#Joshy Benedict
cameronspecial · 6 months
A New Kind Of Normal (Part 3)
Pairing: Dad!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Fight With A Parent, Swearing, and Fear of Relapse
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.0K
Summary: Rafe has accomplished his goals and is now able to meet his daughter for the first time.
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Over the past month, Rafe has gotten a chance to learn more about Stella from his weekly meetings with Y/N. Stella was born on May 17th, 2020 at 10:59 A.M. Her first word was Joshy, said at eleven months old when she was calling for help from her uncle Josh when her uncle Benedict would mercilessly tickle her. At two years old, she became obsessed with witches after her mother read her a book about them and it has been her favourite topic of conversation since. Her favourite colour is dark purple and her favourite food is any soup in general because she likes to pretend she is drinking a witch's potion when she eats it. The most important fact of all to Rafe: Stella Rachel Y/L/N is his little girl’s full name. Y/N had tried her best to come up with a name close to Rafe, but all the names closer she found on the internet didn’t go with Stella. Nonetheless, the action still touched him when Y/N told him that was the reason.
And now, he’ll finally get to meet his little star. His hand fidgets with the small nob on his watch, making the hands go clockwise and counterclockwise. He watches as Y/N reads over his toxicology report. She didn’t require him to do a weekly toxicology report to prove that he was staying sober, but he wanted to show her she could trust him. The logical part of him knows she won’t say that he can’t meet Stella, yet a small part of him fears she might. 
The small smile she gives him relieves him of his anxiety, “This is great, Button. I’m so proud of the work you put into staying sober.” Forming a friendship with Y/N was another amazing thing that happened this month. When she started using the nickname she gave him the night Stella was conceived, he felt the air leave his lungs just like it does now. “Thanks. I was really scared that I might relapse this week after I got into an argument with my dad, but I called Diana, did some breathing exercises and looked at my picture of Stella. It all helped me get through it,” he replies truthfully. He had truly felt fear that week when he found himself on the road towards Barry’s trailer. Luckily, he was able to fight through his desire and pull over the car before he got there. Y/N nods and reaches out to place a reassuring hand on his, “Well, I’m glad you were able to recognize your craving and reach out for help with managing it. So do you want to come over after we finish our coffee?” 
His lips stretch so far apart that people would think he is the Joker. He pulls out his phone to check his schedule, “No, I won’t have enough time to go home and change if I come tonight. I also need to get her a few things before I meet her. How about tomorrow afternoon? Is that okay?” “You know you don’t have to make a big deal about this with the changing and the gifts. As long as you love her and show her that love, she is going to reciprocate those feelings,” Y/N argues. 
“I know, I just… Meeting her is all I have been dreaming about for the last month and I want it to be perfect. Plus, it really couldn’t hurt to get her a few bribery toys.”
“I understand how you feel. When Benny came home the week before Stella was born with the wrong colour paint for her room, I almost threw a chair at him. I wanted Finch yellow, but he got funky yellow. It didn’t matter that they were virtually the same colour. I just need her room to be exactly how I planned it. So you can come over tomorrow. Just don’t buy her too many toys.” 
“I can’t be held to a gift-buying limit. I have to make up for five years.”
Y/N watches as Stella tries to get ready by herself, thinking about what is going to happen in just ten minutes. “Mommy, help, please,” Stella cries out for help. Y/N’s focus returns to her daughter and she has to stop herself from laughing. Stella has gotten her shirt stuck on her head because she has been trying to get her head through the armhole. Y/N approaches the young girl and helps put her head through the right hole. “You were almost there, Stells. I’m proud of you,” she praises, giving the little girl a kiss on the head. Stella shouts a thank you as she runs into her mom’s room. 
Y/N follows her daughter to her room and carries Stella over to the bed. Once Stella is safely on the bed, Y/N turns toward her dresser to get her perfume. “One tiny spray for this wrist,” Y/N pushes the top of the perfume so the scent falls on her daughter’s wrist. “And one tiny spray for the other. Now, you are ready to go. Why don’t you wait in the living room for Mommy’s special guest to arrive.” The little girl runs off as her mother suggested and Y/N is left alone in her room. She looks at herself in her mirror, wondering how her life is going to change once Stella meets her dad. It’s not that Y/N doesn’t trust Rafe, he has shown her that he really is trying. It’s that Stella isn’t going to be solely Y/N’s anymore. She will have to share some parenting duties with Rafe and it feels strange for her to do that. She is the one who stayed up with Stella when she was puking all night last year. She is the one who would read the little girl a bedtime story every day. She is the one Stella goes to when she is scared. Now, Y/N is going to have to learn to let Rafe do those things too. 
Rafe nervously wipes the sweat off of his palm and adjusts the hat on his head. The time on the clock shows he is five minutes early, but he can’t wait any longer. He knocks on the door and rocks on the balls of his feet. The door creaks open, yet Rafe is met with an empty doorway. It is only when he looks down that he sees the perfect little star staring up at him with her brilliant blue eyes. “Stella Rachel Y/L/N, what have I told you about answering the door to strangers?” Y/N scolds, walking into the room with an adorable motherly look. Stella looks back at her mother with a pouty look, “I’m sorry, Mommy. But I knows we were going to have a special guest.”
Rafe is in awe at how adorable she is, but he takes this as his chance to do the first fatherly act he will ever do. “Your mother is right, Stella. What if I was a stranger?” he poses, kneeling down to her level. She gives him wide eyes, “But you weren’t. You are the man who Mommy yelled at.” Her words cause pain to shoot through his heart. The first memory his little girl has of him is his argument with her mother. Y/N can see the hurt that crosses Rafe’s face and beckons the pair away from the doorway. “Yes, he is, Baby. But he apologized to Mommy and we are friends again. Did you see his hat?” Y/N points out. The small blue eyes move from his face up to his head and her eyes turn to delight. “You’re wearing a witch’s hat!” she exclaims, reaching up to her father’s head to try it on. “Can I try it on, please?” Glad that his conversation start is working, he takes the hat off and places it on her tiny head. Everyone giggles as the big hat falls over her eyes. 
Now, that the ice has been sufficiently broken, Y/N decides it is time to make the introduction Rafe has been waiting for. “Stella, do you know why I asked my special friend to come visit?” Y/N sits on the couch, bringing Stella on her lap. The little girl shakes her head and rests it on her mother’s chest. “He’s your Daddy, Baby.” The excitement in his daughter’s eyes as she turns toward him sends him over the moon. The tiny girl flings herself into her arms and screams his new name. He never thought someone would call him those words, but now it’s the only one he wants to hear. “Does that mean you can play witch with me? I have a hat you can borrow.” With her now in his arms, he can smell the familiar vanilla fragrance of Y/N’s perfume. It makes him smile that she wants to be just like her mommy. Before he can answer, she runs off to her room to get her toys. She returns dragging a big plastic cauldron behind her. Rafe feels his father's instinct kick in. He jumps off of the couch and runs over to pick her and the cauldron up in his arms. Stella looks at him in awe, “Wow, my Daddy is super strong.” This absolutely kills him and he kisses her on the cheek. 
Y/N, Stella and Rafe have spent the afternoon playing various games their daughter wanted to play. When it got closer to dinner time, the three of them worked together to make something to eat. “Button, can you please pour me some more water?” Y/N asks, holding up her glass for him to do it. He picks up the water pitcher and pours it for her, “Of course, Buttercup.” Stella may be three and eleven months old, but she is very observant. Throughout the afternoon, she noticed the tiny glances Rafe would send Y/N’s way. She noticed how his hand would reach to find her skin, yet it never seemed to land. She noticed how he would always ask for Y/N’s approval. And just now, she saw how his lips formed a massive smile because of her mother’s attention. 
The small girl starts to form a plan in her head; she can see how much her father is pining for her mother. He clearly needs her help. “Mommy, I like Daddy’s hair. Do you?” she questions, looking back and forward between her parents. Y/N looks up from her food to look at Rafe, “I do like his hair. It looks nice when the front of his hair falls down like a little curtain.” He stops mid-stab of the pasta to look up at her through his lashes. “I’ll take note of that then, Buttercup,” he brings his hand up to hide the blush on his cheeks. Stella is very satisfied with the results of the beginning of her plan. She feels like a genius. Y/N doesn’t know that she is going to regret letting Stella watch Hallmark movies with her. 
After dinner, Rafe is preparing for the roughly hour-and-a-half drive back to the Outer Banks. Stella is holding on to Rafe for dear life because she isn’t ready for him to go. “Mommy, why can’t Daddy stay?” she begs, looking at her mother sadly. Y/N frowns at her daughter, “I’m sorry, Baby. Not yet, there is nowhere for him to sleep. Plus, Daddy has work tomorrow and you have daycare.” Rafe can see the struggle Y/N is having with saying no to Stella and he helps her out. “How about I go over to the diner on Friday? I’ll be there when you get back from daycare. Maybe I’ll even have a surprise,” he offers, whispering the last part in her ear. 
The darling’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree and loosens her arms from his neck. “Okay! I can’t wait to see you. Bye, Daddy. I love you,” she bids adieu. She hops down from his arms and runs to get ready for bed. The quicker she goes to bed, the faster Friday comes. Rafe calls back I love you. The two adults laugh at the child as they watch her run off. The laughter dies down and Y/N turns her body toward Rafe. “It’s okay that I come by on Friday, right?” Rafe confirms with a hopeful smile. 
“Of course, as long as you are sober, I won’t stop you from seeing her. The extra business is good too.” 
“Haha, I’ll make sure to deposit my paycheck before I go in then. Also, please let me know if you need anything. Money for food, rent, toys, clothes, tuition. Anything, okay. I want to pull my weight. She’s my daughter too.”
“I will, I promise. Thank you for coming over tonight. You made her day.”
They both look at each other for a second and then notice the time. “I should probably get going. It’s getting late,” Rafe concludes, taking a step closer to the door. Y/N tries to hide her slight disappointment, “Uh, yeah. Drive safe. See you on Friday.” Rafe nods his head and opens the door. “See you on Friday.” Y/N stays by the door as she watches Rafe walk down her driveway. She waves goodbye to him as he gets into his car and drives away. Once he is out of sight, she closes the door and reflects on the day. It was strange to have Rafe there, but she doesn’t regret the decision. She saw how much he cared for Stella and it solidified the idea in her mind that he is meant to be a father. This is a new kind of normal that she can get used to. 
Since Sarah and Rafe moved out of Tannyhill, Ward insisted on having family dinner every week. Everyone knows Sarah’s departure is the main reason why Ward wanted to do so, especially since Ward tried to have just Sarah come to dinner. However, thanks to Sarah, Ward gave in to inviting Rafe. Most dinners start with Ward getting small talk with Rafe about work out of the way before he moves on with asking Sarah about a full second-by-second breakdown of her week. And this Wednesday is not any different, but Rafe has something else other than work to talk to his dad about. 
“Actually, Dad, there is something I want to talk to you about,” Rafe brings to the table, looking Ward dead in his eyes. Ward stops chewing, not really expecting Rafe to have anything else to say. Ward tilts the end of his fork toward Rafe, “Okay, what is it?” “I have a daughter. Her name is Stella. She is three years old, almost four. And she looks exactly like me,” Rafe gets everything out in one go. He may have known about Stella for a month now, but he didn’t want to tell his family until he knew he could step up and be the person his daughter needed. This causes everyone at the table to freeze and look at Rafe in surprise. Ward’s eyes narrow; his brows become one. “What do you mean?” he gets out in a rough tone. 
“I mean that five years ago, I had sex with Y/N and she had a baby nine months after that. I didn’t know about Stella until last month. I didn’t want to tell you guys until I was a month sober and certain that I could be there for her.”
“You better tell me that this is a joke because I can’t believe that you could be that much of a screw-up. How do you even know she is your daughter?”
“I told you, she looks exactly like me.”
“How do you know that’s not because you want to believe she does? How do you know that bitch isn’t lying to you? You were so useless that you didn’t even get a paternity.” 
Rafe stands up at what Ward calls Y/N and points a finger at his father. “You have no right to call her that. I know she isn’t lying because I trust her. I won’t make her get a paternity test,” he yells. Ward lets out a low chuckle, “Okay, fine. Do whatever you want. But I’m going to need you to get a lawyer and write up a contract for child support if that’s what the bitch is after. There is no way you are actually going to raise that kid.” “You need to stop calling the mother of your granddaughter a bitch. And why can’t I raise my daughter? You are always telling me I need to take responsibility and I am. Why can’t you just be proud of me?” he argues, his anger getting to a whole other level. The other members of the dinner see that this fight is not about to end any time soon, so Sarah steps in. “Dad, stop. This isn’t going anywhere. And you should be proud of Rafe. He overcame his addiction just so that he could be a better father. That’s amazing and I’m proud of him for that. I, for one, am excited to meet my niece,” Sarah reasons. Wheezie butts in too, “I want to meet Stella too.” Rafe gives them a thankful smile but gets up angrily.  
“Thank you guys for your support. I’ll talk to Y/N to find out when you can meet Stells. Dad, I wish I could say that I am surprised but I’m not,” he begins. “No matter what I do, I will never compare to Sarah and I won’t force you to meet your granddaughter. I think I’m going to go. Goodbye.” Rafe storms out of the house and slams the door. He gets to his truck and is about to drive away, yet he knows he shouldn’t. If he goes now, he is scared it will lead him to Barry’s. Instead, he pulls out his phone and dials a number that recently entered his contacts. “Hey, Button. Is everything okay?” Her voice is like a light guiding him back to home base. He vehemently shakes his head, “No, I’m not. Do you have time to talk?” Y/N immediately stops what she is doing and gives him her full attention for the whole night. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @drewstarkeyswifehoe @kisstaya @magicalyoura @mp-littlebit @loverfu55ii @dark1paradise @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @alyisdead @emeloyy @js-a-writer
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kaitcreates · 7 months
The Shadohunter Chronicles Character Showdown
First Round, Second Round, Third Round, Fourth Round, Fifth Round, Semi-Finals, Finals
Rosemary Herondale vs Arthur Blackthorn, (Feb 23)
Celine Montclaire vs Diego Rocio-Rosales, (Feb 24)
Maureen Brown vs Anna Lightwood, (Feb 25)
Christopher Lightwood vs Ragnor Fell, (Feb 26)
Julian Blackthorn vs Livvy Blackthorn, (Feb 27)
Bridget Daly vs Jon Cartwright, (Feb 28)
Nate Grey vs Sona Carstairs, (Feb 29)
Gabriel Lightwood vs Madeleine Bellefleur, (Mar 1)
Paige Ashdown vs Rupert Blackthorn, (Mar 2)
Valentine Morgenstern vs Kraig, (Mar 3)
Andrew Blackthorn vs Irene, (Mar 4)
Axel Mortmain vs Thais Pedroso, (Mar 5)
Kit Herondale vs Ke Yi Tian, (Mar 6)
The Dark Sisters vs Filomina di Angelo, (Mar 7)
Lucie Herondale vs Simon Lovelace-Lewis, (Mar 8)
Shiyun Jung vs Cameron Ashdown, (Mar 9)
Elias Carstairs vs Tavvy Blackthorn, (Mar 10)
Luke Greymark vs Will Herondale, (Mar 11)
Ash Morgenstern vs Matthew Fairchild, (Mar 12)
Sophie Collins vs Jaime Rocio-Rosales, (Mar 13)
Catarina Loss vs Tessa Grey, (Mar 14)
Jessamine Lovelace vs Woolsey Scott, (Mar 15)
Diana Wrayburn vs Magnus Lightwood-Bane, (Mar 16)
James Herondale vs Jesse Blackthorn, (Mar 17)
Sebastian Morgesnstern vs Ty Blackthorn, (Mar 18)
Julie Beavul vs Tatiana Lightwood, (Mar 19)
Meliorn vs Helen Blackthorn, (Mar 20)
Alexander Lightwood vs Arawn, (Mar 21)
Jace Lightwood-Herondale vs Michael Wayland, (Mar 22)
Raphael Santiago vs Kieran Kingson, (Mar 23)
Marisol Garza vs Hypatia Vex, (Mar 24)
Dru Blackthorn vs Ari Bridgstock, (Mar 25)
Eugenia Lightwood vs Bat Velasquez, (Mar 26)
Eliza Rosewain vs Rafael Lightwood-Bane, (Mar 27)
Anush Joshi vs Seelie Queen, (Mar 28)
Church vs Cecily Herondale, (Mar 29)
Annabel Blackthorn vs Robert Lightwood, (Mar 30)
Beatriz Mendoza vs Malcolm Fade, (Mar 31)
Jocelyn Fairchild vs Max Lightwood-Bane, (Apr 1)
Imogen Whitlaw vs Jem Carstairs, (Apr 2)
Mother Hawthorn vs Chairman Meow, (Apr 3)
Manuel Casales-Villalobos vs Barbra Lightwood, (Apr 4)
Cordelia Carstairs vs Benedict Lightwood, (Apr 5)
Divya Joshi vs Lily Chen, (Apr 6)
Patrick Penhallow vs Alastair Carstairs, (Apr 7)
Isabelle Lightwood vs Mark Blackthorn, (Apr 8)
Amatis Greymark vs George Lovelace, (Apr 9)
Maryse Lightwood vs Elliott, (Apr 10)
Alexei de Quincey vs Elyas the Demon, (Apr 11)
Hodge Starkweather vs Henry Branwell, (Apr 12)
Camille Belcourt vs Auraline, (Apr 13)
Aline Penhallow vs Roland Loss, (Apr 14)
Johny Rook vs Stephen Herondale, (Apr 15)
Rayan Maduabuchi vs Alec Lightwood-Bane, (Apr 16)
Esme Hardcastle vs Jordan Kyle, (Apr 17)
Grace Blackthorn vs Evelyn Highsmith, (Apr 18)
Jia Penhallow vs Charles Fairchild, (Apr 19)
Horace Dearborn vs Max Lightwood, (Apr 20)
Emma Carstairs vs Mina Carstairs, (Apr 21)
Charlotte Fairchild vs Aloysius Starkweather, (Apr 22)
Janus Herondale vs Zachary Carstairs, (Apr 23)
Gwyn ap Nudd vs Clary Fairchild, (Apr 24)
Maia Roberts vs Gideon Lightwood, (Apr 25)
Thomas Lightwood vs Cristina Mendoza-Rosales, (Apr 26)
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storizenmagazine · 8 months
#BookReview: "The Pig Flip" is a moving examination of addiction and its effects on people and families that is a monument to the narrative potential of graphic novels.
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likmacuhylang · 9 months
Results of 2023 Year
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Manga: "Mutant wa Ningen no Kanojo to Kiss ga Shitai" by Giba-chan |01| Manga: "Ishuzoku Joshi ni ○○ Suru Hanashi" by Suimin |12| Book: "99 Stupid Questions about Art and More One" by Alina Nickonova |16| Manga: "Frau Faust" by Kore Yamazaki |18| Manga: "Secret Alliance" by Lero |18| Manga: "Yuusha Goikkou no Kaerimichi" by Ryouji Hirano |19| Anime: "Happy Sugar Life" by Nobuyoshi Nagayama |19| Manga:"Kyuuketsuki Marguerite to Kuenai Gokinjo" by Yuu Aikawa |24| Book: "Edgar Allan Poe. Burnt Life. Biography" by Peter Aykroyd |25| Manga: "Hanamachi Oni" by Hina Sakurada |26| Cinema: "2001: A Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick |26| Cinema: "The Pale Blue Eye" by Scott Cooper |27| Cinema: "Menu" by Mark Mylod |27| ------------------------------------ 2 Books; 7 Manga; 3 Cinema; 0 Anime
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Anime: "Konosuba" by Natsume Akatsuki, Kurone Mishima, Yuujirou Abe, Takaomi Kanasak |01| Anime: “Only Yesterday” by Isao Takahata |02| Manga: "My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness" by Kabi Nagata |02| Manga: "Koroshiya 1" by Hideo Yamamoto |03| Manga: "1" by Hideo Yamamoto |03| Book: “Tradition of Literary Gothic” by Bella Nacpock |08| Book: “Metamodernism. Historisity, Affect and Depth” by Robin van den Akker |10| Anime: "GTO" by Tooru Fujisawa, Noriyuki Abe |14| Book: “The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious” by Carl Jung |16| Manga: "Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku" by Yuuji Kaku |18| Cinema: “All the Beauty and the Bloodshed” by Laura Poitras |24| Cinema: “New Old Play” be Qiu Jiongjiong |25| Book: "Octet" by David Foster Walllace |25| Cinema: “Benedetta” by Paul Verhoeven |27| Manga: "Cells at Work! CODE BLACK" by by Shigemitsu Harada, Akane Shimizu, Issei Hatsuyoshi |28| Manga: "The Villainess Needs Her Tyrant" by Ta-Hong Il |30| ------------------------------------ 4 bOOKS; 6 mANGA; 3 Cinema; 3 Anime
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Manga: "Scroll if You Dare" compilation webtoons |08| Manga: "Hell is Other People" by Yong-Ki Kim |08| Cinema: "Dreams" by Akira Kurosawa |09| Manga: "The Witch and Her Zombie Son" by Sinyura |09| Book: "Metaphysics" by Aristotle |24| ------------------------------------ 1 Book; 3 Manga; 1 Cinema
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Cinema: "Master Gardener" by Paul Schrader |03| Manga: "Nude Model" by Tsubasa Yamaguchi |09| Book: "The Silence of the White City" by Eva García Sáenz de Urturi |10| Anime: "Akudama Drive" by Tomohisa Taguchi |12| Manga: "Miageru to Kimi wa" by Makoto Kobori |16| Anime: "Elfen Lied" by Mamoru Kanbe |17| Manga: "Shingeki no Kyojin" by Hajime Isayama |24| Manga: "Final Girl" by You Kokikuji |24| Manga: "Itoshi no Living Dead" by AidaIro |25| Manga: "Adolte and Adarte" by AidaIro |25| ------------------------------------ 1 Book; 6 Manga; 1 Cinema; 2 Anime
Manga: "Vanilla Jingai x Jingai Yuri Anthology" |04| Manga: "Cinnamon Jingai x Ningen Yuri Anthology" |04| Anime: "Neon Genesis Evangelion" by Hideaki Anno |07| Cinema: "Murder on the Orient Express" by Sidney Lumet |08| Cinema: "Men" by Alex Garland |09| Manga: "Neko no Otera no Chion-san" by Makoto Ojiro |10| Cinema: "Amélie" by Jean-Pierre Jeunet |10| Book: "Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects" by Bertrand Russell |11| Cinema: "Crimes of the Future" by David Cronenberg |11| Cinema: "The Scent of Green Papaya" by Tran Anh Hung |16| Anime: "Inu-Oh" by Hideo Furukawa, Taiyou Matsumoto, Masaaki Yuasa, Fuuga Yamashiro |17| Anime: "The Duke of Death and His Maid S1" by Inoue, Yoshinobu Yamakawa |27| ------------------------------------ 1 Book; 4 Manga; 6 Cinema; 2 Anime
Cinema: "Death Proof" by Quentin Tarantino |05| Cinema: "Jackie Brown" by Quentin Tarantino |05| Cinema: "Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood" by Quentin Tarantino |07| Cinema: "American Psyho" by Marry Harron |08| Cinema: "Fight Club" by David Fincher |08| Cinema: "Leon" by Luc Besson |09| Cinema: "Lost in Translation" by Sofia Coppola |11| CinemaL: "Autumn Sonata" by Ingmar Bergman |12| Cinema: "Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon" by Ana Lily Amirpour |14| Cinema: "El Conde" by Pablo Lorrain |14| Cinema: "Asteroid City" by Wes Anderson |15| Cinema: "Mona Lisa" by Neil Jordan |20| Book: "The Master of Petersburg" by John Maxwell Coetzee |26| Anime: "Serial Experiments Lain" |31| ------------------------------------ 1 Book; 12 Cinema; 1 Anime
Book: "Not After Midnight" by Daphne du Maurier |11| Book: "My Lost City" by Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald |11| Cinema: "The Killer" by David Fincher |11| Manga: "Mariage busines" by KEN |16| Anime: "GOLDEN BOY" by Tatsuya Egawa |17| Book: "Men Without Women" by Ernest Hemingway |17| Manga: "Monster and the Beast" by Renji |19| Manga: "Shinonome Tantei Ibun Roku" by John Tarachine |19| Manga: "Bird Collector" by Kang Se Ah |20| Cinema: "Kurosawa’S Way" by Catherine Cadou |22| Book: "Modern Nihilism. Chronicle" by Costantino Esposito |26| Cinema: "Triangle of Sadness" by Ruben Östlund |27| Cinema: "Past Lives" by Celine Song |27| Cinema: "Rapito" by Marco Bellocchio |29| Anime: "Angel's Egg" by Mamoru Oshii, Yoshitaka Amano |29| Cinema: "A Haunting in Venice" by Kenneth Branagh |30| ------------------------------------ 4 Books; 4 Manga; 6 Cinema; 2 Anime
Book: "The Lake" by Banana Yoshimoto in English |05| Book: "Aesthetics. Textbook for universities" by Victor Bychkov |10| Cinema: "The Holdovers" by Alexander Payne |15| Cinema: "Chinatown" by Roman Polanski |15| Manga: "Pandora Hearts" by MOCHIZUKI Jun |19| Book: "This Is Water" by David Foster Wallace |20| Book: "May '68 Did Not Take Place" by Gilles Deleuze |22| Book: "Citrons from Sicily" by Luigi Pirandello |22| Book: "Six Characters in Search of an Author" by Luigi Pirandello |23| Cinema: "May December" by Todd Hayness |24| Manga: "The Wife I Loved Dearly" by Touryuumon Takeda |25| Manga: "Our Torsos Align: Human x Monster Love" by Ryou Sumiyoshi |25| Cinema: "The Taking of Pelham One Two Three" by Joseph Sargent |25| Manga: "Red Riding Hood's Wolf Apprentice" by Sayaka Mogi |26| Manga: "Tatsuki Fujimoto Before Chainsaw Man: 17-21" by Tatsuki Fujimoto |26| Manga: "Tatsuki Fujimoto Before Chainsaw Man: 22-26" by Tatsuki Fujimoto |27| Manga: "Just Listen to the Song" by Tatsuki Fujimoto |27| Manga: "Look Back" by Tatsuki Fujimoto |27| Manga: "Tetteleposan" by Tatsuki Fujimoto |27| Manga: "Imomushi" by Suehiro Maruo |27| Book: "Trilogy" by Jon Fosse |28| Manga: "The King and the Paladin" by Rin-Bi Lee |29| Cinema: "Seven Weeks" by Nobuhiko Obayashi |30| Manga: "Stargazing Dog" by Takashi Murakami |31| Manga: "Star Protector Dog" by Takashi Murakami |31| Manga: "Emergency Rations & Bountiful Feasts" by Nagabe |31| Cinema: "Between Revolutions" by Vlad Petry |31| ------------------------------------ 7 Books; 14 Manga; 6 Cinema
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Top the Best Books of Year: 1. "The Lake" by Banana Yoshimoto in English 2. "Not After Midnight" by Daphne du Maurier 3. "The Master of Petersburg" by John Maxwell Coetzee Top the Best Manga of Year: 1. "Frau Faust" by Kore Yamazaki 2. "Bara no Tame ni" by Akemi Yoshimura 3. "The Witch and Her Zombie Son" by Sinyura Top the Best Cinema of Year: 1. “New Old Play” be Qiu Jiongjiong 2. "2001: A Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick 3. "Between Revolutions" by Vlad Petry Top the Best Anime of Year: 1. "Cowboy Bibop" 2. "Serial Experiments Lain" 3. "Call of the Night"
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awesometeennews · 4 years
Remember 'CID Moosa'? This docu series captures the magic of Malayalam comics
Remember ‘CID Moosa’? This docu series captures the magic of Malayalam comics
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Tony Davis and Sreeram KV are behind the documentary series ‘Kadha Vara Kadhakal’ on YouTube.
That day, Sreeram KV and Tony Davis were attending a quiz as part of an event by Chai Pe Quiz, an informal quiz club in Kochi. A question was asked about Kannadi Viswanathan and Tony was quick to answer it. Viswanathan is the creator of one of Tony’s favourite Malayalam comics, CID Moosa. After…
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I Segreti di Blackthorn Hall: “Per Julian ed Emma, da Ty”
I Segreti di Blackthorn Hall: “Per Julian ed Emma, da Ty”
Buon pomeriggio, Shadowhunters! Il tempo vola, quindi ecco arrivare di già il secondo aggiornamento di ottobre… e questa settimana (siamo certe che farà felici tantissimi lettori ;P) a scrivere una lettera a Emma e Julian è il nostro adorato Ty. Cosa dovrà mai dirgli? Cosa staranno mai combinando Ty e Anush nell’illustrazione di Cassandra Jean? Lo scoprirete tra un istante! Buona lettura! PS:…
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weirdletter · 5 years
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Masters of the Weird Tale: William F. Nolan, Centipede Press, 2015. Limited edition. Cover art and frontispiece by David Ho, internal illustrations by Rodger Gerberding, info: centipedepress.com.
Sixty-five years ago, the August 1954 issue of If was published. Not only did it include fiction by Raymond F. Jones, Poul Anderson and Theodore Cogswell, Philip K. Dick, Robert Sheckley, and Richard Matheson, as well as artwork by Ed Emshwiller, Virgil Finlay, and Frank Kelly Freas, but also a short story entitled “The Joy of Living” by one William F. Nolan. The first professional sale for Nolan, it was nearly overlooked among such a star-studded line-up. Over the next six decades, Nolan would continue to refine and improve his craft to the point that within a few short years he was standing shoulder to shoulder with Matheson, Ray Bradbury and George Clayton Johnson as one of the “Southern California Sorcerers” as likely to be found as the writer of a screenplay for The Twilight Zone or a feature film as he was to appear on a magazine cover or the jacket of an anthology. Equally at home with crime, science fiction, and horror, Nolan has particularly excelled as a master of the macabre tale. Herein you will find collected over 750 pages of his best work (over 75 stories!), showcasing his career as it has stretched and grown over nearly seventy years. Masters of the Weird Tale: William F. Nolan is a cornerstone volume for any serious collection of modern weird fiction. This collection includes all of Nolan’s classics: “The Small World of Lewis Stilman,” “The Party” (here reprinted under Nolan’s preferred title of “Ashland”), “Death Call,” “Saturday’s Shadow,” “A Lonely Train a’Comin,” “Boyfren’” and dozens of others. This fine volume is enclosed in a handsome slipcase with ribbon marker and includes 11 full page illustrations by Rodger Gerberding, a frontispiece, title page, and dustjacket by David Ho, a fine introduction by Jason V Brock, a new preface by Nolan himself, and appreciations by Ray Garton, Thomas F. Monteleone, S.T. Joshi, Lisa Morton, and others. The edition is limited to just 200 signed and numbered copies, and the book is signed by William F. Nolan, David Ho, and Rodger Gerberding.
Contents: Author’s Preface Introduction: The Roots of a Master by Jason V. Brock Into the Lion’s Den The Joy of Living The Small World of Lewis Stillman The Ragged Edge S.T. Joshi Appreciation And Miles to Go Before I Sleep One of Those Days Death Drag Just Like Wild Bob FasterFaster! To Serve the Ship Encounter with A King He Kilt It with a Stick Two Coffees Jenny Among the Zeebs Toe to Tip, Tip to Toe, Pip-Pop As You Go The Day the Gorf Took Over Lisa Morton Appreciation Starblood Kelly, Fredric Michael Violation Coincidence Dark Winner Dead Call A Real Nice Guy The Partnership Saturday’s Shadow Death Decision Lonely Train a’Comin’ The Pool Paul B. Johnson Appreciation Fair Trade Joe R. Lansdale Appreciation The Zürich Solution Something Nasty Of Time and Kathy Benedict The Halloween Man Ceremony A Final Stone Ray Garton Appreciation The Yard My Name Is Dolly The Sky Gypsy The Cure Major Prevue Here Tonite Stoner 2On 42nd St. Ships in the Night Shadow Quest Gobble, Gobble! Him, Her, Them Getting Dead Babe’s Laughter The Visit On Harper’s Road The Giant Man Fyodor’s Law The Francis File Vympyre Boyfren’ An Act of Violence Simply An Ending Heart’s Blood Once Upon a Time In Real Life R.C. Matheson Appreciation Some Time in Kansas City Listening to Willy Maybe It Was Joe Killing Charlie DePompa Scotch on the Rocks The Tragic Narrative of Arthur Bedford Addison With the Good Samaritan Mommy, Daddy, & Mollie At the 24-Hour Wolf Song The Alien The Man Who Stalked Hyde To Be With Amy Zachry Revisited What Love Is This? John C. Tibbetts Appreciation I’ll Be Watching Dark Waters The Last Witch (A Fantasy in Seven Parts) Ashland The End: A Final Dialogue Descent The Shop of Heart’s Desire On the Ridge at Iwo Just the Way Things Are Thomas F. Monteleone Appreciation Story Sources and Credits
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xtruss · 4 years
Foreign Policy Guide
Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, One Year Later
Twelve months since the Modi government announced the repeal of India’s Article 370, communications are still slow, arrests are routine, and the pandemic rages on.
— By Kathryn Salam | August 4, 2020 | Foreign Policy
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Jon Benedict For Foreign Policy/Getty Images
It has been one year since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made good on a long-standing electoral promise and announced the repeal of Article 370 from the Indian Constitution, doing away with some of the autonomies that had previously been granted to Indian-administered Kashmir. Combined with a near-total blackout of communications and the deployment of tens of thousands of troops to the region, Kashmir seemed primed for chaos.
In the 12 months since, the region has remained on edge. Communications are still slow, arrests are routine, and now the coronavirus pandemic threatens to throw Kashmir, and India, into an even deeper tailspin. To explain how India got here—and what comes next—we gathered our top reads.
In the immediate aftermath of the repeal of Article 370, one of the biggest questions was the extent to which violence would follow. Presumably worried about that same issue, the Modi government sent in scores of troops and rushed to arrest nearly anyone it thought might make trouble. “According to an AFP report,” Kashmir Walla’s Yashraj Sharma wrote in September, “one district magistrate said that at least 4,000 people had recently been arrested and booked under the Public Safety Act, which allows government to detain any person above the age of 16 without a trial for two years.” As a result, he said, India had largely run out of prison space in the region.
Even if the arrests kept violence down in the short run, many experts argued, they would surely create more over time. Speaking to the reporter Soumya Shankar, one young Kashmiri pointed out that “once innocent boys are picked up and tortured on baseless suspicions, they join the militancy in reaction. Then they’re declared terrorists by the state and gunned down.” In a December article, the Kashmiri journalist Fahad Shah offered numbers to confirm that expectation: “In Kashmir, spending time in jail can strengthen a young person’s resolve to get revenge. Many of the jailed, who were never part of any protest, decide to join them when they are released. Others who are taken in for small crimes, such as throwing stones, become radicalized in jail. An internal analysis on militancy from the Indian Army found that 83 percent of local youth who had joined a militant organization had a ‘record of stone-pelting.’” The 2019 crackdown, he argued, “thus points to a further meltdown—be it next year, the one after, or the one after that.”
Another fear was that the repeal of Article 370, which had prevented non-Kashmiris from owning property in the region, would lead to demographic changes there along the same lines as the Han Chinese in Tibet.Another fear was that the repeal of Article 370, which had prevented non-Kashmiris from owning property in the region, would lead to demographic changes there along the same lines as the Han Chinese in Tibet. Writing in August 2019, New Delhi-based academic Idris Bhat noted the dangerous effects: “If their representation in government erodes, Kashmiri and Jammu Muslims would become even more vulnerable than they already are. Across India, Muslims are lynched for eating beef. They’re labeled as anti-India or pro-Pakistan. Such narratives serve the aim of Hindu nationalists like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who see India as a Hindu country and paint Muslims are outsiders.”
“Another fear was that the repeal of Article 370, which had prevented non-Kashmiris from owning property in the region, would lead to demographic changes there along the same lines as the Han Chinese in Tibet.”
Beyond political power, Sharma worried about jobs in an area already suffering massive unemployment. “According to the state government’s Economic Survey 2016, unemployment for 18- to 29-year-olds in Jammu and Kashmir had reached 24.6 percent,” he wrote. Yet with the repeal of Article 370, “the central government also reorganized the competition for jobs in the civil service,” an important source of well-paid employment in the region. “Previously, nonlocals had been barred from these positions. But now the law that used to make that possible has been repealed. In turn, it is unclear whether local Kashmiris will have to compete with applicants from the rest of the country for these highly sought-after postings.”
Beyond the problems in Kashmir, Modi’s move created challenges for his own government—at home and abroad. The lockdown in Kashmir and a Modi-backed citizenship law that was seen a discriminatory toward Muslims sparked nationwide protests. “While there are Muslims among the protesters, the majority are non-Muslims, including many who do not usually take part in political protests,” explained National University of Singapore’s Ronojoy Sen, writing in January on the unprecedented marches. “This is by far the largest pan-Indian protest that the Modi government, more than six months into its second term, has faced.”
In the region, Pakistan was also quick to condemn the Modi government. An ensuing escalation in Indian-Pakistani tensions, reported the journalists Muddasir Ali and Majid Maqbool from villages along the Line of Control that separates the two countries “forced the residents of Mothal, like those in many other villages, to flee their homes. The families have since returned, but the temporary migration has come at a cost.” Meanwhile, in an interview with Foreign Policy editor in chief Jonathan Tepperman, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan claimed that “we’re not close to conflict right now, but it’s important that the United Nations act, that the U.S. act.”
But it wasn’t only Pakistan that rushed to take advantage of Modi’s move in Kashmir. As the public policy writer Anik Joshi pointed out this June, it also handed China an opportunity to distract from criticism of its own treatment of Muslims. “Adopting Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir and Article 370,” he wrote, “is a cynical way to address these anti-Muslim claims, allowing China to, to an extent, deflect from its domestic misdeeds.” Over the summer, Chinese-Indian relations reached a low point, spilling over into violence along a disputed section of the two countries’ shared border.
On the anniversary of the repeal of Article 370, things don’t look much better for India or Kashmir. Internet access in the area is still slow, which, according to Ali, is hampering the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. “The Indian government will not restore the high-speed internet despite the pressing need for the population to stay informed about the coronavirus pandemic,” he wrote in April. Meanwhile, “the region is also grappling with a shortage of doctors. There is one doctor for every 3,866 people in the region, according to a 2018 report by the Jammu and Kashmir health ministry. That ratio falls short of the WHO norm (one doctor per 1,000 people) and India’s nationwide average (one doctor per 2,000 people).” To date, Jammu and Kashmir have seen over 22,000 confirmed cases.
In short, “the past year,” wrote the journalists Adil Amin Akhoon and Sharafat Ali this month,
“has only brought more violence and uncertainty. Even during the coronavirus pandemic, when many conflicts have been on hold amid the United Nations’ call for a global cease-fire, New Delhi has intensified military operations in the region.” That renewed violence, “has left scores homeless, a double tragedy for families trying to protect themselves from COVID-19.”
Kathryn Salam is a deputy editor at Foreign Policy.
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letra21-blog · 5 years
20 star të refuzuar për një rol të rëndësishëm
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Nga Julie Andrews, interpretuesja e parë në teatër e «My Fair Lady», por e refuzuar në favor të Audrey Hepburn në film, te Uma Thurman e cila nuk bindi në audicionin e Vivianit në «Pretty Woman», deri tek Selma Bler, Joey Potter e munguar në "Dawson's Creek"... Të gjithë aktorët që (nuk) i kemi parë në filmat kult Edi DELIU - Do të mund ta imagjinoni Tom Cruise të blinduar në armaturën e Iron Manit në vend të Robert Downey Jr.? Apo Gwyneth Paltrow duke u pwrqafuar me Leo DiCaprion në harkun e Titanikut? Po sikur t'ju thoshim që Robert De Niro ishte një hap larg nga mbajtja e sëpatës së Jack Torrance në kryeveprën e Kubrick Shining? A do ta kishim dashur njësoj Pretty Woman me Uma Thurman në vend të Julia Roberts? Janë shumë starët e të Hollivudit të refuzuar për në një rol ikonik: nga Sylvester Stallone i cili nuk bindi me kostumin e Clark Kent tek Superman deri tek Tiffani Thiessen, Racheli i Friends e munguar. Një rast befasues ishte ai i Julie Andrews që, para se të fluturonte si Mary Poppins, ishte star i Broadway në muzikalin My Fair Lady por në film u preferua Audrey Hepburn pavarësisht se nuk ishte në nivel për të kënduar. Jeni kuriozë të dini më shumë? Vazhdoni më poshtë në galerinë tonë me 20 aktorët që kanë munguar në një rol të rëndësishëm >> 1. Al Pacino, Han Solo (Star Wars)
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"Michael Corleone" nuk arriti të hipë në Millennuim Falcon në origjinalin e Star Wars të vitit 1977. Ai i tha "Jo" Xhorxh Lukasit sepse nuk e kuptoi skenarin. Roli i shkoi Harrison Fordit. 2. Julie Andrews, Eliza Doolittle (My Fair Lady)
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Ylli i të njejtës vepër muzikale në Broadway u preferua ndaj Audrey Hepburn, pavarësisht se nuk ishte në lartësinë e të kënduarit. Në fakt, në dopiazhet e shumta të vitit 1964 Hepburn u dopjua në të gjitha pjesët e kënduara. Audrey nuk fitoi Oskarin ndryshe nga Mary Poppins. 3. Robert De Niro, Jack Torrance (Shining)
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Aktori ishte një hap larg nga mbajtja e sëpatës në kryeveprën e Kubrick që, megjithatë, preferoi Jack Nicholson sepse ai nuk konsiderohej si "i çmendur sa duhet". 4. Jack Nicholson, Michael Corleone (Il Padrino)
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Singëlli më i famshëm i Hollivudit e refuzoi rolin e paharrueshëm të bosit mafioz në favor të Al Pacino, sepse isha i bindur që "italianët duhet të bënin italianët". 5. Gwyneth Paltrow, Rose (Titanic)
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A mund ta imagjinonit të puthitur me Leo DiCaprio në harkun e Titanikut, në vend të Kate Winslet? Para se të hakmerrej me fitimin e Oskarit në Shakespeare in Love, e ëmbla Gwyneth u refuzua për rolin e saj si heroinë romantike në filmin e James Cameron. 6. John Travolta, Forrest (Forrest Gump)
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Toni Manero e refuzoi rolin që i dha Oskarin Tom Hanksit, duke pranuar vetëm kohë më pas se "heqja dorë nga Forrest Gump ishte një gabim i madh". 7. Tiffani Thiessen, Rachel Green (Friends)
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Ish Valerie Malone e Beverly Hills 90210 u refuzua në favor të gjysmë të njohurës, Jennifer Aniston, për një nga rolet më ikonike në historinë e TV. 8. Tom Cruise, Tony Stark (Iron Man)
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Mund ta imagjinoni Tom Cruise të blinduar në armaturën e Iron Man, teksa shfryen zemërimin nëpër qiejt e MCU në vend të Robert Downey Jr.? Epo, Top Guni iu afrua rolit të Tony Starkut por nuk e mori atë. 9. Leonardo DiCaprio dhe Brad Pitt, Jack Twist dhe Ennis Del Mar (Brokeback Mountain)
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Nëse do të ishte Gus Van Sant ai që të drejtonte Kaubojsët gay të Ang Lee, do të kishim gjetur Leonardo DiCaprio dhe Brad Pitt në vend të Jake Gyllenhaal dhe Heath Ledger. Do të na duhet të presim edhe 14 vjet të tjera para se t'i shihnim së bashku në të njëjtin film, me regji të Quentin Tarantino. 10. Jennifer Lawrence, Bella Swan (Twilight)
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Para se të hidhte shigjetën e Katniss Everdeen në sagën fatsjellësë të Hunger Games, Lawrence dështoi në audicionin për një sagë teen, po aq me fat. U mund nga Kristen Stewart. 11. Olivia Wilde, Naomi (The Wolf of Wall Street)
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Ylli i Tron: Legacy u refuzua për rolin e seksi bombës në favor të Margot Robbie që joshi DiCaprion dhe publikun. 12. Sylvester Stallone, Clark Kent (Superman)
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Me pantallonat e shkurtra me yje të varura në gozhdë, Rocky u konsiderua edhe për rolin e Clark Kent në trilogjinë kult që nisi lancimin e Christopher Reevenin në Olimpin e Hollivudit. 13. Selma Blair, Joey Potter (Dawson's Creek)
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Nëse krijuesi i serisë Kevin Williamson nuk do të kishte parë VHS me audicionin e Katie Holmes (i xhiruar në podrumin e shtëpisë), me siguri do të kishte vendosur që pjesën t’ja kishte dhënë aktores Cruel Intentions. 14. Katie Holmes, Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
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Ish Joey Potter u bë mikeshë për kokë me Dawson, pasi e kishte lënë rolin e vrasëses në favor të Sarah Michelle Gellar. 15. Sarah Jessica Parker, Baby (Dirty Dancing)
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Vite para se të bëhej një ikonë e modës, Carrie Bradshaw u prezantua në audicion për rolin e Franes "Baby" Houseman, por nuk bindi. Për pjesën u zgjodh Jennifer Grey. 16. Joaquin Phoenix, Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)
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Para se të merrte hakun e tij me Jokerin, aktori u përpoq të vishte pelerinë magjike që iu rrëmbye nga Benedict Cumberbatch. 17. Uma Thurman, Vivian (Pretty Woman)
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A do ta kishim dashur njësoj (Pretty Woman) me Uma në vend të Roberts? Të dyja star në ngjitje, ata luftuan për pjesën më romantike të të gjitha kohërave, por ishte Pretty Julia ajo që fitoi. 18. Miles Teller, Sebastian (La La Land)
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Star i War Dogs preferoi Todd Phillips te Damien Chazelle që e lancoi në Whiplash. Kështu që roli i shkoi Ryan Gosling. 19. Ben Whishaw, Freddie Mercury (Bohemian Rapsody)
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Aktori anglez ishte gati në të rrëmbyer të rolit të frontmanit të Queen, përpara se Rami Malek t’i hiqte mikrofonin. 20. Reese Witherspoon, Giulietta (Romeo + Giulietta)
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Baz Luhrmann e konceptoi filmin duke menduar për DiCaprio si Romeo dhe Reese Witherspoon si Giulietta por aktorja nuk e pranoi në favor të Claire Danes. Materiali është përgatitur dhe përshtatur nga redaksia e Letra21 Read the full article
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grovlytrends-blog · 7 years
Radhika Apte opens up about her long distance marriage with Benedict Taylor
Radhika Apte opens up about her long distance marriage with Benedict Taylor
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Radhika Apte has won much appreciation for her acing skills. The recent PadMan was her first full-fledged commercial outing. The actor, who won acclaim in films like Parched, Manjhi – The Mountain Man, Phobia and Shor In The City, has an interesting line-up of films coming up. Sriram Raghavan’s Shoot The Piano Player, the Saif Ali Khan starrer Bazaar, Vikramaditya Motwane’s Bhavesh Joshi and…
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fittneshub · 4 years
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Aftab Shivdasani
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1 offer from ₹ 59.00
3.8 out of 5 stars 72
₹ 130.00
Ustad Hotel
Dulquer Salmaan
4.2 out of 5 stars 27
SOLO  - Malayalam - DVD
Dulquer Salmaan
2.5 out of 5 stars 9
₹ 140.00
Bangalore Days
Dulquer Salmaan
4.2 out of 5 stars 108
₹ 630.00
Dulquer Salmaan
3.5 out of 5 stars 7
August 15
4.5 out of 5 stars 3
1 offer from ₹ 104.50
Game of Thrones: The Complete Seasons 1 to 7 (35-Disc Box Set)
Peter Dinklage
4.6 out of 5 stars 873
₹ 8,999.00
Tintin (3 Feature Film Set - Prisoners of the Sun/Calculus Affair/Mystery at Shark Lake)
Jacques Careuil
4.0 out of 5 stars 1
Mad Max: Fury Road (4K UHD & HD)
Tom Hardy
4.5 out of 5 stars 1,959
₹ 2,499.00
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
Shah Rukh Khan
4.3 out of 5 stars 253
Mujhse Dosti Karoge!(Special Edition)
3.5 out of 5 stars 12
₹ 149.00
Amitabh Bachchan
4.0 out of 5 stars 27
Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl
Ranveer Singh
3.7 out of 5 stars 15
₹ 196.00
Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge
4.7 out of 5 stars 4
₹ 199.00
Arjun Kapoor
3.6 out of 5 stars 8
₹ 239.00
Shri Krishna - Set-1
Swapnil Joshi
2.7 out of 5 stars 52
₹ 1,799.00
Shri Krishna - Set 2 (Episodes 111 to 221)
4.0 out of 5 stars 6
₹ 999.00
Veer Zaara - Collector's Edition (2 disc set)
4.7 out of 5 stars 44
Audio CD
1 offer from ₹ 299.00
from Amazon.in Bestsellers: The most popular items in Movies & TV Shows https://ift.tt/3fX12ch May 17, 2020 at 06:38PM https://ift.tt/2w7R7Pf https://ift.tt/2w7R7Pf
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
13 Bollywood Actresses Who Married Foreigners
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/13-bollywood-actresses-who-married-foreigners/
13 Bollywood Actresses Who Married Foreigners
13 Bollywood Actresses Who Married Foreigners Bency Sebastian Hyderabd040-395603080 January 28, 2020
Love knows no boundaries or culture and it has been proved time and again by celebrities. From the gorgeous Priyanka Chopra to the Indian sports star Sania Mirza, they’ve all found their forever after with people who come are from foreign countries and are happily married to them. It is true what they say that love is blind. It is not restricted to any nationality, boundaries, culture or age. Let us discuss these celebrities who found their perfect partners across seas and left a million hearts broken in their homeland when they tied the knot.
1. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas
priyankachopra / Instagram
They are on the top of this list because of the wave of speculations they caused when they appeared together at the Met Gala in 2017. Priyanka Chopra, a well-admired and gorgeous actress in India married her sweetheart, Nick Jonas in December 2018. Nick is an American singer and songwriter and was popularly known for his Disney show Jonas. Priyanka also started her career in Hollywood with the drama series Quantico in 2015.
2. Radhika Apte and Benedict Taylor
India Today
Radhika Apte, an Indian theatre and film actress married a musician from London, Benedict Taylor in 2012. The two of them balance their long-distance marriage by meeting at least once a month and manage to beautifully handle their personal and professional life.
3. Preity Zinta and Gene Goodenough
realpz / Instagram
The “pretty woman” of Bollywood, Preity Zinta met her husband dearest Gene Goodenough in Los Angeles. The dimpled actress and her husband dated for five years before they tied the knot. Not much is known about their love story but she hosted a magnificent reception to introduce Gene to her friends from Bollywood.
4. Celina Jaitly and Peter Haag
celinajaitlyofficial / Instagram
Former Miss India, Celina Jaitly married the Australian based hotelier Peter Haag in 2011. They met in Dubai for the first time when she had gone there for a store opening. She said that she knew she wanted to marry him the minute he walked into the room. Talk about love at first sight!
5. Shilpa Shetty And Raj Kundra
rajkundra9 / Instagram
One of the most adorable couples of Bollywood, Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra were business acquaintances before they fell in love. Their love story was nothing short of a filmy Bollywood fairytale. They tied the knot in 2009 in the perfect “Big Fat Indian Wedding”. Raj Kundra is a British citizen.
6. Madhuri Dixit and Shriram Nene
madhuridixitnene / Instagram
Madhuri Dixit, one of the most influential celebrities that Bollywood has ever seen, married the US-based Dr. Shriram Nene. The two of them met through Madhuri’s brother and Shriram wooed her into his life. She shattered many hearts back home when she got hitched in 1999.
7. Shriya Saran and Andrei Koscheev
shriya_saran1109 / Instagram
No one knew about her marriage until it happened. The beautiful actress, Shriya Saran married a Russian-based entrepreneur Andrei Koscheev in 2018. The wedding took place in Rajasthan and was a private and intimate ceremony. She met the love of her life in the Maldives and after one year of dating, they decided to get married.
8. Purbi Joshi And Valentino Fehlmann
India Today
Purbi Joshi, popular television actress and host of Comedy Circus found her soulmate when she was in Los Angeles pursuing an acting course. Valentino Fehlmann, a financial advisor in America and she were in a long-distance relationship for three and a half years before they tied the knot in a big fat Gujarati wedding style in 2014.
9. Suchitra Pillai and Lars Kjeldsen
suchipillai / Instagram
Indian actress, host, and VJ, Suchitra Pillai met her better half, Lars Kjeldsen in Mumbai through common friends. They had an effortless relationship and were meant to be. They had a lovely Kerala wedding and a white dress wedding in Denmark. They are blessed with a beautiful baby girl Annika and are living a happy and dreamy life.
10. Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik
mirzasaniar / Instagram
We all know the famous Tennis star Sania Mirza who has made India proud of her wins. She met Shoaib Malik, the Pakistani cricket player in Hobart. Being from countries that are known for mutual hatred, the couple faced a lot of criticism when they announced their wedding. However, they conquered all challenges and tied the nuptial knot in 2010.
11. Aashka Goradia and Brent Goble
aashkagoradia / Instagram
Hailing from completely different backgrounds, these two love birds fell in love with each other in five days after they met at a concert in Los Angeles. Aashka Goradia, an Indian television actress and Brent Goble, a former weapons instructor from the US locked eyes and felt an instant spark. They hit it off in their first meeting and just five days later were talking about marriage. They tied the knot in 2017 and had a Hindu and Christian wedding ceremony.
12. Madhu Sapre and Gian Maria Emendatori
Supermodel and Miss India 1992, Madhu Sapre married Italian businessman Gian Maria Emendatori in 2001 after dating for two years. They met through a common friend and instantly hit it off. They are now living a fairytale life in Riccione, Italy with their daughter Indira.
13. Sagarika Mukherjee and Martin Da Costa
sagarika.dc / Instagram
Sagarika Mukherjee, an Indian singer, and actress is known for her music duos with her brother Shaan. She met Portuguese talent manager Martin Da Costa at an airport on a flight to Hyderabad. After two years of dating, they knew they were perfect for each other and got married.
Ladies, if you have not found your better half in your hometown, there is still hope. Just like these celebrities found their soulmates across bounders, you can too. Who is your favorite couple from this list? Let us know in the comments below.
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Bency Sebastian
Writer, dreamer and a moon child. Bency believes that music, words, and little precious moments of life add color to a world that is black and white.
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/bollywood-actresses-who-married-foreigners/
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wionews · 7 years
Radhika Apte reveals living away from British musician husband is 'exhausting', 'expensive'
Radhika Apte who has been riding high on the success of her latest film PadMan with Akshay Kumar and Sonam Kapoor now reveals that living away from her British musician husband is quite a task -- "expensive" and "exhausting" for her. 
In an interview with an entertainment website, Radhika spoke about her hectic schedule and how she juggles between India and London. The latter because that's where her husband, Benedict Taylor lives. She said, "I try and visit every couple of months and he also comes so we’re not away from each other for more than a month. It’s exhausting and very expensive also. I remember sometimes people meet on an aircraft and they ask why are you flying economy and I’m like what the hell does that mean. Imagine making three trips in two months, and that too last-minute ones because suddenly I got a week off. It’s such an expensive lifestyle – two houses in two of the most expensive cities in the world and 2-3 tickets a month to travel back and forth every month. That’s why I’m not vegetating!"
Radhika, of late, earned the tag of saying no to people. She sat down to explain the reality and said, "It’s funny that people have this impression that I keeping saying no and that I stand my ground. The people who really know me will say that I cannot say no. I put up with a lot of things that I don’t agree with – people coming late, extending shoot days, people going against the contract and not paying for extra time. Exploitation doesn’t have to be sexual. And I don’t say anything, I just do it. I don’t think that me putting my foot down is going to change anything. It will only ruin my career. If Akshay Kumar puts his foot down it changes things because he’s reached that level. It was amazing working with him on Padman because he would work for 8 hours and that’s it."
Radhika will next be seen in Sriram Raghavan’s Shoot The Piano Player, Bazaar with Saif Ali Khan and Vikramaditya Motwane’s Bhavesh Joshi.
She is currently shooting for Michael Winterbottom’s next with Dev Patel.
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fittneshub · 4 years
Angry Birds
Jason Sudeikis
4.0 out of 5 stars 153
₹ 300.00
Happy Feet II (3D)
Elijah Wood
4.0 out of 5 stars 66
₹ 399.00
G-Force (3D)
Zach Galifianakis
4.5 out of 5 stars 103
₹ 299.00
Zhu Zhu Pets: The Quest For Zhu (3D)
Hampsters Friends
5.0 out of 5 stars 1
₹ 399.00
Toni Collette
3.0 out of 5 stars 6
₹ 199.00
Shri Krishna- Volume 1 to 9
5.0 out of 5 stars 3
Shri Krishna- Volume 10 to 18
4.7 out of 5 stars 3
Dunston Checks In
Jason Alexander
3.1 out of 5 stars 12
₹ 699.00
Come September
Rock Hudson
3.4 out of 5 stars 4
₹ 999.00
Dhol/Just Married/The Train
Tushar Kapoor
Ghayal Once Again
Sunny Deol
3.7 out of 5 stars 40
₹ 249.00
Hide & Seek / Dulha Mil Gaya / Rann [3 In 1 Combo - Super DVD]
₹ 32.00
Home Delivery-Rocky-Rubaru
Vivek Oberoi
Hindi Medium
Irrfan Khan
3.5 out of 5 stars 25
2 offers from ₹ 314.00
Ben Kingsley
4.1 out of 5 stars 162
₹ 299.00
3 Idiots / Paa / Well Done Abba
Akshay Kumar
4.2 out of 5 stars 44
₹ 649.00
MIB: Men in Black - 4 Movies Collection - Men in Black 1, 2 & 3 + Men in Black: International (4-Disc)
Chris Hemsworth
5.0 out of 5 stars 1
₹ 3,199.00
Oscar Winners: 4 Movies Collection - Ford V Ferrari + Joker + Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood + Rocketman (4-Disc)
Christian Bale
₹ 4,799.00
Cartoon Kingdom
₹ 399.00
Tere Naam
Salman Khan
3.3 out of 5 stars 11
₹ 45.00
Break Ke Baad
Imran Khan
3.8 out of 5 stars 5
The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water
Tom Kenny
4.1 out of 5 stars 96
₹ 399.00
The Grinch (2018)
Benedict Cumberbatch
4.0 out of 5 stars 6
Dulquer Salmaan
4.1 out of 5 stars 32
1 offer from ₹ 140.00
1947 Earth
Aamir Khan
3.1 out of 5 stars 8
Jojo Rabbit
Roman Griffin Davis
₹ 1,199.00
Ajay Devgan
2.0 out of 5 stars 1
1 offer from ₹ 149.00
The Lighthouse
Willem Dafoe
₹ 1,124.00
3.4 out of 5 stars 13
₹ 140.00
Bipasha Basu
2.3 out of 5 stars 5
Video CD
₹ 34.00
Life Mein Kabhi Kabhiee [Movie DVD]
Aftab Shivdasani
Video CD
1 offer from ₹ 59.00
3.8 out of 5 stars 72
₹ 130.00
Ustad Hotel
Dulquer Salmaan
4.2 out of 5 stars 27
SOLO  - Malayalam - DVD
Dulquer Salmaan
2.5 out of 5 stars 9
₹ 140.00
Bangalore Days
Dulquer Salmaan
4.2 out of 5 stars 108
₹ 630.00
Dulquer Salmaan
3.5 out of 5 stars 7
August 15
4.5 out of 5 stars 3
1 offer from ₹ 104.50
Game of Thrones: The Complete Seasons 1 to 7 (35-Disc Box Set)
Peter Dinklage
4.6 out of 5 stars 873
₹ 8,999.00
Tintin (3 Feature Film Set - Prisoners of the Sun/Calculus Affair/Mystery at Shark Lake)
Jacques Careuil
4.0 out of 5 stars 1
Mad Max: Fury Road (4K UHD & HD)
Tom Hardy
4.5 out of 5 stars 1,959
₹ 2,499.00
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
Shah Rukh Khan
4.3 out of 5 stars 253
Mujhse Dosti Karoge!(Special Edition)
3.5 out of 5 stars 12
₹ 149.00
Amitabh Bachchan
4.0 out of 5 stars 27
Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl
Ranveer Singh
3.7 out of 5 stars 15
₹ 196.00
Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge
4.7 out of 5 stars 4
₹ 199.00
Arjun Kapoor
3.6 out of 5 stars 8
₹ 239.00
Shri Krishna - Set-1
Swapnil Joshi
2.7 out of 5 stars 52
₹ 1,799.00
Shri Krishna - Set 2 (Episodes 111 to 221)
4.0 out of 5 stars 6
₹ 999.00
Veer Zaara - Collector's Edition (2 disc set)
4.7 out of 5 stars 44
Audio CD
1 offer from ₹ 299.00
from Amazon.in Bestsellers: The most popular items in Movies & TV Shows https://ift.tt/2LDzISo May 17, 2020 at 05:08PM https://ift.tt/2w7R7Pf https://ift.tt/2w7R7Pf
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fittneshub · 4 years
Come September
Rock Hudson
3.4 out of 5 stars 4
₹ 999.00
Dhol/Just Married/The Train
Tushar Kapoor
1 offer from ₹ 62.00
Ghayal Once Again
Sunny Deol
3.7 out of 5 stars 40
₹ 249.00
Hide & Seek / Dulha Mil Gaya / Rann [3 In 1 Combo - Super DVD]
₹ 32.00
Home Delivery-Rocky-Rubaru
Vivek Oberoi
Hindi Medium
Irrfan Khan
3.5 out of 5 stars 25
2 offers from ₹ 314.00
Ben Kingsley
4.1 out of 5 stars 162
₹ 299.00
3 Idiots / Paa / Well Done Abba
MIB: Men in Black - 4 Movies Collection - Men in Black 1, 2 & 3 + Men in Black: International (4-Disc)
Chris Hemsworth
5.0 out of 5 stars 1
₹ 3,199.00
Akshay Kumar
4.2 out of 5 stars 44
₹ 649.00
Oscar Winners: 4 Movies Collection - Ford V Ferrari + Joker + Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood + Rocketman (4-Disc)
Christian Bale
₹ 4,799.00
Cartoon Kingdom
₹ 399.00
Tere Naam
Salman Khan
3.3 out of 5 stars 11
₹ 45.00
Break Ke Baad
Imran Khan
3.8 out of 5 stars 5
The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water
Tom Kenny
4.1 out of 5 stars 96
₹ 399.00
The Grinch (2018)
Benedict Cumberbatch
4.0 out of 5 stars 6
Dulquer Salmaan
4.1 out of 5 stars 32
1 offer from ₹ 140.00
1947 Earth
Aamir Khan
3.1 out of 5 stars 8
Jojo Rabbit
Roman Griffin Davis
₹ 1,199.00
Ajay Devgan
2.0 out of 5 stars 1
1 offer from ₹ 149.00
The Lighthouse
Willem Dafoe
₹ 1,124.00
3.4 out of 5 stars 13
₹ 140.00
Bipasha Basu
2.3 out of 5 stars 5
Video CD
₹ 34.00
Life Mein Kabhi Kabhiee [Movie DVD]
Aftab Shivdasani
Video CD
1 offer from ₹ 59.00
3.8 out of 5 stars 72
₹ 130.00
Ustad Hotel
Dulquer Salmaan
4.2 out of 5 stars 27
SOLO  - Malayalam - DVD
Dulquer Salmaan
2.5 out of 5 stars 9
₹ 140.00
Bangalore Days
Dulquer Salmaan
4.2 out of 5 stars 108
₹ 630.00
Dulquer Salmaan
3.5 out of 5 stars 7
August 15
4.5 out of 5 stars 3
1 offer from ₹ 104.50
Game of Thrones: The Complete Seasons 1 to 7 (35-Disc Box Set)
Peter Dinklage
4.6 out of 5 stars 873
₹ 8,999.00
Tintin (3 Feature Film Set - Prisoners of the Sun/Calculus Affair/Mystery at Shark Lake)
Jacques Careuil
4.0 out of 5 stars 1
Mad Max: Fury Road (4K UHD & HD)
Tom Hardy
4.5 out of 5 stars 1,959
₹ 2,499.00
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
Shah Rukh Khan
4.3 out of 5 stars 253
Mujhse Dosti Karoge!(Special Edition)
3.5 out of 5 stars 12
₹ 149.00
Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl
Ranveer Singh
3.7 out of 5 stars 15
₹ 196.00
Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge
4.7 out of 5 stars 4
₹ 199.00
Amitabh Bachchan
4.0 out of 5 stars 27
Arjun Kapoor
3.6 out of 5 stars 8
₹ 239.00
Shri Krishna - Set-1
Swapnil Joshi
2.7 out of 5 stars 52
₹ 1,799.00
Shri Krishna - Set 2 (Episodes 111 to 221)
4.0 out of 5 stars 6
₹ 999.00
Veer Zaara - Collector's Edition (2 disc set)
4.7 out of 5 stars 44
Audio CD
1 offer from ₹ 299.00
Cats And Dogs 2: The Revenge Of Kitty Galore(3D)
James Marsden
4.1 out of 5 stars 3
₹ 390.00
Running Shaadi
Arsh Bajwa
5.0 out of 5 stars 2
₹ 69.00
Shah Rukh Khan
4.0 out of 5 stars 86
₹ 99.00
Pad Man
Akshay Kumar
4.3 out of 5 stars 17
₹ 399.00
Naseeruddin Shah
3.1 out of 5 stars 11
3 offers from ₹ 689.00
Dirty Picture
Naseeruddin Shah
3.9 out of 5 stars 15
Shah Rukh Khan
3.9 out of 5 stars 109
₹ 320.00
Hasbro Gaming Speak Out Game, Ages 16 And Up, For 4 To 5 Players
4.5 out of 5 stars 1,779
₹ 850.00
from Amazon.in Bestsellers: The most popular items in Movies & TV Shows https://ift.tt/2LP975b May 17, 2020 at 03:38PM https://ift.tt/2X1KkzQ https://ift.tt/2X1KkzQ
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