mamuzzy · 24 days
I made this poll, because my mental illnesses/conditions tend to make one or two single loud hater (and their mass likers) opinion the absolute opinion of the majority.
I know this is a pushing-buttons website, but please read the guide below before you vote!
THIS POLL IS NOT ABOUT WHETHER YOU AGREE WITH HIS ACTIONS OR NOT! Loving or hating this character (or any other fictional character) will not reflect on how you treat a living-breathing real person in front of you. This poll is about that when you read the books you enjoyed his presence, his thoughts, his character, his interactions, his role in the story etc, or not.
I like him and read the books - you interacted with the source material, and overall you enjoyed his character
I like him but didn't read the books - You like the character based on fanworks, or other outside influence, like listening your friends talking about him or reading other people's opinion about him etc
I hate him and read the books - you interacted with the source material and overall you hated his character
I hate him and I didn't read the books - You hate him based on fanworks, or other outside influence, like listening your friends talking about him, or reading other people's opinion about him etc
I'm indifferent toward this character - While reading this book, Kal Skirata didn't have any impact on you, or really insignificant.
I don't know who is this guy - You haven't even heard of him before this poll. You are not familiar with RepComm at all. Eh. You get it.
I know. I know. He is far more complex to just only "like" or "hate" him. But that's why I said, this is not about whether you agree with him or not.
Please reblog, so it could reach more people! Comment or put your thoughts in the tags! ^^ And be civilized!
EDIT: I know that people may know me here as someone who loves Kal, but I would welcome opinions from the I-don't-like-him camp too.
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For myself, I like him and I read the books. Kal's brain is a constant visitor on my vivisection table because I find him a deeply complex and beautifully written character.
My overall experience with the fandom is, that when I post Kal related stuff, people may interact with it more likely positively than negatively or critically. But overall aside from a few exception of fanwork creators, only the haters talk about him on their own (or people I mistake for haters, that could happen too).
I'm not looking for a fight here. I'm just curious about your opinions.
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trashcanmando · 7 months
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Kal Skirata and Walon Vau
they are judging you harder than youve ever been judged in your life
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 4 months
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Manifestating my Emotional Support Buir, because no father figure will be ever proud of me. (つω`。)
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mariandjarin · 1 year
Have you heard about Kal Skirata?
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There are no words to describe him the way he deserves.
He is stubborn and wise.
An aliit mando.
A very good verd.
His karta is as big as many galaxies together.
He is good at listening, giving advice, and helping.
He is good at recognizing when he doesn't know how to do something to help someone, especially his boys, and he doesn't stop until finding the proper way to give help, or at least try to help as much as he can.
He doesn't consider clones as tools for winning a war.
He considers them as his own sons.
After all, Mandalorian blood runs in their veins. They are fighting a battle that is not theirs.
Even when they were programmed to think that.
Kal knows they have a karta. He knows they are just children that were forced to grow faster than they deserve.
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His love for them guided him to adopt the Nulls.
Even when he felt like a failure with his past aliit.
He knew and still knows what is the right thing to do.
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Even when he didn't know how to raise six children with lots of questions and hunger, he found a way to do it.
He knows how precious each clone is
That is why he also adopted Omega squad.
For Kal, each clone deserves to be called son.
He knows they deserve more than just that.
He swore not to stop until having helped each one of them to have a proper life.
Kal is full of love.
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I think that is the word I could use to summarize what I have told to explain what he is and why he does what he chooses to do.
His love for his sons.
His love for his culture.
Yes, most of the time, he is stressed and tired, he can't sleep for all the trouble inside his head, and he is very criticized, but that doesn't stop him.
If I could describe what a Mando really is and has to be, I would mention him.
Nor Jango Fett or Jaster Mereel
Kal Skirata
Even when he is considered part of the cuy'val dar
Even when he is old
He is more alive than any other Mando who can stand as a Mando
and he will prevail and he will let a legacy behind him that never will be forgotten
My buir
I missed him
Eleni Skirata's thoughts diary (A fanfiction in progress) Part 1 and 2 ready :)
Part 2
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Wanted to practice coloring skin, so I used Kal as my test subject. I simplified everything else so I wouldn't get overwhelmed by it all when I haven't drawn digitally in literal months.
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timeladix · 1 year
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It had to be done people...
Yes these are (form left to right) Darman, Etain and Kal Skirata from the repcomm series
What have i become..
(don't know the artists, took the art from pinterest, if you know who painted these please let me know so i can tag them:)
Update: Etain and Dar fanart by Jen Richards. Kan Skirata fanart by krad-eelav.
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dapurinthos · 4 months
sure, watching obi-wan kenobi should be fine, thought i. until we got to daiyu and there was nax and it was all nope gonna have to pause this. send him to kyrimorut, please.
i'm going back to thinking about the different styles of clothing closures in star wars, such as the difference between closures on padmé's clothing versus leia's.
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leia's clothing (above) has buttons (thread buttons!) not just with button holes, but with button loops made of fabric, which are difficult to make. you have to make sure the strip of fabric used is cut on the bias so that it can stretch over the button and then make sure the loops themselves are all the right length. while thread buttons can be made by machine, what propelled them into their current status as an endangered handicraft by the heritage crafts association is that metal (ivory, bone, and subsequently plastic) buttons can be made far more cheaply and easily than the traditional dorset button.
while padmé's clothing as queen amidala has seams that seal shut with, like, space velcro or something:
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and these dresses are ones that have been modified by her handmaidens to have 'modern' closures.
both are designed to be put on by servants but the method by which they are, buttons and space velcro (or, idk, something like how sandwich bags close? are your dresses space ziploc, padmé?), are very different, and reflect the status difference between a hereditary monarchy and the elected monarchy of naboo, even though naboo is a planet famous for its focus on the aesthetic (also performativity and masking, but that's a whole other post).
i just think it's neat.
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Jusik wiped his forehead with his palm and looked as breathless and battered as he ever had after performing the Dha Werda. Fi could have sworn he looked just as elated, too.    "Family of Garqian tourists with a Gran driver," the Jedi said. "Now let's try to explain this to you-know-who without getting our heads ripped off." He opened his comlink. "Returning with a prisoner, Kal ."    Sev grumbled in his throat. "Never use real names."    "Least of our worries now," Fi said.    So Jusik was scared of Skirata, too. It was supposed to be a quiet ohs job, as he'd put it, observation duty; it had turned into kidnapping and blowing up unidentified vessels. Scared wasn't the right word, though.    He'll be disappointed with us. We let him down.    Fi, like anyone who came into Skirata's circle, desperately wanted Kal'buir to be proud of him. It was more effective motivation than fear any day.
Republic Commando: Triple Zero
#star wars#republic commando#jusik bardan#sev#fi#kal skirata#kal skirata critically#as much as i agree that fear is not the most effective motivation (unless we are talking about saving own skin#and not about interpersonal relationship because it is a different matter)#i'm really disturbed#by the whole anyone who came into skirata;s circle desperately wanted kal'buir to be proud of him#i'm guessing it was meant as everyone cares so much for kal's appproval because he is so good dad and you try your best because of that#but to be honest that sounds different to me#and its remind me ordo (i believe it was him) worrying that they (kal) are using desperate people who so badly wants to belong#like besany and jusik i believe?#what put Fi's thought in a very different light#being desperate of someone's approval doesn't make said character a good person#surprise surprise but deltas didn't really cared for kal to be proud of them so I guess having their own circle of support (brothers)#and to some degree Vau especially the softened version during war didn't push them into kal's circle#i mean sure book!sev and to some degree scorch too were desperate for vau's approval but surprisingly this desperation did not push them#into seeking skirata's company in any more special way beyond the general relationship?#meanwhile jusik the supposed very morally grounded character slowly will ditch everything to please kal???#dunno i may be just biased but this line hit me in the wrong way#desperation doesn't sound as a good motivation either#My RepCom musing
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vodika-vibes · 25 days
So, I had a thought.
The situation on Mandalore is becoming untenable. Young Duchess Satine has a death mark on her head, and the jedi tasked with guarding her know that they need to get her off planet.
Qui-Gon's plan is simple. Obi-Wan and Satine go one way, making their way to a spaceport to get off planet, while he goes the other acting as a diversion for the teenagers to escape.
It's a good plan, Obi-Wan agrees. He's skilled enough to get the Duchess to safety, and his Master is skilled enough to not die.
Unfortunately, no plan survives first contact with the enemy.
When the assassins strike, Obi-Wan goes one way, thinking Satine is on his heels. Qui-Gon goes the other, sure that Satine is with Obi-Wan.
And when the dust clears...Obi-Wan is alone, and Qui-Gon has a spooked politician hiding behind him.
Luckily, Obi-Wan isn't unused to surviving on his own. As he runs, leading the assassins aware from his Master and Satine, he sheds the robes and tunics that mark his as a jedi, replacing them with stolen and looted armor, and his saber gets hidden at the base of his back, replaced with a stolen blaster.
All he has to do is hold out until his Master returns. Easy.
Except there are other people on Mandalore. People who aren't willing to look the other way as a teenager (thin and scrawny, even under his stolen armor) flees from Death Watch assassins.
Obi-Wan comes face to face with Kal Skirata after the older man saves him from being murdered by a Deatg Watch soldier (he zigged when he should have zagged, Obi-Wan won't make that mistake again).
Obi-Wan gives his name as Ben and claims that he has no clan. It's the wrong thing to say, as he's promptly adopted on the spot by Clan Skirata.
And then the situation becomes more complicated as Kal'buir introduces him to a heavily injured older woman. He introduces her as Arla Fett, the true Mand'alor of Mandalore, now that her brother is dead.
And as much as Obi-Wan wants to ask about Satine and the New Mandalorians, he holds his tongue. He can learn more by staying quiet after all.
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mamuzzy · 11 months
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Have you ever been so jealous you just spontainously combust but then your favorite person™ talks to you and everything is alright again?
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trashcanmando · 22 days
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i know ed harris is the 'official' kal skirata facecast that kt was thinking of while writing him, but i submit to you... i don't like that and daniel craig is the perfect kal skirata to me
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One of the reason Kal came off from excessive drinking is teaching an entire company of children this game while drunk as in the guise of "Agility exercise". Teaching them that silly song made them laugh and when he messed up, the boys collectively lost their mind and Kal lived for every moment of seeing his children laugh.
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aka-trashrat · 11 months
is it bad that i wanna see Ordo in number 58? hehe
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Ordo can count the number of times he's cried on one hand. In fact, he probably doesn't need all of his fingers on that hand to count them.
I had to dig deep to figure out what would make him cry, since he's got a pretty good handle on his emotions (not necessarily in a good way, but he's able to compartmentalize so he can work). He'd probably cry when Kal'buir inevitably marches on, and he might cry happy tears if/when his Riduur gives birth to their child.
I'm sure the first time he got hurt badly, tears sprung to his eyes unbidden too. It's only natural!
Anyway, here's Ordo crying (you monster /jk)! This was hard to draw!
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nocturius8015ficore · 4 months
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I learned my trade from Kal'buir ;^p
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Padawan Reader
Cody: okay Ad'ika. What are we doing when the Nulls asks any questions?
Y/n: I'm not qualified to answer any of them.
Cody: good good.
~latet with the Nulls~
Mereel: fierfek. Kal'buir this jetti is too tiny! What the hell we suppose to do with it?! Huh okay. *looks down, smiles* Hi Ad'ika.
Y/n, already in love: I will tell you anything you want to know, funny man.
*Cody looking into the camera like in the Office*
Hi! I'm not dead (yet) just busy and really tired. My embroidery work will continue I just needs some days without everyone nearby me.
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roseaesynstylae · 5 months
Things in Season 3 would have been much different if a different commando squad were assigned to the Vault. Darman's missing his son, Niner's got that Mandalorian instinct to adopt everything he can see, and there are four children in that room. It would go like this:
One: They see the children
Darman: You remember how Kal'buir talks about Jedi being baby-stealers?
Niner: Yes.
Two: There is a very small amount of internal debate
Darman: Aww, that little one reminds me of Kad.
Niner: *Grabbing for the adoption papers that come with every set of Mandalorian and/or clone armor*
Three: They leave
Darman: Maybe we shouldn't be doing thi--
Niner: *Arms full of children* What?
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