eisforeidolon · 2 years
I dislike hellers' mindset for many reasons. I think one of the most irritating ''reasoning'' they have is that they think everything in some way or other is a ''parallel'' to destihell or related to destihell. For example, Big Sky (?) ? It is related to Destiel because Jensen's character has a romantic dynamic with a character and it is somehow a ''parallel'' to destihell despite there being no connection between the two shows or between the two ships in the slightest. Does Jensen appear in the Boys? It is supposed to be some sort of a nod to Dean's sexuality because Soldier Boy is (supposedly) LGBT. The Prequel? For sure JohnXMary romance feast is supposed to be related to and a parallel to destihell and John's sexuality is also 'implied' to be non-straight, so that is also a parallel to Dean's sexuality through John's implied sexuality. Jensen's song and album? Related to destihell, castiel, or even to Cockles and a nod to the Hellers.
Like, I normally would not care about such things, fans can be delusional and have fun however they want. However, this sort of reasoning is just not exactly 'fun', when it involves willfully being delusional and believing in things that do not exist. Now, I am not a fan of Jensen that much, but I think this sort of reasoning Hellers have kinda comes off as disrespectful to Jensen. It is also toxic in many ways because we've all seen how Hellers can act when Jensen does or says something they do not like. They called/call him a homophobe, they attack him verbally or insult him, target him in some ways. I also think that saying everything Jensen does is about destihell is just reducing Jensen's actions and talent and job to all destihell and ship lenses. And it kinda comes off as annoying. There has to be a difference between having fun in fandom circles and attacking people / being toxic to the actors. Hellers cannot differentiate both.
It's just ... not remotely how parallels work. Like, at all.
They start from the supposition literally everything is proof of bi!Dean and/or their ship, someway somehow, and then come up with these absurd supposed parallels to "prove" it. It's very obvious from the outside that it's just about a personal obsession when they will insist literally anything is a quote unquote parallel validating what they already decided to believe. Even before you get into all the ways that their "parallels" either aren't things actually happening in the story, don't genuinely match up to each other at all if you look at the context, or are so pathetically surface level as to be utterly meaningless.
And yeah, it is disrespectful and insulting to Jensen - they really do tend to treat him as a blow up doll who should just do what they want and otherwise STFU. It's also disparaging towards all of the other people putting years of work into SPN and the other media being co-opted to pretend the most important thing about them existing is to send super sneakret signals about D/C being totes real. Even worse to insist those people and productions must be part of an evil homophobe conspiracy if they dare indicate otherwise. It's bizarre and creepy and honestly genuinely concerning in terms of their mental state they're at a level of obsession they can't realize that not only is it not true anything everything Jensen does is about their ship, but the whole rest of the world doesn't revolve around it either. Seriously, they've let their personal prurient fantasies only vaguely related to characters from a silly CW tv show that ended a couple years ago completely take over their brains to the point of harassing and slandering real people, while telling themselves it's an important crusade for Great Justice because they've been wronged by not getting to see their fanfic play out on screen.
It's not. It's just fucking bonkers and they need to wake up and/or legitimately seek help. Genuinely, this is not healthy.
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alittlescaredoflife · 3 years
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but my hands remember hers, rolling 'round the shaded ferns
naked arms, her secrets still like songs I'd never learned
[x] [x]
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When John came into the NICU he almost, literally, ran into Mary who was stepping out. He reached out with one hand, the other holding a sleeping Dean up to his chest, but stopped when he saw her reddened eyes.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asked softly, hand going to cup her cheek. He immediately glanced at Sammy in the incubator. "Did the doctors-"
"They didn't say anything, I just...couldn't be here anymore. Need a bit of a break." Mary said, wiping at her eyes, not meeting his gaze though she leaned her cheek into his touch. "Mind walking with me to get some coffee?"
"Sure, of course." John said softly, looking at Sammy once more. "You really want to leave him?"
Mary wrapped her arms around herself. "No." she confessed. "But I feel like I'm going to just...start sobbing so I need to get away. But I need you. Just...a minute. Maybe less."
"Alright." he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and after glancing at Sammy one more time led her out into the hallway. "You said something about coffee?"
"Wouldn't mind something stronger." Mary tried to joke, her smile falling just as quickly as it appeared. "But...yeah, coffee."
"Alright, coffee." John agreed as he led her back to the cafeteria. "Any changes?"
Mary shook her head, staring at the ground. "No, no changes." she said quietly. "I don't know how much longer we can take, how much longer Sammy will be able to fight."
John tightened his arm around her, bringing her closer. "Then we'll do whatever we have to do." he said simply. "But until then, we just gotta wait."
Mary nodded, rubbing at her face with her hands. "I just...I'm losing my," she glanced to make sure that Dean was asleep, "goddamn mind."
"Me too." John said simply, thumb rubbing against her arm. "Me too Mary."
They walked the rest of the way in silence, stopping at the cafeteria so that Mary could get something to drink, a weak cup of coffee with sugar and milk. Each sip stuck in her throat and she had to force it down, drinking the whole cup, she threw the empty cup out, and quickly ducked into the closest bathroom.
Thankfully, the bathroom was empty and she immediately ducked into the closest stall, fell to her knees, and vomited into the toilet, gripping it tightly. She coughed and spat out the bile, her greasy hair falling down along her face. Her legs gave out slightly and she leaned against the stall, breathing heavily.
She swallowed hard, trembling as tears pricked her eyes. Gripping at the stall wall she dragged herself up onto shaking legs, stomach clenching and contracting. She didn't have anything left in her stomach, she didn't have anything else to throw up, but she gagged and choked, coughing hard.
She forced herself to stumble out of the stall after flushing everything, managing to get to the sink and place her hands on the sides of the porcelain. She didn't look at herself in the mirror as she washed her hands, leaning down to wash out of her mouth as well. She also washed her face and took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. Licking her lips, she flinched slightly.
Maybe it was her imagination, but she could still almost taste the sulfur on her lips.
Grabbing a paper towel she dried herself off as best as she could, taking one more deep breath before composing herself as best as she could and stepped back out into the hallway.
John gave her a look of concern when she stepped out, immediately going to her side once more. "You okay?" he asked. "What happened?"
Mary managed a small smile. "I'm fine." she assured him. "The coffee didn't really agree with me."
John didn't look like he agreed with her but he let it go, just wrapping his arm around her again, the three of them slowly making their way back to the NICU.
When they entered the NICU they froze and Mary felt as if her heart was about to stop. There were a whole team of doctors, nurses, god knew who else, surrounding Sammy's incubator. Immediately they pressed up to the window, one hand on the glass as they peered in, trying to read their faces, trying to figure out what was happening.
"Sammy." Mary whispered. "No, no, nonono." Please. Please no.
Slowly, one by one, each personnel pulled away, muttering to one another, none of them looked towards the two of them, none of them would even give them the courtesy of a single hint of information about what was happening to their baby.
Finally, one of the nurses pulled away from the other and smiled reassuringly at them, giving a motion for them to wait for a minute. John and Mary shared a look, her hand snapping out to grip at John's hand tightly. He gripped her back just as tightly, grounding one another.
The nurse who smiled at them disappeared around the corner, coming out of the part where they were keeping Sammy and coming into the hallway, taking her face mask off.
"He's doing amazing." the nurse quickly told them before they could say anything. "All of a sudden, he started breathing on his own, started crying, and moving. He didn't spit up any of the milk you gave us Mary and," her grin widened. "while they don't encourage us to say it, I think he's going to be okay."
Mary leaned against John weakly, a sob that had been building up threatening to escape. "He's doing better?" John asked weakly, holding Mary to him.
"A lot better." the nurse reassured them. "He's still going to stay here for now, and he'll be monitored twenty four hours, but he's taking a very big turn for the better."
"Can we see him? Hold him?"
"Not yet." the nurse said regretfully. "We need to see that he holds steady for at least twenty-four to thirty-six hours before we let anyone else other than medical personnel near him."
Mary looked into the window once more, she was sure that it might be her imagination but Sammy did look...different. Stronger. He was moving, there was more color to his cheeks, and there was no way it was real but she could almost see a hint of stubbornness and annoyance appearing on his face.
He was going to be okay.
Sammy was going to be okay.
She could feel John sag slightly beside her, holding her close in relief. She looked at him and smiled, kissing his cheek when she saw the tears in his eyes.
Feeling eyes on her she turned back to look at the nurse, who was still standing there watching them with a smile. When Mary caught her gaze, her smile widened.
And she winked, her eyes flashing yellow.
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nobleelfwarrior · 4 years
One of the worst things BBC Sherlock could do was have John have an affair, even if it was just emotionally, because that was unlike the loyal John we’d all come to love. 
The other thing was to kill Mary to further the plot/character growth of men.
The top of the list was to do those two things in that order.
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ahshit-iloveusomuch · 5 years
"It is what it is."
John Hamish Watson
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todayicriedbecause · 6 years
of Supernatural’s 300th episode.
I just love them all so much, and I ship Heaven (John x Mary) so much.
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many-a-fandom-life · 4 years
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List off some of your favorites! #multifandom #fandoms #ships #fandomships #fandomships101 #johnlock #johnxmary #moriartyxsherlock #johnlocked #adrienette #ladynoir #lukanette #marichat #ladrien #adrienxcroissant #kagaminerin #agrigami #lukagami https://www.instagram.com/p/CCZvs2onobd/?igshid=1qjvowdj600rs
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warstanislove · 7 years
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Take my hand and my heart and soul.
I will only have these eyes for you. 
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Once i tried to rank non-johnlock ships by order of what makes me the most uncomfortable it was like a six way tie............
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my-bakerstreet-boys · 8 years
Dont you think Mary knew?
I hear people saying she didnt know John was “cheating” on her but, dude. She is an Ex-Assassin, I´m pretty sure she realized.
Probably she just didnt wanna loose him over it.
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alittlescaredoflife · 3 years
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It took a lot of convincing but Mary was pulled away from the hospital long enough to go back to Bobby’s to take a shower at the least. She didn’t like it but Bobby and her parents at least remained back to watch over Sammy. They all said the same thing, that she needed to get out of here just for a little bit. She, and Dean, couldn’t stay there the whole time.
So John was driving the both of them back to Bobby's place so she could take a shower, give Dean a bath, and try to make herself feel human again before going back to the hospital.
She leaned back against the window, Dean asleep on her lap as they drove through the town. She had already given him the directions that he needed and they drove in silence.
Finally they reached Bobby's house and wordlessly the three of them went inside, her holding Dean's hand in hers. She looked down at him; he rubbed at his eyes, noting that he was just a bit dirty.
Bath. She'd give him a bath and then focus on everything else.
"C'mon baby, bath time." she murmured to him, guiding him upstairs to the bathroom.
Mary was quiet as she washed him, thankful that he seemed to be mindful of everyone else and stayed quiet. Her touch was gentle as she used the shampoo and conditioner. Before they came up John had offered to do this and she had been tempted to take him up on it, she was still sore from giving birth, but she had no desire to let Dean out of her sight any time soon.
And this way, she could feel as if she was some sort of use. She can't save Sammy but she could give Dean a bath.
Once the water turned cold she turned it off and toweled him dry, redressing him and going back to the living room. John was there on the couch waiting for them, looking up as they entered. He moved his jaw from side to side for a moment before he spoke.
"Feel like eating?" he asked, his voice rough.
Her stomach clenched at the reminder that she had no idea when she ate last. Dean pressed into her leg but she could feel him nod.
"There's food in the kitchen." she mumbled. She wished she could pick him up but she wasn't strong enough yet. Carrying him before and bathing him had taken most of her strength. She simply placed her hand on top of his head and led him into the kitchen, hoping that there was something quick she could make.
Bobby had made sure to keep the kitchen stocked to a degree for them so thankfully there were a few jars of peanut butter and grape jelly as well as some apple juice for Dean. Staring at the bread, however, she realized she had no idea if she could cut the crusts or keep them on, she couldn't remember what Dean liked, and when she tried to remember what her mom used to do, she couldn't.
Taking a deep breath she left the crusts on and placed it all on a plate, helping Dean to sit in the chair and placing it on the table for him to reach.
Dean stared at the sandwich for a moment before he reached out and ripped the crusts off, letting them fall onto the plate before he started eating.
Because he didn't like crusts, of course he didn't like crusts, he hated the rough texture and how chewy it was.
Mary turned away, feeling the pinprick of tears in her eyes.  She couldn't even get a sandwich right for Dean, couldn't help Sammy. What could she do? What was she even good for?
A part of her knew that she was being ridiculous; it was just a sandwich that she was looking too deep into. But another part felt like it was so much more than a sandwich; it felt like one giant symbol of how bad a mother she really was.
She pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes and took a few deep breaths to try to steady herself. She had to remain strong.
For her sons.
She brought her hands down, she could hear John talking to someone on the phone in the other room, and rolled her shoulders back a few times before she made a simple peanut butter sandwich for herself to quickly eat, she didn't feel hungry in the slightest but it gave her something else to focus on.
Swallowing half a glass of apple juice she almost felt human and ready enough to go back to the hospital.
Her stomach clenched once more at the thought of Sammy in the incubator but swallowed another gulp of juice to bring down the bile.
John came into the kitchen, softening at Dean who was quietly finishing his sandwich. "You wanna rest or you want to go back?" he asked, not looking at her.
She wanted nothing more than to crawl into a bed and go to sleep, and wake up when things would be alright again.
Instead she took a deep breath and said, "We should get back." she said, looking at Dean as well. She didn't want to keep dragging him back to the hospital but she also didn't want him to leave her sight. "I don't want to be away from him."
She quickly gathered a few more things, changed both hers and Dean’s clothes, and grabbed a few toys for him to play with at the hospital. She glanced at John a few times but didn’t say anything, but she did give him the bag she was filling when he held his hand out for it.
They were back on the road soon enough, with Dean on her lap once more. She just wrapped her arms around him and stared out the window once more, eyes widening as they drove by something she had seen countless times but never really realized it.
There was a crossroads just barely outside of town, close to the hospital.
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eddie-redcliff · 3 years
Supernatural Prequels I'd sooner watch that JohnxMary's failing marriage
- Rufus Turner prequel set in the 80s where we can actually try deconstructing hunting as a protection of the white middleclass by having a black jewish ((mlm)) main character. Learn how hunting worked before the internet and when the hunter is actually competent. - Castiel Prequel but it is set in the Precambrian era and Cas's vessle is a Pikaia. There is no dialouge as eels do not speak, but there are sex scenes where cas fucks (another) male pikaia. gay rights. - Gabriel prequel where he sluts his way though history. It's just. It's just porn. But really bad porn cause all the sex scenes are filmed by candlelight. - Missouri Mosley prequel... um. listen she's a hunter... who can see futures... you know how sometimes they will show you a clip of everything going to shit and then like go back to the start and show you how you got there? that's basically how Missouri lives... watching the peices fall into place until her vision comes true.. - Chuck prequel where it's just like. a sitcom that's about a struggling writier dating and breaking up with people until you notice that 40 years have passed and he still looks the same.. I just want to meet the people who fucked god.
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maddigoodridge-blog · 8 years
rampant screaming and disappointment ahead
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Blink Of An Eye
A/U  Summary: You left your home town, Lawrence, Kansas, after a terrorizing event and fell into the hands of the man who you had thought was there to rescue you. After six years of squirming under his grasp the police show up and arrest him. With that load taken off of your shoulders you decide to come home.
Word count: 1,061
Pairings: DeanxReader, SamxJess, mentioned JohnxMary, mentioned BobbyxEllen, Jo
Warnings: Angst, All the Fluff you can find, Abuse, Rape
Chapters will be individually warned
A/N: This is my first series and my actual first writing so please offer support. Thank you so much for reading! Tags are open.
Series Mastelist
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katyasghoulfriend · 8 years
is johnlock like still a Thing I’m genuinely curious
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