#Just forgot change my arrows here and there but we never failed a round or have anyone die
paladincecil · 7 months
I won a Lightbringer ring in osrs tonight by answering a question about full metal alchemist xD
It's worth 3mil but I'm gonna keep it'll be useful when skilling :)
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sporadiclilbook · 4 years
Yan!Childe x Singer/Dancer!Khaenri'ahn! reader
Proof-read by: @choquackette
a/n: in a way, does this count as a songfic :D? Also I'm gonna use Lost in Thoughts All Alone for this. And to be fair you're pretty much like Shigure/Azura from fates in this
TW: Kidnapping
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You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out reach
Your voice rang out through the crowd who was listening. Your Hydro Vision glowed as you made particles of water float around you. It created an illusion that made them looked like it was sparkling. It was mesmerising. To Childe, it amazed him how you used it so beautifully for a show. Unlike his more....bloodthirsty uses of his. To think a Vision can do something so graceful and morbid at the same time.
Of course he had his Electro Delusion but this is the Vision we're talking about. He uses it as a weapon while you used it for entertainment. To be honest, he never thought he'd see something like this. It was all thanks to a mission he has to do. Tailing a guy who was in debt to the Fatui and all. Childe think he was a fool. Instead of trying to make his business better, he wastes it on shows like these. But now that he sees you, he understand why. Your exotic appearance was a sight to behold. The only known person to have the same eyes as you was that Favonius Cavalry Captain and he only showed one eye. One already can make one look intriguing but having both made you look ethereal.
Yet the water ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Your dance was graceful, fluid movements that did flow like water. Childe think you could've been a good sword fighter if you were able to incorporate these movements into sword fighting. But for now he'll enjoy your voice and dancing. There's just something about it he loved so much. Sure fighting is always the one he loves but there's just something about you that he's attracted to. Was it your appearance? Vocals? Movements? Or those pupils of yours? He thinks it's quite silly, he doesn't even know who you are and yet......
A burdened heart
Sinks into the ground
Here he is, eager to look for you after this whole mission thing. If there's one thing he knows, is to not judge someone's prowess by appearance. Take the traveler for example. They have a petite form and yet they were able to defeat his Foul Legacy form! Who knows what you might have in store for him? Just the thought of you actually being able to fight makes him feel giddy.
Alas, all he can do for now is listen to your song. With that said, he didn't forget his mission. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw his target. The man was also in awe of looking at you. Too in awe of noticing his presence that is. He'll get right back to him when your show's over.
A veil falls away without a sound
Not day nor night
Wrong nor right
For truth and peace, you'll fight
He wondered if his siblings would love your singing. Sleeping to a lullaby sounded like a nice idea to him. Why he even thought of that was a mystery to him. Is this what they called love at first sight? He just can't help but wished to woken up by your voice that will roll out his name softly in the morning.
Sing with me a song
Of silence and blood
The rain falls, but can't wash away the mud
Within my ancient heart dwells
Madness and pride
Can't no one hear my cry?
The song ended and the crowd threw a round applause. You bowed and left the stage immediately. Childe, who hasn't forgot his mission, quickly trailed the guy he was after outsidd. "Ah! Hello there Mr. Wei Xing! I reckon you know who I am yes?" And so from there, he scared the poor man to the death with threats and grim reminder of the debt he owed. But Childe was feeling a bit merciful today "Tell you what I'll give you some more time on one condition." Wei Xing, his target, was confused. The Fatui giving a bit of leverage? Still, he would be an idiot to refuse "And that condition is....?"
Childe chuckled at his quick response. It's natural after all. All of his intimidation must have triggered his survival instincts. "Just answer me this. Who was that singer with a Hydro Vision?" Wei Xing was baffled. That's all he wanted? "A-as far as I know, t-their name is (Y/N). They're a performer that was passing by Liyue to gain more popularity across Teyvat." Childe hummed as he hears it. 'A travelling performer huh? Looks like I'll have to act quick if I want to meet them' There was moment of silence before he asked another question "When are they leaving?" "I-in a few days"
Childe let him go and as promised gave him more time for him to pay his debt. Should he fails again to do so.....he'll be history. He only had a few days to meet and talk to you so he has to be quick. Thankfully being a Fatui Harbinger does have it perks. One of those perks being having informants that can collect informations for you. And since this is no top secret info, it was quite easy to find out where you were staying and exactly how many days before you were gone.
As he wait for you at the road that led guests from Wangshu Inn to Liyue, he thought of what you might say. Maybe you'll recognise him right away? Or perhaps you were too innocent to notice the horrors of the Fatui. As he notices your figure walking on the horizon, he prepared to greet you casually. But then he was perplexed by your outfit. It seemed less travelling performer and more of a......fighter? Interesting. He drops the idea of greeting you and opted to follow your path instead.
He followed you until you reached a domain that was near one of the ruins. You stood in front of the entrance as he awaits your next move, intentionally letting his presence seep out. "You're not doing that much of a great job to hide yourself, Fatui. Or is it intentional?" Childe walks out from the spot he was hiding in and approached you slowly while saying "Well, isn't this a surprise? I just happened to be passing b-" His actions stopped midway as your pointed a spear at him. "Not a step closer, what do you want?"
Your starred pupils were sharped and narrowed. It held an intense emotion in it. Childe held up his hands in some sort of mock surrender and laughed a bit "Hey now! There's no need to get aggressive, is there? I was just curious why someone like you is doing here. Not exactly a good place to perform isn't it?"
"That's none of your business."
"Are you gonna go inside this domain?"
"If so, can I follow?"
"I said no."
"I'm very good at fighting you know. It'll be a shame if someone like you gets inju--"
Your spear was closer to him now. Threatening to slice him open any minute you wanted to. It didn't faze him at all. In fact it made him thrilled. He knew there was something about you that was enchanting and perhaps this was it. An unrelenting fighting spirit. In a blink of an eye, he immediately summoned his hydro javelin and parried your spear. You backed away in surprise but kept your guard up.
"Listen I have no time for you Fatui. Leave me be. I have more important matters to attend to." Childe just gave a fox-like grin at your attempt to intimidate him. "Is that so? Like what exactly?" You rolled your eyes at him. He was getting annoying for sure. "Like I said, none of your business." It looks like you might have to halt your plans for tonight. The Abyss Order can wait. "So, what are you gonna do little star?" Without warning you immediately engulfed yourself in a torrent of water and disappears. Childe was shocked when he sees it but still grinned. If you wanted to be a challenge then so be it. If he can't bother you during your 'missions' then he'll bother you during the day.
And that is exactly what he did.
For two days straight he kept trying to talk with you whenever you were out visiting the Liyue Harbour. At first you tolerated him but now he was insufferable. You were glad you were leaving as soon as possible next day but Childe was not having any of that. In just the span of two days his little curiosity had turned into a tsunami of obsession. Your expressions and reactions not to mention the little heart warming moments he saw you cheering up some of the kids in Liyue. He wants to know even more of you.
And precisely why he is fighting you right now.
As he has deducted, your move was as graceful as your dance. Your fighting style was as unique as your eyes. Something he has never seen before. You dodged his flurry of arrows, panting while doing so. How long has he fought you? It felt like an eternity. You tried to dash to him and deliver a swift strike but him and his stupid shield won't let you. You jumped back just in time before he strike his hydro swords at you. You can't even get an elemental advantage here, you had to mostly rely on your weapon.
"Well (Y/N), it's been a fun fight really. But why don't you surrender now? You're tired aren't you? I promise things will go smoothly if you just give up."
You didn't want to. There's no way you'll give up. What does he wants with you anyway? You only stared down at him in silence, refusing to answer. "Ah, stubborn now aren't we? I guess I'll have to use a little force...." He activated his Delusion and immediately dashed towards you, giving you no time to react. The electricity made you groan in pain. You use your spear as a stabiliser from falling to the ground but you were running out of energy at this point.
Before you could fall, Childe took a hold of your body. "See? It's not that hard to give up." You wanted to mutter a remark but darkness shrouded your vision before you fainted. You woke up in an unfamiliar room. Certainly not Liyue's architecture nor your homeland's. Your first thought was to look for an escape.
The door was locked.
Windows were barred.
The wardrobe had the clothes you brought with you across Teyvat along with some new ones.
There was a chain at your leg that's long enough to get you to the bathroom.
Your Vision and weapon was missing.
You waited in silence, pondering what to do. You certainly can't escape like this. But then you heard the door open. And as expected it was him. "Did you had a good sleep? You were knocked out for a while there." You scowled at him "Drop the act, where am I?" Childe hummed before answering "You're in Snezhnaya of course! Where else would I bring you? I'm quite lucky to be able to bring you here and visit my siblings! Say would you like to visi--" "Why would I do that?"
His grin dropped and his eyes stared at you. His eyes was....hollow...empty...devoid of any humanity in them. He walked towards you and you instinctively stepped back. He had you trapped against a wall. He lifted up your chin and let out a small but terrifying smile "Well, because your fate is in my hands. There's nothing you can do now, is there? But I'll forgive your behaviour for now.....if you sing that is."
You hated it. You hated the fact he was right. So you had no choice but to stay obedient and be his 'little songbird' until you found a window of opportunity. He lets go of your chin and sat down on a chair. With a heavy heart, you opened your mouth to sing.
You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out of reach
Childe smiled as you sing. He's sure you'll come around and fall in love with him soon enough.
Yet the water ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Shame that you can't meet his family yet. They would've love you. He can't wait for that day to arrive though. He can't help but feel joy. His little songbird, all his and no one else.
You are the ocean's gray waves.
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Hello! I was curious to know what some of your favorite Mindcrack moments are in all of their years of existing?
Bro. You are in for a motherfucking LIST.
Off the bat, every single Team Canada Prank. I’ve practically memorized the Sky Shrooms and King of the Ladder episodes. That moment when Guude realized Etho was part of the prank and said “We? Who’s we?” and Etho stuttered and fell backwards off the mushrooms to his death was the first moment in my life that I truly felt alive. #TheOfficeIsAGoodShow #RealMenUseTheirRingFinger
Von Swaying Guude’s house changed my whole outlook on Minecraft. How could someone make something so darn ugly and yet so beautiful? It’s the epitome of doing something for the sole purpose of shit starting creating and having fun rather than aiming for perfect and never finishing. Zisteau is a great addition to any video 10/10 educational content
Just about every moment in Guude/Nebris/Pakratt/Arkas’ TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded series. Had to pause videos multiple times to write down quotes and even then I passed up some good ones! I fully intend on rewatching the series from each perspective. Arkas getting slain by bear, Guude and Arkas secretly growing mushrooms and getting high, Pakratt confusing dolomite and diorite, literally everything Arkas does, THE COWS, that last episode of absolute chaos wtf Pakratt
UHC #ForTheKidsSeven with Single Malt scotch’s skyblock base and rampant cheating from every team except Nebris’. I fucking LOVED that near-kill with the anvil, and all the chaos as the border shrank. Four players stuck in a 1x1 column! The arrow volley between SMS and SkyblockJr. Can this happen every UHC?
Speaking of UHC, Etho and BdoubleO’s epic fight in season 11! He was absolutely on the ball with those potions, I was sure he’d die before he could use them all. And Etho’s fight with Guude right before that was hilarious! Guude high as fuck on percocets and Etho like completely confused at what Guude was doing. The original UHC skybase by Zisteau #I’mALavaExpert and Anderz reaction to the skybase, and then to Guude’s dogs
The whole portal thing in season 3 with Pause, Kurt, and Beef too! That has remained one of my favourite UHC moments since I saw it, there is nothing more classic. Every single season I hope someone will make a portal for no reason and end up in someone else’s base with them. #TheWolfTheWolfAmazing!
Zisteau’s E-Pranker Montage. I legitimately cry every time I watch it, particularly during 0.5 (the fourth prank) when he rebuilds Bdubs’ first house from his Building With BdoubleO series. Bdubs’ moment of realization hits me like a train even though I know it’s coming. Like, if someone built my first Minecraft base to prank me I think I would die on impact, but like in a good way.
And back to UHC! Season 14 episode 5. HOOOOOOLY FUCK! 2spooky4me should have totally been a UHC team! Remember when Zisteau played UHC? It just isn’t UHC without him to be honest. And besides the #BadYouTubers and #ImALavaExpert moments from Super Hostile and Ninja Turtles, Parkas had a great season as well! Shit, everyone was awesome! Parkas listening in on BTC finding a silverfish, Doc listening in on Ole Yeller right before Zisteau-ing himself and swearing, Baj hiding nether wart, every single drunken drink Genny did, Parkas towers “we should smelt some stone to make bricks”, snnnnowballs! :D, HEY JSANO! WHY YOU RUNNING JSANO?, “ooooh, we’re right behind you haha” “BTC, they’re actually here.” Pakratt was slain by generikb, Avidya’s spooky voice echoing around Seth and Anderz “You wouldn’t hurt an old teammate, would you?” “I dunno. It’s been awhile.” Just. God this was a good season.
Season 19 with Vechs and BTC! You’ve heard all the famous quotes, “how did I get stuck with you of all people” “Vechs, Vechs. I don’t hate you anymore” “He’s not dying. He’s just mad right now.” “Did it come from your hand, knocking a teammate off the ledge?” “THAT WAS A MOD!” etc etc. I also like MC’s half heart midnight desert dash, although it took a good 10 years of my life from the stress. Oblivious Pakratt running away from his teammates as they yell after him and then wondering why he hasn’t found anyone yet. Seth’s reaction to MC’s diamonds. Coe’s post commentary, again, you know the quotes: “Left. Chicken. Right. Chicken.” “This bucket has wheels!” “Are you gonna put that dirt in a chest?!” etc. Kurt finding Beef “Sharpness Five diamond sword!” and PiMP turning around. F1 and PiMP in general. SwedishZen and Millbee with the melons.
Obligatory mentions: “NOOO YOUR DOGS KILLING ME!!!!”, 2Germans1Hole, Zisteau crafting a clock and finding every excuse to use it during the game so that those 4 gold didn’t go to waste, Rob’s jukebox battles, Anderz fighting spiders when a creeper wanders into his hole, Bdubs’ “real” season 9 ending, Nebris going God-mode “HIT ME ALL YOU LIKE”, Nebris and Pause double kill, Nebris and Pyro double kill with Bdubs watching and cleaning up at half a heart and then Etho cleaning up again and finding the potions B left and Bdubs interrupting his video to do facecam to explain that he’s a nice guy who shares and leaves gifts for others (basically whenever Bdubs does facecam in UHC. Let’s face it, when Bdubs whips out the cam you know you’re in for a good show), Team Uppercats season 10. All of it.
Trouble in Terrorist Town when Pyro and Coe pull a long con on Pause and Guude in like episode 9 during the last round. I had to pause the video to take it all in, I was just in awe. That series is one of my favourites! I always watch from Pause.
In original DvZ when BTC got warned for breaking a cake. Also Pause’s helmet!
Team Canada CTM uhhh forgot which series, but Pause and Beef getting stuck in a hole, Etho dying, placing TNT over their heads, and singing “Pause and Beef, best of friends” while Beef panics.
Etho calling Pause fat as a joke and Pause taking it serious and then Etho going “wait, are you actually fat?’ lmao.
Pause yelling about vacations on episode 37 of the podcast with BdoubleO “STOP TELLING PEOPLE I’M GOING ON VACATION IT’S NOT A VACATION!!!!!!!” and every time he’s yelled about vacations or muted his mic.
Baj reading a question and mid sentence switching to talking about the curry he had last night, and then there’s a pause and the rest of Nancy Drew fucking loses it.
On the podcast, Kurt’s “Wake me up, boys!” That whole episode was a blast!
The whole “sitting or standing?” debate and the guests’ reactions to it.
Doc accidentally killing Notch on the Mindcrack server, and Dinnerbone confused about him not dropping an apple.
Doc’s zombie death loop from season 4 with Anderz saving the day and then promptly dying.
B-Team mafia in survival of the fittest, Etho killing Genny, and B and Etho teaming up afterwards. Also B and Pungence talking excitedly at the end was adorable, you can really tell they’re brothers lol. And Etho drinking out of the outhouse! Bdubs’ comment on that video killed me lol. And Etho forgetting his push-to-talk and failing to team up with Doc.
The whole got-dang B-Team trial.
End of season 3 tour “On a scale from Baj to Anderz” “Arkas, say something about your build.” Arkas: “Hello.”
The original Death Games, when Etho reveals his secret to Nebris particularly, and all the trash talking. Also Millbee, MC, and Nebris coming to kill him and Kurt logging on in the middle of it.
Prop hunt, and all the wiener and erect jokes. “Am I erect?” “I just saw a can spying on me while I was trying to put my wiener in the toilet!”
Pause and Rob getting girlfriends in Orespawn, and Rob naming his after Pause, and Pause murdering his.
Andrea talking about waking up with spiders in her mouth in an old Triple Eh Mondays episode.
Nebris “sensually” feeding Beef a banana (and practically begging to do it to) on the Mindcrack marathon, and Beef completely ruining the mood lol
Zisteau accidentally launching CaptainSparklez back into a lava tree column and “Dude, it’s okay. You can just kill me” after Jordan’s hit him about 40 times.
MC accidentally killing his one and only teammate JSano during UHC season 22
Sevadus and Seth playing blindfolded lego with Chad’s underwear on Sev’s head, lots of swearing, bugs in the lego, “Are you sure it’s the grey lego?”, “I don’t think I like kids anymore” etc
All the Pyro and Baj burns on Quiplash, ie “What’s something that absolutely does not make you think of a penis in any way?” “Baj”
Coe and Pak playing that stupid horse/giraffe volley ball game with the stretchy legs and neck, and Coe doing the silly accent
Bdubs calling Nebris a psychopath in Nebs’ first FTB episode because he jumped a dangerous ledge for 2 (TWO) pieces of glowstone dust
Nebs coming outta nowhere and jumping in Etho’s car when he was about to test his race track
The first few episode of CrackPack and the battle between Etho and BTC, and Beef and Nebris
The first building game with potatoes on sticks, the second accidentally dirty and racist building game with bloody toilet capsules, the third actually dirty building game with a viking hat with a penis inside
God, I could go on forever, but I’ve already spent over an hour and a half on this.
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geneshaven · 6 years
Something Forgotten, Something Remembered
Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon 2018. Week 8  prompt: Unfinished.
 Oliver deflected the arm of his assailant and the bullet from his .45 went over their heads.  Oliver spun the man around and took the air out of him with a stiff upper-cut to the solar plexus.
“Oliver, are you alright,” Felicity’s voice spoke over the comms. “I heard gunshots,” she added.
Oliver kicked his unconscious attacker’s gun away. He didn’t know who this person was. The attack seemed random, but Oliver had learned over the years that violence is never random. Someone was targeting him, which meant that Felicity and William were also in those cross hairs.  “Yeah,” Oliver answered. “Someone was cleaning their gun and it accidentally went off.” He smiled at his impromptu witticism. “How are you,” he finished?
“Oh you know,” she replied. “Just sitting here all safe while my husband is being shot at.  Was that some kind of assassination attempt or something?”
“Honey, I don’t know.” Oliver had a sudden thought flash through his mind.  He was taken over by a mental reminder that he was forgetting something. Then he had it. “Felicity, I just remembered that I have something I have to do. I’m going to go off comms for about an hour then I’ll meet you back home.”
“Oliver, what’s going on,” Felicity overrode him? “What is the something you have to do?”
Oliver smiled as he once again realized Felicity knew him better than anybody, including himself. “Felicity please, just trust me. I’m not going off to join any dark organizations or anything. “It’s…uh, it’s personal.”
“Okay Oliver,” Felicity conceded. “I trust you. I don’t like it, but I trust you.”
“I’ll see you in an hour,” he told her.  “Oh by the way,” he added. “Happy Birthday, baby.”
Felicity turned the lights off in their new lair and went out to her car. Crap, she thought maliciously to herself. It was her birthday. How did she forget that?  Oliver had a propensity to forget things in his normal life when he was out heroing in the city every night. But Felicity had to concede that he had never failed to remember special days---anniversary’s, birthdays and date nights, even before they were married. He was not the guilty one here. Again, Felicity scolded herself on forgetting her own birthday. Maybe a valid excuse could be that she sometimes gets just as caught up in their crime fighting as Oliver. Maybe she was being too hard on herself. The cohesion she felt when her and Oliver synchronized as Green Arrow and Overwatch put both of them in the same zone---Oliver out in the field and Felicity back at the Lair guiding him. It was an intimacy they had that nothing could replace, including forgetting her own birthday.
Felicity arrived at their home and let herself into the empty house. William had gone to spend the night with John, Lyla and JJ. The quiet of his absence drifted all around Felicity as she took off her coat and draped it over the back of their couch. It was almost times up for Oliver, as his hour assurance was running out.
She kicked off her heels and dropped herself on the couch. Okay Oliver, she mused to herself. This better be good. She thought about calling him and giving him a gentle prod to nudge him home. But he asked her to trust him, and Felicity knew how important that was between the two of them. She trusted Oliver with her life. But she also trusted him with her well-being, with her more immediate and personal needs. Sometimes they assume the role as each other’s memory, a sounding board that lets them protect one another; one of the most important aspects of having the other’s back.
As she leaned back onto the couch and put her legs up, Felicity felt the weight of the late night settle on her like suffocation. She closed her eyes and let some of that weight fall away. Time ticked by and Felicity was almost asleep when the doorbell rang out and brought her back to attention. What happened tonight with Oliver out in the field and the unknown reason for the attack suddenly put Felicity on the alert. There was a pretty solid history of attacks on them outside the Green Arrow crusade. For that reason, Felicity reached out and grasped the .45 that was attached to the bottom of the coffee table by the couch.
“Who is it,” Felicity called out as she aimed the gun at the front door.
Nobody responded, but the doorbell went off again.
Felicity ejected a round in her gun’s chamber and got off the couch. She moved cautiously toward the door. Then the sound of a key going into the lock from the other side of the door put Felicity into the firing stance Oliver had trained her in.
From behind Felicity, the sliding glass door leading out to their back deck came open. She whirled around and Oliver was standing just inside the door. He had taken part of his hour assurance to change out of the Green Arrow suit, donning himself in more appropriate attire---a casual pair of jeans and his (and hers) favorite plaid grunge shirt. He had a big smile on his face and a dozen roses clutched in his hand. The adrenaline surging through Felicity began to evaporate as she realized that he had planned this, probably for her birthday. A light shade of shame touched Felicity from her earlier self-scolding with forgetting her own birthday.  
Then the front door opened behind her and Felicity turned around to face it. She had lowered her gun and it hung loosely at her side. John, Lyla, William, JJ, Roy, Curtis, Dinah and Rene shuffled into the house, yelling out Surprise! as they came in. It was orchestrated in perfect deliverance, like a well-oiled Team.
“Felicity,” Oliver spoke behind her. “We have some unfinished business tonight. You’re not getting off the hook so easy. How would it look if all of us forgot your birthday? With all the times you’ve saved us from harm out in the field, forgetting how much more you mean to us when we’re all together like this---it would be unforgivable. So happy birthday, my beautiful wife and soul-mate.”
Felicity spun back around to face Oliver as he began his speech. Her touch of shame was completely gone as peace and quiet moved through her mind. Oliver and her friends had once again reminded her of family and the huge difference it makes when the other chaotic parts of their lives sometimes consumes them. It was the life they had all chosen and Felicity could not imagine any other kind she would want to live. She was at the heart of the Team and their birthday surprise was in honor of that. She would do the same for all of them as well.
“Uh…Felicity,” Oliver steadied his gaze at her. “What are your intentions with that gun you’re holding?”
She leaned over and put the weapon on the coffee table. “Sorry, I was just keeping in practice. You always tell me to protect myself at all costs. Well, you know how much I hate mysteries.” She smiled at the whole Team. “Just keeping everybody on their toes.”
Rene, being the last one through the door, turned and closed it.  The sounds of a party starting up drifted out onto the front porch and seemed to create an aura around the house, like a shield protecting them from outside dangers.  
Or some assassin’s unfinished business.
@memcjo @it-was-a-red-heeler @hope-for-olicity @swordandarrow @wordslovedreams @thebookjumper @olicityotp-always @1106angel @gabriellamarie97 @almondblossomme @cainc3 @cruzrogue
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princecami · 7 years
Imagine Thranduil: Eurielle’s torment
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Summary: Eurielle was the king’s best friend, and was surprised by her assaults, but now faces a great dilemma, who owns her heart?
Warnings: None.
I would like to thank the @moonofmorrigan
chapter 1   chapter 2   chapter 3 charpter 4   charpter 5  charpter 6   charpter 7  charpter 8 charpter 9   charpter 10 charpter 11charpter 12    charpter 13   charpter 14
Eurielle, a year ago, would have run into Thorin's arms. So she thought of Thranduil, what he had done for her last year, loved her intensely and cared for her wounds, thought of the first kiss she shared with him, the first time she made love to him. She never thought of Thorin again and her heart was healed. Then she realized that she truly loved him more truthfully and intensely, and no one would change her mind, because her heart belonged to him alone.
"No Thorin," she sighed, "I'm not here for you, I'm here for the people of the Lake!" I do not love you and I do not know you anymore, that attitude is shameful!”
" Get out! Go back to your kingdom! Fight alongside your king and get ready! If I see you during the battle I will not have compassion on you!"
Eurielle walked quietly through the snow, her thoughts wandering in her memories. There were none that Thranduil was not present. The lights of the camp grew closer and closer and the sounds of elven harps and sweet songs floated in the air, strong with the thoughts of war when Eurielle came near the camp. She stopped to watch her people from afar. She would have to leave and she would miss the way her people lived.
Thranduil came to her and stepped unnecessarily close, the girl's head touching his chest.
" Where were you?" Thranduil asked, his voice soft and low.
" With Thorin."
"What do you want with him?"
"I want him to stop being a fool."
" What did he say?" The king bent to sniff the girl's hair.
"He invited me to join him."
They were silent, while an elf passed near them.
"Why did not you stay?"
"Why did I not...? "
" You will stay with me?" He grabbed the girl's neck and turned her face lightly, his lips brushing hers. "Will you go back to the kingdom with me?"
"No," she said in a weak voice, knowing she could not give in, or could not say good-bye. As the king's hands tightened on her throat, she pulled back and pressed her back against a wall. She closed her eyes and felt a warm breath against her, then moved to escape. The king grabbed her and pressed her against the chest. Swiftly another hand grasped the back of her neck to prevent her from turning her face. She felt her lips pressed, the tongue of the king invaded her mouth without warning, exploring and claiming. Thranduil broke the kiss and examined the girl's face while she kept her eyes closed. Her face was red from intimate contact. She gasped in protest, one hand was still holding the back of her neck, and another grabbed her waist by pulling her to him. Her hands went upon the king's waist. He returned to kissing her, slowly and deeply devouring her mouth, showing all the love he felt, when it is what she was looking for.
"I can not let you go," said the king, "I can not let you do that."
Eurielle felt her heart pound.
"I'm afraid," she sighed. "I'm afraid of everything that's going on, I need some time to think.
Thranduil wrapped her in his arms, she buried her face in his chest and scent - calm and soft.
"I will not allow it "
Eurielle fell asleep. When she left the tent to face an opaque light from the winter sun, there were two guards next to her tent. She walked around the camp and the people, then realized that the guards followed her from afar, she stopped abruptly and said:
"What the hell are you doing?"
"These are the king's orders, madam," said one.
"King's orders?" Sensual lips curled in surprise and irritation. Thranduil who watched from a distance smiled, loved to tease her, Eurielle most of the time was very calm and romantic, but knew full well how to fight when provoked.
She bit her lower lip while his blue eyes followed the young woman who was walking toward him, she was smaller than Legolas and Tauriel, her long dark brown hair covered herback, her hands are reasonably small, her breasts seemed choked and tight against an elephant suit, she was visibly irritated, the king entered the tent accompanied by a guard.
"What is going on ?! What are you thinking ?!" she grunted grabbing the king for clothes, one of the guards ready to punish the girls, the king gave a hand accent so that he failed.
"You said you would run away," he said softly, "I can not allow it, you will not be expelled, but you will receive your due punishment."
"Please! Just let me go", she snorted, " I have nothing to do in your kingdom!"
"I'll give you proper punishment personally" his blue eyes concentrating on her exhaling causing and excitment in the king.
"I want to leave!" She tried.
"All your behavior, including the way you are if you control yourself now, you get punished for them" his deep voice had gained tons of irritation, "you will not have rest Eurielle."
The perception of heat and the spread of the body, and how the provocative words had an intense effect on her, she was impressed how her body reacted to that tone the king wore in an intense way as if he were devouring her.
"We'll negotiate with the dwarves and you'll stay here"
"I'm leaving, King Thranduil," she said firmly, "when you return I will not be here."
"So go!" grunted the King, taking her by the arm, "if I find you, I'll take you home, even if it is not your will."
- Hail, Thorin!" said Bard. "Are you still of the same opinion?"
"My opinion is not an answer to the likes of some of you," said Thorin. "Did you come here to ask useless questions? The elven troop has not yet departed, as I have commanded! Until that happens, it is in vain that you come here to negotiate with me."
"So there's nothing for you to give away some of your gold?"
"Nothing that you or your friends offer me."
"And what about the Arken Stone of Thrain?" he said, and at that moment the old man opened the safe and lifted the stone. The light burst from his hand, clear and white in the morning.
Thorin was dumbfounded with amazement and perplexity. No one spoke for a while. Thorin, at last, broke the silence and his voice was embashed with anger.
"This was my father's stone, and it's mine," he said. "Why should I buy what's mine?" with surprise he added, "But since you're holding the inheritance of my house, is it needed to ask thieves questions?"
"We are not thieves," said Bard. "We will give you what is yours in exchange for what is ours."
"How did you find it?" cried Thorin, in increasing fury.
"I gave it to them," Bilbo squealed, peering over a wall, terribly terrified.
"I'll give away a little gold," he said, but in exchange for the Arken stone and Eurielle."
"No, she is mine," Thranduil said in his proud, haughty voice.
" Yours?" The dwarf laughed, Bard turned his eyes to the king, as did Gandalf and Bilbo, the king's eyes darkened, and his voice was dark.
"Eurielle is my queen!" he did not shout but his voice echoed on the mountain like thunder "she is not a bargaining object, I would never give someone of my people in exchange for a handful of gold!"
It was still early when there was a shout in the camp. Scouts were about to announce that an army of dwarves had sprung up the eastern foothills of the Mountain, and now hastened toward Dale. Dain had arrived. Advanced at night so he met them earlier than expected. Each of his people wore a long chain of steel mesh that descaled to a height of his knees and had like legs covered in breeches of a thin and flexible metallic mesh, whose duration was a secret possessed by the people of Dain. The dwarfs are extremely strong for their height, but most of these were strong even for dwarfs. In battle they wielded double-edged logs, but each also wore a short, broad sword and a round shield hanging from his back. They had split beards and fastenings in their belts. Their helmets were of iron, of iron as well as their shoes, and their faces are fierce. Trumpets summoned men and elves to arms. Soon the dwarves could be seen climbing swiftly up the valley.
Eurielle watched the dwarves approach, and waited.
"Fools!" laughed Bard. " Come this way, under the arm of the Mountain! They do not understand war above ground, no matter what they know about battles in the mines. Many of their archers and launchers are now
hidden in the rocks on their left flank. The dwarven mesh may be good, but soon they will be in trouble. Let us now attack them from both sides, before they are completely rested!"
But the Elven King said:
"I will remain here long before this war for gold begins." Dwarves can not pass us by, they are not so desirable, nor do anything without note. Let's hope something happens that brings reconciliation. However, we can not reach a reasonable period of access to an unfortunate battle.
But he forgot to consider the dwarfs. An idea that the Arken Stone was in the power of the besiegers was boiling in their thoughts, they also guessed the hesitation of Bard and his friends and decided to attack while they debated.
Suddenly, without any signal, they advanced silently to the attack. Arcs whistled and arrows whistled, a battle was beginning. Eurielle ran up against the battle, with three orcs on top of one of the dwarves, the elves were the first to attack. Her hatred for orcs is cold and bitter. Their spears and swords shone in the dark with a flash of cold flame, so deadly was a wrath of their hands as they wielded. So the army of the enemy was crowded without a voucher, sent against a new navigating platform, and each in November, as if lit with needles of fire. Behind the arrows, a thousand of his spearmen descended and attacked.
Eurielle was without arrows, her twin swords glittered with ice, a falling snow covering the ground, an orc tried to attack her closely, but was shot down, another approached. she climbed on top of him, propped one foot on his knee and the other on the shoulder and engraved a blade without skull and body fell, she jumped and managed to hit another enemy, but an orc archer marked from afar and hit a poisoned arrow in her stomach. With strong feeling and a strong blow she seen an arrow buried within and the blood staining her green clothes. Her vision was clouded, and it began to darken, it is my death, she thought, and her eyes closed, and her
body slowly fell on the battlefield joining many others that covered almost all the ground.
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
The Spectral Villain of Lust
>It’s time.
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Time to exorcise this ghost. Ready, Crimson? (the codename for our new one)
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I’m already looking forward to this.
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Yup, time to get excited.
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Now, let’s carry out our plan.
>With that, Mona becomes our van and we drive off to take Vlad Master’s heart.
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>Vlad Master’s mansion. Vlad Masters was still planning his revenge.
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At last, the time has come. Soon, Jack and his brats will be gone and Maddie will be mine. True, everyone now knows I’m a ghost, but it doesn’t matter anymore. I may have accepted my loneliness that time in space, but getting sucked into a meteor makes you realize that was a mistake. I won’t give up on my revenge... And on Maddie.
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Sir, what about the calling card? Are you not scared that these Phantom Thieves will come after you?
Vlad: What can they do? Then again, I’ve been in space at that time, so I have no idea about how they do it.
?????: Well you’re about to.
Vlad: !
>A red wave passes over. When it is over, the foyer has been replaced with a large altar room of Maddie. The Maddie hologram had been replaced with a cognition of Maddie in a Greek goddess outfit. Also, Vlad had been replaced with his Shadow.
Shadow Vlad: Welcome, Phantom Thieves, to the pinnacle of this most sacred temple!
>We walk up to them.
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It looks more like an eyesore.
Shadow Vlad: Call it what you may, this is where my dear goddess is most well known. (cuddles Cognitive Maddie) Nothing will get between me and her.
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Are you serious? She’s already married to someone else! We’re here to make you see that what you’re doing is wrong.
Shadow Vlad: So what? I’ll never understand why she would choose a buffoon like Jack Fenton. He is the reason I became like this. Ever since that day his little experiment went array, I have hated him from the bottom of my heart. He took everything from me. I merely tried to get it back, but their foolish son just kept getting in my way. But now, all that is about to change. Once I get my full strength back, I will finally take my revenge on all those who wronged me... Starting with those two.
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Just shut it already! You go on and on about wantin’ payback, but you’re hurtin’ innocent people to do it.
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We won’t just stand here and watch you do this. Someone has to stop you.
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And if Danny Phantom can’t do it, we will.
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We will ward off any dark spirits you throw at us.
Shadow Vlad: Can you now?
Violet: You’d be surprised just how far we can go.
Panther: If we can take down a dictator and a couple of gods, I think we can take you on.
Mona: Exactly. You’re nothing but a puff of secondhand smoke compared to them.
Oracle: And we know that sooner or later, smoke gets blown away.
Crimson: And we’ll be the one doing the blowing.
Joker: Be ready, Vlad, a storm is coming.
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And you’ll never see it.
Shadow Vlad: Very well, if you think that you can take me on, I invite you to try. But know this... I have real power. Power that you will never imagine having. Now... Suffer before us!
>A large burst of energy can be felt from Vlad.
Oracle: This looks bad. I think there might be more going on here.
>Oracle goes Ultimate.
Oracle: PERSONA!
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>Prometheus scans Shadow Vlad.
Oracle: Scan complete. He’s weak to Nuclear and Bless Skills.
Queen: That means me and Violet will fright.
Violet: Good, I could use the exercise... Get it? Nevermind. Let’s go!
>Queen and Violet both go Ultimate.
Queen and Violet: PERSONA!
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>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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Crimson: Here I go. Persona!
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>Crimson summons her Persona, Van Tassel.
>Anat uses Marakukaja. Vanadis uses Brave Step. Sraosha uses Kougaon. However, Shadow Vlad dodges it. Van Tassel uses Masakukaja. Shadow Vlad uses Dekaja. I guess any buffs we use won’t be of much help in this fight. Luckily, Brave Step can’t be negated. Anat uses Freidyne. Shadow Vlad is knocked down.
Queen: They’re in disarray!
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>After the attack, Shadow Vlad is still there. Vanadis uses Kougaon. Shadow Vlad is knocked down.
Violet: Let’s get to it!
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>After the attack, Shadow Vlad is still up. Sraosha uses Kougaon. However, Shadow Vlad dodges it. Van Tassel uses Freidyne. Shadow Vlad is knocked down.
Crimson: Let’s take this chance while we can!
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>After the attack, Shadow Vlad was still up, but slightly weaker.
Shadow Vlad: I can see how determined you are. But it won’t help you. Prepare to see what I possess.
>Shadow Vlad uses Eigaon on me. I’m knocked down. Then, he uses Terror Claw on Crimson. Luckily, she dodges it. Anat uses Flash Bomb. Vanadis uses Sword Dance.
Oracle: Super move! Ultra Charge!
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>Prometheus uses Charge and Concentrate on us. I get back up and Sraosha uses Kougaon. Shadow Vlad is knocked down. We don’t do an All-Out-Attack this time. I attack. So does Crimson. Shadow Vlad gets back up and uses Terror Claw on Violet. She is struck with Fear. Luckily, Queen uses Harisen Recovery on her. Anat uses Freidyne. Shadow Vlad just dodges it. Vanadis uses Kougaon. Shadow Vlad is knocked down.
Violet: Let’s take this chance!
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>After the attack, Shadow Vlad is still up. Sraosha uses Kougaon as well. Once again, Shadow Vlad is knocked down.
Joker: Let’s do it!
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>After the attack, Shadow Vlad is still up, but slightly more weaker. Van Tassel then uses Freidyne. Shadow Vlad is once again knocked down.
Crimson: I’m flying in!
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>After the attack, Shadow Vlad is still up.
Shadow Vlad: So, you’re not just some kids. Very well, I guess I can just let loose and show the true power of my goddess. Now, grant me power!
>Shadow Vlad uses Charge.
Oracle: It looks like he’s getting ready for a big attack. Watch yourselves!
>We all defend ourselves. Then, Shadow Vlad uses Bloodbath. Luckily, none of us fell under Fear. Anat uses Freidyne. Shadow Vlad is knocked down. We don’t do an All-Out-Attack this time. Instead, Queen Passes the baton to Violet and Vanadis uses Sword Dance. It was a huge hit as Shadow Vlad loses a lot of health. Vanadis does it again. I fire rounds. Van Tassel uses Hysterical Slap.
Oracle: It looks like you got him on the ropes. His last attack was for nothing. Keep going!
Shadow Vlad: (getting back up) Do you... Think this is over? I haven’t even begun to show you the full power of it all. Maddie, Goddess of the Spirit, grant me the power to defeat those who would desecrate your sacred temple! GRANT IT TO ME NOW!
>Cognitive Maddie then turns into a mist and merges with Shadow Vlad. Then, the darkness covers him and he transforms.
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(Art by the creator of the show, Butch Hartman.)
Oracle: Oh shoot, he just got stronger! I better see what’s up.
>Oracle goes Third Tier.
Oracle: PERSONA!
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>Al Azif scans the now more powerful Shadow Vlad Plasmius.
Oracle: It looks like he’s no longer weak to Nuclear moves, but Bless is still good.
Queen: Then we’ll have to go all out from here.
Violet: Right, everyone ready?
Crimson: I may not have a strong Persona right now, but I’m ready.
Joker: Same here.
>Queen and Violet go Third Tier and I change Personas.
Queen, Violet, and Joker: PERSONA!
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>Shadow Plasmius uses Desperation. He hesitates. Agnes uses Marakukaja. Ella uses Brave Step. Kaguya Picaro uses Mediarama. Van Tassel uses Concentrate. Shadow Plasmius uses Bloodbath. Queen and Violet fall under Fear. Then, he uses Ghastly Wail. Queen and Violet are KO’d. I  use Renew-All and revive Queen and Violet. Van Tassel uses Kougaon. Shadow Plasmius is knocked down.
Crimson: The hunt is on!
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>After the attack, Shadow Plasmius is still up, but got a bit weaker due to low defense. Shadow Plasmius tries to use Evil Smile, but thankfully, it failed. Shadow Plasmius uses Sledgehammer on me. I become Dizzy. Agnes uses Mediarahan. Violet uses Harisen Recovery on me and Ella uses Kougaon. Shadow Plasmius is knocked down.
Violet: Let’s take this chance!
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>After the attack, Shadow Plasmius is still up, but now weaker than before. Kaguya Picaro uses Shining Arrows. Shadow Plasmius is knocked down again.
Joker: It’s showtime!
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>After the attack, Shadow Plasmius is still up. Van Tassel uses Kougaon. But Shadow Plasmius dodges it. Shadow Plasmius uses Evil Smile. Only I got it and fell under Fear. Shadow Plasmius uses Desperation. Agnes uses Atomic Flare. Ella uses Masquerade. It was a critical hit. Violet uses Harisen Recovery on me again. Then, she attacks.
Oracle: Here come the buffs!
>Al Azif uses Thermopylae. Kaguya Picaro uses Diarahan on Violet. Van Tassel uses Spirit Drain. Shadow Plasmius attacks Violet. Then, he uses Maeigaon. Luckily, Violet dodges it. Agnes uses Atomic Flare. Ella uses Brave Step. Kaguya Picaro uses Shining Arrows. Shadow Plasmius is knocked down. We don’t do an All-Out-Attack this time. I pass the baton to Violet and Ella uses Sword Dance. Van Tassel uses Kougaon. Shadow Plasmius gets back up and uses Bloodbath. Luckily, none of us fell under Fear. Shadow Plasmius just hesitates. Agnes uses Atomic Flare. Violet uses Soul Food on Queen. I use Master Coffee on Crimson. Van Tassel uses Kougaon. Shadow Plasmius is knocked down again.
Crimson: I’m flying in!
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>After the attack, Shadow Plasmius is still up, but now pretty much on his last leg.
Oracle: You’re almost done! Keep going!
Shadow Plasmius: No, I won’t lose to such foolish children like you! Neither me or my goddess will allow it! Feel my full power!
>Shadow Plasmius uses Concentrate. Then, he uses Megidolaon. To our surprising luck, only I got the full blast of it and my HP was dropped to 1.
Shadow Plasmius: Curses! I knew I forgot to lower or abilities.
>Agnis uses Mediarahan.
Queen: I guess you and your ‘goddess’ are not as powerful as you think you are.
Violet: That’s right. Now to finish this!
>Ella uses Kougaon and Shadow Plasmius is knocked down.
Hold Up!
Shadow Plasmius: This is just impossible. How could mere children beat me like this?
Crimson: That’s your problem, Vlad, you still see us as children.
Queen: That’s right. Some of us are already out of high school.
Joker: And some are graduating soon.
Violet: And now, to put an end to this battle! Let’s go!
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>And that was it. Shadow Vlad returned to human/ghost form. We then take his Treasure which took the form of a papal ferula.
Shadow Vlad: No! My Goddess! My plans! My revenge!
>Crimson goes up to Shadow Vlad and points her blaster at his head.
Mona: (worried) Hey wait!
Crimson: ... I ain’t gonna kill you. Death would be way too merciful.
>She lowers her weapon and grabs the Shadow by the caller.
Crimson: Here’s what really going to happen. First, you’re going to stop this sick obsession with Maddie Fenton. That poor old woman is already a happy wife, partner, mother... And grandmother. Alright?
>Shadow Vlad nods.
Crimson: Next, you’re going to stop your revenge plot on Danny, his family, and his friends. They have already been through enough. He and Sam now have a happy life. Even a couple of kids of their own to show for it. So leave them alone.
Shadow Vlad: Y- Yes.
Crimson: And last, but not least, you’re going to leave Amity Park, the Ghost Zone, and all of Earth... And never return. Because if you don’t... I’ll make your regret it.
Shadow Vlad: ... Alright. I’ll leave them alone.
Crimson: Positive?
Shadow Vlad: Positive. I won’t bother them anymore. I realize now. Maddie made her choice to be with Jack. If I truly love her...
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Then you’ll let her go.
Shadow Vlad: Yes. And no one, not even Daniel will ever see or hear from me again. And that includes all of his family and friends.
>With that, the Shadow returns to his true self. And we leave as well as the Palace crumbles away.
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>Fenton Works, home of the ghost hunting Fenton Family. We came here by an invitation from them... We did not expect this.
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So let me get this straight, you guys... are the Phantom Thieves?
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Holy shit, are you for real!? You know!?
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How did you even know?
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I may have hacked into Val’s computer out of curiosity.
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Told you should have let me put those protections on it.
Crimson: (upset) Oh shush.
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Please don’t tell the police on us.
Tucker: You know you’re talking to the Mayor of Amity Park. I think I can keep a secret. I mean, we did keep Danny’s secret of being a superhero for a long time.
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Besides, this means Vlad will get off our backs for a long time.
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I think Mom and Dad will be happy to hear that.
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And me and my friends are fans of the Phantom Thieves.
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Yeah, they’re all they could talk about for a while.
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Hard to believe that an idol is a Phantom Thief. Then again, anything’s possible.
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Thanks. And I can’t believe someone your age likes that kinda stuff.
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He likes boy bands. Something Jessie inherited.
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It’s true. I know most everyone like K-pop, but it never hurts to like other stuff. And I have to say, J-pop is actually great.
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Yeah. Ever since they discovered their love for boy bands, neither me or Mom actually got a good night's sleep.
Jazz: He’s got a point. You really need to get headphones for this sort of thing.
Dash: We’re working on it.
Kwan: But you have to admit, it’s good music. It’s one of the things that made me and Dash such good friends... Kind of makes me wonder if we could have been more than just friends... Well, doesn’t matter anymore. You’re with Jazz and I have Star. And it’s a happy one.
Jazz: By the way, how is Star? I heard that...
Kwan: Yeah. But it was Star’s decision. But I know one thing... Star’s still Star. That’s good enough for me.
Dwight: I see... So does that mean we have to say “Uncle” Star?
>Something tells me I shouldn't butt in on this.
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Let’s check the local news and see what’s going on.
>We turn on the TV while Oracle goes on her laptop.
Newscaster: ... and we hope it will be resolved soon. Now, on to local news. We just received word that Vlad Masters, also known as the villain, Plasmius, was back in Amity Park. However, when police arrived at his mansion earlier this morning, the place was empty. But they did find a note from Masters.
“I am truly sorry for what I have done and now see the error of my ways. So, I have decided to leave Earth once again to reflect on all I have done. You will not be troubled by me again for a long time.”
There is still not much we know about this. However, a calling card sent by the Phantom Thieves was found all over Amity Park addressed to Masters. This has lead many to believe that he had a change of heart. Whether if this is true remains unclear for the time being.
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It looks like mission accomplished. So what about the Treasure?
Joker: It’s right here.
>In the Metaverse, the Treasure is a papal ferula. But in reality...
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A class ring?
Sam: I thought he dropped out of the University of Wisconson-Madison after the accident that gave him his powers.
Queen: Most likely he bought it or used his powers to get it. Either way, this was the source of his distortion.
Danny: Well, we have it now. So what’s going to happen to it?
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Most likely we’ll just sell it off. I wonder how much it’s worth?
Oracle: Let me check.
>Oracle looks up the price of the ring.
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Holy chimichanga!
Tucker: (also surprised) That much for something that’s like 5 karates?
Fox: If sold to the right collector, it is.
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I can already taste the Wilton’s best meat.
Mona: And their best tuna... That reminds me, where’s Lady Ann?
Violet: She said she would get us breakfast for us on the way. Hold on, I think she’s here now.
>The door opens and Panther comes in with a box.
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Hi, everyone! I brought doughnuts!
Lilith: You got them in a box?
Panther: (a little confused) Yeah. Why?
DJ: (smiling along with Dwight) You’ll see.
>Panther then opens the box... and something comes out... Oh, that’s why.
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>We look under to see the doughnuts were now covered in ectoplasm.
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My doughnuts...
Danny: (sigh) I’m goin’-
Skull: (quickly) It’s fine.
>Panther is in a daze as she repeats, “My doughnuts.” This goes on for about a minute until...
Box Ghost: (worried) Why do I have a feeling I should beware?
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Now you’re in for it!
>We all took cover as Panther started casting fire spell after fire spell at the Box Ghost as he flies out with Panther chasing after him.
Danny: And I thought Ember was a hothead.
>We all couldn’t help but laugh.
>Another successful heist.
(Some character images are from ScarletGhostX.)
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“That Could Be A Problem” - Elsa Chapter 7
Author: @systemfailuresunshine
Summary: Year-round fluff for a soldier who just needs a hug, starting at Christmas! You and the Avengers face an old problem, and a new one...
Word Count: 1725
Warning(s): None? Joint pain, if that’s a thing (you’ll understand if you read it)
A/N: 800 hits on Elsa!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! That’s insane and I love you all so much. A little later than planned because I forgot yesterday was Monday, here is Chapter 7
Silence settled over the group before you heard the sound of gunfire in the distance. The silence shifted as Tony and Steve locked eyes at the noise. Nat stood, ready to grab the gun that was hidden behind a nearby rock.
“Now that on the other hand,” Tony sighed. “Could be a problem.”
Bucky turned to you as the others got to their feet.
“Stay here,” he said, concern marring his features.
“No, I’m part of this team too. Let me do this!”
“(Y/N), I can’t…” he stopped.
“Can’t what? I can handle myself!” you argued.
“I just… I can’t lose you,” he whispered.
“You won’t.” You squeezed his hand.  
Bucky looked up when he felt a pressure on his shoulder. It was Steve.  
“Time to get to work, pal,” he smiled sadly before leaving you alone again in the midst of the new chaos.
Bucky squeezed your hand back, and pressed his lips lightly to your cheek.  
“Please just stay out of sight,” he said, pulling you up by the hands.
You mock-saluted before you bent down to change out of your skates into the combat boots that someone had cleverly thought to bring. Can’t be too prepared if you’re an Avenger. Not that you were, but you hoped there was some good you could do. He smirked at you for a moment before jogging over to Steve and Tony. You sighed as Wanda came to stand beside you.
“So much for a perfect first date,” you whispered.
“It’s part of dating an Avenger,” she said, thoughtfully before adding. “And being one.”
You held eye contact for a moment, before breaking off when you heard someone calling you.  
Nat called again, as you walked over to the huddle. Tony had already headed back to the Tower, but the others were discussing strategy.
“There can be no rushing in,” Vision stated, calm and measured as usual. “We do not yet know what we’re up against”.  
“Vision’s right,” Steve agreed. “We need to scout out the area before we put each other in harm’s way. The first thing to do is to assess the damage so far, and see where the ordinary citizens are. We need to minimise the number of casualties as much as we can”.  
Nat put a hand up to her ear, listening. A faint crackle could be heard.
“Tony says there’s hostages. In one of the office buildings. Sounds like HYDRA to me”.
Steve nodded slightly before glancing at Bucky, who was pulling on a bulletproof vest.
“Clint, I need you to find a nest”.
“Got it,” Clint nodded, slipping his quiver onto his back, as he walked away from the group.
“Sam…” Steve started.
“I’ll get Redwing,” Sam said solemnly, moving to join Clint.  
Steve turned back to the rest of the group. “Suit up,” he instructed.
Half an hour later and the group, minus Sam and Clint, congregated at the bottom of the Tower.
“What took you so long?” Fury demanded. “It’s outside your front door!”
“It’s not like the Bat Signal,” Tony quipped. “We need some sort of warning before we can just fly into action”.
“What do you think we had, Stark?��� A greetings card?” Fury said, incredulously.  
“I need men in those buildings,” he spoke directly into a comms unit.  
“We’re here,” Sam and Clint ran over to Fury.  
“Took you long enough,” Fury muttered.
Sam turned to Steve.  
“There’s something you’ve gotta see.”
More gunfire could be heard as the source of the destruction rounded the corner of the street ahead.
Bucky stiffened next to you, and you grabbed his hand as you turned to face his source of discomfort: HYDRA agents, and they were surrounding something… or rather, someone.  
As the group got nearer, you could see a slim, dark haired woman. Nat gasped beside you as she sunk down into a crouched position. Clearly, there was something about this woman that was putting everyone on edge, and it wasn’t just because she was HYDRA. Steve held a hand up to his ear and the other group slowed to a halt just metres away from where they were standing. Two of the agents fanned out, leaving the woman exposed. There was silence. Everything seemed to have stopped: the gunfire, the shouting, the sound of footsteps running in every direction. It all seemed to be because of her. Who was she? And why did you get the uneasy feeling that you were missing something?  
The two groups stood facing each other for what felt like hours, but was only a few seconds. As quickly as everything had slowed down, it picked up again as though nothing had happened. You watched as the woman lifted two fingers up to press on a device in her ear, almost in slow motion. You felt the motion of the others around you before you heard the voice: “Now!”  
It only took a second before you sprang into action. Although you weren’t trained as an agent, you regained your footing easily from the kick to your shin from one of the agents that was now not surrounding the woman. You lost track of the woman as you took down the agent before you but after that, you couldn’t help but be distracted by this woman who appeared to be circling. Nat noticed it too and disposed of her agent, with a swift roundhouse kick to the head before aiming her gun at the agent in front of you and firing. As the agent fell, Nat came to stand by you, watching all around as you surveyed the woman. You looked around at the others; Steve jumping up to avoid a gunshot aimed at his thigh, Tony flying down to help Wanda who appeared to be making an agent relive his worst nightmares, Sam soaring backwards with a gun in each hand with bullets dropping to the floor. You could even make out Clint hidden behind a car firing arrows at anything that moved. Then there was Bucky. Your poor Bucky. No matter how hard he tried, it seemed his past wasn’t through with him yet. There had to be some reason he had stopped. In all the time you had known him, Bucky had never hesitated. Whoever this woman was, she was someone not to be messed with. Whoever this woman was, she was someone Bucky knew. As that thought popped into your head, you heard a voice you didn’t recognise. You turned to look at the dark-haired woman walking purposefully towards you and Nat. She stopped mere yards away.  
“Natalia,” she said, coldly. Her thick Russian accent added to the mirth she conveyed in her voice. The woman stepped forward a little more until she was practically in front of Nat.  
“Anastasia,” Nat retorted, voice steady and even.
“I can see why you joined the good side,” she sneered, looking over at Steve and Clint, who were now standing back-to-back, battling incoming HYDRA agents.
Nat jabbed her fist into the woman’s, Anastasia’s, ribs while she was distracted. She looked a little stunned, but only momentarily.  
“I take it your bruised ego was needed. Explains why you came out of hiding.” Nat’s voice was flat.
“I was still wanted by the Red Room after you’d showed your prowess. And your true colours.” Anastasia pursed her lips.  
Nat scoffed. Anastasia glared at her slightly before continuing.
“But I needed a new challenge. After the tragic death of Mr and Mrs Stark,” she paused, taking in Nat’s reaction. Nat stood stone-faced.
“I heard about HYDRA. I’ve been working for them ever since.”
“It always ends in murder.”
“That’s how we were trained.”
Nat and Anastasia stood facing each other. They circled slightly before standing still again. It seemed as though they were trying to size each other up without the need to fight. It was the first time you had seen Nat like this but you knew that old friends, or people she used to know from long ago, seemed to know just how to keep her talking while not provoking her enough to make her attack. It was a dangerous trait, and one that Nat was realising.  
“When the helicarriers,” she paused, trying to think of the correct word. “Failed, they had to come up with a new plan.”
“And you just happened to fit the bill?”
“You underestimate me Natalia. You always did.”
You watched as Anastasia finally made her move and swept low, kicking her leg out, knocking you off balance.
However, it wasn’t until you felt your arm being pushed up behind your back that you realised now why Anastasia hadn’t seemed to want to fight Nat. Nat was never the intended target. While the two women were talking, you were distracted, and Anastasia knew and took advantage of this. You should have been more careful, you should have been watching, but you weren’t trained for this. Bucky was right, you thought, as you felt the grip on your arm get tighter. You should have just gone back to the Tower with Vision and Rhodey. You may be trained, but you weren’t experienced in battle.  
You heard a growl-like whisper in your ear.
"Too weak for your own good, little one,” Anastasia smirked, as she pushed up on the hand that was trapped behind your back. "Give my regards to James."
You screamed as you felt your shoulder dislocate. That was going to take time to heal. Time that you currently didn’t have. You could faintly hear a shout as you felt your vision darken. It seemed that, along with the dislocated shoulder, you were also going to have concussion. You felt yourself falling out of Anastasia’s grip, and onto the hard concrete below, before becoming slightly aware of a pair of strong arms holding you up. You couldn’t see who it was but you heard a calming voice telling you to hold on.  
Taglist: @buckyywiththegoodhair, @buckys-shield, @justkeeplaughing-nevergiveup, @itscooltobehappy, @the-renaissance
If anyone else wants to be added, just message me on here (@systemfailuresunshine) or on @story-prompt-lyrics!
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glacizata · 5 years
Magical Girl AU: Maidens of the Guardian Spire Intro
For those wondering, Maidens of the Guardain Spire is a for fun, WIP involving Characters from all my different stories in a sort of a magical girl setting.  This is the intro, it’s 9643 words (A pretty lengthy read) and there’s a readmore after the context.
In a land ruled by humans, the world was stagnating.  Technology had reached its peak and the humanity had lost its hope of growing, ascending.
Then from the cosmos, shining winged beings brought themselves to humanity.
They gave humanity several gifts.  The gift of knowledge, the gift of protection and most importantly
The gift of Glacara magic.
With the celestial Glacaras’ magic, humanity started to grow once again.
There was creation of magical cities that floated within the air, beautiful temples for the Glacara’s that turned the hostile underground into a place of pride and…
The most destructive war to ever pillage both life and land.
With newfound power, humanity broke out of the frozen stalemate of a war its technological wall kept them in.  Magical weapons turned cities and countries into charred caricatures of their former selves.  The most adept sorcerers brought world powers to their knees and became gods among humans.
The Glacaras were disgusted.  Lamenting what their prior decision had done to humankind, they hunted down every fraction of the magic they gave to humanity.  They massacred witches and sorcerers, annihilated those who were prideful enough to try to fight the Glacaras with their own gift.
After they were done with their purge, the Glacaras left humanity one last gift.
From the ruins of the last Glacara temple rose a gleaming spire.  It’s creation shook the land and sent out a flash that humanity never forgot.
No one knew what the Glacara’s last gift was, until one woman decided to enter the spire.  After braving the traps and celestial beings that guarded the inside of the tower, the woman learned the spire’s secret.
In current times, the Glacara’s last gift is known as the Guardian Spire.  It is the place of trial and home for the those who wish to use the Glacara’s magic to defend humanity, either it be from other threats or from itself.  
Witches still run about, those who survived the purge are still abusing the Glacara’s magic of old.
Those who wish to challenge them head to The Guardian Spire, to take the Glacara’s trial.
Like the orange haired girl who stands at the Spire’s base.
The Guardian Spire stood over me, the light coming from it changing colours every second I stared at it.  Its entrance looked like it was inviting me, but that wasn’t my plan.  I don’t think I have the strength to fight through the Spire.  The spirits within would destroy me before I got to the second floor.
I had a different idea, one that felt smart yet risky.  Beside me, tied to an old, eroded stone pillar was a bouquet of balloons big enough to let a girl like me touch the clouds.  No one said that you had to ascend the spire by going through the inside.  If the Glacaras’ had thought of that though… any way I look at it I’m playing with my life.
Behind me was the path that Flora brought me here from, several kilometers from the nearest town.  Flora was one of the Maidens of the Guardian Spire.  She’s one of the bravest girls I know and the one that convinced me to do this.  I’m sure that she fought her way to the top, but unlike her, even if there’s nothing to stop me on my flight to the summit, I don’t think I have the courage to be one of the Spire’s Maidens.
I took a deep breath and stared at the red skin of one of the round balloons.  It’s all or nothing.  If I turn away, I’ll be walking to a land that has no place for me, and if I go, there’s either death or a new destiny.
With one last deep exhale, I grabbed the balloons from the pillar and started my rise to the top.  I tightened the loop of ribbon that was around the pillar around my wrist; nothing would be more embarrassing than dying to my own grip.
The flight seemed peaceful at first.  I got close to the spire and ran my free hand on its walls.  It looked more crystal like, but it felt like cool, marble countertops.  I wonder if Glacaras ever felt smooth marble before?  The ground was getting farther away, but I hadn’t even reach the halfway point of the spire.  I kicked my feet off against the Spire’s wall, sending myself away in the sounds of bumping balloons and my own laughter.  This mini journey to the top of the Spire was kinda fun.
As I toyed with the strings of my balloons, the Spire grabbed my attention.  A large panel of the spire wall flashed a blue light before fading into nothing, showing the room that was on the other side.  Sitting in room was a glowing, cyan form of a woman.  That’s a spirit, which Flora said protected the Spire from attackers and trial goers alike.  In front of the cyan spirit was a bow, coloured the same colour as her.  
I started to sweat.  The idea of flying by with fragile balloons seemed so much more dumber now.  The spirit picked up the bow and strolled over to the edge of the floor.  She grabbed the air with her free hand, creating a gleaming cyan arrow.  That way she brought the arrow to the bow and shot it off would have been mesmerizing if she hadn’t been trying to kill me.  After the first arrow flew past me, I started to flail my arms and legs, hoping to shift myself to another side of the Spire.  I drifted myself out of the way of another arrow, my heart racing after seeing how close that one was to my neck.  The spirit paused.  She just stared as I was starting to float out of her sights.  I thought I was clear until an arrow flew by my side and right into one of my balloons.
The sound of a balloon popping had never startled me more than in that moment.  I was still rising without it though, going overboard with the amount of them turned out to be a good idea.  By now I was out of the range of that Spirit, but as one wall reappeared, another revealed my next opponent.
A pink spirit with long, puffy hair sat on a couch, a magical rifle sitting on her lap.  I could feel my heart fall to my feet.  The bow was scary, but now a gun!  I was lucky enough to not be noticed by the spirit for a few seconds before I caught her interest and she started to wave at me.  I waved back, her rosy smile lifted my heart back up as if they were flying with balloons as well.  She seemed playful enough.  We made faces at each other until she just stopped.  The playful spirit froze with her hand up to her mouth before fumbling with her rifle and firing off several shots of pink light into my balloons.  
“Hey!”  A falling ribbon draped itself over my face, the leftovers of the burst balloon tickling my nose.  The spirit didn’t respond, but instead stared at the ground with a glum look on her face.  She tried to bring her rifle up again, although slowly.  As sorry as she looked, all I wanted to do was get to the top and away from her.  I started to round the corner, catching a glimpse of the pink spirit’s sad wave.  
Around three balloons were lost from her.  I wasn’t going up as fast as before, which could bring more problems if I run into another spirit.  The Spire at least seemed like it was giving me a break, its walls stayed where they were and I could almost see the summit.   Someone stood at the top of the spire, with long dark hair that hid their face against the falling sun and a gown that hugged close to the body.  They acted as if they were tossing something in the air, even though I saw nothing.
I didn’t know what they had planned, but I feel sorry for my balloons already.  A rainbow of bright beams surrounded their tossing hand, creating a knife whose brightness made itself known to me.  I flapped my arms like a sugar-filled bird before either me or my balloons were brought to an end.  There was no point though, as they juggled the knife a few more times and then sent it my way.  As a last resort, I flapped my way to the tower wall, hoping to dodge the knife or at least cause less of my balloons to pop.  The knife tore through a couple of balloons before exploding into a rainbow of bursting light that turned the rest of my balloons to shreds.  
I tried to grab the wall of the Spire, but there was nowhere to grab.  In the end, all I was doing was rubbing my hands against its walls in my panic.  My heart and soul was falling faster than my body, with any sense of hope leaving me when that knife exploded.  
It wasn’t until I crashed through one of the Spire’s fake walls into a room that my hope came back.  The one thing that brought me so much fear before was now what saved me, huh.  There was no spirit here luckily, just a door, a staircase and some pain in both my back and arm.  I was frozen in a flurry of emotions.
I could have died.  I was about to die.  If I don’t get up this tower, I’m probably going to die.  What would I tell Evie… No, it’s not the time to panic, I was given another chance.  It’s hard to say how far I fell, but all I know is that my body didn’t like the landing.  I wanted to run up those stairs so badly, but all I could do is walk.  One aching leg in front of another, I can’t fail now.  I untied the ribbon holding all of my burst balloons, they did what they could, but now they’re weighing me down.  Past those stairs was another spiritless room.  Like the Spire’s outside, the rooms on the inside were always changing colours, which was starting to hurt my eyes at this point.  
The room’s weren’t that interesting, with only doors, stairs and the occasional thing of furniture in this maze of marble countertop floors.  I could hear running below me, oh no, do the spirits know I’m inside now?  Adrenaline flowed through me while I sprinted through my pain.  I found another staircase that brought me closer to my goal.  There were no windows and I couldn’t find a way to make the walls vanish, so there was no way to judge how close I was.  
Footsteps surrounded me both above and below.  I was going to run into a spirit again eventually, but I can’t float away this time.  
Each room was straight forward, no tricks, but more confusion from their similarity. There wasn’t much I could do but run, put my ear up to the next door, and hope to find no spirits.  This was true until I stepped into the next room.
I opened the door to a straight path to the next staircase.  It was relieving at first, but that feeling was taken away from me when the floor started to glow.  Like the walls, parts of the floor faded away, leaving me a thin, winding path to the staircase.  I took my time, falling here would be a point of no return, especially since I could spot a visitor on the floor below.  The pink spirit was back, her rifle included.  Running wasn’t an option for me, although this time was due to the path.  
This whole situation felt stacked against me, but I can’t give up now, the summit’s so close.  I made my way along the path in a steady pace, falling would mean I would have to go through the last floor again with a spirit on my trail.  Miss pink wasn’t doing anything yet, she seemed to hesitate before, so maybe she’s taking it easy on me.  I do the one thing that I shouldn’t do and look down at the pink spirit, who was messing with the switches on her rifle.  It took her a few seconds, those seconds that I definitely needed, before she stared up at me and waved that same happy wave she gave me before.  She was so friendly for someone who’s about to shoot at me.  Her rifle was ready; she fired off a few shots as I winded above her.  At first I thought she was being nice as all of her shots hit the ceiling, I was going to thank her until I saw the bubbles expanding from where they hit.  
There were three bubbles, one at the entrance, and one on each of the side walls.  Their expansion covered parts of the path where I needed to go, and it wasn’t long until I ended up smushed between the bright pink goo.  There was only two places I could go, down to Miss Pink or to the exit.  That’s it!  Even though the path is blocked, these bubbles could bring me to the stairs.  When it reached me, I grappled onto the one of the bubbles, hoping that they aren’t as fragile as bubbles normally are.  I looked at my exit behind me as it pushed me along.  The other bubbles started to close in, giving me a claustrophobic feel between the three.  When I got close enough, I pushed myself off the bubble, with its elasticity throwing me to the stairs.  Even though it was another harsh landing, I’m taking what I can at this point.
I almost headed up the stairs, only stopping to wave to the pink spirit through the bubble’s skin.  “Thank you.”  She smiled and nodded back.
The next floor only seemed to be a long hallway, with a red spirit standing at the other end.  In her hands was a sheathed sword, which she unsheathed before throwing the scabbard away.  Like everything else in this spire, the scabbard faded into nothing when it hit the ground.
Flora had warned me about this, the spirit on the floor before the summit.  She told me not to worry about it, since the whole balloon plan, but now I’m starting to feel thankful for her warning.  From what she told me, the spirit’s name is Lynn, the combat trainer and the final trial of the Guardian Spire.  Kind of makes me wish that I brought along a weapon, although it wouldn’t help; I don’t have the skills or will to hurt someone enough to use a weapon.
Lynn held the curved blade in her right hand, with her using her left to punch a panel on the wall.  Banners of light fell from the ceiling on both sides, forming into matter and showing black silhouettes of different people on coloured backgrounds.  I could actually recognize Lynn’s form on one of the red banners, are these silhouettes of the spirits?  Along with the banners, a long carpet formed between me and Lynn, with it starting at my feet and ending at hers.  Pairs of miniature Guardian Spires rose from the floor between us, dotting the hallway.  As far away as she was, Lynn stood her ground, not moving any closer or farther.
I started to walk towards her, yet she still stood.  When I walked between the first pair of Spires, a orange flame appeared above them and in the distance, a red flame appeared above the ones closest to Lynn… And then she started to approach.  I stopped.  This was it!  The final trial.  I was excited, but not in a good way, more so in a way that paralyzes you, leaving you to only be able to shiver.  Lynn kept walking until she reached the red flames.
I let out a sigh of relief.  It seemed like she can only go as far as I do, meaning I’m safe until I reach the middle.  I glanced back from where I came; the door was gone, so I didn’t have to deal with any other spirits, only Lynn… and maybe that person who threw that knife at me, but I didn’t want to think about her.  I continued along, taking deep breaths along the way to calm my nerves.  Seeing Lynn’s eyes focused entirely on me, along with her stance changing into a more battle ready one, both hands on the blade and about to strike, made my heart beat ever so faster.  She was ready and I was not.  
No matter how I passed the spires, the flames lit themselves and Lynn continued.  There’s no outsmarting it.  I stopped when there was only one pair of spires before the middle of the hall.  This was the last point where I can plan anything, past this is the trial.  What could I plan though, it’s not like I could convince her not to slice me up, or could I?  The spirits do have emotions, Miss pink made that clear, but Lynn doesn’t look like the soft type.
“Um… Hello!”  This is my only shot though.  “I know you’re supposed to challenge me right now, with that sword and all.”  I could hear the shaking in my voice, Lynn’s not going to be convinced by this.  “You’re Lynn… Flora told me your name.”  She kept her stance.  “I’m going to admit something here.  I’m not here to fight.”  Lynn’s body didn’t move, but I could see her eyes lose some of their focus.  She was listening.  “That would probably make me a bad guardian maiden though, wouldn’t it? “  Back to full focus, was I even having an effect on her?  “I don’t fight, I do have something… I don’t know what it is, but it has guided me up this tower so far.  Through the fall and fear, I’m still here at the last stretch of the trial.  Miss Lynn,” she seemed about ready to strike, “my only option is to pass by you… If I make it, I don’t know, but the only thing I could do is try.”  Pouring my heart out only seemed to cause Lynn to be even more ready to shut me up, but I may as well listen to my own words.
I stepped behind the boundary between safety and the trial, nowhere to go but forwards.  Lynn was more than ready, which could make this the last step I make.  With a breath, I dash past the spires, the orange flames flaring up beside me.  Lynn didn’t react, but simply stood her ground.  I kept going, stopping will only give her a chance to attack.  Our eyes were locked and the moment had almost come.  I figure I would jump around to avoid her, the most sensible thing to do.  The pain in my legs vanished, my whole body felt like it knew this was all or nothing.  I got ready to hop around until… She sheathed her sword.  Lynn brought her blade to her hip, the scabbard reforming around it when she did.
“Um… What are you doing?”  I stopped at the next pair of spires and just stared.  Lynn didn’t speak, which felt like it was more out of principle than because spirits can’t talk.  She passed by me, my gaze locking onto her as she approached and pressed the button at the stair end of the hall.  The hall reverted to it’s boring, eye hurting state, and Lynn gestured me towards the staircase.  I was confused.  Did I pass the last trial or did I fail it?  Maybe I convinced her not to fight me?  I guess it doesn’t matter, I’m finished the last trial.  Lynn gave me a slow nod as I passed by her.
“I’m hopefully gonna see you again soon.”  She closed her eyes, and I made my way up the stairs.
The nearly night sky was a well welcomed sight.  The Spire’s shining light showed a new beauty in the darkness of night, which was hard to appreciate from inside the spire.  When I reached the top, I could see a woman, tall with long purple hair that covered one eye wearing a tight fitting violet gown with the emblem of a star surrounded by a grand wing printed on the side.  She stood in front of a fountain, whose stone was made of white and black stone that danced around between the two shades in a graceful pattern.  Light flowed through the fountain instead of water, creating a bright aura around it.
The woman started to approach me.  “It’s good to see our balloon heroine made it.  I was worried about you.  That fall did look nasty and I was starting to think that you would be our newest spirit.”  
“Wait… Were you the one that threw that knife at me?”  That was the only thought that came to my mind after she said that.
“If it calms you heart, I did feel bad for doing that.  I don’t usually participate in the trials, but I couldn’t have you just float up here like that.  A bit too easy in my opinion.”  She went to pinch my cheek but I backed away.  “Your death wasn’t what I wanted, only for you to go through the Spire.”
“So does that mean I failed?”  I looked down at my feet.  It would be crushing to have been told that all I went through didn’t matter.
She lifted my chin up with a smile on her face.  “No, you still faced the adversities of the Spire, so in my books, you passed.”
“So I’m a Guardian Maiden now?”  She took her hand off my face and backed away.
“Nearly.  You have one more trial, a trial of heart, a trial of judgement.”  She moved to the side and her hands pointed to the fountain.  
On the fountain’s top was a shining being, although not like the spirits who looked like they were made from light, but more as if whatever that was and the glimmering aura that surrounded them were one.  The being had the shape of a young woman with skin made of a pale yellow and pink hair that flowed out and around her.  She wore a dress that was both visible yet looked as if it was melding with her skin, as if it was made of light, magic and her own life.  Four wings graced the strange being’s back, two pink, two yellow, and as brilliant as the being herself.  She opened her eyes and looked on at me.
“Her name is Alice.”  The purple haired woman said.  “She’s the patron Glacara of the Guardian Spire, and she will be judging you.”
Thats… That’s a Glacara, huh.  In front of me was one of the powerful beings that gave us magic and took it away just as fast.  I should of expected for there to be a Glacara here, but that doesn’t make me feel any more ready.  Also she’s going to be judging me, what’s going to happen if she doesn’t like me?
The storm of thoughts in my mind paralyzed me where I stood.  I need to make a good impression, but what do I do when I’m faced by a celestial god!  Should I bow?  Kneel?  It feels like what I should do, but it also feels wrong.  
The purple haired woman grabbed my arm and lifted me up when I was about to fall to my knees.  “You seem confused… or scared, your face makes it hard to tell.  I can bring you to Alice if you can’t get yourself there.”  
“That would be nice Miss…”  Exhaustion from the trials mixed with my stress, which made my voice sound quiet.  I couldn’t faint here.
“Oh, you don’t have to be formal.  My name is Rosalynn.”  She grabbed my arm and walked me to the fountain.  To my surprise, the fountain actually had water in it at the bottom.  The water was perfectly still, making it look more like a mirror that reflected Alice’s Glacara grace.  Rosalynn helped me stand and look up to Alice.
“Madam Alice, we have another who has survived the Spire’s trials and awaits your judgement.”
“She more looks like she’s waiting for a nap.”  My head jolted up at Alice when she said that.  Both her arms and legs were crossed as she sat at the fountain’s top, with a smirk on her face that I didn’t expect to see on a Glacara.
“Um, sorry.  It’s just that this whole situation has drained most of everything out of me, and being judged by a Glacara doesn’t help with my nerves.”
“I guess I can understand.  You went through several floors of hell and that scream when Rosy threw that knife at you tore a tiny hole in my heart.  The possibility of that all going to waste must be the highest point on the “this was a mistake” spire that rests on your soul, huh?”  Alice leaned towards me.  I was expecting a Glacara to be more formal in her speech, but this could make it easier to talk to her at least.
“I wouldn’t describe it like that…”
Alice took a breath.  “So be it.  No matter how this all looks, it’s time for judgement.  Put your hands in a nice soak in the fountain, then I’ll tell Rosy if she should throw you off the spire.”
Rosalynn turned her head to me, “I’ll escort you down, we don’t toss people off the Spire.”
I let myself out of Rosalynn’s arms and kneeled in front of my fountain, dipping my hands into its waters.  Waves formed the shape of stars around my fingertips when they touched the water’s surface.  The soreness from the trials started to leave my body.  A feeling of warmth and comfort made its way into my fingertips and spread throughout me.  My mind nodded off and created a mythic hot spring around me that cured my wounds and woes.  A place of comfort and healing that I never wanted to leave…
“Do you feel better Gem?”  Alice snapped me out of my dreaming.  Her voice sounded more gentle than before.  “Sorry if I interrupted your well needed rest, but you should know that I’m done with your judgement.”
“That’s all I needed to do?”  I wanted to scratch my head, but my fingers refused to leave the water.
“Indeed.”  Alice seemed to have a newfound grace that she didn’t have before.  “Do not underestimate a Glacara’s magic, you should know that.”
“It is fine.”  She giggled.  “Now, you came here for your own reasons.  A feeling of being lost, of wanting to be a help more than a burden.  Both selfish, like the wish for adventure, and caring, like to give the one you care the most about a less stressful world.”
“I have seen through your heart and soul Gem, your questions and thoughts are part of me at this moment.”  I flinched and fell backwards, ripping my hands out of the fountain.  “You do not have a hostile soul, there is no part of you that wishes to fight and harm others.  Is that correct?”
“Yes.”  While my body wasn’t sore anymore, all I could feel in my head was a feeling of dizziness, as if some cord was yanked out in my head.
“If you were to become a Guardian Maiden, would you be willing to fight others?”  
“Somewhat?”  My head was starting to get back together.  What did Alice do to me?
“Do not worry, not all of the Glacara’s guardians fight head on with their enemies, others support and protect their allies and those around them.”
“Why are you asking me this, weren't you just in my mind?”  
“I’m telling you all this because… You would make a wonderful Guardian Maiden.”  I simply stared at Alice, woozy from both excitement and from having a Glacara poking through my mind.
“Are you saying that I’m a Guardian Maiden now?”
“That’s what I just said!”  Her loud, informal voice came back.
From behind me, I could hear Rosalynn clapping.  “Congratulations Gem, it’s always nice to have another member.”  She stopped clapping and walked closer to the fountain.  “Should we signal the others and tell them the good news.”  
“Aw, yeah, of course!  New maiden parties are always the best.”  Alice’s snapped her fingers before staring out into the distance.  “That should wake any of the sleepy girls up, and notify those that are out in the field.”  Then her gaze went back to me.  “Now Gem, when you become a Glacara Guardian, or Guardian Maiden in this case, you get a couple of neat, magical gifts.”
“To be more exact, you gain a link to the Spire and a your own magical item to help you as a Guardian Maiden.”  Rosalynn added.
“Let’s start with the the Spire Link.”  Alice rubbed her hands together and smiled down at me.  “It’s something you wear that lets Rosy and I tell you when stuff’s going down, along with being what gives you your defence and a cutesy outfit.”
“Okay?”  I scratched at my head.  We get supplied with a cute outfit, makes some sense, most of the Guardian Maidens I’ve seen definitely stood out compared to everyone else.
“It’s usually some sort of accessory or trinket, like a locket, ring or a rubix cube if you’re into that.  Just make sure it’s something you can easily see, I still remember when Ce thought a choker as a link was a good idea.  Trying to signal her felt like some being was trying to punish me…”
“Pardon Alice’s tangent.  Choose whatever you feel Gem, as long as it fits that criteria.”  Rosalynn piped up, which made her feel like Alice’s unnecessary translator.
I stared at my reflection in the fountain’s mirror-like water, my star hair clip felt more visible than normal against my bright orange hair.
“I do have this hair cl…”
“If it’s on your head, then it’s immediately disqualified from being your link.”  Alice sighed.  “I’m worried about my decision to make you a Guardian Maiden if you don’t know what ‘easily visible’ means.”
“Well, then could you turn it into something that does work, like a necklace.  It’s just that it’s important to me.”  I took the hair clip out of my hair and held it in my hands.  The star was a bit over sized for what would normally be on a hair clip, which was made it stand out.  
“I can do that, if you don’t mind throwing it into the fountain.”  With one more glance at the hair pin, I closed my eyes and tossed it into the fountain.  “Give me a few more seconds and… Your Spire Link is made!”  I opened my eyes to Alice upside down on the fountain, a silver necklace with my grey star swaying ever so slightly in her hands.  I leaped up and grabbed it from the Glacara’s hand, although I almost landed in the water doing that.  
“You know that stuff’s not for swimming in.  Watch yourself.” Alice brought herself upright on the fountain.  “Ignoring that though, try your link on, and watch the Glacara magic at work.”  I put the necklace over my head and around my neck.  Feeling it, the star seemed mostly the same, but yet, a bit foreign at the same time.  It felt less like plastic, but instead, it was something different yet stronger.  
It wasn’t until it glowed a bright orange that it really showed it’s differences.
“And there it is!”  Alice gave some jazz hands at the kind of disappointing display.
“While it isn’t that spectacular, this light will be how we signal you, as well as tell you about nearby threats and magic.”  Rosalynn stared at my link before looking back at me.
“Rosy, do you have to keep undercutting me like that, especially around the new Maiden?”
“Well, maybe if you were a little less brash, Rosalynn wouldn’t need to.”  The sounds of footsteps, along with a new voice came from behind me.  “Also, it looks like we have a new Maiden joining us.  That’s why you signaled us, right?”
“Yeah.”  Alice gestured towards both me and the other Maiden.  “Gem, meet our gothic extraordinaire, also known as the reason for for the “your link must be visible” rule, Catherine!”
Catherine walked to my side, a tall girl with long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail with a bright red bow.  She wore a crimson dress, covered with black ribbons, lace and bows, with a large bow that made its home at the dress’s middle, its ribbon wrapping around Catherine’s waist.  A black heart adorned the dress’s neckline, with others appearing at the bottom of the dress and on a crimson garment that wrapped around her wrist.  On her forehead was one of those masquerade party masks, sharing the crimson with black lace look with her dress.  At her side was a thin sword in a black and gold scabbard.  
“Please stop bringing that up, especially around the new Maiden.”
“If it makes you feel better, the newbie over here wanted to make her’s a hair clip.”  Alice laughed, but no one joined her, probably for my sake.
“You did say that this came with a costume or something?”   I decided to change the topic.
“It used to come with a default Guardian Maiden outfit, but an incident happened where someone threw their link off the Spire after having a fit about the outfit, and now if you want your outfit, you have to get it made by the tailor, Pura.”  They have a tailor here?  I think I might of underestimated how much they took this outfit stuff seriously.  “Let’s do that later though.  It’s more important to give you the thing that lets you do the cool magical stuff, then what you’re wearing while you do the cool magical stuff.”
“It’s time to choose what you want as your Glacara Gift Gem.  Whatever you dream of can become your mystical reality.  Take your time.”  Rosalynn gave me an comforting pat on the back.
“Anything… and this is where my magic comes from, right?”
“Yes, and if need an example, this is my Glacara Gift.”  Catherine chimed in before unscheathing her sword, a black rapier with gold streaks with a guard that danced around the handle.  It was fancy, but I’m not really a sword person.  “It doesn’t have to be a weapon of course.  What you want is your choice.”
“This feels like a big decision that I wasn’t ready for.  I don’t know what I want.”  I scratched at my head.  Anything I want is a lot of choices…
“You know what ,” Catherine put her sword back and put her hand on my shoulder, “let’s start with what you like.  You’re going to be using your gift for a long time after all.”
“Well, I do like to draw.”  I almost teared up when I said that.  All my sketchbooks were left at home with Evie when I left… I wonder how she’s doing.
“Oh, a fellow artist.”  Ce giggled then smiled.  “A creative gift sounds like it could be both fun and useful.”
“You’re thinking of something artsy, huh.”  Alice laid down on top of the fountain, looking down at me.  “Dip your fingers in and maybe if we put our minds together, we can make something good.”  Although I was hesitant, I dipped my fingers in the fountain’s waters.  Like before, the feeling of calm entered my body, bringing it to its own heaven.  “And done!”  The warm feeling left all at once.  
“What... just happened?  What’s with this water?”  I said while I took my fingers out of the fountain again.
“That’s not the water doing that to you, that’s the embrace of a Glacara’s soul against your own.  Feels nice, doesn’t it?” Alice wrapped her arms around herself, mimicking a hug.  “Possibly uncomfortable soul hugging aside, here’s your maiden day present.”  She tossed me down what looked like an pen.  I fumbled it a bit, but caught it in the end.  The pen had a fancy looking body, which seemed like a mix between a calligraphy pen and a drawing pen.  It was bigger than a normal pen but not by much, and it was a vibrant rainbow colour other than the gold tip and a glass panel that held rainbow ink inside.  Like the pen’s body, the tip also looked off, with the appearance of a calligraphy tip that was made more fanciful in design, but more useless for actual calligraphy.  Although I shouldn’t judge, it’s magical after all.
“So what does it do?”
“I dug the idea out of your subconscious, you should…”  Alice put her hands up to her face and took a deep breath.  “I understand I said something stupid there, so I’m sorry.  It’s a magical pen, it should be self-explanatory.  You draw stuff, it exists, watch your ink, try it out.”  
I stopped examining the pen and decided to see what it can do, my hand going from holding the pen’s end to holding it as if I was ready to draw.  What to draw though…  I waved the pen about, but nothing came out.  Maybe I need paper.
“Hey Gem!”  I was startled by the voice behind me, with my hand swinging towards the voice due to me losing my balance.  It was Flora… with a rainbow ribbon draped over her head.  At least the pen works.  She pulled the ribbon off her head and laughed.  “I can see you got your gift but you look no different.  Just got up here?”  Flora dropped the ribbon into my hands, its colourful fabric melted into ink that flew back into the pen.  While I was distracted by the flow of the ink. Flora grabbed me into nearly crushing hug.  “So, how far did those balloons take you?”
“Not far enough for her.”  Rosalynn replied with the back of her hand covering a grin.
“Well, you made it up here at least.”  Flora looked away with a concerning face.  “I was worried that I should have told you to go through the normal way, then the spirits would at most knock you out, and not have to shoot you down to your death.  Sorry.”  She brought her sight back up and smiled, “Seeing you up here is a relief though.”
“So, what to do now Gem?”  Alice laid down on top of the fountain with her face resting in her hands.  Relaxed and casual, especially for a deity-like being.  “You want to wait for everyone else, or do you want to see Pura so you can wear something that’s not a torn sweater?”  That kind of struck a nerve.  The clothes on my back are my only mementos of home; they may be damaged, but they’re still mine.  
“I can bring you to pura, he’s a bit out of the way, and it gives me a chance to connect to my new teammate.”  Flora pulled me away against my will, a smile on her face with a dash of worry.
Flora found me on the streets a day or so after I ran from Evie.  I can remember when she dropped out of high school to train to become a Guardian Maiden.  People mocked her, expecting to see her either dead or working at a dead end job in her future. Yet, here she is, with a green dress that danced like petals in the wind and a grand longsword on her back.  She’s kind of stunning to be honest.
We walked down into the spire, the color shifting walls were causing my eyes to ache again.  
“Yeah, the walls are kind of painful to look at.  We don’t have to worry about that now, watch this.”  Flora touched the pink flower on the cuff of her sleeve.  The room pulsed white along it’s walls before fading to the green of a midnight forest, with a ceiling that mimicked the night sky and a path of pink flowers in front of us.  “Each room of the Spire acts kinda like a blank slate and your link can make them into whatever you want.”  It’s amazing being exposed to all this magic, especially when I’m able to use it.  I took a hold of my star necklace and imagined an… um… Oh, let’s go with cosy cabin hallway.  The room pulsed again, its walls turning to logs with light from the candles that hung on the wall that gave the room a nice, natural brightness.
“You’re getting a hang of somethings.  Learning what your link can do is a good start.”  Flora walked on to the door at the end of the hallway.  “Still we shouldn’t hang around and leave Pura waiting.”  
Together, we headed through the spire.  What was a maze of blinding rooms became tests of our imaginations.  It was fun having little contests in each room of who can make a better design.  Between our little bouts, Flora and I would talk about what I should expect.
“So, there’s you, me, and Ce.  Are there any other Glacara Guardians?”
Flora nodded.  “Yeah, there’s also Naomi and Ami.  Naomi seems a bit off putting at first, but I feel that you two will get along.”
“What about Ami?”
“Ami’s a bit strange in her… existence.  Still a wonderful person.”  It’s hard to tell what she meant by her ‘existence’ but I guess that will wait til I meet her.
We ran into spirits every now and then.  A light blue spirit in a noble looking outfit, the sweet pink spirit, who I was told was named Peri, and eventually Lynn.
“That’s our combat teacher.”  Flora said after we passed by Lynn.
“So, we’re trained by a spirit?”  I thought if anyone were to be in charge of our training, it would be Alice.
“She may be a spirit now, but I heard that she was the Glacara Guardians best swordswoman when she was still alive.  I can tell you that Lynn is still very good with a blade… and that she hates people who act too cocky.”  An uneasy smile appeared on Flora’s face
“Are you saying that she ‘was’ a Guardian Maiden?  Wait, does that mean that if I die, I’ll become a glowy spire servant?”
“Maybe, that’s something you would have to ask Alice.  I don’t know much about how spirits came to be.”  Flora scratched at her head.  Spirits, I guess the name makes sense now.  So they used to be Glacara Guardians, kind of makes me rethink what I’m doing.
Flora guided me to a wall, which hid a door that she revealed using her link.  “Pura’s ahead.  Don’t worry, he’s a nice Glacara, well, nicer than Alice.”  Wait, Pura’s a Glacara?  I should have expected that there would be more than one Glacara here, but not one that worked as a costume designer.
“He’s a Glacara?”
“Well, he looks human, but Alice says otherwise.  She could be messing with us though.”  I’ve only met Alice today, and I still agree with Flora.  I went to open the door, not knowing to expect a graceful being of the stars or a human.  Flora gave me a wave as I entered inside.
A pink and white swirl pattern covered the walls of the room, and across from the door was someone who looked pretty human.  Mannequins stood on one side of the room, some wearing cute dresses as they stared at the other end of the room.  A large pink chest with a pair of scissors on top of it stood against the end of a bed.  Pura sat on a cushioned stool, focused on whatever her was doing at his desk.  
“Hello?”  Pura tilted his head to the side, his short pink hair flicking to the side, before he spun around to face me.
“My, it’s nice to see we have a new face.  Oh!  Do we have a new maiden?”  Pura clapped his hands and smiled.  His voice was soft, with a bit of a melody.  It had a warmth that comforted and calmed the nerves.  “I’m Pura!  What’s your name Miss new maiden?”  Definitely a lot more polite than Alice.
“Yup, I’m the new maiden.  The name’s Gem.”  I strolled further into the room, with Pura meeting me halfway.
“Your name is Gem?  Then you must be a worthwhile girl to have such a precious name.”  Is he flirting with me?  I’m not one to date human boys, much less Glacara ones.
“So do you make the outfits?”  Pura nodded.
“I’m the tailor of the Guardian Spire, the one who will create the outfit that cloaks you in the style of your heart and soul.  Can I see your link?”  He held his hand out, a still smile holding its place on his face.  I hesitated giving it to him, I didn’t want anything to happen to it.  He let me take my time though, and eventually I placed it in his hand.  “You’re acting cautious.  I didn’t think I was that off putting?”  Really, Pura wasn’t off putting at all, if anything, how he dressed made him look kinda precious.  A white shirt with an absurdly large pink bow and frills, with matching white pants.  His Pastel pink hair twitched as he stared on at me.
“No, you’re fine”  I scratched the back of my head.  “That star is just important to me.”
“I understand.”  His pink eyes glanced over at me, before holding up the link in the air.  “Most Guardian Maidens have their link close to their heart, and it’s not because Alice loses her mind when the link is on their head.”  He chuckled.  “Jokes aside, your star is safe in my hands Miss Gem.”  He pressed my link against his chest and grabbed my hand.
“I’m sorry but..”   A feeling like that of a sweet mist, tasting like vanilla and smelling just as nice flowed through me.  It reminded me of the feeling from Alice’s fountain, but with its own flavor.  
“I’m not flirting with you Miss Gem, don’t worry.  I just need to know what kind of outfit will fit the maiden right in front of me.”  The pink chest opened on its own, fabric and ribbons flying out and circling the two of us.  “Besides, I’m taken.”  He let go of my hand and backed away.  Before I could get myself together from having a glacara poking around my soul, the fabric and ribbons wrapped around me, trapping me in a cocoon of cloth.
“Hey!, Pura, what are you doing?”  I pushed against the fabric walls, but they didn’t give.
“Don’t worry, It’s just part of the sewing process.”  I took a fashion class in school, I know that this isn’t how sewing works!  Glowing pink sewing needles pierced through the cocoon, stabbing through my torso.  I screamed at first until I realized that the needles didn’t hurt.  They felt odd though, like as if a dot of bright sunlight was shining upon where they struck.  Needles upon needles stuck into me, turning me into a celestial pin cushion.  Now I’m debating if I knew what I signed up for.  The needles’ glow intensified and after a few seconds of blinding me, they exploded into a light that blew the cocoon into nothing.
“Voila, your outfit is done Miss Gem!”  Pura smiled at me with his hands on his chest.  With his finger, he drew a rectangle in the air, creating a floating mirror that showed my new look.
A frilly, gray coat with star shaped buttons covered over a dress that wasn’t there before.  The dress was separated into two pieces by a rainbow ribbon and bow.  The lower half puffed out, thanks to the petticoat underneath, with blotches of paint moving through the white fabric as if it was water.  A long, starry scarf wrapped around my neck, and a gray beret made itself a home on my head.  White and orange striped stockings covered my legs, which headed down into a pair of soft, white boots with an orange bow wrapped around it.
“Wow!”  I turned myself to look at Pura’s handiwork.  Normally, I wear whatever feels comfy and fun, but this was a hell of a transformation.  “I love it!  Thank you Pura”  
“I only made it into reality Miss Gem, it was you who designed it.  My, do you look like an artist of wonder and grace.”  I do have to admit, I could see myself blushing in the mirror, although I then realized something.  
“So… what happened to my normal clothes?”  Pura held out my link, which let out an orange glow.  The glow spread from the link to my outfit, nearly enveloping me in it entirely. With noise of a faint pop, my clothes turned back to normal, the rest of the light buzzing around like fireflies before flickering out.
“You were wearing them the whole time, Miss Gem.”  He tossed the link to me, which I fumbled with until it landed in my hands.  “Whenever you want, you can will your Guardian Maiden form from your link.”  I put on my star necklace and decide to try it out.  My focus goes into the link, the thoughts of my new destiny and helping those hurt by witches such as Evie made the light come back over the link.  It danced around me, a storm of orange shooting stars that become one with me until my cutesy artist clothes popped back into existence.
“Wow.  I don’t have much else to say.”
“I can feel your gratitude coming off you Miss Gem, don’t worry about that.”  He strolled back to his desk.  “We’re done here, I’m sure the others would love to see you in your Guardian Maiden beauty.”
“Aw, thank you!  I’ll show the others right away.”  I ran out of the room, giving our celestial tailor a wave with my leave.  Rushing out turned out to be not the best idea, as I run into what felt like a oversized, melting gummy bear.  I stumble back to see a couple of new faces, one from a smiley red haired girl with glassy wings behind her, and another from… a girl made entirely of dark purple goo in what looks like a schoolgirl outfit that went a bit overboard.  
“My, it looks like our new recruit is in hurry.  Are you alright?”  The gooey girl said as she grabbed me to help my balance.  It was a nice thing to do, but the only thought that came to my mind was if a bit of her was going to get stuck in my clothes.  “There you go.  Your name is Gem isn’t it?”  She held her hand out to me.  “I’m Ami, the brains of the group as the others would say.  It’s nice to meet you.”  We shook hands, but I couldn’t help but just feel the squishiness of her hands.  It did hit me that I might have been getting carried away.
“Having fun?”  The red hair girl started to laugh at us.
“Don’t worry about it.  I understand it’s your first time meeting someone like me.”  She let go of my hand and flicked at the slimey clumps of what could be considered hair that covered her right eye.  “I’m a being made of a witch’s magic and various kinds of ingredients.  While my kind don’t really have a name for ourselves, as there’s only about three of us, the others call us slime girls.  It’s a silly, but fitting name.”  I do have to admit, it is fitting.  She’s definitely slimey.
Ami turned her head to the other girl.  “Naomi, it’s time for you to introduce yourself.”  Naomi walked from the wall she leaned against and towards me, sticking her own hand out once in arms reach.
“I’m Naomi, the spire’s local happiness fairy.”  The smile she had since I first saw her grew with every word she spoke.  
“A fairy?”  I’ve heard of fairies before.  They were the Glacaras’ magical servants until they got enough people to become Glacara Guardians.  Most of them disappeared a long while ago, so I never expected to see one outside of history textbooks.
“Yeah, I’m probably the last happiness fairy out there. Enough about me though, is our new maiden ready for her celebration?”  Right, Alice mentioned a party.  Sounds pretty fun really.
“Of course I’m ready for a party!”  With my joy, the three of us took off to the top of the Spire.
Everyone’s outfit had their own special style.  Ami’s was a dress that reminded me of a schoolgirl’s outfit with that cute sailors tie.  Her dress was covered in ribbons and little, diamond shaped buttons that gave it such an adorable charm. In her gooey hair was a bow that look puffed up like a bubble of her ooze.
“I actually didn’t design my outfit.”  Ami said as we walked.  “I’m not a fashionable person, but my sister is.  I had her design it.”
“Can slime girls have sisters?”  Didn’t know if I was being rude asking that, but my curiosity overcame me.
“We were made in different pots, but we still consider each other sisters.  Her name is Peri, you might have met her during your trial.”
“Peri’s the goofy pink spirit with the magic rifle.  It’s hard not to miss her.”  Naomi butted in.
“Oh, I remember her!  She was a bit too friendly for someone who was trying to shoot me down.”  Ami let out a soft laugh, although I’m kind of curious how someone like her laughs when she’s made of goo.
“That’s Peri alright.  She’s not too fond of the trials, but she participates anyways.”
Naomi walked next to me, smiling on at me, Ami, and at times, nothing.  Her red dress flowing about, bows on the bottom of her dress bobbing with her every step.  Her gloves were a silky white, waves of crimson stained the end of the gloves, circling around Naomi’s arm.  Around Naomi’s neck was a black bandana with what looked to be a frown drawn in chalk.
“So, what’s the bandana for?”  Naomi held the end of the bandana in her hand as she responded to my question.
“Well, I can’t really stop smiling, so I put in on in during battle so it doesn’t seem like I’m enjoying it.”  Naomi scratched her head.  “It’s more for the other guardian maidens than the enemy though.  They tend to find my mid battle smile disturbing.”
“Wait, you can’t stop smiling?”
“Well, I am a happiness fairy.  Smiling is in our blood.”  
“Can you grin too?”  Naomi bellowed out a laugh.
“Eh, it’s close enough to a smile.  Probably.”
Eventually the three of us made it back to the top, passing by Lynn, who bowed when Naomi waved to her.  The top of the spire was covered in decorations.  Balloons of all different colours and sizes cluttered the spire, reflecting the beautiful light of the fountain.  Shining ribbons flew around the spire, making a light show that looked like a rainbow meteor shower that filled the night.  Rosalynn and Flora were kept busy blowing up balloons while Ce sat with a tray of cupcakes in her arms.  
“My, my, our little newbie looks like a fancy girl.”  Alice kept her place on top of the fountain.  She grabbed the pink balloon she was playing with out of the air.  “Could you perhaps draw me miss artist?”  Alice balanced herself upside down, grining at me as her hair flopped down.
“I’m not really in a drawing mood.  Um, is everyone still setting up the party?”  
“It’s pretty much all ready, we’re just having some fun waiting for you.”  Flora said while tieing up the end of a big, orange balloon.
“I told Rosy to make it up to you for all those balloons she popped, so she’s gonna be doing this all night.”  Alice tossed her balloon at Rosalynn, a needle of light protecting her from the harmless assault.  “That’s pretty harsh, I didn’t know you hated balloons so much.  Oh yeah, also the balloons that Flora blows up doesn’t count.”  
Rosalynn sighed before tying up the balloon in her hands.  “Good to see Pura’s handiwork fits you well. I hope you enjoy your time as a guardian maiden, you’ll have a lot of work to do once day breaks through.”   She sat on the ground, out of breath while Flora kept going along with her balloons.  
“So now that the person that party’s all about is here, do you think we can start with the cupcakes?”  Ce held one of the cupcakes in question in her hand, looking at the orange icing and star sprinkles with desire in her eyes.
“Hell yeah!  Throw one up here for me!”  Ce tossed Alice a cupcake, which Alice almost failed to catch with a lack of Glacara grace.  She handed out cupcakes to everyone, with me being the last.
“Hey before chowing down, let's give give our new maiden a bit of cheer.  To Gem!”  Flora lifted her cupcake up as she sang out my name.
“To Gem!” and everyone else joined in.  I had to admit, I started to blush.  Everyone was so happy to have me join them.  We all unwrapped our cupcakes and started to bite into a wonderful world of vanilla.  A lovely taste to start off my journey of being a guardian maiden.
Intro End!
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hetbigbang · 6 years
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To claim a story you want to do art for, please drop a comment below with: FIRST CHOICE – Story Number: # SECOND CHOICE – Story Number: # Email Address: Remember: first come, first serve!! Sign ups for artists as well as this claim post will remain open until all fanfics get claimed! Since this has become a fairly small Bang, reminder that Debut Day will be delayed until every fic has been claimed. So, get all your friends out to come take on some art! After you have claimed your story, you will receive an email from the mods with your writer's name & info, and the snippets they provided (it may not be immediate, but it should be within 24-48 hours). Authors: you will receive an email with your artist’s information once your fic has been claimed. Artists and authors are not required to chat, but it’s highly encouraged that you work with each other in whatever manner works for both of you. :) What are the requirements for art? You can make whatever kind of art you feel like, in whichever medium. Drawing, painting, digital, manips, vids, fanmix, fabric, mixed media, anything you can think of. We just ask that you put some time and genuine effort into it, as our authors have put major effort into their story. You are required to make a minimum of ONE piece of art for the story you claim. MORE IS BETTER. We love more! We want more! But, based on feedback from prior year’s artists, we only have a requirement of one piece of artwork. Make it nice, put some serious effort into it! :) (more questions about Art and Claims and stuff? FAQs here or if you need to ask a specific question or see something wrong with this preview, contact the mods on the Page-A-Mod page or shoot
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red_b_rackham a PM.) How many can I claim? For the first round of claims, please only choose ONE story to do. We will shortly open it up to a second round, where you may claim a second and third fic if you so wish. If you’re ambitious and want to do more than three, that’s doable BUT you must complete what you claim. Trying to find back-up artists is a nightmare - please don’t make us do it. ;) And a reminder that no extensions will be granted. Artists, if you have the time, please consider also signing up to be a pinch hit artist in the event someone has to drop out last minute, and please spread the word so we can have all our hard working authors claimed by hard working artists!! Want to get in on this art action but forgot to sign up? No problem!! The Artist Interest sign-ups are here and will be open until every fic has been claimed. Schedule: Arist Preview - August 20th to 22nd Artist Claiming of Big Bang Stories Begins - August 22nd Art and Fics Due - September 26th, 11:59 PM (Midnight) EST (here is a timezone converter) Debut Date (DD) - October 1st SUMMARIES FOR THE CLAIMING ARE UNDER THE CUT!! The following are all listed alphabetically by first fandom (i.e. in an Supernatural/Avengers crossover, it will only be listed under Supernatural). #1 Fandom: Baseball RPF Pairing: fem!José Iglesias/James McCann Story Name: Undecided Summary: James McCann has everything-- a beautiful fiance and a starting catching job on a major league ball club; but old feelings and flames come to light when he meets the new defensive coach of the Detroit Tigers. Josefina Iglesias is a former Olympic softball gold medalist and an old flame of James's, where the past meets the present. #2 Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Pairing: Angelus/Buffy Summers Story Name: In This Lifetime Summary: Over a thousand years ago Angelus was cursed to a hell dimension. Once every hundred years he comes to find a mate, he always chooses the slayer. In Buffy he finds his soulmate. She’s the one who can save them both from hell. But that's only part of the story. #3 Fandom: Call the Midwife Pairing: Sister Bernadette (Shelagh)/Patrick Turner Story Name: For Your Precious Love (this is tentative!!!) Summary: Suffering a crisis of faith and confidence, Sister Bernadette makes a decision that has permanent consequences for not just her, but Patrick. #4 Fandom: Eureka Pairing: Jo Lupo/Zane Donovan Story Name: How Time Has Changed the Cracks in Our Skin Summary: Zane finds himself wondering what Jo's relationship with him had been like in an alternate timeline. They decide to use a memory device to share memories from their respective timelines. #5 Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates Pairing: Charlotte/Saizo. Background Kagero/Orochi Story Name: Apply Some Pressure (tentative) Summary: A superhero AU/My Hero Academia fusion (no knowledge of MHA required, no characters from MHA appear). Charlotte is a professional Hero who runs an agency with her best friend Benny. When he's seriously injured in an explosion during a joint investigation with another agency, Charlotte teams up with the annoying Saizo to go undercover into the group behind the attack, trying to discover who is selling this powerful new explosive on the back market. Along the way, Charlotte and Saizo discover more about each other and develop feelings for each other. Then they have to stop one final attack on the royal family itself. #6 Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Luna Lovegood/George Weasley, most canon ships Story Name: (Tentative) in the dirt designing stars Summary: When a pack of magical creatures takes residence in Diagon Alley, it throws the street into chaos. When the shopkeepers learn this sudden migration might have something to do with Magical Dead Zones that are popping up all over the world, they decide to take matters into their own hands. #7 Fandom: NCIS Pairing: Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres Story Name: undecided Summary: For the last seven years, Ellie's been raising her daughter alone and getting by just fine. For the last seven years, Nick's been raising his daughter alone and getting by just fine. When the two girls become best friends, just fine suddenly threatens to get even better. #8 Fandom: Original Fic Pairing: OFC/OMC (Mackenzie/Nick) Story Name: Savin' Me Summary: A newly sired vampire barely escapes death when an elder vampire vouches for her. She never wanted to be a vampire. It's not fair to kill her. He is given one month to make her a useful part of the coven. If he fails, Mackenzie will be killed as planned. #9 Fandom: Star Wars Pairing: Padme Amidala/In-Suit Darth Vader Story Name: Leave My Body Summary: Set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Sometimes, when things seem the darkest, when all hope seems lost, the Force intervenes. Such is the case with the death and “rebirth” of Padme Amidala. #10 Fandom: Supergirl(CW)/Arrow(CW) Pairing: Oliver Queen/Kara Danvers Story Name: undecided Summary: AU. When Kara Danvers rescues her sister’s plane, her actions cause a rift to open between two worlds. Lost and alone, she tries to understand the new, different Earth in which she now finds herself. By random chance, she finds herself working for one Oliver Queen, CEO of Queen Industries. As a relationship develops, they find themselves fighting an unknown and technologically superior foe. #11 Fandom: Torchwood/MCU Pairing: Toshiko Sato/James 'Rhodey' Rhodes, with minor Donna Noble/Nick Fury, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Ianto Jones/Bucky Barnes Story Name: My Sakura Summary: Torchwood falls; Ianto and Tosh finds a new life working for Tony Stark. Tosh never meant to fall in love with James Rhodes and Rhodey will do everything to prove himself worthy of her even deal with an overprotective brother figure. from Het Big Bang https://ift.tt/2OVS2Wm via IFTTT
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