#Jon Moxley/OC
vamp-doll-diva · 2 years
The Moxleys - a Wrestling Fanfiction
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Title: The Moxleys
Author: vamp_doll/vamp_doll_diva
Characters/Pairings: Jon Moxley/OC, Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss, Roman Reigns, Sasha Banks, Paige aka Sarayah, Sonia Deville, Carmella... More to come
Rating: M
Category: Romance
Jon and Alison had been in WWE together for years. Around the time Jon decided to leave WWE, Alison found out she was pregnant. Jon joined AEW and Alison decided to leave WWE. Alison didn't know what her future held, but Jon had his own plans for them, much to her surprise. A proposal, a wedding, and much more. Alison's future in wrestling was unsure. Jon had her life set, though. 
Chapter 1 @ fanfiction.net
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
You Caught My Attention
Pairing: Jon Moxley/Emma Hunter (OC), implied Yuta/Bryan/Regal
Summary: Emma works two jobs to support her and her daughter and she's in her last year of college. What happens when the BCC walk into her little coffee shop?
Disclaimer: Only the idea, Emma, and Addy are mine; everything else belongs to someone else, including pictures and wrestlers.
CW: Mean customer? 🤷‍♀️
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(I made it myself 😁 be gentle 🥹)
Emma POV
“Thank you again for letting me bring her. I promise this won’t be a constant thing, her babysitter just got sick last night.”
“Oh Emma, it’s really okay, she’s an absolute doll! I grabbed some of our grandchildren’s coloring books when we got off the phone last night.” 
“Thank you so much! You really didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.”
“Of course dear, we take care of each other here in this little shop. Now, if you’re not busy today, please make sure you work on that college stuff. This is your last year and then you’re done, so don’t get behind because you’re busy working here and the bookshop.”
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Emma was glad that the rush of the day was over so that she could check on Addy and get some of her homework done. She just had to survive the rest of this semester and she would be free finally. She looks over at the table she left Addy at and smiles when she sees her diligently working on a coloring page. 
“That’s very pretty baby, is that for Mama?” Her daughter nods vigorously, red curls bouncing wildly. “Here sweetheart, why don’t you take a break and eat this for me, okay?” She requests, walking over and placing a plate of food down.
“Yes Mama, then I can finish?” She asks as she looks up at her.
“Yes, baby, then you can finish.” She hears the bell chime and looks to see four men walk in. “I’ll be right there, gentlemen, just a moment.”
“Take your time darling, these gents and I need time to find what we’d like.” An English voice answers, making Emma take another look only to see the famous William Regal. 
She turns back to her daughter quickly to hide her red face and smile. She couldn’t believe the Blackpool Combat Club was in her coffee shop, gosh she needs to calm down, she doesn’t want to look like a crazy fan. She takes a deep breath and smiles brightly at her baby, brushing some hair out of her face. 
“Okay baby, I got some work to do, stay right here and be good, yeah? Make sure you eat too.” 
“Yes Mama, I promise.” She bends and kisses her forehead then heads behind the counter, retying her apron and washing her hands. Putting a sweet smile on her face she turns to the men, hearing the last bit of their conversation. 
“… think she might be a fan.”
“Sorry guys! Mom duties were calling, did y’all find something you like?”
“Do you have oat milk?” Bryan Danielson, the American Dragon, she tries not to overreact.
“Yeah, we do! My baby girl needs it so thank goodness we do.” She realizes she’s rambling and the men are laughing.
“Sorry, you didn’t need to know that. Yes, we do have oat milk, sir.”
“Great! Can I get a Flat White with oat milk, I’m a vegan, so yeah.”
“Great! Are you all together or separate transactions.” They all start to say separate, but Mr. Regal interrupts.
“All together darling, on me please. Do you have any teas, my dear?”
“Great! And yes, I have Earl Grey, Black, Green, and I think I have some Chamomile as well. Oh, and can I get a name for the Flat White please sir?” She can tell that she’s shocked them by not knowing Bryan’s name, but she really didn’t want to freak them out either.
“Earl Grey would be lovely, dear, and William for the name. Milk and sugar are out here?”
“Yes sir, sugar is! Right on that table over there and when the tea is ready, I’ll get you some milk and let you pour it. How about you, sir?” She asks Yuta watching him blush when Jon Moxley asks what the sweetest drink we have is 
“Please ignore him, I’m begging you. May I have an iced White Chocolate Mocha?” He asks, shoving Moxley when he laughs at the order. “Like yours will be any better Mox! Oh, and Yuta please ma’am.”
“You got it Yuta! It’s my favorite too so I get it doll.” She smiles brightly. “How about you, Mox?” She teases.
“You got any hot chocolate, darlin’?” He smirks at her.  
“Yeah, make it myself since it’s not asked for often except when it’s freezing. Do you want any whip cream? I have chocolate shavings too.”
“Just give me the works, and extra whip cream if you don’t mind, sweetheart. Obviously, the name’s Mox for the cup.” He winks and she can’t help but blush at the handsome man who happens to be her favorite wrestler since forever. 
“You got it, Mox.” She types in all of the drinks and waits for the total. “If that’s everything gentlemen, it’ll be twenty-one dollars even, Mr. William.” He swipes his card, taking the receipt from her and adding ten dollars to the tip jar, he winks at her. 
“Just William, dear. Thank you very much. Do we wait for you to call it out?” 
“Oh, no sir, if you’re drinking them here then I’ll bring it to you.”
He thanks her again and follows Bryan to the table that Yuta is already sitting at, who is making faces at the young girl. 
“Found a friend, Sunshine?” He laughs when the girl giggles at his young lover. “I hope he’s not bothering you too much, my dear?”
“Your voice is funny, sir! I like it!” 
Emma hears Bryan laughing loudly, turning to see what the commotion is only to be startled by Jon Moxley. She jumps and puts her hand to her heart.
“Gosh! You scared me!” 
“Sorry ‘bout that darlin’. The guys are makin’ your kid laugh. It’s okay that they’re talking to her, right? I can make ‘em stop if you need me to.” He smirks, muttering to her then biting his thumbnail. 
She finishes his hot chocolate, adding chocolate shavings to the top of the whip cream and handing it to him. “Here you go Mox, and yeah it’s fine, she usually doesn’t talk to people so the fact that she's doing so is great. Though, one second.” She gets Addy’s attention. “Hey, don’t call his accent weird, baby girl, it’s just different, we’ve talked about this.”
“Sorry Mama, I’m sorry Mister.” She says quietly. 
“It’s quite alright dear girl, I’m not upset at all. It is quite different isn’t it, petal?” At her nod, they chuckle at her. “No harm done little one I promise. No sad faces now. I bet Yuta would like to help you draw if your mother allows it.” Her daughter’s eyes plead with her. 
“Go ahead! If you get tired of it after a while she’ll be okay, thank you guys for entertaining her.” She turns her attention back to the man in front of her, seeing that he’s almost finished the hot chocolate. “I can make you another one if you’d like. I just finished your friends’ drinks so I have time.”
“Nah, but can I stay over here? I won’t bother you or anything, it just gets kinda loud sometimes in the group and they get all lovey dovey.” He waits for her to come back from dropping the drinks off.
“Yeah sure, I’ll just be cleaning up and doing some homework, but if you wanna talk or whatever I’m good with that too.” She hesitates before continuing. “I hate the loud too sometimes, makes me feel… itchy I guess would be the word, but the quiet makes my ears fill with static, so if you’re the same feel free to talk. I’m Emma, by the way.” He nods at her before draining his drink and watching his friends play with the young girl. 
The young woman in front of him is beautiful, her dark red hair and green eyes making him notice her as soon as he enters. The second thing that drags him in is her kindness and the fact that she doesn’t jump all over them for who they are. He’d been coming to this coffee shop for years, any chance he can when he visits home, and now that he's moved away from Vegas to move home, he wanted to bring his friends. The guys were shocked when she asked for Bryan’s name, considering how famous he was, second only to Regal. 
He is surprised that Emma lets her stay while she works on homework and checks in with her daughter, keeping an eye on his stablemates as well. Yuta seems to have made a new best friend in Addy, the kid’s name he learns. He asks her questions about what her classes are about, and she patiently explains everything to him. No matter how many questions he asks, she’s ready to answer them, even if she keeps her eyes down and continues writing. He can admit that he loves when she smiles at him, it makes him feel a warmth he can’t explain. He turns his head to the door when the bell rings and a man on the phone enters, making a weird feeling run down Mox’s spine.
“Hey, welcome in! I’ll be just a minute!” Emma explains, taking the books and journal back to Addy’s, now unused, table. 
“I don’t have all day so hurry up; I have places to be.” Mox bares his teeth slightly, but feels a warm hand on his, looking down to see Emma touch him briefly before standing at the register.
“What can I do for you, sir?” Mox hears him rattle off an obnoxiously long drink order and he knows his disgust shows on his face. “Sure thing, anything else?”
“Did I ask for anything else?” He turns his attention back to his phone. “Jesus, are all food service people idiots?” He scoffs at the person on the other end, laughing at whatever they say. 
“That’ll be five dollars and fifty cents.” She says with a smile, acting as though she didn’t hear him.
“Here.” He throws the cash on the counter, ignoring her outstretched hand, and Mox clenches his teeth, feeling a presence behind him, turning to see His Lordship. 
She counts out the rude man’s change, setting it on the counter as he did. “There you are, four dollars and fifty cents is your change. I’ll have it out soon.” She says turning away from him. 
“I’ll call you back. Hey! Did you not see my hand out? Come back here and hand me my change now.” He can feel Regal’s hand on his shoulder, stopping him from getting up. “I said now, coffee girl.”
“It’s right on the counter sir, just how you handed it to me. I figured that would be okay. Now, lemme get you your drink so that you can get back to your busy day, okay?” She smiles sweetly at the asshole, and he flips. 
“Listen here you little-.” Mox can’t take it anymore and stands up, grabbing the guy. “Hey, what the hell? Let go of me you asshole!” 
“Nope, we’re done here, you can wait outside and I’ll bring you your drink, but you’re not gonna bully this woman in front of us and a kid, not happening you pretentious prick. Let’s go.” Mox frog marches the guy outside with Regal behind him and Regal chooses to stay with him while he waits inside for the jerk's drink.
“Thanks for that, I get one at least once every two days, so I appreciate it. I usually just hand them the change because aggressive men scare me, but I guess I felt brave with you and your friends here.” She realizes she’s rambling again. “I’m sorry you didn’t need to know that, but yeah, thank you really.” She smiles at him, and he can see the tension in the corners of her mouth. 
“Nobody deserves to be talked to like that,” he says, staring through the window at Regal talking to the cowering man. “Especially someone as nice as you, Emma.” He’s interrupted from continuing the conversation by Regal and another woman. 
“He decided to leave flower, said to keep the change and the drink. How odd.” His Lordship shrugs, walking back to the table. 
“Yeah Mr. William, how odd. Hey Macy!” She calls out to her coworker who is staring at him and the other three. “Macy? Are you okay?” She asks while she makes a few drinks, and he watches her friend walk up to the table as well.
“I am so sorry if this is rude, but may I have your autographs? My little brother and I love the BCC. You guys are our absolute favorite!” He winces as her friend gets loud in the near silent room and he feels Emma touch his wrist briefly before going back to the drinks. Sighing, he goes and joins the others as well, making faces at Addy while he waits to scribble his signature on the picture.
Emma POV
“Of course, dear. Sunshine, do you have some pictures in your bag we can sign?” Emma watches as Yuta nods and digs in his bag for two pictures and a sharpie and she can feel Mox staring at her.
She finishes the drinks as she hears Regal tell them they should be heading out so that they can meet Claudio in the next town for the show. Her ears perk up as she hears them thank Moxley for letting them visit while he’s on vacation. She quickly places the drinks into a holder.
“Wait!” She stops them as they near the door. “Here, these are yours. They’re the same drinks you ordered when you got here as a thank you for being so kind to Addy and for you did with the guy. I really appreciate it! Be careful and good luck in your matches.” She smiles at the shocked faces of the group.
“Wait you know who we are? But you didn’t ask for selfies or autographs, and you asked for our names.” Yuta sputters, confusion coloring his words.
 “I didn’t think you’d want that when you were just trying to relax.” She shrugs. “I’m sure you get that a lot, so I figured I’d leave you be. Besides I’m planning on going to a meet and greet when you plan one for later in the year, that way I pay for your time instead of, ya know, ask you in public.” She laughs at the silent, confused men, waving and heading back to the register to fill her friend in and clock out.
She goes to the table to gather her things into her bag, making sure Addy was packed up too. She looks at her watch and sees she has plenty of time to get them some dinner and be at the bookstore in time for her shift. Thankfully she finished all her homework and just needed to finish a research paper, but it was Friday so she could hold off until tomorrow. 
“Ready to go, Addy? We can get some dinner and then we’ll head to the bookstore, okay? Still got some pictures to color or did you and Yuta finish them all?” Her daughter smiles sweetly at the mention of her new friend.
“I still have some to color Mama, but not many. Me and Yuta colored a lot with Bryan while Mr. Regal worked.” 
“That’s okay, we can stop and get you some more books to color, okay?” She swings her daughter’s arm playfully as they walk out of the coffee shop, startled again by the figure near the door.
“Jeez Mox, again? You gotta stop doing that! I thought you left with the others?” 
“Sorry darlin, just wanted to thank you for the drink. You really knew who we were?” She laughs that he’s still shocked at that. 
“Yeah Mox, I really knew that y’all were the BCC.” Addy cuts in excitedly.
“We watch y’all alllll the time, Mama looooves when you’re on, you’re her favorite!” She blushes when Mox smirks at her and winks at Addy, covering her eyes and shaking her head.
“Addy, I’m sure he doesn’t care about that baby.” Addy looks sharply up at her mother, disbelief in her eyes. 
“But Mama-.” Emma lightly covers her daughter’s mouth.
“Come on baby, let’s go get some dinner so Mama’s not late to her shift. See ya Mox!” She goes to walk away but is stopped by a hand on her arm, flinching despite the gentleness.
“Sorry Emma didn’t mean to startle you. Maybe I could come with you, I’m not due to be on Dynamite until next Wednesday so I’m here in town for a week.” She looks at his face and sees the sincerity, but she has to ask.
“Why? I mean no offense, but why do you want to hang out with us? You’ve got to have a million other things more interesting than a single mom with two jobs and her young daughter.”
He shrugs at her, not knowing the answer himself. “I don’t know, you’ve just had my attention since we walked into the coffee shop. I can’t really explain it, Em.” 
“I- Sure you can come with us. Anywhere in particular you like, Mox?” She smiles as he touches her arm, silently asking to hold it on their walk. 
She nods at him softly, loving the smile that blooms on his face. “If it’s the bookstore I’m thinking of, there’s a really good place to eat a few minutes from it.”
Emma lets him walk her and Addy to her car, smiling as she watches Mox engage with her daughter, answering all of her questions no matter how strange. They promise to meet at the restaurant, and it doesn’t take long for her to park at the bookstore. Addy is chattering about how she can’t wait to have dinner with Moxley on the short walk. Addy waves wildly when she sees the man like it had been five years since they had seen him and not five minutes. She smiles as he holds the door open for them, doing a slight bow and waving his arm to let them walk in before him. 
 “Why thank you kind sir.” She laughs, his deep chuckle making her feel butterflies flutter in her stomach.
They spend the dinner talking about anything they can think of, while keeping it kid-friendly for Addy. She decides to let Mox ask whatever comes to his mind but is surprised when he asks Addy as many questions as he asks her. Her brain has trouble comprehending that he would be interested in her daughter, used to men ignoring her existence. She watches the clock to make sure she isn’t late and lets Addy talk with Mox as much as she pleases, watching as he animatedly describe a story about him and his Shield friends. As time gets nearer, she realizes she could stay here all night with him and be okay, and that thought makes her pause. She has known this man all of a few hours, he’s an important man and she’s raising a child by herself. As she silently berates herself he reaches out and grabs her hand, surprising herself with how calm she becomes.
“Hey, I can hear your brain screaming, Em, what’s up? Am I going too fast for you? I feel like this is a lot in one day, but you make me feel comfortable.” He pays the bill and walks them outside. “I don’t want you to feel pushed or anything so why don’t I give you my number and we can set something up. I suck at texting, but if that’s how I gotta talk to you, I will. Just know that makes you special.”
“Mox, I don’t under-.” They make it to the bookstore and Addy runs in after hugging Moxley goodbye, thanking him for dinner. 
“Jon, please, that’s my actual name, Mox is just my character. I know you think I care that you got a kid. She’s cute and sweet like her mom. She doesn’t even make me feel like I’m vibrating, which is actually surprising. Hell, you make my mind quiet and usually only Yuta can do that on rare occasions. I don’t know what this is or why I feel what I do about you so fast, but I’d like to learn and build on it if you do. I don’t care that you have a kid, Emma, she’s just another part of you.”
“You really don’t care, do you?” She smiles as he shakes his head, looking at her with an exasperated fondness. 
“You just now understanding that? I want to get to know you and we have a week to do it uninterrupted, by my schedule at least.” He shrugs. 
She hesitates for a second, thinking about her options. “Okay, fine. I have this weekend off and I only have a paper to write tomorrow.” She looks at her watch, seeing she’s cutting it close and sees a hand cover it.
“How about we go to the park tomorrow so you can bring Addy? Text me when you finish your paper and I’ll meet you at the park near here.” He smiles at the shock in her eyes when he tells her to bring Addy and he shrugs. “Like I said, she’s apart of you so she should be involved. I got a week to get to know you and her before the road takes me away and it’s phone calls and text messages.”
“I’d like that Jon, this shift isn’t very long, just a favor to the owner, so maybe I can finish the paper tonight. I gotta get in there though and start my shift. Here,” she hands him her phone watching him enter his information and hands it back. “I’ll text you now so you have my number and I’ll text you tomorrow when we can go.” She sends a quick text, watching him save her info and leans in to give him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Can’t wait for tomorrow, Emma. Have a good shift.” He starts to walk off but stops and calls her name. “I’m really glad you caught my attention.” She watches him until he enters his truck and drives off. 
“I’m really glad too, Jon.” She whispers to herself, walking into the store. 
Emma’s never believed in love at first sight, she thought it was a fairytale story. “I guess people should call me Cinderella from now on.” 
She laughs at herself as she meets up with her boss, situates her daughter, and settles into her shift. She catches herself smiling at the thought of tomorrow and what the future may hold for her and her beloved daughter, adding a tall, built man next to her in the daydreams. 
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I may come back and add to the story of Emma, Addy, and Jon but we'll see. Love you all! 😘
I also felt like I owed you some fluff after that angst I gave y'all 😭 nothing fluffier than love at first sight right? 😂
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allelitewrestlings · 1 year
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wendigoruble · 12 days
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Ya feel me?
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
Forced To Believe Masterlist
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A Dean Ambrose x OC story! The Shield 4th member.
Summary: Taking place during the start of The Shield's debut in 2012, follow Morgan Lopez's career as she becomes a member of The Shield, revamps herself as The Outspoken Diva and makes a name for herself in WWE.
OC Profile of Morgan Lopez
Chapter 1- So, You Wanna Wrestle?
Chapter 2- My WWE Debut
Chapter 3- Fighting Back
Chapter 4- My First Wrestlemania
Chapter 5- Becoming Heel
Chapter 6- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 1
Chapter 7- The Shield's Girl
Chapter 8- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 2
Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable
Chapter 10- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 4
Chapter 11- Justice Continues Being Served
Chapter 12- The Underdog from Philly
Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB
Chapter 14- Money In The Bank 2013
Chapter 15- Total Slap!
Chapter 16- Frustration
Chapter 17- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 5
Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do
Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?
Chapter 20- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6
Chapter 21- Army of One
Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face
Chapter 23- You Look Like You've Seen A Ghost
Chapter 24- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7
Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best
Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8
Chapter 28- Is That You Being Serious?
Chapter 29- In Due Time
Chapter 30- Trying To Gain Momentum
Chapter 31- The Slammy Awards
Chapter 32- That Was A Miracle
Chapter 33- The Answer Is No
Chapter 34- Tribute To The Troops
Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer
Chapter 36- Move Thief
Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod
Chapter 38- Respect
Chapter 39- I Hate Snakes
Chapter 40- If Only You Knew
Chapter 41- Making A Statement
Chapter 42- Yikes
Chapter 43- Sister Abigail
Chapter 44- I Lost Her
Chapter 45- She Belongs To Us Now
Chapter 46- I See What You Want
Chapter 47- Armageddon
Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2
Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work
Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?
Chapter 51- Things Got Personal
Chapter 52- He Kept His Word
Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating
Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games
Chapter 55- Togetherness
Chapter 56- Public Displays of Affection
Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority
Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner
Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand
Chapter 60- Annihilated
Chapter 61- Catching Up With Old Friends
Chapter 62- Wrestling's Fun
Chapter 63- Get Back Here!
Chapter 64- War
Chapter 65- Trust Is Dead To Us Now
Chapter 66- Confronting The Sellout
Chapter 67- Going Our Separate Ways
Chapter 68- They Can't Control Me
Chapter 69- Clock Is Ticking Morgan
Chapter 70- Outsmarting The Architect
Chapter 71- Closing The Chapter
Chapter 72- I Win (All Hell Breaks Loose)
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let-me-love-you-loki · 2 months
Yours To Tame--Ch. 9
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Chapter 9: One Week Later
            I sat on the edge of the hospital bed and looked at Anna. My clothes were packed in a little overnight bag. There was still an edge of fatigue around me. A fuzziness to my thoughts that made it hard to focus. I’d been cleared of any major damage but told that it would be several weeks before I’d be allowed to wrestle again.
            Sammy was going to be ferociously angry. I was so afraid of what was going to happen when we saw each other for the first time after everything that had happened in the hospital. As if she could read my thoughts, Anna looked up and wrapped her fingers around mine. I was surprised to find that mine were icy cold.
            “Hey,” she said, squeezing my hand firmly. “You aren’t going this alone. Not for one second.”
            I sighed and blinked away the terrified tears that welled up in my eyes. “You can’t be with me all the time, Anna. Besides, I have to go home eventually.”
            “You could come stay with me until we figure out what to do.”
            “That’ll just make Sammy even angrier. It’s already going to be bad enough…” My stomach dropped into my toes. As if I could feel the blows, I curled in on myself, wrapping my arms around my chest. Fear burned like bile up my throat. The venom of terror roiled through my veins. “Best if I just get it over with.”
            Anna scowled and reached up to push some of my hair back from my forehead. Her fingertips hesitated over the raised scar hidden just at my hairline. There was half a dozen more, all carefully camouflaged. I didn’t want to think about how they got there.
            She scowled. “Restraining order, Morgan. Why didn’t you keep the restraining order?”
            “Lawyers are expensive. And he never lived by it anyway.”
            “That’s what the cops are for,” she replied. “His ass should have been in jail years ago.”
            Before I could reply, there was a gentle knock on the door. We both looked up, and I couldn’t help the acute fear that cut through me. It swung open slowly.
            “Everybody decent in there?” Moxley’s voice called out.
            The fear receded so quickly it left me dizzy. “Yeah,” Anna replied. “How about out there?”
            Moxley appeared in the doorway with his arms loaded down with a huge bouquet of flowers and a get well soon balloon tied to the wrist of a huge stuffed teddy bear. There was a faint smile on his face as he practically sauntered across the room.
            “What in the name of—”
            “I told you it was ridiculous,” Bryan said, appearing from around Moxley’s broad shoulder. “One or the other or the other, not all three!”
            Bryan sounded exasperated, and I couldn’t help but grin when he made a face in my direction. “How’re you feeling, Morgan?”
            “Bitch of a headache. Anyone ever tell you two that you’re louder than a frat party on free beer weekend?” I sucked in a breath and held out my free hand toward Anna. “Can I have those glasses?”
            The doctor insisted that I wear a pair of dark, anti-glare sunglasses for the next few weeks. I knew it would help. That going without them would just make the recovery process from the concussion longer. But I knew they’d go missing within an hour of being back home.
            “Those are really pretty, Mox,” Anna said, gesturing to the flowers. “And that little guy is adorable.”
            “Ain’t he?” he laughed. “Name’s Jon.”
            Anna giggled, and I could have sworn that she was blushing. “Isn’t that a coincidence.”
            Bryan rolled his eyes and sank down on the end of the bed. There was a foot or two between us, and he kept his hands in his lap. But I could see the worry in his sky-blue eyes. “Seriously,” he asked softly, “how are you?”
            I shrugged, not quite knowing how to answer. Half a dozen responses existed to that question. “I—”
            “Morgan is out of commission for a couple weeks. And she can’t travel for a few more days, so we’re stuck here for a bit longer.”
            “Where are you staying?” Bryan asked.
            “Hotel,” I replied quietly. “Just until I’m given the okay to go home.”
            Bryan felt the moment that Moxley’s eyes turned to him. The two men looked at one another, almost as if they could understand each other without speaking. It didn’t take a genius to realize that home for Morgan meant with Sammy Guevara. And after what he’d heard in that hallway—what he’d learned in the last few days—there was no way he was going to let that happen.
            “You know,” Moxley said as he handed the teddy bear to Anna. “I’ve got a few days off, too. Want some company?”
            Anna smiled at them with something deep and grateful in her eyes. She looked between the two of them and to Morgan and back again before giving a firm nod. “Wouldn’t be so bad, would it, Morgan?”
            He watched Moxley gently tap Morgan’s foot with the tip of his boot. She jumped and drew her knees up to her chest. Her eyes went deer in the headlights wide before going flat and distant. If he looked close enough, he could see the tremble in her limbs that she was trying so desperately to hide.
            A new rush of hate splashed into Bryan as he found himself wondering about why she felt she had to fight to hold it back. If he ever got his hands on Sammy Guevara, he was going to rip him apart one muscle fiber at a time. They’d been by the hospital a few times since their first visit, and it wasn’t lost on them that Sammy was often outside in the parking lot staring at the building. Anna had filled them in that he’d been banned from entering the hospital. Sammy hadn’t been subtle about hiding his distain for them at work this past week, either.
            There wasn’t a doubt in Bryan’s mind that the moment Morgan left this building, Sammy would get his hands on her. And God knew what would happen to her after that. He didn’t want to entertain the thought.
            He’s got to get that rage under control, Moxley thought as he held the flowers out to Morgan in the hope of drawing her back out of her shell. He understood the feeling, but he knew that all it would do was scare her right back off. And they couldn’t protect her if she wouldn’t even be around them.
            When Morgan wouldn’t look up, Moxley crouched down so that he could look into her eyes. The pupils were wide, irises so dark they looked black barely visible around them. The terror in them made his guts clench.
            “Hey, it’s all good,” he said quietly. He kept his voice low and his hands in sight as he spoke to her. “It’s just an idea. At least let us make sure that you get to the hotel and get settled in okay.”
            She blinked and then squeezed her glassy eyes shut. He couldn’t tell if it was from the concussion, the meds, or something else entirely. After a few deep breaths, Morgan Knox nodded. Her brow furrowed as if the movement hurt. He supposed it did.
            “Think you guys could give us a lift?” Anna asked, drawing his attention.
            Jon Moxley had never really thought of himself as an intuitive person, but somehow he got the gist of what Anna Jay was really asking. Is he here? He felt his mouth curl into a sneer as he gave her a brief, barely there nod of his head.
            “You grab the gifts and I’ll get the bags,” he said as he straightened himself out. His joints popped and cracked, making him grunt. He thought he saw the ghost of a smile on Morgan’s face. “We’ll bring the car around for princess here. Bryan can handle getting her outside.”
            The two met looked at one another, communicating in a quiet way that wrestlers had. They had both seen Sammy sitting in the driver’s seat of his car in the parking lot. It wasn’t hard to imagine the horrible things that were stuck deep in his mind. Moxley hadn’t exactly seen everything that Bryan had, but he knew for sure that he didn’t like the idea of Morgan going anywhere near the asshole who’d put her in the hospital.
            “We’ll take it slow,” Bryan said as he stood up. He held out his hand to her, palm turned upward. “If you get dizzy, we can stop or get a chair.”
            I stared at Bryan’s hand, confusion slipping through my thoughts. “What?” I mumbled.
            His eyes crinkled as he reached his hand closer. “Mox and Anna are going to get the car. I’ll walk out with you to make sure that you don’t get dizzy or anything.”
            My eyes darted toward the door, but Anna had already disappeared out of sight. “I… okay,” I replied, clutching the dark glasses in one hand. For a moment, I didn’t quite know what to do with Bryan’s outstretched hand.
            “It’s okay,” he soothed. “You don’t have to. I’ll just walk close enough that I can catch you if you start to stumble. Is that alright?”
            I swallowed hard, surprised by the rush of feeling that settled deep into my chest. My breath rushed out of me as I reached out and placed my fingers against his palm. I pulled myself to my feet, swaying as the world started to spin.
            Bryan’s hand tightened on mine as he stepped forward to slip his other arm around my waist. “I’ve got you.”
            Squeezing my eyes shut, I leaned into him. “I’m tired,” I whined. “My head hurts.”
            “I know. Hold onto me, and we’ll take it slow,” he soothed. “As soon as we get you to the hotel, you can rest.”
            I let Bryan lead the way, shuffling along beside him with shaking steps. He made me stop and put on the glasses when I whined at the light shining through the windows.
            “You’re going to stay with me, right?”
            Bryan’s fingers tightened on mine. He tensed for just a moment before replying. “If it’ll make you feel safe, of course I will.”
            My head leaned against his shoulder in relief as we took the last few steps toward the door.
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orange-catsidy · 2 years
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elitehoe · 11 months
Mox vs OC is the most dog vs cat feud
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pinsandvinegar · 1 year
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sometimes my oc drawings are indistinguishable from mox and I'm fine with it
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anamelesssimp · 6 months
Crying on a Saturday night!
A Darby Allin fanfic
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Part 2!
She was shocked at how intrigued she was by him. He had such a different vibe to him, not just the clothes he was wearing, but his aura itself. The way he casually leaned against the cool brick wall of the venue, but made it look it was some sort of album cover. He was so confident and cool it almost intimidated her. It took a while of awkward silence before Tara cleared her throat and spoke up. 
“ So, I am starving and I’m sure you guys are too after all that in the ring soooo who wants to get something to eat. We can let them actually speak to each other instead of just staring at each other.” She gave a teasing look to Jenna as Cassidy let out a deep bellowing laugh. 
“ I don’t think it was that funny Cass, but food does sound fucking great right now. Jenna, you want to join us?” Darby asked in a surprisingly gentle tone, a stark contrast to his outward appearance. 
“ I mean it’s kinda late, and  I have to work in the morning…” 
“ No mam! You haven’t eaten all day, besides us trying to not so discreetly force you to get to know Darby, you need to eat before you head home. I know you well enough to know if you don’t you will go home and not have anything until tomorrow. So with that being said, where to?” 
“ WAFFLE HOUSE!” Darby and Cassidy both shouted in unison
“ Well I guess that settles that pile in children to the Waffle house we go” Tara waved the keys at Jenna tauntingly with a smirk as she gently pushed her towards the parking lot. In doing so she bumped her into Darbys back causing them both to stumble. Thankfully Darby was quick to get his balance back and helped steady her before she could completely eat dirt. They had an awkward moment of nods and pats of thanks and Jenna was quick to pull away. 
“ Lets goooo lovebirds, if I don’t get some hash browns soon , things are going to get very uncool around here.” Cassidy yelled from the trunk of the car as he put his suitcase in , only half joking. 
“ Guess we better get going before he blows his carrot top.’’ Adding in a devilish grin he motioned Jenna ahead of him. Partly in case she needed to be caught again, but also, as respectful as he was, she did have a very nice back end that he couldn’t help but want another glance or two at. 
The Waffle House was packed when the group got there so they all squished into the booth in the back corner farthest away from the door so they didn’t get a cold blast everytime the door opened and shut. Tara and Cassidy cuddled in close and kept whispering and giggling to each other. With each little nothing they scooched closer in leaving basically the imagination in between them. Darby and Jenna sat awkwardly beside each other scooched as far apart from each other as the little booth would allow. It wasn’t that she didn’t think he was cute, it was just uncomfortable to be shoved into this position. She fiddled with the menu and tried to hide that she was sweating so bad it was hard to keep hold of it. 
“ So Jenna, are you from around here originally?” He started trying to make small talk as he twisted a straw wrapper around his fingers. 
‘“ Actually I’m from Arizona, but moved here for school and never turned back. I met Tara and we helped each other stay a float after graduating, and here we are. What about you?” 
“ Yea I’m born and raised right here in Seattle.” 
“ Well that’s cool it’s really pretty here, it took a while to get used to the weather, but once I got over that adjustment period I fell in love.”  Before Darby could say anything else Cassidy decided this was the perfect time to pop in and knock out the progress the two had made in trying to break the awkwardness. 
“ We aren’t about to talk about the weather, are you two serious right now?” Cassidy rolled his eyes and took a sip of his coffee. Tara elbowed him in the stomach causing him to gag on the hot beverage and burn his tongue. He shot her a confused look and she glared at him and shook her head. 
“  You know I think I left my wallet at the venue. It's only like 4 miles from here Tara can we run back and get that before they lock up for the night?” Cassidy smirked 
“ Oh yea let’s go, you guys stay here! We will be right back, just order us some waffles with a side of hashbrowns and bacon, we’ll be back for you know it!” Tara winked as they slid out of the booth before a word of protest could be spoken and dashed towards the door. Darby turned toward Jenna and looked sympathetically. 
“ So… what do you want to talk about”
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allelitewrestlings · 1 year
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elementaldoughnut12 · 3 months
"Second Chance With My Universe "
*This is the first introduction to my oc Max Hartwell! Please be nice! Also listen to "Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall in Love With You)" by Kaden MacKay cause that's what's referenced in here*
*I'm tagging @afterdarkprincess cause she's been excited to read this and cover art is by @switchbladebc whose oc Ashley inspired me to make my own oc fic!*
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Mox got a text from Claudio saying something about them getting a new BCC member and if Mox is being honest...he doesn't think they need another young talent when they already have Wheeler ripping through the roster. Mox walked to the BCC locker room thinking about ways to scare off the new recruit when he opened the door and his heart stopped.
"M-Max!?!" Mox said while looking at the man whom he was crushing on for twenty years. It felt like opening a time capsule for Mox when looking at Max. Back then when he and Max went into wrestling together, Max was just this tiny little gym rat that cried whenever they lost a match and Mox had to comfort him in his arms. Now, Max was bulky and had facial hair. The only way he knew it was Max was by his long hair and the giant burn scar on his back.
“Looks like the guest of honor has finally arrived” Claudio says, which snaps Mox out of his shocked state. Max turns around and a big smile is spread across his face. “Jon!” Max says as he runs towards Mox and gives him a huge hug. Mox grunts a bit from the tight squeeze but wraps his arms around Max nonetheless. Max is 5’8 so his fluffy hair tickles the bottom of Mox's face a bit. Max even stills uses the same shampoo that gives off a mango scent which was Mox's favorite. 
“N-Nice to see you too Max umm I-I thought you were only working on Collision?” Mox says which earns him a laugh. “Yeah I was but Chuck wanted me to work with someone who I knew so he asked Tony to put me on Dynamite and on the same schedule as you! Can't you believe it? The “Lunatic Lovers” are back together baby!” Max says happily as he jumps a bit in Mox's arms. Mox thought his heart was gonna explode out of his chest with happiness after he heard those words. 
“You guys used to be a tag team?” Wheeler asks curiously. Mox felt cold when Max released from his embrace. “Fuck yeah we were! Kid, me and Mox started together in the independent circuit when I was fifteen and he was eighteen and we had the most hardcore matches ever! I called myself the “Canadian Cannibal” cause I was born in Québec until I got adopted by Chuck's family and moved to Ohio at ten. Moxie here was “Unscripted Violence” cause you never know what he's gonna do! We called ourselves the “Lunatic Lovers” cause we were crazy as hell and everybody always thought we were together. 
We traveled everywhere together and we even went to be a part of the Shield in WWE! We both left in 2018 and I worked indie shows all over the fucking map until my brother got me here!” Max says with enthusiasm. “Sometimes I had to hold him after we lost matches cause he cried” Mox says with a laugh. Max gasped and punched Mox in the arm. “It's ok to be sensitive asshole! Not everyone can be emotionless like you!” Max says with a pout. 
“Will bunking with me tonight make you feel better?” Mox says with a blush. “Yes it would! Plus you're cute when you get embarrassed!” Max says with a laugh. Mox was about to say something back when there was a knock at the door. The door opened and it revealed Max's older brother, Chuck Taylor. “Hey little bro you're going against Alex Reynolds in five minutes so get your little butt ready when I walk you to the ring!” Chuck said. 
“I'm thirty-five! I don't need my big brother holding my hand and besides I'm ready!” Max says while showing off his gear. He was wearing a pair of black trunks with red splotches on them to represent blood splatter. The trunks also had the BCC logo on the side and they showed off Max's bubbly ass which Mox tried to not look at. To top it off, he wore a pair of chunky black knee high boots with white laces. He also put on wrist tape similar to Mox's style which made him blush. 
“Oh yeah? Seems to me that you're chatting with your boyfriend” Chuck says with a smirk. “Fuck you! Besides aren't you fucking Orange?” Max says back with a laugh. “Yeah? Still doesn't help that you're still a virgin” Chuck says causing Max to blush with embarrassment. “Can we go to the ring now?” Max says quietly. “Sure, you guys better take notes cause Max is gonna murder this guy!” Chuck says, causing Max to jump with excitement. “Hell yeah I am! You guys make sure the little tyke doesn't get scared watching the gory parts!” Max says with a laugh.
“I'm literally only eight years younger than you!” Wheeler says angrily. Max looks Wheeler up and down. “Nah! I know a twelve year old when I see one!” Max says with a laugh. “Max is right Wheeler… you do look twelve” Mox says causing Max to laugh even more. “Moxie gets it! Ok, time to brutalize a sex cult member! You gonna watch me on the screen Jon?” Max asks Mox with a smile. “D-Definitely! Wouldn't wanna miss you for anything!” Mox says while blushing immensely. 
“Awesome! See you guys in twenty minutes!” Max says as he kisses Mox's cheek and walks with Chuck to the ring. Mox holds his face and is blushing immensely with a lovestruck smile on his face. “Why does everyone think I'm twelve?” Wheeler asks with an irritated tone. “I don't think that's the hot topic of the evening Wheeler” Claudio says as he motions towards Mox. “What are you… oh! Mox has a crush on Max!” Wheeler says, causing Mox to glare at him. “Yeah so what? It's nothing major” Mox says as he looks at the screen…
“The opponent! Accompanied to the ring by Chuck Taylor! He's from Québec, Canada and weighs two hundred and ten pounds! He's the “Canadian Cannibal”... MAX HARTWELL!” 
Mox watches on as Max and Chuck walk down to the ring as “Cannibal” by Kesha plays on the speakers. Max slides into the center of the ring and crosses his arms above his head. When the peak of the song hits he puts his crossed arms over his chest and makes a rock and roll gesture and sticks his tongue out. “Fucking dork” Mox says with a quiet laugh. “You seem to really like him, Mox” Wheeler says with a smirk. “You don't know the whole story Wheeler” Claudio says as they sit on the couch with Mox. 
“Love how you guys are talking about my love life when I'm right here” Mox says while not taking his eyes off the screen. “How did you guys actually meet? He said you guys went into wrestling together but how did it all start?” Wheeler asks curiously. Mox takes a deep breath and sighs. “Well, it started with me living in my car after my mom's latest boyfriend beat me to hell and kicked me out of the house. I did little house show gigs around the map to get by and shit. I was just a dropout who everyone assumed will never get anywhere.
One day, I was in a gas station bathroom in Québec getting ready for a show and I went outside to leave and I found him. I watched as his old man threw him out of the car and onto the snowy ground and drove away. I ran over to check on him and Jesus fuck, he was bruised up and had a giant cut above his eye. I put his bag in my car and put him in the front seat. I patched him up with a little first aid kit I had in my glove box and he just stared at me and asked me why I helped him. I told him that nobody deserves to get thrown out like trash. 
He just smiled at me and hugged me and this is the first time I ever met him and fuck, I fell in love with him at that moment. I took him to the show with me as a last minute tag team debut and our chemistry was perfect together. Shit, we even won that night! We took our winnings and ate at some crappy diner and we just talked. He told me that his dad was training him before he got kicked out and I asked him if he wanted to come with me and do house shows together. He agreed and he has never left my side since.” He finished with a nostalgic smile on his face. 
“How come you never asked him out or anything?” Wheeler asks confusingly. Mox's smile turned into a regretful frown. “I'm afraid that I'm gonna fuck it up again cause I didn't save him then so what makes him believe that I wouldn't just repeat what I did back then?” He says sadly. “Is that about the burn scar on his back?” Wheeler asks and receives a small nod from Mox. 
“We were in a deathmatch and our opponents handcuffed me to a corner of the ring and made me watch as they set Max on fire. I heard him screaming and crying and calling my name. They immediately stopped the match and uncuffed me and I went with Max to the hospital. I apologized for not saving him and he said it wasn't my fault but it was… IT FUCKING WAS! Maybe if I was more aware of my surroundings then it wouldn't have happened.” Mox says as he feels tears start to form.
Wheeler and Claudio look at Mox with concerned faces. “What is Max doing?” Wheeler asks as he points at the screen, trying to change the conversation. Mox wipes his eyes and looks at the screen. “He's about to do his signature move!” He says excitedly as he jumps out of his seat. They watch as Max gets on the top rope, jumps, does a flip across the ring and stomps right on top of Alex's head. He then goes for the pin and wins the match. 
“Fuck yeah! That's my angel!” Mox says then blushes when he lets Max's nickname slip. “What even was that? I've never seen anything like that!” Wheeler says in shock, pretending to not notice the slip-up. “That's Max's signature move! It's called Toxic Shock! He's been using that move since our indie days and it knocks them out everytime!” Mox says proudly. “I remember he did that move on me and it gave me a concussion” Claudio says, causing Mox and Wheeler to laugh. 
“Hard to believe that's Chuck's little brother but wait a minute… he never told us why he's called the Canadian Cannibal?” Wheeler asks confusingly. “Just watch the screen and see for yourself” Mox says with a smirk. They sit back down on the couch and watch the screen. The match is over but they see Max hovering over Alex. They see him put something in his mouth, grab Alex by the shoulders and bite into his neck. 
Claudio and Wheeler watch in shock as Max sinks his teeth into Alex's neck and causes him to scream. Max then proceeds to pull his mouth off of him, leaving a giant bleeding bite mark and smiles. They see Max is wearing a mouth guard that looks like fangs and is covered in blood. He then does his signature hand gesture and leaves the ring. “Holy shit” Wheeler says in shock. “That's Max Hartwell for ya! He always knows how to impress people…” Mox says with a smile.
“You gotta ask him out, Mox! You two are perfect together!” Wheeler says, looking at Mox excitingly. “I already told you Wheeler I'm afraid to ask him out cause I don't wanna fuck up again” Mox says as he turns of the tv. “That was a long time ago, Jon. Like you said Max never blamed you for his injury and he still cares deeply for you. It also seems to me that you still care deeply about him too. So don't let this second chance slip past you.” Claudio says to him with a smile. 
Mox looks at Claudio and Wheeler and sighs. “Goddammit, I hate when you're right. So how should I ask him out?” he asks expectantly. “You can slip a love letter in his gym bag!” Wheeler says excitedly. “This isn't high school Wheeler” Mox says with a chuckle. “Worked for me and Danny” Wheeler says embarrassingly. “Just tell him how you feel Jon. You never had a problem with expressing your feelings before. You've waited twenty years so I think you deserve to be with him. You do love him don't you?” Claudio questions him.
“With all my heart…” Mox says truthfully. “It's settled! Mox is gonna ask out Max and we're gonna watch from afar! Let's go!” Wheeler says excitedly as he pushes Mox out of the locker room. Mox gives a look to Claudio, which causes him to laugh. “He just wants you to be happy Jon” He says with a smile as they leave the locker room. Mox looks around the arena and spots Max talking to Chuck in catering. He looks back behind himself and sees Claudio and Wheeler failing to hide behind a wall.
Mox takes a deep breath and walks closer to Max. “Max!” He says to catch Max's attention. Max smiles and runs over to hug him. “Jon! Did you see me out there? Told you I would kick some ass!” He says excitedly as he lets go of Mox. “I think you gave Reynolds rabies Max” Mox says, causing Max to laugh. “He kinda deserved it cause he was talking shit about you! Nobody deserves to say anything bad about you!” Max says protectively, causing Mox to blush a bit. 
“You know you don't have to defend me all the time Max. I can handle myself you know” Mox says with a smile. “I care about you too much to not defend you Jon” Max says with a hint of blush on his cheeks. Hearing that from Max makes it even harder for what Mox is gonna say. “I actually w-wanna ask you something Max” he says nervously. “What is it Jon?” Max says, beautiful green eyes staring into him. Mox can feel his anxiety take over and does the unthinkable. 
“I-I'm sorry I gotta go!” Mox says as he runs away from Max. He runs out of the arena and makes it to his car. He leans against the side and feels tears start to form in his eyes. “GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!” he says angrily as he harshly kicks the tire of his car. “I had one shot to finally get with the guy I've been in love with for twenty fucking years and I fucking blew it” he says as he starts to cry. He takes out a pack of cigarettes and his favorite lighter. 
He leans against the trunk of his car and takes a drag of his cigarette. He wipes away his tears and looks up at the starry night. “Why can't I just say I love you to you Max?” he says with a sigh, not knowing someone is listening to him from afar. He stubs out the cigarette and pulls out his phone and pulls up a music app Wheeler helped him download and plays a song. He knows he's not a good singer but it always made Max smile…
“Don't you dare make me fall in love with you
Don't you dare enchant me with those eyes
If I fell through your skies,
There's no way you would catch me
There's a tear in my heart,
But your patch wouldn't match me
Being near you still adds to the size of my sighs,
There's still seismic events at hellos and goodbyes,
And I still need reminders of why it's unwise
To stare
“I always thought you had a good singing voice even if everyone else says you're shit” Max says, causing Mox to jump. “Max! How long have you been standing there?” Mox asks with a blush. “When you ran off I came to check on you. Do you really love me Jon?” Max asks curiously as he sits on the trunk of the car. “Yeah, I always did” Mox says as he lights another cigarette. “For how long?” Max asks as he inches a bit closer to Mox. “Since we met twenty years ago” Mox says as he takes a puff.
“How come you've never said anything?” Max says, causing Mox to sigh. “I was afraid I was gonna fuck up again” he says as he takes a drag. He was gonna take another puff when Max takes it and takes a puff instead. “Jon…” he says seriously, inches away from Mox's face. “The accident was never your fucking fault. You were handcuffed so you couldn't have done anything! You have been making yourself suffer for so long not even knowing that I felt the same way about you! Knowing that now… it kills me” Max finishes as he takes one last puff and stubs the cigarette out.
Now knowing that Max has felt the same way after all these years makes Mox feel like an idiot. “You know what? Fuck it!” Mox says as he leans in and kisses Max deeply. The feeling of his lips against Max's feels like he's floating in space. He puts his hands under Max's ass and lifts him into his arms, causing Max to yelp and wrap his arms and legs around Mox. He looks up to see Max crying. “I can't believe it took you this long to do that” Max says happily through tears. “I'm sorry for making you wait so long angel” Mox apologizes as he kisses Max's tears away. 
“You gonna ask me out or what? You only kissed me but you still haven't asked me out to make it official” Max says with a laugh, causing Mox to roll his eyes. “Max Hartwell, will you be my boyfriend?” he says with a gentle smile and a blush. “I thought you'd never ask” Max says as he dives in and kisses Mox. “Wearing tight ring shorts that rode up my ass to the ring all these years finally paid off huh?” Max says with a smirk, causing Mox to hold him tighter.
 “Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?” Mox questions with a smile. “Am I still bunking with you tonight? Now that we're officially together I think you deserve all of me Jon” Max says with a blush. Mox just smiles and looks into his boyfriend's eyes. “I got a second chance with my universe didn't I?” Mox says truthfully. “You sure fucking did” Max says as he leans in for one last kiss. 
Mox is excited for what's to come later when he takes Max to the hotel but he's even more happy that he finally gets to be with the man he's been in love with for so long. He never thought Max would ever reciprocate his feelings for him but holy fuck he was wrong. He never wants to experience a world without Max ever again. So he's just happy he got a second chance with his universe…
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wordsfromblerds · 1 year
“That Orange Cassidy”
Orange Cassidy x That Mexican OT
🎧: Johnny Dang - That Mexican OT ft. Paul Wall & DRODi
Edited by: bruhmanbeyond (@addo_man)
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
Hi! Starting over again!
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Idk how many people may remember this blog but hi! I'm Val aka Smolwritingchick.
I used to post The Bangtan Gal here on Tumblr. A BTS Jungkook love story about an 8th member of BTS, Jennie Walker.
I'm starting over. I have two stories I want to post on here that I deleted. A wrestling story called Forced To Believe which is about a female member of The Shield from WWE (I posted that on fanfiction.net many years ago) and my BTS story, Bangtan Gal. Currently editing chapters and will post them soon.
I took a long break from writing due to my mental health and just lack of motivation to write as I focused more on work and had other passions. But I miss it and would love to repost my work. I'm not a big fan of the fanfiction.net site these days so I will be posting my stories on Wattpad, Tumblr and Archive of our own for now on.
I'm hoping to continue The Bangtan Gal as I plan out new chapters after editing the old ones. For now, what matters is that I'm having all these chapters up from what has already been written so people can reread.
This blog will focus 95% on my K-Pop story The Bangtan Gal, so expect a lot of posts and asks regarding my K-Pop story and fewer posts about my wrestling story. I'm more focused on that, so sorry in advance.
I don't really care about the notes or views. I just want to post these up again and see where it goes.
I keep rereading my stories and I really miss it so why not?
Stay tuned.
I'm also on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own
Forced To Believe Masterlist
Bangtan Gal Masterlist
Bangtan Gal Masterlist PART 2
Bangtan Gal Smol oneshot/drabble Masterlist
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let-me-love-you-loki · 5 months
Yours to Tame--Ch. 8
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Chapter 8: Two Days Later
            “You don’t have to stay,” I said for what felt like the thousandth time. I figured that Anna wouldn’t take a step outside of my hospital room after what had happened with Sammy. But I hadn’t figured that Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley would basically camp out in my room as well. “Seriously. I’m sure you guys have better things to do than sit here.”
            Bryan shrugged, a guilty look in his eyes. “It’s partially my fault that you’re in here. It’s the least I can do.” I barely caught the look that passed between him and Moxley. “I saw you stumble up those stairs. I should have at least stopped you to make sure you were okay.”
            “It’s nowhere near your fault,” Anna said with a sneer. “You aren’t the one who bounced her head off a wall.”
            I grimaced, feeling sick as Anna realized what she’d just done. Her eyes shot to mine as the color drained straight out of her face. The air seemed to be sucked straight out of the room. It was like the whole world stood still—frozen completely in place. I couldn’t bring myself to look toward Bryan or Moxley. The overwhelming shame that poured through me was like gasoline. I couldn’t breathe.
            “Morgan…” Anna said so quietly that it was hard to hear her. She covered her face with her hands. “I’m so sorry.”
            The quiet was so heavy, so thick that I could feel it pressing down on me. It was stifling. Suffocating. It wrapped its fingers around my throat and threatened to choke the life out of me.
            “I’m going to tear his fucking head off.” The voice was tinged with rage, with something that was stronger and more primal even.
            I gagged and clawed at the oxygen tube beneath my nose. My fingers shook. The force of my heart beating behind my ribs was painful beyond reckoning. The noise of the monitors beeping beside me was deafening.
            “Morgan.” The voice was Moxley’s. It was barely audible over the roaring of my blood in my ears. I tried to focus, but it felt like I was trying to dig my way out of quicksand. “Morgan, look at me.”
            His voice filtered from so far away. “Morgan.” My name echoed in my ears as if it traveled down a long tunnel.
            Something settled on my wrist, jarring me back to reality as quickly as if I’d been slapped. I couldn’t breathe as memories of Sammy with his hands on me slammed into my thoughts. Vomit churned my stomach and clawed up my throat. The panic rushed through my blood, and I thrashed, trying to get away from that touch.
            “Hey, it’s okay,” Moxley said quietly. He took his hand off my wrist, but I could still feel it settled on the blanket next to me. “It’s okay. Take a deep breath, Morgan. Look at me. I’m right here.”
            I tried. I tried so hard to follow the sound of his voice. The world around me was so hazy. I could barely make out the shape of him squatting near the edge of the bed. It came into focus slowly. He kept talking.
            “Good,” he murmured. “It’s me, Mox. You’re safe, and you’re okay.”
            I gasped. “Is he… is he…”
            “No. It’s just the three of us. Me, Anna, and Bryan.” I felt my heart settle just a little. The sound of monitors slowed. “We’re not letting him anywhere near you again.”
            I tried to take a deep breath as I focused on Moxley’s words. On the sound of his voice and the way that—somehow—I trusted him when he said they weren’t going to let Sammy near me.
             “Promise?” The word came out of my mouth quietly and timidly. My voice felt like I’d never used it before.
            The very tips of his fingers brushed the side of my arm, close enough that I could feel it but also light enough that I could pull away if I wanted. I took a breath, one after the other and tried to focus all of my attention on the faint, barely there sensation of his fingertips.
            “I swear.”
            “I’ll rip him into pieces,” Bryan growled.
            My heart jumped back into my throat. I clutched at the blankets with my fingers until it felt as if I was going to rip my nails off.
            “You’re going to be quiet is what you’re going to do,” Moxley said firmly. He didn’t raise his voice, but it was strong. “You’re scaring her.”
            The sound of his voice was enough to bring some of the anxiety out of me. I focused on Moxley’s voice. On the way that there was just a faint hint of an accent underneath. Without real warning, my fingers untangled from the blankets and crept toward his. The feel of warm, calloused fingers anchored me to reality for a moment.
            Moxley gave a faint huff of breath before gently curling his fingers around my hand. “Bryan and I are here. I promise we’re going to help keep you safe.”
            I finally worked up the courage to look at him. Moxley was still there, squatting next to the bed and watching me carefully with his cornflower blue eyes. Anna was still there. I could feel her just like I always did. But there was also Moxley and Bryan.
            “Why?” I whispered around the lump caught in my throat. “Why do you care?”
            “Why?” Moxley asked, bewildered. “Why what?”
            Anna curled her fingers around mine. It was hard to look him in the eye. Honestly, it was hard to look anyone except Anna in the eye, and I often hated myself for it. “Why do you care? We barely know each other.”
            Moxley and Bryan shared a look, their brows wrinkled in confusion. I watched them shoot a curious glance at Anna. Shame settled deep in my gut. I just wanted to curl up and hide. Part of me wished Sammy had killed me a long time ago.
            The chair creaked as Bryan leaned forward, his elbows propped on his knees. His threatening words against Sammy echoed in my head, reverberating until it was all I could hear. Panic rose up in my chest. Bryan opened his mouth to speak, but snapped it shut again when Moxley put out a hand.
            “We care because you’re a human being, Morgan,” Moxley said at last. “Because everyone deserves to be and feel safe. Because no one deserves what you’ve gone through, whatever it is.”
            Anna squeezed my fingers. When I looked at her, there were tears running down her face. I could see the way she tried to find the right words to say. She didn’t have to. There was a clear I told you so behind her eyes.
            “I don’t know everything that’s happened. I’m—we’re—not asking you to tell us. You’re right that we don’t really know each other, but I think I speak for Bry here when I say that doesn’t change the fact that you deserve to feel safe. To be safe.” Moxley’s words were genuine and compassionate. More than I’d ever had from any guy in a very long time.
            I didn’t know what to do with them.
            I couldn’t remember the last time someone had bothered to give a shit about me. Except Anna.
            “What?” I replied cautiously. “What happens next? Are we friends now?”
            Bryan’s laugh came out of nowhere. “I wouldn’t mind being friends with you, Morgan.”
            Friends. That’s how it all started with Sammy. The charm. The attention. Then possessiveness. The slow eroding away of my sense of self, my confidence, my independence. My control over my own body.
            “What this dipshit means,” Moxley said, his words bringing me back to the present. “Is that we wouldn’t mind being your friends if that’s what you’d like. Tell us to go away and we’ll hit the bricks. Pound sand. Hit the road. Disappear. Vanish. Be no more. Ride off into—”
            “She gets it, Mox,” Bryan interrupted. There was a faint smile on his face. He turned toward me. I couldn’t argue that it was easy to be drawn into his ice blue eyes. “So? What d’you think?”
            I made myself look away. Look anywhere but at them. My gaze slid over Anna. Over monitors and generic art prints and plain beige paint. Past the wall-mounted TV playing a daytime gameshow on low volume. It finally landed on the mirror above the sink. The one directly across from my bed. The one I’d been avoiding since I’d arrived.
            A loud thump drew my attention back before I could dwell on my sunken eyes and limp, greasy hair. The sound echoed in the little room so loudly that I was sure the nurses down the hall heard. Bryan rubbed the center of his chest with one hand while flipping Moxley off with the other.
            “Again…” he sighed, shooting Bryan what could only be described as a death glare. “What this asshole is trying to say is we’d like to be friends. But absolutely on your terms.”
            For some reason, my brain seemed to short circuit at his words. My terms? I didn’t think anyone—let alone a man—had ever proposed any kind of relationship on my terms. As much as the idea was a foreign concept, I could feel the sincerity radiating off Moxley.
            “You don’t have to—”
            “I’d like that,” I replied in a rush before I lost my nerve. “I’d like to be friends with you guys.”
            Anna squeezed my hand again. As if she was proud of me.
            Both men seemed to relax into their chairs. Moxley laughed softly and grinned.
            “Well, princess, if we’re gonna be friends, I have to tell you about my buddy Mitch.”
            Bryan snorted. “The fucking ficus?”
            “Shut it. He was there for me.” I glanced at Anna, who was watching them bicker back and forth playfully. For the first time in a very long time, I started to believe I could be safe.
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