artwithmiko · 3 months
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Blaze at The Olympic Games✨
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disciplinethepainter · 7 months
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5-pp-man · 8 months
my new favourite genre of guys is when they're cute but only in deeply neurodivergent ways.
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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He’s red and he’s white and he’s green and he’s grey / My bonny young dragon, come hither away...
Keith Windham and Nuntius, out of Luzula's stunning Flight of the Heron/Temeraire crossover fic 'The Flight of Dragons.'
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coolnonsenseworld · 9 months
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My wips are all over the place, huh. There are still too many sketches to count and I like to keep them close to my heart, before I finish them, but here is another sketch per bought KICK Friday pdf! I really wanted to color this one before posting but you gotta pick your battles. What do you think they should be reading??
I think it should be "How to not almost-die on every mission" written by Pidge Holt, and it's 186 pages of "just fucking don't" in different fonts. Just look at Keith's soft expression. "Oh she is so sweet........ like I'd ever listen aw :)" and Lance getting to another page like, huh, I wonder what's next. OH! "just fucking don't", damn, she can really keep you on your toes.
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miraculousbumbble · 4 months
Voltron but the Castle automatically connects to its visitors minds. But like room wise.
First night in the castle, none of the paladins noticed anything spectacular about their rooms. They were exhausted and had no reason to go looking around. But gradually, they noticed changes. Lance and Keith were probably the most drastic of said changes.
On the paladin's second day aboard the castle of lions, Lance woke up... feeling like everything was a dream. And for a moment, he almost thought the past year had been a dream. His bed felt soft and plush, his entire body was quite literally melting into the mattress, and the blanket he was using (which he swore was paper thin last night) was now heavy and soft and resembled the quilt his abuela had given him only three years prior.
His walls were the same walls he fell asleep surrounded by the night before except, one of them was no longer a wall but it wasn't a window either. It was a video of the Varadero beach from back home. The waves, God he could hear them, almost smell them. (Think the hotel Katniss was staying in from the first hunger games. It's literally that window but it's a wall.) When he sat up from the bed and his feet hit the floor it was weird how it was no longer the cold metal it had been last night, but was now the same wooden flooring that was used on his own bedroom from back home. And for a small moment, lance wanted to cry. Because he knew this wasn't real, his rug wasn't here and that wasn't a window to the beach (even if it was the beach was a 37 minute drive from his house.) His bed wasn't an uncomfortable twin XL bunk bed and even though there was a desk and closet, none of his things were in either of them. It was a fucked up illusion and lance almost wanted to be mad.
Keith on the other hand, it took his room time and effort to change around him. It was as if the longer it took for him to connect with Red and the other paladins, the longer his room took to understand what he wanted and needed. The Galra genes were easy, the Castle detected it when he first walked in and got scanned. Changing the shape of his bed and the general atmosphere of the room was easy, it was genetics. But when it came to wants, the castle had to learn alongside everyone else what Keith wanted.
The first really major thing was the blankets and pillows that seemingly came out of nowhere. Sometimes pillows would even change overnight if the castle felt that his sleep patterns were irregular. The next thing that changed was the flooring that resembled Shiro's apartment. It was weird, a miniscule thing Keith didn't think would ever bring up emotions, but that stupid flooring from Adam and Shiro's apartment nearly brought Keith to his knees. But Keith's favorite addition to the room? The ceiling. Somehow the castle was able to detect day night cycles of Texas and perfectly replicate it. During the day he could see clouds and sometimes if it rained the floor would create these fake puddles, a hologram almost, and at night he could see the constellations. (The other Paladins secretly loved Keith's room. His bed was large and nest-like, taking up the majority of the room, and you could move the ceiling around to look and point out the different constellations)
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marisatomay · 1 year
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Happy Pride to these pictures of Steve Rubell, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Tom Cruise, Maripol, and Martin Burgoyne in a limo at Madonna and Sean Penn’s wedding in 1985
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
fic rec friday 31
welcome to the thirty-first fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Skirt, Dirt, Worth by @ardett
Lance wants to see Pidge wear skirts and makeup. (But really he doesn’t.)
i know the description doesn’t give much, so you’re going to have to trust me. and i really truly do recommend this one. this one...it’s one of the first vld fics i read, actually, as it was early 2017, and i’ve only had the strength to read it once. it’s not that it’s traumatizing or gory or particularly hard to read except that it’s...heavy, is the word? it made my heart pound and my breathing go fast. i couldn’t...i was feeling absolutely everything lance was feeling and it was scary in the way being vulnerable is scary. it has influenced everything i have ever written. if you’re looking for really early team dynamics and a quietly emotional exploration of gender that will change your perception of it for eternity then i cannot recommend this enough. and i hope i will find the strength to read it again soon
2. putting it into words by @jilliancares [EXPLICIT]
Lance decides to bottom for the first time. (This one's so full of fluff that you MIGHT have the visit the dentist afterward.)
very soft and sweet and emotional! exactly what the description says, you go into this fic expecting something specific and you are satisfied by the end of it. jillian has always been and will always be very talented at exploring young, barely adult klance learning how to be with each other and be themselves.
3. Say Yes To The Mess by @astrolatte
"Yes, Lance?"
"Is that a dead Altean boar on our front porch?"
"Yes, it is."
"Did you bring the dead Altean boar and leave it on our porch?"
"...do you like it?"
Keith wants to sweep Lance off his feet with his proposal, that is if he doesn't get himself killed first.
one of my fave post-war fics ever tbh. like this made me LAUGH. i love how awkwardly earnest and affectionate keith is, i love how many mean lesbians are included, i love keith & lance’s family, i love long suffering and endeared lance. the whole thing is a sweet and funny masterpiece
4. competitions by @jilliancares [EXPLICIT]
After a certain competition goes wrong, Allura tells Keith and Lance that they're not allowed to compete anymore. Naturally, they bring the competitions to the bedroom.
i love this one bc its so real. like of COURSE these losers would do this. and of course it would work for them. they are rivals first and foremost. rivals to lovers? no. they are rivals AND lovers. they are somehow something more homoerotic than rivals
5. teamwork makes the meme work by muuni 
Allura creates a groupchat for the newfound members of the Gender-Sexuality Alliance club at Voltron University. Everything goes downhill from there.
Keith Why was I never considered
Shiro You know why.
Keith For fuck’s sake You shank a guy once and suddenly you’re “violent” and have “anger issues”
Pidge keith you;re gonna make me piss my pantsnhdjkljdhjh
people like to shit on chatfics all day long ‘oh they’re cringe’ ‘they’re not funny’ ‘they’re overdone’ false. you need to learn how to have fun. chatfics are SO MUCH FUN. dorky dialogue?? memes?? vines bc this fic is old enough for that?? occasional regular scenes to flesh out the story? a sequel? team as family? klance?? MATT/HUNK, WHICH I HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE AND HAVE NEVER SEEN SINCE?? this fic is amazing and i will hear no slamming of the genre
that’s it for today (and sorry i was late)!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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lilcatastrophe · 11 days
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they are !! small !!!
congrats on all the followers @klance-daydreams n here’s to many more !! here’s your dtiys it was sm fun :))
best clown guys, thank you for them kd 😌
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waugh-bao · 3 months
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Keith’s Diary (January, 1963 entries)
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artwithmiko · 2 months
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During a Starfall! 🌟
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tillliestimeoff · 3 months
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I gave into the fandom …
Finally got my own money i can spend on Voltron (so glad i didn’t have that in 2017)
I’m trying to get (not so overpriced) lance funko pop now wish me luck 🍀
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dream-about-dancing · 1 month
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I got the awesome @kosmosguidebook which is about the best human/half alien/dog family. 🙎‍♂️🧝‍♂️🐶
The full package features lots of awesome merchandise like stickers, prints, pins, charms and other pretty stuff. ❤️❤️
Thank you for your awesome work.
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smoshpostiing · 4 months
what are your favourite smosh ships/dynamics apart from shourtney?
i love damien and angela, angela and amanda, spence and tommy, ian and anthony(obviously lol), angela and courtney, shayne and amanda, shayne and damien, and keith and angela
they all have amazing dynamics and i love those duos!! <3
honourable mentions to the trios; shourtlivia, shourtmien, spourtommy, AAA (arasha, angela, amanda) :D
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coolnonsenseworld · 2 years
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Keith looks cute but comes to pick Lance up from soccer practice, because after his first semester in the same team, the amount of red cards he received re-directed him to kick boxing.
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iamdangerace · 11 months
Tørsö, Home Wrecked from the single of the same name (2021).
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Meaningless lives
In the sea of the city
No empathy in sight
Just self-pity
Salt in the wounds of the people
Of this town
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Never questioning
If we need you around
These streets existed before
Progress isn't for anyone, it benefits you
Benefits you
Benefits you
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Wrecked everything in your path
Histories you'll never understand
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Never questioning
If we need you around
These streets existed before
Progress isn't for anyone, it benefits you
Benefits you
Benefits you
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You're presence
Turns everything stale
Never questioning
If we need you around
These streets existed before
Progress isn't for anyone, it benefits you
Benefits you
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