#Journal on Climate Change
lucybellwood · 1 year
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Sharing another longer comic I made for The Nib back in 2016, since they'll be shutting up shop at the end of this year. This piece was such a great excuse to dig deep into the world of sail-powered cargo! I particularly loved talking to the team behind Ceiba, who are now years into their build and documenting the entire shipbuilding process along the way.
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(Dig this? There's always room for more passengers aboard the good ship Patreon.)
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moppets · 1 month
louis befriends those with talents he can later capitalize on. he saw daniel's potential that night in '73. daniel was an investment in the growing media news world for louis. you'd invest in his talent, his career, his publishing house...he invested in his own friend
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gaykarstaagforever · 10 months
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1) The UN put a Emirati prince, who is also head of a state oil company, in charge of its climate change talks.
2) CNN is shocked that this fossil fuel billionaire, who somehow hijacked this already-pointless conference for horny alcoholic diplomats, thinks there is no scientific proof for human-caused climate change.
With journalism this embarrassingly absurd, who needs Facebook misinformation?
I don't know anything about this Laura Paddison who works for CNN. But it is obvious I have no reason to.
This is how the world boils to death. And if no one cares this hard, then good riddance.
The Ruling Council of Krypton wasn't this rock-stupid.
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albertayebisackey · 11 days
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“The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.” — Paulo Coelho
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without-ado · 3 months
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Environmental protesters from Just Stop Oil sprayed paint over Stonehenge on the eve of the summer solstice celebrations. (read at REUTERS l 2024 June)
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Climate change protesters from Just Stop Oil throw soup over Vincent van Gogh’s painting "Sunflowers," causing minor damage to the frame. (read at REUTERS l 2022 Oct.)
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"If we define peaceful protest as designated protest zones that don't cause any public inconvenience we've more or less defined it out of existance.
Past protest movements (civil rights, anti-war, suffrage) were disruptive in a way that modern whitewashing understates."
-- Zeke Hausfather, "A tireless chronicler and commentator on all things climate" -NYTimes. Climate lead @stripe , writer @CarbonBrief, scientist @BerkeleyEarth , IPCC/NCA5 author
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strangebiology · 11 months
I saw herds of 30+ pronghorns just about every day in the summer of 2021 when I lived in SW Wyoming just by looking out my window. This year, I moved my desk to the window so I could watch them cantering across the grass all day. But, after an intense winter that killed thousands of animals--in one area, 100% of collared fawns died--most days I just see an empty field.
There is some science that suggests extreme weather events are linked to climate change, but it's impossible to know exactly what impact it has on any one phenomenon. I wrote about it here in my latest article for Outrider.
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env0writes · 3 months
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Juniper Journal’s Vol. 2, 6.11.24 “Two Marshmallows"
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by @env0
Watching ice melt Overflowing the edge Of my cup I am less worried about global warming Than I usually am today For the temperature in my room Today I remembered To brush and floss and wash And now my teeth cannot taste For over thirty minutes As my drink dilutes I bravely salute All flavor goodbye I would have made it to the very end And got that second marshmallow If only – That ever meant something Although — How sweeter my drink now tastes For the wait
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tentacion3099 · 1 year
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sea-critter · 11 months
something is in the air, not just today but especially today. it was hot this morning - a 74 degree morning in last days of october. the humidity was thick and weighing on me. the rain has been full of heat lately; this morning was no exception. so suddenly, the wind picked up as if out of nowhere and we were consumed by a wall of cool air. the rain continued to fall, but the cold stayed. now it's supposed to dip into the 40s or 30s tonight. how rapid, how unsettling, how consequential. i just… i can't be imaging that i'm watching the world die, and humans die with it. unhoused people dying of heat all summer and now going to be the people to take the brunt of the extreme cold + wet. and at the same time, genocides are being intentionally committed for the interest of this empire. and these things are not separate from one another. the earth is unhappy with this way of things. i am unhappy along with her. what can i learn from her long, mournful heat - her dragging of the season and switching abruptly between intense states. can i channel the chilling force of the air itself?
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pathfinderswiftpen · 7 months
It's early March. I'm in northern Ohio. I am wearing shorts. My ankles are covered in mosquito bites. It's EARLY MARCH!
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kp777 · 6 months
Last year featured not only what scientists worldwide confirmed was the hottest year in human history but also a 25% drop in corporate broadcast networks' coverage of the fossil fuel-driven climate emergency, according to an analysis released Thursday.
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protoslacker · 1 year
But in America’s border crisis, we need a lot more journalists doing what Torres and the Daily Mail did with this one article. Because every affront to human rights from xenophobic right-wing demagogues like Abbott, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Donald Trump — dumping busloads (or planeloads) of migrants in big cities in the dead of night, refusing to give water to pregnant women at the border in 105-degree heat — hinges on one critical thing: not seeing refugees as human beings but as a faceless Other. An “invasion.” When we refuse to tell the story of Norlan Bayardo or even publish his name, we become accomplices to these authoritarian tactics.
Will Bunch in The Philadelphia Inquirer. The young Honduran drowned in Greg Abbott’s Texas had a name: Norlan Bayardo Herrera
We need to name the refugees needlessly killed by Texas' cruel border demagoguery.
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albertayebisackey · 18 days
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“Life evolves in isolation.”
Referring to the unique species of the Galápagos that have evolved in isolation from the mainland.
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jk-scrolling · 1 year
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Hey fellas, this is another one from Spiked!Online. Spiked takes Koch brothers money and does nothing but bash trans people and boost petrobusiness.
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I went to the site to try to grab a screencap or two, and this article was literally top of the page lol.
So why does oil money love transphobia? There's probably some deep personal conviction on the Koch brothers' part involved, but drumming up transphobia serves the more practical purpose of getting hateful people voting against their - and all of our - survival.
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"Kristan Childs, a therapist in Sebastopol, California, agrees. “They need permission to feel,” she observes. “Some think if they allow themselves to feel, it’ll be like falling into a pit of despair they can never get out of. But almost always, the opposite happens,” she says. “When they see other people feeling the same way, it actually lifts the burden of aloneness.” And some even feel inspired to take collective action, she says." In the current generation of scientists, Gatti had to learn how to shift her mindset in her daily practice to avoid burnout. Similarly to Kalmus, she uses climate grief as a fuel to keep sounding the alarm. “The least I can do is to make noise and learn to speak a language everyone understands — so they become conscious that we must change at the micro and macro levels,” she says. “This is a huge opportunity for humanity to evolve.”
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