#Just going down memory lane
characteroulette · 2 years
Actually I know it's a lil weird but I wanna ramble about Redwall for a bit
(cut so this ain't a long post)
It's really fitting how both Martin and Matthais were both just random kids in the eyes of Redwall. (Well, Mossflower in Martin's case.) Like we know Martin's origins and where he came from and even who his dad is, but to those who live in the Mossflower area he's just a plucky kid who shows up out of nowhere, gets jailed by Queen Tsarmina, then fights himself nearly to death in order to overthrow her. Meanwhile, Matthais is a kid who grew up at Redwall with uncertain origins and ends up being Martin's ancestor / reincarnation?? This kid outta nowhere really got a whole plot puzzle dumped on him and then ended up a hero hahaha.
On that note, I don't think I'll ever forget Matthais' name or call him that because of those puzzles. In my head he is always first and foremost "I, am that is". (Which is followed always by "My sword will wield for me" that part stuck in my head it lives there thanks Brian Jacques)
I have forgotten a lot though, like I don't remember a lot of other notable character names unfortunately. I remember Chickenhound, Cluny the Scourge, and that's about it. Is there a notable Mole character? The moles have always been my favourite, I love their chill and soft cadences while also possessing their big ol' claws, but they all had the same voice in my head so telling them apart was hard. (For that matter, their accent was hard to interpret at times, but that's a dyslexic thing.)
The Hares and Squirrels gotta be my second favourites, though it is a little strange that both were warrior races. Squirrels always being ready to throw down while Hares are master tacticians (and big eaters) is a lot of fun, though. It just makes sense. And I think the one hare and the mom squirrel became good friends in one book? (Can't remember if Mossflower or Redwall) and I adored that.
Hey actual Badgers are not that peaceful. It's weird that all male badgers were lords of the forge and fighters while the females were usually matriarchal and capable of fighting, but usually super nurturing. If one of the later books had a female lord of the forge that's sick as hell but where is my male badger wetnurse. (Sunstripe is another name I will remember forever. I think he was the son of the Redwall mother? And they found that out in Mattimeo?? I really have to reread these books.)
Yo shoutout to my girl Mariel for getting blasted onto the scene by choosing violence as her answer to most things. Girl woke up on a beach with amnesia, found a rope with a knot at the end, and scared off the seagulls looking to eat her with only that and then screamed into the ocean that she was gonna fuck shit up. We stan a legend I love her forever.
That's all the memories I got. I love this series it carried me through middle school ;w;
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gophergal · 20 days
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boinga. boinga. boinga. boinga.
bonus heby weapon man:
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s0fter-sin · 1 month
last thing i’ll say; people aren’t owed free content but creatives aren’t owed financial compensation either
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birb-tangleblog · 3 months
I'm seeing the 'happy anniversary' posts roll in, and fans lamenting the show's writing shortfalls in retrospect-
And if you weren't in the fandom when the show was airing and only watched it after it ended, I really can't understate how optimistic the fandom was at the time?
If you go back and look through the old bingo sheets, you can see a snapshot of what the prevailing theories/predictions were and what fans expected. (I have tags on both this blog and my art blog, #tts bingo, but I wasn't able to RB all of them- digging through '#tangled the series bingo' in the search will pull up more.)
People were eagerly looking forward to returning characters (the Brotherhood, ZT's disciples) in nearly every tentpole episode, rematches and fights, flashbacks, cameos, for Cass to redeem herself by the midpoint of season 3 so ZT could step up as the big bad- so many interactions and plot threads that never resolved to anything.
I think a lot of this is the product of a normal airing schedule with (mostly) weekly episodes and long hiatuses, but it also speaks to the show's potential and how frustrating the lack of follow through on the setup of seasons 1 and 2 was.
Special shoutouts to:
Fierce debate on if Cass or Adira would be the traitor in 'Destinies Collide'.
Adira and Hector working together to get the moonstone back after dedicating their lives to protecting the world from it. (nope)
Fans thinking that Quirin would appear and have a role in the episode where Varian gets kidnapped. (no)
Surely Cap will show up after 'Islands Apart', or share a heart to heart with Cass in the finale. (F)
Cass rejoining the main group and redeeming herself any episode now... annnyyyy episode now.....
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koskela-knights · 5 months
Imagine if the AW2 fandom had blown up
Iike fandoms in the early 2000s did or even 2010s when the first game actually came out.
Just imagine the kind of music videos we could've gotten
Alan x Alice || Everytime We Touch Fan MV
Mr Scratch x Alan YAOI BL
ScratchWake || Malchik Gay NSFW!
What Hurts The Most - Jaakko RIP Tribute
For Your Entertainment - Mr Scratch + bonus yaoiii
HOT AW BOYS 18+ Sexy Naughty Bitchy
Rose/Alan Rarepair! Diary of Rose
Jaakko and Ilmo - Promise of lifetime
Alan & Barry are best friends! (Toy-Box Best Friend)
Mister Scratch Tribute- MONSTER
Ilkka Villi is Mr Wonderful
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bunbunbunni · 2 months
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A style study attempt was made (I really like Eclipsa and her family, I could probably forget about everyone else lmao)
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birthclod · 2 months
DS this, Gameboy that. The best handheld console was the Leapfrog Leapster
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literalite · 1 year
self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💜
HMMMM well i really liked these edits
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and obviously these ones (1 2 3) but i couldn't really put it on here gfhjk
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the-words-we-sung · 3 months
While I (not so) patiently await season 3...
I think being on Tumblr is gonna be tough this week: I've blacklisted sp*ilers because I wanna watch the new season with my mind as free as possible (like I did for the first 2 seasons) but it means that right now my dash is 99% empty, just an endless list of blocked posts 😅 So 1. it's boring and 2. the temptation to check these hidden posts is growing bigger and bigger by the minute >< I'm not entirely sure I can make it spoiler-free 'til next Monday... But anyway, I was just thinking tonight how lucky we are to live at a time when shows like Young Royals are being made, and well-made, and successful, and so so loved by so many people.
Earlier tonight I got struck by a faint memory of a scene from an old TV show I watched when I was (way) younger and so I went on a deep search to find it. It was an old French TV show that I watched with my parents growing up and it made me laugh to check some bits of some episodes: but I ended up watching a scene where a (secondary) character comes out to his best friend (a main character on the show) and it was awful. The best friend reaction was terrible and homophobic, but treated as if it was totally normal and acceptable. And it made me so so sad, because I grew up with that, I grew up watching that. And it's probably not the only scene, the only show, the only movie with that kind of message that I've watched when I was young. I grew up in an environment, a family, that was quite close-minded. The mere concept of not being straight, not being cis, was not at all something that I was aware of at the time. We didn't talk about that with my parents or at school. And the little representations I got on TV (like this one) were pretty awful. It makes sense that it took me so long to really realize that I was neither straight nor cis, to be able to actually put words on what I had been feeling my whole life (and I'm not even done questioning it all). But yeah, growing up then meant not being exposed to the amazing representation that we have now. And I am so so so happy that young people now can have that!! That we can all have that! I am sometimes incredibly frustrated by the idea that my life would have been so so different if a show like Young Royals existed when I was growing up, when I was a teenager... Where would I be now? Who would I be now? Most of the time I'm just happy and grateful that I still managed to get where I am today, but yeah, the frustration over what feels like wasted years can rear its ugly head sometimes...
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Glee was my first "Young Royals", my first fandom, my first show with a good and real and strong LGBTQ+ representation. It's the show that will always have a special place in my heart because it made me see, made me realize things about myself. It's the show that pushed me head first into queer culture and told me to "look look here! Look at these people, look at this history!". The show that took me by the hand and told me I could be strong and brave and myself. And that I was not alone. Blaine and Kurt will always be the fictional characters who helped me the most, who made me start the process of becoming myself, who started healing me.
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At the time I didn't participate in the fandom life as I do now with Young Royals, because I was quite introverted and not comfortable talking to people, and still trying to figure things out about myself. But Young Royals changed that. This show arrived at the perfect time, when I felt ready for more, ready to take a step further in my healing process. Anyway, such a long rant just to say that Young Royals is incredible. It didn't change my life quite as radically as Glee did, but it is making it incredibly better! Part of it is of course due to the show itself, and Wilhelm, and Simon, and the cast (Omar!!!!). But it is also this fandom, and the people I've met and chatted with. You all have no idea how incredible you've been, how happy you've made me. How healing you've been for me. I'm realizing that I've written a whole novel in this post >< Which was not really my intention! I was mostly just thinking about how awesome our little show is, how lucky we are that we're gonna have 3 incredible seasons to watch and rewatch. And how happy I am to be part of our little fandom family 💜
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So I hope you're all enjoying the season 3 content that we've been getting today (even though I don't know what it is 😱) and I'm excited to be there with you all next week to be happy and sad and unhinged as usual about our dear dear show 💜💜
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so a non-welcome home related ask and i'm sorry if you already answered this before, but what got you into dragons? i'm slowly stalking through your tumblr and i can't help but admire how beautifully and effortlessly you draw the scaley fuckers (/pos) ✨
i've actually never gotten this question, so this is a delight! allow me to Overshare about this
i became interested in dragons at an early age - like, kindergarten / 1st grade age. i don't remember exactly how it started, but i think it was my fascination with dinosaurs, oddly enough? i've loved those guys since some of my earliest memories. it wasn't a big leap from "giant 'lizards' from our past" to 'even bigger mythological 'lizards' from always". the Hobbit and the first Temeraire (im trying to get my hands on the full series now actually) were read to me at this young age too, and the only parts i remember are the big dragon scenes lmao
i do know the ball Really got rolling with the first How To Train Your Dragon movie, which i saw in theaters in 2nd grade. INSTANT obsession with dragons. i'll never forget how it felt to see Toothless for the first time. but in general, i couldn't get enough of em. i made my own dragon manual, i got the Dragonology books, it was the whole enchilada!
then in 5th grade, i stumbled upon the newly released Wings Of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy book! immediately fell in love with it. and its what pushed me to start actively pursuing art! and also what pushed me into my first online space: ~Deviantart~. i saw all of the amazing art of my favorite dragons and wanted in on it. i can actually pinpoint the main person who's art i loved and found inspiration in: someone named Liighty! i don't remember their user, it's probably changed in the many years since. i loved their stuff and wanted nothing more than to be able to draw like them
long story short, i've been in love with dragons for the majority of my life. HTTYD and WOF have been my biggest inspirations and fuel to the fire, and my first delve into the internet pushed me to start drawing dragons (specifically wof) like my life depended on it. i haven't looked back since!
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maranull · 2 years
I know I'm one of the people that left, but it does feel a bit sad that Ouihaw and Mekamechanic have died down, at least in here.
Also, Overwatch's ship names in general were just amazing.
Like, Spiderbyte? Mekamechanic? Pharmercy? Roadrat? Meihem? Fantastic.
And literally nothing will ever top Ouihaw.
In no other fandom have I met ship names that are this imaginative.
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dampsleeves · 11 months
anyone else play this game? bc this mf had me in the TIGHTEST chokehold. Aquiline noses & tired eyes are my kryptonite.
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
Still it's pretty ballsy of RGG to bring back The Ruff guy instead of the fan-favorite character who sacrificed himself to kill him
i think its infinitely funnier rgg brought back richardson and did everything they could to avoid even alluding to mine pardon kiryu's essence move and a fucking quiz answer
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slonechnik · 3 months
i like revachol bc i can describe all the places i slept in or visited and no one would bat an eye
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coneygoil · 5 months
Every time I read a fanfic about a character giving birth, I have a habit of comparing it to delivering both of my daughters. Both deliveries were very different. With my first daughter, I pushed for at least 40 minutes, blacking out between contractions, until the doctor finally gave me an episiotomy and she slipped out. With my second daughter, I suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to push. The nurse had to literally run to get the doctor. Only took 3 pushes and she was out.
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keep-her-wild · 2 years
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