#Kaiser Nero
ambrosethepoet · 8 months
Es fuhren all im dunst · als opfer für frau kunst!
Ich liebe keinen bruder Ich liebe nie die weiber Ich liebe keinen vater Ich liebe nie die kinder Noch lieb´ ich ewigkeit – Wie rom in neuen tagen – Noch lieb´ ich götterei – Wie rom in alten sagen – Selbst die mutter lieb´ ich nicht · Als mit inbrunst · Ich dich liebe:
by Ambrose the Poet
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krautjunker · 1 year
Das Gastmahl des Trimalchio
Das Gastmahl des Trimalchio
von Vincent Klink Neureiche gab es schon immer. Der Protz Trimalchio aber, mit Minderwertigkeitskomplexen beladen, wie das solche Leute grundsätzlich an sich haben, war ein besonderes Kaliber. Was hier berichtet wird, ist nicht irgendeine Fama, sondern stützt sich auf die gesicherten Schriften eines gewissen Petronius, der sein Opus Magnum Satyricon nannte und als Berater am Hofe Kaiser Neros…
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the-clintster · 1 year
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Nero (*20.06.2007 - †13.12.2022)
today I had to say goodbye to my oldest cat who I’ve known over half my life. one of the few living beings that actually liked me as a teenager. I’m gonna miss you ♥
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itsnothingbutluck · 2 years
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peonights · 1 month
Black Clover Birthdays
Contains spoilers, as there are some spoiler-filled characters as well as spoilery name changes.
If this list is not complete, do say so in the comments. Characters who share birthdays are listed by known order of birth (e.g. 6/27: Drowa, Vanica, Gauche).
For every April or October baby, I will do a push-up. /j /lh
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3: Alecdora Sandler
8: Mars
13: Gordon Agrippa
16: Revchi Salik
18: Rhya; Robero Ringert
20: Yosuga Mushogatake
29: Gaja
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4: Kiato
5: Jozo Hanegatsuji
6: Finral Roulacase
12: Lumiere Silvamillion Clover; Henry Legolant
16: Licita
20: Grey
21: Lolopechka; Fragil Tormenta
26: Solid Silva
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12: Fumito Mikuriya
16: Rill Boismortier
17: Sally
19: Nathan Agrippa
21: Dorothy Unsworth
22: Orsi Orfai
24: Fana (elf); Fana (human)
28: Theresa Rapual
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7: Magna Swing
10: Allen Fiarain
18: Rebecca Scarlet
19: Klaus Lunettes
20: Catherine
21: Svenkin Gatard; Hamon Casseus
22: Sekke Bronzazza
24: Kirsch Vermillion
26: Hirscher Ongg
28: Dante Zogratis
30: Nacht Faust
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1: Morgen Faust
4: Siren Tium
9: Ichika Yami
13: Sol Marron
16: Vanessa Enoteca
20: Gaderois Godroc
23: Komari Imari
21: Morris Libardirt
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1: Jack the Ripper
2: Finesse Calmreich
3: Charmy Pappitson
18: Nero/Secre Swallowtail
27: Drowa; Vanica Zogratis; Gauche Adlai
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2: Lily Aquaria
4: Ladros
23: Ryuya Ryudo
26: Mereoleona Vermillion
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5: Fuegoleon Vermillion
13: Leopold Vermillion
26: Mimosa Vermillion
29: Daizaemon O'oka
31: Acier Silva
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3: En Ringard
5: Gifso
12: Vetto
15: Dominante Code
17: Yami Sukehiro
18: Charla; Charlotte Roselei
19: Halbet Chevour
20: Jonna Agrippa
27: Langris Vaude
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1: Licht
2: Fujio Tenmanyashiki
4: Asta; Yuno Grinberryall (not actual birthday, the date of being left at Hage’s orphanage)
5: Liebe (not actual birthday, the date of being found by Licita)
7: Fanzell Kruger
11: Rufel; Luck Voltia
14: Kaiser Granvorka
15: Julius Novachrono; Lucius Zogratis
16: Damnatio Kira
21: Marx Francois
22: Augustus Kira Clover
23: Nebra Silva
26: Mariella
27: Ginnojomorifuyu Kezokaku
28: Foyal Migusteau
29: Roxanne Agrippa
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3: Queen of Witches
14: Heath Grice
15: Noelle Silva; Kahono
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1: Lotus Whomalt
4: Ralph Niaflem
5: Gueldre Poizot
19: Zora Ideale
21: Ecra/Eclat; Marie Adlai
24: Patry; William Vangeance
27: Valtos
28: Zenon Zogratis
30: Nozel Silva
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all-pacas · 7 months
So reading my new Rome library book and one of those great facts you never think about:
Caesar was just an ordinary Roman surname. Like, IDK, Jones. O’Brian. Irving. And not long after Julius Caesar, it had already become synonymous with “big ruler guy.” All Roman emperors called themselves Caesar. Even the famous ones we know by other names — Trajan, Nero — were calling themselves Caesar more often. Szar and Czar and Kaiser all mean Caesar.
Imagine if your name was John Collins and you became so famous that every president after you rebranded themselves Collins, and a thousand years later kings were calling themselves Collie and Colling in your honor. Like Caesar is imbued with such meaning you forget it was just some dude’s name. All kings are named Clark, and the seventh month of the year is called Johnny.
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fabiansteinhauer · 6 months
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In der Wanne seiner Macht
Rubens malt Seneca in der Wanne (einem kleinen pool) seiner Macht, einem Bottich. Seneca steht da, die Knie sind nicht durchgedrückt, er ist leicht gebeugt . Er steht da in entfernter Ähnlichkeit zu dem berühmten Schwimmer auf der Staatstafel 79 von Aby Warburg.
Dieser Schwimmer, der auf Tafel 79, steht nicht in der Wanne seiner Macht, sondern in der Wonne seiner Macht. Er präsentiert sich mit mit stolz aufrechter Haltung, das Hamburger Fremdenblatt nahm das zum Anlaß, das Foto des siegreichen und preiswürdigen Schwimmers sogar über dasjenige eines im und am Möbel knienden Papstes zu montieren, es also oberhalb des anderen Fotos und das Photos des Papstes vom Fronleichnamsfest teilweise überdeckend zu platzieren. Die Technik ist normativ, das ist ein Schichten, eine Weise stratifikatorischer Differenzierung. Die Hamburger, Protestanten, so sinze! So sieht das Detail auf den Staatstafeln aus:
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Das ist eines der bekanntes Details von Tafel 79. Es ist eines nämlich eines der wenigen Details, die Aby Warburg selbst öffentlich kommentiert hat. Bei einer Doktorandenfeier [sic!], dem Ende des betreuten Promovierens, hat er diese Stelle mit einem Witz kommentiert, der durch eine Pathosformel funktioniert, also durch den Verkehr einer Formel. An dieser Stelle, so Warburg, würde aus dem Hoc est corpus meum der Kommunion das Hoc meum corpus est des modernen Menschen. Horst Bredekamp hat darum einen ganzes Buch angelegt, das Buch über den schwimmenden Souverän, Pflichtlektüre der prinzipiell kleinen Staatsrechtslehrer.
Damit ist das Thema alles andere als erledigt. Die entfernten Ähnlichkeiten bleiben nämlich immer. Es bleiben Ratgeber des Souväns in der Entfernung und es bleibt in der Entfernung die Möglichkeit, dass wieder einmal ein o mit einem a verwechselt wird und aus der Wonne der Macht eine Wanne der Macht wird.
Was dann? Seneca lesen, De providentia zum Beispiel. Viel davon lesen muss man nicht. Antike Literatur hat den Vorteil, stellenweise zu sein: Man muss nur eine kleine Passage lesen, die ist ohnehin schon 2000 Jahre verkehrt und faltig geworden. Ich schlage folgende sekundäre Passage vor, also die in den Editionen mit Nummer 2 markierte Passage aus De providentia, weil sie De providentia als Beitrag zur vergleichenden Meteorologie vorführt und damit die sekundäre Passage schlechthin ist:
Supervakuum est in praesentia ostendere non sine aliquo custode tantum pos stare, nec hunc siderum coetum discursumque fortuiti impetus esse; et quae casus incitat saepe turbari et cito arietare, hanc inoffensam velocitatem procedere aeternae legis imperio, tantum rerum tarre marique gestantem, tantum clarissimorum luminum etex disposito relucentium; non esse materiae errantis hunc ordinem, nec quae temere coierunt tanta arte pendere ut terrarum grauissimum pondus sedeat immotum et circa se properatnis caeli fugam spectet, ut infue vallibus maria molliant terras nec ullum incrementum fluminum sentiant, ut ex minimis seminibus nascatur ingentia.
Hausaufgabe: Diese Passage, sie ist nur ein Satz, übersetzen. Laufzeit: 30 Jahre. Kosten: keine. Die Antike lebt nach, in allem dem, was hier übersetzbar ist und das sich doch als erstaunlich dichte Fassung einiger aktueller rechtsphilosophischer und rechtstheoretischer Fragen gibt. Was ist ein Supervakuum, seit wann reicht es dem Vakuum denn nicht mehr, Vakuum zu sein?
Justus Lipsius ist einer aus der Geschichte des öffentlichen Rechts, der Regierende und Maler beraten hat, er war ein Senecaleser und Ratgeber von Rubens. Eventuell hat er dem Rubens dieses Bild empfohlen. Unter Rechtstheorie und Rechtsphilosophie kann man bei Lipsius sowohl die Lektüre entfernter Texte als auch den Rat zu Bildakten verstehen. Bildung ist bei Lipsius sowohl praktisch als auch theoretisch, Bilder sind das auch - wie etwa das Bild von Seneca in der Wanne seiner Macht. Ihm wird gerade auf Vorschlag von Kaiser Nero seine Hauptarterie aufgeschnitten, er soll auf Vorschlag von Kaiser Nero verbluten und sterben in der Wanne dieser Macht, etwas zwanghaft unentschieden sagt man, das sei ein erzwungener Selbstmord gewesen. Das Bild hängt natürlich auch heute in einer Staatsgemäldesammlung, der Pinakothek in München, wo sonst?
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enolacola · 11 months
Okay guys, here me out.
Black Clover characters in Harry Potter.
I’m talking about what houses they’ll be in because I don’t have a plot in mind. I will get to that when I want to. Also, these are characters that are in the Magic Knight squads and haven’t been kicked out. So if you’re asking for someone like Kahano, you’re not going to get her.
If you want a part two, let me know, I’ll continue if I want to.
Black Bulls.
Asta, Noelle, Magna and Luck are definitely in Gryffindor. Henry, Grey and Charmy seem to be Hufflepuffs and Gauche, Zora and Nacht are probably Slytherins.
Vanessa, Finral and Nero are a little difficult. I think they’d be good Ravenclaws but I also see Finral and Vanessa in Hufflepuff and Nero in Gryffindor. Vanessa also makes a good Gryffindor but I think I’ll go with these guys in Ravenclaw.
Yami is also difficult. I think he’d be a Gryffindor but I also see him as a Slytherin. I think I’ll go with Gryffindor because of the manga.
Golden Dawn.
Yuno is most definitely Gryffindor. Mimosa and Williams are Hufflepuffs, Letoile, Siren and Klaus are Ravenclaws and Alecdora and Langris are Slytherins.
I don’t really know about Hamon or David. I think they’d be Hufflepuffs but I don’t know enough about them to be sure.
Crimson Lions.
Gryffindors. I don’t need an explanation. Let’s move on.
Silver Eagles.
Slytherins. Again, no explanation needed.
Blue Rose.
I think Charlotte would be a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw while Sol is a Gryffindor. Puli is nice so I think she’ll be a Hufflepuff but I’m not sure.
Coral Peacocks.
Dorothy is a Hufflepuff and Krisch is a Slytherin or a Gryffindor but given his narcissistic personality, I’d say Slytherin.
Aqua Deer.
Rill and Fragil are totally Hufflepuffs. There’s no denying it.
Green Mantis.
Jack is probably a Gryffindor or Slytherin. En is a Hufflepuff and Sekke’s a Slytherin.
Purple Orca.
Kaiser’s probably a Ravenclaw or something. Xerx is a Slytherin.
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tysonfurybattlepass · 2 years
How many ocs do you have in total?
oh GOD uh.
like, current ones? i have a few that are on maybe-permanent hiatus…
i’ll have to organize the current named characters by taxonomy in order to remember them all. by genus, it looks something like this (bolded genera are ones i made up; regular text are real animals):
machairodus: kairoh
megantereon: alex, allie
homotherium: grady, blue
xenosmilus: mach
smilodon: ana
panthera: ava, aster(kind of), memphis, tahlia
barbourofelis: donnie
eusmilus: utah
dinictis: nero
quercylurus: soren
lycaon: henley, jack, oko, cecilia, hera, helena
crocuta: afryea
homo: finley, kaiser, (aster kind of belongs here too)
hexelis: geneph, lisaph, margay, felin
arthropanthera: civen
leptonyx: kali
lagomorphus: jackie
i THINK that’s all. i think.
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ambrosethepoet · 8 months
In meinem säuglingsalter schlief Ich wonnevoll auf mutters wort Bei apollons geweihtem hort So schlief ich immer brav und tief Bei einem hang · um dessen rand · Die schwarze zedernlaube stand.
Es warf die nacht ihr bahrtuch auf Ich schlief im myrtenkranz und gold Gebürtig war der thron mir hold Doch schlichen mörder zu mir rauf Um Messalinas kleine brut Zu kränzen durch vergossnes blut.
Um mich zu würgen standen sie An schwarzer wiege nächtens jäh Doch eine schlange · weiss wie schnee · Erkroch aus meinen bett und spie Ihr gift den üblen durch die luft Die wiege ward der mörder gruft!
Von kindheitsstunde war der tod Mein los · das mich von dannen trieb. Drum ist er meiner sehnsucht lieb Als zeichen jener herzensnot Umschlingt der schlangenreif mich hold Zur Ewigkeit gefasst in Gold.
by Ambrose the Poet
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thedojoofintellect · 3 months
Western History
Ancient Greece was divided into city-states. Two notable city-states were Athens and Sparta. Athens was a society of intellectuals and philosophers while Sparta was a warrior culture.
Notable Greeks of ancient times include the military leader Themistocles, the mathematician Euclid, the scientist Archimedes, the legendary storyteller Aesop, the philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, and King Leonidas, who commanded his army of three hundred Spartans to fight ten thousand of King Xerxes' Persian warriors.
The religion of ancient Greece was polytheistic.
Several key deities were named Zeus, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Dionysus, Ares, Athena, Hestia, Hephaestus, Apollo, and Hermes. Zeus was king of the gods and lord of the sky. Hera was Zeus' wife. Hades was the lord of the underworld.
Poseidon was the god of the sea. Dionysus was the god of wine and ritual madness. Ares was the god of war. Athena was the goddess of wisdom. Hestia was the goddess of the hearth. Hephaestus was the god of fire. Apollo was the god of light.
Hermes was the messenger deity. The Roman counterparts of the aforementioned deities are Jupiter, Juno, Pluto, Neptune, Bacchus, Mars, Minerva, Vesta, Vulcan, Apollo, and Mercury, respectively.
Hannibal, a military leader from Carthage (in Northern Africa) led his army, who were mounted on war elephants, across the strait of Gibraltar to the Iberian peninsula and then to Italy, where he attacked the Romans. This marked the beginning of the Punic Wars. During the Third Punic War, the Romans enslaved fifty-five thousand Carthaginians.
Rome was first a kingdom, then a republic, and then an empire. Romulus was the first king of Rome. During the Roman Republic, society was classified as the patricians and the plebeians (the commoners and the elites).
Julius Caesar is known as the destroyer of the Roman Republic. He was assassinated on March 15, 44 BC (the Ides of March) by Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger, who was accompanied by a mob.
Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavian, was Julius Caesar's grand nephew.
Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, also known as Caligula, was an emperor of Rome and a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. He was a decent ruler during the first six months of his reign, but after a near death experience, he started forcing his people to commit suicide. Caligula believed he was a living god.
Nero, also known as Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, killed his mother, Agrippina the Younger. He also killed his pregnant wife by kicking her to death. Nero also burned Rome to the ground and blamed it on the Christians, who were a new religious cult at the time. When the Praetorian Guard was after him, Nero committed suicide by slitting his throat.
Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer and mathematician. He refined the invention of the telescope. He was put under house arrest by the Catholic Church for teaching the heliocentric theory (which asserts that the sun is at the center of our solar system). The church believed in the geocentric theory which postulated that the earth was at the center of the solar system. Galileo is considered to be the father of modern science. He died in the early 1640s.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914 by Gavrilo Princip who was a member of the Serbian terrorist organization the Black Hand.
At the onset of World War I, Germany backed Austria and Russia backed Serbia.
Adolf Hitler, born April 20, 1889, was a decorated veteran of the First World War. Kaiser Wilhelm II was the leader of Germany during WWI.
After WWI, in 1919 (the war ended in 1918), the Versailles peace conference took place. US President Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George of Great Britain, Clemenceau of France, and Orlando of Italy were in attendance. The decisions made at this conference humiliated the Germans and may have led to the subsequent rise of Nazism.
Germany was ordered to pay billions of dollars in reparations and their military was limited to one hundred thousand. Also, part of their land (the Rhineland) was given away.
The axis powers of World War II were Italy, Germany, and Japan (Rome, Berlin, and Tokyo). They were the enemies of the allies, which included England, France, the United States, and many other countries. Benito Mussolini was the leader of Italy, Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany, and Emperor Hirohito was the leader of Japan, whose prime minister was Hideki Tojo. Joseph Stalin, also known as Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, was the leader of Russia.
Germany's most significant WWII atrocity was the Holocaust, which claimed the lives of twelve million people, including five or six million Jews. Other groups targeted include homosexuals, Polish people, and the physically and mentally disabled.
During the Second World War, the Japanese buried Chinese soldiers alive, cannibalized, and performed vivisection (dissection without anesthetics or analgesics).
Benito Mussolini was hung upside down on a meat hook and a mob tore him to pieces. He was known as an evil Robin Hood. He took from the rich and gave to the poor.
Adolf Hitler committed suicide in fuhrerbunker on April 30, 1945. His wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide with him.
The allied victory in Europe is celebrated on V-E day and the allied victory in Japan is celebrated on V-J day. General Douglas MacArthur was the supreme commander of the allied forces in the pacific while General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the supreme commander of the allied forces in Europe.
The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed around two hundred thousand people and resulted in deformities and diseases such as leukemia. The bomb dropped on Hiroshima, a uranium fission bomb, was called Little Boy and the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, a plutonium fission bomb was called Fat Man.
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world-of-news · 5 months
Sebastian Kurz
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lemusegallery · 5 months
Ultimate Muse List
P.S.A.: This post is not meant to be reblogged nor even replied. For this showcases the new changes for my blog as far as muses go and so on. This is applied to here and the @lesinfullgallery (Sinblog) only. For references, bold is both blogs, italic is exclusive to my sinblog and normal only for this blog.
Primary Muses:
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Seto Kaiba
Yugi Muto
Aki Izayoi
Jack Atlas
Judai Yuki
Asuka Tenjoin
Ishizu Ishtar
Mokuba Kaiba
Kaiser Ryo Marufuji
Star Wars: Darth Vader
Anakin Skywalker
Ahsoka Tano
Shaak Ti
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Darth Sidious
Darth Tyranus
General Grievous
Asajj Ventress
Bo-Katan Kryze
Darth Talon
Aayla Secura
Luke Skywalker
Dragon Ball: Artificial Human #18
Son Gohan
Fate: Saber!Artoria Pendragon
Ruler!Artoria Pendragon
Shirou Emiya
Senji Muramasa
Gilgamesh (Archer and Caster)
Scathach (Lancer)
Rin Tohsaka
DC Comics: Batman
Wonder Woman
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
Poison Ivy
Cassandra Cain
MARVEL Comics: Thor
The Hulk
Dr. Doom
Avatar TLA/LOK: Azula
Code Geass: Lelouch Vi Britannia
Cornellia Li Britannia
Naruto: Sakura Haruno
Ino Yamanaka
Sarada Uchiha
Tsunade Senju
Final Fantasy: Tifa Lockhart
Akame Ga Kiru: Akame
BNHA: Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Momo Yaoyorozu
Eijiro Kirishima
Other Characters: The Rowdyruff Boys
Medaka Kurokami
Satsuki Kiryuin
Erza Scarlet
Yoruichi Shihouin
Secondary Muses: Fate: Rider!Achilles
Caster!Xuanzang Sanzang
Assassin!Cursed Arm Hassan
Assassin!King Hassan
Rider!Saint Martha
Tine Chelc
Assassin of Red!Semiramis
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Kaito Tenjo
Tyranno Kenzan
Rio Kashimiro
Star Wars: Darth Maul
Jaina Solo Fel
Lord Starkiller
Barriss Offee
Asajj Ventress
General Grievous
Plo Koon
Kit Fisto
Galen Marek
Avatar TLA: Suki
Ty Lee
Asami Sato
Toph Bei Fong
Dragon Ball: Nappa
Mr. Popo (TFS)
Android 17
Android 16
Code Geass:
Nunnally Vi Britannia
Big Barda
Cyborg Superman
Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Final Fantasy:
Lightning Farron
Emperor Mateus
Kefka Palazzo
Other Male Characters:
Syaoran Li (CLAMP Multiverse)
Omniman (Invincible)
Mark (Invincible)
Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Kill La Kill:
Ira Gamagori
Uzu Sanageyama
Hoka Inumuta
Nonon Jakuzure
Naruto: Tenten (Naruto)
Mei Terumi (Naruto)
RWBY: Pyrrha Nikos
Ruby Rose
Sienna Khan
Winter Schnee
Kingdom Hearts: Xion (KH)
Larxene (KH)
Disney: Jasmine (Aladdin)
Esmeralda (HOND)
Mulan (Mulan)
Pocahontas (Pocahontas)
Exclusive Muses to my sinblog: Chel
Mai Shiranui
Samus Aran
Rias Gremory
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sarmarc · 7 months
INGREDIENTI: 6 persone 600 gr di Zucca 200 gr di Patate 300 gr di Farina 1 Uovo Noce moscata 150 gr di Formaggio Gorgonzola piccante 2 Pere Kaiser Burro Pepe nero   DIFFICOLTA’: facile TEMPO: 1 ora CALORIE a PORZIONE: 460 Kcal Continue reading Untitled
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korrektheiten · 8 months
Faeser will nur noch Journalistinnen
Tichy:»„Lasst junge Männer um mich sein“, soll Nero einst gesagt haben. Der Ausspruch, mit dem der insgesamt ja eher schlecht beleumundete römische Kaiser angeblich seine homo- und pädophilen Neigungen offenbarte, ist historisch allerdings nicht verbürgt. Definitiv authentisch ist dagegen der Pressetext, mit dem Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser im Zuge ihres Versuchs, hessische Ministerpräsidentin zu werden, gerade Der Beitrag Faeser will nur noch Journalistinnen erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/Swn5Tm «
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apebook · 9 months
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