#John b routledge x sister reader
ceceliawrites · 1 month
Scared - J.M
Warnings : depression, suicide talk, JJ being dumb, anxiety, panic attacks without calling them panic attacks, fighting, angst, happy ending
When JJ went over the side of the cliff, I was in shock. Everybody around me was freaking out. The world faded away. I think I would have crumpled to the ground had it not been for Topper.
“I wish I could say that was all planned but…” JJ trailed off. My eyes snapped to my situationship. JJ and I had never made anything official, nor had we directly crossed that line, but we both knew.
My legs trembled, my eyes stung with tears. My breathing wasn’t consistent. Everybody hugged JJ, besides me and Topper. When his eyes finally landed on mine, I sucked in a harsh breath before turning and walking away.
“Lily, wait.” He said, walking quickly behind me.
“Don’t JJ. Just, don’t, okay?” My voice cracked.
“Lily — ”
“God JJ I can’t do this now!” I finally broke. “I’m going to say things that I regret and I just … I need to go.”
I looked at my friends before walking away.
“Hey, hey, wait up.” John B called to me, though I didn’t register that it was my brother, I thought it was JJ. “Oi! Wait up Lily Bug.”
I slowed down once I realized it was him. “What do you want JB?”
“He was trying to save us. He was trying to save you.” Of course he was defending JJ. He always defended JJ and his dumb ass choices.
“John B, I can you for once take my side?” I cried, finally letting my tears fall. “Why can’t you ever just be on my side?” I never cried. And he knew that. John B’s face went through a series of emotions when he saw me crying,
“There are no sides.” He tried to reason with me but we both knew that wasn’t true. He wanted to defuse the situation.
“There are!” I cried. “There’s right and there’s wrong. And he’s wrong, he was wrong to do that! I need you to be on my side. Just this once, JB.” I finally sunk to the ground on my knees. I put my hands over my face and cried. “I need you!”
“Okay,” he said, crouching down next to me. “Okay, I’m on your side.” He brushed a hand over my hair repeatedly, trying to soothe me. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
“I wanna go home.” I looked up at him, eyes still filling with tears.
“Okay, let’s go home.”
Once we got back, I went into the bathroom and stared at my reflection. I was a mess. My eyes were red and puffy from crying, my cheeks were red from walking so far. I splashed cold water on my face and took a deep breath before looking at myself in the mirror again. I looked slightly better than before, but still a hot mess. I was in such a dark place now that I had time to process.
What if JJ died? What if he left me? What if I wasn’t what he wanted? A million thoughts were racing through my mind.
Speaking of, JJ came into view. He was leaning against the wall. He looked stressed.
“Are we going to talk about it?” He asked after a minute of staring at each other through the mirror.
“I’m not ready,” I said, almost inaudibly. “I’m going to take a shower and then maybe.”
“I -, okay.” He said defeated. “I’ll be in the living room.”
“You can stay,” I said quietly. “It’s…” I trailed off. I couldn’t find the words. “You don’t have to,” I said quickly. “I know I’m not being the best right now and you probably,”
“Shut up,” He cut me off. “You know I’ll stay,” I sighed in relief. My shoulders slumped.
I was glad JJ was not only okay, but here with me. He turned and stared out the bathroom door as I stripped. I jumped into the shower and turned the hot water on. I let it cascade over me, and for a moment, I got lost in thought again. I placed a hand on the shower wall and tried to regain control of my breathing, but it didn’t work. I started hyperventilating. Everything was spinning.
“Hey,” in an instant, JJ was behind me. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m right here.” I tried to tug free. I didn’t want JJ to see me like this. I didn’t want him to think of me as broken.
Would he stay if he saw the insecure, anxious, depressed girl that I really was? “Don’t do that.” He said, tugging a little harder. “Don’t, I’m right here and I’m not leaving.” Eventually, I slumped against him. I leaned my head back on him and took a shuddering deep breath.
“I’m going to wash your hair, okay?” I turned and looked at him with wide eyes. We had never crossed this boundary before. This was all very new.
“You’re gonna wa — my hair?” I stuttered.
“Yeah, turn back around.” I hadn’t even realized he had stripped. We had never seen each other naked. I mean yeah, we saw each other in swimming suits all the time, but never fully naked. This was another new.
“Uh, okay.” I said, quiet as a mouse, and I turned back around, wrapping an arm around my waist, the other holding my shoulder. I shouldn’t be this nervous.
He ended up washing my hair, which really relaxed me. I felt the tension leave my shoulders and my neck as he scrubbed the soap in. “Rinse,” he muttered and I turned around to let the water cascade down my back and the soap came out of my hair.
“Your turn,” I said, leaning down to grab the shampoo bottle.
“You don’t have to,” he said, his turn to be quiet.
“I want to.” I shrugged. “You deserve to be taken care of too.”
We stared at each other, daring each other to look away. Eventually, he turned around and bent down so I could wash his hair. His hair was soft, even though it was wet. His blonde locks became darker with the water. The soap slipped through is hair and for the first time in a long time, it was tamed. Once his hair was cleaned to my liking I had him rinse his hair out while I cleaned my body.
JJ quickly soaped up and rinsed off before the water turned cold. We stepped out and dried off before I ran a brush through my hair. JJ just let his drip. I gripped the towel tightly to my chest as JJ watched me brush my hair.
Once I finished, I sent him a small smile before going to my bedroom. Once I was there, I found an old shirt of JJ’s and a clean pair of underwear to put on. I quickly slipped into them before turning to face JJ. He was in a pair of boxers and a cut off t-shirt.
“I hate it that you shut me out.” JJ finally said. I reeled back a little. I wasn’t prepared for that statement.
“I’m sorry?” What was happening?
“You shut me out, when you get anxious or nervous or sad. You shut me out. I hate that you do that.” He was growing frustrated, running a hand through his semi wet hair. I was stunned. I couldn’t even move. He continued talking. “It’s like you think I can’t help you, Lily. But you know I can. You know I will. So why do you shy away?“
When I finally found my words, I decided to give JJ a piece of my mind. “JJ you are the most reckless person I know. You never think of any of the consequences of your actions. I know that you have the best intentions when this happens, but God JJ, think of how you affect the people around you. Think about JB, Kie, Pope, Sarah. What would they do if you didn’t come back one of these times? Think about me. What would I do? I know I’m scared, and insecure, anxious, sad, whatever, but I don’t want to rely on you if you think you’re expendable and plan on not coming back to me someday. I’m scared JJ.” I took a shuddering, small, choking breath before continuing, “I’m scared that I’m too much, I’m scared you’re going to throw in the towel, find somebody better than me. I know there’s a reason why we haven’t ever crossed that boundary. I know why. I know I have issues, but God JJ, so do you.”
I sat down on the bed and burst into tears again, sobs racking through my body. “God JJ, can you please just be careful?”
“I’m trying to protect you!” He yelled. I don’t understand why you don’t understand that!”
“I do,” I cried, screaming a little. “I do understand JJ! But that doesn’t make it okay! Or right! My Lord, I don’t know why you and JB just don’t understand that!”
“What part of me wanting to save you don’t you get?” JJ yelled again. “I want you to be okay, and I’ll do whatever I can to save you.”
“But why?! It’s like I said before, I have issues. I have problems. I’m a mess, 98% of the time! What if somebody better comes along? I mean, there’s a reason we h”
“Well, I like to think that I can handle whatever I damn well please.” He snapped. “I’ve handled everything so far.”
“You won’t tell me why we can’t define it! I can’t keep doing this JJ. I can’t.”
“I can’t define it!”
“Then I can’t stay!” I screamed back, pulling at the roots of my hair, rocking slightly.
“Just - just - ” JJ waved his arms around frantically before he took a deep breath.
He marched over to me and pulled me up to my feet.
“JJ,” I whispered as he laid a hand on my face, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
“No,” He huffed. “I just - I don’t know how to explain myself with words. That’s why I always try to show it. I do wherever I can to make sure you’re safe. That’s why I’m reckless, okay no that’s not why I’m reckless. I’m reckless because 9 times out of 10, I don’t think. I just do what seems right. And I get it, I put you through hell with going to jail, fighting with Rafe and them all the time, the whole Kiara thing, and now this. I get it. But I care about you, and you just need to accept it.” I’ll try to be more careful, but I can’t promise to not keep you safe.”
“But what about - ” I tried to put in another excuse but JJ cut me off.
“There are no buts, babe. There just aren’t any.”
I took a deep breath. “Okay. But I really like you JJ. And I want a relationship with you. And I get that this is all new and weird or whatever for you, but it is for me too. Just on a different level. We can make this work. If you want to try.”
“I can’t promise it will be easy.” He said softly, leaning his head against mine, breath fanning over my face.
“I don’t need easy, I just need you.” I said just as soft as he did. “I can’t promise it will be easy from me either.”
“Like you said, I don’t need easy. I just need you.”
And with that, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. My hand slithered up to his hair, gripping the roots tightly. He slid one hand under his shirt that I was wearing and pressed the palm to my back. He bit my lip softly, making me gasp.
“JJ.” I gasped, when he pulled away.
“Not tonight.” I shrunk into myself. Did he not want me? As if he read my thoughts, he put a hand under my chin, making me look at him. His deep blue eyes poured into mine. “I want our first time to be special. You deserve special, okay? And don’t argue with me.”
I nodded. “But, will you stay with me tonight?” I asked, doe eyes on him, biting my lip softly.
“Of course. I’ll always be with you.”
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of-many-aus · 1 year
Why JJ calls you ‘Bambi’
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Summary: the reason jj calls you that aggravating nickname
Warnings: none
A/N: this takes place approximately three years before the main series
Hate Myself for Loving You Masterlist
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
“I don’t know, JB,” You said hesitantly, “This might not be a good idea.”
Your brother threw his head back with a groan, “Come on, you’re twelve now. It’s about time you learned.”
“What if I’m not good at it, though?” You had begun nervously playing with your hands.
“That’s why I’m here,” He said reassuringly, gently tapping his surfboard against yours, “Now, let’s go. The waves are great today.”
With that, John B began wading into the ocean water, but you stayed back a moment, still hesitating.
“I’m pretty sure you’re the only person on this island that didn’t learn how to surf when you were seven.” The aggravating voice of none other than JJ Maybank sounded in your ear like a chirping bird that wouldn’t shut up in the morning.
A scowl immediately formed on your lips, and instead of answering the boy, you surged forward, hopefully leaving him behind.
Your prayers didn’t seem to be answered though, because you heard some splashing behind you that told you he had followed with his own surfboard.
“Out here!” John B waved you over from where he sat on his board a few yards out.
Slowly, you swam and pushed your surfboard to where he was.
JJ laughed, “You have to get on it,” He called, paddling up beside you.
You stifled a groan, closing your eyes and tilting your head to face the heavens, “Did he really have to be here?” You asked your brother with a slight whine in your voice.
He just shrugged, “I didn’t invite him, he just tagged along.”
A glare was thrown in the blond boy's direction by you, “Hear that? You weren’t invited. So get out of here.”
His mouth opened, no doubt to let out a smart ass comment, but John B interrupted with an exhausted sigh, “Guys, stop it.” He was long since used to your bickering.
He sent a warning look in his best friend's direction, “We’re here to teach her how to surf. If you’re not going to either help or stay quiet, then leave.”
He chose to stay quiet.
For the next half hour, your brother went through the motions with you, teaching you how to stand correctly and how to catch a wave.
JJ stayed silent the whole time, and you were grateful. It was probably the longest he had ever gone without talking.
“- no, move your foot closer to the center-“ Your brother instructed you, only to be cut off by toppling over the side of his board. He hadn’t been paying attention to an incoming wave.
You sighed tiredly as he was submerged, knowing he was fine, but still tired from all the work it took to learn.
Just then, a laugh sounded from the side, causing your head to whip over and eyes to narrow in onto the Maybank boy.
“What?” You snapped.
“N-no, it’s- it’s just…” He laughed again, “You look like Bambi from that old Disney movie during the scene where it tried walking for the first time. It’s like you trying to stay standing on that thing.”
Your cheeks flushed red just in time for John B to resurface.
“Okay,” he said, “Are you ready to try again?”
“Yeah, Bambi,” JJ spoke with a wide grin, “Ready to try again?”
It took everything in you not to lunge across the water and tackle him off his board.
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alyswritings · 1 year
Request: hii! would you be able to write a john b x twinsister!reader story where they both have different perspectives of their dad (like, john b and his dad idolized each other while the dad always left the reader "behind"), maybe moments when their dad disappeared and when he was back? i don't have a lot of ideas but maybe fighting between the reader and john b, or reader and big john and john b taking their dad's side. just something that ends in some kind of comfort lol thank you sm, i love your blog💗
John B Routledge x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N feels like the odd one out.
Warnings: none really
a/n: sorry it took a while for me to get to this! hope y'all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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When Big John went missing, Y/N was effected, of course. But she never took it as hard as her twin brother had. John B was dead set on his father coming back alive some day. Y/N on the other hand wasn't too shocked that they possibly lost their father to his ridiculous gold hunt. It's all he ever really cared about, spending all of his time in it.
Big John always included John B in everything, often leaving Y/N out. The two would spend hours in Big John's office, the man usually brushing Y/N aside whenever she asked to join. It was obvious from a young age that the man favored his son.
Y/N picked up most of the slack when Big John went missing -- making sure the house stayed clean, that John B didn't go off the rails, etc.
"Don't you care that dad's gone? I mean, do you even give a shit?!" John B questions, following his sister into the chateau.
"Why should I? It's not like he would care if I ever went missing." Y/N remarks.
"So you just don't fucking care? What the hell, Y/N?" John B asks.
"John B, why would I be deeply hurt by a man who barely gives me five minutes? Yeah, I was initially concerned, but it's been months! He is gone!"
"No, he isn't!"
"Nobody survives that long, you idiot! Just accept it! Dad is dead!"
Y/N storms into her room and slams the door shut.
- - -
The pogues dropped Sarah and Y/N off at the chateau, the two finding John B asleep on the couch on the porch. While Sarah and John B reunited, John B claiming that he found his dad in Barbados, the three teens are now in the yard.
"Dude, did you get some drugs or something? Are you high right now?" Y/N asks as John B insists that Big John is here.
"Y/N, I'm serious. I found dad." John B insists.
"Okay." Y/N rolls her eyes.
"I wouldn't believe him either." The three look over at the man as he walks over. Y/N freezes, her eyes widening. Sarah lets out a noise of shock while John B immediately questions where his father was.
While Sarah greets her father-in-law, John B continues to question his dad where he was, not receiving an answer.
"Hey, there, sweetheart." Big John greets his dad. "What? No hug for your old man?"
"How in the hell are you alive?" Y/N questions.
"Well, that's a long story." Big John chuckles, pulling her into a hug. "Good to see you again, kid."
- - -
"No. I'm not going with you guys." Y/N denies.
"Why not?" John B asks.
"Because dad gets all obsessive and he gets super annoying and I'm not dealing with it." Y/N says.
"Come on, boy." Big John calls to his son. "She don't wanna go, it's her loss, not ours. Probably just slow us down anyway." Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Just go." She tells her brother, going into her room.
- - -
"I'm sorry. You-- you found this and you didn't tell the others?" Y/N asks.
"Yeah." John B mutters.
"Why the hell not?" Y/N questions.
"Dad said it's gotta stay between us." John B says.
"And you're gonna listen to him? John B, what the fuck?"
"No! No, they are a huge part in this treasure hunt, and you're not gonna tell them shit? What the fuck is wrong with you? Hell, you won't even tell Sarah?"
"Dad says it's best to keep it small for right now."
"Oh, my God." Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Y/N, we aren't telling anybody about this damn thing! We can't trust anyone!" Big John exclaims.
"I think we can trust our friends who have been there for us through everything!" Y/N yells back.
"No! Now, it's between the three of us! And if you're not happy with that, then get out!" Big John shouts.
Y/N rolls her eyes and turns to her brother.
"John B?" She asks.
John B glances between the two before eventually stepping closer to his dad. Y/N scoffs, ignoring the sting of tears in her eyes that she does her best to hold back.
"Whatever." She mutters, rolling her eyes, and storming out.
- - -
John B and Y/N sit on the dock of the chateau. They got back from finding the city of gold yesterday but haven't talked much since their father died.
"Hey." Y/N mumbles, crossing her legs, slouching.
"Hey." John B whispers.
"You okay?" Y/N asks after a few minutes.
"No." John B answers.
"Yeah." Y/N mumbles.
"I assume you're okay." John B mutters.
"Mm... no. No, not really." Y/N denies.
"I thought you hated him." John B says.
"No. Dislike, sure, but... I loved him. I just... wanted him to love me back." Y/N says. "He never really cared about me that much. Least it didn't seem like it. Always fighting, always getting brushed aside, you getting picked over me. His favoritism was definitely obvious. But him dying... watching him die... it still hurts."
"Yeah." John B mumbles, the two sitting in silence for a little bit.
"Least we're not left wondering this time." Y/N says.
"Mm-hmm." John B nods. "I'm sorry." He tells her. "For taking his side all the time. You were right a lot of the time, but I just... I took his side, anyway. Not that I love him more than you or anything, I just... it was just instinct or something. I didn't want him to get pissed at me or anything either."
"Well, you two are more alike than you think. At least when it comes to the gold sometimes. Granted, if somebody had a gun pointed at your kid, I'm sure you would give up whatever information you had a lot sooner than he did." Y/N says.
"You know I love you, right?" John B asks.
"I know." Y/N gives him a small smile. "I love you, too."
John B wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side, and he kisses her on the head.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @mrvlxgrl @star-wars-lover @champomiel @myissuesworld @ironmaiden1313
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mvybanks · 1 year
Could you do a JJ one where you're John B's little sister and you guys get in a fight and JJ stands up for you? BTW I love your stuff I've read like every fic!
the one where jj protects you from your brother (jj x routledge!reader)
a/n: omg thank you????? i’m smiling like an idiot here, i’m so glad you love my fics!!🫶🏻 btw i loved this request, jj x routledge!reader is my favorite concept. hope you like it!! (i kinda got carried away, sorry)
warnings: yelling, mentions of abuse, cat calling, groping
pt 2 -> the one where jj protects you from your brother pt. 2
my masterlist
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when jj arrives at the chateau he doesn’t expect to hear his best friend john b yelling so loud he can hear him from outside. john b never gets mad, he thinks, and more importantly, who could he be yelling at?
but when he sees you being at the receiving end of your brother’s anger, he steps in quickly and throws an arm in front of you instinctively.
“hey, HEY! what the hell is going on here?”
unfortunately, he knows how it feels like to be in your place and although he’s sure that your brother would never lay a hand on you, his instinct tells him to protect you with everything he’s got.
you didn’t mean to, of course you didn’t, no sane person would let themselves be fired from a job that pays well when you’re already in a difficult economic situation, but when your boss made a vile comment about you while groping your behind, you saw red. you took the lukewarm coffee that was sitting in the jug of the coffee machine next to you and threw it in his face.
he fired you immediately which leads you to your current position. you didn’t tell john b why your boss fired you but just that he had and that’s why he’s mad.
“you’re being childish and irresponsible!”
he yelled at you when you told him, yet he didn’t know the truth. he’s been yelling at you for at least the past twenty minutes, telling you to go back and beg him for your job back. but you won’t, not for a million dollars.
when jj stepped in front of you, you felt relieved to hear someone else’s voice other than your brother’s. however, as soon as he sees the tears in your eyes, you swear you can see smoke coming out of his ears.
“jj, this is none of your business, get out!”
you almost want to plead for him to stay but you know you don’t have to from the look in his eyes.
“it’s my damn business if you’re making her cry, john b. can you stop yelling at her for a second? let her speak!”
“good luck with that! she won’t talk to me! she gets fired from a job that was saving us and letting her keep only one job instead of three and she won’t tell me what the fuck she did to get fired!”
jj turns to you and his anger dissipates as soon as his eyes land on you. he wraps his arm around your shoulders and kisses your head, hoping to calm you down.
“you wanna tell me what happened, sweetheart?”
you let your head fall on his chest and finally let yourself cry. he holds you close, wrapping his other arm around your waist and you can’t see the way he looks at your brother while you hide your face but it’s one of the most intense death stares he’s ever given to anyone. he doesn’t know that your tears were not caused by your brother but by the old and disgusting man that is, luckily, no longer your boss.
you understand where john b is coming from, hell, you would be mad at him too if the roles were reversed, but you can’t tell him what happened because he’s your big brother and god knows what he would do if he found out. you just don’t want him to get in trouble.
jj strokes your back, bringing you some sort of comfort, then gently takes your face in his hands and looks you in the eyes as he gets rid of your never-ending tears with his thumbs.
concern is written all over his features and when his eyes widen slightly you know he’s got you all figured out. he’s always been able to understand you with just one look and you love him and hate him for it.
“you’re not crying because of john b, are you?”
you only shake your head and look back to your brother who’s starting to get worried and feel guilty at getting so mad at you.
“tell me what happened, sweetheart.”
and you know you can’t resist him especially when he talks to you with so much love laced in his soft voice.
“my boss, h—he said some things…about me and then he grabbed my ass.”
if you thought that the look jj had given to john b before was bad, this one means only one thing: murder. you can see your brother clenching his jaw and you’re scared of what they might do.
“what did he say?” you notice how much jj is trying to hold himself back while he asks you the question.
“he said that it was a shame i don’t ‘give it up’ as easy as other girls do around my age because he was ‘dying’ to see me naked”
“john b, grab the keys”
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wordsarelife · 6 months
—how you get the girl 
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pairing: jj maybank x fem!routledge!reader
summary: the pogues don’t seem to be on the same page at dealing with your break up
warnings: cussing, fighting
notes: this was originially planned as my get him back fic for the guts masterlist, but i realised, that it didn't really fit the theme, so i just finished it differently lol
chaotic is my favorite type of genre... so enjoy!!!
"shit" kiara bend down and grabbed the book that just came flying out of the window
"oh they aren't done yet" said pope, outstretching his hand and catching another flying book.
"should we.. say something?" sarah looked at her friends questingly
"hell nah" john b shook his head
"this is just normal behaviour for them" kie let herself fall down in the lounge chair
"normal?" asked sarah, before she screeched in shock, diving out of the way before the shoe could hit her
"yeah" shrugged pope "we're used to this by now"
"aren't you like scared that you sister will get hurt?" sarah turned her head to john b, who just shrugged
"she's the one throwing things"
"o-kay" sarah sat down beneath the window in the hope to not get hit with anything "i'm sorry that i'm just grasping that now, but aren't they like in a happy relationship? why don't they just break up if they don't get along?"
"they never break up" said kiara "they don't fight often, but when they do, it's over"
"believe me, you don't want to be near them when it happens" john b exchanged a look with pope "one time pope accidently walked in on them fighting and y/n screamed at him"
"she's worse than my mother" said pope and he looked like he was having war flashbacks
"he cried" concluded kiara
"oh wow" sarah nodded, slowly understanding what was going on
the group stopped talking as the door got opened and jj and y/n stepped outside.
"hey guys!" kiara smiled innocently and sarah quickly noticed that it was best to act as if they didn't hear what had been going on "how are you both?"
"oh just fine" you said, smiling at your friends "jj and i broke up"
"you did what?" john b leaned forward and kiara mirrored his shocked facial expression
"so.. this is not normal, yeah?" whispered sarah, leaning over to pope
"eh, this never happened before" replied pope while not taking his eyes off of the broken up couple, watching them like a hawk
"we decided that it would be best if we ended things" jj said shrugging "it's as simple as that"
"simple?" asked kiara and she looked like her eye was twitching
"yes..?" you asked, not quiet grasping why everyone was so upset about your break up
"you've been dating for the past four years" john b flailed his arms dramatically "you can't just break up!"
"of course we can" you argued "because we just did"
jj looked at the time on his phone, before he held it up in your direction. "it's half past two"
"alright" you stood up and followed jj off the patio
"wait, where are you going?" kiara looked between you both and the rest of your friends
"i'll take her to work and then help my cousin in the workshop"
no one said a word at that and you guys left.
pope looked between his friends, shock still evident on his face. "so this is the new normal?" he whispered
"relax, they can't hear you" sarah laughed and all eyes went to her. none of the other found anything remotely funny in that moment
"i jinxed it" murmured kiara "i told sarah that they never break up and look where it's gotten us"
"why do you freak out about this?" asked sarah confused "i mean, of course it's sad, but if they say it's for the better?"
"uncharted territory, baby" john b declared dramatically
"yeah" kiara nodded "they are happy for a long time, then they have a big fight, they make up, which is disgusting, but works and then.. rinse and repeat"
"you got used to them dating so we can just get used to them.. not dating, right?" sarah questioned
"it's not this easy" kiara shook her head
"yeah, they've been together since puberty started and i think that had a big impact on who they are now" john b explained
"that's ridiculous" sarah laughed "she's your sister, you know her better than anyone"
"i knew her when she was dating jj and before that when she was pining after jj" john b gasped "i don't think i know her without him in the picture"
"john b" sarah sighed. she couldn't really believe what was going on right now. the pogues had always been pretty chill and normal, well obviously not when it came to the dating life of their friends
"he's right" pope said, interrupting sarah's train of thought. "you know jj and y/n, sarah. they are pretty unpredictable, but while they were together they would calm each other down"
"now they are like two wandering fire hazards" kiara exclaimed
"okay" sarah sighed "when you're so worried" she thought for a second "why don't we split up and watch them until they are done with the break up and hopefully not co-dependent anymore"
"pope?" john b turned to the boy
"it could work" pope nodded "as long as we keep possible outbreaks to a down low and maybe keep them away from each other, no one will get hurt"
"you're talking as if they would actually errupt like a volcano"
"we aren't joking, sarah" kie looked to the boys "the week before they started dating, the chateau nearly burned down"
sarah just nodded silently, not quiet believing what she was hearing, she would change her mind pretty quickly
sarah and kie drove to the ice cream shop you were working at, while pope and john b watched visited jj at his cousin's workshop
"ladies" you smiled as you noticed kie and sarah sitting at a table you served.
"hey girl" kie smiled brightly and sarah send her a confused look, until kie slapped her arm
sarah made a surprised sound, before she quickly said the first thing she could think of "howdy"
you send her a puzzled look, before you left the menu "i'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders" then you left the table still watching them suspiciously
"howdy?" kie asked horrified
"it's the first thing that came to mind"
"this is gonna be a long day" kie murmured "hopefully the boys are better at this than we are"
pope and john b had managed to be even worse
"so..uh single huh?" pope outstretched his arm to lean against the car jj was working on, but underestimated the distance and nearly knocked the mirror off
"relax, okay?" john b whispered
jj got up from under the car "i guess, yeah"
"so how about a tinder account?" before jj could answer pope's question john b had elbowed him in the stomach. pope bend over
"okay, what going on with you? you are acting stranger than usual" jj looked from one to the other
"we're.. adjusting" john b explained
"yeah, you and y/n have been together for forever"
"hhm" jj nodded "we dated a pretty long time"
"yeah, you shouldn't just give up on such a long relationship"
"i don't know guys" jj walked around the car to open the hood "we decided this together and she seemed happy with the decision"
"i bet she's crushed and just didn't want you to know" pope argued
"yeah" john b nodded enthusiastically "you know y/n, she's always trying to be tough. she's with the girls right now, i bet she's feeling horrible"
"i just feel so relived, you know?" you were currently joining sarah and kie at their table while you were on your break. each of you devouring your ice cream.
"you go, girl!" sarah encouraged
"i mean the time we were together was amazing, but i just think we need to let it go"
"do you still love him?" kie asked leaning forward
"i guess" you shrugged "i don't think you can just stop doing that"
"i think you made the right decision" sarah nodded and kie send her a wide eyed look "you should know when a relationship isn't worth staying for"
"you're right" you looked at your phone to check the time "thanks guys, but i need to get back to work" you stood up from the table and walked back into the kitchen
"okay what was that?"
"what?" sarah "i just tried to help"
"by telling her she made the right choice?"
"she didn't?"
"yes…no" kie shook her head "i don't know, okay? what i do know is that it's always been y/n and jj as long as i've known them. they might seem fine, but nothing will ever be the same and they were really great together"
"that might be true, kie" sarah smiled emphatically "but we need to respect our friends decision. and when y/n thinks she made the right one then we have to trust her" kie nodded slowly "we cannot force them to upkeep a relationship, just because we are scared that their break up will destroy the friend group"
"you're right"
after your shift ended you left the shop together with kie and sarah, who had waited for you. "you really didn't have to wait for me" you smiled while you climbed in the backseat of kie's car.
"no problem" kie smiled
"we just want you to know that we're here for you" sarah turned around to look at you "to catch you if you should fall"
"o-kay" you breathed confused "why would that happen exactly?"
"are you kidding?" sarah laughed "you just left a long term relationship, no need to hold back your tears"
"i don't really do crying"
"alright" kie interrupted, before sarah could give you anymore unsolicited advice "let's just get you home"
"so you really think it's worth another shot?" jj stood infront of the flower shop. pope and john b to each side of him
"she will so happy to have you back" john b encouraged
"yeah, bet she's crying her eyes out right now" pope grinned
"bro" john b shook his head at the boy
"y/n doesn't cry" jj said absently his eyes on the yellow chrysanthemums "okay" he nodded "i'll do it"
"there you go brother" john b patted his shoulder while pushing him towards the entry
pope and john b waited outside the shop for jj to return, while jj was being advised by a girl that seemed to be working in the shop. pope snapped a quick picture of jj inside the flower shop and send it to kie
you were sitting on your bed in the chateau, while kie and sarah were preparing snacks for you in the kitchen. they had practically begged to wait in your room.
your eyes flew over the words on your book page, when a sudden sound peeked your interest. it was kie's phone that had just received a message. your curiosity got the better of you and you unlocked the phone.
pope had sent a photo of jj inside a flower shop a cute girl talking to him. your eyes grew big and then you noticed the caption that sealed the deal. how you get the girl
it was almost instantly that tears blurred your vision and you wiped them away in confusion. you turned kie's phone around and got up from the bed, sitting down on the floor in front of it, opening the drawer underneath it.
the drawer was filled with jj's things and memories of your time together. that made you cry even more. you grabbed the first hoodie you could find and pulled it over your head. then you sorted through all the stuff, your bedroom floor quickly being filled with things from your past.
"woah" sarah nearly lost her hold on the bowl of chips as she noticed you on the floor "seems like she does cry" she whispered in kiara's direction
"hey sweetheart" kie sat down on the ground beside you and opened her arms so you could crawl into them
"he's moving on so fast" you cried "i want him to be happy, but not with my favorite taylor swift song"
sarah and kie exchanged a confused look 'what is she talking about?' sarah mouthed, but kie just shrugged
"guys?" john b's voice could be heard from the front door "jj is with us"
the mention of his name made you cry even harder
"could you deal with that?" kie asked and sarah nodded, walking out of the room
"i don't think she should see you right now"
"what's wrong with her?" john b asked worriedly
"she's crying"
"y/n's crying?" jj put the flowers on the kitchen counter and tried to walk around sarah
"yeah" sarah shrugged "we told her the break up was the right thing to do and she seemed fine. but now she's crying her eyes out"
"y/n doesn't cry, sarah" jj seemed serious now
"you told her the break up was the right decision?" john b asked and sarah nodded
"we told jj the opposite" pope whispered loudly
"i can hear you" jj rolled his eyes "can i see her, please?"
sarah stepped aside and jj walked into your bedroom, followed by the rest of your friends
"y/n" he said as he noticed your crying form
you looked up at his voice and jj's heart broke as he noticed your sad expression, but then your face quickly changed. you seemed angrier than any of your friends had ever seen you. you got up and tried to charge at jj, luckily kiara could hold you back just before you were able to hit jj with an uppercut
"woah" jj raised his hands jumping back at your outbreak
"my favorite taylor swift song? really, jj?" you screamed and tried to free yourself from kie, but her hold wouldn't budge
"what are you talking about?" jj screamed back
"the flower shop girl" you cried "you obviously moved on quicker than i did"
jj send a panicked look in his friends direction. “how do you know about the flower shop?”
“so you admit to flirting with her?”
“no?” jj asked baffled “so?” he urged
“i read a text pope send to kie” you shamefully admitted, reaching for the phone on the bed and holding it in jj’s direction.
his eyes flew over the display quickly, looking at the photo and reading the caption. “how you get the girl, pope? really?” he was as angry as you had been a second ago and could now totally understand how you had misinterpreted the photo without it’s context
pope looked guilty. “he was getting flowers for you, y/n!” he tried to explain “i just took a photo without context but i was hinting the song at jj getting you back! you have to believe me”
you looked at the boy and saw the sincerity in his eyes. “i do” you nodded “where are they?” you turned your head at jj
“where is who?”
“the flowers” you rolled your eyes but he could see a smile forming on your face
“they’re in the kitchen”
you followed him out of the room, where he presented you with the flowers. “you got yellow chrysanthemums for me?” you said softly tears welling up in your eyes again
“i think you permanently changed her” he joked to pope, who smiled uncomfortably. jj turned back to you “of course baby, i would do anything if i can get you back. breaking up was the dumbest decision ever, don’t you think?”
“yeah” you laughed. “broke your heart i’ll put it back together” you whispered, leaning your forehead against his.
“i would wait forever and ever” jj smiled, and then he kissed you and all was well.
“and that, my friends, is how you get the girl” said sarah, crossing her arms happily, all while she ignored her friends protests at her not really seeing the importance of the situation like they had all begged her to at first. instead she just watched y/n and jj kiss and smile at each other.
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
i would die for your heaven
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summary; everything jj would do taking a shower with you; headcanon version
authors note; this is a HEADCANON, i wanted to title it something meaningful though. requests are open, or if you’d like more of these that as well :) and this is a short one but i’m working on multiple things rn.
warning; this is fluff
pairing; jj x fem!reader
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If JJ hears shower water running and he’s not there, he will pester you into letting him join always. He could literally be in the middle of smoking a blunt, either way he’s hauling it toward the bathroom.
Who does she think she is? To shower alone? Without me? He’d think to himself everytime.
Literally taken aback.
JJ always sees it as a two for one, he gets endless touching and everlasting glances at your figure from the moment he got in to the moment he got out.
But he wasn’t always languishing that shower in a sexual manner.
It was desirable to give his ethereal devotion to you.
In every way, all the love he kept hidden for years was reserved for a company such as yours.
This fascination of having you in any way you’d allow him to.
He’d always ease his way into the bathroom coming up with some excuse.
“Man, I suddenly have to brush my teeth”
“Whew what do you know, gotta’ piss now!”
Or he’d just just come out say “If you don’t let me shower with you, m’gonna make a scene!”
Either way JJ knew you’d give into him, there was no doubt in his mind. Reminding you of the time you said he was irresistible.
And a plus is that it’s JJ, like look at him.
You’d have some sort of melodic tune brewing into the steamy shower air
and he’d eagerly peek his head in through the curtain.
“Fuck, I made a good choice, when I chose you,” he’d ramble on to compliment you. “Sometimes a man just really needs a pat on the back for that.”
“You aren’t getting one.”
He’d smirk, knowing full well you were lying through your teeth.
“You know you want to, baby.”
“Don’t just stand there, get in!”
JJ would strip to nothing, nearly tripping over himself to gawk at you. He pulls the curtain open wide, happily stepping in, whilst you’d lean back under the searing water to wet your hair.
Hands immediately wrapping around your waist, like an instinct. Flesh got to the touch not only from the water, but because he’s salivating and his body was aching to be near yours.
“So, so pretty.”
He’d always mumble, skin sticking to yours whilst he greeted you with several kisses to your neck.
“Help me wash my hair?”
He would almost admit that it was his favorite part but it wasn’t, his favorite part was just being in your presence.
To breathe in your oxygen.
“Smells like yummy.”
“Vanilla bean, J.”
He said that the last time, but he did it again just so he could see that same wholehearted grin on your face.
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cameronluvr · 2 days
BRUISES — toxic!rafe cameron x routledge!reader ; john b x sister!reader
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summary: your brother sees a bruise on your neck, but it isn’t a hickey. he questions you about it, but it quickly turns into an argument when he discovers exactly who hurt you.
warnings: mostly john b x reader, mentions of choking, DV, toxic/abusive relationship, not much rafe x reader directly, angst, reader and john b arguing, name calling, mentions of jealous!rafe, toxic!rafe — lmk if i missed any! ✮
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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you sneak into the chateau at 10 minutes past midnight, only to be greeted by your brother who had turned the light on which made you jump. “where have you been?” john b asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“out.” you say, looking down to hide your face from him. you had been crying, but he’d already noticed your red-stained eyes. “what’s wrong?” he asks, frowning with concern.
“nothing, just don’t worry about it.” you answer with your head still down as you attempt to walk straight past him, but he stops you, lightly grabbing your forearm to turn you back around.
“what, john b?!” you snap at him, yanking your arm out of his grip. you don’t mean to be mad at him, but you just want to be left alone after a stressful day. “what’s the matter with you? why are you acting like this?” he raises his voice at you, wanting to know why you’ve turned into a bitch all of a sudden.
“i’m not!— oh my god. just leave me alone!” you yell at him, turning around to rush to your room, slamming the door shut after you. john b stands in the same spot as before, loudly sighing at you.
he decided to leave you alone for the night. even though you’re older than him, he still liked to look out for you ever since your dad went missing. he went to his room to go to sleep, hopefully you’ll talk to him in the morning.
༉‧₊˚. the next morning arrived faster than you’d hoped for. you cried all night feeling guilty for the way you spoke to your little brother, but he really has no idea of the situation you’re in.
you got out of bed and slowly exited your room, seeing john b up and awake already, sitting on the couch and watching tv. “hey…” you say, walking past to head to the kitchen. “hey…” he responds, just as awkwardly as you did.
you open the fridge and grab a snack, before turning to look at your brother. “uh— i’m sorry for last night. i didn’t mean to act like that… i just…” you explain, closing the fridge door and sighing. “you’re good. it’s fine. y’wanna talk about it?” he asks, switching the tv off to divert his full attention to you.
“uh, i don’t know…” you hesitate, knowing you’re hiding a kind of huge secret from him. you had been secretly seeing his biggest enemy, rafe cameron, behind his back. you knew how badly he tormented your brother and his friends, but for some reason, he was different around you.
you hadn’t personally dealt with rafe for yourself, until now. he saw you at the beach a few weeks ago, and thought to himself about how pretty you looked in your bikini, how tanned you were, how contagious your laugh was… and that was it. he introduced himself to you as a completely different person, despite having heard all the stories about him from your brother and the rest of the pogues, including rafe’s own sister.
rafe was kind, sweet and funny at first. ever since you saw him after that, your heart skipped a beat. he was so handsome, you liked him so much, but you couldn’t do this to your little brother. your brother who had been threatened by rafe, bullied, tormented, fought with…
you knew you had to keep it a secret, because once rafe cameron claims somebody, he really claims them. and this time around, it’s you. a pogue, a routledge, someone nobody would ever expect to be rafe’s.
— “cmon, i’m here for you. you know that, sis. what’s goin’ on?” he asks, patting the space on the couch next to him, motioning for you to come sit. you sigh, knowing you won’t be able to tell him without him getting upset that you’re dating rafe.
you know that no matter how or when you tell him, he’ll be angry. after thinking for a second, you walk over to him and sit down. he frowns at you as you sit down, noticing something on your neck. “what’s that?” he asks, putting his hand on your face to look, but you push him away. “nothing” you shake your head, trying to brush it off.
“is that?— that’s not a hickey,” he looks into your eyes with nothing but concern. “just— leave it.” you look at him with widened eyes to show that you were serious. “y/n, what the hell happened? who did that?” he asks, raising his voice in frustration now.
“nobody, john b, god!” you yell as you stand up again, “don’t walk away from me, and don’t tell me to leave you alone either like you did last night. you’re acting weird lately, what are you hiding?” john b stands up too, trying to get an answer out of you. your brother is genuinely concerned for you.
you sigh, turning around to face him head on. “john b, i— ugh.” you begin to say, but cut yourself off, not knowing where to even start. “what?” he asks in annoyance, needing to know who hurt his sister.
“who?” he asks one last time.
“… rafe,” you hesitate, looking around the room to avoid seeing your brother’s reaction. “rafe?” he asks, not sure if he heard you correctly. “…yes” you nod, looking at him now with teary eyes.
“rafe did that?” he asks, getting visibly mad now. he reaches his hand over, forcing your head up by your jaw but not enough to hurt you. he looks at your neck again, before you push him away, again.
“why the fuck did he do that?” he asks, huffing through his nose with anger, looking back and forth into both of your eyes, trying not to go insane. “it’s, uh— we were… having an argument last night.” you slowly explain the story. “an argument? about what?” he asks, not seeing a reason for you to even speak to rafe in the first place, let alone fight with him…
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ᴸᴬˢᵀ ᴺᴵᴳᴴᵀ .𖥔 ݁ ˖
“i saw the way you were laughing and giggling with topper, don’t lie to me!” rafe argued, turning around to point in your face. he had walked away from you and the rest of the kooks, causing you to follow him.
“i wasn’t flirting with him, oh my god!” you argue back. rafe had somehow come to the conclusion that you were flirting with his best friend, even though you were just having a conversation. yeah, maybe you did laugh once or twice, but since when aren’t you allowed to laugh?
“yeah, sure, whatever you say.” he scrunches his face up, sarcastically nodding at you. “you are so strange, rafe. now you’re insecure about me talking to your friends? what, do you want me to just sit in the corner by myself?” you raise your voice, however he doesn’t like your attitude.
“don’t raise your voice at me.” he demands with a threatening look on his face. “jesus, rafe, we aren’t even together! who cares if i was talking to other guys, it’s not like you want me to be your girlfriend” you shrug, trying to act smart but he reached over and grabbed you by your throat, shoving you into the wall.
“oh, so you were flirting with him?” he asks, choking you to the point where you can’t breathe. you try to say no, but nothing comes out, so you shake your head drastically.
“you sure? cause i’m almost certain you just admitted you were.” he tuts, acting so casual whilst he’s got you pinned against the wall. his grip on your neck was intense, it felt like all of his fingers were slowly digging into your neck.
“nothing. i just… i don’t even remember.” you lie to your brother, shaking your head. “y/n, don’t play games with me. why did rafe choke you? those are clearly finger—” john b says, leaning down to look at your neck again, “stop!” you cut him off. “look. i don’t wanna’ talk about it. we were just fighting over something petty. it doesn’t even matter.” you shake your head.
“it does matter when it’s turned you into a whole different person,” john b sighs, making you sigh too. “are you seeing him?” the dreaded question comes. “what? no…” you give him a look of disgust. “are you sure? because pope told me he saw you with rafe at the golf course like… what, 2 days ago?” your brother catches you out.
“… i wasn’t with him. i just— saw him there.” you try to make an excuse.
“oh really? since when do you normally decide to hang out at the golf course, where all the kooks are?” he asks, raising his eyebrows at the word kooks, reminding you of where you came from, and that you were a pogue. not a kook.
“does this whole kook vs pogue shit even matter? i mean, seriously, how long is it gonna’ last?” you raise your voice, making him shake his head at how much you truly have changed.
“y/n, you were the one who always hated the kooks. you hated rafe, topper, kelce… and now you’re on their side? now you suddenly wanna drop the whole kook vs pogues thing, too? you are definitely fucking rafe. no wonder you’ve turned into such a miserable bitch lately.” your brothers words hurt you deeply, but he was right.
he shakes his head at you, giving you a look of betrayal. he was upset, and it was all your fault. “where are you going?” you ask as he walks away, grabbing the keys to the twinkie.
“to find rafe” he says, before walking out and slamming the door shut after him. you sit and sob for a minute, realizing you might have just ruined your entire relationship with your brother. as his big sister, he trusted you, but for you to go behind his back and chase the one person he despised, it hurt his feelings. but you are still his sister, and nobody hurts his sister.
john b sent a text to jj, who answered almost immediately.
jj doesn’t even know what rafe did this time, but he’s always down to beat him up.
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this was angstyyyyyy 😩 as u can see, i love to write arguments and toxic stuff lol. hope ya enjoy pretties ᥫ᭡ ᥫ᭡ WILL DEF BE WRITING A PART 2 TO THIS ; )))
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raribella · 4 months
To Say “I Love You” Right Out Loud | JJ Maybank
summary: JJ revisits his childhood and how he grew up with you through every side of life until he finally understands why this makes you so special
pairing: JJ Maybank x Routledge!reader
genre: fluff, a spark of angst
contains: a combo of “Both Sides Now” by Joni Mitchell and Love Actually (2003), mentions of death and child abuse. John B and JJ are childhood friends in this. I don’t know how to write dialogue. Drug usage (beer, weed).
word count: 6k
author’s note: I was immediately triggered by Joni’s astonishing performance at the Grammy’s and by remembering that the song is in one of my favorite movies. This is my favorite fanfiction I’ve probably ever written and I put so much time and love into this I really hope you like it.
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This is a work of fiction. I do not own the characters of Outer Banks nor any characteristic of the show. I am writing this story solely for my own entertainment and the marvel or comfort of any readers.
Rows and flows of angel hair, and ice cream castles in the air; and feather canyons everywhere. I looked at clouds that way. But now they only block the sun, they rain and they snow on everyone; so many things I would have done, but clouds got in my way.
College had finally ended. They had finally done it. Against all odds and contrary to the expectations of others, the pogues were finally free to embark on their own paths. And so, they gathered for one last celebration, a bonfire near the Cat's Ass, surrounded by shotguns, snacks, and reminiscing in the familiar feeling of just being together.
Spreading themselves along the space at the Chateau's yard, most of them ended up divided the comfortable water at the tub and the warmth of the fire, their laughter mingling with the sound of running water as they shared stories of what each of them could remember of their time roaming the Outer Banks as this fearless gang; the sentiment of each flashback was being intensified from the time they spent apart. As they were the pogues, it was not like their time together was abruptly interrupted, but the responsibilities and the minor distance happened during college, and they couldn't run away from it's effects; but the memories of those days seemed tattooed into their hearts and minds as they could recall every moment in lighthearted detail.
In a corner of the Cat's Ass, JJ found himself lost in a sea of memories, surrounded by the comforting embrace of his friends. You sat beside him in the water, the coolness soothing against your skin, while Cleo and Pope nestled comfortably at his other side. Outside, John B, Sarah, and Kie laughed and joked, their voices carrying on the night breeze. As he watched them, a faint, nostalgic smile tugged at the corners of JJ's lips, his heart heavy with the weight of their shared history, thinking back on how far they had come. They had started as a trio—himself and the Routledge twins, bound together by fate and circumstance.
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The tree of you lay sprawled out on the sand for what seemed like hours, your eyes tracing the ever-changing shapes that danced across the sky. Castles, pirates, turtles—your imaginations ran wild, weaving tales of adventure and intrigue as you watched the clouds drift lazily overhead. At nine years old, you had joined your brother and JJ just a few moments ago, after spending the afternoon at a friend's house watching a Christmas movie, "Love Actually," with her mother.
As you settled into the sand, JJ couldn't resist a playful jab at the movie, dismissing it as a "dumb chick flick." his mind still floated between that child-like distaste of girls and the appreciation of you tagging along with him and John B back then. You swatted at him, your tiny arms barely reaching his chest, but it only elicited a smirk from the blond pogue. It was nice for you to actually share a moment with a nurturing figure at the absence of your own mom, who had just recently left for Colorado. Besides, you had eaten a whole bag of M&M's that she bought for you to share and you really liked the movie, even if it was funny how sometimes Mia's mom would tell you to close your eyes, your ears, or how sometimes you didnt really catch why she was laughing at some weird scene. You just rolled your eyes and brushed JJ's comment off, suggesting the sky gazing then relishing in the opportunity to spend time with him and your brother.
Your days were often filled with moments like this, carefree and full of laughter, the sound echoing against the backdrop of crashing waves. JJ's mother would eventually come to fetch the three of you, ushering you inside for sweet treats and cozy nights spent squeezed together in JJ's tiny room. Or you'd spend hours playing in the grass, watching as the river met the sea, until Big John's bell rang out, signaling the end of another day. You would get home covered in dirt, JJs hair color nearing yours and your brothers, so you would have a nice shower and come out to your dad telling treasure tales and making you hot chocolate.
One day, as Big John finished building a set of three swings for you, JJ's parents arrived. Standing side by side, the couple had brought beer and peanuts to complement what your dad already had inside for the night. That day, you were playing for hours, your small frame struggling to mount the swing until the duo stepped in to help. John B had made a mess while trying to help you hop on, and  JJ stepped forward to push you, but in excited haste, he pushed too hard, and you tumbled to the ground, scraping your knee. As your first cry pierced the air, the adults rushed to your side, JJ's mother soothing your pain with stinging medicine and comforting words.
In the corner of your eye, you caught sight of JJ, guilt etched on his face as he watched you wince in pain. But your brother nudged him, urging him to shake off his guilt and claiming that this was just a mere blip in the larger scale of the adventure you lived today.
And as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the beach, Luke took charge, setting a bonfire ablaze near the ancient tree in the backyard. The flames flickered casting shadows that stretched out against the sand. You gathered around the fire, marshmallows in hand to be skewered and toasted, laughter filled the air and echoed into the night. The hours slipped away unnoticed, so as the night wore on and the fire burned low, reluctantly, you bid farewell to your blonde friend as he left with his parents.
The life you lived was simple; living in the less fortunate side of the island, you couldnt really enjoy much more than moments like these; the food wasn't fancy, the drinks weren't expensive, your houses weren't pretty and big, so you relied mostly in home made playthings and your own imagination, but you were happy that way; the youthful innocence made all the diferences between you and the kooks be seen with rose coloured glasses, and while in the company of your brother, your best friend, and the team of parents that you saw as guardian angels, it all just seemed warm. It seemed like it would be fine.
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One day, though, just as the sky turns cloudy at the end of summer, signaling the onset of storm season, JJ's demeanor shifted, casting a shadow over his usual brightness. At fourteen now, he had been seeming distant and preoccupied at school for weeks, until one day after class, he reached out to you with a heavy heart. Fidgeting nervously, his hands clammy and cold, he confided in you about his mother's illness, the weight of the words hanging heavy in the air. Knowing how much his mother meant to you both, he sought solace in sharing his burden with you, trusting you with his vulnerability. "Mumma's sick, I think... been in the hospital for a while now," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I can't visit because I'm not sixteen yet... I- I wanted you to know, but you can't tell John B." And as you hugged him, you promised to keep his secret, the first one you kept just between the two of you.
And as JJ clung to you and John B in the solemn silence of the cemetery, the stark reality of their loss weighed heavily upon you, casting a shadow over your once bright and colorful world.. JJ's mother's absence lingered like a specter in their home, his father grappled with the weight of his grief, seeking solace in alcohol and spiraling into a downward spiral of despair. The once vibrant hues of their family life began to fade, replaced by the darkness of addiction and aggression. JJ watched helplessly as his father's temper flared more frequently, his outbursts leaving scars both physical and emotional. The sanctuary of their home became a battleground, each day a struggle to navigate the minefield of his father's unpredictable moods.
In the aftermath of his mother's passing and the turmoil within his home, JJ withdrew into himself, building walls around his heart that even his closest friends struggled to breach. He became increasingly unreachable, his once vibrant presence dimmed by the weight of his grief and the scars of his father's aggression. Some days, he would disappear altogether, only to reappear with a purple eye hidden beneath dark glasses, a silent testament to the struggles he faced behind closed doors. And when he did show up, his demeanor was somber, his face etched with a perpetual frown as he rejected activities he once enjoyed. Even cloudgazing at the beach became a source of frustration for JJ, as he lamented the impending rain or the end of summer, his words tinged with bitterness and resignation. As you and your brother looked on, helpless in the face of his pain, you could only watch as JJ retreated further into himself, the vibrant colors of his spirit muted by the shadows that engulfed him.
The tension crackled in the air as you confronted JJ, frustration bubbling to the surface like a storm about to break. "Why won't you just watch 'Love Actually' with me, like, once? It'd help distracting you, y'know!?" you demanded, your voice tinged with exasperation. "You can't keep avoiding fun, JJ. You can't lose hope and light just because things are tough."
But JJ's response was sharp, his tone laced with bitterness. "Those things are for kooks, y/n" he retorted, his words heavy with the weight of his pain. "Pogues can't afford to indulge in luxuries like love and hope. We have to focus on surviving you know."
Your heart sank at his words, feeling the distance between you grow with each passing moment. "If you really look for it, JJ," you countered softly, your voice barely above a whisper, "I've got a sneaky feeling that love is all around. Even for us Pogues." But JJ's expression remained hardened, his walls firmly in place as he turned away, the gap between you widening with each step he took.
John B stepped in a while later, his voice calm but firm as he defended his friend. "He's been through a lot," John B interjected, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of empathy and understanding. "Give him time, he'll come around. I know he will."
But despite John B's reassurances, the weight of your worry and frustration bore down on you like a heavy burden. Unable to contain your emotions any longer, you sought solace in the arms of your father, tears streaming down your cheeks as you poured out your heart. "I didn't mean to be petty," you sobbed, your voice choked with emotion. "But I'm just so worried about how Luke has been treating JJ. I miss him, Dad. I miss the way things used to be." And as your father held you close, comforting whispers soothing your troubled mind, you cried yourself to sleep, longing for the comfort of simpler times and the warmth of JJ's presence by your side.
A few days after the heated exchange, JJ found himself drawn to the familiar solace of the beach. As he laid alone on the sand, the rhythmic sound of the waves echoing in the background, he cast his gaze upward, chuckling at the shifting shapes and colors of the clouds above. Yet, amidst the tranquility of the moment, a pang of longing stirred within him.
Reflecting on recent events, JJ realized that he had begun to see clouds from two distinct perspectives—from the highs and lows of life's tumultuous journey. But amidst the solitude, his mind drifted to an understanding; to how he seemed to have looked at clouds like this from two different perspectives now, from up and down, and still he would recall better colorful and elusive memory of your company. He remembered the joy of pointing out funny shapes at the sky with you and your brother, laughter echoing into the vast expanse. It was a memory painted in hues of warmth that contrasted with the darker shades of recent events. In that fleeting moment of recollection, JJ yearned to return to that moment exactly, to say sorry, at least. And alone at that same beach, he felt like he had a perspective of a future for the first time in a long time. He wanted to see if he truly knew clouds at all, or if there was a new side to it.
JJ was abruptly brought back to reality by Pope's punchline of a memory of his own; he was retelling the story of how he met Cleo at college, and how she wouldn't have passed half her subjects f it wasn't for him. As the group erupted into laughter, he did the same to mask the fact that he had zoned out for a minute, but JJ's gaze instinctively sought yours, his heart yearning for the comfort of your smile. And as his eyes met yours, a warmth spread through him, his thoughts drifting to another memory
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Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels; the dizzy dancing way that you feel as every fairy tale comes real. I've looked at love that way. But now it's just another show, and you leave 'em laughing when you go. And if you care, don't let them know, don't give yourself away.
At sixteen years old, you had a full understanding of the dizzying, electric sensation that washed over you whenever JJ emerged from the sea, his board in hand. It was a feeling that stirred deep within you, igniting a spark that refused to be extinguished. Yet, despite the intensity of your emotions, uncertainty plagued your heart. You couldn't decipher JJ's true feelings for you; for every significant gesture or word he offered, there was an equal measure of aloofness or distance.
There were moments when JJ's actions spoke volumes, leaving you breathless with hope and anticipation. But just as quickly, he would retreat into himself, leaving you to question whether his affections were genuine or merely fleeting. And then there were the times when he would disappear into the crowd at a kegger, his attention captured by another girl, leaving you to grapple with the ache of unrequited longing.
Fearing the consequences, you kept your emotions hidden from your brother, John B, despite his keen intuition and suspicions about your lingering glances. Instead, you found solace in the companionship of Pope and Kiara, the only other pogue girl. Your friendship with Kiara blossomed rapidly, providing a safe haven where you could confide in her about everything, including the complexities of your feelings for JJ, seeking her guidance and understanding.
In December of that same year, a vivid memory remains etched in your mind—the day JJ was meant to pick you up from work and take you to the Chateau to meet up with the rest of the crew. Kiara had proposed the idea of a secret Santa, with the stipulation that the gifts could only be candy or chocolate—She herself aiming to guarantee that she'd get a bag or two of Sour Patch Kids. As you exited the souvenir shop, clutching your own "Paradise On Earth" cap, you spotted JJ waiting for you by the Twinkie—the van John B claimed would be safer than the bike. With both hands hidden behind his back, you shot him a questioning look. "Hello?" you greeted tilting your head slightly to the side, to which he responded with a playful smile, feigning surprise at seeing you. "Oh, hello ma'am, your carriage is right here!" he exclaimed, extending his arms towards the open door of the van, one hand tightly clutching something that piqued your curiosity. Hopping onto the Twinkie, you couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious object as JJ closed the door and took his place behind the wheel.
During the ride, JJ attempted to coax the name of your secret Santa out of you, but you remained tight-lipped. Upon parking the van at the Chateau, he sat in silence for a few moments, and you studied him intently. "Oh, before I forget," he said non-chalantly, reaching into his pocket and offering you the object he had been concealing—a ceramic lobster adorned with a tiny Christmas hat, clearly crafted by him. "This is for the nativity scene you keep in your room, I just didn't have time to make the other one..." he explained, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he confessed that he hadn't received your name for the candy exchange but couldn't bear to leave you without a gift.
You stood in awe for a moment, marveling at the thoughtful gesture and the evident reference it held. JJ's apprehension melted away as your eyes met his, a radiant smile spreading across his face. "Wait, wait, wait... Are you trying to tell me that there was more than one lobster at the birth of Jesus?" you quoted, teasingly. JJ rolled his eyes playfully, completing the reference with a loud "duh!" his laughter mingling with yours as you stepped out of the car into the moonlit night, making a lighthearted entrance at the Chateau and eliciting a knowing look from Kiara towards John B.
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As time passed, you welcomed Sarah into the fold, introduced by John B with starry-eyed affection that spoke volumes of their budding romance. With the dynamic between her and Kiara settled, John B wasted no time in proudly declaring their relationship to the group—a declaration met with hugs, smiles, and lighthearted jokes about not hurting each other.
One day, Sarah suggested a surf trip to a lesser-known beach nestled between Figure 8 and the Cut, its pristine beauty a sight to behold with crystalline waters and powdery white sand. As you surfed the afternoon away, basking in the warmth of the sun, you found yourself sprawled on the sand along with the rest of the group, supporting yourself on your elbows and catching your breath as you watched JJ roll a joint with practiced ease. "I like this shit," JJ declared, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "We can be neglected misfits or whatever, but I love leading this life with you guys. I don't even care about what people think of me! "long as I have a board and you guys, 'm gonna be saying I'm rich... Especially if I have this!" He gestured towards the joint, his words met with cheers from the group.
Your smile started weak but grew as the group cheered. In that moment, you felt a sense of family, and your appreciation for JJ weighed heavily on your chest. Despite the challenges, he had found a way to see life in a positive light, even after Big John went missing. As the wind blew sea salt into your eyes, you turned your face toward JJ. "Yeah, yeah… you know, I keep saying it… but if you really look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that—"
"Y/n, if I hear that quote just one more time!" Sarah interrupted, and the others joined in with her lighthearted protest.
With time, JJ's behavior became increasingly perplexing since after sharing moments like this, he would leave you alone, retreating into the company of the other Pogues with a suddenness that felt jarring and awkward. His focus would shift, his attention consumed by their own banter, leaving you to wonder where you fit into the equation.
It was during these moments of isolation that doubts crept in, whispering of insecurities and unspoken fears that lingered just beneath the surface. Wondering if you did something wrong, you couldn't help but feel a pang of longing as you watched JJ immerse himself in the dynamics of the group, his laughter mingling with theirs as you stood on the sidelines, a silent observer to a world that felt increasingly distant and unfamiliar.
One morning, as you shuffled through the Chateau's corridors, the aroma of breakfast lingering in the air as John B shuffled through the kitchen, you noticed JJ's door ajar. You peeked inside with the intention of wishing him a good morning, only to be met with a sight that shattered your makeshift reality of him. JJ hovered over another girl in his bed, their closeness echoing a betrayal that left you speechless.
"Hey, whoa! Sorry!" His voice softened as he realized it was you, not your brother, at the door. The shock on your face was palpable as you hastily pushed the door closed, shaking your head to dispel the image burned into your mind. Stumbling down the corridor, you muttered a distant "morning" to Kie and Pope, who were still groggy on the couch, woken by the commotion.
Throughout the day, both JJ and yourself moved in a state of flustered avoidance, exchanging glances laden with sheepish guilt. JJ's eyes mirrored the remorse of a caught wrongdoer, but you couldn't summon anger; instead, you carried the weight of hurt and confusion, grappling with the realization that he wasn't yours to claim.
As the day waned and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Chateau, you found solace on the hammock. With the remnants of the day lingering, you confided in Sarah about the events, the words tumbling out as the weight on your chest grew heavier. The hammock cradled you in its gentle sway as another day ended, leaving you to confront the tangled emotions that now clouded the once-clear skies of your friendship with JJ.
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JJ vividly remembered June of the following year, with your birthday fast approaching. Usually, you wouldn't stop talking about how much you loved having your birthday during the summer, and everyone would plan something special to mark the occasion. Kie and Sarah would always get you fancier gifts, like a new top or necklace, while the boys made sure there was a cake to share, probably under the tree lights at another night spent at the Cat's Ass, chuckling at the stupid name JJ had given to the tub.
But this year was different. You and the girls wouldn't stop talking about this idiotic touron, Jeremy, who had apparently flirted with you when you helped him at the store. Now, your attention seemed solely focused on him, much to JJ's annoyance. He rolled his eyes and huffed aloud whenever Jeremy's name was mentioned, with Pope nudging him to keep his cool.
"He's gonna take me to a summer fair," you grimaced, looking into the mirror as Kiara clasped a necklace around your neck. Sarah and JJ hovered on the kitchen counter, Pope sat on the couch, and your brother leaned against the doorframe of your room with a protective frown on his face. John B always believed you and JJ would end up together, and he felt safe with that perspective because he knew and trusted JJ. But that didn't happen with Jeremy.
Across from him, you, Sarah, and Kie giggled with scenarios and provocations, "What if he brings you a giant teddy bear and tries to win you a goldfish?" Kiara teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Sarah snickered. "I can already picture it!"
Meanwhile, JJ fought to keep a frown from appearing on his own face. He was unwilling to let you know how he really felt about the situation, and he avoided giving his jealousy away to his friends. As you exited laughing with the guy in his car—a godforsaken Jeep, for crying out loud—JJ was still unknowingly clenching his jaw, his mouth twisted in a disgusted frown.
Sarah, the only one still outside by now, smiled to herself and snuck up on him before reaching a hand to pat his back. The gesture was meant to silently convey far more than his poisoned mind could grasp at the moment.
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He chuckled at that memory; you had to endure a girlfriend of his own during college, and he watched as two or three other guys broke your heart as well—he wanted to go out there and punch them every time, but preferred that only John B externalized that thought. From those memories, he realized he had looked at love from both sides of it with you, from give and take, but years later he wasn't so sure if you'd be keen on the idea of him ever again. JJ turned to you in the tub, whispering, "Where's that lobster I gave you that Christmas?" You were a bit taken aback by his sudden recall but smiled back, mimicking the tone of his voice, "Been keeping it on my bookshelf all year long now."
John B and Sarah were now playfully arguing about the two perspectives from when she joined the group, with Kie tagging along to remind them of how they had to make amends beforehand. It made JJ come back fully into the scene. As he looked around, he realized they were sitting in couples, at least Pope and John B, and he held back a nostalgic smirk at the thought of how his younger self would react to both his old friends now "pussy whipped," stuck in relationships and breaking the "no pogue on pogue macking" rule—he didn't know love at all.
He was different too, at least Kiara said so, coming at him a few days ago before graduation with a whole "you've changed, became more yourself and know how to separate what you went through from what you are, I'm so proud you're opening the surf shop—but please make it eco-friendly" speech. It was nice to look back and realize how his years and moments with the Pogue family kept balancing out all the rest. Now he would open a sick surf shop, Poguelandia flag above it and all, right in the corner from the souvenir one you worked since you were fifteen—he didn't know if you had bigger plans than that after graduating though, but that was an uneasy thought he preferred to ignore.
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Tears and fears and feeling proud to say, "I love you" right out loud! Dreams and schemes and circus crowds, I've looked at life that way. Oh, but now old friends they're acting strange, and they shake their heads and they tell me that I've changed. Well something's lost, but something's gained, in living every day.
Kiara was the first one to leave, claiming that this was really good and that she knew that with the pogues there were never really goodbyes, but that she had an early morning tomorrow with a sea-turtle project. Then, as the fire died out and the minutes turned into hours, the two couples left as well. Pope and Cleo claimed that they still had to shower before going to bed, and John B only snuggled with Sarah, pushing her towards the house. As the couple giggled, JJ noticed from his peripheral vision when you jiggled your eyebrows at Sarah, but the blonde only winked at you, pointing at the both of you at the tub before turning back. You sighed, distancing yourself from him now that you had more space in the water, and JJ held back a smile as the tree lights illuminated your pink cheeks. At twenty-two, he felt just like a teenager in that moment.
There were a few quiet minutes then, you were looking intently at him, drawing each of his features with your eyes as if trying to tattoo the image of his wet torso on your brain, but JJ didn't notice; he was lost in thought, provoked by being alone with you again. JJ realized that ever since he could remember, even though your brother was his de facto best friend and even as the group grew larger, you were there. For every phase and every belief that each one etched into him, you were there. As he looked at both sides of life, at win and lose, you were right beside him, either winning and losing as well or just supporting him emphatically through it.
Somehow he could always just recall how his pogue life acquired a rose-colored filter with you in it; he'd recall life's illusions with you at his side. You were there. You were it. And he didn't know his next step at all, but he wanted you in it; ached for it even.
He feigned cold as an excuse to get you both out of the tub, grabbing the one towel thrown onto a chair and wrapping it around you as you exited as well. He threw a familiar, amicable smile in your direction to disguise how he was, again, lost in his own train of thought. A hand rested on the small of your back as he led the two of you to the Chateau. As you got to the front porch, the other reached for your pulse gently, trying to stop you from entering. JJ became conscious of how he was dripping onto the wooden porch, but he didn't care, calling you by your nickname in a low voice. He was acting fast, planning something but also acting instinctively, intending to speak just from memory.
"Hey, uhm..." he stopped himself again as your eyes locked onto his, growing a little bit nervous now. Your eyebrows shot up expectantly, and some of your hair was sticking to your wet face. You'd be the death of him.
"With any luck, by next year, I'll be going out with one of these girls..." Your brows pinched, and eyes flashed with recognition as JJ shuffled his phone, some drops falling from his hair onto the screen before he turned it in your direction with a picture of Kendall Jenner and sliding his finger so it would also show one of Giselle Bündchen. You laughed, gulping expectantly.
"But for now, let me say, without hope or agenda, just because we finished college— even though it's at Christmas that you tell the truth." You chuckled again, but felt like you were hyperventilating, unable to believe that this was really happening to you. Much less that JJ Maybank had memorized a scene from the "dumb chick flick" you obsessed with since you were a mere child. You battled with your own feelings as you tried to let him finish.
"To me, you are perfect, and my wasted heart will love you until you look like this..." He shuffled again with the tiny screen, a smirk on his face as he turned it to you. A photo of a very old and wrinkly woman made you chuckle. Under it, it read "former surfer lady turns viral as she advises to the risks of not wearing sunscreen." You couldn't hold the cackle that left you at that, not even worried about the rest of the group sleeping inside the house, which made JJ smile widely as well.
"Oh my God! Oh my God, I love you..." A loud sigh met a sob halfway as you looked up, feeling pounds lighter after saying so naturally something you had been burying for years, feeling absurdly proud of just that. "I love you so much, what the fuck! I've loved you forever." You beamed at him again, relief written all over his face as he said it back proudly. "I'm sorry for the wait; it wasn't on purpose—Swear it." He grabbed both your cheeks as you laughed, smiling from ear to ear as his face etched closer to yours by the second. Your noses were touching already when he whispered in a low tone, "fuck, y/n..." as your mouths glued together longingly.
The world seemed to fade away as your lips met, a rush of warmth spreading through you as if the sun had risen inside your chest. JJ's touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine as his hands cradled your face gently, his fingers tracing the curve of your jawline. Every moment felt like an eternity as you lost yourselves in the kiss, the taste of saltwater, beer and weed mingling with the sweetness of the moment.
For JJ, it was as if everything he had been holding back, every unspoken word and hidden feeling, was finally pouring out into this one embrace. His heart raced in his chest as he kissed you, his mind buzzing with the realization that he had found something truly precious in you. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss, a culmination of years of friendship and longing finally coming to fruition.
As you pulled away, breathless and flushed, JJ's eyes bore into yours, filled with an intensity that took your breath away. In that moment, you knew that nothing would ever be the same again. You had crossed a threshold together, stepping into a new chapter of your lives filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a future together. And as you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that this was just what you wanted; like you were made for just that.
"I don't even want to come inside, I don't wanna-" you said, sighing mid chuckle, "don't wanna do anything right now, God, JJ, I'm like in a haze!" He clung to you, chuckling, his hands going to your arms, your neck, your hair—he wanted to touch all of you. "Always have the hammock..." he suggested, and you rushed your way there as if just walking would make you lose any time with him.
After you spent a while staring at the stars in the sky, listening to the chirping of crickets in between small, sloppy kisses, JJ sleepily muttered "I feel like I'm fucking high right now," you both laughed "like I'm floating—life accomplishment kind of thing." you swatted at his chest, lightheartedly telling him to stop being silly before readjusting in the wet towel that served as a blanket for the two of you.
Wrapped in each other's arms, you drifted off to sleep, the sound of the river running to meet the ocean lulling you into a state of contentment. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the warmth of JJ's embrace and the soft rhythm of his breathing. It was a moment of pure bliss, a fleeting glimpse of perfection in an imperfect world.
The warm rays of the morning sun gently kissed the faces of the sleeping pogues as they stirred awake, the sounds of birdsong filling the air. Stretching and yawning, they emerged from their makeshift beds scattered across the Chateau, the pull-out couch and matresses on the floor.
As they gathered outside to clean the space free of empty cans and wrapping paper, rubbing the sleep from their eyes, John B's gaze was the first one to fall upon the sight of JJ and you nestled together in the hammock, still fast asleep. He nudged Sarah first, but soon a collective smile spread across their faces as they exchanged knowing glances, a silent understanding passing between them.
"About time," Pope muttered under his breath, eliciting chuckles from the others.
John B grinned, looking at Sarah. "Looks like our boy finally made his move."
Sarah rolled her eyes playfully. "Took them long enough," she teased, but there was genuine warmth in her voice.
Kiara smirked, crossing her arms, she showed a satisfied facade even though she was jumping inside, bubbling with happiness for the both of you; the sparkle of her eyes being hard to hide. "Well, better late than never, I guess."
With a chorus of laughter and gentle ribbing, the pogues left JJ and you to enjoy your moment together, the feeling was that their little family had just grown a little bit stronger. You had woken up the moment the front door banged back against it's frame as it closed the first time, but feeling JJ's chest under your head, you decided to just keep your eyes closed, fighting a grin to show on your face at your friends' commentaries. You were home. And you only wanted to know life now if it was by JJ's side; especially if he'd be scratching your hair like he was doing just now, half a smile on his lips—"Did I take that long?" he questioned, jokingly.
"A lifetime."
If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love, actually, is all around.
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morganwrites12672 · 8 months
Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader
Summary: John B. Finds out about your boyfriend.
"You're never going to guess what I heard," your brother says as he walks into the chateau, the first time you've seen him in two days.
"Where the fuck have you been?" You yelled. He hadn't answered his phone either. He'd been no contact for 48 hours.
"No, don't change the subject," he argued. Whatever was on his mind he clearly thought it was more important than his whereabouts from the last two days.
He hadn't made it easy on you. Being a few years older than John B had meant once your dad, Big John, had been presumed dead, lost at sea, you had custody of your brother. Every day had been a fight. Getting him to answer the phone, telling you where he was, he wouldn't do anything to let you know he was safe.
"Oh God, what's so important?" You say. You are tired of this shit.
"You dating Rafe," he tells and your face goes a shade paler than before. "Yeah I know, I got a text from JJ that you two were all over each over at the party last night," your brother said with a disgusted look.
"Okay, you would know if you actually spent any time here, or if we even spoke like actual siblings," you argued.
"I'm old enough," you cut off his argument.
" You are 16, and I am your legal guardian. Unless you get emancipated, I am in charge of you," you argue.
"Oh fuck off," he murmurs before storming out of the cabin. You hear his van start as he tears out of the driveway.
"I can't do this shit," you say as a tear slides down your cheek. It was all so impossible. John B wouldn't cooperate on anything, and rafe was all you had. But, pogues and kooks never got along.
You don't hesitate to grab your keys and drive to Rafes house. Even if he wasn't home, Sarah would be. You needed someone to tell you you weren't failing as miserably as you thought.
"Baby?" Rafe asks as you slowly push open his door. He sees your tear stained cheeks and doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you as he shuts his door.
"I'm failing this legal guardian shit," you mumble into his neck. You couldn't handle it. You weren't old enough to have a teenager to deal with.
"Hey, no you're not. Your brother is just taking advantage of you. He knows you won't do anything," Rafe comforts as he lays you both down on his bed.
"Thanks Rafey," you mumble as Rafe rubs soothing circles on your back.
No matter how much happened at home, you always had Rafe. Every time you and John B argued, Rafe was your safe place. It had been that way for so long, you didn't know what you would do without him.
"I don't think I could live without you," you day as Rafe wiles the tears off your cheek.
He gives you a bitter sweet smile," I'm glad we feel the same way," what you didn't know was that every time rafe got into a screaming match with his dad, you were there. You were his safe place without even fully realizing it.
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obxsummer · 1 year
Reunion // Ghost of You
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summary below cut to avoid spoilers for s3 ep1-3
let's jump right on in.
part of #obx3celebration
navigation -- series masterlist
summary: after being rescued from your island paradise, you're unexpectedly ripped from the pogues and pushed straight into another fight for your life.
warnings: kidnapping, violence, cursing, minor character death
The noise of an airplane propeller shook you from your sleep. Ever since you touched this island, you were sensitive to every little sound or movement. Sitting up sharply, you looked to see Pope doing the same. The two of you were quick to catch sight of the plane dancing in the clouds and started shaking friends awake.
“Guys, plane. Plane!” Shaking JJ’s shoulder aggressively, you collected your ratty shoes from the sand and ran towards the shoreline. 
Taking a look back, you could see the uncertain expression on JJ’s face. In the time you all had spent on the island, he had made it abundantly clear that he didn’t want to leave. This was JJ’s element, his safe space. He was with you, his family, and they were making things work with scraps. This was the Full Pogue experience he had always dreamed of.
“Hey! We’re down here!” John B was suddenly next to you and waving his arms aggressively to draw any ounce of attention to your group. Pope and Cleo took off up the field to light a fire in hopes that the pilot would see.
A defeated sigh left your lips as the plane looked like it would continue on before making a last-minute change and turning.
“Guys, guys. He sees us!” Kie shook your arm in excitement.
“He’s gonna go to the pond. Come on, come on!” Your brother slung his shoestrings over his shoulders and grabbed Sarah’s hand to tug her along up the hill.
JJ caught up to your side as you guys jogged behind your friends. You could tell he was displeased. You tried to understand why he would feel this way, but part of you just wanted to go home. Watching the aircraft make a successful landing, your boyfriend let out a sigh. 
“Come on.” His fingers were rough as they intertwined with your own. You squeezed, trying to give him some sort of comfort about the idea as you caught up with everyone.
The stairs of the cockpit lowered just above the water as a middle-aged man climbed out. He was quick to join in on the noises of celebration coming from Cleo, Pope, and John B. “Well, what do we got here?”
John B glanced back at your group before responding. “You know, just some castaways.”
“Well, I’ll cross that off my grocery list. Uh, hang on! I got just the thing for y’all.” He disappeared back into the plane for a moment. “Two things you need on a deserted island: first aid and rum!”
The bottle splashed in front of Sarah’s feet. She seemed distraught at the sight in front of her, no doubt fearing that her father may be involved in some way. You didn’t blame her. The constant feeling that you need to look over your shoulder was exhausting, but you were hoping it would change.
“So, what’s the story? You guys sank a boat?”
“Jumped off one,” You replied, watching as Sarah bent down to grab the alcohol out of the water. For some reason, you weren’t as hesitant to get out of here as you probably should’ve been. After a month or so of living like this, you would take the Chateau back in a heartbeat. 
The pilot chuckled. “Well, have no fear. Jimmy’s here. I got you.”
Cleo cheered and threw her hands in the air. “Well, all hail Jimmy, guys! Let’s go.”
The pilot, Jimmy, welcomed you all as John B led the way into the plane. Kie gave you and JJ a look before following wordlessly. It seemed a little too good, but who were you to say anything?
You turned to JJ, taking the chance to check-in. “You okay?” Your hand rested on his collarbone, thumb tracing his jawline as you observed him. His whole body was tense; the fun demeanor you’d witnessed after cliff jumping yesterday disappeared without a trace. JJ’s expression was sharp when he made eye contact with you. Thrown off guard, you frowned and dropped your hands to your side. 
“We said we’d never go back, remember? You said you wouldn’t. And here you are, running after a plane that would take us right back into hell?” He shrugged his shoulders before looking away. You were a bit surprised by his hostility, feeling like he was blaming you for everyone else climbing onboard. 
“Who said we’re going back to the OBX?” You countered as you gestured towards the plane. “There’s no way that thing would fly that far anyway. We’re all gonna be together no matter what.”
JJ let out a heavy breath and refused to look at you. “You don’t get it.” He hauled his boots up before brushing past you to head after your friends into the aircraft. You turned on your heels, the fight leaving your body at the idea of him being so upset over leaving this place. There was no point in arguing right now. 
With a huff, you climbed on board, thanking Jimmy for letting you all come before settling down between Sarah and Kie. The idea of being able to take a shower and put fresh clothes on was amazing right now, so you tried not to hold onto JJ’s poor attitude personally. 
“So, what are you doing all the way out here?” JJ asked as the engine started up. 
“I got a little guide outfit in Saint Vincent. I was spotting fish. You know, the usual. Wahoo,” Jimmy replied as he began flipping switches and steering. “I’d hang on to something. Gets a little spicy on takeoff.”
You shared a look with Pope, the two of you not big airplane people to begin with. Grabbing onto nearby straps, you clenched the fabric tightly. The plane jerked once before things steadied out and you could eventually see the water and island far beneath you from the sky. 
Taking a deep breath, you leaned your head against the metal behind you in hopes that it would calm your racing heart. You were grateful for the opportunity to hopefully go somewhere a little better, but the lack of safety equipment in this plane made you nauseous. 
“Wahoo don’t run in September. Ever, alright?” JJ’s voice broke you out of your self-induced trance. You opened your eyes to see him leaning toward your group as far away from Jimmy as he could get. “So, whoever this man is, he’s not a fisherman.”
“No, I know what this is,” Sarah said as if the answer was obvious, “He’s working for my dad, and he’s probably been looking for us this entire time.”
Pope considered the idea. “Alright, we gotta find out. Start looking for some sort of… clues.”
JJ and John B were quick to create a plan to distract Jimmy. While your brother busied himself with asking pointless questions, JJ dug straight into the satchel hanging on the seat. A few books tumbled into his hands. A photo slid out of the first one, Sarah being quick to grab it. You peeked over her shoulder to see a crisp clear photo of the Coastal Venture.
“This is the boat we were on, with Eberhimi and the cross,” She whispered.
“So he was looking for us?” Cleo asked as she got a look at the picture for herself. A nervous feeling built in your stomach at the thought of this man searching for you on purpose, maybe even for Ward’s bidding. 
A sharp movement of the airplane had you all bracing for some stability as Jimmy called out about turbulence. Kiara looked over your shoulder out the window. You followed her gaze to the window where land was creeping into the blue of the ocean. “Whatever it is, it’s happening fast. Look.” 
“That looks like Barbados. I’ve been there with Terrance,” Cleo piped up as the rest of your group observed what would most likely be the landing place. 
“Okay. There’s six of us, one of him. You know my vote, we storm the cockpit.”
You gave JJ an incredulous look at his suggestion. “No, who’s gonna fly the plane, dumbass?”
“I’ve seen Pope fly simulators.”
“I crop dusted for my uncle last summer, that is not the same thing!”
The group continued to bicker back and forth before ultimately deciding the best option would be to land safely and book it as soon as you got the opportunity. John B was quick to start a conversation with Jimmy again so JJ could sneak the books back into the satchel. It seemed like all was well until the pilot happened to glance over his right shoulder, exactly where JJ was scrambling in his stuff.
The plane jerked aggressively as the boys broke into a fight. Screaming echoed around you with shouts to fly the plane overwhelming as you grabbed on for some sort of hold. The water was approaching rapidly when Jimmy finally turned back around in an attempt to save everyone. Admitting defeat, you closed your eyes tightly and braced against the wall when the first hit came. 
The plane bounced across the ocean, sending the six of you into a mess of tangled limbs against the floor. Someone’s elbow jammed into the weak spot of your back as you cried out. The water started flooding the ground as you all scrambled for an escape. 
“Everybody good?”
The cool liquid sent a chill up your spine once you finally found some footing. John B shoved the door open and crawled out first. You could barely see the people crowding the beach at the sight of the accident.
“They do not look friendly.”
You looked closer, noticing the weapons and vests they were wearing to separate them from casual observers. Slipping on the wet metal, you shifted through the water as everyone began scrambling from the singing airplane. 
“Y/N, let’s go!”
You spared a glance back at where Jimmy was passed out in his seat. A tug pulled in your chest, the idea of leaving someone to drown not sitting well with you. Cursing to yourself, you pushed through the water to grab onto the pilot and tug him out.
“No, no, no. Y/N, let’s go!”
You ignored the shouts of concern and worked on tugging Jimmy into the open water. Your feet kicked as hard as possible to keep you both afloat as he slowly started coming to. You waited until the sand was under your feet and bystanders came to help to let go. 
Coughing up water, you turned to glare at the man you’d rescued. “You lied to us.” Adrenaline was pumping through your system, the fear of what had happened taking over. 
The sound of ATVs flooded your senses as you turned to look over your shoulder. The beach was crowded with a series of men, all in tan tactical gear, and all of them heading towards you. 
“You should get out of here.”
Ignoring Jimmy’s useless advice, you took off up the shore in hopes that you could lose them in the mass of people. A rotting boat was taking up part of the shore but you quickly navigated through an opening to hide in the darkness of it. 
You held your breath at the sound of footsteps, a pair of boots coming into view. As soon as the person’s eyes came a little too close, you lashed out and kicked him away from your hideout.
“She’s over here!”
“Shit!” Crawling as fast as possible, you moved through the sand in hopes to avoid the oncoming hands but fell short when a foot tripped your own. Sand clouded your vision as two sets of hands latched on to you and pulled you back up. “Let me go!” You yanked and struggled against them in a desperate attempt to free yourself.
 Eventually, the back and forth became too much for the two men who resorted to picking you up out of the sand to move you into a waiting pickup truck. One of your attackers was quick to slide a thick black zip tie around your wrists, effectively ending any sort of backlash as they pushed you into the tailgate corner. 
“We lost the others. We’ll keep searching.”
The words coming from the man’s radio brought you a slight bit of comfort knowing that the rest of the Pogues got away. You sagged against the side of the truck in exhaustion as the adrenaline began to seep away. 
Jimmy suddenly popped into view, your anger quickly resurfacing at the sight of him. “I save your life,” You sneered.
“I know. I know. I’m sorry. I’m gonna try to help you, okay?” He sighed, “I swear. I didn’t know it was gonna be like this. Look, if you don’t fight, if you just do what they say, these guys prob… probably won’t hurt you.”
You shook your head and glared. “Because that’s so reassuring. What did Ward promise you?”
“Who?” He didn’t wait for you to answer the question and continued, “Hey, just take my advice and do what they say. Good luck.”
The truck engine started a second later, one of the guards climbing in the back with you before the vehicle took off. You groaned, tears fighting your eyes at the idea of being taken from your brother and your boyfriend once again. You were sick of this violence around every corner, sick of always being taken from your loved ones.
The sun was warm on your bare skin but did nothing to ease the anxiety building in your chest. You were not equipped enough to keep handling this shit by yourself. The drive continued until you took a right turn down a private road lined with palm trees, blocked with more guards. A watchdog circled the truck as the other guards surveyed who was in the vehicle before it was allowed through. 
Surveying your surroundings, more guards, ATVs, and weapons were at every glance. Your heart sank, knowing there was no way you would be able to outrun everything on your own. One of the guards came to pull you out of the back once the truck came to a stop. You were led up to a large white-colored mansion, the sight of even more guards making you sick. 
The front door opened to reveal a woman dressed in a maid-styled uniform. She took a brief glance at you before letting the both of you through. The foyer area was decorated with expensive artifacts and paintings as you walked. “Take her upstairs. The Orinoco Room.”
A different guard took place and pulled your elbow up the stairs and practically tossed you inside the room, only sparing a second to cut the ties around your wrists.
“Why am I here? Who are you working for?” You took a step back away, the idea of being locked in a room with no escape again haunting your mind. 
“Dinner at eight. I’d clean up.” The door slammed and locked a second later without another word. Your feet stumbled backward until you collided with the bed frame. A sob choked through your throat as the memories became heavy, this feeling all too familiar to you. You didn’t even know if you could be rescued by the Pogues at this point. You were royally fucked.
An hour or two passed before you were able to get yourself out of bed to explore the room. A handful of identical dresses hung in the closet with a note to pick your size attached. Alarms went off in your head at the creepy aura surrounding the gesture before you dropped the paper to the carpet. Moving into the bathroom, a shower was 100% necessary first and foremost. If you were going to go headfirst into this by yourself, might as well clean up when you can.
The products in the shower had to have cost a fortune based on their looks and efficiency. As terrified as you were, this was much nicer than being trapped in the Cameron household endlessly. You took your time to get decent and explore the rest of the room. Dogs barked occasionally from outside, a reminder of the ever-present guards at every corner. 
A sharp knock startled you back to reality as the housekeeper from earlier entered. “He’s ready.”
You didn’t question it, standing up and smoothing out the fabric of the dress as you followed her down the winding staircase. She guided you into one of the rooms connecting to the entranceway before leaving. 
There was one other person in the room, dressed in a tux with their back to you as they poured liquor into a glass. You cleared your throat slightly. “Excuse me?”
Your heart dropped as the person turned around to reveal Rafe Cameron. A fresh buzz cut to his hair made him almost unrecognizable, but he still invoked the same horrible fear in you. This was slowly becoming your worst nightmare all over again. Chest tight with an approaching anxiety attack, you wondered what the hell you were going to do without John B and JJ.
“Y/N?” He looked shocked for some reason and quickly closed the distance between you as his expression shifted to one of anger. You immediately took a step back in return. “Are you trying to weasel in on my deal right now? Is that what’s going on?”
You stared at him for a moment while trying to process what the hell was actually happening. A voice from the other half of the room seemed to hear your thoughts. “I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know.”
The two of you turned simultaneously to the man who had spoken. He too was dressed in a suit, holding a glass of whiskey as he walked towards you. 
“Who are you?” Rafe didn’t hesitate to ask the obvious.
The man pointed to himself like he was surprised the question was even asked. “Me? My name is Carlos Singh. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cameron. And Miss Routledge, I do apologize for the rough tactics in bringing you here. But please, come, sit down. Come now, I don’t bite.”
There was a period of hesitation before you finally took the initiative to step forward into the sitting room, leaving Rafe to follow behind. “Rough tactics?” The Kook repeated. “What about me?”
“Yes, Mr. Cameron, false pretenses, but the ends justify the means, I’m afraid.” Carlos poured himself another hefty drink before asking Rafe to sit again. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“Why are we here?” The question you’d been wanting to know the answer to since the moment they came after you on the beach. Why? Why you and why here?
Carlos stood in front of the two of you and took a sip. “Well, Ms. Routledge, Mr. Cameron. We share certain interests, you know? Objectives.”
“Is this not about the cross?” Rafe’s already limited patience was wearing thin and you feared he would snap any second when he didn’t receive answers. 
“It is. Tangentially, it is about the cross, but it’s also about something much, much bigger.” Carlos turned around to face a framed painting on the wall that depicted a deep grassland with pyramids of gold. “By orders of magnitude… the completion of a grand quest. You see, the story goes that 450 years ago, a Spanish soldier came out of the Orinoco Basin with a few gold beads. When they asked the Spanish soldier where the beads came from, he replied that he got them from a peaceful Indigenous tribe who lived in a city of gold. El Dorado. For the next 450 years, people tried to find that gold, you know. They tried. Conquistadors, knights, captains of ships, tribes, entire nations. All fighting each other in a race for the end of the rainbow. Thousands of lives. And it falls to me, you know. It falls to me to complete the task, to bring full circle to a quest that has gone on for almost 500 years. Perhaps…perhaps the greatest quest in the history of the western hemisphere. And you two are going to play a part in that.”
“What about you, Ms. Routledge? Are you interested in history?”
The question made you want to roll your eyes. “I’m more of a future person.”
Rafe spoke up, “You know, I almost didn’t listen to a word you said, okay? How much you gonna keep philosophizing?” You honestly wanted to thank him for his straightforward attitude when it came to this.
“You are direct, aren’t you, Mr. Cameron?” Silence followed.
“What do you need from me?” At this point, you were willing to give him whatever he asked for, so long as it was within reason. You wanted out.
Carlos spared you a glance. “I’ve come to believe that you and your friends are in possession of something that can help me get what I want. An old manuscript, a diary actually.”
For a moment, you blanked on what exactly he meant. Then it hit you, Mr. Sunn had given Pope the diary of Denmark Tanny during your hunt for the cross. And if the cross, the gold, and this… El Dorado were all related… you had the key to where you needed to go. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rafe replied as you shook your head lightly.
“I don’t know anything about a diary,” You added, “My brother and dad are the treasure people, not me.”
Carlos looked you dead in the eye. “How else could you have learned that the cross was on the Royal Merchant?”
Shrugging instantly, you stared him right back. “Look, I want to help you, but I can’t. I don’t have what you’re looking for.”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t say that you know, because unfortunately… I don’t believe you. You and your friends couldn’t have found that cross without it.”
“He’s not my friend.” The statement was short and sharp in nature as you spat it back at him. Fuck this dude for pulling you away from your friends, and fuck Rafe for all he did to you.
The Cameron next to you clapped his hands and got to his feet without warning. “Well, this is ridiculous. Okay? I’m out. I don’t know anything about a diary, okay? So-” He moved towards the open door but was forced back the second an armed guard appeared. 
“Do I look like a fool to you, Mr. Cameron?” Carlos repeated his question when Rafe didn’t answer. “You have the cross. She and her friends had the cross at one point. So one of you has the diary. And if you really don’t know, I suggest you convince your friend here to give it to me.” 
A finger was directed towards you, pulling Rafe’s gaze with it as the two of you held each other’s attention for a moment.
“Once I have the diary, you’ll be free to leave.” When nobody made a comment in return, Carlos moved towards the door to leave. “Enjoy the grounds during your stay. I must warn you though. I’m not a man of infinite patience. You have one day. Go to the window for a little demonstration. I think you’ll enjoy it, you know?” He placed two solid pats on Rafe’s bicep before exiting the room. 
The door was forced closed a moment after, Rafe calling out in shock as the lock clicked. If you weren’t freaking the hell out before, you sure as shit were now. While Rafe attempted to wiggle the door loose, you moved over to one of the sheer curtains covering a window and moved it aside. The guards and dogs were still circling, but this time a new figure joined. Jimmy was being pulled along onto the patio.
“Who the hell is that guy?” Rafe was suddenly so close to you, your whole body going rigid in response. 
“It’s Jimmy Portis,” You kept your reply simple. No need to converse with him beyond the bare minimum. He didn’t deserve it.
Carlos showed up through the glass a moment later, sparing the time to turn and find the two of you in the window before he pulled a gun from his waistband. A sharp gasp left your mouth as you figured out where this was going next.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.”
Every inch of your being was telling you to look away, not that you could see them underneath the rooftop of the patio. The loud bang came fast, an involuntary flinch wracking your body as the gunshot echoed. 
“This diary. Hey, no bullshit. Okay? Do you have it?” Rafe was inches from your face, the warmth of his breath on your cheek as you continued to stare forward. “Y/N?”
You turned to him sharply. “No.”
You hardly slept that night. The silky tank top and pants that were laid out made you so uncomfortable, not to mention the threat on your horizon if you didn’t figure out what the hell to do. Not to mention, Rafe was sleeping not even a foot away on the floor. With so much “gracious hospitality”, Carlos Singh couldn’t even be bothered to spare another bedroom.
You hoped JJ, John B, and the Pogues were at least doing better than you. Maybe they’d found a way home by now and we’re just waiting for you to escape. Even if you guys didn’t make it out of Barbados, you just wanted to be back with them.
Taking a glance at Rafe’s sleeping form, you pushed yourself off the bed to go by the window where guards had been stationed on the connecting balcony. Body moving before your consciousness, you tapped on the window to get the person’s attention. 
“I need to talk to Mr. Singh,” You tried to keep your voice somewhat quiet. The guard looked at you confused, so you repeated the statement slower.
“What are you doing?” Rafe had woken up at the noise and rushed over to you. “Shut up, shut up, shut up. What the hell are you doing?”
You turned around to glare at him. “Like I owe you an explanation for absolutely anything.” You brushed past him to the other door in the room.
“Think for a second, Y/N! What are you doing?”
Ignoring his question, you began to knock on the wooden door separating you from the rest of the house. “Hello?” When Rafe wouldn’t stop pushing, you snapped. “Don’t fucking talk to me.”
“You’re lying, about this diary. You know where it is?”
You shook your head. “No, I don’t.”
Rafe let out a groan as you moved away from him again. “Okay, listen, I wouldn’t tell me either, but he’s never gonna believe we don’t know something, alright? Listen to me! Singh killed that-”
The second his hand touched your shoulder, you whipped around and smacked him. Hard. “Don’t fucking touch me!” The two of you stood there for a moment, tensions high with the looming death threat. 
Rafe raised his hands in surrender. “Look around you. I’m the only friend you got.”
You were prepared to shut him down a second later, but the click of the door lock interrupted the opportunity. The guard from the balcony appeared in the doorway and you were quick to move toward him without a thought. Ignoring Rafe’s annoying voice from behind you, the guard escorted you out of the room and relocked the door. 
Carlos Singh didn’t look surprised at your presence when you entered the study. You stopped short of the table he was seated at. 
“I lied. I know about the diary,” You admitted, fingers clenching the fabric of your clothes. “I don’t have the original, but I can get you a copy.”
He looked you over for a moment before nodding slightly. “I’m relieved to hear you say that, you know. May I offer you something to eat?”
“I’m not hungry.”
He almost laughed at how quick your response was. “Relax, nothing’s gonna happen to you now. You’re cooperating, and I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“I just want to get you what you want, and then I want to leave,” Your voice was stern right back to him, refusing to show a hint of weakness. “I know where it is. But I have to go by myself. Alone.”
In the back of your head, you’re praying that the Twinkie is still alive somewhere on the OBX. Somewhere you can get a copy of the diary and maybe make a run for it.
“How would I know that you’d come back? I need some collateral.”
“Rafe’s here.” There was zero hesitation to offer him up for your sure-to-be disappearance. You didn’t give a shit what happened to him. “Keep him.
Signh laughed at your offer. “Rafe. No, I’ve heard tellings about what happened between the two of you. How did someone so young, get into so much trouble?” He rose from his chair to walk past you. You were quick to follow him.
“Look, I know where the diary is, and if you let me go, I promise you I can get it to you.”
Carlos shut down after that, his responses snippy and harsh until his phone broke the tension. He paused and rubbed his face before going to look at it. You were shocked when he looked at you and laughed. “Amazing. A text from our friend Jimmy Portis. From beyond the grave apparently. It seems Mr. Portis has captured your friends.”
The phone turned towards you to show a picture of John B and Sarah sitting next to each other with the message I got these two underneath. It was obvious they were trying to stage it out to look realistic. They had no idea what had happened. Singh called out for one of his guards.
“Get the big trucks and meet me outback.” His orders were quickly obeyed before he called on another guard. “Fenton. Get Miss Routledge.”
“Mr. Singh, Mr. Singh, please!” Panic was bubbling in your throat as the guard almost slammed into you before removing you from the study area. “You can’t hurt them, please! They’re all I have left, just leave them alone!” Your voice cracked with the strength of your yelling. The guard didn’t falter amongst your struggles and continued to push you up the stairs and back in the room without another word.
Rafe watched silently as you crawled into a ball at the foot of the bed. “What happened?” When you didn’t answer, he let out a sharp breath. “You’re gonna have to talk to me at some point. Okay?”
“Do I have to remind you of everything you’ve done?” You shot back as you looked at him. “You killed Peterkin. Do you remember that? And everything you’ve put Sarah through. Everything you put me through?”
“Peterkin, I was protecting my father, okay? I did what I had to, so don’t.” He walked away from you to sit in one of the armchairs. “I’m as much a victim as she is.”
You turned to give him the nastiest look you could muster. “Kook King Rafe Cameron, a victim of what? Consequences of your own fucking actions? Daddy issues?”
You hardly listened to the so-called explanation he tried to give. It was hard to find any empathy in your body towards the person in front of you. You couldn’t care less about what Rafe thought he was owed. All you cared about was getting the hell out of here, with or without him.
“Look, I have a boat that can get us off the island, okay? But first, we gotta get out of here, and it is better if we work together.”
The sound of yelling outside had the two of you on your feet and heading to the window. Two trucks were lining up for guards to climb into, an assortment of weapons on them.
“They’re leaving?” Rafe asked. 
You took a deep breath, dread flooding your chest as you watched them drive away. “They’re going to find John B and Sarah.”
“Sucks for them,” Rafe said as if he wasn’t talking about both of your siblings being at risk. “That’s good for us though. This may be our only shot of getting out of here.”
Rafe was quick to create a plan, something that would pull the guard from your door so you could slip out. Did you like it? Not in the slightest because it was a little to close for comfort. 
“I’m gonna kill you, Y/N!”
You screamed in response, running into the wall to make it seem like Rafe had actually shoved you while he threw a glass vase to the floor. He held a finger to his lips as the guard outside called for the two of you. You continued to lay still, one leg hanging out of the bathtub, knowing your feet would be the first thing in eyesight.
“Hey, you two! What’d you do?” Silence followed the voice on the other side of the door before you could hear the lock click.
Everything moved fast from there; Rafe slammed the guard with the bathroom door and exchanged punches with him while you managed to grab the fallen gun. Rafe was quick to grab the man’s phone while you tore a curtain off the bedframe and handed it to him so he could restrain the guard.
The two of you took off, moving through the house as quietly and quickly as possible. You managed to talk him into exchanging the gun in your hands for the phone, knowing exactly what clues the Pogues would need. You snuck around to get a quick photo of the painting that Carlos had been so intent on explaining to the two of you before following Rafe out the side door.
A grain delivery was occurring just outside, a large truck pulling away just as you stepped out. Your eyes followed the road along the grass line before you were moving, calling for Rafe to follow. The two of you managed to find a gap in the bushes just as the truck hit the corner going slow enough that you could climb on. 
You weren’t prepared, however, for there to be a worker in the back. Rafe moved before you even blinked to attack the man in front of you, eventually gaining the upper hand to throw him off the vehicle into the trees. 
Your eyes were wide as you faced the eldest Cameron but you didn’t have time to question his anger when you heard a familiar noise. The sound of bells was always a comfort in your life. When you and John B were kids, it was the way your dad would tell you it was time to come inside. The pattern coming from the local church was identical to the one your dad would do. Chills raced down your spine at the noise, wondering if maybe it was John B trying to draw you in after all.
You weren’t sure how much time passed under the tarp, out of prying eyes with Rafe Cameron. You were beyond done with his presence and just wanted to jump off the truck, but thankfully you guys were able to make it to the marina where his boat was docked. 
Climbing on the large pristine boat, you swore you could hear the bells ringing again, even this far away. You stopped short of untying the bowline, suddenly against the idea of getting on a boat with just Rafe Cameron. 
“I can’t get it.” You lied easily, faking a pull on the rope. “I need some help.”
Rafe let out a loud groan, barking for you to move since he ‘had to do everything’. The second he untied the line, you shoved his chest harshly, watching as he splashed into the water below. You took off, hopping up to the cabin area to move the boat out from the dock. Rafe yelled hysterically below you yet you couldn’t help but smile once you got moving. Pulling the phone from your pocket, you typed a quick message, your heart racing in anticipation.
After docking at a different marina, you waited, foot tapping excessively, for some response that they were coming. The church bells kept continuously ringing, freaking you out even further that maybe they didn’t know where you were.
Eyes on the sidewalk, you watched anxiously for some kind of sign. It came straight towards you in a light blue button-down. You moved quickly the second you made eye contact. “JJ?”
JJ’s whole figure drooped in relief at the sight of you, unharmed. He had felt so much guilt, so much anxiety over the way you two weren’t on the best of terms before you were taken. His feet moved rapidly, body colliding with yours as he lifted you off the ground. Your legs wrapped around his waist out of habit, holding him as tightly as you could.
“Holy shit, you’re safe. I’m right here, I got you.”
You let out a sob, tears streaming down your cheeks before you kissed him heavily. Nothing was as calming as being wrapped in his embrace, feeling his hands on your arms, his lips on yours. You took a moment before separating, your feet returning to the ground before you were attacked by another set of arms.
John B was fucking terrified. The moment you got yanked out of the sand, Sarah was holding him back from going after you. Everything felt too real now, too heavy. Knowing that the second one of you disappeared could be the last time they saw you was scary. He was sick of losing, and he wasn’t about to stand by and watch it happen to you all over again.
More shaky hands piled onto you and your brother, your friends wiggling their way into a huge group hug of relief. Kiara’s hands grabbed your cheeks once everyone stepped away. “You’re not hurt, right?” You could see her eyes scanning for any sort of injury.
You shook your head, brushing tears off your face. “No, no. I’m okay. I’m okay.”
“Are you kidding me, babe?” 
You followed JJ’s gaze to the large boat you had climbed off a few moments ago. You laughed, “Oh, yeah. Rafe let me take it for a spin.”
You ignored the rapid onset of questions as your group piled onto the boat. You froze, however, at the sound of the bells tolling. Now you knew it wasn’t John B, and based on the way he was looking back at you, he was questioning them too.
“You don’t think-”
“There’s no way.”
Both of you spoke at the same time, glancing towards the hillside the church was located on. What would be the chances that your father happened to be in Barbados of all places, coincidentally when you crash-landed there?
“Yeah, so I have just a couple of questions,” JJ interrupted your sibling moment as everyone gathered around the two of you. “A Lagoon 620 with twin 150 Volvos. You understand we can go anywhere with this thing, right? Way to be discreet, by the way.”
You rolled your eyes, giving him the middle finger. 
“What did they want from you?” Sarah asked the question that the group had been pondering over for two days now. “You swear Rafe didn’t hurt you?”
You sat down on one of the couch cushions. “No, no. I’m fine, promise. I um… Singh wanted Denmark’s diary, of all things.”
Pope frowned at the revelation. “Why?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Said it leads to a treasure that’s bigger than the Merchant.”
“A bigger treasure?” JJ repeated as he sat next to you, arm naturally wrapping around you to pull in close. “Sign me up.”
A moment of processing followed before your friends decided it was time to split and started prepping to leave. JJ moved with them, going to untie the lines. You decided to follow John B and Sarah up to the top deck.
“She’s right, we really need to go,” Sarah reiterated as she tossed a line down below. 
The bells chimed again a few seconds after she finished, both you and John B looking towards the church before glancing at each other. 
“Okay, you definitely heard that, right?” Your brother turned towards his girlfriend for an answer.
“Yeah, I do now.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “That’s exactly what Dad would do to call us home. That pattern those bells.”
Sarah stopped her movements to look at the two of you. She could see the lingering sadness, the defeat that maybe he really was dead and this was a coincidental joke tugging at you. She also knew John B, and she knew where he went, you were usually close behind. 
“Okay. I get it.” The two of you snapped up to look at her. “You wanna go to the tower to go look? Go look.”
John B seemed shocked at her willingness. “You sure?”
She took another glance at you and nodded. “I’m serious. Hurry, and take this.”
“Sarah…” You walked up next to them, hesitant about leaving them again so soon.
She smiled at you. “Yes, yes. You don’t think I know the two of you? He’s gonna drive us all insane if he doesn’t look, and you’re not gonna let him go alone. So go look.”
You shared a glance with John B before darting down the stairs. JJ was on the dock, untying another line when you collided into him. 
“Whoa, hey. You okay?”
“I gotta go.” You didn’t give him a chance to react, John B already climbing off the boat behind you. “I’m going with John B. We’ll be back, okay?”
JJ looked panicked at the idea of you leaving when he just got you back. He knew better than to question you though, and if John B was going, it was enough for him. He gave you a nod, hands coming to rest on your cheeks before he kissed you softly. “I love you, okay?”
“Love you more,” You whispered back, giving him one more kiss before taking off after your brother. Not only were you two navigating a foreign area, but you needed to keep low from Singh’s men too. John B kept glancing back at you, slowing to stay with you when he could.
You slowed your light jog at the top of a hill, the church almost within reach? “Do you really think it’s him?”
John B paused, the two of you taking in the sound of the bells again. “I just… I have this feeling. And I need to know.”
He understood why you were hesitant. Your relationship with your dad wasn’t the greatest, especially as you got older. John B was always the favorite, which would’ve been fine if your dad hadn’t just started neglecting you in return. That’s where you clung to John B, why the two of you grew to be so protective of each other. 
The climb up the side of the mountain was rough, but you managed to do it without any slipping. You honestly didn’t know if this was something you were ready for, but you’d do it for John B. Even if your dad didn’t speak to you, it would be fine. You both deserved answers. 
The church itself was gorgeous with stained glass windows and coiled staircases. You followed your brother silently up the steps, unsure of what to expect. Every creak and groan of the building had the two of you hesitant to keep moving. 
You came through an archway before John B followed a shadow across into the other stairwell. From the glimpse you got, your heart started racing in your chest. You moved down the stairs slowly, the two of you stopping short halfway. 
There, at the bottom of the stairs, stood Big John Routledge. Alive.
Your father turned to face the two of you, taking in the sight of his two children in the glow of the sunset. “What took you so long, kids? I’ve been ringing for hours.”
John B practically ran down the rest of the stairs and straight into your father’s arms. You stood, frozen in place at the sight before you. Emotions weren’t easy to process. You were a lovely combination of anger, sadness, and joy right now, your mind turning Inside Out at the idea of your father standing here after so long. 
“My baby bird.”
The nickname sucked all the air out of your lungs as you realized your father’s eyes were on you. Your feet moved slowly, hesitant about what exactly you were signing yourself up for, but the moment your dad had you within grasp, he hugged you as tight as he could. You felt like an innocent little kid all over again, with her big brother and Dad always there to protect her. 
“Oh, kids. We have a lot to talk about, huh?”
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xreaderbooks · 7 months
Paradise on Earth (21)
Chapter: 21. Poguelandia
Pair: JJ Maybank x Routledge! Reader
Summary: island paradise fades into memory when you and the pogues are rescued by a strange man
Warnings: language, violence, jealousy, kidnapping, plane crash, animal cruelty (i guess), guns, allusions to murder, let me know if I'm missing anything.
Word Count: 7.2k
a/n: idk if you guys listen to lana but i feel like jj x y/n are so 'chemtrails over the country club' coded
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You once believed that the Outerbanks were as close to peace and paradise as you would ever get. The waves on the beach, tanning on the boat, and beers that tasted like shit but were a refreshing lifesaver on a hotter-than-hell day. You were wrong.
Poguelandia was your Paradise on Earth.
You were aware of how insane it must be to be glad you were stuck on an island with absolutely no way of getting back to modern civilization, but the whole experience of this place was out of body. You were in the most ideal situation of your current stranded status.
You weren't alone, you had your family with you, with your combined strengths and skills you were all able to build a system on how to survive.
The first week was full of prep, foraging fresh fruit, gathering coconuts and wood, figuring out how to boil fresh water, and weaving a shelter from when it rains out of leaves and long sticks. 
JJ made sure to claim the island with a flag made out of his white T-shirt and ash from the fires you all made to keep warm during the night. He climbed high up on top of a palm tree to tie the flag. Just as he said he would, it read 'Poguelandia' with a chicken laying back with its arms (wings) behind its head, chillin' in a coconut bra and Crocs, smoking a joint. 
Sure, fresh water was a bitch and a half to make and food came straight out of the ocean but when you thought about it- the only difference between Poguelandia and the OBX was that the Chateau was a slightly more stable shelter. Well, that and here you had free food.
In all honesty, if there was a boat that miraculously did find a way to this island that could take you all home, you weren't sure if you would want to leave.
The only person whom you shared this confession with was JJ. He confessed he felt the same.
On week two with no sign of life, the reality of the situation slowly creeps its way into the group's minds, with plenty of time to think about what you wanted from life, if there was one past Poguelandia- this was what you wanted. The life JJ's described to you a million times before.
The boards were the only thing lacking, however, JJ was prepared to chop down a tree with his pocket knife and make one through trial and error.
Late one night, the others were fast asleep, you had taken a nap earlier during the day and were the last one still up, you took a walk to the beach and let the cool water trickle over your feet. You stood there with your eyes closed until you felt yourself shiver from the cold.
You were thinking about curling up by the dying fire and willing yourself to sleep, that was until you flinched at the 'Hey dude' you heard to your left.
"Hey," You replied once your heart calmed. "Thought you were knocked out."
"I was but then I felt someone was missing," He nudged you with his elbow. "Had to make sure you weren't eaten by a jaguar or something."
"I'm pretty sure if there was a jaguar here, we would know by now."
"Or would we? They really got that sneak attack down pact," He spoke in a knowing tone.
You nudged him back with two fingers on his shoulders, "Then I suggest we get hunting." JJ looked like a God in sunlight, but under the moon with the view of the water it made you want to kiss the life out of him. Neither of you ever acknowledged the moments in the dark of night during the summer when John B was presumed dead, you knew he didn't want to. 
It was in the back of your mind constantly these days, you no longer pushed back on the thoughts that told you he possibly wanted more, you could file everything under him being a protective best friend and that he was only looking out for you cause he didn't want to see you get hurt, John B would kill him if he could've prevented something from hurting you. Including himself, a voice in your head urged you to consider.
"What?" JJ asked, a nervous smile peeking through. You blinked, realizing you'd been staring at him. 
"Nothing. Sorry," You shook your head with a smile of your own. You both stood in silence for a minute before you gathered the courage to ask him, "If we had a way of getting off this island, would you?" 
"Hell no," He responded without hesitation. "Nah, I mean, would you?"
You scoffed out a laugh, "No, Yes. No." It was a dream you didn't want to wake up from, waking up would be coming back to reality, realistically you couldn't stay here in this moment forever but it will be engraved in your mind for the rest of your life. 
"I get it," He shrugged.
"Do you?" You questioned with no other underlying connotation but hope. He had nothing in the OBX, other than problems, disappearing off of the face of the earth was in his favor. You had... well, you had John B and the Chateau. Was it worth going back for the latter? 
"Nah, not really, we've been living here." JJ spread his arms out and turned in a circle to compliment the island. "Best life I've lived on this here, Poguelandia." 
"Yeah," You fixed your gaze back on the water. 
"But you, I guess, you'd wanna go back to school or something," JJ sniffed.
You raised your eyes to look at him, he thought that you were concerned about school? With all that you've been through, that was the last thing on your mind, that's probably on top two of Pope's list. You supposed that if you were talking about reasons to go back, if you had to, finishing school would have to be a priority in getting your life together. 
"J, fuck school."
He barked out a laugh til he was wheezing, hands on his knees, face red (from what you could see with the darkness), clutching his stomach as he gathered himself. "Fuck school." He nodded and coughed out the rest of his amusement. 
"This was the goal, wasn't it? To stay, I want to stay."
"Yeah you do," He grinned. "If the lady wants to stay, we'll stay."
The deal was sealed with the handshake made years ago, on the last side bump and snap you both stood looking at each other for a second longer than necessary.
"I thought it'd be weird if I just said that I wanted to stay, we have no reason to go back, at least you and I don't."
"Now you know I got you, you stay, I stay. The rest of them can fuck off," He turned back to see everyone still asleep. "Not really, they should stay too, but you get what I mean."
"Yeah, dude." 
 Something slithered past your foot in the water and you jumped. 
"Oh my fucking god!" You squealed, stepping away from the water and onto the safety of the beach sand. "Did you feel that?"
JJ bent a little, reaching his finger into the water, "What, this?" He splashed water up at you.
"JJ!" You giggled and kicked water at him in revenge. "Your ass is mine."
"Promise?" A bigger splash came your way. 
You, Kie, and JJ were carving wood into spears to hunt for fish when Kie brought up the same topic you and JJ were talking about a couple of weeks ago. She thought aloud about potentially being rescued.
"Rescue?" JJ scoffed, "From what, Paradise? I'm not going back." 
Kie glanced at you with an amused smile and continued to stare at JJ as he admired the island. 
"Look around, we got everything we need, right here." JJ sent you a quick wink, causing you to smile knowingly as you finished wrapping the sharp rock around the rigid stick.
"Just like we talked about," Kie mused. You were taken aback slightly at the romanticism behind her tone. 
With a nod of his head, JJ agreed, "Exactly."
The time on the island has given you time to reflect and accept what's always been there, and you are no longer going to deny the attraction in Kie's eyes when she looks at JJ. There had been a shift in the dynamic and you weren't sure how this would end. Last you checked, JJ was in love with Kie, Kie never batted a lash at that fact, you were in love with JJ- something you never openly confessed to anyone except Kiara. It's not like you needed to anyway, they all more or less knew. 
"We ready to provide for the family?" JJ hops up and twirls the sharp stick. 
"Let's do it," You dust off your shorts. 
"Let's go kill something!" JJ practically skipped in excitement at the thought of action. 
Kie cringed, "You don't have to say it like that." 
"That's exactly what we're gonna do." 
"It sounds barbaric," Kie didn't like the idea of killing an innocent creature but even she had to admit that surviving on fruit was simply not enough. 
"Circle of life, Kie, unless you want to eat coconuts forever" JJ's mention of the fruit made your stomach turn. 
"After the past month, I think I'm good on coconuts," She admitted. 
The three of you traveled to the west side of the beach where there was known to be constant active sea life, as noted by JJ. He instructed you both on how to stand and how to stab the spear into the water, you and Kie practiced until JJ said he saw something moving. 
"Remember, watch your shadow, they see that and they're gone" JJ warned you both. "Here we go."
You weren't entirely confident in your newly acquired skills but it was your nerves or your dinner, and you were starved. 
You spotted something in the water, silver and gliding smoothly in its environment. "Guys, look!" 
"It's a skate," JJ confirmed, "Get 'em."
"Got it!" You went in for the kill but it swam away faster than you could stab. "Kie, he's coming toward you." 
"I can't," She hesitated. "I really can't." 
JJ follows the fish and spears the stick into the water with a grunt, "Damn it, I missed it. Where is it?" 
You snorted, "So do we all just suck at-" Before you could finish your sentence, Kie lifted the makeshift spear with the skate at the end of it. 
"Oh my god," She exclaimed and jumped into JJ's arms. 
"You did it!" You cheered her on despite the jealousy gnawing away at you. 
JJ hugged her back with one arm, "We're having skate tonight!" 
Your nose wrinkled at the blood that dripped from the fish, "Full Pogue." You murmured. 
"Full pogue!" JJ repeated in a loud shout. 
You came back heroes to the rest. Cheers echoed when you came back with protein. 
You sat around in a circle with adequately full stomachs, a game of truth or dare started not too long ago, it went back to Sarah whose turn it was to ask. 
"John B, truth or dare?" She took the hat made out of leaves and tossed it to your brother who chose truth. "If you could do it all again... what would you do differently?" 
Your mouth formed an 'o' as you nodded, the question was a good one, you knew everyone had plenty of things they'd do differently from the beginning.
"Get the gold before Ward did," JJ spoke. 
"Hide the cross a little better," Pope stated after. 
"Not yell 'murderer' at Ward, maybe," Kie side glanced at you guiltily, her shoulders hunched in a shrug.  
"Steal a couple of bottles of rum before we jumped off the boat," John B answered. 
"Yeah, why didn't you do that, actually?" JJ whose back was facing the group had turned to ask him. 
"Cause I was running for my life, maybe," John B looked at you all for help jokingly. 
You chuckled, "I'd probably not sleep with Rafe." You winced at your own confession. Sarah's eyebrows shot up. 
"Hold up," She let out a laugh of disbelief and straightened on her place on the log, "When was this?"
"Feels like long ago, at this point," You released a stressful sigh.  
"Yeah, we've all made some crazy ass choices," Kie came to defend. 
"I guess we're even now," Sarah eased back into her seat. "You're taste is despicable though."
You couldn't help but look at JJ for a second, to see if he had any reaction, he kept quiet and continued drawing random patterns in the sand with a stick. 
Cleo broke the slight tension that was creeping its way in, "I would look both ways before crossing the street." 
"Yeah, my bad," John B laughed. 
"You're turn, chief." Cleo focuses on John B to ask the next person. He turns to Kie and asks her to pick, plopping the hat onto her head.
She chose, "Truth." 
"If you could go to your parent's house on figure eight this instant, would you do it?" 
She deliberates for a short while, "No chance." 
"Seconded," Sarah agrees. 
"Hear, hear," JJ lifts his coconut. 
"The shower's tempting though."
You groaned at the thought of a shower, "I could use a good shower right now." 
Kie throws the hat JJ's way, it falls to the sand before he picks it up, "JJ. Truth or dare."
"I mean, do you even need to ask?" He fixes it on his head. 
She points to the highest cliff in view, "Big jump. Nobody's done it yet, dare." 
There wasn't a hint of hesitation in his expression as he went straight up the cliff. The rest of you waited down below cheering him on as you saw his small figure standing on the edge of the rock. 
"There he goes," You say to no one in particular. 
Kie stands to the right of you with her arms crossed, shaking her head with a smirk, "He's not gonna do it."
"Oh, you think I'm not gonna do it?" Somehow JJ heard her from all the way on top. Part of you thought he wouldn't either, he's been up there for a few minutes now as if he calculating the height and the possibility of him dying from the rocks below, though you couldn't recall when was the last time he cared.
"He's gonna do it," Pope counters. "It's highly dangerous, zero reward? He's doing it." 
JJ howled to the ocean, exerting the energy he would need to jump. He took several steps back before going into a run and his body hit the waves. 
He swam to meet you all on the shore, Pope and John B tackled him into the water as soon as he was able to walk away from the waves that were calling to the group. 
While the boys drowned themselves, you and the girls ran into the water, letting it cool you down from the heat of the day. 
You didn't know the guys were done with their mini wrestling match, and let out a surprised scream at a pair of arms circling your waist from behind you and lifting you out of the water to then be body slammed in. 
JJ emerged at the same time you did, you parted the hair from your face as you came up and launched yourself at him in an attempt to 'drown' him. It didn't last very long, his arms were around you once more and carried you bridal style out of the water, following the group back to the shelter. 
"I actually thought I was gonna die, I'ma be honest!" He admitted. 
"You looked like you were gonna die," Pope told him. "I thought you were gonna die." 
"You can put me down now, thanks," You glared at him with no real malice. Your arms were still wrapped around his neck. 
He shook his head, "Nah, I'm good." 
You rolled your eyes, and only missed his warmth a little when he set you back on the ground to walk back where the others were already starting a fire for the night. 
Silence befell the group as the sun went down and the sky grew dark, the lighthearted fun turned into a peaceful calm as you all sat around the pit of burning embers. 
"Y/n, wake up," You felt your shoulder being pushed. You shoved the hand away from you, you had found a comfortable position a couple of hours ago in your sleep, you were in deep. "Come on."
With an irritated huff of your breath, you wiped the sleep from your eye and saw that mostly everyone was gone, Sarah was hovering above you. You sat up quickly, and your eyes widened at the sound of the blades of a plane. 
You walked over to the figures of your John B, Kie, Sarah, and JJ. The latter looked back to you with a frown, an astute look at what lies ahead if the plane heard the shouts of your brother. 
His voice cracked from how loud he was trying to make himself shout, "We're right here!" He waved with his arms stretched high. 
Pope and Cleo were gone, and you knew that they went to start the signal fire Pope thought to build. Piles and piles of dried leaves and wood to a fire for whomever to see, smoke, an SOS. 
You and JJ shared a frown, neither of you wanted to move. You couldn't help but notice Sarah's lack of enthusiasm as well, it didn't matter, none of you could stay. 
John B wanted out, and Sarah would follow him anywhere. Kiara had her parents, and so did Pope, Cleo had nothing to lose either way. 
You felt guilty for not feeling the sense of emergency the others did, dread overwhelmed you. Kie, and John B, screaming at the top of their lungs. The sound of disappointment as the plane flew into the distance, panic from almost being rescued became relief. 
It came back soon again as the others noticed it turned back around. 
"He's going to the pond," John B announced. "Come on, come on." 
You grudgingly went along behind them, as JJ and Sarah did. John B and Sarah were the first ones to the plane. Cleo and Pope are close behind with Kiara trailing them. 
JJ held your wrist as you were going to follow, you halted your steps and turned your neck to see that JJ had his head down, jaw set, he didn't want to leave. 
You knew, and you didn't want to either, you twisted your wrist out of his grasp and abruptly brought him in for a hug. 
"I know," You whispered in his ear. He gave you one tight squeeze and let you go.
"Come on," He encouraged you to come along with the quietest voice. 
Pope, Cleo, and John B let out exhilarated cheers as they approached the man who opened the cargo door. 
"What do we got here?" The man had a dark striped linen shirt, red shorts, and sandals. A hat dangled from his neck underneath his long brown hair tied back into a low ponytail, and aviator sunglasses to complete the look. 
You thought it was a bit odd for a guy to just so happen to fly by the area when in the month that you've been here there hasn't been a peek of air traffic. 
"Oh, you know, just a couple of castaways." John B always the leader, responded casually. 
"Well, I'll cross that off the grocery list," A southern accent came through. You didn't like that you couldn't see his eyes behind his glasses. "Hold on, I got just the thing for y'all." 
John B appeared to be hopeful, beside him, Sarah had said nothing. It didn't seem like she trusted this guy either. "Hey no, Look at this guy, you think he works for your dad?"
"Two things you need on a deserted island-" The guy continued. 
"It's okay," You heard him try to convince Sarah when she shook her head in denial of his words. You didn't know if this guy worked for her dad or not but there was something off about him. 
"First aid and rum," He brought out a red kit and a bottle, tossing the glass full of liquid at Sarah who let it fall into the water, Pope caught the red box easily. "So, what's the story? You guys sank a boat?"
"Jumped off one," John B shrugged. "Her dad's."
You narrowed your eyes sharply at the back of John B's head, he shouldn't be giving this guy a lick of information, but he was practically giving it all away. What if he was working for Sarah's dad? 
"In-laws, man," The guy drawled out. "They're tough. Well, have no fear, Jimmy's here." 
"Well, all hail Jimmy, guys!" Cleo declared. "Let's go." 
"Welcome aboard the Flying Fish, y'all, I'm Jimmy Portis." He introduced himself as the group boarded the small plane. "I'll be your captain today, now, is this all? Seven of you?"
"Yeah, is that okay?" 
You tuned out their conversation and hung back with JJ, not willing to go back but you knew that John B would drag you back over his shoulder if he had to. You'd like to believe that he'd accept it if you wanted to stay behind but the truth was you only had each other. He wouldn't leave you and you... you can't just leave him. 
Your footsteps felt heavy while walking up the steps of the cramped plane, you said a silent goodbye to Poguelandia. 
You sat in the back of the plane, across from Kie atop a box, it gave you flashbacks of the shipping container. Though this is much less spacious. 
"What were you doing all the way out here?" You elevated the tone of your voice so it could be carried to the front of the plane for Jimmy to hear. 
"I got a little guide outfit in Saint Vincent, I was spotting fish," He replies. 
You didn't know much about fishing or fishing seasons but his story didn't feel right. He was flying a plane to spot fish, alone? 
"What were spotting?" JJ asked a follow-up question. He was crouched behind the co-pilot seat. 
"You know, the usual, Wahoo." 
John B's head lifted and he caught JJ's eye, moving his head slightly, the small shake of his head was enough to tell you that what that Jimmy guy said wasn't right. 
"I'd hang on to something, get a little spicy on takeoff," Portis warns you and puts on the headset. 
You grab ahold of a hanging handle as the plane takes off. 
The radio is rattling off stats you had no comprehension of, you were all officially in the air. 
JJ beckons you all the move forward, so you all scoot to the front to hear him. 
"Wahoo don't run in September," He affirms. "Ever, alright? So whoever this man is, he's not a fisherman." 
"Maybe the run just starts earlier out here," Pope suggests.
"You sure about that?" The expression on JJ's face said it was highly doubtful. "In the Caribbean?"
"No, I know what this is, he's working for my dad and he's probably been looking for us the entire time," said Sarah.
"We gotta find out, start looking for some sort of clues," JJ trails off when he spots the bag hanging from the back of Jimmy Portis' seat. He signs for John B to distract the pilot while he- the certified Klepto- gets to snooping. 
John B taps on the man's left shoulder as John B is behind him and gets him to look over while JJ works to the right of him. He begins to chat up the pilot with questions about his life and JJ digs through the bag, pulling out a book titled 'The loss of El Dorado'. 
He opened the cover to find a picture of the coastal venture, the ship you had all escaped from. 
Sarah grabs the picture and shows John B, "This is the boat we were on, with Eberhimi and the cross." 
"So he was looking for us," Cleo said more than asked. 
"He's working for my dad." 
The aircraft shook suddenly, making you jump where you sat. 
"Y'all better hold something, we got some unexpected turbulence up here!" Jimmy cautions you all. 
You look out the window to see the mainland in view, "Guys, whatever's happening is happening fast." 
"That looks like Barbados, I've been there with Terrence," Cleo recognizes. 
"There's six of us, one of him, you know vote." JJ, as always, suggests violence. "We storm the cockpit." 
"No, w
"Who's gonna fly the plane, dumbass?" John B rationalized. 
"I've seen Pope fly simulators."
Pope stutters, "I crop-dusted for my uncle last summer, this is not the same thing."
"We are going to die," You accepted your fate. 
Kie speaks up, "No we are not, and we don't have time to pretend that's a real option." 
"Do you have an idea?" JJ snarks back.
"Something safe." 
"Why don't we just wait until the plane lands somewhere safe and then we sneak out," Pope forms a plan. "If somebody comes to mess with us, we mad-dog them." 
Nobody protested the idea, it seemed generally solid. Kie told JJ to put the stuff taken out of Jimmy's bag back before he noticed but as he was in the process of doing so, John B's distraction didn't work so well the second time and he turned his head, catching JJ in his bag. 
"The hell are you doing?" Jimmy shoved JJ out and JJ pushed back, he was fighting with one hand and lost control of the plane. 
You didn't have time to think, the plane was going down, and everybody flew to the front as the Flying Fish dove straight into the water. 
The plane was filling up quickly, already halfway full, you coughed up water as you pulled yourself up from one of the hanging handles. 
John B kicked open the door, and immediately protested, "Oh no, no, no, no. They don't look friendly." 
"No, they look very unfriendly," Pope looked out next to John B. 
"We gotta go."
The vessel was sinking fast, John B was helping everybody get out, Cleo went first, then Sarah, Pope dove out after, and JJ next. 
"Y/n, come on!" John B yelled. 
Your leg got caught on one of the ropes, "I'm going." 
"What's wrong?" Kie panics looking at you. 
"I got it, it's okay, go." You were busy trying to untangle your foot. You heard JJ call out for you guys to hurry before it sunk. 
"Hang on!" She yells back at them and helps you. 
"Shit," You curse, the rope that was tied around your ankle had given cut you from what you assumed was when the plane went down. It was twisted twice around your foot but you were both able to set it free. "Got it, Kie, let's go."
"Portis," She swims to the man who was unconscious, "Help me get him out." 
Fuck, you curse mentally, this thing was sinking fast. You already wasted time trying to set yourself free, now you had to help out the guy who kidnapped you guys. 
You and Kie carried him out with the help of the water, you were both struggling to swim yourself until you reached the shore with no sign of the others. 
You grunted as you dropped your half of the man to the sand, two locals came to help. 
Your ankle now stung with a medium-sized gash was sliced around half of your leg. You coughed out the salty water you swallowed while swimming with the man who was now alive. 
"Thank you," His bloodshot red eyes looked at both you and Kie as he expressed his gratitude. 
"You lied to us," Kie growled. "Who are you?" 
"Kie," You saw men coming in ATV's. "We need to go." 
You were tired of running, but what would happen if you didn't was worse. 
"Shit," She hisses. "Let's go." 
You ran ignoring the stinging sensation of the cut, the adrenaline helping you out, the panic and anxiety set in, and that made you feel more than the open wound spilling blood. 
"Over here," you found an old wooden boat painted blue, rusty oil containers that could shield you from view. You both hid in between them, catching your breath for a good couple of seconds before you were found. 
A man crouching down to look and Kie punched him, and you both ran. There were four men with vests and guns, two on either side. You went one way, she went the other, and you ran straight into them. By the sounds of the struggle, Kie got caught too. 
You flailed your arms and tried to push down his arms from where they were around your waist but it was no use. You kicked your legs, and your elbow hit something but that made the man's arms crush you in his hold. 
"Let go of me!" You screamed and growled. The other man grabbed your legs with no remorse for the cut. You didn't stop moving, you scratched the man who held you in his arms deep enough to draw blood. 
"Fucking bitch!" He squeezed until you felt a deep pain in your ribs. 
They didn't stop moving until they had you on the back of a trunk with your hands tied behind your back. 
Kie was there, shivering in her place, you stopped fighting once you saw her. You supposed now you would have to accept whatever was going to happen together. 
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Fucking amazing," You grumbled. "Are you?"
"Never been better."
And who else showed his face other than Jimmy Portis? 
"We saved you," Kie snarled. 
"I know, I know, I'm sorry" He looked weak and spineless. "I'm gonna try to help you guys, okay? I swear, I didn't know it was gonna be like this. Look, if you don't fight, if you just do what they say, these guys probably won't hurt you." 
He didn't know it was gonna be like this; meaning he was not high up on whatever fucked up chain this was, which meant his promise of helping meant nothing. 
"What did Ward promise you?" 
"Who?" He gave Kie a quizzical stare. "Just take my advice, do what they say. Good luck."
Another man with a vest sat in front of you both, giving you a hard glare, probably a buddy of the one who grabbed you. If the whole no-fighting thing was true, you were screwed, then again it didn't matter what you did- if he didn't know who Ward was then that meant you didn't know what you were dealing with and you were screwed anyway. 
The anxiety pumping through your chest was overstimulating. Your body was shivering intensely, at first it was from the initial shock of the surfacing from the fresh water. Now you were sure the events of the day were catching up to you, putting a physical strain on your body, but you fought through it. 
You observed the roads your kidnappers had taken, memorizing as many details as you could for when you would eventually escape. With Kie by your side, the both of you could surely find your way through this town. 
The truck slowed to a stop, the driver rolled down his window to talk to an armed guard with an intimidating German Shepherd. One quick look and one of the two men standing in front of the gate, lifted it for the truck to go through. 
You looked around at your surroundings and noticed this place was heavily guarded, practically a fortress. Miles and miles of land with men stationed not five minutes away from each other.
The estate was several stories high, again- guards posted everywhere. You and Kie were yanked to the front door, and let in by a housekeeper. 
To the right of the foyer, you immediately notice the artifacts enclosed in glass cases.
"Take them upstairs, Orinoco room for this one-" The Housekeeper instructs the guard who grips Kie's bicep and takes her up. "Nazas room for that one." 
The same man who you scratched snatched you similarly to how the other one did Kie, with more unnecessary force than needed in your opinion. "Up." 
"Y/n?" Kie's neck turned to you. 
"I'm right behind you," You reassured her. 
He took you to a room next to Kiara's, he tossed you inside with a sneer, slamming the door behind himself without a word.
"Hey!" You yelled. "What the hell am I here for?" 
No response. 
You pounded on the door to hopefully get an answer, "Who do you work for? Why do they want us here?" 
You grumbled to yourself taking in the room they stuffed you in, you were scared you admitted to yourself. They could have at least kept you both together, you knew they probably wouldn't do that since they could clearly care less about your comfort after kidnapping you... 
The room had three windows with a nook, floral printed curtains, walls painted a coral color. The four-poster bed facing the door, your brows scrunched in confusion at the open wardrobe to the left of the bed with hanging identical red dresses. You walked over to it and plucked the note with the words 'pick your size' written. 
The question 'What the fuck?' just gets deeper and deeper. You aggressively crumbled up the paper into a ball and threw it at the door. 
You sighed and walked to the open door next to the one the guard shut, walking in, there was a mirror and a sink with a shower to the left. You took one look at yourself and winced at the difference you saw from the girl you were. 
Aged, matured, whatever you wanted to call it- that was you. You stood straighter, your hair was frizzed and you were darker than your normal tan from the sun you took on Kildare. Your nose and cheeks were tinted red; burnt. 
Your shoulder slumped from exhaustion, hold it together, you told yourself. You can break down later. 
The shower was reviving, you felt refreshed your hair felt soft again, and you relished in the feeling of being clean and slipped on one of the dresses that were in your size. You were impressed with the size range the mysterious nabber had. They even had several pairs of heels to match, you released a laugh and felt delirious, this was unreal. 
You admired yourself from different angles and did a double-take when you saw a third door. You went for it and turned the knob, it was unlocked, it creaked open and you gasped. 
Kie's room. There she sat in a dress the same as yours, color and style, down to the heel. She had her head clutched in her hands, lifting her head up at the sound of the door. 
"Kie, oh my god," You strode over to her with arms outstretched. She mimicked you into an embrace. It was comforting to know you weren't entirely alone anymore. 
She sighed into you, "Did the guy tell you anything?" 
You pulled away and shook your head with pursed lips, "No, did he?" You asked if her guard gave her any information.
"Dinner, at eight." 
"Oh yeah? Just a casual sit-down dinner while holding us hostage," You replied sarcastically. "Sounds like an entertaining night."
"At least we have adjoining rooms," Her lips twitched upwards. "If Ward wasn't the one searching for us then who is this guy?"
"Didn't know we had so many enemies," You took the liberty to sit on the edge of her bed. 
"Should we even be surprised at this point?" She rolled her eyes. 
Your heart felt heavy. 
A knock on Kie's door startled you both out of the reminiscent conversation you were having about the island, life in high school and how you both thought last year's summer was gonna go before this whole mess started. 
The maid from earlier appeared you both scrambled out of the bed and fixed your dresses. You glanced at each other, you linked arms as you walked down the steps, and you resisted the urge to take Kie and run through the front doors where you knew you'd be shot down the minute you stepped foot out of the perimeter. 
She directed you both to the dining room, a man was standing with his back to you, serving himself a glass of an amber liquid. 
"Excuse me?" Kie spoke first in a shy tone. 
The man turned and your stomach sank, Rafe. It was Rafe who stood there, in a white button-down shirt and blue blazer. His hair was buzzed, and you felt your heart in your throat.  
"You," You hissed, marching up to him. "You were behind this." 
Rafe sized you up, flashing one look at Kie, "Y/n, what?"
"I knew it had to be you and Ward," Kie jeered at him, a few steps behind you.
"What are you talking about?" He faced you both head-on, "Are you trying to weasel in on my deal, is that what's going on?"  
"I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know," A voice cut through from a room to the right of the dining table. A tanned man with a beard smirked as he strolled over to you three. 
"Who are you?" Rafe stepped forward. 
"Me?" The man in the grey suit pointed to himself. "My name is Carlos Singh, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cameron. Ms. Carrera, and Ms. Routeledge, I do apologize for the rough tactics in bringing you here. But, please, come sit down."
Apology not accepted? You wanted to say but refrained from doing so, the air around him was not in the least bit friendly or open and inviting though it sounded like he was trying to be. 
"Come now, I don't bite," He waved you all forward. 
You dared to walk through the threshold first, sitting on a sturdy chair that felt expensive underneath you, Kie sat next to you with a round coffee table in between both seats. 
Your eyes stayed narrowed at Rafe as he followed suit, visibly stressed, rubbing the lines on his forehead. "Rough tactics, what about me?" 
Singh poured himself a drink, "Yes, Mr. Cameron, false pretenses. But the ends justify the means, I'm afraid. Sit down, we have a lot to talk about." 
Rafe takes the chair across from you, leaving the one next to him, open. 
"Why are we here?" Kie tensed. 
"Well, Ms. Carrera, Routledge, Mr. Cameron, we share certain interests. Objectives." 
"Is this not about the cross?" Rafe interrupts. 
"It is, tangentially, it is about the cross." He confirms, "It's also about something much, much bigger than the cross by order of magnitude." 
The man stood in front of a painting, "The completion of a grand quest. You see, the story goes that four hundred fifty years ago- a Spanish soldier came out of the Orinoco Basin with a few gold beads, and when they asked the Spanish soldiers where the beads came from the Spanish soldier replied he got them from a peaceful indigenous tribe who lived in a city of gold. El Dorado.
"And for the next four hundred and fifty years, people tried to find that gold. They tried." Singh picked up a knife from the desk cabinet below the painting. "Conquistadors, knights, captains of ships, tribes; entire nations. All fighting each other in a race for the end of the rainbow, thousands of lives laid on the pyre of gold fever, and it falls to me." 
"It falls to me to complete the task," Singh strolled over to you, knife in hand. Your eyes never strayed from the hands that handled it. "To bring full circle a quest that has gone on for almost five hundred years, perhaps the greatest quest in the history of the western hemisphere. You three, are going to play a part in that." 
"Ms. Routledge, daughter of a man who was interested in making history, don't think I don't know you're family history." 
You cleared your throat, "Past, present, future. They all kind of mesh together in my head sometimes, you know." 
"Yeah, I didn't listen to a word you said, okay?" Rafe chimed in, "How much are you gonna keep philosophizing?" 
"You are direct, aren't you, Mr. Cameron?"
"What do you need from us?" Kie asked. 
"I've come to believe that you and your friends are in possession of something that can help me get what I want."
"Which is?" You couldn't think of something he could possibly want. 
"An old manuscript, a diary, actually."
You kept your features neutral, giving away nothing, "A diary?" 
You were starting to notice a pattern with people who talked, thought, and associated with the cross. All greedy fanatics.
"We don't know anything about a diary," Kie shrugged casually. 
"How else could you have learned that the cross was on the Royal Merchant."
"We would help you if we could but we can't."
"I was hoping you wouldn't say that you know, because unfortunately, I don't believe you. you and your friend here," He pointed to Rafe, "Couldn't have found the cross without it." 
"He's not our friend," You clarified. 
"We can't all be friends," Singh's tone was grim. You didn't want to know what was gonna happen, knowing you couldn't give him what you wanted- even if you wanted to the diary was in Kildare. 
"This is ridiculous," Rafe stands, "Okay, I'm out. I don't know anything about a diary." 
He walks backward with hands half raised in surrender to then face one of the many, many guards in the house, gun across his vested chest. 
"Do I look like a fool to you, Mr. Cameron?" Singh grew dangerously impatient with Rafe. "You have the cross, their friends had the cross at one point, so one of you has the diary."
Rafe's eyes bore into yours, you let him, your own gaze unwavering. 
"And if you really don't know, then I suggest you convince your friend to tell me, once I have the diary- you'll be free to leave." He lightens his tone before it darkens again. 
He leads you three up the stairs and into Kie's room, "I must warn you though, I am not a man of infinite patience. You have one day, go to the window for a little demonstration." He pats Rafe on the shoulder before exiting.  
You heard the click of the lock, solidifying the trap. You clenched your fists, fingers cracking to help with the anxiety at what you were going to witness. 
Rafe protests and yanks at the doorknob, Kie comes up behind you as you open the curtain, and then Rafe joins you on the other side. 
You heard shouts, and then Jimmy Portis being dragged by another guy. 
"Who is he?" Rafe being this close to your ear made you shuffle closer to Kie. 
"It's Jimmy Portis, we know him," Kie responds for you. 
You felt a stab of guilt, "He must've been trying to help us." 
Singh looked up at the window where the three of you stood watching, he had a handgun, making it obvious of his intention. He walked out of view where Jimmy was, there was a cock of the gun clicking, and not a second later came the booming shot fired. 
a/n: SEASON 3!!! thank you all for your love and patience, i love you all, let me know what you think
let me know if you'd like to be tagged :)
@jbassettjmaybank - @deanwherescas - @thtbwltts - @nerdypartytrashpsychic - @random-girl-army - @wisegirlies - @instabull - @sexyfoxlady - @bubs-world - @sdawn03 - @mendesclines - @obx-pogues-4-life - @mentalforfics - @p-prettybitch - @namacissi - @dczedhee - @inkandpen22 - @royalavenger - @ayeitsjustmee - @80strashbag - @onlyangel-444 - @freds-slut - @poppet05 - @itsjuststaticnoises - @ahnneyong - @lovepizza567 - @jasminfelling - @rana03 - @loki-loveer - @rana030 - @lostinatimeline - @boldlypessimistic - @clinelyn - @a-j-stuffs - @yunhobug - @syd223sworld - @strawberry--fawn - @mysticalavenuecheesecake - @itsmytimetoodream - @natashtessabeth12 - @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles - @chervbs - @or-was-it-just-a-dream - @newbooksmell777 - @afterzonee - @hana-1235 - @ilovesteveharrngton - @s1Ingwns - @jesssssmaybankk - @auspicious-manner - @mirellef2001
if your name is cross that means tumblr won't allow me to tag you, i'm sorry :/
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ceceliawrites · 18 days
Preggers J.M
Pairing : JJ Maybank X OC
Summary: in which John B tells his sister that he got Sarah pregnant and has to tell his sister and JJ
Warnings: pregnancy (wrap it before you tap it people), John B being an idiot, swearing, angst, fluff, talk about Big John’s death, mentions of Luke Maybank, kinda funny
Inspired from Young Sheldon and Georgie telling Mary and George Mandy is pregnant
“Hey, I gotta tell you something.” John B came into the living room.
“Yeah, okay.” I said absentmindedly, continuing to read my book. When John B didn’t answer, I looked up at him. “Are you okay?” His face was white and he looked like he was going to be sick.
“Come on.” I followed him as he walked back to his room.
“What’s going on?” I asked. JJ was there too, and I looked between the boys.
“You should sit down.” JJ offered.
“What is going on?” I demanded this time, still not sitting down.
“Well, uh.” John B didn’t know what to say.
“Sweet Lord. Stop acting like somebody died.” I rolled my eyes, annoyed that neither of them would spit it out.
“Kinda the opposite actually.” John B muttered. I didn’t get what he was hinting at.
“Well?” I demanded, starting to grow angry with the boys. “One of you tell me what is going on!”
“I got a girl,” John B took a deep breath. “Pregnant.”
I stared blankly at him before laughing. When JJ laid a hand on my shoulder, I looked back at him, and then to John B again. “You’re joking right?”
“Oh now I do need to sit down,” The words tumbled out of my mouth as my legs trembled. JJ came up behind me and guided me to sit on John B’s bed.
“That’s not all.” JJ said, urging John B to keep going.
“Uh well.” John B trailed off.
“What do you mean - that’s not all?” I asked, horrified.
“Buckle up,” JJ told me.
“Well, uh, it’s Sarah.” John B admitted.
“Cameron?” I demanded, shocked, alarmed, and mad. I stood up, walking across the room.
“What kind of Kook sleeps with a Progue?” I demanded, pacing.
“Obviously the kind that was lied to about status.” John B said, defending Sarah. I stared at him blankly for a mole before turning to JJ.
“What are we going to do?” I asked, still horrified.
“That’s what we’re figuring out.” JJ said, voice as calm as he could make it.
“Are you going to marry her? That’s what most people do.”
“I think so.” John B said, fully on board with getting married to Sarah Cameron.
“Hell no!” JJ chided, not on board.
“What do you mean, no?” I asked him. “He got her pregnant and that’s what people do in this town when they get pregnant before marriage!”
“Lily, she’s a Cameron!” JJ reminded me.
“Well, what choice does he have?” I argued back.
“She’s not gonna marry him!” JJ said, gesturing to John B.
“What’s wrong with me?” John B asked, confused to why JJ thought Sarah wouldn’t marry him.
“You’re an idiot, you’re irresponsible, you live in a pig sty most of the time, and you’re known to pee in the sink.” JJ listed off, confused to how John B didn’t know these things. “Care to jump in?” JJ looked at me for help.
Before I could say anything, there was a knock at the door. “Hello?” Pope called to us. I looked to JJ in horror. Why was Pope here?
“Yeah, Pope?” I called back.
“I was just wondering where everyone was.”
“Uh,” I stammered. “We’re just in here talking.” I tried to sound normal. “We’ll be out in a little bit. Is everything okay?”
“I’m fine, but Kiara is watching a scary movie called Jeepers Creepers.” He told us.
“I don’t know what that is,” I admitted to the boys.
“That ones rough.” John B filled in.
“Not good.” JJ added.
I stammered again, trying to cover. “We’ll be right back out.” He relented and went back to the living room where Kie was. “You’re going to have to bring her over.” I told John B, finality in my voice.
“Why?” He asked, confused again.
“Cuz she’s having our niece, you dumb son of a bitch!” JJ told him, rolling his eyes.
“JJ!” I chided, scolding him. I was trying hard to get them to stop swearing at each other and to be nicer in general. “But, what he said.” I relented, turning back to John B.
“I’ll ask her, but she’s not very happy with me right now.”
“Well, I like her already!” JJ admitted, rolling his eyes again.
Later that night, I was sitting on the deck smoking a cigarette and watching the stars because I was stressed. I tried to wipe the ashes off the table when JJ came out. He hated when I smoked.
“Relax, you earned this one.” He said, very tired.
“Thank you,” I told him as he closed the door.
“You coming back to bed?” He questioned, taking steps closer to me.
“In a few minutes.”
JJ sighed and took the spot next to me, taking a big sigh. “Kinda déjà vu, isn’t it?” He said, referring to how we were the parents of our friend group.
“Kinda. I wanna be furious at him, but how can I?” He was going to be a dad. And he was trying to own up to it.
“The trick is to forget we’re the parents of the group and then it was easy.” I stifled a small laugh and JJ gave me the smile I fell in love with.
“It’s so crazy, when dad left, I thought everything was over, but then John B really needed me.”
“Remember his crazy head of hair?” JJ asked, smiling.
“And just like that, it was the best thing that could’ve happened to us, making us step up.”
“What kinda cigarette are you smoking over there?” He joked to me. I gave him a very small smile at his attempt to be funny.
“Ugh, so what do we do now?” I asked, trying to clear my head.
“We don’t have a lot of choices.” JJ told me. “We’re gonna help him raise a kid. And uh, that Cameron girl, is gonna be apart of our lives in some shape or form, until you know, we’re dead.”
“What do you mean shape or form?” I asked confused. “John B’s gotta marry her.”
“No, Lily, he doesn’t.” JJ said, sitting back in his chair.
“How are we supposed to tell people in this town that they aren’t getting married and having a child out of wedlock?” I demanded. “You know what this town does to people.”
“It’s nobody’s business.” JJ said plainly, making me roll my eyes.
“It’s a small town, J!” I reminded him. “Everything is everyone’s business.”
“You ever stop and think that maybe she doesn’t want to marry a progue?”
“Well, we’re trying to change that. Maybe with tax season.”
“Alright, you’re just being ridiculous.” JJ told me, getting annoyed and standing up, clearly done with the conversation.
“I’m being a small town woman.” I told him as he went back into the house. I stood up and went into the house and knocked on John B’s door. When he opened it, I told him flatly, “When you were born, I was very happy, but that doesn’t mean I’m not mad at you!” I walked away before he could respond, walking back to my room.
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of-many-aus · 1 year
The Deal
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Summary: jj is approached with a challenge that he couldn’t refuse, even if he tried
Warnings: underage drinking, stealing, mentions of killing and violence
A/N: i don’t really know what to think of this series so far- i hope you like it though :)
Hate Myself for Loving You Masterlist
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
JJ Maybank could do anything. That was just common knowledge. The boy could pickpocket without a second thought. Surf the biggest wave in the middle of a hurricane. Run from the cops for hours without breaking a sweat. The list goes on.
But the one thing that JJ Maybank couldn’t do- something that was also common knowledge to the whole island- was back out of a challenge.
If someone so much as uttered that they thought JJ couldn’t- or better yet, wouldn’t- do something, the boy would set himself on a war zone that only ended with him completing the task. Which is why it was best to never even think the words ‘I dare you’ within a five mile radius of the boy.
He supposed that was how he found himself in his current predicament, about to do what could perhaps be considered the stupidest thing he had ever done in his life. And that list was as long as the island.
Of course, JJ would like to say that he had been minding his own business when it happened, but nobody would believe that- not even if they were meeting him for the first time and had only known him for a few seconds.
He had been chatting to some snooty touron that wore a watch that was almost the size of his head and sparkled brightly in the light of the bonfire. Said watch was what JJ was currently trying to discreetly swipe off of the boy's wrist.
“-and then I told her that of course, it was no problem that I paid the ten thousand dollar fine.” He spoke boisterously, clearly trying to attract the attention of others nearby as he flexed his fathers vast fortune.
It took everything the blond boy had not to wrinkle his nose at the realization that people like the kooks lived off the obx as well, that some people weren’t any better off the island.
The tourons words were slurred and he was stumbling while trying to stand in place, watch wearing hand holding onto a red solo cup that had a bit of liquid left sloshing around in it.
JJ figured that the dude was so drunk that he no doubt could have just asked for the watch and he would have given it to him, but stealing it was much more fun.
The boy froze for half a second, thoughts of how he was caught slamming into his mind, but he roughly pushed them away. Instead, he finished slipping the watch into his back pocket and put on a neutral face, turning around to face the three advancing figures, the one in the front of the group being the one that had called his name.
“Fellas!” JJ greeted with mock happiness, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Beat it,” Rafe snapped at the touron who’s eyebrows had furrowed at being interrupted, but the drunk guy stumbled away nonetheless, muttering under his breath as he went.
So this wasn’t about the watch, they would have called him out in front of the touron if it was.
Topper was leading the pack with Kelce and Rafe right on his heels, which was slightly strange, considering the fact that Rafe was always the one taking charge.
Right now though, it was clear why Topper was in the front. He had a look that could kill on his face and JJ was on the receiving end of it. Whatever the boy did must have been bad. Too bad he couldn’t for the life of him remember what it was.
“You,” Topper seethed, surging forward and seizing the boy by the collar, shaking him for good measure, “You need to keep your little friend away from her.”
Now JJ was confused, “Who?” He asked dumbly.
“Routledge.” The blond angrily turned him around to face the direction of where John B was happily chatting to Sarah Cameron by the fire, “You need to keep him the hell away from Sarah.”
Realization dawned on Maybank before the confusion kicked back in, “I don’t have anything to do with that.”
Topper smiled suddenly, a chilling smile that even made JJ uneasy, and he released his hold on the boy, making a show of smoothing out his shirt for him.
“Of course not, but you could always steer his attention away.” Topper spoke smoothly, “There’s some ways to do that, like, oh, I don’t know… dating his sister.”
JJ’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach, “What?”
Kelce shrugged nonchalantly, “Everyone knows he hates the idea of his little sister dating, so what better way to distract him than his own best friend taking her out?”
His face turned up in disgust at the thought that these boys assumed they could just tell him to take you out. As if they had any say over your life, “Why the hell would I do that?”
“Oh, we’re intending to pay you, of course.” Topper was now speaking as if it was just a normal conversation, “For every date that you take her out on, we’re willing to pay two hundred dollars.”
That was more than he made in two weeks when he worked at that fancy country club.
“And don’t worry,” Rafe jumped in with a menacing smile, “We’re not expecting you to do this forever. Just until the midsummers dance, that way it distracts John B long enough for Topper to get back with Sarah.”
Two hundred dollars.
“And what if I say no?” JJ challenged with a raised eyebrow, trying to keep his composure.
Topper shrugged, “We could always have someone else go out with her. Someone who would do it for far less of a price. Come on, Maybank. What’re you, scared?”
Uh oh. That was a challenge. Something that he couldn’t back out of, even if he tried. It was a pointless battle against himself, and he knew it.
JJ’s stomach churned with worry and disgust. Of course, he knew how awful their offer was- being paid to take you out. But what if he didn’t? What if someone else was taking you out, someone with far worse intentions.
You and JJ might not always get along, but he couldn’t do that to you. That wouldn’t be right. Not to mention John B would kill him. Well, he would anyway if he took you out.
There was a hard look in his eyes when he spoke next, a sort of serious determination that was exceedingly rare to see from the boy.
“Fine.” Was all he said, doing everything in his power not to cringe.
“Wonderful. It’s a deal.” Topper smiled widely, turning on his heel, “Pleasure doing business with you, Maybank!” He called over his shoulder as he and the others strutted away.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
You must have first started hating JJ Maybank in the third grade, because that’s when all the firsts happened. First tests, first friendships, first crushes, first hatred’s.
He was in the fourth grade along with your older brother at the time, and you couldn’t stand him- not a single thing about him.
It was probably due to the fact that at the mere age of nine, he had been chasing after your brother in your yard when you had been innocently walking across it, probably to go fishing off the dock. He hadn’t seen you in the way and body slammed right into you when his head was turned, sending you tumbling to the ground with a face full of grass and dirt.
JJ had been frozen in place, horrified as you started crying, but before he could even open his mouth to try and apologize, you had started screaming at him. Telling him that he was a dumb boy who had too big of shoes if he was tripping into you while running.
Immediately, he turned furious, snapping back at you about how you should have been watching where you were going instead of being in ‘la la land’.
The two of you proceeded to launch into shouts of the best insults that your young minds could muster, and were mere seconds away from lunging at each other when Big John had wandered out at the commotion and physically had to hold each of you back.
But even with your restraints, it did nothing to stop the venomous looks you sent at one other. Glares that declared from that moment forward to be rivals. To hate each other with every bone in your body. Even now, at the ages of fifteen and sixteen, neither of you had stopped.
Speak of the devil.
You and a couple friends were hanging out at a kegger that your brother and his own friends started a couple of hours ago, nursing some red solo cups near a bonfire when you heard JJ Maybank call out to you with that stupid nickname he gave you a couple years back.
A scowl appeared on your face as your friends silenced around you and you turned around to glare at him, “What do you want, JJ?” The annoyance was clear as day in your tone.
He spread his arms out with a large grin, “What? I can’t stop by to say a friendly little ‘hi’ to you?”
“No.” You deadpanned with an eye roll, “So beat it, Maybank.”
“Relax, Bambi, relax,” The blond held his hands up in mock surrender, “I come in peace.”
“Since when?” You shot back, taking a long sip from your cup.
“Since now.” He smiled at you. He never smiled at you, “I just wanted to talk-“
“Not interested.” You cut him off and turned back towards your friends, “Come on, guys,” You muttered, “I need another drink.”
Your friends hurriedly trailed after you as you stormed away, always getting worked up whenever JJ was around.
The boy was left behind, watching your retreating figure.
This was going to be harder than he thought.
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alyswritings · 1 month
First Period
Request: Could you write a fic where jj maybanks little sister gets her first period and her dad finds out and makes her feel really bad about it but then jj makes her feel better?
JJ Maybank x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N gets her first period.
Warnings: luke being a dick
(gif not mine)
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Y/N walks into the bathroom, pulling her pants down and sitting on the toilet. She looks down, her eyes widening at the red stain in her underwear. Her heartrate picks up, the girl quickly pulling her pants up and turning around in the mirror, seeing the red substance on the back of her pajama pants.
"No. No, no, no." She mumbles, rushing to her bedroom. She pulls the blankets back, the blood on her sheets. "Fuck." She whispers, feeling panic start to build up. She doesn't have any items to help her or prepare her for this. JJ's not even home, the boy having to work, reluctantly leaving his sister home alone with the siblings' dad.
Y/N whines as she considers going to get Luke. Maybe he's in a rare moment of sobriety and would help her. She goes to leave the room, but stops as music starts to blast letting her know she's not getting her wish.
She contemplates texting JJ, but knows they need the money and she shouldn't make him leave early, especially for something that isn't life or death.
The girl jumps as the door slams open, her father storming in.
"The fuck you doing, you useless little bitch? You were supposed to get those damn dishes done." Luke sneers, grabbing a fistful of her hair making her cry out.
"I-I'm sorry. I'll do them now." Y/N whines in pain.
"You bet your stupid ass you will." Luke seethes, Y/N flinching as spit flies onto her face. Luke starts to drag her out but notices the stain on her bed. "The fuck is that?"
"I-I got my period." Y/N admits with a shaky voice, avoiding eye contact.
"Ugh." Luke grimaces. "Don't you have shit for that?" He questions, shoving her back.
"N-no. No, this-- it's my first one." Y/N says. "I didn't-- I didn't know it happ-" She flinches as Luke punches the wall, creating a hole the size of his fist.
"You fucking idiot! You're supposed to know better when it comes to all that nasty shit!" Luke shouts.
"I'm sorry." Y/N whimpers, tears springing to her eyes.
"Don't fucking cry, you little crybaby!" He roars in her face, Y/N doing her best to hold her tears back. "Fucking stupid disgusting little bitch. God." He storms out, slamming the door shut behind him. He raises the volume on his stereo, Y/N covering her ears to block the noise out, quietly sobbing to herself.
JJ quietly walks into the house, listening to the silence. He waits a moment, hearing the snores emitting from his father in the living room. He gently shuts the door and creeps through the house, keeping his eyes on his dad to make sure he doesn't wake up.
Ditching his bag in his bedroom, he goes to Y/N's room, gently knocking on the door before opening it and going in, shutting the door. He looks around, frowning when he spots Y/N curled up on the floor on a blanket, her head on her knees.
"Hey." JJ gently calls, Y/N's head shooting up, the boy only growing more worried at the tear stains on her face. He glances up, noticing the hole in the wall that he knows wasn't there before. "Did he hit you?"
Y/N sniffles as she shakes her head, relaxing JJ only the slightest.
"What happened, kid?" JJ asks, crouching in front of her, brushing some of her wet hair away from her face.
"I-I got my period." Y/N mumbles, sniffling. JJ's eyes widen momentarily, not expecting that answer.
"O-okay." He says. "What happened?"
"He got really mad." She says, her voice only a broken whisper. JJ sighs, grimacing at her having to deal with Luke.
"C'mere." He tries to pull her into a hug, but she pulls back.
"No." She whines. "No, I'm disgusting."
"No, you're not." JJ denies. "This is a normal process for girls, you're not disgusting." He assures.
"No, it-- it's in my underwear and on my shorts. That's why I have the blanket, I didn't wanna stain the floor." She starts to cry as she rants. "And it's-- I didn't know what to do, we haven't actually talked about this. And it's all on my bed." She sobs, JJ finally able to pull her into a hug. He gently shushes her as she cries into his shoulder, his hand resting on the back of her head and stroking her hair.
"You're okay." JJ mumbles in her ear. "You're okay. It's okay." JJ continues to hold her until her cries start to cease.
"Okay. Hey." He pulls away, smoothing her hair down. "Get changed, clean up however much you need to, put some toilet paper in your underwear, and-- and if you're okay with it, I'll call Sarah and Kie and get them to help out with-- with the whole... supply thing. Cause I can comfort you, but I know there's a lot of options and I don't know shit about any of them." He admits gaining a watery giggle from his sister.
"That's fine." She nods, rubbing her nose and sniffing.
"Okay." JJ nods. "And pack a bag. We're going to the chateau." He states.
"What about the sheets?" She asks.
"Uh... I'll throw 'em in a trash bag and we can wash them there." JJ says. "I'll handle everything. Just get ready." Y/N nods and JJ kisses her on the forehead before leaving to let her get changed.
After a somewhat long trip to the store with Kie and Sarah on FaceTime, the two siblings managed to get the correct items. JJ didn't realize how much they would cost, using the last bit of money he had for them and a candy bar Y/N was eyeing at the counter.
The two are at the chateau and Y/N had taken a shower, taking care of everything while JJ put her sheets in the washer.
Them, Pope, and John B are hanging around as they wait for the other two girls to get here for a movie night.
"Hey." Sarah greets with a smile as she walks in.
"Hey, boys, Y/N/N." Kie smiles, walking in, her arms holding a few pizza boxes and six pack of beer along with a six pack of Y/N's favorite soda.
They get greeting in return, John B taking the pizzas from Kie and putting them on the coffee table.
"And this is especially for you." Sarah smiles, holding a basket out to Y/N. The younger girl lights up at her favorite snacks in the basket, along with a few period products and some painkillers. "A care package."
"Yeah. And if you have any questions, need any help, or anything, you know you can always come to us." Kie assures, smiling softly at the younger girl.
"Thank you." Y/N grins, getting up and hugging them both, the older two returning her hug with tight embraces.
"Here, baby Maybank." John B holds out a plate of pizza out to her, sliding a soda can over to her side of the table.
"Thanks." Y/N mumbles, accepting the plate and sitting back down.
'Thank you.' JJ mouths to his two female friends, both of them giving him smiles and nods.
"Can you sit with me?" Y/N hopefully looks up at Sarah.
"Yeah, of course." Sarah grins.
"Oh, come on." John B whines.
"Sorry, John B. I'm spoken for." Sarah shrugs, sitting next to the tween, rubbing her leg for a short comforting moment.
JJ reaches out and gets his own food and a beer, ruffling Y/N's hair before he sits back down.
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fangirl-writes · 1 year
Exes and Ohs
JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader; Ex-Rafe Cameron x Reader; John B. x Sister!Reader
Warnings(s): female reader, swearing, violence, implied physical abuse (JJ’s dad), harassment
Request: Hiii<3 can I request a fanfic about yn being john bs sister dating jj and having rafe as her ex???ok so i was thinking maybe at a party rafe could be flirting with yn (because he’s obsessed with her ) and jj notices and they fight but it ends with rafe telling jj to keep you safe. Thanks<3
Notes: I put this taking place during the Midsummer’s episode of season 1. I don’t think this is exactly what you were looking for but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
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Your brother had roped you into a lot of stupid things in your lifetime, but this was starting to feel like the stupidest.
“John B, what the fuck are we doing?” You asked as he and JJ pulled the HMS Pogue onto shore.
“I told you, Y/N, I’ve got a plan,” he replied.
“Care to share with the class what it is?”
“You just gotta trust me on this,”
“The last time I trusted you, I ended up on the receiving end of a gun,” You said.
If he heard you, he gave you no indication, just marched through the grass with you and JJ in tow, bags slung over both their shoulders.
“I need you to get this to Sarah,” John B. said, passing JJ a note.
“Ooh, can I read it?”
“No, you can’t read it.”
“Who’s Vlad?”
“God, do you ever listen?”
“Hold up, are you macking Sarah Cameron?” JJ asked.
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked, leaning over JJ’s shoulder to read the note.
“Would you shut up?” John B. replied, blushing in the darkness.
“You’re making Sarah Cameron!” JJ exclaimed, incredulous.
“All right, man. Look, I’m doing it for everybody, all right?”
“You’re macking Sarah Cameron for everybody?” You said.
“No that’s not what I- look, it’s just...it’s like a business transaction, okay?”
“Classy,” you said and then silence, the judgement thick in the air.
“What?” John B. asked.
“Nothing,” JJ replied first, stopping and dropping his bag on the sand. “Thanks for being a team player, bro.”
“Hey, I didn’t say I wanted to mack Sarah Cameron, that’s all him,” he replied to you, throwing his white button up over his shoulders.
The conversation trickled out as John B. swung the tie around JJ’s neck and did it for him.
You made a mental note to bring this up with your brother again later and pulled off your tank top. You were wearing your swimsuit beneath it and tossed a (f/c) sundress over the top of it, discarding your shorts after it settled.
“So, I just give this to Sarah?” JJ asked, clarifying.
“Yes, just give it to Sarah,” John B. confirmed.
“Vlad? Really?” JJ mused, adjusting the bowtie.
“Shut up. Y/N, I’m gonna need you to distract Rafe.”
“Woah, what? Hold up. No,” JJ protested, frowning deeply.  “No way I’m letting Rafe anywhere near her.”
You rolled your eyes. Rafe was your ex-boyfriend who’d been less than a stellar partner while you were going out. He was obsessive, cruel, and manipulative. Not to mention a classist and a drug addict. 
It was only after you broke up with him that you realized how awful he’d been treating you.
Pro-tip: when your close friends and family tell you how shitty your boyfriend is, chances are pretty good that they’re right.
You stuffed your clothes in JJ’s bag.
He, of course, was your knight-in-shining armor. JJ was your shoulder to cry on and you were his. You two haven’t been dating long, but it feels a hundred percent better than any of the time you were with Rafe.
JJ treats you like a person. Rafe treated you like a trophy.
“Look, JJ, it’s just until you can get the note to Sarah and get out then Y/N can walk away.”
“You really think he’s just gonna let her walk away? Fat chance.”
“JJ, really?” You said, pulling the gun out of his bag.
“Yes, really,” JJ replied. “Especially now.”
“If you get caught with that thing in a pinch you’re going to jail,” John B. said, snatching the pistol out of your hands.
“Fine,” JJ said, pulling off his cap and tossing it to you. “But if Rafe gets handsy I’m coming back for it.”
“You won’t have to worry about that if you just give the note to Sarah and do nothing else to draw attention to yourself,” you said, shoving JJ’s hat into his bag and standing up.
“Ah, come on Y/N, you know me,” he said. “Completely inconspicuous.”
“Not exactly the word I would use,” You replied, about to take his hand.
But John B. caught your arm first. “Hey, I know this is going to suck for you, but this is for us...for dad.”
Your face was stoic and you didn’t meet his eyes. The gold was the thing your father had been searching for before he disappeared, the thing he thought he’d found. If there was even the slightest chance you two could get it...
“I’ll be fine,” you replied, making eye contact with him and smiling. “I can handle him.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about,” your brother replied, letting go of your arm.
You turned to JJ who smiled and held out his arm, “My lady.”
You smiled again, real this time, and took his arm. You could always rely on JJ to make you feel better.
“Hey,” John B. said, causing the two of you to look back at him. “No funny business in there all right? I expect you in and out. Got it?”
“Don’t worry I won’t bang your sister in a kook bathroom or anything.”
“Even though that’s a bucket list item for me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as JJ tugged you forward, quickening his pace before John B. could either tackle him or throw something.
Up ahead, the midsummers party was in full swing. It was twilight, the outer banks cloaked in a hazy blue, and the building glowed with yellow light that sparkled against the kooks’ fancy jewelry.
Both Pope and Kiara were in there somewhere, no doubt hating their lives and if nothing else, you thought, at least this would probably get them out of it.
“Ready?” JJ asked you as you approached the building.
“As I’ll ever be.” You replied, breaking off from him.
“Hey,” JJ stopped you before you could go. “Seriously, if Rafe tries anything I’ll be right there, okay?”
You smiled, pulling him in for a kiss before saying, “I’ve got this. Rafe’s not stupid enough to try anything here.”
JJ didn’t look convinced but let you go anyway.
You disappeared around another side of the building, just close enough to hear JJ before he entered the party.
“I keep finding glasses halfway down the beach. Do me a favor, try to keep ‘em corralled, will ya? I thought you were security.”
You bit back a laugh and snuck through a side door, headed for a bathroom to touch up your hair and hopefully find some perfume to cover up the smell of marsh.
You slid into the bathroom, which was probably the nicest one you’d ever been in. It had vanity lights over each sink, a lounge area with full length mirrors, and soap that smelled like roses.
You dropped your clutch on the counter, pulling out your travel brush and raking it through your hair. You did your best impression of a kook’s basic makeup routine with some added glitter and called it a day, only having so much time.
You slid everything half-hazardly back into your bag and headed for the door only to be knocked in the face with it.
“Oh my god I’m so sorr- Y/N?”
“Kie!” You said, sighing with relief. “Have you got any perfume with you?”
“What? Why? What’re you doing here?”
“John B.’s got a plan. We’re back in the gold game.”
Kiara looked like you’d just told her pigs were flying. “You’re as crazy as John B. I’m not dealing with this right now-”
“Kie, wait, wait, wait!” You pleaded, moving in front of her before she could escape. “I don’t know what the plan is, but I have faith in John B. He has to do this...we have to do this. For our dad.”
Kiara looked like she was about to tell you off, but instead she sighed. “Fine. What do you need to do?”
“Well, JJ’s delivering a note to Sarah so I’m supposed to distract Rafe while he does so. Which, knowing JJ, he’s probably already in position so I need to get out there.”
“Wait, you’re distracting Rafe?” 
“Hopefully not for long, if everything goes right.” You replied, trying to leave again.
“Wait, here,” she pulled out a little vial of perfume and spritzed it on you. "You did kind of smell like marsh water.”
“Thanks. How do I look?”
“Like a kook,” Kiara confirmed. “Let’s hit it.”
JJ spotted you and Kie as you approached the crowd. He motioned with his head and you followed it to where Rafe was standing with Kelce and some other kook guys.
You nodded back at him.
He gave you one last worried look before turning his back and heading towards Sarah.
“Wish me luck,” you said to Kiara before heading that direction.
“Rafe!” You said, sweetly, causing the boys to turn.
Rafe was like a deer in headlights, mouth dropping open at the sight of you. “Y/N? What’re you doing here?”
You chuckled. “Kiara invited me as her plus one. I wanted to see some of my old kook friends again.”
“Did you now?” Rafe replied, falling back into his asshole role as he stuck one hand in his suit pocket and gestured with the other. “Cause I’m pretty sure the last time we spoke you told me you never wanted to see me or any of my upper class bitches again.”
You clenched your jaw under your smile. “I was in a bad mood. Usually happens when you catch your boyfriend snorting coke through wads of cash. Got any of the white stuff in your system tonight?”
“As a matter of fact, I don’t.”
“Good. Your dad would probably castrate you, not that there’s much to take.”
Rafe’s smirk dropped momentarily as a chorus of ‘ooh’s went around the group of boys.
“Funny. I don’t remember you complaining when I took your virginity.”
You blushed. More oohs.
“Funny. I don’t remember it at all.”
“Oh, yeah? How about I remind you?”
You pulled a face, façade dropping. “Fuck you, Cameron.”
“Well, if you insist,” he replied, taking a step forward and a flash of fear jolted through you before-
“Oh! Sorry about that guys.”
You let out a breath of relief as JJ stepped between you, effectively dumping a cocktail down the front of Rafe’s suit.
“I was just trying to deliver that mai tai you ordered. But, really, I’d say this is an improvement. I mean the wetness really shows off that nonexistent dick you’ve got.”
“Nice of you to join us, JJ,” Rafe said, recovering and grabbing him by the shirt. 
“Well, no time to talk now, I’m on the clock,” JJ said, always a better liar than you. “Maybe we can catch up later, huh? Until then, how about you guys help yourself to some hors d’oeuvres?”
“Funny, you’d show up right now. Just when your girlfriend was about to dump your ass and get back together with me.”
“Was she now?” JJ asked, looking at you.
You grimaced and shook your head.
“Ah, well, the lady refutes your story. Always believe the victim.”
“Victim? Oh no, she’s anything but that. She came waltzing over here in that little dress ready to stir up trouble,” Rafe said. “She wanted to cheat on you, pogue. What’ve you got to offer?”
"Well, you know that’s the funny thing-”
BAM. JJ’s fist connected with Rafe’s nose and he broke free of the hold, grabbing your hand and racing through the crowd of kooks.
“Thank god for you, JJ Maybank,” you said.
“Never should’ve let you near those dicks anyway. Should’ve just taken my chances on my own. I could take them.”
“Well, you might get your chance because they’re following us.”
“Fucking swell.”
You and JJ zipped through the lobby, stirring all of the fancy kooks to stand and watch the commotion. 
“Sorry! Sorry! Lovely dress!” You shouted as you passed people.
“Hey, JJ, come on!” Rafe yelled from behind you. “We just wanna talk, alright?”
JJ ducked into the nearest bathroom, taking you along with him.
“JJ, I can’t be in here!” You protested as he drug you through the men’s restroom. 
Where there were men.
“Ah, excuse me, guys,” JJ said, rattling the door handles on the stalls.
Shit, it probably did look like JJ was trying to bang you in a kook bathroom.
“Just really gotta go,” he said, cursing to himself when they were all occupied.
He squeezed your hand and tried to duck through the locker room, only to be cut off by Rafe. 
“Hey, man, what’re you doing in the locker room, huh?”
He immediately turned around and tried to head the way he came, but you were surrounded.
“JJ!” You shouted as a kook knocked him backwards, his hand slipping from yours as you stumbled into two boys behind you.
“Wow, that’s a cute outfit,” JJ said, stumbling into Rafe.
“Shut up,” Rafe replied.
The two kooks gripped your arms, causing you to cry out.
“Hey!” JJ said, trying to come to your aid, only to be grabbed and put into a headlock by Kelce.
“I know your not classy, JJ, but trying to fuck your girlfriend in a men’s bathroom?” Rafe clicked his tongue. “Now that’s just uncivilized. Y/N should be treated better.”
He caressed your cheek with one hand and touched parts you couldn’t defend with the other. You tried to bite him. “Fuck you!”
“God, you hear this guys? She really wants to get in my pants. Just obsessed with me,” Rafe adjusted his jacket and smirked as he turned back to JJ, who was still struggling against Kelce and fuming. “Now, as for you.”
JJ flailed and fought, but Kelce was stronger.
“Hold him still. What do you think? A four iron, right?” Rafe said, adjusting his hands like he was holding a golf club. “Keep his head still, I’m gonna line this up.”
“Very Rafe of you, Rafe,” JJ spat, struggling to breath. “Five on one?”
“JJ, stop talking,” you pleaded.
“Listen to the lady, JJ,” Rafe replied, smirking. “It’s very disrespectful when I’m trying to hit a ball. Learn your etiquette my friend.”
You struggled against the kook boys, but you were terrified. This was your worst nightmare, being helpless like this. And if they somehow hurt JJ and got you by yourself...
“Rafe, please, leave him alone!” You begged.
“Oh, the time for pleading is over, sweetheart,” He replied, not even looking at you. “You made your choice.
Fuck. John B. was going to get an earful from you for this. All because he had a hard on for Sarah Cameron. 
Rafe leaned down to get a better look at JJ. “And what a choice it was. Your face looks really bad. Starting to look like your dad a lot more.”
JJ spit in his face.
Rafe laughed, wiping it away with ease, looking almost impressed. “Oh, shit! You see how dirty this pogue, is, Y/N?”
The lights started flickering and you let out a sigh of relief as security entered the room.
“Gentlemen,” he said.
Kelce dropped JJ and pushed him away. You ran to him immediately, checking him over, but he assured you he was fine and focused on the security guard.
“Is there a problem here, guys?”
“Oh! Pardon me, officer. No there’s not an issue, I just-” JJ said before starting over. “Actually, yes. No, there is an issue.”
JJ Maybank. Always quick on his feet.
“Uh, we got a criminal trespass in progress here. Beep! Call it in, right? Blatant disrespect for private property,” JJ said.
The kooks looked like they wanted to react, but they wouldn’t so they wouldn’t get in trouble with their daddies.
“And! And I tried to screw this fine young lady-” JJ grabbed your arms gently, pulling you forward. You smiled awkwardly. “In this here bathroom. As you can see, I’m in violation of all kinds of shit, sir. But these young gentleman...”
JJ straightened Kelce’s collar, who immediately pushed him off.
“...uh, caught me, sir, and they’re about to take me away. And that’s what you should do, escort me outta here. All right.”
The officer, not caring enough to refute JJ’s bullshit (but brilliant) of a story, did as requested and led JJ out of the room. You quickly followed.
“Fix that tie, son,” JJ said, one last quip. “You’re lookin’ spiffy, too. You Powerpuff Girls have fun.”
“Better keep that girl of yours safe, JJ,” Rafe yelled back. “Or I’ll remind her how a real man feels.”
“JJ, don’t!” You said but he’d already ripped himself away and went back to fight.
Thankfully, the security guard was there to separate them all again.
JJ was spiraling, fast. You could see it in the way he stumbled as the security guy led him back outside. He was practically slurring as he assured the guard he could walk on his own.
“Let me just walk out by myself. Oh, Mr. Dunleavy, I see that you got your drink. Good, that’s really nice of you. I’m actually gonna down that,”
He did as he said he would and downed the drink (whiskey, presumably).
“Y/N, you want one? Here’s Mrs. Dunleavy’s. Little wine for you,” he handed you the glass and, desperately needing a drink, you swallowed it as fast as you could.
“Sorry, sir,” the guard said, ushering JJ away. 
“I really appreciate the discretion, Daryl,” JJ said. “It’s okay everybody! Do not panic!”
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched JJ (in his own way) ruin the party.
“Leave it to the men and women in uniform. Let’s hear it for them!” He started clapping and you started laughing. “Rose! You look like Lady Liberty. It’s good to see you again.”
“Let go of him.” Kiara demanded.
You cringed. Damn it. Kiara’s scene would be much more righteous and way less funny.
“You can’t just boot him! I invited him,” Kiara said. “I’m a member of this club.”
“And what about her?” Daryl (the security) asked.
“Oh, she can plus one with me, if she’s good,” Rafe said, smiling wickedly.
You wanted to vomit.
JJ, having enough, shoved Daryl back into a table.
“Sorry about that! And Y/N,” He said before dipping you into a kiss, which you happily returned.
When he put you back upright you were a little dazed and surprised by the action, but not upset.
Rafe looked upset.
That made you smile.
“Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon’s, Kie,” JJ said. “Pope, you as well, all right?”
“Rixon’s cove. Let’s roll,” You said, sliding your hand into JJ’s.
You and JJ were high on trauma. And you didn’t give a fuck. 
You backed out of there like you owned the place.
John B., who had somehow slipped in unnoticed here at the end, greeted the two of you with a celebratory whoo-hoo.
“Colonel,” JJ said, saluting.
“Captain,” John B. replied. “M’lady.”
You mock curtsied.
“Mission accomplished, sir,” JJ said.
“Good, let’s get the hell out of here,” John B. replied.
You jumped on JJ’s back as Pope and Kiara joined you, all of your spirits rising as you disappeared into the darkness of OBX. 
“Later losers!”
And that was that.
You went to Rixon’s Cove, John B. finally spilled the beans about the gold and Sarah Cameron (well, not all the beans with that one, you were sure of that).
Now you were waiting in the van with Kie, Pope, and JJ while your brother hiked up to the Kildare Hawk’s Nest to get a map from Sarah. Which was even stupider than the plan beforehand.
Mostly because Kie was pissed, JJ was smoking weed to cope, Pope was stressed about getting caught, and it was about to start thunderstorming any second.
“Kiara, holding onto your grudge is like drinking poison and thinking Sarah will die,” Pope said.
“Exactly.” JJ agreed. “Unless its Rafe Cameron who threatened to rape your girlfriend. Then the grudge is justified.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Kiara said, momentarily forgetting about John B. and Sarah to be concerned about you.
You shrugged. “It’s not that big of deal. He’s an asshole. And he didn’t explicitly mention rape-”
“I can’t believe John B. made you face him yourself,” she said, a look of disgust crossing her face.
Ope, she’s circling back.
“I said I would, okay?”
“That doesn’t excuse it, it was his idea-”
“Kie, can we not right now, okay? You’re just pissed at him anyway,” you said.
She frowned but dropped it.
You laid your head on your boyfriend’s shoudler. “JJ saved me, as usual.”
“Ah, it was nothing, just a little alcohol to break up the party,” JJ replied.
“Wait, what exactly happened?” Pope asked.
“Well,” JJ said, ready to spin into a story of the night’s events. “Good ol’ Rafe was going to make a move on Y/N, but luckily I was right there to swoop in with a glass of...what was it a mai tai? I don’t know, but I dumped it all down the front of Rafe’s suit and started apologizing and shit, you know the good lies. Then he said some more shit about Y/N so I popped him in the nose - pop - and took Y/N’s hand and ran off. Rafe and Kelce followed us-”
“Wait, do you guys hear that?” Kie interrupted, sitting up and looking out into the darkness.
Thunder crashing was all you heard before-
“Please, somebody help!”
“Oh, wait no, I hear that,” JJ said.
The four of you bailed out of the van immediately and started heading toward the voice.
When you got to the hawk’s nest, John B. was on the ground and Sarah was crouched over him.
“Oh my god!” You cried out, running over there with the others in tow.
“Sarah, what happened?” Pope asked.
You slid on your knees next to your brother.
“I don’t know what to do. He needs help, Topper shoved him,” she said.
A fire ignited in JJ. “Where the hell is he?”
You leaned down and put your ear to his chest, his heart beat and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Someone call somebody!” You shouted, looking at your three friends. “911 or something, go!”
Pope took off first and JJ knelt next to you. “He’s gonna be okay, okay?”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “Come on, John B. You’re all I’ve got left. I can’t lose my brother to.”
“Pope come on!” 
JJ wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you cried. Not him. Not John B. Not after everything.
“JJ,” you whispered later when John B. was in a hospital bed with a concussion and broken wrist. “Don’t leave me...”
“Never,” He whispered back. “I’ll never leave you.”
This was up there for probably the worst night of your life. Maybe worse than the night your dad disappeared and Rafe was snorting coke on a coffee table while you were crying your eyes out.
But JJ was here now, just like he was then. Holding you like his life depended on it.
And Pope and Kiara were there, too, for a while, until Ward Cameron made the adult decision to call their parents.
He didn’t have JJ’s dad’s number, not that he’d have answered if he did. 
So JJ stayed with you all night.
He was there when Sheriff Peterkin made you tell her the truth. The whole truth.
And you did.
Well, most of the truth.
The gold was still your little secret.
“I’d like to offer you something, Y/N,” Ward said that morning. “I’ll tell your brother, too, when he wakes up.”
You eyed the man warily and exchanged a look with JJ, who squeezed your hand.
“I’d like to be your legal guardian, if you’ll have me.”
Your eyes widened slightly.
“I heard what you told the sheriff, and Sarah filled me in a bit, but I know how hard you kids have had it. I’d like to give you a roof over your head and meals on the table,” He continued. “And this way, you and John B. wouldn’t have to be seperated.”
The tears were starting to come back to your eyes. “I-I don’t know what John B.’ll say, but if he’s in, I’m in.”
Ward smiled. “Sounds good, kid. We’ll let you know when he’s awake.”
He stood up and went to go talk to the doctors about something or other (probably the bill you couldn’t afford without him) and you sat a little stunned.
“Your gonna go live with the Camerons?” JJ asked, quietly.
“Yeah, I...I guess I am.”
JJ squeezed your hand again. “But what about Rafe?”
You felt like a bucket of water had been dumped over you. Fuck. Rafe.
“He...he won’t be dumb enough to try anything while John B.’s there. And- And his dad is the one taking us in. He worships his dad...we’ll be fine.”
JJ’s jaw tightened and he kissed your temple. “Sneak me in your window?”
You nodded. “Every night. And you can bang me in a kook bathroom now.”
He laughed quietly, but you felt his chest rumble. It made you smile.
JJ would keep you safe. He promises it with every touch.
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randomperson3736 · 10 months
can you do one where reader gets in trouble for a school fight? ( reader is John B's younger sister and john b is readers legal guardian)
Paring(s): John B x little sister reader
Genre: kinda angst, fluff
Warning(s): blood, broken nose, fighting, yelling, bullying, swearing
Word bank: Y/N- your name, Y/N/N-your nickname
Notes: thanks for the request and sorry it took so long to be done. And side note the reader is in middle school.
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"Crap" You mumbled under your breath. Slowly you turned around and plastered a fake smile on your face. "Hey Jessica" you say as nicely as possible. "Yea, I need you to do this homework for me tonight" she says shoving the bunch of papers into your hand.
"I... I can't. I already have loads to do" you say avoiding her devil eyes. "Excuse me? Who do you think your talking to? Homework done tonight or you'll regret it, understood?" She says cracking her knuckles which made you wince slightly.
You quickly nodded and turned to walk away but stopped upon hearing Jessica and her friends snickering. "No wonder her dad left, she's a totally loser" "Yea, she really is. same goes with her brother and he's weirdo friends."
Anger started to boil up in the pit of your stomach. How dare that bitch and her minions talk bad about your family like that? Before you can stop yourself, you turned around again and shouted. "Hey! Shut your dirty whore mouth!"
Everyone in the hallway soon began to go quiet, wanting to see want will happen next. Jessica glared at you almost burning holes into your head. She and her little follower walked towards you, until you and her were face to face with each other. "What did you just say?" She asked dangerously.
"You heard what I said and besides I'm done being your little slave, so do your own homework or are you too dumb for it?" You didn't even know why you just said that knowing you could get your ass kicked but oh god it feel good to say. Laughter and cheering could be heard, as your fellow classmates laughed and cheered that someone was actually standing up to miss queen bee.
"You dirty little slut!" Before you knew It Jessica had jumped on you, as the both of you rolled around on the ground pulling and kicking at each other. Students were yelling "Fight! Fight! Fight!" as teachers tried pulling the two of you away from each other.
John B was in the kitchen making a sandwich when his phone rang. "Who is it?" JJ asked. "I don't know, some random number probably" John B stared at his phone. "Well, answer it" Kiara pried.
"Hello?" John B answered.
"Hi this is Alex James from Kildare Country Middle School; I'm looking for John B Routledge."
"This is him."
"It says here that you are the legal guardian of Y/n Routledge, correct?"
"Yea. Why what happened? Is she okay?" John B spoke in an almost calm voice.
"Well, this morning, Y/N got into a fight with another student, and we would like for you-" Before he could finish speaking John B cut her off. "What?! Is she okay? Does she need to taken to the hospital??"
"Sir if you would please calm down and let me finish talking. Yes, she is okay just same cuts and bruises nothing that serious, but we do need you to come down to the school."
"Ok, I'll be there soon." John B hang up the phone and before anyone could ask what had happened, he was already out the door.
You sat in the principal's office. You could see out of the corner of your eye that he was looking at you but you refused to make eye contact and so you just stared at the floor. There was a knock on the door, you looked up to see John B.
"Have a seat Mr. Routledge" Your principal said. You knew he was about to argue with your brother, even though you didn't even start the fight. You just hoped that your brother was in a good mood to where he would defend you, and not agree with the principal.
"You sister, managed to harm a student sending her a trip to the hospital with a broken nose" John B's eyebrows raised, he knew you had to be pissed at her for something or you wouldn't have gotten into a fight.
"Look, Mr. uh.... James. My sister here is a very nice girl, so if she did something like fighting some other student, it's probably them who started it because she would never start a fight" John B explained.
The principal glared at John B before speaking again. "Even so, at this school fighting is not tolerated and I will have to expel Y/N for at least 3 weeks"
"Oh, come on. It wasn't even my fault! Jessica's the one who jumped on me and started to acting like a crazy person!" You retorted. John B turned to look at you and chuckled a little, trying to cover it up with cough. "Ms. Routledge, do you realize who you are speaking to?" Your principal calmy asked.
"Yeah... You're just a person-" You were cut off by your brother slapping his hand over your mouth. "Ok, that's it for you young lady. look, are we done here?"
Your principal signed a long sign before answering. "Yes, you may leave but Ms. Routledge I do want you to write a full 500 letter on how what you did was wrong by the time you come back."
"Yea, yea"
You and John B walked down the empty halls of the school, since it was a little after hours. "So.... am I in trouble? or are you just mad at me?"
John B sighed before knelling down Infront of you. "I'm not mad and you're not in trouble but please don't do this again but..."
"But what?"
"You do have my permission to kick anyone's ass who gives you shit, ok?"
You smiles wide at your brother. "Ok"
"Wait, Wait, Y/N/N got into a fight?!" Everyone yelled.
"Yea, she did" John B answered calmly, taking a sip out of his beer.
"Well, is she ok?" Pope asked.
"Did she win?" JJ asked, curiously.
"Seriously, JJ that's what your worried about?" Kiarra rolled her eyes.
"Yea, she's fine but I can't say that about the other kid though."
"I knew I taught her well." JJ said proudly.
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