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kudouusagi · 1 year
50 Questions about Koisuru Boukun
(Interview with Takanaga Hinako from the Koisuru Boukun Art book, published in 2013 while vol 9 was being publish in Gush)
Q1: How did you create the challengers and Boukun characters? When you were creating "Goukaku Kigan" had you already created Souichi-san?
How? ...Well, when I made my debut work, Goukaku Kigan, I really felt the weight on my shoulders to make a good BL manga, since it was my first 32 pages of a real original manga! Thinking back on it now I think I had a lot of preconceptions about what a BL should be during those planning stages. I thought things like the seme needs to be a great guy! and the uke should be the cute type.... Though I feel like once I had finished the storyboard I had already deviated from that... (He was a pathetic seme, not a great guy...)
For Souichi, after my first work had been published I got permission from my editor to continue it. So he's a character I came up with as I happily thought about how to continue it. Since I wanted a character to interfere with the main couple. And Morinaga-kun naturally came about as I developed Souichi's character.
Q2: I want to know how you came up with the title!
I really wanted to use the word "Boukun (Tyrant)" so I came up with a few candidates but my editor at the time didn't like them and so I remember that we were discussing what to do over the phone and I just casually suggested "maybe Koisuru Boukun (Tyrant in love)..." and my editor instantly said "That works!" and ran with it. Maybe I was influenced by "Koisuru Wakusei..." (lit Planet in love, Japanese title of Chungking Express) I believe in my original candidates there were also other movie influenced titles, stuff like "Sex, Lies, and Videotape" (lol). I don't have my notes from back then anymore though, so I don't know what they were.
Q03: What was the most difficult thing you experienced while writing Koisuru Boukun and what was the thing that made you the happiest?
The most difficult thing... I don't know. There was a lot of stuff I can't talk about... (lol) The thing that made me that happiest was definitely the fact I'm able to put out an art book like this and have people read it!
Q04: You've written Koisuru Boukun for a long time, is there anything you felt as you've continued the story?
The style of call phone they used in the first volume was really old so I thought I should upgrade their phones at one point but now I feel like they have to have smart phones? That's the way of the times. But in the story it has only been one year... They're working students who are constantly changing their phones. Oh dear...!
Q05: Between Morinaga and Souichi-san, tell us honestly, which one do you like more?
I said this about the characters in Little Butterfly too, but honestly they're both really important characters to me. I've written them for so long they feel like family to me... But if I had to choose... then I guess I'd have to say Souichi-san because he's hotter (lol)
Q06: Do you have an idea of what you think Souichi-san and Morinaga-kun's image song's should be?
Hmm... I've never really thought about their image songs before... For Morinaga-kun I think a sad love song would suit him. For Souichi-san a song with words doesn't really seem like him... Oh! I know! Dorae...
Q07: Please tell us which color illustration is your favorite?
The one where Souichi-san is biting the ice cream... having Souichi-san colorized in a tanktop gives off an unusually refreshing feeling so I quite like it. Also the one with them in casual coles in the leaves. For a more recently one then I also like the color illustration that was for GUSH's 100th issue celebration too ♪
Q8: Is there any backstory for the characters that hasn't made it into the story?  
Of course there's a lot of stuff that hasn't made it into the story yet! But since I'm not sure whether any of it will make it into the story from here on or not I can't say. I'm sorry!
Q09: Souichi-san is a rare uke with long hair in BL. Are there times when you think it's a pain to draw?
Souichi-san's hair isn't a pain to draw at all. His hair is white and I'm good at drawing long hair... Morinaga-kun's hair is much harder. Colored hair with shine is hard. Colored hair with shine is hard for everyone! It makes my right hand hurt...!
Q10: Are there any types of characters that you thought wanted to include but don't have any plans on including from here on out?
Back during challengers there were some I thought about but since they wouldn't suit the Boukun setting they went away. Hmm but since they just went away because of that problem I shouldn't really talk about them here... 
Q11: Were there any characters you used as models for the characters in Boukun?
There weren't!
Q12: Out of all the characters in Boukun, please tell us who is the easiest and hardest character to draw.
Just from a drawing standpoint? I think the easiest is definitely Souichi-san. The hardest is Morinaga-kun... Kunihiro-san and Masaki-san are quite easy. But when it comes to expressing thoughts and characterization, Souichi-san is hard. His way of thinking is biased and comes to abrupt stops and since he's not the main character there are limits to his monologues...
Q13: Which character out of all of Boukun do you think is the best looking?
I think the most beautiful one is Masaki-san but the most handsome one is definitely Souichi-san. (Where does that leave the seme Morinaga-kun...?)
Q14: I'm interested to know which scene is the most memorable to you out of everything so far? Or maybe there's a certain line?
The series of scenes at the business hotel in volume 4 were really a turning point so it's really memorable. I also really like the scene in volume 6 in the washroom of Matsuda's house...
Q15: If it were you, which character in Boukun would you want to date? Or who would you definitely not want to date?
The one I'd want to date is definitely Morinaga-kun. He's better looking than average, really smart, kind, and amazing at housework...! It's to the point where I wonder "just what is Souichi-san so dissatisfied with!?"... (it's because he's a guy) His super sticky clinginess is a bit of a pain but if you return his love he's much calmer. The one I don't want to date is... unsurprisingly Souichi-san... (lol) Oh and I also wouldn't want to date Kunihiro before he got divorced either.
Q16: I want to know what type of person Souichi-san likes.
His type... It's touched on it a little bit in the current serialization, but I don't think he's thought about it much himself. Probably someone who's not too clingy. I think he'd like a capable woman who was really open minded? He lost his mother at an early age so I feel like he probably has a bit of a mother complex...
Q17: This is a question about Souichi-san. His hair is pretty and long but why did he start growing it out?
You can assume it's because of what was stated in the extra for volume 2...
Q18: What brand of cigarettes does Souichi-san smoke?
I've probably never clearly shown it anywhere but I vaguely remember deciding they were Marlboros at the beginning... But I could have drawn them wrong at some point so don't take that too seriously please!
Q19: Since Kurokawa-san and Isogai-san were classmates in university, I'd like to know about how they met.
Ah, this was briefly mentioned in the pamphlet for challengers but Isogai-san was working at the beer hall when the owner was looking for good looking guys to work there and so he asked him to tell people he knew if they were interested. So then Kurokawa-san got roped into working there because he saw a posting on the University bulletin board because he was desperately searching for a decent part time job.
Q20: Will Isogai-san be happy in the future? What type of woman does Isogai-san like? 
I'm sure he will someday... I think he would like an open minded woman who would accept his hobbies... or even better a beautiful woman who would enjoy them together with him.
Q21: He was sent model guns as a present from Kurokawa-san and he can sing all the anime songs from top to bottom so is Isogai-san... actually quite an otaku? I want to know his hobbies.
No matter how you think about it he's an otaku (lol) I'm sure he likes manga, anime, and games but I think he's much more of a manly otaku? Like he's more of a military and pro wrestling fan? Probably something like that. But he likes to observe and mess with the people around him so I think he's pretty extroverted for an otaku?
Q22: Kurokawa-san quit his job and went to the USA. Has he been a house husband since then?
I have decided that he's a waiter at a cafe, but since Tomoe-kun is so busy at work I think it's only a part time job and he's essentially a house husband.
Q23: How long have Hiroto-kun and Morinaga-kun known each other?
Since Morinaga-kun came to Nagoya (when he entered university) so, about 5 years? Morinaga-kun was looking for a gay bar as soon as he came to Nagoya...
Q24: How is Matsuda-san related to the Tatsumi family? She's always looking after the Tatsumi siblings like a parent so I'd like to know more about Matsuda-san.
Umm she's their relative. She's their mother's (Hana-san's) older sister. In other words she's their aunt but since they call her Matsuda-san... you can't really tell... Actually I originally intended for Matsuda-san to be their "Aunt from Matsuda". In my family we called relatives by the place they lived like "my Aunt from 〇〇(place name)" so it was supposed to be borrowing from that. (In other words Matsuda was a place name) But for some reason at some point that became her name... I wonder why. By the time I realized it I couldn't fix it anymore... I thought at the very least I should have Soujin-san call her by her given name but if Soujin-san called her that then the kids would too... So then I decided it was a lost cause and she had to stay Matsuda-san... This might be the biggest mistake I've made in the Boukun series.  I'm sorry...
I figure Matsuda-san is the name of her husband that passed away. She got married and lived far away but after her husband died Hana-san got sick and so she moved nearby. Since she never had kids of her own and her younger sister's children were so cute she couldn't help but look after them... that's what I decided.
Q25: Kanako-chan wants to go to a high school outside of the prefecture (one with a dorm even) so does she already have a dream for the future that she's aiming for?
I figured she liked the school because of the variety of subjects they offer or that she was interested in the school culture. I think she does have a dream but it's not that specific yet.
Q26: We were told that Soujin-san's job is insect research but I'd like to know more about it.
I'm not an expert on this and I haven't done that much research on it so I don't want to delve too deeply into it but I guess after he got his doctorate at university he started traveling around the world... and publishing research papers... Because of his achievements in his research he probably had a sponsor and he's probably written a lot of books. (Something roughly like this...)
I think when he's in Japan he probably teaches students at a University? Huh? Maybe not? Maybe he researches how certain insects behave in detail...?
Q27: What was Hana-san, Souichi-san's mother, like? I'm sure she was a wonderful mother.
She was someone who wanted to take care of the household well so that Soujin-san could do what he wanted without having to worry. It's really too bad that she got sick and died early. Kanako-chan was only able to be with her for a very short time.
Q28: Did the Morinaga brothers have a normal, good relationship between siblings before what happened with Masaki-san?
I think they were close when they were little but I don't think they did once they reached adolescence. It's not because of what happened with Masaki-san. I think that it's like Morinaga-kun put up a wall between him and his family when he realized his sexuality. Though I don't think his parents or Kunihiro-san realized anything until it was exposed so I don't think anything really happened until then either.
Q29: Morinaga-kun's best friend Yamaguchi-kun. I'd like to know more details about him.
I haven't really decided anything besides... what's... in the story... (sweat)
Q30: I'm really interested in the past relationship history of Morinaga-kun and Souichi-san.
If I talk about that here then... there could possibly be... a lot of spoilers for the future...
Q31: Souichi-san seems to be sensitive around his ears and neck but where is Morinaga-kun sensitive?
I wonder... For him I'd say it's more mental? Rather than being teased anywhere, being satisfied mentally is what's best for him. Also I would like to add that while Souichi-san is sensitive around his ears and neck, He's also sensitive from his armpits to his waist, and his inner thighs. Inside his mouth and his nipples are also weak spots, and recently he's started to be able to come just from the ba- (cut off)
Q32 I'd like to know why Morinaga-kun and Souichi-san chose the university they did and their major.
I think it's because they both had things they wanted to do.
But Souichi chose the highest level school in the area because his circumstances prevented him from leaving his hometown. I believe that Souichi-san could have gotten into a much higher level school in the Tokyo area if he wanted to...
Morinaga-kun had to leave Kyuushu so I think he probably applied to a few different universities. And N University was just the one he got into. 
But if you mean why did I make this the setting then it's because it's my hometown so it's easy for me to collect reference material and I knew someone in real life who was in the agricultural department so it was easy for me to ask them things about it.
Q33: What were Morinaga-kun and Souichi-san like when they were little?
Since Souichi lost his mother early, he had to look after his younger siblings so he was a tough and demanding child.... like a mini version of the current Souichi (lol)
Before Morinaga-kun entered adolescence he was probably a cheerful, pampered child, but I feel like once he realized his sexuality he just became agreeable and closed off.
Q34 I'm sure that Souichi-san and Morinaga-kun are always busy with research but what do they do on the weekends?
I feel like they don't really rest. Morinaga-kun probably takes care of housework that has accumulated... and Souichi probably lives at the school even on the weekends...
Q35: In the afterword for Challengers volume 3 there was a 4 panel comic of Morinaga-kun giving Souichi-san presents but are there any other presents that Morinaga-kun gave him?
I'm sure there's many more. I might make a short comic about it if I get the chance someday!
Q36: I want to know Souichi-san and Morinaga-kun's favorite colors! Also what image colors do you think of for them? Souichi-san: I think he likes white... and his image color is the same. Since he wears a white coat a lot. And white shirts look good on him. Morinaga-kun: He wears a lot of orange, red, and brown clothes so I think he probably likes earth tones.
Q37: Where do they get money?
They get money from their parents. Morinaga-kun probably also works temp jobs sometimes too.
Q38: I think Morinaga-kun is quite good looking, so is he quite popular at the university?
I think he is. I just wrote about that (Volume 9/currently being published in Gush) in the story! (In May 2013)
Q39: How did Souichi-san end up with such an eccentric personality?
I think it's the result of having lost his mother early and him taking his strong sense of responsibility of needing to protect his siblings to the extremes...
Q40: I'd like to know the layout of their apartment! And how much is their rent?
The layout is in this artbook so please check it there! I haven't decided what their rent is but I think places in Nagoya near N University are around... 80 to 100 thousand yen?
Q41: Morinaga-kun and Souichi-san both go to the same university but which one of them is smarter? Is it Souichi-san?
I think Souichi-san is definitely much smarter. But in exchange he's prejudiced. It's like he devotes so much of his brain capacity to his research that the rest of his brain is in shambles...
You could say that too much of Morinaga-kun's brain is occupied by his love life but I think overall he has quite a good balance.
Q42: Do Morinaga-kun and Souichi-san like Japanese food? Or western food? Also what's their favorite alcohol?
I think Souichi-san likes Japanese food and he likes dry sake.
I think Morinaga-kun matches his eating habits to Souichi-san but he actually likes things like omurice, naporitan, and salisbury steak. He has childish tastes. And so he also likes sweet alcohol too♪
Q43: Where would Souichi-san recommend to go sightseeing in Nagoya?
There honestly aren't that many places to sightsee in Nagoya...
Hmm, there's pretty much just Nagoya Castle... maybe Higashiyama Zoo or Oosu Kannon?
I guess there's a lot of gourmet food places in Nagoya like Kissa Mountain...
But Souichi-san doesn't care about sightseeing locations...
If he had to take someone somewhere... then I guess he would probably just take them to eat kishimen at Nagoya station and then to Nagoya Castle and then either get miso-katsu or go to Sekai no Yama-chan (a wing place) for dinner... (that would be him really trying)
Q44: Tomoe-kun, Kurokawa-san, Morinaga-kun, and Isogai-san, could you say one thing to represent each of them?
Tomoe-kun: detached from reality, Kurokawa-san: pathetic, Souichi-san: narrow minded, Morinaga-kun: courageous, Isogai-san: weirdo
Q45: If Morinaga-kun and Souichi-san were to answer the question "if you could bring one thing with you to a deserted island, what would you bring?", what would they say?
A multitool... or a useful swiss army knife?
Souichi-san is very practical and Morinaga-kun is happy as long as Souichi-san is there, so if the two of them were adrift together then I think he'd bring something that would be useful to Souichi-san. Besides, he wouldn't need any tools for what he'd do with Souichi-san on a deserted island...
Q46: If Morinaga-kun and Souichi-san went on a trip together, where would they go?
Somewhere in Japan... like an onsen or something...
Q47: The Cinderella extra from volume 5 was very funny! Well you ever write any more alternate universe stories like that again? If you did, what kind of theme would be good?
I wrote one as a mail order item for this artbook! 
(Please look at the obi around this book for information on how to order it!)
Q48: Will you write more about what happens with Masaki-san and Morinaga's older brother?
Yes. Please look forward to it!
Q4: Will there ever come a day where they call each other "Souichi" and "Tetsuhiro" in the story?
You'll just have to wait and see... (sweat)
Q50 Do you have any plans to have any of the characters who appeared in Challengers make an appearance in the story after this?
If I get the chance I'd like to do that♪
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weebnotheree · 1 year
꧁༺♡⚜『𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝟚 - 𝑀𝑟. 𝐶𝑟𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟』⚜♡༻꧂[PT4]
𓂀 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛 𓂀
ENJOY! (songs not mine!!)
•♫•♬♡• 𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚 + 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 - 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 •♡♬•♫•
YOU: Golden eyes, hair to ur waist, rich clothes ofc u dress nice. But wolf. Your ears are bigger than both ur daughter's and Crystal so. Yk like anime characters anime wolf girl, that's how your hair and ears are. Like Black Hanekawa from Bakemonogatari. Ik ik she's a Neko but- jus go with it. Also, you have a tail, ofc..fluffy. (thats ur night gown but anyway)
Tumblr media
[𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓴'𝓼 𝓒𝓵𝓾𝓫]
("Heads Will Roll" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs continues)
[Ash]♪"Off, off, off with your head!"♪
[cheering]♪"Dance, dance dance til you're dead!"♪
[Ash]♪"Heads will roll!"♪
[Crowd]♪"Heads will roll!"♪
[Ash]♪"Heads will roll! On the floor"♪
♪"Dance, dance dance til you're dead!"♪
♪"Off, off, off with your head!"♪
♪"Dance, dance dance til you're dead!"♪
The crowd cheered loudly as she finished. "Thank you so much. [waves]Good night" She went backstage, handed in her guitar as one of the staff gave her a soda with a straw. She took a sip before seeing a familiar face. "Moon. Hey" and hugs him tightly. "Wow. [chuckles] You were great out there" he said hugging her back. "I got to go back out for an encore" jumping on her feet and taking a few more sips of her soda.
"Okay. Hey, but what are you doing after the show?"
"Uh, nothing" "Well, listen, I know this is crazy short notice, but you always said you'd come back to work with us when the time was right" he started. "Of course!" 
"Well, this is that time.-" Moon said before someone bumped into him. "Here, paycheck" Rick said as he handed it to her. She looked at it, squinting her eyes. "I'm getting the gang together to go audition for this huge show-" she cut him off and looked at him unhappily. Rick was chatting with someone "Just-just a second. Hey, Rick, how come you're only paying me half what the other acts get?" as she walked over to him.
"I pay what I think you're worth, sweetheart" "Oh, okay. See, I have this rule about not letting guys like you tell me what I'm worth, so, you know, unless I get paid like everyone else, I'm out of here"
(forget this I'm getting too many ideas and I NEED to put u in....and there's a surprise hehehe)
He chuckles. "This is the only club in town. Where else you gonna play?" "I have no idea, but I'm sure as heck not sticking around here. Let's go" she put her cup down, fast walking away and Moon followed her. But then he looked back and saw a woman on stage..A light gray wolf. Singing as she walked on stage. He stopped. "Who's she?" he questioned out loud. Rick looked over and smirked. "That's L/n. A talented, famous, rich, woman. She's our main singer and dancer here" 
Moon was confused about who she was still. He didn't know her because all of his life he's been working with his movie theater to keep his dad's legacy alive. (or does he? O-o) 
(Bold: in Korean. Regular font: in english)
♪"BLACKPINK. Ah yeah, ah yeah"♪
[Crowd]♪"BLACKPINK. Ah yeah, ah yeah"♪
Ash came back. "Moon. What're you doing?" he didn't answer, he just watched. Her eyes followed his gaze onto the stage. 
♪"A good face and a bad attitude"♪
♪"The volume hidden in the slender body is doubled"♪
♪"Go straight ahead without hesitation"♪
♪"When we say black, we say pink, we are pretty savage" [crowd]"BLACKPINK!"♪
Yeaah..they watched the whole thing. The crowd cheered as the song ended. [crowd & Y/n]♪"Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du"♪ 
She waved and thank them walking backstage. The staff did the same thing they did with Ash. But she gave them her mic to clean and they gave her cold water. The crew was fixing her makeup, hair and stuff, whiping off sweat and things while with Ash and Moon. "Who is she? I've never seen her here before" she questioned (not jealous lol). 
"I know right! She was amazing!"Moon said excitedly. "We need her to be in our show!" Rick chuckled looking at them. "Good luck with that. She's our main singer and dancer. We don't need you anyway, we got her" he says as he walks over to her with a paycheck. 
"Here you go, sweetheart. You did excellent" You take it as the crew move away bc they were done. "Thank you. Oh! You did listen to what I said right. Everyone g-" "--gets an equal paycheck. Yeah, I know. Dont worry everyone was paid equally" 
Ash squinted her eye at him(bc she listened)like what the heck face and walked over.  "You didn't pay everyone equally! I got half a paycheck and the others got full!" she didn't want Y/n to be lied to..she didn't deserve to. He sweatdropped and became nervous. "What do you me you already got your paycheck and you quit anyway"
Y/n wasn't with that "So you lied then?" "W-what no! [nervous chuckle]I wouldn't lie to you!" "Then what is she talking about?" he was about to say something but she held up her hand and said. "Can I see your paycheck?" she nodded and did so. Y/n scoffed looking at it. "I really hate men like you..and liers" she says as she gets her jacket and leaves. "W-wait! You cant leave! Who gonna be our main dancer and singer?! And she needs to do the enncore?!" "Find someone else[looks at them]You leaving or staying"
[both]"Leaving" they said following her. 
[Ash & Y/n look back] "Deal with it sweetheart"
Not in a parking lot nearby. "Um..soo, thank you for standing up for me. And..giving me your paycheck. You didn't have to!" "No, it's ok. I have plenty of money so it's fine" Y/n said reassuring her.
"May I ask who you are?" She rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh, sorry about that. I'm Y/n. I just came to this place and helped out because I felt like it. Just getting away from the rich life and laying low felt relaxing" Ash was surprised. "Wait- The Y/n L/n? As in a singer, dancer, rapper, and speak many different languages?!" "Yeep. That's me(*^^*)"
"W-wait she's who?"
Looks at him. "Are you kidding? This is THE Y/n L/n! She's a singer, dancer, rapper, does a lot of things, AND can speak many different languages! She's known all throughout the world!" 
"Woah, that's amazing!" "I know right! She's so cool! But you look so..so" "Different" Y/n finished and giggled. "Yeah, I dyed my hair. It's not that different though, it used to be gray" "So- so can you be in our group? We're making this new show and I was wondering if you could be in it. I-i mean if you want to" 
Y/n shrugged "Sure"
[both]"Wait really?!"
"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fun. Let's go" Y/n said walking out of the parking lot as they followed. "But what about your car?!" "I'll ask one of my butlers to come and get it. Besides, I'd rather walk. O-oh, do u mind leading the way. I dont exactly know where we're going" "Of course!" Moon said as he got in front of her and led the way. 
[☆𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐬☆]
[ANNOUNCER] "Redshore City Bus five leaving from park 15-" 
"Okay, I got the tickets. Herer you go Y/n. Anyone seen Miss Crawly?" "Wait did you just say Y/n?"Rosita asked. "Uh, yes. This is Y/n L/n. Y/n this is Rosita-" 
"Oh my gosh, i cant beleive you're Y/n. Im such a big fan!" 
"Gunter" "I've like hear so much about you!"
"Meena" "H-hi. Im Meena"she said shyly and slightly folded her ears over her face.
"Johnny" "H-hi, its nice to meet you" he said ervously rubbing his neck.
"And you've already met Ash" Moon said and she waved. "Here you go, Johnny. Here's yours, and-" "Mr. Moon. Uh, uh, I'm sorry, but I'm really having second thoughts about this"he doubted. "What? No, no, no, wait-" "All right, last call. Let's go"the driver said. "Now, just a second!"
"Johnny's right. I mean, that theater scout, she didn't think we were good enough"Meena said in a sad tone.  "She sounds like a jerk" Ash added. "Yeah, total jerk" Gunter added as well. "Yeah, but she's wrong -- dead wrong. There's a reason our show is sold out every night, and I'm telling you, her boss is gonna love it" he told them. "Suki's not a bad person. She's just doing what she was told" Y/n told them. "You know Suki?" Moon asked. "Yeah,. I guess you could say she's a former friend. I dont know who she's working with now" she said tilting her head. 
Gunter smiled "Ooh. Or maybe we could just, like, do a different show, you know?" "Gunter, please, I got this"he said. "Seriously, I have this idea for, like, a space musical" [HONK HONK]
"All right, we're rolling out here"the driver told them.
"You don't want to hear about the space musical?" 
Moon saw the bus was leaving and motioned to it and gasped. "Guys, come on! [calls out]Wait!" he couldnt catch up his little legs. He threw up his hands and went back. The break screetches and the bus back up a little. They all looked over. Rosita came from in front of it. "Listen, you guys, I have dreamt of performing in Redshore City since I was a little kid. And besides, I just convinced my husband to babysit for the next 24 hours, and I am not gonna waste an opportunity like that. So come on. We've got nothing to lose!" she told them before getting on the bus.  Moon smiled.
They got on the bus and sat down. "Here, Ash. You come in on page two" he said as she walked past him. "Wait. We're just gonna rehearse this here at the back of the bus?"she asked. "Yes, we are" 
Johnny chuckled. "Course we are" "Yep. We got to get this show in the best shape ever. Ah, Miss Crawly, you made it. Good. You are an angel, and we're sure gonna need that- [she turns]WHOA! What the..?" she had on a wig an a pink dress. "Well you do say 'Dress to impress'." "Oh! Y/n this is Miss Crawly. Miss Crawly, this is Y/n, a beautiful singer, dancer, rapper, and can speak many languages" "Hi its nice to meet you Miss Crawly" She puts the box on a seat fore shaking her hand. "Hello dear. Oh you are so gourgous, so beautiful. I'm Miss. Crawly I hope you enjoy the ride" she said making Y/n chuckle with a thank you. 
They were all rehersing. Everyone on the bus looked back at them.Really enjoying it. R=Even the driver looked back before looking back at the rode. Everyone smiling. Even standing in the middle of the walk way dancing along.  Y/n closed her eyes an smiled. They were good.
Sunrise and they were almost there. Everyone was asleep except for Moon and Ash. They were going over the lines. "Absolutely right. Let's just cut that line and have you just play the guitar part through the whole scene" "Got it"  
Meena woke up and looked around. "Guys, we're here"
They woke up. And all exclaimed and whoaed. Soon they got off.
"All right. Let's go spread a little Moon Theater magic" Moon said and they all cheered. Y/n smiled at them. 
"Come on!" Meena and Johnny highfived. 
I hope you enjoyed Mini dumplings! (Mini beenie's)
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camilaxmartin · 6 months
i’ve decided to share my art for the first time like publicly😵‍💫😵‍💫 and i’m hella nervous about it but i wanted to share my oc from hazbin with you as i plan on drawing her more and more:)
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meet the one and only, caroline - the music demon:)
here’s some facts about her and her backstory if you’re curious: (i’ll probably be updating it when i think of something more)
♪| caroline is alastor’s sister (while on earth as well) (can you tell i love this man???)
♪| (it’s only my own au so don’t come at me please, but i imagine alastor’s dad to be white while his mother had darker skin and as alastor was born darker caroline was originally white, as i am in reality:)
♪| she’s the demon of vinyls and music because of her adoration to it while being alive!
♪| but beside her adoration, it’s also connected with how abusive their father was. (i saw this one day on tiktok and couldn’t let go of it) when she was alive their dad used to always take out his anger on her or their mother, so one day when he got really pissed off and heard caroline’s gramophone playing in her room, he just stormed in, snatched the needle out of the machine and literally cut her body with it (it’s shown in her demon form on which i’m still working)
♪| i also headcanon that their father was the first person alastor ever killed so let’s just say this whole thing messed up caroline’s psyche even more than it was already
♪| her hyena’s features are caused by the way she died which was being fully torn apart by them. (there’s a story about it as well including her ‘friends’ but i’m too tired to write it now😭)
♪| another small story about it - that when she was still alive her ‘friends’ used to bully her for her laugh so because of that, after death, every time she laughs she sounds like a hyena - it’s a sort of punishment while being in hell i think!
♪| anyway! she gained the status of being an overlord when alastor disappeared for seven years and she kind of took his place as his sister and just someone other overlords and sinners knew anyway.
♪| but the story of getting sinners to sell their souls to her is a bit different, she didn’t just steal them from her brother of course. so first when she arrived in hell and reunited with her brother (alastor died a bit before her) and learned about the ability of possessing another’s’ souls she immediately started to wonder what she can do to gain them. at first it was silly games, gambling and stuff like that but the more time passed, she started learning about spells and potions (as she loved them on earth as well) and started to drug the other sinners to sold her their souls (she’s outrageous i know) (i can also add that many sinners sold their souls to her for spending the night with her, but as soon as they signed the contract she’d just leave them hanging and threaten them with second death if they won’t leave her alone)
♪| she’s obviously friends with rosie, the three of them being a literal menace to the hell-society
♪| she got really close with carmilla when alastor disappeared for that seven years and i’m planning on expanding this part a bit more so you can be waiting:)
♪| opposite to alastor she’s very up with trends which also leaded her to being something like friends with velvette.
♪| when they first met, vox told velvette to wrap caroline around her finger so he could get closer to alastor and she did. after many many angst, both of them confessed their feelings in a fight >:] and from then on, began actually dating. (i will expand the angst part but im too tired right now lol)
♪| she lives in the hotel as well, not fully believing she could be redeemed but hoping deep in her heart that it’s possible cause even though she doesn’t think she deserves it and struggles with self-image and self-acceptance, she secretly wants to get better -
♪| - despite being a murder and cannibal even while living. (i may expand this one too but no promises here!)
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the-space-jesus · 5 days
♪ Basically rehearsal 4 ♪
I think you know the context by now.
Anyways, this was one of our more chaotic rehearsals! The only people to show up were Ocean, me obviously and Karnak 1. We gathered at the front of our school (sounds so formal omg) and biked to Mischa's place. This is because the school KICKED US OUT because of some important formal discussions idfk lol. Our original plan was to perform in that same football field that we did in rehearsal 1, but Mischa is sick so we aggressively broke into his house. Then we made tostis and discussed some upcoming plans like costumes and places we'll be performing and such (and I was enlightened on how theatre rights work, as well as how to pronounce the 'th' sound! Overall it was very chaotic in his house! We also watched another production of rtc and changed a few scenes (we now have a suuuuuper sweet Nischa scene after Talia that honestly almost made me cry...I'll talk about it later). Then we got to practicing the scene where Ricky finally gains confidence and talks about being a prophet from Zolar! Very cool, we completely finished that scene and it has some inhabitable planet (RickyxOcean) in it but only for a little...so yeah spacedolls is the main ship but there's some moments of Ricky and Ocean, once again I'm going to discuss that in a post I'm gonna make about ships in our production! We also exchanged random silly Tumblr videos because why not. Then we did some choreo for What The World Needs and for Noels Lament. How we did that last one without Noel? Simple! Karnak 1 was our substitute Noel (Noel was originally their top 1 choice but they've made peace with being Karnak and are great at being in character). Oh almost forgot! Before all the scenes and choreo we did some character-building! We all had to draw ourselves the way our characters would draw themselves (drawing in character) obviously I made Ricky a furry bachelor man haha. Also it was with crayons and we all collectively broke the crayons! And then we had to present the drawings in-character! We also got a bunch of funny 'Behind The Scenes' videos. Oh and we practiced some stage-kissing for no reason at all...Overall, fun stuff! Then we decided to leave Mischa's house (Mischa stayed because he is still very much sick, beterschap man!!) and go to the playground near the football field because we just wanted to go on the swings (I've explained it in rehearsal 1) but there were people so we followed Ocean (bad idea) to this other playground but there were kids there too so we all just went home and got lost and had to wait an absurd amount of time because PRINSJESDAG (Dutch holiday, kinda sucks cause there's horses and parades everywhere) and then FINALLY made it back to the school and me and Karnak 1 biked home together and talked about our totally 100% legal teacherfanfiction and rtc headcanons. I've forgotten a lot because s t u p i d and also I'm tired but yeah, loads of fun, sadly probably no other rehearsal this week (it is my only life source and I am DEVASTATED but we really have to find times that are good for everyone.)
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psychosomaticsystem · 2 months
• about us! • dni included •
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basic info:
• we are a system; we use the term ‘vessel’ to refer to our host body.
• our vessel is 18+; we’d prefer if minors dni, as there is potential for there to be nsfw content on our blog. this is to keep you safe! you have plenty of time to see nsfw stuff when you turn 18!
• items highlighted in red for ‘vessel info’ is true for all of our alters as well!
• we don’t list ages for our alters… the ones allowed on tumblr are over 18!
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vessel info: [ zerø ] [tag: vessel zerø] {23 y/o}
(plural) they/it, aceflux/aroflux, in a relationship/not seeking (interactions ignoring this will be blocked), stargender/fluid. therian. kinnie. do not use honorifics/titles (sir, ma’am, mx, etc). autistic, paranoid schizophrenic, obviously a system… special interests include: transformers, danganronpa, warrior cats, cookie run kingdom, and others!
vessel’s kin list: morty smith (r&m), optimus prime (transformers), ibuki mioda & junko enoshima (danganronpa) , charlie kelly (iasip) greystripe & ravenpaw (wc), fig cookie & matcha cookie (crk). to be continued…
alters info:
• [spirit] [tag: ghostly activities ]
he/they, sex&romance repulsed aroace, transmasc demiboy. interests include horror/gore & scary movies (especially saw 2004). madk (horror/bl manga).
• [socks] [tag: kitten mittons ]
they/cat/soft/she, grayace/cupiosexualflux sapphic demi-enbygirl. interests: ‘it’s always sunny in philadelphia’, rick & morty, and succession (tv show).
————————/ᐠ - ˕ -マ♪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ————————
• [star] [tag: galaxies away ]
it/shine/dust/✨, apogender, aromantic/quoisexual, interested in space, the deep sea, unexplored places, etc.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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• [beau] [tag: beau loves objects] second warning for minors — DNI AT ALL. NSFW CONTENT.
he/pup/it (also sometimes: cold/corpse/xey/ix/fire … basically any neopronoun that sounds dark or weird). hypersexualflux omnigay, ficto/objecto/auto-sexual. ambigender (— aesthetigender/affectugender). aegoromantic. junko enoshima kinnie. hyperfixation— kinks! not interested in sexual content involving me and non-fictional characters/people.
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• [tuesday] [tag: days of the week ]
it/its ONLY. xenogender/virgender/staticgender vociboy. pomosexual & polarsexual. placioromantic. interests: animals, plants, nature, all that jazz. occasionally wicca/witchy stuff. i’m a baby witch so i don’t know much about it. I probably fall into the ‘plant witch’ category.
⛧─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ·☽◯☾· ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───⛧
• [knives ] [tag: from the silverware drawer ]
they/void/he/she. limnoromantic fraysexual lesbian. i don’t know what i’m into honestly i just rb stuff i think is funny. sometimes i’m unabashedly political or horny on main. 👍
𓃶 🜏 𖤐 𐕣 ⁶⁶⁶ 𓃶 🜏 𖤐 𐕣 ⁶⁶⁶ 𓃶 🜏 𖤐 𐕣 ⁶⁶⁶ 𓃶 🜏 𖤐 𐕣
• [beetle] [tag: bugs galore ]
star/plant/bug/it/they/🐛 ! cosmic/swampgender boyflux… thing. lol. a lot of my gender feels like space and also bugs. really really interested in pokemon, stim boards, candy, and science!
☆.𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.☆ 𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.☆ 𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.☆ 𓋼𓍊
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kaveuh · 2 years
HEWO EI i need to fill my quota and hope this isnt too out of reach for something too specific </3 but may i ask hcs for kanata n chaiki (separate) with a menhera s/o who also dresses a lot in yamikawa and dark girly fashion :") I NEED TO STOP ASKING ONLY FOR KANATA N CHIAKI FROM YOU LOL but i like how you write them (loud sobfing). of course this is the same anon as the one who asked for the sanrio hcs because erm </3 doesnt dark jfashion somehow just go hand in hand w sanrio sometimes. they even released some jirai kei kuromi n mymelo stuff like im in tears /pos
BESIDES THIS HOPE UR DOING WELL!! ive also been around your blog a lot so im sorry i forgot to say but if you note down anons then lemme be darlingnon (=v=)~フフ♪
a/n — HAHA IT’S OKAY DW! also the new sanrio collab cards makes me want to throw up /pos i love niki as cinnamoroll i might cry tears of JOY. I ALSO GOT MAYOI’S CARD ?! I SCREAMED SO LOUD AHHHDHDHCJF
also idk much about menhera / yami kawaii fashion </3 i tried to make it as detailed and clear as possible. BUT I HAD FUN WRITING THIS TYSM FOR REQUESTING ANON <3
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genre — fluff !
warning(s) — none
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the first time CHIAKI had seen you in a different outfit other than your uniform, mans is BEWILDERED. though he is someone who doesn’t really care whether your fashion sense is great or not, chiaki gets extremely giggly whenever he sees you dress-up, no matter the occasion.
in all honesty, bro dresses so… simple LMAO, not that it’s a bad thing. his unit mates love to point out how your sense of fashions differ from each other and it’s kind of hilarious since he’s just getting dragged.. 😭
AHH OK BUT IMAGINE SHOPPING WITH HIM THOUGH? he’s literally so happy that you decided to take him with you when you wanted to buy new clothes, although he knows nothing about menhera fashion himself. he’s a very patient man when it comes to you— if you want to try on new clothes, go for it! no complaints from him no matter how long it takes. he’s also willing to rate outfits that you’ve come up with. you want to spend hours at a specific store? he’s looking around with you and waiting until you find clothes that you are happy with. high chance he’ll also pay for you, he’s not taking no for an answer. (unless you beat him into it, and he’ll sulk for a good 10 minutes or more.)
SPEAKING OF CLOTHING AND SHOPPING… chiaki will suggest matching outfits! he’s so enthusiastic about it as well… will definitely force midori or kanata to take pictures of the two of you.
HE WILL SCREAM IF YOU EVER SEND A PICTURE OF YOUR FITS TO HIM. will start malfunctioning and yelling at kanata, giggling and kicking his feet about how adorable and pretty you look! if he’s at home, chiaki will send one back in a similar outfit with the clothes that he bought when he hung out with ryusetai at the mall. SOBS
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like chiaki, KANATA is also one who doesn’t really care about fashion outside of idol work and stuff. he just naturally dresses nice and has drip lol (bros beautiful)
kanata LOVES doing your makeup, especially the undereye blush because he thinks it’s satisfying for some reason LMAO. if he’s free, he’s most definitely going all out on your makeup AND will pick out an outfit for you, which he prefers pastel colors instead of the darker ones, so he’ll usually go with those.
he also doesn’t mind matching with you! it’s just not as often like with chiaki, since he doesn’t want to ruin the outfit when he goes out to float in the water (again). BUT HE’S DOWN TO GO ON A DATE WITH MATCHING FITS! he also helps you put on certain accessories and bandaids that fits in with the aesthetic.
kanata’s also a great partner to go shopping with BECAUSE HE’S JUST FOLLOWING YOU AROUND AND NOT COMPLAINING. kind of just,,, letting you do your thing and stuff because he loves seeing you buy and look for clothes that you enjoy wearing. if you’re changing or trying out some clothes, he’s waiting outside the stall, waiting for you to do the grand reveal and he WILL HYPE YOU UP AND TAKE MULTIPLE PICTURES OF YOU!
he’s not as expressive as chiaki, but he will go crazy in his head when you send a picture LMAO he’s like.. “?!?!!? holh?!?! my s/o is os.hfs / sso… PRETTY?!?! AGHHH” and will probably unconsciously start gripping on his pillowcase and sheets trying not to kick his feet out of excitement LMAO
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loveephia · 1 year
OK,, SO STORYTIME (aka,, 2nd hand anime goods i found today ^^).
i was going to nipponbashi to find the snow miku nendoroid (now knowing the cost is DEADLY), but i looked inside almost eVERY SINGLE SHOP THERE, AND NONE OF THEM HAD HER. EVEN ANIMATE, THE BIGGEST ANIME BRANCH IN JAPAN (which was what my friend told me :p).
but i looked around surugaya shop on ota road, and found HER:
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AN ICHIKA NAKANO FIGURE SOLD AT 2.4K YEN WEARING THE PRETTIEST, PASTEL-EST KIMONO E V E R. i literally couldn't believe that she was being sold for THAT price. i saw an itsuki nakano figure wearing the same themed outfit, but ichika just looked cuter in my opinion (plus, itsuki was being sold for 3.1k yen, so no thank you :p).
i don't plan on displaying ichika because one, i don't have anywhere to put her (like a glass case or shelf). and two, i prefer playing with her like little girls do with their barbie dolls. i'm going to make her cups of fake tea, set up a doll house, and buy a pink lambo. HAH !!! i will definitely be careful doing so, though.
next up, i bought:
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there was actually a miku nakano one too right next to her, but yotsuba's cheerful expression won me over (and the fact that i generally just like her hair color more LOL).
m'gonna bring her around the airport and give her some airplane food so that she's well fed. :3
can't forget the smallest plush sold at a severely uNREASONABLE price:
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i already dangled him onto my bag, and he's going to smile at everyone in japan all the way back to my home country.
extra stuff that i wanna mention:
- the surugaya shop also sold some adorable toge inumaki stuff that i wanted to take home, but i think the three things above are more than enough. ^^
- i was going to get my brother a zoro plush since zoro is one of his favorite all-time characters, but it cost 2K YEN. brother, i love you, i just don't have enough for you. 😞
- like zoro, his other favorite characters are quite popular (ex. sasuke, vegeta, unohana), so their merchandise were pricey too. i asked our father if any character from "demon slayer" (his favorite anime) reminded him of my brother, and he said "the boar" (translation: inosuke). so i laughed while trying to find some inosuke merch. eventually, i found a little plush of him in makeup, and i was so ready to buy it because i had a feeling my brother would've laughed at seeing the thing, but the price was at a wHOPPING 1.5K YEN.
- i got a few gacha capsules for myself since my family and i spotted this little gacha machine pop-up in our train station, and i spent 800 yen on this beauty:
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a plastic wedding nino nakano figure !!!! y'know, at first i was a bit irritated with the fact that when i opened the capsule, only the upper half of her torso was there, so i thought that i had to spend another 800 yen for her dress. then i realized her dress was actually the gacha capsule itself, which was really cool and convenient :D!!
bro, i had a BALL going around to shop (thank you dearly, oh mother and father, for the allowance which i wisely spent /hj) because the last time i went to japan, i only got sanrio plushies and not actual anime stuff. fueee. ( ´△`) . . .
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idleiji · 10 months
♪ ࣪ ׂ IDLEIJI ៵ ࣪
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I'm sort of new to Tumblr—? I'm still figuring out how it works lol
(Im unsure what to do on this so I'm mostly following what other people are doing...😭 Do people still make these? Oh well idrc since i like cute stuff)
Definitely overdid this but I just couldn't help it
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♪About me
I'm Eijin! You can call me eiji or ei instead, any nickname is accepted!
I'm 21 (still can't believe it) and I use he/him pronouns, I'm a trans bisexual man (with male preference) if you're curious. I'm neurodivergent(audhd) and English isn't my first language, so I may say something wrong without realizing so please tell me :)
Also if I ever make you feel uncomfy or weird then I'm very sorry, I can't control it but I'll try to better myself 🙏🙏 ik I'm a bit weird at times but
I'm been learning English for a year now though but I'm not that fluent!
I mostly draw and play in my free time and right now this blog mainly focuses on degrees of lewdity (though may still include content of other things)
I'll give weird compliments like saying your art/writing is so miao miao and saying what ur art/writing taste like... But no exceptions, unless you say so, and I might overuse the :) emote
More info below
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♪Contents you'll see
I'll mostly draw shitposts and nsfw content since the game I'm focusing on is a porn game after all but I'll also draw some sfw fluff! I'm also considering gore
I draw certain fetishes that some people may not want to see including : BDSM, size gap, forced feminization, bondage, futanari, pegging, knife play, toxic relationships, dubcon + more but those are the most common one to expect so beware of it!
Dni if you fit the basic dni criteria, if you have any incest stuff, a pedophile and (yes it includes shotacons and lolicons. Don't try to justify it. fictional or not, no. Please get professional help in the nicest way possible) minor, zoophiles or anti, other than that just be a normal person here.
(we fuck with hybrids and monsters and that's all. No real animals will be harmed)
Ofc I don't support actual rape, yanderes and other abnormal things here. The things I depict is fictional and are for entertainment purposes only and should not be supported! If you do I'll personally attack you as a victim myself lmao
Since I'll be posting dol related contents and mostly nsfw-y contents, I'll be blocking Minors and Ageless blogs! I'm very sorry but you guys are not legal yet, or you are but better safe than sorry
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I don't really check who interacts with my posts much other than followings so I don't block alot but Ik very well you kids are gonna interact and I can't control your actions anyways so idrc if you like seeing these stuff, it's your choice but please for the love of God, just don't follow me or interact. I don't want kids in my blog.
Make sure you're atleast 18 and you can handle dark content. If you aren't, block me or I'll block you, no complaning. If I found out about it I will block you and I won't unblock. Come back when you're legal. The legal age of consent in my country is 16 but to avoid any problems with it I set it the same as Americans, so 18 above.
if your country's "legal" age is lower or the same as mine and you are technically "legal" I'll still block you, no questions ask!
BTW if you have incest stuff in your blog and I interacted with you first don't mind me I interacted first so it's my problem. It'd be great if you have any tws though, not like you need to but I'd appreciate it. If you are the other dnis criteria however, if I find out I'll immediately block, or you tell me, either way it's a block. It's definitely because I REALLY liked your writing or art which is not as often so other than that reasons, it'd be a mistake then
I'm more fine with stepcest though I'm not keen on that stuff but if I interacted then don't mind me, I probably had the same reason as the others, dd/lg I don't mind as long as it's not THAT explicit
Ik I'm weird and odly specific about those stuff but I have the 'tism and lots of conflicting feelings 🙏
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♪About my ocs
♪ My main oc is called melodi/mel! I use him alot to represent myself on my behalf but why is it that we haven't seen him you ask? It's because he's a music note... Always have been... It's kinda embarrassing but I was too lazy to make a character for him so I used a music note since I liked music alot... (Hence why I have alot of music notes in my blog) but I'll make him a character design soon!
One thing to know about him is that he's a tsundere(yandere), don't ask me why but I think it's cute that way... He's just a little introvert who makes music and rots in his bedroom all day and never comes out of his dungeon
He likes pizza.
♪ My DoL PC, Shiki, also known as Kiki. He's one of my main saves (along with one other) and he's a defiant magician who wants nothing more than to leave this fucked up town
Though he's technically a full time magician, his main income is modeling + searching antiques coz the pay of a magician sucks ass lol... (the most he'd get is 20 weekly might get an extra 100 because of his looks... Keyword: might) though he doesn't care since he took that job just for the orphans. He wants to magic himself gone but he only knows children magic, he swears he will do it one day
He mostly does magic shows for children. He has weekly shows to raise hope and most of the magic shows are about Bailey and doing very very mean things to him so it also raises rebelliousness lol
He pretty much hates everyone (he hates all the School LIs, he's softer for Robin but tbh Kiki thinks Robin is kind of a burden sometimes, he uses Avery for money and doesn't give a shit about everyone else) I think he only likes Yami because they're the same and Yami... Helps him out
Kinda an opposite of Bailey! (not really... He's still really mean like Bailey though not towards the orphans and despite acting tough he's a coward)
♪ Another DoL PC is Yami. She could be seen as an older sister figure to Kiki and fucks with remy, alot, and she's just a normal model! (lie)
She models but she does that to cover up the fact that's she's Corrupted :) probably the one who reccomend Kiki to model
She's definitely a green tea bitch/white lotus!! She acts all sweet and innocent but then gets all bitchy
Used to be an orphan at bailey's orphanage and is staying in town to help the other orphans + Kiki. Doesn't give a single shit if she's committing a crime because she hates the town, she likes Kiki since they have the same mindset and helps him with his magic shows as an assistant
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I may be a bit busy and may not update as much due to personal reasons but I'll try my best to provide as much content as I can! I'll post when I can and I've been meaning to make a dol blog for a long time but couldn't...
Please don't be discouraged to ask! My askbox(?) is always free and I'll try my best to answer your questions (and I like interactions)
Sorry for the accidental rant abt my oc's can't help it they're my current hyperfixation along with dol (also sorry if my behavior makes you feel uncomfortable!! Blame it on the 'tism /j)
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Oc Kiki 1 2 3 4
Oc Yami 1
Oc Mel 1
Robin the orphan
Whitney the bully
Sydney the faithful or fallen
Kylar the loner
Avery the businessperson
Alex the farmhand
I swear I'll do an actual character sheet
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magic-hcs · 2 years
Alrighty I am here for a matchup if that's alright! (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
Appearance: adult cis woman, she/her, 178 cm tall (5'10"), slight hourglass shape. I'm white, freckled, and I have medium-ish dark brown hair. I have blue/green/gray eyes depending on who you ask and I wear glasses ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
My style is very colorful, pastel femme, I wear a lot of jewellery, and I have a few piercings in my ears (4 in one ear, 2 in the other).
Likes: all animals, colors, musicals, romance (I love love), cuddles and hugs, baking (don't do it enough to be considered a hobby), math! Also emojis, they help me show what I'm feeling so I don't sound rude over text, though that might just be my anxiety thinking that, haha!
Dislikes: spiders, loud noises, crowds (I get overwhelmed •́⁠ ‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ )
Hobbies: sewing, drawing, reading, fitness, crochet, DIYing in general.
Personality: I'm generally optimistic and light-hearted, though I tend to speak before I think.
I'm not very self confident, the only thing about me that I'm truly confident about is my ability to sew. My only flex in life is that my eye measurements are accurate to the milimeter ᕦ⁠༼; ل͜ ;༽⁠ᕤ
I'm a bit awkward and apologetic, as I get very anxious about being too much or being annoying, and I don't wanna be in the way, so I apologize and say thank you a lot.
I'm pretty sensitive, and I can't read people or situations very well, and I get very overwhelmed by crowds and a lot of impressions at once. I'm also honest, sometimes a bit too honest, but I do try to phrase it kindly! If someone were to ask me the cliché "do I look bad in this?", and I think they could look better, I tell them just that. It's gotten me into trouble before haha,,,
When I'm focused, or excited/happy, I tend to make little noises and flap my arms OR hum songs I'm listening to atm, but I try not to in public for obvious reasons lol (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪
I get very flustered and a bit stuttery when talking to people I like (at first, that is), but I swear to god I'm trying my best in life, I'm only a very slight trainwreck!
Also, my love language is physical touch and quality time if that helps! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Oh! And I don't mind multiple matches or poly at all, it's all good, though I do see the Tale, Fell and Horror Papyruses as friends or brother figures, so I'd love it if I didn't get matched with any of those babbis romantically.
Sorry it got so long, and thank you so so much! (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
Of course it’s alright! Thank you for being patient. I hope you’ll like it and are comfortable with this boy you can also see it as platonic.
Matchups are closed!
You match with Thatch!
(HF Papyrus) Thatch:
First off, you have to crane your neck to look up to him. Thatch is a whopping 250 cm tall boy.
We're gonna assume you guys meet when Thatch has been on the surface for over a decade so he’ll have gotten some help and is on a semi steady road of healing and recovery because this boy went through worse than hell.
Thatch likes your bright colors, it’s a subtle reminder that it is safe enough to afford being able to make yourself more colorful. He’ll end up donning some brighter colors like yellows and soft reds.
Thatch isn’t used to touch (touch starved boy alert) but hugs and the like aren’t unwelcome in the least, he just tenses up and flinches slightly when it happens before relaxing into them. He finds your use of emojis in texts to show what you’re feeling very endearing. Thatch finds himself smiling softly often at the emojis you send.
Thatch needs some positivity in his life so your optimism is very appreciated. He doesn’t mind your talk before thinking thing.
Thatch doesn’t like crowds either and it’s good that you’re honest. He has a dislike for people who sugarcoat stuff and hide behind a mask of politeness.
He thinks you excited flaps and noises are absolutely darling. At first he thought you were so stuttery because you were intimidated by him. But when he found out it was because you liked him it was his turn to be shy.
I hope you enjoyed!
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sysig · 9 months
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Good skeles, like you lots (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Gaster#Finally a set mostly featuring the brothers! Yay!#I love their dynamic so muuuuch and they're both so cuuuuuute ahhhhhhh <3 <3#I made that first one based on some half-remembered doodles from my Very First time around drawing UT characters - going way back!#I never posted any of them - I do actually have some studies from back then from various artists including Zarla haha ♪#And I think the original sketches for the pixel bouncies I made of them? :0 There's a lot of good stuff back there! Been a while tho lol#Really tho I've just kinda been on a big-eyes-and-swirly-cheeks kick lately haha ♪ They suit it so well! Especially Sans#Very fun to put down strong lines about ♫#Hugging <3 Always hugging <3 <3#I'm really pleased with their hands there actually haha - Papyrus pulling Sans in and Sans' hand on his ribs not pushing just a little space#They're so cute <3 Even some of my first doodles of them were them giving little donk-pecks on their cheek or forehead#Y'know - since they don't have lips lol#Also probably not a shock but I've pulled out my own colour cube(s) to play with out of inspiration lol#I am So out of practice lol#Sleeping on each other - it is The Classic! I love Papyrus' little paw thing with his plated hand while he sleeps haha#I personally really like the inverted Soul look on Monsters but in Handplates they're right side up! What do!#There must be a happy medium to strike somewhere hmmm#Just put them sideways and upset Everyone lol#A silly little set with Gaster of the two ''flying'' - does that activity actually have a name? :0 I don't know it#Gaster is not about to have them playing anything that could end up with 1-s falling though - not that he'll listen lol#''Because I told you to!'' Lol#And finally trying on clothes in their house! Papyrus is getting weird vibes off this shirt with how it ties in the back and hangs loosely#I'm pretty sure? I've been drawing him with his scar but it can hard to tell even looking at it myself lol#I'm not exactly careful with the delineation of his neck bones so the line can get lost#Needs a shirt that will compliment a scarf or a cape for sure
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slowd1ving · 3 months
REACHES THROUGH THE SCREEN AND SHAKES YOU ??? YOU UPLOADED THE REST OF THE FIC WITHIN TWO OF MY SLEEP CYCLES ?? (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ didnt even give me the time to react !!! aaaaah !!!!
i dont even know what to say anymore dude , this work is a fucking masterpiece . the feelings feeling’d so hard and your writing style is SO . YUMMY . can i eat it pls ? (*´∀`)♪ i loved reading vil’s thoughts n stuff because they were all narrated so … good . amazing . wonderful . what words can i even say to describe the feelings reading your work made me feel ?!?!! AAAHH
and . oh god the spicy bits … />\\<\ ur gonna kill me lmfao , i had to pause several times and like shove my face into the cold side of my pillow bc ,,, gawd damn ,,,, KXJAKDJKSND LOL rivalry spice gotta be my favorite flavor of spice ever it has no right to be so good .
ALSO . reader and rook . they made me giggle . i love them . one of my friends really likes rook and im like yes ! the silly with the fuckass bob ! /ref ( theyre the reason my first and only colored twst fanart is him )
i like actually dont know what else to say now , so im gonna just end here but before i go i would like to inform you that you inspired me to go and level up my vil card , which funnily enough the only SR i have of him is his labwear card (°▽°) so now whenever i fucking look at it im going to think of your fic series I HOPE YOUR PROUD OF YOURSELF FOR TAINTING MY MIND !!!! /lhj
i also fucking saw your comment about a possible al-haitham fic . im perceiving you so hard for that right now . i would get on my hands and knees for an al-haitham fic from you pls (>A<) i love that smartass so much .
anyWAYS i hope your days been well and that the rest of it is awesome as well ! much love ! (´꒳`)♡ & pls excuse any excess ramble-y ness or if my typing is weird / unclear i just woke up from a nap a while ago so im . out of it heheh .
SPEEDY UPLOADER FR!!! nah I'm so impatient I like seeing all the reactions to the uploads so I tend to update quite fast 😭😭
THANK YOUUU it took such a long time to find a writing style I enjoyed so I'm glad others enjoy it too lmao. and yes I agree vil's thoughts >
writing interesting character's perspectives is always so fun to do
imagine how it was writing those parts !!! i had to take so many screaming breaks to continue each line cause he's TOOOO FINE!!! rivalry spice all the way brooo
rook's so silly fr; writing him was the only use I had out of taking french so I'm glad the opportunity came up
LMAO IK WHICH CARD YOU'RE TALKING ABOUTTT 😭I'm glad more science vil appreciation is coming up and what an honour it is to be associated with his card 🙏🙏
alhaitham fic is definitely in the ideas stage (god I've got such good ones lmao) like you cannot imagine how much I'm rubbing my hands in glee when I say this
thank you so much I hope your day has been excellent tooo!! and don't apologise for rambling it was very enjoyable reading your comments and thoughts anon 😭😭
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weebnotheree · 1 year
꧁༺♡⚜『𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝟚 - 𝑀𝑟. 𝐶𝑟𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟』⚜♡༻꧂[PT3]
𓂀 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛 𓂀
ENJOY! (songs not mine!!)
•♫•♬♡• 𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚 + 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 - 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 •♡♬•♫•
YOU: Golden eyes, hair to ur waist, rich clothes ofc u dress nice. But wolf. Your ears are bigger than both ur daughter's and Crystal so. Yk like anime characters anime wolf girl, that's how your hair and ears are. Like Black Hanekawa from Bakemonogatari. Ik ik she's a Neko but- jus go with it. Also, you have a tail, ofc..fluffy. (thats ur night gown but anyway)
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[𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓴'𝓼 𝓒𝓵𝓾𝓫]
("Heads Will Roll" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs continues)
[Ash]♪"Off, off, off with your head!"♪
[cheering]♪"Dance, dance dance til you're dead!"♪
[Ash]♪"Heads will roll!"♪
[Crowd]♪"Heads will roll!"♪
[Ash]♪"Heads will roll! On the floor"♪
♪"Dance, dance dance til you're dead!"♪
♪"Off, off, off with your head!"♪
♪"Dance, dance dance til you're dead!"♪
The crowd cheered loudly as she finished. "Thank you so much. [waves]Good night" She went backstage, handed in her guitar as one of the staff gave her a soda with a straw. She took a sip before seeing a familiar face. "Moon. Hey" and hugs him tightly. "Wow. [chuckles] You were great out there" he said hugging her back. "I got to go back out for an encore" jumping on her feet and taking a few more sips of her soda.
"Okay. Hey, but what are you doing after the show?"
"Uh, nothing" "Well, listen, I know this is crazy short notice, but you always said you'd come back to work with us when the time was right" he started. "Of course!" 
"Well, this is that time.-" Moon said before someone bumped into him. "Here, paycheck" Rick said as he handed it to her. She looked at it, squinting her eyes. "I'm getting the gang together to go audition for this huge show-" she cut him off and looked at him unhappily. Rick was chatting with someone "Just-just a second. Hey, Rick, how come you're only paying me half what the other acts get?" as she walked over to him.
"I pay what I think you're worth, sweetheart" "Oh, okay. See, I have this rule about not letting guys like you tell me what I'm worth, so, you know, unless I get paid like everyone else, I'm out of here"
(forget this I'm getting too many ideas and I NEED to put u in....and there's a surprise hehehe)
He chuckles. "This is the only club in town. Where else you gonna play?" "I have no idea, but I'm sure as heck not sticking around here. Let's go" she put her cup down, fast walking away and Moon followed her. But then he looked back and saw a woman on stage..A light gray wolf. Singing as she walked on stage. He stopped. "Who's she?" he questioned out loud. Rick looked over and smirked. "That's L/n. A talented, famous, rich, woman. She's our main singer and dancer here" 
Moon was confused about who she was still. He didn't know her because all of his life he's been working with his movie theater to keep his dad's legacy alive. (or does he? O-o) 
(Bold: in Korean. Regular font: in english)
♪"BLACKPINK. Ah yeah, ah yeah"♪
[Crowd]♪"BLACKPINK. Ah yeah, ah yeah"♪
Ash came back. "Moon. What're you doing?" he didn't answer, he just watched. Her eyes followed his gaze onto the stage. 
♪"A good face and a bad attitude"♪
♪"The volume hidden in the slender body is doubled"♪
♪"Go straight ahead without hesitation"♪
♪"When we say black, we say pink, we are pretty savage" [crowd]"BLACKPINK!"♪
Yeaah..they watched the whole thing. The crowd cheered as the song ended. [crowd & Y/n]♪"Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du"♪ 
She waved and thank them walking backstage. The staff did the same thing they did with Ash. But she gave them her mic to clean and they gave her cold water. The crew was fixing her makeup, hair and stuff, whiping off sweat and things while with Ash and Moon. "Who is she? I've never seen her here before" she questioned (not jealous lol). 
"I know right! She was amazing!"Moon said excitedly. "We need her to be in our show!" Rick chuckled looking at them. "Good luck with that. She's our main singer and dancer. We don't need you anyway, we got her" he says as he walks over to her with a paycheck. 
"Here you go, sweetheart. You did excellent" You take it as the crew move away bc they were done. "Thank you. Oh! You did listen to what I said right. Everyone g-" "--gets an equal paycheck. Yeah, I know. Dont worry everyone was paid equally" 
Ash squinted her eye at him(bc she listened)like what the heck face and walked over.  "You didn't pay everyone equally! I got half a paycheck and the others got full!" she didn't want Y/n to be lied to..she didn't deserve to. He sweatdropped and became nervous. "What do you me you already got your paycheck and you quit anyway"
Y/n wasn't with that "So you lied then?" "W-what no! [nervous chuckle]I wouldn't lie to you!" "Then what is she talking about?" he was about to say something but she held up her hand and said. "Can I see your paycheck?" she nodded and did so. Y/n scoffed looking at it. "I really hate men like you..and liers" she says as she gets her jacket and leaves. "W-wait! You cant leave! Who gonna be our main dancer and singer?! And she needs to do the enncore?!" "Find someone else[looks at them]You leaving or staying"
[both]"Leaving" they said following her. 
[Ash & Y/n look back] "Deal with it sweetheart"
Not in a parking lot nearby. "Um..soo, thank you for standing up for me. And..giving me your paycheck. You didn't have to!" "No, it's ok. I have plenty of money so it's fine" Y/n said reassuring her.
"May I ask who you are?" She rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh, sorry about that. I'm Y/n. I just came to this place and helped out because I felt like it. Just getting away from the rich life and laying low felt relaxing" Ash was surprised. "Wait- The Y/n L/n? As in a singer, dancer, rapper, and speak many different languages?!" "Yeep. That's me(*^^*)"
"W-wait she's who?"
Looks at him. "Are you kidding? This is THE Y/n L/n! She's a singer, dancer, rapper, does a lot of things, AND can speak many different languages! She's known all throughout the world!" 
"Woah, that's amazing!" "I know right! She's so cool! But you look so..so" "Different" Y/n finished and giggled. "Yeah, I dyed my hair. It's not that different though, it used to be gray" "So- so can you be in our group? We're making this new show and I was wondering if you could be in it. I-i mean if you want to" 
Y/n shrugged "Sure"
[both]"Wait really?!"
"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fun. Let's go" Y/n said walking out of the parking lot as they followed. "But what about your car?!" "I'll ask one of my butlers to come and get it. Besides, I'd rather walk. O-oh, do u mind leading the way. I dont exactly know where we're going" "Of course!" Moon said as he got in front of her and led the way. 
[☆𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐬☆]
[ANNOUNCER] "Redshore City Bus five leaving from park 15-" 
"Okay, I got the tickets. Herer you go Y/n. Anyone seen Miss Crawly?" "Wait did you just say Y/n?"Rosita asked. "Uh, yes. This is Y/n L/n. Y/n this is Rosita-" 
"Oh my gosh, i cant beleive you're Y/n. Im such a big fan!" 
"Gunter" "I've like hear so much about you!"
"Meena" "H-hi. Im Meena"she said shyly and slightly folded her ears over her face.
"Johnny" "H-hi, its nice to meet you" he said ervously rubbing his neck.
"And you've already met Ash" Moon said and she waved. "Here you go, Johnny. Here's yours, and-" "Mr. Moon. Uh, uh, I'm sorry, but I'm really having second thoughts about this"he doubted. "What? No, no, no, wait-" "All right, last call. Let's go"the driver said. "Now, just a second!"
"Johnny's right. I mean, that theater scout, she didn't think we were good enough"Meena said in a sad tone.  "She sounds like a jerk" Ash added. "Yeah, total jerk" Gunter added as well. "Yeah, but she's wrong -- dead wrong. There's a reason our show is sold out every night, and I'm telling you, her boss is gonna love it" he told them. "Suki's not a bad person. She's just doing what she was told" Y/n told them. "You know Suki?" Moon asked. "Yeah,. I guess you could say she's a former friend. I dont know who she's working with now" she said tilting her head. 
Gunter smiled "Ooh. Or maybe we could just, like, do a different show, you know?" "Gunter, please, I got this"he said. "Seriously, I have this idea for, like, a space musical" [HONK HONK]
"All right, we're rolling out here"the driver told them.
"You don't want to hear about the space musical?" 
Moon saw the bus was leaving and motioned to it and gasped. "Guys, come on! [calls out]Wait!" he couldnt catch up his little legs. He threw up his hands and went back. The break screetches and the bus back up a little. They all looked over. Rosita came from in front of it. "Listen, you guys, I have dreamt of performing in Redshore City since I was a little kid. And besides, I just convinced my husband to babysit for the next 24 hours, and I am not gonna waste an opportunity like that. So come on. We've got nothing to lose!" she told them before getting on the bus.  Moon smiled.
They got on the bus and sat down. "Here, Ash. You come in on page two" he said as she walked past him. "Wait. We're just gonna rehearse this here at the back of the bus?"she asked. "Yes, we are" 
Johnny chuckled. "Course we are" "Yep. We got to get this show in the best shape ever. Ah, Miss Crawly, you made it. Good. You are an angel, and we're sure gonna need that- [she turns]WHOA! What the..?" she had on a wig an a pink dress. "Well you do say 'Dress to impress'." "Oh! Y/n this is Miss Crawly. Miss Crawly, this is Y/n, a beautiful singer, dancer, rapper, and can speak many languages" "Hi its nice to meet you Miss Crawly" She puts the box on a seat fore shaking her hand. "Hello dear. Oh you are so gourgous, so beautiful. I'm Miss. Crawly I hope you enjoy the ride" she said making Y/n chuckle with a thank you. 
They were all rehersing. Everyone on the bus looked back at them.Really enjoying it. R=Even the driver looked back before looking back at the rode. Everyone smiling. Even standing in the middle of the walk way dancing along.  Y/n closed her eyes an smiled. They were good.
Sunrise and they were almost there. Everyone was asleep except for Moon and Ash. They were going over the lines. "Absolutely right. Let's just cut that line and have you just play the guitar part through the whole scene" "Got it"  
Meena woke up and looked around. "Guys, we're here"
They woke up. And all exclaimed and whoaed. Soon they got off.
"All right. Let's go spread a little Moon Theater magic" Moon said and they all cheered. Y/n smiled at them. 
"Come on!" Meena and Johnny highfived. 
I hope you enjoyed Mini dumplings! (Mini beenie's)
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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So I may have gotten momentarily distracted about The Dating Sim
Honestly most of this is UI design and thinking around the mechanics of how a Dating Sim could be made with some spoilery(???) uses of said mechanics; I am completely enamoured by game design and player accessibility but it can be kind of a weird niche lol ♪
Starting off with text boxes!
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Tried out a design with yarn acting as the entire border and bows tied throughout. The little scribbles of red in the lower left corner were supposed to be stitched/knitted heart patterns to represent Edgar’s Affection Points, but I still haven’t settled on a design I’m happy with |P
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This is probably the closest, but it’s also the most simple - nothing wrong with simple! But I still feel like I can do better. 10 stitches for 10 possible Affection Points ♪
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A slightly more refined take on the text box(es), especially to do with how Scriabin and Edgar’s complement each other - both sides of the yarn would go offscreen for either of them, but it’s mean to look like if you could zoom out the screen they would be tied to each other. The three bows are a bit much for such a confined space lol, but maybe if they were a bit more spread out. And giving each of them a directional border on the side the yarn ties in as well, I like that it’s more subtle :)
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Still working on Edgar’s Affection display, I just can’t find a good balance of simple and thematic >:/ I do like the knitted text box tho, if it was subtle enough and I could get it to look right, I wouldn’t mind certain threads turning from a light grey to red ♪ I just worry that might be too much yarn, if such a thing exists haha
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Down to just one loop-de-loop - it could reasonably show for both of them, cut off just after it on each side to indicate they share the one ♥
All menus all the time!
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The buttons at the bottom of the text boxes would open up three different overlays with either a darkened BG or see-through screened effect, I’d have to test them digitally to see which is the most readable :P But they open to LOG (this screen: The current scene’s dialogue in case you clicked too fast or forgot a detail) - MENU - and a gear that opens OPTIONS
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The aforementioned OPTIONS; mostly the basics for now, Text and Size, Music volume (I’d probably change it to overall volume and/or SFX specific) - I did forget one option here, toggling Adult Content since y’know, Vargas can get kind of A Lot sometimes haha ♪
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A potential MENU layout, though I also like the SAVE/LOAD/TITLE/EXIT options being at the bottom of the screen, decisions decisions. I think leaving them to the side to allow the saves to have a multiple page listing at the bottom and keeps it all pretty clean and readable tho, hmm. Both OPTIONS and MENU would have the same overlay as LOG from earlier as well ♪ Unified design!
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Me, just completely lost in the sauce: What is the most organic/non-utilitarian but still readable layout I can make so that the options are integrated but not a clusterfuck hmmmmmmmmm. Lol, it’s important to me! Depending on how tall and centralized the splash art is, either a stack would be too dividing or would cover up details - but it could also be used as an intentional divider! You can see I tried separating the buttons to each take a corner and hated that lol (which sucks ‘cause that would allow the art to be very centralized lol), and my notes from the OPTIONS spilling over haha
Next up: Endings Chart! Edgar’s on the left, Scriabin on the right; an ↑ indicates high Affection (7+), a - means mid-range Affection (~5), and a ↓ means low Affection (3-)
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I actually forgot about the Neutral Ending, but that’s ‘cause it’s the Neutral Ending lol - it’s basically what happens if you get to the end without raising either of their affection high or low enough to get any other ending - basically if you start ignoring them and run out the days as normal. Technically the lowest one could be considered the Worst Ending, but it’s meant to be a joke ending lol :P
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And finally thinking about a secret on the Title Screen, if I could figure out how to do it lol - since there’s like seven endings, it could be a pain to see how many you’ve gotten up to this point/how many are left, and how to get the last one(s), so why not a handy flow chart? But just leaving that out in the open feels like spoilers to new players and cheating for those who haven’t gotten at least one ending yet, so I liked the idea of hiding it in the yarn tied to their hands; on a first boot-up, the cursor wouldn’t react to it and the image wouldn’t look like something that can be clicked on, but if you did, it could still take you to the chart, but the intended route is to complete the game at least once, and then once the cursor is hovered over the yarn it would glow and change from a regular cursor to a clickable indicator, so anyone who got curious would get a bigger hint ♪ Still hidden, but easy to access :D
Those are most of my design notes and ideas for an over-excited first run lol, all the rest of my ideas were dialogue- and scenario-based :3c
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pretty-idol-hell · 2 years
“Sukinishite IIZE” - WITH Interview Translation
Bit of a surprise for you guys. I was looking through my King of Prism magazine clippings and stumbled upon uh... this. 
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A WITH interview I saved and completely forgot about! And for some reason it was exactly what I felt like working on! But, after I started I was a little disappointed to realize this wasn’t the interview I thought it was. There was another interview I owned at one point that I made a post about on this blog which was actually a good introduction to the boys. But that one was from 2D Star Vol 9. This one is apparently from 2D Star Vol 12 and has the boys discussing their first real life concerts (but in character) and the above risqué art. 
I wish I could tell you why I saved this one and not the other one (I wish I knew why I do a lot of things) but I suspect it was because this article happened to be right after the King of Prism feature so it was easy to rip out together. I’d love to translate the other one, but maybe not enough to spend 1,188 yen to buy the Kindle version of 2D Star Vol 9 just for those two pages. Let me know if any of you out there have it, though. 
But anyway, since I’d already started it, I decided to bang out a rough translation of this one from 2D Star Vol 12 anyway. So without further ado...
It’s nice to meet with all of you again. Congratulations on your concert and talk show performances in Tokyo and Osaka! May we hear your impressions on your experience?
Koyoi: Hello there. We are WITH. First of all, we would like to think everyone out there who cheered for us. It was challenging for us to perform concerts featuring almost entirely brand-new songs. It was thanks to the fans that these concerts were such a success. Asahi: Heeeey hey, Ko-chan, can I get a word in!? I’ve got somethin’ I really wanna say! Koyoi: Of course. You may speak at any time. Asahi: Allriiiight! Our concerts in Tokyo and Osaka were wicked fun! I want to perform again soon! And by “soon”, I basically mean right frikkin’ NOW!! Shogo: Asahi’s basically been saying that since the concerts ended (lol). Koyoi: Hehe. But all three of us feel the same way. Shogo: Yeah! It was really like a dream come true! We got to get so much closer to our fans, and see each and everyone’s individual smiling faces♪ Asahi: Everyone was cheering and waving their towels in sync! It felt like a concert we’d all built together! Koyoi: Indeed it did. And now, through this interview, I’m happy that our feelings about our concerts will be able to reach our fans once more. This opportunity is also thanks to being able to perform live.
Please tell us any significant memories you have about your experiences at the concerts.
Shogo: So much happened I even don’t know where to start… Ah, whenever we finished a song the crowd kept yelling “IIZE”! That really built up the atmosphere! Asahi: We got wicked carried away too and started yellin’ “IIZE IIZE” ourselves! Koyoi: It’s a cheer unique to DanPri concerts. That word alone united all of us. Asahi: Also, it felt super awesome to perform in our new outfits. They’re all wicked flowy and nice to look at! Koyoi: Blue, red, purple. Of course all of our individual image colors were incorporated. But was also interesting to see the smaller color accents as well. Shogo: The designs sure all had their individual charm! I hope we get to wear them again.
We often hear stories about performers who are too nervous to sleep before the night of their concerts. How did you three fare?
Shogo: Well, we have one member who’s a stranger to insomnia (lol). Asahi: Are you talkin’ about me!? I was wicked nervous and going crazy with excitement the night before!! Shogo: Asahi was in bed at 8pm as always, right? Koyoi: Yup, out cold. Asahi: What the heck, you two! Koyoi: Hehe. We were all talking about the concert together right up until you fell asleep. Reviewing our dance moves, talking about how we would go about emceeing, and stuff like that. Shogo: We all stayed in the same room together before the Tokyo and Osaka performances. Asahi: It was super fun, just like a school trip!
This time you decided to shake things up and try a more “adult” glamour shot. How was your experience?
Koyoi: It was our first time doing this kind of photo shoot so it was all new to us. Shogo: When they said “Please lay down over here” I was surprised. Asahi: Yeah, yeah! It was funny rolling around there with each other! (lol) I was sure to work wicked hard to make sure I was making a cool pose so I wouldn’t get laughed at! Koyoi: They were playing our songs as background music the whole time. Shogo: Since we have a lot of adult-ish songs, it made the perfect atmosphere for modeling our facial expressions. Koyoi: The photo that was chosen was taken while we were listening to “Sukinishite IIZE”. Pay attention to the mature expressions we are making with our eyes and with our hands.  Asahi: Butbut you know what, when they’re playing songs like “ALWAYS WITH YOU!!” and “BLASTING CLAP!” it’s so hard not to sing along! Koyoi: You’re right. The staff members participated in a call and response with us and we all had a good time.
I see, so your photo shoot was just like a concert, too (lol). Now, we would like to ask you “adult men” a few more questions. Tell us about the kind of adult male figure you admire.
Shogo: Adult man, huh… How about someone who is always calm and collected at any time? Someone who is never shaken no matter what goes down… Asahi: I get that. Me too! And I’d like to add “dependable” as well! Someone who you look at and say “As long as he’s coming along, we’ll be fine!” Someone like that is super cool! …But wait, aren’t we just talking about Ko-chan!? Koyoi: Huh? Me? Shogo: Now that you mention it, Koyoi is the most “adult” out of the three of us. Koyoi: So that’s how the two of you see me. Hehe, I’m happy to hear that. Thank you. Asahi: So what’s your type then, Ko-chan? Koyoi: Let me think… Someone who has a strong will and sense of self. Also, “stylish and tough”. Asahi: Whaa… That last past is just Meganii!!
What do you think love is like for an adult?
Asahi: Shogo’s a little too young to answer a question like that, don’t you think? Shogo: Wha! You’re the last person I wanna hear that from. Koyoi: I wonder what kind of “adult love” Asahi is thinking about. Asahi: Alright then, Ko-chan! Big brother Asahi will explain everything for Shogo’s sake as well. Adult love is when you buy a meal at some kinda expensive restaurant, and take your date to kind of a dark, shady place!! Shogo: Is that what you really think…? Asahi: Huh? Ko-chan, isn’t that right…? What the heck is adult love!? Shogo: Koyoi-sensei, please teach us. Koyoi: Hmm. I think it’s about respecting each other’s feelings and supporting one another. To walk together towards your respective goals. Shogo/Asahi: W-WHAT AN ADULT… Asahi: But that’s important for everyone, not just adults or people in love! Koyoi: Yes indeed. …It may be necessary for us as members of WITH as well. Asahi: I’ll always wicked totally suuuuper respect and cheer for you guys!! Shogo: Asahi does make a good point sometimes…
And finally, what is a message you’d like to share with yourself as an adult?
Shogo: Future self, I’m sure you’ve had lots of shining experiences and perfected your “Shogo Smile” eeeeven more! And I know you’re taller than Asahi too! I’ll make sure of it! Asahi: Future self! I’m gonna work hard with singing lessons and weight training, so you work hard too! Let’s become a bigger man together! Koyoi: As the leader of WITH, I hope you have strengthened our team working skills and personal bonds all the more. Now and in the future, we will keep running at the head of DanPri!
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lotti-lyric · 2 years
Hi I just found your blog and I love it! Could I please have a romantic MHA male matchup?💕 (pronouns: she/her) I would be okay with any heroes / villians / students
I’m 22, I’m a Capricorn sun (cancer moon and libra rising) I have brown eyes and bright pink dyed hair - I love art like drawing and painting, art history, and baking!
I HATE bugs and I cry if one is ever near me lol. Other pet peeves: people walking really slow in front of me, people coughing in public without covering up
I’m very empathetic and always trying to lighten the mood and make people happy. I’m very chill and don’t have problems with anyone (unless they’re rude or mean to me or my friends) I can’t stand people who are rude ignorant. I’m super indecisive and need a lot of validation. A quirk someone gave me once was reality warping (kinda like the scarlet witch) and they said I would have like choatic / trickster type vibes (like loki) and that’s my dream quirk.
I’m b l i n d so always wearing my glasses haha also I love having a sense of humor. I also have anxiety and can be way too emotional sometimes. I’m an ENFP & also I love tie dye clothes, makeup, and everything pastel.
Sorry if this is way too much !!! thank you sm :)
charlotte’s interlude!!💗- AHHHH my first request!! hi love, tysm, it means the world!! i’m so glad you like my blog!! 💗😭 you sound like such a fun person oh my GOD!! all matchups and requests are open so feel free to send stuff in!! lots of love, thanks again!! 🌸🦋✨
warnings; food, swearing, anxiety mention, and bugs
i match you with…
Taishiro Toyomitsu (aka Fatgum!!)
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oh my gosh so the first time you guys meet
talk about love at first SIGHT
he’s such a genuine and nice guy so he was LIVING for your empathy!! he saw you helping a stranger who had fallen over
first thing he noticed, def ur glasses!! HE THINKS THEYRE FUCKING ADORABLE OH MY GOD
once you guys are together bestie invest in some contacts bc he’s gonna be wearing those 90% of the time 💀
“Taishi, baby, I need those to SEE-“
before he even knows you very well, he’s already giving a lot of validation!! he’s always complimenting you on your makeup or your groovy asf tie dye fits!!
one of his biggest fears is that while using your quirk, you’ll get hurt or enter another reality altogether
he just wants to be with you 🥺
if it’s ok with you, he def appreciates your baking, especially for help with his quirk!! like it tastes fuckin fire and he needs to eat anyways!!
earned the title of the bug slayer!! they’re gone before you can even see them!! if you were to start crying, he would hold you and pet your hair (which he LOVES BTW), just understanding
“I know baby… it’s ok.. I won’t let anything get you!!”
he’s very very supportive and always makes sure you’re comfortable in every situation!!
he’s big on giving you hugs from behind and you guys definitely have “your song” together 🥺
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