#Kaleidoscope era
berryblu-arts · 7 months
every once in a blue (hehe) moon ,my brain allows me one (1) banger character design
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so have my design for the water refraction!!!! gonna tweak it but!!!!! yall!!! she is lookin good!!!!
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berryblu-soda · 2 months
New blog title is an oc refference hehehe
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berryblu-ocs · 2 months
Is it a hint of salt in the wound to say Sage is the only 1st generation diamond left and that he was the youngest? ^^
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spicyvampire · 5 months
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When he accepts your marriage proposal in front of witnesses <3<3 [3/3]
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chumbyy · 4 months
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i-carrion-icarian · 1 year
My emerald city downtown girl
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valeriearmani1 · 3 months
dorcas singing kaleidoscope by chappell roan at marlene’s funeral
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Febuwhump day 20 - knife wound
IT’S DONE PHEW. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it before bed hah. Started as a prelude to yesterday’s, but it’s sort of it’s own thing now idk. I think it kinda still fits with it though.
Injury/blood warning again, but it’s not really graphic :)
Era is hyrule Warriors Link, and Kaleidoscope is four swords Link.
Courage of ages explanation
A knife between the ribs wasn’t really how Era preferred to start the day, but honestly? He’d had worse mornings.
At least he’d gotten to eat breakfast.
He reeled backwards as the knife stuck in his side, hearing panicked shouts as the sudden monster who’d stabbed him let out a screeching laugh. The clearing where they’d been packing up exploded into chaos as the monster yanked its weapon back, sending Era reeling.
Someone jumped after the monster with a cry, and Era tried to grab his sword in order to help, but his legs went suddenly weak, and he slid down to his knees. He could feel blood starting to soak through his tunic, and he pressed a hand tightly to his side, trying to breathe evenly as he valiantly tried to stay upright.
He was no stranger to knife wounds, but that didn’t mean they hurt any less.
Someone ran towards him, cape swishing, and Era dazedly looked up at Kaleidoscope, who was reaching for his side where the blood was thickest.
“Are you all right?” he asked with wide eyes, and Era managed a grin.
“‘Course. This is a normal Tuesday for me,” he chuckled, then winced, the action making his side sting. “I’ll live. Got a p-potion?”
Kaleidoscope winced. “A little. Not really enough for something like this. Let me see how deep it is, and then—”
Kaleidoscope had reached for his tunic as he spoke, but Era flinched backwards, batting his hand away without even thinking. Kaleidoscope raised a confused eyebrow, but Era just put his hands back over his injury, and didn’t meet his eyes.
“I’ll do it myself,” Era bit out, voice shaking despite his best efforts. “Go see if y-you can find another potion or something.”
“Era, I am not going to leave you to treat your own stab wound,” Kaleidoscope said flatly. “If nothing else we need to clean it, and the angle is all wrong for you to do it yourself.”
He reached out again, but Era flinched, curling away from him.
“I can do it myself,” he gritted out, sweat starting to drip down his face.
Kaleidoscope stared at him then, watching how he shied away, hands held protectively over his side. Era steadily met his multicolored eyes, daring him to say something, but Kaleidoscope merely sighed.
“Era... someone has to patch you up, and everyone else is fighting,” he said calmly. “I know you’d prefer not being touched, but it’s that or bleed out. And I’d hate tell your Zelda that her moronic hero died from a little stab wound because he wouldn’t accept help.”
“There’s no such thing as a ‘little’ stab wound,” Era muttered, and Kaleidoscope smiled.
“Exactly why I need to help you.”
Era looked at him for a moment, common sense warring with an unpleasant worm of fear inside of him. He knew Kaleidoscope wasn’t going to hurt him. He knew his touch wouldn’t do anything but help and heal, but the paranoid part of him was absolutely panicking at the idea of an unfamiliar hand on his bare skin.
The list of people allowed to do that under normal circumstances was very short.
A wave of pain rippled up his side, and Era closed his eyes, sucking in a calming breath before giving Kaleidoscope a terse nod. It’ll be fine. He’s not going to hurt you.
“Get it over with,” he said in a strained voice, and Kaleidoscope nodded in return.
“All right.”
Kaleidoscope handed him a potion, the bottle only half-full, and Era quickly drank what was there, relieved at the way the fire in his side ebbed a little.
But then Kaleidoscope began carefully tugging up his tunic and chainmail, and Era stiffened, focusing on breathing evenly and not on the fingers pulling at his clothes. It’s fine, he’s going to help, he’s not doing anything but patching you up it’s fine—
After several agonizing moments, Kaleidoscope finally pulled all of his layers out of the way, and frowned at the injury seeping blood all over Era’s side. He muttered something worriedly to himself, then began cleaning the wound, Era twitching every time he was touched.
“Did I ever tell you what happened with my Zelda?” Kaleidoscope suddenly said as he pressed a cloth to Era’s side. Era couldn’t help but flinch, but Kal’s touch was careful, and he could ignore it a little better with the cloth in the way.
“Not really,” he bit out, flinching violently when Kaleidoscope’s fingers brushed against his side. He’s fine he’s safe it’s okay. “You said... guy named Vaati kidnapped her?”
Kaleidoscope nodded. “Mm-hm. But do you know why he kidnapped her?”
Era shook his head.
“It’s because he wanted a wife.”
Era stared at Kaleidoscope in disbelief. “...That’s it? He didn’t want her power, or to sacrifice her in a ritual or... anything? Not to underestimate him, but that... that seems a bit... shallow.”
Kaleidoscope’s gaze dimmed a little. “It was. I mean, he was planning to take over Hyrule of course, but he kidnapped Zelda solely so he could force her to be his bride.”
His lip twisted in disgust.
“He took one look at her and all he saw was her appearance. Something to conquer, to show off and lord over the fact that he was going to take over the kingdom and nobody could stop him.”
Era felt a familiar lump in his throat. “Oh.”
Kaleidoscope took a deep breath, and obviously made a considerable effort to calm down.
“All that to say... I get it. I really do. I know it’s not easy being seen like... that. Zelda still struggles with it,” he finished quietly, starting in on wrapping Era’s injury. “And I’m sorry I have to do this.”
“It’s okay,” Era said softly, still flinching whenever he was touched. “I appreciate it, truly. And thank you for telling me.”
“You’re welcome Era. Thank you for trusting me.”
Era let out a slightly tense laugh in reply. “I’m still working on it.”
Kaleidoscope smiled at him, and continued his work, being as careful as possible as he continued to bandage the wound.
And Era, despite the discomfort and thoughts still yelling at him to get away and stop letting himself be touched... let him.
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notesonartistry · 4 months
Kaleidoscope truthers might want to stop by the Camera Obscura too! (I know it says Kaleidosphere ... but it's close!)
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esthelle-wanders · 6 months
y’all this episode is a HYPE TRAIN
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berryblu-arts · 13 days
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Concept sketches for the original diamonds circa Kaleidoscope era!
First 2 sketches: oldest diamond, original guardian of life
3rd sketch: (baby) Sage, youngest diamond, guardian of fate
4th sketch: middle diamond (twin w next one), original guardian of the light dimension
5th sketch: also middle diamond, original guardian of shadow dimension
I hope nothing bad happens to these guys ever :))!!
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
Thinking about the parallels between Sage and Sol, and Roy and Akira
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berryblu-ocs · 2 months
"Average immortal dies 1 times in their lifetime" statistic is factually incorrect
Average immortal dies 0 times in there lifetime. Diamond siblings georg who keep dying and getting reincarnated every couple hundreds years are outliers adn should not have been counted
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kaleidoscope-story · 22 hours
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the lakes
Inez had known, for a long time, she'd wanted to leave. Leave it all behind and never look back. All the pain, all the drama, all the grief. She wanted to go away, disappear into peacefulness and quiet, into a place where she could just watch the nature grow around her, where she could cry and laugh and love freely. She had the money for it. She got the house. But there was something missing. There was someone missing.
Over the years, she fixed up the house. She transitioned out of acting, into teaching, for a bit, and finally retirement. And she fell in love. Inez fell in love with the woman she would've once sworn she hated. Betty, who'd always been in the way of her happiness. Betty, who turned out to be her way to happiness.
Turns out, once Betty and Inez started talking, they couldn't stop.
Growing up made way for forgiveness, which paved the way for like, which led to love. And, suddenly, this person she'd once have given everything to get rid of, turned out to be the one person she couldn't live without. They'd spent their lives circling each other. Once they finally collided, there was no tearing them apart. And once it was time for her to go, she couldn't picture going without her. Without her muse. Without the person who'd taught her to love again.
It was the two of them. Away from it all, in a cliffside house, with wisteria growing all around them. Happy, at last.
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sortanonymous · 3 months
This is just too cool a video for me not to share (even if the big fireworks day was yesterday), especially with it featuring "Trance 1", which after one listen has already rocketed up to being one of my favorite post-Returnal OPN tracks.
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thatdammchickennugget · 6 months
. 🌺🌺 🌺🌺
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in the garden of my soul, you bloom, a pink flower amid the gloom. your petals whisper secrets sweet, a fragrant symphony, a soul to greet.
with each gentle sway, you enchant, a vision of beauty, heaven sent. your laughter paints the skies in hues, a kaleidoscope of pinks and blues.
like a rare blossom, you stand tall, defying darkness with your call. in the tapestry of life, you're a treasure, a friend cherished beyond measure.
you get a silly little poem too, sweet girl 💕 I love and appreciate you sm💕💕
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