#This child is gonna bite this demon one day
bapydemonprincess · 1 month
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multi-fandom-imagine · 2 months
➤Ꮮꭼꭲ ꮋꮖꮇ ꮐꮻ
A/n: I apologize, I'm not very good at angst
|| request here ||
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You thought he was everything, the love of your life, the one you were going to spend the rest of your life with and you had thought Lucifer felt the same.
He told you so
Being a fallen angel, you did not think anyone would want you....not that you could blame them, not after what the exterminators did but he....but Lucifer made you feel special...loved. It felt like heaven being with Lucifer.
He said he loved you...he said it but that all changed when she came back. He stopped looking you in the eye, he refused to look you in the eye.
'made a dumb mistake'
You could hear the tremble in his voice but he still wasn't looking you in the eye. Your teeth sunk into your lip, your arms wrapping around your stomach. It started to feel like the rumors about Lilith were being true.
It hurt....why did it have to hurt so much when he ended things. It felt like you couldn't breathe, that your world was crashing down on you. So you did the only rational thing that made sense to you, you left.
Biting back sobs, you felt a hand rub your back gently. Your body shifting spotting Angel Dust, he was one of the few people you were close too. The demon acting as an older brother.
"I know you love him but it's over doll,It's never easy to walk away." Angel Dust did his best to smile at you but it was hard to see you like this but he never once thought that Lucifer would pull a stunt like this.
"I'm pregnant." You whispered, tears sliding down your cheeks. "H-how can."
Swallowing thickly, Angel Dust brushed away a stray tear. " Let him go.It'll be ok.It's gonna hurt for a bit of time.You'll find another and you'll be just fine, so let him go...besides you ain't gotta worry about bein alone....you got me and Husk."
Laughing weakly, you sniffled nodding your head resting your head on his shoulder. "Okay."
Months came in went, you never stepped foot out of your room when Lucifer and Lilith were around until one day, you did not acknowledge the two but you knew Lucifer saw you.
But then you heard it, Angel Dust let it slip that Lilith left again. The demon snorting that it was not much of a surprise. You weren't how to feel, it was strange. You felt like you should feel sorry for him but you didn't, you were happy. Happy because he was now going through the pain you went through.
Hugging your daughter close, you cleared your throat giving Angel Dust a smile. "How about we go for a walk, Edna could use."
Giving you a wink, Angel Dust took the baby from your arms. "Sound's good. Though let Uncle Anthony hold her for a bit...give mama a rest."
Lucifer knew he made a mistake, that he was an idiot for falling it again but now. Now it was worst because he lost you...he lost his child.
Is this how you felt when he abandoned you? Miserable, did you have that empty feeling in your chest. Why did he do it? Why did he do that to you, you never deserved that.
Digging his nails into his palm he watched you and Angel Dust chat with one another, the baby asleep in the demons arms. He knew you two were close, that the man thought of you as a brother.
Lucifer knew he lost you for good and that he had no chance of getting you back.
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dearest-painter · 1 year
My beautiful child! PT.1
Summary: Mile’s has a younger sibling who isn’t…human to say. Their a demon who cannot go into the sunlight,his parents knows and make them do online school. When he an his siblings go to a place where all the spider people are at…they decided they want a new child and Y/N is perfect material for them!
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is Nezuko,Reader is Miles’s younger sibling,Reader can talk they just make Miles say stuff or make him translate their muffled words,very out of character characters,this is a series,Reader wears the same muzzle as Nezuko,Reader is not a spider-person,Reader wears skirts and oversized hoodies with leggings because they can get hurt by the sun touching their skin but they still have no gender,The whole family knows about Reader being a demon and having to wear clothes to not allow the sun to touch them,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
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Currently your sitting with your brother patting his head with your hand covered by your sleeve. He just chuckled even if he was tired you always made him happy. Just not to long ago you and your brother was cashed down by so many people and now here you to are hiding from them all until you two find a way back home. Miles held you close to his chest sorta scared and trying to protect you from everyone as your his little sibling, he’s got to protect you!
You just smiled or the best you could with your muzzle on as it stops you from biting people. You knew your brother was Spider-Man as you watched him get bit as you go everywhere with him or almost everywhere. Miles sighed a bit sad as he looked down at you, you were oblivious to much things but this place isn’t where neither of you need to be. “I promise Y/N, I’ll get us home, you can trust me with that. We’ll see mom and dad again, we’ll even visit uncle Aaron’s grave again when we get back home.” “Mmmmmhm!” “Yes yes I’ll get you your favorite dessert as well!” “Mmmhmmm!” Miles chuckled at your muffled happiness, he learnt how to understand you.
Soon Gwen and Peter B found you to, Miles put you behind him as he didn’t want you to get hurt. You were confused so you peaked from behind him. “Miles we just wanna talk” “Hell no! Me and Y/N are stuck here trying to go home and you wanna talk!? That’s bullshit!” It was obvious Miles was more pissed then ever since they got you involved with this mess. Peter B sighed while Mayday giggled and escaped her baby capture thingy as she crawled to you. “Look kid, we didn’t know that was going to happen” “And you just let him chase me!? No not just me, chase me and Y/N!? We shouldn’t be here that’s obvious but yet no one wants us to leave!”
Gwen watched as you and mayday played with each other, it was cute. She always found you a bit cute because you followed Miles like a loss puppy and your clothes just added more personality to you. Miles sighed. “Why do we gotta be here? We didn’t do anything wrong…” looking at your brother you Pat his head again and mayday copied you making Miles chuckle. “Your good with kids Y/N” you just nodded at Peter B’s words, what was there to say to him? It was obvious this was gonna be a long day and week so your ready to have your trust broken by many people soon.
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
Taken Abroad is sooo good! And the accompanying memes are great too 💖
Bro imagine if demon reader went full hardcore one day and just keeps letting to circlets dig into their flesh and bone until their hands just fall off, using the second they separate to vanish. Like they are a forest demon, so what if they just regrow their hands? Or make prosthetic nature ones? Like I’m sure their freedom wouldn’t last long (thanks to Monkey King’s gold vision) but I’d love to see the group’s reaction to such gruesome determination!
Taken Aboard:
I’m glad you like it! I really thought that the Journeyfam should have a mix of goofy and tragic, because the novel itself can get pretty damn funny.
Another ‘funny’ thing? This little stunt wouldn’t work at all. Given what we know about Wukong’s powers, he can rip his head off and regenerate it (His beheading contest with the Tiger Strength Immortal in the novel) and since he’s still got the circlet after that…
Y/N will still have theirs.
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And obviously no one is happy to see that this child would do something so horribly gruesome and bloody to themself, leaving to a wide array of horrified reactions.
Ao Lie is devastated that you would hurt yourself for any reason at all. Once you’ve been dragged back to camp by the snickering Monkey King, the dragon prince rushes to your side and snatches you up, nuzzling you to his chest. “Oh, I’m glad you’re alright! You poor little thing, what were you thinking? Trying to slice those bands off! Sweetie, what if something had gone wrong during the regrowing process? Here, let Brother Lie wash the blood off of you!”
He dotes on you for a good hour or two, starting by thoroughly scrubbing you down in a shallow washbasin. (He heats the water in his draconic form.) There’s a mixture of very light scolding and extraordinary concern, scraping all across your body with a wooden bath brush. Once you’re nice and clean you get wrapped up in one of his spare robes to dry off, forced to sit and listen to one of the monk’s lectures as Lie brushes out and braids your hair.
“I think you need to start sleeping in Brother Lie’s tent from now on, sweetie. Maybe it’ll help to keep those little feet from wandering, hmm?”
His voice is gentle, even as you’re forcibly stuffed into a thick sleeping bag, the same one that Lie always uses. For a moment you think he’s simply going to watch you to prevent any further escapades, but then he squishes in beside you, wrapping you tight in his arms.
“Sleep well, sweetie. Big brother will keep you safe.”
Sun Wukong laughs at you first, having tried the same thing by: smashing his forehead inwards, shattering his skull entirely, ripping his head off, etc. “You could have just asked for some advice on the cuffs, bud. I would’ve told ya that they jump back to your real body, y’know!”
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His hands work through the tangled locks of your hair, plucking out juicy bugs and crunchy twigs. “Shut up,” you huff, squirming around in his lap. “I hate them. And you wouldn’t have known whether or not it would’ve worked! You only have one of them!” “S’not fair,” he half-heartedly agrees, if only to set up his next few word. “You should’ve just had one- around your neck to shut you up!”
The Great Sage giggles as you lunge at him, dodging your attempt to bite his wrist. “Easy, easy! C’mon, I was just teasing you!” He grabs your waist and wrestles you to the ground, his fingers dragging lightly across your skin as he tries to force a few giggles or even just a smile out of you. Between angry laughs you manage to throw a punch, feeling his snout bend under your hand.
And though it doesn’t hurt worse than a mild sting, Wukong is still a little astounded that his ‘little sibling’ got outright violent with him. “…you know what, bud? Maybe you do need some ‘quiet time’. I’m gonna keep you here in my lap for a few more hours, I think. And! No saying even a word!”
And before you can argue or complain he tacks on a “How bout I tell you another story from my time back in Flower Fruit Mountain, huh?” Of course you get a story, because this isn’t really a punishment, after all. He’s just framing it as one so you ‘have’ to sit and spend time with one. He’s a pretty clever monkey.
“…a story about killing hunters?”
“Sure thing, kiddo.”
Sha Wujing has no words. He’s hurt and saddened that you would do this to yourself, nearly in tears at the sight of your wounds. He finally has people who accept not only his mistakes and misdeed, but his demonic form alongside them.
And now one has done this.
To Wujing, this isn’t just a team of random travelers. This is his family. You are his family. And he cannot bear to see you so upset and distraught that you might switch to such gruesome and self-injurious behaviors.
The river demon will switch to baby gloves afterwards, treating you like a porcelain figure that is bound to shatter when mishandled.
He’ll carry you on his shoulders and his back and in his arms, squishing your tiny form perfectly into his protective chest. For hours on end the demon will usher you about, never daring to let you free from the safety and security that his power offers.
Instead of allowing you to feed yourself, Wujing will push cut your meals into pieces and them to you piece by piece, ensuring that you won’t choke (intentionally or otherwise) on them. And he won’t let you get dressed alone
He sees the severance of your limbs more as a form of “self-harm” than an attempt to escape, unfortunately for you. It leads him to think of you as a danger to yourself that needs to be properly wrangled and tended to.
All you can do when he’s around from then on is submit to “Brother Sand’s” loving care, and pray he might stop thinking of you as unstable and prone to breakage.
Zhu Bajie is thoroughly disgusted, though that revulsion is born mostly of worry. Nobody wants to see a kid slice off their own wrists, and he certainly wasn’t hoping to see you standing in a puddle of your own blood, your torn flesh bubbling sizzling and bubbling up as it regrew.
And he especially didn’t want something so awful to happen to his little sibling. Not to someone so very precious to him.
Bajie really just… doesn’t know what to do.
You’re hurt. Usually this scenario ends with him either eating a human or smashing a demon’s head open with his nine-tooth rake. And he’d fight off the monk’s reprimands with his own volley of justifications. “Y/N is a child! Any jerk who would hurt them is unforgivable!” He’d declare, his mouth stained with fresh crimson. “A demon who would put their hands on a child is just a monster, that’s all,” the pig might yell, clutching you to his chest protectively.
Neither of those are options when you’ve the person that hurt you is yourself.
All the swine can really do is hold you and try not to scream your ear off about never hurting yourself again, rocking back and forth like he’s trying to soothe a baby to sleep.
Maybe that will help.
Maybe if he holds you long enough and keeps his grip tight, Bajie can prevent you from being hurt by anyone or anything ever again.
Or maybe it’s just his way of keeping you from leaving him and this little family again.
Tang Sanzang, reasonable man that he is, understands that you’re not in a great headspace right now. If things got so bad that you viewed the gory removal of your arms as a reasonable option to escape, then what you need isn’t further punishment… but a firm and guiding hand.
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So the monk refrains from the sutra and chooses instead to tend to your fragile condition. Reassurance that he isn’t angry at what you’ve done to yourself, a promise that you’re already forgiven for running. I think he’s likely to mandate constant surveillance of you from now, always to be under the eye of either him or one of his disciples.
He tends any wounds or aches with balm, stitches the tears in your clothing, then puts you to bed with a canteen of water at your side.
His well of patience is truly endless, only leaving room for an occasional reprimand or a quick tightening of the blessed bands on your wrists. There’s no lashing out, no brutal punishments.
Hurting yourself has not changed that.
Sanzang will spend each early morning before travel checking you over for new wounds and changing out any bandages you’ve got wrapped around old injuries.
The Great Monk stills cherishes you, of course. He’ll never stop cherishing you.
He’s just a little more gentle with that love now.
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inactivewattpadauthor · 2 months
Kung Lao x Reader: Do Not The Cat
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Context: After a small mission in the Netherrealm, you make it back home with Kung Lao with a secret in your bag. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returning to your room with your Shaolin boyfriend, you were joyous to relive the familiar scent yet another day. The mission to hell was pretty simple, but still there were a few close calls. Bombarded by starving, scorching devils and nearly tripping over embers into lava. It was quite embarrassing until Lao, who was laughing at you, almost did the same thing, tripping over pebbles and almost eating up karma.
"Today was boring. I wished we done more." Lao huffs, taking off his weapon and laying back in your bed. All you did was roll your eyes, thankful that the dark thunder god didn't command you two to something more reckless.
"Want to make tonight different?" Your man sits up with a mischievous gleam on his face. Boy, was he always like this.
"We just got back!" You retort with some sort of amusement. "Like, can I shower first at least? Damn." You murmur under your breath, but he could still hear.
"So, is that a no or yes? After a shower?"
Scoffing and shaking your head from his silly idiocy, you turn away to take off all your protective gear and weapons. Lao smirks, always finding it funny when he annoys you. In his peripheral vision, he sees some movement from your duffel bag, making his attention go to it.
At first, he thought his mind was playing with him, but he clearly sees and hears something shuffling in there. "Y/n! There's something in your bag!" He calls out, standing from the bed and grabbing his hat defensively.
Oh! How could I forget?? You walk out your bathroom and to your bag with no concern like Lao's. Unzipping it fully open, something leapt into your arms. One look of it screamed out that it's from the Netherrealm.
"By the Gods! What is that?!" Lao's face held fright, pointing his sharpened hat at the hellish creature snuggling in your arms. Studying it more, it seems like a resembled cat, but instead of normal fur, it was made with rocks with small lava flows between the faults. It was somewhat unique, the lava flows portraying the stripes of a tabby cat. But either way, Lao needs to know what that demonic creature was doing in your bag and why it's snuggling in your arms like a normal house pet.
"He was brushing up against my leg when we were about to leave the Netherrealm. I couldn't leave him in such a dreadful place." You fake a pout, gently rocking the cat in your arms like a baby.
"Raiden let you bring it with you?!" The absurd question makes you furrow your eyebrows. "Hell no! That's why I snuck him in my bag. I don't want that tyrant around my child."
"Your child?!" Lao looks at you like the crazy person you are.
"Our child. My bad."
Kung Lao wants to cry inside now. Many questions were raiding him, but he doesn't even know what to say. So, he just stands flabbergasted, watching you play with the cat.
"You know what? I think I'll name you Magmastar. Because I bet you can lead a whole clan of strong cats! Yes, you can!" You coo at Magmastar, whom just purrs roughly, nuzzling against you. You turn to see Lao's judging look, one that makes you feel patronized. "It's a reference to a book series I used to read when I was younger. Don't give me that look."
"Right. What do you think Lord Raiden would say if he sees it?" The monk grimaced at the thought, biting his knuckle.
"He won't, because it's not like I'm gonna do a show and tell, and for as long as he has that stupid amulet, he's not allowed in my home." Your tone is grave. "And I trust you won't rat me out to him." Your eyes looked into his with plea. Is Lao's heart faithful to you, or the red lord, someone who doesn't even treat him nearly as well as Liu Kang?
"Of course I wouldn't, my love." Lao sighs. He can't fathom getting you in trouble with someone dangerous. You smile gratefully at him, walking to him and holding Magmastar out. "He's very nice, I promise."
Setting down his weapon again, he softly smiles back at you. He's nervous, but he trusts your word. He takes the cat gently from you, holding it with cautiousness. It definitely feels rocky just like it looks, and is especially warm. Other than that, the average friendly cat, not wanting to claw your eyes out unlike most Earth cats or anything from hell.
"Wow. This... isn't bad." He holds the fiery feline with more ease and comfort.
And after a shower, you walk out in a towel seeing Kung Lao asleep with your Magmastar curled up on his stomach. Cute! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today, I say the science will not science because the very flammable cat - made of burning rocks with a few lava stripes - doesn't hurt if you cuddle/pet it!
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 days
Well, that saves them a trip to FFM, Uwkong is right there with them! Problem is getting him to actually go fight the Demon Bull King is a little trickier. Who gonna take care of MK while he's gone!? What if Wukong accidentally destroys Pigsy's Noodles or hurts them during his fight!? Wukong isn't exactly known for being able to take down enemies without casualties or property damage!
And that doesn't even get into the co plicatwd matter of that being Wukong's actualnolder brother out there and the amount of guild he had having been forced to seal him away the first time, much less being expected to do it a second.
MK also grabbed the staff again and refuses to let go.
Wukong is panicking hard, cus DBK's sealing was supposed to be his *last* big fight. He officially hung up his golden armour when MK came into his life.
Pigsy appreciates Wukong's cautiousness on the matter; especially the parts on who takes care of MK + what if the restaurant gets demolished in the fight? He honestly expected the Monkey King to be more reckless, but clearly he's matured since his Journey-ing days.
Tang is pouting that he won't see the Monkey King is his legendary glory, and this sparks off a bit of an argument between the adults and Mei (who believes that DBK needs to be taken down). Sandy is trying his best to mediate the situation when they all notice that *someone* is missing.
During their argument, MK decides to just Leave and hope for the best.
Due to the chaotic nature of MK grabbing the Staff and Mei grabbing him and speeding away on her bike before the Demon Bull family could see, DBK didn't actually get a good look at the Little Thieves before they escaped.
When DBK finally sees up close who he's beefing with he's... less than impressed.
DBK, disgusted: "Has Sun Wukong become so cowardly as to elect a mere calf to fight for him!? MK: "Hey! My baba isn't a coward!" >:( DBK, shocked: "Sun Wukong... is your father?" MK: "Yeah! He's the strongest baba ever!" Red Son, still in fight-mode: "I disagree!" MK, turns and starts swinging: "I disagree with your face!" Red Son, dodging: "That doesn't make any sense!" DBK: "ENOUGH!! I do not care who disagrees with whom! What I do care about is seeing my younger brother once more!" MK, remembering: "Oh yeah!! You and baba were brothers during the war! He told me all about you and Princess Iron Fan, and how you fell in love, and how you had Red Boy and-" (*continues rambling*) DBK & PIF: (*turn their attention to one another*) PIF: "He's certainly Wukong's child..." DBK: "Has my xiandi sent his child ahead to free me to make up for the mistakes of the past? Was my resurrection poorly timed?" PIF: "He literally fell onto our son as he managed to lift the Staff, I wouldn't be surprised if Wukong and his child have been waiting to greet us." DBK: "We must ask." DBK: (*turns back to MK, who's already gotten into another argument with Red Son and is biting him*) DBK: "Child, where is your father now?" MK, stops biting: "Umm... I left him at Pigsy's." DBK: "Left him!? You mean you went to confront me without his permission?" MK, sheepish: "He didn't want me to go in case I got hurt..." DBK & PIF: (*sharing another look*) "He's become afraid of me..." "Only afraid that you may wish his child harm." "That hurts more than any cudgel to my skull..." (*Pigsy's food truck finally appears*) Wukong, bursting out the side with his armour half-fastened: "TIME OUT!!! NOBODY MOVE! I did not give Xiaotian permission to fight! Now let's calm down and- nobody's fighting? What gives?" DBK: "I have no intentions to fight your child, xiandi." Wukong, sigh of relief: "Phew! That's one BIG worry dealt with! Now comes the matter of grounding my son till he's a hundred!" (*turns to MK*) "Young man, I TOLD you not to go running off with that Staff! It's a weapon, not a foam sword! Just wait until your aunts and uncles here about this!" MK: "Aww man!!" Tang & Mei, disappointed: "So we aren't going to see The Monkey King and DBK fight?" "Boo!"
Fortunately as it turns out, DBK is far more interested in learning how his little bro became a dad than actually fighting. Wukong and the rest of the adults decide to sit down for a long overdue talk while their kids get acquainted (i.e. MK and Mei both arguing with Red Son for being so rude and chasing them earlier).
PIgsy, Tang, and Sandy feel a little awkward being there, but clearly the Demon Bull Couple think they belong. Tang is especially delighted to be sitting and having tea (Sandy provided) with THE Monkey King and THE Demon Bull King and Iron Fan Princess!!
MK is forced to put the Staff away unless absolutely necessary, the monkey cub pouting all the while.
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
I saw @yns-world do this so I kind of wanted to steal their thing XD But it’s really entertaining! So here’s my version of…
MK Villains meeting/hearing about their (and your) child
Erron Black, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kano, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn edition!
Part 2!
Tell me whoever else you may want! I want to do a heros one after this, so tell me who you want!
Edit: I’m not even kidding, I was looking for some Erron X Readers, saw this, read this, said “ohh I like that one” and “ew that’s cringy” without knowing this is fucking mine XDXD I looked back at this and just gasped because I fr didn’t think I wrote this
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Erron Black
Erron: Ye look a lot like me. Ya one of them alternate universe me’s?
Son: No, but I’m here to kill you unlike what other me’s could do
Erron: Well if I die, tell other me’s to kill Y/N after pulling out
Erron: You got my eyes and your mother’s bad attitude
Daughter: And her hatred for you
Erron: Nah, our bloodline is filled with hate
Son: I wonder what she saw in you when you first met
Erron: Beats me, I wondered what she saw in the first hundred guys she fucked
Son: I’m gonna make you take that back!
Erron: If only I raised you instead, you wouldn’t be this big o’ a pussy
Son: My mother raised me better without you in my life
Erron: Yeah, never mind. You and yer mom are too ignorant to hang around
You: Your daughter is a horse girl, y’know. Ya should go show her ‘round here on one
Erron: I’m too busy for that demon girl
You: Of course you are. And she’s a demon because of you
Kotal Kahn: You have a child who asked for you
Erron: I don’t have a kid
Kotal Kahn: Well I shall introduce you two after this then
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Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung: I have been awaiting this day, my child
Daughter: Why? To destroy every woman’s life who meets you?
Shang Tsung: No, but I wonder what might a limp, pitiful creature such as yourself do when their whore of a mother is killed
Daughter: You are beyond fucked up.
Son: I remember the last time I saw you
Shang Tsung: It was quite the tragedy, indeed
Son: You couldn’t fucking stop laughing at me suffer through my mother’s death
Daughter: Whenever she died, did you care, father?
Shang Tsung: Why of course, I feared how her death would affect my precious child
Daughter: You feared so much you threw your precious child into the claws of death
Shang Tsung: At least the Kahn didn’t kill you instead.
Shang Tsung: When I was your age, it was customary for sons to protect and serve their parents
Son: I protect and serve my mother. You are a mere parasite to me
Shang Tsung: Oh, the parasite within you will enjoy tearing you apart
Shang Tsung: Does [child] know we are meeting?
You: She is sound asleep, and I promised she will awaken with her father home
Shang Tsung: She will awaken to her mother in pain so she never wants to see me again
You: All she wants is 5 minutes, Shang!
Raiden: You look just like your mother
Daughter: But I’m stronger than she’ll ever be
Raider: And you are as blind as your father
Lui Kano:
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Son: It’s funny that people try to kill me for being your child rather than for being tarkatan
Baraka: How’s that funny?
Son: They’re killing your people to get to you, father. You’re why your people are disappearing.
Baraka: Female tarkatan gather, not fight
Daughter: Come on father! One round! You know I’m better than my brothers, anyways
Baraka: This is why you’ll be the man in the family once I’m gone
Baraka: My favorite fighter
Son: [daughter] said she fights better!
Baraka: Let us find out then
Daughter: I remember the tribe before mother died
Baraka: You will never honor or lay eyes on it again, traitor!
Daughter: I put good deeds over personal victory, father
Mileena: You’re beautiful, for being Baraka’s
Daughter: You’re ugly, for being Sindel’s
Mileena: Hehe, I’ll bite that tongue if you don’t, savage!
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Kano (he’s so fucking hot)
Kano: Before anything else, ya motha’ came onto me first
Son: I- did not ask
Kano: Well, she asked- she asked for more every night
Daughter: My mom is obsessed with you, still
Kano: And lemme tell you, she was crazy over me back then too. A freak, really
Daughter: Are we both talking about [Y/N]?
Kano: Oh yeah, she never told you? She loved me
You: Still as fine as the day we met
Kano: You must be thinking of the wrong Kano, but I’d love to show you what the young me can do
You: Yeah, like give me a kid to raise on my own
Sonya: I thought I killed younger you already!
Kano: Hah, I always knew me boy would be useful one day
Sonya: Oh, shit- It was your son?
Kano: Y/N?
Daughter: Mother died a few years back
Kano: And you look as beautiful as she did
Kano: There’s no way. I pulled out!
Son: You pull-out game sucked then
Kano: Like father, like son then, ay?
Daughter: Mom said you promised to take me out today!
Kano: Daddy.. was probably drink’n’ ay
Daughter: If I have to drag you all the way out there, I will!
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Quan Chi
Quan Chi: I sense demon within you. You aren’t from Earthrealm
Daughter: I’m the perfect mix of holiness and unholiness
Quan Chi: Then you are a worthless mutt
You: Shinnok won’t take us fighting lightly. We’re supposed to unify and serve
Quan Chi: I shall not let him take [child] from us
You: You are a traitor
Raiden: You betray your realm for what?
You: I am sorry, but my child’s safety is worth more than Earthrealm’s would ever be
Raiden: So you aid the destruction of the safest realm?
Quan Chi: My son
Son: Do not call me that, demon
Quan Chi: Your demon workings are put to sleep within you, allow me to show you what you really are inside
Daughter: There was a time when mother thought you loved her
Quan Chi: A demon cannot feel love, my child
Daughter: You loved her enough to have me, yes?
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Shao Kahn
You: Wait until your queen finds out
Shao Kahn: Finds out what?
You: I am pregnant, emperor. And I am keeping it
Sindel: I’ll kill that disgusting monster of a child!
You: Do you speak to their sister that way?
Sindel: Kitana is more royal than your child will ever be
Daughter: You know, I was only doing what was good for the kingdom
Kitana: No, you were doing what father would want you to do
Daughter: It is better he likes me than throw me out like he did you
Shao Kahn: My little princess
Daughter: Mileena said you were planning of disposing me, father
Shao Kahn: Why ever would I do that?
Mileena: I told you not to touch my things, sis
Daughter: I told you not to touch me!
Mileena: Hehe, royal blood just tastes too good to leave alone
Shao Kahn: To be emperor, you must be able to defeat me first
Son: I will do you proud, father
Shao Kahn: Not until Kitana is dead, will you make me proud
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manjiroscum · 2 years
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Character/s: serial killer!Haitani Rindou
Warnings: f!reader, mature language, explicit sexual themes, mentions of blood, mentions of violence, murder, implied breeding kink, not bonten era, alternate universe, dub-con, unprotected sex, rindou is sick and twisted, and use of pet name. Minors do not interact.
Note: sorry this took so long, uni sucks :( this is the third entry for kinktober and is dedicated to bby cat the cutie @dottores 🫂💖 ily
❖ kinktober ‘22 masterlist | ENTRY #3
Summary: Sometimes the monster under your bed is better than the one sleeping next to you.
WC: 1.4k
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It was a dark and stormy afternoon. The sky had been crying since dawn, enough to cause light flooding on the streets outside that were barren of any signs of life due to the horrid weather. In fact, it was too bare for any passerby who wish to feel some sort of comfort from seeing a human being on their way home, cursing at the emptiness of it all. But this downpour came as a blessing to your troubled mind. The sound of raindrops beating endlessly on the roof calmed your raging thoughts as you lay next to the demon who revealed its horns unintentionally last night.
Any sane person would have left him and called the nearest authority to capture him. To bring down any form of judgment on those who kill their own kind. And yet, here you are, watching Rindou lightly snore beside you. His warmth shouldn’t feel so delightful and lulling, let alone be sought after on this cold day. The red you saw often on your moodiest days was nothing compared to the color of his hands that had wrung bodies dry. He shouldn't feel so soothing to be with.
A murderer is never one who respects the value of life, let alone a serial killer who was making the rounds in the neighborhood for any signs of sport to kill.
However, the warm smile that spread across your face once he reached out to you came out naturally. Those strong arms that wrap around you and cage you in—you couldn’t phantom how capable of evil they are. Rindou yawned and nuzzled his chin on your head. He was murmuring something, but you are unable to pick up the words. Your mind was spiraling once more and the guilt in your heart continued to pang as if it were a child unable to forget you stole their candy. Perhaps you shouldn’t be ignoring it as you sink further into his chest until his beating heart could be picked up by your ear. It continued to nag your mortal soul as the hours passed by, weighing in your mind even as you made dinner that evening. The image of the bloody cleaver carelessly placed inside the drawer underneath the kitchen sink haunted your vision. Rindou knew you would see it if he placed it there, so why?
What if he finds out that you knew?
“The vegetables are gonna burn, princess.”
A curse left your lips as you snapped out of your thoughts and proceed to lower the flames unless you wanted dinner to be delayed. Rindou chuckled at your ‘clumsiness’ before he pressed a kiss on the side of your forehead. He whispered his encouragement then left you to your own to go grab a can of beer from the refrigerator. His footsteps were too light and silent for a man who was all muscle. Drops of sweat that rolled down your temple felt ice cold as you listened to him. The biggest question of it all was how you could continue to love and care for such a person when he could easily hurt others. And if he could, who is to say he can’t do the same to you?
Keep it together.
Don’t say a word.
Ignorance is bliss is what they all say. Yet, sometimes the truth always comes up in the most unconventional ways at the most inconvenient time. Of course, your choice of turning a blind eye to it was going to bite you in the ass.
You just had to catch him in the act of trying to hide the body of his latest kill just as you came home from work. The gods may have cast a curse on the area because it was still raining nonstop. Your hair was damp due to running from the bus to the front door. Muddy footprints that did not belong to your heels stained the floor which you followed, ending in you standing in front of the bedroom door. Swallowing hard, you reached for the door knob. Heart roaring in your chest like horses on the race track, fearful of what may greet you on the other side.
The door creaked open before you could even twist the knob. Rindou, who smiled at you, heard you enter the house. His hair was slightly tousled and his clothes had wrinkles on them. A small rust-colored stain sat just below his shoulders. He just killed somebody. Again. Whether he read your ghastly expression or not, your boyfriend instantly pulled you in for a hug.
“Your hair’s wet,” he mumbled after he backed away to rub your head. “Forgot your umbrella again, didn’t you? You should’ve said so, I would’ve fetched you from work.” Rindou’s smile never ceased that there was something unnerving about it. He didn’t leave your side nor leave you to change out of your clothes. He merely sat on the edge of the bed, eyeing you silently. The silence was almost unbearable if it weren’t for the pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof. Yet, as soon as you were in your underwear, his arms immediately wound themselves around your waist. His mouth pressed chaste kisses on your nape. His nose inhaled the faint scent of your perfume, welcoming it like it was a drug he couldn’t get tired of. The second his fingers started to pull your panty down, you knew what he was trying to do.
A distraction.
Your light groans of protest and wish to bathe first fell on deaf ears. Rindou was quick to hush you with a kiss on the lips once he grabbed your chin and turn your face to the side. The sickly sweet taste of him and his growing bulge rubbing against your ass close to overpowering your rational thoughts. This was another song and dance he knew all too well. He rid himself of his loose pants prior to grabbing your hand.
“Want you, princess,” he whispered into your ear. His free hand directed you to squeeze his erect dick. “Can you tell that I missed you so much?”
Without wasting more time, Rindou hauled you to the bed with a wicked grin on his handsome face. Lilac strands covered his devious irises while his hands did more sinful acts that felt more like a blessing by undressing you completely. The way his mouth devour your nipples as soon as they were freed from the cups of your bra was mind-numbing. Rindou’s thick index finger teased your leaking slit, eager to push and part your warm walls. A moan slipped past your quivering lips which he drank in, echoing your sentiment when he rubbed the mushroom tip of his cock against your pussy. He was still wearing that shirt with a bloodstain as he slowly entered your pussy, eyes squeezed shut in bliss. Even as he started thrusting into you, setting a fast pace, he never got rid of it. You refused to touch it, scared that the people he killed will start to materialize and haunt you for not breaking your silence. He must have noticed this, increasing his speed so that it almost knocked the wind out of your lungs. Your grip on the sheets was close to flattering. It was as if it was set up for it to slip past your fingers so you would have no choice but to grab his shirt. Inevitably, you did.
Rindou smirked.
Your screams for your lover to fuck you harder were drowned out by the exact soundproof walls that kept his victims from being heard outside. Your mind turned hazy, tunneling solely on the urge to reach that euphoric high that Rindou give you to notice the police badge on the nightstand. Too caught up on his skillful tongue in your mouth and his cock in your pussy to care about the mattress feeling like it was made out of stone. Your sense of smell was fogged up by Rindou’s own tantalizing scent to catch a whiff of a metallic odor because blood was pooling underneath unknowingly to you.
“Cum, princess. Fuckin’ cum around this cock.”
But not to Rindou. And as he shot his hot cum straight into your womb, he couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of impregnating you as his fresh kill sat crumpled under the bed after stuffing him there hurriedly. He was far too excited to care. Deliberately, he had been waiting for you to walk in after he smashed that stupid cop in the head for snooping around. It went all according to his twisted plan when you showed up on time, terrified of what he had done, and he couldn’t be happier. You were going to become his perfect partner in crime, whether you like it or not.
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🎐taglist: @cryptred @wakaslut @festive @marism @wakasa-wifey @zuuki @stffychn @keijisprettygirl @bunnyjiros @tobidabio @leavemealonebutinpink @kamisoria @b-achiras @chloee0x0 @tokyometronetwork @riszu
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beetlebug-bii · 11 months
Part 3 of feral mc but with Belphie being released from the attic. Just imagine Belphie trying to kill mc and they just bite him. Not even Barbatos could handle the child so I highly doubt Belphie could either lol.
Feral Child Mc (part three)
MC Gets Betrayed & Bombastically Side Eyed Their Way To Beating A Bitch.
A/N: I like my writing to be nothing short of silly goofy, i also wrote this at like 4am two weeks ago and was so surprised to see it in my drafts. Did i proof read it? No.
Enjoy anyways💕
Now, you have been a menace since you've arrived
Only truly unstoppable by Diavolo, Lucifer and Barbatos on a good day
Was not one of those days
Not at all
You see
Late in the night after being very snuggly tucked in
And then duck taped to the bed
And then your pajamas stapled to the bed
And then tied to the bed
In their defense
Not a single brother has gotten a single decent night of sleep
Not since Mammon awoke one night to see your little face peeking out from the vents
You screamed at him and launched from the darkness, stealing his sun glasses before scrumbling deep into the walls
no one has ever heard Mammon scream so loudly
Needless to say they were pretty fucking done with your scrumbling
Besides, they tied Satan to the bed and look at him! A totally chill and normal member of society :D
Anyways you were built different and managed to escape
You had to check on your little friend in the attic after all, it had been a few days
Upon going in, you glared at eachother for exactly three minutes and fourteen seconds
Before he started the whole sweet act on you
"Awh hey, you can let me out now right? You can do that? Whose a good little human?"
Offense taken
You werent a dog
though you wont lie and say you havent growled back at Cerberus before...
No you know what
Who does this man think he is?
You are a child with 6 of the deadliest pacts in the world!
Wait a second
Who thought that was a good idea
You are feral
A monster
The other students at RAD cower before you
You made the Angel's cry
well whatever it's not like this is gonna come back and bite you
But you werent gonna release the bitch from his kennel
Not without a price
Mammon would be so so proud of you!
It took a lot of back and forth, but he promised 12 firecrackers, a new plushie, and a trip to the candy store
Hell yea candy
Open up oh magic lock
Oh he fucking kicked you across the room
Well that's not fucking candy
Lying prick
So this fucking incel loser started ranting about something or other
To be honest you didnt care
In fact you decided he didnt get a monologue
You were pissed off
You freed him
Were you the embodiment of capitalism while doing so?
But that doesnt mean he can just hit you
You have such a cute face
He's just mad that you're the baby of the family now
And that thought gave you a great idea!!
"I'm telling Lucifer"
Would have been your final words
Had you not been
Next thing you know he's chasing you down the stairs, grabbing you and choking you out
Not gonna lie
Was a bitch move
So you kicked him square in the jaw and started screaming, just like papa lucifer taught
Stranger danger kids
Dont release strange men from the attic in exchange for candy
It's not worth it and they are lying
So obviously you pissed off what's his name
You're pretty sure its bitch boy
Anyways so you pissed off bitch boy and he started trying to stab you with a chair leg
Which was like
So rude
And the others were like bro stop
Except more panicked you're pretty sure but you werent a crybaby bitch like this loser so you know
You had to go for the knees
You slid around him, kicked him in the back of the knees
This wasnt your first rodeo
Because you climbed on the demonic cow and grabbed the horns man
You were holding on for dear life before you just bit into his head
I dont think he even knew what to do at that point
You ruined his WHOLE SPEECH
gee I wonder why
Recounting this tale now, a few months later, you'd like to think that he was just being the most frfr brother out of everyone
You two had to be torn apart like a pair of summer popsicles
You were kicking and screaming
He was kicking and screaming
Mammon was kicking and screaming, somehow his leg got caught in between you two
It was a warzone
The hallway was destroyed
Multiple bedrooms? Just gone
The brothers?
So tired...
None of that fake shit
Deep down you know you would've won though
You still call him bitch boy💕
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spectrum-spectre · 1 year
Sorry if this is completely out of nowhere but: Steddie Soulmate AU where your soulmark appears when you realize you're in love with your soulmate. Eddie gets his when he sees Steve kill the demobat and doesn't mention it bc he figures it's unrequited and Steve's soulmark is for Nancy. Steve gets his soulmark when he realizes Eddie put himself in mortal danger to protect Dustin and panics trying to save Eddie so they can have a chance to be together.
I'm honored that you sent this to me <333
this is my first writing ask so I hope i don't disappoint (slight angst incoming but dw!!!)
Eddie doesn't believe in soul mates; at least, not at first. He thinks the whole "soul mark" thing is some weird fluke, a genetic anomaly that scientists just haven't put a name to yet. The thought that your love for another person could never be enough compared to the mere idea of their "perfect partner?" That you could be happily married with a child you care about, but one day your spouse is suddenly in love with someone else? It's what tore his family apart.
He was 13 years old, see, when his good-for-nothing father met a lady he claimed was his soul mate. He left Eddie and his Mama in the dust, never to be seen or heard from again. His Mama didn't take it well, drank herself to sleep every night and let him fend for himself. Until one day she just... didn't wake up.
It was then and there he decided this whole soul mate thing was bullshit. He moved in with his uncle, his only family left on his Mama's side. He never met his father's side, which was probably for the best. Eddie wore his anger like armour, never letting anyone close enough to possibly break his heart like his Mama's did.
Enter stage right: Steve fucking Harrington.
He's so perfect it's infuriating. Who gave him the right to actually be a decent guy?? He already has the looks and the charm of a living Greek God, he shouldn't be allowed to be nice!
Eddie knew he was screwed the moment Steve threw his sweater at him on the boat. He could already feel the beginnings of a heartache: his pulse speeding up, his breath catching in his throat, the painfully strong urge for a cig to take the edge off. He figured, "hey, why the hell not? I'm probably gonna die anyway, might as well give in to the moment while I can," and wrapped up his flashlight. No need to be embarrassed over a crush if you're dead. It only got worse.
Seeing Steve get pulled under was like getting a tooth ripped out-fucking torturous. Suddenly you're left with a big empty wound that aches to have that missing piece returned to its rightful place, exposed nerves crying out for comfort and protection against the elements.
He could not have been less prepared for the sight he was about to see. Steve aka "The King" aka "The Hair" Harrington, beating a demon-bat thing to a pulp, taking a bite out of it, and spitting out the blood. He is so, so fucked.
I'll do a part two soon!! It just turned midnight and this is all I could do for right now but I hope you like it!!! Next part will be about Steve >:D
lemme know if you'd like to be tagged!
❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘
edit: part two is out NOW!!!
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shitouttabuck · 8 months
several sentence sunday
tagged by @clusterbuck @rewritetheending @capseycartwright @athenagranted @buckactuallys <3
eddie amateur children’s face painter diaz being put to the test
He bites down on a smile, made harder by the way Buck’s grinning at him. “Gotcha. What face paint does the frog princess wear, then?” She thinks for a moment, cheek smushed against the satin of Buck’s shoulder. Then she perks up, whispering something into Buck’s ear. He nods and whispers back, smacking a kiss on her cheek before turning to Eddie with a troublemaking little grin. “Fly,” Jee tells him. “Fly?” Eddie frowns as they reach the patch of grass in the backyard where Maddie’s set up a couple of stools for them to work. “Yes, please.” Jee doesn’t bother to elaborate, wriggling down from Buck’s arms and perching on one of the stools expectantly. Fly? Eddie mouths at Buck, who looks delighted. “You know, Eddie,” he says patronisingly, “frogs love flies. Frogs love Jee. So you should make her a fly.” Eddie doesn’t bother to rein in his glare this time. “How would I—have you ever seen anyone with fly face paint, Buck?” he hisses. “Are you saying no to the frog princess on her birthday, Eddie?” Buck asks. And so Eddie finds himself painting two large, grotesque, intricately dotted eyes on Jee-Yun Han-Buckley’s little face before sending her off frolicking through the garden in her frog hat like someone’s sleep paralysis demon come to life. He has a second to hope he can avoid Maddie for the rest of the day, lest she strangle him for turning her daughter into a B-plot Spider-Man villain, before the next bare-faced child is thrust into the seat before him.
have actually finished writing this absolute nonsense birthday party fic but there’s one bit that’s scratching my brain wrong so gonna let it simmer until i can edit it better lol
tagging @onward--upward @eddiebabygirldiaz @jeeyuns @try-set-me-on-fire @housewifebuck @forthewolves @zahlibeth @anxieteandbiscuits @eowon @butchdiaz @devirnis if anyone’s got anything to share :)
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
How would mama Neytrir or papa Jake react if the RDA brainwashed Spider and made him more ‘human’, eg his hair is short and refuses to Speak navi(despite the fact it’s literally his language), and now wears human clothes as well. Spider also doesn’t remember anything about his old life, he doesn’t remember his mama, dad, siblings, friends, interests or even hair braiding. Just imagine mama Neytrir's reaction to this……💔
this had to be a mother's worst nightmare, for her own child to no longer recognize her, to look at her with fear and disgust, cowering from her touch. those demons shaved him, stripped him of his jewelry, and his songchord, forcing ill-fitting and bland RDA clothes on what remained of his tiny, underweight little body. every bit of skin covered in dark bruises, yellow patches painted the in-between, both eyes ringed with deep blacks and reds, his gaze absent, dead. he looked ill, his skin pale as if he had been kept from the sun, lips shriveled with dehydration and the biting spider seemed intent on doing. spider had refused any food or water, a change of clothes, even if only nicer human clothes, but he just shook his head or shut down.
he wouldn't talk to anyone, not unless he was screaming that his name was no longer 'spider', that the terms of endearment neytiri whispered to him in na'vi were nonsense, that they were all nothing but filthy savages.
neytiri knew that wasn't her son, not truly, and from what she had learned about the humans, what she saw on her son's body, she knew they had tortured him, beat him until he did what they wanted. hearing jake explain to her what they did made her feel sick with rage, made her desperate to hold onto him, to make him know he didn't have to fear them anymore, that he didn't have to pretend anymore.
but as days turned to weeks, it just got worse. spider made it very clear that this was no act, he didn't remember, his family were now strangers, he didn't remember his home, his people.
every day he grew wearier, every time he seemed to come close to remembering something no matter how small he became more and more vile, spitting acid at his family with that empty look in his eye.
neytiri was heartbroken, she would sit there all day, letting her baby throw insults at her, at her people, never once getting angry. she knew, the way a mother knew, that her baby was in there somewhere and she wasn't gonna scare him away. she would wait there every day for the next 100 years if she had to, she was going to get her baby back.
she would crawl closer at night, brush her fingers through the fluffy new growth of his curly golden locks, ever so gentle as to not wake him from the little sleep he managed. he thrashed in his sleep, whining pitifully, shredding her already mangled heart; spider had few nightmares as a child, but when he did, like any child would, he clung close to his mother and father, not letting go till it was long gone. but now she could only watch, praying to the great mother that she show the boy mercy.
when jake forced her to leave the little 'cell' spider confined himself in, she walked the familiar paths of spider's childhood, the routes she shared only with him, in hopes of gaining back some of the joy she once felt with him. the room itself was an old infirmary transitioned to best suit what they thought was a scared and traumatized little boy who was lost in his own torture, but now it was more than that, and spider refused to leave. he spent most of his days curled up in the dark corner next to the cot, so he could only be seen from one direction, head-on.
jake sat with him a few hours everyday, not as long as neytiri, as spider seemed a lot more frightened by him, no doubt the intentions of his captors when they broke his little mind. spider looked through him and it made him feel cold, like he was submerged in ice water. it broke him to see his son, his baby boy, like that. he remembered when spider was so tiny, curled up asleep in his lap, gnawing on his cummerbund like it was a chew toy. he remembered carving the boys first knife, helping him shoot his first arrow, watching him make his first clean kill. he wanted to know where that little boy went, he wanted to bring him back, to hold him and make sure nothing ever hurt him again.
in the short time they weren't allowed in the room, when spider needed to be manhandled and sedated so he could be tube fed and checked up on by norm and max, jake and neytiri clung to each other, trying not to mourn the loss of their son, because he wasn't gone, they would never accept that, but they cried, they screamed and begged and howled like wounded animals; what had spider ever done to deserve this?
spider was a good boy, he did whatever he could to help The People, the village, the elders. he was well-mannered and respectful, always had a smile on his face and a laugh on his tongue. he was the sweetest, most helpful, and loving little boy, what did he do to deserve this?
they had to watch as he fought to wake up from the sedation, tears flowing from his eyes, a pitiful little whine crawling its way out of his chest. most days neytiri could stay behind the window, but watching spider thrash with something raw this time round, choking on his own spit, and for a split second she swore she heard the word mama in-between his horrible sobs.
she rushed to his side, even as max and norm tried to pull her away, as jake stood numb in the doorway. she took his little scarred hands into her own, scared that if she just scooped him up it would scare him away.
"I'm here, sweet boy, I'm here, your mama's here... please baby, I'm right here," she was desperate, for spider's eyes to fall on her and fill with ease, to recognize her, to come back to her.
and for a second he did, he looked like he wanted to melt, for a single second he was there... and then he was gone, screaming and thrashing about, even spitting at her. then neytiri was the one crying, not letting go of his hands until someone dragged her away, begging for him to come back, to stay with her.
jake held her as spider crawled off the cot and back into his corner, dragging the blanket down with him, curling up so you could only see the gold of his hair.
part of neytiri died that day, the hope she held for just a second being crushed just as fast as it had gathered, and it took some of her spirit with her. she went to commune with Eywa that day, desperate for some sort of answer, guidance as to how she was supposed to help her little gift, her miracle, her fkew'hi'i'atan. she wanted so badly to free him from the prison the demons locked him in. but her strength was waning, she couldn't put up with much more, she knew it wasn't him saying it, that it was forced into him, this whole new persona was built and tortured into him, but hearing her baby's voice, no matter how broken, saying such awful things, it was breaking her.
Eywa provided her little answers, little peace, even though she begged and pleaded. she went to her mother who could only hold onto her and attempt to console her as she sobbed. jake held her that night, promised her that he would make the demons pay for what they did to their baby, that no matter what happened, spider would not suffer for nothing. she felt him losing hope, she couldn't blame him, he could barely even be in the room without spider screaming at him.
it had been almost a year before there was any change, spider stopped fighting, just went catatonic, stared off into space for hours and hours. they'd tried taking him outside, jake holding him in strong arms, laying him in the grass, racking finger's through his hair as the wind blew past him. they'd never managed to get spider outside before then, they had tried, so hard. they hated keeping spider in that sterile white room, even if they hadn't kept him by choice. neytiri insists that something was there, that his eyes shifted a little, that his breath came easier. jake couldn't decided if she was right or if it was just wishful thinking, he doesn't know which one hurts more.
neytiri could hold him now, and she did, every day. she sat there and sang to him, kissing his forehead, talking to him as if it was any other day, and her baby was right there like it had been before.
spider had to be carried everywhere, months spending balled up in corners or sedated to keep him from destroying himself atrophied all his muscles, even if he wanted to, he would never walk on his own, not without a lot of help and a lot of physical therapy. they were unsure if he'd be able to speak if he wanted to either, as he only used his voice to scream and cry. it felt almost unethical to keep spider, he had no quality of life, he was nothing but a shell and it was devastating. they were faced with a horrible question; what do you do when a persons mind has all but died, leaving them to suffer in a broken body? what do you do when death would be a mercy but simply won't come? what do you do when your child is in that position, do you watch them wither away, knowing every single day is nothing but pain and fear and all you can do is watch?
one day spider's songchord showed up, neytiri knew who put it there, and as much as she detested that man, as much as she blamed what happened to her boy on that man, she knew he had some amount of heart. he let spider go, he brought spider back to them, and now he'd managed to find his songchord. it had been left on the edge of omatikaya territory, the songchord was wrapped in his loincloth, a small string of beads next to it, spider's hair beads. she was grateful, in a strange way, she understood what he had done, why he had done it; he never meant for this to happen, and he took full blame for it, this was his way of saying sorry.
neytiri took spider to Eywa that day, placed him under the tree of souls, singing his songchord, watching eywa hold her baby in her arms. spider wasn't asleep, but he wasn't awake, he wasn't there. she connecter to the tree, hoping to find spider within the connection... when she did she almost regretted it, just for a second.
she found spider, her spider, curled up in a ball, sobbing. when she reached out to him, desperately, his eyes met hers. he stared for a second before throwing himself at her. for the first time in forever she heard na'vi on his tongue, heard him call her mama, heard his voice.
she held him as tight as she could, holding onto him as if he was going to disappear. her baby was locked in his own mind, unable to scream out, to beg for help, his minds only goal now was to survive, even if it meant killing him off. but here, where only their souls mattered, she could finally reach her boy.
"mama," his voice was broken, though this time it was overrun with pain and emotion, as he clung to her.
"oh my son, my son I'm here, I never left you."
"mama," he repeated, as if thats the only thing he could think about.
"I never gave on you fkew'hi'i'atan, I know you were in there, and I know your fighting. I know your tired, I see it, I see it, my sweet child. I know you want to give up, that your heart is tired. but I am here, I am waiting for you, your father is waiting, your siblings are waiting, baby we're waiting for you, come back to us." she begged her son, begged him with every last bit of energy she had.
"I don't know how mama, I'm trying, I'm trying really hard, I wanna come home," he cried, cowering into her chest, a subconscious fear kicking in.
she brushed back his hair, kissing the top of his head, trying to reassure him that he was safe here with her. "It's ok, little one, it's oke I will come here everyday with you if that's what it means, I will give myself to Eywa herself, to get you back. I promise you spider, I will never give up on you my son. I know its hard and its scary, but I will be here," she meant every word, she would do whatever it took to get her boy back.
"I'm sorry," he sniffled, "I was so mean, I said... I said such horrible things, I made dad go away, so I hid, I hid as far away as I could and now I can't get back."
neytiri felt her world collapse around her. spider did this for her, for jake, he gave up his own mind, what little bit he had left, for them.
she didn't know what to say, but she didn't need to saying anything, cause Eywa knew, spider knew, she knew. there were some things that couldn't be said, feelings that could never be expressed in words. so she held her baby boy as close as she could, kissing his temple, tucking her head over his.
"I will take you home spider, I will find a way, I promise you that. tomorrow I will come with your father and we will find a way to fix this. rest for now, my little one, you don't have to be strong anymore, its our turn now. you've been so strong and so brave, let it be my turn, can you do that for me?"
he nodded against her, "five more minutes?" his little voice asked her, as if he was a baby all over again - she hadn't let herself remember he wasn't a baby anymore, he was 18 now, in so long, the thought hurt - as he curled into her chest.
"of course hi'i'tìyawn, I'll stay as long as you need."
there was something so simple, painful and bittersweet, as a mother holding her child. as she rocked him she imagined them back in their home, the home spider should have know. the home they could have had back in hometree. she let spider see what she used to see, both of them being lulled into the lullaby of The Great Mother, until the bond was broken by Eywa herself. jake had to carry them both home that night, but that was ok, because he found them in each other's arms, covered in ato'kirina, and something told him it would all be ok.
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rosemariad · 4 months
Supernatural season 14
Oh boy!
So Alt-Michael has taken over Dean’s body and absconded to parts unknown - what an unprecedented plot twist who could’ve possibly seen this coming, certainly not Dean, the one guy who doesn’t trust angels and has a history of being short-sighted & making shitty deals.
Since this is season 14, and there’s only 1 more season after this, I presume Dean will never grow out of these bad qualities 🤦🏾‍♀️, so…moving on.
Check you out Sam, leading your new band of hunters, like some sort of Hunters Incorporated©️. I’m glad Sam gets to spend more time with his mom, but he won’t let her take care of him 😔😭
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Was it me or did that Michael & Anael scene feel like Jensen x Danneel role play 🤣 - at least when he caressed her face. Like really bro? I don’t think the scene would’ve played out that way if the actors weren’t actual husband and wife 🤣
Shoutout to Supernatural for keeping Mark Pellegrino employed lol 😂😂 cuz I don’t see Why the fuck he’s still around if the devil is supposedly dead - wasn’t Mark P. also doing 13 reasons why around this time?? Anywho, Nick, luci’s longtime vessel, isn’t dead???? What does Nick have that jimmy novak didn’t (or literally any other angel vessel for that matter) — plot convenience? That must be it 🤣🤣🤣
Cas honey, why are you letting these demons beat you up? Cuz Dean is gone on your watch? cuz im sorry there’s no way im believing Cas was weaker than all them demons. That’s also plot convenience IDGAF!
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After yet another demon-hunter showdown, Mary and Bobby are spotted sharing a beer & flirting…I wish John were around to see this AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Oh Jack, poor guy feels worthless for having no power. He should’ve been like ‘Castiel what’s it like being worthless?’ since that was Castiel’s arc for a minute too, which again fuck Supernatural for. Cas had like 1 badass moment last season when he fried Donatello’s brains but that’s it. Meanwhile Nick totally called Cas out, bringing up Jimmy again and driving that guilt straight into Castiel.
Alt-Michael is recruiting?? Brief Dean cameo in 14x02, you give him like 2 lines, wow 😒. Even Sam got more screen time in 5x22 swan song…but Dean suddenly comes back at the end of the episode???? Nah, bullshit!
Also lol karma for Dean in 14x02 when Jack is like, ‘Dean doesn’t matter’, Michael has to be stopped. Ahahahahahahaha. He was the so called pragmatist when it came to Jack, now it’s Jack’s turn. Castiel’s face when jack said it tho…
Dean got stabbed by AU Kaia? What?? Oh look yet another instance of Dean running away from his problems and pain and being a dick to Kaia (though she's technically a different person) again! Good for you tho AU Kaia for giving Dean a taste of his own medicine and telling him off.
Bobby leave Sam alone, I’m here for his captain my captain era. The lovable giant is doing his best!
So some necromancer gets away from Jack & Dean but we’re not gonna see her again, right??? There’s just a little over 30 episodes left in the show at this point. They probably didn’t know that at the time though.
Shoutout to the devil for basically condemning his child to die from a lack of grace :/ while Cas was able to survive (cuz plot convenience most likely) Jack as a nephilim was unable to do so. Gabe’s spare angel grace couldn’t help (I wonder if he were still alive in canon, if it would’ve made a difference. Oh well).
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So this is where Cas made the deal with the empty (yes I know about it, how doesn’t everyone that shit went viral the very night it originally aired amidst the infamous nail-biting 2020 election week), tumblr is still serving the memes to this day.
Cas doesn’t want the Winchesters to know cuz Dean 😭 idc, if I was Jack I would NOT keep that secret. Dean would know IMMEDIATELY.
I think more angels died, but heaven hasn’t fallen yet…right? They keep coming back to that. Hm…
Nick’s arc is…bleh. Pretty sure in his desperation he just brought Luci back from the empty…welp. I guess when you’re an archangel who was predestined by God to fight in a fateful epic battle against your big bro, you just get certain perks in the afterlife 😒
Sam doesn’t want Alt-Charlie to go when its like bro! She. Is. Not. Charlie!!! For fuck sake guys SMH, let her live her fucking life! God forbid she want to run away to fucking safety and not die bloody like her counterpart 🤬
Bobby and Mary run off to a cabin for weeks on end 😏😂 to recuperate, sure Mary 🤣
Garth is back! Working as a spy for the Winchesters, oh dear Lord no. I know he makes it to season 15 but maaaan I don't like this….
The nerve of Dean to challenge Alt-Kaia to either hand over the weapon or kill her. What if she just killed him? Also, can't they just replicate the weapon for their own uses? All they would need to do is ensure they're using the same materials Kaia did when she forged the weapon in her own world.
How many hits to the head is Sam supposed to fuckin' take? I feel like it's happened more in this season alone than the entire show so far? He should probably be dead at this point 🤣
Jack got taken, oh no! why didn't Michael kill him? To take him as a ward? Seriously? Whatever.
And it turns out the past episode was a long con to get Dean right where Alt-Michael wanted him. I know there was a catch to him letting Dean go in 14x02.
So Alt-Michael chose to trap Dean in…contentment? With Pamela Barnes? And they weren't even a couple, just friends. She called him out on something.
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Why not have him be with a real girlfriend of his, like Lisa or even Cassie? I’m supposed to believe Dean's dream is an unsuccessful bar living out his days with a platonic lady friend??? Really??? Bullshit!
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John returns for the final time to go back to 2003? Okay. His hair is cut and grayish. Lol so I’m gonna see that as John gained some weight (from food/drink or muscle training idc) and dyes his hair black but the root are grey and come out every so often 🤣 but yay JDM I wish you had been in more episodes! Oh well.
So no one’s gonna talk about:
a) Adam’s existence
b) Bobby X Mary or how Bobby essentially replaced john as the father/husband by getting involved with Mary AND being a surrogate father to Sam & Dean (with a clear preference to Dean but whatever)
I’d care more about Sam & John’s convo if we had more time with them together on screen. But it was nice to see them squash their beef.
Dean & John’s convo was faaaar too brief. But insightful to their relationship. John wanted dean to have a family, echoing his wishes for his eldest in season 1 in his convo w/ Sam.
But Dean was like I have a family 🥺 my emotions!
Back to the Michael bullshit – a fight with a gorgon fucked up his containment so he literally broke out of Dean's body and killed all the hunters who were conveniently at the bunker when they brought an unconscious Dean back there. Even poor unfortunate Maggie. For a second I thought Mary would be there since Maggie mentioned she was on her way back but no, he ended up possessing Rowena.
Then they bring the old angel torture device of disabling our heroes' ability to breathe, like in the season 5 premiere, making them blind (that's new) and making them hurt.
Jack gets his chance to take Michael down, and takes his grace??????
Oh Sam bby, it's not your fault. Those people were doomed no matter what. TBH I'm surprised they lasted this long. But cuz he's a Winchester and he was raised by Dean & they've rubbed off each other too much at this point (nobromo), he decides to focus on yet another case even when Dean himself isn't willing since big bro has pointed out they have done 3 cases back to back. They're not the young men they used to be lol.
Cas goes with Sam to a milkshake town and given his legendary levels of awkwardness he's immediately seen and called out for his inherent queerness by the townsfolk (in all senses of the word).
Aw Sam wants to stay, ofc he does. This town is simple and peaceful. He could use some of that. Too bad this place is making people's heads explode.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Ah subtle there Supernatural, making Jack, a Nephilim who's the offspring of the devil himself choose between angel and devil food cake 🤣 Dean why would you put him in that position?
Cas why you gotta be snitching on Sam to your boy bestie like that 🤣 – typical boyfriend tomfoolery
Oftentimes since Jack started in this show, he's felt like an intern and 14x16 is one of those times. They don't wanna bring jack along so they think to leave him alone doing chores. Good Lord.
Oh honey Sam you didn't have to tell the sheriff you're not FBI, just stick to the monster stuff. He knows what's up.
And Jack sweetie pie you don't need to impress those kids. He should be hanging out with kids his own age. Just Jack with a bunch of babies 🤣. So cute! My headcanon is that he can actually talk to them. At least then it wouldn't have ended with a stabbing. Thankfully he cleaned up his mess, even though the local kids are terrified of him. It’s a shame he doesn’t have friends. If only he was allowed to have Claire in his life.
They finally resolved the Nick storyline (I hope) by killing him off via Jack but Mary is not happy. She’s concerned. She’s been concerned about him the whole frickin episode since he sassed her as they tried setting up a game night with Dean.
It’s like these people keep forgetting what Jack is capable of.
He didn’t have to relish the kill though. On the other hand, it felt like Mary’s concern was a bit much — if it were me I would’ve kept my mouth shut as to not upset a powerful fledging being into killing me by accident.
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So Mary dies…again.
This is also why we can’t have nice things. I know Dean’s never gonna let this shit go. Sure Cas has fucked up a bunch, but killing a direct blood relative of Dean’s…nope. That’s unforgivable. I know they’re not gonna let Dean kill off a kid but I know he’s NEVER ever gonna forget Jack’s role in Mary’s (second) demise.
Why couldn’t you leave the boy alone Mary?!?!?!!?!
The boys show up, did they not circle back to pick up their mother? Seriously? Goodness Lord. So depressing watching the brothers just assuming their mommy’s coming back 😭
Cas (cuz of course this shit went tits up while Daddy was away) calls Dean to get caught up on what happened the last episode and is concerned that the Winchesters left their mom alone with Jack. Then why did you leave him Cas? You could’ve taken him with you. Like it would’ve been better if one of the brothers was alone with Jack? Badasses they may be, but they would’ve ended up just like Mary let’s be honest. The only difference would’ve been whichever brother got got would’ve come back. Mary will not be getting that special treatment…
Jack is tripping out since he murdered his foster G-maw - ends up flying all over the world (so his soul is definitely gone? But if it were gone, would he even care about killing Mary? everyone’s trying to track him down IDK why he doesn’t just destroy the phone he has. We get flashes of Mary & Jack’s time together and technically I believe she spent the most time with him (at least in season 13)
They’re still giving Mark P work on this show making him the manifestation of Jack’s subconscious cuz the kill is driving Jack insane 😭🥺 He’s reacting so much like a little boy who knows he fucked up it that makes this so much sadder 😭 Jack’s being driven mad with grief.
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Oh fuck they’re going to where she died. Oh fuck.
WTF is wrong with these people! He’s a fucking boy! A super power nuke of a boy, but still a fucking boy! Like the Winchesters never made a mistake! What about the nurse who got killed in 4x22 by Sam? All the people Dean slaughtered under the MoC, as a demon! That’s just off the top of my head! No but cuz they’re the fucking protagonists 😡🤬
Samuel Winchester you know manipulating this child Is 5 different kinds of fucked up!
Jack why did you call it an accident! Did you not want to use the words murder? Destroyed? Obliterated?
Dean you piece of shit, why are you lying to this boy!!!!!! You know Jack’s desperate to make peace with you, and you lead him to a grave he’s never supposed to escape?! Poor thing Jack was sooo scared!
Sam, the regret is gonna eat you alive! Sam, for fucks sake, SPEAK THE FUCK UP! You clearly got shit you wanna say, fucking say it!
Dean you’re surprised Jack’s going along with it?! Of course he’s gonna go along with it, he wants to please you, you shady, manipulative BASTARD!
That’s right Castiel stand up for Jack since nobody else is willing to!
Oh boy, the celestial boy is freaking out. Claustrophobia was kicking in, this shit ain’t gonna end well. It’s a dark day when a psychological manifestation of Satan is making sense more than everyone else.
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I’m not surprised Jack got out though. That box was made for an archangel and he isn’t that. He’s a nephilim, technically a different entity, right? now, the Winchesters have a pissed off mega-powerful creature on their hands. Great job team 🤣
that’s right Jack, give them a piece of your fucking mind! Fuck ‘em up queen.
Oh shit! I’ve watched this part a dozen times on YouTube, the part where jack makes the whole world tell the truth no matter what! Donald trump is canonically Crowley’s bitch! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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All hail the stapler queen! Iconic!
And God reveals Himself, what grand timing! He says He came for Cas’s prayer (but Cas prayed to Him in season 6 too, no?) but then He states the real reason for His arrival — Jack.
Meanwhile Jack went to see his real G-maw, not a good plan Jackie boy. She’s put 2+2 together that her daughter Kelly is NOT ok and now Jack has to confess the truth. (Where’s the dad? Was the actor unavailable or dead at this point?)
Sam was outed to love Celine Dion (I love her two Sammy it’s ok, her songs are AMAZING! My favorite is it’s all coming back to me now, I crush that shit in karaoke.) Dean follows a mommy blog 🤣 of course he does, probably cuz he identifies with her more & loves that her life is so full of shit (like I said, he identifies with her).
God don’t sanction lying, the real God would never do such a thing. Isn’t it like the 6th commandment, thou shall not lie? Like dude, the fuck?!
And no, writing means telling stories that are often made up but it’s not meant to deceive anybody. But Hollywood on the other hand…yeesh.
Dean breaking Chuck’s guitar 🤣
Chuck saying ‘DON’T!’ Having Dean shook 🤣
Why are you asking them how things are, like you don’t know?! You’re omnipotent!
They canonically made the British queen a lizard? Damn. These old Americans (the writers) are dicks!
Finally Sam is speaking up! Thank God!
Dean stop blaming people, Jesus, it was an accident (Jack you phrased it sooooo poorly though)! shout out to Sam for taking it this so well cuz he’s been through too much this season alone. He lost a whole fucking army, then his mom after he got to know her this time! And the concussions! So many concussions.
Angry Cas is sooooo fucking hot 🥵 when he slammed that truck with his fist 😏
Awww the first thing he does when he sees Jack is hugs him. Jack needed that so bad!
The biggest travesty is we never got to see the SquirrelVerse!
When Sam asks if God is watching them — Sam do you even know what omnipotent means?!
It’s just like I said in season 11. God doesn’t owe anyone anything. But everyone owes Him everything. He gave everyone the freedom to choose, for better or worse. But this iteration of who God is seems to watch what people and creatures decide to do with their lives. He made the weapon to see who among Sam, Dean or Cas would take it and strike Jack down.
So ultimately when Dean tracks Jack down and Jack throws Cas into a tombstone and Sam is running dramatically to stop it, Dean ultimately decides not to kill Jack. But why though? He kept talking shit about how Jack needed to be dealt with, but when the moment comes, he won’t do it?! I mean I’m glad but it doesn’t really make sense?!
Was it the puppy eyes? Did Sam teach Jack that trick? But Jack closed his eyes at the last second???
Oh Dean, you’re such a fucking softie. That’s on you God. You made him softer than Mr. Pillsberry.
If anything, Dean is the step daddy. Cas is Daddy. And then there’s Uncle Sam 🤣
Sam is many things, but stupid is never one of them. Naïve maybe, trusting, desperate. But not stupid. And not crazy, this time 🤣
I will say what makes this story compelling is the fact that the Winchesters find themselves locked in a cycle of violence at the hands of their Creator, and they’re refusing to commit further acts of violence in effort to stop it all and rebel against their cruel, dispassionate maker. But they have no means to back it up…today.
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Not the Burger King catchphrase🤣🤣🤣
Not Jack being…smote?
Not Dean being yeeted into another tombstone?
Sam, why did you think that was gonna work on God? He made the weapon. You really think He’d make something that could kill Himself? Nah bruh.
So we’ve approached the ending of the penultimate season. 20 more episodes to go! Ah!!!! I’m excited but also not since the ending is what I know (mildly).
Side note - Sam & Dean still don’t know about Castiel’s bargain with the Empty (kinda seems pointless since God killed Jack anyway…Cas basically fucked himself for nothing 🤦🏾‍♀️ [I know how it ends but yeah still])
It’s not about the destination though, it’s the journey (I keep telling myself that).
God said fuck y’all. Shouldn’t’ve poked the bear…now these poor innocent people gonna die like sheep to the slaughter. Y’all got a lot of cleaning up to do and with so little people to help you.
So did God undo all the killings the Winchesters did? Cuz damn….that’s 10+ years of work undone. In 1 moment.
They’re not getting out of the cycle anytime soon.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Ok I kinda have a angst idea.
What if MC whole family(mother father AND brother) were visiting Devildom. Now mc and mc father are really close and one day the family notices something. A tattoo. Little did they know it was Lucifer's pact on MC back.
So the mother and father starting asking questions to their daughter about the tattoo. MC decides to tell them everything
"I made pacts with the seven Lords of hell"
Now like any parents that would find out that their child has made pact with demons. Especially one who is known to freaking Lucifer are freaking out for their daughter' safety.
How would they all react to this?
Hi! Sorry I'm kind of late with this one. I think your idea is very interesting, I'll try my best to write the scenario for this one. I hope you enjoy it!
mc's family discovers the pacts
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: angst, self-deprecation, fights, lesson 16 spoilers
he understands your family's concern
though he feels a little offended
how dare anyone doubt his ability to keep you safe?
he thinks of a good lecture to give your parents and brother after they have stopped freaking out as much
lucifer then proceeds to explain to your family that he and his brothers would never hurt you, and that they love you very much
he knows he should keep calm
but he ends up fighting with your family
'Oi! How dare y'all think I'm gonna hurt MY human?'
mammon means well, but he is one of the strongest demons to exist, and your family consists of weak humans
the situation more tense until you dragged mammon away sonewhere and explained to your family you're in no danger
your family is going on about how your safety is at risk near him, and levi will agree with them
he is a gross, useless, stupid otaku, right?
so now you have to comfort both parties
your family because you really aren't in danger, and levi because he's being negative towards himself again
because of levi's reaction, your family will think he, at least, isn't a threat
imagine finding out your child has a pact with a demon, and said demon's name is satan
he feels rage coming, but keeps it under control
satan has to explain that this is all a misunderstanding while biting his lip, trying not to lose his calm facade as your family tosses nasty words towards him
eventually, the discussion turns more into a fight and somebody else has to step in to stop it
asmo will feel very offended
'excuse me? you think I could ever hurt my pretty mc?'
your family isn't really fond of how endearingly he speaks about you
so, asmo gets more snarky, almost trying to anger your family more
'these hands are way too pretty to be used for violence, get that straight, darlings'
you have to tell asmo to cut it out
beel feels sad about the fact that your family suspects you are in danger around him and his brothers
he will let your family vent their worries before talking
honestly, out of everybody you have a pact with, beel is the least harmless
he will try to show he's not a bad guy by inviting your family to dinner
they turn him down, but he tried
well, his mouth is shut
he did kill you one time, after all
belphie is scared your family would take you away if they found out about that
somebody else has to do all the talking and explaining
because belphie honestly feels like he is in no position to do so
even if your family calms down, he will still avoid contact with them
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
It's midnight here and I'm tired and soft so! Here's some thoughts that don't make sense (every time I see videos of foster kittens or like kittens in one of those little enclosures, I think of Bagi and Cellbit for whatever reason.)
Do you think there's a world where Bagi and Cellbit weren't separated? Do you think there's a world where Cellbit and Bad walked off the battlefield together? Do you think there's a world where both of those are true?
A world where a demon walked off the battlefield with two young teens (they can't remember their names, they are fifteen, and that's all they really know anymore)? A world where a demon sees the brother and sister, that he taught indescribable violence to, sleeping peacefully in a hotel room bed (nobody questioned them, they probably should have)? Is there a world where the demon teaches the twins (they're twins, they remember that) how to be human? Does the demon know what it means to be human?
Oughhhh ive never thought about this before... i was gonna hit you with angst but its 2:30 am and im also feeling soft.... so im gonna write you something like fanfiction but not quite.... just how i imagine it :3
On the battlefield there was hushed whispers about a pair of little demons, wild children mirrors of one another, in looks, instincts, actions, demônios da guerra. They spoke to no one but each other, and barely that, in growls, yowling, grunts, noises. They slept huddled on top of each other in bushes and trees during the day, and at night four glowing, amber eyes haunted the earth they roamed.
Silence, yowling, screaming, rips, tears, gushes, chewing, a cannon, silence.
The only thing you heard before death, it was rumored, was the pattering of bare feet on grass, and the soft rasping breaths of a child who's been running for too long. You couldn't even bother with the flora of the area, if you were close enough to hear the gentle purring that indicated someones were sleeping inside, you were already dead.
Some weeks into the war, tiny mouths were gasping between bites, gorging themselves on as many mouthfuls of human meat as possible before it was too dangerous to stay out any longer. A cannon had fired, birds scattered, and the two children had looked up from their meal. Their first time making eye contact, not only with each other but with themselves. An almost perfect mirror image. Nobody else was there to witness it, but cellbit's first word with his mind running wasn't even a word at all - it was a soft whine, something in the lower part of his throat that didnt fight its way out like most things that escaped him. Bagi's didnt happen immediately, she was chewing, chewing, chewing, mostly human teeth was not built to chew mostly human meat, she had just chewed and chewed and acknowledged the boy with handfuls of chunky red food in his hands with wide eyes, not even a smile.
And there is a demon on the field, and there is an uninvited guest on the field, and there's death, and there's his scythe and there's his not-too-full change bag waiting to be fuller because if it is not filled the souls of people who had passed were going to stay here, and they're going to haunt this land, but the thing is most soldiers dont exactly intend to die when put in battle, on a sunny day. Every soldier expects to win. The smart ones prepare for the alternative ending, but there aren't a ton of smart soldiers out there in places like these.
And after every cannon fire, a cold air sweeps over the battle grounds, and it settles, and it settles, and then it gets colder, and then sometimes the cold leaves, but most of the time the cold stays. And over the course of this war, the grounds keep getting colder, the fog keeps getting denser, the amount of eyes that watch this war don't change much. They should be going down - but only smart soldiers mean less eyes.
I remember my first memory, and there's something that happens when you get your first memory, and there's something that happened to Cellbit and Bagi when they got their first memory. Something starts working, the gears start turning, like someone switches a lever and suddenly your eyes are light bulbs and your active, moving thoughts and transcribing mind is what makes the lights not turn off, and you know you were moving and breathing and living before, and you know these people around you who youre just seeing for the first time, and you dont know why but despite it being your first time being conscious and aware of this person you've known for however many years, you care about them so much.
There's a certain attachment that comes with sharing your first memory with someone - a parent, a brother, a home that you're acutely aware that you're not staying long in - and Bagi and Cellbit were only intending to share that between them, and of course the body they were eating, but by the time the light bulbs turned on and the gears started turning it was already cold, it was already so cold and they weren't running or hiding they were sat there because the gears were turning and the first thing you have the urge to do when your mind starts working is drink in the face of the first person you see - its your first real time seeing a person after all.
The feeling of cold didn't scare them like most people, it settled around them. The dense fog and the freezing mud against their bare knees and the bone chill that seemed to bake into their skin didn't scare them, its their first memory and although their instincts would usually scream to run, get away, their freshly working minds were just... confused. Quiet for the first time in a long time. Settled in spot.
Death itself had seen the corpses left around, chunks bitten out of them and claw marks mangling throats and something that had split the bones and sternum of the corpses. Death expected some big animal, something over 300 lbs that had somehow made its way into the battlefields by accident and was stealing kills and eating to survive - but what greeted him was two small creatures of desperation, of habit, of instinct and bonds that were aggressively apparent, they stunk of the same blood, of the same skin, of the same origins in one way or another. Death has seen many of kin, more often than not after their time when one was stone cold in its hands, but he was able to identify these two.
He had appeared to them, quite literally, and he did not look like any man - did not smell like any man, probably didn't taste like any man they had tasted, but cellbit had still swung his knife at Death's midsection, the softest part of the belly which usually allowed guts to spill and people to fall if placed correctly. Unfortunately for him the knife had only cut into smog, and his face made contact with knees and shins upon far-too-late realization that he had not only not hit his target, but under-stepped and instead fell to this demon's feet. The only thing he could utter was a soft "que diabos?" as large, freezing, soft hands reached down and wrapped themselves under his arms, bringing the boy to his feet. The only response to him was a firm "Language" and Bagi's own first word - a strangled cry of fear.
The soldier had nothing for Death, and Death had nothing in return but another degree of cold for the land.
The twins second emotion they experienced together was fear. Fear for one another, this thing that had found them, had appeared from nowhere, had picked cellbit up off the floor and taken the knife from him. They were afraid, which was understandable, and even expected, but as the demon's hand guided the knife into untouched flesh of the victim, and raised the slice of flesh to his teeth, a sense of familiarity washed over them. The criticism "tough." rattled around their minds, rolled around, made indents in the mold that would form them in the future. It was tough, it did stick in Bagi's teeth, it wasn't worth saving for a future meal, they could get better - they have gotten better, at least they think? A memory didnt wash to the forefront of their mind, but a feeling did. Of the warmth of a fresh kill, someone who hadn't been fighting for very long - who was mostly fat and not game. Of something they should've savored longer.
Death is not the ideal way to be Born, but neither is War, and Unfortunately the feeling of cold, of fog, of a hand guiding a knife into fresh meat, was now home for Bagi and Cellbit. Demon children and their demon guide, walking alongside Death. They had come to the conclusion that with death at your side, is there even reason to be afraid in a war? But Death had warned them "I am your Shepard as I am for all else, not your folding, nor your straw nor your pen. The coyote still come to feed, and you must be the stock, and you must be the water the stock drink, and you must be the folding, and you must be the Shetland who defends you." And they were the water, and they were the dog, and they were the stock, but they were never the pen that contained them.
The two left standing after the final cannon had fired were born of the same blood, and forged in the same fires. They were guided by the same Shepard, they were each other's sheep, they were each other's Shetland, they were each other's folding.
The unfortunate thing about a Shepard, is that although he may raise his stock, and he may buy dogs to defend them, and he may build housing to shelter them, the coyote are hungry, they are dangerous and they are stronger than sheep and in enough numbers they may even be stronger than the Shetland. In the dead of night, when the only thing standing between the coyote and the sheep is a fence, the Shepard leaves his stock to fate.
"They will be coming to collect you tomorrow." Death had whispered to the children he had cared for, had guided and watched as they honed their skills, sharpened their claws, survived and clawed their way up.
"Vindo nós pegar?" Bagi's soft voice rasped back at him in her mother tongue.
"There's nothing I can do, before you ask." Death had preempted, "I cannot join you, I cannot stop it from happening. I'm sorry."
Death's ears were familiar with the rolling sounds of tires, that were approaching from miles away. They would be coming to collect the children before dawn, the men would rush the cave they had made their temporary home, and they'd have to wade through the thin layer of blood both dry and wet that coated the floor, the bones that were strewn about - the best meal they could get in this environment. Death would stay the night, and Death would stay the morning, but the soldier's would only see two sleeping forms in the cave, and despite the smoldering fire it would be cold.
"Você vai ficar bem?" Bagi had spoken again, looking up at death. Her hand found its way to her twin's head, sleeping in his cot next to where she was sat on the floor, his head by her knee. They had allowed themselves to eat as much as they wanted tonight, it was their victory after all.
"I will be fine. But I can't join you." Death confirmed to her, a strange feeling bounced around his ribs. Something he was unfortunately, continuously familiar with.
"Quando vou te ver de novo?" She had finally asked, a frown tugging at her expression. She didn't fully understand what he'd meant. Of course something would happen after they'd won, but why couldn't he join them? He'd won alongside them, hadn't he?
And Death responded, "One day I will. Someday, when it's your turn to be put to rest, i'll be there. I'll be there to guide you again, and when that happens we can go for a boat ride together."
The girl was tired, she was full and although anxious she was content, and she had leaned her head against the demons arm, eyes fluttering as she fought sleep. "Um passeio de barco?" It was so silly to her that she was excited about it, had she ever even been on a boat? She couldn't recall even if she had.
"Mhm." He'd hummed, "A boat ride. I just need you to remember to carry some coins on you, okay? We have to pay to get on."
And Bagi fought to keep her head up, aggressively rubbing her forehead against Death's arm to try and wake herself up, but the only thing she could do before dozing off was mutter a confirmation. Coins. She could carry coins, that didn't seem too hard.
And in the morning, when boots stomped into the cave, and rough hands grabbed the two bone-chilled children from their cots, and yowling and screaming filled the cave, eyes watched the occurrence from the walls of the cave. And tears stained the wall where the eyes had watched, and from the cave a coldness was sucked out as if it was sealed from the world, never to be touched again.
As two children were loaded into the Prison Bus waiting for them on the road down the hill, they were screaming for Death. And Death watched.
'Never get attached to Mortals. You always get yourself hurt.' He was familiar with this, but he couldn't help the tears that fell into the dirt and killed the grass they landed on.
He knew he'd only see the mortals again when it was time for their eternal rest, but there were a lot of corpses on the war grounds - now abandoned, cold, foggy.
Badboyhalo's heart sunk like a stone down to the bottomest part of his ribs, and it beat against his sternum.
He has a job to do, he has souls to ferry.
He turned from the bus.
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Alright so pulling this right out of my ass but spider as a child or a toddler spider knowing him he would ran in a room that's off limits but he stole one of the scientist card running from recom and from quaritch in there base since spider is a 16 year old so he is a little trouble maker when spider is running he ran right beside a scientist grabbing there card running in the lab swaps the card running in locking it spider this poor boy the old theme we all know and somewhat love curiosity killed the cat he sees a bottle of blueish with white in it so he grab it and drink it when he put it down he heard the door open in the lab Finley hearing quaritch cussing up a storm walking inside with Lyle spider immediately hide under a table keeping him unseen until he slowly close his eyes the darkness he falling as he thought no he was turned into a toddler quaritch on the right still cussing without a filter Lyle looking around calling for spider until he felt something touch his leg he looked down to see a toddler he and for some reason I can imagine spider calling Lyle like "papa" because he sees Lyle first he would pick up the little spider and walked to miles telling him how he or how spider find him and spider god bless his tiny little soul he calls miles "Dada" what would they do with a toddler spider what if it can't be fix?
Recoms Raising Spider Headcanons
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AHHHHHH 🥰🥰🥰 I love this
A/N: Ok just for plot convince let’s say the effects of the mysterious potion only last 16 days. 1 day=1 year so it takes about 2 weeks for spider to get back to normal. Also we’re just gonna pretend that it reset his hair so no dreads(It still gets long as hell tho)
774 Words
Warnings: fluff, Cussing
@hyperfixatedfandomer @naavispider
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Look at his instincts finding his dad’s 😭. It’s like that one episode in spongebob where him and Patrick have the baby clam (Lyle is the mom✨)
Quaritchs emotions are through the roof😭
1.he’s pissed spider ran off in the first place and on top of that causing more problems by turning into a toddler
2.he’s stressed ASF. Demanding everygod damn scientist in that lab to tell him what’s going on and to fix his boy(they were testing the shit that comes from the tulkans)
3.He’s also kinda emotional tho because he didn’t get to see spider grow up into a teenager and now he has that opportunity.
I like to think spider looked ALOT like quaritch when he was little but as he got older started to look like Paz.
The worst stage
None of the recoms sleep during these days
Spiders sleep schedule is so fucked up from living in the lab
He’s one of those nocturnal toddlers
Sleeps all throughout the day and is up all night
He’s a fast little fucker
Quaritch now understands how he got the name spider
He’ll will look away for one minute and all of the sudden spiders on top of a 8ft recom dresser
They obviously don’t have toddler clothes so he’s just wearing the smallest adult shirt they could find and it’s still huge
I can see them gushing over his curls
He definitely got those from paz
Spiders a bad ass toddler, I’m talking getting in stuff he’s not supposed to, biting, hitting, kicking, spitting, running
At one point Lyle says fuck it and makes a child leash
Despite being a literal demon he’s really clingy
Attached to Lyle and quaritch at the hip
Like quaritch had to go a patrol outside so he left spider with the medbay folks, it broke his heart when he shut the door and heard spiders little feet running to the door crying for dada to come back
He almost called the whole mission off
He definitely holds the recoms tails when following the around
Probably the easiest stage the recoms had to deal with
I mean spider was still a hell spawn but he was more reserved
The recoms were so drained from toddler spider they just shoved a tablet in his face
It worked though
Still really clingy (and quaritch loves it)
Still looks a lot like a mini quaritch
Not as active as they’re used to him being
This I were his ADHD Shines
Quaritch has never seen a kid this hyperactive in both his lifetimes
Like they look up and this boy is 50ft in the air using the pipes on the ceiling as monkey bars
Quaritch nearly dies from many heart attacks during this stage
Spiders finally big enough to fit into the exopacks and go with the recoms on patrol
Y’all remember Trazan 2 where Tazan is a kid yea that’s just spider
Lyle also teachs him to shoot (yk with the guns he can lift)
Spider has absolutely no patience
Annoys the hell out of EVERYONE, nobody’s safe
The tablet technique doesn’t work in this stage because his attention span is to small to focus
Quaritch notices he’s starting to look and act like Paz more
Like spiders hair is starting to get darker and his mother’s attitude is starting to show
Speaking of attitude it gets 10x worse in this stage
The second worst stage
This is the stage quaritch has been dreading since the toddler stage
He’s starting to turn into the spider they kno and love
His hair has now reached his shoulders
Z-dog starts putting Viking braids in his hair
He gets really attached to Z-dog in this stage
They’re the bitchy attitude duo
Literally doesn’t want to cooperate with anyone
Him and quaritch are at each other’s throats
Spiders always hungry and eats ungodly amounts of food
I mean he’s a growing boy
His Navi instincts are coming back to him
Like he disappears for like 15 minutes, all the recoms are panicking, and then spider shows up covered in war paint and mud with like 6 fish on his homemade spear
TEEN STAGE (13-16)
Spiders basically back
When that last day come he barley remembers anything that happened
It’s all like a blur to him
He wakes up pissed on that last day storms into recom meeting “WTF HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!” Cuz yk his dreads are gone
He honestly doesn’t remember most of it but loves listening to the recoms talk about the past 2 weeks
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