#Jyn and Cassian
mostthingskenobi · 1 year
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Ok but guys... I'm literally spazzing out right now. I've seen this image a million times. And you probably have too... But how did I never notice that Jyn is moving her fingers through Cassian's hair at the back of his neck!?!?!? I really can't handle this. Can we just have a deleted scene where they kiss?? For the love of all that is holy!! Like... Just so my heart can relax??? It doesn't have to be canon. I just NEED it to happen.
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bejeweled-jyn · 1 year
Do you remember, we were sittin', there by the water?
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You put your arm around me for the first time
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You made a rebel
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Of careless man’s careful daughter
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You are the best thing, that's ever been mine
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starwarsite · 2 years
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AU : Cassian and Jyn survived Scarif ; they’re going for a drink right after being rescued. It’s a sad bar back at the rebel base. They’re both grieving but they realize how close their last adventure has brought them together.
Thank you @mostthingskenobi for sparkling this somehow and providing excellent « research » pics for references of Diego Luna smoking a cigarette !
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warrier-queann · 5 months
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
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sorry for the bad quality I had to Hondo Ohnaka these screencaps
anyways don’t we just love easter eggs
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melwa-rat · 1 year
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A poem I wrote after reading Rebel Rising. Here is my take on Jyn's pre-rebellion stance on war and how she does not see a point to it, and hates both sides for what they had done to her life.
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chissjedi · 2 years
My dad, after finishing an episode of Andor: HAHA Cassian WOULD lots of girlfriends! Just look at the man!
*the recommendation to watch Rogue One pops onto the screen*
Dad: And look! There's another one!
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every time I consume content about Jyn or Cassian the Rebel au brainrot comes back I am in a constant state of agony and ecstasy
Ouch- That's a mood tho... AU's just come back when they're not expected lmao
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andorslay · 7 months
Thinking about giving the sims another go. I downloaded it a while ago, made Jyn and Cassian and then played for about 20 minutes before I stopped because I was getting mad that they weren’t falling in love immediately
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amikoroyaiart · 2 months
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Jyn and Cassian 🥰
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mostthingskenobi · 8 months
CASSIAN'S RECKONING - Chapter 17: The Absolution
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Both Jyn and Cassian carry a lot of pain and darkness… and they don't have to hide it from each other. Enjoy some meaningful fluff.
Just want to say thank you to the folks reading this fic <3 I hope you are enjoying it :)
He could hear her screaming.
The sound echoed off the star destroyer’s sterile walls and glossy black floor with a brittleness that stripped Cassian’s nerves.
He ran after her, down corridors, up stairs, through vaults. But she always disappeared around the next corner, dragged away by growling death troopers.
“Jyn!” He shouted her name over and over, running as fast as his exhausted legs would carry him, sweat beading on his brow and soaking through his shirt.
Her screams changed from frightened to desperate before abruptly stopping all together. The silence was more tormenting than the screams. He forced himself to run faster; he couldn’t let the Empire hurt her.
Cassian rounded the next corner and entered a dark hall, the walls black, the lights red and low. He skidded to a stop. There, at the end, stood Tarkin, his posture like a razor’s edge, hands behind his back, jaw jutting upward in a proud smirk.
On the floor between the Grand Moff’s feet was Jyn’s twisted and broken body. Blood seeped across the durasteel in a black pool.
“Come closer,” Tarkin demanded softly.
Cassian obeyed, taking slow, unsteady steps. The closer he got, the more Jyn came into focus. He knelt down and pulled her into his arms. He tried to wipe the blood from her face, tried to rouse her, tried to stop the dark wave of fear that threatened to swallow him whole. “Jyn,” he said gently, his voice breaking. Tears fell from his lashes onto her cheeks as he realized she was dead.
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“She told us everything she knew.” Tarkin leered. “Her blood is on your hands.”
A massive explosion suddenly shook the ship. Instinctively, Cassian protectively pulled Jyn tighter against him before turning on his knees to see what had happened. His breath froze in his lungs as he watched the star destroyer dissolved, replaced by a salty sea lapping on a sandy shoreline. The horizon blazed with a churning orange cloud that came racing forward across the water, consuming, burning, vaporizing everything in its path.
He clutched Jyn’s limp body against his chest, too weak to resist fate any longer, burying his face in her hair. He wanted to scream; instead, he squeezed his eyes shut until the flames devoured them…
…Cassian gasped and bolted up, promptly smacking his face against the over-hanging bulkhead. The blow dropped him hard and fast. Groaning, he clasped his aching forehead as the nightmare receded. He had known all along it was a dream; the unfolding scenes had never tricked him into believing they were real. But that didn’t make it any less disturbing.
Desperation, fear, exhaustion ran loops in his head.
And Jyn, her blood smeared across his hands, dead, empty, cold.
He shook himself, forcing the lingering discomfort away, and threw his legs over the side of his bunk before walking to the locker. Popping it open he gazed at his reflection in the mirror on the back of the door as he pulled on a shirt and pants. He looked more tired now than before he had gone to sleep. He gingerly prodded his face where he’d struck it on the bed; a bruise was already forming. “Good work,” he muttered sarcastically. He slammed the locker shut and went in search of food.
Rogue Crew had started playing cards in the evenings right after Scarif. It had been a simple way to keep each other company on Yavin, to offer a safe place to escape the residual disquiet they each carried, a touchstone of normalcy. Cassian didn’t usually have the patience for games and he found cards particularly boring. But laughing with people he actually considered his friends was a rarity, so he had taken advantage of it as much as possible. He was grateful to revisit the tradition now aboard the Redemption.
The group had a box turned on its side for a table positioned between their racks. Jyn made space for Cassian to sit next to her on her bunk while everyone else dragged chairs around the box’s other edges. They played sabacc and sipped a cold, fermented ginger tea that Chirrut provided. For a few hours they were able to forget the Empire and war and death.
“What happened to your forehead?” Jyn asked as they played.
Cassian wasn’t embarrassed. Instead, he smiled. “I hit it on my rack.”
Bodhi winced.
“You must have a hard skull,” Baze said, totally serious.
Melshi, who occasionally joined the group and was present this evening, snorted into his glass.
“You’re lucky you didn’t kill yourself,” Bodhi said.
“Can you imagine? I survive prison, Scarif, and Tarkin only to kill myself getting out of bed.” It was the kind of dark humor they all shared.
They played until the hour grew late and only stopped when Cassian started yawning. The party broke ranks and, as he stood to leave, he caught Jyn’s eye. “You want to walk with me?” He felt Bodhi glance at them, listening in, so Cassian hurried to remove any inkling of something gossip-worthy. “I need you to bring me up to speed on the officers’ briefing I missed.”
“Sure. I’m heading up top,” Jyn said, rising to her feet. “I have to stop in the ready room to pick up orders.”
They moved through the rows of racks and maneuvered toward the corridor. “So, what did I miss?” Cassian asked.
“Nothing you don’t already know. The fleet is going to be in constant motion until a more permanent base can be found. They’ve been scouting locations for years, so there are some immediate possibilities. Brass is dispersing several teams tasked with making more comprehensive evaluations of these locations. We’ll be on standby until they return. No non-essential missions. Everyone is grounded until further notice.”
“Sounds boring and dangerous.”
“My thoughts exactly. When people get bored, they get sloppy.”
“Let’s just hope the Empire doesn’t find us.”
Jyn was suddenly uneasy. “The thought of the Empire attacking while we’re trapped on this ship terrifies me. We’d be sitting ducks; nowhere to run, no way to fight back.”
He realized she was talking about Rogue One and not the Alliance. For the first time possibly ever, she had a real sense of belonging and a found-family she wanted to protect. Cassian understood the alarm she felt; fear of loss had snapped at his heels his entire life.
“I used to think I was brave,” she carried on quietly, almost to herself, deep in thought. “But ever since Scarif, I feel like I’ve lost my nerve.”
“I don’t see that,” Cassian replied honestly.
“You don’t?”
“No. To me, you seem to have nerves of steel.”
“I wish I was more like you.”
That nearly stopped him in his tracks. “What do you mean?” he asked in disbelief.
“Every situation we’re in, you always seem to manage it. Nothing phases you, at least not for long. You have an uncanny ability to push on.”
Cassian suddenly felt very cold. “That’s what happens when you lose everything you’ve ever cared about,” he said darkly. “It changes your perspective on what’s tolerable.” He glanced at her. “You don’t think you’re like that? You’re not able to push on?”
She didn’t respond; her brain was sifting through a lifetime of memories.
“A woman who survived being abandoned, who lost her parents and her home; a woman who was cast out by Saw Gerrera only to end up being manipulated into helping the Alliance; a woman who risked her life to rescued a little girl in the Jedha streets and who climbed a burning-hot datatower to steal the Death Star plans?” He shook his head. “Jyn, you’re the strongest person I know.”
These observations meant more to her than Cassian would ever understand. Though she felt awkward accepting the compliment, she felt touched that he’d seen past what she showed on the surface. Even so, Jyn felt unworthy. “You didn’t see all the moments where I was weak, where I betrayed people to save my own skin.”
Their pace had slowed as they walked through the empty corridors.
He was quiet for so long Jyn worried she’d said the wrong thing, confessed too much, and now he was second guessing how he saw her. “We aren’t born strong,” he finally said quietly. “We’re made strong by our mistakes. Sometimes terrible things have to happen in order for us to find our potential.”
Cassian had told her a little about his past; she knew demons haunted them both. In her opinion, she had no right to judge people by their history, though she didn’t extend that courtesy to herself. Jyn knew what she was; a survivor, a rat. Cassian seemed ready to absolve her, but she wasn’t sure she could forgive herself yet. She’d been lost, walking a dark and lonely path, but seeing her father again, meeting Cassian and the rest of Rogue One, had righted her, had given her a light to follow in the storm. Galen Erso sacrificed himself for the greater good; Jyn wanted to be more like that and less like the tip of a spear that Saw Gerrera had made her.
“Strength isn’t the same as being brave,” she finally replied. “Fear brings out the worst in me. You never seem to be afraid. I wish I could be like that; I wish I was fearless.”
Cassian stopped walking and turned toward her. “I’m not fearless. I’m always afraid.” She looked up at him in disbelief. “Ever since I was a boy I’ve been afraid, but I don’t let fear keep me from taking action.”
They looked in each other’s eyes for a long time.
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“I know you’re feeling a little exposed, a little unsafe; after everything that’s happened I’d expect nothing less. But that doesn’t mean you’re not brave,” he said. “I’ve never seen someone manage their fear like you.”
Jyn bit her lip and looked away. “There’s a moment I can’t get out of my head, where I pushed through, managed my fear. It’s a moment that made me hate myself.”
She didn’t elaborate so he asked, “When?”
“On Scarif. After you fell.” She curled in on herself, withdrawing from him. “I didn’t want to just leave you there.”
Cassian understood; being left behind, abandoned, discarded caused a pain in Jyn’s heart that might never be healed.
“You told me to keep going. I knew I had to. But I hated myself for it. Whether you were alive or dead, I was surrendering you to the Empire.”
“We had a job to do. We were fighting for something bigger than ourselves, something important.”
Her cheeks became hot, though she managed to remain composed. She looked up at him. “You’re important, Cassian.”
An expression flashed across his face that Jyn had never seen, something vulnerable and raw. She saw him catch his breath.
“Has no one ever told you that before?”
His eyes were fixed on her, his breathing heavy as he fought to control a sudden wave of emotion, his mouth turning down at the corners. Jyn had unknowingly hit a nerve. She stepped nearer and took hold of the front of his jacket.
“I’m nothing special,” he said, his voice dark and low.
“That isn’t true.”
He shrugged. “I’m just one person.”
Her grip constricted and she pulled him closer. “You are important. To the Rebellion, to Rogue Squad… to me.”
His gaze tightened, as though he were receiving kindness for the first time in his life and the experience was so overdue it pained him.
Jyn suddenly understood; he truly believed he was expendable because no one had ever told him otherwise. She cupped his face in her hands. “You’ve given so much of yourself. We all use you; we all take from your strength. It isn’t fair.” He gripped her wrists and leaned into her touch, needing the comfort. “You might tell yourself that you have nothing left to lose, so there’s no harm in risking your life for the cause. But I think it’s the opposite. You know the pain of loss so intimately that you sacrifice everything in the hopes of giving others the safety you never had.” His breathing had become shuddering rasps as her words cut through every piece of emotional armor he wore. “I’m proud of you, Cassian.”
He stiffened, fighting back feelings that threatened to overwhelm him.
Maarva’s final words rang in his ears, delivered to him in a dark sewer by his best friend Brasso, words layered with the forgiveness and absolution only a mother’s love could offer. Tell him, none of this is his fault. It was already burning, he’s just the first spark of the fire. Tell him, he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel. And when the day comes and those two pull together, he will be an unstoppable force for good. Tell him, I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong.
He had always lived by his own code. But the Empire’s never-ending ruthlessness had hardened Cassian over the years. Jyn had unwittingly made him look at himself with fresh eyes. At first, he hadn’t liked what he discovered. But, in a short period of time, she had reignited his sense of self, unintentionally reconnected him with who he wished he could be without the Empire looming over all existence. Cassian wanted to be strong without being brutal. He wanted to be brave without being callous. He wanted to thrive without desperation. If Jyn was proud of him, perhaps that meant he had begun achieving these small victories. They hadn’t known each other long, but she always made him feel seen, like he existed with more intensity now that she was in his life.
Cassian wrapped his arms around Jyn, pulling her body against him, his hands pressed across her back. All he wanted was to hold her, to feel safe, to disappear into a reality where Scarif and Tarkin and IT-O droids didn’t exist. Jyn responded instantly to his touch, pressing her cheek against his, almost sighing with relief as her arms went around his neck. He closed his eyes and thought, I love you more than anything you could ever do wrong.
NEXT CHAPTER IS CALLED “THE REACH” - Perhaps it's a proximity trope…but I don't care. It's my story and I can do what I want :) You're welcome.
Thank you for reading!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are very welcome!
Much love!
READ IT ON AO3- Kudos and Comments Welcome :-)
READ CHAPTER 1 “The Razor”
READ CHAPTER 2 “The Scythe”
READ CHAPTER 4 “The Expendable”
READ CHAPTER 5 “The Truth”
READ CHAPTER 6 “The Detritus”
READ CHAPTER 8 “The Power”
READ CHAPTER 9 “The Betrayal”
READ CHAPTER 11 “The Reprieve”
READ CHAPTER 12 “The Ghosts”
READ CHAPTER 13 “The Redemption”
READ CHAPTER 14 “The Spoils”
READ CHAPTER 15 “The Interrogation”
READ CHAPTER 16 “The Rogues”
READ CHAPTER 17 "The Absolution"
READ CHAPTER 18 “The Reach”
READ CHAPTER 19 “The Hologram”
READ CHAPTER 20 “The Divide”
READ CHAPTER 21 “The Cost”
READ CHAPTER 22 “The Fallout”
READ CHAPTER 23 “The Wounds”
READ CHAPTER 24 “The Hand”
READ CHAPTER 25 “The Heart”
READ CHAPTER 26 “The Beginning”
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bejeweled-jyn · 11 months
Alright RebelCaptain/Rogue One girlies, is there a discord server ya'll are gatekeeping?
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tending-the-hearth · 7 months
i think my favorite type of relationship trope is "stopped believing in love a long time ago" and "genuinely doesn't think they're worthy of love" falling for each other in the MOST romantic way possible
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ohmovie · 3 months
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Trust goes both ways.
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
Cassian and Jyn are soulmates send tweet
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andorology · 2 months
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obi-wan kenobi 🤝 jyn erso
"because it's me lol"
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