#ruusaan skirata
mamuzzy · 11 months
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Have you ever been so jealous you just spontainously combust but then your favorite person™ talks to you and everything is alright again?
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cuminhoid · 2 months
how it started: jango getting railed where it ended up:
For the first few years, Kal hadn’t really gone out of his way to help Jango transition to life with the Haat’ade (a feeling Il’buir shared)...
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elisemscott1122 · 1 year
Different Mandalorian Houses (Canon and Legends):
modern day, only Canon clans:
* House Viszla
- Tarre Viszla - creator of the Dark Saber
- Pre Viszla (Death Watch Leader)
- Paz Viszla (Children of the Watch)
- Ragnar (Children of the Watch)
* House Kryze:
- Bo-Katan Kryze (Nite Owl)
- Satine Kryze (during clone wars, Duchess of Mandalore. New age)
- Korkie Kryze
- (Bo-Katan’s father, mentioned in The Mandalorian show season 3)
* House Kast
- Rook Kast
- Veraslayan Kast
* Clan Wren: (first loyal to the Empire)
- Sabine Wren (Ghost Crew, Rebels)
- Ursa Wren
- Tristan Wren
- Alrich Wren
* Clan Saxon: (loyal to the Empire)
- Gar Saxon (killed by Ursa Wren)
- Tiber Saxon
* Clan Eldar
* Clan Rook (vassal of House Kast)
- Rook Kast
- Tayari Rook
* Clan Awaud: (eventually rebel alliance ties)
- Nam Beroya (leader)
- Vera Beroya (leader)
- Aga Awaud
* Clan Mudhorn
- Din Djarin
- Din Grogu
Legends clans/dissolved clans:
* Clan Keldau
* Clan Bralor
- Neth Bralor (leader)
- Jogo
- Rav Bralor (hired by Jango Fett to train the clone armies)
* Clan Cadera
- Jicoln Cadera (leader)
- Torian Cadera (leader)
* Clan Beviin
- Dinua Jeban (adopted)
* Clan Beroya (tied to clan Awaud later on)
* Clan Carid
- Baltan Carid
* Clan Deshra
* Clan Detta
- Suvar Detta
- Cham Detta
* Clan Kaja
- Kaja Honn (leader&founder)
* Clan Chorn
* Esok’s Clan
- Esok
* Clan Farr
- Ceta Farr
- Yenko Farr
* Clan Fett (mainly legends)
- Jango Fett
- Boba Fett
- Cassus Fett
- Arla Fett
- Sintas Vel
- Ailyn Fett
- Makin Marec
- Mirta Gev
- Vorten Fett
- Khomo Fett
- Melvin Fett
*Clone Troopers were not considered a part of clan Fett although they shared Jango Fett’s DNA*
* Clan Gedyc
- Lorka Gedyc (once head of Death Watch)
* Clan Ha’arangir (named after Mandalorian war God Kad Ha’ariangir)
- Kur Ha’arangir (leader)
* Clan Itera
* Clan Jeban
- Dinua Jeban
- Briika Jeban
* Clan Jendri
* Clan Jennis
* Clan Kelborn
- Merrk Kelborn
* Clan Keldau
* Clan Lok
- Artus Lok
- Mirli Lok
* Clan Lone
- Zadik Lone
- Akaavi Spar (left her clan to be with Lone)
* Clan Ordo
- Canderous Ordo
- Chernan Ordo
- Jekiah Ordo
* Clan Priest
- Dred Priest
* Clan Rodarch
* Clan Shale
- Arla Shale
* Clan Sharrat
- Kassor Quade
* Clan Skirata
- Kal Skirata
- Munin Skirata
- Ruusaan Skirata
- Jaing Skirata
- Ilippi Skirata
- Tor Skirata
- Ijaat Skirata
- Kad Skirata
- Jedi Bardan Jusik
- Jedi Etain Tur-Mukan
- Omega Squad- Niner Skirata, Atin Skirata, Darman Skirata, Fi Skirat
- the Nulls
* Clan Sornell
- Koblus “Ko” Sornell
- Haarm
- Gheedor
- Two unnamed Sornell children, and expecting one
* Clan Spar
- Akavvi Spar
* Clan Tenau
* Clan Varad
- Mavrix Varad
- Tyrus Brokenblade
* Clan Vevut
- Novoc Vevut
- Ghes Orade
- Mirta Gev
* Clan Nerak
- Ballag (leader)
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stellevatum · 5 months
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Consider this timeline as a rough outline or default sort of thing. Especially in her later timeline where the directions can be split into divergent verses (Example: Guardian Verse is the “Main” for that timeline, Kingmaker II is an alternate timeline), so please check out the Verses page if you’re looking for a specific verse and details!
I don’t know BL’s indication of time, so I just have the BBY/ABY from SW and the CE from ME.
Prior to 43 BBY 2160 CE:
A child is born…somewhere…at some point to Celestials– one of the first born in a long time. (At least tens of thousands of years.) They are named Nari'ad – the Wanderer/Traveler. They are expected to be bridge from their now-isolationist race to the universe beyond.
Conflict among the Celestials break out on whether or not this should happen. They have had thousands of years of relative security cut off from the younger races, other think it should be prudent to have someone like Nari'ad.
Skira, the second eldest of Kad'Harangir’s children (the avatar of Vengeance) steals her sibling away and leaves out in wilds of her family’s former domains to die. Her older brother and twin Tor, makes sure the child is found.
43-42 BBY | 2160 CE:
Kar is found by Kaan Alor’ade – A True Mandalorian aligned with Jaster Mereel– in a ruined shrine to Kad Ha'rangir, an ancient Mandalorian god on Mandalore. 
Anakin Skywalker is born on Tatooine.
Ruusaan is born on Mandalore.
40 BBY | 2163 CE:
Death Watch sacks the Alor'ade stronghold on Mandalore, destroying it entirely. Juri Mirdalaan dies protecting her daughters. A grieving Kaan turns fanatical as he flees to his wife’s clan on Concord Dawn to entrust them Ruusaan, leaving the rearing of Kar to him.
39 BBY | 2164 CE:
Kar’s Force abilities manifest, leaving a Jedi envoy to Concord Dawn. They are chased off at gunpoint by a very protective Kaan, which takes the girl back to Mandalore with him to begin her training.
34 BBY | 2169 CE:
Death Watch massacre locals on Galidraan and incite Battle of Galidraan between the Jedi and True Mandalorians.
Kaan dies on Galidraan. It is debated if he was killed by a Jedi, or by his own daughter. The answer is never known.
Kaan’s brother Ven, who manipulated the skirmish now is clan leader and (grudgingly) guardian to his young ward. 
The New Mandalorians, led by Adonai Kryze end the civil war with the help of the Republic. Adonai is made Duke of Mandalore and offers amnesty to his Alor'ade Cousins– an offer that is refused by the Death Watch aligned Ven.
32 BBY | 2171 CE: (V: Cuy'val Dar )
The events of Phantom Menace occur.
Kar undergoes her verd'goten on Dxun. In reality it is an assassination attempt. She “passes” after fooling her would-be assassins and leading then in a week long chase.
Jango Fett becomes the clone template for the Clone Army and recruits some of the best of Mandalore to follow him to Kamino.
With that, Kar leaves for Kamino under the protection of her Uncle Jango and subsequently forgotten more or less.
Kar’s lifetime friendship with Mereel Skirata and the Nulls begins on Kamino.
Circa 21-22 BBY | 2180-81 CE:
Kar returns to Mandalore from Kamino. Talks between her and her cousin, the Duchess Satine, begin with hopes of avoiding another civil war. It is agreed upon Kar will not make any claims against her cousin in return she can so to the university of her choice with the blessings and support of her cousin.
Before the agreement is finalized, her uncle Ven has his Death Watch allies abduct and sell Kar to Zygerrian slavers before the cousins can come to agreement, neutralizing her as a threat and claiming she simply left on her own accord.
22 BBY | 2181 CE: (V: Clone Wars)
The events of Attack of the Clones occurs.
Kar is recruited into Republic Intelligence after being recovered from a gladiatorial ring in the Outer Rim. She becomes the Chancellor’s Hand– an agent only answerable to him. In reality she begins her tenure as his Sith Apprentice.
Kar begins to develop and building what eventually becomes QOSMA utilizing her resources her position gives her.
21-Late 20 BBY | 2181-82 CE:
After an experiment on Force Sensitive younglings goes wrong. Palpatine sends her to tie up the lose ends. Refusing to kill literal children, Kar attempts to smuggle them off world. The smugglers and children are killed by Republic Forces under Palpatine’s command.
After a confrontation with Palpatine, Kar defects from the Grand Army and leaves Coruscant with several other defectors, disappearing into Dark Space.
19 BBY | 2183:  (V: Defection)
The events of Revenge of the Sith occur.
The Jedi Purge Occurs.
While officially listed as KIA, the Emperor still has posted a bounty for information on her alive or dead
The events of Mass Effect occur.
The small Mandalorian tribe began selling their skills as mercenaries on Omega.
Kar finishes the first live iteration of QOSMA, her AI assistant in secret; rumors claim with help from Alec Ryder.
Cerberus turns their eye towards the expatriates; Project Pandora is the tenuous alliance between them, only accepted out of desperation. Cerberus allows them to afford to life; humanity gets a extra-galactic technical advantage.
18 BBY | 2184:
Kar defects from Cerberus, destroying Project Pandora and embezzling funds to assure her family’s survival
Kar’s Mandalorian band has become a bit of success, able to make ends meet. The charismatic woman soon even gathers non-Mandalorians into their fold, making as many allies as enemies.
One ally is the salarian doctor Mordin Solus. Helping both Ruusaan and Kar in there own ways; Ruusaan starting as a medical assistant, Kar finally starting her path in academia in an accelerated salarian university through connections of her “Mentor”.
18-17 BBY | 2184-85 CE: (V: Mandalore)
The formation of the first Mandalorian colony under her guidance. Soon the consequence of colonization brings them to the galactic attention. 
17-16 BBY - 2185-86:
The Citadel Council offers an embassy for the Mandalorians, expecting it to be a token gesture. They would be proven wrong, their ambassador would be a champion for the people and against useless bureaucracy.
With the new influx of wealth and influence, the seeds of the Void Collective– her intelligence network– are sown.
Kar is finishing her accelerated program, a thesis focusing on reapers and indoctrination. The research piques Cerberus’ interest.
The events of Mass Effect 2 occur.
Kar is recruited as a means of getting access of her research under the guise of helping Mordin retro-engineer Collector Technology
16-15 BBY | 2186-87 CE:
The events of Mass Effect 3 occur.
Kar’s people provide aid right off the bat, she advocates for galactic alliance in the face of the a bigger threat, leaving her frustrated at the powers that be.
As expected as in her position, Kar lead her forces in the large push on Earth, coming out alive but badly wounded and traumatized.
Kar finished her thesis on the reapers, and obtains her first PhD. In the following years, she will be known as one of the few experts on the reapers and other ancient machines.
15-14 BBY | 2187-88 CE: (ME V: Mandalore | SW V: Rebellion)
Kar starts to reconnect with her allies in her home galaxy; advising on the rebel cells and connecting to the Hidden Path
Through QOSMA, Kar has maintained a small presence in the Outer Rim.
The first successful galactic jump of the trabatra drive is made in secret, kept from Council’s purview and to avoid Imperial notice.
The events of Jedi: Fallen Order occur. 
14-12 BBY | 2188-90 CE:
Kar crosses path with Cal and Cere in a operation recovering artifact from the Empire, starting a alliance between her and the Mantis Crew.
Kar reconnects with Vector during a visit to Alderaan; the two rekindle their relationship.
Between 12-10 BBY | 2190-2192 CE:
Kar connects with Merrin from her departure from the Mantis, introducing her to the Hidden Path.
Through Merrin, Kar and the Hidden Path make contact with Cere and the Narkis Anchorites on Jedha, establishing the Archives and Hidden Path Safehouse.
Kar finally obtains her kyber crystal in a Jedha mine while scouting for the Archive.
Kar is conferred the title of Master by Master Cordova on Jedha.
10-9 BBY | 2192-93 CE:
Kar and Vector marry on Alderaan.
Orad is born on Alderaan.
The events of Jedi Survivor Occur
The Tanalorr Temple is founded by Cal Kestis
Kar shares her time between the temple and her Milky Way duties. She serves as a teacher and advisor, providing different perspectives from non-Jedi Force tradition and experience training with biotics.
5 BBY | 2197 CE: (V: Rebellion)
The events of Star Wars: Rebels begin.
2-1 BBY | 2200-01 CE:
Now General Alor'ade of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Kar oversees the intelligence and underworld contacts for the Rebels, becoming the organization’s effective, if eccentric, spymistress. 
Ijaan breaks free from Grissom Academy; she is found on Koboh several days later attempting join the Rebellion.
0 BBY | 2202 CE:
The events of Rogue One occur.
Vector is killed in the destruction of Alderaan.
The events of A New Hope occur.
3 ABY | 2205 CE:
The events of The Empire Strikes Back occur.
4 ABY | 2206 CE:
The events of Return of the Jedi occur.
9 ABY | 2211 CE:
The events of The Mandalorian occur.
Between 5-34 ABY | 2207-2236 CE: (ME V: Mandalore | SW V: Queenpin)
Kar’s attention bounces between the two galaxies, her family, her research, and more. 
Kar once again picks up the thread of the mystery of her existence. Her patience comes to bear fruit, comes to Mortis. A planet long since calling to the Celestial for decades. At last, the truth is revealed: she is being of the Force– neither dark, nor light, but a catalyst and bringer of change in all its forms…
34 - 35 ABY | 2236 - 2237 CE: (V: Resistance)
Once again, Kar’s self-reflection is halted and is dragged into war. Equally defiant against Mon Mothma’s decision to effectively defang the Republic, Kar pulls her support with Leia and resistance.
The events of The Force Awakens occur.
The events of The Last Jedi occur.
The events of Rise of Skywalker occur.
After 35 ABY | 2237 CE: (ME V: Cosmic Castaway | SW V: Legend)
She is once again confronted with what she is, now works to accept and come to terms with this state of being. She once again returns to Mortis, making the place her secret base of operations. If she is to be the bringer of change, an immortal among mortals, she will do this on her terms.
Circa 57 ABY | 2260 CE:
On her 100th Birthday, Kar steps down as Mandalore, after concerns of her longevity may bring stagnation to her people. This is possibly the first time the title is passed bloodlessly. She is sent off with great celebration, as befitting one called Mandalore the Eloquent. (Mand’alor te Paklalat)
Circa 168 ABY | 2371 CE:
Formal contact is made between Kar and her biological parents. It is not a total reconciliation, and the relationship tenuous at times, it would be some time before any rifts start closing.
Circa 355 ABY | 2558 CE:
Multi-galactic expansion begins to spread out to the known galaxies. Colonies spread across six galaxies– the Bendu, Milky Way, Andromeda, and then later named Eridian and two others.
Circa 541 ABY | 2744 CE:
Led by the Archon, the kett invade the Heleus Cluster in Andromeda; causing the conflict with the Anagara.
Circa 568 ABY | 2771 CE:
The central government of the Eridian Galaxy begins breaks down, leading to corpocratic government lead by megacorporations years later.
Circa 604 ABY | 2807 CE:
Megacorps overthrow the central government, divvying up the sectors like Feudal lords. A temporary accord is reached.
Between Circa 607 ABY | 2810 CE:
The Corporate Wars begin in the Eridian Galaxy, full out galactic civil war between the Megacorporations.
Circa 614 ABY | 2817 CE: (V: Brave New World)
 As a galactic expatriate many times over, Kar finds herself again in new frontiers, arriving on the Nexus under cleverly forged information claiming her to be their first contact expert.
The Nexus arrive on Andromeda. In the attempts to settle, a revolt breaks out. Suppressed by the krogan, they are exiled,
Sloane Kelly overthrows the kett and takes over Kadara Port
The krogan depart the Nexus after being reused a voice in Nexus policies. settling New Tuckanka on Elaaden.
616 ABY | 2819 CE: (V: Brave New World)
The events of Mass Effect Andromeda occur.
Kar temporarily settles on Aya as a student and assistant to Moshae Sjefa, continuing to help the Initiative and Angara study Meridian.
Circa 617 ABY | 2820 CE:
The Corporate Wars end and the largest megacorp/conglomerates that we know today are the victors, controlling their respective parts of the Eridian galaxy
Circa 638 ABY | 2841 CE:
Typhon DeLeon finds the first Vault on Promethea; Atlas uses this technology to get an edge on the competition.
With every corporation eager to find their own Vault, the craze for hunting Vaults begins.
Between 661-664 ABY | 2864-67 CE: (V: Kingmaker I)
The events of Borderlands occur.
Kar is assigned to oversee the research/excavation of the Vault of the Destroyer at the request of Tassiter. After postulating it thought experiment, Jack pushes her to created the Eye of Helios using the Destroyer’s eye.
Kar and Jack have a falling out during the development of the Eye of Helios, leading to the enmity the two share for each other to this day.
Helios is constructed, Kar is now part of the D-Division, continuing her own research.
The events of Borderlands: The Pre-sequel occur.
Despite their enmity, Jack knows how desirable an asset she could be to the other Megacorps, and after some tough negotiations, convinces her remain as lead of R&D.
After many disappointments and at constant loggerheads with colleagues and leadership alike, a very disenfranchised Kar makes her departure after faking a collapse in one of her dig sites.
Between 664-666 ABY | 2867 - 2869 CE: (V: Guardian)
Kar’s departure leads her planet side and an eventual alliance with the local resistance. 
Originally staying the Frostburn with Lilith, she moves create her own living space in the Highlands.
The events of Borderlands 2 occur.
Roland Convinces Kar to join Sanctuary both for her protection and for her abilities.
After 666-667 ABY | 2869-2870 CE:
In the chaos following Jack’s downfall, the city of Opportunity falls into Kar’s clutches. It becomes her official foothold in this galaxy. 
Opportunity flourishes as a multicultural hub for the galaxy, mostly by mercantile groups, mercenaries, and those from other 5 galaxies willing to test their mettle against Pandora.
The events of Tales From the Borderlands occurs.
668 ABY | 2871 CE
The events of Tales From the Borderlands occur.
Atlas is revived by Rhys.
The Vault of the Traveler is opened.
The Watcher warns of an upcoming War
Hector unleashes the Infected upon Pandora, leaving the Crimson Raiders to lose both Sanctuary and the Vault Key.
Opportunity becomes a haven to locals affected by the Infected and has effectively become a power to rival the Crimson Raiders.
673-674 ABY | 2876-2877 CE:
The Calypso Twins leave Nekrotafeyo, and the Children of the Vault soon quickly grow like cancer upon the borderlands.
The events of Borderlands 3 occur.
Opportunity continues to be a bastion for Pandoran civilians, effectively warding off raids by the Children of the Vault due to superior technologies and organization.  
Kar returns to the Raider’s aid on Lilith’s request, providing the Raiders a capable general and tactician to bolster their seemingly dwindling chance against the COV…
674-675 ABY | 2877/2878 CE:
The Heist of the Handsome Jackpot occurs.
The events of New Tales From the Borderlands occur.
After 675 ABY | 2878 CE:
Kar returns to the temple of Tanalorr before making a tour to visit her usual haunts, the future filled with more adventure...
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hawthornsword · 9 months
help i want to hear about like... all your wips. but if i have to choose a couple to ask about, tell me a little about loyalty as a love language, the last daughters of house mereel, boba/ahsoka variations, cody reconditioned during rako hardeen, and/or stewjoni knitting au??
Hoo boy, I am happy to share about all of these, so this is gonna be long.
The Last Daughters of House Mereel.
This is an alternate universe where Kal Skirata, Walon Vau, and Mij Gilamar were with Jango's Haat Mando'ade before Galidraan. (Please note I have not finished reading the Republic Commando books and these fellas will likely not be written even remotely in character.) Galidraan happened the same, but these three didn't die because they weren't there. Where were they?
Well, Kal's daughter Ruusan ran away from her mom's home because she wants to be a Mando warrior like dad, so he had to take her and go talk to her mom about custody stuff.
Walon meanwhile was in love with that princess on his home planet who had beem imprisoned in some fanatical religious cult's monastery. I decided they had a kid too, and when Walon discovered this, he goes home to try again to rescue his princess and their kid. Sadly he does not rescue his love, but he does get his little girl Mitzli.
And finally we have Mij. Mij married a Mandalorian woman named Tani and then she was murdered at some point. He vowed vengeance. And he absolutely hates Priest and Reau and Death Watch. So I'm saying they had two daughters, Peyton and Jonah, before Tani was murdered by Death Watch. I've decided she was a Viszla, but a True Mandalorian that hated Death Watch. And Peyton is born Force Sensitive. Tani thought this was a sign that they could return to the glory days of Tarre Viszla, the Mandalorian Jedi, healing the rift between their peoples, and wanted to send Peyton to the Jedi temple to be trained. The Death Watch Viszlas hated Tani since she left them for the Haat Mando'ade. Mij promised Tani as she died that he'd send Peyton to the Jedi, however, he didn't actually want to so when he takes her, he explains that it was her mother's wish not his, and he wants yearly visits to check on her and to call her. He also doesn't mention the fact they're Mandalorian. So Peyton does get raised as both Mando and Jedi, but she and her dad and sister are the only ones who know it. When Galidraan happens, Mij is gone on one of his yearly visits.
So when Jango gets around to recruiting the the three men to Kamino, they bring their daughters. They're contractually obligated to keep their work secret, and the girls live in a different area so theoretically they shouldn't ever find out what's going on. Even when Kal adopts the nulls, according to the Kaminoans they're supposed to stay with the other clones and simply be trained by Kal.
So when the girls get to Kamino their ages range from 17 to 11. Boba is 2, and they babysit.
Now Peyton was supposed to be with the Jedi, right? Well, Mij asked her what she wanted to do and the Force guided her to go to Kamino too, so she hasn't quit but she's essentially told the Jedi she needed extended leave of absence. (Remember Jango and the others still don't know she's a Jedi padawan.)
It doesn't take the girls long to sneak around Kamino and discover what shady business uncle Jango has been up to, and they do not like it. So they decide they're going to try to fix it all.
Ruusaan grows up to be a scary badass warrior, Mitzli is an electrical engineer, Jonah is a doctor, and Peyton does digital forensics (she's a hacker but she gotta have a day job.) These will all be conveniently plot relevant jobs.
There's going to be a very comedic reveal at some point when Jango realizes Peyton is a Jedi, when the Jedi realize Peyton is a Mandalorian, and when all the dads realize they had terrible opsec for that decade on Kamino because their kids have been undermining the war since they were teenagers.
And finally, where this story all initially started, and where it will probably eventually end, was the Corrie Guard Commanders trying to convince Fox to take a night off and get him laid. Which leads to him meeting this charming and mysterious girl Peyton at 79s.
Boba/Ahsoka variations Essentially I keep having a ton of different ideas of Boba and Ahsoka time traveling back from during the imperial/rebellion era to when they were kids/teens to try to fix things. Sometimes it's on accident, sometimes it's on purpose. Usually they go back to during the development of the clones, but once it's all the way back to Galidraan. Sometimes they're friends, sometimes they were still enemies, in the middle of a fight, Boba trying to collect the bounty on Ahsoka. Sometimes, they say that's why they're fighting but it's actually more complicated than that - in that officially speaking that's still the case, but at some point they hooked up and Boba is still pissed because he thought it was more but turns out she's still hung up on Rex.
Sometimes the whole thing takes place from Jango's perspective and he's awkwardly watching his ten year old have a lover's quarrel with this 14 year old togruta who just appeared from nowhere, which makes it more believable but no kess awful when your kid tells you he's a time traveler.
I haven't decided which version I like best yet.
Cody reconditioned during the Rako Hardeen arc
This one was actually @eclipsesilverwolf's idea but she said it was too sad for her to write so I promised to do it for her.
Essentially Cody and Obi-Wan were already deeply in love when the Rako Hardeen arc happened, and Cody is absolutely fucked up with grief. Like he's non-functional. (Which, probably would never happen honestly, because it's Cody, who does his duty just like Obi-Wan, but just go with it for the sake of the drama.) Whatever natborn or Jedi is in charge of the 212th while Obi-Wan is gone (dare I change the timeline and say Krell?) finds this unacceptable and sends Cody to be reconditioned.
So when Obi-Wan comes home, it's to a Cody who doesn't remember him at all. Obi-Wan is furious, of course. Poor Cody is just confused as to why the new guy is so friendly and sad and sometimes reaches out to touch him like they're close. Hebhas to go on his brothers telling him about hiw things used to be, but even theu didn't know the extent of the relationship, and now they've beek under Krell's leadership, so Cody is so unsure of this Kenobi guy. So they're having to learn each other all over again and navigate this newly unbalanced relationship. Obi-Wan offers to use the Force to help Cody remember, but he doesn't trust Obi-Wan anymore, so he says no.
There are several more severely angsty plot things I may have happen before it all resolves, but it will have an eventual happy; I'm incapable of doing otherwise.
Stewjoni Knitting au
This was inspired by a discord conversation about Waxer/Boil Month prompts, but this ended up being more Codywan than Waxer/Boil. We'll see if I can get enough of it done in time to give W/B their own separate part.
The Separatists shoot down the 212th and the venator crashes on Stewjon. Stewjon is independent, not Republic, and isolationist. They refuse to contact the Republic, but as soon as they realize Obi-Wan is one of them they're super friendly otherwise. They say they'll repair the venator if the 212th helps them throw the Separatists off their planet first.
Obi-Wan's family is actually contacted and immediately comes to meet him. (They proudly gave him to the Jedi knowing he'd be happy and well cared for with them, and also gave the Jedi their contact info. If Obi-Wan ever needed it or wanted to come home he was welcome.
Now, Obi-Wan knew something of his birth culture but it was mostly secondhand knowledge through reading in the temple archives. It isn't a complete cultural education. One thing he's picked up though is knitting. It's meditative and provides something to always do with his hands, much like Anakin's tinkering. He pretty much always has his knitting with him. And he knows his clan colors and patterns. Actually that's why the 212th is that color - its Obi-Wan's color. Obi-Wan gifts pretty much everything he makes to people. There are near-strangers and acquaintances and dearest friends throughout the galaxy with Obi-Wan's knitting. He lets the Force guide him on what yarns and patterns to use and what to gift to who when, but he almost always uses yarn he imports directly from Stewjon. It's rare and highly prized for it's beautiful metallic sheen, and only a small amount is exported. Stewjoni citizens away from home get first dibs on the exports.
This yarn not only looks metallic but actually is. The sheep on stewjon developed armored wool to protect against a certain predator. Once spun up and knit or felted, it works as a pretty decent armored garment too. Cody keeps trying to get Obi-Wan into armor. Obi-Wan insists he doesn't need it, but never bothers to explain why. He and Cody get into a situation where Cody's armor gets badly damaged and Obi-Wan gives him a piece of his clothing and finally explains its armored nature. He never takes it back, and Cody continues to wear it under his armor. Obi-Wan likes knowing he's helping keep Cody safe, even when he's not beside him.
Many members of the 212th have been gifted knit items by the time they crash on Stewjon.
When Obi-Wan's family meets the 212th, they are delighted by all the new members of their family. Obi-Wan is confused. The family asks why he's confused. He asks what they mean by family. They explain that the 212th wearing Kenobi colors/patterns means they're family by Stewjoni standards, and they thought Obi-Wan had been marrying/adopting all these troopers. Obi-Wan explains he didn't know that's what the cultural significance was, and they say that's fine, they're still happy to have them anyway. They say it still counts as legal on Stewjon whether Obi-Wan knew it or not.
Now, since they've accepted the clones into the Kenobi clan, and they find out their whole situation, they immediately are against the Republic for illegally enslaving citizens of Stewjon.
Meanwhile, Cody and Obi-Wan are a little bit freaking out about the fact that giving Stewjoni knitting is basically equivalent of Mandalorian armor exchanges of betrothal. They found out separately from one another, so Obi-Wan determines that this is fine, Cody has his heart it's true, but Obi-Wan will never say anything because he's committed to the Jedi. It's just a private love he'll carry in his heart. It's fine. Cody however, assuming that Obi-Wan knew exactly what he was doing when he gave him the armorweave, decides he must give Obi-Wan something in return which leads to a whole subplot about getting beskar armor.
Meanwhile, Boil is learning to knit in the background so he can give something to Waxer, and Waxer is communing with the beasts and has probably decided he wants to he a sheep farmer.
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weatherbane · 3 years
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ladies of the Republic Commando novels, my beloved
i drew these bc i have an impossible time picturing faces when reading novels and needed some visualization for myself!
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julyzaa · 4 years
headcanons for Kal's biological children and ex-wife
(Definitely including my ocs from the Cyare short series)
Tor, Ijaat and Ruusaan are still Mandalorian,but don't wear their armor often
They wear variations of green to honor their Corellian roots
Tor wears pine green armor with sandy gold piping. He used to have it colored the same as Kal's, but Jango had to tell him that he looked a lot like his dad.
Ijaat wears sage green with his name on the left side of his breast plate to mimic his lab coat as well as reminding everyone he is a doctor. It also looks non threatening and it helps when he has to rescue civilians in war zones
Ruusaan has forest green armor with the right pauldron painted in the colors of the Pride Flag. She occasionally attaches a two sided cape that has the pansexual pride flag on one side and the LGBTQ+ flag on the other. Needless to say she is a great favorite at every pride march and parade she goes to
Kal wasn't at Galidraan because he was enroute to Tor's wedding, but turned around halfway there when he got a distress signal. Lets say that had been his last chance at fixing things between him and his kids
Only Tor has naturally brown hair, Ruusaan and Ijaat have dark blonde hair
Only Ruusaan and Tor have blue eyes
Ijaat is part of an emergency response team that was very active during the Clone Wars
He's met every clone Kal has raised/trained
He is in a polyamory relationship with his nonbinary SO, and Kom'rk Skirata
Tor is the only cishet member of his family(excluding Kal)
He is happily married to his Haysian wife, Kim Nguyen, and is a police detective in Corellia
He has two daughters, Tam and Yen
He is the one with the most issues with Kal due to being the eldest
He doesn't forgive Kal even after proving he has changed
Ruusaan met her wife, Harriet, when she was removed by security by breaking into Harriet's boss's office during a meeting
Ruusaan's wife works as an assistant to Jango Fett's non mando wife, Viridiana
Ruusaan's best friend is Walon Vau's gay half pantoran son, Aspen Ordo, whom he had with the Pantoran Mandalorian Senator, Thembeka Ordo, who I totally made up
Aspen got Ruusaan a job as part of his mother's security detail
Ruu accidentally walks in on Etain and Darman and Venku/Kad isn't conceived which makes Etain realize that maybe they can have kids after the war...and with consent from the father of the child
Ruu and her fiance try to host a family dinner that ends with Ijaat having to patch up Tor and Ordo who while brawling broke the transparisteel coffee table
Ijaat donates his sperm so that Harriet can have a baby with Ruusaan
Ruu has a starship named Auretti
Ilippi kicked Kal’s balls when they met
Instead of wedding rings kal and Ilippi got matching tattoos, he did give her a ring,but they chose the tattoos 
The Skirata Divorce made prenups a common practice in the entire Mandalore System
Even Death Watch demands that all interfaith couples(not that they allow them) to sign a prenup
She is happily married to a paramedic whom she grew up with
Ilippi isn't dead she was just in a medically induced coma
She shows up to Ruu’s wedding rehearsal scaring the shit out of Kal
She also dated Nyreen and is still on good terms with her
Jango was one of the few Mandos who remained friends with her after she left
He also introduced Boba to her and came to her for parenting advice
She eventually adopts the commandos Kal raised and any clone she comes across because everyone deserves a family not just the select few you are in charge of
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ihavearandom · 5 years
Has anyone written a fic where Kal Skirata’s kids get some actual closure with how their parents split?
Or like an AU where Illipi is able to give Kal a piece of her mind so he stops going “mY nOn MaNdO wIfE jUsT dIdNt UnDeRsTaNd Me”
Just any AU where Illipi, Tor, Ijaat, and/or Ruusaan gets to have some kind of talk with Kal and get to straighten stuff out and give Kal a reality check on how he treated them before he left.
I’m already in the middle of writing a thing but I wanna know if anyone else has done anything with them.
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thesummerstorms · 8 years
Character ask: Etain, Ruu, Parja? (you'll have to use your imagination for hotness levels I guess lmao)
Etain is answered here
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
canon is “what purpose does this even have for the plot”, but my headcanoned Ruu I like, although she’s... plot divergent
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
I imagine Ruu as just being really, really... average, honestly? Not super conventionally attractive, not super conventionally ugly, wears make up sometimes, works out, resting bitch face. normal person. 
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Her ambition in this case being to live the life that’s true to her, but she’s not really drawn to high concepts like knowledge or justice or honor for the hell of them and she doesn’t love and accept everyone. She wants the freedom to make her own way and live authentically to her own self. 
At first she mistakenly thinks Kal is the answer, but that was... projection? Deflection? She’s stuck between Mando and Corellian and has to do a lot of realizing re: Kal, and it’s a hard bit of personal growth
best quality: Her resilience, tenacity, and authenticity 
worst quality: Her temper, restlessness, occasional brittleness
ship them with:  Dating Jilka, in a poly relationship with Jilka and Corr. (And maybe others are involved down the line? My Ruu is a lesbian though.)
brotp them with: Corr, Etain eventually bc that would be neat and I also want to give her all the friends. Besany -who is initially certain Ruu hates her but actually has a lot of her respect and who gets to know her better as she becomes involved with Jilka- and Ordo - who she butts heads with, but comes to accept as family-
needs to stay away from: okay, but everyone needs to stay away from Kal
misc. thoughts: she had so much potential, but I’m having to fanon it in
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
canon Parja is not developed enough to have feelings about except to rage at plot, plot divergent headcanon Parja I like
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
I ithink Parja’s actually really attractive probably???
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff 
best quality: Determination, willingness to call out bullshit
worst quality: Commits too quickly and gets in over her head, has a hard time letting things go.
ship them with:  Not Fi.
brotp them with: A host of genuine friends of different genders who are not part of nor have associations with Clan Skirata, and who she refuses to cut ties to just for “Security concerns”. Laseema. Fi, because a BroTP where she helps him work through his feelings actually would have been wonderful. Atin, because they bond over precise, fiddly electrical work. 
needs to stay away from: okay, but everyone needs to stay away from Kal
misc. thoughts: she was so underutilized and her plot so nonsensical; we have to to save her
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With all the hype from Celebration and the Kenobi series, I haven't read a whole lot, but I've been catching up today and I have thoughts!
First of all lmao Ordo's message to Kal - "I also married her" - like it's an afterthought or side note and not a huge freaking deal. That's so perfectly Ordo. Always business first with him. I adore him and Besany more than I can say.
Spaarti clones! Master Altis and his Jedi! I love seeing more of the old EU woven into this book (though I guess this technically predates No Prisoners). That's always been my favorite thing about being a hard-core Star Wars fan - all the little bits of a massive universe that tie together beautifully if you know enough of the rest of the story to recognize it but not in such a way that you can't still enjoy the story if you don't know all the other pieces.
(I have, hmmm, opinions on how current canon is doing on that front, but that's for another time)
The Nulls staging an intervention for Kal'buir!!! They love their dad so much and are so protective of him. I love that he got to finally adopt them all formally and it's especially poignant that it's right before his call with Tor. This book is giving me so many complicated family feelings and I love all of it.
yAY REPCOMM ANON 💕💕💕 it's been too long im so happy to hear from you again and ALSO i, too, have Opinions about disney's quote-on-quote canon >.> there is a reason i am finally and deliberately immersing myself in the EU instead lol but anyways -
yes!!! the altisians!!! i freaking love them, like - they were the new jedi order before the new jedi order was even a thing and they just sound so nice; if i was going to be a jedi i'd want to be one like them :DDD callista is an absolute sweetheart, her offering to help etain out is just. it's so jedi it's genuine and heartfelt and totally selfless and i love her for it
AND THE INTERVENTION okay i know this isn't part of it technically but this is possibly my favourite line in uhh relation to it slfjskf
"Kal'buir, are you feeling okay?" Prudii put his hand on Skirata's cheek. "Talk to to me, Buir. What's wrong?"
i just. i LOVE SEEING THE BOYS TAKING CARE OF THEIR DAD i love them taking care of each other too!!! we get so much family bonding time in this book, i'm so so SO with you i feel like this is one in which the characters are the family-est they've ever been!! we've got etain and laseema lifting each other up as sister-in-laws and laseema being the darlingest mummy to kad and the nulls sitting kal down and making him let them take care of ruusaan (also i love prudii's implication that they've tried to get him fix his ankle for a while now XD kal is STUBBORN bless him) and delta having a gossip sesh and jaller being the hero of the freaking century risking everything to protect his friends and ordo being jealous over kal and besany and ordo learning how to be married to each other and -
I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH i know it's painful, but there's so much hope and love mixed into it i just - oh. it's the BEST. except for the near-the-end bit which destroys me to much to reread slkfjldsfj i won't spoil it but - i'm so happy you're liking the book so far!!!
also yES the adoption scene has to be the cutest thing, it's so mando XD ordo's businesslike to a fault but he didn't come by all of it naturally, i love that kal just casually adopts his lads over dinner. i've a feeling singing happy birthday is just not a thing in mando culture and personally i think they've got their priorities straight
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mamuzzy · 4 months
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@ithillia you always know how to word my problems with the fandom.
It really saddens me that you can't talk about the characters without someone going karentraviss over them. I want blorbo blurbs, not worrying about the fictional character's social status based on real life and feeling shame for enjoying a FICTION.
If I had tell you that I have dealt misogyny in my past workplace or in my family, you wouldn't give half as shit than you make a fuss about fictional characters. Because I'm a real person, I'm more abstract to you than Etain, or Ilippi or Besanny. You wouldn't take me seriously, you wouldn't raise a finger for me as a person, but you would kill over fictional women you don't even respect because "they are all cardboard plates" to you and you conveniently decide who is a good woman representation and who is just "karen traviss". Fuck off with your perfect women representation!
Who the fuck are you to tell who is a good women representation???
I don't want perfect women! I want my lonely city-girl Besanny! I want my not beautiful Etain with self-esteem issues and horrible life-choices! I want my collateral damage Jilka! I want my confident badass scientist Uthan who survived in isolation for three years and who dyes her hair! I want Ruu who made up with her father after all those years! I want old snarky widow Ny to find love! I want badass Ilippi who dared to divorce from his husband when she felt it was enough! These are the women you call cardboard plates.
I want Ordo and Besanny or Fi and Parja be happy in canon, and I can make Ordo stupidly gay for his boyfriend and Fi a fuckboy in my fictions simultaneously however I want!
Seriously, you act like the author pairing up her own characters are the most sinful act a person can do, when you do the same on tumblr, shipping blorbos.
fucking hell.
I just can't take this fictional misogyny debate seriously.
Yes. I held this in for a very long time. I'm not sorry.
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“Book of Boba Fett” characters wishlist (Part 2)
Kal Skirata: mandalorian chosen by Jango to train the clones and literal adoptive father of all clones and some Jedi and civilians;
The entirety of Clan Skirata or as many they can fit in the show: Fi, Atin, Ordo, Mereel, Bardan Jusik-Skirata (former Jedi turned Mandalorian), Laseema, Besany Wennen-Skirata, Corr, Ruusaan, Arla Fett, Cov, the Null-ARCs and the rest of the Clone defectors who found a home at Kyrimorut;
Jedi survivors: Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy (padawan), Kina Ha (only kaminoan Jedi, 3000+ years old), Arligan Zey (Jedi Knight and clone simpatizer);
Walon Vau and his strill, Lord Mirdalan.
No, I have not been reading the Republic Commando books. What makes you think that?
[part 1]
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I’m going to be stuck thinking about Zey like on his lunch break typing into the government database like “Rusan Skirata -> Ruusan Skirata -> Skirata  -> Ruusaan Skirata” or whatever
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julyzaa · 4 years
I can't stop imagining Kristen Stewart as Ruusaan Skirata since I saw Charlie's Angels.
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julyzaa · 4 years
Did I create any characters?
I love writing fanfiction and oc fanfiction, so I can safely say I created like at least 10. I like exploring the world of whatever fandom I like and enjoy research and world building too much.
Like I can't be satisfied with creating on oc and then plopping them into canon, I gotta build their friends, family and occasional pets.
One of these is Harriet Windu-Tubman, one of my ocs from The Art of Looking for Trouble, who is Mace Windu's very feminie lesbian daughter by his long time lover, another OC, A'lelia Tubman, and fiancee to Ruusaan Skirata.
She is this law student interning for a Coruscanti lawyer (another oc, Viridiana Duarte-Fett) who along with her fiancee,Ruusaan Skirata (a side character of the Republic Commando novels), and two friends(also OCs) start messing up things for Palpatine and saving the galaxy in the process.
Initially she was going to be a white nonbinary intern named Maddox, who I shipped with the clone Mereel, from Republic Commando, but I felt that star wars fanfiction and Star Wars already has too many white people in staring roles. And as a rule I avoid that white heteronormative storylines, as I can't write straight characters, like even if they are paired with people of the opposite gender be assured that they are gay.
And since I can't just create one person, Harry Windu has two younger brothers, Martin and Malcom, who are also named after famous black activists. Her mother A'lelia is a famous journalist who is of Korounnai descent, Korounnai being force sensitive black humans from Mace Windu's home planet, Harun Kal.
My biggest inspirations for her were the characters Coleandrea 'Coco' Conners from Dear White People and Michaela Pratt from How to Get Away with Murder.
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julyzaa · 4 years
My RepComm OC Masterlist (so far)
Harriet 'Harry’ Tubman-Windu
Not-so-secret daughter of Mace Windu and (OC) award winning Korunnai-Coruscanti journalist, A'lelia Tubman
Engaged to Ruusaan Skirata
Lesbian, very feminine
force sensitive, but not strong enough to be trained as a jedi
outright refuses to become Mandalorian
Aspen Ordo-Vau
A blond half-human Pantoran
gender fluid child of Walon Vau and a Pantoran Mandalorian Senator, Thembeka (of Clan) Ordo
pronouns They/Them
Gay Aromantic
wears black armor with occasional rainbow cape 
Viridiana ‘Viri’ Duarte-Fett
Aspen and Harriet’s boss, the Olivia Pope of their universe
Jango Fett’s secret half Zeltron wife
family immigrated from the planet Fest (Cassian Andor’s planet is named Fest, in my AU that’s space latin america) to a planet in the Coruscant System
pansexual demiromantic
utterly hates Palpatine, Kal Skirata and Walon Vau, in that order.
Francisco ‘Franco’ Duarte
Viri’s brother
intelligence agent
faked his death and became part of the Cuy’Val Dar
suprisingly normal
cishet, married to his high school sweetheart and has two kids.
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