you could bring enough to sell it.  That great aim of yours also pulled in different attention. Both John and Arthur became more than smitten with your friendly and kind demeanour. Mary-Beth had suggested that Arthur liked you for your kindness and willingness to listen while John liked you for your viciousness and rough edges. Both great attributes that make you who you are.  'Well, either way, they're both fools,' Mary-Beth claims, ending the argument.  'Do you think she knows,' Tilly questions.  'For sure she knows,' Mary-Beth answers as all of them watch you gently touch Arthur's shoulder as he makes a joke not worthy of the laughter that comes out of you.  'She's really toying with them, ain't she,' Abigail grumbles. Despite liking you quite a bit, she fears what it might do to the gang if Arthur and John are pinned against each other. It's a bad predicament to be in and since the year that John left the gang is still a sore spot for Arthur, Abigail fears things might explode with the littlest of meddling. When her and John put an end to it, she was slightly relieved, but this is just insanity. 
'Do you think they know,' Arthur questions you. You shake your head with a grin.  'No, they probably think I'm hopping between you two. They wouldn't be gossiping about us as much if they knew.'  'Fair point.' He puts a gentle hand on your waist to pull you closer and watches at the jaws drop across camp.  'Are you trying to rile them up, cowboy,' you tease as you take a step closer to him. He shrugs. You roll your eyes and press a kiss to his jaw. 'Come on, let's go join Charles and John.' Arthur looks over at the women once more as he leans towards you.  'If only they knew about Charles.' You shove him away with a laugh.  'Oh, stop it. I liked you better when you were still being shy about liking me.' 
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devnmon · 4 months
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐜𝐬 ♡
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𝐩𝐨𝐯 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧. [𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫] 𝐬𝐟𝐰/𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭 𝐱𝐱
𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝟏𝟖𝟗𝟗/𝟏𝟗𝟎𝟕 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 [𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐝𝐫𝟏 𝐲𝐞𝐭]
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First off, John is one to not realize his feelings for you until a certain point. He's oblivious to his OWN feelings. That's how long he's liked you. Perhaps you were captured by one of the local gangs or got severely hurt... his heart dropped when he found out. John is a real overthinker... so obviously his mind went right to the worst case scenarios. Though, when Arthur got back to camp with you in tow, he was so damn grateful.
He's taught you to ride a horse, but absolutely flushes when you clutch onto his waist tighter than usual when he picks up speed on the back of his.
His morning voice is almost too sexy to reply to the g'morning he sends your way as he huddles over the campfire, coffee in hand.
John doesn't understand why out of all the more honorable men in the world, you chose him to love and care for with your whole heart.
He's the first to initiate hand holding, especially in public– oh my god. Maybe there's a random man in the bar looking your way... and John, well he just couldn't take someone thinking you were up for grabs. You feel his grip around your hand as his fingers intertwine with yours, the glare he held as cold as ice watching the man turn away from you.
John is reallyyyyyy fucking good at five finger fillet. You're surprised he's not lost all his fingers with the way he moves his knife so swiftly. It's one of the things that made you realize your feelings towards him.
John started crushing on you after you stitched up his face in Colter. Checking his scars every day to make sure they weren't getting infected; the close proximity was just another factor that made his heart race around you.
He becomes comfortable with touch as he falls for you. At first it's just a touch on the arm that has sparks flying, then you're touching his shoulder or back– his cheeks all but flush bright red every time. [Arthur teases him about it. It's adorable.]
John often takes you on rides outside of camp just to get some air from everyone. He really appreciates having alone time where the two of you can talk and bond and wink wink ;))
He also lets you wear his hat when the both of you go out riding together. John tries to get you your own but you think his suits you just fine.
When you tell him 'i love you' for the first time, it takes him a minute to register it. But when he does, he goes "say it again" and just kisses you before saying it back.
Calls you "Miss" around camp, but in private he prefers to call you honey and sweetheart. He feels like calling you your name is something to be kept private too. John Marston is a sucker for closeness with you.
Sometimes you catch him staring from across camp, and you tried so damn hard to hide your smirk from Sadie and the other girls... that you had to excuse yourself from the group.
He cannot be normal or stay still when your hands are on him. You're laying on his bedroll with him, lightly tracing your hands up and down his body and he's all but begging for you to keep going until you can't.
John can never have you close enough; being too close isn't a thing for him. If he could be glued to you, he would.
John would love to learn to cook together. He gets his kicks out of placing his hands on your waist while you're preparing the food, feeding him bits and pieces of veggies you're chopping up.
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Here's the thing about John. He's suchh a touched starved boy that he absolutely cannot get enough of you from the time you get together. And obviously he's grabby too. Loves putting his hands everywhere on you. Like– everywhere. So much so that he leaves marks mostly every time he gets more than half an hour with you.
His love language is words of affirmation, so of course he basks in the glory when you say "you feel so good" or "right there" . Basically amps him up x10000.
Also John is a cocky little shit and mocks your cries in the bedroom. Then he'll go "Yeah? What ya screamin' my name for? Feels good huh?".
You don't know where he's learned it, but John has such a talented tongue– like, toe curling, back-arching, messy and desperate to please you without ever coming up for air.
John loses all ounce of shame in bed with you. He knows how to please you and if he's letting you be in control... he will beg and pleadddd for you. Like I said– no shame.
Loves when you pull his hair. The first time you did it he went "Atta girl..." with a groan– and you all but came right then and there from the gravel in his voice.
Is such a praiser;; gets off on hearing you whimper underneath him. Stuff like "doin' good for me, doll" and "such a mess for me, huh? look at you..." GOD.
That's another thing with John, he's always on top. Prefers missionary to observe the way you sing for him– and he's smitten all over again.
You're able to convince him to let you be on top– to ride him like the cowboy he is. He even puts his hat on you [mid ride might i say].
Is also a definite cuddler afterwards, he loves hearing your heartbeat steady while he’s pressed up against your back. He’ll suggest the two of you get cleaned up before you fall asleep.
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a/n: heyy so i know this is not a lot of hcs but they're the best i got for rn while i ponder on how to write my silly little drabbles :))) stay tuned for those heheh
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todorokies · 19 days
𝝑𝑒 contents: john marston x female reader, nsfw, modern au (sawry im a sucker for 'em), cunnilingus, fingering, pet names (pretty & darling), pussy drunk john. . . 754 words
𝝑𝑒 a/n: dabbling in a diff fandom for my comeback to writing is crazy ik but i hope u all enjoy regardless :3 im rusty i alr know
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“did i ever tell you about what happened at my work last week?”
you let out a shaky breath as you cautiously ran your fingers through the hair of the man who is currently situated between your legs, eagerly lapping at your dripping cunt collecting everything you could offer to him.
there’s a momentary lack of a response from your companion, your question hangs in the thin air as the crude sounds of squelching bounces off the walls alongside with your airy moans that seep out more than intended to.
you rack your fingers once more through his long hair and tug at his roots which aids as a warning.
with not enough force to seriously hurt him, but for a low guttural groan to escape from his chest causing small vibrations against your already sensitive pussy.
he apologetically sucks on your puffy clit before he comes up for air then replaces his hot mouth with two fingers to rub tight circles on your nub, “no, pretty, you haven’t. what happened at work?” he inquired with a strained expression on his face.
his pupils are blown out and unstable as he quickly shifts his focus between your glowy face and your pussy that’s aching to be stuffed by him. however, you were pretty adamant on him eating you out instead.
john ducks his head back in between the plush of your thighs continuing his ministrations, noticeably slowing his pace for you to get your words out.
you whine with a small buck of your hips, “apparently we’re having some budget cuts nggh in a f-few weeks. . . which —oh fuckk— also includes employees.”
“uh-huh?” john mumbles against you. your words enter one of his ear and exits the other, more focused on alternating from long vertical strides from your hole to your clit then skillfully circling around it with his tongue.
his calloused hand grips at your ass pulling you even closer to his face in attempt at get every last drop.
“y-yeah, and my manager had the damn nerve to—mghm keep doing that and i’ll cum~”
your chest heaves as john spreads open your folds to dip his tongue into your pussy, visibly enjoying the way you desperately clench around the wet muscle.
he deeply chuckles and you shiver due to his stubble scratching at your skin, “what did your manager do, darling?” he incoherently slurs his words but you were able to pick it up.
“she broke the news during rush hour. i-i mean what a bitch, right!”
“a bitch indeed,” he affirms as he slowly pushes two fingers in your wet hole, ogling at the way you take his digits with ease, fully coating them with your slick.
you throw your head backwards against the leather couch that’s supporting your back. you once again find residence in his black locks, roughly tugging this time around.
a broken whimper lively dances off your lips as your eyes roll back; you could feel the coil forming in the pit of your stomach.
“feels so good… don’t fuckin' stop..” you mindlessly ushered out. the sensation of his fingers pumping in and out, dragging against your tight walls as well as the added pleasure of his tongue swirling and suckling at your sensitive clit almost has you over the edge.
just when john finally thought he’d shut you up for good this time, your lewd moans and pants get broken down till you find the strength to add another comment about your dilemma.
“a-and there’s talk of my f-favourite coworker—”
“—ya know, how about you tell me the rest of ya little story after i make you cum.” john interrupts your soon-to-be babbling session, stopping all of his movements altogether.
he places a chaste kiss onto your clit and looks at you for permission to continue. you nod with a squeaky whine, already dizzy and eager for him to resume.
“oh darling, what am i ever gonna do with you?” he whispered against your cunt as he continued pumping his fingers at a steady albeit fast pace and quickly reattached his mouth back on your clit.
you soon cum hard on his fingers followed by a few more tugs at his hair to signal you were ready to tap out.
he licks his fingers, maintaining eye contact as he groans loudly at the taste of you. so sweet. . .just for him.
his voice is hoarse as he slips your panties back on and then gives you his undivided attention,
“so…what was that about your favourite coworker?”
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3
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glenechoslasher · 3 months
Could I have a John x fem reader where the reader reacts to John winning (but still beat tf up) in a bar fight?
Thanks bestie <3
Eyyy of COURSE you can bestie?! I have been practicing writing John, and I may not be the best, but I think I'm confident in my abilities. I think. But here, have a fun, flirty little brawl with your man~
"Trouble" ||
John Marston x f!Reader
Length: 2.1k
Rating: Mature: Mentions of blood, fighting, language
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How John ended up in this situation was honestly beyond him, it was just an innocent outing with you and him running some errands for the ranch, and yet he was getting fist after fist pounded into his face. 
After a long day of working, you could tell he was going stir-crazy. His old life was all about freedom and running around, doing things to bring in money or just getting to do as he pleased, but now? He was on a ranch, pretending to be someone he wasn’t to get by, and his trigger finger was beginning to itch. But to make you happy, to keep your heads low, and to survive, John had to behave and live as his persona for the time being. 
“So, Jim,” you said with a smirk, “maybe we should stop at a saloon since it’s getting dark, we could eat a decent meal, maybe stay in a hotel for the night. I’m tired,” you sighed and leaned your head against the man’s shoulder. 
John matched your sigh and flicked the reigns on the horses as he pulled them to the right, heading into Valentine's territory, which he hadn’t expected to be back here so soon. “I mean, it is a long way back, we could use the rest. And I am starvin’, could use something that isn’t a stew for once.” 
You both pulled the wagon off and made sure the horses were comfortable, hitched to a nearby post, and then John helped you down to the ground and smiled wide with his arm wrapped around your waist. “Well, let’s get inside, maybe we can get a bath before bed, too,” he said softly with a smirk. He pulled you along and walked beside you, looking around the town that felt so different from when he was last here. 
As you both entered the saloon, you definitely could tell that the environment was more lively, but you both tried to keep your wits about you as you ordered some food and sat in the corner, away from the rowdy group of people. The food was delicious and the conversation you shared was pleasant, as usual, but John couldn't shake the feeling that eyes kept falling on you both. He'd look away from you as he stopped mid-sentence to see one of the men staring at the both of you, but he tried to pay no mind, you were taking his attention. 
The food was finished and you both were feeling content, the party of people in the saloon only grew larger in number and louder in volume, so you both figured it was time to head out to the hotel for the evening. John allowed you to walk out first so he could follow behind you, but you had barely gotten several steps toward the door when one of the men stepped in front of your path, blocking you from the exit.
“Hey there now, y'all ain't plannin’ on comin’ over to celebrate with us?” 
“Sorry, friend, but we have other plans to attend to,” John answered firmly. 
The man just scoffed, the reek of booze was strong on his breath, it was a wonder he was still standing. “Aww c'mon, my friend over there is gettin’ married, you could have one drink to congratulate him!”
“Sorry sir, but we don't even know you,” you said sharply, stepping back from him, and bumping into John. You felt a bit more at ease since he was here.
“And? You ain't heard of makin’ friends?” The man chuckled and grabbed your arm, pulling you along toward the table. He then decided to yank your arm and attempt to pull you over toward the table, but John stepped up and grabbed his wrist hard. 
“We ain't interested, sir. My woman and I are heading out for the evenin’, so maybe next time you should use your brain and not touch a lady when she says no.” 
John pushed the man away so you both had room to leave, but some of the drunk’s friends decided to get involved. 
John stepped up protectively, his spine stiffened as his hand hovered over the knife that was holstered, hidden beneath his jacket. “Sir, you got till the count of three to back off and leave us alone,” he warned. 
There had been a taller man who stood up from the table and interjected, pushing his friend gently off to the side. “Are you threatenin’ us?” He snapped. 
“I ‘spose I am,” John retorted, holding his ground as he pushed you further behind him to shield you. 
Another of the man's friends stepped up and tried to land a surprise swing on John, but he pushed you out of the way and took the hook to his shoulder. After that, John was brawling with several of the men who ganged up on you both. The one in the red shirt had tried to grab John to put him in a headlock so his friends could take their turns wailing on him, but your John was fast. He elbowed Red and kicked his leg in, causing the man to fall flat on his face.
That was one down—three more to go.
“I ain’t been in a bar fight in a long time,” John commented as he had both arms up, ready to block any attacks if needed, “but I’d rather continue my night with my lady if you gentlemen don’t mind.”
The three other men all ignored him and each one tried to punch him at different intervals to throw him off, but somehow, John managed to throw one man into the other and watched as the two tumbled straight into a table. The others who occupied the saloon were standing back and vacating the building. The bartender just sighed and walked off, not wanting to be part of yet another brawl. That left you, standing on the stairs away from the tussle. 
The gunslinger looked back and you, making sure you were out of harm's way, then he got back to it. The two men who collided with the table were too drunk to stand, and all they did was stumble over one another. There was one left standing, and he was a little larger than the others. 
“Look, I can just leave, no reason you gotta get involved,” John said nonchalantly, his stance easing up a little.
The man just glared down at him and he scoffed at the offer. “You ruined my engagement celebration, mister, I don’t take so kind to that.”
John just sighed and lifted his hands again, balling them into fists. “Alright then, have it your way,” he replied.
The man took a fast step forward and swung his fist straight at John’s jaw, and if it weren’t for the speed, maybe John would have dodged it, instead, he got nicked against his chin, which still caught him enough to cause some pain. That was all the distraction the man needed to step in and lunge at John, his larger body barreled into him and tackled him to the floor.
You let out a yelp, terrified that the man was going to have a one-up on John, and all you could do was watch in fear as your hands gripped the railing in fear. 
The gunslinger was pinned onto the floor as the man above him threw punch after punch, landing a blow on his cheek, and almost breaking his nose at one point. John held up his arms to block and tried his best to use the strength from his legs to somehow get him to slip off, and he managed to throw the man off of him for a split second. He scrambled to find some balance, then rolled off to the side as the man recovered. 
“Give up yet?” John asked with a smirk on his face as he licked the blood from his split lip, the bruises on his face forming fast.
The man just yelled out in frustration and then John had him in a blind frenzy, which made any man messy in a fight. John ducked from the swing and swung his right arm quickly, the blow landed in the side of the man’s temple, stunning him momentarily. Then it was over, John was finally standing over him and landing punch after punch in the man’s face until he fell unconscious. The gunslinger released the man’s collar, allowing his body to fall slack onto the wooden floor. 
He looked up at you, panting to catch his breath as he straightened his posture. The people who occupied the saloon had all either hidden somewhere or run off, and there were just the two of you left with the pile of unconscious men scattered about on the floor. You waited a moment before hesitantly walking down the stairs to run into his arms, thankful he was alright despite being a little black and blue. 
“As always you’re my hero,” you chuckled and reached up to touch his face, wiping away a smear of blood from his lip. 
“And as always, we’re both gettin’ into trouble,” he replied gruffly.
You just scoffed. “We?” 
“Well yeah, you’re my accomplice, partner in crime, ain’t you?” He asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Plus you’re the one always gettin’ the attention,” John teased as he slipped his arm through yours. He pulled you along and threw a couple of bills onto the countertop, then escorted you outside and across the muddly way, leading you straight to the hotel. 
You both walked inside, the environment a complete flip from the saloon, and you were more at ease now, and even more thankful when you saw the list of services. The gentleman behind the counter stopped sweeping the floor and greeted you both with a kind smile.
“Howdy, how can I help y’all this evenin’?” He looked between the both of you with concern but didn’t voice them. 
Your eyes looked over at John with a smile and then back at the desk man. “One bath and one room, please.”
The man smiled and got everything situated for you both, you thanked him and paid, then pulled John up the stairs to the bath. He followed obediently and cracked his neck as he ascended the stairs with you, groaning.
“Sleepin’ is gonna be a bitch, I just know it,” he complained.
“Well if you behaved for five minutes you wouldn’t have to worry about it, would you?” You scolded playfully as you looked over your shoulder at him. “He got some good hits in, but not gonna lie, Mister Marston, you looked really good kickin’ his ass.” You flashed him a cheeky smile and continued to lead him to the bath. “You go get cleaned up, I’ll get the room ready.” 
You almost walked away, leaving him in front of the bath door, but his hand grabbed your wrist, and then he pulled you back toward him, falling into him as his arms wrapped around you. “Yeah? You think I looked good, huh?” He asked flirtatiously, pulling you close so his face was mere inches from yours. “Then why do you think you can just leave me here alone?” “John Marston, are you implyin’ I’m gonna join you in your bath?” You gasped, faux shock crossed your features. 
All he could do was smile, the raised edges of the scars across his face made his face look extra handsome, and the dim lighting in the hall only made you admire his face even more. “Nah, I’m declarin’ that you are, unless you don’t wanna?” His hands cupped your cheeks, pulling you into the most tender kiss he could manage. 
When he pulled away, your eyes fluttered open and you just stared up at him with a lovestruck smile. “Well, when you put it that way…”
That was all the confirmation he needed, so he opened the door to the readied hot bath, pulling you in after him, and you couldn’t help but giggle as he closed the door behind you both. You sighed as he leaned your hands against his chest, just smiling up at him with that look.
“I know that look, what is it?” 
“Nothin’, you’re just trouble, John Marston,” you said softly, your hand cupped his cheek again, mindful of how gentle you had to be. “But I wouldn’t change it for the world, you know that, right?”
The man looked down at you and pulled you into another kiss, pulling away a moment later with that charming smile you were unable to resist, his hand reached up to brush your hair away from your face so he could see the light in those pretty eyes of yours. Just a minor setback to your shared evening, but John always had ways to make it up to you. 
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cowyolks · 1 year
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Pairing: John Marston x Female!Reader
Summary: You spend the day helping John learn how to swim— he’s quick to repay you.
Words: 5.4 K
Warnings: It’s Smutty y’all— mutual pinning, no mention of Abigail or Jack, outdoor sex, fingering, teasing, p in v sex, so romantic it’ll give you a toothache.
A/N: My debut to Red Dead fics! And what better than the OG character himself. Special thanks to @mykneeshurt for inspiration and putting up with my thirsting. Also don’t mind me being a little rusty, it’s been a few months <3
“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.” A grouchy voice grumbled in front of you. It shouldn’t have surprised you, John Marston was the most stubborn man you’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. His arms were outstretched, slowly dipping into wide arcs, his wrists bending in a pattern that suggested he was scooping something up.
“Not stupid. It’s survival.” You argued, your own arms working small circles that John was attempting to copy.
“I sure feel stupid.” He complained, stopping his gesturing with a loud plop of his hands by his side. You gave him a glare, pointing an accusing finger at his slouching form. “You’re the one that asked me to help, I’m only following through.”
“I didn’t exactly plan on spinning my arms in a circle like some wounded duck, Sweetheart.” His raspy voice pitched lower at the pet name, a name he had been calling you even more recently. It was no secret that you were sweet on him, as he was sweet on you. Except you ended up being even more stubborn than him, for you were waiting on him to make the first move.
You were certain the man was too emotionally constipated to even consider admitting his feelings— but a girl could dream.
“I was thinking you looked more like a goose.” You joked, a soft smile spilling over your lips as you took a couple steps towards him. The loose gravel crunched under your boots as you stood before him, eyes searching upwards towards his face. “Shut up,” he softly quipped, dropping his chin to observe your features.
His stitches still littered the one side of his face, the skin closing shut around them caused redness to flush. His stubble had grown out, since you advised him not to try to shave around the stitches. You liked it that way anyways, not that you would admit it. The dark waves of his hair curled under his hat, shadowing the soft adoring look of his coffee colored eyes.
“I think you need to try a little harder, Marston.” You teased, eyes flickering with mischief. With a quick tug, you popped his hat off his head, nearly laughing at the stray strands of hair that picked up. “Hey!” He called, but you were already sprinting away, headed towards the gentle flow of the Dakota River. As quick as you could, you kicked off your boots, stepping into the cool water of the shallows.
You decided you’d start John off here.
“Let’s put you to work if you find my teaching so irrelevant.” You quipped. John crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at you from the bank.
“I didn’t think we’d start in the water today.” He grumbled, swaying lightly on his feet in what looked to be unease. Never less, he asked you for help, and you were dead set on helping him swim.
“I’m not going to let you drown, ya know,” you reassured, plopping his hat upon your head. A minuscule curl of his lip let you know that he trusted you, even so he let out a puff of air so full that his shoulders slouched a couple inches.
“I know. Just…” he seemed loss for words, except you had this annoying habit of always knowing what he wanted to say.
“I ain’t Arthur, John. I’m not here to judge, just to teach. I’ll be swimming right beside you.”
This was obviously what he wanted to hear. John gave a small nod, kicking off his own boots and unbuckling his holsters and belt to his pants, dropping them to the gravel by his feet with a dull thud. Coffee eyes glanced up, catching your roaming stare as a strange look crossed his features.
“Nothing.” You blurted a little too quickly. Resisting the urge to cringe, you instead settled upon your own clothes, that were definitely way too heavy to be swimming in. With nimble fingers you began to unbutton your shirt and skirts, which would leave you in just your free-flowing chemise.
A garbled noise escaped John as you shimmied out of your violet petticoat. “What are you doing?” He asked, voice higher than he likely intended, judging by his flushed cheeks and adverted gaze.
“I’m not swimming in my good clothes, besides they’d only way me down.”You explained, attempting to resolve his panicked state. With a gentle heave, your skirts landed upon the shore by his feet. You took a couple more steps back, the water now up to your breasts. He still stood frozen, focusing intently upon the settling sun that painted the sky hues of burnt orange and crimson. “It’s not like you haven’t seen all us girls in our night clothes, Marston.” You reminded him playfully.
You glanced expectantly at John, watching as he stepped into the water with a slow splash. He reached you after a few strides, the water only coming up to the middle of his belly.
The river felt nice in the July sun, a cool contrast to the blazing rays and unending humidity. You’d spent days in your childhood dipping in the lakes around New Hanover, catching pickerel and skipping rocks, so the steady current and chill was no surprise to you. John, however, wasn’t as used to the cold.
“Best not lose my hat.” He grouched, arms crossed in distaste at the lapping water. Goosebumps littered his exposed forearms, and his jaw sat tight to avoid clattering his teeth.
Right. His hat.
A sudden idea flashed, and without hesitation you took off his worn hat and threw it to the side, watching it soar over the water and to the opposite bank. It sat between about fifteen yards of water, slowly babbling on. It’d be good practice for John, seeing that the water wouldn’t extend past his nose, so he’d be able to stand and breathe, but it would be best for him to attempt to swim.
“What the hell was that for?”
An amused smile crossed your face, “We are going to go get your hat.” You explained, attempting to ignore the way the man playfully rolled his eyes. With a huff, he began to take steps against the current, attempting to walk to his hat. You clicked your tongue distastefully, your small palm landing upon his shirt that clung to his chest.
“Swimming.” You demanded, a firm look in your eye. John clenched his teeth, obviously displeased even though he’d asked you to help.
“I’ll show you first. Watch.” You added, lowering yourself into the dark water. Your hair collected droplets, but you paid no mind, instead you focused on moving your arms as you showed John earlier, this time adding little kicks to propel you onwards.
“Use your legs too, kick back and forth, almost like you’re running, but on your stomach.” You advised, swiveling in the water and paddling back to his sulking form.
“Alright your turn.” You offered, sinking your bare feet back into the soft clay of the river. John grumbled something under his breath, but reluctantly bent his knees next to you. He was so close you could feel his uneasy exhales, with a push, he began to kick and paddle.
A surprised shriek left you as water splashed upon your face, blinding you for a moment as John paddled way too fast. He was winded in a matter of seconds, and now you saw the problem as to why he couldn’t swim. He used all his energy in a matter of seconds trying to keep his head above the surface.
“Whoa, hold on a second.” You hopped towards him, pushing your wet mop of hair out of your eyes. He was happy to stop, heaving for air as his feet found the gravel once again.
He looked irritated, which was understandable. He’d been bullied for this for as long as he was in the gang.
“Maybe I should teach you how to float first. You’re strokes were way too fast, it’s all about staying above the water, gliding if you will.” You explained, being as gentle as possible to avoid making him more frustrated.
“I can’t do it, sweetheart. Best just leave me to drown if I ever fall in.” He growled, his breathing leveling out slightly.
“I’d never. Besides, you know you’re too stubborn to die. Now let’s try this again. Watch.”
Your head dipped backwards, a small inhale leaving your lungs as you tipped and floated on your back. “It’s all about your breathing. You’re a bobber on the water, if your lungs are full of air you’ll float.” You explained.
You tilted your head to the side while on your back, making sure John was listening, as he suddenly got very quiet. He was observing, except not particularly at your form, instead his eyes were unashamedly glued to your chest. The pearly chemise you wore stuck to your breasts, the water forming around your body like a second skin. And to make matters worse, the material was translucent around the soft buds of your nipples.
He adverted his eyes, bravely meeting your own with little shame. You felt the flush of your cheeks in such white hot embarrassment that it hurt your gut. Something shifted in the air— like clear sky to thunderstorm, even his usual coffee colored eyes turnt dark like rolling smoke, predatory and lidded.
“Sorry.” You squirmed, sinking into the water until you were fully covered. John shook his head slightly, almost as if he was in a dazed stupor.
“No need to apologize.” His voice was soft, yet deeper.
“Right.” You cleared your throat, focusing on anything else but the fluttering in your stomach. It was the first time John seemed to be brave in his feelings, or at least his lust. Regardless of your striped modesty, it was a start.
“Try to float.” You commanded, wading closer to him as he tipped back at your instruction. His body kept him up for a couple seconds— a small win, until he deeply exhaled and lost his buoyancy.
You were quick, placing your palm upon the tense muscle of his back, another palm holding just at the base of his neck, nails accidentally scratching softly upon his scalp. “Good, that’s good, Marston,” you complimented. He seemed proud of himself, regardless of his minuscule need for your help.
“Just exhale a little softer, and you’ve got it.” You added, slowly peeling your palms off his warm body. You took a step back when he got the hang of it. A low applauding whistle escaped your lips, a prideful grin escaping you as John relaxed into the water.
“Now kick your legs, gently.”
He followed your instructions, kicking lightly against the current and propelling himself to the opposite bank, towards his ratty old hat. You swam after him, splashing in the water until the both of you reached the opposite bank.
“Well I’ll be damned!” John rasped, going to kneel upon the soft gravel as water dripped off every inch of him. The droplets slipped down his cheeks and lay in his eyelashes. You decided then he was the most beautiful creature you ever had the pleasure to see.
“Well done. It’s a start, but at least now I’ll know you won’t drown.” You beamed, pulling your chemise slightly so it didn’t stick to your skin as it had earlier. “Couldn’t have done it without you, darlin’.” John added, rising from his knees and snatching his hat from the bank.
“You’re right, what would you do without me, Marston?” You teased, crouching into the water. You glanced at John through your eyelashes, water lapping down at your chin. “Would be a sorry life that’s for sure.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck at such a bold statement.
“Ready to head back?” You asked, coughing slightly at his stare, he’d been doing that a lot this evening. Staring, burning warm embers in your heart and scorching your skin.
“Out of the water? Hell yes. Back to camp? No.” He spoke, you happened to agree, enjoying the warm weather was one thing, but no robberies, shootouts, or annoying bickering was even better. A soft chuckle left your lips, as you began to trek towards the bank where Old Boy grazed upon fresh grass and wildflowers.
John followed after you, pushing against the waters with his hat now perched upon his head again, lower than he typically wore it. You stepped closer, almost unconsciously flicking his hat up so you could see his face.
“What’s up with your hat? Don’t you like to see when you walk?” You questioned, now loosely stepping onto the bank.
“Scars are ugly, don’t want you to see them.” He grunted, self loathing dipped on his tongue, his words made you frown. “You think that little of me?”
“I think you’re the best woman I know, which is why you shouldn’t be seen with an ugly bastard like me.”
You stopped in your tracks, putting the pieces together in your mind. This was why he never said anything. Why he never told you how he felt. He loathed himself, both inside and out.
He stopped a couple steps ahead of you, noticing that you weren’t following after him towards his horse.
“You’re far from an ugly bastard, John Marston. I mean it.” You insisted, voice soft with meaning. He seemed to disagree, yet didn’t push to argue. Instead he whistled low, alerting Old Boy. The Hungarian Halfbreed was more wild than tame, reminding you much of his handler.
“You hungry?” John asked, ruffling through his saddle bag as Old Boy nickered and pawed at the ground. You took a step forward, scratching the horse upon his whiskered chin.
“A little.” You offered, continuing to pat upon Old Boy as he pushed his head into your hand. “I don’t got much on me.” John grumbled. Water still dripped from his hair, falling upon his damp clothes that were tinted from the setting sun.
You watched as he pulled upon his bedroll in one fluid motion, laying it upon the soft grass facing the running river. In his other hand he held out a jar, intending on you to take it.
You held onto the jar with wide eyes, glancing at the contents with a surprised grin. “Not much? I haven’t had anything that wasn’t in a can or Pearson’s mystery stew in months!” You chirped, happily taking in the plump red raspberries that must have taken over an hour to pluck.
“They’re all yours, sweetheart.” John looked on with a joyful gleam on his features. “I got some bread and cheese I picked up in Valentine too. Figured I’d repay you for helping me.”
You popped a raspberry into your mouth, happily humming as the sweet juice coated your tongue. A pleasing chuckle left John’s chest as he pushed himself upon the blanket, sitting down with his long legs out in front of him. You were surprised when he slipped off his hat, allowing the sun to dance across his cheeks.
You sat upon the blanket next to him, holding the jar out to him as you slid closer to his body. He was surprising warm, even with wet clothes that cooled in the balmy evening.
“I told you they were yours.” He spoke, pushing the jar back towards yourself. You pouted, swallowing upon the berry before speaking. “I’d enjoy them far more if you ate with me.”
John playfully rolled his eyes, but grasped onto one of the raspberries and ate it anyways. “Had so damn many picking them, I wouldn’t be surprised if I turned red like one.” He admitted, a laugh in his tone. You choked out a giggle of your own, knowing the gunslinger always found a way to embarrass himself.
“You’re something else, John Marston.” Your voice was soft. Wrapped in velvet and warm like rich coffee.
“Yeah well, I can’t help that. Whenever I’m around you my head turns to clouds. I act a damn fool.” He let his heart bleed— finally, finally. A switch in your mind flipped, you’d decided you have waited long enough. Life in the gang, it was fun and spontaneous but you didn’t know how long you had, how long John had. Maybe a little push would do the two of you some good.
“I must be the bigger fool.” You spoke so low it was near a whisper. Inching forward, you cradled your head against his neck, happily hearing his intake of breath and taking in the scent of him— of gunpowder and river water.
After a short moment he relaxed, a large hand hesitantly falling to your waist, grasping softly upon the flesh of your hip. His head tilted downwards, scarred cheek nuzzling against the crown of your head. Intimate, lovingly.
“Why’s that?” His chest rumbled with the words, rattling against your own flesh.
“I’ve waited far too long to tell you how I feel.” You took the shot in the dark. His fingers halted the steady tracing amongst your waist, the soothing nature now diminished as he froze.
“You’re kidding?”
Your body was warm at his hopeful question, despite your confidence before, you avoided his stare, wanting, hoping, for him to admit he felt the same way as you.
“I’ve never lied to you, Marston.” The words were out before you could think better, but the steady exhale the man let out was felt against your side.
The pads of his fingers slid against your chin— Warm, rough and comforting, such as an intimate tether pulling the two of you together. You allowed him to maneuver your gaze to his own, a fire building in your gut as he did so.
“God, Darling, if I had known I would have done something about it earlier. Just didn’t think you’d want some washed up outlaw like me.”
You snorted, almost amused at how he managed to view himself. He was always so much more. “Who always brushed my horse after a ride? Or saved me from that one drunk in a saloon? Who bought me a way too expensive painting because I said it looked pretty? You’re the one I want John.”
Your heart pounded at the simple look he gave you, a sugary sweet gesture so full of adoration it had you nearly sick.
“I’ve loved you since I was a boy. I read those stupid romance novels you liked just so I could speak to you about them, hell I went and stole those lemon drop candies in the general store to impress you, nearly got me arr—.”
You cut him off with a long kiss. His lips sat in between your own in an awkward way, as if he wasn’t expecting it.
You pulled away at his hesitation, an apology on your lips, until his palm wrapped upon the back of your neck, his other hand pulling you easily upon his lap. He molded against your lips again, this time only sweetness fell from him. It was pure bliss, everything you’ve ever imagined, and even better when you felt his tongue brush against the seam of your lips, privately asking for permission to kiss you deeper.
You relented, opening yourself up like a winter bloom seeing the summer sun again. The taste of raspberry melted against your mouth, just as a happy sigh escaped you as John pulled away slightly. You became acutely aware of your position, the way you sat perched upon his lap, chest pressed against his own.
“I love you.” You spoke on a whisper, a hand falling to his damp and uncomfortable button-up.
“God darling, I’ve dreamt of you saying those words for years. I adore you.”
He spoke no more words, instead relying on his touch to display just how much he cared. It made your body ache in a fiery desire. You wanted him, you wanted him now.
“Then show me, like I always wanted you to.” You whimpered, words filled with so much promise John couldn’t hide the burning flames circling his eyes.
“You sure?”
“As I ever could be.”
His eyes darkened, yet still managed to keep the intimate expression along his features. The slight tinge of red upon his swollen lips, no doubt from the berries made him even more attractive. His hair damp and curling slightly amongst his neck, the scars that you wanted so badly to kiss.
He twisted, helping to wind your legs around his waist. You straddled him happily, just as he brought his lips to the corners of your own, placing a chaste peck before he swept lower. He latched hungrily to your jaw, then to the rapid pulse point of your neck.
Your intake of breath only seemed to amuse him more, as you could feel his crooked smirk print into your skin. Your hands found the seam of his shirt, quickly you made work of the buttons, happily finding solace against his bare chest patterned with a soft layer of hair.
He jerked at the feeling of your nails running down his skin, the motion causing a distinct hardness to grind against the plush flesh of your ass. A choked groan escaped his throat at the pressure, making you that much more eager to fully touch him.
His lips pulled away from the soft flesh of your collarbone, most likely already littered with lovebites.
“May I?” He gestured to your chemise with his large hands, asking if it was alright to remove the clothing. You were already pushing the dress over your head, relived to get the wet material off of you and replace it with the warmth of John’s skin.
You were in your most vulnerable state, purely bare and held captive to the stare of the man in front of you, yet you felt completely safe. He rutted against you, desperate to feel any friction you’d provide him against his clothed cock.
“You’re more beautiful than I ever imagined.” He complimented in a breathy voice, almost as if he was scared this was a dream. John rubbed his thumb against the swell of your breasts, watching in amusement as goosebumps littered the skin he touched.
“You’ve been imagining me, Marston?” You joked, gasping slightly as his fingers rolled than pinched on the bud of your nipple. “Since we was rowdy teenagers, Miss.” He rasped lowly, fingertips painting lines down your body like a canvas.
“You’re kidding?”
“Naw, not joking. Now hold on,” you braced your arms against his broad shoulders, feeling him grip onto the flesh of your hips as he laid you gently upon your back. The soft fur of his bedroll met your spine, warm the comforting. He’d paused for a moment, simply soaking up every detail, curve, and blemish of your body.
Then his eyes settled upon the region between your legs, already prepped and soaked with his searing kisses and adoring words. You were completely sweet on this man, and it wasn’t hard to see.
“All this just for me?” His palms danced alongside the inside of your thighs, until one of his fingers settled upon the opening of your sex, weeping and aroused. He only teased, gathering up the slick you provided. You jerked at the movement, fighting a gasp as you bucked up in an attempt to receive some sense of stimulation.
A little chuckle escaped him at the sign of your furrowed brows.
“Yes it’s all for you, how about you use it?” You whined out in frustration, nearly begging when he moved his hand just slightly out of reach of where you wanted him.
“Never seen you so impatient, sweetheart.”
“John, please, just touc- oh,” You were cut off by one of his fingers sinking into your cunt. It was such a pleasant shock that it had you hugging around his finger in a vice, a low moan left you at the full sensation, even John couldn’t withhold the throaty groan that left his lips at your open mouth and furrowed brows.
“That’s it, darling, stay laying back for me.” He directed, happily worming his way between your legs so that his upper body hovered over you. He curved his spine, allowing his lips to latch pleasantly with yours, swallowing your breaths of pleasure as he began to slowly pump his finger in and out.
He was acting as a honey bee, treating your cunt like the most precious flower petals that he’d ever nestle in. His pace was nectar sweet, yet you had to clench your teeth, for the sweetness coated your tongue had drowned any other thought than him.
John Marston. John Marston.
“I love you,” Was the only thing you could breathe between his scorching, yet soothing kisses, the only thing your very soul felt as he curled another digit inside you, hitting the very spot that had you gasping.
In your bliss you managed to guide your hand to his jeans, working slowly upon his buttons. He’d hummed at the loss of tight pressure when you unclamped the last one. He pulled his fingers away only slightly to shimmy his jeans down until he was just as bare as you were.
You grunted at the loss of his touch, blindly reached for him, not being able to look away from the absolute adoration that crossed his starry eyes. You visibly gulped when you felt the smooth flesh of his throbbing cock. Satisfaction broke out across his features, a smirk painting upon his lips when your mouth fell open at the steely size.
John was big, and he very well knew it.
Your hand firmly gripped upon his cock. While your fingers managed to wrap around his entire base— he was long, veins curling like an intricate painting weaving to his weeping head. He was so lengthy that you’d likely need two of your hands to grasp onto all of him. Your thumb trailed upwards pressing upon his head that was already leaking heavily. You smeared the lubricant down with a delicate pump.
You’d never heard him whine before, but the sound that mewled from his throat had you gaping in unadulterated shock and hunger.
He bucked against your hand, looking desperate and everything you’d ever need.
“Fuck, oh darling I…” he trailed off into another chorus of pleased groans as you stroked him, eyelashes fluttering upon his scarred cheeks as he gripped his nails into your hip. Surely he’d leave the skin black and blue, but you could care less.
You surged forward, fully attempting to lay John upon his back as he previously had for you. That way you could put his cock in the velvet wetness of your mouth and taste the river that clung to him.
His large hand settled upon your shoulder, halting you from tilting his body weight. “Not today, Angel, I want to take care of you. Maybe next time.”
“Next time?” You hushed, beyond joyful to know this wouldn’t be a one time thing.
“Sure, if that’s what you want.” He rasped, pecking sweet kisses over your face just like fresh raindrops falling after a long drought.
“I want you. Please, John.” You added, swinging your arm over the taut muscle at the back of his neck, the smile upon his lips was blisteringly large.
“Of course.”
His hand moved to meet yours, the very one that was settled upon his throbbing length. He took the reins, sliding his flushing head to meet against the slick that poured from your cunt in an abundance.
“It’s been a long time.” You warned airily, breath catching when he slid himself teasingly slow against your bundle of nerves.
“Since that one ranch hand?” John asked.
Shock coursed through you, He’d remembered? You couldn’t have been more than nineteen when you lost your virginity to that boy on the ranch.
“How… how did you know?” You stuttered, nearly gasping in shock at the look of jealously crashing across his expression.
“I was the one that beat him black and blue when he broke your heart, always was a jealous bastard.” He growled, lining himself up to your entrance once he felt he was slick enough.
“That don’t matter now, I’m all yours.” You whispered, swooping up to capture his lips in a chaste kiss, ironic for the dirty act the two of you were currently performing.
“That’s right. You ready?”
You nodded, just as John breached ever so slightly into your warmth. He’d let out a gentle gasp at the tight sensation, nudging ever so slightly as he studied your face for any detail of pain or discomfort. Your own mouth gaped open as he filled you, a twinge of discomfort wrinkled against your nose, which John happened to pick up on immediately.
He halted his hips, a quick apology on his lips. “Alright?”
“Yes, yes, just not used to uh- you’re big.” You stuttered out, face flushing in embarrassment. John surprised you again, he refrained from smirking or using teasing words. Instead his palm found your cheek, his finger effortlessly brushing a lock of hair beyond your ear.
“I’ll only move when you tell me to.” He comforted, thumb slowly painting strokes d across your cheek down to your swollen lips.
God, he was handsome. Most people fled when this outlaw approached, his scars only adding to his menacing aura, but this man— this man above you was nothing more than golden sunsets and wildflowers. He was everything you loved and more. His scars were pretty silver whips of moon, eyes freshly brewed coffee, and oh, his touch. Your body molded to him, relaxing and effortlessly yearning for more. More of him. Always more.
“Oh John, please move.” You whimpered, creaking your head to the side to kiss upon his circling thumb. He’d reacted slowly, doubt still swimming in his head, but he pushed anyways, bottoming out the hilt.
“God, you’re so tight.” He groaned out, hands now finding your hips as he straightened his back out just so he could pull you into him even deeper. Your legs wrapped around his waist, goosebumps of pleasure escaping the flesh as he pulled slightly out and pushed back in.
His name left your lips again, as if you were chanting a prayer. His eyes darkened significantly at your pleas, taking it as a sign to speed up. His hips clashed against your own, loudly and heavy like roaring thunder. You didn’t care, you were in your little slice of secluded paradise on the bank of the river.
A hand snaked upwards, securing to your breasts, he kneaded the flesh, happily rolling his thumb and index over your nipple.
He took you in, a hungry wolf that was looking for his last meal. He’d caught sudden interest to the soft recoil of your breast that moved with every one of his timed thrusts.
“You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?” He gasped, lips latching onto your neck as he buried himself even deeper into you. “You make me think so.” You whimpered when he suckled upon your neck, likely to leave a purple love mark to remind you of him.
His pace picked up, cock slipping easily out of you now that you were relaxed. Pleasure vibrated your very bones, so much that you could feel your stomach tightening in a burning coil that illustrated your oncoming orgasm.
“John, I’m close.” You breathed, words almost failed you from the simple nirvana you felt. He’d barely heard you over the sound of lewd squelching. Yet he could feel— feel the fluttering of your walls that clutched his cock so well, like a missing puzzle piece that he’d been searching for.
“Damn Angel, me too.” He growled. Sweat peppered his body like morning dew, still he pushed his body faster, chasing your orgasm as much as his own.
It all came undone when his thumb rolled gentle circles upon your clit, a moan leaving your lips as you clutched onto anything that you could grab. White hot pleasure rippled down your spine as you clenched around him.
“That’s it,” he guided, falling apart at the look of bliss that passed over your face. You’d never felt so whole, even when John stopped abruptly and left your welcoming walls. Warm seed spilled over your chest and stomach, covering you in his pleasure.
John nearly collapsed on top of you all in an exhaustingly pleased state. His chest heaved as he rolled on his side. Your own pants filled the air along with the soothing songs of cicadas and flowing water.
“You up for another dip? I need to clean up,” you hushed, eyes fluttering as his hands glided loving patterns across your bare skin.
“Sure, anything for you.”
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nanamimizz · 3 months
tags: height difference, gn reader, nsfw implied
for @ravengards-rogue sorry for always tormenting you my bad fr
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john is never been aware of his height until he got into a spat with arthur at age 18 and realizes he was eye level with his older brother - neither dutch or hosea can say they have seen the boy that smug before. his height is something he’s always used to his advantage, whether for intimidation or flirtation. when he first met you he thought it would be another tool for him to gauge you, to see how easily you scare or fluster at his presence.
looking back it makes him laugh, thinking that something so simply would make you cower from him as if the look on your face was nothing but disinterested upon your first meeting.
a pretty face with brows furrowed and your lips drawn back in a disgusted frown - john likes to think that’s when he fell in love with you even if the version of him freezing on the mountainside didn’t know it yet. you stay at camp with one of your own and become a part of the group day by day and chore by chore. he’s even ridden with you on bounties and leads that always seem to go without a hitch when it’s just him and you.
you are beautiful with the backdrop of the dark blue sky behind you, and the golden fire in front of you as you carefully a strand of hair away from your face while watching into the vastness of the wilderness. long hair suits you, he thinks. the way it suits charles - it makes you seem nobler than any other. john leaves old boy’s hitch and comes to your side, noting something he never quite pieced together.
you are decently tall, standing higher than the other women and some men at camp (he snickers at how you are just an inch taller than javier - the revolutionary is always stung by that fact) but still you are shorter than him. you turn to look at him your lips forming words he isn’t listening to because john is too busy being endeared by how you have to tilt your head to look up at him.
it’s a sweet look on you, it lets him see the shine in your eyes and lets him feast upon the soft skin of your neck.
“are you listening to me?” you ask and john grins, slow and leisurely - filled with some sort of sleazy charm that he knows you aren’t immune to.
“can’t say i am, my angel.” you make that face - the pretty little peeved scowl that makes his grin grow as he tips his head a little further back to rack his eyes down you. he’s being smug again, just like the little shit he was when his world was just arthur, dutch and hosea. john can’t help that you bring that side of him despite the year in between you two.
“well you better start marston.” you hiss, face flushed with annoyance and your hand coming to rest on your waist. he barks a laugh, one that sounds like a wolf’s and that makes your tongue click in your mouth.
“i’ll try to - it’s just hard to hear you from down there sweetheart.” his teasing is strengthen by his drawl and he laughs loud and rickety when you curse him.
“go to hell john marston!” you hiss, pushing him at him and huffing in annoyance at how it barely moves him at all and stalking to the fire. john keeps laughing, bringing his thumb and forefinger to pinch the brim of his hat to bring it down. to hide his growing flush and the ache in his cheeks over this little fact.
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megbimbo · 1 year
john marston; stitch me up, buttercup
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a/n; mfw i go into a coma after every post, anyways this has been collecting dust for ages and i don't know why i didn't post it? figs def helped me write it tho. props. I FORGOT TO MENTION ty for also being an awesome photographer @thisfanisgonesorry hugs!!
cw; john takes care of you after a cougar attack, he's a bit of a grumpy pants. fluff.
wc; 1730
You rested your head on Arthur’s back as your arms stayed wrapped tight around his waist, trying to not wince or groan as he rode you into camp, Charles close behind. Blood was coating your entire lower half, a good portion of your pant legs being ripped away from your body. Camp was getting closer, you could tell, the familiar scenery that surrounded your temporary home becoming visible to you.
Shifting slightly, you lifted your head off of Arthur, who had been silent the entire ride back besides the occasional panic, bickering, and checking if you were alright. You groaned at the movement.
“We nearly there?” You mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear you. The sunlight peeked through the trees, almost blinding you entirely.
Arthur exhaled. “Almost, you alright?”
“I think so.” He nodded, Charles coming closer to the two of you to speak.
His smile was sincere, trying to cover the obvious concern on his face. “How’re you feeling, y/n?”
“Like hell, but I’ll be ‘right.”
“John won’t like hearing about this,” he said, raising his brows and looking over to Arthur.
In response, Arthur chuckled, the vibrations sending shivers as you rested your head on his back once again. “He ain’t gotta find out.”
Raising a brow, you took a mental note of the severe pain you were in, extremely doubting Arthur’s words. “Not find out that I’m covered in blood? Really? Camp ain’t blind.”
He nodded, fully aware, though he didn’t say anything. Probably exchanged a glance or two with Charles.
You closed your eyes, the ambience of camp coming into earshot. Probably the usual bickering and people crowding around the campfire, like usual. Made you wonder how they’d feel when they saw you. “I don’t want no trouble,” you said. “Just wanna get some rest.”
Arthur mumbled something in agreement, as Charles moved in front, probably to shield whoever was around. You lifted your head, acknowledging your surroundings. Everyone was either at the campfire, playing poker, or doing chores. It was then that you noticed John tending to the horses, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to hide your quite obvious injury.
It seemed neither Charles or Arthur could, either. The minute they both went to go hitch their horses, he immediately noticed, stopping the two of them, which included you on the back, dead in their tracks. Whether he noticed the blood or you first, who knows, but he didn’t look pleased. The hay bale he was holding hit the ground with a ‘thump’ as he dropped it, storming over. Tears began to form in your waterline as you turned your head away, knowing you wouldn’t be able to bear his reaction.
Charles tried to make conversation with him, meanwhile you sobbed quietly as Arthur poorly tried to comfort you. “Shh, we can’t have him knowin’ ‘bout this.” He knew there wasn’t a lot he could do, but he was trying his damn best.
Eventually, he sighed, as John approached the two of you. You turned your head back to face him, the tears streaming down your face as you were drenched in your own blood. He looked pained to see you.
“Y/n? Who did this?” he snapped, his raspy voice making it all the more intimidating, as he stared holes through his metaphorical brother.
“We went on a hunt, as you know, and, well.. it didn’t go all too well.” He wasn’t wrong. There was a cougar worth good quality that the three of you were set on killing before anyone else could. You each split up your own ways, your dumbass going the way towards the predator. Before you could even defend yourself, it attacked you, leaving you practically near death as the two men tried to shoot it, but it simply left. “Cougar, it was. The one we wanted.”
John immediately reached for you, helping you to dismount Arthur’s horse, as he wrapped his arm around you, supporting your weight because he knew damn well you wouldn’t be able to walk anywhere alone. “Did you kill it?” he asked, glancing around to notice no one else was nearby, taking a few steps away as he glanced at you, frowning.
“Well.. No.”
His eyes widened as his brows raised, looking absolutely gobsmacked. “You’re fucking kidding me? Y/n nearly DIED and you didn’t KILL THE FUCKING THING?!”
“No, no! That’s the most bullshit I ever heard outta you!” he said, raising his voice and throwing his free hand up. “Someone nearly got killed, and you’re just gonna let the fucker live? You’re outta your GODDAMN MIND!” 
Hearing the commotion, some of the camp rushed over, including Dutch. “What the hell’s going on?” 
“Three of ‘em went hunting’, not only did Y/n nearly get killed but they didn’t even kill anything! Dumb bastards can nearly get a girl killed but not bring any game!” John yelled, the music from Dutch’s monograph in the faint background.
“Sort it out, will you? I shouldn’t have to parent grown men,” Dutch plainly said, not paying you any mind, and walked off, the rest of camp lingering to see what happens next. Hosea walked after him, most likely to have a talk about the interaction that just happened.
Now that he was gone, John took the opportunity to get closer to Arthur’s face, speaking in a hushed tone. “I don’t care if you nearly die doin’ it, but you’re both goin’ back out there and you’re not coming back till it’s fuckin’ dead.” To which he simply nodded, said something to Charles about ‘leaving these two be,’ and they both turned, riding out of camp and back into the wilderness they just returned from. You could hear Charles mock Arthur, saying ‘John ain’t gotta find out,’ as they did so.
He turned you towards his tent, slowly walking the two of you there, enjoying the silence, but most of all, your presence. Whether he’d like to admit it or not, he knows you could’ve died out there, and he’s grateful to have you. When people would approach, asking what was wrong, he’d hush them and say he had it covered. As the two of you approached his tent, he opened it, sitting you down on his cot, taking the moment to really take in your state.
“John, he was hurt too. You didn’t have to do that,” you said, weakly putting a hand out to grab his wrist.
He took note, sitting down on the bed next to you, staring into your eyes as he wiped the tears and blood off of your face. “He’ll manage, love. I’m worried about you. I mean, look ‘atchu. Still pretty, of course, but beyond fucked up.” Reaching to grab a box, he gave you a peck on the lips, opening it and grabbing out a few items, setting them down on his lap. “I’m gonna have to stitch you up, that alright?” You nodded, as he grabbed a cloth, dunking it in a bucket of water, as he cleaned the blood off of you in a nearly tender way. “You’re gonna be alright, I promise.” John’s voice that was yelling a few minutes ago had quietened down to soothe you, occasionally kissing you.
Afterwards, he picked up a different rag, dousing it in whiskey before using it to disinfect your wound. When you’d clench your teeth, or ball your hand into a fist, he’d notice, mumbling quiet words of praise
You smiled softly, looking down at the deep wounds. “You don’t have to do this, y’know.”
“‘Course I do,” he grinned, in an almost joking way, as he reached for a needle and a thin string. “Had to do this to myself, you’re lucky I’m a professional now.”
“You should be a doctor.”
“Hell no,” John responded, laughing for a moment, starting to stitch your wounds up. Occasionally, you’d make a squeamish face or grit your teeth together, to which he spoke in an attempt to comfort but also lighten the mood. “Got mauled by wolves ages ago. Hurts like a bitch, don’t it?” “You don’t say,” you commented in response. You remembered hearing briefly about this, but most of the camp agreed to not bring it up. He chuckled quietly, but didn’t comment.
John’s dark eyes softened as he continued to take care of you, humming to himself as he cleaned your wounds and stitched them. The warm lighting from the lantern shining on him in just the right way, and when he finally finished, he sighed.
“How’s that?” he smiled, putting everything back in the box and setting it aside once again.
“Still feel like hell, but better.”
He nodded, muttering a ‘good, good’ as he got up, grabbing a pair of his pants from his wardrobe, setting them down on the bed. “Wear those instead.”
Instead of trying to argue, you did just that, casually changing in front of your lover, even though he promised to not look, standing in a corner with his back to you. When you gave him the clear, he got back on the cot, laying down and tapping next to him. “You should rest.”
“In your tent?”
“Yes, in my tent. I don’t bite.”
“Bet those wolves did.”
He seemed taken aback by your joke, but laughed anyway. “I’m being serious. You need sleep.” You gave in at the promising offer of cuddling up next to John, as you laid in his arms, his hands running through your hair. 
“Hm?” he said, looking down at you.
“Know I’ve said it a hundred times, but you didn’t have to do all of this for me.”
In the moment, he brought a finger to your lips. “Shh, let me feel proud, buttercup.” To which you nodded, and the two of you cuddled in peace.
Suddenly, he spoke up, breaking the silence.“You’re so pretty, you know that?”
“Really?” You whispered, looking up at him, as he looked head over heels for you.
“Yeah. Even when you’re all bloodied up, ya still look perfect.” He mumbled, pausing briefly, before continuing his love drunken ramble. “Just glad to have you, that’s all. Happy nothing worse happened.” You snuggled into his touch at his sweet words, as you dozed off in his arms, knowing that even if you didn’t get the cougar, you instead had John Marston all to yourself.
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ahqkas · 3 months
HEART TO HEART ; arthur morgan, john marston, javier escuela, charles smith
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SYNOPSIS! how love feels like with him
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In the vast expanse of the Wild West, loving ARTHUR MORGAN feels like a journey of ragged battles, a tale woven with threats of wounds and roughness that winds through the wild landscapes and starlit nights. To love Arthur is to stand by his side through the hardship of his outlaw life, to not be afraid of being hurt and to cherish the moments you’ve got to be blessed with.
Affection with Arthur doesn’t come easy, but is expressed through simple actions amidst the clash of your worlds. The reassuring touch of his hands against your shoulders that lingers to the skin of your fingertips. The warmth of his gaze that follows you anywhere you go, casting a light of protection over your body and soul. The genuine smile he gives you over a game of blackjack beneath you or a flickering campfire that’s between you two, the smile only you seem to receive.
Arthur cares fiercely and if you were to end up hurt by someone’s hands under his watch, it’d be over his dead body.
Love with JOHN MARSTON comes roughly at first but despite his stubborn nature, he truly loves you through thin and thick. He’s all teeth and claws whenever there’s a sign of danger near his loved ones. He’s not a flawless man, no. Stubborn and impulsive, that’s what he is at most, yet courage and loyalty bloom in his heart.
The outlaw consistently puts himself into harm’s way to ensure your safety and well-being. Although he often doubts himself on this one, he won’t give up without a fight.
To love John is to accept his soul and believe that whenever action he makes it’s for the best.
Like the unpredictable beat of hooves on a dusty road, love with JAVIER ESCUELLA puts you both through a rocky story, as dramatic as promised. The horse can be agitated, its hooves urgent. But the horse can be calm, its hooves steady. Javier’s love comes determined.
A sanctuary is a place of refuge or safety where people can retreat to find peace, reflection, and protection, whenever it’s within the reach of a physical space or within their own consciousness. His care is your sanctuary, sheltering you from the outside’s wrath. He brings out the good in you and your mind feels at ease whenever he warms up your heart.
Javier’s love speaks volume, a language specifically made to become understood by you only. Warm hugs, a gentle caress of your cheek, intertwined fingers. It’s non verbal, but you understand it all too well. Carrying your stuff, saving some of the warm stew for you, cleaning your weapons. You don’t need words to communicate.
A blooming flower with its unfolding petals brings out the same feeling in you as the love of CHARLES SMITH. Like the flower, your love with Charles went through the same process of growth and now you’re left cherishing the outcome of the nature. Every petal shows a page of depth, intimacy, and connection you feel between you.
His empathy and understanding makes him a safe haven for you, the comfort that hangs to him calls for you one too many times. He listens without judgment and offers kindness.
Charles goes out of his way to help you out in any situation, whether it’s by taking care of you after a rather close call or stash a dozen of poisoned arrows to your bunch, always lending you a protective hand.
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© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified.
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gothicgunslinger · 9 months
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modern au! john who is your husband – takes you out to bars every weekend, lets you wear whatever you want because, well, damn that’s his. and he likes to start bar fights with any man who even glances in your direction.
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mushrubes · 8 months
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Masterlist | Red dead redemption masterlist |
Requested : no
Based on character ai { Hosea Matthews by @/addynot }
Pairing : father! Hosea Matthews x child! reader, John Marston x matthews! reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : platonic / familial + fluff
Word count : 1.4k
Warnings : Swear words, familial, best friends in love, slightly ooc <3
Have a great day !! <3
You stood still as Hosea cleaned the blood from your nose. He looked genuinely angry this time. You had a habit of getting into fights at school, but after this last one — your father seemed to be at his wit’s end. “I can’t believe you. I’ve tried so hard to get you an education and you go off and get into trouble.” He mumbled to himself, his hands gentle as he cleaned off your bruised face. He was extremely disappointed in you. "Pa, I'm sorry! It was deserved!" You defended, rolling your eyes. “I doubt that,” he argued. “You’ve told me before that every time you get into these things it’s ‘deserved’.” Hosea sighed. “Tell me. What happened this time?” he questioned. "O'driscolls. Two of them. Cornered me and they punched John after calling you and Uncle Dutch murderers so threw a punch at them and then the three of us started fighting." You explained.
Hosea rolls his eyes. “You know, you really shouldn’t go around throwing punches every time someone insults the gang.” He sighs again. “If I’m being honest… I’m almost scared to ask what happened to the O’Driscolls. How’s John?” he asked, the disappointment and concern evident. "They were threatening to get their guns out, and me punching them is too far? yeah, bullshit." You mumbled under your breath. "I think John's okay. I got him to go to Miss Grimshaw when we got back - he'll most likely have a black eye tomorrow." You sighed. “You don’t have to curse, kid. I understand the situation but what you failed to remember is that you’re only 16. You can’t go around throwing punches just because someone insults you.” Hosea sighs. “And as much as I don’t really like the O’Driscolls, I don’t think you should’ve punched them. That’s a good way to get yourself killed.” he shook his head.
Hosea sighs — a look of sadness and disappointment flashes through his face. “I know, love… I know. But, that doesn’t change anything; It’s still very dangerous to try and start fights with them. One day, you might end up picking the wrong fight…” He lets out another deep sigh. “You’re a smart kid. I just don’t want you to… do something stupid.” his voice softened, eyes full of love and concern for you, only wanting the best. "Whatever." you rolled your eyes, scoffing at him. “I’m serious, love. I don’t need to lose you the same way I lost your mother. I’m all you got right now, and it’s tough parenting a child in the gang. If anything happens to you, I’ll never forgive myself.” Hosea paused, thinking. “Can I trust that you won’t get into another fight? Just while you’re at school?” he pleaded, wanting some sort of confirmation. "Yeah, sure." You huffed, getting up.
Hosea breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, sweetheart. Just… please try to stay out of trouble. You’re the only child I’ll ever have, and I don’t want you to go the same way your mother did.” He looks at you, his face softening. “Just… just give me a hug, would you?” Your face softened and you gave in, hugging him tightly. You didn't even notice your tears staining his shirt. Hosea hugs you back tightly, holding his emotions back as tears begin to fall down his cheeks. “You’re… you’re the closest thing I’ll ever get to seeing your mother again.” He whispers quietly. “Don’t do that to me again, okay?” He holds you close, not wanting to let go. “I love you darling.” he caressed your head gently. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Pa. I love you too." You whispered, wiping your tears. “I know, sweetheart. Just… just don’t do something like that again, okay?” Hosea holds you close for what feels like forever, not wanting to let go. Eventually — and reluctantly — he does. “Now go on, get washed up and get to bed. It’s late.” he said.
"Okay. Goodnight, Pa. I love you." you responded, kissing his cheek gently. “Love you too, sweetheart. Goodnight.” With that, Hosea shuts the door behind you — leaving you alone to get cleaned up and head to bed. You made your way to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and getting changed. You get changed into something comfortable, ready to go to bed. As you start brushing your teeth, you begin to remember everything that happened earlier as well as the promise you made to Hosea — not to get into any more fights. This was probably one of the last times he was ever going to be easy on you, you thought to yourself. He genuinely didn’t want you to get hurt. You smiled softly when you walked back into your shared bedroom, seeing John sitting on his bed "Hey loser." you called lovingly, making him look up in your direction. “Shut up, runt.” John replied back lovingly with a smile on his face.
“How did your talk with father go?” John had a cut on his eye, it was swollen and red — but it wasn’t too bad. He looked completely exhausted. "Usual lecturing. How's your face doing?" you asked, gently cupping his cheek, frowning at the cut. “Same as always, numb to the pain,” John chuckled, leaning in to give you a kiss on your cheek. This was always your relationship with John. You teased and bickered a lot, but you both cared for each other deeply. He sighs. “I just… can’t believe you punched those bastards. What if they did get their guns out?” he pondered, concern evident in his voice and on his face. "Was worth it. They punched you and insulted my dad and Dutch." You shrugged, not even hesitating, meaning every single word. “Still not worth it.” John argued — but you could tell he wasn’t being serious, he was just worried about you. “Hosea was worried you were gonna get yourself killed. He was on the verge of tears talking to you.” John pauses for a second to think.
“Just… try not to do this again… okay, love?” he asked. "They're lucky I didn't kill them for hurting you." You commented, sitting next to him on his bed. “I know… but they weren’t worth the effort,” John chuckled weakly. “Now, come here.” He motioned for you to cuddle up with him on his bed. “I’m too tired to keep arguing.” he chuckled. You smiled softly, cuddling up to him, head on his chest. John’s body was warm. It always felt safe and cosy whenever you cuddled up to him like this — his large frame was comfortable to rest against. He wraps his arm around you, holding you close as he kisses your forehead. He was so big and handsome, and it made you feel safe in his arms. "Hey John?" you called quietly, turning the light out so it was dark. “Yeah, love?” He looked down at you. You could see his eyelids were slightly heavy — he was half asleep. “What’s up?” He asked softly. "Y'know I'd do anything for you, right?" you whispered, nuzzling into him.
John smiles at you, feeling slightly amused by your words. “I have no doubt,” he chuckled. “What’s your point?” He pulled you closer to him, feeling completely comfortable with you by his side. "I love you. I know we're teenagers but…" You trailed off, a lovesick smile on your face. John looks at you, his dark eyes filled with love for you. “I love you too, darlin',” he whispers back — his soft voice echoing softly through the room. “I know we’re just teenagers… but I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without you in it.” He pulls you even closer to him, his hand brushing through your hair. “We’re gonna get through this… okay? I promise.” he assured, pressing kisses to your forehead and cheeks. "me and you forever?" you questioned, intertwining your hands. “Me and you forever, my love. No matter what that means or where that takes us.” His words were sweet, he meant every one of them. John had done so much for you, he was so much more than your best friend — he was the person who you trusted and loved more than anyone in this world. He was, truly, your soulmate.
Maybe everything was going to be okay after all.
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revolversandlace · 1 year
The Dangers of Summer
Dutch/Arthur/John x f!Reader
Warnings & Tags: Explicit, Smut, Swearing, M/M/M/F, f!Reader, Plot? What Plot? DubCon, No Y/N, Minors DNI
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Dutch asks you to rob a homestead, unfortunately the loot isn’t what you expect. 
A/N: I’m sorry I got horny and this happened. It is what it is.
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You’d been with the gang some weeks now, and not a day had gone past without the men trying to break you.
You weren’t even sure why they brought you into the fold, except for them to tease you with dead end goose chases or some impossible challenge even they couldn’t complete.
One day after the other, you were just as keen as the last to prove yourself fit for the gang. And just when you thought you were on a job to prove yourself, it turned out to be another waste of time.
‘Miss,’ Dutch called, beckoning you to his tent, the dramatic classical music playing softly in the background and he puffed on his fat cigar.
You marched over, as your boots crunched over the leaves.
He leaned back in his chair, hands folded behind him, watching your every move. You could feel his eyes boring into you. His face was impassive but his gaze held you in place. You stared back at him, throwing your hands in the air.
'What is it now, Dutch?'
'It'd pay you to show some more respect around here, Miss.'
You pursed your lips taking in a deep breath. 'I'll try my best,' you said coolly.
He nodded slowly. 'Good girl. Now I have a job for you.'
You arched an eyebrow. 'Another one? I'm getting tired of these endless jobs that don't go anywhere.'
'This one will be different.' He took off his hat and placed it on the table. His hair was disheveled, falling over his forehead and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. 'It's a homestead in south Leymone, not far from Braithwaite Manor.'
'Am I supposed to find anything there or will it be like the last one?'
Dutch laughed, a low and filled with danger. You really were beginning to think that perhaps this gang wasn't the right fit for you. But then again if you didn't want to join them maybe you shouldn't have come along with them in the first place.
'I expect there to be the usual wares. Jewellery... Cash,' Dutch waved his hand dismissively. He reached to the inside of his waistcoat, pulling out a silver pocket watch. 'If you leave now, you might make it for sundown.'
'Is that all?' You asked surprised. You felt like you should have been doing something more than stealing jewellery and money.
'That's enough for now,' Dutch said looking at you intently. 'Now gear up and let me see what you can do.'
You did as he instructed, quickly putting on your hat and grabbing your gun belt from where it hung in your tent. As you walked towards your horse, Arthur stepped in front of you, blocking the path between you and your mount.
'Finally got a job, I hear.' Arthur said, his smug smile plastered all across his face. Since being within the gang, Arthur had barely said more than four words to you, usually opting for silence and grumbles.
'Get out of my way,' you sighed, already exhausted with the men of the gang.
'Not until we talk about how you're going to repay us for saving you from those bandits.'
'You saved me? That's news to me.'
'You know we did,' Arthur snorted, placing his large hand on your shoulder and leading you towards your horse.
'Arthur, if you've got any issues, take it up with Dutch, okay?' You said, your voice tight as you shook his hand from you.
'Oh I will,' he said with a smirk, tugging at the brim of his hat as you hoisted yourself onto your horse.
You rode away without another word, wanting nothing more than to get out of there. You were sick of their constant teasing and taunting and wanted to be left alone. You didn't care much for Arthur but at least he was easy to deal with compared to the others.
You rode hard, reaching the homestead just before sundown. The sky turned to a bright orange hue, bathing the trees in a golden light as the birds began to sing their evening song.
Hitching your horse and throwing a sack over your shoulder, you checked your revolver and opened the barrel to see six rounds nestled in the metal. You flicked the gun with your wrist, closing it back up and you made your way to the house.
One by one, you checked the windows to make sure the house was empty. You heard nothing and saw even less, as you rattled the back doorknob and pushed it open.
You raised your gun and you pulled up your bandana over your nose and mouth, your skin prickling with excitement. Finally, a job where you could show your worth to the gang.
You checked the drawers, every cupboard you could see and a pair of pearl earrings and a wad of cash later, you made your way from the back room into the hallway.
Just as you were about to open the door to the next room, you heard an unmistakable clatter.
Walking slowly towards the room that the sound came from, you lightly put one foot in front of the other, as your hand gripped tighter around the gun.
You tried to listen through the wall but couldn't tell what was happening. Was someone still there? Or was it just some noise from outside?
You took a deep breath and held it in your chest as you slowly opened the door.
What you saw however, was the last thing you expected.
'Told ya she didn't know the shortcut,' Arthur said, sitting in a chair with his foot on his knee, rolling a cigarette between his fingers.
John was sitting beside him, with a wide smile.
'I'm surprised she made it at all,' he said
'What the fuck is going on?' You said, searching both of their faces as you pulled down your bandana. 'What's this all about?' Your voice rose as your heart began to speed up in your chest.
They said nothing, as they stared at you with boyish grins on their face.
'I don't have time for this,' you said, turning away from them.
'Don't worry about her,' Arthur called after you. 'She'll come round.'
'You can say that again,' John laughed.
You stopped in your tracks, your temper rising.
'I can't believe you've done this again! Why can't you just give me a job and leave me be?' You waved your gun at them, in half your mind to shoot them where they sat. They both laughed, clearly not as threatened as you'd thought they'd be. Although if you were expecting anything from either of them by now you were mistaken.
'We're sorry darlin' we didn't mean to scare ya,' Arthur said, standing up and putting his hat back on. 'But you know how it is with us.' He smiled down at you.
'Yeah, I do. You're real shits you know that.' You said, folding your arms across your chest. 'Wait until Dutch here's of this.'
The men looked at each other smiling as you heard a laugh from behind you. Spinning round you nearly collided with Dutch as he towered over you, his black mustache twitching.
'Who's ideal do you think it was?' He said and you slowly took a step back. 'Now, missy. I've had a word with these two and they both agree. You're attitude is...'
Dutch licked his lips hungrily, staring down at you as your chest became tighter.
'Unwelcomed.' He said, his face turning to a near snarl.
You didn't know what was happening, but you didn't like it. You felt uneasy and you wanted to get out of there but you knew that would only make things worse for yourself. So instead you remained quiet, staring at Dutch.
'You need to learn your place,' Dutch growled, stepping closer to you.
You could feel his hot breath against your neck as he whispered, 'You belong to us now.'
You swallowed hard as he grabbed hold of your hair, pulling you off balance. He turned you around to face both John and Arthur, who looked at each other with excitement.
You tried to struggle from Dutch's grasp but his fingers just dug further into your scalp.
'Now we won't hurt,' Dutch said into your ear as he marched you towards the table, 'as long as you behave.'
You were scared, but not as scared as you should have been. You would have been lying if you said you weren't excited at the thought. You'd thought about the men before, although not at the same time, in the late hours when your hand would drift lower to pleasure yourself.
You didn't want to admit it but even then you were curious about the way they treated you. The way they talked to you and the way they acted around you.
Dutch let go of your hair as the back of your thighs met the edge of the table as all three men stood around you. You could feel your cheeks burning red as their eyes roamed over your body like a pack of wolves.
Arthur stepped forward and lifted you up onto the table, placing himself between your legs. He pressed his hands against your breasts, kneading them roughly.
'Now boys, take good care of her,' Dutch ordered as he pulled out a half-smoked cigar, lighting the thick end.
'Get her ready for me,' he nodded, pulling a chair away from the table and sitting down to watch the show.
You swallowed hard, as Arthur's large, rough hands worked over your body as he made his way to your shirt buttons.
'Make sure you share, Arthur,' Dutch said, leaning back as Arthur started to unbutton you.
John joined him, kissing your neck and running his tongue along your skin. You moaned at the sensation as the two pairs of hands continued to roam over you. Your cunt was throbbing, as you ran your leg up Arthur's side, whilst John continued to kiss you.
Helping Arthur shrug off your shirt, the cool breeze hit your nipples as he took one of them between his thumb and index finger, giving it a pinch.
'You like it rough girl?' He growled as you whimpered, all words caught in your throat. All you could give him was a weak nod as he applied more pressure on your nipple as your wetness grew.
'Good,' he grunted, squeezing harder on your breast. 'This is going to be fun.'
He released your breast as both he and John began to work at your trousers, unbuckling you and pulling the jeans and your boots from you as you sat on the edge of the table completely naked.
Arthur pushed you back onto the table and kissed you roughly, pushing his tongue inside your mouth as you kissed him back, feeling John's hands run over your thighs and towards your sopping wet heat.
You gasped as you felt a finger slip inside you, making you buck your hips as Arthur continued to work his tongue in your mouth.
'She's already wet, Dutch' John said, pumping his fingers into you, stretching you out as you moaned into Arthur's mouth.
Arthur pulled away from you, his lips glistening with your saliva as John continued to bury his fingers in you, curling them around deep inside of you. You continued to moan, and rock your hips.
'Think I'm gonna use that mouth some more,' Arthur growled, as he began to undo his belt.
You looked up at him with mewls falling from your lips as he pulled out his thick cock. Giving it a few pumps, he grabbed the top of your hair, and pulled your head onto his cock, and shoved it into your mouth.
You sucked hard, taking it deep as you tried to swallow it. You gagged and choked as you tried to keep up, as the other two began to laugh.
'You're going to have to learn to take it all,' Arthur grunted, as he pulled your head away giving you a second to breathe.
'I'm sure she will,' Dutch said from the chair, watching you intently.
'Open up, darlin', and try and take the whole thing,' Arthur said as you forced yourself harder onto John's fingers, the coil already beginning to tighten in your lower stomach.
You nodded, opening your mouth as Arthur shoved his cock back into your mouth with no mercy. Using his grip on you, he moved your head roughly onto him and you tried your best to breathe as your throat became fuller and fuller.
'Come on, girl,' Arthur grunted, 'take it all.'
You tried your hardest, but you couldn't. You could feel his balls tighten and his cock swell as he continued to thrust into your mouth.
You gagged and spluttered, but he didn't stop. You kept your mouth open as he used you, whilst John pushed another finger into you. Moaning onto Arthur's cock, you felt your own orgasm building.
You were desperate for release; you needed it badly. His cock was too big for your mouth, and it wouldn't stay still. It seemed determined to stretch you to breaking point. As he pounded your mouth mercilessly, his breathing picked up as his grip got tighter on your head.
You felt John remove his fingers from you, as you looked down, he pulled his cock from his trousers and shoved the thick head into your dripping cunt.
You moaned again, both your holes filled as the men ravaged you. You felt your toes curl as you arched your back, your cunt growing tighter around John's cock as he thumbed at your clit.
It was almost too much as a wave of pleasure crashed over you as you screamed onto Arthur's cock whilst John fucked you harder. You came quickly as your orgasm ripped through your body leaving you weak.
Arthur withdrew his cock from your mouth and grabbed hold of your hair, forcing you up onto your feet as you felt your legs struggling to hold you up.
'Think she's having a good time, Dutch' Arthur mused as you panted, desperate for air as the bliss tingled over your skin.
'It does appear that way,' Dutch said, nodding as he stood. You could see John stoking himself as Arthur grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you on top of him onto the table.
'I wanna see you how tight you are,' he said, his hands digging so hard into your hips you know they'd leave bruises for days.
He speared his cock into you as you mewled again, your eyes scrunched tight as Arthur fucked himself into you. You felt John's thumb circling your asshole, as he spat onto you letting the liquid drip down.
'Please,' you whined, as you felt the head of John's cock push into your other hole, the pain and pleasure melding into one.
You were full, stuffed and revelling in ecstasy as the two men fucked you.
'I can't last much longer,' John groaned, pressing his hands against your hips and rocking his hips forward as you cried out loudly.
'Don't let me interrupt you gentleman,' Dutch said, making his way over to the table removing his hat as he removed his belt.
'Why don't you come see how a real man tastes,' Dutch chuckled, stepping out of his trousers and wrapping his hand around his hard cock.
You wasted no time in obliging, wrapping your lips around him and now every single one of your holes were filled. Dutch pumped himself faster into your mouth while his hands played with your breast.
He leaned in close and whispered, 'good girl,' as he slapped your cheek.
You felt his hot cum splash across your tongue and into your mouth as you gulped it down greedily. You could hear him panting above you, as he pulled you from his cock. You felt John thrust faster into your ass, bruising you further as he grunted, his cum filling you and spilling out, dripping down onto your cunt.
Arthur wasn't far behind, as you continued to bob on his cock, the last drops of cum dripping down your chin as Dutch wiped his brow.
John pulled himself from you as you now felt empty, except for Arthur who continued to pummel you hard. The familiar feeling rose again, as you ground your hips into Arthur, as the slaps continued to fill the room.
Another orgasm erupted, as you screamed into the air, the pleasure almost unbearable as Arthur, unrelentingly chased his own as you were filled up one last time.
Arthur stopped, holding himself deep within you as you collapsed onto the table next to him panting. You rolled onto your side, looking at the mess you made and seeing the satisfied smile on each of their faces.
Covered in cum and sweat, the men dressed as you lay there on the table, legs shaking and the pain of having three men inside of you started to settle in.
'That was certainly an experience,' John smiled, picking up his clothes from the floor.
'I certainly think Miss here will behave herself from now on.' Dutch said, as the three men left the homestead leaving you there naked and beyond content. 
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Chapter 29 – Further Questions of Female Suffrage
Full story here: Not a Doctor, Not an Angel Either Rating: M Pairing: John Marston x F!Reader; Javier Escuella x F!Reader Word count: 39,387 Chapters: 29/41 Warnings: Sexual content, mention of alcohol and cigarettes, blood, violence
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In the past few weeks you've spent with Sadie, she had told you repeatedly that you wouldn't truly learn unless you've seen action, and each time she brought it up, you easily dismissed the notion, thinking it might have just been her own version of tough love. You've never given it much thought, really—until now.
You found yourself a couple of miles away from Shady Belle, taking cover behind a boulder, its rough texture pressing against your fingers. The midday sun blazed overhead as Sadie cautiously surveyed the clearing ahead. She informed you casually that there may be about a dozen or more Lemoyne Raiders that had set up a camp there.
You fumbled with your Colt revolver, your hands slightly trembling with apprehension. "I've never shot anyone, Sadie," you muttered as you tried to wrap your head around the reality of the situation. "I've never killed anyone. I don't think I ever can!"
You have desperately tried to explain to her that target practice and taking down the occasional deer were already more than enough, considering before all these, the mere recoil of a gun would send you staggering backward. Now that you could manage to hit a bottle or two out of five in a row, you'd like to believe your lessons were already over, and she had taught you everything you could possibly learn.
Today, however, Sadie had a point to make – as far as she was concerned, lessons weren't over yet.
"Listen, darlin'," Sadie said reassuringly, "I get that this ain't what you signed up for, but sometimes, life deals us a hand we never expected. We ain't lookin' for trouble, but if it comes our way, we need to be ready."
You stole a glance at your Colt, its metal glinting brightly in the sun. You felt your heart pounding relentlessly. The thought of aiming your weapon at another human being sent shivers down your spine, but then you firmly reminded yourself why you were here in the first place.
The only reason why you asked for this crazy woman's help was so you could stop feeling sorry for yourself. You've been so weak and helpless all this time. Perhaps knowing how to fight back could've made all the difference that day your father was killed, or when the Braithwaites took Jack or even the last time you went face to face with your father's murderer.
"You're gonna be just fine. I got your back," she said, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. Her eyes remained fixed on the makeshift tents ahead.
Drawing in a shaky breath, you whispered more to yourself than anyone else, "Alright. Fuck. FUCK. Let's do this."
Sadie's plan was straightforward (at least to her, anyway). Given the odds you faced, your best bet would be to approach the camp quietly. Sadie would take the offensive, eliminating any stragglers on the outskirts, as you provided cover. As you get closer, you were to stay low, keep an eye out for any Raiders, and keep covering fire as she maneuvered.
"You see any one of 'em, you point and shoot," Sadie instructed. There was no room for hesitation. She reminded you – just aim, shoot, and keep her alive.
As the two of you braced yourself for the attack, you heard the bushes behind you rustle, causing your heart to leap into your throat. You swivelled around, Colt at the ready.
"Woah, woah, woah, easy there, partner!" Javier whispered. You've shot him once accidentally, and he had no intention whatsoever of going through that again. Arthur was with him. The pair approached you and Sadie, and now, all four of you were huddled together in a rather humorous display of caution.
Arthur leaned in, whispering just loud enough for the group, "We were out fishing and saw you ladies headin' this way. Armed like that, sure didn't seem like a goddamned Sunday picnic you were planning on." Arthur said.
"So what's the plan?" Javier chimed in enthusiastically, rubbing his hands together.
Sadie shook her head at the audacity but instantly realised that a significant advantage had just presented itself. She leaned in closer to you, "Seems like we've got ourselves an impromptu raiding party, darlin'. The more, the merrier, I s'pose. I don't want you getting killed on your first rodeo, and with these two around, we'll have some extra insurance."
She looked at your faces and decisively directed, "Javier, you're with me. Arthur, you're with [Y/N]."
With that settled, you and Arthur swiftly moved to a huge tree, giving you a vantage point over the Lemoyne Raiders' camp. The heat was stifling, but the intensity of the upcoming confrontation made the air feel even heavier. The tree was a little further from the action, but it provided enough cover for both of you.
Arthur readied his revolvers. Every so often, his gaze flitted to you, but you purposely averted your eyes. You clutched your weapon tighter, your palms slick with sweat.
"What? We still ain't talking?"
Taking a moment, you replied, "Just make sure I don't end up dead, Mr. Morgan, and we can call it even."
A faint smirk played on his lips, but his eyes remained serious. "Don't you worry none, I ain't gonna let that happen," he whispered, his voice steady. You found his seemingly calm demeanour, like he'd been through this dance a million times before, both comforting and slightly disconcerting.
Sadie made the first move, expertly dispatching two unsuspecting Raiders who had ventured dangerously close to her spot (most probably to take a piss). Gunshots broke immediately after, the acrid scent of the gunpowder filling the air. That was your signal. Arthur and Javier followed suit, making every bullet count as they maneuvered through the Raiders' camp.
For you, however, time seemed to stand still as the sounds of the battle overwhelmed you – the pop and crack of firearms and the desperate cries of each Raider they've successfully taken down. 'Move! Damn it, move! Just point and shoot, that's all!' But no matter how much you berated yourself, your feet remained rooted to the ground.
Arthur was already a few paces ahead. He turned around to check if you were right behind him. His eyes widened with concern when he noticed you weren't advancing. 
"Move, [Y/N], now!" he urged you in desperation, momentarily letting his guard down.
Then you saw it. As your partner grew increasingly distracted by your inaction, he had failed to notice a Raider creeping up, his weapon raised. He had Arthur dead to rights. Without thinking, instincts taking over, you aimed your Colt and fired – pop! Pop! The bullets hit the Raider just as he was about to pull the trigger on Arthur. The man fell, a surprised expression on his face as he crumpled to the ground.
Arthur looked at you, stunned. "Nice shot!" He called out, a sense of relief and admiration in his voice. "Now get over here!"
The fight continued around you, and there was no time to dwell on the life you had just taken. With each subsequent shot and move you made, you found your rhythm, your reactions sharpening as the minutes passed. Arthur, meanwhile, never strayed too far from your side. He fought fiercely, but every so often, his eyes would search for you amidst the chaos, making sure you were safe.
The hideout was slowly cleared, and as the last Raider fell, a tense silence settled over your surroundings. You looked at your companions. Their faces were smeared with dirt and sweat, a few scratches and bruises here and there, but alive, nonetheless.
Sadie clapped you on the back, "You did good out there."
As you prepared for the journey home, the adrenaline from the fight began to ebb away, and you felt a sharp, persistent pain on the side of your abdomen. You had dismissed it at first, but the pain and discomfort only grew more pronounced.
"Hey, you alright?" Javier asked, noticing the discomfort you were in. Reluctantly, you lifted your shirt, revealing its source. Your face drained of colour as you saw the dark stain on the clothing, the vivid red of fresh blood.
Sadie's eyes widened with alarm, and Arthur was quick to approach. "Dammit." He muttered under his breath.
"It looks like it just grazed you," Sadie observed – she was right. The wound appeared to be superficial, most likely a bullet grazing your side rather than penetrating deeply – a stroke of luck, you thought, realising that should you have stood inches away from your spot earlier, you would've been pretty much dead by now.
Still, you knew that even seemingly minor wounds could turn serious if left untreated. With trembling hands, you pressed a cloth against the wound, applying gentle pressure to slow the bleeding. The pain was sharp.
Javier watched with concern. "You're gonna be alright," he assured you. "It's not too bad. We need to get you home and patch you up."
Back at the camp, the four of you made quite the sight. With your arm draped over Javier's shoulders for support, you leaned heavily on him while Sadie took the lead, guiding your unsteady steps toward your tent. Arthur followed close from behind. The commotion drew the attention of several gang members, who watched in curious concern. Dutch and Hosea stood from their seats on the veranda, their eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"It's fine. I can do this." You tried to convince them. But they were having none of it.
Sadie gave you a stern look, her eyes unyielding. "You ain't in any condition to be actin' tough," she stated matter-of-factly.
Javier gently cut you off. "Stop being stubborn." He helped you inside, carefully setting you down on the bedroll. The dim interior was a stark contrast to the dying light outside. His eyes constantly darted from your face to the injury on your side. You began to instruct him, but your voice came out weaker than you had anticipated.
"Javier... get my bag," you whispered, grimacing from the pain.
He quickly did as he was told. As he started cleaning the wound, he looked up, his dark eyes searching yours for assurance. He tried to be gentle, but his uncertainty was evident.
"Easy there," you whispered, wincing slightly when he accidentally pressed a bit too close to the wound.
Javier's eyes widened in alarm. "Lo siento," he whispered apologetically. "I'm trying to be careful, but..."
"It's okay. Just listen, and I'll tell you what to do." Despite the pain, you gave him a small, reassuring smile.
Outside the tent, you could hear the faint murmurs of Sadie and Arthur's conversation, occasionally glancing inside to see how you were doing.
"Ain't' too bad for your first time, huh." Arthur quipped, peeking into the tent and handing you a flask of whiskey. You took a swig, the fiery liquid providing temporarily relief as it dulled the biting sting of your injury. You exhaled deeply, savouring the brief reprieve as Javier diligently tended to your wound.
"What the hell happened?!" John's voice was agitated, jolting you from your moment of respite, as he pushed past Arthur and Sadie to get a look at you. His eyes locked onto the wound, then Javier's hands, covered in your blood. His face contorted in anger and worry, and his eyes met yours for a brief moment. but it felt more like an eternity.
You did tell him last night you’d talk today, but you purposefully went out with Sadie (although at that point, you were oblivious to what she had planned all along) using it as a convenient excuse to avoid him.
"We got her, John," Arthur assured him, indicating that now might not be the best time for too many questions.
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