#Kabbal draws
kabbal · 5 months
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Trying to get back into drawing so i'm doing one of the prompt from cringetober : the sailor uniform one
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alexgalaxyboo · 1 year
I read Karpman Triangle by Kabbal (Aledane) on ao3 last night at like 5am and it changed me as a person.
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So I did the only natural thing and drew Ghost, Simon and Riley to silence the brainworms.
I promise one day I'll draw Ghost the way he's actually described in fics btw. ... One day. For now we keep spreading the ginger propaganda.
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Also bonus little doodle of old man Riley and Johnny because if there's one thing I'd kill for it old people in love I swear.
Go read the fic (Now. Not later. Right now. Go. What are you still doing here?) and much love to @kabbal
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garnetrena · 2 years
Top 10 Current Favorite Movies Tag
@smalltownfae tagged me, thanks a lot! Here we go:
1.Everything Everywhere All At Once
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An awesome movie about the multiverse! There's a lot of representation, it's funny, there are many cinematic references... I think it's among my favorite movies, period (not only current ones).
2.Le Pharaon, le Sauvage et la Princesse (The Black Pharaoh, the Savage and the Princess)
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It's a French animated movie. There are three different stories, all with different animation styles. The first one takes place in Ancient Egypt (it's my favorite one), the second one in Auvergne and the third one is a 1001 Nights tale. The movie maker, Michel Ocelot, is mostly known for Kirikou. This one was lovely as well.
3.Le Petit Nicolas : qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour être heureux ? (Little Nicholas : Happy as Can Be)
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Another French animated movie. It's about Le Petit Nicolas, a French book series, and its two creators: Sempé and Goscinny. This movie is very creative, with the character directly speaking to his makers. It's an ode to writing, drawing, and being creative.
4.Les Cinq Diables (The Five Devils)
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Another French movie! Its genre is fantastical, which is quite rare for French movies. Also, the main character is a Black little girl and two lesbians are main characters as well. It's the story of a girl who can travel in time with her magical powers. I don't wanna spoil it but I liked it a lot.
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Jordan Peele's last movie. I see it as a metaphor of cinema itself. It was very well filmed and I loved the characters, especially Emerald (I'm a little bit in love, not gonna lie).
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This movie doesn't have a very good reputation but I felt like it was nice? Also, it's a musical. I really like the original play, and I felt like it was a nice adaptation.
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A movie about the author of Cyrano de Bergerac, Edmond de Rostand. I've also seen the play "Edmond" recently. It's a very nice movie, especially if you like Cyrano.
8. Encanto
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No, my brainrot about this movie isn't totally over yet. I've re-watched it some days ago and I still love it as much. And of course I cried at the reconciliation scene.
9. Coco
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Rewatching Encanto made me wanna rewatch Coco. Also, it's nearly Halloween/Dias of los Muertos, so I wanted to get into the mood. I especially like the songs (I try to learn "Un poco loco" and this version of "La Llorona" at the ukulele!)
10. Interview With The Vampire
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Another Halloween movie! Also, I'm in a Anne Rice mood these days because of the TV show. And now, this movie is on Netflix, so... I still love it a lot.
Bonus: Woman King
I've forgotten to add it to the list, but I've absolutely loved this movie!! A great celebration of the story of these courageous African women.
And that's my 10 current favorite movies. I'll tag @dagss , @kabbal , @riiversndroads and whoever wants to do it!
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autodaemonium · 1 year
Pronounced: tholuhvueayroiiyuhinzreuh.
Pantheon of: volatility.
Pronounced: dooaytthdstiouszaihzouahthuhuh Legends: confrontation, rocket firing, innings. Prophecies: conversion. Relations: əbyʃʌknɛtɒrəɪlɪwəɛtɛ (fire opal).
Pronounced: gkuayitpthdtshnayfpuhhgnuhp Prophecies: sexploitation, tracheostomy, circularization, strip. Relations: rðɪðəɪrffusɪwæaɪəmutb (acrylic), ləpəwɪtɛtkəiŋzsɪpmmdʒ (slop), ʒhlrətfðibɑətyuɪtrsu (aldose).
Pronounced: luhpuhwitaytkuhingzsipmmj Legends: draw, tin pest. Prophecies: field work, caution, luxation, sex-change operation, security.
Pronounced: nuhalruhuhisrlttshuhuhahydhf Legends: vertical bank. Relations: əbyʃʌknɛtɒrəɪlɪwəɛtɛ (arsenic acid), dʊɛtðdstɪɒszaɪhzɒɑðəə (camphor), srrɪodmtθltlkələəysz (halibut-liver oil).
Pronounced: rthithuhirffusiwaaiuhmutb Legends: extradition, pullback, kabbalism, crouch, absolution. Prophecies: sleeper, contact. Relations: gkuɛɪtpθdtʃnɛfpəhgnəp (immunoglobulin a), nəælrəəɪsrlttʃəəɑydhf (draw), ləpəwɪtɛtkəiŋzsɪpmmdʒ (plasmin), ʃpæɛtaɪuvrltʃozutʃttnvn (siderite).
Pronounced: srriodmtthltlkuhluhuhysz Legends: jugglery, rebellion, scissors. Prophecies: drink, military action. Relations: rðɪðəɪrffusɪwæaɪəmutb (first mortgage), gkuɛɪtpθdtʃnɛfpəhgnəp (jamaica rum).
Pronounced: uhbyshuknaytouruhiliwuhaytay Legends: retention, overwork, resisting arrest, requirement. Prophecies: constraint. Relations: rðɪðəɪrffusɪwæaɪəmutb (sharing).
Pronounced: uhirzduhuhmitthapratshhoni Legends: gram's method. Prophecies: abnormality, upset, ritualism, crab. Relations: gkuɛɪtpθdtʃnɛfpəhgnəp (semantic relation), ləpəwɪtɛtkəiŋzsɪpmmdʒ (minor suit), dʊɛtðdstɪɒszaɪhzɒɑðəə (polymer), əbyʃʌknɛtɒrəɪlɪwəɛtɛ (red lauan).
Pronounced: shpaaytaiuvrltshozutshttnvn Legends: casino, morris dance, cession, athletic contest, nip. Relations: gkuɛɪtpθdtʃnɛfpəhgnəp (soda water), dʊɛtðdstɪɒszaɪhzɒɑðəə (trypsin), əbyʃʌknɛtɒrəɪlɪwəɛtɛ (oxyacetylene).
Pronounced: zhlruhtfthibahuhtyuitrsu Legends: chasse, reality check, cold storage. Prophecies: exporting, socialization. Relations: dʊɛtðdstɪɒszaɪhzɒɑðəə (red lauan), əɪrzdəəmitðæprætʃhonɪ (biotite).
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kerachs · 1 year
having some fun drawing my friends and Miaou Kabbale Sabra.
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gwynn-ap-nads · 3 years
ok so the thing that annoys me about like fun pomo angelology where like people draw the cool terrifying angels as they were described in the bible instead of just people with wings, is that so often they’re still drawing people with wings, just like freaky looking people with more than 2 wings, like i never see drawings of thrones “They sparkled like topaz... Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel... the wheels did not change direction as the creatures went. Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around”(ezekiel 1:16-18) that shit fucking slaps dude, imagine it, bodies of clear crystal but full of eyes like those of humans, the juxtaposition between the opaque wet eyes, and the translucent inorganic crystal of the wheel they were set in, with sinuous rose gold within the crystal body connecting the eyes, all of it not just wreathed in flames but burning without smoke. (king james 7:9, though there are other better references to flaming thrones I just couldn’t be assed finding them, and the burning without smoke thing isn’t mentioned in that one, but burning without smoke is like a super common motif in Abrahamic religion). like obviously the faceless angels, or the ones with heaps of faces or animal faces are as cool as the ones which don’t resemble life, but you never see the really fucking abstract ones.
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feelkindadizzy · 4 years
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[ID: A digital drawing of Kabbale and Dolce from Angel’s Friends. Kabbale on the left is holding Dolce by the waist and kisses her on the cheek while leaning on her. Dolce is holding Kabbale’s head and is smiling a lot. END ID]
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tallat-of-thralls · 5 years
Another Mercury Dream
However this one combines the elements of the Metatron's Star and overlapping the 8 point chaos star over the image of the alchemic mercury.
If you guys are unfamiliar with Metatron, he is considered one of the highest Sephirothic archangels that primary functions in the Sephiroth Kether. (According to kabbalic text) Metatron has been equated to Hermes, Mercury, and Thoth.
Chaos Magick, picking up pace in the 1970s, is the concept of manifestation derived from egyptian ideals and magic.Alchemy has connections to both. Chaos Magick pulls from a variety of sources mostly Alchemy.
Alchemy is not found in any of the newer testaments of christianity, islam, or judiasm. It is referenced in many of the older texts including ancient egyptian scriptures where the god Thoth is involved but also in the Kabbalic scriptures...
One of the things i noticed guys, is the kabbilic tree of life has vast many similarities to Yggdrasil of the Norse pantheon.
I think these similarities are important because the Norse pantheon discusses the many realms within the branches. However, names are repeating.
What are the Allatori????
Fuss busket... This is both frustrating and fun.
I have drawing to do.
I will be making more seals, one of which is the Metatrons cube (after increasing my research on its meaning and how it relates to physics and plato.) The other will be combing the 8 points chaos star with the alchemic symbol of mercury.
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from-our-boxes · 2 years
Lya Finston - Artist Interview
by Emma Varano
Lya Finston is an interdisciplinary artist currently working at Bucknell University as a TA and Shop Technician in the Printmaking Department. She graduated from Oberlin College in 2018 with a BA in Studio Art and German Language. During a two year span in Chicago, she was a fellow at Spudnik Press, an Access Services Assistant at the Ryerson Burnham Library at the Art Institute of Chicago, and a publishing assistant at Hoofprint.
Her work uses the media of sculpture, animation, and various forms of printmaking to illustrate her interests in the supernatural, folk tales, and contributions to the secular Jewish community as well a sustained research into the diaspora of Jewish culture.
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Blessing for the Home, 2021. Wood and linoleum relief.
You said in your artist statement that a major part of your practice is contributing to the already limited secular Jewish world. Would you be willing to explain what secular Judaism means to you?
Articulating that I’m interested in exploring the world of secular Judaism is an important distinction for me because the messages and motivations behind my practice aren’t religious ones, despite my religious imagery and subject matter. I also make this distinction in order to cast a wider net over my field of research, as Judaism is not only a faith, but an ethnicity as well.
This distinction has a lot to do with my personal relationship with Judaism. I was raised attending a Conservative synagogue and Hebrew school, but recognized shortly after my Bat Mitzvah that I didn’t believe in God. Nonetheless, my love and adherence to the tradition, community, and culture of Judaism has always remained the same. Despite my atheism, I’m still a practicing Jew. My identity simply shifted from faith-oriented to a more cultural experience.
Investigating Jewish themes in my work has been my way of entering into a research-based relationship with my religion. I want to know everything about Judaism – especially where Hasidic and Kabbalic mysticism and the diasporic folk culture of Eastern Europe is concerned. The more I read, the more I’m moved to use illustration as a means of further investigation and comprehension.
When I was somewhere around 8 and 10 years old, my orthodox Hebrew school teacher passed pencils and paper out to everyone in my class and prompted us to draw what God looked like. After only a few seconds, she announced, “That’s right: You can’t draw God because He doesn’t have an image!” and collected the materials back from us. I remember feeling particularly struck and conflicted by this exercise. I knew exactly what God looked like. He looked like Raffi from the children’s song CD cover, but with a longer beard, and I was excited to finally draw him.
Of course, I understand now where she was coming from. There are very strong rules about visual representation in Judaism that stem from biblical Hebrew law against idolatry. For this reason, I didn’t encounter a tremendous amount of Jewish artwork growing up until I started looking at secular Jewish folk art and historic Judaica, which is a large part of why I’ve become so interested in secular Jewish culture. I think this is also why I’m so drawn to Christian iconography. Such magical and exciting things happen when artists are prompted to depict the unseeable, unknowable, and yet all-important. I want to be part of this tradition of artistry despite, and largely because of my Hebrew school teacher’s wishes.
What keeps you charged as an artist? How do you deal with lulls in creativity?
Reading always helps. Also, going to art museums, openings, and conferences. When I graduated college, I got myself to keep making by signing up for print exchange portfolios and saying yes to every commission that came my way. I recognized pretty quickly that deadlines were important for me, and these were the best ways I found to implement them outside of academia. I also hit the ground running applying to lots of shows. The more I applied to things with the same old pieces of work, the more motivated I was to make new work.
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Orphanim (Angel) 2021. Wire, relief prints on paper.  
Do you have any advice for those pursuing a BFA/BA in the arts?
The worst thing you can do is stop making work. Just keep making no matter what!
Also, don’t be afraid of your professors! Talk to them, go to their office hours, become their friends, and recognize them for the incredible artists and resources that they are. I feel so incredibly lucky for the relationship I have with my undergraduate printmaking professor. We texted, emailed, and talked on the phone throughout my entire graduate school application process. She saw every draft of everything I wrote and was so generous with her feedback despite being across the world in Estonia. During my time as a printmaking shop tech at Bucknell, I was constantly asking her advice about the way she runs her shop at Oberlin.
Despite being so smart and experienced, she’s also just a great friend to me and I love hanging out with her at conferences. Don’t sleep on the opportunity to build relationships like these.
What are some of the most valuable things you have learned from all of the different locations that you have lived and interacted with within the past two years?
This experience taught me that, particularly as an artist, it’s important not to get too tied down anywhere early on. It was really hard for me to think about leaving Chicago at first because I loved the friends and community I found there. Eventually, it was urban pandemic anxiety that pushed me out, which I’m honestly grateful for because it led me to my first paid job in printmaking since undergrad. It’s important to keep your options open when you’re young and to be willing to relocate if it means advancing your career and your practice. You also need to remember that moving doesn’t mean losing the friends you made. Building a wider geographical network of friendships means you’ll always have a buddy wherever you go :)
What did you take from your time in Chicago?
My time in Chicago taught me that continuing to make art in heavily resource-dependent media like printmaking is really hard outside of academia. BUT, it’s by no means impossible, and you grow and learn so fucking much from making it work. I’ve made the most incredible relationships with other printmakers and their spaces through this process. These relationships turned into the friendships and mentorships that allowed me to continue making prints outside of college, and that bolstered my graduate school application four years down the line. I’m certain that I wouldn’t have gotten into the programs I did without these references and experiences, and I certainly wouldn’t have been truly ready to pursue my MFA without this time off in the “real world.” My time in Chicago also made me feel confident that, even if I don’t go into academic teaching after completing my MFA, I can get another job and keep making my work on the other side.
And, lastly, any favorite cafes or spots you loved spending time at in Chicago?
FYI: I lived on the westside in Pilsen/Little Village, so this list is going to be pretty partial to that neck of the woods.
Cafe Jumping Bean: Great cafe on 18th st in Pilsen
Cafe Mustache: Probably my favorite coffee shop in Logan Square
Any Panaderia in Pilsen or Little Village: I went to Nuevo Leon on 18th st and La Central on Cermak the most. When you go in, you grab a metal tray and a pair of tongs and walk around the displays picking out yummy pastries to buy. A fun and delicious experience!
Any Michoacan ice cream place in Pilsen: You can find their paletas in most corner stores around the city. I recommend the spicy ones!
Athenian Candle Co: Cool candle shop in Greektown with all kinds of soap and incense that will bring love and money into your life.
Ghareeb Nawaz: Yummy Indian/Pakistani food in Greektown/UIC area
Jibaritos y Mas: Yummy Puerto Rican food in Logan Square. If you don’t know already, Jibarito is a kind of sandwich with fried plantains instead of bread – highly recommend!
Skylark: Best bar in Chicago! Cheap, divey, and hip with amazing tater tots. It’s cash only, so come prepared. Easily accessible via the Western bus.
Chicago Athletic Association: A cool historic (?) hotel across the street from the Art Institute that has an awesome bar on the second floor called the Game Room. The ambiance is so cool in there and always made me feel super fancy while sticking to my budget. Besides bocci ball, pool, and shuffleboard, they also have a great happy hour special that I used to indulge in far too frequently after work. You can get a cheese burger, a generous side of fries, a shot, and a random shot (usually a weird liqueur) for only $10! The Drawing Room (which you have to walk through to get to the Game Room) is a super beautiful space to work in, and you can even order oysters if you’re feeling extra fancy.
Taqueria Tayahua: My favorite Mexican restaurant. Near the intersection of Western & 24th St
Taqueria El Milagro: Amazing Mexican food on El Milagro’s own tortillas! If you’re buying tortilla chips or tortillas in the store, El Milagro is the way to go. I highly recommend going to their Taqueria on Blue Island in the winter time so you can get some Champurrado, which is a delicious kind of thick hot chocolate with masa in it.
Chile Toreado: Great Mexican place in Mckinley Park! I ordered the carne en su jugo when I went, which was one of the best things I’ve ever eaten lmao.
Huck Finn: A classic-style diner on Archer in Mckinley Park. Their claim to fame is giant donuts the size of your head (and bigger!). It’s super fun to go there with friends and split one.
Museum of Mexican Art
Intuit (Folk and Outsider Art Museum)
DePaul Art Museum
The Newberry Library
Matchbox Bar
Garfield Park Conservatory
Inga Bookshop
The Musicbox (movie theater on north side)
Gene Siskel Theater (pretty sure you’d get a discount!)
Chicago Cultural Center
Buddy Chicago
Fireside Bowl
Ryerson Library (where I worked! It’s inside the Art Institute – first left after the gift shop)
Promontory Point in Hyde Park
Hyde Park Art Center (they also have a cute cafe)
Manny’s Cafeteria and Deli: Jewish Deli!
The Empty Bottle
The Hideout
Harold Washington Library
South Side Community Art Center
Zine Mercado
Chicago Zine Fest
Zine Not Dead
Chicago Art Book Fair
Things to avoid:
Taste of Chicago (so crowded I wanted to die)
Being downtown/using CTA during Lollapalooza
Spoke & Bird (gentrifying coffee shop)
WNDR Museum (stupid instagram “art” organized by rich white people)
Slippery Slope (it can be fun if you have lots of friends there to protect you, but every time I’ve ever gone, I ended up in an uncomfortable situation with a creepy man)
If you’re ever traveling via CTA alone at night and you’re feeling a little nervous/unsafe, always take the train cars that are as close to the front of the train as possible, if not the closest. You’re less likely to be bothered up there since you’re super close to the conductor/CTA staff.
You can find Lya’s work on her Instagram account @thehottestdjinmiami and on her website at https://lfinston.wixsite.com/lyafinston
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met-drawings-prints · 6 years
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Scheme of Christian Kabbalism from Heinrich Khunrath, Amphiteatrum sapientiae aeternae by Hans Vredeman de Vries, Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving from a circular plate
Purchase, C. G. Boerner Gift, 2011 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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ouroboros8ontology · 3 years
Luria’s Kabbalah is just as much or as little “practical” as that of the other Safed mystics. They all have something to do with “practical Kabbalism” and the things it connotes to the Kabbalist mind, to which I have drawn attention in the fourth lecture, but all of them were equally anxious to draw a distinction between their practical mysticism and its possible degeneration into magic.
Gershom Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism; Seventh Lecture: Isaac Luria and his School
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kabbal · 1 year
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As far as art goes, 2022 was kind of an erratic year. I drew less than last year, with some months having no drawing at all. I spent more time writing fic, so it's normal. Let's try to do more in 2023.
(I cheated a little so all the spots would have a drawing, because I wanted to display as much as I could of the work I did this year)
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americanminervan · 4 years
Getting Technical about “The First Cause”: Why the Term “God” is Generic?
Getting Technical about “The First Cause”: Why the Term “God” is Generic?
God is generic for a plethora of beings and a multitude under a unity, and not a singular entity.
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The “First Cause” is a philosophical conception, that is in-fact, not the same as what is termed, e.g., the “ever Unknowable Eternal Cause.” H.P.B. often draws a distinction between El’ and Yahweh, Ain-Soph and Yahweh, as in her explanation, she explains in her commentary on Kabbalism and the…
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alcalavicci · 7 years
Robert Dean Stockwell and Art: 1955-1976
So this is part of my hypothetical biography (since Nature Boy didn’t really go into much detail on this part of Dean’s life). This is basically my notes- facts with a bit of extrapolation from said facts.
So. Dean and art. I feel like art is part of Dean’s private sphere, while acting is part of his public sphere. He kept his acting and artistic worlds apart for the most part, but there was a little overlap (see: Dennis Hopper, who was his good friend in both respects, as an actor and photographer). He keeps them so far apart he goes by a different name professionally as an artist in the 2000s- Robert Dean Stockwell. I’ve seen a few pictures of Dean doing crafty/arty things as a kid- knitting with Margaret O’Brien on the set of The Secret Garden, and making something out of clay on another set. He’s also said art’s been part of his life since he was young.[1]
How did Dean get involved with the art/Beat scene in Los Angeles to begin with? Let’s trace where he was, and when he arrived in Hollywood first. Dean said that he was in Northern California the year James Dean died, or 1955.[2] But his first role when he returned aired on March 4, 1956.[3] Semina Culture says Dean met Wallace Berman in 1955,[4] so there’s a wrinkle here to resolve, especially since Berman was in LA until 1957. Let’s say Dean arrived in the Los Angeles area around October or November of 1955- right after James Dean’s death. Somehow, he met Berman, who takes him on in a mentor role. Dean was also going to New York a lot for TV roles around this time.
Sidebar: as a child, Dean said he looked up to a few male actors he’d worked with: Errol Flynn,[5] Joel McCrea[6] and Richard Widmark[7]. His father left their family when he was about six, so Dean was always looking for male role models, and those actors filled that role for him as a child. I think for Dean, Berman also filled that role of “father”/role model.
Berman introduced Dean to the artistic community in LA[4] and got him started with his connections to various artists and creative people, including musicians. Berman also introduced Dean to experimental film and collages. I’ve seen an example of Berman’s collage in Semina Culture, and it’s striking how much it looks like something Dean would have made. Trust me when I say Dean is heavily influenced- artistically- by Berman.
As for other artist friends in the LA/Hollywood area… At some point (not sure if this was in Hollywood or New York since Dean hopped back and forth between those places during the mid-1950s) Dean met Dennis Hopper. There’s a ton of mentions of Dean meeting someone/introducing someone at a poetry reading. For example, Dean introduced Dennis to the bohemian witch of LA, Cameron, in the autumn of 1956 after he was introduced to her at a poetry reading, so he’d met Dennis prior to that.[8] Or if the year for that story is wrong, then Dean met Dennis through Roddy McDowall in 1957 while making Compulsion on Broadway.[15] Dean also met Toni Basil around 1962 or 1963 and she moved in with him in 1963.[9] They dated for a very long time- about ten years.
Back to Berman for a bit. In 1957, the Ferus Gallery opened, with the only public showing of Berman’s work. Then the police received an anonymous call that there was a pornographic image being shown, so they arrived at the gallery. Nobody is sure who called the police - Cameron blames Berman while Berman’s widow blames one of the gallery owners.[10] The squad seized a drawing by Cameron called “Peyote Vision” and arrested Berman for obscenity. Dean paid the $150 fine for him.[11] Eventually, Berman moved to the Bay Area, creating Semina Culture while he was there. Then he moved back to Los Angeles in 1961, then Topanga Canyon in 1965.[12] Dean stayed close with him and bought him a house after Berman’s house was destroyed in a mud slide. Berman, to me, is fascinating because he’s had so many close friends but he was a bit of a mystery. To begin with, he wasn’t really clear about his artistic intentions. Apparently he told Dean that his paintings of pseudo-Dead Sea scrolls had Kabbalistic meanings, but he also told Philip Lamantia, who actually knew something about Kabbalism, that there was no connection there.[13]
In the late 1950s, Dean moved to Topanga Canyon and eventually bought a house there. Throughout the rest of the 1950s and the 1960s, Dean went off and on with working on his artwork, and encouraged by Berman,[1] supported his art friends by buying their artwork. Dean collaborated with George Herms on his film Moonstone in 1963.[9] Dean also made a documentary of Bruce Conner creating Breakaway in 1964.[14] Between 1965 and 1968, Dean dropped out because he wasn’t getting much work, so he moved to San Francisco.[15]
Dean found that Hollywood didn’t really want him anymore when he returned- producers were looking for a Dean Stockwell type, but they didn’t actually want to cast Dean Stockwell in anything.[16] So Dean decided to focus more on his art. As Neil Young recalls, during the late 1960s and 1970s, both Dean and Russ Tamblyn acted long enough to get money for groceries. Otherwise, they focused on their art.[17] I’m not sure if this is Dean going, “Fuck Hollywood! I’m being an artist!” or “Oh shit, being an actor isn’t really working out now. Let’s focus on art.” Either way, between 1968 and 1976, Dean was involved with some very creative people, including a lot of musicians. He introduced his artist friend George Herms to Neil Young and he also introduced Neil Young to Devo.[17] Dean also went with David Bowie to visit Iggy Pop in the hospital.[18]
On February 18, 1976, which was his fiftieth birthday, Wallace Berman died after a drunk driver hit him. Eerily enough, as a child, Berman told his mother that he would die on his fiftieth birthday.[11]  It was at this point that Dean lost motivation to work on collages.[1] He would work with Neil Young on Human Highway, which was released in 1982,[19] but that was his last truly artistic project until the 2000s.
Epilogue: At some point during the mid- or late 1970s, Dean broke up with Toni and moved in with Russ. Acting wasn’t working out for Dean at this point and neither was art. Dean met Joy Marchenko at Cannes and persuaded her to move back to America with him. Around 1980, he got his real estate license and was planning to settle down into a career. Then he met David Lynch, was cast for Dune[20] and the rest is history.
1.        http://stockwellsassies.tripod.com/articles/Solar_Buzz.html
2.       Sassies group post- can’t find any decent sources for this one!
3.       Stockwell Sassies – Credits
4.      http://stockwellsassies.tripod.com/articles/Semina_Culture.htm
5.       http://www.sheilaomalley.com/?p=6909
6.      http://stockwellsassies.tripod.com/articles/The_Dean_of_Hollywood.html
7.       http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001777/bio#quotes
8.      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_Cameron#The_Children.2C_Kenneth_Anger.2C_and_Curtis_Harrington:_1952.E2.80.9368
9.      https://books.google.com/books?id=iN0kDQAAQBAJ&pg=PA120&lpg=PA120&dq=%22dean+stockwell%22+%22george+herms%22&source=bl&ots=hXGpKcAwbP&sig=tygEy_QCDfhyguTS-7TEOv_UMA8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwje-5LnmsjUAhUK74MKHbWBAVg4ChDoAQgpMAI#v=onepage&q=%22dean%20stockwell%22%20%22george%20herms%22&f=false
10.    http://www.laweekly.com/arts/camerons-connections-to-scientology-and-powerful-men-once-drew-headlines-but-now-her-art-is-getting-its-due-5130928
11.     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallace_Berman
12.    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tom-teicholz/wallace-berman-the-aleph-_b_1099615.html
13.    https://techgnosis.com/the-alchemy-of-trash/
14.    http://www.cinefamily.org/wallace-bermans-underground-toni-basil-tosh-berman-russ-tamblyn-george-herms-in-person-2/
15.    http://stockwellsassies.tripod.com/bio.html & https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/obk0u/i_am_cylon_1_on_bsg_and_al_the_hologram_on/c3g6tj8/?context=3 & http://stockwellsassies.tripod.com/articles/Comeback_Champ.html
16.    http://stockwellsassies.tripod.com/articles/Dean_Stockwell_a.html
17.    http://stockwellsassies.tripod.com/articles/excerpts_from_Shakey.html
18.    https://books.google.com/books?id=51THbRlGpUQC&pg=PT254&lpg=PT254&dq=dean+stockwell+david+bowie&source=bl&ots=cJCryclF0Y&sig=AQr_Blp_tA-GMqlbeSK2Lk5Ebwo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjsioT-psjUAhWKzIMKHaJHBBsQ6AEITDAK#v=onepage&q=dean%20stockwell%20david%20bowie&f=false
19.    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084099/?ref_=nv_sr_1
20.   http://stockwellsassies.tripod.com/articles/Great_Leap_Forward.html
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firstumcschenectady · 7 years
“The Healing Earth” based on Psalm 8 (& James Weldon Johnson's “The Creation”)
A few years ago I was informed that Sky Lake was a prime example of “Celtic Christianity/Spirituality.” I had no idea what that meant. So I looked it up, and discovered that it was true, AND that there is a name for my spirituality. Isn't it wonderful when we find names for things we've known without having words? Looking up Celtic Spirituality reveals a description that starts with “Love of the Natural World.” It is explained this way:
“The prayers of the Celtic Saints are filled with experiences of God's presence in creation, simplicity of living in harmony with creation, and awareness of the sacredness of all things. The Psalms are full of praise for God's handiwork in nature, and Celtic Christianity followed in that tradition, reflected in prayers and poems which spoke of the Sacred soul in everything. As it says in the first chapter of Genesis, all things originate in the Divine Source, and so all things are sacred. The Presence permeates all of nature, and speaks to us of the 'Original/Essential Goodness' of everything. To enter into this Presence is a sacramental experience so that when we walk in nature everything is a visible reminder of the Invisible presence.”1
One of their saints, “Columbanus said – 'If you want to know the Creator, first get to know the creation.' If there is any one word that would sum up the essence of Celtic Spirituality, it's the word 'PRESENCE.' Awareness of the Sacred Presence at every moment of life, in all places.”2The other defining factors of Celtic Spirituality are community, hospitality, soul-friends, art and music, pilgrimage.
I suspect that for some of you, Celtic Spirituality is a part of your connection to God. For some, maybe it isn't. In any case, it is helpful to remember that within Christianity itself there are many developed roads and paths to God, and the ones that fit you best may have road signs and maps, if you want to find them. There are multiple spiritual paths, even within Christianity, because humans connect differently. For today, I'm going to continue to explore within a Celtic vein, but please remember this is one among many.
At this time of year I'm mesmerized by how many shades of green there are, and how many I can see in one glance at the world around us. Each tree and plant offer several shades, with the grass itself adding more. For me, this is a feast. I love seeing the verdant, vibrant, living world, and my soul is satisfied watching the wind blow through the various leaves. The Presence of God seems especially visible.
This is a colorful time of year, even beyond the green. Flowers are plentiful and many trees are still covered in flowers or leaves of other colors! It is a time of visual abundance, as richly and vibrantly beautiful as a snow covered winter day is beautiful in its unbroken stillness and grace.
This time of year I am most receptive to the creation narratives of the Bible, perhaps because spring seems to speak them all by itself, and the words of the narratives add to the story the world is telling! James Weldon Johnson's poem is one of the most famous re-tellings of Genesis, and Psalm 8 is one of the most glorious reflections on creation in the text. They remind us that God's fingerprints are found all over the world, and when we look for them, we can find them.
The natural world is the source of all the things we need for life, as well as being a source of deep wisdom. It is a reflection of God, as are all of God's creatures. One of my seminary professors offered us a way of praying that opens us to the wisdom of creation, by simply paying attention to one little aspect of the whole. He instructed us this way:
1. Go to a place where God’s creation meets you: ask for God’s presence with you.
2. Attend to the works of creation around you. Does one thing seem to invite you, strike you, impress you, or somehow attract you?
3. Come to a sense of quiet rest in the presence of God and in this piece of God’s handiwork.
4. Simply gaze upon this part of creation for an extended time – a time of wonder, amazement, openness, receiving.
5. Eventually, engage God in conversation about this thing you have noticed. You may want to ask God questions such as: Where has it been? Who has touched, held, seen it? What does God value it? How is it related to what is around it? How is it related to me? – to the rest of creation? What does it tell me of myself?
And finally… How is God present to me through this piece of creation? What does it tell me of God? What is God saying to me, offering me?
6. Remain for a time in the experience of whatever follows these questions.
7. Offer God thanks for this time and for the wonders of creation.3
This prayer form seems to derive particularly from Celtic Christianity, and the wisdom of the natural world and our capacity to hear it! The prayer, trusts creation and those listening to it.
This sounds a bit like the Psalmist, who spoke of star-gazing as source of wisdom. I'd like you to hear the Psalm anew, this version written by Barbara J. Monda. Her version focuses on the nurturing aspects of creation and our response to it. She refers to God as “Shekkinah” which according to Google means, “the glory of the divine presence, conventionally represented as light or interpreted symbolically (in Kabbalism as a divine feminine aspect).” Here is her version:
Shekkinah,4 how glorious is this world that everywhere bears the mark of your touch!
I sit among the mountains and am in awe of your beauty.
Babies in their mother's arms remind me of how you care for and know our every need.
We are safe in the cover of your clothes.
You hold at bay those who want to harm and take vengeance.
Your steadfastness is all around us and your love makes our hearts jump.
When I look up to the moon I see you there.
When I see the stars I know they are jewels worn by you, signaling your presence.
You have made us just less than yourself.
You have given us the caretaking of all the earth
and the creatures on it as our companions.
Birds sent by you to sing cheer my day.
Fish swim at my feet and the fox and deer bring joy to my life.
The work of your fingers is everywhere my eyes turn.
The sun warms us from above and the rocks hold us from below.
The rhythms of the oceans and the passing of the moon are all ours too,
woven in us so we will be fruitful as you are.
Shekkinah, I feel greatness of you in my bones.
How can I properly thank you for all you have done for me?
My soul reflects your love and my heart holds what you have made.
I will be the cup from which others may drink of you and we will all sing of your wonders.5
Another seminary professor, Marvin Sweeney, told us that the ancient Hebrew Temple was themed on creation.  He said that indicated that creation was the primary miracle of ancient Judaism, and everything else was derived from it. Similarly, creation is a theme throughout scripture, likely because the natural world has been a source of wisdom about God for all of humanity's history. Some are more in tune with it than others. The poets, the Psalmist, and Monda, and Weldon Johnson are particularly in tune. They each speak of humanity as connected to God, thus given special responsibility for caring for creation. Christian theology sometimes speaks of us as “stewards of God's earth.” That means that the earth and all that is in it is God's, but God trusts us to take care of it on God's own behalf. That is good, and meaningful work. However, given the impact of humanity on Global Climate Change and extinctions, we certainly have plenty of ways we could do that work better!
While the self-descibed defining factors of Celtic Spirituality were love of the natural world, community, hospitality, soul-friends, art and music, pilgrimage; I think the biggest difference I see is a focus on goodness: Goodness of God, Goodness of Creation, Goodness of Humanity. So much of Christianity has chosen to focus everything BUT the goodness. There is plenty in life that draws our attention that is not good. But, there is also much goodness, and when our souls are hungry, they hunger for goodness.
In Weldon Johnson's poem, creation begins as a response to God's SMILE.
Then God smiled,
And the light broke,6
And that image, which is itself a blessing, feels like the essence of Celtic Spirituality itself. God Smiled, light broke, creation began, and it was good....
And it is good still. Thanks be to God. Amen
1 http://celtic-spirituality.net/what-is-christian-celtic-spirituality/ accessed 5/27/17
2http://celtic-spirituality.net/what-is-christian-celtic-spirituality/ accessed 5/27/17
3Andrew Dreitcer, March 1996, All Rights Reserved.
4Google dictionary.
5Barbara J. Monda, Rejoice, Beloved Women! The Psalms Revisioned (Notre Dame: Indiana, Sorin Books), 22.
6James Weldon Johnson, The Creation: A Negro Sermon
Rev. Sara E. Baron
First United Methodist Church of Schenectady
603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305
Pronouns: she/her/hers
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preachbvne · 4 years
The Modern Way to Get you To "TOUCH" The Evils of OLD Salt, Light Oh & The MetaTron Medallion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AHsadinsr0Flat Out what The Holy Spirit gave Wisdom on: "It's a Modern Way to get Them to TOUCH the Evil of Old"OPEN DOORS..TAKE HEED To  What The Holy Spirit Showed me!!  This is Witchcraft.. The Witches Love them..2 Corinthians 2:11(KJV) 11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.Definitions of device: • any clever (deceptive) maneuver • an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose • plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought. • conceive; think up; come up with ; dream up; draw up • work out, form(NO WEAPON) • formulate; concoct; design Frame ; invent • coin ; originate; compose ; construct fabricate; create • produce; put together; make up; develop; evolve; discover; hit on • hatch; cook up; contriveGrace Nugget: • A Device is NOT just a Tactic or Strategy, but Literally DEVICES..TOOLS.. • The Word of The Lord Tells Us, GOD even takes the Wickedness by THEIR OWN DEVICESCAN A PEOPLE CHANGE Their GOD for that which is no gods> Jeremiah 2:11(KJV) 11 Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.What this means: You go to Another/anything for Protection, Provision, Safety You go to Another/Anything for Wisdom instruction and Guidance You go to Another/Anything for ways of Living and Being You have indeed Switched Gods... RETURN HE IS..GOD OF....... and HE IS THAT.....Grace Nuggets: • Himalayan Salt Lamps = Sprinkling Salt(In Corners, Over Shoulder etc..) • Egyptian Beautiful Furniture = Idols of Old Anunnaki • Wearing a MetaTron • Crystals in Many Pretty FormsSalt Lamps – • Have you ever heard of a Himalayan salt lamp? Many people haven't but they have recently seen a surge in popularity. They are inexpensive and have many • Personally I feel that ever witch should have a Himalayan Salt Lamp. They last forever and are great to use on alters or your own sacred space. Not only have they got Magickal benefits but health and spirtual benefits too • Himalayan salt lamp have unlimited benefits . Its a solid piece of Himalayan salt which contains 84+ natural minerals that are highly needed for good health as well as getting into the right mind space for witchcraft.----- ALL THE WITCHES SITES PUSHING THEM---- HUH? This is How they Get MANY • Kills bacteria and other germs also making the environment and air better • Naturally increase your sleep. • Reduce stress and makes you feel light. • Continue usage of salt lamp may make you clever and active. • Increase your efficiency and work ability.THEN THERE’S THIS -----Magickal Benefits and Properties • Used for protection; protection from evil, especially protection in and around the home. • Purification, cleansing and dispelling negativity in many magical and traditional rituals. • Release attachments, including emotional attachments. • It is recommended that those who work in environments of negativity or indirect communication, use a Himalayan Salt Lamp as it clears negative energy. • Himalayan crystal has gentle, but strong grounding and centering energies, and is said to bring abundance and prosperity into a home.**********Wearing THE MetaTron WARNING*********** Connected to the Wicked Talmud and Kabbal METATRON IS NOT A FIGURE OF THE HEBREW BIBLE, • but his name appears briefly in several passages of the Talmud. • His legends are predominantly found in mystical Kabbalistic texts. • He is variously identified as the Prince (or Angel) of the Presence, as Michael the archangel, or as Enoch after his bodily ascent into heaven.(LIE) • Sacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions. It is associated with the belief that a god is the geometer of the worldIF YOU OBEY---IT WILL BE Well Jeremiah 7:23 (KJV) 23 But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.The "GOD-With" MinistryNot Inspirational Speaking, But Word-Based Preaching!"TRUTHALITY! Facts are Temporal Truth is Eternal! What is real? The TRUTH that, Nothing is too hard for God! Preach Be a Voice Not an Echo www.preachbvne.webs.com www.preachbvne.blogspot.com Twitter@Preach_BA_Voice Facebook: www.facebook.com/PREACHbeaVoicenotanEcho Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/PreachBVNE/ Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/PREACHbeaVoicenotanEchoMinistryTo Sow into this Ministry Mail to: Shawntrell Davis               P.O Box 30392               Clarksville, TN 37040 CashApp: $KingdomStewardDavis PayPal:  www.paypal.me/SHAWNTRELLDAVIS or Email:[email protected] of the Word of ReconciliationFollowers of "The Way" Distributors of the Revelation! Distributors of the Truth! Distributors of the Release!S.H.I.F.T Suddenly Heaven Invades Forcing Transformation!!#YesLordIWill #CryLoudAndSpareNot #TheLordMyGodIsWithMe #PartakersofHisGlory #FortifiedBrazenWall #Repent #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHandLet the Lord be Magnified! Announcing the Coming of the Glorious Kingdom of God!2 Corinthians 5:20(KJV) 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.Matthew 24:14 (KJV) 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come...
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