#Kaeya's an adopted kid at heart
pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
I feel like a lot of people who think Kaeya should choose Mondstadt forget that Kaeya still feels a duty imposed on his shoulder when it comes to the place he was welcomed in.
Like, they will read this:
If Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt went to war, which side should he support? To whom should he offer his assistance: his birth father, who had ruthlessly abandoned him? Or his adoptive father, who had loved him and raised him?
And immediately forget all of this:
As an adopted son, he should have saved Crepus, but he had arrived moments too late. As a brother, he should have shared in Diluc's grief [...]
For the longest time, Kaeya had agonized over these impossible questions, caught between the opposing demands of loyalty and duty [...]
Like, the demands of loyalty and duty that so plague him are opposing, meaning they come from different places.
Kaeya feels an insane amount of guilt at betraying his adoptive family, partly because they were good people and he loved them, but it's also, in no small part, because it's his adoptive family.
It's the people who saved him, who took him in when no one could, in a time of turmoil. He's fucking ride and die for them, because he feels like he has to repay Mondstadt for taking him in.
(Keep in mind that this is all after spending his moat formative years around people still grieving a homeland destroyed by the ideas that protect and keep monstadt going.)
This ain't a choice between duty and a family of choice, this is a choice between two different duties.
Also, let's not even get into the moral aspect of this debacle.
Kaeya's very analytical, he pushes boundaries quite hard and deliberately puts his colleagues in danger to see what they would do when push comes to shove. He's, as he describes himself in the manga, an antihero with an attitude problem.
But he still considers himself a hero. Meaning he care about being on the right side of history.
If Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt went to war, which side should he support? To whom should he offer his assistance: his birth father, who had ruthlessly abandoned him? Or his adoptive father, who had loved him and raised him?
When Kaeya says this, something remains unsaid.
Both of those are options, options that he considers in full. One of them has an emotional link to him, so the other must be REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT AND MORALLY RIGHT for Kaeya to even consider it.
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
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You are a somewhat likable person (58.57%).
Explanation of Facets:
Friendliness: Those who score high in friendliness generally exude openness, warmth, and enthusiasm; they often make others feel welcome and comfortable. Congenial people are obviously likable as they make us feel warm and fuzzy. They also often smile and make everyone feel included.
Humor: We like people who make us laugh, and we feel drawn to people who humorously break the tension in demanding situations. Moreover, moods are contagious, and we like to spend time with those who are happy and energetic. It is also important to be able to balance passion and having fun; humorous people who can be serious while maintaining a positive vibe are often especially well-liked.
Happiness: One element that attracts us to others is the feeling that they are happy with who they are – comfortable in their own skin and where they are in life. People who thus have “nothing to prove” will often have an easier time being honest, taking a genuine interest in others, and manifesting an air of ease and straightforwardness around themselves.
Kindness: Kind people are helpful, generous, and considerate; they tend to draw others to them. We tend to want to connect with people who have been caring to us. We also tend to pay special attention to such people – those who seem appreciative of us and are genuinely humble in their interactions with us. Understandably, we like to spend more time with individuals who are empathetic, charitable, courteous, and nurturing toward us than with those who are the opposite.
Positivity: Optimistic people make others feel empowered and happy; they positively affect those around them since they can find something good in most people and situations. This trait also covers lavishing others with positive and encouraging comments. Moreover, such people tend to show positive body language such as strong posture, smiling, and having open shoulders.
Tolerance: People who score high in this trait are often curious about and interested in others while showing tolerance and understanding, which in turn makes them interesting to others. They also practice active listening and make the people around them feel seen and important. People high in this trait are likable since they are approachable and do not have a judgmental attitude. We often do not like to have conversations with those who have already formed an opinion of us in their heads and are unwilling to listen.
Honesty: Research has shown that we gravitate toward people who can be relied upon to be honest, dependable, and loyal. Such people are often consistent and try their best to not let their own moods affect how they treat others. Likewise, such people try to be genuine – clear and frank about their opinions – and strive to avoid lies, betrayals, and misleading others. Trustworthy individuals generally know who they are and are confidently comfortable in their own skin.
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reallyromealone · 20 days
Omega kaeya and alpha reader where they get married? Idk.
Title: honey honey
Fandom: genshin impact
Characters: Kaeya
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: Kaeya x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, fluff, cute, kaeya is a strong independent omega
Summary: from wedding to domestic bliss, the two love each other deeply
Kaeya wasn't an easy man to earn the love of, the Omega was fiercely independent and strong willed... Most alphas gave up when they couldn't turn him into what they wanted.
(Name) Looked ready to cry when he saw his mate walk down the Ilse in a white ornate suit and flowers in his long hair that was braided over his shoulder, (name)s black suit having the same flowers embroidered on it. (Name) Couldn't help but grin like an idiot when he took the others hands and kissed his knuckles "you look beautiful" (name) whispered to his beloved who looked at him with a calm yet loving expression "so do you, my star" the Omega always had a way with words and knew how to make his alpha swoon.
It was something that kaeya was great at, taking charge and making the effort to make sure (name) knew he was valued.
It broke his heart when he learned the Alpha had never gotten flowers in his life.
"Do you take Kaeya as your mate, to love and cherish... To protect and give your soul through sickness and health?" Barbara said to (name) who looked at Kaeya like he was his everything "I do" his words so sincere and loving 'and do you take (name) as your mate, to live and cherish- to protect and give your soul through sickness and health"
Kaeya gently wiped a tear from (name)s eyes, looking him dead in the eye before speaking calmly and clearly "I do"
"Then I pronounce you mates, you may now kiss!" Barbara cheered happily while the crowd cheered them on.
Kaeya watched his mate of two years fix a wobbly chair in their home, kaeya was the scary dog privileges to (name)s handy alpha, the Omega sipping wine casually. "I knew I should have just built it myself" (name) grumbled at the dining set and Kaeya nodded "we need something sturdier" the Omega chimed in while (name) got up and accepted a sip of wine when Kaeya offered.
"But first, you need food" Kaeya was so doting to his alpha, letting his guard down only for him and (name) was always so giddy.
Kaeya wasn't the best food but he knew a few things, especially (name)s favorite food his grandmother would make as a child "babe you're so great at this!" (Name) Devoured the food with absolute joy "babe you ever think of expanding the family?" (Name) Asked suddenly and Kaeya raised an eyebrow.
They never really spoke about kids.
"Well that dog Diluc found had puppies and I was wondering if you wanted to adopt one?"
Oh thank god.
"Fine but you're walking him"
(Name) Nodded excitedly and ran to the other room to pull out a sleepy puppy "thank god! Because I got him while you were getting dinner supplies!"
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kaeyacollection · 7 months
Who's ready for my Master Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Crepus Theory!!
I originally posted this over at Hoyolab and people there seemed to really like my favorite joke theory that Crepus just tries to gaslight the whole of Mondstadt right after obtaining Kaeya
Majority of this will be the same but with little tweaks for the wonderful tumblr audience
This joke stems from Kaeya's introduction:
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and the use of the word "rumored"
Cause it's not like it said beyond Teyvat or the seven nations just Mondstadt
And I mean like c'mon how many families are living off the grid in Mondstadt
(Actually... Don't answer that I forgot Glory's boyfriend is just
Out there in the bush with Razor...)
Initially I had the idea of Crepus walking around the markets one day carrying Kaeya with Diluc beside him running into Varka who asks:
"Who's the boy?"
"You mean my son?"
"Not Diluc the boy you're carrying"
"I have two sons? You know this??"
But then the Caribert quest came out mentioning Kaeya ran away from home near immediately and was dragged home by Crepus just as fast and it became even funnier
Cause imagine you're by the docks one day and richest man in town gets off the boat with no cargo but instead a tiny child you may not have seen before that Crepus seems to be very cross with at the moment and threatening to turn him into a leash kid if he runs off again
In a small town that loves gossip do you know how fast that information is spreading? Cause I do and Varka's knocking on Crepus's door 30 minutes later like:
"Is this what we're doing? We're just taking kids now?"
Both paths lead to Varka asking where Kaeya comes from and getting hit with a
"I think you're a bit too old to still be confused about the birds and the bees Varka"
Varka getting frustrated to the point he just starts demanding Kaeya tell him what's up
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Love to see him following in his fathers footsteps of stressing Varka the fuck out
And upon hearing how his birth father left for juice and didn't return Varka went
"Good! That was ALL I needed to know!!"
Follow ups on if his father intended to abandon him or got lost in the storm and needed a search party?
Don't care!! You weren't kidnapped!!
Welcome to the knights! 🤝
Which bringing it back to it only being a rumor
In a town of alcoholics, who's gonna call out the one guy with the winery?
Here's some add ons that got sparked from the comment section 😘
Bonus panels would have included Varka showing up with Rosaria one day mimicking Crepus about "wHaT you ForGot I haD a Kid" sparking a trend within the community of just adopting random children to the point posters are made saying "In Barbatos name: See a child Take a child"
Alice seeing it and pulling a "when in rome" tucking both Albedo and Diluc(who is yelling he is an adult) under her arms and telling Klee if she ever sees someone in need of a mom let her know she'll send over the paperwork right away
And then the last bonus: Venti wakes up, walks in through the gate while playing a tune, and stops when he sees the poster, not sure if he needs to start yet another revolution, or if this one is fine actually
I imagine the posters had to be taken down because visitors were losing their kids left and right and the solution of parents pinning a note saying "not dead & still want custody" to their kids shirt didn't catch on but the saying still lives strong in the hearts of Mondstadt's citizens I mean look Bennett and his 27 dads Mondstadt may have a lot of orphans but the demand is even higher
Comment on original post:
"I have a headcanon where Kaeya fooled first Crepus, then the rest of Mondstadt but.this is too funny!! I want to see this happening!"
Which prompted one of my new favorite lines at the end:
"Wait by fool Crepus first do you mean like Crepus finding him out in the storm bringing him inside to ask him where he lives and Kaeya's just
"? I live here? You adopted me? Are you feeling okay?"
Cause I'm absolutely cry laughing over this that's so good but that also means when Kaeya runs away Crepus is just
"hey no no l'm not misplacing you a second time come home" "
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crepezinhos · 1 month
Just Another Broken Promise
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POV: Crepus’ death was definitely a moment that stopped the entire city of Mondstadt. Everyone was shocked and scared of the Fatui, but no one’s blues was comparable to Diluc’s, a son who dearly loved his father. As his childhood friend, you’ve been spending a lot of time working on something that could possibly cheer him up, but the first thing you see when you find courage to visit his mansion is him trying to murder his adoptive brother, Kaeya.
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— This is a SFW piece
— Reader is FEMALE and uses SHE/HER pronouns
— Cursing and violence (blood)
— Reader and Diluc have some questionable morality and actions
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God, what an awful week.
The whole city was deadly quiet, the skies were in one of coldest gray tones you’ve seen, the Favonius Knights were in chaos… it really was a bad era for the beautiful, wind city of Mondstadt.
But Diluc made those grey skies look even darker to everyone he stumbled by.
Although he was a shy kid, he was the brightest man of the town. His smile was soft, his red eyes and hair would glow in a beautiful orange tone when the sun hit his locks, his posture was classy and his hair was always perfectly brushed and tied up. Now, his eyes were tired, always with dark circles under them, looking dead at everyone, his smile was nowhere to be seen, his shoulders were always thrown down and his hair was never brushed or tied up. Seeing him in the first place was rare too, which only made your heart ache in worry of his mental health every day until you finally couldn’t hold it back anymore. He had to know just how loved he was by everyone around him and that he wasn’t alone in that period of grief. You wanted to cheer him out of that depression he developed.
You dearly hoped that those cookies you had just finished baking and packing would possibly get a smile from him, but you had to agree they were too silly for a man like him, who would be serious about everything around him.
“Jean…” You called your friend out, who had helped you bake and pack all the cookies and was watching you step out from the carriage you two were in.
“Yes?” She answered, a little surprised at the sudden call.
“Do you think… he will like these..?” You asked, hugging the basket where they were all lying like you wanted to hide it.
Jean looked down, sighing deeply as she thought of an answer to you.
“I don’t think it’ll upset him, Y/N, but he truly is insufferable at this moment. It will be a miracle if he even opens the door to you.” She answered with honesty and a pessimistic expression, which made your worry slightly increase.
Jean was a common acquaintance between you, Kaeya and Diluc, but a dear friend to you. But because of her relationship with the Favonius Knights, she was forced her to pay many visits to him, which were all described as ‘awful’ and ‘awkward’ by her after them.
You sighed again, worried your gift would be interpreted as a joke to him, although it is supposed to be a silly thing. Most of the things that makes him chuckle or laugh were silly moments.
“Thanks…” You said, a little savorless of her answer.
“Good luck, Y/N.” She said with a weak, but real, smile on her face before closing the cabin’s door again and the rider whipped his horse to begin a fast rhythm again.
And you, after watching her disappear from your sight, turned around and met his home’s large, golden gates.
The two guards standing at its corners, as soon as they recognized your hair and face, begun walking to the locks of the gate and slowly opened them for you, the house’s scary aura making you slightly shiver in anxiety of what you were about to do.
You had told Kaeya about your little plan, so he decided to secretly give permission to the guards of the gate to open them for you. Diluc rarely got out of his home and would not accept visitors at all, so you had to make your way through Kaeya, who was less devastated with Crepus’ death and still capable of living properly. It would be very chaotic if Diluc found out about your immoral way to get in the home, but the intentions you had were pretty amazing.
The memories of you finding out about Crepus’ death and how the entire city reacted to it dominated your mind again as you first stepped in the outdoor area of the mansion before the actual door to his residence.
The silence was so present and threatening in the home that the noises of the doors banging back to their places sounded gigantic, like if Diluc was already aware of your presence and was doing that silent treatment on purpose. But, no matter how much you walked around in search of his beautiful red head, you wouldn’t find him. You even thought of calling his name out, but you feared that would intently result in your expulsion. You even dared going to the second floor and knocking on his door to reveal yourself, but not even an impression of a response came out.
That was when worry started to make your heart beat faster, there was no way Diluc was this isolated from everyone. Could it possible that he was outside? He has to leave his home at some point anyway… but you probably would’ve known, right? Everyone was making him such a big deal… Maybe he is simply in a corner you haven’t take a look yet? Maybe he is harmed somehow? Many negative thoughts went through your mind as you sat down at the corner of his bed, your basket resting by your side.
Oh, wait… your mind seemed to indeed remember of a core place that you haven’t looked yet…
This mansion also has an outdoor area behind the building that is twice bigger than the front one.
You jumped out of his bed in search of the closest window he had in the room with your basket in your hands. You wanted to take a look before doing all the exhausting work of making your way down and searching around the whole garden. The bushes and trees unfortunately censored most of the piston floor in the ground, blinding you from most parts of the place. But, that didn’t stop your eyes, which constantly waved up and down, left and right, from spotting a red point with some dark-blue spots behind it at the mere end of the garden.
They were constantly moving in different directions in a pretty aggressive way, which confirmed your theories that it was Diluc and Kaeya together. As soon as you realized it, a big smile took over your worry. That view made all of them disappear. It was wonderful that he was already with someone very dear that also wanted to help him out, especially his brother, who also shared a very similar amount of pain about what happened. Although they were probably playing, according to what you saw in the window, distracting someone’s mind of the problem is a good way to cope for some people, and you hoped that included Diluc.
The more you got closer to your destination, the more you got excited for your plan, but the more weird the ambient got. It got weird to a point where as soon as you closed the home’s backdoors, silence took over again, you could hear slight noises of slashes and screaming from exactly where you saw Kaeya and Diluc in the window.
Now, it was definitely clear that Kaeya and Diluc were there since you could recognize their voices through the screams, but not what they said to each other.
Why did Diluc sound so aggressive? You could hear some concrete words coming from him, but the lack of context made them meaningless to you. And why was Kaeya’s tone so much low? It sounded like he was failing to communicate or comfort him, but that doesn’t explain the slash noises. The only response that came to your mind was that they were being attacked, probably by treasure hoarders. It instantly made your heart ache in worry as you begun to accelerate your steps towards them.
After some struggle going through some bushes and long branches that got in your way, the blurry scene of both the brothers’ bodies finally became clear to your eyes.
“HOW COULD YOU, KAEYA?! AFTER ALL THIS TIME WE’VE KNOWN AND LIVED TOGETHER, THIS IS HOW YOU RETURN THE FAVOR OUR FATHER DID TO YOU?! THIS WAS YOUR INTENTION WITH US THIS ENTIRE TIME?!” Diluc screamed at the top of his lungs to Kaeya as he slowly stepped closer to his body with his claymore in his hands, while Kaeya was all the way down at the floor, crawling away from him with a lot of struggle.
Kaeya and Diluc were fighting..? With weapons..?
You refused to believe what you saw.
As soon as you begun to pay attention at Kaeya’s figure, one of your biggest triggers was activated.
Blood… a lot of it.
“D-Diluc, wait!” Kaeya grunted, trying his best to stop the bleeding in his chest without having to stop crawling, but Diluc’s ears were ignorant to his despair.
No… it can’t be… what is going on..?
Kaeya’s chest and clothes were covered in a slash of blood, clearly marking the fact that he had been attacked there. For some reason, he was also not wearing his eyepatch, which forced him to cover it with a hand, making it harder for his process of getting away from Diluc.
What your eyes are witnessing right now can’t be Diluc. The Diluc you knew wouldn’t be cruel enough to hurt his brother like that and force him to hopelessly crawl away from him.
Your eyes instinctively moved to Diluc’s claymore, desperate for some hope that it wasn’t what you thought. But, instead, the sight of blood on its edges made you want to vomit.
“You traitor… how could you do this to me..?” Diluc asked, trying his best to keep calm, but he knew there was no use to it anymore.
“I never did this with the intentions of taking advantage of dad, Diluc! Please, listen to me!” Kaeya fought his arguments back, trying to reach a hand to make him stop, but nothing out of it.
“It might not have been your original intention… but how can I be sure you never took advantage of our money and power, huh? Especially because you’re only telling me this now? After he died? When you’re about to inherit some good loads of money?! Got nothing else to take advantage of now, Kaeya?!” Diluc confronted, his hand trembling because of the amount of force he was applying to his claymore due to his rage.
“This is insane, Diluc! I am telling you this now because I trusted you to still accept me! Do you think dad would’ve adopted me if I told him this when I was a kid?! You seemed so tired and sick of everyone, Diluc… I wanted you to have someone to love and trust at this moment and I especially wanted us to be together at this situation!” Kaeya cried as he argued with him, tears streaming down his face quickly.
“Liar… liar..! There is no way you genuinely thought this was the best thing you could tell me to make me feel better… you want to take advantage of my weakness to accept your true identity and correlate to your real intentions.” Diluc scoffed, pointing the claymore at his direction again, trying to convince Kaeya admit whatever he was hiding.
“Of course not, Diluc! I could never do something like that to you or dad after everything you two have done for me! You’re my brother, for god’s sake! My big brother!” Kaeya cried, finally stopping his attempt of running away because of the amount of things going on on him, also trying to make Diluc stop walking up meaninglessly to him.
“Well, then… I don’t consider you my brother anymore.” Diluc whispered to him, and his sword finally moved up again.
You gasped in shock as you saw his sword perfectly lift in an angle that could be used to give Kaeya a fatal slash in his chest, but before your mind could even process any other possibilities, your basket was dropped to the floor by your shaky hands and your legs never reached for something so fast in your entire life.
But before you could even make your presence apparent to both brothers, you couldn’t help but notice how Diluc’s claymore suddenly created fire on its on.
“STOOOOOOOP!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, reaching a hand in direction of Diluc’s claymore to reach it.
The sudden noise and flaming sparkles coming out of your motions made you close your eyes shut and press your shoulders up so your ears could be slightly protected from the excessive noise of the…
Wait… was that an explosion? What exploded? How it could’ve exploded? It’s not even sunny today. You couldn’t open your eyes yet, so you couldn’t know what happened for sure.
But especially… how did you reach them so fast? You remembered only stepping forward once and all of a sudden you were indeed holding on Diluc’s claymore.
You waited for the flaming winds to stop moving around in a quick rythym and slightly whip your skin for some very seconds. According to the lack of force in Diluc’s claymore, you assumed they were feeling what you were. But in a matter of seconds, the apparent explosion finally stopped messing with the ambient around the three of you, making you finally open your eyes, who were desperately curious to see what was going on.
Most of things around you were blurry thanks to a mysterious smoke surrounding you alongside some fiery and electric sparks. Diluc’s eyes were widened, staring at the deepest parts of your eyes very shocked with your sudden appearance just to protect Kaeya.
“What… the fuck… are you doing..?!” You screamed at him, still recovering from the explosion and the fact that now your palms were the ones being harmed by his claymore.
“Y/N..?” Diluc mumbled your name lowly.
“Y/N..?!” Kaeya asked more desperately behind your figure.
“How did you get in?” Diluc frowned his eyebrows in stress.
“Do you really think that matters right now?!” You asked, pushing his claymore back to its place using all the force your hands had.
You began walking up to him with the intentions of securing Kaeya, rage taking you over.
“Were you just trying to kill your own brother, Diluc..?” You asked, making him slightly step back due to the pressure of confrontation.
Diluc moved his mouth multiple times, probably tying to find a proper answer, but clearly failing repeatedly.
“Hey, why are you only targeting me, huh?! Do you have any idea of what he just told me right now, huh?! You think you can just barge in my house and tell me what I should or should not do inside it?!” Diluc asked, slightly raising his weapon towards you, making you get even angrier.
“Stop fighting…” You cried Kaeya cry very lowly, but you chose to ignore him because of Diluc’s audacity.
“For your information, Mr. “This is my house”, I was simply trying to bring you cookies that I baked with Jean to try to make you a little better!” You answered, which made Diluc’s face weaken a little in a growing regret. “But do you think that’s more important than what you just tried doing?! Stop trying to avoid the problem and be a man! He’s your brother for god’s sake!” You screamed using most of your voice, having to stop talking to recover all the air you lost.
“He’s not even my blood brother! He’s a manipulative piece of shit who just tried the title of being my brother to use me!” Diluc let out some of his rage, which made you gasp in shock of his cruelty.
You could even hear Kaeya’s sorrow and tears increase in volume with that sentence.
“You are seriously out of your mind right now, Diluc… how can you say something so cruel to someone who you’ve created bonds with ever since you were a kid?! He was willing to DIE just to prove his point to you! Do you really think a liar would go that far?!” You asked, using all of your voice bank again.
“With all the respect I have for you, Y/N, you know nothing about that man.” He said, aggressively pointing to Kaeya behind as he approached your body intimidate you physically. “Unless he’s willing to tell you his little secret too.” Diluc scoffed looking down at his brother, still paralyzed in the floor.
But you quickly put your own face in his way so he’d stop trying to act tough towards him and faced you instead.
“I don’t need to know exactly what this secret is to know that you’re hurt and overreacting.” You said with a more calm and controlled tone, trying to end that endless scream fight.
But Diluc didn’t seem tired of it as you heard him scoff at your words from the bottom of his throat.
“I’ve always thought you were a smart woman, Y/N, but it seems that the reality is that you’re not only stupid but easy to fool.” Diluc insulted your person once again, which made you do something that was considerably dangerous.
Diluc’s anger seemed to have instantly died as his face was thrown to the side by a quick whip of your hand across his cheek.
“You know nothing about me, Diluc, despite all these years we’ve been friends.” You said before turning around to finally see how Kaeya was doing, finally ending the debate.
But unlike what you expected to see, you met his body laying unconsciously in the ground with a small pool of blood under the area of his torso with a weird, transparent ice shield around him that seemed to slowly getter weaker since you could see its color disappearing. But, most surprisingly, by his side, there was a Cryo vision shining very strongly, probably using its powers to create that shield.
“Oh my god, OH MY GOD! KAEYA!” You ran up to him and threw yourself to the floor, letting Diluc watch you struggle to make Kaeya open his eyes again. “P-Please don’t pass out on me! You’ll be okay, I promise!” You cried as you lifted his body up and rested it on your knees. “Are you happy now?! Look at what you’ve done, you maniac!” You screamed out of pure desperation, fearing Kaeya wasn’t only unconscious anymore.
As you tried pressing down his injury to keep it from juicing out of his body, you realized there was another vision in the ground way closer to your body, an Electro vision, and a Pyro one right behind it, closer to Diluc’s feet.
Although it didn’t really matter at the moment, you couldn’t help but process the fact that the explosion was most likely caused by that. You had most likely… got a vision.
“I-I’m gonna take you upstairs and call a doctor, okay, Kaeya?! D-Don’t worry!” You tried interacting with him, even if you knew he couldn’t respond you.
And Diluc simply stared.
You held the Electro Vision in your hands, and your eyes endlessly lingered on it.
Was that really a gift from the Gods to you? What did you have that was so special to them? Was it the fact that you saved someone from death? But how would you ever make use of it? You were never interested in any sort of combat or science, so even if the Vision was brand new and shiny, its powers were absolutely meaningless to your imagination.
Maybe you would just end up donating it to Albedo and the alchemists of the town for research…
“Y/N?” You suddenly heard Kaeya’s voice calling you above your head.
Oh, you had almost forgotten.
You were in Kaeya’s room, sitting in a chair by his bed, waiting for him to wake up. You had done all the work of bringing him to a safe place, calling the doctors and taking care of his unconscious being alone while Diluc was nowhere to be seen.
“K-Kaeya!” You responded, happy with the fact that those hours you’ve wasted were worth it.
Kaeya seemed confused with everything going on, and you understood it. He was lying shirtless in his bed with barely meters of bandage tied around his chest. You were surprised at how one of the first things he did after waking up and sitting up was covering the eye where he wore his eyepatch.
“W-Wha… what happened?” He asked, slightly scared at how messy you looked.
The perfection of your haircut was nowhere to be seen, your gloves were taken off and replaced with bandaged which already had some stains of blood leaking from its whites and some more blood around some parts of your dress because of Kaeya’s bleeding. It was a light-colored dress, so blood was really the most attractive feature of it now.
“Oh, I just had some trouble carrying you home and calling the doctors to help you!” You explained a little embarrassed, gently rubbing a hand through your forehead knowing that you had sweated a lot in all of this process.
Kaeya sighed in relief but he still seemed nervous.
“Oh, god… I—… thank you, Y/N.” Kaeya whispered to you defeated.
“Oh, please, it was nothing!” You replied with a silly smile on your face, trying to cheer the goofy soul of Kaeya, which was buried for now.
“I-I think dad still has some dresses from mom in his closet if you’d like to change.” He offered as he got up very slowly and cautious with his still-healing wound.
“There’s no need to, I just wanted to stay here until you woke up.” You replied, getting up to give him his jacket which has been resting at the side table of his bed for a while.
God, you hated yourself for even thinking about it, but Kaeya surely looked pretty shirtless. His beauty was so overshadowed by Diluc’s that sometimes you forgot just how fine Kaeya looked.
“No, really… you were simply supposed to give him some cookies and I fucked up everything.” Kaeya complained to himself and sighed in stress as he quickly put his jacket on without buttoning the buttons back to their place. “Where even are they now?”
“I believe I left them down there with Diluc.” You answered, making Kaeya get confused.
“He’s still down there?” He asked almost immediately.
The shirt that was supposed to be under it was all covered in blood, so you did the job of giving it to the maids in advance.
“Every time I peeked through the window I saw him sitting at a bench staring at nothing… at least he got something to eat.” You answered, getting a little angry as you remembered Diluc’s actions. “Well, it doesn’t matter anymore… those cookies lost their meaning to me.” You scoffed, crossing your legs in pride of the part you played there.
A maniac… she called me a maniac.
For how long have I been sitting here and reflecting about what I did? If Kaeya had the courage to tell her his little secret too, wouldn’t she react the same way I did? Why wouldn’t she? Well, yes, she’s naturally way more of a loving person than I am, but there’s no way she lacks this much sense of self-defense.
“Y/N, there’s no need to be angry at Diluc… this is all my fault.” Kaeya explained with a whiny voice that annoyed you, although you did not want to scold a person who had just been attacked. “I never intended to make you two fight… you two shouldn’t have fought…”
“Of course we should’ve! He can’t just do something like that and make you feel guilty!” You asked, trying your best to not scream.
I can’t just keep standing here meaninglessly, but why do I feel like I need this moment to think? Out of all the times people have insulted me or my dad or even Kaeya? Why can’t her words stop running through my mind?
No, Y/N, I’m not happy at what I almost did.
I’m not crazy for wanting to protect what is left of my father… am I?
I would’ve done the same if it was my uncle or aunt or even my mother.
“But I am guilty this time, Y/N! You wanna know what I told him, huh? I told him where I’m actually from, Y/N. I’m not an abandoned kid from Sumeru, I am a descendent of Khaenri’ah, the fucking nation that the Archons destroyed during the Cataclysm!” He suddenly rose his volume to you, finally taking his hand away from his right eye and showing you what was behind it all this time. “I was sent to Mondstadt as a very young kid as their ‘last hope’, but I have no idea what they meant with that! Diluc probably interpreted it in a bad way… that’s all... if you had an adoptive sister like me you would’ve reacted the same way.” Kaeya finished, breathing deeply to recover his air but looking right at you very seriously and afraid of your reaction.
No… this is different.
But your eyes simply stared at Kaeya’s right eye. It surprisingly took your attention away from his half-covered chest.
It was entirely black and it had a yellow star symbol in the middle as its pupil. You didn’t know much about Khaenri’ah rather than the fact that it was destroyed during the Cataclysm, so you didn’t know if that eye really showed that he had any sort of special connection with it.
But if Diluc really attacked him because of that, then he’s most likely telling the truth.
He’s my little brother. He has been in every single good moment of my childhood and most of the times he was the cause of them. I don’t know my mother… I don’t communicate with my uncles or aunts too.
“Oh… wow. I didn’t expect to hear that.” You answered, a little unsure of what else to comment.
“Yeah, I know, so there’s no need to keep trying to defend me.” Kaeya said, very sure that you were about to change your behavior towards him.
I love Kaeya.
And I…
“Oh… Kaeya…” You giggled at his attitude as you approached him slowly.
He looked at you very weirded out, not understanding why did you seem so okay about what he just told you.
“I’m happy you trusted me to tell your secret.” You smiled as you used a hand to push some of his hair behind his ear. “It just tells me everything that I needed to know about you.”
I love Y/N.
“What..?” He asked, unsure of what to do with the distance between you two.
I should’ve helped her take care of Kaeya. That was the only opportunity I had to maybe reverse what I did, but I decided to not.
Why does it hurt so much to hear someone you love insulting you with all determination?
I want to apologize, I need to apologize, I don’t want either of them to hate me.
“I don’t believe you used them, Kaeya. It’s very obvious to me you are an honest man.” You caressed his cheek with your thumb gently.
“What are you do—”
“How come I haven’t baked you cookies too..?” You asked in a sweet voice, which made Kaeya slightly nervous.
“What?” He asked, his face slightly becoming uncomfortable.
“Oh, Kaeya… you are so beautiful and perfect... I mean… you were ready to die by the hands of someone you love for no good reason at all.” You confessed how you felt about him, which made his cheeks slightly blush. “How can I even blame you for being born? Nobody can choose their mothers…” You flirted with him, bringing your face and a hand down to his chest just to rub a finger around what was left exposed of it as you watched it hungrily.
Kaeya’s upstairs, right? I hope Y/N is still there too so I won’t have to wait for some tortuous hours looking for her in the city. I can’t keep sitting here thinking and not acting in this shivering cold. The wind is surprisingly strong today and the sun is nowhere to be seen. It will rain soon.
The heat of your own cheeks was getting too intense for you to not take your chance right there. It really seemed like he had worn his jacket like that to tease you into what you were trying to initiate.
“Wow, Y/N, hold—!” He tried arguing as he repulsed your touch, but you used your other hand to pull his head into yours and steal a kiss from his lips.
How would I even begin my—?
What the…
Are Y/N and Kaeya… kissing… in his room?
No… he wouldn’t do that.
He knows I love her. He knows I’ve always wanted to be her husband.
He promised me.
“So, you and Y/N, huh?” Kaeya suddenly appeared behind me, teasing me in the ear just to make me jump and shiver out of his place… which unfortunately worked.
“My god, Kaeya! You want to kill me?!” I screamed back at him, causing him to giggle.
“Okaaayyy! Sorry, sorry… but I’m still waiting for an answer~.” His smirk grew as he saw me struggle to find something to say.
“I— There’s nothing between us…” I explained, feeling his eyebrows move up in curiosity.
“Nothin’? That’s not what I just witnessed… you stared at that woman’s lips for some considerable minutes… do you think that’s nothin’, Diluc?” He joked about the conversation me and Y/N just shared in this very garden I’m standing at right now.
“Some of her lipstick was off…” I tried finding a good reason, but the both of us knew that I liked her.
“Oh, really? Then I guess you wouldn’t mind if I reached my thumb to her lips, cleaned it off from her and then ‘accidentally’ keeping it there until we got romantic and—”
“Ok, fine, you win… I think I like Y/N.” I confessed after he successfully threatened me.
“You THINK?! You’re head over heels for Y/N!” Kaeya scoffed.
“You think so..?” I asked a little embarrassed.
“It’s written all over your face! I doubt she hasn’t noticed it yet too…”
“But… don’t you think it’s too early for me to fall in love?” I asked, sighing as I watched her walking down the road below the cliff. “I mean… I never even heard her talking about having a crush on someone… and I actually believe think she might have a crush on you.” I told my most honest feeling to him, which made his jaw drop.
“Excuse me?” Kaeya asked very shocked.
“She acts different with you, Kaeya, I can see her stare lingering at you longer than on me, she’s always giggling at your jokes, she always has a souvenir to give you when we meet… it makes me wonder if she even likes me as a friend in the first place.” I explained, finally having courage to stare at his face.
“Are you trying to imply that me and Y/N like each other?! Oh… my… god!” Kaeya laughed as I stared at him seriously, which eventually made him realize that that I wasn’t playing at that moment. “Ok, ok… listen, Diluc, she’s not my type at all. You know that new sister at the Catedral? Rosaria? With short dark-purple hair? THAT’S the kind of woman I’m looking for! Y/N is the absolute meaning of an angel, but my heart has a special place for rebels, you know that! She’s all yours!”
“That doesn’t make it any better… an angel could make anyone fall in love with it unlike a rebel.” I let some of my pessimism out, which made Kaeya sigh.
“Listen to me, Diluc.” Kaeya suddenly stepped closer and put one of his hands on my shoulder, but after staring at his confident eyes for some seconds, I realized he had pulled his pinky out of his other hand. “I promise you, in the name of our father, that I’ll never EVER do anything to Y/N and I’ll even help you two get more along! Do you promise me you’ll never give up on her and make her Ms. Y/N Ragvindr? And also never do anything to Rosaria?” Kaeya asked, with a sweet voice that wasn’t common from coming out of his mouth.
After that heartwarming promise, I simply smiled, reciprocated his promise and held his entire hand instead of just his pinky, which eventually became a very necessary hug.
But now… this memory I’ve kept as one of my most precious is just… one of my hated ones.
There’s no way to explain this rather than… he lied.
Deep down in my heart, I’ve always known… I just hated to admit it. Y/N always preferred Kaeya over me.
No matter how many times he left the conversation just to let me interact with her alone, she’d always look around for him and ask me when he’d come back. No matter how much time and money I’ve wasted buying her the most precious jewelry for her birthdays, gift never rip aixh an excited smile as for Kaeya’s gist. No matter how much of a gentleman I’ve acted to her, Kaeya’s flirty and goofy manner always satisfied her more.
Of course he’d fall for her too. No one in the city has ever glazed him as much as she did, who wouldn’t fall in love with someone who simply adores you?
It hurts.
To know that I even dared to doubt my own morals… to know that I’ve almost been fooled to feel bad for such an obvious liar and opportunist man like him… to know that I’ve trusted him.
And to now be forced to watch them kiss in front of a window so passionately in a warm room where he’s shirtless while I’m outside, surrounded by dirt and blood, letting my entire self be covered by the rain drops of the tempest that it’s about to come. I can feel it getting stronger each second, but I don’t care anymore.
The chill wind that was annoying me previously is ten times worse now with all the water wetting my skin and the tempest increasing its brutality, but I don’t feel anything anymore.
Why can’t you kiss me like that, Y/N? Why can’t you trust me to watch you undress and touch your delicate skin? Why don’t you love me?
Haha… hahahahahaha…
I’ve always liked rainy days… to hear the noises of the storm as I rested in my room talking to Kaeya, dad, or thinking about Y/N.
Never thought I’d be ever so sad in one.
Especially when it’s just another broken promise from Kaeya.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Kaeya asked very angry, suddenly pushing me away from his mouth and making me wake up to reality.
My god.
Did I really just… kiss him..?!
“I-I… are you angry?” I asked, realizing just how disturbingly frowned his eyebrows were.
“I’ve just been slashed in my chest by my own brother, passed out, and barely a minute after I woke up you decide to kiss and touch me?! Are you fucking nuts?!” He asked, getting up and putting his hands in his jacket like he wanted to make sure I wasn’t looking at that part of him.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—!”
“Leave.” He ordered, his face more serious than anything, causing me immediately shiver and paralyze where I was. “NOW!” He added, making me instantly begin to walk away from his room scared of any further danger.
I’m sorry, Y/N, but maybe this toughness will get you some extra inches away from me.
I can’t believe this… I’ve always kinda known she liked me but I never thought that’s how she’d ever make a move on me. Never even thought she had the balls to do it too. I should’ve been tough to her way before this… I should’ve stopped giving her so much of my attention just for the sake of being her friend… that could’ve ser her heart to the next one in the line… Diluc.
Please, God, let this little rudeness work one her… they deserve to end together as a couple.
At least this promise I want to keep done and unbroken for him.
For my big brother.
Don’t forget to like and comment if you liked it <3
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Taglist: @the-stinky-winky @kindofshyent @kindofscenic @amoyanderes
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slickfordain · 2 years
I saw Sagau Genshin Impact and now I’m drowning in endless thoughts about “What if I was there? Wait no, what if the reader had my fucking unhealthy personality?”
And let me tell you. Chaos. Just, pure chaos.
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It was just a normal day in every nation, with you maining as Lumine. (Sorry to the darlings who main Aether,,, I just think homeboy deserves to be a villain for once for always helping people so I chose Lumine.) Lumine was ever so grateful to have you in her presence - even though you controlled her, she didn’t care. She was devoted to you, only you, obsessed with you that she just wants to smother your face with kis—
“I wonder if I should make a character of myself if I was in Teyvat…”
As you accidentally said that out loud (since you’re unaware that they’re aware), people in Teyvat stopped moving. Their bodies froze, but their hearts continued to slowly beat in a little… Joy. You? Wanting to wonder how it’s like to be in Teyvat and trying to see how it goes? Oh Irene, you’re going to make one hell of a harem that’ll chase after you. However, that’s… One misunderstanding. What you now said was something horrifying that struck down their imaginations. (Wenk wonk)
“I will name her/him (Insert character name), and give them all of my trauma.”
Zhongli spat out his drink and almost choked on it, Ei almost destroyed her town— causing electrocution when she heard, Venti was having a mental crisis and whined as he tried to catch your attention. The NPCs were mortified and immediately took action to make their city more decorative- more “cozy” styled because they knew that;; if you had dumped all your trauma to your “Genshin character”, they knew fairy lights would make you calm and soothe yourself.
Characters like Razor and Bennet would cry, absolutely shatter and will prepare themselves to comfort your character insert. I think it’s all safe to say, the characters would go over the moon even to endlessly help your character.
Lumine and Paimon were even more terrified than they should be, along with the ones in the party. Lumine will throw a boulder at anyone who DARED to give you and your character such trauma. Nobody will escape her grasp and she will make sure of it.
Kaeya and Dainsleif, will seize those who dares to give your character any more trauma. They will kill for your character, and you, they would die for you.
The Fatuis even, aren’t any saner than them. Pantalone will pay off the best room service and best comfort zone for you— Arlecchino will have a whole setup of guards practicing to kill the person who traumatized you, and basically— everyone else will go to war. It’s you we’re talking about.
It doesn’t fucking matter what you looked like.
Average, ugly, pretty, short, tall, chubby, weak— They will fucking kill all of those bitches who dared to lay a hand on you. And Tsaritsa will make sure they will be beheaded.
But then…
“If I was in Teyvat, I probably would be this ditzy dumb background NPC character who just happens to be there and tries to help Lumine. I suck, maybe even a lazy lovey dovey person who craves for attention and affection—”
That did it.
That sent everyone’s hearts to ablaze and their hormones to the top of their lungs. They were riled up to win you the damn over. You want a lover? They will kill each other to prove themselves one of them is worthy for you. Even the NPCs. They will win the hell to get you to themselves.
As for the kids, they will argue and set off bombs to one another - arguing who will be your adopted child. It doesn’t matter which one gets injured, they want to win. For you,
for their divine God. Their creator. (Y/N) (L/N).
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kaeyas-beloved · 10 months
spider lily
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Character: Kaeya
— the gods really do scorn his existence
CWs: gn!reader (no pronouns), ANGST, hurt/no comfort, you and Kaeya have a kid but it could be biological or adopted, death (reader + child), blood
val's no sympathy november masterlist
haha... happy (very belated) birthday Kaeya <3
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Kaeya vividly remembers how he felt the first time you asked him on a date. It was like he was on top of the world, the broadest smile on his face as he agreed to meet you for dinner later, all while having his heart and throat squeeze itself of life. Like the organ that was responsible for keeping him on Teyvat was trying to sabotage him tying a weight to itself and tugging painfully. Tread carefully Kaeya Alberich, remember your place.
Of course, things couldn't be this easy, not when everything good resulted in a double-edged sword stabbing him in the back. There had to be a catch - were you pitying him? Mondstadt knew the bits and pieces of his history with the Ragnvindrs, you easily could too. No, maybe you, the one that captured his attention after many run-ins around the city of wind, had your eye on him too, but for all the wrong reasons.
If he was honest, he almost didn't go. He was a man of his word, yes, but right before the time Kaeya was supposed to meet you, he felt more like he was a ten-year-old boy again, scared and unsure of what the future held. Would you even actually be there? Maybe he just should go home... but what if you're waiting for him? He can't just embarrass you by leaving you there...
Just one peek, he told himself, rounding the building until he stood at the back entrance and sticking his head in. Every day after that one he thanked the Archons that he did, because after pssting Diluc over and inquiring if you were in the building, to which the redhead sighed and nodded, Kaeya steeled himself and sat down with you, offering a small lie that work kept him and that he was terribly sorry. That one decision let a relationship like no other that he's experienced blossom, and his days went from the monotonous curse to slightly better moments to repetition he was comfortable and content with. He even managed by some miracle to get to raise a kid with you, vowing to love both of you with all his heart. To provide for you both the best he can.
So where did he go wrong? Why did he come home to the door rammed through, swinging in the gentle wind? What about the sight of the home the three of you built together over the years destroyed, furniture toppled over and drawers obviously rummaged through?
For the first time in a while Kaeya felt fear strike his body, blood running cold as he called out your name and your kid’s name, begging for a response. Each second that ticked by worsened that chilling feeling as he checked room after room, finding each one turned upside down and void of life.
When the ground floor showed no luck the male climbed the stairs, tripping over in his haste as he disregarded all the other rooms and made a beeline for the bedroom. Out of all the rooms, that one was more likely where he’d find you.
And find you he did… but he wished it wasn’t dead in a pool of your own blood, eyes lifelessly stuck open. What was worse was the body of his kid not too far away from you, curled on their side. From the scene alone, it seems as if you were crawling towards them to protect them, even in your last breath.
Evidence be damned, as the tears fall down his face Kaeya collects the broken forms of you and your kid into his arms. He doesn't care for the blood staining his clothes or how loud his sobs are or how awkward the position is because all that matters is getting to hold his spouse and child for the last time.
At least he was allowed to hold them in peace, his final goodbye. That was the only thing he was granted amidst the pain.
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Tag list (both regular and event exclusive): @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @kaeyaloml // @x-zho // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @kunikuzushiii // @genshin-impact-writings // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @leena-shi // @ari-the-wr1ter // @xiaos-wife // @milkwithspiceyicecubes // @stygianoir // @francisnyx // @leemidnightmoon
@kaiserkisser // @multipleshadesofblue // @moloteco-real // @kithewanderingme // @scaramood // @ii-lily2 // @esuz // @kochothehoe // @cindywasneverhere
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augustinewrites · 1 year
ayoo... mayhaps we get a moment when Kaeya finally realizes he's ready for kids??
i have been hoarding this ask for way too long and i know in my heart of hearts that kaeya would want to adopt a child
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every saturday afternoon, on what’s meant to be your day off, you and kaeya teach a swordsmanship seminar. 
when kaeya had first been given the responsibility by the acting grand master, you’d only tagged along to watch. you handed out water and pretended not to swoon whenever the sun reached its peak and your husband undid a few more buttons of his shirt. 
you’d only started helping out after the incident where bennett had somehow cut mika’s finger off. the seminar had grown so popular that it was hard for him to keep track of all the attendees and all their limbs, apparently. not just amongst the knights and the members of the adventurer’s guild. 
“captain kaeya!” the kids shout, almost trampling over bennett as they rush over to their favourite knight. he greets each one of them by name, patting their heads and ruffling their hair as they gaze up at him, excited for today’s lesson.
he outfits each of them with a wooden training sword, making sure they’re all arms-length apart before beginning. like always, he starts with leading them in a battle cry. 
“knights use battle cries to rally their spirits and remind themselves what they’re fighting for before a battle,” he explains, pointing his sword up high, prompting the children to do the same. “what are you guys passionate about? what are we fighting for today?”
“for sticky honey roast!” a girl with twin pigtails cries out with a passion you think might rival jean’s.
“alright,” he laughs, flashing you a smile when you giggle from the sidelines. “today we learn to fight in the name of sticky honey roast.”
each stance and swing of his sword, the children copy. their footwork is a little wobbly and their sword swings a touch hesitant, but it’s nothing that kaeya can’t fix, squatting down to adjust their footing or their grip. he always seems to know what each child needs, offering gentle words of encouragement and always praising them for a job well done. 
the children look at him like he hung the moon and stars, and kaeya, of course, preens at their attention. they crowd him when they’re done with their lesson, when he rewards them with candies and little trinkets.
“thank you, papa!” the girl with the pigtails exclaims, throwing herself into his arms. the look on kaeya’s face is priceless. 
the sun is setting by the time he’s finished, his arm slung around your shoulder as you walk to angel’s share. 
you glance up at him, nothing the soft remnants of a smile still gracing his face. “you’re in a good mood.”
“of course i am. i have a good life,” he answers, pulling you closer. “and i had a good day, hanging out with those kids.” 
“you’re really good with them,” you nod. “they really love you.”
you’re not surprised, because kaeya is good with everyone. all of mondstadt adores the calvary captain. 
“after i walked them back to the orphanage the headmaster said—” he pauses, seeming uncharacteristically hesitant. “she said i’d be a good father someday.”
“you’d be a great dad,” you murmur, reaching up to pat his hand. 
“do you think about stuff like that? with me, i mean.” 
“no, with huffman,” you tease, causing him to scoff and turn away. you simply laugh, resting your head on his shoulder. “kaeya, of course i’ve thought about starting a family with you someday.”
he perks up a little, pausing mid-stride in front of the tavern. “why don’t we start now, then?” 
you gaze flicks toward the door. “is diluc’s future niece or nephew about to be conceived in the back room of his tavern?”
he rubs the back of his neck a little sheepishly. “i mean they could be…but - only if it’s alright with you - i’d actually like to go back to the orphanage. there are a lot of kids here who need parents. and when i think about what crep— about what my father did for me, i want to do that.” 
on sundays, everyone gathers at the alberich household for dinner (where the main course is always a sticky honey roast, as per a special someone’s request.)
kaeya’s gaze is pulled in your direction when he hears you laugh, conversing with diluc as you weave twin plaits into your daughter’s hair. 
the little boy in his arms (with your eyes and his nose) is restless, eager to be let down to play. so kaeya sets him on the floor, pressing a kiss atop the crown of his head and making sure he’s steady before letting him toddle towards his sister. you coo when she pulls him into her lap, hugging him tightly. 
kaeya leans back in his chair, watching the scene before him unfold with a quiet smile on his face. he’s always felt a little split on the inside, unsure of his place in the world. 
but now he knows that it’s most certainly right here.
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seineko · 1 year
i just got done with kaeya's hangout and bro?? what's with the most casual lore bomb drop?
for those who haven't gotten around doing it yet, spoilers ahead. (not about archon lore but hangout spoilers).
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he's such a gentleman 😭 green flag fellas!
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i already knew it but whenever i hear diluc was the troublemaker of the two i just can't stop squealing cause imagine sunshine diluc dragging the quite, sweet, gentle kaeya into troublemaking!
kid kaeya is so damn precious!! he took up punishments and took blame on himself for others and never even spoke about it. i would protect him with my life! adopt him.
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😭 and adelinde talking about kid!diluc and kid!kaeya had my heart melting 🥺
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i'm so happy kaeya has people who care for him as much as he cares for everyone around him. he's one of the kindest souls in genshin and i hope he doesn't have more pain in his life.
kind-hearted brother-in-law, hope you'll always be happy and at peace. and get free supply of wine on ocassion. don't over drink tho.
(i'm glad what i wrote before isn't too much ooc 🫠)
even collei got a small space in kaveh's hangout memories 🥲
give us more ragbros content!
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yanfeisty · 2 years
Can i request again? sagau reader with a little sibling or sagau reader that is a mother of twins can you pls make them interact with the travelers since the travelers are the reader's first vessel ok bye.
Genshin imagine | God's little twins
━━━ ՙ  𓄼 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Genshin x Creator!Reader
━━━ ՙ  𓄼 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : Reader get Isekaid with their siblings/kids.
━━━ ՙ  𓄼 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Religious theme.
━━━ ՙ  𓄼 𝐀/𝐍 : You can always request again! I didn't specify if they were reader's siblings or kids so you can choose. I hope you don't mind that I put others characters too, I really felt inspired on this one.
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. The twins are in heaven, or more like the best playground they ever had, they can go pet and even adopt slimes or rishboland tigers, and create an army with them. They have their own teapots and can do whatever they want in it. They are treated like Queens and Kings, people offers them toys and candies they never ate before, because after all they share the same blood as the Creator, and people think that if they gain the children's affection, they would get yours as well. You're quite busy in Teyvat, but luckily you have many candidates for babysitting.
. The Traveler looks at them with a heavy heart, it may be cheesy but it reminds her/him of her/his twin when they were both younger. She/He really hopes, those kids wouldn't get separated, it's a horrible feeling to experience, but she/he is sure with someone like you, they will always be happy and safe. She/he shares a lot of stories about others worlds she/he visited to them, and if they want they can come with her/him and Paimon on adventures, of course, the less dangerous ones. Even if Paimon disagrees with it because they're trying to cook her and she is scared be alone now.
. Characters who are so sweet around children, Thoma, Itto and Childe would love to play with them, especially since they are part of your family, if you're busy you can count on those boys to look after them and have a great time. If they're brats, lucky for them because Childe is way worse, and tease the absolute heck out of them because they're small and not as strong as him while still acting sweet, totally spoil them, and will take them to Mr. Cyclope. While Itto might pout at them because they can't stop trying to touch his horns and mock him when he looses, but he is so fun to play with, that the kids want to be around him all the time. And for Thoma, he doesn't mind cleaning the mess they make but he turns desperate of the kids bulling him constantly, but don't worry, he will find a solution to make them like him, he might need the help of Taroumaru though.
. Zhongli will be honored to take care of them, but the kids will get bored with his neverending stories, even if it's about a topic they like, however, he is the greatest for putting them to sleep. He'll hide his disappointment about the twins not being interested in their relative's impact on how he shaped Liyue and its economy, truly a pity. However, they can listen to Venti all day, he has the funniest stories and let them play with his lyre, he really is the best babysitter as he takes fun playing with the children. He also always has a bottle with him which they were curious about it, and he told them it's "the delicate liquid fluttering the butterflies in my chest, making me obsessed with its sweet taste." before passing out, they wanted to drink it but you stopped them before they did and scolded Venti later.
. Also, don't let them with Klee if you want to keep Teyvat safe, Jean can't survive the 3 alone, even Kaeya wouldn't try to let them go. They like playing with Qiqi but last time they played hide and seek together, the twins stayed half of the night alone while everyone was panicking and searching for them.
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This was meant to be a mainly art blog but my diluc and kaeya brainrot is too strong and I somehow ended up writing a whole ass essay on how deeply I feel for these 2 boys and their story.
Thinking about diluc and kaeya again, about how kaeya was shy as a child always in dilucs shadow, about how diluc was the cheerful one, about how he must have been such a good and kind older brother. Maybe that's why kaeya is such a good older brother to all of mondstadt's kids. Thinking of little kaeya recently adopted into the Ragnvindr family, he must have felt so grateful but still so homesick, he wouldn't have belonged immediately no matter how much diluc and crepus tried. Thinking about how he tried to go home by sneaking on a ship to sumeru and being brought back by the ear by crepus. Crepus must have been worried sick, he must have grounded kaeya for a month after that but he must have held him so tight, "don't ever do that again" he would have said. and diluc must have been so worried and so ecstatic when they finally returned home.He must have hugged him and held him so tightly and for the first time since being abandoned kaeya felt loved, he had a family again and for the first time didn't want to go home anymore, because he was already there.
Thinking about the brothers growing up the character stories tell you diluc was swordsman, kaeya is still one, they must have trained together learned the skills together, do you think diluc switched to claymore after their fight, because he couldn't pick up a sword anymore without thinking of his brother, without thinking of all the times they trained together and how the last time he used the sword he had hurt his brother so much, his little brother he always wanted to protect. But kaeya wasn't his brother anymore was he, he was a traitor, an enemy spy, he said so himself, but in his heart diluc wouldn't believe it, if he did why can't he tell the knights why won't he expose it, why would he keep it a secret. He can't do that, he can't let his brother get locked up as a criminal, he might be angry but in his heart he will always protect his brother, in his heart he believes his brother won't betray him no matter what he told him that day.
Do you ever think of how kaeya must have felt that night after his father died all full of complicated thoughts the ancient plots he doesn't fully understand but knows he will have to make a choice that he may end up betraying his family he doesn't want to. if he could he would choose mondstadt and his happiness but it wasn't that simple was it. A battle between his truth and his happiness. His duty to khaenriah as its last hope and his loyalty to mondstadt and the family that raised him. Do you think when he went to confess to diluc a part of him was hoping diluc would end him so he would not have to make that choice. So he would no longer have to feel all this pain and guilt thats not even letting him grieve his fathers death as a good son should, because its all he can think of. He knows his brother enough to know how he would react after all, and he would deserve it, he told himself, if he had to die better this way than another.
Thinking about how diluc must have been in so much pain that day after losing his father all he would have wanted was some support from his brother all he must have wanted would have been for kaeya to be there for him. After all no one else could understand this except him, but instead his brother had come to him and told him this horrible truth, this horrible secret that he's kept from them the whole time, diluc must have felt so betrayed, so broken in that moment. He could have killed kaeya in that moment, he almost might have if it wasn't for kaeya getting a vision. He would never have wanted to hurt him, but how could he help it when the one person who was supposed to be there for him has lied to him for so long.
Do you think when kaeya got his vision he must have been shocked and bitter, diluc got his vision at ten years old, kaeya who looked up to his brother so much would have wanted to be just like him, being a swordsman, joining the knights, all his life he followed his brother's footsteps and now he gets a vision in this moment when he's facing his brother in a fight, and its a cryo vision, the opposite of diluc's pyro. so incompatible as he says later on.
Thinking about how diluc left his vision when he left the knights and went on the fatui killing spree for three years. Thinking about how kaeya kept the vision the whole time and returned it in a vase when diluc got back. The same vase that diluc keeps on display where everyone who visits the mansion can see it even though he thinks it's tacky and complained that he didn't need it. Do you think the whole time diluc was gone kaeya would look at the vision everyday to see if its still glowing, to make sure his brother is still alive. He must have been so happy when diluc returned though diluc was no longer the cheerful older brother he knew. Atleast he was alive.
Do you think kaeya blamed himself for not being by dilucs side the last three years he was gone, he was always by his side, he was dilucs supporter and sounding board they were almost like twins, and now they were not even friends.
Do you think diluc spent his time those three years feeling so alone for the first time in his life, do you think he wished and wished his brother was by his side as he always was for so long. Do you think he blamed himself for so long thinking he blinded kaeya in one eye in that fight. The relief he must have felt when he returned home and realised he hadn't. Do you think diluc would have wanted to hug him so much when he first got home after those three years, he must have wanted to hug him just like he did all those years ago when kaeya tried to go to sumeru on the ship. but he couldn't, not anymore, not after what happened. Kaeya didn't even live at home anymore, but of course he didn't, how could he after what happened, do you think that's why diluc sold the mansion, because he couldn't live there anymore all alone with the memories of his father who is dead and his brother who may never call him his brother again.
Thinking about how kaeya was only seventeen when diluc left after the fight. Not yet an adult still so young and all alone again. Do you think diluc must have been shocked to see his brother when he returned, he was so grown up now, so different, cavalry captain now, dilucs old position, of course even after diluc was gone he would follow his footsteps, he wasn't shy anymore but rather confident, charming, dramatic, and Lord, he was taller than diluc now, when had that happened. How had he changed so much.
Thinking about how kaeya wrote eight letters to diluc and though diluc only replied to two of them, he kept them all. Thinking about how diluc must have still been angry, he must not have wanted to reply at all but he couldn't help himself. kaeya keeps hinting at his blind eye, of course he does, little brothers can be annoying like that, "don't think I don't know that your right eye wasn't blinded" he writes back. "I didn't mean to hide it from you on purpose, but I suppose you found out all the same" kaeya writes, "not everyone who wears an eyepatch is blind you know, some people also wear it if they have a scar". diluc doesnt know what to say to that, it is true that he has scarred his brother probably for life, he blames himself for this everyday. kaeya writes to him more, he knows about diluc being the dark Knight hero, of course he does, he knows diluc more than anyone, he hints at teaming up with the knights, he worries about diluc's safety. "don't worry about me, take better care of yourself " diluc writes back, he can't help it he may be angry but he worries about his little brother too.
Thinking about how kaeya kept dilucs replies along with seashells they collected together as children. He must have wanted to reconcile so bad, do you think he was hesitant to write to diluc at first, of course he was, he ends the first letter saying its alright if you don't reply. He doesn't expect diluc to reply at all but he can't help writing to him. He doesn't blame diluc for the fight or his scar he says so himself, and yet he alludes to his eye in the letter, he just can't help himself, annoying your older brother is a younger sibling privilege after all. No surprise diluc knows he wasn't blinded of course he knows, he knows him better than anyone. Do you think he felt hopeful when he got diluc's second reply, "take better care of yourself ". Maybe his brother did care for him still, maybe there was still hope for them.
Thinking about how diluc says you can trust half of what kaeya says at best, but he still trusts him with his dark Knight hero secret. yes the story quest made it seem like this was the first kaeya knew of it but the letters which are way older and collei's backstory in the webtoon tell us that not only has kaeya known the whole time but they have even worked together. In fact it seems more likely that kaeya was helping with the alibi by sending a Knight to check on him so there's official records of diluc not being the dark Knight hero. After all since everyone in the place was dilucs staff, how did kaeya get there with no one knowing. Of course the way they acted at the end is at odds with this but as in the webtoon kaeya knowing about it is a secret even from everyone else, if the rest of it was dilucs alibi then this was kaeya's alibi in a way. Even after all that's happened they can depend on each other even now.
Thinking about how kaeya said diluc is gloomy and boring but he still spends most of his time in the tavern annoying diluc in true younger brother fashion. Kaeya is obviously still guilty about everything but he still annoys diluc and teases him at every occasion he gets. He cant help it after all, its what little brothers do.
Thinking about how diluc gives him grape juice to stop him from coming because he knows kaeya doesn't like it in the webtoon and yet kaeya keeps coming, but in the end he finally serves him wine. Thinking about how they worked together for the first time in years at the time and they still did so well. Thinking about how diluc's anger and hostility slowly decreased as the chapters progressed. thinking about how obvious it was that kaeya was desperately trying to fix things pretending everything is fine and acting all happy and cheerful and teasing.
Thinking about how obvious it was from the way he described diluc that he looked up to him so much. Thinking of how kaeya must have been hurt when diluc said he's not his bro but of course he expected as much. Thinking of the way they call each other master diluc and Sir kaeya but on the inside they probably both just want to go back to being brothers.
Thinking of them arguing on the beach and kaeya bringing up seabird hunting and seashell collecting. diluc is surprised kaeya remembered or that he even cares, but of course he does he even kept the seashells.
Thinking of the windblume event and despite acting cold to kaeya as usual, it's obvious diluc wants him to stay. After all everyone goes home for windblume and this was still kaeya's home, even though it didn't feel like it after what happened. Thinking about how for a moment when kaeya got flustered and shy, diluc must have remembered how he used to be as a child, and for a moment kaeya was once again the little brother he knew so well. Thinking about how kaeya must have wanted to go home for windblume but didn't think he could, he must have been so caught off guard when he was invited. Of course he couldn't refuse adelinde and diluc may act like that was the only reason he was being asked to stay, but kaeya knows his brother well enough to know he wants him to stay as well. He didn't expect it but maybe there was hope for them after all.
Thinking about kaeya in the last event saying he has no ties to khaenriah except his last name, a half truth, he has his duty to make a decision, one he doesn't quite know the details of since he was a child, a duty he doesn't want to fulfil, one he wishes and wishes he was mistaken about, maybe there was no such thing, maybe his father left him in mondstadt to give him a happy life and he was wrong about whatever is coming next. when he tells the traveller this I think he did so out of hope. And when dain tells him about his parentage he is not shocked, but he sounded rather like it was what he had thought all along despite his wishful thinking. And that for all his hoping he can't escape this fate after all. He is almost defeated at this, he wished it wasn't true and yet it was. Thinking of him acting like its fine as usual but you know it's probably eating him up inside. what will he do when he has to make this choice. He doesn't know. and that's the tragedy that's followed him his whole life.
Thinking about kaeyas teapot line about making wine and about his lines in the new quest. Crepus probably taught both his sons the same things about winemaking, but considering the fact that kaeya is actually interested in it while diluc was always more interested in being a Knight it seems plausible that kaeya was the one who was supposed to get the angels share. The dawn winery to both brothers, diluc mansion to diluc and angels share to kaeya. After all kaeya seems to only have joined the knights to stay by dilucs side, he doesn't particularly enjoy his work, atleast not the way he enjoys wine making and diluc doesnt care for alcohol at all and seemed to love being a Knight for as long as he was one. It would be rather a twist if fate if things were intended that way but they ended up doing each others jobs. They both still ended up doing a good job.
Thinking about how kaeya said he was glad diluc has someone to depend on during the story quest, he sounded truly glad but also a bit sad, of course he was a bit sad, it had always been him in that place before, but if he can't be there for diluc anymore, he's atleast glad the traveller is. Do you think he sees how diluc is kind and gentle with the traveller unlike how he is with him and he's reminded of his older brother who always stood by him and protected him when he was an outsider in this town just like the traveller is now, and he thinks maybe he isn't that different after all.
Do you think diluc sees kaeya drinking and drinking and drinking at the tavern and he tries to make him stop, he takes his wine away, he gives him grape juice, he even tells him to drink responsibly that one time only for kaeya to get all dramatic and berate him for "throwing away father's legacy" and selling the mansion. diluc must have been angry at that, but he didn't pick a fight, of course he didn't, kaeya was obviously drunk. but diluc still sits with him and keeps him company.
Do you think kaeya sometimes falls asleep at the tavern after a night of drinking and diluc would think of how different he looks while asleep. so peaceful and innocent, like he used to be as a child. Do you think it would remind diluc of when they were little and fall asleep on the sofa after playing and their dad would carry them to bed and tuck them in. Do you think diluc would put kaeya's coat around his shoulders so he doesn't get cold, but neither of them would address it when he woke up and kaeya would assume it was someone else.
Do you think about how kaeya had a tcg card of diluc made do you think they played card games together as children they must have surely, strategy games like tcg seem to fit both of their strong points, do you think maybe he wanted to play together, do you think they ever get to.
Do you think of how kaeya was in sumeru to get spices for wine making and while he joked that whether diluc gets it or not is up to him diluc clearly got them since he tells us so in the birthday letter.
Thinking about they both probably just want so bad for things to be alright again but they don't know how they both have so much guilt and so much hurt and they've both hurt each other so much and they are both so different from how they used to be how can things ever be the same, but maybe they can try, slowly and even if it's not quite the same as before, maybe someday they can be brothers again.
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isnt-it-pretty · 4 months
I found your Cyrus ask/post and really liked anon’s and your thoughts on it
Going onto my own projections lol, I always thought Cyno’s story parallels immigrants to an extent. He’s a desert dweller, but he’s basically been raised in the Akademiya. He’s Othered there because of the prejudices against the desert, but he’s Othered in the desert too due to being the General Mahamatra. He knows the desert, but from what I remember it’s implied (I think since the Sumeru archon quest?) he doesn’t quite know it as much those who actually live there, like Candace
One admirable trait of Cyrus at least is that he has a soft spot for children, and we see that when he’s willing to pretty much drop the case of the threat letter once he finds out it’s a 16-year-old responsible
So I think your take is very consistent of what we already know of Cyrus. Arguably, it’s still not the best outcome, because good intentions doesn’t mean it’s for the best. I honestly think he felt responsible for Cyno, as someone who was involved in implanting the fragment in him and seeing how it resulted in his sickliness. I also think seeing Cyno suffer was possibly half the reason why he ended the experiment and took him with him
But that’s me giving him the benefit of the doubt. Cyrus himself admits at the end of the SQ that he’s “not a good person” and that Cyno has reason to hate him. Like you said, he doesn’t give his reasons, so we’re left to basically guessing his thoughts that ultimately he’s a pretty enigmatic character. It doesn’t help that he’s not the most honest about them. He seems to be pretty emotionally-constipated and very avoidant in fact, and that bites him in the ass when he tells Cyno about Hermanubis but is not willing to get into any depth. Cyno even calls him out a little by the end of the SQ, when he clearly wants to talk to Cyno about something but ends up giving him “non-answers”, so he’s definitely not perfect
Either way, to that anon: you’re valid if u don’t like him. I was a little surprised at how much MHY went into Cyrus’ character, making him flawed enough to be justifiably disliked. It’s not something I expected from a NPC, but it’s a good direction from a story-telling standpoint (in that, I can see how this can be set up for conflict, but that’s my angst fanfic-loving heart lol cuz I doubt MHY will release a third SQ)
I'm glad you liked it! Here is the post referenced.
Cyno very much feels like somebody adopted outside of his culture (same with Kaeya), and he shares a lot with immigrants as well since the desert is basically treated as a seperate nation. He reminds me a lot of people who adopt children from Kenya or China (or other African & Asian countries), or indigenous children adopted outside of their communities, and then their roots are ignored and they're treated as the same as their family, even though they aren't.
I don't think there's any parents, adopted or otherwise, we know of in Genshin who are the idealisitic perfect parents. Kaeya's birth family is its own tangle, Crepus instilled a hero complex so strongly into Diluc that Diluc is now embittered and angry, Jean and Barbara's parents split up abd each took a kid (I mean seriously, what the fuck?), Kaveh's mother had severe depression and left him behind to build a life in Fontaine, Arlecchino is a mess for the Hearth children, Alice isn't the worst but she still left Klee for literally years, Dehya's father was a bandit, Diona's is an alcoholic, Kojou Sara's is a traitor, Wriothesley, Shenhe- you get the point. (Fischl, Bennet, and Yoimiya's parents are admittedly pretty good.)
Genshin has no problem giving us characters with complicated parental relationships. It's nice that we get to see Cyno still associating with Cyrus when so many other characters are estranged.
Cyno definitely deserves some straight answers though, and I think he'd get them eventually. Give it a few days to cool down and then go sit with Cyrus, listen to some tomato rants, and ask hos questions.
I'm too much of a baby to write or read arguments between Cyno and Cyrus 😭
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dazuya · 2 years
If That's How We Reunite, So Be It
Ragnvider! adopted! reader going to Mondstadt after a decade with their new family, Only to be reminded of the things they went through by their old one.
Part 2 for Dark and Cold.
"So sweetie, We have one day off for now. Is there anything you wanna do? Or do you just wanna stay in and play with the new recruits? Hmm?" Childe asked. Although he never had a shimmer in his eyes. You could tell he was gentle to people he cared for. You could tell his words hold honesty and love.
"I do want to show you around places i loved as a kid. But you know, only if you like to, brother Ajax." You said shy and not being able to look him in the eye. You wanted to show him sides the he had shown to you. He would tell you about his family. Take you to his family. Take you to places that were special to him because you were his own. And now, you would tell him just that. That he was your brother. That without him, you would've passed that night.
"Well, Yes! i definitely would love to! This is the first time we're here and it would be amazing for you to show me around. Do you want the others to come?" He asked smiling and already out of the couch to get ready. Although you'd love to show your friends in the Fatui your old hometown. You'd show it to them another time. Not right now.
"Just you. I'll take them later. Anyways, the first place i want to take you to is windrise. Follow me!" Maybe the inner child in you always wanted someone to go there with. That place had one large Tree infront of the Anemo Archon's statue. It was the perfect place to climb up and just sing your heart out.
"Alright, Alright. Hey now! Don't trip over nothing. I don't want to carry you around all day yeah?" He said following you. Walking from your inn. You guys made your way to windrise. While you were going on about how the tree is so big and beautiful. Childe would look over you with a gentle smile. Sure you might be twenty five now. He still sees you as the fifteen year old he took in that day.
While you guys were walking there, Three people made sure you couldn't see them following you. Aether was worried that the Harbinger and his supposed subordinates were going out to make trouble. While Diluc and Kaeya were making sure that you weren't in danger. Sure they can't look after you when you're outside Mondstadt, They could least keep their mind at ease for now.
Aether was confused as to why Diluc was joining them. Kaeya, he could understand. Kaeya was a captain so it made sense that he would be there to maintain peace in the city. Diluc was a night owl. He would protect the city at night. But somehow, he left his office for today. Brushing it off, they were sneaky enough to be without ear shot distance but not be seen.
"So, This is the tree i was talking about! Isn't it Huge? Seems like it's grown a bunch since last time. Come on! let's climb it." You started to make your way on top of a branch which would support both you and childe. Childe just followed you and sat next to you.
"I'd come here whenever, my gaurdian would go to work with his kids. They were older than me so they had things to do. While, I'd sit here and look over the lake. It still looks beautiful. Doesn't it, Ajax?" A small smile on your face. It certainly was the same tree you were on. The memories came back to you. What started as a hum turned into fully fledged singing. While you were swinging your legs dangling from the branch.
Childe felt inner peace. Maybe coming to Mondstadt with you wasn't such a bad idea after all. Aether stared at you wide eyed. He wasn't that submerged into someone doing anything. Not less a Fatui memeber! Should he be admitting to find you ethereal? No but he can't lie to himself.
While the Ragnvider brother's felt somewhat relieved. That you still didn't stop singing. The same song they taught you to sing when you left lonely, Or when you were happy! They couldn't tell which one you were right now. But considering the way you smiled to Childe and his subordinates, It was clear that were happy.
"You've been hiding such a voice for me? I've been hurt. Just wait until everyone hears about this!" He joked to you. Ruffling your hair. Laughs echoed through the place. Getting down from the tree carefully, You decided to make your way to thousand winds temple. It was still in ruins, The same ruin gaurd lurking and taking rounds mindlessly.
"I'd come here to fight it sometimes! Because i didn't have a vision, I would just use sword. It wouldn't work as well and the tavern owner would come save me. But now since you taught me how to use a bow. I think i can take it on my own. So keep your eyes on me brother! After this, We'll sit on that point there. We can see the tree in windrise from here." You said almost eager to show him how hard you'd practice with your bow and make sure to make it a point to get better and make him proud. Before Childe could say anything to object you from fighting, He didn't have the heart to say no to you. He just let you be for now.
Aiming your bow at the core of the ruin gaurd, you infused it with your electro element and shot it accurately. Just like how you'd be taught. When it was down, you got close to finish the job with sword. After dusting your legs and hands, You made your way to him. Who was waiting to tell you that you did good.
"Is This what you've been doing in the ruin labs? You've gotten better i must say! Just don't get yourself in dangerous situation yeah?" He chimed. Looking out for you.
The three people who'd been following you had their weapons out. Just in case something went wrong. Diluc smiled to himself. You've grown to be able to protect yourself. Something he wanted to do. But he left you to do it on your own. Kaeya was kind of proud that you didn't let go of the sword skills he had taught you way back when you were younger. Chuckling to himself when you'd complain about it being hard when right now you were doing it without breaking a sweat.
Aether was entranced, once again. He couldn't help but admire you. You might be on the other side of his journey but he wouldn't mind taking a breather with you as his stop. Paimon made note to keep his love sick gaze for you in her mind.
"You know, I thought i was going to die that day. Thank you for taking me in. I was abandoned by my mother in front of a church. A kind man took me in. Only to be killed later, And then I met you! I wouldn't wanna go through it again but i think having my family now makes me think maybe it was worth living for. Of course you don't have to consider me as one! Just.. Thank you so much. It might not have been the best to fight and go out killing people but if i get to protect you from harm's way and your family then i think it's good enough for me, Brother Ajax." You were starting to tear up. Childe brought his hand to wipe away the tears. He pulled you in for a warm hug.
"I don't think I've ever made a better decision. And don't talk nonsense. You are and will always be my family. Even though you're stubborn. A little hostile to people. Please get along with other Fatui Harbingers. They're not bad you know? But Regardless of all that. I'm proud of you and how long you've come. Again, you don't have to come with me. Just stay with our family back home. I'll come visit you guys." The chilly windy was carrying sentiments of years which bottled inside of everyone there.
"I would always want to know you're safe. So i think I'll always join you. Even when you wouldn't want me." After a heartfelt talk between you guys. You were making your way to the city, when you noticed blonde hair in the side of your vision. Telling Childe to wait until you went and picked some flowers was an excuse to check this out.
The Ragnvider brother's made their way to childe. Not to threaten him. But to talk and find a way to perhaps connect with you.
"Look, We just want to talk about them. I know it seems like a laughable attempt to repair something that's been shattered. We just can't help it. Just once, Can we talk to them? With you or without you. Anything works." Kaeya was trying to come to an agreement while Diluc was nervously glancing around making sure you don't see them talking.
"And Why would i do that? Do you take me for a fool? I think it'd be best if you let it go. I don't want to comfort them again regarding you guys. It's heartbreaking for me." Childe hissed. Yes, he didn't want them near you. But some part of his heart wanted you to heal with them. If this had been with sibling or you. He would reach out too. He understood that. Pondering on it for a while.
"Don't come near them. I'll give you one last thing. Here. Take these. I found these on them the day i found them. I doubt they remember anything but here. Now i suggest that you take your leave before sweetie comes. And like i said. I will always make sure they're happy." Childe handed over a pair of earrings to kaeya and a wooden bracelet to Diluc. They had the initials "K.R" and "D.R" on them. Their heart swelled up and broke down. So this is what you were excited about. This is what you wanted to give them but never could.
They left. They couldn't face you again. Not when you had left such a previous thing to process. While Aether was confronted by you.
"Why were you following us?" You asked glaring at him. He merely gave you a sheepish smile and explained that he was just going around seeing Mondstadt.
Considering how his clothes weren't of Mondstadt origin. You believed him. He was a traveller from a far. So maybe it wouldn't be too bad to show him around later too. Just some genric places while you stayed here.
"I see. Well, I'll certainly see you around. Maybe show you a place or two. But don't get on my brother's bad side!" Right when you said that childe creeped up behind you. Aether's eyes were begging Childe to pretend they don't know each other.
"Well what do we have here hm? Aether and Y/n huh? What're you doing? It's getting late. Let's go back and have dinner." He said. You were confused as to how he knew him but that would be another conversation. Since your brother already knew of him. Maybe he wasn't a bad guy you thought.
"Okay. We'll take out leave.. Aether." With that the both of you left to your inn. Aether felt like he could certainly catch you up on that offer for a tour around.
Meanwhile the brothers were content. Not to their heart feelings but at least enough. They couldn't meet you outright. But at least they got one step closer. If this is how you reunite, step by step. Then so be it.
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mania-sama · 3 months
the difference between hurt and injured
Whiskey Lullaby - Brad Paisley, Alison Krauss
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➼ 02 - the angels sang a whiskey lullaby ❧ Information (Summary, Chapters, Tags) ❧ Previous Chapter ❧ Word Count: 10,108 ❧ Cross-posted from Archive of Our Own
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“You sleep late and wake up at early hours of the morning. No wonder you’re so crabby all the time,” Kaeya said when he slowly entered the kitchen, his speech pattern still a little slurred. The coffee machine howled loudly as it processed the coffee grounds.
Diluc rolled his eyes but refrained from saying anything. It would only serve to further enable Kaeya and his persistent teasing. He did, however, examine his brother’s appearance. The officer moved in small increments and was paler than usual, so he was probably feeling nauseous. A direct result of the Rohypnol the night before but wasn’t life-threatening in the slightest. Instead of being sick like a dog, Kaeya was likely experiencing common cold symptoms.
The owner tilted his head to where the main bathroom was located, which was connected to Diluc’s bedroom. “If you’re going to throw up, do it in there.”
“Ah, forthright as expected,” teased Kaeya. “I noticed the guest bedroom was locked. Desperate to keep me near you, is that it?”
Regret bubbled in his stomach. Not for their shared past as children, but for the fact that he offered to let Kaeya stay at his apartment. He’d forgotten how annoying the next morning was going to be. He replied with a curt, “No.”
“Oh!” Kaeya said while moving to sit at the kitchen table. It was small, rectangular, and wooden with one chair per side. The officer took a seat on a long side. The night before, Venti and Diluc had sat on opposite sides on the short ends. “I don’t remember a whole lot from last night, but if I do recall correctly,” he laughed, “there was a kid in your bar.”
Diluc scowled. “Kids show up all the time thinking they look old enough,” he replied sharply. Kaeya gave him a knowing look.
“He’s in the guest bedroom, isn’t he?”
The coffee was done brewing. Diluc took a nice, long breath and settled his aggravated mind. Pouring creamer into his bitter drink, he thought of how he wanted to respond. The situation definitely looked weird to any outsiders that didn’t know the full story, and a sudden realization burned Diluc’s neck.
“I’m not–”
Kaeya’s laugh cut him off. “I know you’re not. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make what you're doing less illegal.” The officer’s eyes trailed to the open door. Even though he knew Venti wouldn’t be awake for several more hours, the bartender clicked the door shut. Kaeya resumed talking once the action was complete. “I didn’t think you had it in you. You’ve always avoided children like a disease.”
“Get to the point,” grumbled the owner as he sipped his coffee. Kaeya scoffed.
“Fine, if you insist,” he said, giving a childish pout. Talking to his adopted brother wasn’t too dissimilar to talking to a young child. “How many times has this happened?”
Diluc sighed despondently. While he didn’t want to give Kaeya any more information than he strictly had to, Diluc recognized the position his brother held. “Including today, three. I don’t know where he stays otherwise.”
Kaeya nodded, a tan hand absent-mindedly running over his lips. “He’s a runaway, then?”
“I thought you already knew that,” Diluc accused.
“Just confirming,” said the police officer, shrugging. “Any good, self-respecting cop would’ve already taken him to a shelter or back to his home now.” Kaeya narrowed his eye. “You should be behind bars as well. Harboring a runaway is considered a felony in Mondstadt.”
Despite his logical brain knowing that Kaeya was leaving an empty threat, Diluc’s heart was nervous. Humans were made to empathize no matter what a person had done or what they were like. A primal instinct in people was to find the similarities in every being, and the owner of Angel’s Share was no different. It may have been cruel and may have not been, but he did it anyway.
“He’s an orphan, you know.” The amount of tension Diluc created with just one word was incredible. Kaeya, for the first time in his life, was silent. His usual fast-thinking was likely slowed by the aftereffects of the drug still, but Diluc considered it his personal victory in the conversation.
Slowly, Kaeya drawled, “That doesn’t change much of anything, does it?” Diluc stayed silent. “I was never going to take the kid, and I’m not going to arrest you. The streets are rough; it’d be too immoral even for me to remove his sanctuary.”
Kaeya stood up from his chair in a manner that made it look painful. A smile was on his lips, but it was obvious to the redhead how forced it was. “If I see him out there, I’ll have to return him home,” he said. Diluc understood that very well, and he also knew that Venti would suffer greatly in that scenario. “You’re going to have to do something eventually.”
He really didn’t want advice from his brother. It always managed to sound condescending, even when Diluc knew it was just his personal bias seeping through. Before anything impulsive came out of mouth, Kaeya clapped his hands. “As you well know, I have a sufficient eye injury that needs taking care of, then I’ll get out of your red hair.”
Once in the morning and once at night, an injection was needed to keep the eye from infection. For a very long time, Kaeya hadn’t been able to do it himself, needing help from either Diluc or their father to administer it for him. It had been when they were around fifteen years old that he was finally able to inject himself. At eighteen, the two brothers separated from each other. There was no question, however, that Diluc still kept the medication in his apartment. It was another part of their promise he had yet to break.
Diluc watched him open the door, still feeling the remnants of agitation. Kaeya stopped, hand on the doorframe. The bartender thought he was going to say something, but the officer simply resumed his pace. He left a crack of the door open as he left.
The text history between Kaeya and Diluc was rather depressing to look at. Mainly because every message sent between them was left unanswered, as well as being at least a month between each one. It was no surprise that when Diluc sent a text inviting his brother to see their father, Kaeya didn’t respond. He knew it was seen, though, despite the man not having his read receipts on.
Diluc stepped out of his car and onto the paved pathway. He’d informed Venti of his plans to leave for the day the night beforehand, because ever since the drugging incident, the kid had been staying at the bar before it opened. Not staying the night necessarily, just being in the building during the morning unlike before when he would wait for the bar to open in the afternoon. Since this new development, Diluc had taken to doing all of the ‘behind-the-scenes’ work for Angel’s Share to the bar so he could keep an eye on Venti.
Now that he wasn’t going to be there, he had to tell Venti. He couldn’t be seen in the bar alone during the day, not just for the obvious drinking problem, but for the fact that anyone could see him in the window. Luckily, the boy had taken the news well, and it ended up not being a big deal. A part of him still worried that Venti was going to pick the lock of the bar and break in anyway.
The sidewalk continued on to the back of the church, ending abruptly to favor dark green grass. Whoever kept the churchyard was doing a fantastic job at the very least. They kept it looking nice even as the approaching fall weather crumbled leaves and wilted grass. It really didn’t match the gloomy atmosphere of the cemetery that was placed on it.
Muscle memory easily guided Diluc through the graveyard, passing all of the other headstones and bodies that lay underneath the ground. His father didn’t have an extravagant grave, but it was a bit bigger than most of the others. That was what he wanted in his will, so that was what he got. If a day were to come that Diluc’s body did not remember the way to his father’s grave, he would still be able to find it easily due to its size.
Nobody was waiting for Diluc at the headstone. He expected as much; Kaeya enjoyed being fashionably late. Annoyance pricked at his chest, yet the melancholy of the graveyard evened his mood. He leaned down and placed the bundle of calla lilies in front of the stone, evenly matching the line where the grave and ground met. There had been other flowers before but  were eventually removed by the church due to their wilting.
He heard footsteps behind him, and he didn’t have to turn to know it was his brother. Kaeya stepped up beside Diluc and gently laid the flowers he brought: roses. He looked much better than he had a week ago.
It had been a concern that Kaeya wasn’t going to show up. Due to their lack of proper communication, he could never be quite certain what his brother was going to do. He could guess, and he could be confident in that guess, but there was no real knowing. Relief loosened a few of his muscles, but tension at the situation kept the rest of them tight.
A decade was a large amount of time in mortal life, yet stubbornness had kept the two from visiting their father’s grave at the same time for that long. His heart beat uncomfortably in his chest, unsure of what to do with his brother next to him. When he was alone, he would say a few words to his father. Usually it was about the wine business, or about how his month had been going. Sometimes, he talked about something as mundane as the weather or as significant as his mental state.
There was someone present to hear him outside of his father now. Diluc didn’t talk about his emotions to people– he’d been that way since he was a child. It only worsened after his father died and his brother confessed his secrets. DIluc’s mouth remained wired shut, and the only sound he could hear was the tweeting of birds in nearby trees.
“If I may ask,” Kaeya said, breaking the silence. His voice was back to its usual smooth timbre, lacking any slurring or croaking. “What’s so special about today?”
There wasn’t anything different. It was a sunny day with a few puffy clouds in the sky, and an early autumn breeze brushed through the cemetery. There was nothing in particular that set the day apart from all others, but that wasn’t what the man was really asking. Kaeya had always been one for cryptic questions.
“A few people changed my routine,” replied Diluc. It was more than that, truly, but he was willing to play by Kaeya’s rules just this once. Diluc had a harder time discerning and creating sentences that meant more or something different than the words used, yet his brother did it with ease. It wasn’t something to be admired, per se, but it was another aspect that set them apart.
Kaeya huffed but didn’t comment any further on it. Diluc was somewhat grateful for it; a cop recognizing the existence of a runaway was never a good thing, even if it was from an officer who wasn’t going to do anything about it unless he absolutely had to. The danger was still there.
The adopted brother changed the topic, though in hindsight it wasn’t much better. “They interrogated him, Karl Bierhals.” The name of the man that drugged his brother set a mix of anger and anxiety in Diluc’s stomach. “I watched the interrogation footage, and he simply admitted to everything he was accused of.” He laughed without any humor. “I wasn’t wrong when I said he was giving all the information I needed– turns out, he was hiding the wrong thing.”
Diluc could read between the lines on this one pretty easily. There was a layer of regret and embarrassment under his relaxed tone. It told the bartender everything he needed to know: Kaeya was blaming himself. That night when Diluc was pouring another Arnold Palmer, his brother stated that there needed to be more flavor in the undercover mission. It was probable that the officer had let down a guard so he could be surprised by something and be challenged. He obviously hadn’t expected to be drugged.
Comforting wasn’t his strong suit, especially when it came to the brother he tried to kill ten years ago. The image of a terrified, blood-stained Kaeya trying his best to fight back against Diluc’s rage-induced chokehold kept Diluc awake at night and haunted him during the day. A broken nose, several bruises on the neck and face, and an irreparable, shattered bond between two brothers was the result.
Now his recurring nightmare was of a dedicated police officer, who was too cautious for his own good, slumped over on a table and delirious from a drug he was forced to take. And yet, here Kaeya was alive in spite of the odds. Somehow Diluc still couldn’t find the words to tell his brother that it wasn’t his fault. He still couldn’t apologize.
Instead, his vocal cords chose to say, “He’d be disappointed in us, wouldn’t he?”
Crepus Ragnvindr was the name etched onto the gravestone in front of them. It was Diluc's biological father’s name and Kaeya’s adoptive father’s name. For a long time after his death, Diluc considered himself to be the only son Crepus ever had. At least something in him changed from all those years ago. He’d been able to invite his brother to see their father’s grave, and Kaeya was able to show up.
“That depends on how you would like me to answer,” Kaeya said with a breathy chuckle.
“The truth, if you can do that,” Diluc retorted sharply. He hadn’t meant to, but resurfacing memories combined with irritation had a tendency to brew tart words.
Kaeya made no indication the response hurt outside of a slight frown. “Old Man is rolling in his coffin right now, that’s what I think.”
He never could answer with a simple yes or no, even when they were children. It was annoying, but Diluc didn’t disagree with what he said nevertheless. They hardly got along even in front of their father’s grave, and the only reason they were even together was due to a third party. To say Crepus would be disappointed if he were still alive would be an understatement.
Diluc didn’t want to fight on top of his dad’s dead body, so he made the first move to leave. He didn’t say or wave good-bye, and neither did Kaeya. The police officer was left to stand alone at his adoptive father’s grave. The bartender, however, went to his car and turned the radio up loud so he couldn’t hear himself think.
The bar was empty when Diluc arrived back, which made sense since it was still a few hours before opening. The present he bought after he left the cemetery was safely tucked inside its case and the strap was clasped in Diluc’s right hand. His gaze swept over everything in Angel’s Share before he stepped on the first stair. The owner didn’t get any further, however, for he saw a head suddenly peak over the island counter.
Venti and Diluc made direct eye contact, and the bartender almost dropped the expensive present he bought. The kid had blood running down his nose and a swollen lip to match. His green jacket had dirt crusted on top of it and his braids were falling apart, yet he had the biggest goddamn grin on his face.
“Mister Diluc!” Venti shouted, teal eyes sparkling with unadulterated happiness. “I am so happy to see you!”
All of the wine cabinets appeared locked as they had been when he left in the morning. Nothing else in the bar was touched or disturbed. Venti’s presence had gone by completely unnoticed, but there he was with his face freshly beaten.
Setting the case gently on the ground, Diluc called, “What happened?” He quickly moved to inspect Venti’s face closer, ignoring the way the child flinched when he grabbed his jaw. Diluc tried to be gentle, truly, but anger was piercing his judgment.
“I think I did something you would be proud of!” Diluc’s mind was racing as he fished out a clean rag, wondering how getting beat up was something to be happy for. “I cut it off with a… bad person. He wasn’t very happy, and he punched me a few times, but I’m faster!”
Venti never ceased to amaze Diluc. “So you ran here?” The entrance had been locked when he left that morning. Judging by the freshness of the blood from Venti’s nose and his still-bleeding lip, the kid couldn’t have been at the bar for very long after getting punched. It made Diluc wonder just how fast he could pick a lock.
“Yeah. Are you… upset?” Venti asked, voice dropping about ten pitches. The bartender ran the rag under hot water. Then once it was sufficiently wet, he violently squeezed out the excess water so it wouldn’t drip over the floor.
He shook his head. “No. It’s not easy to break ties with bad people,” he replied honestly. “You did good, kid.” There was an amount of warmth in his heart from knowing that the Angel’s Share was someplace the kid genuinely felt safe. Unfortunately, Diluc wasn’t all for the sappy stuff, so the feeling made him a little uncomfortable.
If Venti had asked if he was upset at the dealer, then that would’ve been an entirely different answer. Anger had been simmering from the surface since before his meeting with Kaeya; he could go for punching a few criminals.
“You’re not even mad about the fight part?” The boy asked, eyes watching Diluc as the man wiped away the blood under his nose.
“You didn’t start it, so no. It would be hypocritical if I were to be mad, anyway.” He knew he was going to regret it the moment he let the words out of his mouth. Venti’s slightly nervous yet happy demeanor turned into a curious and excitable one. 
“Did you get into fights all the time when you were a kid? How old even are you? You look forty.”
Forty? No way he looks that old. It must just be a trick of the light, or the fact that Venti was so young. “I’m twenty-eight,” Diluc said incredulously. Venti laughed at him, narrowly avoiding a mouthful of warm, wet, and bloody rag. “But yes. I lived for two years off-the-grid. I fought a lot of drug lords and gang members.”
It had been an interesting time of his life, especially considering he was on the path to becoming a police officer alongside Kaeya. Looking back on it, Diluc thought he had just thrown a very large temper tantrum. That’s what his father would say, at the very least. Crepus had always believed family came first, then it was one’s dreams and aspirations.
“You were a modern-day vigilante! Wait,” Venti paused, staring at him with wide eyes as Diluc rinsed out the rag. “I need you to answer me this with one hundred percent honesty.”
The bartender turned and leaned his lower back against the sink. He raised an eyebrow for the boy to continue, but he was in the process of climbing on top of the island. Diluc’s third worst enemy showed itself: the unpredictability of adolescence.
Once he was safely on top of the island counter with his legs crossed, he leaned forward and asked, “Are you rich?”
“I’m wealthy, yes.” That wasn’t something Diluc could begin to deny. He only lived in an apartment because when his father died, Kaeya had inherited the estate while Diluc got the business.
Venti nodded seriously. “Do you have a butler that you can trust with your business?”
“... Yes.” In fact, Diluc had entrusted his butler, Elzer, to take care of the wine business and Angel’s Share while the man lived off the grid. Even now, Elzer still attended to affairs concerning the business that Diluc didn’t have time for nor wanted to do. It was more than a little strange that Venti could guess something as specific as that.
“Did you wear a mask while fighting crime?” Venti persisted.
Diluc was going to ask if Venti had seen him in Mondstadt at some point during those two years, but the kid would’ve been four years old. There wasn’t any way he could remember something like that, and besides, he’d only helped one person under the age of ten, and it had been a literal baby.
Hesitantly, the bartender nodded. He watched as Venti opened his mouth to presumably ask another question and quickly held up a hand. “I have something for you. If you ask another question, you aren’t getting it.” It was an empty threat Diluc wasn’t going to act on, but he needed a way to halt the conversation before it got out of hand.
The boy clamped his mouth shut and gave Diluc a toothy grin. He moved to retrieve the case he left at the bottom of the steps in his moment of panic. It wasn’t wrapped as he hadn’t had time to, but Venti should like it anyway. Diluc didn’t know how many presents Venti had gotten in his life, yet he had an inkling of a feeling that the amount could be counted on one hand.
Venti’s eyes widened when Diluc brought it to him as if he hadn’t seen it a couple of minutes ago. His mouth was agape as the bartender opened each of the locks on the hard case, lifting up the top to reveal an acoustic guitar inside. The body, which looked too big for the small boy, was made of some sort of pale wood, and the neck seemed too long for Venti’s arms. Diluc bought it with the intention that Venti would eventually grow into fitting perfectly with the guitar.
“I thought you could use an instrument to play with your songs,” he said, picking it up out of the case and handing it to Venti. The child shakily grasped it.
Nothing was said for a long time while Venti silently held the guitar like it was his lifeline. The kid carefully set the guitar next to him on the island. He hopped down from the counter and with glittering eyes barreled into Diluc’s chest. Venti’s arms wrapped around the middle of Diluc’s back and his young body wracked with sobs.
It’d been years since Diluc last hugged somebody. That was something else changed drastically when his father died; he became closed off and no longer let anybody touch him outside of strict necessity. Now here he was, elbows raised in surprise at the tight embrace a young boy had around his abdomen. Mixed emotions swirled in his mind as he tried to comprehend the situation. Slowly, as if Venti were a scared animal, Diluc lowered his hands onto the child’s shoulder blades and returned the hug.
“Thank you. Thank you,” the boy repeated. It was a pitiful sound, choked and produced in between cries. A guitar itself may not mean much to an individual, but to a child who never had a proper home, it meant everything.
He wasn’t sure how long it’d been when Venti finally detached himself from the man’s body, rubbing away the tears that had eventually stopped running down his face. The bartender was still a bit stunned from the interaction to do anything else but stare. He really hoped that wasn’t going to become a common occurrence between them.
Venti pulled the guitar off of the table and held it again, gently running his fingers over the strings. “Um, I have no idea how to play, though,” he said with flushed cheeks.
Leaning down Diluc pulled another object out of the guitar case. A flat hand-book containing a beginner’s guide to playing the guitar. Venti instantly started going through, eyes skimming over every page at an incredible rate. Diluc wasn’t sure if he’d seen any person more excited than Venti was at that moment.
“Mister Diluc… Do you happen to know anything about birds?” Venti asked, still firmly clutching the guitar in hands. The notebook had been set on the island once he was done looking through it. Yet again, children prove to be unpredictable. It was hard to keep up with.
The bartender nodded in the affirmative. “I had a pet Umbertail Falcon.” It had died four years back, and he hadn’t been able to adopt another since. She had been a graceful yet feisty bird, only bound to her owner by her own free will. The day she died had been one of the worst ones he had since his father passed. The pair of gloves Kaeya had ‘anonymously’ delivered to him the next day were hidden deep inside Diluc’s closet.
Venti grinned, entirely unaware of the still-lingering pain from her death. “I have one too! Sort of. Anyway, I think it's time you know where I’ve been sleeping, because I need your help,” he said. Ever since Diluc got used to the constant stink exuding from Venti, it was easy to forget he was still a runaway with no proper house outside of the occasional sanction found in Diluc’s apartment.
“Aren’t you still on the run from that bad guy?” Diluc asked, but he was already moving towards the door alongside Venti, who made the sorrowful decision to leave his guitar case in the bar.
The kid looked the man up and down before responding, “You look scary enough. As long as you don’t leave, nothing will happen.”
Diluc tactfully chose to not take the comment offensively. Diluc locked the door behind them, and the two started off down the street. The weather hadn’t changed at all from when he was last outside with Kaeya, so it was neither unbearable hot nor nail-biting cold. Perfect walking weather that settled the nerves that crept up on the bartender.
A lot of trust was being placed on his shoulders by the young boy, more than he thought Venti knew. After keeping it hidden for so long, Diluc almost felt like he shouldn’t know. The warning words of his brother rang in his ears and reminded that he had to find out eventually. He was glad it was on the kid’s terms, though, and not anyone else’s.
The owner of Angel’s Share kept a watchful eye out for suspicious or malicious individuals that may be the person that hurt Venti. Diluc could probably find them off with relative ease, given his history of fighting, but he’d rather not be snuck up on. If he saw them first then he could get Venti out of harm’s way faster.
Just when Diluc was starting to question if Venti was lying to him about where he was taking him, they walked into a small field in a corner of Mondstadt’s city limits. Unlike the cemetery, the grass was overgrown and yellow. Snakes enjoyed that kind of environment, so he made sure to watch his step. Venti’s pointed finger pulled Diluc’s attention to the main attraction of the field: a huge oak tree with luscious green leaves, still untouched by the impending autumn.
“There! That’s where I stay!” Venti shouted unnecessarily then broke out into a dead sprint. For apparently running from someone that really wanted to see him get hurt, he sure had a ton of energy. Diluc huffed and ran after him.
It was an impressive sight, the tree Venti lived in. Its branches provided the necessary shade to cool Diluc down after his sprint. Venti leaned against the tree, face red and sweaty but laughing nonetheless. For the first time in a long time, Diluc let out his own laugh. It was foreign to him, the light and bubbly feeling in his chest needed in order to make such a sound.
“I call it Windrise,” said Venti once he caught his breath. “And my pet bird lives here, too. Vanessa!” He called, hands cupped around his mouth to make his voice louder. A hawk’s shriek answered the grinning boy back.
That’s when Venti started to climb the tree, and Diluc was hit with the realization that perhaps Venti wasn’t so wrong when he called the bartender old. Watching the boy scurry up the tree like he was some breed of monkey, Diluc went through all five stages of grief in the span of seven seconds.
Once safely on top of a high branch, Venti called out, “What are you waiting for? She’s up here!”
Diluc felt that if he responded with the truth he would be mocked mercilessly, so he kept his mouth shut. Sucking in a deep breath, he placed both hands on the tree and dug his right boot into the truck. It took a lot longer for him to reach the same place, and once he got pretty close, Venti stuck out a hand to help him the rest of the way. Since the boy was twelve and thin with no muscles, the support he provided wasn’t physically helpful in the slightest. It did give a bit of comfort to know that Venti wasn’t judging him for his slow ascent, though.
“She might get scared by you, so just keep quiet and move slowly. Don’t touch her, either. She might have rabies,” warned Venti. Diluc furrowed his eyebrows.
“Birds can’t get rabies,” he informed.
Venti blinked owlishly. “Oh.”
The boy climbed up a nearby branch, and immediately a bird screeched. “Vanessa, it’s okay! I’m back,” Venti said in a placating tone. Vanessa, the bird’s apparent name, shrieked at him again.
Diluc eventually made his way up to where the boy was, pulling himself up onto the branch opposite so he could have room. Nested in the middle of the high-up tree fork was a large stick-made nest, and sitting inside it was the hawk it was likely made by. Vanessa looked Diluc straight in the eye and screeched.
“Do you know what’s wrong with her? She’s all puffy and hasn’t moved since yesterday!” Venti was obviously severely distressed by this, but the truth of the matter was much simpler. If Diluc hadn’t known any better, he would’ve chuckled at how silly the boy’s worry was.
Letting a small smile settle on his face, he said, “She’s fine. She is about to lay eggs, though.”
“What?” Venti exclaimed, eyes wide with surprise. Vanessa shrieked at the sound.  “I thought birds did that in spring?”
“They do. Sometimes they can just be a little late,” he said. That was the simplified answer, especially in consideration that there didn’t seem to be a male hawk anywhere. Venti hadn’t mentioned another bird, either.
Venti turned to look at Vanessa. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! Aw, the babies are gonna look so cute! I can’t wait to hold one!”
Alarmed, Diluc said, “Absolutely do not. Vanessa may like you but she isn’t domesticated,” the hawk shrieked in agreement with his words, “and she will attack you.”
“Boo,” Venti called but didn’t argue. Diluc couldn’t say he necessarily disagreed with the kid’s wants, though. Even now, with enough knowledge of and experience with birds to become a licensed professor of ornithology, he still wanted to reach over and pet the hawk. Vanessa’s type was the red-tailed hawk, arguably the most majestic and dignified type amongst the hawk family. It was difficult to resist such temptations as a grown adult; he couldn’t imagine how hard it was for a twelve-year-old.
The two settled into easy conversation about birds, mostly just Venti making incorrect assumptions or comments and Diluc correcting him. There were many things he’d done with or because of Venti for the first time in a long time, and talking about birds was one of them. Nobody really wanted to hear a bartender speak on subjects outside of alcohol or their job. Diluc had maids and butlers back at the estate that could entertain him on the subject, but he’d avoided that place ever since his brother inherited it.
It was peaceful. The way the wind blew through the leaves and branches made it feel like it was coming upwards instead of across, sticking true to the name Venti gave it. He understood why the boy liked it so much, now. The unclipped expanse of grass mixed with the dotted white and blue sky was beautiful, and he could imagine how the sunsets and sunrises looked.
A calm silence after their long discussion was brought by the easy-going breezes. It felt like a warm, fuzzy blanket made to entice young children to sleep. At some point, Diluc had closed his eyes and nearly drifted off into a nap before Venti suddenly called out in a reminiscent tone.
“Mister Diluc.” The sound of his name prompted him to open his eyes and blink the sleep out of his bleary vision. “When I die, I want you to spread my ashes around this tree.”
Just like that, the previous tranquility was dispersed like puffballs from a dandelion when blown on. Diluc sat up, the sudden strangeness of the comment alerting his still-muggy system. The boy across from remained in his laid-back position, but his eyes were glazed with a distant look. A lazy smile rested on his lips.
“I’ll be dead before you, kid,” he said tentatively. Diluc was twice the kid’s age, so that should’ve been true. A nervous knot clenched his gut and didn’t let go.
Venti ignored him. “Make sure I’m on a breeze, too. I want to fly like Vanessa and be free.”
There wasn’t a way to respond to that other than verbal denial. But Venti had already stopped talking and shut his eyes. Diluc got the feeling that whatever pitiful attempt he could ever make to console the boy would fall on deaf ears. Against the alarm bells screaming in his hand, the bartender laid back down as well and joined Venti in his attempt at sleep. Vanessa had gone entirely quiet as well, obeying the peace between the two humans.
It was hard to sleep when his heart was pounding, but he had nothing else to do besides his return to his apartment. He took the day off to get out of Angel’s Share, though, so going back so early would disregard the whole point. Eventually, dreamless sleep found him on the Windrise branch.
It appeared a natural-born musician was lurking underneath Venti and ready to burst forth the moment it was given the chance. The boy was able to make his own basic tunes within two weeks of starting to learn. Given how hadn’t put down the instrument since he got it, the development wasn’t necessarily surprising but was still impressive. The patrons at the bar loved it, too. Most were incredibly encouraging, and if Diluc’s eye wasn’t tricking him, he saw a little cash being slipped to the boy here and there. Anything was better than alcohol, so he let the transactions be.
Venti came into the bar one morning with a wide smile on his face and rhymes on his tongue. Diluc had been washing dishes he and his employees hadn’t bothered to do before closing up the night before. His mental guard was already up since Venti tended to rhyme in private only when he wanted something from Diluc or was up to something mischievous.
“Oh! Master of wine, master of bird. Many a story I have so heard,” he said easily, pulling his guitar case from where it was resting against the stairs. The two had come to the conclusion that it was too risky for Venti to take the guitar with him to Windrise for it might get damaged or stolen, so he left in the care of Diluc until he came back the next day.
The bartender frowned at him. “What do you want?”
“You think so little of me! I am wounded. Do you wish to be excluded?” Despite the over-dramatic hand on his heart, a playful smile remained on his lips. He climbed on top of the island and sat with his legs criss-crossed. The case rested in his lap without any attempt at being opened. Something was definitely wrong.
Waving a free hand in the air, he said, “Spit it out.”
“Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when you told me about your past and all?” Venti asked, dropping the rhymes but keeping his attitude. Unfortunately, Diluc did recall the half-interrogation of his time as a ‘modern-day vigilante,’ as Venti had put it. “Well, I don’t know if you knew this, but you are exactly like Batman.”
Diluc stared unblinkingly, unsure if he heard those words correctly. A giggle came from the boy, indicating that the bartender hadn’t misheard. “I’m not like Batman,” he deadpanned.
“Yeah, you are. Batman became a vigilante and worked outside of the law, just like you did. He is rich, just like you are. He wears a mask, and you did, didn’t you?” Venti listed them off, sticking out a finger for each one. “He also has Alfred, a butler he trusts with his life and his business! And you- you have your own Alfred!”
The boy was overcome with laughter, doubling over his guitar case as tears streamed down his eyes. He had a tendency to cry a little when he laughed for too long or for too hard. It was contagious most of the time, but the subject of the matter wasn’t the least bit funny to Diluc so he remained unaffected.
He was familiar with the DC comic superhero Batman, and Diluc could safely say they were nothing alike. They ran completely different businesses, had completely different personalities, and led completely different lives. The only other similarity they had in common was the whole dead parents thing, but that wasn’t something he was going to bring up.
Crossing his arms, he said, “I’m not… Batman.” The name was hard to push out, as it felt wrong on his tongue.
“Yeah- yeah you- you,” Venti was laughing so hard that he couldn’t get the words he wanted out. He took several deep breaths, attempted to start a new sentence multiple times, and failed miserably. Diluc impatiently for the child to pull himself together.
“Sorry, sorry. I just,” he cut his sentence short, gigged a little, then shifted to pull something out of his pocket. The pants he wore were relatively new ones that the bartender had bought for him just a few days prior. “I’ve been getting some tips at the bar, so I figured-” he giggled again, “-I should use what I have and buy this for you.”
Unraveling his crossed arms, Diluc picked up the object in the boy’s hands. It was a small Batman figurine, one that he had seen a thousand times at the general store. The price was probably ten dollars, maybe more or less than that considering the cheap fabric the cape was made out of yet had a generally good quality to the overall design. He never thought something so simple and inexpensive would be so difficult to buy.
After running his fingers over the action figure, he looked up and said, “Thank you. I’m…” He paused, not sure what to say. “Definitely not Batman, though.” After years of never giving personal gratitude to someone, he found it difficult to express what he felt. Therefore, his mouth decided to say the next best thing to come to mind.
Luckily, Venti wasn’t at all upset. He continued on with, “You know who would say that?”
Oh no. “Don’t say it.”
The child giggled. “Bruce Wayne.”
Diluc pressed his lips firmly together. Closing the figurine in a tight fist, he decided his pride could take a blow, just this once and just for Venti.
“And who is that?”
“Batman.” Venti exploded into maniacal laughter.
I have to try . Those were the words the bartender repeated in his mind when he heard Kaeya knocking on the window to Angel’s Share. He was doing this to set an example for Venti, he reminded himself sullenly as he motioned with his head for Kaeya to come inside the bar.
The officer was dressed in uniform with a walkie-talkie hanging on his left shoulder and his badge right under it. His walk was composed and his smile was controlled. That was the way he carried himself while working, and he failed to drop the act when he entered the bar. Or perhaps this meeting was a part of his job and he wasn’t just dropping by in a vain attempt at getting a free drink.
“Barkeep Diluc, what a surprise,” Kaeya said coolly. Diluc scowled. “I don’t suppose you can pour me one at this time, can you?”
“Angel’s Share is closed at this time. If you want a drink, go somewhere else,” the owner replied. People who drink alcohol in the morning are the people Diluc objectively disliked the most.
Kaeya hummed, taking a seat at the island. “The door was unlocked, though. Anyone can walk in if they are so pleased,” he said with a look that indicated he already knew the reason why. Venti hadn’t shown up yet, though usually by this time of day he’d already been at the bar for two hours or so.
“Say what you came here for,” Diluc demanded, crossing his arms. It was an unofficial police interrogation– he could already tell. In the presence of his adoptive brother, Kaeya didn’t go undercover, he just used fluffy words until he got under the bartender’s nerves. There were more than a few reasons why Diluc hadn’t tried to amend their relationship, and Kaeya’s sly and annoying attitude was half of them.
Kaeya huffed and placed an elbow on the table. “Impatient and won’t serve me any drinks. I don’t know how your bar remains so popular.” Diluc’s jaw clenched so tightly that his gums were starting to hurt. I have to try. “There was a murder of a middle-aged woman on Lawrance Street early this morning and the criminal is on the run. You happen to know someone who lives on all the streets of Mondstadt, don’t you?”
Diluc breathed deeply and repeated the mantra again. The police officer never says what he truly means, which meant that the question was open for interpretation. His mind chose to interpret it negatively, but replying angrily would only give the man more information than needed. He had to keep a cool head if he was going to get through this.
“A twelve-year-old like him couldn’t kill a woman,” he answered, keeping his voice level.
The officer’s eye narrowed. “No, but he could’ve seen someone.” It was with those words that Diluc realized what Kaeya was really asking for. He placed his hands on the inner counter to stabilize his balance, knuckles turning white from how hard he pressed.
“He’s not here. I haven’t seen him at all yet.”
“Then we can wait,” Kaeya countered. “A murderer is running the streets of Mondstadt, Diluc. The police make sure people are safe; it’d be a shame if I wasn’t looking out for the young ones as well.”
The implications were understood without being said. Kaeya wasn’t only waiting to interrogate Venti, he wanted to make sure he wasn’t hurt as well. That was the first thing he’d said all morning that they could both agree on.
Standing in silence wasn’t trying, Diluc thought as the two watched the door like hawks. He’d made a promise to himself and to Venti, and he intended on keeping it. Despite the frivolous words and insistent goading, Kaeya was doing a favor for Diluc. He could’ve arrested the man a long time ago for harboring a runaway– Diluc wasn’t the only one trying.
He began, “I need your opinion on something.” Kaeya turned back around his chair immediately, curiosity evident in his body language. “Should I hire a bouncer for more crowded nights?”
In reality, there was no better person to ask other than Kaeya. He had gone undercover in multiple bars and clubs alike; he’d interacted with a dozen and more bouncers and knew what they did for those establishments. The officer also knew Angel’s Share like the back of his hand and was aware of the tight community the bar had. However, he also had first-hand experience what an impact the increase of patrons could bring.
Kaeya took his time to answer, undoubtedly running over all the benefits and drawbacks a bouncer could have. Eventually, he came up with his answer. “Not right now,” he said. “If a fight breaks out, then consider it further. I wouldn’t break what you have built in the present.”
Diluc would’ve appreciated the honest and direct answer, the first one he’d gotten from his brother in years, had it not been for the Angel’s Share door weakly opening. A young boy stumbled in, his hair torn out of his braids and clothes completely disheveled with tears and stains. He slipped into the bar, the entrance shutting heavily behind, and took only two steps forward.
There was blood everywhere. Two knife-shaped wounds, one on his shoulder and another just below his collarbone, oozed an ugly crimson liquid onto his once green jacket. Venti promptly fell forward, landing harshly on his knees and hands before collapsing all the way down. Gut-wrenching sobs were the only sound the owner could hear.
At one moment, Diluc was standing behind the counter in shock. In the next moment his clothes were getting soaked by blood that wasn’t his own and shouting, “Call an ambulance!”
Venti, in between broken cries, managed to say, “You can’t! They’ll take me away!”
If they brought Venti to the hospital, that was exactly what would happen. They would take care of him and then report him to the authorities, and they would take Venti back to the system. Diluc looked up at Kaeya, who was standing over them with his phone to his ear and a horrified expression. On the other hand, he held the walkie-talkie to his lips and said, “Critical victim at Angel’s Share. No backup required. Jean, I need a really big favor.”
A response buzzed from the device that Kaeya didn’t answer. Instead, he started to speak to whoever was on the other line of the phone call. Diluc didn’t hear any of it, his ears only picking up the pained and blood-curdling cries of the stabbed child. Somehow, Venti’s begs for them to not take him to the hospital were worse.
Venti was moved so his back was lying against Diluc’s front, legs sprawled out at uncomfortable angles and body shaking in tune with his sobs. The man was applying pressure to the wounds, but the blood was seeping past his fingers at an uncontrollable rate. With his phone pressed between his shoulder and ear, Kaeya brought a wet rag and applied it to the collarbone wound. Diluc moved his hand out of the way and focused on the boy’s shoulder.
The scene was so familiar yet so different at the same time. Crepus was already dead by the time Kaeya showed up, and his brother had been useless to ease their father’s passing. Later that day, Kaeya revealed the truth about himself and his purpose in the Ragnvindr family.
Diluc watched his adopted brother through glazed eyes as he frantically spoke over the phone and kept pressure to the chosen wound, entirely unbecoming for a police officer renowned in his constant confident and conniving demeanor. Kaeya was helping. He was here. He was getting an ambulance to their location and trying his best to keep Venti alive. The only secret that remained was the one Kaeya had kept for Diluc for over a month.
Elements were similar, but the story was not the same, and it would not end the same. Venti was still crying and still alive when the paramedics showed up. Jean had come, too, and was saying something that Diluc couldn’t discern through the ringing in his ears. A blanket was wrapped over his shoulders at some point. Shock. That word pierced through his impermanent deaf world, but he didn’t know who said it. Multiple people, probably.
He was aware of the blood that drenched his bartender uniform and clung to his skin. Someone put him in a car, and the driver was someone he hadn’t said sorry to yet. He couldn’t see anything past his crimson-stained gloves.
“They’re investigating your apartment,” Kaeya said while getting into the driver’s seat.
Diluc frowned and sat in the passenger seat next to his brother. “Isn’t that illegal?”
“They have a warrant,” the officer answered with a wave of his hand. “It’s just to make sure it’s clean and livable for Venti. That will be the easy part; it’s the bar that’s the main concern.”
Venti survived, somehow. He had lost a lot of blood, but the knife hadn’t hit any vital organs, even though it was clear the murderer had been aiming for the heart. They managed to find the criminal that had murdered the woman and attempted to kill Venti. In most cases, there is a reason behind homicide. A motive, a reason, or whatever one wanted to call it. In other cases, there isn’t any, and the murderer is very simply put: psychotic.
The boy had no affiliation with the insane woman; he just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. According to him, the only reason he got away was because the woman had claimed to hear footsteps in the alleyway he was dragged into and loosened her grip on Venti. Upon investigation, there hadn’t been anybody else near the alley at the time.
The medical bill was covered entirely under the Ragnvindr name. In turn, Jean pulled every string she could to keep Diluc from being charged with harboring a runaway. It worked, but the rest of the situation went as disappointingly as reality often was. Venti would be entered back into the system after Diluc– hopefully– fostered him for the time it took to find him a new placement home.
Diluc couldn’t return to his apartment for the reason Kaeya had mentioned when they got in the car. The bar was being properly cleaned by professionals as well, which meant that Diluc got the absolutely wonderful opportunity to stay in a hotel for a few nights. He would’ve slept in the hospital, but they didn’t allow people to stay overnight.
The car ride was silent after that. He didn’t know what he was going to do if they deemed Diluc’s apartment unfit. Venti only had one person he trusted, and Diluc wasn’t sure how he was going to fair if they didn’t have a few more days together. He had an inkling of a feeling that Venti was just going to run away again, and there would be no one to shelter him on the rainy nights, to let him play guitar for a crowd full of people, or give him something to drink outside of wine.
Kaeya walked him up to the room he was staying in, which was a much nicer room than strictly necessary for one person. The officer was his escort since Diluc wasn’t technically allowed to drive with his mental condition. They didn’t say good-bye to each other when Diluc unlocked the door to the hotel room. Kaeya, for everything in the world, looked like he wanted to say something.
Yet he didn’t. Diluc sat on the couch of his apartment-style hotel room for the next few days. It was lonely and quiet. It reminded him of his actual apartment before Venti had shoved his way into his life. There wasn’t anything personal in the master bedroom. It lacked a large, ornate vase that didn’t match anything else in the room. There wasn’t a batman figurine propped up on his nightstand.
A splitting headache greeted Diluc the moment he woke up. The time on his phone read to be seven o’ clock in the morning, an hour past when he usually woke up. Diluc blamed it on the stress– he’d been waking up a little later every day since Venti had been placed in his apartment. Everything had to be perfect, from letting the boy feel safe and comfortable to making sure he hadn’t escaped the apartment while Diluc was bartending.
There was also a decision he’d been mulling over for quite some time. He had only two legal options available to him; adopt or let Venti go. Unfortunately, Venti had been uncharacteristically silent for the past week he’d been staying at the apartment, the only noise he ever made being the sound of his guitar. It had to do with the physical and mental trauma of the event and their eventual forced parting, but it also meant he wasn’t able to get the boy’s opinion on the matter.
Kids didn’t like Diluc, and Diluc certainly didn’t like kids. Venti somehow stepped out of this majority, passed all of the barriers Diluc had set up, and changed his life for forever. He didn’t want to let go of Venti so easily. 
The fact of the matter was that he wasn’t well-equipped to raise another human being. Diluc had a multitude of his own problems, and the fact that he lived on top of a bar was not helping the matter. The kid had stopped drinking at some point, had started to get rid of nasty habits and heal from past wounds. Teenage years and adolescent angst could ruin that progress in a snap, and Diluc wasn’t sure if he could handle it. He wasn’t ready to be a father.
Unfortunately, his routine morning shower hadn’t relieved him of his headache. Coffee didn’t do it, either. He contemplated making and eating breakfast before taking any painkillers, but the piercing pain was becoming too much to bear. It was unlikely a meal would settle the problem, so his feet found the medicine cabinet easily.
It was concerning that when he walked in, there were a few ibuprofen tablets scattered on the floor. He hadn’t taken anything last night, but it was possible Venti had. He was allowed two tablets if the pain became too much, and with one of the injuries being at his shoulder, he tended to make a mess when taking them. 
Pulling the ibuprofen bottle from the cabinet, Diluc quickly realized the mess hadn’t been just a mistake. When he last checked the bottle, it had been halfway full. Even with an injured boy in the house, it was unlikely they were going to get through the entire bottle before Venti had to go back to the system. Now there were only a few white tablets left in the container.
Diluc knocked on Venti’s door, even though his muscles were taut and urged him to just break it down. If he was wrong and Venti hadn’t taken the pills, then he would end up just scaring the boy. He resorted to calling through the door after knocking a few times. “Venti? Are you awake?” He knocked again, this time with more force. “I need you to answer this door! Are you okay?”
After several seconds of not getting a response, Diluc twisted the door handle even though he knew Venti always kept it locked. To his utter surprise, the door opened easily for him. 
He walked in, voice raised to a near shout, “Venti, are you–”
Nobody was there. The bed was unmade and vacant, and his signature guitar was missing from his room. The guest bathroom was empty as well, and panic began welling inside of Diluc’s stomach. His headache only got worse as he called for Venti in the loudest voice he could but received no response to any of them.
The door to his apartment was unlocked as well. He double checked that lock every night to make sure it was locked, and double turned into triple when Venti started staying with him. There was no way he left it unlocked, so that only meant Venti had left the apartment.
His heart raced and body sweated as he descended the stairway into Angel’s Share. Diluc was praying, praying to the gods he hadn’t talked to in ten years. He prayed that Venti hadn’t gone far, that he could still catch up. It was too soon– he hadn’t made his decision yet, and he still hadn’t asked Venti his thoughts. He just needed more time.
The gods answered Diluc’s prayers, for Venti was still in the bar when the owner all but fell into it. He was sitting on a chair at the bar island, arms folded and head resting on top of them. His head was turned in the opposite direction of the stairway, so Diluc could only see the back of his mess of black hair. It was braided, but Venti had undone his braids every night before going to sleep. Diluc had taken to re-braiding them every morning.
His heart was in his throat, and he knew. He knew Venti hadn’t taken a single breath since Diluc had found him. Yet he still walked up to the counter, he still pressed a firm hand to the boy’s shoulder and called, “Venti, it’s time to wake up.”
Venti’s body moved too easily. Diluc put a hand to the cheek Venti had turned up, and it was cold to the touch. The fingers that were visible were yellow, standing out in comparison to the rest of his pale skin. Tremors shaking his entire being, Diluc pulled Venti’s body into chest. He was all-too aware of the limpness, the way his arms dragged across the island at Diluc's pull. The boy’s eyes were closed and lips formed into a peaceful smile.
Tears tasted salty in Diluc’s mouth. Angel’s Share was so quiet; it lacked the livelihood brought on so suddenly by a runaway boy. Even during closed hours, the sounds of his guitar and poetic songs drifted through the stall air. That guitar was sitting on the ground next to Venti’s hanging feet.
There was a reason Diluc hadn’t prayed to the gods in so long, he remembered. They may grant you what you want but will add their own cruel and wicked twist. This wasn’t what he meant by close. He could hear the gods laughing at him from their divine thrones while he caressed the corpse of a boy he treated like his son.
The harsh blowing of the wind rubbed against tall, uncut grass and created an occasional melodic sound. Windrise’s leaves remained untouched by the cold touch of autumn. The tree stood still, strong and beautiful, against the intense breezes. The sun wasn’t covered by the few clouds that lazed across the sky, yet its rays weren’t strong enough to ease the cold whips of the wind.
I want to be buried here, if I ever die.
A hawk screeched overhead, and Diluc knew it was time. He released the ashes in his hands in the direction of Windrise as a particularly strong gust barreled through the grassy plain. Venti flew on the breeze, finally free from his twelve long years of pain.
All of the remains were carried from his fingers. The boy he cared for was officially gone. Diluc’s eyes were glazed, and it took all he had not to break down in tears.
The guitar was locked in its case in Diluc’s closet, but the Batman figurine remained in sight. It rested against an ornate vase that didn’t match anything else in the room.
Kaeya pressed his hand against Diluc’s shoulder. When he didn’t react, Kaeya stepped forward and placed his other hand against Diluc’s other shoulder blade. Gently, he guided Diluc into his arms.
It was warm. An apology formed on Diluc’s lips, meant for his brother and perhaps someone else, and the wind carried it out of his vocal cords. Diluc grasped onto the back of his brother’s shirt. Kaeya didn’t say anything back, but Diluc felt liquid dripping onto the back of his shoulder, conveniently where Kaeya’s head was resting.
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sleepy-razor · 2 years
Found Family(Platonic Genshin + Child!Reader)
Request!!: Ok get this— platonic fluff, how certain characters react to meeting child reader for the first time- i just want that tooth rotting, coma inducing, sweet fluff. Whether its both as kids, or idk they’re adopting you as a kid or you’re their new sibling la k e please i need this— anyway imagine like kaeya, diluc, razor, Xiao, Aether——ok anyway toodle loo
Warnings: None that I can think of??
Characters: Aether, Diluc, Jean(feat. Barbara), Kaeya, Razor, Xiao
Notes: I went ahead and added Jean and Barbara in the mix because I love Jean, I hope that’s okay!
Aether was no stranger to kids.
He’d helped care for many in the other worlds he’d visited with Lumine, but you still came to him as a surprise.
He’d found you in Mondstadt, scared and alone in the streets, and the first thing he did was take you to the Knights of Favonius headquarters to search for your parents. 
Unfortunately, nothing had come up within two weeks, and by that time, you had gotten attached.
Aether took it in stride, welcoming you like a big brother would, with a smile and open arms. He often times takes you traveling and will leave you with trusted individuals if a particular commission is too dangerous.
It’s late by the time Aether returns to the Wangshu Inn. Verr Goldet greets him with a warm smile, handing him the key he’d left with her to make sure you were being cared for while he was gone.
“How were they?”
“Well-behaved, as always,” Verr Goldet responds, laughing softly to herself. “They might still be awake, though. They insisted on staying up to welcome you home.”
Aether’s heart swells hearing that, and his eyes burn with unshed tears, though he doesn’t let them fall. Instead, he thanks Verr Goldet and quickly makes his way up the stairs and to the room that you’d be sharing for the night.
As she had said, there you were, sitting up in the bed in your pajamas, squinting sleepily at the door as it creaked open. “Welcome back,” you mutter, trying (and failing) to stifle a yawn.
“[Name], you should be asleep by now,” Aether gently scolds, walking toward the bed after he removes his boots. He scoops you into his arms as he settles down on the bed, caging you in a warm hug.
“I wanted to make sure you came back safely,” you respond, your voice growing quieter as the added warmth draws you further into dreamland.
God, Aether almost died after hearing you say that.
He vows to protect you with his life, holding you close as you fall asleep.
Your family may have had a strange start, but you two wouldn’t have it any other way.
You were, by no means, a surprise.
Diluc had planned meticulously for your arrival after receiving word from the Knights of Favonius that they had recovered a child from a village that had been ransacked by the Abyss.
You were quiet for the first few days, slightly unnerved by the new surroundings and the sheer amount of people (Diluc and the staff) doting on you, but eventually you warmed up to everyone.
Eventually, you took to following Diluc around the vineyards surrounding the manor, and even “patrolling” it on your own to make sure there were no grape thieves.
It didn’t bother you when Diluc had to leave for long periods of time either.
You knew about his work as the “Darknight Hero”, though you had sworn you wouldn’t tell a single soul about it.
Adelinde was the one in charge of your care while Diluc was away, making sure you were well-fed and keeping up with your studies.
Diluc made sure to spend as much time as he could with you, remembering just how happy it made him that Crepus would play with him.
“[Name],” Diluc calls into the manner, shrugging his coat onto his shoulders. “Are you ready?”
“Almost!” comes the response, followed by the overhead thumping of your footsteps as you all but flew down the stairs. You grabbed your backpack, one that Albedo had kindly made for you, skidding to a stop at Diluc’s feet with a wide grin on your face.
Amused by your enthusiasm, Diluc snorts and reaches down to ruffle your hair. “Good,” he hums. “We wouldn’t want to be late to see everyone, now would we?”
His heart lifts at the way your face brightened further and you start excitedly rambling about getting to see Kaeya again. He takes your hand in his, and together, you begin the trek to the city.
Jean(feat. Barbara)
Barbara was the one who brought you to her.
You had just been deposited on the doorstep of the church with no clue as to who your family was or how you got there, so at a loss, Barbara brought you to her big sister for help. 
A search was conducted, but unfortunately the results came up empty.
After learning such news, Jean decided that she would be the one to take care of you.
It was rocky at first, after all it had been years since Barbara had been a small child, but she eventually got the hang of it again.
The other Knights see you as a godsend, because ever since Jean took you in, she’s been taking more breaks instead of being cooped up behind her desk all the time.
You were quite the little troublemaker, and often got hurt while tripping over your own feet or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Barbara was exasperated by the fact, as was Jean, but they knew that you were just a kid, and scrapes were bound to happen now and again.
“Miss Barbara! Look what I found!”
Barbara lifts her head as you come bounding through the cathedral, a bundle of white flowers clutched tightly in your little hands.
“Oh? What is it, [Name]?”
She crouches down to get a better look. Cecilias.
“Flora gave them to me!” you exclaim proudly, eyes sparkling. “I thought you and Miss Jean would like them!”
Barbara’s smile widens at the thought. “Thank you so much,” she praises, placing a hand on your head. “Why don’t we go and give them to Jean now?”
You nod enthusiastically, and Barbara scoops you up into her arms, carrying you off to surprise your big sister.
Kaeya was the one to find you on the way to the Angel’s Share to have a drink with Rosaria.
You were new to the city, at least, that’s what Kaeya had assumed, considering he had never seen you before.
He had tried to ask you if you knew where your family was, to which you shook your head.
You had just moved to the city, and had gotten separated from your parents while you had been exploring.
Kaeya made it his personal mission to reunite you with your family, and luckily, that was done quickly.
Your parents were relieved that you’d been found and were safe, and thanked Kaeya profusely.
They quickly came to trust him, and were much more comfortable with letting you run around the city on your own if they knew he was patrolling.
You’re hiding around here somewhere. Kaeya knows that for a fact. You had a strange fixation with hiding from the Cavalry Captain so he could find you and start the game all over again.
He didn’t mind it, you were like a younger sibling to him, and your parents trusted him a great deal with your safety. The way you followed him around and begged him to play with you reminded him of when he and Diluc had been children, and the time spent with you filled the emptiness their bond had once filled.
Well, speak of the devil.
As Kaeya is lost in thought, a small weight slams into one of his legs, little arms wrapping around it as the Cavalry Captain stumbled with a good-natured laugh. “Well, hello to you too, [Name],” he greets you with a smile, his hand coming to land on your head.
You say nothing, only tipping your head back to beam up at him. The backpack on your shoulders tells him that school has just ended, and you had decided to seek him out before heading home.
“Tell me how your day was,” Kaeya says, taking your hand. “And I’ll make sure you get home safely.”
Razor had no clue what to do with you when he found you.
A small child wandering around Wolvendom? Didn’t you realize how dangerous that was, especially since you didn’t have a vision?
He tried his best to ask you questions and figure out where you came from, but he wasn’t getting anywhere on his own, so he ended up seeking out Bennett for help.
When he learned that you had no family to speak of, Razor decided right then and there that you would be part of his Lupical.
He set about teaching you how to hunt in the woods, and how to communicate with the wolves, though the latter took more time for you to master than he would have liked.
Nonetheless, you showed extreme promise as a hunter with your quick thinking and your sharp reflexes.
The wolves took to you very quickly as well, though Andrius was more apprehensive when Razor tried explaining the situation to him.
Eventually you were properly accepted into the pack, and Razor deigned you his younger sibling.
The wolf boy turns, eyes lighting up when you come bounding through the trees.
He catches you in a hug when you throw yourself into his arms.
“How was the city?”
“Crowded,” you answer, beaming up at him. “I met with Lisa, though! She taught me how to read a bit more, and even gave me a book to bring back with me!” You turn, rummaging in your bag before pulling out the book in question.
It’s short, nothing more than a mere picture book, but the way your eyes gleam with pride is absolutely worth the accomplishment. “Proud of you,” Razor praises, and you seem to almost glow from the praise.
“After we eat, I could probably read to you and Lupical later,” you say excitedly, following your older brother as he begins to lead you back through the forest.
Razor only smiles. “Lupical would love that.”
It was no secret that Xiao kept his distance from mortals.
He couldn’t risk them becoming affected by his karmic debt, but in the end, he can only avoid them until they start intentionally seeking him out.
Which, in some cases, was you.
You had been adopted by Verr Goldet and Huai’an, becoming a permanent resident of the inn where you were allowed to run amok and play to your heart’s content, so long as you stayed out of trouble.
The first time you’d run into Xiao was by complete accident.
You, in typical childlike curiosity, had snuck up to the balcony that you had been warned was completely off-limits, desperate to see the view from that high up.
And there he was, standing with his back turned to the doorway and arms crossed over his chest.
You greeted him politely, as you had seen Verr do when new guests arrived downstairs, and Xiao whirled around, staring at you with wide and bewildered eyes before disappearing in a flurry of black and green.
Huai’an found you soon after, scooping you up into his arms and bringing you back down the stairs, quietly scolding you for breaking the rules.
Curious, you asked your adoptive parents about the strange man standing on the balcony, and, unable to escape the situation, they told you the story of the Vigilant Yaksha.
Xiao knows you’re coming this time, senses on high alert for the child who he had come to learn was Verr Goldet’s child.
He’s thankful you hadn’t cried when he disappeared on you, not like the last child who had ventured up here. Startled the poor thing.
“You shouldn’t be up here,” he says, listening to your feet patter against the wooden balcony before coming to a stop behind him.
“I brought you something,” you say.
He already knows, he could smell the almond tofu all the way from the first floor.
Xiao turns to regard you carefully.
You smile. “I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for Liyue,” you say carefully. Verr Goldet must have helped you rehearse what you wanted to say. “I asked Smiley Yanxiao to make you your favorite.”
Xiao’s heart melts at the admission, though he would be quick to deny it. Instead, he mumbles a quiet thanks and takes the bowl from your outstretched hands.
Satisfied that your task is complete, you say goodbye to the adeptus and run for the stairs, tossing a promise that you’d be back tomorrow over your shoulder.
Xiao definitely isn’t looking forward to it. Not by a long shot.
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mommalosthermind · 8 months
She’s FINISHED! Five chapters, capping out at 52k i need to learn how to write less
Chapter five summary:
Though Kaeya’s teasing is warm, the wording makes Diluc pause. He shifts the vase aside, and settles the box in its place. “It’s been made extremely clear to me that I’ve been both a fool and an idiot for the last eight years at the very least.” More quietly he continues, “You’ve never been a fool, Kaeya, and I am sorry to have made you feel as though you were.”
When he looks up, Kaeya’s watching him intently. “The delusion’s remnants were cause enough for me to believe my choices were for the best, but ultimately, it seems my judgement, and therefore my decisions, were flawed. It’s only right that I rectify that immediately.”
Mind the change in rating~ popped it up to E ‘cause. Y’know. Dicks.
Tags: *Emotional Hurt/Comfort *Diluc is Bad at Feelings *Soft Diluc (Genshin Impact) *Sad Diluc (Genshin Impact) *Reconciliation/Getting Back Together *dancing as a terrible metaphor *KaeLucKae/Implied Switching *Author knows nothing about actual dancing I’m so sorry *Diluc adopted by mondstadt kids *Mutual Pining *Diluc Needs a Hug *Kaeya needs a hug *Angst with a Happy Ending *Soft Kaeya *working through your issues speedrun
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