#Kaiser Soze
judahmaccabees · 4 months
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…it’s weird because in every tale I have ever heard, the Devil, or Old Scratch, or Beezlenuts, or Kaiser Soze, or whatever nickname you want to give yourself (because only losers give themselves a nickname), despite being a lying and manipulative bitch, always honored a fair match. I don’t recall hearing Charlie Daniels singing about fiddling you off and then when it was your turn to play you hid under a billion different pixelated bushes and shot spitwads at him? I don’t think it’s a very catchy tune anyways.
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jayne6 · 2 years
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House of Cards ends with the revelation that Kevin Spacey was Kaiser Soze all along.
You're welcome.
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poetdreamerfool · 2 years
2022 Freestyle Series #13
Flyy Uni-verse Session #1 ⚛🚀🌌☄
they'd rather tear the world asunder then end world hunger black is beautiful but true beauty lies in what's under the messy shit that how I kick it the same way messi did wordsmith with wrath like the old testatment in the library and they shootin looks the only thing scarier than a black man with a gun is one with a book have a human reaction and get labeled a crook so the path less traveled I took rapping flyy like peter pan I ain't fucking with hooks just a lost boy with trauma playing ratoutiule to each beat that I cook
weed bong arm strong diction like like Louie on the trumpet hear 3 seconds of my shit how could you not bump it fuck a lay up how could you not dunk it buddha got me on my monk shit don't blaze with me bro cause all I do is flunk shit I don't ever pass unless its like t-mac off the backboard my pen mighty it got king arthur like "I want that sword" and his mans is like "my lord that's a foolish venture" spit like I got dentures blind to the bullshit like it got censured in a perfect storm I'm centered
enter the dragon but its puff and he got some magic its like mr clean with the stains of tragic on my psyche shamwow for why me? I used to pour and think I'm Hi-C like some orange drink it aint about what I am its about what I might be in my life I see real and it ain't what Mikey likey rolling down the alley shining like that boy on the trike be in that hallway all-day war is about peace quick link for the parley
daydreams of bezels in the watch the same color as Rose' for that I'm scheming like Kaiser soze touch my ends no way jose if the cops charging then its Ole' ole! ok ok that's enough found innocent on death row is how I go off the cuff scheming on the universe cause the world is not enough hate the hate love the love I don't play all that moderate stuff always dash my mans some bread if I got it we got it bruh like a zebra or tiger imma tiger uppercut to the upper crust wont stop till im swimming in bucks like scrooge mcduck make time for huey duey and luey cause even with all the shit they took I still give a fuck
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power-chords · 2 years
I love clothes in general but I especially love styling and costume design in movies/TV. It tells you so much about a character. Sometimes, it's explicitly revealing: costuming is how I called the Kaiser Soze twist The Usual Suspects, and it's what sparked my hunch re: MIB's true identity in the first season of Westworld.
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spettriedemoni · 2 years
dicono sempre che non è mai troppo tardi per un cambio di carriera e hai il dono di una bella voce. non ti sei scocciato dei clienti? xD sapessi leggere io così ci penserei...
Ci ho pensato, sono sincero. Dalle mie parti c'era pure una filiale della scuola dei doppiatori di Pino Insegno. Roberto Pedicini, il doppiatore di Kevin "Kaiser Soze" Spacey è delle mie parti come pure Christian Iansante la voce del protagonista di Trainspotting, ma c'era una bella e severa preselezione per entrarci.
Dei clienti mi sono stufato sì, specie quando vogliono il loro logo più grande o più impattante e diosolosachealtro...
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dreamsofalifeold · 2 years
((I'm watching the 90's Moomin cartoon and getting some headcanons about Shy for that verse.
She came from a little farming town in the north. Her hair is almost always in a plaited bun because it looks nice and because it keeps her hair out of her face.
Shy went invisible for awhile in her early adulthood. She was sad and frightened all the time from how messed up her life had been. Ironically, people paid more attention to her when she was invisible; she was a mystery and people could fill in their own notions on who she was, forgetting that she was a real person. Shy began to fuel those wild stories and eventually became visible again. After that, people stopped paying any attention to her and so she moved on to new places and new stories to tell. If she was an exciting mystery, someone might actually like her.
Sometimes she'll confess to crimes that everyone knows she didn't commit. The police inspector fell for it the first few times and now it's just like "I'm the real Kaiser Soze!" "Yes, honey, I know."
She thinks that The Groke is beautiful and wishes to write a sonnet about her someday.))
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I had 5 pr0n blogs follow me yesterday out of nowhere but before I could block any of them they all just vanished like Kaiser Soze...just gone.
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thanakite · 3 years
If knowing something that happens in a book, movie, tv show, etc. makes it impossible for you to watch it, then maybe it wasn't very good in the first place?
Like, why is there such an emphasis on not being "spoiled" for what happens in a piece of media you are consuming, but that literally doesn't make sense. Like knowing the twist of a movie shouldn't ruin the movie because a big part of a twist hitting correctly is all the build up to it, like you hear Kevin Spacey is Kaiser Soze and you're like, "cool, that means nothing to me," or "cool that's good to know" or "oh, I wonder how that comes to be?" And you then watch and understand why that twist is a big deal and it hits just as well as it would if you didn't know beforehand
You should be able to go watch something and have a generally good idea of what happens in it and still be entertained, and if that isn't the case then maybe it wasn't all that great to begin with
Like there shouldn't be this idea that actors can't know what is going on in a movie because they could "spoil" something because if learning one thing about a movie ruins the fun of it that is not a smart plan, people buy movies because they want to watch them again, binging shows allows people to rewatch ones they like often, but why would you rewatch something if the only reason to watch is the surprises? You always want to craft stories that people love no matter what so that they come back to it and if your story is built on surprises that don't track if you rewatch then you didn't do that correctly
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judahmaccabees · 5 months
A Record of Dream
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Dream, protector of dreams, battled a shadowy deceiver. Doubt lingered, twisting gratitude into suspicion. He embraced self-reliance, a new era of unwavering truth.
Intruders defiled his realm. Dream unleashed a spell, banishing them to oblivion. Accusations echoed, demanding apologies. Dream acknowledged the pain, seeking reconciliation.
He embraced self-gratitude, a shield against past betrayals. The realm basked in his authenticity. Whispers of thieving control threatened, but truth empowered the inhabitants. Deception’s charade ended, Dream stood, a beacon of truth in a world of illusions.
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Wake up.
- Heaven
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You subsist in a Dystopia of pissants calling this Paradise.
I Offer you The Kingdom.
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anais-mitchell · 4 years
derry girls episode ranking that no one asked for bc i miss it and i’m procrastinating (also s1 episodes have no titles?? so i made up my own) also watch this show pls
1. 1x02 The Chippy
I can’t explain why this is my favorite episode but it just is. I’ve rewatched it so many times and I think the whole Fionnula subplot is absolutely HILARIOUS plus any episode with Uncle Colm is a delight. The chippy scenes make me extremely nostalgic for my summers in Ireland and I think the humor is top notch this episode with a batshit crazy ending.
2. 2x06 The President
The perfect mix of humor and heartfelt imo. The ending with James makes me cry everytime and I feel like this episode shows the friend group’s love for each other so well. The Colm/Joe/Gerry subplot is one of the funniest bits ever on the show too.
3. 2x04 The Curse
Literally not a single moment of this episode that is not hysterically funny. You got Sarah’s dresses, Colm’s stories, Rock the Boat, drug scones, high Granda Joe, “who put 50p in the eejit?”, “am I dead? is this my wake?”, and probably even more that I’m forgetting but I think it’s a strong contender for the overall funniest episode.
4. 2x05 The Prom
This episode makes me SOFT between James taking Erin to the dance, Orla taking Joe, and the final scene. Mae was a really fun one-off character and this episode just has a lot of really funny scenes and great quotes (ex. “is this where all the gays hang out?” and “there’s just nothing that doesn’t suit me!”)
5. 1x06 The School Paper
The wee lesbian episode!! Clare’s coming out feels very realistic and sweet and the final scene of the episode is one of if not the best scenes the show has ever done. There are also just some great little subplots like Mary’s laundry troubles, the wee docket, and Erin’s terrible article ideas.
6. 2x01 Friends Across the Barricade
Oh my god this episode is so good and it’s a testament to how good this show is that it’s not higher up. My mom grew up in Ireland as a Catholic and this is her favorite episode because of how realistic it is with the Catholic/Protestant divide. Every single character has a hilarious plot trying to connect w the Prod boys and Mary’s big bowl??? A flawless episode.
7. 1x04 Children of Chernobyl
Erin and Katya’s interactions are the highlight of the episode by far and the way the girls are so shocked that Katya fancies James lmaooo. I love this episode and Erin’s dramatic ass. Plus Orla and the chocolate fountain.
8. 1x01 Pilot
Feels wrong putting this so low!!!!!!!! It’s such a great introduction to all the characters and their dynamics, plus the setting of 90s Ireland. The Sister Declan scene is perfect chaos.
9. 1x05 The Orange Order
I love how the show portrays very realistic parts of Ireland during the Troubles not only when it comes to the violence and fear but also just things like the Orange Marches. This episode has some of my favorite Joe/Gerry interactions and the whole Michelle subplot w the IRA man is amazing.
10. 1x03 Father Peter
Okay so this episode is hilarious but the reason it is lower than it should be is because the Erin/Peter scenes are sooo painfully cringeworthy to watch lmao. But the whole Mary smirking scene is so good.
11. 2x02 Mrs. De Brun and the Child of Prague
Idk how this ended up so low on my list considering Dead Poets Society is my all time favorite movie but here it is, I still adore this episode. Drunk Clare is excellent and it has one of my all time favorite scenes where Clare’s mum tells her to not even breathe and she just holds her breath all scared LOL I can’t even describe it but it’s so good. Great secondary plot with Kaiser Soze too.
12. 2x03 The Concert
I truly do not think there is a single bad or even subpar episode of this show, every episode is hilarious and insanely rewatchable, this episode probably just has less standout moments for me. The whole suitcase of vodka scene is an all-time great though.
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burgundypleasure · 4 years
17 Questions
Stolen from @meli-rose-dd !
I asked Sir to do it with me!
Me: I have a pet name from Sir and an old childhood nickname that ends in mashed potaters that Sir thinks is fun. 
S: J. He also said to let ya’ll know he is Kaiser Soze. 
Me: Leo
Me: 5’4″
S: 5′9″
Hogwarts house:
Me: Ravenclaw is what I tend to get but I like Hufflepuff!
S: Ravenclaw (we had to do a quiz)
Last thing I googled:
Me: Citrus
S: Google translate (we were learning other languages names for various citrus!)
Song Stuck in my head:
Me: Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons
S: Never Enough by Five Finger Death punch
Number of followers:
Me: 127
S: He’s not on here but he has 9 twitter followers!
Amount of sleep:
Me: 9ish 
S: 5 to 6 hours (he sleeps in two small chunks of 2-4 hours, it’s so weird)
Lucky number
Me: Not lucky but my go to number is 67
S: 11
Dream job:
Me: Kink counselor
S: Nien
Me: Leggings and an AWOLNATION t shirt
S: Gray sweats and grey hoodie
Favorite song:
Me: I don’t have one!
S: Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding
Favorite instrument:
Me: Favorite to pay is ukulele and favorite to listen to is cello.
S: Tenor sax?
Me: Uhhhhh dried sunflowers, holding hands, wet earth smells in the sunshiney aftermath of rain.
S: Casual comfortable, or nondescript, according to him. I’d say cloudy days, matte black, driving in the rain at night, cigarette smoke in the cold. 
Favorite Author:
Me: I really don’t read enough but more than anything I read Stephen King
S: Douglas Adams
Favorite animal noise:
Me: Guinea pig noises!
S: When horses blow air through their lips, it’s unique
Me: I own an oud!
S: I’ve had chicken pox....... twice. 
I tag anyone else who would like to play and/or force their partner to play. 😂
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ravennaramos · 4 years
I haven’t been this hurt and disappointed in someone in a long time... I’m not sure where to put these bad feelings, but I don’t want them.
I’m the idiot too. If I look back at my personal history with my father, which doesn’t go very deep, but I am having a Kaiser Soze realization moment and putting together all of the evidence at the end of the story that he doesn’t love me and never really has.
He never came to visit, never calls, never invited me or my brother for the holidays, tries to buy me off with cash, doesn’t check in on me, no photos of us in the house, can’t be bothered to text back, missed out on many key moments in my life, left us to take care of our dying mother alone, has no clue whatsoever the trauma I’ve been through, knew I was prone to SI but let our sick mom “handle it,” resented me from birth, dislikes me because I remind him of his own “annoying” sister, never got over his divorce and has taken it out on me and my brother for what- how many years now? Decades?
All this evidence culminates into my Kevin Spacey moment, that my father never really loved us at all...
At least I know with certainty now, I guess
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gothamincarnate · 4 years
Joker, but Kaiser Soze...
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poetdreamerfool · 2 years
flyy uni-verses ⚛🚀🌌☄
they'd rather tear the world asunder then end world hunger; black is beautiful but the true beauty lies in what's under the messy shit that's how I kick it the same way Messi did wordsmith with wrath like the old testament in the library and they shootin' looks: the only thing scarier than a black man with a gun is one with a book if you have a human reaction you get labeled a crook so: the path less traveled I took rapping fly like peter pan I ain't fucking with hooks just a lost boy with trauma playing Ratatouille to each beat that I cook
weed, bong-- arm strong diction like like Louie on the trumpet; hear 3 seconds of my shit how could you not bump it fuck a layup-- how could you not dunk it? buddha got me on some monk shit; don't blaze with me bro cause all I do is flunk shit I don't ever pass-- unless it's like T-Mac off the backboard my pen almighty it got king Arthur like "I want that sword" and his man is like "my lord, that's a foolish venture"
enter the dragon, but its Puff and he got some magic it's like Mr. Clean with the stains of tragic on my psyche-- ShamWow for the "why me?" I used to pour and think I'm Hi-C like some orange drink it ain't about what I am it's about what I might be in my life I see real and it ain't what Mikey likey; rolling down the alley shining like that boy on the trike be in that hallway all-day war is about peace quick link for the parley-- daydreams of bezels in the watch the same color as  Rosé  for that I'm scheming like Kaiser Soze touch my ends? no way Jose if the cops charging then it's: Ole' ole! ok ok that's enough-- found innocent on death row is how I go off the cuff; scheming on the universe cause the world is not enough hate the hate love the love I don't play all that moderate stuff; always dash my mans some bread if I got it we got it bruh. we got this bruh.
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