#Just out of spite
bapydemonprincess · 1 month
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birues · 13 days
People are complaining about azem crystal. As a means of the summoning. Asking SE to retire it in DT... Are you for real.
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nightskyfoxyy · 5 months
ok but why is no one talking about phee being in the damn trailer
i got so exited it made me nauseous
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liliallowed · 3 months
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constantvariations · 1 year
"Why do you like Adam Taurus when Cinder is right there" is a sentiment that's been popping up lately and it's so fucking stupid. The two have a lot of similarities, but only on the surface
Both Adam and Cinder were abused during their childhoods, but Cinder was bought by a business woman who enforced servitude via a shock necklace while Adam was forced into hard manual labor due to his race by a powerful, far-reaching company and permanently disfigured while under its thumb
Both have hurt the people they've worked with, but the dynamics are completely different. Adam and Blake were presented as equals while from the start Emerald and Mercury have been Cinder's underlings. While it's unclear how Adam and Blake's relationship started, we know for certain that Cinder found E&M while they were desperate and vulnerable and made them an offer they couldn't refuse, thus creating a power imbalance. In the voiceover in The Beginning of the End, we hear her slap Emerald for speaking out of turn. When Adam slaps Blake, it's for her perceived naiveté about a peaceful path to equality
Both use violence to gain influence, but only one is a proper terrorist. While the definition of terrorism isn't entirely agreed upon, one of its main hallmarks is the targeting of civilian spaces. The White Fang were explicitly said to go after businesses that refused to service Faunus and people associated with the Schnee Dust Company. It's more akin to assassination than terrorism. Cinder, on the other hand, targeted a school during a major event that was being broadcasted live across the world with the express purpose of spreading fear. She even blackmailed Adam into assisting her
Both have lost an eye, but while the source of Cinder's wound is unknown, Adam is branded with the initials of the company that stole his childhood
Both present themselves as cool and collected to cover up short tempers, but Cinder is clad in Femme Fatale while Adam is more Gentleman Criminal
One thing Adam has that Cinder doesn't is the fact that, at one point in the writing time, Adam did fight for a noble cause. "We are a force of revolution," he'd once said. "You're asking my men to die for a human cause. That's not an idea I'm willing to entertain." He clearly cared about his people, even agreeing to work for Cinder to stop her from harming them more. At no point has Cinder ever indicated she cared about any of the people around her
Yet Cinder is the one that gets both narrative and audience support. She's the one that gets a whole flashback to her sad childhood. She's the one that has a moment of vulnerability to endear her to the audience. She's the one that gets to live despite impossible wounds and falls. People look forward to a potential redemption arc despite her never once showing any remorse over her actions and actively fucking over every person unlucky enough to be in her path, like the woman she robbed and potentially killed at the beginning of V6. She does the same thing over and over again - uses brute force to plow through obstacles, mistreats her allies until they leave or die, does whatever she wants even against orders - and somehow fails upward
In a word, she's boring. It's boring for her to have no real consequences, no arc, no unique characteristics, and no real endgame
Compare that to Adam. His goals are tangible: uplift the Faunus by any means necessary and fuck over the partner who betrayed them all for human favor. Even as atrociously shitty as the writing is, his negative arc is still interesting. After his failure at Haven, he's lost his respect and standing within the Fang. Everyone turns against him, so he fights like he always had to. It's all he knows, all he can do. But the game has changed, the new rules are constraining, and he can only ever lose
There's plenty of other reasons folks might like Adam more than Cinder. He's got a cooler design, his weapon and semblance are badass, Cinder's voice is annoying, etc. I'm personally drawn to characters that get fucked over by the narrative and misconstrued by the audience. I didn't like Adam any more or less than other background characters until I saw the constant vitriol against him and now he's my poor little meow meow
Also, it's not cute or progressive to suggest people like one character over another because they're sexist or an abuse apologist. Y’all are just drinking the radfem "all men are evil"/white liberal "violence is uwu bad" propaganda koolaid cocktail
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About to start biting people
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jessiesjaded · 8 days
the website i was using to download x files eps to gif is gone now :(( but i wanted to gif big tit bigfoot mulder drawing :(((((((((((
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literaila · 2 months
can the anon just like shut up this is fiction, its not even real😭
i’m so confused because??? why does it even matter? also. it’s not canon anyway!!!
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katewalker · 6 months
2023 -> 2024 speedrun
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wishing you all a happy new year, a better year, a kinder year, and i hope that whatever you want or need you will get. 💟🎉✨️
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kamenrideryeets · 2 years
Penders: I own the concept of Knuckles having a father.
Fanfic writers on their way to give Knuckles two moms: OKAY, IF YOU SAY SO
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drmslastmorning · 6 months
the people unable to accept crimeboys toxicity never enjoyed a well written toxic sibling dynamic ever. i love them and i love their toxicity and how unhealthy they are like it's so interesting, how tommy eats will lies and manipulations. The same for primeboys and very others dynamics from dsmp
exactly!!! wil feeds him lies and love and constantly dismisses his every opinion and makes sure that Tommy will forever feel small and inferior next to him. He yells at him to shut up and he pulls him next to him by his side and he grips his arm with venom when he tells him everything he doesn't want to hear and everything he does. he is a walking contradiction set on makin Tommy feel as small as possible so he will forever keep him under his thumb!
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roosinii · 7 months
Me (Rereading the Artemis Fowl series for the first time since I was 12 years old): This is such a nostalgia trip! Oh and look, this is one of my proto-ships, before I knew what shipping (or what fandom) was! I know there isn’t a huge Artemis Fowl fandom, so there can’t be much about, but I wonder how much stuff there is for it on Tumblr?
The apparent majority of Artemis Fowl Tumblr: If you ship this you should kill yourself.
Me: Oh.
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[ask] okay I gotta know, what do you two do when you're not answering asks? Do you ever go out anywhere together or do you just well, scheme and plot? ❤️
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"As surprising as it may sound, apart from having to take care of our organizations & running this blog next to our daily tasks, we also do have private lives as well." *snickers* "Sometimes even people like us need time to relax after all, so we do 'average' activities like anybody else." — Rocket Boss Giovanni
"I don't think it's necessary to share what I'm doing in my free time but I can confirm Giovanni's words.." — Plasma Boss Ghetsis
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odds that they gave Sidon a fiance because we all got too publicly horny about Link riding his massive shark cocks and no other reason.
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sovamurka · 9 months
New day, new problems with playlist
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godofvillains-arch · 1 year
"You shouldn't be around any animal." (oop sorry Shig)
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"I am going to go out and buy TONS of pets and surround myself with them, just because you said that."
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